My Name Is Leon (2022) Movie Script

This film contains some scenes which
some viewers may find upsetting,
discriminatory language and some
violent scenes
Is that pillow OK for you?
Hello, little one.
Do you know who I am?
I'm your big brother, Leon.
I'm ten years old.
You're REALLY small.
Can I take him back? There we go.
You need to feed him. Yeah.
Tina, get that for me?
Give me a sec.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Hello, precious.
There we are, baby.
Dear Jake. It was special
when you were born.
You were really sleepy.
But when I looked at you,
you made me feel really fuzzy.
I couldn't stop looking at you.
You were like... television.
I always knew what you wanted
when you were crying,
and you cried a LOT.
I didn't mind, even when you woke me
up in the middle of the night.
You're the smelliest captain ever!
Theme from The New Avengers
You started laughing when we watched
The New Avengers.
And I knew that we would always like
the same things.
Do you remember watching it
with Mum?
You probably don't know, but
Mum is beautiful.
Everyone says so.
You look like her.
Where you going?
I've just got to nip out.
I won't be long.
Love you.
We're going to make a story
for Mum. Good idea?
A rescue story.
We're going to rescue my dad
from the big house with guards.
Lieutenant Bridge and
Sergeant Smith will help.
Lieutenant Bridge, Sergeant Smith,
do you promise to listen
to Captain Jake's orders?
I always imagine what it will be
like when you're older.
And we can play soldiers and
football together.
Can you tell me a story?
I'm really tired.
Maybe another night?
Can you sing a song?
You're always happier
when you sing.
All right, then.
Come on, then.
Any requests?
The one you and Dad used to sing.
Mother, mother
There's too many of you crying
Brother, brother, brother
There's far too many of you dying
You know we've got to find a way
To bring some loving here today
My baby.
All right, come on.
Bed now. School tomorrow. Yeah.
You're going to be much cleverer
than Mummy.
How many times? I have got
a family, I ain't looking for a new
one. But he's yours,
you haven't even seen him...
He's not mine.
Get it out your silly little head.
You said you were going to move in,
we were going to be a proper family.
I've got a wife and kids -
why would I move in here?
You were lying to me all this time.
I'm not paying for a baby that's not
mine. He's yours!
I can't do it on me own!
Leave it out.
Why won't you even see him?
I don't want to see him!
It's OK.
Back on duty. Don't move.
Nyee-ow! Nyee-ow!
Morning, Mum. Nyee-ow!
Mum? It's time for breakfast.
Good morning? Mum!
What did you say? Mum.
Jake's crying.
It's time for breakfast. Mum!
We've got to get to work.
Mummy's tired.
..And when they were down
They were down
And when they were only halfway up
They were neither up nor down.
Mum... Mum!
I'm hungry, Mum!
Mum! I'm hungry!
Ugh, Jake, you stink.
Here's Lieutenant Bridge
to protect you.
Hopefully, Mum will wake up soon.
You look out for Captain Jake and
Don't let anything happen.
I won't be long, I promise.
I was wondering...
My mum needs some money.
Again? How is she? Fine.
Are you sure?
She's fine.
Where is she?
Carol? Carol?
How long has she been like this?
Carol? Carol?
Tell me about
your relationship with Carol?
She's my best friend.
I've known here for years.
She's a good person.
I should have seen it.
I kept telling her
to go to the doctor,
but he just kept giving her
more pills.
How well do you know the children?
It's all right, sweetie.
I was there when they were born...
Come on, Leon.
You're OK, Jake.
We're OK.
Come this way, darling.
Come on.
This is my last time
helping you lot out.
I said I was retiring.
We're struggling to place
them. Why?
You know why.
Anything I should know about?
He's just like the rest,
been through quite an ordeal.
Looking after the baby
all by himself.
Don't know how the hell he's coped.
His mum's in a bad way.
Bacon sarnie with red sauce.
All you can eat.
Can you take me to see my mum today?
Not today, love. She needs
some time to get strong again.
Come to the table,
I'll pour you a drink.
You put yourself over there.
I'll come and visit soon.
You need to get something sorted.
You want another one?
Hello. Hello, Mr Man!
Are you coming here? Are you going
to come up? Are you?
Aww. You've got a lovely brother!
I expect some people can't see
the resemblance, but I can.
Let me guess. You're the quiet one?
And he's the boss?
He's the captain. Oh, I see.
You've been taking good care of him.
Can you help me,
so I can do the same?
You OK?
Do you want to play a game?
How long will we be here for?
Just till your mummy's better.
Will I have to change school?
I hope not, love.
So, no games. Do you like stories?
I'm not the biggest fan of wizards
and sorcerers, I like real ones.
Like memories or special moments.
I bet you have a few of those.
Why don't you tell me one?
Something special you remember.
Something that gives you
a warm feeling inside.
I'm making some hot chocolate.
Come down if you want some.
"Dear Mum, Maureen said to try
and write a letter to keep you"
"up to date, cos I told her
how much I'm missing you."
Not too tight. Don't do too tight?
He needs to be able to move around.
"She ain't pretty like you, and she
can't sing like you, either."
"But we eat really good."
Can I give you a hug
to say thank you?
"She's nice to me and Jake,
but it isn't the same."
"When are you coming to get us, Mum?"
"Jake's getting so big,
but you're missing it."
"You're missing it all."
It's for the best.
They're siblings.
You know how the system works.
When? After Christmas.
When she comes round, we look sad.
I'm sorry.
It's going to break his heart.
What does "siblings" mean? Oh, love.
Does it mean you think I'm bad?
I think you are the bravest little
sibling in the whole wide world.
Jake is very lucky to have
a brother like you.
Look at the tank!
We need something to fly,
so we can chase the big dragon!
We need this thing, don't we?
Is this any good?
Yeah. The big dragon's over here!
Finally! Killed him.
I'm glad. I'm exhausted.
Sergeant Smith is too.
There's only three more sleeps
till Christmas.
Are you excited about the gifts
Father Christmas is going to
bring you both?
No. Why not? Cos he's not real.
It's always your mum
and dad who buy the presents.
I don't care.
Don't want any presents anyway.
Oh, well, it makes sense you'd
work that out, smarty pants.
What should we tell Jake, then?
The truth, that Father Christmas
doesn't exist? No.
I got him a present
with my own pocket money.
It's his only one,
since my mum won't be here.
Well, I might have bought
a gift for Jake too.
I suppose we'll just have to wait
and see, won't we?
So here it is, Merry Christmas
Everybody's having fun
Look to the future now
It's only just begun!
Are you both ready?
Now, Jake, this one is from Leon.
Shall I help you open it?
Yeah, help him open it, go on.
Go on, rip it open.
Merry Christmas, Jake!
And this one is from Jake to you.
Well, don't keep him waiting!
Who's that? That should be Mrs Santa
Claus with more gifts for you!
Ah, how're you doing, love?
Oh, really good.
How was the ride here?
It was terrible.
It's colder than a penguin's
arse out there.
I could murder a coffee.
Let me introduce you
to the kids first.
Where are their presents?
Oh, yeah. About that.
What? You plum, it's Christmas!
I was holding them in my hand,
and I put them down for five seconds
to put my make-up on, and then I
was halfway here before I realised.
But the kids! It's all right,
I'll make it up.
Who's this cute little monkey?
I mean, who's this cute little bear?
Because we like bears, don't we?
And any other animal in the jungle.
Not that you're from the jungle.
Look at you, you're so cute!
He's not three, Sylvie. Sorry, pup.
Me sister, she's nothing like me,
kids aren't her thing.
But she's lovely once you've known
her over 50 years!
What happened to leaving
all this behind?
Living in Hastings,
laying on a beach all day?
Bring me sunshine...
It ain't changed any of us...
Cheeky bleeders.
They've taken 20 years of your life.
They couldn't find anyone to take him.
Shame, because he's a good kid.
You're too soft.
You should save yourself the
He'll soon get adopted.
This isn't doing you any good.
He's the last one.
Y'all right, love?
Bring me sunshine,
bring me lo-o-o-ove!
Bring me sunshine...
Why do you think
her hair is like that?
And her nails are so red.
She's a witch.
Shhh! She might put a spell on us
if we're too loud.
Here we go...
Oh, will you relax? There's
enough food here to feed an army.
Stop fussing. Just stick it in your
mouth and be quiet. Hello, bab.
Bring me sunshine...
Anything happens to her,
you'll be sorry.
Bring me sunshine
Bring me lo-o-o-o-ove!
Leon, love, it's time for dinner.
Come away from the window, pigeon.
All right, coming.
Jake's still a very young baby,
and he needs to be with a family
that can look after him properly.
Isn't that right, Maureen?
He is with a family and
we do look after him properly.
We know how much you care about him.
Wouldn't you like to see him happy?
Forever, I mean?
That's what we want too.
We want the best for everyone.
You've been through so much.
Taking care of your mum
and your little brother.
You did a brilliant job.
A job you should never have
had to do.
And this is a very hard decision
we've had to make.
What are you talking about?
He'll understand.
you and Jake won't
be living together.
But he will be able to write to you.
Jake can't read or write.
Leon, love, go grab a Curly Wurly.
I'll take it from here.
I'm sorry.
They believe it's for the best.
What was she talking about?
Come here, Leon.
What Salma was trying to say...
is that Jake's going
to be adopted.
What's that mean?
That he'll go and live
with a new family.
And you won't see him again.
Never? Not for a long time.
Why can't I go with him?
No need to cry...
You want it?
Oh, no. It's OK.
Why are we walking the long way?
The other day, when you were at
school, Jake had some visitors.
A man and a woman.
They've come back today,
to come and...
Shall we go and say goodbye?
Hello, Leon.
He'll keep you safe
until I get you back.
I'll keep it for him.
Leon, if you want Lieutenant Bridge
to look after him,
give him to the lady.
Or you keep him yourself.
Good boy.
Leon! Leave me alone!
You're getting so tall!
It's a bit chilly, isn't it?
Why don't we go back inside
and get a Curly Wurly?
I've got some good news.
Come down as soon as you're ready.
Mum! Hello, my baby.
Oh, look at you!
You all right? Yeah?
I've got something for you.
It's for school.
Do you like 'em?
Thanks. I love them.
He's been doing really well.
I can see.
Missed you.
Couldn't wait to see you.
You want to come up to my room, Mum?
Aw, this is nice.
These are some weird things that
Maureen has all around the house.
And in the hallway.
Ooh, look at this train!
These are cars, they're so cool
and fun to play with.
Radio for music...
That's bingo, that's cool fun.
We're taking it with us.
Where are we going?
Home, so we can get Jake back.
What's wrong?
I can't. Why?
Because I can't, it's too late...
We can get him back, together,
I can help you.
They won't listen.
Nobody listens. Nobody listens.
I'll talk to Social Services,
Maureen will help us!
What's happened? Mum!
She's got to help me get him back!
Just take a moment.
Please, tell her.
She's got to help me... Come here.
She's got to help me.
Just take a deep breath. That's it.
No more ugly social workers
messing things up for me.
I'm going to find Jake on my own,
if I have to.
Get up.
Maureen, get up. Please!
How is she? Can I see her?
Not yet.
What happened?
Doctors aren't sure,
but Leon found her in good time,
saved her life, in fact.
You are a good boy.
You're a brave boy. What you did...
Maureen needs to stay in hospital
a bit longer.
I promise, as soon as I get an
update, you can go and visit.
We all want to see Maureen back, Le.
Where's Jake?
I can't say.
When can I see him?
I want to see him.
I've got a little present for you.
It's yours.
This isn't Jake.
Yeah, I know.
You know how to ride a bike?
You lucky boy.
Why don't you take it for a spin?
Careful, don't go too far!
You all right?
What did I tell you about
cleaning up after your dinner?
I'll do it later.
No, Le, now.
Maureen never made me.
Newsflash. I'm not Maureen.
She gave me pocket money too.
Do I look like a mug?
We can't stay here for long.
We need to start our mission
to rescue Jake.
We're going to need some survival
stuff - food and drink
and money.
Shall I take one or two?
Who you talking to?
Sergeant Smith.
Morning, Desree.
You all right?
Yeah, man. Good.
Yes, Norris.
You lost or something?
We both have bikes...
Yeah, me can see that.
Yours is really fast.
Yours looks like it could go pretty
fast too. It's a cool bike.
You're a bit too big for it, though.
Try it now.
Let me see.
What do you do round here?
It's an allotment.
So, we grow things - plants, fruit.
Can I see?
What's your name, big man?
That's how we do things around here.
All right?
And it's Tufty.
What's a tufty?
That's my name.
Look, I'll show you around,
but only for a minute. Right?
Take a look around,
see what you see.
Yo. Mind what you're touching,
you know.
See the plant there?
That one there's tomato.
Then we have the garlic.
I don't really like it
but it grow good.
And they're runner beans, them.
Yo, big man. Touch that,
tell me what you feel.
No, sir.
This is much more than dirt, right?
This is land.
It might not make sense now, but...
as an elder once told me,
"If you want strong trees,"
"you have to plant the seed."
Go on...
The sun changes everything, man.
My dad once said,
"You can manage in the sun
what you can't in the rain."
Where is your dad?
Somewhere sunnier.
Come. Time to go, big man,
me have work to do. Go on.
Go on.
Hey, kids aren't allowed in here.
What are you doing?
Yo, Devlin, leave him now,
the boy's with me.
You know the rules, Mr Burrows.
Look, he's my little brother.
Ha! No, he's not.
All right, nephew, then.
Why can't you follow the rules?
Isn't there a rule about
being drunk all the damn time?
Come back whenever you want.
"He's my little brother."
"He's my
little brother."
Who gave you them?
Sometimes, you have to
treat yourself, or no-one will.
I'm taking the bike out.
Where to?
The park.
Don't come back too late.
I've got friends coming over.
You've got to have your supper,
and get to bed. Early!
You ever played dominoes before?
All right.
Come, Tufty, come.
Watch it now.
What kind of domino is that?
Your daddy would be ashamed.
Mind your business.
Tut-tut, man.
You can't move, can you?
You're going tonight?
How about you?
And what do you think it'll achieve?
You'll run up and down in the
streets shouting, saying your piece,
catch some hell from the police,
and then tomorrow you'll be in
the same place.
I don't want to hear that.
If you can't see why we're doing it,
then you stay comfy under 'dem
Babylon boot.
You youngsters, you think
you know it all.
Who do you think got you
your rights in the first place? Huh?
Let me tell you something, son,
before you could wipe your own
backside, I was getting stuff done.
Mr Johnson, he didn't mean it like
Don't put words in my mouth.
That's exactly what I meant.
Gone are the days when we
peacefully march in our Sunday best.
I can't help you if you can't see
what's going on out here.
You want me to sit back
and do nothing? Over my dead body.
Calm down, man.
You don't think I'm angry too?
Then act like it.
Not if it gets you
locked up or killed!
Do I look afraid?
Why do you always have to
take it too far? Was it just me?
There ain't nothing to be afraid of,
you understand?
See you tonight.
Don't let me down.
This thing that's happening tonight,
are you going?
What's it about?
Some brothers were unfairly arrested
by the police.
One of them was beaten pretty bad.
Were they bad guys?
No, they weren't.
Why would the police do that?
Because they don't like us.
Does that mean you agree
with your friend about fighting?
In some ways I do.
When it's absolutely necessary.
But words are always more powerful.
But when do you know it's time
to fight?
When something has happened
that's so terrible...
and so unfair,
you can't stand back and do nothing.
Like when you lose someone
you really love,
and your words are not being heard.
And you feel it...
and here.
Then you know.
See, when I'm here...
it all goes away.
Work stress,
life stress,
no boss telling me what to do.
I'm free.
Here, I'm the king.
Can I be a prince, then?
Yo, man.
Why not? Imagine that,
the black king
and prince of England.
Well, I'm more of a brown colour,
so can I be the brown prince?
Trust me, Star,
people out there,
they see black,
doesn't matter what you think.
You'll understand soon enough. Come.
Hiya, love.
Right, I'll go and make myself
a cup of tea, then, shall I?
Oh, thank you.
How are things with Sylvie?
You don't belong here.
The doctors just want to be sure
I'm OK. I'll be back on my feet.
I think about Jake all the time.
I know.
I'm going to get him back, you know.
Oh, Leon,
you've got to let that go.
Why did they take him away from me?
We've been through this.
Is it because he's white...
and I'm not?
Where did you hear that?
Is it?
It was for many reasons, love.
It's not unusual
to separate siblings.
He was a baby, and it's easier to
find forever homes for babies.
We've always been honest
with each other,
so I won't lie and say him being
white and you being...
Black. Black.
Doesn't mean anything because
that's not the world we live in.
White people think we always
make trouble.
I don't think that.
You're different.
Jake has his own life now.
You've got to move on
and focus on yours.
I am, with Jake.
I'm so sorry I can't be there
for you.
Once I get home,
it'll be different, I promise.
Why don't you go play with
Sergeant Smith for a moment?
Go on.
You need to get him something
from that family.
What do you mean?
Talk to the social worker,
give it to him on his birthday.
You know it's his birthday soon?
Yeah, 'course I know.
I think we've just found our base.
Operation Free Captain Jake.
Rah, Star, why you running
in here like the police?
Can I borrow some seeds?
For what?
To grow stuff?
Do you have a spare lock too?
What for?
To lock something?
Look at me.
Whatever it is,
if Devlin catches you, it wasn't me.
You hear?
All right.
Go on.
Try that.
Do you like it?
Don't be shy,
eat as much as you want.
That's Castro. Remember Mr Johnson?
Remember little man?
Yeah, man. Good?
Old fool, thinks he runs this place.
My dad has been bringing me here
since way back,
so that man there can't tell me
nothin' about rules.
He's just sad. My mum was sad too.
Yeah, but your mum's different.
Why do you think grown-ups get sad?
eventually you see the real world,
and it's ugly.
What makes you sad?
Look after it, yeah?
I have two daughters.
Laila and Alyssa.
Eight and ten.
Me don't get to see them.
Why not?
They live with my parents.
In Jamaica.
Their mother...
their mother died when
they were very young.
I need to work to support them,
give them the best.
My parents helped me raise them.
I miss my little brother too.
Where is he?
A man and woman took him away.
Because my mum got sick.
So who looks after you?
First this woman, Maureen,
but then she got sick too,
so now it's her sister.
So, why didn't they take you along
with your little brother?
Because they didn't think we looked
like brothers. What?
Because he's white.
We're going to get them back,
though, right?
Your daughters and my brother?
I'm going to rescue him.
Once I get him back, I can help you
rescue your daughters too.
Yeah, man.
One day,
we'll all be back together again.
All right.
What you up to?
Tidying my room.
You forgot to put
your breakfast stuff away.
I'll go and do it now.
I've got something for you.
Did you think I'd forget?
Well, close your eyes.
Happy birthday, kiddo.
I'll leave you to it.
"Dear Leon, I know
it's your birthday,"
"so I've sent you a photograph of
"I hope you have a special day.
Love, Jake."
He's in Bristol!
Target - Captain Jake.
Location - Bristol.
I thought we were going to be
able to ride there.
I can't cycle that far.
You want to help me with this?
What's on your mind?
I need money.
Oh. How much?
I don't know, however much it costs
to get to Bristol.
What's in Bristol?
My brother.
Why isn't someone taking you there?
They are, it's just I
want to pay my own way,
like a grown-up.
Well, the train'll be quicker.
Bit pricy.
But first you need to get a bus
to the station.
I can cycle to the train station.
You'll also need to get a taxi or
something when you get to Bristol.
I don't think you can get that much
money without doing a bit of work.
that's it?
Things get hard
and you just give up?
You're going to need
to be tougher than that, Star.
All right, stand up.
Why? I said, stand up.
Come on, loosen up now.
Now, anyone ever show you how to
pick yourself up when you're feeling
You're going to learn today.
Come, watch me now.
One, two, one, two.
One, two. See that?
One, two. It's all about the rhythm.
Let me see your arms.
All right, now, follow me.
One, two, one, two...
One, two...
One, two. One, two.
Yeah, man.
One, two. One, two.
Feel good? Yeah.
I can't hear you.
Does it feel good?
Still can't hear you.
OK, right, right.
Now, if you can help me around here,
I'll see if I can't give you
a little pocket money, which you
can save up until you have
enough for your trip. Sound good?
All right, now, start.
Me say start. Work.
That's it.
So put the plant in it now.
Watch me.
Watch me now.
You idiot! Come.
Right, take one of these.
See it now?
One, two. One, two.
One, two. One, two.
One, two. One, two. One, two.
One, two.
One, two. One, two.
One, two. One, two...
Leon, the whole neighbourhood
can hear ya.
I was training.
I hope you're not thinking of
getting into any trouble
like those yobs on the street.
No, of course not.
Good. Your tea's ready, let's eat.
I'll have it later.
One, two. One, two...
It's going to take us
forever to get to Bristol.
Hello, Mr and Mrs Atwell.
Hello, Leon.
Do you need any more
help on your plot today?
Not today. Have a good day.
You too.
No-one understands a word coming
out of your nasty little mouth.
You needed that, innit?
Why was Castro fighting with them?
He was defending himself.
To protect the people he loves.
You may not understand that now...
I do.
I want to protect
the people I love, too.
You're a special kid.
I hope you know we're here
to protect you too.
Sorry about what happened
to Castro.
You sure about that?
Of course I'm sure.
Well, somebody called them here.
And you think it was me?
Who else?
Let me tell you something.
All right?
This is my land.
So I ain't going nowhere.
Well, the police were bound
to come knocking.
Your mate was leading a protest.
Did you call them?
Listen, I know we've had our
but I'm no snitch.
I'm sorry about what happened.
Don't go to the protest,
you're on their radar.
Do you want me to help you?
I got this!
Is Castro going to be all right?
I don't know.
Why did they take him
away like that?
Were you scared?
Look, I'm sorry you had to see that,
but you needed to.
Just don't think they wouldn't bust
down your little hut
and mess you up the same way.
They don't care if you're a youth,
all them see is your skin.
You ain't no little seed no more.
Don't ever let anyone tell you
what you can be.
Get ready, social worker's coming.
We want to make a good impression,
You make me feel like dancing
Gonna dance the night away...
Can I get you anything else?
Some more tea?
Fizzy pop?
No, thank you, I'm great now.
I was wondering if I could, er, have
a moment with Leon alone.
Would that be all right?
Yes, of course.
If you need anything,
I'll be in the other room.
Great, thanks.
How are you doing?
What happened to Salma?
She's on another case.
But, you know, I like to come
and check how things are getting on.
Will I get a family like Jake?
You know...
I actually oversaw
your brother's adoption,
and we're working really hard
to get the same for you.
It's just a bit difficult because...
I'm black.
That's not true, Leon.
It's just a lot easier
to find permanent homes for babies,
and not so easy for...
Black children like me.
Older children.
We really didn't want to split
you and your brother up.
But it was for the best.
No, it wasn't!
I know it sounds strange, but I
promise you it was for the best.
No! He's my brother, OK, mine!
And you took him away from me,
because we look different.
No, that's not the case, Leon.
Leon, come back.
What on Earth?!
Don't move.
Excuse me!
Yes, you.
You can leave now,
thank you very much.
He was fine before you came along.
He's only a little boy.
OK. Sit yourself down.
There you go.
Got the first aid box right here.
A little bit of Germolene.
It's going to sting, all right?
I don't want to hurt you.
Cos we like each other, don't we?
Or at least we have a nice
arrangement where we pretend to.
Right, press on it there, press down
I've got some advice for you.
Don't make a mess on your own
Do you understand?
Oh, love...
The world's unfair.
Always has been, always will be.
But what really matters...
is how you handle it.
Do you understand?
All right, now, tidy this up.
Maureen! Come here, love.
Careful, Lee, she's fragile.
I've missed you so much.
I'm glad you're back.
What happened?
They killed him.
Castro is dead.
The death of Castro Conway
in police custody
has caused an uproar in Birmingham,
as racial tensions...
You should have seen it,
Mo, it was chaos.
Police and gangs everywhere.
It's getting worse round here.
It's the police's fault.
What's that? Nothing.
Le, switch that telly off.
Mo, come and get this goodness
inside you, come on.
Oh, look at you.
You are not going to manage here,
not with all these stairs.
You need someone to keep
an eye on you.
Make sure you're eating properly.
Not overdoing it.
I'm not ready to lose you just yet -
you're all I've got.
You all right? You're really quiet.
Just tired.
Can I go to bed?
Who's going to eat all this?
I'm not hungry.
All right, love,
see you in the morning.
Have you heard back from
Social Services?
I've told them - he's the last
and they're not to go springing
any more surprises on you. Sylvie...
Soon as you're well again, you
and I are going to start a new life,
somewhere by the coast.
That would be lovely -
probably help me get better, too.
Peace and love, you know?
Peace and love.
Too long we fight now, you know?
We not trouble.
All we want to do is come here
and live in peace!
Two days ago...
me lost me friend.
Me not lost him. Babylon there...
says it's OK to take him and kill
Because he want protest.
Because he was using his mouth to
speak to the oppressor.
Say no more!
No more! Justice, we say.
Justice, justice...
Tufty! Don't!
Justice! Yo! What are you doing?
Get out of here!
Get out of here!
No! Stop!
No! Stop!
I dare you, go on! Do it.
I'm not afraid of you.
You can't take anything
away from me!
I've lost everything! You hear me?!
I don't care any more!
You can't hurt me.
You can't hurt anyone any more!
Hit me! Do it, go on!
Hit me like you hit my friend!
Go on! Hit me!
You're all right,
you're all right. Come on.
Come here, love. Come on.
Oh, sweetheart.
Just what have I missed
while I've been away?
It's like a war zone out there.
Why are you mixed up in all of that?
Cos people are dying.
Hey. Breathe.
Thank you. Leon.
I'm just going to leave you
two alone,
but I'm just going to be here,
all right? Yeah?
Look at you.
You're nearly as tall as me now.
Have you given up on me?
They keep telling me
a kid needs stability and security,
like I don't know that.
You know I'm not well, love?
I'm not well at all.
You can see that, can't you?
Listen, Leon, I want you to
be happy,
like our little Jake.
Looked after by people who care
about you and can provide for you.
Give you all the stuff that
you... that you need and deserve.
It's going to be all right.
You can come and see me any time you
want. OK?
I'm sorry.
I didn't want it to be like this.
Listen, I love you and Jake more
than anything in the world...
never, ever forget that.
Go on, look after yourself.
I've been talking with the social
workers about looking after
you for a bit longer, till you
finish school.
I'm afraid you're staying put, love.
"Dear Jake, I've learned
a lot of things since you went."
"Some good things
and some sad things."
"Sylvia says what doesn't kill you,
makes you stronger -
"she says it a lot."
"But, most of all,
she makes us laugh."
"And, on a good day,
Maureen makes her shepherd's pie."
"Tufty's teaching me about cuttings."
"You need to keep them warm
and watered, and take care of them."
Hi, Desree.
Where are you going? To my hut.
Oh. Planting some seeds? Yeah.
"Sometimes it takes
time for the roots to grow properly,
"but they will grow to be strong,
like the plant they came from.
"That's what I think of you
and Mum.
"We're being taken
care of in different places,"
"but we are cuttings
from the same plant."
"I think of you a lot, Jake.
I hope you're happy."
"I'll never forget the day
you were taken."
Miss you.
"Maureen says that"
"when I'm older, there will be
nothing to stop me finding you."
"I promise I will."