My Name Is Loh Kiwan (2024) Movie Script

[footsteps approaching]
[melancholy music playing]
[music fades]
When we land, walk out separately.
Don't crowd together.
Once in customs, you'll see a checkpoint.
That's where you'll give your passport.
Try not to act nervous.
Do what they tell you.
But, sir, what if they question all of us?
"I don't speak French, sorry."
That's all you'll have to say.
We're preparing to land.
For your safety, sit down, please.
Yes, ma'am.
Once you're off the plane, go to gate 3.
We'll meet by the bathrooms.
"I don't speak French."
- [man 1] Wait, so what do I do, then?
- I don't speak French.
[man 2] Memorize it.
You could get caught otherwise.
- [man 3] What do we do if we get caught?
- This is your captain speaking.
We have begun our descent
into Brussels Airport.
[indistinct chattering]
[agent 1] Next.
"I don't..."
[agent 2] Please have
your passports ready. Thank you.
[door lock clicks]
[man 1] Jeon Chun-bong.
Lee Han-gil.
Park Dong-hun.
Kim Jeong-sik.
Lee Gwang-cheol.
Um, excuse me, comrade.
Where is this place?
I'll drive you. Forty bucks.
I'll pay you when we get there.
[pensive music playing]
Here's the money.
I don't know what your story is,
but I don't want any bad luck. Take it.
[taps door]
Call me if you wanna go back to China.
Here's my card.
[employee 1] Please
don't push each other around.
Please stay in the line.
You can't stand there.
Go to the other side.
Come on through.
[employee 2] Next.
[female employee] Move on, please.
Move on.
Please fill out this form.
[in French] Next.
You must attach a copy of your ID.
An ID.
Um, passport, please.
A copy of the passport
or another form of ID you have to attach.
Do you... Okay.
Please get some help
from the interpreter, okay?
Yes. Mm-hmm.
You. Help.
[in English] Mr. Loh Kiwan?
Hello there.
I'm your interpreter, Kim Gyeong-sil.
You're in luck today.
You usually have to book in advance.
I'm really glad to help you out.
Shall we go?
[indistinct chattering]
- [examiner in French] Hello. How are you?
- [Gyeong-sil] Hello.
[examiner speaking French]
[in English] "First thing we need to do
is gather some personal information."
"Your name, your date of birth,
country of origin, and hometown."
My name is Loh Kiwan.
[speaking French]
[in English] I was born
December 1st, um, 1990.
Camp 7, Hasang Collective Farm, Usi-gun,
Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
I was born
in the farm's seventh work unit.
I was able to obtain a passport
through a broker my uncle found.
[speaking French]
[speaking French]
[Gyeong-sil in English] "So, Mr. Loh,
you say that you fled to China in 2019
but that you weren't employed
while you were living in Yanji."
"How were you able
to afford a plane ticket here to Belgium
and counterfeit a passport?"
Well, uh...
Well, my mother... she...
[speaking French]
[examiner speaking French]
[Gyeong-sil in English]" Do you mean
your mother gave you the money?"
Mom, why aren't you eating?
I'm not hungry.
Anyway, it brings good luck
when you eat a birthday meal alone.
They say if you do that,
you'll go through your entire life
without ever starving.
They say you should eat your noodles whole
if you want to live longer,
so stop breaking your noodles apart, okay?
All right, okay.
- [Kiwan spits, coughs]
- [chuckles]
[Kiwan moaning]
Oh, Mom... do you work today?
You know people like to have
warm food on cold days.
That also means more money for you and me.
I know, but I should be the one working.
You do so much for us...
while I spend my days indoors.
It's so unfair.
Now, now. It's your birthday,
and I don't mind working.
Besides, all a mother wants is
for her child to be safe and healthy.
I can continue to work for us
until we leave China.
So don't worry.
It's my fault.
I should've turned a blind eye
when the boss was beating up Jeong-jin.
Otherwise, I wouldn't have to be
in hiding like this.
- I'm sorry, Mother.
- Now, don't talk like that.
He would have died
if you didn't intervene.
You did the right thing,
so never apologize for that.
All right, okay.
Don't stay past closing, hmm?
I would leave on time
if it was up to me, but it's not.
[Kiwan sighs]
I'll see you after work.
Happy birthday, comrade.
[wistful music playing]
[patron 1] Miss!
- What would you like?
- A cold one.
Coming right up.
- Hey, that snow sure is wild.
- [patron 2] Hey, comrade!
- You're here!
- [patron 2] Yeah!
[wistful music continues]
[door opens]
[Gyeong-sil] Mr. Loh?
This is the last question for today.
[speaking French]
[Gyeong-sil in English]
"Are you Korean-Chinese
and just pretending
that you are North Korean
to receive state subsidies
set aside for defectors?"
I am not.
[Gyeong-sil] No.
There will be a second interview.
I can fit you in on February 5th.
At three o'clock. I'll jot you down.
I guess I'll see you then.
Um, wait...
You mean February... of next year?
Is that what I'm hearing?
[Gyeong-sil] Mmm.
It's just... what am I supposed to do?
I won't be able to work for now?
You'll just have to hang in there.
[wistful music playing]
[Kiwan coughing]
[music fades]
[man 1] Where did you say
that restaurant was again?
[man 2] Oh, just have to go downstairs.
It's on the left.
[man 1] Ah!
[keys jingle]
[distant clatter]
[distant clatter]
- [toilet flushes]
- [door opens]
[door opens, closes]
[man] Oh God, baby,
you taste like watermelon.
[woman moans] Come up here.
I wanna taste too.
[man] You will. I'm not done with you yet.
- [woman laughs] Yeah, right there.
- [man moans]
[man, woman moaning]
[woman] Oh yes. You're so good like that.
[man, woman moaning]
[man] Oh yeah.
Oh, hey there, sexy. You wanna join us?
[man] Hey, get out of here!
I said, get out of here, huh?
[man laughs]
[man grunts] Get out of here!
- [man laughs]
- [woman] Don't kick him out so soon!
I wanna taste of him.
[Kiwan grunting]
Hey! Let me in!
[man] You idiot! I kicked you out, freak!
- [man laughing]
- [Kiwan panting]
[man] Now, where were we? [laughs]
[footsteps approaching]
[woman] You missed out.
Maybe next time, pretty boy.
[man snoring]
[door opens]
- [coin clatters]
- [door buzzes]
[stall door opens, closes]
[Kiwan pants]
[door lock clicks]
[sighs, sniffles]
- [sighs]
- [wind whistling]
[melancholy music playing]
[wind whistling]
[wind whistling]
[melancholy music continues]
[toilet flushes]
[groans, sniffles]
[sighs, sniffles]
[melancholy music continues]
[register dings]
[coins clatter]
[melancholy music continues]
[register dings]
[coins clatter]
[music fades]
[wind whistles]
[Kiwan grunts]
[unsettling music playing]
[man 1] Who's this piece of trash?
[man 2] Isn't this the one we saw
pissing by the train station?
[man 3] This one's way shorter.
Makes you look tall.
[man 2] Shut up, asshole.
[man 2] Get lost, you beggar.
This is our fire.
- [man 3] Yeah, get out of here.
- [man 2] I won't hurt you.
[man 3] Take your shit
and get the hell out of here!
[man 2] Sorry, I lied.
[man 1] Take that, you beggar.
[man 3] Dirty bastard!
Take that, bitch!
That's what you get, you dirty hobo!
- Damn, I'm starving.
- [man 3] Down for a beer?
[man 2] I never turn down beer.
- [man 3] I can go for a burger.
- [man 2] You eat too much.
[man 3] Hey, hurry up!
[water splashes]
[melancholy music playing]
[Kiwan grunts]
[groans, grunts]
[Kiwan panting]
[Kiwan panting]
[breathing heavily]
[man] I'll ask you one more time.
Is this person here your son?
No, sir.
That's not my son.
Hey there! Officer Lee.
Don't you two know
this lady is Mr. Choi's second cousin?
[Lee] Mr. Choi?
Oh, come now. You remember.
He gave your wife a ride
that night she got too drunk.
Ah, guess what.
Mr. Choi's son recently was accepted
to Peking University.
Mr. Choi was never one for studying.
It's funny, actually.
He barely graduated.
How did a fool like that
raise such a smart son?
Hey, Ma.
[breathing nervously]
[tense music playing]
Hey, freeze!
Mom, this way!
Stop! There they are!
Stop right there! Freeze!
- Shit!
- Hey!
It's through here.
[Lee] Come on! Get them!
- [grunts]
- [officer 2] They went that way!
Freeze right now!
Mom, no. Over here.
[Lee] This way!
Almost there, Mom!
- [tires squeal]
- [music stops]
[somber music playing]
[people murmuring]
Answer me. Mom!
Wake up! Mom!
- She just came out from nowhere.
- Yeah, crazy.
[Kiwan grunting, straining]
- Ok Hui, wake up.
- [Kiwan] Uncle, help me. Please!
- [uncle] Hey! Hey. Hey, sis.
- [Kiwan] Mom, wake up!
- Mom!
- [uncle] Open your eyes. Please!
Hey! Move the car! Hey!
[Kiwan grunting]
[Ok Hui] Kiwan.
You have to survive, Kiwan.
[melancholy music playing]
You'll have to continue on without me now.
You need to go on.
Find a life worth living.
Seek refuge...
and have a life of your own.
[Ok Hui gasping]
Get up, Ma.
You're coming with me too.
You'll be okay, huh?
You can't be here. They'll catch you.
I'll stay here with your mother.
Don't get caught.
Someone help us!
We'll all die if you get caught!
Get out of here!
[Ok Hui] Go, son.
Go! [gasps]
- Go!
- [Lee] Hey, there here! I found them.
- Over here!
- [whistle blows]
- This way!
- Kiwan, you can't get caught!
- Please, just go!
- [Lee] Coming through!
- [uncle] You have to leave.
- [officer 2] Move, people.
[uncle] Hurry, Kiwan.
[Lee] Move out of the way!
[music swells]
[music fades]
[man 1 in French]
He doesn't speak English or French.
Can we get an interpreter?
[officer 2] I'm calling
from Schaerbeek Police Station.
You posted bail for Ms. Marie Lee, right?
She is suspected of theft.
Hold on.
[Marie] You don't need to come.
Just send the settlement money.
[in English] Listen to me. How many times
do I have to tell you don't come here?
Excuse me. Hello, comrade.
My wallet. Can you please give it back?
What wallet?
I have no idea.
Listen, comrade. I know, uh... you took it.
So please give it back to me, huh?
Did you spend everything in it?
Did you?
I did. Why?
What else
was I supposed to do with it, hmm?
Well, that wallet...
My mother, uh...
The wallet is all I have left of her.
[Marie sighs]
The money that you stole from me,
I obtained it...
from selling my mother's body.
So please tell me where my wallet is.
[uncle] This is a plane ticket
to fly to Belgium tomorrow.
This money,
where did you get it?
Your mother's body was, um...
was sold to a hospital.
My mother was sold?
[Kiwan scoffs]
What are you talking about, Uncle?
Listen, your mother wanted this.
I showed her the money
so she knew how much her life was worth.
She agreed to this.
It was... her final gift.
[both grunt]
- Let go of me, Uncle.
- Kiwan, don't.
Stop! Let go!
[both grunting]
Let go! Let me die!
Leave me alone!
Give it here! Let me die!
Uncle, let go of me.
What are you doing?
Get a grip, Kiwan.
Your mother wanted you to survive!
You can't die, you hear?
Do it for your mother's sake, okay?
[screams] Do you hear me?
[wistful music playing]
[sobs] Don't let
your... mother's death be in vain.
You need to get out of here.
Get on that plane and never look back!
Promise me you will!
Promise me! [sobs]
I need to know that you'll be okay, Kiwan.
Tell me you understand!
[crying] Kiwan.
Kiwan. [sobs]
I'm sorry.
Mom, I'm sorry.
Mom! Mom!
[water running]
[water stops]
You want your wallet?
I need your help.
Tell them that I stole... only 30 bucks,
and you can have your wallet back.
You really are shameless, aren't you?
You want me to lie for you
after what you did?
I've got a record.
I won't get locked up for just 30 bucks.
A thief should go to jail.
It's exactly where you belong.
I can't get your wallet if I'm locked up.
Just help me.
[officer in French] I'm hoping
you can help confirm his identity
and the exact amount stolen.
All right.
Just a moment. I'll put him on.
[in English] Good afternoon to you too.
Loh Kiwan is my name, yes.
It was American dollars.
About $30. Thank you.
[officer in French] Thank you.
[man in English] We'll make it quick.
[Marie sighs]
[Kiwan] Let's go.
Just go home and wait.
I'll get it for you later.
I don't have a home to go to.
So let's go now.
Well, give me your number,
and I'll grab it for you tomorrow.
[scoffs] You think I'd trust a thief?
I want my wallet back.
We'll go together.
Marie. Marie!
Uh, sir, wait a minute.
Sorry, I'm Marie's father. Can we speak?
I heard you're from North Korea.
This is for you.
It's not much, I'm afraid.
- It's just... Don't make a scene.
- What are you doing?
I'm just trying to help you here.
It's only a small amount, but...
- Stop!
- Stop, Marie.
[Marie sighs]
- Stop acting like you're a good person!
- Can't we talk for a moment?
[Marie grunts]
I've got nothing to say to you.
Are you coming or not?
Hey, just wait here.
Oh, that's a good one.
You know I don't trust you.
- I'm coming too.
- Stay here! Do as I say.
[Marie sighs]
- Give me ten minutes.
- [Kiwan grunts]
[unsettling music playing]
[man 1] Please give me a bit more time.
- [man 1 gasps]
- [man 2] Goddamn it!
I told you not to move.
Don't knock over the apple.
Oh, Marie, you're here.
Hey, riddle me this.
How do I avoid shooting
the journalist in the head?
[journalist whimpers]
Please just give me more time.
[man 2] Is there a problem with my stance?
What do you think?
You aim too long.
Shoot within three seconds of aiming.
Don't hesitate.
- [journalist breathes nervously]
- Is that right?
[panting nervously]
- [crossbow fires]
- [screaming in pain]
- [journalist whimpers]
- This isn't my specialty.
I only set the targets.
But you shoot them.
[journalist screaming]
Remember the wallet I gave you yesterday?
Well, I need it back.
Marie, you're terribly predictable.
It's almost cute.
- Don't touch me!
- [thug 1] Shut up!
[man 2] Give us a moment.
I expected this.
You stole it, didn't you?
[sighs] It's none of your business.
Don't steal money to pay me back.
Work for me until your debt is paid.
I told you I quit.
I think that's my decision.
Next Wednesday, two-on-two with the Dutch.
Win and I'll give you this money back.
And the wallet.
Tell them I shoot from 25 meters.
They're gonna ask for 50,
but say no, okay?
[Marie] Let's get outta here.
[Kiwan] Hey, wait. Where's my wallet?
I'll get it next week.
You have to wait longer.
Is this all a big joke?
You're lying to me again, aren't you?
I'm not lying, all right?
[pants] Your wallet's with a friend.
[Kiwan] Shit.
[Marie] Hey!
[unsettling music playing]
[thug 1] Last round.
We've gotta get to work soon.
[thug 2] All right, next round.
[thug 1] You know those guys.
They're all about money. [laughs]
[thug 2] Like you, right? [chuckles]
[thug 1] Ah, shut up.
- [thug 2] What the hell?
- [thug 3] What's his deal?
I want my wallet.
- Give me my wallet!
- [thug 3] Fuck off.
- Hey, get up. Come on, let's go.
- [thug 1] Aren't they just two of a kind?
What's going on?
What's with all the noise?
Why are you still here?
Oh, I see.
So you're the "friend" she mentioned, huh?
Stay right there.
You and I need to talk.
Let me go! Let go! Stop it! [grunts]
- [Kiwan] Shit!
- Kiwan.
If we don't leave, they'll kill you.
This won't solve anything.
Let go of me!
You can trust me. I promise.
I'll get your wallet. I swear I'll get it.
[breathing heavily]
[music fades]
[Marie] Come over here.
You have to remember
that you're in a foreign country,
so you better keep that temper of yours
in check. Got it?
Yeah, well, you're one to talk.
[door opens]
[lighter clicks]
[Kiwan] When did you come to Belgium?
When I was young.
When did she pass away?
Your ma.
The 2nd of last December.
2:15 in the morning.
So you must feel lonely this time of year.
My mom also died in the winter.
Have you found any work here?
I recycle bottles for money.
I make just enough not to die.
I know it's not too fancy,
but at least I don't steal.
Okay, trash king.
No one's going to give me any work.
I don't exist here.
Hey. Call here.
The boss there is a Korean guy.
Say Lee Youn-sung sent you.
Lee Youn-sung?
Yeah, the man outside the station today.
Oh. Do you mean your father?
Why can't I say you sent me?
Why must it be your father?
Well, do whatever you want.
I'm nobody though.
[wistful music playing]
Hey, I was just thinking.
I'm worried
that I'll embarrass your father.
My clothes are gross... and I smell.
I'm not presentable.
[shower water running]
[Marie] Change into these.
[wistful music continues]
Well now. This is different.
So when should I bring
these back to you, then?
[Marie] Just keep them.
They don't belong to anyone.
I have more in there. Want them?
No. It's okay. I'm good.
Whoever hurt your lip,
you should stay far away from him.
You deserve better than that.
Hurting a woman's face is disgraceful.
Any man who'll do that once
is sure to do it again.
You made me a promise. Don't forget.
DOB: DEC. 1, 1990, HEALTHY
Ch... Choi Ryuk-myung?
That's your name now. You're a new man.
It can be complicated
to find work for North Koreans.
So when we're there, we'll tell everyone
that you're Chinese-Korean.
Ah, of course.
Thank you so much, comrade.
[laughs] Don't mention it.
[woman] Did the money I sent come through?
It's been two days.
[indistinct chattering]
[woman] Hey, I've gotta go.
If you have any trouble,
Seon-ju will help you out.
- She's actually Chinese-Korean.
- Thank you.
[man 1] Take good care of him, Seon-ju.
[man 2] All right. Let's go in.
[machinery whirring]
Who brought that idiot here? Seriously.
[door lock clanks]
Hey, comrades! I'm trapped in here!
Please open the door!
Comrades! I'm sealed in here!
Comrades, help! Someone please let me out!
If you press this button,
the door will open from the inside.
The green button. Do you understand?
- I was right, so pay up.
- I was so close.
[employee 1] You owe me, dog.
Beat it! Go to work!
- Go to work!
- [employee 2] Sure, Mom.
- What the fuck did she say? Walk away.
- Hey, man, just calm down. Get a grip.
Those bastards all decided to place bets
on how long you'd be stuck in the freezer.
- Huh.
- They like to play tricks on the newbies.
But just ignore them.
Go and do the rest now.
[train horn blares]
[wistful music playing]
[button clicks]
[Seon-ju] Damn, those guys at work
sure are infuriating. They're assholes.
They do that to every newbie.
Trap them in that freezer as a sick joke.
It's not personal, just so you know.
What's wrong? Is the meat
not good enough for you, or what?
Why would someone with a job steal food?
That meat doesn't belong to either of us.
Listen, this shoebox apartment
is 200 a month,
and the bus is 50 bucks or more a month.
My money's completely gone
by the time I need to buy any food.
So, in my eyes, this is what's fair.
You know how they pat us down
when we all head home?
Well, it turns out they wouldn't dare
pat down a woman's chest.
So it'd be dumb of me not to steal.
That's how I see it.
[Seon-ju sighs]
I do it all for them.
My kids are my whole world.
The one in the middle
looks so mischievous.
He looks like a general.
So military with his shaved head.
That's my daughter.
She's needed brain surgeries,
so we've had to shave her head.
- Ah...
- It's no big deal, hmm?
The poor kid still has
one more surgery though.
Afterwards, I'll be able to braid her hair
and send her off to school.
Well, uh, she's very brave.
Thank you. I think I'm pretty full.
The rest of it's yours.
Comrade, eat more meat.
You have it.
Actually, I'm sick of meat.
The smell gets to me
since we're surrounded by it all day.
And stop saying comrades.
Don't you wanna blend in?
If you keep saying comrades,
everyone will know you're not from here.
[distant chattering]
[window rattling]
- [Kiwan coughing]
- [tenant] Who's got time for love? Not me.
I see the same guy every night.
Look, there he is, catching the bus!
That's the guy I was telling you about.
[Kiwan coughs]
[tenant] Let's get away this weekend.
Wanna meet up?
[pensive music playing]
[woman] Well, I really want to,
so let's go later.
[man] Ah. Yeah, he's a simp.
[indistinct chattering]
[host] Ladies and gentlemen,
it's time for today's main event.
The women's target shooting spectacular
is about to begin,
so please grab your drinks
and find your seats!
[crowd cheering]
First up is
the international sensation herself,
hailing all the way from the Netherlands,
[crowd cheering]
Tonight, she's facing off against
the pride of Belgium,
our very own Marie!
[crowd cheering]
Each player will take one practice shot
before we begin
the first match of the set.
You have one minute until betting closes.
So hurry up, everyone,
and make your choice!
[intriguing music playing]
[bell ringing]
[wistful music playing]
[ringing continues]
[music fades]
Marie, what is it?
[Marie] What is this?
- Were you never planning to tell me?
- Just give it here.
You killed her?
So Mom didn't just die, then.
[breathing shakily]
- You were the one who killed her.
- I can explain everything, Marie.
Just listen to me for once, hmm?
- It's not what you think
- Why did you lie to me?
[Marie breathing heavily]
- Why didn't you just tell me the truth?
- Your mom wanted this.
She knew you wouldn't have
been able to handle this.
Don't you dare put this on her!
You know that's not it, huh?
You knew that I wouldn't let her
go through with it.
So you did it while I was training.
Marie, listen. It wasn't like that.
I promise, okay?
It wasn't like that.
Just let me explain.
[Youn-sung sighs]
[host] Don't panic, ladies and gentlemen.
In the meantime,
here's some info for tonight's drawing.
You each should have a ticket.
Turn them over.
- You should see a number there, right?
- Give me five minutes.
I haven't done this in a while.
[host] After tonight's game,
we'll do a raffle drawing.
I hope you're all excited.
Who's ready to see
some more grade-A shooting?
You're trembling like a terrified puppy.
[energetic music playing]
[host] All right, folks,
that was the end of the fourth match.
It's now time to wait
as the scores are tallied.
Will we have a winner now,
or will we continue on to a fifth round?
Without further delay,
let's now reveal Marie's results.
- [crowd cheering]
- [host] Forty-eight points!
It's a tie!
Thank you. Thank you, everyone.
Here you go.
[host] Four!
Two! One!
That's it, ladies and gentlemen.
Betting is now closed.
- Here we go!
- [beep]
[intriguing music playing]
- [ding]
- [crowd cheering]
[host] Now Marie.
Will she break under pressure?
Or will she shoot her way to victory?
Let us see!
- [beep]
- [host] All right!
- And now let's see her final score!
- [ding]
10.4! What an incredible finish, my God!
By two tenths of a point,
Marie is the winner!
She had her eye on the prize!
Make some noise for Marie!
[crowd chanting] Marie! Marie! Marie!
Marie! Marie! Marie! Marie! Marie! Marie!
Fuck yeah!
Didn't I tell ya you'd win?
Did you see the look on Gerd's face?
I think he fell in love with you.
He said he won't pull out his investment.
- [Marie sighs]
- You should see him before you go.
I've got somewhere to be.
Are you kidding? Hmm.
I've been trying
to get him here for years.
We need him to help expand our business.
[Marie sighs]
Listen, I won. Just give me the wallet.
[sentimental music playing]
I should go.
[Marie sighs, sniffles]
[Kiwan panting]
Eat with me.
Have you eaten yet?
[Seon-ju] What?
Can I please borrow some of your meat?
- Are you sure? I stole it.
- [Kiwan] Yes, yes, thank you.
[Kiwan grunts]
- Thank you. You're kind, comrade.
- [Seon-ju] Mm-hmm.
[Kiwan] Comrade, comrade.
Do you need something else?
Any lettuce?
[knocking at door]
I brought you some bowls, too,
just in case.
- Uh...
- Just don't forget to wash it all, okay?
Thank you, comrade.
[Kiwan] Why are you standing? Sit down.
Eat it while it's hot.
I know it's not much.
Did you buy all this?
Where'd you get the money?
I didn't have to buy it. It was all free.
It's not from the trash, so don't worry.
Early in the morning, by North Station,
they give us free food.
I go by every day
and pick the things I want.
[soup pouring]
[tender music playing]
[Marie] I'll get going.
All right.
[Marie sighs]
Don't walk me out.
I want to. It's dark outside.
[kettle banging]
- [tenant] Tea? Who wants some tea?
- Huh? What's going on?
Wow, it's 9:00 already?
My neighbor offers tea at night.
He does this every night around 9:00.
- [tenant] Tea! Anyone want tea?
- Let's have some. I'll leave after.
[Kiwan] No, wait, hold on.
Don't. Don't go quite yet.
- [kettle banging]
- [tenant] Tea, everyone! Nice and hot!
I'm not allowed to have guests.
He can't know that you're here.
We'll have to wait.
[Seon-ju] Okay, okay, that's enough.
[tenant] Careful now, it's hot.
[kettle banging continues]
[Kiwan] Quiet.
[tenant] Come one, come all! I have tea!
Get your tea!
Nice and hot! Come and get it.
- It's ginger with a touch of citrus.
- [kettle banging]
Get your tea.
[banging at door]
Hey, do you want any tea tonight, Kiwan?
Cut it out! You're too loud!
Stop your racket!
He's trying to rest! Huh?
- [door closes]
- What a bitch.
- Last chance! Get your tea!
- [kettle banging]
[kettle banging]
All right, I'm leaving! Last chance!
[tender music continues]
Last call for tea!
No one? Anyone?
[examiner in French]
We will start recording now.
[Kiwan in English]
This photo here is from 1997.
It was May Day.
We had joined a delegation
that went to Pyongyang to celebrate.
- It's my mother and I.
- [Gyeong-sil speaking French]
[in English] She held me in her arms
at Kim Il Sung Square.
[Gyeong-sil speaking French]
[speaking French]
[Gyeong-sil in English] "The photos
will be submitted as evidence."
"And after we scan them for you,
we'll return it to you."
[speaking French]
[in English] "Uh, we also contacted
Cheonsim Hospital,
which you had mentioned
during your first interview."
"The hospital stated, unequivocally,
that they've never been involved
with the purchase or sale
of corpses or body parts at any point."
They're lying. The buying and selling
of bodies happens secretly underground.
It's not the sort of thing
the hospital would admit to, right?
[speaking French]
[speaking French]
[Gyeong-sil in English] "You'll have to
prove your nationality some other way."
"At this time,
you won't receive refugee status
because you can't prove
you defected from North Korea."
[sighs] Didn't I tell you
everything you asked me?
Why would I lie to you two?
You don't believe me?
[Gyeong-sil speaking French]
[speaking French]
[Gyeong-sil in English] "I'm sorry.
It's difficult to believe your statement
about your mother's body
being sold illegally
to Cheonsim Hospital."
"And since there's no proof
backing up your claim
that you really are a defector
from North Korea,
we won't be able to help you."
"Lastly, if we rule
that the photo you provided
fails to constitute as valid evidence,
you'll have to go."
"You will be
forcibly repatriated to China."
You're saying I'll be deported?
[gas hissing]
Hey, do it again.
The meat still has fat on it.
Cut around the sides.
Hey, comrade.
How can you tell
if I'm really North Korean?
Well, for one,
you always say comrade when talking.
And, uh, just the way you look.
Koreans have
a totally different bone structure.
Comrade Seon-ju...
Uh, never mind.
Hey, what's on your mind, huh?
Just spit it out.
Hey, what is it, hmm?
Do you think you might speak on my behalf
down at the courthouse?
I think it might help
if I had a witness by my side.
Of course I can. That's no big deal.
- Do you mean that? Huh?
- Yes!
You'd really come, comrade?
For sure.
[Kiwan] Oh, great.
And besides, I really need good karma soon
'cause my daughter
is about to have surgery.
Thank you, comrade.
Hey, if I end up getting refugee status,
it will all be thanks to you.
Hey, if you wanna pay it forward,
then get me something.
Lately, I've been craving for fish.
You got that?
Okay, you got it.
[man] What would you like?
Sea bream? Two? Okay.
[Kiwan] Oh.
- My beer.
- Oh, pardon me.
- What did you do to my beer, huh?
- Sorry.
This asshole dropped my beer.
What the hell, man?
Hey! Tough guy! What's this? [laughs]
- Give that back.
- Want it back? Then come get it. Huh?
Do you like it? Do you like it?
You wanna go, huh?
- [man 2] Here, take it. Get outta here!
- [man 1 laughing]
- Go home!
- [laughs] Yeah.
[both men laughing]
- [man 2] You owe me a beer.
- [man 1] Buy me a beer!
- [Kiwan] Oh!
- [man 1 screaming in pain]
- [screaming continues]
- The fuck, man? Look what you did.
- You're not gonna get away with this.
- Hey!
- We need help! He's hurt!
- [woman] Hey!
[man 1 screaming in pain]
- Call the police! You're dead.
- [woman] God!
- Get the police! We need help!
- Help us, somebody!
My husband is getting attacked!
- [man 2] Help! This guy's crazy!
- Oh no! Someone call the cops!
Help him!
Someone please call an ambulance!
[phone buzzing]
I told you I'm not going. Stop calling me.
[Youn-sung] Marie, did you recommend
someone to the factory by chance?
So what if I did, hmm?
What a monstrosity!
He came out of nowhere
and lunged at my husband.
And he attacked him for no reason!
[man] Miss, you're next.
Uh, Loh Kiwan.
He was in the assault from last night.
- Are you a relative or his lawyer?
- No.
Then, no, I can't let you visit him.
- I just wanna see his face for a moment.
- It's not possible, miss.
- So what'll happen to him, then?
- He'll have three days to file an appeal.
If he doesn't,
the deportation process will begin.
Or, if you want, you can pay his bail.
- Shit!
- [officer] Calm down, miss.
May I remind you this is a police station?
You're a police officer, right?
- This is insane.
- Please calm down, miss.
Hey, I'm not finished.
If he's deported,
then you're condemning him to die.
Be a police officer, huh?
- Carry out justice!
- [clears throat]
[Youn-sung] Marie.
[Kiwan] Wait a second.
Go. I have things to do.
[wistful music playing]
Here, take this.
He's a trusted friend. A good lawyer.
I heard that you've been
undergoing refugee screening.
I think he could
really help out your case.
Oh, thank you.
This means so much to me... sir.
I have one request, however.
Yes, please go ahead, sir.
My daughter.
She's a very vulnerable girl.
I really want her to get better.
She needs someone strong.
Someone who can support her.
Not someone
who's just as unstable as she is.
Uh, excuse me, sir...
I don't think
you should see my daughter anymore.
You have too much going on in your life.
Staying in this country
is your only top priority, Kiwan.
[melancholy music playing]
Hi, Kiwan.
- So today's the big day.
- Are you ready?
- Yes.
- You'll be great.
During his first interview two months ago,
Mr. Loh, uh, provided specific information
that a North Korean citizen
would only know.
However, his request
was contested shortly after,
claiming insufficient proof.
Can you explain this lack of proof,
as it was the reason
that this request was denied?
The hospital to which Mr. Loh here
claims to have sold his own mother's body
denies this obscene and false accusation.
The prosecution doesn't believe
her body was sold.
The two photos Mr. Loh provided
were confirmed to be of Pyongyang, yes,
but they could have been taken
by Chinese travelers on vacation.
We believe these photos fail
to prove Mr. Loh's claim
that he is indeed a North Korean national.
Therefore, insufficient.
Furthermore, Mr. Loh claims
to have lived in the city of Yanji...
The prosecution doesn't believe
you have enough evidence...
According to our investigation,
there is nothing to support this story. we may need to provide
stronger proof for your claim.
[judge 1] Have the witnesses arrived?
[door opens]
The rsum Mr. Loh provided
was indicative he was from Yanji, China.
I didn't have a reason to doubt him,
so he was introduced as Chinese
at the factory.
Did Mr. Loh identify himself to you
as a Chinese-born ethnic Korean
and not as a defector?
Sir, please take your time answering.
We just want you
to recall all of the events properly.
Yes. That's exactly what he said.
- Sir, you're lying.
- Silence, sir.
- Calm your client.
- Pardon.
Mr. Loh. Mr. Loh.
Let's hear them out.
I now call Ms. Kim Seon-ju.
Please step forward.
[pensive music playing]
I see you worked alongside Mr. Loh
over at the factory.
Were you aware Mr. Loh applied
for North Korean refugee status?
Please take your time answering, Ms. Kim,
and please remember you're under oath.
The testimony that you give
will be used as evidence in this hearing.
You may proceed.
Your Honor. Yes, I was aware.
There are many people who are mixed
Korean and Chinese who take advantage
by saying they are defectors
from North Korea when they aren't.
They pretend to be North Korean defectors
immigrating for refugee benefits.
I suspected Mr. Loh might be one of them.
Do you know Mr. Loh's Chinese name?
What is it?
[interpreter] Ms. Kim, please tell us
the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Choi Ryuk-myung.
"Cui Liming," what we say in Mandarin.
[Kiwan] Choi Ryung-myung?
You know that's not my real name.
So why did you lie up there?
Tell me, comrade.
Betraying me like that, was it worth it?
You told me the other day...
that it was obvious that I'm North Korean.
I wanna know why.
I deserve to know why.
- What are you doing, Kiwan?
- Comrade.
Kiwan, let go!
- Tell me!
- [gasps]
Why'd you do it?
Why did you do that to me?
[sobs] Kiwan!
Kiwan, you're... you're hurt. Let go.
[knife clatters]
What do you want?
Did you leave something here?
Uh, no.
I just...
You can't just show up here
out of nowhere.
[door lock clicks]
[man] Start preparing for your next match.
Gerd will be there.
We need him to work with us.
[Marie] You came here just to say that?
- Coaches are supposed to be tough, Marie.
- Stop breathing down my neck.
[sighs] I don't need your shit anymore.
I'm fine without drugs these days.
It sure didn't seem like that last time.
- Listen to me.
- [grunts]
I don't give a fuck about your refugee!
But do as I say!
You still need to pay your debt to me.
So you better stay within my sight,
you got that?
You're mine.
[wistful music playing]
[breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily]
[wistful music continues]
- [coin clatters]
- [door buzzes]
[wistful music continues]
[music fades]
[man] Gerd put down three million on you.
If we can double that,
that's half our debt all paid off.
I rigged the game.
You're guaranteed to win.
So just have fun out there.
[crowd cheering]
[crowd chanting] Chloe! Chloe!
[host] The tension is palpable, folks!
Now it's time for Chloe's last shot!
[tense music playing]
- [scoreboard chimes]
- [crowd cheering]
[host] 8.2 for Chloe!
Nice work, Chloe!
[woman 1] Hey! Learn to shoot!
[crowd clamoring]
[crowd cheering]
[woman 2] What the fuck?
[host] What a disaster!
She missed the entire target.
What just happened, folks?
In this unprecedented event,
Chloe wins the match!
Now, please, folks, calm yourselves!
Please don't throw anything!
Folks, please restrain yourselves!
Where the hell
do you think you're going, huh?
You're on your own from now on.
Listen, you won't survive out there
without me. You're nothing!
You're wrong.
Damn it!
[breathing heavily]
[music fades]
Kiwan, hey.
Hey, listen to me, Kiwan. Wait!
Before the trial,
a person from the refugee office
came to the factory.
They said they would shut us down if
they learned your documents were forged.
So that's why we let you take the fall
for everyone else's sake.
He said I wouldn't get my visa renewed
if I didn't lie about everything.
My, um, my daughter's operation
is very soon,
and she relies on my wages.
In the end, it turns out
he didn't even renew my visa.
What do you want me to say to you, hmm?
Oh, that's too bad.
It must've been hard for you.
- [scoffs]
- No, hey! Don't go!
I just really want to apologize to you.
I'm being deported soon.
I got caught without a visa.
I'll be back in China with my children,
so I don't think I will ever be
in Belgium again, so, uh...
I had to see you before I leave.
[sobs] I'm so sorry... comrade Loh Kiwan.
[melancholy music playing]
[door closes]
[Mr. Lee] I heard back from
a well-known defectors' advocacy group.
They'll submit a statement of support,
and they'll even attend your next trial.
This will definitely help
increase your credibility, I believe.
Don't give up hope yet, okay?
Would you like something to drink?
A juice or coffee?
[Kiwan] Juice, please.
- [organ music playing]
- [bell chimes]
What are you doing here?
Once I found out this was happening today,
it felt wrong not to come.
So I'd like to pay my respects
by helping out.
My wife left us all
three years ago, as you know.
This will be my family's
last public memorial service.
[pants, sniffles]
[Youn-sung] Moving forward,
we will get together privately
to honor her and her legacy.
[sighs] Got a good turnout, I see.
[Youn-sung] Marie.
Everyone's so dressed
and eating such nice food,
all for someone that's dead.
What does this accomplish?
Go be sad at home.
Why do this when it's all just
one big show for you, huh?
[laughs] Are you afraid people might
point fingers if they knew what you did?
Stop this!
Stop what?
Stop what, Dad?
What did I do? What?
- [guests clamoring]
- I told you to stop! You need to leave!
[exclaims] Ah!
Listen! Because of your actions that day,
I no longer have a mother. She's dead.
Put that down right now.
Do you know what you did?
I died a long time ago. Understand?
I understand, hmm? Now give me that!
Get the fuck away!
Stay away from me! Don't you ever dare
tell me what to do anymore, okay? Okay?
[Marie sobs]
- [gasping]
- [dish clatters]
[breathing heavily]
[wistful music playing]
Marie, open the door, please!
Marie! [grunts]
- [water sizzling]
- [coughs] Marie! Marie!
[Marie] The floor is like jelly.
Will I fall? [chuckles]
[Kiwan breathing heavily, coughs]
[Marie] The floor is wobbling.
It's too damn much.
It's jelly!
I'm seasick.
[man] Just sit down. Standing is bad shit.
Yeah, just sit. Nice.
[laughs] Who is this guy?
[Marie] Huh? What?
- [man] Who is this clown?
- You're here.
- [man laughs]
- [groans]
[man] Is the circus in town?
Where'd you come from?
- [Marie] I came from the North.
- [junkie] This you on vacation? Oh, Marie.
Want a vacation?
This will take you far away.
Good girl.
[grunts] Hey! Are you insane?
Crazy bastard!
[door slams]
- Marie.
- [laughs]
- Marie.
- [laughs]
- Marie, give it to me.
- [laughs]
Let go!
[Marie gasps]
Shit. Shit.
Fuck off! You don't get to stop me!
[breathing heavily]
[Marie laughs]
- Marie!
- Let go!
Stop this!
[Marie pants]
Do you want to die?
Is that what you want, huh?
If I die, I can't do drugs.
Why would I throw this all away?
If you wanna die,
then be my guest.
[Marie sighs]
[Marie moans]
[unsettling music playing]
Hey, wait.
That's not yours! Give it!
Oh shit!
[Marie panting]
That's mine!
- [loud thud]
- [bottles clattering]
[groaning, grunting]
Hey, Kiwan.
[Kiwan grunting]
[Marie] Hey!
Hey, what's wrong? Spit it out!
Spit it out!
Kiwan, I said spit it out!
Oh God!
[breathing frantically] Hey.
Kiwan, please wake up!
- [tense music playing]
- [Marie panting]
Open up! Open the door!
[groans] I need the... antidote!
Hurry, get it! Hurry and get it!
Please hurry! Get it!
Please, please.
- [tense music subsides]
- [breathing heavily]
Hey, Kiwan.
Are you okay?
[Kiwan] You're...
You really are something.
Why do you do...
...that kind of stuff?
I was so worried about you.
Why did you do that?
I'm sorry.
It's my fault.
I kept pushing you away.
You're all bark but no bite. That's it.
You like to pretend you're cruel,
but you're not.
Behind that tough act is a sweet girl.
If you ever take drugs again,
I'll do what I just did.
I'll do it again.
If you ever try to hurt
or destroy yourself,
I'll follow you to hell
and drag you out myself.
I'll help you find the light.
You go that?
[breathes deeply]
[sentimental music playing]
[Kiwan] What is this of?
It was my mom's favorite flower.
[Kiwan] Hmm.
Well, it's pretty.
[Marie] What happened here?
[Kiwan] Well,
when my mother... and I
ran from North Korea...
we both, um... we both carried
razor blades in our clothes.
Just in case the police
tried to send us back there.
We both would have rather died.
It was our backup plan.
We always carried them with us.
So, on both our left wrists,
we ended up having
a few attempts together.
[wistful music playing]
When I was living in China,
I broke the law.
I got involved in a fight at work.
I should've ignored it.
The police were looking for me,
so I went into hiding.
that circumstance led
to my mother's death.
So, does someone like me...
deserve to be happy despite what happened?
I ask myself the same question.
I'm like you.
We might think we don't deserve a lot.
But at least we have each other.
And that's enough for me.
[Kiwan sniffles]
[Kiwan sobs]
Uh, Marie, isn't this
a little too much? I feel overdressed.
A little overdressed is all right.
Like a true Belgian, hmm?
Mmm! How about that?
- Don't do that. There's people outside.
- Just kiss me!
- Mr. Loh.
- Kiss me back!
- Uh, ah...
- [Kiwan] Mr. Hyeok.
[splutters, chuckles]
Here. This just came from China.
- Really?
- You should open it and take a look.
Uh... Thank you so much.
I'll leave you two.
- Oh, no...
- [Marie chuckles]
Open it.
[emotional music playing]
[Seon-ju] I've spent the past few days
going to all the newspaper archives
in Yanji.
I asked for all the newspapers
from last winter
and brought them home with me.
My kids and I read so many newspapers
that our fingertips
turned black from the ink.
My youngest, the one with the shaved head,
just learned to read,
and she found this article.
I knew right away
that this story was about you.
Comrade Kiwan,
I know I can't undo what I did to you,
and I don't expect forgiveness,
but I hope that this will help your case.
Like your mom said,
you have to survive, comrade.
- Oh, good. Look, they're here.
- I see.
- No, also...
- Ms. Gi Soon?
Hello, so good to see you.
How have you been?
- Good. And yourself?
- Good.
- Glad to hear.
- Oh, you too.
- Thanks for coming today, everyone.
- Yes, thank you.
And here's Mr. Loh Kiwan.
Oh my goodness. Hello, sir.
It truly is an honor to meet you,
Ms. Gi Soon.
[phone buzzes]
I've read all your articles.
[Gi Soon] Oh, you're too kind.
I still don't know how I get published.
I love your work.
They made me cry, actually.
Oh, but I wrote them to make you smile.
You shouldn't cry.
[man] Come over here.
I'm busy right now.
If you knew how much your stunt cost me,
you'd shut your mouth.
Did you really think
you'd get away with it?
I swear, Marie, this is your last chance.
Get your ass over here.
Unless you wanna see a bullet hole
in your lover's skull.
[Gi Soon] Oh, my, my.
[Kiwan] Thank you
for everything, comrades.
[man 2] Any time.
[Gi Soon] You have endured so much.
You've done well.
Oh, thank you, comrade.
- [Gi Soon] Glad to help.
- Oh.
Thank you for your support.
I appreciate it.
[Gi Soon] We'll always be here.
- Excuse me.
- Of course.
I'm really sorry,
but someone is waiting for me.
What's going on?
So I forgot
that the plumber was coming by.
- It seems I have to run home now.
- Oh.
[car horn honks]
So promise me you won't worry.
I'll return before the trial ends.
Okay. Just hurry back when you're done.
Mm-hmm. I'll be quick.
[Gi Soon] But back then,
when they originally broke away from us...
[prosecutor] We gather here today
for the second trial
in the case between the Kingdom of Belgium
and Mr. Loh Kiwan.
This article right here
was originally published
in a local newspaper in China
in the small town of Yanji,
on December 5th of last year.
It describes the unfortunate death
of a North Korean defector.
She was struck by a bus
late during the night.
The accident described
in this newspaper article
completely corresponds in perfect detail
with the story Mr. Loh recounted
in his first interview.
The photo he provided of his mother
is clearly the woman in the paper.
I now call Loh Kiwan.
Can you state your name
for the court, please?
My name is... Loh Kiwan.
[unsettling music playing]
[Marie] Don't touch me!
Give me the conditions
for your next match.
I'll have my girl ready.
What's happening?
[Gerd] No need.
[ice rattles]
What do you mean?
[Gerd] Your girl,
I don't want her for just... one season.
The player... for your debt.
She aimed at "zero," and you are screwed.
She shouldn't be wasted
at such a small-time shop as this.
She's out of your league.
That will be better
for her too.
Please don't do this.
[tense music playing]
[Marie gasps]
[grunts, groans]
You piece of shit.
It's over for you.
[prosecutor] Mr. Loh
then applied for refugee status
as a North Korean defector
sometime last December.
As his case was being reviewed,
he started a new job
but using Chinese papers.
You'll see the evidence of these acts
on page three of Mr. Loh's case file.
[car horn honks]
Mr. Loh, sit down, please.
Uh, Mr. Loh, what are you doing?
I need to go. Sorry, Mr. Hyeok.
- Why?
- Marie needs me.
Mr. Loh, you can't just...
Sir, sit down, please.
Return to your seat!
[tense music playing]
[unsettling music playing]
[man] Get the rest of the cash
from the safe.
- Get armed and ready. They're coming.
- [thug 1] Got it.
Marie, we've gotta move fast. [grunts]
We both need to leave the country
right now.
- Why would I go with you?
- You're my player. You belong to me.
We're a pair.
That means... they'll look for you too.
His men will be here any minute.
So we need to get out of this country.
Listen to me!
I'm not going with you.
I don't belong to you!
You'll be safe with me.
A place in Amsterdam will take us in.
I've already made the arrangements.
We can start our own shooting parlor there
without someone like Gerd
always butting in.
It'll be different this time.
It's an opportunity.
You don't have a choice.
You really are a monster!
You're right, Marie.
I'm a complete monster.
But this fucking world made me a monster.
I can't help it!
How about I give you a real taste of it?
[footsteps approaching]
[Kiwan] Marie!
Marie! Marie!
Marie! Marie!
[man] Fucking bastard!
[Marie] Don't touch him!
- Get off of me!
- [Marie grunts]
[man] Stay down.
Get away from him!
I said get away!
[Marie grunts]
[man exclaiming, grunting]
[man grunts, gasps]
[Marie sighs]
[breathing heavily]
- [screams]
- [Kiwan grunts]
- [grunts]
- [Kiwan screams]
[both grunt, groan]
- [man screams]
- [gunshot]
[man screams in pain]
[Kiwan panting]
[breathing heavily]
What are you waiting for? Come on, huh?
[man] Don't hesitate.
Just shoot.
[both scream]
[breathing heavily]
[gun clatters]
Let's go.
[tense music playing]
[gunshots continue]
[gunshots continue]
[gunshots subside]
[man 3] Gerd is dead.
I'll get the girl and bring her to Berlin.
[man 4] Where is the girl?
You can go fuck yourself.
[Kiwan] Marie.
You're... you're safe. Don't worry, okay?
Hear me out. You can't stay here.
They'll look for you.
[melancholy music playing]
If you want to be free from those men,
leave Belgium forever.
You need to call your dad.
He'll take you to the airport today.
And what about you?
I can't leave without you, Kiwan.
I still don't have citizenship, so, uh...
I can't come and go as I please just yet.
But you already knew that.
All of this is my fault.
I ruined everything.
We were in such a good place,
and now it's all over.
That's not true.
What we have is too strong.
Nothing can tear us apart.
[Marie sniffles]
Listen, what if I told you...
the best thing to happen to me
was stealing your wallet, huh?
When I first met you,
I was about ready to give up.
I kept going just to see your face again.
But you made me believe life was worth it.
You're the reason I'm still here, Kiwan.
Your father once said to me...
I wasn't strong enough to be with you.
His words were like daggers in my heart.
I felt unworthy of you.
But that's when I promised myself...
I would become the person you needed.
A guy that would always be there for you.
So I vowed to prove your father wrong.
You mean a lot to me, Marie.
So someday soon...
we'll be together again.
[Marie sighs]
[sniffles, sighs]
[music fades]
[Kiwan] He's here.
Hop in the back.
[Youn-sung] Oh, yeah. Uh...
So, uh, call me as soon as you land
to tell me you're safe.
Loh Kiwan,
that young man...
Turns out he's a special guy.
Looking back,
I wish I was a little bit nicer.
Please forgive me.
[sentimental music playing]
There was a time when Mom got worse.
So she would ring a bell
when she needed help.
I wanted to ease her pain,
but at the same time,
I couldn't bear to look at her.
So I...
sometimes wished
she would fall asleep and never wake.
I felt so guilty for that.
And though I tried to hide it, she knew.
After she died, um...
I blamed myself for what happened to her.
You should have woken me up, huh?
There you go.
[emotional music playing]
[Jeong-ju] Please.
Please let me go.
I just lie around all day...
and wait to die.
It's unbearable to go on like this.
I can't go on.
- Jeong-ju, I, uh...
- My love.
I'm making you and Marie
miserable each day.
I don't want to live like this anymore.
Make sure that Marie
will never know the truth.
Don't let her know
I chose to leave her like this.
And promise me that she won't know
you were involved.
I don't want Marie
to feel like this was all her fault.
She can't know.
Otherwise, it would completely ruin her.
I'm sorry, and, uh, just know
that, no matter what, I still love you.
I love you.
[indistinct announcement on PA]
You ready?
Let's get going.
[announcement] We kindly request
that you move through screening
as soon as possible to avoid any delays
in getting to your flight.
Don't worry about me, Marie.
Just leave and don't look back. Hmm?
[Marie sobs]
Hey. Don't cry over this.
Don't worry. Things will work out, okay?
You know...
I still don't even have a picture of us.
I didn't get to travel anywhere with you.
And what if this really is goodbye for us?
[Marie sighs]
[emotional music playing]
[Marie sniffles]
- Marie.
- Hmm?
One day,
we'll get to travel anywhere we like.
[Marie] Hmm?
Look over there.
Turn around.
I will take you there one day.
And we'll see those trees and turtles.
we'll go to Greece, Morocco, Turkey.
We will travel
all over this crazy world together
till our shoes are worn.
Yeah, until our feet hurt.
How's that sound?
[Marie sighs]
Don't cry, Marie, or I'll feel sad, huh?
[Marie sighs]
[Marie sniffles]
[Marie] I love you.
It's time.
[Marie sniffles]
[music fades]
[Kiwan] I vowed to survive
no matter what hell I faced.
Christelle Conil?
It wasn't easy, but I kept my vow.
Three for lunch?
I've made it this far.
[emotional music playing]
I fought with everything I had
to gain the right
to live and work in Belgium,
and I finally earned
the right to stay.
- Thanks for everything
- Thank you.
[man 1] We'll miss you.
But I've come to understand
that the few rights and protection I have
under refugee status...
will disappear the moment
that I step off Belgian soil.
Since you were young,
I've always believed
that the color blue suited you best.
Comrade, you look great.
My life has been like a weathering storm,
barely making it out.
Do I have in me to keep going?
I asked myself hundreds of times.
And every time,
I answered,
I'll go through
as many storms as I have to.
Uh, may I see your ID?
Thank you.
Would you like a round-trip ticket?
One way, please.
In the end, I realized my wish was
never to live in a country but
the right to leave it whenever I wanted.
That is still... my wish.
[heartwarming music playing]
[music fades]
[tender music playing]
[music fades]