My Nightmare Office Affair (2022) Movie Script

No, I just got home
from court with her.
More screaming,
more crying,
More blaming.
She can have the kids.
I need my peace.
My oldest is, uh,
taking it hard.
Yeah, course she blames me.
Who knows that the hell
that woman says about me.
Look, I gotta unwind.
I--I'll fill you in
on all the dirty details
At lunch tomorrow, all right?
Take care.
(clears throat)
(sighs, grunts)
(woman moans)
-You're gonna be late.
-I know, just ten more minutes.
well, then I'll be late.
(he sighs)
I know. It's a school day.
saved by the bell.
okay. I'll get her.
All right, let's do this.
-'bout time.
-It was a struggle.
Hi, daddy.
Do you want some eggs?
It won't take me long
if you do.
Eh, I have a big day,
I should get in there early.
This'll be enough.
What do you got
goin' on today?
I am gonna try to hit up
a new yoga class
Down the street
If I can get juju to school
on time.
-It's been a while.
-Way too long.
And then, you know,
the usual,
Groceries, cleaners,
pick up juju.
I have a bag of shirts
ready for the cleaners,
If you wouldn't mind
bringing them in for me.
-Not at all.
-All right, I'm off.
-Bye, juju-bean.
-Bye, daddy.
-See you tonight.
-I love you.
-Love you too.
and I love you.
All right, julianna,
let's finish that up.
We gotta get you to school.
-Good morning, sunshine.
-Morning, cass.
-You ready?
-For what?
Our team meeting.
If you got your head outta
And looked at your schedule
Every once in a while,
you'd know.
I know, I know,
I lost track of time.
Well, you have about
five minutes
To get yourself together
and look a little less, uh,
-Thank you for that.
-That was harsh.
Okay, uh, let's say...
-I'll see you in there, okay?
there you are.
(female announcer)
conexofi isn't just
about convenience.
This app
automatically adjusts
All connected smart devices
and appliances
To your customized preferences.
Giving you total control
over the little things
So you can focus
on the big things.
Commercial certainly
looks great.
How are we doing
on the launch?
on schedule, just a couple
more kinks to work out
And we got it covered.
Right, guys?
(clears throat)
-No, you should do it.
are you sure?
Um, well, there is
a pretty concerning backdoor
That we haven't figured out yet.
-And, uh...
I don't think that we can
ethically release conexofi
Until we have it solved.
What do you mean exactly?
You wanna turn your phone on
and open up the bluetooth?
Okay, now the average user
wouldn't be able to do this
But an unscrupulous person
with some programming knowledge
Could potentially hijack
any discoverable devices
In the area...
And do this.
(bob sighs)
(cass laughs)
Okay, well, um...
That's not good.
nope, it's not.
It's pretty concerning
I mean, we've all heard
about the cases
Where hackers are able to
access nursery monitors, right?
Well, I've been playing around
with this at home
And like I said,
A determined person
could potentially hack
Into any device in your home
That's connected
to the internet.
If we release next week
without solving this,
A tech journalist is gonna
find out about it and...
We're gonna be
dead in the water
As soon as the word gets around.
bob, did you know about this?
I was made aware of it
Very recently.
Okay, so, do we have a timeline
On how long this is gonna take
to fix?
honestly, no.
We've been working on it
since last month
When I discovered the issue
And I submitted a report
But...It's still not solved.
Very recently, huh?
Well, the commercial
looks great,
But I think that we need
a finished product
Before we go to market,
don't you?
you really made quite the
impression back there, buddy.
-Yeah, you think so?
-Oh yeah.
I mean, you also made
a mortal enemy.
yeah, well,
he hates me already, so.
hey, nick!
What's going on, bob?
-It's great in there, really.
-Thank you.
hey listen, you wanna
do me a favor?
Give me a little heads-up
next time
You plan on cutting me off
at the knees
In front of everyone? Hm?
I think it's important
we present a united front
Rather than you having
me lookin' like a jackass.
-Yeah, of course.
-I'm not trying to make--
Glad you're on board.
(nick sighs)
-It's not funny.
-It's so funny.
You really shouldn't
have said anything.
-You nudged my arm.
-Not my fault.
I didn't make you
say anything at all, I mean...
(exhales forcefully)
Oh. Hey.
-I'm sorry, did I scare you?
-No, no.
It's just cassie is usually
the one sneaking up on me.
well, I didn't mean
to startle you.
I just wanted to pop in here
and say thank you
For pointing out what could have
been a very serious problem.
I'm gonna grab a bite to eat.
Come with me.
Uh...I should stick around
And keep on working on
a solution for conexofi.
We can chat about your future
at the company.
-Thank you.
I want you to know,
I've bene noticing
All the hard work
and extra hours
You've been putting in
at the office.
Yeah, my wife has certainly
noticed too.
I think that she thought
she'd be back to work by now
But...You know, between
the app build and our daughter,
Her ambitions have had
to take a back seat.
Think she's gettin' a little
fed up with me actually.
well, this is what
spouses do, right?
They complain
and get in the way.
Jen's not like that though.
She'd never say anything.
And she takes great care
of julianna.
How old is your little girl?
She just started
the first grade.
Oh. I bet she's precious
And smart, like her daddy.
I think she's
a little smarter, frankly.
Oh, maybe we should be
recruiting her then.
I don't know,
she's really focused
On being a princess right now.
Is everything okay?
I just, um...
I sometimes wish
I had a princess of my own.
But...It didn't work out
that way.
I'm sorry for bringing it up.
I didn't mean to talk
about my daughter.
-Sometimes I just--
-no, don't be.
I have spent years
focusing on my career
And running away
from the idea of a family
That when I finally
looked up
And thought about what I wanted,
It was too late.
Aw, come on,
that's not true at all.
I bet you would make
a great mother.
You're sweet.
Anyway, I brought you
here for a reason.
But now I am...
I'm a little concerned
That your wife might be upset.
And what's that?
Well, it involves you spending
more time away from home.
But...How do you feel
about leading the team
Moving forward?
-Leading the team?
-And a pay bump,
To sweeten the deal.
But what about bob?
Bob let us down today, nick.
He needs a change of scenery.
And a new department, frankly.
And we need somebody
that we can trust
To get this app launched.
You think you can handle it?
Yeah, I can handle that.
I don't know what to say.
You've been devoted
to this company
For a long time, nick.
You deserve this.
Don't think I haven't noticed.
Thank you.
It's nice to be noticed.
Once we get this app launched,
We'll see what we can do
about getting you
A more permanent
management position.
Just do me a favor, nick,
and get this nailed.
We don't want anyone
second-guessing you.
Hey, I'm your man.
I know you are.
Excuse me, could I get
another merlot, please?
And, uh, whatever this
handsome gentleman would like.
We're celebrating.
Water is fine for now.
Thank you.
-Good boy.
All right then, we should order
and get back to work
Before people
start talking about us.
-Hey there.
-Oh, hey, cassie.
-How are you?
If you're looking for nick,
he should be in his office.
Yeah, just wanted to see if he
wanted to grab an early dinner.
Oh, well, if he doesn't
take you up on that offer,
I sure will.
What are you doing here?
I was in the neighborhood
And I just wanted to see if you
wanted to take me to dinner.
hon, I was just about
to call you.
I actually have some news
to share.
what's up?
-I got promoted.
-Oh my gosh, that's incredible!
Oh, honey!
and if the launch goes well,
I could be moving up
to a management position.
That's--that's amazing.
We--well, we definitely
have to celebrate now.
-Come on, let's go!
-Look, I wish I could
But...I really--
I gotta stay late tonight.
We're slammed with
this launch deadline
And there's a glitch
in the programming
That I'm in charge of fixing,
So it's all hands on deck.
And it's probably gonna be
a regular thing for a while.
Well, I guess that makes sense.
yeah, but it's only while
I'm heading up this project.
It's a couple weeks
at the most
And then I'll be able
to cut back, set my own hours,
And that could give you
more time to pursue
Whatever you want to.
I have ambitions too, nick.
I know. I know.
I'm just...
I'm sorry,
I'm just distracted
with work.
-It's crazy.
-It's okay.
We'll have plenty of time.
Oh, and that event that we were
maybe gonna go to tomorrow,
We really have to go now.
Okay. I'll see if my mom
can watch juju.
you're the best, babe.
-I don't deserve you.
Well, text me on your way home?
-I will.
-I love you.
-I love you too.
um, why don't you give that
to bob, please?
Thank you.
-I don't know, it's, um...
I think we need to look
at those...
thanks for doing this, hon.
I know it's not how you wanted
to spend our Saturday.
well, you're
the team leader now.
This is really important.
I'm so proud of you.
where have you guys been?
It has been so boring here.
-Hi, cassie.
oh, there's nick. Nick!
Come on over.
-You've been spotted.
-Oh boy.
Schmooze mode.
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!
-Rescue me later?
-I will.
nick, our wonderful
new project manager.
hey, this is my wife, jennifer.
this is my boss, lisa.
-I have something for you.
Well, for your daughter, really.
For loaning us her daddy
on all those long weeknights.
I was walking out of the mall
And I just thought
it was so precious,
I couldn't resist.
-Knew she'd love it.
-Wow. Thanks, lisa.
-That's very kind of you.
-Thank you.
-This is the man
That turned my phone
into a disco ball.
He's a genius.
Anyway, nick,
so I'm happy you're here.
I wanted to discuss the future
of the company with you.
is this seat taken?
I guess not.
so you're married
to the, uh, golden boy, huh?
I guess so.
you know, lisa's really
taken a liking to him.
A lot of late nights
in his future.
Phew. Hm.
well, it's the countdown
for the launch, so.
Yeah, for the good
of the company.
what's that supposed to mean?
nice meeting you.
Enjoy the party.
I'm just so happy
that you're here.
-I really am.
-Yeah, me too.
-Right. Oh.
-Oh, hey, hon.
Hey, I think
it's getting kinda late,
We should probably head out.
uh, yeah, I guess
we could do that.
yeah, it was nice
to meet all of you.
the thing is, I should
probably stick around.
I mean, this is my team now.
okay, yeah.
Um, well, I'll see you at home.
yeah, I'll just order a car.
Okay. Okay, it was nice
to meet you.
night, hon.
-That worked out.
-Yeah, so wait,
What were you talking about?
anyway, as we were saying,
We're just really happy
to, um...
-I was starting to get worried.
-Sorry, babe.
-You're practicing again.
-Yeah, just...
Trying to get back
into a routine.
-How was the party?
so much schmoozing.
-Oh yeah?
(jen sighs)
Seems like lisa
really likes you.
I'm telling you,
she's into you.
-Nick, I know women.
That woman likes you.
Well...Even if she is
a little into me,
I'm not interested.
Hey, I'm only interested
in one hot yoga teacher.
(she laughs)
I'm not a teacher anymore.
(she sighs)
(scoffs, laughs)
Brute force.
I'm sorry, ms. Wolf.
This is a lovely home
And you're more than able
to provide for a child
But your work-life balance
just isn't conducive
To single parenthood.
And this juvenile assault charge
is a large hurdle to--
the girl that did that
was a teenager, okay?
From a broken, abusive home.
That's not who I am now.
My father drank himself
to death
And left us alone.
I wanna adopt a child
So that I can save them from
having to ever go through this.
Nobody understands better
than me.
I sympathize with you,
ms. Wolf, really.
But the state generally
doesn't approve people
Under these circumstances.
I'll do my best.
But I don't want you
to get your hopes up.
file it.
all right, then.
They had one of those muffins
you like in the kitchen today.
Thought you might like one.
Thanks, bob.
That's thoughtful.
You're welcome.
Anything else?
Now, about this whole
restructuring thing--
I already decided.
I'm not changing my mind.
I just want to see
the project finish out.
I'm happy to transfer
after but you--
Okay. We'll talk about it later.
-No, bob. Not tonight.
(he sighs)
(she sighs)
(she sighs)
(drawers clattering)
(she sighs)
(she sighs)
You nerd.
Oh, thank you.
All right, well,
I'll see you tomorrow, boss man.
Oh, I'd appreciate it
if you'd call me mr. Boss man.
Of course.
you know, you don't
have to do it all.
When you have a team under you,
You're supposed to delegate.
I know, I just...
I really want the launch
to be perfect.
And it will be
with you in charge.
Well, I appreciate that
vote of confidence.
Did you want an update?
We're working on
a solution right now--
no, that's not necessary.
I just, um...
I just wanted to let you know
how impressive your work is.
I can't wait to see
what you do in this new role.
That's, uh...High praise.
Well, um, you are.
(nick sighs)
You know,
it's gettin' kinda late,
I should probably get home.
I guess.
If that's
what you really need to do.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Whoa. Whoa.
-I have a wife.
Your wife doesn't have to know.
Okay, that's not what I meant.
Come on, nick.
You can't pretend with me.
I'm really flattered, lisa,
But I can't.
(she laughs)
Look, I have to go.
see you tomorrow, then.
Hello, baby.
so, should I expect you home
for dinner
Or are you gonna be late again?
I'm gonna be home late
a lot going forward, babe.
I told you this.
Look, I'm sorry, I'm just...
I'm under a lot of pressure
right now.
It's just a short-term thing.
-Hi, lisa.
-Hey there.
I, um...Have a doctor's
appointment this morning
That I had to squeeze in.
Would you mind taking the lead
on that strategy session
That we've got?
Yeah, of course.
Lisa again, huh?
Jen, she's my boss.
-I know.
I know that this isn't
great for our family life,
But I'll make it up
to you two girls soon.
I swear.
well, we'll be here waiting.
come on, juju.
Come on, juju,
we're gonna be late.
here we go.
(indistinct chatter)
Are you gonna color?
-Yeah? Okay.
Well, have so much fun, honey.
-Love you!
-Love you, too!
-Bye, honey.
Hi, guys, what are you doing?
Good to see you.
You guys have a great day.
-Thank you.
-Here you go.
-Have a nice day.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
-Jennifer sherman.
-Nick's wife.
-Right, right.
-How are you?
-I'm good.
He really thinks a lot of you,
by the way.
All that you do
for your daughter.
Oh, I didn't know
he talked about me.
What a sweetheart.
I will say,
Nick is really enjoying
the grind.
He's a really dedicated guy.
Well, that's nick.
I think it's admirable,
You sacrificing
your career to raise your child.
It's what we women do,
isn't it?
Always sacrificing.
Well, yeah,
we gotta sacrifice sometimes.
But I would imagine
with nick's new promotion
You could afford a nanny
So that you could
go back to work,
Just to give yourself
a sense of purpose
Outside the four walls.
Well, you probably
have errands to do.
yeah, yeah.
Maybe I'll look
into getting some help
So I can find
my purpose again.
oh, I didn't mean anything
by that.
I'm so sorry
if I offended you.
no, no, not at all.
have a good day.
Where have you been?
I've been calling you.
Oh, yeah,
my phone was on silent.
You all right?
Where were you?
you've been so busy I didn't
expect you home so soon.
I was at yoga class.
I'm gonna renew
my teacher's certification.
Gotta keep
the competition away.
what competition?
Where's juju at?
at my mom's.
Can you pick her up for me?
I really need a shower.
"miss you"?
Oh, hey, babe.
What's up?
Are you sure?
You look a little weirded out
or something.
Yeah, I'm gonna go pick up juju.
I know this is
really last minute,
But I need you to come in
to work tomorrow.
on Saturday?
We keep getting pressure
from the investors
On the app's release date.
We can't keep pushing them back.
I promise not to keep you
the entire day,
But I really need you, nick.
I'll be there.
I knew I could count on you.
What's wrong?
I don't know.
is there something out there?
I think the lights
are malfunctioning.
I'm gonna go check
something out.
what's wrong?
the motion sensors
are on a timer,
But they just got shut off
I thought you said
you disconnected them.
no, I thought I did too.
That was weird.
I think you should leave that
at work from now on.
nothing, it's probably just
a bug or something.
Come on, let's go to sleep.
do you really have to go
into work today?
yeah, I'm on a deadline
And under a lot of pressure
to get it done.
So we can expect
to not see you
On weekends
as well as nights?
you think that
this is fun for me?
well, it makes you really
unhappy, obviously, so, no.
it's just a couple hours
and then I'll be back.
well, we might not be here
when you get home.
-Where are you gonna be?
-Wherever I want.
We all need hobbies, nick,
and I can't just wait
For you to come home
every night.
That's really pretty, baby.
thank you.
Are you all right?
You seem a little off
this morning.
Me? Yeah.
Just a little distracted
is all.
I know I've been asking
a lot of you lately.
I shouldn't have
called you in today.
Nah, that's not it.
what's wrong?
I don't even know
how to talk about it.
nick, you're more than
just a colleague to me.
You're a friend.
You can talk to me.
I saw a text message
on jennifer's phone.
And I just--I--
I don't know what to think.
I mean, I always thought
that we had
This perfectly solid
And I trust her so much, but...
you can't trust anyone.
I hope that she appreciates you.
You're a good man.
And a good father.
I need to go grab
a cup of coffee.
Come on, lisa.
you know you want this.
What is he doing?
Ah, hey.
hey yourself.
What's up?
Uh, nothin'.
I'm fine.
Is that why you're talking
to yourself in the mirror?
I was just, uh,
goin' over stuff from work.
I'm gonna go hop in the shower.
Well, this is a nice surprise.
You don't think I see
what's going on
With you
and your little wonder boy?
oh, is that what this is about?
You're jealous.
What do you think is happening?
oh, think?
Lisa, I know you, right?
I'm not blind, I'm not stupid.
Don't insult me.
I don't know
what you're talking about.
Look, when this ended,
I knew I wasn't gonna be
the only one, all right?
But do you have to do it
with a punk
That undercuts me at work?
How do you think
that makes me feel?
What, you don't think I see
how you look at him, hm?
baby, you're imagining things.
don't "baby" me, lisa.
I saw him leaving
the office today.
I know that look.
look, I don't know
what you think you saw,
But, really...
you know what, maybe
I oughta call corporate.
Yeah, and let them know
what you've got going on
With a subordinate.
And what if I told them
it wasn't the first time?
well, I think
that would be very unwise.
well, I have
every encrypted message
We've ever sent to each other.
Maybe I should share that
with hr.
I could probably get
a pretty good severance package
Out of that.
What do you think about that?
baby, you're the only person
That I've ever
really cared about.
Do you know that?
come on, didn't I give you
what you wanted?
no, you didn't.
You knew what I wanted
And you refused
to give it to me.
lisa, I can't have another kid.
I told you that.
well, then I think
there's nothing left
For us to talk about, is there?
you're delusional,
you know that?
You'd be a horrible mother.
You would ruin the life
of any child
That lived under your roof.
Look, I'm sorry.
I really am.
the hell?
Hey, cass.
Cass, cass, calm down.
What's going on?
Hey, something really weird
is going on with my phone.
Wait, what?
Oh my god.
Are you okay?
B was.
I mean, not only was
he a boss and a colleague,
But he was a wonderful person.
He's caring, trustworthy.
I went to him with problems
on numerous occasions,
As I'm sure you did.
I spoke to his ex-wife
this morning.
She and the kids
are obviously distraught,
But they are still
holding out for the hope
That he might be okay.
And maybe the message
that we all received last night
Was some sort of cry for help.
I don't know.
But I think that we all need
to keep that hope up.
The police may be circling by,
So just take a minute
and reflect
On any interactions
you may have had with him,
Anything that could be helpful
for them.
We'll do a half day today,
Unless you want to leave early,
Or just take the day off.
Nobody's gonna judge you.
Completely understand, so...
But just make sure
you let your supervisors know
That you're leaving early.
Okay, all right.
Thank you.
Are you watching paint dry?
It's just shocking,
you know?
About bob?
Well, I...
No, I know.
But we need to move on.
excuse me?
bob was no friend to you, nick.
We shouldn't waste any more time
mourning a guy like that.
I mean, he wasn't
a friendly guy,
But he didn't deserve to...
-You know?
What are you talking about?
Are you afraid
somebody's gonna come in?
Ha-ha, lisa.
Come to my place tonight.
I gotta go home.
To my family.
And you think that I buy that?
-Ugh, god.
-Hey, hey, hey.
Don't do that.
you need to get your head
straight, nick.
I'll see you
at my place tonight.
No, lisa.
Cassie, could you please
send nick to my office?
Doesn't make any sense.
Hey, burning
that midnight oil again?
No, no, I'm gonna go home
at a decent hour tonight.
Good, you should do that
more often.
Yeah, you're tellin' me.
Ah, well, I'm off.
Oh, yeah, lisa called down.
She wants you
to stop by her office
Before you leave.
Thanks, cass.
Come in.
You wanted to see me?
Yes, please.
Nick, come in.
Have a seat.
To us.
look, I shouldn't.
To us.
Look, I know that
it's been a rough day.
Everything going on with bob.
But I see big things
for us, nick.
I need to go home.
To what, your cheating wife?
Look, I don't know for a fact
that she even did anything.
Oh, right.
Right, because
a strange man's watch
Just magically appeared
in your driveway.
I didn't tell you
about the watch.
Yes, you did.
you've just been
really stressed right now,
You're not remembering
no, I didn't.
okay, don't look at me
like that, baby.
What are you doing?
Oh my god.
Don't touch me.
you're really worrying me, nick.
How could you do this to me?
Do--do what?
It's not that big of a deal.
Nobody has to know.
not a big deal?
You hacked into my wife's phone.
You made me think
that she was cheating on me.
I was freeing you.
That was you at my house
the other night.
You hacked
into the motion sensors.
Did you plant the watch too?
(she sighs)
Think about...
What we could have together.
I mean, wouldn't it be
so much better?
You and me and little julianna.
We could be a power couple,
And I would be
such a better mother than her.
You. You made me.
I made you?
You made your own choices,
nick, okay?
Nobody put a gun to your head.
You wanted this
just as much as I did.
I can't believe I...
How could I do this?
What have I done?
You can't deny what we have.
-You felt it...Too!
you're out of control.
Look, I'm sorry,
but this ends now.
(ice clattering)
-Rough day, huh?
you look like you've been
through the ringer.
Yeah, it's, uh...
It's all hands on deck
at the office right now.
-How are you?
-I'm good!
(she groans)
Is that booze?
Yeah, we, uh...
We had a going-away party
For one of the guys
in accounting.
-I only had a sip.
-That's nice.
Yeah, but all I wanted to do
was come home to you.
Is julianna home?
She's on a play date.
Can we talk?
You know that I love you, right?
I love you too.
What's up?
(phone-recording dialogue)
you know that I love you, right?
What do you think
about me changing jobs?
-Yeah, like,
What if I found something new,
Something with less hours,
or even a remote position
So that I could be at home
with you all the time?
I mean,
that would be great, honey.
I thought you were
really excited
About your new position though.
I was.
Well, we do miss you a lot
'round here.
Was it not what you thought
it would be?
Not exactly.
And I just...
I want to spend more time
with you two, you know?
No, no, no, no!
well, that sounds great, honey.
But whatever you decide,
I'm with you.
We might get squeezed a little.
That doesn't matter.
I just want you to be happy.
(deep breath)
Well, you said that your phone
Was acting a little weird
the other day.
oh, yeah, it's been
freaking out a little.
have you noticed
any settings changes
Or icons missing?
Now that you mention it, yeah.
And the camera function
on my phone
Keeps opening on its own.
I think that the conexofi app
Might have given our devices
a virus.
I think we should just keep
our phones off
Until I can make sure
that they're secure.
Secure from what?
The app has a back door
That I haven't fixed yet,
And it could give someone access
to our devices.
Well, there's nothing
interesting on my phone.
Like if our cameras
are compromised,
Somebody could be watching us.
Who would want to watch us?
For my sake, can we just...
Can we just keep them off
until I can reboot them, please?
And, uh, your laptop too.
No, I need that
for my yoga certification!
Plus, you never installed
the app on it.
Yeah, but it's connected
to the internet.
You're not the only one
who needs to work, nick.
thanks, babe.
(groans, breathing heavily)
(groans, sniffles)
What are you lookin' at?
What the...
What happened to you
this morning?
I thought you'd want
to sleep in a little bit.
I couldn't sleep,
So I took a look
at your phone.
how is my phone?
I'd like to use it today.
yeah, well,
for the moment, you can.
Just don't turn
the bluetooth on, okay?
(she laughs)
Are you kidding?
hey, this is important.
I swear, I'm gonna get
this glitch fixed today,
And if not,
then we'll get you a new phone.
Nicholas sherman?
Detective ruiz.
I need to ask you
some questions.
About what?
We need to hear
your version of events
Regarding your encounter
with lisa wolf yesterday.
Our encounter?
She's accusing you
of sexual assault.
That's not what happened.
What did she tell you?
That you two had an altercation
in her office.
Tell me, mr. Sherman,
do you happen to have
A large scratch on your chest?
Why don't we go clear this up?
You can come with me.
I don't know why I'm here.
I didn't do anything wrong.
I'm gonna need you
to unbutton your shirt, please.
-My shirt?
-I need to document
The laceration on your chest.
Hold your shirt open, please.
Thank you.
I don't know how many different
ways you want me to say this,
But it was consensual.
Well, the thing
about consent is,
It can be withdrawn,
mr. Sherman, at any point.
look, I have common sense.
I understand what consent is.
I'm the one that withdrew it.
She attacked me.
-I mean, I...
I have evidence that
she's been spying on my family.
She has been using
the technology--
I'm sure you do.
We'll get to all that soon.
I mean, she planned
all of this out
After I ended it with her.
How long was this affair
going on?
It wasn't an affair.
It was one time,
And she tricked me
into doing it.
Look, okay, I know
how that sounds, right?
I regretted it immediately.
So you engaged in
sexual activity with her once.
What happened yesterday?
She called me into her office,
And she had champagne,
So I could tell that
she wanted to start it up again,
And I wasn't interested,
And then she grabbed me.
And I--I pulled away,
And that's when she grabbed
my shirt,
And then she kissed me,
but I didn't kiss her back.
I pulled away, and that's
when she scratched me, and...
And then I walked out,
and that was it.
so how do you explain
the injuries then?
Her cut hand and torn blouse?
She claims that you came on
to her in the office,
And when she said no,
you attacked her.
I don't know how many times...
I need to say this.
She attacked me.
What was your relationship like
with...Bob barry?
Bob, what about him?
He disappeared
from your workplace last week,
And his family doesn't believe
he died by suicide.
He might've been divorced,
but he was a devoted father,
And yet there's no trace
of him anywhere.
There was a note.
Ms. Wolf claims there was
a rather acrimonious dynamic
Between the two of you,
Especially after
you took his job.
That's not how that happened.
she claims
you might know something
About what happened to him.
you gotta be freakin' kidding me
right now.
This is a serious place,
mr. Sherman.
We don't kid.
He committed suicide.
That's the story.
Do me a favor.
Let's start at the beginning.
she hacked jen's phone?
to watch us.
okay, then we'll show everybody.
The prototype tablets keep a log
of everything we do on them.
We could show the police
what she's been doing.
yeah, but I can't go
back in there.
no, but I can when she leaves.
I can't ask you
to do that, cass.
I'm not gonna let anyone else
get in trouble because of me.
this is our technology, nick,
And she's misusing it.
I still messed up, cass.
-Everyone makes mistakes.
-Not jennifer.
She didn't,
and I didn't trust her,
And I cheated on her.
lisa manipulated you, nick.
Well, didn't I let her, though?
we can fix this.
(deep breath)
-I should get in there.
We're gonna get
your name cleared.
Thank you for picking me up.
I don't know what to say.
So this is why
You're never home with us?
No, no, babe, it was one time,
And it was a huge mistake.
-Honestly, I'd never--
So you're being honest now?
I wish that it never happened.
How could you do this to us?
To me?
And that's why you had
to fix my phone,
Because it was her
who hacked into it.
She was spying on us.
She made me think
that you were having an--
made you?
She didn't make you do anything,
(groans, sniffles)
You're unbelievable.
I'm sorry.
I never meant to hurt you,
I promise.
Well, you did.
Julianna, we're gonna go stay
at aunt morgan's tonight.
-No, no, you can't go.
You could be in danger,
I don't know what--
If we're in danger,
it's because you put us there.
If you get lonely,
just give her a call.
That's right, you can't.
-Careful, juju.
jen, please, I'm begging you
Right now, don't go.
(heavy breathing)
hop in and buckle up, baby.
Wait, where's my bear?
we're not bringing it.
Is daddy coming?
no, baby, come on.
Okay, honey.
I'm gonna get your seatbelt
for you, all right?
hello, handsome.
What are you doin' here?
I wanted to make sure
you were okay.
Are you out of your mind?
did you learn your lesson, nick?
my lesson? I spent all morning
in a police station.
Well, I'm sorry
I had to be harsh with you,
But you weren't being
a very good boy.
I can make all the charges
go away, you know.
You just need to do
what I need you to do.
The charges?
You ruined my family.
I was just trying to give you
a better life.
You've outgrown jennifer.
I'm calling the police.
No, you're not.
-You wouldn't want
Some of bob's
personal possessions
To end up in your office,
would you, nick?
Have the detectives
suddenly find them?
What are you talkin'--
You killed him?
you know, I hate having to use
tough love on my men,
But you give me no choice.
I don't want to talk
about any ugliness right now.
Julianna needs us
to be a family.
Let's just give her
a stable and loving home.
What do you want with julianna?
I'm going to be the mommy
she deserves to have.
I know you're confused, baby,
But once we get her
out of the picture,
You'll realize that this is
the way it was meant to be.
You're awake.
(breathing heavily)
I made you some coffee.
Are you thirsty?
I'll just put it right here.
Just let me go, lisa.
I swear I won't tell anyone.
I can't do that, baby.
Not while you're still
struggling with reality.
I know that you're feeling torn
and you can't decide.
There's nothing to decide, lisa.
Yes, there is, silly.
It's that you love me,
And that all you want is for us
to raise julianna together.
So, I've made it easy for you.
What do you mean?
You'll see.
Ah, what a good girl.
She turned her phone back on
so I can see where she is now.
Lisa, wait.
Please, don't do this.
I'll be back.
It'll be okay.
Damn it!
Come on!
Come on--no, no.
Oh, come on!
Not now.
It's really not that bad,
So maybe we should just exchange
numbers and informa--
Hello, I found the tablet,
but, uh...
cassie, thank god.
oh my god!
-She's gonna hurt her.
she knows where she is
and she's gonna hurt jennifer.
where'd they go?
-Where are they?
-Okay, it's still connected
To her phone.
Rayborn state park.
Come on, let's go.
(feeble groan)
that's a disgusting sound.
It's pointless to struggle.
We're almost at our destination.
Come on!
(jen groans)
That way.
You know, we didn't have
to end up like this, okay?
I mean, you seem like
you're nice enough.
Why are you looking
at me like that?
It's not my fault,
this is nick's fault!
He's confused.
he's not the one kidnapping me.
well, I know, but still...
This just all could've been
so much easier.
But it'll be over soon.
Still, I don't think
that you understand
That the problem is
he can't make up his mind, okay?
We have to do it for him.
We have to give him
the beautiful family
That he deserves,
That I deserve.
You wouldn't want to get in
the way of that, now, would you?
Hmm, no, I didn't think so.
(jen groans)
the police are on their way.
To the right!
Over here!
okay, baby,
you hold really still,
This isn't gonna hurt.
(jen gasps)
(lisa screams)
-Get my wrists!
-Are you okay?
are you okay? Are you okay?
Look what you made me do!
Stop fighting!
(cass grunts)
(nick groans)
baby, baby, are you okay?
I'm so sorry.
-Are you okay?
-Yeah, yeah.
Ms. Wolf, this is callie
With northern county
family services.
I wanted to deliver
this news in person,
But you're not home,
so here it is.
your appeal went through.
I have to tell you,
this almost never happens.
We have several
potential children
That I think would make
a great match for you,
But we should talk through
your options before we proceed.
Please give me a call back
as soon as you get this.
I hope you're having
a wonderful night.
You'll make a good mom.