My Perfect Wedding (2022) Movie Script

I've been
dreaming about my wedding
since I was a little girl,
ever since my first wedding
to Dante, when we were seven.
He was this cute
scrawny little kid
that lived in my neighborhood.
He had a crush on
me and I thought
he'd be as good of
a husband as any.
I always said I was
gonna have a wedding
as beautiful as my
pretend wedding to Dante.
Wake up.
It's a brand new day.
Got nothing standing
in my way.
It's looking beautiful
in a whole new way.
Oh, it's time to wake up.
It's time to make a change,
goodbye to yesterday.
I hear my heart saying,
it's going to be ok.
I have enough of tears.
I've had enough of
this, so no more dreaming.
Wake up.
It's a brand new day.
Got nothing standing
in my way.
It's looking beautiful...
But now I'm grown
and successful,
and I still think about
the wedding sometimes,
but what I think about
mostly is the perfect guy
proposing to me and me
getting my real dream wedding.
The wedding I've been planning
in my head since I was seven.
And I know I'm gonna get it.
I don't know who's
going to give it to me,
but I'm going to get it.
Hey, what time is it?
What do you mean
what time it is?
I don't know, I brought
you some coffee.
I gotta go.
What do you mean you gotta go?
Are you not gonna
stay for breakfast?
Baby, I don't
even like breakfast.
Since when?
Since always, baby.
What is up?
You're acting weird!
It's gonna be all right.
It's gonna be all right.
Oh, you're rushing outta here
like I'm some type
of booty call?
Do you like your
flowers, baby?
They're beautiful.
- Yes?
- Where are you going?
Baby, listen, I gotta
go, I gotta go, come on.
- You gotta go?
- Yes, baby.
I don't understand,
didn't we have
a good time last night?
Yes, we had a great time.
We had a great time, listen,
I just gotta go, I'm late.
- You're late?
- See you later, come on.
Baby, I'll be back.
Oh, he gets on my nerves.
Trisha, I can see you!
Open the door, girl.
What's wrong with you?
I see.
So I guess him sending
you flowers worked, huh?
I thought I was finally done.
Well, did you tell
your lower half?
What happened?
Well, the problem is
that he always expects me
to be there and I want more.
Have you told him this?
Yeah, I keep telling
him, but he doesn't get it.
Well, why not just
leave him alone?
'Cause my lower
half doesn't want to.
Maybe he's changed.
Maybe he does want more.
What'd he say?
He said, "I'm sorry I had to
run out on you this morning."
But he ran out on you?
"But I really enjoyed
seeing you last night."
I'd love to take you
out for dinner tonight.
Let's recreate our first date.
I'll meet you there at 8.
"Wear that black dress I like."
You're not gonna believe
what emojis he used.
See, it sounds
like he has changed.
Maybe you just need
to give him a chance.
Yeah, maybe you're right.
Maybe he is different.
Ooh, what if he's proposing?
Okay, see?
Now you're talking crazy.
You always do this.
Just relax, go have dinner.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Relax, right.
Girl, let me go find
that sexy black dress.
Make sure it covers
your lower half.
Oh oh oh oh
Gonna shine like stars
Oh oh oh oh
In a little black dress
Oh oh oh oh
Gonna make this night
Oh one you'll never forget
Oh oh oh oh
Gonna look so good
Oh oh oh oh
Can't take your eyes off me
Oh oh oh oh
Gonna make this night
Oh one you'll want to lead
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh You can't
take your eyes off me
Oh oh oh oh
There was a time
that Keith was really romantic,
and now he wants to
recreate our first date.
Maybe he really is
trying to change
and take our relationship
more seriously.
God knows, I've been asking him
and wanting more
of a commitment.
Maybe he's finally
taking me serious.
Yeah, you know, that
was funny as hell.
I liked it.
- Yeah.
- It is a nice night.
It is, it is.
You always been kinda silly.
Always made me laugh.
That's good.
And I can
appreciate that, you know?
You look really,
really good, babe.
You look pretty
good too, Keith.
Thank you.
Look, I know we've been back
and forth for some time now
and I know you feel like I
never really took us serious.
I want you to know that
that's all changed.
I think it's time that
we get serious about us.
Is that right?
Yeah, I'm ready
for the next level.
I think we should
start dating again.
I think we should
start dating again, baby.
Let's do it, I'm ready, baby.
Goodnight, Keith.
Well, how did it go?
It went fine.
Uh-oh, that
doesn't sound good.
What did he say?
He said he wanted
to start dating again.
What else?
That's it, that's all he said.
I thought it would've been
a little bit more than that.
Me too.
Well, what did you say?
Nothing, I was too in shock.
Well, maybe this
is a good thing.
You guys can start fresh
and take your time.
I'm tired of taking my
time, I'm tired of waiting.
When is it my turn?
It's gonna be your turn soon.
Yeah, right.
You wanna
get together tomorrow?
We could just eat and binge
watch something on Netflix.
I would love to, but my
parents and brother are
coming over for dinner.
Okay, well, call
me this weekend.
And, hey, it's gonna be okay.
Love you.
Love you, too.
Baby, you got it
smelling good already.
I thought you was
gonna help me cook.
Baby, I am helping.
I brought in all the
groceries from the store.
My parents are about
to be here any second now
and I have a lot to do, Keith.
You said you was
gonna help me cook.
What do you need help with?
You know what? Forget it.
Baby, you just said you
need help, so I'm asking you,
what do you need help with?
I want you to want to help me.
What are you
talking about, Trisha?
You know I don't cook.
See, that's what
I'm talking about.
Are you really getting upset
because I don't
know how to cook?
No, I'm getting upset
because you won't try
to make the effort
to help me cook.
I offered to help!
Why are you doing this again?
Doing what?
Always finding
something to fuss about.
Look, Keith, I only
asked you to do one thing,
one thing today.
Baby, why you trying to
cook all this stuff anyway?
I mean, nobody asked
you to do that.
If it was that
serious, I could have
just stopped by the store
and bought some food
or either had
someone to cater it.
It's not about
the food, Keith.
You said you
needed help cooking.
Why don't you get it?
It would be nice if you
did things when I asked.
It would be even nice
if you did things
without me having to ask you.
I did something this morning
without you having to ask.
Oh, come on, Keith.
I'm being serious.
What, babe?
You never take
anything serious.
You don't even take me serious.
You just come around
when you want to.
And when you come around,
you don't even pay
me any attention.
Baby, how much
attention do you need?
I mean, I try to come around
more, but it's not enough.
I try to do nice things for
you, but it's not enough.
I mean, I offer to help,
but it's still not enough.
Nothing I ever do is enough
for you, and it's sickening!
What more do you want from me?
You know what I want?
Forget it.
You know what?
I'm done, we're done.
I'm done with this.
I don't deserve this.
I deserve someone who cares.
I'm not spending one more minute
with some inconsiderate jerk.
It's really good, pumpkin.
Thanks, dad.
- I mean, it's aright.
- Oh, come on.
Is that why your
plate's almost empty?
Well, maybe I didn't
wanna hurt your feelings.
Oh, whatever.
You know you're going
back for seconds.
I think those are thirds.
Yeah, right?
So how's everything with work?
It's good.
Business is booming and I'm
getting new clients every day.
Okay, well, that's a blessing.
How's that crazy
assistant of yours?
Stephanie, she's
crazy, which is good.
Hey, you think she
ever gimme a chance
to really like-
You know, honey, we
are really proud of you.
We really are.
So, how's dating?
You seeing anybody special?
Well, Keith, you know
we off and on again.
Yeah, Keith.
What's wrong with Keith?
- What's right with him?
- Mom!
Dad, you feel that way too?
Yeah, if I'm being honest,
I never really
cared for the fella.
Really? Why?
He just didn't seem
like he was interested
in committing to you,
you know, settling down.
No, Keith and I are thinking
about getting married.
Girl, ain't nobody
gonna marry you.
Yeah, I'm not
getting any younger.
Yeah, If that ain't the truth.
Listen, baby girl.
Don't even worry about him.
I know you thought
you'd be married by now.
I mean, I know I did.
You know, as a kid, you spent
almost every day after school
talking and planning
your wedding.
I mean, you were obsessed
with getting married!
Just give it some time.
You will meet the
right one soon enough.
Oh, oh, oh,
speaking of, honey.
I know somebody who
might be good for you.
The only way you gonna
get somebody to marry you
is if you pay him to do it.
Ah, ma!
That's what you get.
No, seriously, honey.
You remember that
fella you tried
to marry when you were a kid?
I ran into him,
and you know what?
He asked about you.
Yes, he did, he did!
No, no, no, no, no.
Mom, wasn't that the kid that
used to drink his own spit?
Yep, that's the one.
Nasty little...
Stop, stop, mm-mm.
What y'all need to
do is focus on JJ.
He's single and he needs
somebody desperately.
That boy right there?
He ain't got nothing to offer.
- That's my baby.
- Hey, I'm right here.
We love you.
Bless my baby heart, it's okay.
I love y'all too, whatever.
On Tuesdays.
JJ, you lonely, huh?
Hey there, lonely boy
Whatever, I'm going
to the bathroom.
Y'all ain't got no more edge,
just stop messing with that boy.
Ay yo, sis, I don't
like the perfume
you got in the bathroom.
Ah, just stay outta my stuff.
Listen, sweetheart.
We really enjoyed dinner,
we'll see you later.
All right.
Get some rest, okay?
Call me tomorrow.
- Come on.
- All right, all right.
Hey, you know I was lying
about all that
marrying stuff, right?
- I know.
- No, I'm serious, sis.
You dope, any guy would
be lucky to be with you.
Yeah, but that Keith dude,
he ain't it, all right?
Yeah, all right.
All right, I love you.
Love you too.
All right, good night.
La la la la la la
I never thought I'd see the day
where I would go speed dating,
but what's a girl to do?
How else am I supposed
to find a decent man?
Maybe I should give it a try.
You have no idea
what I did today.
I signed up for speed dating.
You did what?
Girl, weren't you just
getting over Keith?
Girl, my biological
clock is ticking, okay?
I gotta move on from Keith.
Besides, Steph,
I get 803 emails,
and these guys seem
like they're ready.
Let me see!
Yeah, you wanna help
me pick out some of them?
I'm not about to go
through 803 emails.
Yes you are, when you see
how fine these pictures look.
Well, maybe I could
help you go through a few.
Look at this one.
Let me see, let
me see, let me see.
What do we have,
what do we have?
Ooh, what about this one?
Mm! Yes!
Most definitely put
him on the list.
- Gotcha.
- He's a good one.
How many is that?
One, two, I don't know,
I lost count.
This one right here.
Oh, he is definitely
going on the list.
Especially his lower half.
Yes, I see it.
I can't believe
you doing this, girl.
I'm just tired of waiting.
I wanna get married, I want
a big, beautiful wedding.
I could definitely marry him.
Let me see that.
What is it?
Oh, Keith.
Yes, girl, he's
called me like 20 times,
but I'm definitely done.
I'm done with you!
Yes, Keith, I'm done!
All right, all right, let's
look through some more.
Let me see.
You know you have
some women in here?
Are they cute?
Oh, you know, you
can't really do this, right?
Do what?
This is crazy!
You're talking about meeting
random strangers at a bar.
Girl, it's actually
a restaurant.
Oh, I'm gonna record saying
how insane this is right now.
Just promise
you won't tell anyone.
Trisha, I don't know who
would believe me.
What you gonna wear?
Something sexy.
My name is Jovi and
it's nice to meet you
Satisfaction guaranteed,
baby, how can I please ya
This baby one,
that's baby two,
and, baby, you
can be baby three.
Look here, babe.
You might see a little
snow on the mountain top,
but I got a whole lot of
fire in the fireplace.
It's all about me and you,
you know what I'm saying?
You ain't ever gotta-
Okay, don't worry about that,
it happens all the time.
Easier said than done
Listen, you the only
girl that matters to me.
None of these girls make any-
I want a chick on my side
'til the day that I die
We ride together to the end,
call us Bonnie and Clyde
Look here, baby.
You may think you
want a young man,
but I've forgotten more things
than a young man will ever know.
I'm just gonna focus
just mainly on you.
That's it, you know
what I'm saying?
Ah, my boy, man!
What you doing?
- Okay, good, good, good.
- Cool!
Well, we gonna try
our best, I mean...
Okay, now I'm
having second thoughts.
What am I doing?
Maybe this isn't a good idea.
I should get out of here.
Excuse me.
No, I can't handle
any more dates tonight.
No, well, my name is Carter,
and I didn't mean to
startle you, okay?
But I've been watching you
and I just have to ask,
what is a beautiful
woman like you
doing speed dating in a bar?
Well, I wouldn't be,
if the guy I used to date
would just marry me already.
Well, I may have a
proposition for you.
What kind of proposition?
My boss is
looking for a bride.
Maybe I can
introduce you to him.
A bride? Why?
Who is your boss?
His name is Benjamin Sanders.
His family owns a
technology firm.
I'm his assistant.
Is your boss hiding
from the FBI or something?
No, he's just a regular guy.
Sure, a regular
guy looking to marry
a random girl he's never met?
Well, that's funny.
What's so funny?
Well, the irony, for one.
I mean, aren't you
looking to date
some random guy
you've never met?
Look, trust me.
He needs this.
And it will be a lot
of money in it for you.
Could be a win-win.
Besides, who wouldn't
wanna be married
to a beautiful woman like you?
Think about it.
Let me know.
- Hello.
- Hey, so how'd it go?
Any good ones?
Actually, there was
quite a few good ones,
but you're not
gonna believe this.
So this guy comes up
to me with a proposition,
and he says his rich boss
is looking for a bride.
What? Why?
I don't know, he wouldn't say.
Are you gonna do it?
I don't know.
I don't even know what
the guy looks like.
All I got was his name.
What's his name?
Benjamin Sanders.
Hold on, let me see.
Does he work for a
huge tech company?
Yes, how did you know that?
Because it says so right
here next to his picture.
He's really cute.
He's smart too.
You know, technology is
a good field to be in.
Maybe I should marry him.
Girl, stop.
I still can't believe
you're doing this.
Well, you didn't
tell anyone, did you?
Who would I tell?
We don't have any other friends.
You're really serious.
I don't know.
Maybe I should set up a
dinner with him tomorrow.
Well, do you need
me to stop by to check
and make sure you
aren't kidnapped?
Girl, he's not
going to kidnap me.
Mm-hm, okay.
You know what?
Okay, call me.
Trisha, right?
Ben, right?
You look just like your picture.
So Carter showed
you my pictures?
Like your flowers?
Yeah, I like them.
And I like the line too.
If you hear my phone ring,
it's my best friend Stephanie.
She's making sure you're
not a serial killer.
Let me ask you a question.
Tell me why is it that someone
as beautiful as you are
still single?
Well, I've been waiting
all my life to have
the perfect wedding and
the perfect marriage,
but I guess life has
different plans for me.
You could still have
a perfect wedding.
Yeah, marry me.
That's crazy.
Nah, that's not crazy.
Here's what I know about crazy.
What I know about crazy
is women are crazy,
and men are stupid.
And the reason that
women are crazy is
because men are stupid.
Yeah, ain't that the truth?
My friend Stephanie
thinks I'm crazy,
but I don't know, maybe I am.
No, you should always do
what makes you happy, okay?
And if having a perfect
wedding makes you happy,
then I say do it.
- Really?
- Yep.
So much so, I brought you this.
What's this?
It's just a simple prenup.
It says you'll pay me $500,000
to be married to you for a year.
Nothing else more?
Nothing more, nothing less.
Look, I'm just like you.
I'm tired of looking
for Miss Perfect.
The only thing is if I
don't get married soon,
I lose my inheritance.
Look, we both can get what
we want off this deal, right?
And then we can go ahead
on and live our lives.
Okay, so why don't you pay
me a million dollars then?
And you'll pay for everything?
Everything, whatever you want.
This sounds too
good to be true.
I gotta see if you're some kind
of crazy criminal or something.
Listen, I'll have my
assistant give you a call,
give you everything you need.
Okay, well, tell me a little
bit more about yourself.
Well, I-
- Trisha!
Oh my God, that's my brother.
What are you doing here?
Hey, what you mean?
I'm a here for dinner.
Wait, you didn't
get my voicemail?
Girl, you know, I don't
be checking my messages.
Mom and dad didn't tell you?
No, they don't
talk to me much.
Dinner plans have
been canceled, JJ.
Well, I can see that.
'Cause that ain't Keith.
Who's Keith?
He don't know about Keith?
Hey, that's none
of your business.
Wait, none of my business?
I mean, it's all my business
when you got this
strange man over here.
Hey, this is my house!
I swear you shouldn't be
asking me questions like that.
- Ooh.
- You gotta go.
- Oh so you gonna kick me out?
- Yes.
When I'm over here, just
trying to look out for you?
Can I just at least
get like a sandwich
or something please?
Oh my God, I'm
telling mom and dad.
You know, I have sisters too,
and they always in my business.
You really think
he gon' tell them?
He's definitely
telling mom and dad.
Yeah, he looks
like he's gonna tell.
Hey, just
giving you another call
to make sure you're alive,
and not tied up in his
basement or something.
I just wanna tell
you that I don't appreciate
the way you kicked
me out earlier.
It was rude and I was hungry.
Hi sweetie, it's mom.
I just got a weird
text from your brother.
Something about a strange
man at your place.
I really couldn't make it
out, just call me, okay?
Is there
some man in your house?
Do I need to come over there?
You just can't
go barge in over there.
I can if some man is there.
I'm going over there.
Call JJ.
Leave her alone.
Mm-hm, look, I told
you I was gonna tell them,
and that's what you
get for not feeding me.
And I'm coming over
tomorrow for leftovers.
Hey, why
didn't you call me back?
I was worried.
Sorry I didn't call you back.
Just busy.
What is all of this?
These are my wedding options.
Okay, tell me
you're not about to do
what I think you're doing.
Yep, I'm getting married,
and the wedding's gonna be
everything I dreamed of.
You have officially
lost your mind.
Yeah, well, at least
Ben knows what he wants,
and Keith, I'm
just tired of him.
I'm ready to move on.
What are you gonna
tell your parents?
What is he gonna
tell his family?
I don't know.
I haven't thought that far yet.
Oh, look at this contract.
- Are you serious?
- Mm-hm.
He's really gonna pay
you this much to marry him?
Yeah, he's paying
for everything.
That's why I need
your help, Steph.
You know this is a
fake wedding, right?
Yeah, it's fake,
but it doesn't make it
any less stressful.
- Okay, let's do it, but,
- What?
I'm charging premium since
your fiance's paying for it.
Hey, charge whatever you
want, we got the money!
- Ooh, okay.
- Try this cake.
- It's good, right?
- Where's the chocolate?
Daja, let's go
I can see it in the movies
Quite a lot of stories
Read about it
on the magazines
Some people try to fight it
Others try to hide it
Some don't even
know what it means
But when it gets you so fast
Never get to see you coming
There are those who
try to hold back
To keep themselves
from falling
Ooh, ooh
Just saying I
think I'm in love
Now this is what
I've been dreaming about,
this moment right here.
I've never thought I
would ever get the chance
to finally be walking
down the aisle.
Never felt so beautiful.
I literally don't wanna
take this dress off.
I'll tell the
whole world that I
I'm in love, I'm in love,
I'm in love, I'm in love
I'm in love, I'm in love,
I'm in love, I'm in love
I'm in love, I'm in love
It's the greatest thing
that happened to me
I'm in love, I'm in love,
I'm in love, I'm in love
I'm in love, I'm in love,
I'm in love, I'm in love
The greatest thing
that happened to me
Number one cause
of heartache
Forcing us to change
People search it and find
it in the wrong places
Some call it a mistake
Or say it don't exist
That it a offers figment
of the imagination
But when it gets you so fast
Never got to see it coming
Mm, okay, help me choose.
We have the buttercup,
the stephanie floribunda,
ooh, look at the lily of valley.
How about we just
get whatever you want?
I mean, hell, we can
just buy all of them.
It's not about that.
I just thought we
could choose together.
Maybe we can find something
that you like a little bit,
I like a little bit-
- Let me take this,
give me a second.
You know what, Trisha?
I know that you want this
to be the perfect wedding,
so how about we let the
professionals take care of it?
I spoke with the top
wedding planner in the state
and she agreed to come in and
take over the whole thing.
It's great, right?
I don't know, Ben.
Come on, trust me.
No what?
No, that's not what I want.
You promised me I can plan
the wedding that I want,
and what I want is to plan
the wedding that
I'm supposed to plan
with the man I'm
supposed to marry.
So are you gonna help
me choose or not?
Call you in the morning.
What you doing?
Girl, it's seven
in the morning.
You have any plans today?
Yeah, I gotta meet Ben today
to go get fitted for his suit.
Oh, well, call me later.
What are you doing here?
I'm here for you.
Ben sent me.
He what?
Yeah, he's busy
with a meeting.
So he sent me to handle
all the wedding stuff.
No, he didn't.
It's fine, really.
He's supposed to get
fitted for the suit.
If that's all
you're worried about,
- Yes.
- Then we're in luck.
Look, he doesn't do
anything for himself.
I buy all his suits for work.
It's gonna be fine, come on.
Oh, this doesn't make sense.
It'll be fine, trust me.
Please record your message.
Trisha, answer the phone,
I know you see me calling!
I don't understand why.
Just answer the phone!
Vanilla, this is good.
Wasn't that bad hanging
out with me, was it?
No, it wasn't that bad.
But, Carter, I
wish Ben was here.
He just doesn't
seem so interested.
No, no, he's interested.
He's just really busy with
his business, that's all.
Oh, okay.
Thanks for coming along.
Not a problem,
you're good company.
- Am I?
- Mm-hm.
Thank you.
All right, see you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.
Oh, and tell Ben
don't be late tonight.
Got it.
I'm here, sorry I'm late.
- So glad you could make it.
- Yeah.
I thought you were
gonna send Carter.
Can you put your phone away?
No, I'm sorry.
It's just some business
stuff, that's all.
I don't care what it is,
but put your phone away
at least until we have
dinner with my parents.
Okay, my bad, phone away.
Hey, I almost forgot.
- You got a ring?
- Yeah.
It looks gorgeous.
Yeah, hey, you
wanna try it on now?
Well, maybe-
- Gotta make it look
real, right? So...
I don't know.
We should wait 'till my
parents find out about us.
You nervous?
Yeah, I'm nervous.
Don't be nervous.
Well, I'm nervous.
It's gonna be okay.
Let's just go over what we
went over and we'll be fine.
- Okay, all right.
- Come on.
Trisha here, with
this strange man.
Come on.
What's up, lil' man?
Everything good, mom?
Dinner will be ready shortly.
You have a beautiful
house, Misses Sinclair.
Thank you.
What'd you say your name was?
It's Ben, Benjamin.
What type of name is Benjamin?
So how'd you two meet?
Oh, we met in college at...
We dated for a little bit.
- Really?
- Uh-huh.
We ain't never heard
nothing about you.
Yeah, we both were
really into our studies,
but then came across
each other later,
and the rest is history.
Oh, where?
Oh, it doesn't matter where.
So Ben, what do you do?
I work at a
technology firm, coding.
So you can hack into things?
'Cause I got this new computer.
JJ, he's not hacking into
anything for you tonight.
Well, that sounds interesting.
So you two said you
had something to tell us.
We're getting married.
You marrying this strange man?
He's not a strange man.
You getting married?
Yes, mom.
We're getting married.
- Oh, Jesus.
- Wait a minute.
You two said you just dated.
Yeah, well, we feel
like it's so much more.
Yeah, we do.
Mr. Benjamin.
Yes, sir.
- Let's talk.
- Yeah, yeah.
We need to have a real-
Sweetheart, please.
Sweetie, can we just talk-
- I already know what
you're gonna say, mom.
And what's that?
That I'm moving too fast
and we just started dating.
Are you sure you're
not rushing into this?
I'm sure.
This is what I want,
I wanna be married.
I know you do, but I
don't want you to regret it
if it's not with
the right person.
You know, it should
be with your soulmate.
Is Ben your soulmate?
All right, now, you
listen here, young lady.
Mom and I need to have
a serious talk with you.
It is unacceptable!
Son, son?
- JJ, just go.
- But mom,
- Go!
- You're not gonna yell at-
- Nobody's yelling
at anyone, now go.
Just go, oh my God.
Your brother's just too much.
So Ben.
Yes, sir.
Technology, huh?
You must be a
pretty smart fella.
Yeah, I guess
you can say that.
So the smart fella would
usually come to the father first
and ask for the daughter's
hand in marriage.
You're right, sir.
That is usually how it goes,
but you have an
amazing daughter.
She's beautiful, bright,
ambitious, great personality.
I just couldn't wait any longer
to ask her to be my wife.
Well, this isn't how I
would've wanted it to go,
but if she's happy, I'm happy.
Thank you, sir.
Yes, I'm glad we
had a chance to talk.
Good to meet you.
Yeah, likewise, sir.
- Happy life.
- Yeah, it's the plan.
You two had a good chat?
We did.
I'll meet you by the car.
It was nice meeting you.
You too.
Take care.
I want you guys to know
that I, don't worry about me.
I'm happy, okay?
We offer a lot of custom
linings, London fog,
and a lot of signature
threads that we only offer.
We would like you to check
out some of our ideas
and hope you like those.
Ooh, nice.
Ah, what do you
think about this one?
Which ones?
Doesn't matter, baby.
Which one?
Which ones do you like?
Well, it really
doesn't matter.
But babe, we have to decide.
And I'm allergic to the flowers
you picked the other day.
We talked about the flowers
a million and one times.
You know what?
We'll decide later.
Thanks for coming.
All right, thanks, no problem.
You have a great day.
Yeah, you too.
Hey, hey!
Back with the food.
Oh, I'm not hungry.
What's wrong?
Your boss.
He's just so
standoffish and rude,
and he's always on the phone.
Yeah, listen.
He is just really
busy with his company.
Yeah, you told me that, he's
always busy with the company.
Okay, look, I'm sorry that
I keep making excuses for him.
He's usually not
this standoffish and-
- Rude!
He's just very rude.
Yes, yes.
But, trust me, he is a good guy.
Yeah, well, I wouldn't know.
So, these the
flowers you chose?
Well, I chose them,
he didn't choose them.
Guess I gotta start
over from scratch.
It really
shouldn't be this hard.
Okay, well, how
you gonna help me?
All we have to do is
determine what you're like,
and then just choose
the appropriate bloom.
Oh yeah, it sounds
that easy, huh?
How do you know how I'm like?
Okay, you are, let's see,
So the amaryllis, huh?
Yeah, I like those.
See that? Don't
they look adventurous?
- Yeah.
- I like those.
And your heart is full of
innocent love and beauty,
so, the white orchid.
- Those are nice.
- Oh, oh,
and maybe the rose
bud, see that?
And you are mischievous.
So the petunia.
But underneath it
all, you're just sweet,
so, the white carnation.
I like that.
Food is here.
Ooh, good, 'cause I am starving.
Ready, Carter?
Come on, man, let's go.
Yeah, all right.
So when do I get to
meet this mystery fiance?
He's at work.
How long you gonna keep
me waiting to meet him?
You'll meet him soon enough.
Are you guys gonna move in
together after you're married?
Well, right now we
like our own space,
but eventually we'll
move into one place.
Crazy, right?
Actually, no,
I've read about it.
A lot of people
are doing it now.
They're keeping their own space.
Some even have separate
homes, it's very new age.
Well, I'm meeting
him later for lunch,
so we'll talk about it.
All right, I'm about
to go run some errands.
I'll see you later.
- All right, bye.
- Bye.
Just hanging with
Carter is always so effortless.
It always feels so natural,
I'm always at ease with him.
There are no games being played.
With Carter, I feel safe,
I feel like I'm at home.
Why haven't you been answering
my texts or phone calls?
I can't do this now or ever.
Or ever? What are
you talking about?
We're done.
Yeah, but we always say that.
Well, this time I meant it.
And what makes this
time so different?
Trish, ready?
Yeah, ready.
So this is why.
No, Keith, it's
not what you think.
Who's this?
Carter, this is Keith.
Keith, this is Carter.
Keith, what's up, man?
We should go.
Let's go, bye, Keith.
Let me hear one more clink.
That's a good clink.
So have you heard from Ben?
Yeah, barely.
He texted me, barely
could get his words out.
Yeah, that's Ben.
So, tell me about him.
The guy.
Come on, your ex-boyfriend
from the cafe.
- Keith?
- Yeah, is that his name?
Oh, yeah.
Hey, how did you
know he was my ex?
Come on, I
know an ex when I see one.
They got a certain ex look.
Plus, he looked like
he wanted to kill me.
He probably thought
we was together.
I know he saw the ring.
Oh, you think?
This is Carter with the,
Carter right here, yeah.
Yeah, I think you knew
what you was doing.
I did.
So tell me about him.
Tell you about him for what?
We just been together
for years back and forth,
I thought he was
the one, you know?
I'm sorry, we can be
difficult sometimes.
I just couldn't
get him to commit.
He always made me feel like I
was just asking for too much.
You know?
In my experience, you
should never be with someone
that makes you feel like
you're asking too much,
because the right person
wouldn't make you feel like that.
So the back and forth,
you know, I get it,
could be scary to put
yourself out there sometimes,
but believe me when I tell you.
- What?
- A woman like you,
a man should be sure about.
Oh, come on, really?
Girl, listen,
if we were dating,
there would be no hesitation.
Oh, come on.
You are amazing.
Fine as hell.
Cool and funny.
What man wouldn't
wanna lock you down?
Apparently Keith.
Besides Keith.
Keith, he's got issues.
He does.
- I'm just saying.
- What?
Don't get hung up on one guy
who doesn't see what
another man would in you.
You wanna help me
pick out some dresses?
Let's pick out some dresses.
Can we finish that drink first?
I like your advice.
I'm serious.
- Serious as hell.
- This is good, this is good.
Come on already, I
need to see this dress.
I'm turned around and
I got my eyes closed.
Oh, I hear it.
No peeking.
Okay, I have not.
- All right.
- Oh, yes!
- You like it?
- Yes.
Let me see it in
all it splendor.
Can I have a first dance?
Can we get some with it?
Oh, oh, all right!
Is that how we
doing with the snap?
Are we snapping over here?
Girl, let me see it again.
Let me see with the spin.
That is nice.
And then you going for the dip.
Let me dip, let dip.
Oh, I ain't gonna drop you.
- Please don't drop me.
- I won't drop you.
Let me get one
more spin though.
All right.
And then you drop me,
but don't drop me, dip me.
All right, you ready?
You ready? You ready?
And then dip.
Don't drop.
I said don't drop, I knew
you were gon' drop me.
Carter, you gotta get up.
There's someone at the door.
Oh my God, I didn't
realize I fell asleep.
See you later.
Hey girl.
Don't oh, hey girl me,
like I didn't just see
some man running
outta your house.
Oh girl, that was just Carter.
- Carter?
- Yes.
I thought you were marrying Ben.
I am, he's just
Ben's assistant.
He was just coming
over here to help me.
What? What's hmm?
Trust me, it's not
even like that.
You know what?
You're not gonna believe what
happened to me yesterday.
What happened yesterday?
I ran into Keith.
At the cafe with Carter.
And how was that?
And why are you and Ben's
assistant having lunch together
and waking up the morning
after together too?
I told you, he's helping
me with the wedding.
And Keith wanted to know
why I hadn't returned
his phone calls.
What did you do?
I didn't know what to do,
so I just introduced them.
Keith wasn't feeling it.
He really looked hurt.
Well, you moved on, sort of,
and, plus, you said you
were done with him, so.
I know.
And Carter and I talked when
we got back to my place,
and you know what, girl?
He made me feel so much better.
He's really a sweetheart.
Let me find out, you're
getting over your ex
by sleeping with your
fake husband's assistant.
Absolutely not, we just
hung out a few times.
I'm just saying you had
that look in your eyes.
What? No!
Well, hopefully
when it's all over,
you can leave Keith behind.
That's the plan.
Oh, more company.
Can you get that? I
gotta get dressed.
Oh, what's up, Steph?
Hey, JJ.
How you doing?
You know, I'm alright.
I could be doing so much
better if you gave me a chance.
A chance at what?
You know.
Leave her alone.
You know, you're practically
my little brother, right?
See, look, why you gotta
go and ruin it like that?
But Steph?
So you know about
this Ben guy, right?
Yeah, why?
'Cause he's marrying my sister
and I don't know much about him.
What do you need
to know about him?
A lot!
'Cause what? Some guy
just comes outta nowhere
and now you're marrying him?
That's kind the weird, sis,
you know what I'm saying?
- Hey!
- I don't understand it.
Okay, I'll let you
two get caught up.
That was close.
I know, I wonder
why he's asking
all these questions
all of a sudden.
I mean, I kind of get it.
This all happened out
nowhere, and it's fake.
My bad.
Keep your cool, keep it down.
You know how nosy he is.
He's just gonna
keep asking questions.
Hey, I didn't know
if you had food,
so I brought you some, some.
Aw, how sweet!
Nice to meet you, I'm
Stephanie, the best friend.
Nice to meet you.
Look, I'm just
gonna get going.
Bye, Carter.
Whoa, which one is this one?
- That's Carter.
- Who the hell is Carter?
This one?
Look, I'm her brother, JJ.
Look, sis, I don't
know what type
of freaky thing you
got going on over here,
but I'm telling mom and dad.
And thank you for the sandwich.
What's going on?
I think I'm just
in over my head.
I don't know what's going on.
I mean, I always wanted
the perfect wedding,
and Ben is making
that possible for me,
but I always loved Keith,
and I wanted to marry him,
but obviously he
doesn't feel the same.
Can I ask you a question?
Yeah, what?
How do you know
that you loved him?
- Who? Keith?
- Mm-hm.
I don't know, we just
been together for so long,
I'm just used to having
him around.
I mean, can I ask
you a question?
What about you?
Have you ever been in love?
I once read somewhere
that you are sleeping
'til you fall in love.
And at first, I didn't
know what that meant.
Then I met someone.
I couldn't sleep,
I couldn't eat,
I couldn't do anything,
but think of her.
At night, I dreamt of her.
When I woke up, all day I
couldn't wait to see her.
And when I did see her,
my heart turned over.
And I was filled with desire.
Good morning.
Good morning.
You okay?
Carter, what happened
last night was a mistake.
My emotions were all mixed
up after seeing Keith,
and it should
never happen again.
Okay, wait.
Are you saying that
there's nothing between us?
No, I'm sorry.
Look, we should just focus
on planning the wedding.
Carter, you're a
really good friend,
but I can't handle
anything else.
I don't get it.
You spend all this time searching
for someone to love you,
and now that you have it,
you're just gonna
let him walk away.
I've been trying to call you.
Why haven't you been
answering your phone?
I need to talk to you.
About what?
About us.
We've been over this,
I told you we're done.
I don't know going on
with you and that guy,
but I want you back.
Yes, I want you back, babe.
I want us to be together,
like really together.
Since when?
Since always, I just
didn't know how to do that.
And all of a sudden you do?
Why, because I'm with
someone else now?
Who cares why?
All I know is that I can't
stop thinking about you
and how bad I messed up.
And I know I messed up
over and over again.
And I know I don't deserve
another chance, baby,
but I'm asking for it.
Just let me come over
tonight, that's all I'm asking.
And after that, if you want,
I won't bother you again,
but please just
let me come over.
So let me get this straight.
You slept with
Carter last night?
And you're marrying Ben?
When Carter left, Keith
begged you to take him back?
And he wants to meet
up with you tonight?
Girl, what are you gonna do?
I don't know, that's
why I called you.
I don't know why.
I've never been in a
situation where I was stuck
between the guy I
want, the guy I chose
and the guy who chose me.
Let me ask you this,
do you like Carter?
Like, actually like him?
I like the idea of him.
He's romantic and caring and,
you know, he really sees me.
But you've already
agreed to marry Ben
and signed the contract.
That part.
- Well.
- Well what.
At least it won't
be a real marriage,
and it'll only last a year.
I like the idea of a wedding,
but I just wish I can
get rid of all these men.
What about Keith?
You said you were done with him.
I was, I mean, I
am, I don't know.
He just sounded so sincere,
plus, we've been
together for so long.
Right, but haven't you been
down this road
with Keith before?
I mean, he's the whole
reason you're doing
all this fake wedding
stuff to begin with.
Well, Keith and I have a
lot of history together.
I guess I'm not ready to let
him go, like I thought I was.
Who would you rather be
with when the wifi goes out?
Just what I said.
Which one would you rather be
with when the wifi goes out?
I don't know.
Well, it looks like you
have a decision to make.
History or a new beginning.
Hey, babe.
Ah, thank you so
much for meeting me.
Don't thank me yet.
The flowers you got
me are beautiful.
Yeah, they're your favorite.
Look, I'ma just
get right to it.
I know you engaged and all.
Oh, right, right.
Yeah, I mean, and I don't
mean to be disrespectful,
and I'm probably too late, but-
- Well-
- Trisha.
I love you.
You what?
I love you, and I always have,
I just didn't know how to say
it or even admit it to myself.
You know what?
That's all I ever wanted
was to know how you felt
and what I meant to you.
And I'm sorry that I
couldn't give that to you.
Where has this
Keith been, huh?
I ordered your favorite.
I like him.
Who could this be?
Oh my God.
Trisha, just
coming to see you.
Calling the phone, you wasn't
answering, and I got worried.
I guess there's no need to be.
Keith and I,
we were just talking.
Looks more like a date to me.
I'll call you later.
He's gonna call you later?
What's going on with that?
What are you doing here?
I told you I was
coming to see you.
Since when have you
wanted to see me, huh?
You haven't been
interested in anything.
Okay, I haven't been involved
in a lot, but who cares?
I'm paying for everything.
- That's not the point.
- No, that is the point.
I'm footing the bill to give
you the wedding of your dreams,
and you out here
dating other dudes?
I'm not dating other
dudes, that's just my ex,
and we have a lot of history.
I don't care, Trisha.
I don't want you
seeing him again.
You can't tell me what to do.
You know what?
I don't have time
for this, goodnight.
Give me those!
Keith and I have history
and a connection
that I can't deny.
Even though I can't
stand him sometimes,
I really feel like he
wants to change for me.
Ben could actually give me my
dream wedding with no problem,
but I don't have any
real feelings for him.
It wouldn't be fair
for either of us,
but then there's Carter.
Carter could actually
be the perfect guy,
but I don't know if
he's the one for me.
I don't know if I have
real feelings for him.
Trisha, girl, where are you?
Answer the phone.
That's it, I'm calling JJ.
What, JJ?
Ay yo, Trish!
You know, I take out
your trash, right?
Stephanie called
ma looking for you.
Said she ain't heard
from you since yesterday.
So ma sent me over.
Yeah, I don't feel like
talking to anyone, JJ.
And what happened, sis?
- Nothing happened.
- Oh no, something happened,
'cause I see chocolate wrappers,
and you don't eat chocolate
unless you're either
nervous or stressed.
And since you have all of
these flowers everywhere,
I'm guessing you're stressed.
Everything is
just so messed up.
All right, what
happened, Trish?
Yeah, now I don't know
what to do about it.
That's a lot.
Look, please don't
tell mom and dad,
I don't feel like talking
to 'em about this.
No, I ain't gonna
say nothing this time.
That's crazy, Trish!
Why you sound so old and wise?
Why you sound so old and wise?
'Cause I always been.
You see what I'm
looking at, right?
Oh my gosh, you want
some chocolate, here.
Yeah, I want some
of that chocolate.
And it better be
the good kind, ooh.
Okay, I see what
you working with.
Now, what you
watching over there?
Thank you for coming over.
I wanted to talk to you
about something, Keith.
Yeah, I'm glad you called.
I need to talk to you too.
I was thinking about how-
- Wait, let me go first.
What's this?
The house.
I can see that, but why
are you showing me this?
I closed on it today.
I wanted to tell you
about it at dinner,
but I didn't get a chance.
It's beautiful.
I'm serious this time.
You know I'm engaged, right?
Yeah, I know, but listen-
- Wait a minute, wait.
You really just
can't stay away, can you?
- Bro, who are you anyway?
- I'm her fiance.
I thought the other
guy was your fiance.
What other guy?
The one you went
on the date with.
Who you went on a with?
No, it was Carter
and it wasn't a date.
It sure looked
like a date to me.
Look, I did call
Keith over here,
but Ben, it's not
what you think.
Oh, it's not?
Then why am I here for?
Yeah, what is he here for?
Bro, why are you here?
I came to talk to my woman.
Look, guys, this is all
a messy situation, I know,
but Keith, you been on
and off with me for years,
and now you wanna be serious?
And then Ben, we
doing a fake marriage!
Oh, fake what?
A fake marriage, this
wedding ring isn't even real.
Look, and this is all
your fault, Keith.
My fault? How
is this my fault?
Because you've been playing
with my head for years now.
So I desperately signed a
contract for someone to marry me.
Just wanted to know what
it felt like to be wanted.
Stephanie was right.
This is crazy, all
of this is crazy.
Both of you get out!
Why do I have to get out?
I was here first.
Yeah, and I'm marrying
you, so why I gotta leave?
Because I need to think,
and I can't do it with
the both of you here.
I'll call you.
Okay, so which one of
us are you talking to?
I don't know!
Just go!
- Hey, hey, hey!
- Come on, man!
Mom, am I crazy?
No, no, of course not.
You're just very passionate,
and you want what you want.
You're just like
your father that way.
How did this all
get so messed up?
Because it's life,
sweetie, it's messy.
Why is it so messy?
Why can't it just be simple?
Now, what would
be the fun in that?
I'm surprised JJ
didn't tell you guys
all about what's going on.
Trust me, your father
tried to get it out of him,
but he wouldn't budge.
What do I do?
Well, the only thing
you can do now is
follow what's in your heart.
Yeah, but what if it's wrong?
There's no way
of knowing that.
Just gotta trust yourself.
It's gonna be okay.
We're gonna get through it.
Come here.
It's gonna be all right, baby.
I hope so.
It will, trust me.
Listen to your mama.
Mama knows best.
Hey, darling.
Hey daddy.
Well, I talked with
your mother and brother.
Let me guess, you
think I'm crazy too?
No, nobody thinks
you're crazy.
We wanna make sure
you're okay, no judgment.
I'm okay.
I just gotta figure
out what to do.
You probably won't
know until you do it.
I just want someone to love.
I know you do.
Nothing's wrong with that, okay?
These apples are so good.
- You know what?
- What?
I'm surprised JJ
ain't come around.
You know, food out.
You know that boy can eat.
He can eat.
Thanks, dad.
Are you ready to do this?
I am.
Okay, I'll be
out here waiting.
Hey, baby.
You want a drink?
No, I'm okay.
No drink, that's not good.
I have to let you go.
Yeah, I knew it wasn't good.
And Keith, I need
you to let me go.
So you chose him over me?
No, I'm not
choosing him over you.
I'm choosing myself.
Look, we've been doing
this long enough.
I can't keep doing this.
I know.
I'm sorry for all of this.
And I know you deserve more.
Take care of yourself.
It looked like it went well.
Yeah, it did go well.
I feel good about it.
I'm just glad
you're finally able
to close this
chapter of your life.
You ready for this next step?
- Yeah, let's do it.
- Okay.
Let's go.
Not quite the same
as when I was seven,
but my day is finally here
and I've been waiting so long
that I don't think I
can wait another second.
If my day begins
looking at your face
I know it's gonna be good
If my night ends
caught in your embrace
I know it's gonna be good
Girl, you got that
feeling in your touch
I just can't get enough
Oh girl, you got the
magic in your kiss
I just don't wanna miss
Girl, when you
walk into the room
There's nothing I can do
I can't keep my eyes off you
The way you look
in that dress
I'm so helpless
Baby, I tell you the truth
That every time you smile
completely drive me wild
I can't think a thought
without you in it
I love every little
thing, everything you do
I can't keep my eyes off you
No, oh
Do you, Benjamin, take Trisha
to be your lawfully wedded wife?
I do.
Do you, Trisha, take Benjamin
to be your lawfully
wedded husband?
You were saying.
I was only getting married
because I didn't wanna be alone
and I wanted a wedding.
My God.
And Ben's only getting married
because he wanted to inherit
his family's business,
but I can't do this.
All my life I wanted
the perfect wedding,
but now that I'm here,
this is not what I want.
This is not what I want.
I just want someone to love
and who's gonna love me.
I want someone to help me
pick out the perfect flowers
because he already knows
that I'm the perfect flower.
I want someone who
never second guesses
if he loves me, because
every moment of the day,
he already knows
that he loves me,
he tells me a million times.
I want a wedding where I
don't have to sign a contract.
I want someone that's gonna
want me around forever,
because he knows
that I'm his forever.
I'm sorry.
Take my breath away
Someone once told me when
you truly love someone,
you don't let them walk away.
Carter, I wanna be with
you when the wifi goes out.
You're the one I wanna be
with when the wifi goes out.
I don't know what that means.
It doesn't matter.
What matters is that I love you.
Well, I love you too,
but I'm no CEO, I can't
give you all this.
Just shut up and marry me.
Only you I've waited for
Carter, you're fired!
I quit!
Don't waste
another minute more
I know in life
things aren't always perfect.
It doesn't always turn
out the way we want
or the way we imagined,
but we all have
our own version of perfect.
I got my perfect guy,
the perfect guy for me.
Take my love, it's yours
And don't ever
give, ever give
Oh ever give it back
Walk through this open door
And we'll never
look, never look
We'll never look back
'Cause only you
I've waited for
Don't waste
another minute more
Take me in your arms forever
And don't ever let me go