My Private Line to God (2024) Movie Script

- Oh, there you are.
Honey, you're gonna have to
stop doing this to yourself.
We're going to get through
this, Janice, I promise.
- Calvin, you seem
a little distant.
Is everything okay?
- You know, I've been thinking,
I've been thinking a
lot about our situation.
We both know that we can't
have kids of our own.
- No, we tried everything.
- Not quite everything.
- It didn't breaks my heart,
just thinking about it.
What can we do?
- There's one option left.
We can consider adoption.
Janice, there are so many
kids out there who are in need
of a loving home, and I believe
our home can offer that.
- Are you saying we
can adopt a child?
- Yes, any age you want.
We've built a strong foundation
and I believe we
can provide a secure
and a nurturing environment.
Plus, we have the space.
- You are right.
We can definitely make a
difference in a child's life.
I mean, since we can't
have our own children,
I'm sure God would want
us to be a blessing
to another child who's
in need of a home.
- So is that a yes?
- Yes! Yes!
- Let's reach out to
Lita's Adoption Center
and get this ball rolling.
- Yes, come in.
- Hi, Ms. Bennett.
- Hi.
- Here's Joy's file.
- Thank you so much.
Waiting on this...
New beginnings for Joy.
All right, Calvin
and Janice Nelson.
- Hey.
- What's going on?
Like your flowers?
- I do. Thank you.
- You are welcome.
You deserve 'em.
- Thank you.
- Pretty, ain't they?
- Yeah.
- Hello?
- Hi, this is Dolores Bennett.
I'm calling from LAC.
May I please speak with
Calvin or Janice Nelson?
- This is Calvin.
You say you're calling
from where again?
- LAC, Lita's Adoption Center.
- Janice, come quickly.
Yes, Ms. Bennett, both my
wife and I are here right now.
- Awesome.
Well, I am thrilled
to inform you
that everything on your
application was approved.
- Am I hearing you correctly?
Joy is our daughter now?
- Yes, ma'am. She is.
- When can we come get her?
- Gimme a few days to
finalize some paperwork
and I will call you
to schedule a day
to pick up your daughter.
- Thank you.
Thank you so much, Ms. Bennett.
- Yes, thank you, Ms. Bennett.
We hope to see
you in a few days.
Okay, bye.
- Bye-bye, see you soon.
- My goodness.
- I cannot believe it.
We are about to be parents.
- Wow, this is amazing, babe.
- This is so
wonderful, thank you so much.
- We deserve it.
- Yes, we do.
- It is so nice to see you
again, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson.
- It's a pleasure.
- Good to see you.
- Thank you.
You know, Joy is truly
a special little girl.
- All God's children
are special.
But what makes Joy so special?
- Hmm, well, her situation is
different from the other kids
that are brought here.
Both of her parents were
killed in an accident.
- Oh, no.
- Yeah, but she has such
an incredible spirit.
It just shines
through every moment.
You will see.
Also your home will
be the first home
that she'll be moving into
since she's been here.
So what makes her special
is her resilience.
It's simply remarkable.
And her imagination
knows no limits.
- Her story has touched
our hearts deeply.
We look forward to showering
her with lots of love
- And welcoming her
into our family.
We promise to
provide a nurturing
and supportive environment
for her to grow and blossom.
- Yes.
- Well, if you
are ready for her,
I'll call and have
them bring her down.
- Yes.
- Alright, let's do it.
Yes, can you bring Joy down to
my office right away, please?
Thank you so much.
She's on the way.
- I can't believe we're
waiting on our daughter,
- Janice, we're going home
today with our daughter.
- Oh.
Thank you so much.
Well, Joy, meet your
new mom and dad.
- Hi, I'm Joy.
- I'm your mom and
that's your dad.
- Can I call you
mommy and daddy?
- Yes, sweetheart, of course.
Thank you for believing in us
and entrusting us
with Joy's future.
We will cherish her
and give her all the
love that she deserves.
- I knew from the very beginning
that Joy was a perfect
match for your family,
and I have no doubt
that you all would take
excellent care of her.
Congratulations again.
- Thank you.
- Thank you,
- Joy, you ready?
- Yeah.
- All right.
All right, let's go.
- It's been a pleasure.
- Thank you,
Honey, how was school today?
- It was okay.
- The look on your
face says otherwise.
Joy, did something happen?
- It was fine until
they started teasing me.
- Who was teasing
you, and about what?
- The girls in my class keep
saying, I don't have any hair,
and that's why I
get hair extensions.
- You know there's
no truth to that
so you shouldn't
let that bother you.
- I'll try.
Oh, don't forget my
birthday invitations.
- They're right here.
- Can I fill them
out when we get home?
- Why don't you
do that tomorrow?
That'll give you
something to do.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- I made it.
- What did you make, honey?
- Oh, nothing.
- Hey, good morning, babe.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Mommy, Daddy, I finished
all my birthday invitations.
- Great job, sweetheart.
So how many kids
are you inviting?
- I used all the
invitations mommy gave me.
- Huh.
Janice, how many
invitations did you buy?
- Oh, I just bought two
packs of 24 in each.
- She's inviting
48 little people.
Not funny, Joy.
- 48 isn't a lot, babe.
That's why it's called a
party with a lot of guests.
- Honey, that's
like a field trip
with a whole class of second
graders running around.
- Daddy, you can run around
and play with us too.
- Run around and
play with y'all?
Lemme tell you something:
If dad starts running, it's
gonna be right out of that door
until the party is over.
- Daddy? No.
Then you'd miss all the
noise and all the fun?
- Joy, the noise would be
dad's reason for running out
of that door in the first
place, okay?
Listen, you're gonna
have to take some
of those names off
the list, okay?
- Okay.
I removed two.
- Honey...
Here, you can't invite
your whole class.
Take 10 of these
invitations, okay,
who you really want to
celebrate with, okay?
- Okay.
- Take those invitations,
give 'em to your mom.
- Alright.
Here you go.
- Thank you, baby.
- A potential
of some shallow landslides
and the potential of some
severe thunderstorms.
So get out the door
right now before noon,
especially if you
live in the North Bay.
We're gonna be watching some
severe thunderstorm potential--
- Why are you trying to make
Joy reduce her guest list?
- That's way too many kids
for a seven year old's party.
If Joy wanted her whole class
to be at this celebration,
then why don't we just move
a party to a classroom?
- Because they will
only allow them
to have a 20 minute
cupcake break,
and then back to school work.
- Okay, and?
The problem with that is?
She's turning seven, not 70.
- Are you serious right now?
You got it twisted.
A 70-year-old should have
a 20 minute cupcake party,
not a 7-year-old.
They want to run
around and have fun
and be loud for hours.
- Exactly, and that's what I
don't want here in our house.
Honey, look, do the math.
What comes with 48 kids?
- I don't know, gifts?
- 48 parents will
arrive with these kids.
That's 96 guests.
And that's not even
including our family members.
- I really don't
see the problem.
It's a party.
Where is your party spirit?
- It won't be here on that day
because I'll be the one left
behind having to clean up
after darn near 100 people.
So Joy won't be using
nowhere near the amount
of invitations
that you've bought.
- Whatever.
- I'm serious, Janice,
- You and Joy can go
to church tomorrow.
- Really?
Another Sunday you won't
be attending church.
- You and I both know they could
care less about them people
up in that church.
All they care about
is they tithes,
and that's all that matters.
- Don't worry, I'll ask God to
forgive you for that comment.
- And while you at it,
don't forget to tell God
how controlling you trying
to be about Joy's party.
- Is mom coming later?
- No, I don't think so.
- Ephesians, chapter
four, verse 32.
God says, "Be kind
to one another.
"Forgive one another..."
The same way God forgave you.
Because we know that
when the kindness
and the love of God, our
savior, when He appeared,
He saved us.
And not because of
some righteous thing
that we had done,
but because of His mercy.
- Preach.
- So always remember
to pray first
and to think before reacting
because God is always watching.
You too.
You guys have a blessed weekend
and I will see you next Sunday.
- That was good, ready to go?
- Yep.
- Hey, Brother Calvin,
you have a minute?
- Sure.
- How's everything going?
- Everything's fine.
- And Sister Janice?
- She's fine.
Is there something particularly
you're trying to ask about?
- Well, it's just,
I haven't seen her
over the past few
weeks, and you know,
church attendance is everything.
- Well, she's fine.
I guess she just wanted
to take a little break.
- A break from church?
- Yeah.
- Well, now you know
God don't want us
taking breaks from church.
- Well, you know Janice.
Janice does what she
wants when she wants.
At least Joy and I
here every Sunday.
- Daddy, daddy.
Church is like school?
They take attendance too?
- Well look at Joy, asking
about church attendance already.
You gotta catch 'em
while they're young.
And yes, attendance in
church is very important.
- Why?
- Well, when you miss church,
you're missing valuable lessons
directly from God's teaching.
- I have two teachers,
Ms. Anderson in school,
and one at church.
- You have four teachers,
your teacher at
school, your pastor,
your mom and I.
Oh, speaking of your mom,
I think we better be heading
that way pretty soon.
Pastor, have a great week.
See you next Sunday.
- Alright, and make sure
you bring the Missus.
- I won't forget to invite her.
Now whether she comes or not,
that's totally up to her.
Have a blessed day, Pastor.
- Alright, you too.
Stay blessed, brother.
- Yes sir.
- Praise God.
- Great service, right?
Great work.
- I'm so
glad you enjoyed it.
This is my grand-baby, Summer.
- How're
you doing, Summer?
- Is that your real hair?
- No, it's extensions.
- Why do you wear
extensions every day?
- Because I like them.
I don't ask you why do you
wear your hair like that?
- I know why.
She doesn't have any hair.
- Is that the reason,
- God says we shouldn't judge.
- God says, say it with me--
- God says
we shouldn't judge.
- But we're not judging.
We're stating facts.
You don't have hair.
Just because I have
braids doesn't mean
I don't have hair, Sarah.
- Yes it does.
- No it doesn't.
- Hey, Mr. Nelson.
- Hey Ms. Brown.
Hey Joy.
- Hi Dad.
- Where's the joy today?
- It was okay until Sarah and
Annie started teasing me again
about my braids.
- Maybe they like
your hairstyle,
but just don't know
how to show it.
- They don't like it, dad.
They were making fun of me
of wearing my
braids all the time.
- Well, they don't need to
come to your party then.
We want friendly, happy
kids at your party.
Not troublemakers.
- What's funny?
- They are
troublemakers in school.
How did you know that, dad?
- Oh, I've had my fair share
of troublemakers in life.
Unfortunately, it
won't be your last.
So are you inviting
them to your party?
- No.
I didn't invite Sarah or
Annie to my birthday party.
- Hey, don't forget
your backpack, honey.
- Can we stay in the
car a little longer?
- Why?
- I'm scared.
- Scared, of what?
- The dog next door.
- Oh, she's harmless.
- She chases me every
time I get out of the car.
Like she's on a mission.
- She doesn't want
to attack you.
She's a friendly dog.
Joy, will you get
out of the car?
- Okay.
Did you see that Dad?
She's trying to attack me.
Why can't she stay in her yard?
- She's not trying
to attack you.
Get in there.
- Okay.
Even if I'm far away, I
think about you every day
And now I just
wish you could stay
For another week or two
I'd take you wherever
you want, girl
- I'll get it.
- Thanks for managing
the door, Brittany.
- You're welcome.
Oh, Joy, let's play a game.
- What game, Brittany?
- The game we always play
- Honey, I told you I didn't
want a lot of guests showing up
to Joy's party, but more
and more are showing up.
- Can you not?
It's Joy's party.
That's why more
people are coming.
- I hear a certain
little one's celebrating
their seventh birthday.
- Auntie Kay.
- Hey Joy. Happy birthday.
Here, I have something for you.
- What is it, Auntie Kay?
- Do you wants your Auntie
Kay to tell you what it is?
- You go put that gift with
the other gifts and go play.
- Thanks Auntie Kay.
I love you.
- Oh, I love you too, Joy.
Hey big bro. Hey Janice.
- Hey sis.
- Hey, Kay.
I didn't think you
were gonna make it.
- I wouldn't have missed my
niece's party for nothing.
- You're such a spoiler.
- Now, the rest of y'all's
that's a different story.
Whoa, she had a
really nice turnout.
- Too many people.
I specifically told Janice
not to invite a lot of people.
But you completely
disregarded what I said.
- Well, I mean, I didn't mean
to start anything, but...
- Look, Calvin, I'm not
having this conversation
with you now or later.
This party will go as I plan.
- Sweetie, are you having fun?
- Yes.
- But are you my mom happy?
- Of course.
Mommy and daddy are just having
a little conversation right now.
- About my party isn't it?
- Now you go finish
playing with your guests.
- Yeah, go have fun.
We're fine.
- Okay.
Mommy, are you
excited like I am?
- Of course she is.
The party's going
just as she planned.
It's your special day.
Now go have some fun.
- Are you happy now, Calvin.
Thanks to you, Joy's upset now.
- Who's ready to sing
"Happy Birthday?"
May God bless you
in whatever you do
May God bless you
May on your dreams come true
Which one do you wanna open?
- That one?
- Okay.
A phone.
Oh wait, who am I gonna call?
I don't have anyone's number.
- I'm sure you'll find
someone to talk to.
- How about you open
up your next gift.
- This is the best
gift ever, Auntie Kay.
- You really like that phone?
Now, I don't know
who you gonna call,
but how about you open
up your other gifts.
- Can I open my gifts
later and go play?
- Sure you can.
- Alright!
- Calvin.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Thanks for inviting us out.
We really had a good time.
- Absolutely, have
a great night.
- Thank you.
- Yep.
- Hi, God, it's me, Joy.
Thank you for making
this the best birthday.
Please bless my
dad, my mom, and me.
Oh, and my auntie Kay
for giving me this phone
so I can talk to you.
And don't forget to wake
us up tomorrow morning.
- Just like I thought.
- Just like you
thought, what, Calvin?
I can't believe
you still running
around here fussing about
your daughter's party,
which was a success,
if I may add.
- We had way too
many guests, Janice.
But you won't admit it
because that's exactly
what you wanted.
- It's not about the
number of guests.
It's about Joy's happiness.
- Why did a 7-year-old
need to invite
so many kids to a party?
We will not be throwing
enormous parties
like that every year
- Until Joy is 18,
her parties will always
be planned my way.
And the sooner you get
that through your head,
the better off we'll be.
- You want to throw
these extravagant parties,
then you handle the aftermath.
I am done for having a
clean up after everyone.
And you've got the nerve to
be laying in bed, relaxing.
- Hi God.
It's me, Joy.
I don't think Dad was happy
about my birthday party today.
They argued a lot.
A whole lot.
Please make them stop fussing
and be kind to each other.
- No help from you whatsoever.
- Are you done?
- Good morning, Joy.
- Who is that 7-year-old
big girl in my kitchen?
Joy, what's wrong?
- I thought my birthday
party would be special.
- It was special.
- No it wasn't.
- Why do you feel that
it wasn't special?
You had a lot of
people that came out
to your party to celebrate you.
- 'Cause I heard
you and Dad arguing
about too many people
being here the whole time.
- Your dad just has some
things to get used to,
don't you, dad?
- Joy, you know your dad has
never lied to you before,
and I'm not about to start now.
Dad felt like--
- Calvin don't.
- There were way too many
people at your party yesterday
and that was a discussion
between mom and dad.
We didn't mean to upset you.
- If you hadn't made
such a big deal about it,
she be sad this morning.
This is all your fault.
- Let's go, Joy, so
you won't be late.
Grab your backpack, your
lunchbox, and let's go.
- Learn something
new today, baby,
and have a great day.
- Okay, I will.
- Bye, mommy.
Especially if Sarah and Annie
don't come to school today.
- I know, right?
Reading that was super-cool.
That story was awesome.
- Look, Annie, her
hair's in the same style.
- Are you surprised that's
the only style she wear?
- Don't you guys have
something better to talk about?
- Yeah, a new hairstyle for you.
- God, please make
them stop teasing me.
- Let's go.
- Today we'll be talking
about exploring change.
Change means when
something becomes different
or something new happens.
For example, has anyone
seen a caterpillar
change into a butterfly?
Can anyone else give me
an example of a change?
- We used to live
in an apartment.
Now we live in a house.
- Yes. Very good.
That is a form of change.
Anyone else?
- If Joy changes her hair
from braids to another style,
would that be a form of change?
- Yes, that would be a change.
But Sarah, that's not
the form of change
that we're exploring today.
Okay, who wants to
help pass out homework?
Thanks, Joy.
Tonight, your homework
is on critical thinking.
I want you guys to
use your imaginations
and write out two ways
in which it can change.
You can even draw pictures
to make it more fun.
Now you guys are dismissed.
- What's wrong?
- That dog. She's so mean.
She's always chasing me.
- That dog is not
- I have to run
back to the office
to grab a file I've
been working on.
I'll be back shortly, okay?
- Okay.
- Well, Joy, don't
get too comfortable.
I need to run to the store.
- Can I stay here, please?
- No, you're too young
to stay home by yourself.
- I promise.
I'll go in my room
and lock the door.
I won't come out
until you return.
- Don't be silly.
The answer is no.
So let's go.
- Okay.
Unlock the car, mom.
- Hello?
- Hello, Calvin?
This is the Pastor.
I was calling to check
in with Sister Janice.
- She's not here
right now, Pastor.
- Okay, well let her know
we miss seeing her at church.
- Daddy, we're back.
- Oh wait, Pastor, you are
in luck, she just walked in.
Hold on a second.
It's for you.
- Hello?
- Hello, Janice,
it's the Pastor.
How are you?
- I'm well, and you?
- God is good.
Is everything okay?
- I'm fine.
Did you need to
speak back to Calvin?
- Actually, I wanted
to chat with you.
I haven't seen you in church
over the past several weeks.
- I can't be missed, Pastor.
You have a whole congregation
to keep you busy.
- That's true.
But when members' attendance
start going off course,
I need to find out why.
Is there a reason why you
haven't attended church?
- I appreciate your
concern, Pastor,
but I'm just not in the
mood for church right now.
- Oh, I see.
That's more reason for
you to join us every week.
You know, church can
be a source of comfort
and strength during
challenging times.
- I never said I was facing
anything challenging.
You know, okay, thank
you for calling, Pastor.
- Well, our doors
are always open
if you need to talk.
Will we see you Sunday?
- I'll try.
Alright. Bye-bye.
- Hi God.
It's me, Joy.
My mom talked to
the pastor today
and I can tell she wasn't
very happy with him
or my dad for giving
her the phone.
Do you know what's
wrong with her?
Please touch her with kindness.
- Why did you put me on a
spot like that the other day?
- Like what?
- With our pastor?
- Well, he is our pastor.
- Exactly, at church,
not in my kitchen.
- Do you even hear
yourself right now?
- The question is,
do you hear me?
Don't do that again.
If I wanna speak with the
pastor, I'll contact him
until then, all his future
calls are for your ears only.
- What has gotten into you?
You're short-tempered with me.
You're not attending church,
and now you are rude
towards the pastor.
We used to be a team, Janice.
- If I don't wanna sit here
and listen to his lectures,
what makes you think I wanna
sit here and listen to yours?
- God.
God, I know prayer unlocks
the door of patience.
So I'm praying.
I'm praying that you
unlock those doors
of patience right now, Dear God.
Please, unlock those
doors of patience.
- Daddy, you pray by yourself.
- I do.
We all should pray to God,
whether we're by ourselves
or in a group.
- Can I tell you a secret?
- Sure you can, sweetie.
- I pray to God too.
- Aw, that's nothing to be
ashamed about, sweetheart,
and I know God is
very happy with you,
- But he doesn't
tell me he's happy.
Does God only talk to adults?
- Oh no, sweetie.
God is here for everyone
and he talks to us in
his own unique way.
He has the whole
world to listen to.
He'll get to your prayer soon.
But remember, you
must keep the faith.
- I love you daddy,
and I love mommy too.
- And how much do we love you
- This much.
- Amen.
- Mom.
- Yes.
- Did kids ever tease you
when you were in school?
- I faced my fair share
of teasing back then.
- You're so strong.
How did you deal with it?
- I didn't.
That's why I'm not taking
any crap off anyone.
- Honey, do you have
to use that word?
- What word?
- Crap.
- Joy's already dealing
with problems in school.
Now it's the time
to toughen her up.
She's going to hear and see
more than that in the streets.
- Then let her hear
it in the streets.
If Joy having issues at school,
our home should be a
positive place for her.
- Over the years, I have
learned that standing up
for yourself is vital.
- I wanna be just like
mommy when I grow up.
- You should want to be
like Joy when you grow up.
God wants us to
be like ourselves.
- Dad, I don't think God
would mind if I'm like mommy.
- That's my girl.
Hurry up and eat
your food, okay?
- Alright.
- You done?
- Yeah.
- Okay, go ahead and
get ready for bed.
- Alright?
- All right.
- You and I both know
that child doesn't need
to be following
in your footsteps.
- What's the problem now.
You wanna argue because
she wants to be like me?
- No, Janice, what bothered
me is that you couldn't handle
this conversation in a
more positive manner.
- We are having a dinner
conversation in our home,
not in our office group
counseling session.
- Hi God, it's me, Joy.
Can you get between
mommy and daddy
and stop them from
fussing right now?
I really want them to be happy.
Goodnight, God.
- Good morning.
- Good morning, how's it going?
- Good to see you, man.
- Hi God.
How come I'm the only one
my neighbor's dog chases?
- Hey honey, are
you ready to go?
- Yep.
- I don't wanna go to school.
- Are you feeling okay?
- Yeah.
- Then why don't you
want to go to school?
- 'Cause of Annie and Sarah.
- Honey, you're going to
have to learn to ignore them.
- Listen, I need
to ask a question.
How many of you have
ever prayed to God
and you felt like you
didn't get an answer?
That doesn't mean that God
doesn't hear your prayers.
Listen, the same way he enjoys
us coming into the house
of the Lord, he also
enjoys seeing us come
together in prayers.
Listen, I need you to get this.
In Matthews, the 18th
chapter, the 20th verse--
- Is Mommy coming to
church with us anymore?
- Of course she will, sweetie.
Just pay attention yo the pastor
so we don't miss anything.
- I'm there among them, meaning,
when two or more come
together in agreement,
whatever they ask will be done.
Listen, I'm your pastor,
so listen, sometimes we got
to think outside the box
and think of a more creative
approach to discovering God.
I mean, God made it very clear
in Matthews 18, didn't he?
- Are you okay?
- So listen,
I'm your pastor--
- Yes.
- So what I'm
encouraging you to do is--
- Are we going straight
home after this?
- Unless there's somewhere
else you would like to go.
- No.
- Circle and see what
it does in your life.
- Amen.
- Mommy, can we play dress up?
- Not now, Joy. I'm busy.
- Oh, daddy always
plays with me.
You never play with me.
- That's what daddies
are supposed to do, okay?
- Joy, I'll play with you.
- Yay.
- So what do you wanna play?
- Hmm, dress up.
- Dress up.
Okay, that sounds like a
lot of fun and easy to do.
I tell you what,
why don't you go
to your room and get dressed.
I'll go to my room
and get dressed.
- Okay.
- And we'll meet
up in the hallway.
- Alright.
- Alright.
- Daddy, are you almost ready?
- Almost.
- Okay.
On the count of three.
One, two, three.
- We did it, Joy, we look good.
- No, no, daddy, you
put on the wrong outfit.
- What do you mean I
put on the wrong outfit?
This is my dress up outfit.
- Church, not in the house.
I have to dress you now.
- Okay, go pick out my outfit.
Huh, that feels awkward
Are you finished yet?
- One second. No. Peaking.
- Okay.
Take a holiday
Where you hide away
- Three, two, one.
- Joy, what did you do?
- Dress up, daddy.
- Come here.
- Dinner's ready.
- Get back
- Joy, go wash your hands.
- Okay.
- I'm gonna get you later.
- Calvin, you look crazy.
Change your clothes before
you sit at the table with us.
- It's called playing.
If you spent more time with
Joy, you would understand
what parents would do for the
sake of that kid's happiness.
- Happiness, looking like that?
What is wrong with you?
We'll finish this
conversation later.
So now you're tired from running
around here earlier
looking crazy.
- Let it go, Janice.
I'm trying to go to sleep.
- I will not.
Did you think it was cute to
let our 7-year-old daughter
put a robe on you,
a wig on your head, and
lip gloss on your lips?
Do you know how to parent?
- Don't you ever question
my parenting skills.
You need to be
asking yourself that.
Or maybe you are
the one who needs
to be taking parenting classes.
Look, all she wanted
to do was play dress up
with her mom.
As in you, Janice.
You turned her down.
What was I supposed to do?
- What were you supposed to do?
I can tell you what you
weren't supposed to do,
and that was to not
let a 7-year-old put
a wig on your head
and lip gloss on your lips.
- Maybe if you learn
to set aside some time
to be more involved in Joy's
life, then maybe I wouldn't
have to play both
Daddy and mommy.
- Hi God, it's me,
Joy, and my dolls.
We're asking for miracles.
There are things going on in
my life that need to change.
Daddy and I played
a fun game today,
but mommy is so upset with him.
Please make mommy's heart nicer.
God, I know you can hear
them all the way in heaven
because there's
so loud right now.
Fix them, God, please.
Goodnight God.
- Years ago, men used to not be
as engaged in their
children's lives
and they would leave
everything to the mother to do.
And I'm making sure
that you're involved
in our daughter's life
and not leaving everything
on me to do.
- I could say the
same thing, Janice.
Years ago, moms used to
be extremely involved
in their little girl's
lives, no matter what.
I love Joy and I would
do anything for her,
such as you should.
But you wanna blame
me and punish me
for other dad's lack of doing.
That is not my situation
here and it'll never be.
- I know it won't because
I'm making sure of it.
- I am not tired of
doing everything for Joy.
But what I am tired of
is having to watch her
go through life as if
she only has one parent.
Look, Janice, you're here,
but you're not here
when it comes to Joy
and that stops right
here and right now.
Can't take this anymore.
- Where are you going?
Calvin, what are you doing?
Calvin, why are you
packing your clothes?
Calvin, what are you
doing, what are you doing?
Calvin, what are you doing?
Calvin, what are you doing?
Where are you going?
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
- I love you, Janice,
more than anything,
and I love Joy too.
That little girl's been
through so much prior
to us adopting her.
I can't continue to
have her watch us fuss
and fight every day.
So I'm leaving.
I'll be back for
my things later.
God, God blessed us, babe.
He blessed us with a opportunity
to raise that little girl,
our only child.
We will not fail Joy,
and most importantly,
disappoint God.
- Calvin, please,
please don't go.
I need you.
We need you.
Calvin, I'm sorry.
What have I done?
God, bring Calvin
back to us, please.
- Yeah.
- You wanna help
Mommy bake cookies.
- Ooh, cookies.
Yes, mommy.
- Come on.
You wanna put 'em in?
- Yep.
- Okay.
Good job.
Let's see if it's done.
- Yep.
Ooh, they smell delicious.
Be careful, mommy. It's hot.
Okay. Okay.
All right.
- Daddy.
- Hey sweetie.
- Do you want a cookie?
- I would love one.
I'll take one cookie from
you and a cookie from mommy.
- Alrighty.
Here you go.
- Thank you.
- I'm sorry.
- Joy.
- Yes.
- Hurry up, sweetie.
We don't want to
be late for church.
- Okay.
- You look nice.
- Thanks.
- Calvin, if you
gimme a few moments,
I can get dressed in, attend
church with you and Joy.
- Mommy, you're coming
to church with us too.
- Yes, baby.
- Yay.
- Take all the minutes you need,
But hurry up.
- All right.
- Joy?
- Hmm?
- You wanna give your hair
a break from these braids?
- Yeah, but how would I wear it?
- You have beautiful long hair.
You can wear it
out if you want to.
- Okay.
- All right.
Well, find something on TV
'cause we're gonna
be here all night.
- Okay.
Now we're all ready to pray.
It's time to pray now.
I need you right here
and I'm gonna pray with you too.
Hi God.
It's me, Joy.
I'm going to school
tomorrow with my hair out.
Please don't let Sarah and
Annie tease me about my hair.
Oh, God, guess what?
Mom is much nicer now,
just like she was when
I first moved here.
- Glorify, to give honor,
to exalt or admire.
Praise, to express gratitude.
To express how great
someone or something is.
What's all the
excitement about, class?
- Ms. Anderson,
look at Joy's hair.
It's so long and pretty.
- Yes, it is.
You kids don't miss a beat.
- Sarah and Annie, I see y'all
are not teasing Joy today.
Her hair is longer than
the both of y'all's.
- What do you mean by
that comment, Tania?
- Sarah and Annie
tease Joy every day
about her wearing braids
and not having hair,
but they're not
saying anything today
- As they shouldn't.
Let this be a lesson
to each of you.
I don't wanna hear anyone
teasing anyone anymore.
Joy, you have beautiful hair.
Sarah and Annie, apologize
to her right now.
- Sorry.
- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
As long as it
doesn't happen again.
- It better not.
And if it does, you
come talk to me.
- I am sorry we
teased you earlier.
Will you be my friend?
- Yeah, can you
be my friend too?
We didn't know you had hair.
Sure we can be friends.
I've always had long hair.
Just promise not to tease
me or anyone else again.
- We won't.
I learned my lesson.
- Yeah, me too.
- Hey, Ms. Anderson.
- Joy,
you're dismissed.
- Have a good day, guys.
- Oh, you too,
- Mom, mom, guess what?
- What is it, sweetie?
You got an A on your test?
- No, everyone
loved my hair today,
including Sarah and Annie.
They were surprised to
see how long it was,
and Ms. Anderson made them
apologize for teasing me.
- I'm so happy for you, Joy.
- I prayed and asked God
not to let them tease me.
- God is awesome, isn't he?
He used Ms. Anderson
to help resolve all
of your problems all
through your prayers.
All right, baby, let's go.
- Hey babe.
- You won't believe
the fantastic day
our little girl
headed school today.
- I'm all ears. What happened?
- Well, when I picked her
up, she was a live wire.
She was happy, excited, wouldn't
stop talking about her day.
She said that everyone was
shocked that she had hair.
I gathered they
assumed she didn't
have hair under those braids.
- Oh, our baby girl
has hair.
I'm so glad we adopted her.
That's one of the best
decisions we ever made.
- Me too, daddy.
- Me three.
And so the teacher made
the girls apologize.
- Hmm.
- I'm so glad that's over.
- They're all cool now.
- Nice.
- Yes.
Calvin, I am so sorry
for how I've treated you
these last few months.
You've been spending
so much time with Joy,
I just felt like I
was not important.
Like I was neglected.
And I responded to you
terribly, with no respect,
and no regards to your feelings.
I'm truly sorry.
Can you ever forgive me?
- Babe, I wouldn't be a man of
God if I didn't forgive you.
You are the best thing
that ever happened to me.
Even when you withdrew
from us, nothing changed.
Joy increased our family size.
She didn't replace.
You are my wife.
I vowed to love you for
better or for worse.
That was your worst.
I love you, Janice.
- Love you too.
- Ew!
- Let me show you
what's Ew, young lady.
Now that is Ew.
- I bet you won't do that again.
- Oh, you're right about that,
'cause from this day
forth, that is mom's job.
Do y'all hear me, ladies?
- We hear you.
- I am not gonna be scared.
I'm not gonna be scared.
God, please make that
dog stop chasing me.
Okay. Okay.
Aw, she just wants to play.
So cute.
I'm so glad you
guys can make it.
This is gonna be so much fun.
- I know, right?
I can't believe
Savannah came too.
I wouldn't miss
this for the world.
- It's Rae.
- That's UM to you.
Hey girl, hey, what is up?
- Where are you on your way to?
- Remember, I told
you I was gonna start
doing private lessons.
- Oh.
- Seven times already.
My first is what he get-o.
My first one is right here
in y'all's neighborhood.
- Hi, UM.
- You forgot her name?
- No, that's what
everyone calls her.
- I'm a dancer.
My street name is UM.
- What does it mean?
- It stands for Unique Moves.
- Can you show us
some of your moves?
- Now you know that's
right up UM's alley,
to whip out some dance moves.
- Don't be throwing no shake.
- Girl, whatever.
- My wife knows you.
- Joy, I would love to
show you and your friends
some dance moves and
I'll do it for free.
- How else were
they gonna pay you?
They don't have any money.
Girl, get on outta here.
- She's good. You'll see.
- Ready?
Five, six, seven, and one, two.
Hit the back and dig, dig.
Shake it.
Whew, okay, I'm
done for the night.
Watch out for that invoice,
because if they can't
pay me, you gotta pay me.
- Watch out for that invoice.
- Time for my other
lesson, y'all.
- See you later, UM.
- Bye, UM.
- Oh boy. That was cute.
- Mercedes, what's
that on your arm?
- It looks like a bump.
- Oh, that, I'm not sure.
It doesn't hurt or anything.
One day it wasn't there,
but the next day it was.
This was recent too.
Mom, Mercedes has
a lump on her arm.
- Where?
- Right there?
- Hmm, I don't
know what this is.
Has your mom seen this?
- Yes.
- Since your mom is monitoring,
I'm sure she's aware of it.
You see?
Hmm. It'll be okay.
- Let's finish playing.
- Okay, but first, let's pray
for your lump to go away.
God can do miracles if we
pray and believe together.
- Sure.
- I'll be right back.
- Okay.
- Hi God.
It's me, Joy, and
my friend, Mercedes.
I have a favor to ask you.
God, your Word says,
"For where two or three
"are gathered
together in my name,
"there am I in the
midst of them."
Well, Mercedes has a lump on
our arm that needs healing.
She doesn't know what it is,
but we want it to disappear
before it gets worse.
In Jesus' name. Amen.
- Thank you Joy.
No one has ever prayed
for me or my arm before.
Thank you very much.
- You are welcome.
- Hi, Mrs. Nelson.
- Hi Mercedes.
- Hi Janice.
- Hi Sharon.
- Is Joy around?
- Yes. Joy?
- Coming, mom.
- Mercedes!
- Hi Joy.
- What are you doing here?
- Joy, we couldn't
wait to rush over here
and thank you for praying
over Mercedes arm.
God heard your prayers
and healed that lump.
- Look, it's gone.
- Wow.
- Thank you Joy.
- I told you, Mercedes.
- Yeah, thanks, BFF.
- Wait, Joy prayed
over your arm.
- She's very good at it too.
We were so thrilled about
her lump disappearing
that we wanted to come
and show you in person.
- That's a miracle because
I saw it with my own eyes.
Oh wow.
- Our prayers were answered.
- Yes, so we have
to run some errands.
We gotta go.
- Bye, Mercedes.
- Bye, Joy.
- Bye-Bye.
- Bye guys.
- Bye.
- What is going on in here?
Room is a mess.
- Oh my goodness.
- You messed them up.
- Messed who up?
Your room was already
a mess, sweetie.
- My dolls, they're
supposed to be right there.
Where's my phone?
- Hey, hey, hey,
what's going on here?
- Joy's upset about
me moving her dolls.
- And my phone.
- Sweetie, I'm sure Mommy was
just trying to be helpful.
- I know, but--
- I'll put them back for you.
- No, I'll do it
- Honey, just let Joy
rearrange her dolls back
the way she had 'em.
- Okay.
And here's your phone.
- In
the North Bay...
- Mom, dad, can I
ask you a question?
- Of course, sweetheart,
you can ask us anything.
- Why did you choose me?
I mean, there were
so many other kids
who needed to be adopted.
Why me?
- Joy, we need you
to understand the
decision to adopt,
it's never about choosing
one child over another.
It's about finding that special
bond, a connection that goes
beyond anything else.
- But how did you make
a connection with me,
and we never met before.
- When we first
saw your picture,
we couldn't explain it,
but we felt an instant
connection with you
through your picture.
- And at that point,
we knew in our spirit
that God wanted us three
to become a family.
- But there were so many other
kids who needed families.
They would've been great too.
- You are right, Joy.
There are so many
incredible kids
that's deserving of loving
families just like you.
But the truth is, we
can't save every child.
All we knew is that we wanted
to give a child a home,
a loving family.
And when we saw your
picture, we knew immediately
that you were that child.
- Joy, we didn't adopt you
because we felt sorry for you
or because we thought
you needed us.
We adopted you because
we wanted you, Joy.
We wanted to be your parents
and to share our lives with you
and to give you the love and
support that you deserve.
- My baby.
Where you going?
Joy is truly a
blessing from God.
Her presence reminds
us of how family
and life should be, full
of love and laughter.
I'm eternally grateful unto God
for the gift of our daughter.
- I agree.
And to think, she could have
been placed somewhere else
- Or waiting for a
family to adopt her.
- It was God's plan.
It was her time.
Thank you God.
- I'm so glad you thought
about adoption when you did.
- It was the Holy Spirit.
- Was that the same Holy Spirit
that told you to marry me?
- Yes it was.
- Mom.
- Yes baby.
- Can we play dress up?
- Sure we can, but I
don't know what to wear.
- Can I dress you?
- I'm not liking this already.
- I'll get everything for you.
- Well, in that
case, I'm ready now.
- But me, no, I'd be walking
around here looking all crazy.
- Calvin.
- Yeah?
- I can hear you.
- Love you honey.
- Mom, I'll
be in there shortly.
- Okay sweetie.
Wait til Calvin sees me.
- Okay, mom,
are you ready?
- Joy's gonna dress
me up all pretty.
Ooh, don't you look pretty.
Is that my dress?
- Yeah, it's called
dress up, mommy.
- Oh well you look cute.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
- Now cover your eyes.
- Close my eyes?
- Yeah.
- Sweetie, I promise
my eyes will not get
in the way of you dressing me.
- Okay, but you
have to close them.
- I don't wanna close my eyes.
- It's too late.
I'll have to cover them now.
- Okay.
- Mommy, you're gonna
look so beautiful.
But first I have
to do your makeup.
- Alright, but promise
not to make me look crazy.
- Okay.
Going to fly away
- Is
that the foundation?
- Mm-hmm.
- Okay.
Where I can hide away
- Now time for lipstick.
- Okay, wait a minute.
Wait a minute,
what is on my lips?
Joy, you promised.
You're fired.
Life like summer
- Daddy, come here.
Where the sun shines like
- Whoa-ho, great job, Joy.
Now I must say, you made
mommy look way better
than you did daddy.
And I said to myself, watch
Joy make mommy look so pretty.
Like she's going out on a date.
Huh, you know what,
it's a great idea.
Let's go ladies.
- I say let's go right now,
but I need to see
what I look like.
- Good point.
- Alright.
Okay, hold the mirror.
Three, two, one.
- Oh my--
- You like it?
- Yes.
You promised to make
me look beautiful.
- You are beautiful.
- I look beautiful?
Aw, you know I'm gonna
get you back, right?
I am going to get you back.
Oh my goodness.
- Well, well, well,
who's looking crazy now?
- We going out?
What are we gonna do?
What are we gonna do?
What are we gonna do?
- Mom, can
I have your hand?
- Yes.
- Can I have your hand?
- Yes.
- Mom and dad, hold hands.
- Okay.
- Hi, God, it's me, Joy.
This time I have my mom and
dad praying with me today.
Thank you for making me
a part of their family
and for making our
home happy again.
We love you so much.
In Jesus' name.
- Amen.
- All right, let's go.
- I'm hungry, let's go eat.
- All right, come on.
- Hi, God, it's me, Joy.
Guess what?
Sarah and Annie don't
tease me anymore
and Mommy's heart
is much nicer now,
and I'm not scared of the
neighbor's dog next door.