My Sassy Girl (2024) Movie Script

Two years ago,
the love of my life and I
buried a time capsule here.
We vowed to see each other
again on this day.
- Fourteen...
- Sir, sir.
Sir, can we just count from three?
It's taking too long.
It's like we're fooling around here.
The world might end soon and
we haven't taken this photo yet.
Okay, sir.
Alright. Thank you!
Just a sec!
Hello, Auntie?
[on the phone] Hello?
Junjee, where are you?
I'm just getting my ID picture taken.
I'll go there after.
[on the phone] Oh, okay.
You know, there's this young lady
I'd like to set you up with.
She's pretty and nice.
Anyway, tell you more later.
See you!
Sure. See you, Auntie.
Okay, bye!
Okay, I'm ready, sir.
Three, two, one!
My name's Junjee, by the way.
Ever since I was a young boy,
my mother would dress me up like a girl.
That's how badly she wanted a daughter.
I was seven when I finally
realized that I was a boy.
My mother was really strict.
That's why I'm very obedient.
So when she says...
"Keep an eye on the rice, or else..."
I'll keep an eye on it for sure.
I was really young
when my father left us.
That's the reason why I take
extra care of my mother.
I want to give her a comfortable life.
That's why I moved to Manila
to take up a degree in caregiving.
My plan is to fly to Canada
for work as soon as I graduate.
Then mom and I will
move there for good.
Are you being gentle?
Very good, Mr. Karion!
- Keep it up!
- Thank you, sir!
Oops, we'll do
the same thing again.
Shower time!
Just a little bit and... voila!
You're fresh again!
My baby is fresh now.
My baby...
Hey! Stop that!
- You were there all this time?
- Yes!
- What are you doing-- -
Come on, let's drink!
- What?
- Let's drink!
What are you talking about?
We have an exam tomorrow.
And you know I'm not into drinking.
You're so lame!
You're all about studies,
all about your future.
Loosen up!
Find a girl to take care of!
I take care of my mother,
and JL, my plant.
Now go on. Drink by youself.
I will only get distracted
by those things.
I dont want to be miserable.
You're so boring.
Hey stop! That's my snack.
Just give me some.
Junjee, did you go to your aunt?
Oh, not yet.
I had a lot to do.
But I got to talk to her already.
I'll go to her later.
[on the phone] Hurry up!
She cooked dinner for you!
Give her a break.
She's still grieving.
You're the only one who
can cheer her up.
Yes, I will go to her
after reviewing,
and after I get rid of my visitor.
[on the phone] I'll rip your head off!
Yes, okay. Bye, Mom.
Yes, Auntie. I'm on my way.
Yes, I'm sorry about that.
Don't worry. I'm on the platform now.
See you in a bit, Auntie.
Bye, bye.
Baby 2021, let's make a heart!
As long as we can
poke each other first!
Okay, fine!
Why can't I be that lucky?!
Flirting all day.
You're not meant to be!
Where is that train?
It's taking so long.
She's quite beautiful.
- Where the hell is that train?
- She looks like a heartbreaker though.
Where's the train?
They say that the last person
who rides the train...
gets to move on.
That is why I'm getting on the train.
This girl is nuts.
Oops! Seat taken.
Hey, baks! Get up!
Let the old man sit.
I'm not gay, just raised
by my grandma.
I don't buy it.
Don't wait for me to
pull those bangs out.
- Stand up! Give up your seat.
- Fine!
Get out!
Thank you, dear.
You know your manners.
Thank you.
- Hi, love.
- Oh!
My love?
My love.
She's embarrassing to be with, huh?
- Is she your girlfriend?
- She's not my girlfriend.
Your girlfriend just puked on me!
And you're not going to do anything?!
Fix this!
She's not my girlfriend.
Then why were you flirting a while ago?
Just because she did
something embarrassing,
you're denying her now?
- Help me.
- Shame on you. Clean that up!
- That's right!
- Help the old man!
I got it. I got it!
He's bald!
- You're so rude!
- I'm so sorry!
Why are you putting it back?
Can't you see Im bald?
I'm so sorry. I'll clean it up.
[sobbing, clamoring]
I hate my life.
Why did I get dragged into
this drunkard's problem?
What will I do with her?
I can't leave her here.
Something might happen to her.
What room would you like?
If you're into diving,
try our Deep Blue Sea room.
If you're in the mood for screams,
try our Haunted Forest room.
Want something scary?
The Vampire Bite room is perfect for you.
Or how about our Space Action room?
It'll take you out of this world!
- We also have--
- Any room will do.
Miss, Miss, hold still.
Pay up. 2500 pesos.
What? How much?
2500 pesos!
That's already a five-star hotel's rate!
Find another hotel then.
Piss off.
Count it.
Your key.
- Head straight.
- Where?
- Go straight then turn left.
- Thank you.
Did you hear that?
He calls her "Miss."
Seems like they dont
even know each other.
Why would he bring her here then?
I'll do it. I'll do it.
Ouch! Hello?
Miss, what the hell?!
I really hate my life.
I just wanted to help.
I'll just take a bath then go home.
Hey, a bathtub.
Nobody move!
- Hands up!
- Up!
Sir, I... I didn't do
anything wrong, sir!
Put your hands up!
Hurry up.
What's his case?
I gave too much love, sir.
- Alright, get his details.
- Name?
- Joko, sir.
- Hello?
Why is luck never on my side?
I don't have any vices.
I'm a loving son.
I ranked first in conduct
class in high school.
And now I'm in jail?
Just because I wanted to help?
Hey! What's your case?
I think his case is sexual assault.
No way! I only
helped a drunk girl out.
We heard that reason before!
Sir! Sir!
Hey, stop it!
Hey loser, the girl called.
You're free to go.
Come on.
Hello, Mom?
What have you been up to, Junjee?
When do you plan
to go to your Auntie?
Im really pissed now!
I'll call you back later, Mom.
I'm a little tired.
Come on, Mom.
Stop bothering me.
I said I'm tired.
I came from a scandal last night...
because I helped out a drunk girl
who even vomited on me.
They took me in
for sexual assault, Mom!
That girl deserves to
get punched in the face!
When I see her, I swear
I'd give her an uppercut.
What uppercut are you talking about?
The number you dialed
is not yet in service.
Please try again later.
You can't fool me!
Hello, Miss?
Are you that girl?
I'm that girl you almost
took advantage of last night.
Do you want me to
take this to the public?
No, Miss. I can explain.
Oh, you definitely will.
Or else, I'll make you insta-famous.
Walwalan Food Park.
8 PM. Be there.
You're Junjee, right?
What did you do to me last night?
Explain yourself!
Miss, what's up with you?
You're crazy!
The nerve for you to lie!
You look like a freaking lamppost!
What did you do to me last night?
Tell me! Tell me!
Who are you?
- Miss!
- Hey! Calm down!
It was you, I'm sure!
No, Im a lesbian!
What did you do
to me in the motel?
That wasn't me, Miss.
I'm a lesbian!
- What did you do?
- I said that wasn't me.
I didn't bring you to a motel.
- Explain yourself!
- Miss! Miss!
Mind your own business!
Speak up! What did you do to me?
- You know me!
- I don't know you!
- Miss! That's enough!
- Why are you meddling?
Miss, it's me. Junjee Karion.
I'm the guy from last night.
Here's your menu, ma'am, sir.
I'll have one iced tea and then...
What iced tea?
I'll kill you.
Coffee, to keep you on edge.
Sir, well get two cups of coffee.
Pay for it.
Pay for it.
Hurry up!
Thank you, ma'am, sir.
So what? Explain yourself.
Uh... 'cause... you...
- Talk properly!
- As I was saying,
I saw you on the
platform swaying around.
You almost fell on the tracks
that's why I pulled you away.
I actually saved you.
Then when we rode the train,
you vomited on a passenger.
I was so embarrassed.
Then you passed out,
that's why I took you to a motel.
You also vomited on me there,
so I had to take my clothes off.
You vomit too much.
Why dont you just admit that you
wanted to take advantage of me?
No way!
I'm not that type of guy, Miss.
I was just concerned for you.
I can't just leave you there.
Just admit that you have a crush on me...
that's why you brought me to the motel!
What the heck?
It's you!
You were the one
who called me, "My love..."
"My love... My..."
Stop it!
This girl is too much.
I already got into trouble for her
and she's the one taking offense.
I should show her
who's the real man here.
Are you sure you're telling the truth?
Sure as hell!
I'll knock you out!
- What did you say?
- Ouch!
I'm kidding! I'm kidding.
We're good!
Here's your order, ma'am, sir.
When she's sober,
she's actually really beautiful.
Miss, are we good?
Oh yeah, we haven't formally met.
I'm Junjee.
You're Sheena, right?
do you know you're prettier
when you're not drunk?
Are you flirting with me?
You're not my type.
By the way, why did
you get drunk last night?
Are you going through something?
That's none of your business.
And why would I tell you?
I don't even know you.
Come on, share it.
I don't want to tell you.
I don't want to.
He left me.
Have you experienced
being abandoned before?
Have you?
Doesn't it hurt?
It hurts here.
Like a knife through the heart.
Crushed my soul.
Have you ever felt that?
Nothing lasts forever!
When I count to three,
I'll be able to forget you.
Two and a half...
Two and one-fourth...
Miss, you should stop drinking.
I think that's enough.
Don't get in the way!
Mind your own business!
Here, drink! Drink up! Hurry!
My ultimate weakness
is seeing a girl cry.
I hate seeing girls cry.
All my life, I always see my mom cry
especially when my father left.
A beautiful face like that
shouldn't ever be seen crying.
Did you sneeze on it?
Just because something is broken
does not mean it's not beautiful.
You're one of a kind, Sheena.
Poor girl.
It's funny.
Weve only just met yet weve
been to a motel twice already.
And we're not even a couple.
This is how our story began.
it's hard to be a caregiver.
However, it is also fulfilling.
So I'll tirelessly remind all of you...
all the qualities of a caregiver.
of a care--
Let's go.
Let's bounce.
Hey! What are you doing here?
- Gentleness...
- Come on, let's go.
He won't see us sneaking out.
I can't. I still have
another class...
besides I'm not allowed to cut class.
You're so hard to convince!
Let me teach you a lesson.
- Come on! While he's not looking.
- I don't want to.
Dude, dude...
Is she your girlfriend?
That was quick!
You're a legend!
Let's go! Come on,
while he's still busy.
I said I don't want to!
- You wimp.
- Get out of here.
Stop pretending. Come on, let's go.
- He won't see you.
- Later!
You're so annoying.
I'll kill you!
Mr. Karion, what's going on here?
And you, Miss?
- Who are you?
- Sir, I don't know her.
What are you saying? Liar!
I really don't know her, sir!
She's crazy!
I'm pregnant!
- What?
- Huh?
For two months now.
And he is the father...
and he doesn't want
to take responsibility for it!
Hey! Stop it.
That's not true!
Mr. Karion,
is this for real?
That's why I'm here
so that we can talk...
since he does not want
to own up to what he did.
You've gone mad.
- That's not true, sir!
- I'm also pregnant!
- What?
- I thought you're just bloated.
I'm pregnant!
And the father of this child
also left me.
So I get you, Miss.
Fight for your child!
I'm part of an organization...
that continues to actively fight
for women's rights.
We will not be silenced!
For the women!
For the women! For the women!
For the women! For the women!
Don't worry, man!
I'm here for you, okay?!
- I'm here for you!
- Me too!
I, too, was raised
by a single mother.
That is why I understand
what she's going through.
Baby, did you take a nap already?
Mommy's here.
Baby, have you eaten?
Here, have some of my milk.
Ouch! Baby, wait.
Hold still.
Stay here. You know
how difficult life is.
Your grandfather is sleeping.
You should study hard!
Because it's not easy to earn
for your tuition fee.
Life is already tough as it is,
not to mention your grandfather is sick.
And where do you think you're going?
Wait! You left your towel.
My child, wait!
My child!
Look both ways, my child!
No! Dad!
My son!
Oh, please.
Piece of cake.
So, Junjee Karion.
- Sir?
- Take responsibility for your child.
No child should ever be fatherless.
Right, dad?
So, what are you waiting for?
You two should go and talk.
You're excused.
Thank you.
- Yes!
- Thank you.
- Come on.
- Congratulations!
Start thinking of what
to name the baby.
Congratulations, man!
Now, back to our lesson.
Sheena, wait.
Why did you do that?
Why did you have to make a story up?
You're too sensitive.
It's fine.
- I'm going to tell the truth.
- Let's go. Let's go.
Read this.
My short story.
Even if this girl tries to
put up such a tough exterior,
she has a soft side
from time to time.
- So?
- You're a writer?
I want to be.
But I teach piano lessons once a week.
But I'm starting to get bored.
I think I want to pursue writing now.
- Hurry, read it now!
- I'm on it.
- That's not where you throw trash!
- "The Return"
It's about a girl from the future...
from year 3021.
Who returned to the present time...
to rescue her one great love
from the kidnappers.
My love! My love!
Help! Help me!
Let go of my love!
No! Over my dead body!
That's right!
You can't stop us!
Don't hurt him!
Put down your weapon first.
Put it down!
Oh! A cutie!
Sheena, hold on!
They didn't kiss in the end?
Not even a hug?
You're too predictable.
Not all films have to end with a kiss,
a hug, or a wedding.
What do you think this is?
A clich?
This is an action movie.
You're out of your mind.
Believe me, that's what
people like to watch.
The romantic comedies.
The kinds that have
quotable dialogues like...
I loved you, I love you,
and I will always love you...
because that's what my heart says...
that I really, truly love you.
And there's no reason
as to why I love you.
I just do, I really do,
my love.
Then they kiss in the end.
Too sappy.
I said that's what
people like these days.
That kind that gets them giddy.
Can you repeat that?
Youre delusional.
I'm not kidding.
Don't you watch
those kinds of movies?
That's the trend.
The audience just loves it when they kiss.
Give me my script back!
Sheena, let's go home?
I still need to do some reviewing.
Do you think this lake is deep?
I don't know.
Jump in.
Let's find out.
I don't want to.
I don't know how to swim, Sheena.
Sheena! Help!
I thought I was going to die there.
Help! Help!
It's deep!
Come in first.
No need.
I'll go ahead, Sheena.
Come on, you don't
have to stay long.
No, I'm good. I have
to go home aleady.
Oh, please.
I won't return your phone
if you don't come in.
Let's go.
Come on!
I have your cellphone.
You have no choice.
Come in.
Sheena! There's a dog.
He won't bite you. Let's go.
But Sheena, the dog.
You're such a coward.
I said he doesn't bite.
He's a nice dog.
Now, come in.
Stop it! Browny!
Browny! Stop it! Browny!
You said he's a nice dog.
Here, have a drink.
Thank you, maam.
Sheena, have you called your aunt?
Not yet!
What exactly are your
intentions with my daughter?
I... Im...
- Son,
- I mean, I...
Are you okay?
Don't worry.
My husband's really nice.
Hes only hit six people
with his bolo knife.
- What?
- Six.
Ill tell you straight up.
I don't like you.
You're just wasting your
time with my daughter.
Pick someone who's at your level.
You don't know my daughter well enough.
I'll just message you when
we'll see each other again.
Sheena, I'm happy that
I met you and all but...
I'm really busy with my studies.
I need to do well so that I can
work abroad and earn enough.
its best that we don't
see each other for now.
I don't know why...
but when she hugged me,
I felt all her pain.
She's broken.
Too broken.
It's weird but I want
to help heal her.
Make her whole again.
What did you say?
Nothing. I said I'll see you again.
Alright. You should go
so you can catch your train.
It's my birthday on Monday.
Surprise me.
If I don't get surprised,
you're dead to me.
What can I do for her birthday?
Should be something fun.
Oh, I know!
Pat's brother works in Sky Ranch.
I'll pay him two thousand pesos,
so we can have the theme park
all to ourselves when it's closed.
- One thousand!
- Yes!
- Two thousand!
- Yes!
Then at exactly an hour
before her birthday,
the lights in the park
will turn on one by one.
Come here!
We'll run and hide.
I'm a tiger.
Oh you!
Hey! Stop that!
We'll dance and have fun.
By the carousel, Ill put my hands up!
That will be the signal
to light up the fireworks.
She'll be happy,
then she'll hug me.
And that will be her best birthday ever!
She'll be happy again!
You never know, she might
even give me a kiss.
Thats right!
She'll love my surprise.
You better make sure
your plan will work.
Or else, you'd rather
wish you're dead.
I'm sure you'll love my surprise, Sheena.
This will be your best birthday ever!
You'll like it. I promise!
You better.
Hey kid!
What are you doing there?
That isn't a sketchbook!
Stop it!
Where's your parents?
Don't you know that's vandalism?
Calm down, he's just a kid.
Miss, is that your boyfriend?
He looks like shit!
- Where's your manners?
- Let him be!
He's just a kid.
I was just going to scare him.
You just said he's just kid.
You're right.
Don't pay attention to him.
I thought of something.
- Let's play a game!
- Sure!
Do you see that line the kid drew?
If a left foot steps over it,
one point for me.
- Okay.
- If it's the right, a point for you.
Alright. Game.
What's the prize?
A kiss?
I don't want to, but...
It's just a game anyway.
Kiss? What if I hit you on the face!
Youre trying to take advantage of me?
Oh come on, I took my shot.
What kiss? I don't want a kiss.
The loser shoud be punished.
You said prize, didnt you?
- A consequence?
- Oh I know!
A slap!
I agree!
That'd hurt.
Besides I can't hurt you. Come on.
You're being dramatic. Slap me!
- I don't want to hurt you.
- I can take it. Slap me.
If that doesn't hurt,
you get multiple hits from me.
- Okay, fine.
- A slap, okay?
Okay fine.
Okay, game. Here's one.
I'm right.
I'm left.
- That's left.
- That's right.
- Look. Left.
- Right. I'm sure.
It's left.
- Right.
- Miss, that's left.
- Left!
- Right.
- Here we go. Look.
- Right.
- Ouch!
- I told you, left.
That hurts!
It was left. That's the consequence.
- That hurts.
- Dont you get it?
- You're unfair.
- Left.
I didn't see it.
Pay attention!
The game is ongoing.
You're not being alert.
You're the only judge?
- Focus!
- Why is it like that?
The game is ongoing.
Keep up.
Round three.
There's more?
- Left!
- Right!
- Left!
- Right!
Hey! Ouch!
Wait! Ouch! Ouch!
Enough! You win!
Why didnt you hit back?
You had two points!
Play fair!
I did. I hit twice.
- Youre weak.
- You didn't notice.
You were on a roll.
What's wrong with you? Slap harder!
I did! I slapped you.
Fine. Last round.
Too many rounds.
For sure, you'll lose again.
I'm sure now.
What should we do now?
Are you ready?
Just warming up.
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
One, two, three...
- What was that? Is that how you slap?
- That was a slap.
- Make it harder. Slap me!
- There.
- Slap harder!
- That's how I slap!
- Harder!
- There. I even hit you on the head.
- Harder!
- There.
I said slap harder!
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Oh no, Lord help me.
Maam, I didn't mean to.
You did that on purpose!
I did not, maam.
- You ill-mannered young man!
- She dodged me!
- You did it on purpose!
- I was supposed to hit her!
- You did it on purpose!
- You might get a heart attack.
- You did it on purpose!
- Im so sorry!
- Hurry up!
- I said I'm sorry.
I didn't know it'd be traffic on the way.
Hey! Did you fall?
- Junjee, help me. This is too high!
- Get down!
Seriously, Junjee?
On my birthday?
Where are you?
Why don't you want to help me--
What's going on?
You two, come with me.
Get down!
- What's this?
- I don't know.
- Is this even part of your plan?
- Faster!
- Okay. Okay.
- Here. Wait one second.
- Go there.
- What?
- Quiet!
- Sorry!
I didn't know.
He came out of nowhere.
Sir, sorry.
I got permission
to rent this place.
- Well leave now.
- Shut up!
- Dumbass!
- Ouch!
It's just a bat!
Get in!
Sir, why do you have
to drag us into this?
Shut up, you two. Sit down!
You talk too much.
Is this your best
birthday surprise for me?
No, Sheena. I didn't know.
This wasn't part of the plan.
Are you guys dating?
No. We're just friends.
You can't fool me!
Friends dont flirt like that.
Are there friends that go out
together at this time of the night?
In a place like this?
You know, I had a girlfriend too.
We were together for four years.
She ended those
four years in four words.
"I don't love you."
When I came home from my
job assignment in Mindanao...
I found out that
she was with another man.
She's pregnant...
with some other guy.
I was hurt.
When I lost her,
I didn't want to live anymore.
I don't want to live.
You take care of your girlfriend.
Don't cheat on her.
If you like messing around, stop it.
It hurts...
I don't want to live anymore.
My life is pointless.
I don't want to live anymore.
Sir, calm down.
You'll blow your brains out.
Dont do that to your skull.
Do you think youll
win her back this way?
But I know she'll be miserable...
when she finds out
I killed myself because of her.
Her conscience won't be able
to handle what she did to me.
That's not true.
The day will come
when the pain is all gone.
How do you know?
Has this happened to you?
But I know the feeling of being
left behind by someone you love.
You wake up
and you go to sleep crying.
Sometimes, you still cry
even in your dreams.
Then in the morning, you wake up
with such a heavy heart...
because of the pain
that suffocates you.
You cant breathe.
But you force yourself to get up.
Then it becomes a cycle.
The pain never goes away.
Sir, sir, please let her go.
Just take me instead.
What if I don't want to?
Then let go of me instead.
Do you think we're just
fooling around here?
- What?
- No, no, sir!
Just please don't hurt her.
Hurt me instead.
Okay, Miss.
You're free to go.
Find a man who will truly love you.
Not like this fool...
who brings you to sketchy places.
No, sir. It's okay.
We can all go out together.
Just go,
or Ill kill him now!
Or I'll kill him.
Don't worry, Junjee...
he's not a bad person.
He won't hurt you.
Let's see each other outside, okay?
Go back.
- Sit down.
- I was just kidding.
Move! Move!
Men, secure the hostage.
Sir, negative.
Only one hostage is out.
Ma'am, stay here!
Sir, my friend is still inside.
We'll take it from here.
- There's still a hostage inside.
- Roger, sir.
Sir, sounds like the police are outside.
I know an exit by the carousel.
If you want, we can go
there so you can escape.
Let's go.
This way, this way.
Sir, let me go please.
I still have my hopes
and dreams.
Sir, I'd hate to see
all those go to waste.
Are you out of your mind?
Why did you take me this way?!
Theyre here!
- Hold your fire!
- No one will fire their guns.
Don't go any closer!
I'll kill him.
What do you want to happen, sir?
We'll do it.
I want my girlfriend.
Make her come here.
I'll give you one hour.
Or else, I'll kill this man.
And myself.
Let him go.
You fool!
- I said hold your fire!
- Do you think Im not serious?
I'm really going to kill this man!
I'll kill him.
I'll kill him.
I'll kill him.
Wait! Hold your fire!
That's enough!
If you really love your girlfriend,
you'll let her go.
Let her be happy with someone else.
Not everyone in our life stays, right?
That's just how life is.
But the world will not stop
just because you're hurt,
or because you're still hoping.
I know it hurts.
It really hurts.
Loving means getting hurt too, right?
But remember, everything has its end.
Just like what you're feeling now.
That gun will not save you.
Time will heal all the pain.
You'll be happy again when
you've accepted the fact...
that a lot of things in this
world is beyond your control.
Let go.
Because she did for a long time now.
You're the only one still holding on.
Please let go of Junjee.
Please don't hurt the man
that makes me happy.
Please, sir.
Let go of Junjee.
She's right.
She's right.
Wait! Wait!
you're lucky to have her!
Don't let her go.
- Let's go. Take him away.
- Come on!
Take him away.
Thank you, Sheena!
Sorry. I'm really sorry.
This isnt what I planned
for your birthday.
Come here, you dumbass!
Were just friends?
What should I have said?
A couple.
We are a couple now.
Even if all my plans for her
best birthday surprise failed,
it all worked out.
At least I got to know her more.
I know how important
I am to her after all...
and that I make her happy.
Oh, Sheena.
Time out!
[muffled chatter]
Let's take a photo.
Did you understand what I just said?
Let's go!
Okay, okay! Where next?
- Peace!
- Peace!
Just my luck...
When you're not looking for love,
love finds you.
Sometimes, she gets too physical...
but most of the time, shes fun.
So this is what it's like
to have a girlfriend.
- I've noticed she's no longer in pain,
- Alright, what's the next pose?
- Kiss my cheek!
- nor sad.
- You keep asking for that.
- She's slowly becoming happy.
Let's stay here. Come on.
Ive never felt this way before.
- We do this!
- Really? How?
- Hi Sir! Under whose table?
- Sheena Baltazar.
- Okay, let me check.
- Thank you.
- Good morning, ma'am.
- Good morning!
Sir, Ms. Baltazar isn't here yet
but I can take you to your table.
Is this Sheena?
Ah, yes.
That was only last year.
They're our regular customers.
They always dine here.
However, we never
saw them together again.
Ms. Sheena would always
come back here with roses,
which she puts on
the opposite side of the table.
She eats alone.
- Sorry, Im late.
- Have you been waiting long?
No, not really.
Ma'am Sheena, Sir,
here's your menu.
I'm good.
Thank you.
We'll have two orders of iced tea.
What iced tea?
I'll kill you...
Drink coffee!
Sir, we'll have two orders of coffee
then the usual order for two, okay?
Okay, ma'am.
Thank you!
I have a new script. Read it.
This time her story
is about a werehorse.
One scary werehorse.
With a horrendous form.
With fuming and ferocious eyes.
And hairy skin.
What's this? A film shooting?
- Who's in it?
- Stupid!
She's the superhero from the future
that came back to the present
to defeat all werehorses out there.
Oh wait, I'm a werehorse.
Super Sampal (slap),
the savior of all human race.
Super Sampal will destroy all evil.
Super Sampal!
Super Sampal!
Super Sampal!
I love you, Super Sampal!
We're enemies here, you fool.
Once again,
Super Sampal saves the day.
Super Sampal!
What do you think?
Super nice!
Stories like these will
break the box office.
Number one! Number one!
- Right?
- Yes!
I've noticed all your heroines
are always from the future.
You know, it's because
I believe in time travel.
The UFOs that we see
are actually time machines.
They're the people from the future...
that come back to the present.
Ah, that's why.
You know what Junjee?
I have a strong feeling that someday...
I'd meet someone
from the future.
- Future...
- Yes.
Good story, huh?
I really think all of my scripts
are meant to be movies.
Like it's meant for
the big screen. Right?
Bring it to some big time producers.
I don't know anything about that.
I don't know where to start.
What do you mean?
I don't know any producers.
So theres nothing you can do?
You read it for nothing then.
I guess I'm not special enough.
If theres nothing
you can do, then okay!
Another dream that will die.
Are there tears?
I feel like crying.
It hurts! So this is what it's like
to be disappointed.
Sheena, your dreams wont come true.
But I'm okay.
I can accept this.
Because that's life, right?
Give me that!
Let go.
- Sir...
- What is this? This isnt valid!
- Guard, please let me in.
- Where will I submit this?
Sir, my name is on the list.
You know how strict our policy here is.
- You don't have an appointment.
- Just five minutes.
Hey! Sir!
Oh my!
Sir, you're not allowed here.
- You do not have an appointment.
- Please, I just need to submit this.
- Guard, guard.
- Youre not allowed here.
Guard, just let him in.
Thank you, ma'am, sir.
To whom it may concern,
I'm Junjee Karion.
I just want to give these scripts and
maybe you could give them a chance.
Sure, sure.
We'll give it a read.
Thank you.
- Ma'am, thank you.
- Thank you.
- Maam, sorry!
- Oh my god!
Get out of here!
- I told you!
- Just go!
It's "Super Slapper" and "The Return"!
After that, I didn't hear
anything from any producer.
He's so demanding!
Today, class, I will be teaching you...
the right way of cleaning
our patients wounds.
First and foremost,
you have to talk to him nicely.
Grandpa, time to
take off your gauze.
If you feel any pain,
just let me know.
Through the use of a cotton ball
with sterile water...
we will remove--
Happy 100th day, my love.
So, I want to prepare
something special.
What do you like?
Throw it after use...
For me, I like it when someone
plays the piano for me.
How about you,
what would you like?
I'd like it if I'm given a bouquet
of roses in front of my class.
Alright. Game! I'll do it for you.
This is so exciting.
How exciting?
Like this. Ill take a video.
Now, whats next class?
Again, using sterile water...
we clean the area
around the wound.
Thank you...
for the flowers and
for coming to the recital.
Thank you also for
playing the piano.
Oh my gosh.
My feet hurt.
Let me carry you.
No, no, no.
Let's just exchange shoes.
I can't wear that.
I'll carry you instead.
No. Just give me your shoes.
- Please!
- No, just hop on!
But I said it hurts.
That wouldnt make a difference.
Let's switch.
I said I don't wear those things.
It looks painful.
- You're so dramatic. Nevermind.
- No, Sheena...
I said nevermind.
Okay. Fine.
See? It suits you.
- It's too small for me.
- Okay, let's go.
Let's go.
Wait... Ouch!
It hurts, Sheena.
- Let's go.
- I don't want to.
Let's go.
It really hurts.
I'm not kidding.
I don't want to go anymore.
By the way, I forgot
to mention to you.
Whenever it's our recital day,
I don't wear any underwear.
If you catch me,
I might show you.
Catch me if you can.
Hold on!
I brought high school
uniforms for us to wear.
Let's revisit our high school days.
Were cutting class tomorrow!
To cutting classes!
It's the first time
she drank without crying.
She didn't drown herself
with alcohol either.
Plus she seems to have
happier dreams now...
compared to the first time
I watched her sleeping in the motel.
I wonder if her heart
has already healed.
Was I able to help her move on?
Right here.
Here's our payment.
- Thank you.
- One second.
- Thank you, sir!
- Alright.
Oh no!
I forgot my keys.
In that brief moment she looked at me,
I knew her stares meant
something else already.
Wait, I'll get you an umbrella, Junjee.
- No, I'm good.
- What's wrong with you?
You take my daughter
home this late?
I'm sorry.
- Get in.
- Wait for the umbrella.
- No, it's really okay, Sheena.
- Wait for me.
You're with that Junjee again?
What kind of life
can that man give you?
Daddy, don't talk
about Junjee like that.
You don't know him.
Sheena, what's happening to you?
The way you talk to us isn't nice!
We're just concerned.
After that night, I never
heard from her again.
I don't know why.
Did I say something?
Did I do something that offended her?
This must be what they call "ghosting",
when the person suddenly
stops talking to you.
[on the phone] What's wrong
with you, Junjee?
Why have you been
dropping my calls?
I'm sorry, mom.
I just got busy.
You even forgot
about my birthday.
- I'm sorry, mom.
- Maybe she has already moved on.
I'll make it up to you.
Is she that happy that she
no longer needs me?
Is this a breakup?
Better question is,
was she ever mine?
Mr. Karion, are you okay?
Oh! Sorry, sir. Sorry.
What's happening?
You weren't like this before.
I just lack some sleep, sir.
I'm just worried.
Maybe she's out there
getting drunk again.
Getting into fights,
falling asleep who knows where.
She might be crying again.
[on the phone] Hello, Junjee?
Can you come here
to the restaurant?
What are you doing there?
What's up?
I'm on a blind date.
[on the phone] Just go here.
Make it quick.
[on the phone] Junjee?
Are you still there?
Answer me.
I'm also out on a date.
Yeah, right.
I'm not kidding. Swear.
Just be here
in 25 minutes, okay?
Just come over.
So you've heard, yeah,
my family owns memorial parks,
even parks in Visayas and Mindanao.
Our biggest one is in Bicol.
You know Id really love
to show it to you some time.
This is Junjee.
- Ivan.
- Nice to meet you, bro.
Nice to meet you.
Sir, here's the menu.
Get him an iced tea.
No. Coffee.
I'll have coffee.
So you're Junjee.
I've heard so much
about you from Sheena.
Youre hilarious, bro!
She says you two are
super best friends.
Super best friends.
Best friends.
Im just going to use the toilet.
Sheena! Sheena, wait.
What do you think of him?
He's okay.
He's attractive.
You? How was your date?
That was a joke.
I wasn't really on a date.
He's not the guy
who left you, right?
How'd you know?
You're dating someone new now,
so you should let go
of the past now.
Your ex-boyfriend
gave that to you, right?
He's the "F" in your life.
You wouldnt wear that
if youve moved on.
How do you expect to forget him...
if you're always
wearing that to dates?
How will you see your future
if youre holding on to the past?
If you're always going
to look at the past...
If youre still holding on to someone
who already let you go.
I feel bad for the guy, Sheena.
If he gets his hopes up too much,
he might end up so heartbroken.
Be nice, okay.
Don't scare off your date.
Listen to him, somehow.
Listen to him even just a little.
You can't always have your way.
Go ahead.
Where's Junjee?
Oh, he left already.
I like your friend.
Before he left,
he told me to memorize
these ten rules...
if I want to pursue dating you.
First, he said,
I shouldn't expect you
to be meek.
You really have a tough exterior.
Second, in drinking, you can
only have up to three bottles,
or else, you'll go wild
and pass out.
Third, when ordering in a restaurant,
don't order juice or iced tea.
You should order coffee.
Fourth, you should be ready
for physically-demanding games.
Fifth, on your 100th day,
bring her pink roses to class.
She'll like that.
Sixth, you have to learn
how to play arnis.
She's an expert.
Seventh, you should be ready
to go to jail for her.
I'm serious.
Eight, when she says she'll kill you,
don't take it seriously.
That's her way of showing her affection.
Ninth, exchange shoes with her
when her feet are hurting.
And lastly,
she loves to write.
Read her stories
and comment on it.
Here's my payment.
Thank you.
- Ouch! What the heck?
- Sorry!
Watch where you're going!
Miss, you're not allowed in here.
Junjee! Junjee!
Junjee, are you in the station?
Junjee, let's meet
by the stairs.
If you don't show up,
you're dead to me.
Junjee, let's talk.
Junjee! Junjee!
Dont be mad anymore.
Junjee, let's meet by
the entrance, okay?
You better show up or else...
Junjee, dont be mad.
Lets talk, please!
Let's meet, Junjee!
Miss, is he the one
you're looking for?
Why did you leave?
You didn't even say good bye?
I really didn't like my date.
My parents set that up.
I thought I knew her already.
Apparently, not enough.
What are you smiling about?
I was kidding!
I was kidding!
Thank you. Text me
when you get home.
Thank you!
This is it.
We've come to a point
where we have to decide...
what we really mean to each other,
where we are really headed.
I don't want to lose her again.
I think Sheena's there.
I'm here.
After that night,
she told me to write down
all my feelings for her.
I'm often scared of her, that's why
I can't say everything that I feel for her.
This is my chance.
I'll make sure that through this,
I'll be able to tell her everything.
Im just happy because I feel like
were both serious about this relationship.
As if we leveled up.
I feel this is a preparation
for a deeper relationship.
When I first met her,
I wanted nothing more but to help her
take away all the pain in her heart.
But now,
I don't think I can bear
the pain of losing her.
- Junjee.
- Yes?
Do you see that mountain over there?
That one?
Do you think if I shout from here,
somebody would hear me from there?
I guess so.
I'm not sure.
It's far.
Let's try it.
Go there then
I'll shout from here.
If you can hear me,
answer back.
You want me to go up there?
Junjee! Can you hear me?
How about this?
Can you hear me?
Junjee, thank you!
Thank you for your kindness!
I have no idea why you're so kind
to a mean person like me.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for everything.
I thought I was
ready to love again.
I'm not yet ready, Junjee.
It still hurts, Junjee.
I'm so sorry for
hurting you all the time.
I didn't mean to.
I just really cant give the love
you deserve right now, Junjee.
I'm really sorry.
I'm really sorry, Junjee.
You brought your letter?
Of course.
What's that?
A time capsule.
- Huh?
- Mhm.
I also wrote to you by the way.
Well put our letters
for each other here.
We'll meet again
after two years here...
at two oclock.
Then we'll read our
letters to each other.
Two years?
We won't see each
other for two years?
Maybe by then,
we'd know the answers.
Answers to what?
And why does it have
to take two years?
Why can't it--
Just trust me.
All my answers to your
questions are written here.
Two years.
That'll be fast. I can do that.
Two years.
Same place at two oclock.
After two years, we'd probably
have changed greatly.
Who knows, our feelings for
each other would grow deeper.
Maybe when we
see each other again,
nothing will
separate us anymore.
It's all good.
I'll wait here.
You can go ahead.
No, it's okay.
I'll wait for you to get in.
We'll see each other
after two years, okay?
Don't text nor call.
Control yourself.
I promise.
Don't cry, okay?
Me? Why would I cry?
I won't! You might cry.
- Here's the train.
- I'll help you.
- No, I got this.
- What?
Sheena? Sheena!
If you need me, I'm just here.
Even if you don't need me,
I'll still be here.
She said, if you love the person,
then let them go.
But man, it really hurts.
I waited and waited.
I thought two years
will fly by quickly.
But when you actually wait for it,
the longer it feels.
I miss her so much,
I thought of writing our story.
I posted it on social media.
It went viral
and the producers liked it.
- They want to turn it into a film.
- Congratulations!
- Sheena will like this.
- Congratulations!
A lot has happened.
I focused on improving myself instead...
so that she'll be impressed with me
when we see each other again.
Auntie! Junjee's here! Auntie!
I'm a licensed caregiver now!
I'm a different Junjee now.
All of this? It's for our future.
Just like what we
promised each other,
I returned to the tree
after two years.
Two oclock.
I waited
but she never showed up.
Hi Junjee.
How are you?
You know, I'm so happy
that I met you.
Im so lucky because you
always try to understand me.
But I need to confess
something to you.
My boyfriend and I never really broke up.
He passed away.
The night we met...
was his first death anniversary.
Actually, I tried
to find him in you.
I knew that was wrong
and Im sorry.
We also met in the train
when we were in high school.
Like you, he's very caring,
and loving.
By this tree, we planned
our future.
But all of that ended
when he passed away.
That's why when I pushed you
in the lake and saved you,
I was thinking of him.
Thinking that I had saved him.
When we were together,
I often meet with his mother.
She says she wants to
introduce me to some guy...
but fate wont allow it
because I'm not yet ready.
The night we met,
I came from this tree...
and prayed to him.
I asked him to let me go.
I think he heard my prayer.
Maybe that's why he
introduced me to you.
But the more that I fall for you,
the more that I feel
like I'm cheating on him.
That it felt wrong...
and I was not yet ready.
I went away so that
I can forget him.
Because if I don't set
myself free from this pain,
I'll end up hurting
more people in my life.
I will end up hurting you too, Junjee.
As you try to make me whole again,
while I'm slowly breaking you.
And that's unfair for you.
Because you are living
for the future,
while I'm here stuck in my past.
If I don't show up
after two years, Junjee,
that means I'm still not ready.
Why? Is there
something on my face?
Oh nothing.
You look like an angel.
Thank you.
You come here often?
This tree has a secret.
Me too.
This tree and I have a secret too.
I made a promise to
someone special to me before.
I told him wed meet
here after two years,
so we can read our
letters for each other.
But I never showed up.
I'm late by a year.
Poor guy.
Why didn't you meet with him?
I felt like...
those two years went too fast.
I wasnt ready yet.
Sometimes, I try to ask myself again...
if were really
destined for each other.
You know, dear,
sometimes you don't need
to look for destiny.
Destiny, itself, will come to you.
Destiny will help you
find each other again.
If you two are really meant
for each other,
even if you turn the
world upside down,
you two will still find
each other in the end.
You can't escape your destiny.
You know what?
I'll tell you the truth.
I've read your letters.
I told you earlier that this
tree and I share a secret.
Look at it.
Look closely.
Do you notice any changes
from the last time you saw it?
I can't tell.
I guess there is.
One night,
a lightning struck
this tree in half,
and it died.
A young man was so worried
about what happened to this tree.
He says we can't lose this tree...
because this is where he will
meet the love of his life again.
So he got a new tree
and had it planted here.
He even asked me if it
looks similar to the old one.
Because the girl
will be disappointed...
if she finds out
the old tree died...
and got replaced with a new one.
Hi my love...
I like you.
Actually, I love you.
Do you know that you're the first...
and surely the last woman
I'll ever love?
I'll choose you everyday.
Always remember, Sheena,
I'm here for you.
I don't have any news
on what Junjee is up to lately.
Last I heard...
is that he's planning to go
to Canada to be a caregiver.
Anyway, I'll leave you to it.
I still have a class to go to.
Thank you so much.
- Hi, Auntie!
- Sheena!
Sheena! You're blooming.
Aunt Lory, you haven't changed.
You even look younger now!
Thank you!
So how was Canada?
It was okay. I got to
take a break for a while.
I even got to take a short
course in scriptwriting.
That's so good to hear, Sheena.
Are you doing okay now?
Don't be sad.
I'm sure my son wouldn't
want you to be sad either.
Don't blame yourself
for what happened.
You had nothing to do with it.
Thank you, Auntie.
Anyway, I'm glad you're free now.
Are you ready to
go on a date now?
I'm not so sure, auntie.
There is someone
I'd like you to meet.
There you are! I'm so glad
you finally showed up.
I'm sorry again.
That's okay.
You're just in time.
I want you to meet someone.
You still look so cute!
Don't they look alike?
I've been wanting
to set you two up...
but this guy never shows up.
- Auntie, is she the--
- Have a seat.
When are you leaving for work again?
And to what country
are you heading to?
- Auntie?
- Where are you headed?
- To Canada, Auntie.
- Canada?
That's where Sheena came from.
She just got home.
When's your flight?
I'm no longer leaving, Auntie.
I'll stay here.
do you two know each other?
He's the man from the future
that I've been waiting for.
When I looked
into her eyes again,
I felt that she was whole again.
So am I.
She, herself, said...
that if you love someone,
let them go.
Simple as that.
But if she comes
back into your life,
she's all yours.