My Son Hunter (2022) Movie Script

"Celtic" is in the water,
Thanks, I needed that,
This is not a true story,
except for all the facts,
America at a crossroads,
a presidential election
looms as Black Lives Matter
protests around the country,
cry out for justice,
You're watching the nightly news
and tonight we have a special report
from the ground at one of those protests,
Terence, over to you,
I'm Terence Williams
on the field,
I'm here with Grace
Anderson and Ashley Porter,
two friends who told me they joined
the protest this evening,
Grace, what do you hope to
achieve by being part of this?
We want social justice, we want equity,
there's oppression, there's inequality,
We've got an orange man Tweeting
out of his ass,
It's his supporters that are
domestic terrorists and Nazis,
I think the question that everyone wants
to know is how are they all feeling?
No justice, No Peace!
One final question,
just how are you feeling?
How are we feeling? What kind of
question is that? We're outraged,
We want change! We want our voices heard!
Nazi Tump supporters!
There appears to be a fight
just brewing over to the right,
- Rachel?
- Cut away from Terence,
Cut away from Terence,
Thank you, Terence,
Well, as you can see,
there's some understandable passion,
but these are mostly
peaceful protests that
show signs of hope and
change for America,
Up next, you won't believe
what Donald Trump just tweeted,
This is the police, this is an
unlawful assembly, Please disperse,
This is the police, this is an
unlawful assembly,
Please disperse,
I think I got a viral video,
I'm gonna trend,
Let me see,
This Is the police, This is an
unlawful assembly, Please disperse,
- You can't post that video, Grace,
- Why not?
Because it'll make the protest look bad,
But everybody hates Trump supporters,
it's like justice,
Well, yeah, but it's bad optics,
Look, most people are too ignorant to
understand complex moral issues,
You have to withhold some things for their
own good, We choose truth over facts,
I suppose you're right,
I've gotta get to work,
I'll call you later,
Have a safe flight,
And Grace,
we're on the right side of history,
Right side of history,
Damn, I love that video, though,
My friends,,,
it's time
to fucking party!
Thank you, babe,
You did a great job tonight,
Hey Kitty, showtime,
Don't judge me, I'm doing this
to pay off my college debt,
Good evening,
For those of you who have not
been here before,
I'm Lorenzo,
my pronouns are he/him to you,
but she/her to your sister,
and that way everyone's
happy, aren't they?
I have a very special
treat for you all tonight,
We have a new star right
here in the red box,
Please, everyone, give a very,
very warm welcome, to Kitty!
Sorry, sorry, Good news, though,
We're gonna have to move the party
somewhere a little bit more private,
But you're all invited,
Lorenzo will give you the details,
Let's do this!
Let's do this,
John Belushi died in the next bungalow,
That's so sad,
Who's John Belushi?
He was a comedian,
He had some demons,
- Prick,
- Mm-hmm,
Get out!
Everybody out!
Party's over!
Get out, you freeloading fuckers!
Get out, Get out, Get out,
Go! Get out,
Oh, God,
Please, don't,
Do you wanna talk?
I wanna drive,
I'll be right back,
Yo, who are you?
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
You know me,
What the fuck?
Yo, good to see you,
We good now, okay?
You know me, Jesus,
2, 3, 4,
Are you okay?
I will be,
Actually, I am a royal fuck up,
Aren't we all?
You have no idea,
No one can fuck up the
way that I fuck up,
Tell me how I can help you,
I don't deserve help,
Why would you say that?
Do you know who I am?
Not really, they told me you were VIP,
All connected to the government,
Yeah, well my father,
everything he built,
his life, dreams and ambitions,
I just fucking ruined it all,
I'm so sorry for putting you through
this shit, you do not deserve it,
I've been through worse,
You are beautiful,
It doesn't matter what you've done,
I didn't do anything wrong,
My privacy has being violated,
Ever happened to you?
Sometimes, pictures,
Your family found out?
Your mom, your dad?
I don't give a shit about my dad,
That's sad,
I love my dad,
You got any brother and sisters?
I wish I did, but no,
My sister and my mommy
died in a car accident
when I was little,
I'm so sorry,
I just remember this hand,
in the hospital, it was my brother's hand,
he was four years old,
He was holding my hand,
he was just going,,,
I love you,
I love you,
I love you,
And then, it was just me, Beau,
and dad against everything,
against the world,
Was it hard growing
up without your mom?
Well, I didn't get a choice,
Dad remarried,
She's my mom, not my mommy,
And then every year
after the crash,
we go to this tiny little house in
Nantucket, 'Sconset Beach,
Just the family,
immediate family, nobody else,
And it's the only time I feel like,
um, it's the only time I feel like,
not throwing myself off a cliff,
It's not the same though,
since my brother died,
When did he die?
Four years ago, brain tumor,
I'm so sorry, It's horrible,
He, he was, you would've liked him,
He was the good one,
He was, uh, he was my best friend,
We did everything together,
He was like the conscience of
the family, And after 911, he,
he joined the National Guard,
And then he was an Attorney general,
And every single person
thought he was gonna be
the President of the United
States one day, everybody,
And now I'm all dad
has left from mommy,
And I just wanna make him proud,
I just, I want make him proud,
Oh, bingo, Fuck,
I'm the one, I am the one who brings
in all the deals, I am the one,
I'm the one that provides everybody a
future in this family,
Aunts, uncles,
they have futures because of me,
So what happened?
I'm a drug addict,
Ever tried rehab?
No, It doesn't work on me,
Tried five, six times, Doesn't work,
Isn't that like the first step to recovery?
Admitting your mistakes?
I did join the, the Naval Reserve,
but I was thrown out on my first day
of having too much cocaine in my blood,
I fucked up, Do you wanna
hear about another fuck up?
I do,
After my brother died,
the most enormous bender you
could possibly imagine,
And I,,,
divorce my wife,
and then I fall
in love,,,
with his wife,
His wife? How does that happen?
Well, no, no, It wasn't planned,
It was the grief,
You know,
grief brings you together,
And she was the only one who knew what
I was going through, So we just kind of,,,
Fuck up,
Do you believe everything in
life happens for a reason?
No, I believe shit happens
and we make our own destiny,
What's so funny?
my brother would never
have fucked my wife,
Let's go for a walk,
It would be nice if you
told me where we're going,
Oh, I am so sorry,
I'm not entirely sure yet,
Look, so you don't live up to your
parent's image of perfection, who does?
I sure as hell don't,
I hate my father,
He's a self-righteous,
judgmental prick,
He's everything that's
wrong with this country,
If he doesn't like me, that's his problem,
Is he rich and powerful?
Worse, he's a lawyer,
Oh, god,
You know, just because you don't live
up to your father's image of perfection
doesn't mean you have to
be so self-destructive,
What I told you before,
it's just the shit before the storm,
It's the coming hurricane
I can't tell you about,
Uh, can I help you?
How did you get in here?
Don't worry, honey,
I know these guys,
We're gonna need you to come with us, sir,
You just gimme a little minute to
freshen up and I'll be right with you,
Like father, like son,
You wait in the bungalow,
I'll be right back,
It's the hurricane,
Breaking my heart, son,
Holy shit, My life just got
a whole lot more interesting,
But since I was a young boy, I wanted
to be President of the United States,
It's my fourth time
running for the office,
I spent 120 years in the Senate,
a bunch of years as vice president,
I'm tired, It's my last chance,
I tried to help you your entire life,
covered for your weaknesses,
and somehow now at the climax of my
campaign, the worst possible moment,
of my most important year,
how the fuck did your
laptop end up at the FBI?
I thought they'd
refuse to accept it,
It's all worked out for now,
But if this blows up,
they may change their minds,
So tell me, how a goddamn repair shop
got your laptop and brought it to the FBI?
It got water damage,
I took it to be fixed,
Water damage?
What were you swimming with it?
I forgot to pick it up,
Forgot to pick it up?
I was so busy with
your campaign,
Oh, come on, man,
What kind of a moron forgets to
pick up his laptop at a repair shop?
Were you high or drunk?
- No, dad, I'm sober,
- Bullshit,
Look, I didn't know they could
take the data off the drive,
I thought I had a
right to privacy,
Well, they tell me,
according to the contract that you
signed with this repair shop,
they legally own the hard drive,
because you forgot to
pick it up after 90 days,
Actually, it's, um,
it's two laptops,
Oh my god,
I wish I could help you, son,
I just wish I could,,,
smack some sense into you,
You're with a woman,
Another stripper?
No, a friend,
Just make sure you don't get your
friend pregnant like the last stripper,
Has the judge ruled on
maternity, yet?
Uh, next month,
Have you tried to
pay the woman off?
No, I'm just trying to run her into
the ground with legal expenses,
But she won't give up,
Just make sure you
never admit to it,
Just remember,
family comes first
over everything,
Dad, I'm so sorry,
I don't want to hear
another, sorry, Okay?
You're all outta sorrys,
Look, you're my son,
You're an addict,
So you lie, compulsively,
I get it,
And I've been patient with you, but I'm
going to ask you a question now, Hunt,
And I need you to tell me the
God's honest truth, no lies,
I don't care how bad it is,
but I need you to tell me the truth,
Because if you don't tell
me the truth, I can't fix it,
And everything will be lost,
Including my patience with you,
Do you understand this?
Yes, sir,
- Your word as a Biden,
- My word as a Biden,
I want to know everything that's on
that laptop that can ruin my erection,
Every single detail,
No need to be diplomatic
now, son,
Just, gve it to me straight,
I have, uh,
A lot of selfies, naked selfies,
Narcissist, not scandalous,
What else?
Uh, some intimate
video with my girlfriend
There were some, um,
Some of them are hookers,
That's already in the GOP Senate report,
It's only a footnote,
Nobody reads footnotes,
I can't seem to find anything
but positive stuff on the Bidens,
That's because you're using
Google and the mainstream media,
You have to use the alternative
search engine, Here, let me show you,
You sound like an alt-right,
white supremacist,
Yeah, Kitty, I'm the black
face of white supremacy,
What about these, uh,
pictures of your niece?
She's my niece, What, am I not allowed to
have pictures of my family members?
Family members? Come on, I'm not even
going to get into it with you on that,
Kathleen doesn't even want you
around your own kids because you're,
you're watching porn and
taking drugs all day,
Kathleen is like one of
those idiots on the internet
who thinks I try to
murder people in Ukraine,
Oh goddammit, Hunt, Come on,
We're living in the world of that, uh,
that thing, What do they call it? Um,
"I'm with her,"
"Me too,"
Yeah, they're already on
me for that Tara Reade,
She was one, uh,
one sweet smelling young lady,
You have eight women with claims
against you, dad,
Lying dog-faced pony soldiers,
I don't even remember those girls,
How do you know those girls?
Our line is just that
you're old-school and you
need to respect people's
boundaries a little more,
Bidens are affectionate,
You need to be
more careful too, dad,
Oh, come on,
I could be out in the middle of
Fifth Avenue with Tara
Reade and the media would
still be talking about
Trump's grabbing pussy,
What about your affairs?
Cheating on your wife with
Hallie is already old news,
We've survived that,
Anyone else?
Hallie's sister,
When I was with Hallie,
You fucked Beau's widow and
her sister at the same time?
Jesus Christ, Hunter!
You know, when I think of your
brother's character, his integrity,
you dishonor his memory,
I know,
Beau wouldn't make porno videos
with hookers and crack pipes,
No, he wouldn't,
He wouldn't disgrace
women, godammit,
It should've be me
that got cancer,
Come on now,
don't say that-
Or died in the crash with mommy,
Oh, come on man, Stop it, Stop it,
Bidens don't wallow in self pity,
Look, I suffered a hell of a
lot more than you ever will,
I marched in the civil rights movement,
I attended a black college,
I was arrested with Nelson Mandela,
- I'll never forget Corn Pop,
- Huh?
He was a bad dude, No joke,
He wouldn't wear a bathing
cap in the pool, So I,
I faced him down with
a six foot chain,
- Dad,
- What?
We're talking about suffering?
Yeah, Look, here's the deal,
Do you see me
wallowing in self pity,
crying over spilt butter?
- No,
Okay now, come on, I need you to keep it
together, at least until I get elected,
- Alright?
- Yes, sir,
What about drugs?
Any pictures of you taking drugs?
No, I've been clean for months,
So what do you think Hunter was referring
to when he said he may have just
ruined his father's life?
Good to have you in New York City,
evening everybody,
I'm Martha McCallum in New York,
and this is the story tonight:
A Fox News alert with some
brand new developments,
a senior federal law enforcement official
telling Fox News that the FBI does
have Hunter Biden's laptop,
No, I saw CNN dismiss this,
They said it was Russian disinformation,
And not part of a Russian
disinformation campaign,
We're also told that the contents may
not have been looked at right away as we
try to fill in the blank,
Okay? What about our
Ukraine/China deals?
You don't keep those
documents on there do you?
Emails, How many?
Everything the email app stores
everything you send, everything you
received, stored,
No don't you, don't you take them and,
and and, and put them in the, you know,
take them out and put them
in, in the, in the trash,
What do you mean delete?
Yeah, but they're still available,
Well, if you delete them,
how could they still be available?
I mean, that doesn't make a lick of sense,
Well, you can delete them on your end,
but other people may
keep them on their end,
Other people?
What other people?
Dad, I did a lot of deals with foreign
agents and governments,
Look, did you at least keep to
our agreement about the thing?
Yeah, your 10%,
- No, no, no, the thing,
- 50/50 splits, yes,
God dammit, No, I'm,
I'm talking about the foreigners,
I, know they know,,,
,,,they know my name,
Yeah, right?
No, no, so we never used your name
explicitly in any
correspondence relating to our
business deals,
Only face-to-face like we agreed,
Any emails I use words
like my guy or my chairman,
or the big guy,
I like that, The big guy,
Look, we sign NDA's so I could go to
prison for what I'm about to tell you,
I could even get canceled,
But I'm just a fictional character,
so screw it, What's happening in there,,,
Joe's in on it,
I've never discussed businesses
with my son and my brother,
as a matter of fact,
anyone else,
As Joe would say, that's a
baloney sandwich, Case in point:
It's a country that shares its
eastern border with Russia,
and that Eastern territory is rich in
fossil fuels, so Russia wants it badly,
Our story starts in the early
2000's under the regime of corrupt
Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych,
That's Mykola Zlochevsky,
a Ukrainian oligarch and longtime recipient
of Yanukovych's governmental favors,
Zlochevsky would have $23 million
of his assets frozen by the UK
for money laundering,
embezzlement, and bribery,
Do you like that?
They're killing my feet,
I've created an energy holding
company called Burisma Holdings,
I'll be the largest natural
gas producer in Ukraine,
I will expect some gratitude,
Don't worry, boss, You'll get your cut,
And how are you going to clean the money?
Through my bank,
That's Ivan Dollarevsky,
And Burisma will be an
offshore company, bossman,
Another corrupt oligarch, well known
for his peculiar business tactics,
A real corporate raider, that guy,
Dollarevsky was banned from
entering the United States,
Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?
The revolution is about
to begin any day now,
I'm getting the hell out of
here before they hang me,
Where will you go?
Where do you think, Moskva,
Russia is invading Eastern Ukraine,
Perfect, Burisma's main assets are there,
We'll be able to drill our asses off
on natural gas without any penalty,
No one will stop us,
Never waste a good crisis,
Don't forget my cut,
Give my best to Vlad, please,
We need US support and cover,
who's the point-man for the
foreign policy in the Obama regime?
Joe Biden,
I know just the man we
need to join the board of Burisma,
I believe my assistance in
consulting with Burisma
over matters of transparency,
corporate governance, and
responsibility will benefit
both the economy
and the people of Ukraine!
Hunter had no experience with Ukraine,
He had no experience with the
energy sector or with their law,
So why do you think Burisma hired him?
Oh, good job guys, Good job,
So it looks,,,
like you need a billion dollars
to fix your energy program,
Look, here's the deal,
You behave yourself,
I think I can get my
family to help you out,
Now let's talk about our Ukraine
"quick pro crow," So here's the deal,
the media is helping us pin that on Trump,
but if there's anything on your computer
about our quick pro crow with Ukraine,
we're gonna have to run defense, Okay?
So walk me through what might
be on that damn laptop of yours
about our Ukraine thing,
Two laptops,
I'm sorry,
So is that illegal?
Using political office to benefit your
family is called influence peddling,
But if you do it through enough back
channels, they can't touch you directly,
You've gotta follow the money, But
first you have to follow the influence,
So I'll tell you what's going down:
Devon Archer is telling Joe Biden,
he just joined the board of the
Ukraine Energy Company, Burisma,
at the same time, VP Joe is the point
man for President Obama in the Ukraine,
So the obvious next question is,
Where's Hunter?
Okay, maybe it didn't happen exactly like
this, but metaphorically speaking,
Hunter never actually went
to Ukraine during all this,
But don't let that fool you,
three weeks later,
he was appointed to the board of Burisma,
Like my dad says,
we never discussed my businesses, period,
My word as a Biden,
And you can trust them, they never
discussed their business around the world,
Or my cut,
Hunt, how much money did
you get outta Burisma?
Yeah, we talked about this,
$83,000 a month, each,
No, we didn't talk about this,
I'd remember 83,000,
You forget 80, 85 or even 90,000,
But 83,000?
That's, that's a weird number,
I wouldn't forget 83,000,
You understand me, son?
I understand you, dad,
when we did the deal,
Devon Archer and I got paid through
the shell company, 3,4 million total,
What about Devon?
I mean, can we trust him?
He's uh, he's not family,
Well, you discussed it with him yourself
when he visited you at the White House,
Yeah, you sure as hell
better still have my split,
I do, come on man,
You'll get your money, I promise,
Hey, don't gimme the "Come
on" because if you don't have it,
I'm gonna take you outside and
beat the living hell outta you,
Okay, dad,
Good boy,
What about Hunter's
business partner?
- Devon Archer?
- Yeah,
Follow the money,
Why did your dad's administration
appointees arrest me?
Tryin' to put me into a jail?
I just don't get it, man,
Why would they try to ruin my family?
Hunter, they want to destroy my kids man,
And no one from your family side steps in,
Just, just, just try at least to help me,
I don't get it,
A bunch of these Asians,
they get in my head asking me the same,
I'm curious, what should I say?
Every great family in the
United States is persecuted
You,,, you are part of a great family,
Not a sideshow, not someone to be
abandoned in your darkest moments,
The Bidens are different,
You are a Biden,
It's the price we pay for power,
And the truth will prevail
if you have the guts,
the stamina, and enough love
to stay the course,
- Understood, Yeah, thanks,
- Good,
Turns out Devon got convicted for
conspiracy to commit security fraud
against the Native American
tribe of the Ogallala Sioux nation,
But he claims he
is not a racist,
And where's Hunter?
I don't know anything
about that deal,
My word as a Biden,
What about your company's
work with Anna Catarina,
a Russian tied to organized crime?
Does not ring any bells,
- How are you doing?
- Wait, wait,
It's done,
Hunter, darling,
Hey, baby,
I have the money I promised,
I'll wire you
$3,5 million,
Oh, goody,
Look, here's the deal,
I can remember getting paid some money,
but I can't remember what for,
I can't remember what we did with it,
Yeah, consulting,
So, Devon got caught for securities fraud,
Zlochevsky got charged
for money laundering,
and Dollarevsky got caught
for embezzling 1,8 billion,
And Hunter worked with
all of them at Burisma,
Then the Ukrainian justice department
was going to investigate Burisma
until, guess who, intervened?
Don't worry, dad,
you have
plausible deniability for most
things except the video,
What video?
The one when you said you'd get rid of
the prosecutor who was investigating me,
That's a baloney sandwich,
,,I'm not going to her, We're not
gonna give you the billion dollars,
I looked at them and I said,
I'm leaving here in six hours,
if the prosecutor's not fired, you're
not getting the money,
Son of a bitch,
he got fired,
That's the angle
that's the way
that's the way
how we play
I don't care
on my shit
I be smoking up a J
I'm gonna blow a couple holes
then I'm cutting off my hoes
that's the angle
that's the way
That's how we play
Quid pro quo with the Ukraine,
brilliant strategy,
then accuse Trump of
making a phone call
doing the exact same
thing they were doing,
Oh, and guess what happened to
that $1 billion loan to Ukraine?
$1,8 billion, distribute how you see fit,
After you lifted the travel ban on
Dollarevsky, our Ambassador to the
Ukraine asked for me to be put
on a do not prosecute list,
Do you remember our
ambassador Yovanovitch?
No, I don't think so,
Oh yeah, but she had a different
smell, that one,
She helped us out a lot,
Hello? Oh, I can't hear anyone,
your phone is upside down,
Hello? Yes, I'm listening,
You're kidding,
The FBI just subpoenaed the laptop,
He is, That's great,
Was that Adam's idea?
Thanks Nancy, Yeah, Yeah,
I'll be over there as soon as possible,
The repair shop guy's a Trumpster,
they're making it all about him,
Great, They're gonna label it a
Russian disinformation campaign,
What again? That work?
Well, they're already getting signatures
from intelligence agencies,
with a little help from the media,
I think we can destroy this little guy,
We just sit back
and watch it happen,
I've just been looking for an
opportunity to focus on my art,
What the hell are you talking about?
Your art?
I'm an artist, dad,
I'm getting gallery representation,
- What? Nude pictures of yourself?
- No,
You never take my ambition seriously,
like you did with Beau,
Because Beau wanted
to change the world,
you want to finger paint,
It's not finger painting,
Yeah, I just,
I wish you were more like Beau,
I wish you were more like mom,
You're a Biden,
act like one,
Get the hell outta here,
Wait, wait, wait, wait,
Do you sell these
paintings of yours?
Yes, if someone wants to buy them,
Oh, we can find buyers,
They'll pay a lot if
it can be kept private,
For the love of God stay outta
sight and under no circumstances
admit or deny ownership
of that goddamn toplop,
Can you do that for me?
Yes, sir,
I gotta go take care of this,
I know,
You're the smartest man I know,
Thanks, dad,
To the airport,
Stop at the Dairy Queen first,
His favorite flavor: chocolate chip,
CNN did an in-depth report on it,
The shit we have to tolerate,
Oh, and one more thing,
it's a little off topic, but,
Epstein didn't kill himself,
Tyrone, could you get me a
glass of warm milk please?
Yes, sir,
It was about the laptop, wasn't it?
So you do know who I am,
No, only when I saw your dad in the SUV,
How do you know about the laptop?
Well, I'm sitting here, don't you
think I'm gonna jump on the internet?
It's on the internet,
Don't worry, It's only on
right wing propaganda sites,
Nobody reads those, It's for conspiracy
theorists and Russian disinformation,
White supremacists,
Do you believe them?
Of course not, Nothing you or your father
could ever do could be as bad as that,
I'm here for you, Hunter,
You can call me Hunt,
That was amazing,
I've never had sex like that before,
Flattery will only get you more,
No, no, I mean it,
Usually, I have to be high or do
something with kinky little videoing,
I can do kinky,
You're so different, Kitty,
You're not like the others,
What's your last name?
No, really,
Mm, My real name is Grace Anderson,
I never tell my clients that,
so, consider yourself special,
I love you, Grace Anderson,
Can I give you something special?
It's not a ring,
but it is my heart,
My Nantucket,
You look so innocent,
Family first,
Will you marry me?
Are you serious?
Yes, I don't lie,
You're an addict,
I'm addicted to love,
You're addicted to sex,
You can't have one without the other,
I can't marry you, Hunter,,,
but I do wanna help you,
I'm on your side,
How can you help me?
Well, my father,
world's biggest
asshole though he is,
is nevertheless an attorney,
Yeah, I got enough lawyers,
That's not what I mean,
He taught me how to answer questions
and accusations in life
without incriminating yourself,
So, tell me what's on the
laptop that they might leak and
I can help you prepare for
interviews or legal depositions,
So, what you wanna marry
me but you don't trust me?
That's not fair,
It's totally fair,
I entrust myself to you,
Don't you trust me?
Okay, here's the deal:
I already discussed most
of this with my father
but I got interrupted before
I got to the difficult part,
Okay, I will help you take the difficult
part and turn it into the easiest part,
What do you know about China?
Well, actually more than you think I would,
Why, are you some blonde
Chinese spy or something?
I'm joking,
My family worked as missionaries
in China for 10 years,
I actually have a lot of
good friends still there,
China is kind of a sticky
topic for me and my dad,
Okay, so let's pretend
I'm your attorney,
tell me what facts they
might leak about you,
and we'll come up with a narrative,
And then we feed the
narrative to the media
but the media are already on
my side except for fucking Fox,
Well, the masses believe
the story they hear the most,
Well the story that we have to change is
that I'm peddling my father's influence
for money for our family,
Someone told me that's illegal,
Not necessarily,
Trump and Fox think that he's
compromised with our Chinese enemies,
Trump's a Russian asset,,,
- Hello?
- ,,,a hypocrite,
Mr, Biden?
Who let you in?
Uh, we tried to call you sir,
I even knocked on the door
but you didn't do anything,
I'm very sorry, but
we have to ask you to leave today,
We've been getting some complaints,
Oh, it's fine, I'll, I'll pay, you
know, make it good, What do you need?
Uh, I actually don't really need money,
By the way, your card was declined,
What I would love is just-
I got other cards,
try that one,
There's a fucking card,
Want another card?
There's a card, try that card,
No, wait, that one is good too, Or him,
Good? Try that one,
Okay, Thank you,
Okay, Sorry,
Don't forget your tip!
Have a nice day,
It wasn't his fault,
I got other places,
Come on Grace Anderson,
let's go,
Okay, lemme just take you back
to the beginning, In 2010,
my dad was vice president to Obama
and that's when we realized that China
was a financial sleeping dragon,
So when my dad flew over
to meet the president,
I went with him to meet
prominent business officials,
Between 2010 and 2013,
I met the most powerful men in China,
It was like meeting the heads of JP Morgan,
Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs,,,
except they were all communists,
In fact, none of the heads of those
American financial institutions would've
got in the room with these guys,
and I got no experience whatsoever,
So why would they wanna meet with you then?
- I do have a superpower,
- Mm,
Dad, daddy?
This is Mr, Jonathan Li,
vice president of Bohai Capital,
a private equity firm,
we're creating a new company with him,
Mr, Li? This is vice president,
my father, vice president Joe Biden,
vice president of the United States,
My father,
The company is Bohai
Harvest, RST,
The deal in 1 billion in investments,
10 days after meeting with the big guy,
Then Bohai Harvest became
a nuclear power company that
was stealing US nuclear secrets,
Then we signed a deal with a
company tied to the Chinese Navy,
then we signed with a company that was
stealing US tech to build fighter jets,
then we teamed up with a company that
was trying to take control of the
world market of rare earth materials
with military applications,
Of course, I knew nothing
of their crimes,
But, all your business
deals are legal, right?
Yeah, technically, on paper,
So what's on the laptop
that's not on paper?
Gimme a minute,
I need some uh, some courage,
CEFC is China's largest
private oil company,
they've been snapping up
oil fields across the world,
now they're looking to
get into Central Europe,
Private oil company?
That means it's not communist, right?
Yeah, well, the chairman is, uh,
close with the Communist party,
Does that make you like communism-light?
Yeah, sure,
Welcome Mr, Biden,
son of Vice President Biden,
We look forward to working with you
and hope to hear much about your father
and his interests,
Will do, comrades,
After this trip I met with Ye again,
Mr, Biden,
son of Vice President Biden,
Do you like birds?
My fetish, I love them,
They all have names,
You and I would be 50/50 partners
with the holding company,
It will make you $10 million a
year for you and your family,
I can help make that happen,
Hmm, But here's the deal,
Renumeration will need to be split six
ways, I'll hold 10% for the big guy,
Big guy?
You mean vice president?
No, come on man, The big guy,
Ah, big guy, Huh?
Here's to a lasting, long,
and lucrative relationship,
I'm having a difficult
time getting my daughter
into a certain exclusive
Manhattan private school,
Well that, my dear chairman,
is a Biden family speciality,
I will take care of it,
I am a bit concerned about
US federal authorities
looking into one
of my associates,
His name is Patrick Ho,
He's a good man,
I'm a lawyer,
I'll represent him,
Patrick Ho will wire you $5
million for consulting fees,
I trust that will be acceptable?
It's a little light, but acceptable,
You'll be so gracious,
I have a gift for you, It is our custom,
my way of saying, "thank you,"
Wow, that's a biggie,
How many carats?
What's that, $40,000?
Thank you,
I believe it'll look
wonderful on your wife,
Sadly, we're getting divorced,
so for the sake of the settlement,
let's just say it's $10,000,
Ah, please forgive me,
there is one more thing,
Let us call them your expense account,
The credit line has over a
hundred thousand dollars on it,
There is one card for you,
one card for your uncle partner,
and one for his wife,
You're a very gracious man yourself,
Technically, he sent the diamond to my
room and then gave me the cards in his
$10 million New York penthouse,
but you get the point,
I didn't know you were a criminal lawyer?
I'm not,
So, whatever happened to that Patrick Ho
guy you were supposed to lawyer for,
Ye's colleague?
Yeah, him,
He was the fucking spy chief of China,
I'm thirsty, do you want a coffee?
While he's in custody,
mr fucking spy chief calls my
fucking uncle looking for me,
Well, weren't you his lawyer?
What? No, I wasn't his lawyer,
I had no idea about his crimes either,
And where did Ye go?
He was detained by the government,
He vanished, never seen again, disappeared,
What about the other
companies you made deals with?
They were all tied to
the communist party?
Well, it's China, man,
Every company that makes money
is controlled by the party,
And what about the other companies you
mentioned had military applications,
you mean like weapons?
You mean like weapons that
could be used against America?
We're not at war
with China, man,
China's not our enemy,
Come on, man,
They're not bad folks, folks,
It's a positive development,
What are we worried about?
And what about the nuclear
company you told me about?
China General Nuclear, Yeah,
one of their senior advisors, Allen Ho,
he did make some deals that
were outside of the box,
But did they at least catch him
before he could get too many secrets?
Well, he'd been doing it for
almost 20 years,
Holy shit, Hunter,
Come on man, you're supposed to be helping
me with the narrative not grilling me,
I am,
I didn't know what he'd done,
But did your company divest from
CEFC when it all came out?
Well, I resigned from Bohai Harvest,
which is a company that links
all this stuff together,
Doesn't that say something?
Did you sell your shares?
Did Christopher Heinz?
Who's Christopher Heinz?
John Kerry's son,
the uh, ketchup guys,
Look, me, him, and Devon were
in business together,
Shit, That doesn't look good, does it?
Are there any other communist controlled
companies that you haven't mentioned?
facial recognition technology, I mean
talk about tech advancement, man the US
would be stealing their shit off China,
What is it?
What'd I say?
That's surveillance technology, Hunter,
That's something I know about,
Ah, so you are a Chinese spy,
I told you my parents were
missionaries to China,
There are tens of millions of closed
circuit cameras all throughout China,
They helped sponsor some
families to get asylum in the US,
Yeah, but it, I thought they
only used it to catch criminals,
That's not the only reason,
That's how they control their citizens,
And if you don't agree
with the communist party,
then you're defined as a criminal,
Face++ has been used to hunt down Muslims
and force them into concentration camps,
There's over 2
million political prisoners,
They separate the children from their
parents and brainwash them with communism,
They teach them to hate
their families and religion,
The CCP calls it: de-radicalization
of extremists and terrorism,
You shared your life with me,
now I'm gonna share my life with you,
This is Ming Yu,
I call her my aunt,
She was like family
when we were out there,
Do you see her much?
I'll show you why,
This is the concentration camps,
See these three children in the picture?
Those are Ming Yu's children
being indoctrinated,
being taught to love President Xi
and hate their mother,
There's also live organ harvesting
of religious and political prisoners,
And the women,
they get extra special treatment here,
like Ming Yu, She took these
secret pictures of the camp,
These are women waiting in line for
forced abortions and sterilizations,
I don't have any more pictures of Ming Yu,
After she took the photos,
she was raped and she disappeared,
We haven't heard from her in months,
she's probably dead,
This is genocide, Hunter,
Real genocide,
I wanna help you, I really do,
I don't believe you would continue to
work with people like that if you knew
what they did to women and children,
You didn't know, did you?
If you knew, and all of
this was on your laptop,
you hope the laptop will take down
everybody with you, including your father,
You don't love him,
you hate him,
You want revenge,
No, Grace, I would never do that,
You had everything, Hunter,
And you threw it all away,
I lost my Nantucket!
I think I should go now,
Please don't go, I love you,
You don't love me, you love what
you can't have, You crave it,
When you do get it, you just,,,
Just wait, wait,
Wait a minute,,,
Yeah, yeah,
No, no, Uh, I'm gonna focus on my art,
I'm gonna, I'm,
I'm gonna stay outta the way,
Yeah, no, I'm not gonna confirm,
deny any of the, of my laptop,
No, I'm not on drugs, dad,
It's great,
It's like Beau is
watching down over us,
I love you, dad,
What happened?
Trump is just being officially impeached
by the House of Representatives for abuse
of power and obstruction of Congress,
Obstruction of Congress,
what does that even mean?
Who cares?
All of the attention is off me,
It's gonna be wall-to-wall,
"orange man bad,"
Go get the big black guy and
get on your dancing shoes,
He wants you,
Where are you going?
I'm done, Tyrone,
Wait a minute,
What's this?
Handy recorder,
I use this for protection in the club,
I record everything,
just in case,
Yes, sir,
Assemble the usual suspects,
Where's Kitty?
Bring her back,
What about the other
companies you made deals with,
they were all tied to the Communist party?
Well, it's China and every
company that makes money,
is controlled by the party,
And what about the other companies you
mentioned had military applications,
you mean like weapons?
Grace, are you okay?
Tell me,
Let me know how I can help,
I know I haven't spoken
to you in a long time,,,
what I'm gonna ask you will
sound strange,
Ask me anything, sweetheart,
What would you do as a prosecutor
if you had evidence that
hurt your own side of the case?
I would release it,
'cause it's a rule of discovery,
If I didn't and it was discovered later
that I suppressed the information,
my entire case would be overturned
and I would be disbarred,
And what if you knew it would never be
discovered if you didn't release it?
I would do it,
Because if I didn't,
I couldn't live with myself, If I hid
the truth in order to protect my belief,
then I'd be living a lie,
Dad, I'll call you back soon,
Is that okay?
Of course, sweetheart,
Thanks, dad,
Kitty, it's Lorenzo,
I have some good news,
You've been quite a hit with the clients,
they want to pay off all of your college
debt and put you on retainer for two years,
Uhhuh, And what would
they expect from me?
I see, Well, tell them, thank you
very much, but I politely decline,
Hi, Bob, It's Kitty, remember me?
Of course I remember you,
you're hard to forget,
Who is it, Bob?
Um, hold on, honey, It's work,
This isn't a good time to talk,
I'll make it quick,
are you still writing for The Post?
Freelancing, yeah,
but they like my work,
Okay, well, you probably won't believe me,
but I have a story for you that's so big
it will change your career,
Really? Well, what is it?
But we have to meet in
person as soon as possible,
Okay, I'll text you
exactly where and when,
Okay, bye,
What do you know about Hunter
Biden's business deals?
Hunter Biden, uh,
was working for companies
in China and Ukraine while
his father was vice
president in the White House,
That should tell you a lot, What else?
Well, there's nothing illegal about that,
Is this the story you told me you had?
What do you know about his laptop?
Grace, just tell me what you've got,
Hunter's been using his
father's name to make deals
with foreign government
connected businesses,
Joe gets a percentage cut of the
deals and he influences foreign policy
decisions in favor of those
companies and governments,
This could take down
the entire Biden campaign
and even lead back
to President Obama,
I have Hunter Biden's
admission on tape,
The laptop has it all, the FBI
doesn't wanna do anything about it,
Grace, you should be ashamed of
yourself recording a vulnerable addict,
and besides it could be illegal,
Are you a Trump supporter?
What? No, I despise the man,
even if what you're saying is
true, it's not news,
We have the chance to take
down a fascist dictator,
You think any news org is gonna want
to touch your Russian disinformation?
Maybe the shitty New York
Post will publish the story,
But you really think that
Twitter, Facebook, Google,
are gonna not ban it outright
with their algorithms?
I'm sorry, Grace,
This one's not for me,
Rudy Giuliani has released a recording
of Hunter Biden telling all
and has forced the
hand of the FBI,
News organizations
that previously were
suppressing or ignoring the story of
Hunter Biden's laptop are now uncovering
some disturbing discoveries,
Not only private pornographic pictures,
but emails that may incriminate
the Bidens as a crime family,
And in other news:
bad news for the Bidens,
Hunter Biden, son of former Vice
president Joe Biden was arrested today by
the FBI on multiple charges,
- FBI!
- FBI! Don't move!
Why me?!
The numbers do not lie,
president Donald Trump has
won reelection by a landslide,
In the end I realized the truth
coming out was just a dream,
just a fantasy of
truth and justice,
in a real world of
lies and corruption,
Will those in power ever be held
accountable for their crimes?
Will the news media ever again
care about facts and truth?
I guess that's what
fairy-tale endings are for,
to show us what should have been,
what could be, if only we
change and do something,
My love,
I love you, dad,
Or maybe, in the end, the truth
itself has become the fairy tale,
,,,emails about his business dealings
described by many intelligence experts as
having hallmarks of a foreign
disinformation campaign-
,,,and has all the hallmarks of a Russian
disinformation campaign,
,,,they're part of a Russian, uh,
disinformation, uh, effort
,,,to show business dealings
of Joe Biden's son,
Hunter Biden, are connected to a
Russian disinformation campaign-
,,,was the target of a Russian influence
campaign aimed at discrediting Biden-
,,,Giuliani is feeding Russian
misinformation to Donald Trump,
,,,the New York Post published a story
filled with unsubstantiated claims,
and fed by Rudy Giuliani,
about emails found on a laptop in Delaware
that may or may not belong to Hunter Biden-
,,,russian Disinformation effort-
,,,they're being used by the Russians
and by people connected, uh,
to the Russians in Ukraine to try to
traffic in some of these, uh, conspiracies-
,,,with the contents of
what may be potentially
a foreign intelligence
operation in this campaign-
,,,and an active attack in the
form of Russian disinformation,
,,,this looks like your classic
disinformation campaign-
Who do you think is behind this?
Well, the Russians would
be my number one guess-
,,,off of the unverified contents of a
mysterious laptop that somehow
Rudy Giuliani got his hands on,
that some officials worry
is tied to a Russian intelligence op,
,,,DNA tests released today
confirms presidential candidate
Joe Biden's son is the biological
father of an Arkansas woman's child,
I mean, I, you know, they're not bad
folks, folks, But guess what?
They're not a co- they're, they're, they're
not competition for us,
Uh, so I got Ukraine and, uh,
I went over, I guess the 12th,
13th time to Kiev,
And, uh, and I was going,
supposed to announce that there was
another billion dollar loan guarantee,
And I had gotten a commitment
from Poroshenko and from, uh,
Yatsenyuk that they would take
action against the state prosecutor,
and they didn't,
So they said they had,
they were walking out the press
conference, said no, I said,
I'm not going or we're not gonna give
you the billion dollars, They said,
you have no authority, You're not the
president, The president said, I said,
call him, I said, I'm telling you,
you're not getting the billion dollars,
I said, you're not getting the billion,
I'm gonna be leaving here
in I think it was, what, six hours?
I looked at it, I said,
we leave in six hours, if the prosecutor's
not fired, you're not getting the money,
Well, son of a bitch, he got fired,