My Son's Deception (2024) Movie Script

[soft string music]
[man groans]
[ominous music]
- Alright, man, party's over.
- Surprise!
[crowd clapping]
- Mom, I thought you told me
you didn't have time
to make anything.
- Oh, what can I say? I'm really
good at keeping secrets.
- That's my jersey?
This is amazing.
- Uh-huh! Your uncle tells me
my design is broadly accurate.
- Happy 18th, Jackson.
- Thanks, Uncle Pete.
- Tell him.
- Okay, Maria,
I'm getting there.
- Tell me what?
- Nothing's official yet,
alright, but I asked around,
and you've been shortlisted
for the San Francisco
soccer scholarship.
[excited squeal]
- Wait, seriously?
- Yeah, you still gotta work
hard and impress the scout,
but I feel good about it.
Nice job, kid.
- Yes! Yes! This is awesome!
- I know!
- Who else made the list?
- Um...
- Well, Tyler.
- No. No, just you, I'm afraid.
I'm sorry.
Anyway, I gotta go set up.
Don't be late for practice,
birthday boy, alright?
- Okay.
- Okay.
- See you later.
I'll save you a piece, maybe.
- Okay, thanks.
- Shortlist, eh?
Okay, I'm gonna give you this
corner piece.
Here you go!
And I will take this.
Okay. Mmm!
[soft music]
- Okay... Mmm.
- I have something for you.
- Do you? Mmm!
So, I'm guessing this
isn't new soccer cleats.
- Oh! Sure you want to do sports
and not a career in stand-up?
- I might be good.
- Mmm.
- This is...
- Yeah, your dad wanted to give
it to you for your 18th.
Uh, turn it over,
I added your name under his.
[soft emotional music]
Here. Let me help you.
I know it's been
hard without him,
but he would be so,
so proud of you.
- Yeah. I miss him a lot.
- Me too.
- Looks good.
[clears throat]
- Okay, uh, I have got to get
back to the kitchen
before something
catches on fire, so...
- Hey, Mom.
- What?
- Don't work too hard, okay?
- Who, me?
- Hey, I've got Dad's watch now,
so you've got to let me
look after you sometimes.
- Oh, so now you're the man of
the house?
Does that mean you're gonna
start doing your own laundry?
Yeah, I didn't think so.
Didn't think so.
Yeah, get out of here.
- Love you.
- Go be a sports guy.
[upbeat music]
- Alright, who's open,
who's open? Good, Jackson!
Tyler, it's yours, one touch!
One touch, Tyler! One touch!
Alright, come on.
Reset, Candy Wolves, reset.
Tyler, try passing the ball.
It's a good idea.
Yeah, okay, Jackson,
try it again.
Good. Good, good, good.
Good, good, good.
One touch, Tyler.
- CJ!
[whistle blows]
- Bring it in.
What's going on, CJ?
- I... I didn't see him.
- You didn't see him?
That seems to be happening
a lot with you lately,
and you were late
for practice twice this week.
You're on thin ice, pal.
- It's not his fault
the play doesn't work.
- I'm sorry, Tyler.
You have something to say to me?
- I said it's a set play
we never even use,
so lay off him, Coach.
- You know something?
I am this close to
writing you both up.
- Wait, Coach. This is on me.
I didn't get his eyes on
the ball before the pass.
It's not his fault.
- Well, if you backed each other
up like this on the field,
we wouldn't be having
this conversation.
You've got to stick
together when it counts.
Am I clear?
- Yes, Coach.
- Alright, hit the showers.
And CJ, this
is your last warning.
No more screw-ups,
I'm serious. Go on.
- Got you, Coach.
- There you go! Have a great
day, see you next time. Hey!
- I have to say, that meatball
sandwich blew me away!
Pass my compliments to the chef.
- I... will mention
that to the chef,
because that's me, and I'll
tell myself on my next break.
- This is your place?
- This is my...
this is my place.
- So, I...
I should forget to bring
my lunch more often.
- Well, uh, tomorrow's
special is a Reuben,
and uh, the chef raves about it.
- Guess I'll see you then.
- Uh... that guy was
definitely hitting on you.
- I sounded like
a bumbling fool.
[drill whirring]
- Oh, my God. How
is this still going on?
- Uh, because they clearly
haven't figured out how
to drill to the center
of the Earth yet.
- Man, I just don't get it.
CJ was like a starting
player last year.
But now it seems like
he's somewhere else.
- Well, maybe he just doesn't
have what it takes.
That, or he's found something
more important to care about
than soccer practice.
[phone buzzing]
Well, let me guess. It's Coach.
The team sponsors just love you,
and you're all playing
minigolf over the weekend.
- No, it's just Mom
and she wants my help at
the restaurant tonight.
- You know, you're the only
person I know
who actively enjoys
spending time with their mom.
- Yeah.
- If I hadn't lost my license,
you wouldn't catch me
dead with my parents.
- Uh, hey, man, about the San
Fran scholarship,
Coach said I was the only
one on the shortlist.
I'm sorry, man.
- That's awesome. Congrats, man.
- You're not mad?
- No, no, I didn't want to go
pro anyways.
And besides, I've been
busy over the summer.
Capitalized on a business
opportunity, huh?
Check this out.
- Oh, whoa!
How'd you score that?
- That's a great question.
[eerie music]
How exactly did you pay for
that, Tyler?
We'd all love to know.
- Smart investments.
I think it was you who told me
that I really need to understand
the value of a dollar.
- Don't play games
with me, Tyler.
What kind of trouble are
you getting into now?
- It's none of your
business, Victor.
- I am your father, so it's very
much my business,
so you can either tell me
where the money's coming from,
or you can enjoy
a long walk home.
Hmm? No? Fine.
Your mother might be a pushover,
but I am done being your
personal chauffeur.
- I guess he thinks that tough
love thing
is character building.
- He'd have to actually care to
try something like that, no.
You know, I think he just likes
taking things away from me.
- That sucks. I'm sorry, man.
- Victor's just here to try
and prove a point to my mom.
Not that she's ever
around to notice anyways.
- Did something happen?
You know, after Dad's accident,
I talked to Coach about
it a lot. It helped.
- You mean Uncle Pete?
- Yes, Uncle Pete.
- Yeah, of course he helped you,
you're the golden boy.
I can't wait to get out of here.
[phone buzzing]
Oh, great. Now work
needs me in early,
and I'm on
the wrong side of town.
- Oh, I can drive you.
- You sure?
It's pretty far, man.
- Yeah, man. It's no problem.
I'll just call Mom, tell her
I'll be late. No biggie.
- Okay. I'll give
you two a moment.
- Here we are.
[soft jazzy music playing]
This is work?
- Yeah. Bored stuffed shirts
and some fancy social club
pays to host their parties.
Serving canaps,
stuff like that.
- You make big money doing this?
- Pay a lot for athletes.
You want to come in?
I mean, you are 18 now.
Could always use the extra body.
- Thanks, but no, I can't.
I told my mom I would help her
with dishes at the restaurant.
- Thrilling.
- Yeah, well...
- Your loss, man,
- Alright, bud. Have fun.
[ominous music]
[engine starts]
[tires squeal]
- Maria!
- Over here!
- Every time. Every time
I come in this place, I...
- I know. You half
expect to see Harry
standing over there
with some crazy marinade
he wants you to try, right?
[Maria chuckles]
[Pete sighs]
- Yeah.
So, what's up? You, uh, need
a jar opened, or something?
- That was one time.
- What's this?
"As part of our development
we are interested in
acquiring Moments Pastry."
A buyout offer.
- Mm-hmm.
From Alum Group,
the developers that are
doing all the work next door.
[Pete]: That's a lot of zeros.
- You hungry? I, uh, made you a
sandwich. Here.
- Are you, uh...
Are you thinking about selling?
[Maria sighs]
- The truth is...
We never turned a huge profit.
Harry's insurance paid off
the mortgage on the house,
so we'll be fine.
But I took out a loan
to build the new bar,
and with all this construction
happening everywhere,
it's chasing all
the customers away.
We could lose Moments.
- Well...
- I feel like I'm
letting him down.
[Pete]: Now, that's not true.
You'd be looking out
for your family,
and that was the most important
thing to Harry, you know that.
Since Michelle left me,
and after Harry's accident,
you know, I think I finally see
where he was coming from.
- Yeah, I know.
- The point is,
you have a smart,
well-adjusted kid who loves you.
You gotta hang onto that.
This is just a place.
- Well, I am not going to
give up without a fight.
- Of course.
- I have been working on a new
takeout menu.
Oh, you should see
what's on it!
- Speaking of which...
- Mm-hmm?
- Can I take that to go?
- Sure.
- Great. Did you want me
to walk you home?
- Uh, I can make it three blocks
on my own, but thank you.
But hey, if I find any jars that
need opening, I'll let you know.
- Uh-huh.
Very funny.
I'll see you tomorrow.
- Bye.
- Thanks for the sandwich.
- You're welcome.
[bell on door chimes]
[door closes]
- Hey, Mom.
- Hey! Jackson!
Did you hear me
talking to Uncle Pete?
- Are we really
gonna lose Moments?
- The only thing you need
to worry about are your exams
and this scholarship.
- Mom, you don't need to carry
this all by yourself.
I want to help.
- We're okay, I promise.
And honey, if you really,
if you really want to help me,
you could come
a little earlier next time
and help me do the dishes.
- Ah...
Okay, deal. Just...
Could you keep me
in the loop from now on?
- Of course.
See you at home.
- See you at home.
[door opens and closes]
[phone beeps]
[phone ringing]
- Jackson!
- Hey, Ty.
Um, about that job,
what exactly is involved?
- It's easy. You just stand
around, serve them drinks,
laugh at their jokes,
and see what happens.
- Doesn't sound so bad.
But would I have to wear
one of those masks?
- Those are just for fun.
Everyone loosens up
with a mask on.
Don't worry, we'll sort you ou.
We'll talk to the boss and...
[distant thud]
[ominous music]
I... I gotta go, talk later.
[phone beeps]
Somebody there?
[bell on door chimes]
- Oh my gosh!
I can't believe how many people
went for the new stuff!
- Well, you can
thank Harry for that.
The takeout menu was his idea.
- Oh...
- We were gonna
launch it together.
- Wow.
- Yeah, well, it
felt like now or never.
[drill whirring]
Plus it means people don't
have to sit through that.
- Hmm. Hey, why don't we have
Jackson helping us out today?
- Uh, he is studying
at Tyler's house tonight.
They've got exams.
- Oh. Thanks.
He's such a good kid.
[jazzy instrumental music]
[indistinct chatter]
- I saw you outside
the other night, didn't I?
So, you decided to take
the plunge after all.
- Uh, yeah, I guess.
- Would you like me to
give you the grand tour?
- There you are. Come on.
Everyone's waiting.
Come on. Up the stairs.
Looked like you needed a way
out. She can be a bit much.
I'm Myles, by the way.
- Jackson.
Is it that obvious I'm new?
- For starters,
you forgot your mask.
No worries, Tyler keeps
spares around here somewhere.
Keep it with you,
you can bring it next time.
- Oh, uh, no, this is
just a one-off thing.
- All the more reason
to mask up, then.
- I thought that we'd be serving
but looks like people
are just hanging out?
- Don't worry, you don't have to
do anything you don't want to.
New hosts always get
a lot of attention,
but if you don't want
to play along for the big tips,
you can clear glasses, or do
kitchen prep or something.
- Oh. So, when I saw people
heading upstairs, that was...
- Welcome to
the service industry.
- Hmm.
Who are all these people?
- All part of
the Blue Fox social club.
Invite only, very fancy.
- So, who runs the show?
- Whoa.
- Oh.
This really is easy money, huh?
- I guess.
- Looking for something?
- Uh, spare mask
for the new guy.
- Mm-hmm. That's all?
- Yeah, we'll get out of here.
- Yeah.
- Uh, maybe you should show me
what's in your pockets first.
I'm just kidding.
But the boss doesn't like people
going through his stuff,
so just be careful.
Can't have anyone knowing
you were here, right?
- Ooh, I want that one.
- Yeah, there you go, man.
- Yeah, that's what
I'm talking about.
Thanks, dude.
- All right, have fun.
[soft music]
[floor creaks]
- Beth, is that you?
[door opens] Whoa!
- Sorry, I didn't mean
to startle you.
The door was open, so I just...
- I can't keep you away, can I?
We're not even open yet.
- I'm not here for the sandwich
this time. I ac...
I don't think I ever actually
introduced myself. I'm Rocco.
The foreman doing
the work next door.
- Oh. The work next door that's
driving all my customers away.
- Listen, I come in peace, but,
um, could I check your pipes?
It's important.
- Uh, sure, yeah. Yeah, uh...
- Great. Great, great, great.
- Alright, let's run it again!
[whistle blowing]
Okay, Jackson, find your man.
Push it to the wing.
Remember the play.
Who's open? Remember the play!
Guys, guys! If you can't
do it in a practice,
how you gonna do it in a game?
Alright, that's it for today,
bring it in. Tyler!
Nice pass.
Hey. What is going on with you?
I've never seen you
fumble that play.
- I'm just a little
tired today. Yeah.
- Jackson, those scouts
could be here at any time.
You can't afford
to be tired, man.
- Okay, yeah.
It won't happen again.
- Alright. Come on, you got
this, alright?
- Yeah.
- Go on.
[Maria]: Get out.
[bell on door chimes]
- Okay, really,
my hands are tied.
- Get out!
- Okay, forget it.
- Uh...
- Ugh!
- Hi...
What was that about?
- Gas pipes. I guess, uh,
they need replacing too.
- Well, could we run
an outdoor grill or something
while it's being fixed?
[soft mysterious music]
- Beth.
[inaudible conversation]
[Beth]: Who's that?
- Someone from a Alum Group,
I think.
- Hey, I don't know what
you did last night,
but boy, were you a hit.
You can double that next time.
I mean, you saw the kind of cash
we were pulling in there.
- Uh, thanks, but I'm
not doing that again.
It was... It was a lot.
- Just trying to help you, man.
- I'm sorry, how much?
You have got to be kidding me,
they're just pipes!
[sighs] Yeah, I will... I will
figure something out.
Mm-hmm. So you can definitely
come by tomorrow?
Alright, great,
I will be there. Thanks.
[phone beeps]
[door opens]
- Mom!
- Hey! How was practice?
- Oh, it was so great.
What's going on here?
- Uh, it's nothing.
It's just, we need some repairs,
but it's all under control.
- Oh, okay, so this
wouldn't help, then.
- Um...
Where... Where did you get this?
- Would you believe I won
the school math prize
and they pay cash?
- No, I would not.
- It was worth a shot.
Now, I, uh... I got
a new job in events.
It's late nights, but they've
had a hard time keeping staff,
so they gave me a solid advance.
- I don't even know
what to say, I...
- Remember what we said about me
looking after you sometimes?
- I think you said that.
[Maria chuckles]
Okay, first of all, a job?
You gotta focus on your
scholarship, honey.
And this money, I...
Yes, it would help,
but I don't...
Do not feel right
taking this from you.
- Mom, Mom. I did this for
Moments, okay?
For the family restaurant.
Okay, so just please, take it.
Come here.
[Maria sighs]
I love you, Mom.
- I love you too.
- I gotta run, okay?
I'll catch you later.
[soft music]
[door opens]
- Hey, Jackson!
[soft jazzy music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
- Hey, Ty!
- The golden boy returns!
- Yeah.
- Everyone's been
asking about you.
So? Ready to make
some real money?
- I guess so, yeah.
- Didn't think
I'd see you again.
- I, uh... Well, I
guess I changed my mind.
- Hi, Myles.
- Hey.
- Have fun.
- Everything cool?
- I'm good.
[phone buzzing]
- There's not much
more to tell, really.
I've only worked here
a couple of months.
I haven't even met the boss.
But one more thing, you should
skip the Full Moon Party.
They get out of control,
and not in a good way.
- Got it.
- So, why did you come back?
- Oh, well, uh...
Before my dad died,
my parents started a restaurant,
and it's just been
in some trouble, so...
- Must be some restaurant.
- It's important to us.
- Can't imagine doing something
like that for my folks.
- You're not close?
- Safe to say
we do not get along.
- I'm sorry to hear that.
- Eh, they're just people.
But with the money from these
parties, I'm gonna go to Seattle
to be with my sister
and my nephews.
[phone chimes]
- Oh...
Oh, shoot, I've gotta go.
You're good?
- Okay.
[birds chirping]
- Good morning!
- Good morning.
- Alright.
Everything okay?
- Yeah, just tired.
- Yeah, well, this
should fix you right up.
How'd you sleep?
- Uh, yeah, slept well. Mm-hmm.
- Good.
Help yourself.
- Okay.
Uh, I'm gonna go get my
I'll just be right back.
- Um, okay, but don't
let it get cold!
- Yeah, I need to just
change my sweater too.
- Hmm...
[phone chimes]
[mysterious music]
- Uh, I'm running late, so I
gotta go. Sorry about breakfast.
- Mmm. How's, uh,
Tyler doing, by the way?
- Uh, he's fine. Yeah.
- Great.
Okay, and this, uh,
this new job of yours,
they're not asking
too much of you?
- Uh... I mean, at first,
it was pretty hard,
but I think I got
the hang of it. Yeah.
Anyways, I gotta go.
Love you, Mom.
[phone chimes]
[tense music]
[phone ringing]
- Looking good, golden boy.
- What are you doing?
- It was just a joke.
- Tyler, delete those
right now, okay?
What if somebody sees them?
- Calm down, man.
Your secret's safe with me.
[phone beeps]
Hey. Move that.
[Maria]: So, what do you think?
- It just looks like
a party to me, Maria.
I mean, a lot of the guys do it.
- But they're underage.
- I know.
- I should tell someone, right?
Like the school
or Tyler's parents?
- No, you know what
those two are like.
- Yeah, barely knew their son
was even on the team.
- Yeah, exactly. Listen, I...
I know you're worried,
and you're right, it's not like
Jackson, but kids will do this.
The truth is, he's
working hard at practice,
he's still on track
for San Francisco, he's okay.
- I know, but it's...
- Just let me talk to them, ok?
I'll crack some heads,
I'll put the fear in them.
I do this all the time,
believe me.
- Okay, I just think that...
[phone ringing]
Oh, it's the gas line
I totally forgot that was today.
Hello? Hi.
Yeah, I am so sorry, I had to
step out for a family emergency.
I can be back in...
No, you can't wait ten minutes?
Next month?
Okay, yep. Yeah, fine, whatever.
They're gonna close us down.
- And this never
happens again, am I clear?
- Yeah. Yeah,
we sure are, Coach.
[Pete sighs]
- Oh. Oh, late again.
What, did you stop for a nap?
Maybe you should have.
- I was up late studying.
- Yeah, well, don't get dumped
for plagiarism,
that was Tyler's excuse.
- Uh, well, next time I'll...
- Next time?
Jackson, listen to me.
The scout is out there today.
You have to get your head in
the game right now, alright?
You understand?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay.
- See you on the field.
- Yeah.
Hey, Mom! Oh-ho-ho! Guess what?
The scout came
by training today, mmm!
I was so in the zone!
I really think I got a shot.
Tyler set me up with this one,
and I just got it, I was...
Boom! Just got that right in
there, right down the center.
It was beautiful! The scout
saw it all. And, and...
They gave me another bonus!
- Jackson, sit down.
- Okay...
- This, uh, job of yours...
What exactly are
you doing there?
- Where did you get this?
- Does it matter?
'Cause you know what
it looks like to me?
It looks like there are people
taking advantage of my son.
- You're going through
my phone now?
- This is serious, Jackson!
- Mom, what was I
supposed to do? Okay?
In case you hadn't noticed,
we're gonna lose Moments!
- Okay, a restaurant is not
worth your self-respect!
Okay, I know this
seems like easy money,
but I am begging you,
please, stop.
- Mom, I can help.
- Okay. I know.
I know you want to help.
Honey, I am so grateful to have
such a wonderful, kind son.
This? Whatever this is,
it's scaring me, Jackson.
This scares me.
- Okay. Okay.
No more hosting,
I got it. Look...
I don't want you to worry,
so I'll stop.
- Well, that's a relief.
No more secrets, okay?
- Deal.
But what about Moments?
Okay, look.
I'm sure I'm gonna
land this scholarship,
so why don't we just
use my college fund
to help keep
the restaurant open?
- No, we don't need to do
that, we can find another way.
- No, no, seriously.
He left it to me, right?
Then, that's what I'll do.
So let's use it.
[soft music]
- Uh...
I already did.
- What?
- I, uh, I took out a loan
to build the new bar.
You remember how it was, the
builders, they kept messing up
and having to start over again,
and it was just one thing
after another after another,
and it just...
- So, you were never
gonna tell me.
- The restaurant is the last
piece of your dad that I have.
Okay, Jackson, please! Please.
- No more secrets, huh?
- I'm so sorry.
- You know I would've given it
to you if you'd just asked.
- I couldn't.
I couldn't ask you
for... for that.
- But you could just take it?
I can't believe you are
lecturing me about self-respect.
I mean, it's nearly 3 AM,
what does Tyler want now?
- Attention.
- Everyone's here?
Business has been better
than ever, thanks to you guys,
so I convinced the boss
to let me go out
and get you guys
a little something.
[distant thud]
[ominous music]
Did you guys hear that?
- Wow, this is, like,
super nice, actually.
- Wow. These are...
These are actually
really pricey.
Thanks, man, this is...
this is awesome.
- Well, anything for
the golden boy, right?
- Dude. What the heck, man?
- Tyler, what are you doing?
[Tyler sighs]
- You can never be
too prepared, right?
What? I had to get something
for myself.
[ominous music]
[Jackson]: Whoa, whoa. Uh...
- Bang!
- Tyler. Put the gun away.
- Huh?
Relax. I'd never hurt you guys.
Who else wants their gift?
- Jackson?
- What?
- Hey. Um...
I just wondered if you were
gonna be home
for dinner tonight.
Okay, wait, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa.
It's about Moments, okay?
There is something you should
know, and, could we talk...
- Okay, I'm running late, Mom.
- Okay...
[exhales deeply]
[ominous music]
What the...
[door closes]
- Mom!
- Uh, just a second!
- Mom, guess what I just got.
- Did you, uh, forget something?
- Unbelievable.
[door opens and closes]
- Yo! Yo, everyone look at this!
Everyone come around
and look at this!
Yo, look what I found
in Jackson's coat!
- No, come on.
- No, no.
- No, no, come on, man, don't.
- You got it.
- No, no, no, no.
- Jackson got the scholarship!
[team cheering]
[excited shouting]
- Hey, hey, boys, boys!
What's going on?
- Our golden boy finally
got his golden ticket!
[soft music]
- Is that true?
- Yeah.
- Hey, look,
I just wanted to say,
I know your dad would
be real proud of you.
I'm proud of you. Okay?
- Thanks, Uncle Pete.
- Yeah.
- Come on. Hey, guys?
What do you say, with this news,
we work Jackson extra hard to
make sure he's in proper shape
for college ball, huh?
Huh? Alright, come on,
spread out and warm up!
[upbeat music]
- Ooh! It says,
"partial scholarship".
- Yeah.
- That's a big chunk of
change they're asking for
to make up the difference, huh?
- Too many late nights, I guess.
- Hey, well, good news is we got
the full moon party tonight.
And now we got
a reason to celebrate.
- Uh, thanks, man,
but I'm done with parties.
- You serious?
You can be a massive earner.
- I'll find some other way.
It's all good. Thanks, though.
- Hey, you hearing this?
Scholarship boy's
too good for us now.
- No, no, that's not what I
meant. That's not what I meant.
- You asked me to be
a part of this.
- Look, I know, but it's just...
If anybody finds out, like...
I can't risk this
blowing up everything.
With the scholarship, and with
my mom, and with Pete...
- Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it'd
be terrible if this got out.
Especially to like,
the scholarship board.
I don't think they'd
be too impressed
with your little side hustle.
- Probably not.
- Maybe we should send them
an invite. Some pictures.
Show them what
you're really made of.
- Why would you do that?
- Or you can just
come along tonight,
and we'll have a great time.
- Uh, yeah, sure. Why not?
- Okay.
- Hmm...
- That's the spirit.
- Yeah.
- See you later, golden boy.
- Alright.
- It's so not the end
of the world.
I know it's not exactly
what you wanted,
but it's still pretty amazing.
- Yeah.
- How come you're not
more excited?
- I've just got a lot
on my mind, I guess.
- For example?
- Well, for starters,
the restaurant's
in serious trouble.
The city shut us down.
And Tyler, he's messing with me.
He made some joke about
showing some photos of me
at the Blue Fox
to the scholarship board.
- Whoa!
- I don't know,
maybe he's just lashing out.
he said he wants me to go
to the Full Moon Party tonight.
- No. Bad idea.
- I know.
I know, but I can't just
leave it like this.
Knowing that he could
blow up my life
whenever he feels like it.
- Okay,
so what do you want to do?
- I want to get his phone
and delete the photos.
- Seriously?
That sounds extremely risky.
- Yeah, it is.
That's why I could
use some backup.
- Maria.
- Hey, where are you going?
I thought you guys
had training tonight.
- No, the boys asked
if they could duck out early
to go celebrate.
- Celebrate?
- Yeah, celebrate Jackson
getting the scholarship
and getting his letter, and...
- What?
- And he didn't tell you.
- I did something awful.
And, uh...
I don't think he's ever
going to trust me again.
- Hey, look. Whatever it is,
parents make mistakes
all the time.
Doesn't make you a bad person.
Jackson's a great kid,
maybe he just needs some time,
you know?
He'll come around.
- Just...
I feel like I'm losing him.
You know, if it wasn't
for Moments and Harry,
I would be packing him up
and taking him to San Francisco
right now.
- Well, Maria, maybe you should.
I gotta go. Um...
Look, let's just
talk about it later, okay?
It's gonna be alright.
- Where is everyone?
- Uh, apparently, uh...
practice was cancelled.
It's, uh, it's Victor, right?
Tyler's dad?
Um, I'm Jackson's mom.
- Maria, I remember.
I take it your kid
didn't loop you in either.
I told Tyler's mom
I'd make an effort, but...
- Look, could I just...
Do you have a second?
I just want to talk
to you about Jackson
and, uh, Tyler.
- What's he done now?
- Um...
Tyler sent this photo
to Jackson.
[ominous music]
- Teenagers at a party?
That's what this is about?
- No, it's about more than that.
It's about the masks
and... and the drinking,
and there are people here
who are way older than them,
and, and there's
money involved.
- So this is about money?
- It's about keeping
our kids safe.
- Well, good luck with that.
I don't know about Jackson,
but Tyler's always
thought that the rules
don't apply to him.
Takes after his mother that way.
- So, you don't care about this?
Like, you don't wanna know what
this place is? Because I do.
- He's 18.
Young people make stupid choices
and we all have
to live with them.
Nothing personal, but I wouldn't
even know where to look.
[ominous music]
[phone ringing tone]
[Jackson]: Hey, this is number
five, you know what to do.
[phone beeps]
[rhythmic music playing]
- Well, hello there.
No need to be shy.
But if you want to use the club,
you should probably
use the front door rather
than hiding in the shadows.
- You should be ashamed
of yourself.
There are kids in there.
- Everyone's over 18.
And what are you implying?
We're only teaching
these fine young adults
the value of hard work.
We all need a little
one-on-one mentoring,
don't you think?
- I think I'm going to get
this place shut down
and tell everybody what kind
of people you really are.
- I don't think you will.
But even if you could prove it,
all of the guests here
are upstanding members
of the community.
And you wouldn't want
to get on our bad side.
- What's going on here?
- I'm here for my son.
My teenage son.
- Well, that's my cue.
Maybe I'll see you inside.
- CJ? This is absurd.
Where's Jackson?
- Whoa, whoa, hey, hey.
That's none of your business.
- You're hurting me!
Get your hands off me!
I am calling the police
on this place.
- Go on, if you want to see
Jackson in prison.
- What?
- You know what
he's doing here, don't you?
Go on, make your call.
That's what I thought.
- Hey, this isn't like you, CJ.
- Get lost, Mrs. Dawes.
Before you or somebody else
gets hurt.
[dance music plays]
- We've got a bit
of a situation going on.
- Hey, hey! What happened?
- Look, I just ran into
Mrs. Dawes outside, okay?
She's asking about Jackson.
She's threatening to call
the police and shut
this whole thing down.
I-I dealt with it for now.
What are we gonna do about her?
- It's fine.
Enjoy the party. I'll take care
of this. Trust me.
There he is!
- What do you want, Tyler?
- Everyone is in such
a mood today.
Can I just have a drink
with my friend to celebrate?
- No thanks, I'm good.
- Jackson!
I know I can get wrapped up
in all this, okay?
Sometimes I take things
too far.
I shouldn't have leaned
on you like that, I'm sorry.
It's just...
You got out, man.
You did it.
And I think I was just
a little jealous of that.
- Jealous?
- Not just about the scholarship
stuff, but...
you know what my family's like.
Seeing what you have
with your mom, with Coach.
But the point is, I was a jerk.
I'm really happy for you.
- If you say so.
- Hey!
- What?
- Delete whatever you want.
- I think we should
call it a night.
- Seriously, Myles?
- Thanks, man. I appreciate it.
- What are friends for, eh?
I'll see you upstairs.
- Alright.
- What is going on? Did he catch
you looking through the phone?
- No, I... It's kind of weird.
We talked about it and then
he let me delete all the photos.
- What? I don't buy that.
- I don't know, I guess maybe
he just freaked out
when he thought
that I was bailing.
And... well, honestly,
his family just messed him up.
Both you and I know
what that's like, right?
- Sure, yeah. But I still
think we should go.
- Okay. I told Tyler
I would stay
for just a little bit longer,
but now we actually
have something to celebrate.
Thank you. And hey...
Thanks for having
my back in this.
I could not have done this
without you.
- Fine, okay? One drink.
- One drink.
- That was not good.
- No.
[both laugh]
- You coming or what?
- Come on, let's go upstairs.
- I'll be right there.
[tense music]
[garbled party chatter]
[CJ]: It's Myles. It's Myles.
I... I think he's dead.
[somber music]
- He wouldn't even have been
here if it wasn't for me.
[Tyler] That doesn't matter now.
- Uh, yeah.
Uh, the room's locked.
And he definitely
wasn't there last night
when I let out
the final guests.
I guess he woke up
in the middle of the night
and he was trying
to go down the stairs and...
- So no one saw anything.
- Yeah, man. But Myles...
Myles is...
What do we do?
- I need to make a call.
I'll meet you at school.
[phone ringing tone]
[Jackson]: Hey, this is number
five, you know what to do.
[footsteps approaching]
- Hey.
So, do you want to go
to the cops, or...
- I don't know.
I mean, I don't want to make
it worse for Jackson.
I don't know what to do.
He didn't come home last night
and he's not returning my calls.
- Well, have you tried
the owner?
- What do you mean?
- The bigger places over on that
side are holiday homes, right?
Luxury rentals most of the year.
So if we find out
who put up the listing,
then maybe we could just...
- We could find out
who the owners are.
- Yeah.
- They might not even
know what's going on.
- Yeah, and we could probably
get them to shut it down.
Hold on one sec.
- Beth?
- Yeah?
- Thank you.
When Pete didn't
answer his phone,
I didn't know who else to call.
- Don't worry about it.
One sec.
So, here we go.
It looks like...
The property is being managed
by one Christine Clayworth,
working for Alum Group.
- What? That's the property
development company.
- It's been dealt with.
- Dealt with? Like...
- Do you really want
to know that?
No one will find him.
And if anyone asks,
we all saw Myles
leaving the party last night.
And he couldn't stop talking
about his plan
to go hitchhiking to Seattle,
- I don't know, man.
- Hey, you good?
- I just... Look, I'm gonna skip
class and get out of here.
Okay? This is a lot. I-I...
- We can't change our regular
more than we already have.
So for you, CJ,
this is just going to be another
normal school day.
And then you're going to go
to your family barbecue.
And you...
During your free period,
you go to the bank
and deposit your tuition cheque.
You remember that?
The one I gave you.
- Yeah, I remember.
- Yeah.
Just like nothing
ever happened.
- Right.
- Yeah, whatever man.
- Good. And we're all going
to the next Blue Fox event.
No reason to make the members
suspicious of anything.
- So what, Tyler? So we just act
like none of this ever happened?
Myles just, what?
Myles just disappears?
Myles had a family, okay?
They deserve to know at least!
- Come on, you know what
his parents were like.
Jackson, do you think Myles
would want us to ruin our lives
because of some stupid accident?
- I don't know, man. But maybe
that's what we deserve.
- That's not your
decision to make.
[phone rings]
Oh, Mommy. You gonna take that?
Good call.
It would be terrible if you had
another tragedy in the family.
- I'm sorry, what's that
supposed to mean?
- Hey, hey!
Team's here, alright?
[indistinct chatter]
- I am sure that's the woman
I saw at the party.
I knew I had seen her before.
- Maria, we've really
got to go to the cops.
- No, she'll deny everything.
Unless I can prove
she was there.
Wait a second. Wait, wait, wait.
- Yeah. Yeah, that'd do it.
- I think it's time I plan
to have a little chat
with Christine Clayworth.
- I'll get us some coffee.
- Okay.
[glass shatters]
- Uh... I found this
on the kitchen counter.
I was like, just in there.
- It's her. It's them.
They're just trying to scare us.
- What? Okay, Maria,
I think that we need
to take a minute and...
- No. This doesn't
change anything.
- Doesn't it? I mean...
- No.
I'm not giving up on Jackson.
- That's not what I'm saying,
- Afraid. You're just scared,
I get it.
Okay? And Beth, I don't want
to put you in danger.
- No, that's not what
I'm saying. I just...
- Um...
- Hey, what's up?
- Uh... You know what? Go home.
I'm going to call you tomorrow,
okay? Thank you.
- Okay. What? Why are...
- You're already late
on delivery.
Christine isn't happy.
We're already two weeks behind.
- Hey!
- I might need to call you back.
- Was this your plan
from the start?
- What?
- I will not be intimidated.
- Oh, I think that's clear.
- But to threaten my son!
- Okay, seriously, what the...
- Maria. Hey.
Sorry. Can I talk to you
for a second?
- Okay, hold up.
What's all this about?
- Hey, it's a family matter,
okay? Alright?
- No, look at this!
- Come on.
- He put this in my kitchen!
- Hey, I'm sorry
I didn't call you,
I left my phone at home.
What is going on out there?
- You don't understand. Okay?
Jackson is in trouble.
And I can't get ahold of him.
He won't answer.
- Hey, hey, hey. Maria, relax.
I just saw him at school,
he's in class.
Jackson is fine.
What's going on?
- Christine Clayworth and Rocco,
that foreman.
They think they can just
chase us out of town.
- Whoever wrote this,
Maria, they mean business.
They could come after you.
They could come after Jackson.
No, this is serious.
- So, maybe I just...
Maybe I just give them
what they want.
- Look, whatever you decide,
you know that I'll back you,
I just need to make sure
nothing happens to you
and nothing happens to Jackson.
I don't want you guys
getting hurt.
Hey, maybe, think about it.
Alright? Go home,
take a few days off.
Forget about the restaurant
for a few days.
- And Jackson?
- I got Jackson.
I'll be there for last period.
I'll bring him back,
you go home,
and then we'll talk it through.
It's gonna be okay.
Just don't do anything crazy.
It's gonna be alright.
[door opens and closes]
[phone ringing tone]
- Hi, your company made an offer
on my restaurant
and I'd like to discuss terms.
I'd like to talk
to Christine Clayworth.
- Jackson, wait!
- The bank is gonna close, CJ.
- You can't go there.
- Why not?
- Tyler's out of control, man.
He thought you were gonna
snitch about Myles.
And just now,
when he saw you in town,
well, he...
- What did you do, CJ?
- Look, I'm getting out of town,
Maybe you should think about
doing the same.
Don't go to the bank, Jackson.
[tense music]
- I spoke
to Christine Clayworth.
It is so much worse
than I thought.
She threatened me and now
I think Jackson's in danger.
- Just calm down, Maria.
We don't know that Jackson
is hurt. Where are you?
- I... I came home.
I didn't know what else to do!
Okay, I'm going
to the school now.
I need to know that he's safe.
- No, listen to me.
He's still angry at you.
If you humiliate him at school,
you could chase him off,
and who knows where
he'll end up then. Just...
let me handle it, okay?
- Okay. Okay, just let me know.
[phone beeps]
[tense music]
- Mom? Mom, are you here?
Hey, Mom, it's me.
Look, I don't have
a lot of time, but...
But I'm sorry, Mom, I didn't
mean to put you in any danger.
But you don't have
to worry about it anymore,
because I'm going to be
going away for a little bit.
That way you'll be safe.
But I just needed to tell you
before I left.
Tyler, he's out of control.
- Hey, whatcha doing?
- I'm leaving town.
Okay? You win.
- Yeah?
Because it sounded like you were
telling on me to Mommy.
- This isn't a game,
Tyler, okay?
Myles is dead because of us.
- Myles is dead
because he was drunk.
- No, no, he wasn't. My...
He had one drink that night,
the drink that I gave him.
Okay, that drink you...
That drink that you gave me.
[ominous music]
I am done letting you
push me around.
- Is that so?
- What do you think, Harry?
- Hey, hey, hey!
Stop! Stop! Yo, stop!
Hey, hey. You alright, man?
I'm calling 911.
- No, no, no, no.
Just take me to Moments.
[phone rings]
- Hello?
Hey, where is he?
- He's right there.
He's a little banged up
and his ankle might be twisted,
but he'll be okay.
- Okay, thanks.
- I'll be right back.
I'll go get some ice.
- Alright.
- Hey, Mom.
- Rocco thinks you might
have a twisted ankle.
Oh my...
- Mm-hmm. Yeah, it's okay.
It's okay.
Mom, I'm... I'm so sorry.
It was just supposed
to be some quick cash
to keep the restaurant going,
but then Tyler kept pushing.
And I didn't want to do it,
but every single time
I tried to stop, he always...
- Hey, Jackson, listen to me.
You have absolutely nothing
to be ashamed of.
I love you, and I always will.
- Mom...
my friend Myles...
- Yeah.
- Um, so...
At one of the parties,
Tyler put something
in his drink. And...
- And what?
- And, um...
Tyler tried to, uh...
Well, Tyler hid the body
to cover it all up.
And I don't know what to do.
Mom, I'm so scared.
- Okay, okay, okay.
Okay. Here's what
we're going to do.
We're going to go
to the police, okay?
No matter what happens, I will
be standing right with you.
- Hey.
I remembered I had these
in the site office.
- Thanks.
- There you go, Champ.
- Thanks.
- Um, thanks.
Um, we're...
We're gonna go to the police.
Maybe you can come down
and make a statement.
- Sure.
Um, just let me know when
you're heading to the station
and I'll meet you there.
- Thanks, Rocco.
He's a good guy.
- You're lucky he was around.
- Yeah.
- Don't scare me like this.
- When Tyler jumped me...
I've ruined everything.
- Nah, it's just a little...
Just a little banged up.
Trust me, there's nothing
that can't be fixed.
Okay? Oh...
I love you so much.
- I love you too.
- Sure you're okay?
- Yeah, Mom,
I can put on
my own seatbelt.
- I, uh, I spoke with Pete
and he was really shocked
about what's going on
with the team,
and he wants to help,
so he's going to meet us
at the station.
[ominous music]
Jackson, wake up.
Hey, hey.
Right here.
- My backpack?
- Hey.
Hey, are you okay?
- What's going on?
- I don't know.
- Are you okay?
- I'm okay. I'm okay.
- Mom. In my backpack,
in the main pocket,
there's a gun.
You gotta...
[door opens]
- Why couldn't they let this go?
I didn't want for anyone
to get hurt.
- My son might disagree.
- You don't understand.
These people that...
I'm sorry you got dragged
into all this, Mrs. Dawes.
- How...
[clears throat]
How did you get involved
in all of this?
- I just wanted to save
some money, you know?
- Hmm.
It was kind of fun at first.
- It's not too late, Tyler.
You can just let us go.
- You don't understand.
There are some bad people
watching me closely.
If I can't convince you
to let this go...
they're going to kill
both of you. And me.
And my parents.
- And you believe them?
- They have tabs on everyone
in town.
You don't understand the people
that come to these parties.
They know everyone's
dirty little secrets.
- Like what happened to Myles.
- That was an accident.
- Liar!
You're just a murderer.
You're nothing more
than just a murderer
and a coward!
- Stop saying that.
You don't understand,
it was an accident.
- You're a murderer
and a coward!
- Get away from him.
- Please. Please.
- Just tell me Tyler,
is any of this true? Huh?
Or is it just a big lie?
Is there really a Blue Fox Club
or is it just you?
- Well...
Not just me.
- Mom! Uncle Pete!
What are you doing?!
- Give me the gun.
Sit down, sit down.
Sit down! Sit down!
- What are you doing?
You were behind all of this?
- Are you kidding me?
He can barely set up
training dummies.
No, no. This is my show.
He's just a supporting act.
- What? No. What...
What about the boss?
- The boss...
I just needed somebody
for you to respect.
To fear.
Besides, who would believe
that a teenager
would do all this, anyways?
- Pete.
- Actually,
we have our own little secret.
Isn't that right, Dad?
- What?
[Tyler laughs]
- Uh...
Give me a minute with them.
- What? No.
- Tyler! Now.
Okay, look.
[Pete clears throat]
Maria, you were supposed
to leave.
- The threat.
That was you.
How could you?
- Because I wanted you to get
out of town. Out of danger.
But you couldn't leave it alone.
You wouldn't... You'd do
anything you could for your son?
- What are you talking about?
- I had an affair,
and it cost me my marriage.
And then I found out
she was pregnant.
- Gloria.
Tyler's mother.
- Look, I thought I could
give him a nudge
in the right direction.
His parents...
parents, they treated him
like an inconvenience.
He didn't need a coach.
He needed a real father.
But, Maria, he came to me.
He said he needed my help.
H-He needed money.
He said he was in debt
to some bad people,
but as soon as I found out what
he was using the cash for...
I swear,
I never wanted you to get hurt.
I swear.
[Tyler clears throat]
- Okay, we don't
have time for this.
- You can't keep us in here,
Okay, people would have
seen us,
they'll come looking for us.
- Will they, though?
I wasn't kidding about
a bunch of people in this town
having secrets
they want kept secret.
Good reason to keep people
away from this place, huh?
She is right, though.
We can't keep them here.
- No, listen to me. I
can talk to them,
I'll bring them around.
They're family.
- She tried to shoot me.
- Come on.
- You think they're ever
going to let this go?
- Tyler, no! No, no!
Tyler, no, no! No!
[breathing heavily]
[Jackson] No! No, Tyler!
- Pete!
- How could you do that?!
- Sit down!
- How could you?!
- Sit down! Sit down!
- Pete!
- Sit down! Sit down!
- Okay, okay, okay!
- You're nothing more
than a murderer!
- Stop saying that!
It's not true!
- You're a coward
and a murderer!
You're delusional!
- It was an accident!
- Tyler!
- It was an accident!
[glass shattering]
- Mom, run! Tyler, no!
[tense music]
- Tyler!
[tense music]
- Mrs. Dawes?
I don't want to hurt you.
- Tyler.
- You know, if you had
just listened to me
from the beginning, none
of this would have happened.
- I know, I know.
I want to listen to you now,
but I just can't listen to you
when you have a gun in my face.
- Stop talking to me
like I'm some child,
I'm not a child, okay?
- I don't mean to, I'm so sorry.
- Stop it!
We're going upstairs.
- Hey, Tyler!
- No!
- How'd you get here, man?
- Your dad finally
made his choice.
- I just can't win, can I?
Chalk it up to another one
for the golden boy, huh?
You know what?
Coach isn't here
to save you this time.
- You should have listened
to him, you know?
- Oh yeah? Why is that?
- Because it all comes down
to teamwork, Ty.
[glass shattering]
[sirens wailing]
- Mom.
[somber music]
- How did you know where
to send the police?
- There was a creepy flyer
I found.
I worked on that house,
so I knew where it was.
When you didn't show up
at the station,
I figured it was
where you had to be.
Apparently, that kid kept
very thorough notes.
I think the cops are going to be
very busy rounding up
everyone involved,
including Christine Clayworth.
- I'm so glad you showed up
in time.
[sirens wailing]
[upbeat music]
[indistinct chatter]
Hey, I need those nachos up!
[phone rings]
Hey, I didn't think
we'd hear from you today.
- I always call on Friday.
- Uh, yeah, but it's not
just any Friday, is it?
How's the bookstore job?
How's Kyle?
It's fine.
Everything's fine, Mom.
How's Uncle Pete doing?
- His lawyers say he'll have
his court date soon.
Um... but if he's anywhere
near a TV,
I know he'll be watching
your game today.
- Maria, come on,
everyone's waiting.
- Hey, look who's here!
- Hey, kid. Hey, your first
college game, boy!
People are still coming in.
Hey, just make sure you win
this one,
because I got 20 bucks
riding on you. Feel me?
- Yes, sir. Okay, guys,
I gotta go.
Love you, Mom.
- I love you, too.
Good luck! Good luck!
- Thanks.
[phone beeps]