My Southern Family Christmas (2022) Movie Script

Merry Christmas
Can you feel it?
If you feel it
Then sing with me
I wish you
Merry Christmas
May all your dreams
Come true
And I hear
Choirs singing
Bells ringing
By the Christmas tree
And I wonder if you
Could make my dreams
Come true...
Airventure magazine.
- Oh, here...
- Yeah.
And I wonder if you
Could make my dreams...
Oh. Okay, thank you.
And spend this Christmas
Here with me
All right, Chicago.
Happy holidays from all of us
down here in Dallas.
We'll be wishing you
lots of Christmas cheer.
Stay warm up there.
Bye now.
Speaking of holiday cheer,
you sure look full of it.
Yeah, I'm just thankful that we
planned these articles a year out.
But you've still got to have your
pitch for the meeting tomorrow.
Remember, the feature and the
cover are on the line here.
Thank you for
the added layer of pressure.
Not that I needed it.
I'm just sayin',
after Daniel's cover story
about the history
of The Nutcracker last year,
it got a lot of eyes, hon.
And Daniel got a book deal.
I know. Be like Daniel.
Be like Daniel.
All right, guys, tomorrow
morning, uh, 8:30 a.m. sharp,
but I gotta say I need
a little more nuance.
You know, a little more flair.
I need our readers to have
an experience on the page,
'cause if they can't travel
the world for Christmas,
we're going to bring
Christmas to them, okay?
Youse got it?
All right, I know you do.
Don't let me down.
It just seems like every
Christmas tradition on the planet
has already been covered already...
I mean, Christmas wedding, done.
Christmas on the ranch?
Do you want
a Christmas cruise? Done.
There isn't
a gingerbread competition,
a quaint village or a tree
lighting we haven't explored.
- What else is left?
- Christmas in space?
Do you think I could do it?
Look, maybe you're thinking
too globally here.
Girl, the holidays are
all about family.
Maybe you should try
looking closer to home?
Oh, yeah, yeah.
I'm sure the readers would love
to hear about my parents
struggling to take the Christmas
decorations down from the attic.
Speaking of which,
I promised I would go help them
later tonight, so...
I'm going to go grab
some leftovers from the party
and head out.
Oh, lots of missed calls.
See? Family time.
Who knows? Maybe
you'll get some inspiration.
I don't need inspiration,
I need a Christmas miracle.
Go on and get
that Christmas miracle, girl.
Thank you.
Lord, help her.
Hey, it's Dad. Wondered if you could
pick up some coffees on the way over.
Love you.
Hi, Ms. Wallace.
I'm just calling about
your car's extended warranty.
Hi there, Campbell.
Um... I-I'm Jennifer Bergeron.
I'm not sure if you got
my letter earlier this year,
but I think I'm...
Oh, goodness, this is so...
I think I'm married
to your father...
Christmas is coming
The snowflakes
Will be falling...
Mom! Dad!
Are y'all home?
- I got coffee.
- Ah, bless you.
I thought the coffee
would never get here.
And you, of course.
But mostly the coffee.
Hey, kiddo.
Your holiday favorite.
Oh! Is that nutmeg I'm tasting?
- Mm-hmm.
- Don't get too cozy.
We can't take a break
until everything's down.
She's so bossy.
Hey, it was your idea
to get a jump start
on clearing out the attic.
Remind me to keep my mouth shut.
Oh, no, no, no,
we did beach Santa last year.
Let's do, uh,
Vegas Santa this year.
- Right.
- I don't want to keep you too late,
because you, young lady,
have a pitch to write.
I know, I know.
- Hey, Mom?
- Yeah?
Do you mind if I take
this Campbell box home with me?
Hi, Everett.
Can you get that, hon?
It's probably the Pere Noel
Festival planning committee!
Bergeron residence.
Everett speaking.
Hello? Is anyone there?
Uh, yeah, hi. Um...
Um... is...
Jennifer Bergeron there?
I'm-I'm calling
for this Christmas...
Yeah, yeah.
Hang on, she's right here.
- Here you go.
- Oh.
Hi. J-Jennifer.
This is, uh, Campbell Wallace.
You left me a voicemail?
Yes, of course!
Uh... can you give me a minute?
Christmas emergency.
Um, you can start without me,
I'll be right there.
Well, um...
hi there, Campbell.
Uh, this is, um...
Well, I'm just so glad
that you called.
Yeah, well,
you left me a voicemail.
Oh, and my letter
a few months ago?
What... How did you find me?
It wasn't easy.
I kept looking
for an Alice Bergeron
because that's what
he calls you, but...
Yeah, there were five Alices
in my preschool
and my dad gave me
the nickname, so...
"Campbell" just kind of stuck.
Well, um, took me
a while, but...
eventually I got there.
It's amazing what you can find
online these days, right?
I know that I may be
overstepping here, and...
when you didn't answer my letter,
I figured I should just leave it be.
Then why didn't you?
Well, um...
here in Ascension Parish
fires on the levee light... they
light the way for Pere Noel,
Santa Claus, you know,
and our old Pere Noel
has retired
and Everett has been chosen
to replace him.
- Okay.
- And...
it's a big deal.
It's an honor that you want
to share with your family,
and I guess what
I'm trying to say is
that ever since
he's been chosen...
he... he just doesn't think
he deserves it because...
he can't stop
thinking about you.
I don't know.
I thought, well, this
is sort of my Hail Mary pass,
- to see if...
- It's a really nice offer,
uh, but I've been fine
without him
most of my life,
so, um, thank you, but...
Mom, dinner's getting cold.
Yeah, come on.
We wanna make Christmas cookies!
Just a minute, girls.
Who... Who was that?
Oh, Mary-Margaret and Amelia.
They would be...
Well, um...
they're your sisters.
Oh, focus, um...
All right, guys, I am loving the
international angle right now.
Let's run with that. Oh, and the
Christmas Barbecue Cook-Off...
- Oh. Hello, Campbell.
- Sorry.
Nice of you to join us.
Um, anyway, uh...
Oh, the Dallas piece
for the Christmas Cook-Off.
But for this feature
I'm looking for something,
something with
a bit more culture,
you know, a bit more heart,
something that we haven't
seen before...
What's that?
- Oh, uh, no.
- What's this?
- Nope, that's...
- Oh, this is fantastic.
Are you ready to pitch this?
- Yeah.
- Let's see this pitch.
Give Campbell the floor, guys.
All right.
Uh... okay.
there's this town in Louisiana
called Sorrento,
uh, where the people try
to make Christmas special,
even though there's no snow.
And so, on Christmas Eve,
they light the bayou
to guide Pere Noel,
their version of Santa Claus,
to their homes.
And this year,
the new Pere Noel is a man
named Everett Bergeron.
He's a successful businessman.
Runs a popular meat pie shop...
Right, right, but who is he?
I mean, I guess that
would be the story, really,
figuring that out.
I like it.
Good job.
So, I'm thinking
we finish decorating the tree,
make some hot chocolate, and...
ride around the neighborhood
and look at the lights.
Way ahead of you
on the hot chocolate part.
That was for later.
I'm a simple man, Sarah.
I see hot chocolate, I drink it.
So... somebody had
a big meeting today.
And somebody is being
very quiet about it.
Uh, yeah. It was good.
I'm in contention
for the feature.
Well, what are we doing
drinking hot chocolate?
We should pop open
the champagne!
It's nothing yet.
And, um...
it does mean that
I'm leaving tomorrow
and that I won't see you two
on Christmas morning.
Landing the feature!
Almost landing the feature.
Well, almost landing
the feature is a big deal.
When we open presents isn't.
Now, tell us everything.
Okay, uh...
There's this small town
in Louisiana
where they ask a man
in the town to be, like,
their version of Santa Claus.
Ascension Parish, actually.
So... you want
to meet your father.
Well, no.
I just...
I feel like going
is the right thing to do.
When you were 13,
we sat you down
and we asked you
if you wanted to meet him,
if you wanted to have a relationship
with him, and you said that you...
I said it was his loss
when he left
and I have all the family
I need.
That hasn't changed.
Well, I'm not trying to hold you
to what you wanted as a child.
But I do wonder, why now?
Mama, I have sisters.
And I do wonder about him.
You know?
I think that
if I don't do this now,
I always will.
I just don't want you
to get hurt, that's all.
I know.
Will you excuse me?
You aren't mad at me, are you?
Or upset that
I would want to meet him?
Why would I be mad?
You are my dad.
And you're a great dad.
Campbell, it's okay.
I know you love me.
And honestly, I had a feeling
this day would come.
And what about Mom?
Is this what you want, kiddo?
Yeah. It is.
Then she'll come around.
I promise.
Let's finish
decorating the tree.
- Come on, it'll be fun.
- Yes.
Campbell. It's so nice
to finally meet you.
- Do we hug?
- Yeah, sure.
I'm sorry, I'm just so excited.
I've been hearing about you,
well, since I met your father,
so... 20 years?
- And here you are!
- Here I am.
Um, he's running errands
and the girls are at school.
I thought it would be nice
if it was just us for a minute.
- Great. Thank you.
- Yeah.
So, you'll be staying down the
road at a cute little cottage
owned by friends of ours,
the Shepherds.
Oh, the Shepherds,
they don't know that
I'm Everett's daughter?
No, no, no, no. No.
That's yours to tell, not mine.
But they do know
about the article,
and we're going to give you
a lot to write about.
Mr. Shepherd is the Pere Noel
who's stepping down
and his grandson Jackson
is the town liaison,
so he can help you out too.
- Great.
- But, uh, look.
If it gets too much and you feel
like you need to leave...
Jennifer? I...
I'll be all right.
Don't worry.
That's what moms do, I guess.
We worry.
But you're right, um...
So, uh...
Come on inside.
I got that.
- And I'll show you...
- Thank you.
Show you the house.
So this is it.
So, as you can see,
we do like to decorate
for the holidays.
Yeah, those. Uh...
We started making pecan hand
pies one year for Christmas,
and ever since then, we keep
thinking we need help shelling them.
Don't worry about it. We collect,
um, novelty Santas back home.
Um, can I get you anything?
It is Christmas,
so eggnog or hot cocoa or...
- Any water?
- I can manage that, yes.
Be back in a minute.
You just make yourself at home.
I did have an idea.
You know, if you're not sure
that you want to come out
and tell Everett who you are?
Well, since you're
already doing the article,
maybe you could
use that as a cover?
You know,
observe him, get to know him,
and tell him when you're ready.
Isn't that a little dishonest?
Well, I'm not saying that I feel
great about the idea, but...
I mean, I came
all the way here, right?
I should be able to look him in
the eye and tell him who I am.
Well, of course.
You know, I understand,
though, if...
- Jennifer, are you here?
- Oh, um...
Sure am, darling!
And, uh, we have some company.
Hello there.
This is Campbell Wallace.
Ah, Everett Bergeron.
Nice to meet you. Welcome.
Um, it's a little complicated
to explain, but she's...
A reporter.
Uh, yeah, I'm here to write
a story about you
for Airvent magazine.
Nothing complicated about it.
So, you're a reporter?
- Surprise!
- Yeah, it sure is.
Uh, what'd you say
your name was again?
- Campbell Wallace.
- Uh-huh.
Um, your wife tipped me off
about you becoming
Sorrento's new Pere Noel,
and we think our readers
will love it.
Well, look, I'm not much of a story, but...
you're the expert.
No, you really should
read her articles.
- Okay.
- Um, she's been everywhere.
- A real world traveler.
- Sure, yeah, yes.
And when I cover these things,
I get... I get to know the town
and, uh, the traditions,
and, uh, well, and this time,
the man behind
the big white beard.
And actually, because the honor
is about you and your family,
I would like to get
to know both.
If you'll let me.
all right, Campbell.
Uh, it sounds fine.
I just hope I don't
disappoint you.
Yeah, I hope so, too.
Uh, I gotta git... a whole new
batch of orders came in.
- Oh, for the meat pie business?
- Yep.
This is the busiest time
of year.
Seems like every town in a
25-mile radius orders from us,
and we ship
all over the country.
Stick around,
I'll show you how we make them.
- I would like that.
- Yeah.
Honey bun. Hey, the mayor's
party, you got that covered?
Yes. I'll get the delivery going
when the girls get home from school.
All right.
"When out on the roof,
there arose such a clatter..."
- We're home! Hello?
- Hello.
Hey, there they are!
How are my best girls?
How you doin'?
- Wow. Father of the year.
- How was your last day of school?
He's made lots of mistakes,
but I know that he would really
like to make it right with you.
I gotta fill some orders,
so please
take care of your mom, okay?
Be nice, we have a visitor!
Hi! Dad says not to be nightmares
because we have a guest.
I'm guessing that's you?
Hi, I'm Campbell.
It's nice to meet you.
I'm Amelia.
This is Mary-Margaret.
Um, Campbell is doing an article
on Pere Noel for A irvent magazine.
- Yeah.
- Oh, great.
Love to spend Christmas break
with strangers.
- Mary-Margaret!
- It's okay, I get it.
Um... I probably wouldn't
want to spend Christmas
with someone who writes for an
airplane magazine, either, so...
Wait, you mean the ones that they
give out with the little peanut bags?
Yeah, the... the one
with the peanut bags.
- That's cool.
- Yeah. You know what else is cool?
Uh, Mom, we know what's cool
way more than you do.
- Yeah, we're tastemakers.
- Oh.
Well, how do the tastemakers
feel about chores?
Um, chores are not trending
right now, so...
It's good PR for the business.
runs all of our socials.
She's, uh,
quite the content creator.
Kind of like you.
Fine. But only for the 'gram.
Well, then it's settled.
Catering delivery.
So, off. Put on your shirts.
- All right, okay.
- All right, you too. Go, go!
So, would you like to join us?
- Sure. I would love to.
- Great. Come on.
Let's go, girls!
We're leaving in ten minutes!
They put you to work already?
Oh, don't worry.
I'm a very immersive writer.
I like to get in the trenches,
or the Christmas parties,
as the case may be.
Okay. So, is this the part
where, I don't know,
you ask what Pere Noel
means to me
or my top five
Christmas cookies?
Oh, you know, well, I have got
so many questions for you,
you wouldn't even believe.
Well, where do we start, then?
Uh, what about your girls?
Your daughters?
My daughters?
It's quite a brood
you've got there.
Oh, yeah. Well...
they're my everything.
I couldn't imagine life
without them.
Campbell! Come on!
- Oh.
- Good luck. You'll need it.
Thank you.
So, you're a writer, huh?
Uh, yeah.
I take pictures, too. See?
- Wow, nice.
- You wanna try?
Um, sure.
So, what do you write about?
Je suis une auteure de voyage.
That's French for
"I'm a travel writer."
- Oh.
- Oh!
And what's French for
"Pere Noel's going to bring me
a big lump of coal
for Christmas"?
Pere Noel doesn't
even bring coal, that's Santa.
- Mm-hmm. There's a difference?
- Oh, yeah.
See, Pere Noel is Cajun,
so he speaks French too.
Oh, and he drinks blackberry
wine and eats meat pies.
And my dad is going to be him now
that Mr. Shepherd is retiring.
Yes. I've heard about that.
I've been told.
- Okay, buckle up.
- Smile, Mom.
- Oh...
- Oh, and by the way,
we're going
to Robert's Coffee House
and my dad used to work there,
and they have
the best beignets, ever.
- Okay. Beignets, meat pies.
- Mm-hmm.
- Okay, so you're ready to do the whole tour?
- Yeah.
- Let's do it, Mom.
- Let's do this.
- I can come back out for those.
- Oh, no, don't worry.
I can get them. I mean,
it's a family business, right?
Oh! Attention!
- Well, that's broken.
- I'm so sorry.
You know, a warning
might have been nice.
- You don't speak French?
- That's the problem with tourists.
They come through and mess up
the flow of traffic.
Yeah, well, no wonder
you're mowing people over.
- Do you mind if I...? Yep.
- Oh.
Thank you.
So, she knocks over my presents,
she makes fun
of my nerdy glasses...
Well, from one nerd to another,
I think they look cute.
Um... distinguished.
I mean.
- But not well-traveled.
- No.
We're setting up.
Yeah, I'm on my way!
You bring out
The holly jolly me...
Okay, good,
if you could tilt it up
towards the Christmas tree.
Okay. Good. Perfect.
Caption time.
I need to find a pen.
Gotta brainstorm.
Oh, Amelia, not on any
of the mayor's important stuff.
Wait, wait, wait!
- Mayor Thomas.
- Yes.
Mayor Thomas,
this is Campbell Wallace.
She's doing the article
about Pere Noel.
Oh, okay.
The mayor
and Everett go way back.
it's a pleasure to meet you.
- And welcome to Sorrento!
- Thank you. Nice to be here.
Absolutely. You know, I think
she should meet Jackson Shepherd.
I think he'd be
a great resource for you.
Actually, she's staying
at his family's cottage.
Ah, there you go.
Meant to be.
He's around here somewhere.
Hey, Jackson!
Come over here!
Jackson Shepherd,
this is Campbell Wallace.
She's the reporter
from the travel magazine.
Ah. Well, bonjour,miss.
Bonjour indeed.
Oh, Mayor Thomas, if you're
wondering why the present I got you
is broken into a million pieces,
that's because of her.
Well, Campbell,
you can ask this rude young man
anything about anything,
he knows it all.
He's the keeper
of all the town records
and he helps us out
when we have visitors.
- Great.
- Okay.
I just hope I don't
ruin your flow,
what with me
being a tourist, and all.
Well, it was her who started.
I mean, I feel like you
started that before.
- And you'll be staying at the cottage?
- Yeah.
- Excellent.
- I can't tell if they're flirting or fighting.
- Maybe both.
- That's why I put her in the cottage.
You're good with people,
you know that?
Well, it's a gift.
What can I say?
So, Jennifer, I wanted to ask,
what's Everett like, to you?
Um, well...
he's smart and hard-working.
And loving.
You know, when I met him,
he had just pulled himself
out of a really dark place.
And he's spent the rest of his life
trying to do better, be better.
There's not a lot of people
you can say that about.
And, you know,
he makes me laugh... a lot.
Tsk... I think
I just love him to bits.
Yeah, see, I wish I could
see him the way all of you do.
And I wish he could have been
those things for me.
- Hey!
- Hey.
Perfect timing.
I just set out
the last batch to cool.
- Good day?
- Excellent.
I'm thinking of hiring Campbell.
She's a perfect fit
for our little operation here.
- Okay.
- How was your day?
Well, much better
now that you're here.
- Oh.
- Come on, let's eat.
- Well, well, well, okay.
- You too, Campbell.
- Campbell. Come on now.
- Yep.
All right.
Ooh, something smells good.
- Mmm.
- Girls, come on, dinner!
I'm just gonna grab my things
and head out.
You can't leave yet.
Stay for dinner.
Look, there's plenty of food.
I just... I should really get
started on writing my article,
and I don't want to intrude
on family time.
Guess what? After dinner,
we're making wreaths.
It's a family tradition
on the first night off school.
- You can sit by me.
- Uh-uh, she's sitting by me.
We're going
to talk about photography.
Sounds like the girls
already saved a spot for you.
Now, look, this article
is about me, right?
Well, to know my family
is to know me.
Why don't you stay awhile?
How can I say no?
You can just put your stuff
on the chair.
Thank you.
- Mm-mm. Who's first?
- Smells good.
For you.
"This will be
your best Christmas ever."
Hi, Mom.
Hey, baby.
How are you holding up?
Uh... getting settled in.
You know, meeting my father
for the first time,
not telling him
I'm his daughter.
- You haven't told him yet?
- I panicked.
Well, that's totally normal,
It still feels weird.
It's kind of like lying,
you know?
I mean, it's...
a lot like lying.
Well, it's also a way
of keeping yourself safe
and get to know him better.
How are the girls?
Oh, Mom, they're amazing.
I mean, Amelia is so spunky,
and Mary-Margaret
is just such a moody teenager.
You know, she's trying
to be real cool.
She just, like, reminds me a lot
of myself when I was that age.
And last night we were making
wreaths, and, um...
Oh, hang on, Mom.
Someone's at my door.
It's okay. Go.
Just call me later.
I love you!
Love you.
Well, look who
the reindeer dragged in.
Pere Noel doesn't
actually have reindeer.
Oh, yeah?
What does he use, then?
Oh. The Ayutthaya province
has elephants,
the North Pole has reindeers, and Cajun
country has alligators, naturally.
Oh, right. Sorry.
Uh, so, your coffee machine
here is broken,
so I brought you this.
My grandma's recipe.
I hope you like
Cajun eggnog flavor.
Cajun eggnog. Never had it.
Ah. That's a point for me then.
I mean, essentially
it's eggnog instead of creamer,
with nutmeg, cinnamon, cayenne,
and a little
imitation rum extract.
Sounds different.
It's a southern
Louisiana tradition, so...
Mmm, don't worry,
I love different.
Believe me, in my line of work,
I get plenty of it.
- Ever had mopane?
- I have not.
- What is that?
- Worms.
It's a Zimbabwean
Christmas tradition.
That sounds... delicious.
It's actually pretty good.
Almost as good as this coffee.
Glad to hear it.
Hey, I was thinking,
maybe I'd take you on a tour?
You can see the sights.
I mean, it's no Zimbabwe...
Actually, I'm tailing
Everett today,
Pere Noel duties,
but maybe you could help me
do some research after lunch?
Sorrento's resident geek
is at your service.
Great, it's a date then.
Yeah, cheers.
You know, it's a great honor
to take on the mantle
of Pere Noel from Shepherd here,
who's had that distinction
for nearly 30 years.
Now, as my first official act
as Sorrento's new Pere Noel,
I'm going to hang the first
ornament on the town tree,
as a sign that Christmas
is just around the corner.
Hey, you know,
this is the time of year
where we're supposed to be the
most hospitable and welcoming,
so I'd like to ask
somebody else to help me.
Kind of an honorary Pere Noel
assistant for the season.
Campbell Wallace.
What do you say?
- Uh...
- Go on!
Okay, sure.
- Thank you.
- Anywhere.
- Right here? Yeah?
- Yep.
- Okay.
- There we go. Ta-da!
You didn't have to do that.
Of course I did.
You're our guest.
All right, folks join in!
"Mo' fassa and fassa,
da gator dey came!"
"He whistle and holla
and called dem by name!"
Hey, now, kids,
we have a special visitor,
coming all the way from the
magical land of Dallas, Texas.
- Oooh!
- Now, I reckon she's never
even heard this story before,
have you?
I can't say that I have.
Not this version, anyway.
Well then, she doesn't even know
the names of Pere Noel's gators.
Should we teach her? Y'all
want to practice your reading?
All right, come on up here.
- Let's do it.
- Okay.
- Right here. You ready?
- Okay.
Here we go.
"Ha, Gaston! Ha, Tiboy!"
"Ha, Pierre an' Alcee!"
"Gee, Ninette! Gee, Suzette!"
"Celeste an' Renee!"
- Not my best performance.
- Oh, that's all right.
Look, that's for you.
Now you can practice.
That's how you get ahold
of Pere Noel on Christmas Eve.
- Thank you.
- And remember your time down here.
All right, now, kids,
how does the story end?
"Merry Christmas to all,
'til I saw you some mo'!"
All right.
Hey, hot chocolate
right over here.
Hi there.
Come in.
Oh, hey.
Glad you could make it.
Wow... festive.
Yeah, I get pretty focused
on my work.
Yeah, I mean, I get it.
Ah, what the Japanese
call shibui.
Oh, hey. So, the town paper
is doing a series on Everett.
Asked me to pull
all the public files on him,
old articles, government files,
So I thought maybe you could
use it for your article as well?
That's incredible.
Yeah, thank you.
Ugh! So... I haven't
looked at it yet, but...
that should keep you busy
for a while.
- Yep.
- Feel free to work here as long as you want.
- You want coffee?
- The answer to that question will always be yes.
Hey, you want cream or sugar?
Uh, just coffee is fine,
thank you.
This is from the year he left.
All right, here we go.
So, where should we get started?
Uh, actually, I have to go.
Sorry, my, uh, my editor
needs a progress report,
so I have to go
and upload some pictures.
But thank you, and, um...
I'll call you?
She told me about you.
Maybe we'll sit down and visit.
She let me know kind of
what's going on...
I figured, look,
this is something
that I know what I'm talking
about 'cause I've been there.
- You've been there?
- Yeah, and back again.
- Hey.
- Hi.
How'd it go with your boss?
Uh, yeah, good, good.
Yeah, uh...
Just, uh...
just, uh, working away.
Great. Do you care
if I sit down?
Sure. Go ahead.
Thank you.
- Hey, um...
- Yeah.
Who is that guy that Everett
is talking to outside?
- Do you know him?
- Oh, yeah, it's the guy he's been counseling.
- Counseling?
- Yeah, I'm surprised you didn't
figure that out
in all your research.
- Hmm.
- You have a little...
Okay, you have a lot of powdered
sugar on your face right there.
Yeah. Yeah, Everett's been
working with the community center.
You know, helping these guys
through hard times
like he went through, says
it's his way of giving back.
- "Like he'd went through"?
- I don't have the full story.
But, you know, his family's
from here and he was born here.
But then he went away
for a few years and so...
Oh, careful now. That powdered
sugar will take you out.
- Mm-hmm.
- Uh, I hope you didn't fill up too much,
'cause I saved you
the last meat pies of the day.
- You have one yet?
- Um...
Pirogues, yes, sambooseh, sure.
But a genuine
Louisiana meat pie,
I can't say
that I've had the pleasure.
Good. Jackson, you all right
if I steal her away?
- Yeah, no, not at all.
- All right.
Meat pie's gonna be
a good walking snack.
Walking snack?
Where are we going?
Down to the bayou.
Girls are already there.
I'm gonna give you
a peek behind the curtain.
What's the verdict?
Wow. These really are amazing.
Ha ha! Made from scratch
every day.
- How?
- Get out of bed, make a cup of coffee.
Start on the dough.
I mean, how?
What goes into them?
Oh, a lot of love.
I'm gonna show you something
that's great for the article.
The article, right.
This little skiff
is soon gonna be a sleigh.
The Pere Noel family decorates
this bad boy every year.
You gonna give us a hand?
Do you want me to help?
In case you haven't noticed yet,
I'm giving you
an all-access pass
like you're part of the family.
Yeah. Sure, yeah.
- Dad, can you help me with this a little bit?
- Yep.
Decorating not your thing?
I don't like the water so much.
Do you know how many gators
are in there?
- Alligators?
- Aw, don't worry.
Those mean old gators never eat
one of Pere Noel's girlsl,
they know better.
- But I will!
- Dad, put me down, Dad!
I'll put you down in the water!
She's gator bait!
She's gator bait!
Oh, she escaped.
- Saved your life.
- Whoa!
- I gotcha.
- Thank you.
I know you're looking
for an immersive experience,
but trust me,
going in the bayou ain't it.
Yes. Noted.
Well, don't I just miss
all the fun.
Mom, Campbell almost fell in
the water, but Dad saved her.
- I sure did.
- So that's why you're late.
Well, remember, we have that dinner
we have to cater across town.
- Yeah.
- You girls too, so you're going to have to go change.
Mom, do we have to? I have so many stories to
write down before I forget all the details.
Look, it's gonna be a late night, and I
really don't want you girls here by yourself.
I can watch them.
But, Mom, we do not need
a babysitter.
Oh, I don't babysit.
Don't worry.
No, but we could have,
like, a Christmas sleepover?
And I can give you those
pictures I took today, so...
Yeah... Mom, Dad, please!
Yes, okay, fine. Yes.
All right, but they gotta be
in bed by 10:00.
Not a minute later!
- You got it.
- All right.
And you need to go change.
I do, yeah.
Wow, you look great.
- Is that what you're going to wear?
- Yes.
I mean, ice-cream snowman.
It's brilliant.
It's the closest we can get
to real snow around here, so...
Oh! Think he's melting.
Oh, here, let me help.
Oh, yeah.
I think this is jammed.
Here, let me see it.
- Oh, my God.
- Look!
Oh, my God!
- I still don't appreciate it.
- Hair!
Get off!
Okay, smile.
Oh, those are good.
So, since I'm
the writer in the family,
I do the Christmas cards
and Mary-Margaret
makes the gifts.
Wait, you made these?
Yeah, it's not a big deal.
That's why
you're so good with the camera.
Like I said,
you've got a great eye.
Oh... it's whatever.
You know it's okay
to like things, right?
Like photography, for example.
Yeah, but it's not cool.
I think it's cool!
And I have made a career
doing it, so...
maybe give me that one?
I do like it.
But most people
will see it as...
like a teenage girl,
always on her phone, so...
Well, maybe you just need
a real camera.
You're just saying
this stuff to be nice.
You do this stuff for real.
Yeah, but, you know,
even when you do it for real,
you wonder if you're any good.
Like, for instance,
I wasn't sure
I wanted to take this assignment
and come here to Sorrento.
- I was nervous.
- Really?
Sure. I mean,
being scared and anxious
doesn't just go away
because you get older.
You just learn to not let
those feelings stop you
and go after it anyway.
And sometimes the stuff that
really scares you the most
ends up being the best thing
that's ever happened.
- Deep.
- Thanks.
Yeah, it was pretty deep.
Like, hit this road
and it was like...
I'm doin' my thing.
It was so much fun.
Do they know yet?
No, still Jennifer.
The moment hasn't felt right
and I still have
so many questions.
I feel kind of guilty, and I
know I have to tell him, but...
Remember, you're in control
of how this goes.
I know, Dad,
but it's nice to hear.
Campbell, popcorn's ready!
Oh, I gotta go,
a movie's starting.
I told them about
our movie night tradition,
and they wanted
to do it too, so, um...
I miss you both so much.
I'll call you later.
- Love you.
- Miss you, kiddo.
I love you, bye. Bye.
A merry Christmas to you! I
hope you succeeded yesterday.
I'm afraid it's not
a very pleasant one for you.
But will you allow me
to ask your pardon?
And would you be good enough
to put me down?
Lord bless my soul.
My dear Mr. Scrooge...
We're home. Anyone still...?
- Not a farthing less, sir.
- My dear sir!
- I'm afraid there are many backpayments included in it.
- My dear Mr. Scrooge!
You come round and see me.
You will come round?
Oh, we will, we will!
You're thinking about her,
aren't you?
More than ever.
You think we should
wake them up?
No, no, no, let them sleep.
Hi. Merry Christmas Eve.
Brought the coffee this time.
And this.
Thought it might bring you
a little Christmas cheer.
Thank you very much.
Are you okay?
What are you doing here?
I brought you
the Christmas tree.
And the coffee.
I mean, what are you doing
here in Sorrento?
I'm writing a story.
You know that.
That's not
all you're doing, Campbell.
What do you mean?
You're not here to write
a story, you are the story.
You're her.
You're Everett Bergeron's
other daughter.
It's true, isn't it?
You're Everett's daughter.
Hey, Campbell,
will you slow down?
- You're such a fast walker.
- Do you need something?
- Yeah, I want to talk to you.
- There's nothing to talk about.
- It's between me and my dad.
- Ah, see, I knew it!
Yeah, okay, fine,
I'm Everett's daughter.
- He doesn't know, does he?
- No, he doesn't.
I mean, he knows that
he has a daughter somewhere,
but he doesn't know that I'm...
- How do you know?
- I'm the town's sacred record keeper.
I know all, and you took
the file from my office.
I looked at the backup...
three daughters.
- And then I did some digging on the internet.
- Some?
Okay, I did a lot of digging
on the internet,
and I put the pieces together.
- You're such a nerd.
- It takes one to know one, doesn't it?
Well, now you know.
Here's your file.
You better not be following me.
Hey, I just wanna know
why you're doing this.
Because I want to know him.
- I want to know the real him.
- And what have you learned?
Not much.
We've been doing
all the Pere Noel stuff together
and hanging out with the family
and we've had talks, sure,
but we haven't, you know,
sat down and, one-on-one...
Okay, so,
what's holding you back?
Okay, fine, yeah,
maybe I'm a little scared.
I was scared because I didn't
want him to know who I was,
and then I was scared because,
you know, if he knew,
he might not tell me the truth
about why he left.
And now I'm scared because...
you know, I like him.
And maybe I don't want
to know the truth.
He seems like... a good guy.
And... I'm so glad
that my sisters
have a loving
and present father,
but I just...
I... I have so many questions
about the past
and they're really hard to ask.
I think I know someone
that can help.
So, where do we start?
Bit of town history?
We were named
after Sorrento, Italy,
because a German railroad tycoon brought
his wife there on their anniversary.
Honeymoon, actually.
- Nerd.
- You know I can hear you?
Actually, um, I wanted to
ask you about Everett Bergeron?
Just background stuff, you know.
I know he grew up here.
I heard you were
friends as kids.
Sure were. Thick as thieves.
Yeah, he went away after school,
and he only came back
when his dad got sick
and later passed away.
That messed up Everett
really bad.
- How so?
- Well, he was broke.
And when I say broke,
I don't mean money, I...
Well, I do mean money,
but I also mean
that something inside of him
was broke.
And I know that because
at the time,
something inside me
was broke too.
I'd just gotten back
from a deployment,
and I hit rock bottom.
So in a way you two were meant
to find each other again.
That's exactly right.
We were both washing dishes
over at old lady Robert's
and even though it was the worst
time in Everett's life,
he always
had time for me, always.
He's the reason
I am in the place I am today.
Did he ever say anything
about that time he was away,
any idea what happened?
Only that he had to get
his life together.
He always said he didn't want
to be the man his father was.
Uh... maybe that last part
should be off the record.
It's all off the record,
don't worry.
Well, fast-forward a bit.
He worked his way up on the job
and inherited old lady Robert's
recipes when she passed away.
He started a business,
married Jennifer,
had two beautiful girls.
Between you and me, he's been
acting a little different
since he was named Pere Noel.
He actually tried
to turn the honor down.
And I've been thinking,
maybe the stuff...
the stuff with his dad
and his family
had something to do with it.
So, should I talk first,
or will you?
The suspense is killing me.
It's just, I didn't know
about his father getting sick
and about him wanting
to come back
or turning down Pere Noel.
Do you ever feel like
getting more information
just makes you more confused?
Yeah. But I think
you and I both know
there's only one way
you're gonna find out.
By spending time with your dad.
All right, merry Christmas.
Thank you.
Hey, Joe, what are you
going for today?
Yeah. Yeah.
You're right.
Five, ten.
Thank you, Cindy,
merry Christmas to you.
Hey, Everett,
how you doing up there?
Boy, I tell ya, I'm sorry Jennifer
took the girls Christmas shopping.
- I'm flying solo up here!
- Funny you say that.
Campbell was just telling me that she
wants to learn how the food truck works.
- Really?
- Yeah, uh-huh.
- I sure was.
- Well, get up here, Campbell.
I could use
all the help I can get.
- The best research is hands on.
- That's true.
What are you looking for?
- Okay, got it.
- See ya, Everett.
All right, you be good.
Meat? Meat, just regular meat.
Okay, that's $4.00.
- Okay.
- Hey, all right, get comfy.
- It's hot in the kitchen here.
- Yep.
You run the window.
Uh, I'll fill the orders.
There's your cash box.
Four bucks a pie.
- What else you got?
- Two meats, two sweets.
- Two meats, two sweets.
- Thank you, sir.
That's for you.
Have a merry Christmas.
- Hey.
- Oh, hey.
How's, uh... had fun
shopping with the kids?
Yeah, I just thought
I'd break away
and see how Everett was doing.
Tout de suite!
- See what I did there?
- Yeah, that was pretty cool.
Hey, Karen, how are you doing?
Those two seem to be
getting along.
Yeah, which is a good thing.
Why is that?
Well... 'cause Campbell's
here all alone, you know,
and Christmas,
and Everett's like a father.
Figure. A father figure.
Which is good,
you know,
'cause it's Christmas time.
Wait, what do you know?
I don't know,
is there something to know?
I think you know there is.
I may know something.
Thank goodness.
I thought I was going
to explode keeping that secret.
So you're responsible for this?
Sorry, I didn't mean
to skip you.
She didn't count right.
Well, I just didn't want
Campbell to miss out
on something that could be
potentially great.
Nah, I'm kidding.
Come on, now, merry Christmas.
I'm gonna need your help.
But we have to keep it
a secret until Campbell's ready.
Better count her money
real quick, 'cause I don't know.
You're doing good, though.
- Thank you.
- There you go. Cheers.
Good day, thanks for the help.
Of course.
So, you do this every time?
Oh, food truck goes out
about twice a week,
but at Christmas time, the demand
is like you wouldn't believe.
Oh, I believe it.
Um... I heard something
about a secret ingredient?
Any chance I might
pry it out of you?
Well, I could tell ya,
but then I'd have to
feed you to the gators.
Sorry, that's
a Bergeron family secret.
Yeah. Do you mind if I
ask you a few questions?
We haven't had the chance
to do that yet.
- Now's a good time.
- Okay.
Well, how did you meet
your wife, Jennifer?
Oh, uh...
at the supermarket,
if you can believe it.
She was a cashier,
and I was making a run
for a restaurant
I was working for.
Oh, old lady Robert's?
I forget sometimes
I'm talking to a reporter.
Well, anyway, they said, "Bring
back as many onions as you can,"
so there I am pushing a cart full of
nothing but onions up to her register,
and, I mean, it was weird for
sure, and we laughed about it.
And then she threw in
a chocolate candy bar.
For free.
And she said...
"We all need to treat ourselves
every now and again."
Next day, I go back to
the store, buy her a candy bar,
ask her out on a date.
And the rest,
as they say, is history.
Oh, speaking of history,
I heard there were
a handful of years,
uh, that you lived in Texas.
That's where I live.
I... I was born in Houston,
but, um, we moved to Dallas
when I was a kid.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Everett, I, um...
I-I was wondering
if you would teach me
how to make a meat pie sometime.
Me and the girls
are way ahead of you.
- Great.
- You'll see.
Um, "We all need to..."
- Treat ourselves.
- "...treat ourselves..."
- Every now and again.
- "...every now and again."
- Words to live by.
- You do still?
- Oh, yeah.
- And I wonder if you
Very sweet. -Could
make My dreams come true
And spend it
Here with me
All right, Campbell. What
do you know about meat pies?
I understand there's
a meat component
and a pie component.
- And they're delicious.
- The best.
- Yes.
- Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
- Baking boot camp?
- Baking boot camp.
- I'll get the aprons.
- Oh.
- It's a real thing.
- It's a thing, okay, yeah.
- For you.
- Thank you.
Thank you. Lookie there.
- All right.
- Beautiful.
Not too tight.
All right.
First things first.
- Let's talk dough.
- Ooooh!
Prep your surface.
Good, good, good.
- Nice and even.
- Now the dough.
Grab a baseball.
Perfect, just like that.
Okay, now, let's get
that thing flat.
- That's a shaper.
- Oh.
- Voil!
- Hey!
Time to fill 'em up!
Ooh, is this
secret ingredient time?
Family only, remember the rules.
Moment of truth...
- Ten!
- Okay!
You couldn't have made this
better if you were one of us.
Oh, let's take a photo. We can generate
some buzz for Christmas Eve tomorrow.
- Like that? Gr-Grab on.
- Smile!
- How's that?
- Perfect.
- Good?
- And smile!
Ha ha!
Good. Perfect.
All right.
- Mm-hmm.
- Okay, let's go compose the ultimate post for mom.
- I'm taking this with me!
- Okay.
Yeah, don't you worry
about a thing.
- We'll clean up, yeah.
- Thanks, Dad!
Hey, thanks for sticking around.
Appreciate it.
Uh, I know it's late,
but, um, I have a few more
questions for you
if you don't mind?
- Sure.
- Why don't we talk about,
um... you being Pere Noel?
- Yeah, sure.
- He's sort of the ultimate father figure, right?
Yeah. You could say that.
How does it feel to be
honored in that way?
Well, uh, I mean, I've had a...
a difficult family life.
You know, my own father,
he... he wasn't the greatest,
and I made some mistakes
concerning my family,
but, you know, now I would do
anything to make things right.
Anything. Huh.
Now, listen, we are talking
about Pere Noel the character,
the festival, all that, right?
Yeah, it's
a human interest piece,
and, um, you're
a very interesting human.
It's just that I have
done a little digging.
What did you find out?
Well, this is a sight.
Where are the other two
little elves that live here?
I hope they didn't leave you
both all this mess.
They're upstairs composing
the ultimate post.
Well, don't mind me.
I just brought some things
for the truck.
No, we were just wrapping up.
I'm sure Campbell's
gotta get back to the cottage
and work on that article.
Yeah, yes, yep.
Lots to catch up on.
Thank you for a great evening.
I'll see you tomorrow.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Hey, Mom, do you have a minute?
Sure. What's going on?
Well, uh... I learned how
to make meat pies tonight.
That's a first.
And I'm heading back
to the cottage
to write my article.
Hey, um...
why did Everett leave?
Campbell, you know this.
Yeah, sure.
Uh, just...
just walk me through it.
We were young
and Everett wasn't ready
to be a father.
I mean, I wasn't ready
to be a mother either,
but it just hit him hard,
and when you were two,
he lost his job,
and he was a wreck.
Anyway, after he left,
it was just like
he didn't want to be found.
So I stopped trying.
You don't think maybe
he wanted to come back?
Well, if he wanted to come back,
he would have.
Why? Did he say something?
No. No, not officially.
I'm still trying
to get the truth out of him.
- You want my two cents?
- Sure.
He's never going to spill
his guts to a journalist,
but he might tell his daughter
everything she wants to know.
Oh, I forgot my camera
back at the house.
Can I call you back?
- Sure. Love you.
- I love you too.
Everett, wait, wait!
Everett, just talk to me!
Talk to me.
Jennifer, I know that your heart
is in the right place,
but having Campbell here digging
into my past, it's too much.
Okay, yes.
I'm sorry, I really am.
But maybe it's a good thing?
It could be cathartic.
Look, I'm only trying
to do what's best for you.
I know.
I know, and...
I love you for it.
I ever tell you about
the last time I saw her?
After I was away
for a few years,
I started to think,
I'm on my way to being
a better man, better father,
so I thought,
well, I should look her up.
So I researched Alice's school,
and it turns out
they're having
a Christmas pageant.
I thought, well,
that's the perfect time.
So I drove back to Texas
all night
and I stood in the back
of the auditorium and...
I watched the whole thing.
she was just the cutest thing
you've ever seen.
So after the show,
I thought I'd go talk to her,
but her... her mom
and this other man
get their first,
and he gives her roses
and she jumps into his arms.
They were so happy, Jennifer.
It was...
it was the perfect family.
Then what happened?
I left.
But I never stopped loving her.
Even if I have to love her
from a distance...
she'll always be right here.
Christmas lights
See them shine
In the eyes
Of a child
Let them shine
Hi, merry Christmas Eve.
What can I get you?
How are my two
favorite tastemakers?
You're awfully quiet.
What's up?
when tonight is over,
you've got to go home, right?
Well, she has work, Amelia. She
can't just stay here forever.
Well, I know that, but...
Well, that doesn't mean
I'm leaving, not really.
I mean, we still
have Christmas breakfast,
and then we can
video-chat and text,
and I'm only
an hour away by plane.
So... I can come back
and visit.
- You promise?
- Yeah.
- You'll come back?
- I promise.
In the meantime,
I have a very important
mission for you guys.
I need to go help your mom with
my new skills in the truck,
and I need someone to go around
and take some pictures
for my article.
Are you guys up for it?
- Wait, for real?
- Yeah.
- You can count on us.
- Okay, good. Here. Be careful.
- Yes!
- -Come on, Mary-Margaret.
Here. And needless to say,
he never went caroling again.
Everything all right, there?
Um, yeah. I'm just, um...
just thinking.
Anything I can help with?
Not unless, uh, you know
how to tell the man
you're writing a story about
that you're his daughter.
You're gonna tell him?
Yeah, it's, uh... it's time.
I don't know why
you did it, you know,
uh, finding me, and, uh,
asking me here
and helping me through the week.
But, um...
thank you...
from the bottom of my heart.
Well, you know,
you don't need a reason
to bring more love
into the world.
Ladies, we're out of meat pies.
Need some more.
Excuse you, we were having
a moment here.
You know what?
Why don't you take it easy,
go walk around the party,
and I can handle things here?
Have fun.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
All right, so,
what are you going to tell him?
You are just as bad as Jennifer.
- It's a big moment, Campbell.
- I know it's a big moment.
I'm trying not to freak out, and
the two of you are making it worse.
Ah, so what you're saying is,
you need a distraction.
- Yes, please.
- Hmm.
Do you know how to two-step?
- No?
- No.
- Really good.
- Yeah.
Oh, wow, you think
you're really smooth, huh?
I promise you I did not know
it was going to be a slow song.
- I am so sorry.
- So, you don't want to dance?
- No, I didn't say that.
- I'm messing with you, Jackson.
Take my hand.
Never had a Christmas quite
like this one, I must say.
Where was your last one?
Uh, I was about a hundred miles
outside of Ulaanbaatar,
learning how
the Mongolian herders
keep their animals alive
during the winter.
- So a very normal one.
- Yes, yes. Mm-hmm.
Don't worry,
this one is... much better.
Yeah, way less chance
of frostbite here.
I'm pretty sure
I read every book
on the outside world
past the parish lines,
and I've never been past them.
I can't believe that. How?
My family's been here
for generations.
My parents had me later in life,
and I'm pretty sure
they don't want me to leave.
- Hmm.
- Follow in the old family footsteps.
Become Pere Noel,
work for the city.
Settle down, essentially do
everything that they did.
I mean, I know
it's none of my business,
but I think your family
would want you to be happy
and leave Sorrento,
if that's what you want,
you know, see the world
outside of your books.
Yeah. Maybe.
So, okay, where would you go
if you could be anywhere?
That's a very good question.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Where are you going next?
my editor was talking
about me doing a story
in Morocco.
- Morocco?
- Mm-hmm.
That's where I want to go.
Campbell, come on!
Oh, it's starting.
Are you coming?
Merry Christmas, everybody!
Merry Christmas!
Now, you know I'm not
one for big speeches.
It occurred to me that Christmas
happens during the darkest
and coldest time of the year.
And here in Louisiana,
that's about 50 degrees.
But with our care
for each other,
we cast off that chill.
We illuminate the darkness
with fire and celebration.
So it's only fitting
that we would ask the family
of our newest Pere Noel,
Everett Bergeron,
to join us in the tradition
of calling out
the Christmas alligators
to welcome him back to Sorrento
and kick off Christmas.
Ladies, please.
Come on.
Come on.
Yeah. Okay.
- Wait, what is it again?
- It's like the book.
- Oh! Okay. Okay, okay, okay.
- You girls ready?
- Yes.
- All right, here we go.
Ha, Gaston!
Ha, Tiboy!
Ha, Pierre an' Alcee'!
Gee, Ninette!
Gee, Suzette!
Celeste an' Renee!
There it is!
Merry Christmas, y'all!
Merry Christmas!
Happy holidays!
Ho ho ho!
Merry Christmas, y'all!
Merry Christmas!
Hey-hey! Hey there, my girls!
Merry Christmas.
Some candy canes
for my favorite girls.
That's right, let's get
this Christmas party started!
This time of night
it's customary for Pere Noel
to make a little toast.
I'm sure Mayor Thomas has
already given a fine speech.
But since it's tradition, I feel
obliged to carry the torch, so to speak.
Now, this year you've
chosen me to be Pere Noel,
"the ultimate father figure,"
as a friend of mine once said.
Because at Christmas,
you know, as parents,
we're busier
than ever, aren't we?
You know, it's a time of year
when our love for them
really shines.
It's a time when we remember
just how special that bond is.
I haven't always been
a perfect man or perfect father,
but having kids has been
the greatest honor of my life,
and if I ever accomplish anything on
this Earth, it will have been that,
so I would like to raise
a toast to my family, my girls,
my everything...
and to you and yours,
wherever they may be.
Whoo, whoo!
Cheers, you guys.
- Dad!
- Hey, how are y'all?
- How are ya?
- You did great, Dad.
Merry Chr... Thank you.
I practiced in the garage.
I didn't want to tell anybody.
You can't have any of that.
Okay, uh...
Dad. No.
That's so strong.
Okay, okay, Everett.
I wanted to say
something to you and...
Hey. What are you doing
all the way out here?
Eh, nothing.
Are you rehearsing?
Okay, fine.
You and Jennifer got in my head.
And... that speech
from Everett...
This is just such
an important night, and...
it's my last chance to tell him before I leave
tomorrow, and I don't want to mess it up.
So speak from the heart.
Listen, I was wrong, okay?
Don't think so much.
Now you tell me.
who wouldn't love you?
I just...
Once I tell him,
everything's going to change...
For the better.
Yeah, I hope so.
Jackson, you were
supposed to bring her back.
I am now the rescue party
for the rescue party.
So, Campbell,
there's sort of
a lull over there.
I think now
might be a good time.
Yeah. Okay.
I'm ready.
- Cool.
- You got this.
Why am I so nervous?
Because you love her too.
- Ooh, hey there.
- Hi.
All right, so...
what do you think of Sorrento?
Uh, compared to...
London, Paris?
Yeah, it's a special place,
that's for sure.
I'm sad I have
to leave tomorrow.
We feel the same way.
Got enough for your article?
Uh, actually,
I was hoping to talk to you,
you know, kid to Pere Noel.
Uh... yeah, of course.
- What's up?
- Um...
So, Everett, uh...
tonight in your speech,
you said that being a father was
the greatest honor of your life.
- Yeah.
- Yeah. And, um...
Dad, Campbell! We ran
into some fellow reporters
all the way from Mississippi!
- Oh!
- Pere Noel, if we could just get a few photos
of you and your family.
- Do you mind?
- Um...
Then we'll finish
our chat later?
- Yeah. Yeah, okay.
- Okay.
- Girls, what is all this?
- Oh, regional exposure, Mom.
Come on, get in the picture.
Yeah, actually, if you can stand
right next to Pere Noel.
Oh, yeah.
- Campbell.
- Oh, no, this is great.
Just the family's all we need.
All right.
Everybody look here.
All right, get together
and say, "Hot chocolate!"
Hot chocolate!
Yeah, the mayor did a good job.
So sorry, I'll be right back.
Hey, slow down!
Where are you going?
- I need to go home.
- Okay, well then, give me a minute, I'll go with you.
No, I'm...
I'm going home.
I'm sorry.
This was a huge mistake.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
What happened?
- What did he say?
- I didn't tell him, okay?
- Oh, Campbell.
- And I ask that you please don't either.
I just... I don't know
what I was thinking.
I have a family back in Dallas,
a great family, actually,
and, you know, maybe Everett not
coming back and not changing things
was for the best.
He left things alone, and maybe
I need to do the same thing.
Will you please just wait?
You need to let me go, Jackson.
This is your family,
your choice,
but you're leaving behind
such a gift.
It's so much more complicated
than that.
Of course it's complicated,
it's family.
I get it.
But they obviously
care about you.
Maybe if you just
told them the truth.
Maybe not all family
is meant to be.
But can you honestly spend
the rest of your life
knowing what you left
behind here?
Campbell, hi, it's me again.
Uh, merry Christmas.
We, uh, missed you last night,
and I was just calling to see
if you're all right
and to let you know that the offer
for Christmas breakfast still stands.
Um, give us a call.
She'll call.
I don't know,
maybe she finished her story.
I just feel bad for the girls. I mean,
they really took a liking to her.
I did too. I mean, do you really think
she would leave without saying goodbye?
Hey, it's Jackson.
- In the kitchen.
- Is it her?
Is she here?!
Merry Christmas,
Bergeron family.
- Oh, it's just you.
- Be nice.
It's okay, I get it. Campbell was a
very special person, I'd be sad too.
Luckily for you, though,
you don't have to be.
- Oh! Hey!
- Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
- Hello.
- See?
I told everyone you wouldn't
leave without saying goodbye.
- Never!
- We were worried you ran off.
And miss all this? No way.
I just couldn't come
to Christmas morning
without getting
some presents, and, uh...
my story is far from over.
Oh, and if anyone's wondering
if the big-box store out on I-10
is open at 2 a.m.
on Christmas Eve... it is.
Come on, now. Let's eat.
Give me those!
- Oh!
- Merry Christmas.
Thank you.
All right, girls,
put those under the tree,
and, uh, yeah, Jackson,
grab a seat.
Campbell, grab a seat.
- Juice!
- -All right, grab one and pass it down.
- Thank you.
- Gravy's on the side.
They're beautiful!
Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Okay, so, last but not least...
Uh... Mary-Margaret.
Oh, for me?
For your budding
influencer career.
Seriously? Oh, my goodness.
I love it. Thank you!
I thought you might.
Thank you so much.
A place to put your thoughts.
I have a lot of thoughts.
Uh, okay, and, Jennifer.
- One for you.
- Oh, wow, me too?
- Mm-hmm.
- Thank you.
It's our saying!
Yeah, well,
he shared your story with me,
and I was... inspired.
Oh, thank you so much.
Look at that.
You're good at this.
That is so sweet!
And, um...
Uh... Everett, yours is
the only one I didn't buy.
You can't be.
my baby girl had darker hair
and a little crooked tooth.
Yeah, right in the front.
I should have told you
the truth sooner,
but I needed...
I thought...
Campbell, I'm so sorry.
Mama, what... what was it?
- Is she crying?
- It's okay.
No, it's fine.
I'm fine. I just, um...
- Campbell.
- We should get going anyway.
I... I have loved
every minute of my time here,
and all of you are, uh...
Wait, hang on.
Don't go.
What's this?
It's a gift, for you.
When I left,
I thought I was protecting you.
I thought it was
the right thing to do,
and I wanted you to know it
and to know how much
I missed you.
And so I sent some letters.
But we moved
and we changed our name.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
And, uh,
when the letters came back,
bought a notebook,
and I wrote in that instead,
everything that I was thinking,
everything that I was feeling,
all the regret and sorrow
and apologies and...
I wrote every day.
It's a lifetime
of days spent missing you
and loving you.
I thought you didn't want me.
No. Never.
I am so sorry.
I just... I can't believe
that you're really here.
I can't believe it, either.
Jennifer, you were
in on this, weren't you?
But I had help from Jackson.
What can I say, I love to keep
the town family records complete.
Um, could somebody please
explain what's going on?
Yeah, why is everyone crying?
Well, uh, girls,
uh, years ago,
I had another daughter,
your older sister.
And Campbell...
- Wait, she's our sister?
- I knew it!
- You did not!
- I had a hunch.
Oh, a hunch!
Okay, so I'm not the oldest?
I guess not.
Wait, so if you're our sister,
then that means...
That's a great idea.
The secret ingredient.
We only share it with family.
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
Oh, I gotta get a piece of this.
Come on, now.
Oh, Jackson, come in.
Come in.
- Come on in! Come on!
- All right.
All right, merry Christmas on 3.
1, 2, 3!
Merry Christmas!
Yeah, that's a good one.
Ever since that fateful Christmas,
I get asked a lot of things.
"What did it feel like
to meet your father?"
"Are your sisters
really that cool?"
"What made you go back
on Christmas morning?"
And "Is Jackson
as cute as he sounds?"
And all those
are fair questions,
but the question I get asked
the most often is,
"What happened next?"
What happened after my first
Louisiana family Christmas?
Well, that's easy.
...and spend it
Here with me
Should old acquaintance
Be forgot
And never brought
To mind?
Should old acquaintance
Be forgot
And days
Of old lang syne?
For auld lang syne