My Terrorized Teen (2021) Movie Script

-[Grace] Please,
please don't do this.
I promise I won't say anything,
you just let me go, please.
-All right, Soph, tell me
about what you're doing
on history today.
-Honestly, Emma,
it's just a silly rumor.
-Parent-teacher conferences
are going on, what if...
what if one of my teachers
tells my dad
they've heard
I'm knocked up?
You know how strict he is.
He won't let me out
of the house until graduation.
-I mean, you can always pee on
a stick and prove it's a rumor.
-You are so not going to be
my fake baby's godmother.
-Okay, look, no one
is gonna tell your dad.
Teachers, they don't
pay attention to gossip.
At least that's what
my mom is always saying.
And besides,
we only have four months left
until graduation,
then we'll be free of
Carolyn Carter and her minions.
-And what if college is full
of people like Carolyn Carter?
-Don't worry.
I have it on good authority
that once everyone gets there,
they'll feel small
and insignificant.
-That's supposed
to encourage me?
[school bell ringing]
-Hey, mom.
-Hello, my darling daughter.
What brings you by?
-I'm just getting
a ride home with Emma,
since you've got
conferences this afternoon.
Oh, listen, I was thinking
of grabbing Chinese
on the way home, any requests?
Curry chicken, Kung Pao beef,
lots of lo mein,
eggrolls and wontons.
-Is that it?
-Look, whatever else you want.
-I don't know how you
can eat like a 300-pound
and still weight two pounds.
-Your genes.
-Ah, no. That gift was
your father's, for sure.
I hate speaking of Emma.
-Oh, no, she isn't knocked up.
-I didn't think she was,
she's not normally
on the rumor radar.
-Yeah, well she's the latest
victim of "Living Hell."
-What is that,
some kind of game?
-Oh, it's just some
website Carolyn Carter
and her friends made to torment
whoever annoys them.
-That sounds terrible.
-I guess they made it
over the summer
when Glenn Williams dumped...
-Didn't realize
they've broken up.
-Yep, he cheated on her and this
is their way of trashing him.
-How did you see this?
-It happened Lindsey Colbert
told me about it
and how Emma
is their latest victim.
-What on earth
did sweet little Emma do
to get on Carolyn's bad side?
-Well, Emma was tutoring
Jack in French class.
-Carolyn's boyfriend.
-Yep, and he fell in love
with Emma and dumped Carolyn.
Jack and Carolyn had been
the couple of the school
for a long time.
-I know,
since like the beginning
of sophomore year,
which is like decades
in old people relationship time.
-Must have been a tough blow.
And, while I feel bad
for Carolyn,
this website is something
I can't ignore as a teacher.
-You speak mean girl.
-I speak mother.
Actually, I think
I have a parent conference
with Paula Carter
tomorrow afternoon.
I'll speak to her, hopefully
she can convince Carolyn
to take this website down
before I have to speak
to Principal Dugger about it.
-Good luck with that!
I have a parent conference
with Daniel Todd's
parents in a minute.
This isn't gonna be pretty.
-Got it, I'm out.
-Oh, hey, I wanna hear
more about this website later.
-All right, what would
feed a village for a day
should fill you up
for a few hours.
-What's this?
-I would say
it's a letter to me,
but since it's opened
I know it can't be.
-It's an approval from
the bank for a new mortgage.
-Sophie N. Ellis you have
no business opening my mail!
-You just paid off your
mortgage, we celebrated.
You said you were finally free!
-What can I say, I'm just
writing the check every month.
-I told you I was gonna
get student loans.
-And I told you over
my dead body am I letting you
graduate under
a mountain of debt.
-But I can't let you do this.
-First of all, young lady,
I can do whatever I want.
I'm the mom.
I've earned it.
If I wanna take
all my money and go to Vegas,
blow it on red 29, I will,
and if I wanna spend it
on the education
of my one and only daughter,
I will do that too.
Your future is worth
a thousand mortgages to me,
so, drop any wild ideas you
have about me not putting you
through college
and eat your MSG.
Drop off before you graduate and
I'm gonna expect a full refund.
-[Paula] I gotta go,
Kevin, we'll discuss it later.
Grace, I am so sorry.
-No problem, Paula,
glad you could make it.
-Okay, this has been
the longest week of my life.
-At least it's almost over.
-Oh, yeah.
-Would Mr. Carter be joining us?
-Oh, he's... I'm afraid not,
he's been overseas,
on business, which has
not helped, anything.
-I'm sure, might actually
explain something.
-About what?
-Well, Carolyn's been
doing exceptionally well
in my class as usual.
-Well, she loves history
and she's always loved you,
so, there's that.
-Oh, she's one
of my best students,
but I've heard about a website
that Carolyn
and her friends have
that fosters bullying.
-I wished that I could say
I was surprised, but honestly,
Grace, Carolyn's been acting out
so much with Brian gone.
-I'm sure she misses her dad.
-And he would know
what to do, I mean,
I love Carolyn more than
anything, but her father...
Let's just say she's always been
daddy's little girl.
And, you know, Brian has
this tendency to spoil her
and I tell him it is not healthy
for her to get everything
she wants all the time but,
I mean, she just had him wrapped
around her finger
since the day she was born.
-Must make his absence
that much harder
and I'm sure that break up
with Jack didn't help.
-You have no idea
how heartbroken she is, Grace.
-I'm sure.
Unfortunately, the website is
currently targeting Emma Austin.
-Oh, I see.
-[Grace] And while
I feel terrible that Carolyn
got hurt, making someone
else miserable isn't the answer.
-Of course not,
can I see this site?
-I honestly don't know
how to access it,
but I heard about it
from a reliable source.
-Yes, and well I know
that Carolyn and Sophie
aren't friends,
they share almost
every honors class together,
I'd hate to see
friction arise because of
a rift between Carolyn and Emma.
-I wouldn't want that either.
It's just so difficult
with Brian being overseas,
the time difference makes it
so hard to connect.
It's Carolyn senior year,
he's missing so much...
I'm sorry, like I said,
it's been a long week.
-I've been there, believe me.
-Oh, thank you.
I'll talk to Carolyn,
we certainly didn't raise her
to bully people.
-Thanks, Paula, I appreciate it.
-Any mother, just wants
what's best for their child.
-I couldn't agree more.
-Ah! Sophie, good,
you've made it.
-Sorry, Principal Dugger.
It's something wrong?
-Oh, no, no, no.
I've asked you
and Carolyn to be here
to give you the good news.
The school board announced
the winner of the Wilson Award.
-Oh, well,
this is such an honor.
-Congratulations, Sophie,
you are this year's recipient
and the winner
of the $250,000 scholarship.
-No, ah, no,
this must be a mistake.
That award is mine.
-I don't know what to say!
-I do, this is ridiculous,
how did I not win?
-Oh, well that's good
news Carolyn,
you did win the second place
award of $5,000.
$5,000? Are you kidding?
Is this some kind of joke?
-Well, it was a very
thigh contest, I promise you.
Both of you ladies have
been wonderful representatives
of Morgan Academy,
from your stellar performance
in the classroom to the many
hours of volunteer work
and giving back
to the community.
-How did I get second place?
This is rigged, her mother
works for the school,
she must have
influenced the vote.
-[Principal] Now,
I understand your disappointment
miss Carter,
but you shall not besmirch
the good name of the school
nor its faculty.
Sophie's mother was not given
a vote, and the very insinuation
of impropriety is beneath
both you and this institution.
-This isn't over.
-Oh, babe!
Honey, what's wrong?
-I didn't get the Wilson Award.
-That's impossible!
Deb told me
you had it in the bag.
-Well, that's the good news,
I got second place.
-How, honey?
-I lost to Sophie Ellis,
sure her mom
got all her teacher pals to vote
for her instead of me.
-Wait a minute,
this doesn't have anything
to do with that website
I mentioned, does it?
-No, I told you, I don't know
what she's talking about.
-Well, I didn't think so.
-This isn't over.
I'm getting that award back.
-No, Carolyn.
Hey, why don't you let me
handle this?
I can speak to Principal Dugger.
-He can't do anything!
I wished daddy were here,
he would know what to do.
He would know how to fix this!
-Great, we're already
ten minutes behind schedule.
I don't know
why I continue to volunteer
to supervise this thing
year after year.
-Because you love it
and you know it.
-I do.
I'm actually ashamed
to admit how much I look forward
to this stupid talent show.
-And you say
I need to get a life.
-You do, that is still a fact.
And once Sophie
is out of the house,
I'm gonna come drag you out
of that cave of yours
and you're gonna meet someone.
-I already found
the love of my life,
how do you replace that?
-Girl, I'm not talking
about getting hitched,
I'm talking
about meeting some hot,
Huge Jackman type for coffee.
-I hear...
-Or something.
-Oh, I hear Huge
is pretty happily married.
-Well, he's not likely
to frequent the kind
of establishments
I'm gonna take you to either.
-No, I'm not gonna let you
talk me
into going to that strip club
because I've just seen
"Magic Mike"
a Channing Tatum.
I will be not doing that again.
Party pooper.
-Excuse me, miss Warner,
my ride is here,
can I go on next?
-I'm sorry, honey,
final dress rehearsal,
so we gotta run through it
in order.
I'd be happy
to give you a ride home.
-No, that's okay.
I'll just get a ride home
from Tara.
-I get the feeling that girl
never hears the word "no."
-I don't think you're wrong.
-Break a leg!
-Sorry, I wish she would
just take her anger out on me.
Jack, he's so ugly.
-Bye, Jack.
-Having regrets?
-You know I'm not.
Especially now that she's
showing her true colors.
-Can't worry
about her now, we're up!
-[Jack] You've got this.
-Look how cute they are!
-[Jack] Emma!
-It's okay.
-Are you okay?
-Don't move her, don't move her.
[phone dialing]
-Hello, this is Grace Ellis
at Morgan Academy,
we need an ambulance
at the auditorium,
a student was struck
by lightning equipment.
Yes, okay.
Stay on the line
with the operator.
-She's breathing
but unconscious.
How could this have happened?
-The place is full of them.
And they like nothing better
than chewing through wire,
I gotta replace
a bunch of it every year.
-It's not your fault,
like you said
this place is old,
these things happen.
They just normally don't
happen this close to home.
-Hey there,
So. Busy weekend?
-Pretty much spent it
at the hospital with Emma.
-Hmm, yeah.
So, you're free Friday night?
when are you gonna get it?
I'm not interested,
not now, not ever.
-Yeah, whatever.
Not like I want
the quarterback's sloppy
seconds anyway.
-Lindsey, don't stick up
at me like that.
-Is it true?
-No, Emma isn't pregnant.
-Is not that!
Is it true about you and Jack?
-Is what true about me and Jack?
-That you and Jack spent
the weekend together?
-Oh, yeah, with Emma...
in the hospital.
-So you didn't go
to Creamy Count with him?
-Well, yeah we did for Emma.
We got a bunch of ice cream,
brought it back
to the hospital to Emma.
-According to Tara McDonna,
you two were pretty cozy.
-Oh, please. Jack and I
barely know each other.
-I'm just telling you
what I heard,
in case it gets back to Emma.
-She knows, she's the one
that told us to go together,
to get to know each other.
-I guess that makes sense.
-And besides,
consider your source.
Tara is Carolyn's best friend.
She would say anything.
I would never do that to Emma.
-That's what I thought,
it'd be pretty messed up.
-Yeah, it would be.
That's why I didn't do it.
Ask Jack.
-He's not here today.
-It figures.
I know it's not true,
Emma knows is not true
and really
that's all I care about.
It's not true!
-Okay, ladies.
-She was getting awfully cozy
with Mr. Brennan the other day.
I like it.
-She's such a goodie to choose.
-That doesn't mean
she wouldn't cozy up with Mr. B.
-Seriously, who wouldn't?
-Okay, but it's gonna
take more than that
to get the Wilson back.
-Obviously she got her
mom to talk crap
to all of her teacher friends.
Maybe Sophie did more than talk.
-What about her dad?
-He's dead, how does that help?
-Well, I mean cancer?
He didn't seem unhealthy to me.
-Okay, even I don't...
Even I don't think Sophie would
kill her own father.
-It's not what I'm saying.
What if her dad decided
that he couldn't handle being
her dad anymore?
Okay, I like it.
Let's just start.
-Don't worry, Carol,
we're gonna make sure
that Sophie Ellis regrets
she ever got that award.
-Knock knock.
-Hey, Tom, come on in!
-It won't take long, I know how
much I enjoy my free periods.
-You're fine,
I was in the middle
of a argument
about how Van Gogh
is the father
of the selfie movement.
-Well, he did love
to paint himself.
-[Grace] That's the thesis.
So, what can I help you with?
-An article about composting,
I thought you'd like it.
-Wow, Tom, I'm flattered
that you thought of me
when you were reading
about trash.
-Ha, not trash, healthy stuff.
I remember you saying
that you kill everything
that you put in a garden,
and now with planting season
upon us,
there's nothing a garden loves
more than a lil fresh compost.
-Please tell me you're
not one of those people
that talks to plants.
-Actually, I like
to play them Vivaldi,
and the flowers,
they love him, they...
they are huge fans.
-And you know this because they
throw their petals on stage?
-I know this because they sway.
-Sway. You sure that's not
a backyard breeze?
-No, no, nope,
they're jamming out.
Anyway, look, you don't need
a lot of healthy stuff,
some eggshells, coffee grounds,
any leftover food.
-Leftovers, Sophie eats
as much as three teenage boys,
but I have plenty
of coffee grounds,
eggs, a few moldy cucumbers
in my bottom drawer
that I'm just scared to look at.
-Oof, you're worse off
than I thought.
Maybe I should come over
and assess the situation
in person.
-Well, Mr. Everett,
is that your subtle way
of inviting yourself
into my home?
-Of course not, miss Ellis,
I'm nearly trying
to help the helpless,
the plants
are the helpless ones,
not you, I hope, again,
for the sake of the plants.
-Well, I'm free Friday night,
and I'm sure Sophie will spend
the night at Emma's.
Dinner at 06:00?
-Only if you let me make it.
-I can live with that deal.
-Friday night.
-I'm getting that award back.
-It never
belonged to you, Carolyn.
-It was mine, I deserved it.
-So did I, you already
have everything, Carolyn.
Why can you
just be happy with that?
-Don't think for a second
you know anything
about my happiness,
you're only at this school
'cause your mom is a teacher
and you get a free ride
as a perk.
-It doesn't matter
how I got here,
I earned everything
I have after,
including the Wilson.
-Mr. Hill, thank you much.
What are you doing here?
-Oh, Mr. Hill
has his period free,
I had to reschedule
my conference.
Oh, my gosh!
You're doing so well I hear.
-Second only to one person.
I believe in you!
-We're starting
our experiment tomorrow,
maybe she'll blow herself up.
-How you dare say something
like that on purpose.
-Mom, I'm serious, besides
I sit right behind her,
wouldn't want to get caught
in flames with her.
-[Grace] Knock knock!
-Ugh, my tan is fading.
-Let's spend the afternoon
by your pool, Carol.
-It's like 30 degrees outside.
-Okay, so we'll jump
in the hot tub.
I need to get sunshine.
-Sorry, babe.
My mom is redoing
the whole backyard,
it's a disaster.
Don't you just put
in the new gardens?
-Yeah, she's getting
a grotto, whatever that is.
She just wants someone else
to bust... since daddy
will be stuck in Japan
for another month.
-I hear that a new saloon
on third lets you stay
in the tanning bed
for however long you want.
-My cousin goes there,
they give champagne
to everyone,
they don't even bother carding.
-Okay, I'm free this afternoon.
One of you will have
to drive then,
my Jag is in the shop.
-I thought I saw you
getting towed the other day.
-Yeah, the engine
just won't start.
As soon as daddy gets back,
I'm demanding a new car.
I can't live like this.
-I mean it could be worse.
I could be the half
orphan charity case child
of a civil servant who doesn't
even have their own car.
-Good afternoon, class.
Let's get started.
You should have your ingredients
and your instructions.
Be careful measuring,
exact and precise, please.
You may begin when ready.
-Step one?
-Four milliliters of compound A.
-Two milliliters of compound B.
[explosion and screaming]
-[Lindsey] Sophie, your arm!
-Quick, quick!
Let's get her
to the nurse's office.
-[Grace] At least the doctor
said there shouldn't be
any scarring.
-How could Mr. Hill could have
let something like this happen?
-I was pouring the ingredients,
I screwed up somewhere.
-Why don't you take
the next few days off
from school, get some rest.
-I can't, I have a test
on Thursday and Mr. Barnes'
student review tomorrow.
-I'm sure he'll understand
and give you a few extra days.
-It's fine!
Are you gonna tell me
what's bothering you?
-I don't wanna talk about it.
-[Grace] You should,
it'll make you feel better
and if I need to speak
to someone's parents I will.
-Why? So my mommy can fight
my battles for me?
How pathetic is that?
-I'm not trying to fight
your battles for you,
but we can figure out
a solution together.
-Some things
just can't be fixed.
-[Chris] Did you hear
about Sophie Ellis
and Mr. Brennan hooking up
in the teacher's lunch?
-[Tyler] Dude, I believe it,
she's a freak.
-Like you would know.
-I mean, I don't like to brag
and that was like year
but yeah, I totally hit that.
-Dude, so freaking hot!
But she got all clingy
and desperate after.
-[Chris] Oh, yeah?
-Yeah, after I dumped her,
she kept texting me pics
trying to win me back
but believe me,
no amount of her "dunk bod"
is worth that kinda crazy.
-Amen, my brother.
Still, maybe I gotta hop
in line and see
what all the fuzz is about.
That's what I'm saying!
-Tyler, Christopher!
Do you boys need a visit
to Principal Dugger's office
to remember how we speak
about our peers at this school?
-No, miss Ellis, we know.
Come on, let's go.
-[Emma] Hey, I'm sorry you've
been having such a crappy week.
-It doesn't help
that you weren't there.
When are you coming back?
-The doctors cleared me
to return on Friday,
Friday, yeah.
-Great, so I just have
to suffer through tomorrow.
-I don't see how you think
my presence is going to help,
last time I checked Carolyn
was still pretty pissed at me.
-Misery loves company.
-And Carolyn loves misery,
doling it out anyway.
-I mean, can you imagine
actually hooking up
with Mr. Brennan?
-I think a lot
of girls have,
he's pretty hot.
-And old, he's like 30.
-Brad Pitt's like a 100
and he's still hot.
-He's Brad Pitt.
This is just creepy.
-It's just
silly rumors, remember?
-Well, you can prove
you're not pregnant,
I can't prove that I didn't hook
up with Mr. Brennan or Jack.
-I know you weren't with Jack,
you don't even have
to worry about that.
-If I don't have nothing
with success tomorrow
I'll totally bail on school.
-Ignoring your problems isn't
going to make them go away.
-You sound just like my mom.
-I'm serious, Sophie.
Carolyn isn't fooling around.
A rumor like this could cost
Mr. Brennan his job.
Just be thankful
you're not in his position.
-No, I just get to lose
my good name and reputation.
-Oh, what's
that worth now anyways?
-Hey! It's almost 11,
where are you going?
-[Paula] Out to where?
-Out with Tara.
-It's a little late
on a school night
to be socializing.
-We're studying.
-Why can't you do that here?
-God! Enough with
the third degree already.
Daddy would let me go
without such a fuzz.
-Well dad is not here, I am.
I don't want
you going out this late.
-Tara is waiting.
-Get back here!
[spray painting]
-Subtle, I like it.
-I don't know, guys.
Maybe we went too far.
-There isn't such a thing
as going too far.
Not until I get that award.
-All right, everybody,
let's go, let's go.
Everyone has a class
to get to, right?
Let's go, let's go!
Cellphones away
and down, thank you.
Let's go, let's go!
Are you okay?
Ready to go inside?
Let's go. Let's go.
I'm telling you, sir,
this girl has to be stopped.
-Grace, you don't have
any proof that Carolyn Carter
is responsible
for this graffiti.
-Carolyn has been tormenting
Sophie since she won
the Wilson Award last week.
-Well, I'll admit
that she was very disappointed
to have lost, but I don't
know that we can draw
any conclusions regarding
her handing this.
-[Grace] It has to be her,
Sophie has no enemies.
-Well, I've met with Mr. Vincent
this morning, we went over
the security footage,
nothing was caught on camera.
-It isn't just the vandalism.
What else is there?
-[Grace] Carolyn and her friends
have a website
that targets anyone
who makes them angry.
-Can I see it?
-It's a private website,
you need a username
and password to access it.
-Well, that sounds
quite complicated.
-Not to these kids,
they code in their sleep,
creating a website is easy.
-Well, if it's all
how can you be sure miss Carter
is responsible?
-You know kids talk, Bill.
Word gets around.
-Well, I'll talk to her,
Grace, but without seeing
the site for myself,
my hands are fairly well tied.
I'll try.
-I hope so,
because Carolyn Carter
is a very angry young woman
who's making Sophie's life
It has to end.
-Hey, Soph.
You know, my parents
are out of town for the weekend,
why don't you come over?
-Seriously? How many times do
you have to hear the word "no"?
-What the hell!
You'd get with everyone but me?
-I'm not
getting with anyone, Tyler.
-Yeah, not what I hear.
-I don't care what you hear,
get it through your head,
you and me
are never gonna happen.
-You're making
a big mistake, Sophie.
-Somehow I doubt that.
-Big mistake.
-Oh, Carolyn.
Please have a sit.
-It's something wrong, sir?
-Perhaps, I heard some
rumors regarding yourself
and a bullying website?
-I don't believe
in bullying, sir.
I assume Sophie Ellis
told you about this?
-My source is irrelevant.
-Well, I'll be honest,
Principal Dugger, I wasn't happy
to losing the Wilson
to Sophie, but I am over it.
-Is that so?
-I can't do anything
about it, can I, sir?
-No, I suppose not.
-Out of curiosity,
this website, did Sophie...
I'm sorry, did your source
show it to you?
-No, unfortunately I've hit
a dead end in locating it.
-You don't intend
to punish me for hearsay?
-Of course not, I require
proof of any allegation
brought against any student
or teacher,
but I do intend to continue
to look into this matter
and the responsible party
will be suspended.
-Oh, I assume so, sir,
and I assure you,
it will not be me.
-Hey, Soph!
-Hey, Lindsey.
-I didn't see you
in Spanish class today.
-I didn't feel well.
-Look, Sophie, there's something
that I have to show you.
-This is sick!
-Carolyn really
isn't gonna be happy
until you give up that award.
-That isn't gonna happen,
I need that scholarship money.
How did you get on this?
-Mindy Gordano,
she got an invite from Carolyn
with a username and password
and she just had to show me,
she forgot to log off,
so I thought I'd check it out.
It's pretty awful stuff.
-I should take this
to Principal Dugger.
-That won't help.
All the comments are
posted by anonymous users,
you certainly couldn't prove
that Carolyn was behind it.
-It's ridiculous.
Carolyn is crazy rich,
why does she care so much
about the stupid award?
-Bragging rights?
Carolyn's been telling
people that she's gonna win
this award for years.
-Well, she didn't. I did.
Why doesn't
she get over herself?
-People like Carolyn Carter are
used to getting what they want.
-She can't have this.
I'm not gonna let my mom
to cut a new mortgage
on our house.
-Then I guess you may have
to suffer a little bit more.
I'm here, hello!
[loud noise]
This school
needs some mouse traps.
If you don't come out
I'm bailing.
-Oh, God!
Sophie, you scared me.
-I scared you?
Are you kidding?
-I knew you'd change your mind.
-Change my mind about what?
-About us.
-I haven't. I'm only here
for the proof that you have.
-Proof I have?
Of what?
-About Carolyn.
-[Tyler] What about her?
Look, are we gonna hook up
or not?
-No, Tyler, definitely not.
What on earth makes you think
I'm here to hook up with you?
-Ahm, you left me that hot note?
Yeah, not cool to get a guy
all worked up
and then blow him off like that.
-I didn't leave you
any hot not, Tyler.
So, you have proof
that Carolyn is behind
the "Living Hell" website.
-The Living He...
Look, I don't even know
what that is.
-You've been played.
We both have.
I still don't know why.
Oh, no! What time is it?
Great, I'm late!
-Hey, where are you...
Hey, no one likes a tease,
-I'm sorry I'm late.
-And I'm sorry, miss Ellis,
but the class
has already begun the test.
-Look, I can explain.
-Miss Ellis, you know
the rule, once the exam begins,
no one in, no one out.
It's a steadfast rule
that applies in all cases,
for all cases.
-I had an emergency.
-Then you have a doctor's note?
-[Sophie] No,
it wasn't
that kind of emergency.
-Miss Ellis, you're disturbing
the entire class
with this display.
You know my rule,
you chose to ignore it
and now you must pay the price.
-Mr. Barnes,
if you let me explain, I...
-[Mr. Barnes] I'm not
interested in excuses,
actions have consequences,
young lady.
I suggest you remember that
for the future.
-But I...
-The library, miss Ellis, out.
-I don't know about you,
but I'm so glad
tomorrow is Friday.
-Are you okay?
You look a little tired.
-I'm not sleeping very well.
-Mmm, must be
running in the family.
-I don't know what to do, Wen.
I'm not being able
to help Sophie.
-Are things getting out of hand?
-Ahm, I know all this bullying
is stemming from a website
that I can't seem to find
and no one seems to know about.
-Yeah, it's easy to get lost
in the internet.
-Especially when
everything is anonymous.
-And Dugger called Carolyn
into his office to question her,
but of course she denied knowing
what he was talking about.
-It's probably not easy to
find an anonymous site either.
-Like trying to find a unicorn.
-Hang in there!
Sophie will get through this.
-I told myself that,
but it kills me to see
the flat look in her eyes,
just lost her sparkle.
I miss it.
-Yeah, being
a teenager is hard,
but Sophie's
always been a happy kid.
And now to she has to worry
about this, she's miserable.
I'm so scared thinking
about the harm
that she could cause herself
out of desperation.
It's exhausting.
-Yeah, most of being a mom is,
from what I've seen.
But come on, you couldn't
possibly think Sophie
would ever hurt herself?
-I'm not sure how much
more Sophie can take.
Thank you.
-If it isn't
he infamous Sophie Ellis.
Whose boyfriend's
did you steal today?
-I'm not trying
to steal Jack, Tara.
-Believe me, I think
you're doing Emma a favor.
I mean, she stole him
from Carolyn,
so it makes sense that someone
else steals him from her.
-No one is trying
to steal anyone.
Jack is an almost grown man
who can make up his own mind.
-Yeah, well, his lack
in judgement shows
that he really
isn't in his right mind.
-Bitter much?
-Not bitter, just glad to see
that you've finally
been called out for
"little miss perfect" charade
you got going on.
-Let people talk,
I know the truth.
-You know,
funny thing about the truth,
you get enough people
thinking something is real
and eventually it becomes true.
-Hey, I have a headache
and don't feel like cooking.
Pizza okay?
-Whatever, I'm not hungry,
I'm just gonna go
for a run and crash early.
I'll be back.
-Hey, careful,
it's gonna get dark soon.
[dog barking]
[car accelerating]
-Oh, no!
-That was fast.
What happened?
-This crazy car almost hit me.
-Okay, we should call
the police.
-No, it didn't actually
hit me,
it was going so fast
I didn't even see it.
-Let's get the first aid kit.
-Hey, babe.
Dinner's ready.
-I'll be down in a minute.
-Are you studying
for a big exam?
-A physics tomorrow.
Whoever gets the highest grade
doesn't have to take the final.
-Oh, I bet you'll get it.
-Unless Sophie Ellis does.
She's aced every other test
this semester.
-You don't worry about her.
I have my conference
with Mr. Bruno tomorrow,
I can put in
a good word for you.
-It's not
a popularity contest, mom.
-I know.
Honey, hey, don't worry
about everything,
it's gonna be okay.
-Nothing is okay, mom.
I just...
I wished daddy were here.
-I do too, babe.
But hey, you and I we're
just gonna have to make do
on our own from now.
-This is all your fault.
Daddy would know what to do.
-You know what, Carolyn?
You can't just blame me
for everything.
Your father
spoiled you, Carolyn.
You don't get everything
you want in life.
-I do, and daddy didn't
spoil me, he loves me,
he would do anything for me.
-[Paula] So would I.
-You can't fix this!
Daddy would know what to do.
Just tell me what to do, daddy.
-It's nice to see you
smiling this morning.
-It's Friday, this week
is finally over and Emma
is coming back to school today.
-Still spending the night
at her house tonight?
-Yep, she's feeling
a lot better
and I feel several peperoni
pizzas in our future.
-To have the stomach
of a teen again.
You sure you're okay
with Mr. Everett coming
over for dinner?
-Sure, I mean, it would be
weird if I had classes with him
this semester,
but I don't, so it's cool.
he's super-hot for an old dude.
-Thanks, mostly.
-[Sophie] Oh, Lindsey,
have you seen Emma?
I'm staying in her house
tonight but I don't see her car.
-Are you kidding?
After the picture.
-What picture?
-It was texted
to the entire student body
once the seventh ended.
Explain this.
-That's not me.
-Sure looks like you.
-Are you kidding me?
Are you telling me that people
think this is real?
Emma thinks this is real?
-She must, I can't blame her.
-Thanks, Lindsey,
you've known me forever.
How can you think this is true?
-This is pretty hard
to dispute, Sophie.
-A real friend would believe me.
-You have some nerve
showing your face here.
-Are you kidding me?
You can't honestly tell me that
you think that picture is real.
-I saw it, it looked
real enough to me.
can be faked these days!
Are you seriously telling me
you think I was with Jack?
Is that what you really think?
-I don't know
what to think, Sophie.
-You're supposed to think
that I'm your best friend
and I would never
in a million years
do something like this to you!
-You know, I really
thought that you and Jack
being together was just
a rumor, I guess not.
-How can you not believe me!
Pictures can be faked!
-This doesn't look fake to me!
-What about the shirt, Emma?
Have you ever seen me
wear anything like it?
-Okay, for all I know is new.
-Oh, so I went out
and bought myself
a designer shirt before deciding
to hook up with Jack.
Sounds like me.
And Jack, you can't tell me
that he didn't deny this.
-[Emma] Of course he did.
-So you're willing to believe
Carolyn over the both of us?
-What would you do
if you were in my position?
This isn't the first picture
I've gotten of you two.
-Nikola Davis sent me
a picture of you and Jack
at lunch yesterday,
you two looked pretty cozy.
-He stopped by my table
to borrow notes
for our English midterm.
-Are you kidding me?
I laugh at one lame joke
and that makes us cozy?
-It's just all so much, Sophie.
I don't know what to believe.
-Believe me!
I would believe you.
I've always had your back.
I never thought you
wouldn't have mine.
-[Grace] Where did you learn
how to cook like this?
-My mom believed
that good food was the answer
to all of life's problems.
-She's not wrong about that.
Especially when paired
with a good wine.
-Amen to that.
-Cooking is hard work.
My mommy used to spend
hours preparing
our Sunday night diners
only to have the family
devour everything
in less than ten minutes.
-But weren't they
a glorious ten minutes?
-I never thought of it
like that.
-Yep, life is always full
of trade-offs.
Most people work 50 weeks
a year doing a job they hate,
just to spend 2 weeks doing
something that they love.
-Not you.
I love teaching.
A lot of times you get kids
that just need to pass
the class, but when you
really reach someone.
-It's transformative.
Everything okay?
Give me a minute, will you?
-If you need me to clear out,
just say the word.
-Oh, don't you dare.
I'll be back in a minute.
What's wrong?
-I don't wanna talk about it.
-[Grace] Did something
happen with Emma?
-I said I don't wanna talk.
-Come on, Soph,
don't shut me out.
I know how hard
this week's been on you.
-You have no idea what
a nightmare my life has been.
-Then tell me.
I know that you're miserable,
I'm here to help.
Don't you see that?
I mean, I'm your mom,
it kills me to see you in pain.
-You wouldn't understand,
you're a teacher,
you don't see what kids
at that school are really like.
-I know what you're like,
I know how you feel.
-You have no idea
how I'm feeling!
-Did you ever think what
this week has been like for me?
How it feels to hear such a vile
filth said about my daughter?
-I can't help what people say.
-[Grace] I know
the rumors aren't true.
I feel so helpless,
knowing that you're in pain
and there's nothing
I can do to stop it.
I would give everything to make
this entire nightmare end.
How you don't see
that is beyond me.
-It's blended.
-I guess I kinda spaced out.
-So how was your weekend?
-[Wendy] Terrible?
I thought you had a hot date
with Tom Friday night.
-I did,
and for 45 glorious minutes
I enjoyed myself immensely.
-And then?
-And then Sophie came home,
apparently she and Emma
had a huge blow up
and we had a huge blow up
and spent the weekend
in our respective bedrooms.
Tom was nice enough
to reschedule.
I did get to eat the lobster
rolls he made before leaving.
I was alone and sobbing, but...
at least they were delicious.
-Emma probably saw the picture.
-What picture?
-Sophie didn't tell you?
isn't telling me anything.
-On Friday, someone sent
the entire student body
a photo of
Jack and Sophie kissing.
-How did I not hear about this?
-It happened right at
the end of seventh period.
I only know because I made
my student show me
when I heard them talking
about it as they were leaving.
-Show me.
You don't need to see it!
You know it's not Sophie.
-Show me.
-This isn't Sophie.
-You gotta admit
that looks a lot like her.
-No and this isn't Sophie.
I know every piece of clothing
in this girl's closet
and I know for a fact
that Sophie doesn't own
a silk shirt
like this girl is wearing.
-That is pretty fancy for Soph.
-I believe
I've seen Carolyn Carter
wearing something similar.
-It probably wouldn't
be too hard to put Sophie's
head on Carolyn's body.
-[Grace] Not with the kind
of editing people
can do these days.
No wonder Sophie
was so upset,
she must have been devastated
that Emma didn't believe her.
-It is a pretty
convincing photo.
-Emma should have known
that Sophie would never
betray her like that.
-Grace, they're best friends,
they'll figure it out.
Best friends always do.
-I hope so, Wen.
Sophie's already got so much
going on planning for college.
And the scholarship
means a lot to her.
-Yeah, I know.
And it's such a shame
to have Carolyn taint it
with her jealousy.
-[Grace] The way things
are going I'm scared that Sophie
is not gonna come out
of this mess unscathed.
-[Carolyn] Miss Warner
wants me to send out the debate
schedule tomorrow,
not my job, so annoying.
-Did it change?
That's so annoying.
Wait, isn't Sophie
in that class?
-Well, I think she is.
-[Carolyn] What if you
send her the wrong time?
What if you make it like really,
really late or really early?
-[Tara] Yes, no.
Oh my God.
-Wait are you doing it?
-Yeah. I'm doing it.
-That [unintelligible]
that perfect GPA.
-[Tara] It should.
-You guys want a treat?
-Ahm, I'll take one to go.
I have to get going.
-[Carolyn] Thanks, Tara.
-I'll pick you up tomorrow.
-Of a sort.
-Hey, you promised you're not
involved in that website, right?
I mean, 'cause that can really
get you into trouble, Carolyn.
-Let it go, mom, I'm not.
-I'm concerned, Carolyn.
And I overheard come of
your conversation with Tara.
-So you're spying on me now?
-Honey, pranks are one thing.
This could get you into trouble.
-So she misses one thing.
-[Paula] It sounded
pretty important.
-It's not life or death.
-What if you get in trouble?
You really want
to get kicked out of school,
after everything.
-Don't worry about me,
mom, I'll be fine.
-Soph, what are you doing here?
-Aren't we leaving at 3:00?
-Mr. Hill took
your group at 11:00.
The text I got said 3:00.
-No, I'm taking my group
at 3:00 tomorrow.
-I can't miss this debate,
it accounts for half
of our grade.
-It's supposed
to go until 5:00,
maybe you can still
make it down there,
I'll be happy
to give you a ride.
-No, thanks, I'll just
grab my mom's keys.
-Honey, I am so sorry
this happened.
I asked Tara
to let everyone know
about the changes
we had to make.
-Yeah, I'm sure
she just made a mistake.
[car accelerating]
-Sophie! My goodness!
What happened to you?
-This lunatic driver
in the parking lot
almost hit me.
-Are you okay?
-Yeah, just sore.
I'm sorry I missed
my debate time.
-Don't worry, Miss Warner
texted me and told me
to be on the lookout for you,
I'll speak to the judges,
let them know you've been
in an accident and that
you'll be good to go tomorrow.
-Thanks, Mr. Hill.
-There's a bathroom over there,
why don't you go clean up?
I'll give
your mom a call as well.
-Had a little accident?
-What are you doing here?
Your group
doesn't come until tomorrow.
-Just checking out
the competition.
-What do you want, Tara?
-I want you to drop dead.
-How badly?
-Keep it while
you still have a chance,
the scholarship belongs
to Carolyn.
-Why do you care?
-Because unlike you,
I know how to be a good friend.
-We both know that picture
of me and Jack is fake.
-Some of my best work
if I don't say it so myself.
-Everyone bought it,
including my best friend.
-And that's the difference
between you and me.
I'd do absolutely anything
for my best friend.
-What happened?
-[Mr. Hill] Police thinks
it may have been
a distracted driver,
there's a couple of officers
with the director
looking at footage
from the outside cameras.
-I'm sorry, mom, for everything.
-So you didn't see anything?
-It was just a gold car,
no one I know.
Not Carolyn's car,
if that's what you're thinking.
-You sure you're okay?
I just really wanna go home.
-Can I take her?
-[Mr. Hill] Sure, please
have all the information
if they need it.
-Come on, I'll leave Wendy's car
here and come back for it later.
-No, I can drive.
-No, forget it.
-I'm sorry.
-Hey, no more apologies.
Let's get out of here.
-What's going on?
-I received an anonymous tip
from someone who claims
you stole the answers
to your physics exam.
-I aced that test,
I didn't need to steal
the answers.
-I find it hard
to believe myself, Sophie,
but I'm obligated
to follow through
with any allegations
of cheating.
-You're joking.
-I wish I were.
I was told the answers
are in your locker,
after you tried to sell them
to a fellow student
before the exam.
-I didn't do such a thing.
-Come on, Bill, I told you
this is ridiculous.
-I have nothing to hide,
search away,
you won't find anything.
-I told him this is
a huge mistake,
I saw how hard you studied
for this test.
-This is
very disappointing, Sophie.
-I've never seen those before,
I don't know how they got
in my locker.
-Oh, come on, Bill,
you can't possibly think
that Sophie stole those.
-Well, I certainly
don't want to.
-Why would she cheat
and then keep such
incriminating evidence?
-Honestly I'm shocked
to find them here.
-I've taught here 13 years,
you've known Sophie
just as long.
You know that she's innocent.
-[Principal Dugger]
My hands are tied here, Grace,
this school has a zero tolerance
policy regarding cheating.
-She didn't cheat!
-I didn't cheat!
-And I want to believe that.
And I will launch
a thorough investigation,
Sophie, I promise.
Beginning by asking
Mr. Brennan
how someone would acquire
these answers.
-I swear I don't know
how they got in my locker!
-Well, unfortunately,
without disproving
how they got there,
I'm obligated
to follow protocol.
I'm very sorry Sophie but...
I'll have to suspend you
until further investigation.
-This isn't fair!
-Hopefully this will all be
a simple misunderstanding.
I would hate to see you lose
the Wilson Award.
-I'm innocent! I'm being set up!
I'm innocent!
I'll prove it.
-We'd better continue
this conversation in my office.
-Hey, Soph, you have a minute?
-Have you seen Carolyn?
-No, but, Soph.
I'm so sorry, I've been a jerk.
-Little bit.
-[Emma] I know
that you weren't with Jack.
-It's just, Jack's
the first real boyfriend
that I've ever had and I just
got crazy for a minute.
Can you ever forgive me?
-I suppose.
Carolyn hasn't made
anyone's life easy.
-Why are
you looking for her anyway?
-I wanna make her admit
that she's the one
who planted those test answers.
-You think that she's
just going to confess?
-No, but maybe
I can talk to her mom?
I have to try something,
I can lose
the Wilson scholarship.
-She lives over in Elm, come on,
I gotta take my little brother
to soccer practice
but I'll drop you off first.
-[Emma] Good luck!
-Bye, see ya!
-Tara, Tara.
-I'll catch up.
-Hey, miss Ellis!
-Tara, look, I'll be blunt.
I know that Carolyn is setting
Sophie up, I don't know why.
-You don't have any proof.
-Why, Tara.
I mean, this isn't just
about bragging rights,
what's going on?
-Look, it's not really
my business to say.
-She's broke, okay?
-Her dad got caught stealing
money from his company.
-What? How did I
not hear about this?
-I guess he took a plea deal
to keep his name
out of the press.
Look, I'm the only one of
Carolyn's friends who knows.
-That must have been
terrible for Carolyn.
-It's just the beginning.
-What do you mean?
-The IRS seized
all their stuff,
I mean she had to drive
her lawyer's car
because hers got repossessed.
Her house is being sold,
she has nothing.
-I mean, what about the school,
it's a small fortune.
-Yeah, she can finish out
the year because her dad
paid in advance,
but after that, who knows...
She can't get into college
without that Wilson money.
-That's not true,
she can go to plenty
of colleges,
good colleges,
she'll just need to take
outs student loans,
it's not the end of the world.
It's the end of her world.
Look, maybe now you understand
why she's so angry.
-I do understand,
I don't condone her actions.
-She's desperate.
-[Grace] I'm sure she is.
Desperate people make
foolish decisions
and while I feel bad
for Carolyn,
I'm not about
to let her ruin Sophie's life
because she feels like
her own life is falling apart.
Thank you.
[bell ringing]
-Can I help you?
-My name is Sophie Ellis.
-I know who you are.
-Ahm, I need to talk to you
about your daughter.
Can I come in, please?
-Very well.
The bank came
for everything yesterday,
it was quite the show,
although I guess
I should be grateful,
this neighborhood
is filled with condescending
old bitties that don't know
how to use a smartphone.
I might have gone viral.
-I know about embarrassing
scenes, that's why I'm here.
Carolyn is setting me up,
I'm sure of it.
-Is she? What exactly
is she trying to do to you?
-She's trying to steal
the Wilson Award,
and do whatever
it takes to sabotage me.
-Cheaters never prosper, Sophie.
-I... I didn't say
what she set me up for.
Oh, no you didn't.
-Your arm,
you caused the explosion.
-It was supposed to do
more damage.
Oh, I'm so sorry, Sophie,
that it's come to this,
I really am,
but Carolyn future's at stake!
-Hey, Sophie, it's me.
Call me, ahm,
I know that you're upset.
Getting pretty worried.
Where are you?
Hey, Emma, it's Grace.
Have you heard from Sophie?
You did, that's great.
No she hasn't been home and
she's not answering her phone.
What's her address?
Thanks, Emma.
-I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
Carolyn almost caught me,
she's with Tara now, so.
[muffled talking]
-You don't have to do this,
I won't say anything, I promise.
Carolyn can have
the scholarship,
just please let me go.
-Honey, I can't let you go now!
Carolyn's already
lost one parent
and she's not gonna
lose another.
-What are you talking about?
Why are you doing this?
-Carolyn's father
is not in Japan.
Honey, he's in federal prison,
doing ten years
for embezzlement.
-I had no idea.
-[Paula] Well, no one does,
now thanks to him,
Carolyn has nothing.
So you see, I can't let her
lose that scholarship too.
Honey, you would understand
if you were a mother.
-My mother would do anything
for my happiness,
but she would never
resort to murder.
-I didn't want
to have to hurt you!
I tried to make things easy.
-The burn on your arm,
you could have killed Carolyn!
-Okay, I was desperate
at this point, and,
well Carolyn gave me
the idea, jokingly.
But then when I knew you
sit in front of her in class
I thought maybe
I can concoct something
just to get you out
of the picture.
Anyhow, I knew how far
the explosion
would go after
a couple of tries.
Oh my gosh, honey,
I think it is so scary
the things you find
on the internet.
-You tried to run me down.
I guess I'm gonna have
to kill...
Do you know the first time
it was a total impulse?
Yeah, I went for takeout
and I found myself
parked across
from your driveway.
I remember dropping Carolyn
[unintelligible] birthday party.
It seemed like so long ago
and when you came out
of the house I thought fate
was telling me something.
-To kill a kid.
-No, I was gonna use the car,
it's less personal,
and have
it look like an accident.
Truly, honey, I hate the thought
of taking your life.
I don't have
the stomach for it
and I tried to make it quick.
-There were no rats
in the auditorium, were there?
-I'm sure
there were some out there.
Okay, so I sold
some of Brian's things
and wire cutters were
just something no one wanted,
it was... it was impulse!
-I guess you're just mad
that Emma got hurt instead.
-I admit... I was a tad happy,
I repaid her for stealing Jack
from Carolyn.
It was supposed
to be over then and there,
but like everything
that I do, utter failure.
-It doesn't sound like you have
the heart for murder either.
-And I really didn't,
I wanted you out of the way.
This is for Carolyn,
I would do anything for her,
no matter what she thinks,
I would do anything for her.
You know?
I thought I had
completely failed,
when I saw those answers
on Mr. Bruno's desk.
-You planted the test answers?
-It looks like a miracle!
Okay, so he was in the middle
of grading exams,
right before a conference
and when he wasn't looking,
I snapped a couple of photos,
printed them and...
I've seen you,
at your locker with Carolyn,
so I knew I just had to put them
after I made
my anonymous tip.
Gosh, I wished I had
that opportunity first.
Wouldn't have to go
to these drastic measures.
-My mom knows I didn't cheat,
she'll prove it.
-Well, it doesn't matter now.
I'm really sorry, Sophie.
You know motherhood
is all about sacrifice.
I'd do anything for Carolyn.
Now, you and I are going
to go on a little trip.
We'll make it quick, I promise.
-No, you can't do this, no!
-Don't make me
have to knock you down!
Somebody help!
-Don't make this harder
than it has to be!
-Keep your hands
off my daughter!
-You, you've ruined everything!
It's not too late, Paula,
you can still make this right.
-Nothing will ever be right!
-Carolyn wouldn't want this.
-You hated my daughter,
'cause she has everything.
Now she has nothing.
She has nothing!
-Mom [unintelligible]
-Don't worry, baby girl,
you're safe, it's over now.
-There are the happy graduates.
-It all feels so good.
-Your speech was amazing,
thank you so much.
-I meant every word,
I wouldn't be here without you.
On so many levels.
-Believe me I would do it
all again in heartbeat,
wouldn't change a thing.
Except, maybe, the part
of you almost being killed.
-Hey, Sophie, Emma, I just wanna
say sorry again before I leave.
-It's okay.
-Yeah, we're good.
Where are you headed?
-To stay with my grandparents.
Yeah, they have a farm in Tulsa.
-I hope you find
happiness, Carolyn.
-Okay, I know I should
feel bad for her,
but I'm honestly
having such a hard time.
This two-week suspension
she got for the "Living Hell"
website does not seem
like enough punishment to me.
I don't know
how you can forgive her.
-It's easy, Em, she has nothing.
I have everything
I'll ever need. I always have.
-Okay, before the water wars
begin again, let's celebrate,
dinner's on me,
I hear Carlito's is a favorite.
-Ooh, I'm starving.
I'm gonna start with
the shrimp cocktails
but it does feel like
a lobster kind of occasion.
-Let's just get one of
everything, let's try it all.
-I like him.
-I like him too.
Take me away from here
to the stars above
Where you learn
Bring me away from here,
I can feel your heart
in my blood
Whip me to nowhere
where my eyes can see
next to me
Trying to make my best
I can make the rest
in my flesh
Take me away from here
to the stars above
Where you learn