My Valentine Crush (2023) Movie Script

I'm all yours
All yours
In the morning,
in the evening
Any time you want it babe
You can get it all you want
Ooh, all you, baby
Yeah you got that kind of
love that make you jump high
Feel my head up
in the clouds
Ooh, I can't give
it to myself, baby
You make me wanna fly
To get to where
you are, baby
Oh, my candy man,
you, you, you, you
Feeling all over
my body, baby
Can't lie on you
I want you
Make it fast.
Girl. Rude.
Sorry, girl. I
am running late.
Running late? For?
Oh, dammit.
Ah, let me guess.
Burning down a house again.
Uh, I hope not. Xavier will
be coming over tonight.
- Oh.
- Yes.
Well, in that case,
the kitchen won't be
the only thing on fire.
That's the plan.
Well, let's just hope he
takes you somewhere special
for Valentine's Day.
Well, actually, we're celebrating
Valentine's Day tonight
because he has a
business meeting.
Yes, business.
Mm. How convenient.
Okay, look, don't start, Jazz.
Seriously, Krystal?
Because every man is not a dog.
Well, if it barks like a dog.
Okay, he's not a dog. Okay?
Okay, well, now that
you're free tomorrow,
you can come by my
place for my annual
Valentine's Day singles party.
- I think I'll pass.
- Why?
Because I'm not
interested in hanging around
a bunch of lonely women
who's complaining about
not having a man
on Valentine's Day.
No, thank you.
No one is
gonna be sitting around
complaining about not
having a man, come on.
Okay, let's just
talk about it later,
because I have to go.
Xavier, my man, will
be here tonight.
Okay, but I promise you,
this is not your typical
Valentine's Day party.
It's different.
I gotta go, and I'll talk
to you later, and I love you.
Okay. You sinning
tonight, girl?
Uh-huh, that's what you
doing, huh?
- I rebuke that.
- Okay, okay. I love you.
Oh shoot.
There's the
doorbell. I gotta go.
- Bye.
- I know.
Oh, shoot.
Okay. Okay.
Girl, we're only
gettin' started
But you know I
got to bang it
Hey, beautiful.
For me.
This is Valentine's
Day, isn't it?
Well, it's the uh,
day before, but um,
who's uh, who's counting?
- Right.
- Yeah.
Smells good in
here. You cooking?
It's no big deal, I'm
just making your favorites.
Little steak, rosemary butter
sauce, and sauteed spinach.
Oh yeah?
Oh yeah.
What's for dessert?
Chocolate-covered strawberries.
Sounds scrumptious.
How 'bout a little snack first?
Gotta take her out
and give her all night
We will never stop,
we'll never fall back
This is that,
I mean all that
Gotta her take out
like you're all that
You, you're pretty amazing.
So I've been told.
Yes, really.
Well, I'm sure that
was in your past though.
Only if you wanna
be in my future.
So um, what's the possibility
that you skip your meeting
and come with me
on Valentine's Day?
I would love to,
but, but I can't.
Yeah. Yeah I know.
You got important meeting that
you can't really miss, right?
Krystal, baby, I'm
doing everything I can
to be here with you right now.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Because it seem like every time
there's an important event,
you're nowhere to
be found, Xavier.
That's not true.
Yes it is. Let's see,
uh, my birthday, no show.
Christmas, no show.
Valentine's Day, no show.
Shall I even go on?
What do you want from me?
Look, I just wanna know
where I stand with you,
that's all.
Look, I care about
you, okay? But you know me.
I don't conform to
society's pressures
to define my relationships.
I am not trying to get you
to define our relationship.
No, no, no, wait.
I am trying to get you to
define our relationship.
Like, where do you even
see us going, Xavier?
Krystal, baby, look
around. Where am I right now?
- I'm with you.
- Yeah.
There's no other place
on Earth that I'd rather be
than here with you, okay?
- Okay.
- All right.
I'm gonna see you later.
Wait. Where are you going?
Early morning flight,
I ain't even pack yet.
What about dinner?
Let me get a rain check.
- Rain check?
- Yeah.
Rain check?
Yeah, I'll make it
up to you, I promise.
Oh, come on, Xavier.
Look, I, can you just at least
stay here for even a moment?
I got you.
You bet it don't
make no sense
But I'm thinking
that I want to
Love you all day
if that's okay
I can't believe he
got me sitting here
on Valentine's Day, working.
Son of a bitch.
What you need.
No, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no.
Oh my god, you
gotta be kidding me.
Oh shit. Oh my god.
Come on, come on,
come on, come on.
Hello, this is
Natasha. Who am I speaking to?
Hi, hi, yes, yes, this is
uh, Krystal. Krystal Dawson.
Hold, please.
Oh my god, you
gotta be kidding me.
Come on, come on, come
on, come on. Seriously.
So sorry, Ms.
Dawson. How can I help you?
Yes, yes, listen.
My internet connection
just went out,
and I really, really
need someone to come out.
If you could just find
someone or help me out,
that would be fantastic.
Hold, please.
Oh gosh. I got
this thing, hurry.
This bitch just keep
putting me on hold.
Okay. I can
squeeze you in next Tuesday?
What? No, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no.
You can't squeeze
me in next Tuesday.
See, listen, Natasha, the CFO
in my company will fire me,
and I really, I really need
someone to come in today.
So if you could just find
anyone, I don't care who it is.
I just need someone. Okay?
- Okay.
- Hold please.
This bitch.
Yes, I'm here.
Let me check for you.
There may
be someone in your area.
Give me a few minutes, please.
Darryl. It's Natasha.
Oh, no. What do
you need, Natasha?
Look, I hate to ask you,
because I know you've
been working nonstop.
I was just about to get off.
There is a lady
who is hysterical on the phone
and she really needs help.
Her place is not that far.
Can you please swing by there?
Send me the address
and I'll take care of it.
Thank you so much.
You're welcome.
I'm too nice.
Please, oh please,
oh please, oh please.
Yes, Natasha.
I'm sending a
technician to your house now.
He should be there shortly.
Oh. Okay, oh my god. Thank
you. Thank you so much.
And you know what,
Natasha, I'm so sorry.
I hope that you have the best
Valentine's Day ever. Okay?
Thank you,
Jesus. Whoo. Hm.
Rain check, my ass.
Coming, I'm coming.
Good morning, Missus...
It's Miss.
- Miss Dawson.
- Mm-hmm.
I'm Darryl Jackson with
Inferno Media Company.
Your technician?
Oh, oh, yes, yes, yes.
Please, please, um, come in.
Uh, there's something going on
with my internet connection.
I really need your help, please.
Well, I'm here to help.
Thank you.
Welcome. Can you show
me where your modem is?
Yeah, yeah. It's uh,
it's in the uh, office.
- Okay. Okay.
- I'll get you.
She knows anyone my love
Come and let me
work things up
It's uh, right, right here.
- Right there.
- Okay.
Wow, you have a
really nice office.
Well, Thank you. Thank you.
You're welcome.
You went to Nolan?
Yeah, I did.
What you know about
Nolan High School?
I know all about Nolan High.
Class of '06.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute.
Were you on the football team?
Yeah, I was.
Wow, that was
you. Look at you.
I guess. Uh, that was a,
that was a long time ago.
You look good.
Thank you.
But I don't ever really
remember seeing you around.
Oh, please, nobody
would ever recognize me.
I was always in the
library studying, so, yeah.
Well, it looks like all
of that studying paid off.
Better get to work.
Oh yeah.
Let's see. Okay.
Um, you know, how um, do
you know when you can uh,
get this fixed or if you can?
'Cause I, I got, I got a
really big important um,
deadline to, to make.
See patience isn't one
of your strong suits.
Not when you have an
important, major deadline.
You know, the, the CFO at
my uh, company will fire me.
So what exactly
is it that you do,
if you don't mind me asking?
Um, I uh, I work for a,
a pharmaceutical company,
head of the financial division.
Sounds fun.
Is there somewhere else
I could uh, plug this up?
Uh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Um, it's um, it's
up under there.
Yeah, up under the
desk right there. Yeah.
You mind?
Mm, go, go right ahead.
All right.
Let's see.
Think I found your problem.
Oh, oh, you did?
Was it the, the
power or something?
Yeah, it was.
Looks like a breaker
tripped or something.
- What?
- Just needed to be plugged in
where there was some juice.
Ah, thank you. Thank you
so much. You're a lifesaver.
Um, do I, do I need to give
you some money or something?
I know...
That won't be necessary.
You sure? 'Cause I know
nothing's free.
I'll tell you what, um, look,
just consider it a
Valentine's Day gift
from an old friend from Nolan.
All right.
All right.
You have a trash can I can use?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's um, down the hall to the
left, in the, in the kitchen.
Do you mind?
No, go. Go right ahead.
T-bone steaks in the trash?
You do not wanna
know. Trust me.
You're right.
It's just straight
up blasphemous.
Well, if the internet
wasn't working,
maybe you could've had
it with me earlier.
Too bad.
Too bad.
You um, you want some
uh, bottled water?
All right.
There you go.
Thank you.
For the road?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
For, for the road.
Why don't we check
your connection?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Uh, after, after you.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
- I'm sorry.
- Yeah, yeah.
Okay. Let's see here.
- And um...
- Mm-hmm?
We are back in business.
Oh, oh, we uh, we, we are.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
You're welcome.
Yeah, um, do I, do I need
to pay for any of this?
No. I already told
you it, it's fine.
You sure? Oh, okay, all right.
Uh, well, I guess uh,
that's, that's it.
Excuse me.
Hm? Uh, yeah, yeah,
yeah, you can um...
- This way.
- I'll, I'll walk you out.
Some nice flowers you got there.
Flowers. They're beautiful.
Oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah,
right. They, they are, right.
Valentine's Day gift?
Something like that.
Must be a special guy.
You can
definitely say that again.
You have a good evening.
You too.
Thank you.
Thank you again for helping me.
You're welcome.
See ya.
See ya.
Yes! Hey-ah!
Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Okay.
Yes, yes?
- Hey.
- Hey.
I didn't mean to disturb you,
but I left my extra battery.
Oh, oh yeah, yeah.
Give me a, give me,
give one, one second.
All right.
Here you go.
Thank you. You
have a good evening.
You too. See you later.
Yeah, looking out my
eyes at you all day
You can lose your
head all over places
Licking on your lips
like you can taste
We vibe, we vibe, we vibe
We vibe, we vibe
Shit. Thank you.
Do I really wanna go to this?
After I take a nap.
Oh, I'm tired.
Right on time, don't
be late to the party
- Hey.
- Hey.
I wasn't sure you
were gonna make it.
I almost didn't.
Well, I'm glad you're here.
Well, look, I have a
contribution to the party.
Let me see. Okay, well,
I mean, I guess this'll do.
It should do.
Give me your jacket, come on.
Okay, well here you go.
And I hope you got some
food up in here too.
Oh girl, I got a chef, private.
That's what I'm talkin' about.
Girl, I haven't
seen you in months.
Where you been?
Tell me. We need to catch up.
Nah, that ain't nobody.
Oh, oh. Oh, okay.
So, spill it.
You still dating that
cutie with the tattoos?
5-9, 195 pounds, white teeth.
- Um, I'm not...
- What's his name again?
Hey look, Princess, I
never mentioned his name.
Oh. Well, you
didn't have to, girl.
I mean, the streets be talking.
Okay. Why am I not surprised?
So anyway, I mean,
like, where is he?
Another business meeting?
I know you're
not talking about...
He's somewhere minding his
business like you should be.
- Here, take this.
- Thank you.
Hey, Jasmine. Great party.
This is so good.
Yes, isn't it? Made
it just for my guests.
Oh, what is that?
Well, I made you a special one.
- Oh, you did?
- I did.
Let me go get Eddie to get
that for me. See you girl.
Okay. Please tell
me you handled that.
I'm gonna handle her. I'm
gonna handle that tonight.
There you go. Like,
who actually invited her?
There's no invite.
It's invite only.
Oh, okay.
- Hey.
- Hey.
You two know each other?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. He uh,
actually helped me earlier today.
Guys, this is Darryl.
Darryl, these are my friends.
Hey. Yo, what up, D?
What up, bro?
Hello, D.
Yeah, I use that term loosely.
Well um, it was
nice meeting you.
Good seeing you again, Krystal.
You too.
Yeah um, you look good, Krystal.
Still out here getting
your heart broken?
Well, my heart is actually
intact. Thank you, Summer.
I mean, what about you?
Are you still spreading your
legs thin across the city,
or is Darryl the
lucky winner, huh?
The only thing I
spread is butter.
You know what?
Um, I'm about to go
get another drink uh,
and I'll see you later.
Yeah, you do that.
Thank you for coming.
Yeah, girl, I like your friends.
- Uh-huh.
- Not.
Thank you for having me.
She's so aggressive.
So, the last thing we
need is another podcast
from a man with mommy issues.
Like, if you dislike
women, just say that.
Ma'am, that's all I'm saying.
Oh, okay, hold up.
Some of those podcasts
are for shock value,
but most of 'em
be speaking facts.
In what world?
Right. Like, name one thing
that they say that's true.
I'll wait.
Oh, okay. Oh, I can name many.
Um, first off,
women no longer subscribe
to the idea of submission,
which is hurting relationships.
I mean, not our relationship.
My lady ain't got no
problem with submission.
But, we're not even gonna
get into all of that.
Secondly, women have
more masculine energy
and it's stopping
men from leading.
You know, our natural position.
Okay, now, to be fair,
women have had no
choice but to step up
because many were
left holding the bag.
Uh, how so? Come on.
What do you mean?
There are so many women
who are left alone
with children to
feed and protect
because men are scared
to embrace commitment.
- Exactly.
- And that right there
can harden the softest
woman, because in her mind,
she can't be vulnerable,
she has to be strong.
Yeah, well, all of that is
gonna be thrown out the window
soon, because some states
are entertaining the idea
of allowing child support
during the fetal stage.
- Ah, what?
- See,
and that's exactly
what I'm talking about.
That's, that's taking
it way too far.
That's just another
tactic to keep men down.
Now, now, I don't, I don't
agree with that, fellas.
- What?
- This. Oh, Jesus.
I'm just saying there
has to be some merit to it.
Bro, listen, I know we got
some fine women in here, bro.
- That part...
- Bro.
But you gotta stop
all that capping.
- Oh, leave him alone.
- Just be yourself.
Leave him alone.
I'm, I'm being
serious when I say that.
Man, my mother almost died
when she gave birth to me.
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that.
Nah, it's cool.
I just think a lot of
men don't factor in
the cost of bringing a
baby into this world.
I mean, a lot of women have
issues, you know, doctor visits,
you know, the cost in itself.
So why would they have to
take care of that alone?
I mean, they didn't
make 'em alone.
Fantastic, Darryl.
Now, you see, I knew
I liked you for reason.
Let me get that back. No, no,
no, I need that G card back.
You just let every
man in America down.
- Seriously? Come on, G.
- Every man in America, bro.
What is wrong with you?
Wait a minute. Aren't
you being ridiculous, bro.
All right, all right.
On, on that note, I am going
to go get some fresh air, so.
- Some fresh air.
- All right,
see you guys in a minute.
I, I second that.
- What?
- Is that right?
What? No.
All good.
Cheers to you.
Okay, see, that's...
What um, ,
so maybe um, you run that back
exactly what you meant.
I wanna, clear that up for me.
- Go on.
- Submission, like, like,
you know us, man you know us.
We got the, we got a thing.
Here you go.
You um, you enjoying yourself?
I am now.
Look, my friends
can be a little crazy,
so I apologize about that.
Nah, it's, it's no biggie.
You look nice.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
So uh, you and Summer
dating. I see that.
No, Summer and I
are just friends.
I think you need to
define what friends mean.
No, I'm, I'm pretty
clear about it.
Well, I think you
need to enlighten me.
Summer and I, we see each
other from time to time.
I don't see it really going
anywhere past friendship, so.
I mean, but I make
a great wing man.
- Oh, you do, huh?
- Yeah.
I mean, does she
kinda know that?
'Cause I don't think that
she knows that at all, like.
Why do you ask?
I don't know. I'm just
being curious, I guess.
You know, nosy. Super nosy.
I, it's none of my business.
Okay. So, are you being nosy?
Or are you curious about me
as much as I'm
curious about you?
I mean, what are the odds?
Two times in one day.
If I didn't know any better,
I'd say it was a sign.
- A sign?
- A sign.
What kinda sign?
Like a sign sign.
A sign sign.
Look, you know what,
I, I, I gotta get back.
Or, or we could just, you
know, dish the debate club,
enjoy the rest of
the night our way.
Our way?
Yeah. Just you and me.
I, I, I can't, I can't do that.
My girlfriends, the debate team.
Okay, look, just all right.
Just, just give a second.
All right. The
night's still young.
You wanna hang out with me?
And dish the debate club?
I, I'm not trying
to go back in there.
Me either. So I think we
probably just need to go.
Well come on, Krystal, come on.
So, tell me like,
what have you been up
to all of these years?
Like, you never wanted
to leave, like the city?
Actually, I have.
I wanted to go to
college to play football,
but I didn't have the
money or a scholarship,
so I went to the
Marine Corps instead.
Did a few years and
then I got outta there.
So, it wasn't for you?
I mean, I was good at it.
Just missed my friends and
my family, so I came back.
So how did you even end
up at a cable company?
I was always fascinated
with electronics.
Saw an ad, I applied.
Been there ever since.
So, you never wanted more?
What do you mean, more?
Like, more like,
wife, kids, family.
I was married once,
but we were young.
She was in love with someone
else, so I let her go.
Just like that?
Just like that. Can't make
no one love you if they don't.
Come on.
What about you?
I graduated high school
at the top of my class,
and I continued with an MBA.
That's impressive.
But you're not
married? No kids?
Oh no, like, I just,
I don't think it was like
part of my cards, you know?
And honestly, I'm not
giving up on love, no way.
Even though I need to
find the right one.
So what do you do for fun?
Define fun.
Oh no, no.
Please don't tell me you're one
of those slaves to your job.
You gotta get out and
live your life, Krystal.
There's a whole
lotta life to live.
Yeah, I know, I know.
It's just, look,
I've worked so hard,
like trying to
rank up the ladder,
and fun hasn't just been
on the cards, you know?
Well, if there's anything
you can do, I mean,
anything in this world
that you can do right now,
what would it be?
- Anything?
- Anything.
It take that long to answer?
Uh, I'll perform.
So you sing?
I had no idea you was an artist.
You can, sing me something?
No, no, no, no, no, no. I
don't do that. I, I do poetry.
Oh, cool.
You, so you, have you ever
done a, an open mic night?
I mean, a couple of
years ago, so, you know.
What's today?
It's Thursday.
You okay?
Just fun, okay?
You got this.
Okay uh, I need
two shots. Double.
Oh my god. I
cannot believe it.
He's making me do
this. It's ridiculous.
Man, I'm so glad to be
here with y'all tonight, man.
Y'all don't even understand how,
how hard it was to
get away from my wife
to get to my side chick tonight.
I know some of y'all not
laughing at that, but it's okay.
If you're not laughing, you're
probably the side chick.
You a cheater.
Like, you're the best cheater
I've ever met in my life.
Like, I'll lose my,
my freedom over you.
All your cheating,
man, I can't do it.
I'm not gonna do that.
You know, love is a good thing.
And I feel like, if you find
somebody to love, right?
Somebody that loves you,
like with all your
flaws and everything.
Somebody that loves
your dirty drawers,
you should love theirs back.
Oh, okay. Thank you.
You nervous?
Ah, ladies and
gentlemen, listen.
I got a good friend of mine
in the building tonight, man.
One of the dopest
promoters in the city.
Y'all clap it up for
my man, Darryl Jackson.
Man, make some noise.
Now, he's one of the dopest
promoters next to me,
'cause you know, I gets down.
I, I could pack
a house. You dig.
So that's my man,
he's a hundred grand.
And, he didn't just bring his,
his littlest suit tonight.
He brought um...
He brought a special
somebody with him,
who's gonna perform
for us tonight.
Her name is Krystal Dawson.
Y'all clap it up
for Krystal Dawson.
- That's you.
- No, no, no, no, no.
I, I, I can't do this.
What? What do you mean,
- you can't?
- No, no, no, no, no,
I haven't performed
in a long time...
Krystal, you are head woman
in a pharmaceutical company.
- Okay.
- Okay?
You can do this.
I can do this.
You're that woman.
I am that woman.
- You're that woman.
- I am that woman.
Darryl, just tap her ass.
Now go be that woman.
okay, and shot number one,
and shot number two.
Y'all clap it up.
Give her a little courage,
give her some encouragement.
Come on up here.
Just be yourself.
Yeah. Come on
up here, Krystal.
Praise the Lord. We're
just gonna wait on ya.
Let the spirit move you.
Any slower, we'll all be 50.
I'll be right down.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
All right, come on.
Ladies and gentlemen,
one more time.
Clap it up for Krystal Dawson.
Hi, uh.
This poem is called
uh, "On the Stand."
On the stand, running
tears coming down my face
like running water coming
down from a faucet.
I think I just lost it.
I can't take no
more being a hostage
of things you did to hurt me,
damage me, stab me, kill me.
Damn, you wanted to bury me.
And when I mean me,
I mean my heart.
We was torn apart
from the start,
torn from my head to my heart.
But that's another version of
what I'm not talking about.
Zoning me out.
You're not even
trying to hear me out,
thinking in your head like,
what is this chick
talking about?
Killing me softly
and not quickly
because you wanted to see
me hurt every single minute.
Stabbing me in the eyes
so you wouldn't see
how much pain you
put me through.
Get out of my presence.
Get out this courtroom,
lying and caging yourself.
You killed my heart. So what
do I got left? You was guilty.
The judge speaks,
"Order the courtroom."
I stand, saying you was guilty
of breaking an innocent heart.
Guilty of betrayal.
Guilty of a relationship failed.
Guilty of honesty.
Guilty of everything
you ever told me.
You was guilty.
And that's why you
have to pay the price.
I sentence you to life.
And if there is nothing
further, your honor,
the case is closed.
Now snap it up, one more
time for Miss Krystal Dawson.
That was good, good.
That's good.
Yeah, y'all give it up, man.
You can't, you can't
even make that up.
That's, that's
passion right there.
I cannot believe
I just did that.
That was amazing.
That was like amazing, right?
And like, everybody
was like staring at me,
and they thought
like, I was great.
And I was like,
yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh my god, thank
you so much, like...
You're welcome.
For like, even me
speaking my truth.
Like, that is just so
amazing. Oh my god, thank you.
Look, the night's still young.
Let's celebrate.
You wanna celebrate?
I wanna celebrate.
Let's celebrate. Uh,
can we uh, get shots?
Like, lots of shots, like
super like, shot shots.
Let's do it.
I could get lost in you
I could get lost
in you, yeah
I could get lost in
I could get lost in you
Come enjoy this ride
I could get lost in you
I could get lost
in you, yeah
I could get lost in you
I could get lost in you
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah
I could lost in
I had a great time tonight.
Me too.
Hope this isn't the last
time I get to see you.
Mm, it doesn't have to be.
You know, you could
uh, come inside.
What? You don't
wanna come inside?
I do.
But not like this.
Like what? Hmm?
I wanna make sure it's not
the alcohol that's talking.
Mm, you're so admirable.
That was something
that you learned
in military school, right?
One of my many traits.
Look, there's just so much
that I wanna learn about you,
and I just, I just want
you to come inside.
Scout's honor, I'm not gonna
do anything.
You know I didn't get a
chance to look around earlier.
I wanted to be professional.
But you got a really nice place.
Thank you.
I uh, try to keep it simple.
Thank you.
Why are you looking
at me like that?
Just admiring the view.
Why are you so far?
I, I uh, I didn't
know that I was.
Super far.
So, what do you
wanna know about me?
Mm. What do I wanna
know about you? Wow.
Why are you so single?
That's a loaded question.
No, it's not.
Like, you is like fine to the
fine to the fine, fine, fine.
You're outgoing, you're amazing.
I'm just trying to
figure out like why,
why are you so single?
Could say the same
thing about you.
Nope. No, no, no, no.
I'm the one that's asking
the questions here.
So, spill the beans.
You're not gonna
let that go, are you?
Negative, no.
Well, I've had my share of
relationships that have ended
for more reasons than another.
So, now I'm focused on women
who want more outta life,
who don't wanna play games.
You know?
Yeah, I can definitely
understand that.
But you're like, you're
amazing. You know that?
I'm all right.
No, you're amazing. I need
you to know that.
Well, thank you.
Your turn.
I'm kinda seeing somebody.
So you have a boyfriend and
he, he ain't here with you
on Valentine's Day?
Well, we're not
kinda like a label.
And, you know, to
be perfectly honest,
he's not around on
holidays anyway.
I see.
Well, I'm sure deep down
inside you must care for him.
Maybe even love him.
I don't know.
To be perfectly honest,
I think I've just invested so
much time that I just don't,
I don't wanna feel like I've,
I'm being impatient, you know?
Yeah. You might think
that I'm just a fool, right?
I'm a fool. Just
say that. Krystal...
I don't, I don't think...
Krystal is a fool.
I'm a fool. Right?
Krystal, I don't
think you're a fool.
Can I tell you what I think?
That Krystal's a fool?
Go ahead and say it.
That's not what
I was about to say.
I think that you're
a special person,
and if someone doesn't value
you then, they're the fool.
That's what I think.
But I'm glad they're
fools, 'cause I'm not.
Come here.
Why you want me
to come over there?
'Cause I said so.
Come on.
Now come on.
I hope you don't snore.
I hope you don't snore.
Can, can I, can I use this?
Yes. Come on.
So, so, so into you
So, so, so into you
Good morning, beautiful.
Good morning.
You always this
energized in the morning?
How did you sleep?
I slept good.
Did you take my shoes off?
I did, because I didn't
want you to mess up my couch.
Right. Not the couch.
Nope, not the couch.
Look, if you uh, if
you gotta go to work,
I completely understand,
trust me, it's fine.
Actually, I took off.
Really? Oh. Oh, wow.
So what are you doing today?
Maybe I'll go get off too.
Relax, chill, do
something like that.
This coffee's really good.
Yeah, because I
actually made it.
I got an idea.
Let's go get breakfast.
Now? Like, right now?
Well, first things first.
I gotta go home and change.
Oh, yeah, yeah,
yeah, you definitely
need to go take a bath.
Yeah, yeah. Mm, and
your breath.
And brush my teeth?
Yeah, you do.
You give me an hour?
Yeah, I can do that.
Oh, okay.
Some good-ass coffee.
Thank you.
I'll uh, see you soon.
See you soon.
For you
And how I'm feeling,
baby, call me crazy
'Cause I always love the way
you make me feel the way I am
Hey yeah
It's more than
just a feeling
You make me feel
Good morning to you.
So I tried calling to make
sure you made it home safely
last night, but I heard you
were hanging out with Darryl.
Who told you that?
A little birdie told me.
Who, Summer?
Nope. Eddie. Didn't
I tell you they go way back?
You failed to
mention that to me.
Well, yes they do.
Okay, so anyway, tell
me, how did it go?
Oh my god, girl, he
is such a gentleman.
He's amazing. He's thoughtful.
He's like, girl, everything.
Oh, really?
And you know
what? He just left.
Wait a minute.
Please tell me you did
not sleep with him.
No, I did not.
I really
don't want you to hurt him
if you're still into Xavier.
No, I did not.
And actually, I told him
that I was actually
seeing somebody.
How did he respond?
He told me that I needed
someone to cherish me.
Well, he's
absolutely right about that.
But in the meantime,
you need to let go of that
lame and focus on the nice...
Okay, look, I gotta
go because I have a date
- this morning.
- What? Wait a minute.
Krystal, we're not done talking.
Oh, I think the phone is
going out. Oh, oh, ah, oh, ah.
I got a date. I got a date.
Such a great place.
Oh, thank you.
You're welcome.
- Mm, this looks great.
- Thank you.
Could I have some syrup, please?
- Yes, sir.
- Thank you.
Chicken and waffles.
Best chicken and
waffles in the city.
Because you haven't had my
chicken and waffles, sir.
Oh, you can cook?
The only food I saw
was in the trashcan.
Oh, please. You think you're
funny? You're not funny.
I still can't believe that.
Hey, Da-da.
Hey, Monica.
Uh, what are you doing here?
Oh, I'm just in town
visiting the parents, but um...
Wow, you've uh, you look good.
Thank you, thank you.
Oh, who's your little friend?
Uh, Krystal, this is Monica.
Monica, this is Krystal.
Oh, hey sis, how are you?
Hi, I'm just...
Anyway, I was just
picking up some uh,
some chicken and waffles and,
oh, I can't wait to
tell Mom I ran into you.
She gonna get a kick outta this.
Be sure to send her my love.
Yeah. Yeah, I'll do just that.
Good seeing you, Monica.
It was uh, good
seeing you as well.
Nice meeting you. Carrie, right?
It's Krystal.
I'll see you Da-da.
Where were we?
Oh, you were about to tell
me about Monica. Mm-hmm.
Uh, she's...
She, oh, let me, let me guess.
She is just a friend. Hmm?
My ex-wife.
Mm, 'cause it seemed like
she still has a thing for you.
Monica and I are
divorced for a reason,
and I don't wanna talk
about it right now.
So, if you don't mind.
Carrie, my ass.
Okay, who does she think
that she talking to, huh?
My name is Krystal
La'naye Dawson.
Okay? I'm a
professional dog walker.
I will dog walk her ass all
through this breakfast table.
She don't know me.
You could do better
than that. Okay?
Ugh. Carrie, my
ass. Carrie, my ass.
It was great seeing you.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Please.
Carrie does fit you though.
No, I don't. No, don't
even play yourself.
Oof. She better be glad
she ain't see me outside.
Thank you again for this
extended Valentine's Day.
Oh, the pleasure's all mine.
Just hope we can
do it again sometime.
Maybe, or maybe not.
Hopefully, maybe.
Hopefully, maybe?
Let me uh, let me,
let me think about that.
Oh um, give me,
give me one second.
Everything okay?
Yeah, yeah, it's just um,
I got a very important phone
call to make, so I gotta go.
Okay, I understand.
- Yeah.
- All right.
Well you enjoy the
rest of your day.
Hey, lady.
Hey, you're uh, back in town.
That I am. Damn,
I missed you, girl.
Well, it's only
been a couple of days.
What's there to miss?
Remember that trip I told
you with the sales division
I couldn't miss?
Yeah, you made
it perfectly clear
that you couldn't spend
Valentine's Day with me.
Well, I closed a huge
deal. I mean a huge deal.
And guess what?
We're going on
a weekend getaway.
Pack your bags,
we going to Bahamas.
Are you serious?
No, no, no, no.
We're not, we're not...
Right now, right now.
I don't, I don't
have things to wear.
I don't, I don't know...
Girl, go. Come on, we out.
I told you I was gonna make
it up to you. I got you.
Oh. Oh, we're
going to the Bahamas!
Oh my god, oh my god.
We're going to the Bahamas.
Hey Kris, you ready, or what?
Damn. You know we're only
going for two days, right?
Okay, look, I don't know
what I'm wearing, okay?
Oh, shoot.
You good?
Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's just, it's just
work stuff. Sorry.
All right, let's go. Come on.
We're going to the Bahamas.
My girl
My girl
Can't take my eye off you
Can't take my eye off you
All right, know what?
It does sound promising.
Man, she's, oh, she's amazing.
She's beautiful.
She's down to earth.
That's nice.
She's the real deal, E.
She's my missing puzzle piece.
Oh, what? Hold up.
Missing puzzle pieces?
Hold on, man.
I know, I know. I don't
even move that fast. You...
You don't even jog ever.
That's how I know she's the one.
The what?
The one.
The one?
The one.
D, you just met the
lady a few days ago, man.
Yo, chill. Slow down.
You and Jazz didn't slow down
and y'all fine. Y'all happy.
Look, when you know,
you know, and I know.
And you don't know
anything yet. All right.
What about the
dude she's seeing?
Does he know that you know?
She told me I didn't
have to worry about that.
Listen, okay.
Look, when a woman has
her eyes set on somebody,
and has spent a lot of time
cultivating that relationship,
it's not that easy for
her to just break free.
I hear you.
I, I promise you, I
ain't throwing no shade.
But you just met the lady.
Now Jazz told me
Krystal's good people.
But, you need to take
your time, all right?
Let's go ahead and see
how this plays out.
Ain't no need to rush things.
All right.
See now, this is
when it gets real.
So let's toast.
To new beginnings,
on an amazing road
to a potentially
great relationship.
- Salud.
- Salud.
What are you guys
in here talking about?
Nothing, sis.
- Nothing?
- Nope.
Yeah, I heard my name and
something about relationships.
Yeah, only relationship you
gotta worry about is yours.
- Right.
- And it's good.
You got you a fine black man
who know how to put in work,
and we good.
Which is in good standings,
by the way. We are good.
So let's, let's not be all
up in this man's business.
Oh, no, this is guy talk.
- Oh, guy talk.
- Guy talk.
- Yeah, man.
- Tell me later.
Man talk.
I ain't tell you later. I
ain't gonna tell you later.
So you really not
gonna talk to me?
There is nothing to
talk about, Xavier.
Look, it's not my
fault that I got sick.
We're at a beautiful resort
and I enjoyed it by myself.
Look, I didn't intend
for none of that to happen,
all right?
Okay look, I know,
you couldn't help getting sick,
even though I told you that
that sandwich was half cooked.
Yeah, you did. Okay?
And I should've listened.
I'm sorry. Come here.
Come here. Look,
I know you like it.
Oh, come on, Xavier, don't
answer the phone, please.
Let me take this.
I've been fooling 'round
Different side of town
Not tonight. It's
been a long day.
Good night.
Good night.
This ain't working out, no
This ain't
working out for me
I better let you go
Let's not go down that road
What's up?
Planning on cooking, or what?
No, not this morning.
Wow. That's a first. Guess
I'll just grab an apple.
Whatever. Just eat the apple.
Hey, hey, hey.
What's going on with you? You
used to love cooking for me.
Okay. The world doesn't
center around you, Xavier.
Remember, I have a job?
Okay, wait a minute. Why
are you even still here?
Look, I got a
meeting later today.
I thought maybe we could
spend some time together.
Spend some time together?
What's going on?
What are you talking about?
Xavier, you never
spend any time with me.
Now all of a sudden you wanna
spend some time with me?
- Listen.
- What's going on?
Come here, come here. Listen.
Look, I know we ain't been
on the same page lately,
You expecting somebody, Kris?
No, it's probably Jasmine.
Give me a second.
- Hey. Hey, I was, I was...
- Darryl.
What are you doing here?
Yeah, Darryl, what
are you doing here?
I was in the neighborhood,
so I figured I'd
bring you some soup.
You know, since you
were under the weather.
Oh, ain't that sweet.
Listen, my man, only thing
she's under is your boy.
Um, um, Xavier, this
is uh, uh, Darryl.
Darryl is um, the, the
cable, the cable guy.
Thank you. Thank
you for the soup.
You're welcome.
Listen, cable guy, we
got your soup, so uh,
I think you better get going.
We're in the middle of something.
Ain't that right, babe?
I see.
Well, I leave y'all to it.
Oh, god.
You wanna explain yourself?
Who the hell is Darryl?
Nobody, just nobody.
Looked a whole hell of a
lot more than a nobody to me.
I said, nobody. Okay?
You know what's funny, Krystal?
You spend all that time talking
about making it official,
and titles.
I knew you was creeping
when I saw two coffee mugs
in your sink.
Who the hell do you think
you're talking to, huh?
Don't you flip
this around on me.
Ignore my calls, the
hoes in your phone.
You have no room to talk
about anyone, Xavier.
You're incredible,
you know that?
Yes, I know that. And
the problem is, you don't.
So you know what, Xavier.
I'm done.
You better think long
and hard about that
'cause if I leave this
house, I'm not coming back.
And you know what,
Xavier? That's the plan.
Okay. So you're really
willing to lose me? This.
Trust me, Xavier, it's no loss.
Goodbye. And don't
you ever come back.
You know what, Krystal?
Maybe you are better off
with that cable guy, huh?
You might even get a discount.
You'll get all the channels.
You know what? Kiss my ass.
Nobody said it would be easy
Never said it'd be this hard
When you told me
you were leaving
Hey, Xavier.
Oh, Xavier.
Somebody told me
love was crazy
Didn't know I'd go insane
When you leave, I'm
screaming, save me
Come pick up my remains
At the tone, please
record your voice message.
When you are finished recording,
you may hang up or press
pound for more options.
Hey uh, Darryl uh,
I am so sorry for what
happened earlier today.
I just wanna say that I'm sorry.
If you could just,
if you could just
call me back, please.
There you go. I figured
you could use some ice cream.
I sure do.
It's melting all over the place.
And I should.
What's going on,
Kris? Talk to me.
Look, I just let
Xavier talk to Darryl
like he was nothing.
Like, let him do it.
He'll be all right.
I don't think so.
I have tried to call
him, text, nothing.
Then just give him some space.
I mean, he doesn't seem
like the type of guy
to hold grudges.
And then Xavier, calling me
with another woman on the phone?
Whoo. I'm so glad
you are over that lame.
Don't be so hard on
yourself. It'll be okay.
Let me get my spoon,
because you ain't
eating this ice cream
like it's the best
thing that you ever had.
Mm, this is.
- Mm, mm-hmm.
- That was good.
Mm-hmm, it is.
I figured you'd be out here.
Oh yeah?
This is where you always be
when you have
something on your mind.
Wanna talk about it?
That text message said
everything you needed to know.
All right.
Say let's,
let's check up.
Ooh. Oh, we in
our feelings, huh?
You in your feelings.
You in your feelings.
Whoo-hoo, that
was pretty. Whoo!
You know they call me Pretty
Eddie for a reason, right?
I gave you that name, E.
Oh, that's true. Okay.
Here we go.
Oh, oh-oh, we serious
now, huh? Huh?
Got ya.
We not young no more, E.
That one ain't gonna
work on me, baby.
Okay. All right.
- Show you how it's done, E.
- Okay. Okay.
Show you how it's
done. Get off me, E.
Right? Right?
- My god.
- No.
Remember that time we
were at the water park
and you thought
you were drowning?
Oh my god, that
was so embarrassing.
It was so funny though.
Everyone around us just
kept yelling, "Just stand up."
You were flapping your hands,
and your ponytail was floating
in the water behind you.
Oh, that, that was
like so embarrassing.
I didn't like that at all.
And it was hanging
around my favorite crush.
Wait, what was
his name? Um, uh...
- Dexter McGrady.
- Dexter freakin' McGrady.
Oh my gosh.
Wow. Gosh, why does love
have to be so hard, Jazz?
Like, for real.
Love isn't hard.
We humans just
complicate things.
So, it was my fault?
I mean, since we're
handing out the blame card.
Okay, you're supposed to be
my friend right now, right?
Well you know I
wouldn't love you
if I didn't tell you the truth.
And of course you know I
love you, girl.
Xavier wasn't worth
your time though.
I mean, don't get me wrong.
He was perfect on paper.
He had multiple degrees. He
was attractive. He had money.
He checked everything
off your list
that you wanted in a man.
But, what about his
values? His integrity?
He never treated you like
you were the only one.
And he always made
plans before you.
I tried to convince myself
that Xavier was the
perfect man for me.
And then I met Darryl.
He made me feel like
everything was amazing.
He made me feel alive and everything.
And, he made me laugh.
And I just ruined it.
Well, all of the
chips have fallen.
All you can do is just
gracefully pick them back up.
Look, let me have a heart
to heart with Eddie.
Maybe he can convince
Darryl to giving you a call.
Look, I'm not making
any promises...
- Yeah.
- And I don't know
what's gonna happen.
But, you never know.
I appreciate that.
That's the least I can
do, friend.
Ooh, oh. Mm, ooh.
Where are you going?
Girl, we have been eating
ice cream and drinking wine,
and you know dairy does
not agree with my stomach.
I forgot about that.
Uh-huh, yeah. So, I'll
see you in the morning.
Have a good night.
Love you, girl.
I love you too.
You ordered this for me.
I was cool with a smoothie.
- You gonna do what I say.
- All right.
Haven't seen you
since Valentine's Day.
And now you're here,
disturbing our brunch.
Hey, Summer, how are you?
Darryl? Hey.
What's up?
Where's your boyfriend?
Um, he's no longer around.
I see.
Uh, Krystal, you need something?
'Cause obviously we're busy.
Yeah, Summer, can, can I talk
to him for a second, please?
I don't know.
You wanna talk to your
little friend, Darryl?
Okay. We can talk outside.
Uh, Darryl, you know you don't,
you don't have to go outside.
It'll only take a minute.
What is it?
Look, I messed up royally.
Apology accepted.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Please just, can you just
please hear me out, please?
What is it that you
wanna say to me, Krystal?
Because you didn't have
anything to say the other day.
I thought we had a connection.
We did.
Look, we still do.
No, I made a mistake
opening up to a woman
that wanted to play games.
I stood on my truth
and you shot me down.
Look, I was confused.
Look, I know now what I want,
and I know that it's you.
Look, I'm glad you had a lot
of time to think about that.
I really am.
But I don't come
second to no man.
Even if I am a cable guy.
I'm going off
They going off the mat
All the mistakes
they making, I made
I could've taught you that
I gotta watch
Yeah, boy.
Honestly, now look.
What you got right here
is prime Angus beef,
seasoned to
perfection, my brother.
Now, the secret is to put some
that washer-whooser sauce,
- Worcester...
- Worcestershire sauce.
Yeah, the W sauce.
You gotta put that in there.
It holds in the juices.
Keeps it fresh.
Yeah, just wanna get
warmed up real quick.
- Okay.
- All right.
Yo, yo. Um, how
you feeling, man?
What's been good with
you, man? Really?
I been good.
Nah, for real. How you been?
E, if there's something
you wanna ask me,
why don't you just ask me?
Thought that's what I was
doing. I just asked you twice.
Seriously though.
How you doing, man?
I saw Krystal the other day.
How'd that go?
Not good.
Yeah, sorry to hear that.
I know you fell pretty
hard, pretty fast, man.
Yeah, well, I learned my lesson,
and it'll never happen
again, I'll tell you that.
And uh, what lesson you learn?
Never fall for the
same woman twice.
Twice? You just met her.
The first time I met
Krystal was in high school.
Yeah, and when I
saw her the other day,
I acted as if I had never
seen her a day in my life.
But, I remember her.
She would be sitting in
that library, doing math.
I mean always math.
I never really seen
anything else, just math.
Like she was trying to
accomplish something, you know?
I mean, she was the most
beautiful, smart girl
I've ever seen in my life.
I mean, I was a ball player
so I had girls coming at me
left and right,
left and right, and,
just wasn't able
to make my move.
So I never did anything
about my crush.
Hm. Wow.
That was deep, huh?
Huh, deeper than the
Atlantic Ocean, my brother.
- I wasn't expecting that.
- Well, you asked for it.
You asked for it.
But, that's the past.
I'm good. It's all good.
Food looks good.
Oh, you all ready know that.
There's no love lost.
My man. All right.
So, who you got for the finals?
Finals? You mean
who I got forever?
- Chicago.
- Chicago.
You already know that.
You gonna die, they gonna
bury you in red, watch.
Hey, hey, long as you know.
I know. I know the world
don't know, but I know.
Y'all better not be in
here burning up my food.
Look what the cat drug in.
Um, babe, I gotta show you
something in the bedroom.
The bedroom?
Man, you good?
In the bedroom?
Good to see you, Krystal.
You too.
Mm, smells good in here.
You look good too.
Thank you.
Is that how it is?
You're just not gonna
talk to me, Darryl.
- Darryl?
- You know,
I can't believe you let old
boy talk to me like that.
And you didn't say anything.
I am sorry. Okay?
- Yes, I'm sorry.
- Sorry?
Well sorry just don't quite
make it right now, does it?
- Darryl.
- That's crazy.
Can you just at least
- talk to me.
- That's what you got to say...
Darryl, just, can you
please just talk to me?
What is it that you
want me to say, Krystal?
You say you want love,
but you entertain a clown.
I thought you wanted peace,
but you choose the very thing
that moves you
further away from it.
But you say you want me, right?
But we both know
how that went down.
So maybe I just need
to accept the fact
that you ain't the woman
that you say you are.
Look, I'm sorry.
Look, I am that woman,
that never changed.
It's just, look,
it's complicated.
- Complicated?
- It's complicated.
Krystal, complicated? Solving
world hunger is complicated.
Finding the cure for
cancer is complicated.
But leaving somebody
that does not love you,
that does not care
about you or honor you,
- it's not complicated, Krystal.
- Listen, I'm sorry. Okay?
Sorry, sorry.
- That's all I can hear, sorry.
- I'm sorry.
Okay, I don't know what to say.
I don't even know what to do.
- But honestly...
- Okay.
Me being honest with you,
is not me being
honest with myself.
I met Xavier when I was
at a business retreat
and I thought that he was
everything that I ever wanted.
And then I met you.
So I was a rebound?
- No you wasn't a rebound.
- I was just a rebound.
No, you wasn't a rebound.
- That's how I felt, Krystal!
- Darryl, Darryl,
please just stop.
Just listen to me.
When I met you, I felt alive,
I felt seen, I felt heard.
And I just want
you to know that.
So then tell me, what did
you expect to accomplish
by coming down here
to tell me that?
Because I don't
give a damn. Get on.
Darryl, just.
Look, I didn't respect
this, that's for sure.
But what I do know
is that, what I felt,
and actually what I
felt for you is real.
I actually fell
in love with you.
Krystal. Wait.
I tried.
Give me a hug.
Look, I gotta, I just
gotta get outta here.
On the stand, running
tears coming down my face
like running water
- coming down from the faucet.
- I know you seen me call you.
I called you like five times.
That's not, that's crazy.
I think I'm exhausted.
I can't take no more
being a hostage,
of things you did to hurt me.
Damaged me, stab me, kill me.
Damn, you wanted to bury me.
And when I mean me,
I mean my heart.
Now we was torn
apart from the start,
torn from my head to my heart.
But that's another version of
what I'm not talking about.
Zoning me out, not
trying to hear me out.
Thinking in your head like what
is this chick talking about?
Hey, sweetie.
I swear, you love
this place, don't you?
Just as much as you do.
Can I join you?
Where's Carrie?
Her name's Krystal.
Sorry, Krystal. I
thought she might be here.
Where is she?
What do you want, Monica?
What do I want? I was just uh...
Darryl, I was hoping that
um, maybe we could try again.
Monica, you know
there was a time
when I would've cut off my
left arm to be with you,
but you made it very clear
that's not what you
were looking for.
Look, sweetie,
we were young then.
And um, I just wasn't ready
for what you had to offer.
There's that.
Darryl, you have,
you've always been
a very good man,
honest, and a man of integrity.
You know, you were very clear
about the life you
wanted to live and,
baby, sometimes that
can just be a bit much.
So, was that before or
after you stepped out?
'Cause I'm confused.
Darryl, seeing you with
uh, Carrie the other day,
it just, ooh,
it just made me think
about what we could be now.
Baby, I love you.
Her name's Krystal,
and I appreciate your sentiment,
but I lost my appetite.
I'm gonna go.
I guess that's a no, huh?
That's a hell no.
Carrie, my ass. Shit.
Call me the ball hog
Puttin' my team on
If I'm higher we all tall
Just know I got your back
If you down,
then we all fall
What are you, what
are you doing here?
It does mean something.
Well, you said if
it means anything.
What I feel for you is real,
and it does mean something.
See I, I know we
had a connection
because I can't stop
thinking about you.
And I want you, Krystal.
And I, I may not be all
you want or need, but,
I'll die trying to be.
Because you're worth it.
What does this even mean?
Yeah, just goodbye
Baby you came into my heart
Satisfy, tasting stars
Life gets hard
Been wanting to do that.
Me too.
Sacrifice from the start
Let's start over
Let's start over
Let's start over
I know you got problems
Know you at the bottom
Know you took a loss today
Everybody want bottoms
Give me for a dollar
You just found bottom today
Tell me you're a Westsider
I've been trying to fight
it before I go all the way
'Cause everybody got
problems, everybody starving
Don't you go all today, yeah
Don't you go all,
don't you go all down
That's right
Don't go all
Don't you go off,
don't you blow off now
All right
All right
Look, hey y'all, I
woke up this morning
Living my best life
And if it isn't, at least
I gave it my best try
I'm just enjoying
them moments
'Cause there
ain't no next time
Trying to slide with my
people on the West side
Yeah, moving different
than all the rest
'Cause I'm 'bout
doin' it different
New vision and
no regrets, man
I used to be a victim,
repented up on my stress now
Excuse me, I'm just ventin'
To gettin' it off
my chest, yeah
Believing one
day we all ball
But once you get your shot
Just don't turn
into a ball hog
Puttin' my team on
If I'm higher, we all tall
Just know I got your back
If you down,
then we all fall
That's naughty, baby.
That's right, that's right
Can't control me, but
that's life, that's life
Yeah, let's spend time
more than we spend cash
You only got one life
and it do end fast
But, I know you got problems,
know you at the bottom
Know you took a loss today
Everybody want bottles,
flippin' for a dollar
Just wanna bottle play
Tell me joy works harder
I been trying to find it,
before I go all the way
'Cause everybody got
problems, everybody's starving
Don't you blow off today
Don't you blow off,
don't you blow off now
That's right
Yeah, yeah
Don't you blow off,
don't you blow off now
That's right
I could get lost in you, I
could get lost in you, yeah
I could get lost in, I
could get lost in you
You smooth
Know what you talking about
You fit the crown
You just too damn smooth
Love how I can
take you 'roun
Old money down to
the Boogie-down
See it's where you
work it, work it
Every once in a while
you serve me a little
Side piece action, oh now
What is this magic
And you say, you
say satisfaction
What is this magic
That I can't fight
Clearly, it's all you
What are we getting into
Don't wanna start nothing,
nothing too serious
But I'mma enjoy this ride
I could get lost in you
I could get lost
in you, yeah
I could get lost in, I
could get lost in you
Clink that fast, champagne
I ain't gotta teach ya
Big claps for ya racks,
yeah you a leader
I could get lost in,
I could get lost in
Cool like the wind, ah yeah
Blow it, make it back
And you write your own
checks, bruising that pen
You too sick in your fit king
shit, love you in your zone
And work it, work it
Every once in a while you
serve me little side piece act
It's when you work it
Every once in a while
you serve action
What is this magic
Oh, you say, you
say satisfaction
What is this magic,
yeah, that I can't