Mysteria (2011) Movie Script

It's here.
I got it.
Just beginning.
Where they are.
How did I get here?
You do not know how you got here?
The last thing I remember,
was that.
I was writing.
I have a deadline.
What are you writing?
I do not remember.
For those who have a deadline?
For some Hollywood producer you.
I have a contract with them.
I far exceeded the deadline.
Fanelli called.
Mr. Fanelli.
I do not know what problems
you have in life and honestly.
I do not care.
I want to see you in my office.
At 14:00.
I realize
I stayed behind, but...
- Be punctual.
- I come, I come.
You idiot.
What's the problem with administrator
your apartment?
Thi-type not granted even trust
when I asked you.
That old man?
It's a mad, you know?
Mr. Sanders.
You can pay on Friday.
- Aleister...
- Just as planned.
- It happens to be Friday.
- Yes?
- Yes.
- Seriously?
- Seriously!
- Friday?
Perhaps I slept.
I'm sorry.
I met with my manufacturer, today.
You pay all this evening.
In fact, it's all on Friday, is not it?
- Okay. Just because it's about you.
- Thank you.
- Remains between us.
- Yes.
You can do anything here.
What you want to tell
more precisely, Mr. Sanders.
Take a shower.
- Yes?
- Good day, sir.
My name is Lavinia.
I am a student at UCLA last year.
All right.
In my course a classic study
of successful professional,
and since you are one of the
scenari largest're contemporary
hope that maybe we can meet,
and to discuss your work.
Listen, are in the middle
a major project now.
Would mean a lot to me.
A lot?
Maybe... well.
Thank you. When you can meet?
- Shit!
- Mr. Banes?
- Yes?
- Mr Banes, you are well?
Yes, yes, I'm fine.
You were saying?
We can meet at your office?
No, no. Not at my desk.
To find a nice place.
What about restaurant near campus?
- Tonight at 20:00?
- The fast food?
Yes Mr. Banes.
Time remains at 20:00.
See you there. And thank you.
Yes, yes. See you there.
My Briefcase?
All right.
Aleister came.
Cravings and get it inside.
Make progress.
Last time you are late 50 minutes,
I do not expect to appear.
I'm really sorry for that.
I broke the clock...
Do not you imagine Thi...
Imagine Thi traffic today.
You're right, and I did not imagine.
- Sit down.
- Thank you.
A lie star, you must
get something straight.
I know I ruined life Thi
I stayed after the program
but this program is...
This program.
- Is following the program.
- Like I said,
work on it, even work.
Well, listen to me a bit like your tracks
one minute. Are you following the program.
Just as I said, I do it!
Your reason I do not care.
You know why I care?
I care about your scenario,
which is delayed three months.
You delayed by three months teaching
away from the program, my friend.
In fact, make great progress.
I almost finished.
That's great news.
That's good, because you have 2 weeks
as to preach.
Two weeks or you're fired.
I can not do that.
In fact, I can.
We have already found a replacement.
A lie star if you were not one of
the best writers in Hollywood
you were to be fired two months ago.
I feel better?
You want some water... successfully and it?
You do not have to die... in my office.
I will die.
Just as I said...
The script is almost done.
Two weeks means a lot of time.
Then it's perfect, is probably enough time
to make him last retu and sites.
See you in two weeks.
A lie star... One more thing.
Take a shower.
Royce... not know that you like,
I need an advance.
But, Mr. Beans... I'm sorry, but
I believe that you have realized.
What do I tell you?
Payment last month was the final.
Final? What does that mean?
Understand that might be
less and ocant.
But what I mean e...
- Trying to say that...
- Oh, say it! Simply say it!
A lie star, is written in your contract.
Thi advances that we have given
the last 2 years
constitutes the entire fee.
So. You received it.
To be more precise...
and 47 cents.
Then give me the 22 dollars
and 47 cents.
But... total does not include taxes.
This means that...
In fact, we owe... money.
- I'm sorry.
- No way.
Do not... can...
Very nice of you.
Why? Why?
As usual.
Let me ask you something.
How about if one of your customers
Thi was due... $ 700?
That sucks man.
Jack, why do you think I came here?
Certainly not to compensate you.
All right.
It's a guy here looking for you.
What type?
Management made me ill.
But foresee problems here.
Clever Dr Steiner.
What time is it?
I have to go.
- A lie star, you pays you for it?
- Yes, yes, to tell you pay.
It always say.
Thanks, man.
You know where it is fast food?
Who does not know?
It seems a place where it should be.
Are you some kind of celebrity?
No, not really.
I was, long ago.
Taxi that has the number 666?
Yes, why?
Just wondering. Do not believe
in things that he and the Antichrist.
Well, in times like these... It seems that
we have the right number, do not you think?
According to?
I find it rather unusual.
You should not believe all that stuff
the Antichrist,
to see what happens.
There are those who have eyes.
See... and are those who have ears.
All right, man.
You owe me... $ 9 and 87 cents.
Man! You owe me 13 cents.
Thi paper I gave $ 10.
13 cents?
Man, get the hell out of here.
Hi, I'm Angela, you booking?
No, I'm sorry. I forgot to call.
I'm sorry sir,
but we all booked tonight.
We have no table.
Young woman there
I think I wait.
And you my story about the first meeting
with this girl.
Yes... Lavinia.
You must be Lavinia, the so-i?
Yes, of course.
Mr. Banes... I apologize.
I think I had the wrong idea about how
must show a writer in Hollywood.
- A silly, is not it?
- Do not worry.
It always happens.
It's like that's an honor to be here.
To stay with one of the largest're scenari
in Hollywood.
Thanks, I appreciate that, but.
I think I exaggerate slightly.
Thi hungry?
I mean, not
you should not eat,
if it does not feel the need.
In fact, dead of hunger.
I think I will order putaneasca.
I have no idea what it is,
but seems very expensive.
That is, delicious.
We can argue for that choice.
I have read all the works.
And they are absolutely amazing.
That is, one man was able to write
all successful works.
No e... so difficult.
It becomes quite easy after a while.
I would like to track your working.
In fact, no big deal to see.
It's actually quite boring.
To sit there in the room,
on by becoming a genius and magic
would be a dream come true.
Now, certainly,
overestimate my abilities.
And please tell me A lie star.
Are not home.
Leave a message if you really need.
Is extremely important!
Something will happen.
And you're in danger, Mr. Banes.
Thank you.
There was something wrong?
Apparently not find my credit card.
This is bad.
Do not you want someone to use your
credit card.
I think the same thing.
I'm pretty sure I know where it is.
I do not know if I have enough cash on me.
Leave, I pay the rest.
My treat.
I mean, it was a stunning evening before.
You are so great and the rational.
A great writer in Hollywood, in life.
I really can not afford that.
Of course that you can.
$ 120.
I know well here, can come anytime.
I will pay tomorrow.
It's a small price paid
to know you and you, A lie star.
Well... guys if you're...
If you want to get revenge and EMS, me to
come tomorrow you could leave your office.
sure, but.
I warn you... will be no bright
and interesting.
Let me do the judging.
All right.
What can I do for you, man?
I just entered.
I've never done that.
You know, it's a first time for everyone.
It's very simple.
You can take it back, right?
Sure, sure.
It's like a loan for 30 days.
Plus interest and fees.
Come on, are busy.
What do you have?
How can I get on that?
Since it is not midnight,
means it's broken.
- $ 10.
- $ 10?
- Cost me 2000.
- It's not my problem.
It's broken, right?
- Look, I'm busy.
- Okay, okay. $ 10.
Sign here.
Here you go.
And children.
Thank you.
I changed the lock. Mr. Sanders.
Come on Mr. Sanders, opens!
I know that you're here, wicked old.
For God!
It's something personal?
Thi What did I do?
You left the door unlocked.
Is anyone there?
- Roses.
- Hey, Mr. Banes.
I know you?
Of course that I know and you.
But remember you're not Thi.
I'm pretty sure
and that I remember you.
But remember you're not Thi.
No. I do not remember.
Like I said,
should not be home
write to that of your script?
Again, how is called?
Still working on it.
have not even started to write it.
- Where...
- I know?
You know.
Yes, I was in your apartment.
Do not... not.
I'm just wondering, where and tiai?
I mean... everyone thinks
that is almost finished.
My manufacturer... gave me two weeks
to preach.
Or I will replace.
That would be really sin.
Because your script will be great.
How do you know that?
Are you some kind of viewing?
Everything is to put the right questions.
I guess.
The problem e
that I have writer's block.
And I have no idea
what to write.
You should write about me
and our relationship.
Yes, I could...
But... I do not know anything about you.
That's how it's even
more mysterious, is not it?
I think.
Really have to go, A lie star.
It is very late.
Mr. Banes,
I took care to arrange Thi little problem.
My problem?
Can you repeat?
You want to kill me or something like?
What the hell are you doing, man?
Jesus, it's not even July morning.
The door was unlocked, you were not here.
You saw that gorgeous woman?
Listen, my friend.
I just opened the door was locked.
I assure you that I was no beautiful women
I guess you do not sleep and I noticed
here at the table.
Go home. Rest and get you.
Thanks, buddy. Thank you.
At least, you had a beautiful dream.
None of this makes sense.
Should a woman watching the
more closely,
because many of these do not make sense
nor for me.
I can tell you that this happened
in recent days.
No, you're up to your room,
the next day.
Yes, wine.
I feel better, Mr. Banes?
A lie star mean?
I am ready to start.
I want to learn how much can you.
I feel great.
I worked all night.
Just as I imagined.
A creative genius who works
Until the night,
until exhaustion...
It's like that great.
Understand not wrong, it's a compliment.
No, no, let A and a.
I learned so much.
I feel that old man in that movie
Your in the '50s.
As in "Touching Evil".
Knowing your history of film.
I love old movies and old black and white.
"Kiss me deadly," "Notorious," "Crime."
"Light cursed."
"Cursed to talk" and "treason".
I understand.
I understood, I understood.
You know... and I like a lot.
Please sit down.
When I first met you,
I expect from someone bright.
I realized how wrong I was.
To be a real writer,
must be kind and generous...
May crude.
So your writing to have depth
to understand.
That's exactly the point.
I was a little worried
you will not immediately recognize this.
Understand perfectly well.
Always trying to find a place
that I could inspire
the stories they write tile.
It's brilliant.
What's the story?
It's a murder mystery...
or a thriller?
Maybe, maybe not.
Tile is much work stories.
I do not know exactly how it ends.
I guess you do not smoke.
Do not... but can start...
If you sit here long enough.
Want to smoke? All the actors
in black and white old smoked.
- There's something sexy about smoking.
- Time enough for that.
You want one and that the coffee?
Sure. If you drink, a drink and I one.
Thank you.
We definitely need a coffee.
Instant coffee.
Prepare quickly and the So.
I did not retain in writing.
- Let me help you.
- Please.
It's hard to watch.
You have to give evidence
best ways I have.
There must be good in the preparation
coffee must be good at writing.
At first as you write less
not shorten my creativity.
That's really great.
Do not teach this stuff in school.
Do you mind if I do I rate?
"Always write the beginning to the end."
I just got an idea.
You have to write.
Of course.
You do not even know that you are here.
I will be silent and I
or... any.
And poured a portion of liquor,
Man asleep on the table
is awakened by a gorgeous woman
that I had seen it.
Do not bother.
Are Lavinia, Mr. Banes assistance.
Can help?
Yes, Mr. Sanders, wait a moment.
E dl. Sanders, director of hotel
as far as I know.
Tell him not here.
Mr. Banes is very, very busy
at this time.
Lavinia, Lavinia...
No, no...
You will not believe this shit.
Believe me, I tried.
What do you tell?
You can return?
No, no, no. Give it to me.
- Yes.
- Mr Banes, maybe I was too impulsive.
I changed the lock and all those,
you know what I mean.
You could expect, and to be...
Yes. But you know, you
have to tell you why worry now.
I mean, nice girlfriend pay rent
for six months.
That is, a woman paid my rent?
Yes, he came to the door,
I could not even me to believe.
And what beauty.
Anyway gotta go now. Pa.
Lavinia, will seem strange, but.
You've paid my rent?
Certainly not, Mr. Banes.
Why did I would have done that?
Good question.
Why would you have done this.
Never mind, forget it.
- You want to tell me something?
- No, not really.
Not that it would be a good idea.
I mean... I think they are a little stale.
Is it okay if you see
yourself with someone.
No, I have a reasonable explanation
for all this.
What would it be?
E... is slightly more complicated.
Do you mind if... im exit out?
I need a little fresh air.
Rinse my thoughts.
Thank you. After you.
It's a beautiful day, is not it?
Hello sir,
My name is captain McCarthy.
You must be A lie star Banes, right?
Yes. I suppose so.
I mean, certainly I am.
the relationship you have with this woman?
- Can I look more closely?
- Of course.
- Check fingerprints, Jack.
- Fingerprints? Why?
Now I ask you a second time.
What is your relationship
with the woman in the picture?
None. I've never seen it before.
In a dream.
Or at least I thought it was a dream.
- In a dream?
- Yes.
- We you play with me, Mr. Banes?
- No.
You know, because.
I am the last person in the world
that you would like to Set.
Especially today.
Mr. Banes, the woman in the picture was
brutally murdered last night.
Brutality is actually a really
the half.
I had to take his dental
to make a correct identification.
at this time.
I have no problem with that
Yes, sure.
Should not be scared or nervous.
You did not kill anyone.
It's just a joke.
No one was...
Thank you beautiful.
Nobody has been charged with anything
at this time and I...
We just do the job.
And I think you would be happy to
If you have met Senator Mitchell.
- Senator Mitchell?
- A husband and E..
Can I go now... Mr. officer?
Of course that can.
But not before telling me
that he was here with Mr. Banes.
Study the USLA. I'm here to
get an interview with Mr. Banes.
But that was before being mixed
a crime.
- Not that I signed.
- Lavinia.
I am very sorry
Thi that I interrupted his studies.
A good day.
Thank you.
We'll meet again, Miss Lavinia.
I hope not.
- Interview?
- Yes.
Mr. Banes, I have a warrant or
something like the moment, but.
I think our discussion I would be smooth
I can come in and we have
an informal discussion.
- Just you and me?
- Yes.
- Informal?
- If you do not mind.
No. Come on.
- Okay.
- This.
Check those prints now!
Let them give us a little privacy.
Sit down, please, Mr. Banes.
I want to say something very clear.
I do not look like a killer.
Otherwise we would not have this
conversation and at least, not here.
There appear to be criminal
simply because they are not.
- Do you smoke?
- No, thank you. Trying to quit.
However, the few evidence we have
will show on you, sir.
A bright arrow directly to your.
Do you mind if I drink something?
Unless me and give me.
Of course, I'm sorry.
I thought only officers
do not drink on duty.
Do not believe everything you hear.
Mainly drinking on duty.
I know I will not tell a story.
The idea e
it's not any story.
Just as I said,
I saw that woman than...
- The dream.
- Yes.
I know it sounds a little strange,
and so I hesitate to tell you.
It's a half-truth said,
Having regard to that phone call.
What call?
You sounded just before being killed.
Actually, that was the last thing
which I did.
I received the call.
You can verify this.
I already did.
It obviously does not check Thi
answering machine too often, is not it?
It is extremely important.
Will something happen...
And you are in danger, Mr. Banes.
I was just a dream...
You got a hot in here?
I think this exonerates me.
And I and a solid alibi.
When she called
Alfonso I was taking dinner with Lavinia.
That's how it looks.
But that was...
the last thing you said?
I'm not sure.
Something about dreams.
Or dream.
Now understand...
We... dreamers,
or dreams.
Do you think it said?
I'm pretty sure it said.
we will put on experts to verify that.
Just in case.
None of this makes sense.
I mean, what I would call on me?
And why and be in danger?
We hope that you can tell me.
Mr. Banes,
I need to listen
careful now, right?
I know you have an alibi,
but you're the only people linked to crime.
And whether you know it or not-Thi,
You're in shit up to the neck, my friend.
In your place,
and start to think,
and even say that, to thinking about a lot
that thi s role in
business-that, understand?
In this business?
There's no business.
Mr. Banes, you should calm down.
Well? Calm down,
Sit down and tell me some more
about your dream.
After dinner with Lavinia,
I went to my usual bar
where we had a few extra glasses
and supporters and have them on the table.
The bartender came and morning found me.
That's about.
And then you had that
dream about the woman.
Sounds strange...
But the thing is really strange...
Yes, what?
She paid the rent.
Just as said in the dream.
You mean the woman in dream
Thi-even pay rent?
Yes. I am quite convinced
confirm that the hotel manager.
I think I heard enough.
which can be helpful,
Give me a call, right?
It was a pleasure.
McCarthy. Captain McCarthy.
How you can help, Captain McCarthy?
I'd like to tell me if doing Theta
Recognition this woman in the picture.
Yes, of course. It e...
She is the woman who came to pay rent and
Mr. Banes.
Yes, paid with cash,
the six months
in advance.
Are you sure that's the woman?
Yes, I do not see
That is, they are so sure
may be as a man.
If you are so sure, then I
and you can tell what time has passed by.
Yeah, right...
It was last night
shortly after 22:00.
You know, I'm watching TV and I,
and I woke up with this gorgeous woman
at my door.
I mean, I could not believe it.
How... as...
- Switch off your.
- What?
If you remember something special...
Give me a call, please.
Yes, well Captain. Yes.
But this guy who said McCarthy
that working on the case?
Let me see...
Doors URELIT. It does not matter.
It does not matter.
Come on... tell me what happened then.
When policeman and showed pictures
woman killed,
he is shocked to realize and
that is the same woman met in the bar.
Has not and could not hold feeling
that something was wrong.
He is convinced more than ever,
it must be some truth in his theory.
See you tomorrow at 8.
Yes. McCarthy.
Captain, are Mr. Banes, Banes A lie star.
Sorry to bother you, but.
- They might have something.
- His little, URELIT door.
Mr. Banes, grab some medicine
or something else?
No, no, no, do not take drugs.
Only, I think I have something.
Yes? And what?
I write about all this.
Gives me inspiration
that I am looking for more.
Okay, okay. Let bullshit.
What do you have?
A I could and who is behind you all.
Senator Mitchell's wife dead woman.
Running for reelection, right?
Yes, and?
And I... and I... what happens
if she knows something
about her husband or about one
the associations its
that is so incriminating,
that the only way to stay current
there was one death, as I say it?
And we need to ensure that the dead woman
and the woman I met,
are one and the same i.
At least we know that... one of them
is alive and true,
otherwise I could not pay rent.
Come on, I like to hear that you called?
Listen man, if you do not have
you some hard facts, you can forget it.
Perhaps you have some hard facts.
Come on, try to do the amuzantul
with me again?
If you have something specific, tell me.
Tell me now and maybe we can do something.
Captain, I'm sorry,
but you asked me to call you.
If something comes up.
I just wanted to know
in case something happens to me.
Okay, okay.
Do you have something or not?
- Simple as that.
- I will announce.
- Lavinia?
- No, her room mate. He's not here.
Do you know where it might be,
is very important.
Can I ask who is this?
Yes, I am Mr. Banes, Banes A lie star.
The writer, of course.
I'm not sure, I think it's still in class.
But it would have to return soon.
Can I take a message?
Just as I said, it urgently.
I can get there in 20 minutes.
One can ask to me to wait, please?
Okay, great.
Where you find exactly?
Hostel 3, north street of seven,
room 781.
Well, thank you. We left.
Just wanted to go.
I waited over an hour to.
I'm really sorry, traffic.
I know you have to be Rava and ITA.
We need to talk.
I confirmed the alibi given Thi
Captain McCarthy.
Let's go to a quiet place.
I do not want to get into any trouble.
You're the only person I trust
in case you...
In case what?
In the event that something happens to me.
THI Thiele to happen?
Thi McCarthy said on the call?
Woman dead, wife of Senator Mitchell,
I called and left me a message
even before being killed.
I found this yesterday,
from McCarthy.
- He called it?
- A call answering machine.
What does the message?
That are in danger.
Something unintelligible about...
to dream or dreams.
Hotel manager,
confirmed that he recognized
the woman in photos
the one that I pay rent.
When it is assumed that he was killed.
It was supposedly killed?
Is either alive or dead, is not it?
- Yes, yes...
- Wait, wait.
Not yet know the best part.
I do not know if I want to know.
I found it in the room,
shoved under the door.
McCarthy knows that?
We are.
I think you have much to write about it.
Indeed, he and E.
It's really a blessing,
from the point of view.
What is your theory?
You know the election? I think
Senator Mitchell associations or one of its
killed her, because he knew something
very important.
Whoever did it,
needs a Thapa and Ispa itor.
Given his position,
and people who matter
and they are friends,
it will not be a problem.
Why had not made her disappear
line and you?
I do not know.
Stars creates more confusion.
A distraction, if you prefer.
The meeting is tomorrow evening.
At least, I have enough time to write.
The only thing
you know to do it until now,
proved to be quite psychologically.
Strange thing is that.
I think it's the same link between
my imagination and what is happening.
Like I said, if something happens to me,
I want to get the story
and they do publish.
But when?
Look over the story,
If I am right,
you'll find a solution.
I have to go. We have much work.
Hi, I am, Lavinia. I woke up?
Yes. I'm glad you did.
- You have to see.
- It's almost lunch. We can meet
the street corner 38 with Mark West,
there is a cafe.
In a half hour?
Mark West, a half hour.
- Do you think we are safe here?
- I think so.
A lie star, you're the paranoid man
that I met.
Bran and mine
little paranoia can keeps you away
a lot of trouble.
- This is it?
- About a and a.
So much we have until now. Murder,
conspiracy theory, and antaj, everything.
- It's great.
- Keep it.
- We already have a copy.
- Part of the video.
It's brilliant.
He knows he's innocent, but
is a gift to one who did it.
It's not only a gift.
I want to keep it
in case something happens.
I'll... not to take this more seriously?
Perhaps the plan is not entirely
a fiction.
I have a feeling unknown about this.
So really think we should be
itor and an ISPA Thapa?
Yes. And I am sure Senator
I will make an offer.
I do not want to be more involved
than you're already.
Just keep it,
in case something happens.
You're the only person I take seriously.
Have to get back on campus.
We have a course that can not miss.
But be careful and promise me he would
call me immediately after the meeting.
Well, do not worry.
I'll be fine.
Call me back.
Reason, pull the arm forces.
That theory, an act of imagination,
Mr. Banes.
It is the truth.
All I said Thi.
How did you know that it invented?
In fact, you're a writer.
Are you a writer. Write stories.
- Yes.
- Okay.
Tell me about Senator
which appeared in your apartment.
He came.
Good evening, Mr. Banes.
There's something wrong with you?
They stay outside.
Thank you.
I am not a man who likes to lose, and
the time, and he would go to the topic.
Stay away from my wife.
- I threaten?
- Yes, I think you can say that.
Also, you have something you want.
And what exactly?
Do not play dumb with me.
All right. To play.
I want the script you write.
Or what?
Listen... There are many ways
What you say
scenario is that I want.
And are willing to pay well Thi
for him.
Certainly more than the studio.
Why God wants you my script?
If you need an answer to this,
then you're worse than I thought.
May Think yourself.
And if you are not interested in money,
I am sure that this check
will interest you.
This is rather urgent.
The so as not to take too much time thi
you decide you're.
I am a little impatient.
Sorry to bother you,
Lavinia is here?
Need to talk to Lavinia.
He's not here.
- How that is not here?
- That is not here.
Do you know where it might be?
It is important.
- I have no idea where it is.
- Wait, wait.
Maybe I can help you.
- I?
- Do you mind if...
Sure. Enters.
It's a place here where you can see
a video?
You came here to see a tape
to Lavinia?
It's very complicated,
so be, please answer the question.
- Sure, there are many places.
- Where?
- We will find one, just calm down.
- I am calm!
All right. You can expect out?
- I put something on me.
- God.
- Come on, come on.
- Do not scare me.
It's a thing called computer and DVD.
If you do not mind,
I'll go back to sleep.
If someone asks,
I know you're not, okay?
Or anyone.
Have a seat. Need to talk.
Have a seat.
Next time I will take this
results will be deadly.
- Understand?
- Yes.
Do not have to tell you this,
but your friend was killed.
Lavinia you mean?
Yes, I think that was her name, is not it?
How? When?
Tonight, with little time ago.
Do not you think I... unusual
the two women to be killed
the last few days.
Both have connections to and with you?
The last time I saw Lavinia
was in this afternoon.
When was the last time you saw a
around the world.
That is alive.
You have to be seen man.
I'm sure, but
box in room
Surveillance missing.
You know where he is?
If you tell me something,
Last time I tried
Let's tell you something,
you were not very interested.
Why Thi were to say?
See? You do it again.
I'm so sorry.
Thi-is that the new theory?
- Someone tries something staged to me.
- Please!
That's exactly what I said Lavinia.
She knew my theory.
I gave a copy of the script.
But in case
that something.
- I mean, Thiele.
- Yes, me.
I had no reason to believe
I was in danger.
That is all you think Senator
somehow covered the death of their wives.
That's it?
It was here.
- Who, Senator?
- Yes.
He offered me money.
You have to tell you the letters?
What, Thi gave money for your scenario?
That's it?
What do you think was the problem?
Let me see him.
- Scenario?
- Yes, to see the script.
Thi proves innocent.
Not proved.
We came out and knew
that your lady, is not it?
I think so.
How does it end?
In your scenario.
How does it end?
I'm not sure.
That part I have not written it yet.
This is the only complete copy.
It's good to knew.
And you must recognize
that will be safe from me.
So say I wanted to see
video that box.
Have you seen it?
Do you know what was on it?
No. In fact I went back to bed.
He told me nothing.
- So you have.
- Yes.
This is the only complete copy.
Good job.
Who's there?
What do you wish?
You clever Dr. Steiner called.
Leave message after the beep.
I A lie star Banes.
I've left the business card
some time ago.
I'd like to tell you a few questions.
I can call...
What happened then?
Then came your people
and I have raised.
Mr. Banes, you are in?
Mr. Banes, exit out, please.
- What happens?
- Are you A lie star Banes?
- Yes.
- Are Detective Marino.
My partner, Detective Brian.
Come here.
Come here.
Mr. Banes, you are arrested for murder
Lavinia Cadoba.
You have the right to keep silent.
Any tell, can be used in court.
You have the right of a lawyer.
If not you can afford a lawyer,
will be given one by the government.
- You understand what rights you have?
- Yes.
Before entering,
something against you enter,
my partner and me?
Can I put something on me?
Sure. Follow me.
Sit there.
You can Set it on your.
Sorry, the number format
is not connected.
Please check the number
His next call attempt.
Still record.
Captain McCarthy.
How many times to tell you?
There is no captain McCarthy.
But I talked to him last night.
Whenever you need to tell you?
Listen, we have enough evidence
But for some reason,
I want to tell you again
hear strange story.
It certainly is not one of you Our.
Maybe it's a business card.
But not working for us
not working for the government.
- Maybe it works for any agency.
- That's a pretty good bullshit, right?
Think about it.
If they work for an agency
and you think you would have
Thapa ISPA and the future,
how do you think we could learn?
You what you think of that?
I think that type of mind.
It's crazy, this guy is insane.
Great. I can not figure out.
I think no one wants
to hear about this guy.
Captain McCarthy? Homicide unit?
The phone is disconnected.
It's crazy like that as I said.
Listen to this if I do not think.
A lie star Banes.
You left me the business card
some time ago.
Have to tell you a few questions.
I'm can call...
Thing I do not say anything.
They found her on his answering machine.
- We did?
- Yes, you got it.
I do not know what game do.
But I assure you,
there is no captain McCarthy.
You call the number on the card?
But I have already called.
And you left a message
on your answering machine.
What does that mean?
A lie star Banes.
You left me the business card
some time ago.
Have to tell you a few questions.
I'm can call.
I do not know what happens.
Whatever you'd like to think,
I can not.
- What is it?
- Clock.
What about him?
I had one exactly like this.
How do you have?
- Come...
- No, seriously.
What time?
It's midnight and you need to take a break.
What about the script?
What scenario?
When you have found the body of Lavinia,
scenario was it?
- A scenario?
- A scenario. A book.
Page paper.
What's the problem?
I'm sorry.