Naach Ga Ghuma (2024) Movie Script

"Ghumaa... "
"Dance o ghumaa... "
"Dance hey ghumaa"
[Alarm ringing]
'Wake up, wake up, wake up!'
Hey! Hey! Wake up.
"Dance ghuma dance ghuma dance ghuma... "
"Dance ghuma dance ghuma dance ghuma... "
"Dance ghuma dance ghuma dance ghuma... "
"Dance ghuma dance ghuma dance ghuma... "
"Dance ghuma dance ghuma dance ghuma... "
"Dance ghuma dance ghuma dance ghuma... "
"Dance dance dance dance step on it. "
"Rush and run and
stumble dance you dance. "
"She ran, she dragged, she tripped. "
"Ghuma dance dance dance ghuma dance
dance dance ghuma dance dance she danced. "
"Ghuma dance dance dance ghuma dance
dance dance ghuma dance dance she danced. "
"Ghuma danced, she tired, she stumbled. "
"Ghuma dance dance dance... she danced. "
Andy! Your mother is calling!
Mother's call?
So early?
You missed it!
[Laughs] Getup, getup... Enough, enough!
Chikoo... wake up!
Getup early.
Ashatai is always late and
never answers her phone.
That's enough, you guys! Anand!
That's enough, you guys! Anand!
Get her ready, take her homework.
You don't like it when
I take her homework.
That's because you do it yourself!
Her teacher had shouted the
last time seeing your handwriting!
She quietly does it
herself when I take it!
You're the best, okay!?
This year's best wife and
best mother award goes to you!
For this year?
And who won it last year?
Oh... no...
Foot-in-the Mouth award ... daddy!
Save me!
Let him go, leave his beard!
It is mine!
Queen of Maharashtra!
You are a woman of substance!
No lesser than anybody...
No less indeed.
Definitely 5-10 kilos more than me,
no less at all!
And 50 kilos more than me!
- Really!
Wait, I'll show both of you now.
You have the smallest pillow!
One minute.
I will show you!
"Dance dance dance dance
dance dance dance she danced"
"She ran, she rushed, she stumbled"
Chikoo, Eat almonds.
What exactly? Almonds or Chikoo?
Almonds are good for brain!
Then give them to dad!
I will show you...
See how brainy I am!
This isn't brains, its brawn!
Just wait till I grow up!
You have to eat this, Chikoo.
I need to go urgently, its my Yoga time.
But I've just begun!
Finish the rest in office!
What! use the other toilet!
No, this is my favourite
is this a hill station!
You disturbed me, shit!
It's gone now... go!
You said it was urgent!
Not now, urge is gone now
due to this discussion!
First you stopped me and
now you won't go either!
What's this behaviour!
Chikoo, hurry up and have a bath!
Don't feel like it.
Then go pee and poo!
Please, someone do something in there!
Feel for that commode!
But now I have to study...
it's a difficult life, father!
You eat and feed her too.
Chikoo, no phone now!
Ashatai... she isn't answering!
What to do?
Like Chikoo,
She's always late in home work!
Wow! home based humour!
[Doorbell rings]
- That must be her!
No. It's the Yoga instructor!
Should I go... ?
No, no! Pardon me.
Come, come... our maid Aasha.
Always late.
I'll whack you!
Don't you dare enter...
shouldn't I enter?
Ashatai?! Come, come.
Late everyday, Ashatai... look at the time!
It's 8 a. m. !
I know that! You're late by half-an hour!
I missed the Bus!
Same excuse everyday!
For a change, blame it on guests!
No guests!
Who'll come here from my remote village?
It's the bus, sister!
Then take the earlier bus
The thing with the earlier bus...
Don't explain, just catch it!
I will tomorrow.
Your tomorrow never comes.
Waiting for that
tomorrow since two years now.
When will you make tiffin now?
Make cluster beans potatoes,
that's a quick dish.
Right away!
No potatoes?
If you had told me yesterday,
I would have brought it while coming.
Our vegetable vendor promised me,
but he forgot.
Such careless fellow.
One day,
there will be no grocery in the house!
Then you will serve only
boiling hot water as meal!
Boiling water...
No... See, I prepared the flour
last night; the beans are sorted;
once the flour gets cold... no, warm...
When it will normal...
Will quickly make rotis.
3 for you and one for sir
and a pancake roll for Chikoo.
Give me 10 minutes!
Not much take time. I will manage.
Sorry madam.
Let's do this aasan/pose.
Wow. why not do this for the
Yoga competition! But... I cant!
Of course you can!
You will impress the juries too.
It is rarely done.
- Great!
But won't it require two persons?
Will Ashatai do it?
Ashatai, please come here.
But I am making pancakes...
First lets make this pose!
Flour getting normal.
There's time till then, come!
Please come here.
Will be back.
Will do it.
Come now Ashatai.
Madam is waiting...
Wait wait... What's this?
In the bus,
the fellow behind pushed me
and my hand banged the middle pole.
I too elbowed him!
Nice! Let's do this.
We are doing this...
Ohh... !
Let's warm up first.
Sister Aasha,
- Yes sister.
You know,
- I know
Once I leave in the morning,
I return only in the evening.
I've no time at all.
Then you should keep an eye on things.
What's required...
- Required.
What's finished?
- Finished.
What must be finished.
- Finished.
Potatoes finished.
- Finished.
Sugar finished.
- Finished.
You convey me and your job is done.
If I don't buy it on time that's
not your problem, its my problem!
Your problem.
Do you understand?
I do.
Okay, easy.
Relax and up.
Ohh Sister, Sorry.
Ranitai has won so many medals!
And Asha is also quite
strong and flexible.
Flexible indeed!
Yesterday 40 minutes late,
today 30 minutes.
Flexible in arrival timing too.
You are...
Next session on Thursday?
Yes yes.
Your reporting time 7.30 a. m. isn't it?
But you are Always late, always
on the phone, no management at all...
I was on time, Madam,
but the security fellows...
Wait. Look.
7.58. I receive a notification
the moment you enter. Stop lying!
The oil! Why this much?
I was about to take it back...
And what about being on time?
If you are late then I get late,
I get late sir get late.
Why don't you take a bike!
Haven't you seen the ladies on
bikes with black goggles. Independent!
Take a bike.
- Ashatai.
Yeah. ... fungus!
What nuisance!
I was planning to make
pumpkin puffs today!
But you didn't!
Was fungus going to ask your permission?
"O Asha, since you're doing nothing
with the pumpkin, might we infect them?"
Don't laugh!
There wasn't any clarified butter!
Why didn't you tell me?
But You were...
Was I in coma?
You could have messaged, written a note!
Fridge door.
What was I saying?
Could have messaged, called, written...
Tell me before something runs out!
Not after!
Right. I will be alert.
That was an organic pumpkin.
- Yes.
- Waste.
Food is meant for the stomach,
not the dustbin!
- The pumpkin's gone!
Gone! Zero!
My organic pumpkin's gone.
Fungused! In the garbage!
Her reporting time is 7.30 a. m. ,
she comes by 8!
We have no work culture!
[Cricket commentary on TV]
- Does your daughter's teacher phone you?
My son's teacher calls too!
She keeps constantly calling a meeting.
We're not jobless here.
I can't make it.
Not possible...
- Hung up!
I'm in a hurry now-chat later!
See, I've kept my phone far away!
Want tea?
- Okay, later.
I will tell you.
Your turn.
Eat this, quick. You must.
Chikoo, eat dear.
[Cellphone rings]
Mom, I'll call you in five minutes.
Five minutes?
We'll talk if I'm alive by then.
What's happened now?
I wanted your elder brother
to marry that nice girl Anagha.
Is this a matter of life and death?
Extremely cultured girl!
But no, your brother
insisted on marrying this witch!
Hasn't it been 6 years that
he's been married to that witch?
I am fasting today
so I wanted my traditional dish.
But she is clueless.
She's hasn't even heard of it.
My back is hurting else I
would have made it myself.
Mom, you are planning
to eat on fasting day!
You're criticizing my eating?
I'm criticizing your fasting!
If I'm such a burden on you
and your brother,
please put me in an old-age home!
Mom, can we please talk later?
No, later its my TV show time!
In today's episode, the mother in law
is going to throw her daughter in law,
out of the house.
Ok, speak quickly.
Actually that girl Manisha,
was ideal for your brother.
But you said it was some Anagha...
Oh, I had selected Manisha too.
My friend's daughter!
Is this urgent? I am really busy.
Of course you have no time
to speak with your mother!
Old age is a curse!
I slogged myself to the bone for you...
Never mind, I'm hanging up!
Sorry, go on!
No, break is over, speak later.
Chikoo, you must eat.
- No.
Don't force-feed her.
She'll eat when she's hungry... please.
No, make her eat now!
You go.
The bowl should be empty,
by the time I return.
You go.
Chikoo is eating Chiku!
[Cellphone rings]
Hello mother.
Gotya! What's up?
Anything urgent, mom?
I'm feeding Chikoo.
Why, where's she?
She's bathing.
Is she eating, then?
How will she eat while bathing, mother?
Stupid! Is Chikoo eating?
Of course she wont!
The tasteless cooking!
Isn't Ashatai around?
Ask her to make something.
Mom, its fruits!
Will Ashatai make fruits?
So what if its fruits?
Once can neatly slice and spice them.
That's the least a mother
can do for her child.
How much will she do?
She has only two hands.
You sissy! You keep defending her, Gotya!
Don't call me Gotya. Hadn't we agreed?
Gotya is unsuitable for a grown man.
She must've coached
you to object to this name.
Alas! How much she controls you!
Why did you marry such a control freak!
She tries at least 10
dresses before choosing one.
But she chose me the first time we met!
That's because you can't try on husbands!
Or else, she would have tried then on too!
Show some spine!
You're noting but her trained pet!
We already have a kitten...
how old are you Chikoo?
[Chikoo] 6.
It's been 7 mewing years!
I wanted you to marry that nice Nandita.
A fine cook too!
The perfect wife! But no.
You wanted a beautiful, shapely girl!
Weren't we beautiful and shapely?
We were twice as beautiful and shapely!
But we never neglected our household duties!
- Mom, I'm in a lift.
We'll talk later.
- Gotya!
Finished! How did you manage?
Mom, dad couldn't remember
how long he's been married to you!
He asks my age and adds a year to it!
I see!
Slow slow.
Slow slow.
Thank you, Ashatai.
Go to hell.
Who taught you this?
Chikoo! She told me when someone
says "thank you, " you reply "Go to hell. "
"Go to hell" means "Go die!"
So should I die?
Heavens! no, I did not mean that.
Sorry sorry brother.
Not you, this brat should be sorry.
- Truly, please believe me.
Forget it. not your fault.
Don't listen to her.
- Coming and listen
Ashatai, don't keep your phone busy.
- I won't.
Well ok,
don't keep chitchatting on your phone
It's alright. Leaving!
- No, I won't, madam
- Oh you!
Do it later.
40 rupees from last time,
Yes, madam
Adding this bill too.
Account settled, right. Don't forget.
Bye Chikoo.
- Coming Anand.
Sir, you forgot the phone.
Thank you.. no, forget it.
Oh sir, don't be...
Need Potatoes, right?
Buy them after sending Chikoo to school.
There's money in the box.
If you did not get potatoes, tell me.
Sorry for the potato fiasco too.
- Yeah, and Ashatai,
Receive my call.
- I will.
Cut the ongoing call
and talk to me first. Okay? - Will cut.
Any emergency can emerge, understand?
- I'll be a moment
Come quick.
Everyday she comes late.
No management at all.
She missed the bus, rani.
But she is working for us for two years.
Now she must know when to
leave her home to reach ours.
She is good with Chikoo, is the
only reason why she is still with us.
Hey you, your wages.
Give me two minutes.
Anand, I forgot my wallet!
I forget my wallet.
Coming in two minutes.
No problem madam, give later.
Forget wallet, let's go.
How can I let it be?
I can't do without it
I have an important meeting.
People have come from Chennai.
I'm always late because of you.
- Wait a bit. I am calling Ashatai.
- Not possible to wait... I can't.
I am calling Ashatai. She will bring
the wallet down... look I am calling....
Speaking on another call!
Not possible to wait... I can't.
Please wait... I will be late Anand.
Not possible!
Fine! Leave!
I am getting very very late...
Oh no!
[Doorbell rings]
I've told you so many times not to
keep chatting on the phone in the morning!
I wasn't speaking, madam.
Don't lie! I forgot my wallet.
- [Cellphone rings]
I tried to call you to fetch it for me,
Where are the clothes?
Sister, keep inside.
Your phone is busy! You... stop that ring!
The minute I leave, you start!
- I was not chatting over the phone.
I was here cleaning the bathroom.
My phone was ringing.
Maybe your call clashed
with that call and you got the busy tone!
Really, ask Chikoo.
Don't drag her into this and
Don't raise your voice with me!
It's you shouting at me.
It's because of your behaviour!
Sir has left. Won't get any rickshaw.
That's why I suggested the bike!
A vehicle sets a woman free!
Found it!
Don't try to teach me!
I always have to apologize due to you,
in my bank! You're late everyday!
The bus is not under my control.
You're screaming at me?
Will you never admit to your mistake?
And today the pumpkin
too went in the trash.
You always forget.
People forget.
Didn't you just forget your wallet?
Now you want to compare yourself to me?
- No I was not...
Fine, compare!
- No.
Don't I pay you on time?
Then why aren't you on time?
- No madam...
[Cup shatters]
Satisfied?! The sixth cup this month!
Chikoo don't come here,
broken glass on floor.
Always late... and no use!
Take this.
Clear it.
Shouting at me.
I live far away, madam
Live far away? then stay far away from me!
I don't want you in my life.
Get going! Get out.
Fine. I will leave.
Engage another maid from tomorrow.
Why tomorrow? Today! Right now!
Here, take this money.
Account settled.
Take this and go away. get out.
You scream at me daily.
No, you scream at me!
You think I won't get another help?
In fact, I was thinking just that.
Good this happened! Leave, get out!
Yes, leaving...
Sayali, take your school bag
and come with me.
Quickly! Put your shoes on.
"Ghuma dance dance dance ghuma dance dance
dance ghuma dance dance dance she danced. "
"She danced, she tired, she stumbled"
"Ghuma dance... she danced. "
"Like a crazy, struggling and
dragging herself to workout everything"
Stop that rickshaw!
Rickshaw? hey, stop.
Leave it...
- No, I will get one...
I'll fetch one for you, madam.
- No I'll hail one on the way.
Please let me know if you know
of any maid, for daytime 12 hours.
But Ashatai?
- She's left.
Why, what happened?
Okay... will let you know.
[Line ringing]
Have you left?
I fired Ashatai today.
You mean you scolded her?
I sacked her!
The usual!
Mobile! and does not even
cut the call and answer mine.
Plus, she raised her voice!
I sacked her.
But why, Rani?
Will you ever stand in my support?
She screamed at me!
You must have screamed at her first.
Because she was on the phone!
She's really gone?
Out of society premises?
Gone! Out of home, building, society...
gone away!
And what did you say in the morning?
I'm heavier than you?
You were body shaming me?
Body Shaming?
But you too laughed then!
That's my broadmindedness!
And you don't remember
how long we've been married?
You ask Chikoo's age and add one?
I'm entering lift, cant hear you...
No no, you are not going in any lift.
Voice is clear. Talk!
Hello, can't hear.
But I can.
- Really I can't.
Your favourite curry?
- Potato!
You answered! You can hear...
Talk, Anand.
Hello... hello!
- Lift...
Lier, lier...
Good morning. [Clears throat]
Rickshaw, hey rickshaw!
Hey, madam! Where to?
Gandhi Nagar.
No, I won't go. Take another rickshaw.
Break his bones!
Arrest him! Who's on duty?
Shirke? Inspector Rani here.
The Commissioner's
coming for an inspection.
Bash him before he arrives.
I want a full confession.
Hang up now.
What were you saying?
The exact address in Gandhi Nagar.
[Cellphone rings]
Yes Kalyani? On my way.
Am I supposed to do Rani's job?
Rani the queen, and we her slaves?
She's reaching any minute now, boss.
She was actually helping out a client...
She was saying...
- What?
Making pancakes for the client?
I'm going for a meeting.
Will deal with her later.
The clock! A useless thing.
Look at the speed!
She's chief of a Company.
She comes and goes as she pleases
not dependent on anyone.
She's gone.
Asha? Hey, Asha! Here? Now?
Hey, hey, hey... Asha! Why so sad?
Lost your job?
What happened?
Yes, stop here.
How much?
How much?
Nothing, did not start the meter.
Nonsense! Keep this.
Don't act smart henceforth.
'My madam is the best!'
You were singing her praises, weren't you?
But really, she is nice.
Difficult to finish all household
chores and arrive here on time.
I am always late.
I just can't seem to be on time!
And now? Do you have another job?
And she wants only a 12-hour job.
She's adamant.
You have to attune
yourself with the family,
put up with the madam's fuss,
the kids' fuss... not easy.
Listen to us, take up small jobs
of 1 or 2 hours. easier that way.
What easy?
On small jobs you get
fired for small things!
Small things? You broke 15 glassware
and call it the "smallest thing?"
You here? Fifteen!
The best jobs are the 24-hour ones!
Stay at the same home.
No commuting, no rush! That's good life.
The 24-hour maids. Don't even talk to us.
What attitude!
Over smart!
Asha, Your madam too
should employ a 24-hour maid.
I just don't know how
to adjust the timing.
That's our problem!
If we can control our commuting
to and fro, we'll have full freedom.
Don't go for one 12-hour job.
Take many smaller ones.
It adds up to the same amount eventually.
I had tried that once.
Not affordable.
But if I'm late at one place
I end up being late everywhere.
Or Someone tells to do some
additional work at the last moment,
we can't say no, can we?
- Then we reach late at the next job.
Then all the other
madams start squawking!
We end up dancing and running around!
How? show us again!
Dance dance...
"Dance dance dance dance... step on it. "
"Rush and run and stumble step on it. "
"Scrub scrub wipe
wipe and sweep and sweep"
"Rinse and churn and splash and splash"
"Boil and cook and bake and cut cut"
"Make and serve and grind and peel"
"Dance ghuma dance ghuma dance ghuma... "
"Dance ghuma dance ghuma dance ghuma... "
"Missed the bus, no rickshaw"
"Queues a lot delayed us"
"Hands for stomach, hands on stomach"
"Back is crushed and belly aches"
"Dish broke, madam spoke"
"Shouted shouted Ears tore. "
"Shouts and screams and tension tension"
"She is tense and she is stressed
and angry and crazy... "
"Ghuma dance dance... she danced. "
"Ghuma dance dance... she danced. "
"Ghuma danced and tired and stumbled...
ghuma danced... "
"Ghuma dance dance... she danced. "
[Horn blares]
What is going on?
This hussy's the Chairman
Beat it!
Please tell me if anyone needs a maid.
Got the news.
Asha? Out? At this time?
[Cellphone rings]
- Yes.
Hello madam, coming.
In the security queue.
We never imagined.
These days, things are unpredictable.
She is gone.
But you hold yourself together.
Who's gone?
Her maid, sir.
Her household help.
Passed away! While working at home?
Yes sir!
Passed on while working
and left the work half-done.
I was about to scold her for coming late.
Not now. Death is a bad thing.
Death? Who died Sir?
Your maid.
Gone as in left, sir!
Left the house, sir.
- [Crying]
Left the job in the middle, half done.
She just went off.
Resigned, left the job.
I see, left her job!
I almost wept for nothing!
Kalyani, Rani. In my cabin!
You late again!
Sorry sir, its that maid...
I mean the bus.
Maid or bus?
Both! Then rickshaw!
Same excuses everyday.
Sorry sir.
I will follow up on that
Mutual Fund matter today.
Very well.
I agree, domestic help leaving
her job suddenly is a traumatic thing.
It's the same everywhere.
But now please concentrate
on the Yoga competition.
Sir, we are practising.
Yes, you must,
since you have taken so many leaves.
Look sir, how difficult this aasan is.
Pain in the neck!
When is the Yogaa event?
Its not "Yogaa" sir, its yoga!
Yoga, ga.
Yoga is correct, is it?
All right. If you want this Bank,
this branch to survive,
then business must increase.
It won't happen by itself.
It will happen only if your work hard.
- Oh, its you!
Net Banking issue, right?
But no IT people today.
Oh! - You were supposed to come yesterday,
weren't you?
our maid bunked without informing.
We were totally perplexed
and just couldn't come.
She bunked today as well!
You are right.
Really sorry. But I cant ...
Madam, Please see if you can...
- Kalyani,
their maid bunked two days in a row
and that too without any intimation!
Come... I'll have your Form filled.
- Okay.
We'll sort out the
technicalities tomorrow.
Come, sit. Want some water?
- Don't want.
Must drink.
- Okay.
Hritik, please serve him some water!
We have a maid
who's coming from 25 years,
engaged by my mother-in law,
even before I married!
Yes, but if she bunks,
even Aruna's forced to bunk.
Everyone's not as lucky as you!
You know her luxury, right?
I have one maid for
washing and utensils,
another to make lunch,
a third for weeping and swabbing,
a fourth for lunch,
fifth for dinner and...
Hold on!
The sixth one only to clean balconies
and maintain the plants.
The seventh maid comes in the
evening and stays till late night.
She tends to all
my in-laws' chores.
All of this is overseen
meticulously by my mother-in law.
She's extremely fastidious!
Please adopt me!
This separate arrangement's
very convenient.
Even if one doesn't come,
it makes no difference.
Everything doesn't
suddenly fall on us.
Rani, you also engage separate maids.
That works best.
But I have a daughter!
My timing and my husband's timing
and her school timing don't match.
So I need someone to be home.
Hence the 12-hour requirement.
I need a maid who lives close to my house.
That's why I cautioned you
before you shifted houses.
While shifting,
you need to check only two things:
Whether maids are available for chores
and range for mobiles.
My mobile has range,
but my maid's out of range!
Please help me find a maid, please!
Here, drink some water first.
You will find a maid to thereafter!
That Chikoo milkshake is getting warmer!
Want me to finish it?
Oh dear!
It's Chikoo's arrival time!
Ashatai's no longer home!
Hey... listen hey...
Take left side.
Did you find some maid?
Not yet madam
Keep searching...
- Yes Madam.
It will damage your teeth,
if you will eat more chocolate.
Madam... the house holder.
this maid works in our Society itself.
So you're already working?
- Yes.
Then how can you work for me?
Just like I work at other places.
Very easy.
I need a maid for 12 hours.
- [Gasps]
12 hours? Why so long?
What why? I just need it!
I can finish all the work in 2 hours.
Do I come?
Don't come.
- All right! - [Cellphone rings]
Let's go.
- I will come.
No I don't need
someone for 24 hours.
That's right!
You got the address?
I want tomorrow.
I have transferred the money.
She must know how to look
after small child.
Why look after me? I'm big now.
Quiet! You send.
[Phone rings]
A maid has come to meet.
Yes, I am here. Let her in.
Come come.
Use less water!
The girl you sent has no speed!
She wont be able to look after my daughter,
my daughter will have to look after her!
Chikoo's room is always a mess.
Check it from time to time.
Madam, please follow me.
Not like his! here. This is my handle.
Can you handle the housework?
[Doorbell rings]
Cake? We haven't ordered it.
Thank you.
I have 1000 followers now!
Pay him.
You pay, cut it from my salary.
Keeping it in the fridge,
but don't eat, okay?
Such women!
Will I never find a good maid?
Rani, did you turn the geyser on?
I had a bath. Put it off.
Good that I am here.
Else it could have exploded.
Forgive me, Lord Anand!
How much can I do alone?
I folded the clothes, swept,
made breakfast, got Chikoo ready!
So what if I forgot to switch off
the geyser? Can't you do it?
How much can I do too?
I took care of washing and
drying of clothes, warmed the milk,
cleared the expired material from fridge,
took out the trash!
On top of this,
keep an eye on madam's geyser!?
Chikoo, can't you do handle
your own things?
How much can I too do alone?
I sorted my toys, folded the blanket,
searched my lost ribbon and above all,
only I have to study, not you two!
Why can't you help me with my studies?
Don't irritate!
I am going to my friend.
And don't keep calling me "Chikoo".
Sayali is my name!
Mom, don't grumble about
your daughter-in-law!
Asking her to peel a pomegranate
when she has to go to office?
Its tough!
Hang up now!
Who drank tea here? Who?
Did not bother to clean!
- Yes, I'm 30 minutes late!
I'll stay over 30 minutes after Office!
But let me work now!
[Clears throat]
Oh it's you sir!
You needed her signature yesterday...
Please sit.
Your maid had bunked, right?
- Has she come today?
Will you have some tea?
- No.
You will.
- We will.
[Singing a limerick]
Anand, what's this,
how did you approve this design?
A moment please.
Let me guess.
Wife v/s Mother or wife V/s Maid?
Wife v/s Maid! You're a know all!
My child, Wife-Maid break-up
is the deadliest of all break-ups!
Wife's love turns into lava!
Right! Gone those days.
"Happy Wife, Happy Life", no!
Now its "Happy house help, then its
happy wife then only its happy family!"
Right! Atul...
My theory is If there's a Third World War,
it will be due to shortage of maids!
Because If there's no maid,
wife's unhappy, so family's unhappy,
so Society's unhappy,
the whole Country's unhappy
and then countries will vent their
rage on one another.
Great! Now its my turn to bow!
[Cellphone rings]
Did you inquire?
- What, whom?
Did you inquire with Atul
if there's any maid available!
Sorry! Atul, is there any maid available?
Is Atul the only employee in your Office?
I've asked everyone.
Ask again!
It looks bad if I keep on asking
for house help ladies.
We must find a help today, understood?
Hey brother, wait...
Know any woman?
I mean house help lady.
I have food.
I want someone who cooks food. A maid.
No madam.
Please see. Someone in need of work and
has experience of looking after children.
Will tell.
- But how?
Take my cell number.
Hey, you.
Know any woman, ready to work as maid?
Where do you live?
Where do I live...
She is gone mad.
Society has no sense of cooperation!
You look sad...
Do you want a job?
I need a 12-hour maid. will you do it?
I require a 24-hour maid! Will you do it?
She wants maid...
I saw her first.
But I need her more... hey wait...
Hey wait...
Hey lady...
You scared her away! She too fled!
Now I have to clean vegetables,
utensils... listen... hey...
At least take my number.
Give me your number.
Please take it!
And Give me yours.
Small jobs or for 12 hours?
12 hours not sufficient.
In future, We'll have kids ...
its good if she stays permanently.
Whoa! I'm looking for house help,
You're looking house wife!
Yeah. Your number?
Just one digit?
- My shoe size!
"Hey.. "
"Hey.. "
"Hey... "
"O you passerby, "
"turn towards me. "
"A poor woman wandering
in search of maid. "
"People who walk by look at me. "
"Do not mock, don't laugh. "
"O you pedestrians, "
No variation.
- Really?
"House chores and outdoors,
how much could I work. "
"Give me a woman like...
yes you know. "
"Working woman I am eroded a lot. "
"Waist broken - no time to
wash-hair are in a knot"
"I am no exception, "
"in this woman centric
story I am boiling tea. "
This tea.
"Daughter going to toilet,
to clean the toilet... "
"Daughter going to... toilet... "
"Became mother India, he is father India, "
"this is child India, "
"That Asha India... "
"You the eating people,
you drinking people, "
"Gather around and search for a maid!"
I am calling Ashatai!
Let's call her and see.
She must have found a job.
Who will let go such a good maid?
- [Line ringing]
She won't answer. She must be angry.
Or Her new employer must
have prohibited phone calls!
Yes, Kalyanitai!
So, Ashatai! All well?
Today, will you please make
that dish I like... that vegetable...
Ridge gourd!
Ridge gourd! I am coming to
your madam's home for lunch.
But... I no longer work for Rani madam.
- I left that job
What happened?
Ashatai! Calm down..
She sacked me.
I am always late...
Shouted at me in English.
O my god!
She must have found another maid.
Who will let go such good home?
I have another job too.
Will you be able to adjust elsewhere?
Better call Ranitai.
She won't employ me now.
Try asking her... !
Will you ask her?
Okay. Let me see.
I tell you...
We connected on the first day itself.
When we had shifted here,
we were at the lift, loading things.
She appeared from somewhere,
My flowerpot was about to fall,
but she caught it!
And then she kept on helping us!
Who helps anyone nowadays?
Something clicked. between us.
She adjusted two small
jobs and came to work for me.
She's a very cheerful
and transparent lady.
Call her.
- Yes.
[Line ringing]
Yes, Kalyanitai.
I spoke with her...
she refused?
Yes, she refused!
But then I convinced her.
What did she say?
Call her, she will tell you.
She won't take me back.
I won't call her...
Listen, wait!
I guarantee you, she will take you again.
Call her immediately.
Let's go.
[Cellphone rings]
Did I take the call too soon?
Will I seem too desperate?
Oh, could she have heard this?
Yes, speak.
Kalyani madam asked me to call you.
Yes, she told me.
But I've finalized a maid just today.
why don't you hello!
I'll hang up then
No no, but I haven't paid
that agency yet...
That's fine, madam, let it be...
Not fine, no... I'm giving you a
last chance Ashatai, so you take it.
Please come
I will.
Okay then.
But please never be late from now on.
No, never.
No chitchatting on the phone.
Yes. That day, too...
Forget it.
The keys are with the neighbours.
Take it and keep the keys with you.
Yes madam. I'll be here right away.
It's yours, go right away.
Mine, right.
So, come now.
Yes madam.
The minute I leave you alone,
phone call begins!
If that's what you want to do,
just get out!
Hey, listen...
Tension relieved!
Why get tense?
But the situation was...
Hey stop.
Come, everyone!
Don't be scared.
Ashatai coming back!
Sorry everybody! Partytime!
A maid's arrival is
the most joyous festival!
[Phone vibrating]
- Anand, I love you!
Ashatai's back?
Yes... Yes... Yes!
Madam, dinner is ready!
Lady finger dish.
Brother don't like lady finger.
Potato for sir.
Two rotis for you one for sir,
Chikoo has eaten.
Don't clean utensils.
I will do it in the morning.
[Cellphone rings]
Okay, take the call...
No, let it be...
my bitter half!
His shirt shrank after the wash,
so he yelled at me.
So wash him thoroughly, he will
also shrink and fit into the shirt...
- Sit sit, relax.
His job going fine?
He's short tempered!
Can't hold one job for long!
He's a driver.
- Yes.
Sister, why don't you become driver?
I mean why not drive car?
I used to.
I rammed the car once and I've
been scared to drive ever since.
But you should drive.
Driving makes woman free.
She can independently move around!
Yes, but first,
Need to concentrate on yoga competition.
Then let's see...
If you win that Yoga
competition will you be promoted?
No. no.
Yoga is my passion...
A wish... a dream.
A dream!
I used to do yoga in school days.
These medals are from those days.
But then gradually, it faded away.
And after Chikoo was born,
it completely stopped.
And now after so many years
this chance came my way.
You can definitely do it again. You will.
I hope.
Don't worry about the house.
I'll take care.
The both of us will
fulfill your dream.
Thank you Ashatai.
What this?
Children were playing cricket
and a ball struck me.
There is always something,
be careful Ashatai.
Take some medicine.
You had braided your hair today!
I didn't notice!
Yes! Found some time in the morning.
Looking good?
But tomorrow, no need to do hair,
be on time here! ...
- [Cellphone rings]
Take the call...
and you may leave now. Getting late.
What happened?
Was busy.
Leaving now...
See you madam.
- Wait wait.
What happened?
This is for you!
Why? What's this?
Its your son's birth day, right?
A cake and a gift from Chikoo!
Happy birth day to him.
What sister...
Thank you.
That's alright. Go now.
- Yes. See you
- See you tomorrow.
Hold carefully.
[Cellphone rings]
Anand! Please hold me.
What happened?
She is ignoring phone ring,
fridge is clean,
cupboards are neat,
and she came on time!
I hope I don't jinx my happiness myself!
Husband threatened to break my teeth,
I said I will bite you!
Please look for a maid for me.
Your turn now?
What happened? Your maid
was older than you, wasn't she?
Why did you fire her?
I didn't; she fired me!
She is hooked on to a daily soap these
days, she has to watch it in the afternoon.
A new habit!
And my Mother-in-law
doesn't let her watch it.
She left her job to watch a serial?
I've seen everything in life now!
You see, Rani? All maids are not Ashatai.
I'm jealous of you, Rani!
A good maid is a Jackpot!
And for those maids...
a good employer is full house!
Starting a casino?
Jackpot and flush!
Gossip sessions have increased.
The first round of the
Yoga competition is close.
No stress, Asha is the best!
Hail Asha!
- What?
Did you hear?
- What?
There's been a theft
in the neighbourhood.
A lot of gold is gone! Reportedly stolen.
- [Gasps]
And cash.
Maids on our floor have been rounded up.
Is it?
Ashatai as well. Anand's gone there.
[Clears throat]
See the logic.
We don't have the neighbour's
keys and there's been no break-in.
How could Ashatai
have entered there?
Even the lady of that house realized
that there's been a theft late.
And If she had witnessed the
robbery she would have noted the time.
No, what I meant was...
nobody writes...
She might know.
Why have you brought Ashatai here?
Who are you?
I am Rani!
So you think you're a queen?
My queen.
Ashatai has been working
for me since 2 years.
She just wont do such a thing.
Wow! Unshakeable evidence!
How long will you
be detaining her here?
Madam, don't poke your nose
in our investigation.
You're poking your nose in my work!
Not just poking your nose,
you've stopped my work completely
by arresting her!
Do you have a maid?
- Imagine if she doesn't turn up for work?
She must be bunking sometime!
What happens to your wife then?
Don't talk like a psycho!
Then let her go.. or else...
Or else? What will you do, madam?
Or else...
else... I am doomed!
I'm a working woman.
With a five year old daughter.
I have a Yoga competition
coming up next week.
How can I manage all this without her?
Home, job, Yoga... I cant. I just cant.
Everything will
come to a standstill!
If you're arresting her,
arrest me too!
Fine, it's okay.
Thank you, madam.
- Okay.
He didn't budge before
my logical arguments
and you think your tears will...
I didn't cry deliberately;
it just happened.
Ashatai, you don't cry.
You haven't done anything, have you?
How do you know?
No, I haven't done anything,
but you trusted me blindly!
Oh, that's fine.
Don't cry...
Anand, it's time for Chikoo to return
from school. You escort her home.
No, I can...
Come come, let's go...
Come on time tomorrow. Bye.
I have seen it.
Eight year old does a hand stand.
At that age,
I could not even stand on feet!
You can't even today!
Sister... Brother.
Chikoo vomited.
- She's resting now.
How is it possible?
You should have told me!
It was just 10 minutes back
and then I made her sleep.
She has fever too.
Very well. You leave.
Its late.
- Yes.
Please take the rice, you've been
forgetting since the last 2 days.
No no please, I cant...
I insist.
We had brought it for you as well.
Take it.
Take it.
Thank you.
Okay. Bye.
And Listen.
I'll be leaving by 7. a. m. tomorrow.
You please come at 7.30.
Dot on time. Okay?
What happened?
- No, listen.
No, no, I'll be on time.
- No. keep it.
Come by rickshaw.
Listen... I am leaving by 7.
Sir will leave by 8.
He has to take his
mother to the doctor's.
At 8 a. m. sharp.
He can't leave her alone. Understood?
Yes madam.
- Say the time again.
7.30 sharp.
Come on time.
- I will.
Don't worry.
[Alarm ringing] 'Wake up wake up. '
'Wake up wake up. '
Little fever. Complete rest.
Let me sleep.
Aanand, Chikoo, see you.
All the best.
All the best.
Thank you.
And don't leave till Asha comes.
[Cellphone rings]
- Bye.
Kalyani, I'll just be there.
Coming down.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Ashatai, please answer the phone...
Getting late already.
'The number you have calling is
currently switched off. Please try later. '
'The number you have calling is... '
Switched off?
'... currently switched off. '
Oh, Asha.
You have network?
Same here.
[Phone chimes]
- Ah! Society app message!
Ashatai's entered the Society!
Thank god!
Okay. Now let's concentrate on yoga.
Thus the first round is over.
And these teams have
reached the final round.
35 missed calls!
I am the most wanted person.
Wait, they're
announcing the results.
Atul... what happened?
Where are they?
Hooray! We're in the finals!
Rani! Rani!
- Tai!
Why is Chikoo with you?
Look, Rani,
the accident is my fault.
She was not well.
Why is she with you?
Rani listen.
- What happened?
Your Ashatai didn't turn up at all.
So he had to take Chikoo with him...
It was getting late.
I had to speed up. Therefore...
Look, Rani, it's my fault...
Keep the change.
Who was here in the morning?
- When did Ashatai come?
I don't know.
- Show me the record.
I have a message.
Or do I examine the CCTV?
Sorry madam. She called and told
me that she's just round the corner
and asked me to do the entry.
So I did it.
And when did she come?
After 2 hours.
I'll deal with you later...
Madam listen..
Sorry madam.
Sister... what happened?
Tell me what happened?
I will never be late again.
Listen to me once.
- Key?
Forgive me.
Anand and Chikoo got accident
because of you.
Chikoo... what happened to her?!
Please listen to me once.
I never want to
see you ever in my life!
Please listen to me once. [Crying]
How many women were here?
Not even one, Boss.
Son of mother-in-law!
I sent you there in festive season.
The holy month, when
there are women all around!
And you could not find even one maid?
You will face the consequences!
No, please don't.
I am so loyal to you.
Tolerating this overly salted rice,
without criticising. Too much salt today.
- Yes.
But I'll bring you a maid!
I'm that loyal to you.
Okay. Then show your
loyalty and dedication.
Not that! Give that.
So Now drink this tea!
It has a lot of salt too!
No no.
- Drink!
Hey Samba!
How much salary are
we willing to give to maid?
Ten thousand, Boss.
Ten thousand! That much!
And still you couldn't find one?
Rates have gone up. Difficult
to get maid in ten thousand.
You! You red!
What's this costume?
- The only available one.
You will be punished for this too.
No please!
- [Laughs]
Now you be a woman and dance!
Me a woman? Will look bad.
You will look good.
- Now dance. Start!
One minute!
Now start!
Don't make him dance!
He dances horribly!
I'll dance instead.
Aah! Marbles!
But still I will dance.
"Dance ghuma dance ghuma dance ghuma... "
Are all 3 of us having
the same dream?
"Like a crazy, struggling and
dragging herself to workout everything"
"Minute hand hour hand,
short and long both hands. "
"Nine twelve three, three
six nine, they travel so fast. "
"Dance hey ghuma, dance my ghuma. "
"Dance hey ghuma, dance my ghuma. "
"Tik tok Sound, in my ears,
irritates all the time"
"clock and me never
match, stress all the time. "
"Good or bad time,
the alarm sound anytime, "
"Clock races with me,
evening and morning. "
"Twenty four hours, number of days, "
"Twelve monkeys of months,
tease me constantly. "
"Here she halted there she fell,
but she kept running!"
"Ghuma kept on dancing.
She kept on dancing. "
"Ghuma danced,
she panted, she stumbled.. "
"But she danced, ghumaa... "
Its like girlfriend-boyfriend
Like teenagers!
More break-ups than love!
This time it looks serious. Not a
break-up, looks more like divorce.
You want to bear the brunt?
Our maids come for an hour or two,
but we still quarrel;
her's is a 12-hour relationship!
Quarrels will
proportionately increase!
Our's is an affair,
her's is a marriage.
It seems no proper
scrutiny before marriage!
Scrutinies and inquiries!
But still, many things are
revealed after the marriage only.
My husband's stomach problem,
did not think much of it.
When he had come
to see me first time,
he ate snacks and went
to our lavatory twice,
in the first 15 minutes.
But this lady too sleep-walks!
He at least goes to the toilet in
He in the day and she at night!
A perfect match!
Rani, please laugh!
Now only one request,
keep searching for maids.
How many times?!
We will charge commission now.
By all means!
But don't stop the search.
It's been a week, but
it seems like an epoch!
[Cellphone rings]
Hello Anand.
You want a maid, right?
Don't mock, I'll get angry!
Blind man prays for
one eye, god gifts two!
I'm willing to give
even an eye for a maid!
Luckily, we've found two!
Come quickly!
He found two house helps!
[Doorbell rings]
You're early today?
And two house helps?
Yes, Milady!
Wont you even check the corners!
- Not everyday, but at least once a week?
Look all the filth! What's this?
You must supervise, Rani.
And look at the fridge!
It's a dustbin!
Tell the maid to clean,
but you have to be present there.
These ladies are not house helps,
but house hindrance!
Oh no! Look at this pumpkin!
It has fungus!
Organic pumpkins
catch fungus quicker.
Maybe in this house it does!
No! I was going to
make pumpkin puffs.
But you didn't!
I was really in...
In what? Coma?
Food is meant for the
stomach, not the dustbin!
I know, I was just
about to make puffs,
but the same day
just the day Ashatai!
You sacked her. We heard.
And what was the fuss about?
Just late-coming right?
But she was nice.
Isn't that so,
Anand's mother-in-Law?
Nowadays where do you get
such maids, Rani's mother-in-law?
But she... never mind.
Both of you hold on,
I'll manage everything.
Do you even know
exactly what "everything" is?
These are the two maids?
Why did you call them?
I didn't call them!
They came by themselves.
Throw them out!
They're not trash to be thrown out!
When my mom meets your mom,
she forgets that she's my mother.
She becomes president of the Mothers-in-Law
Association and castigates me!
And did you hear your mother?
"Do you even know exactly
what 'everything' is?"
You just stood there dumbly.
I gave her a deadly look.
She didn't see it.
Put on that program!
What you want?
- Switch on the TV!
Switch on the TV!
- Yes, sure.
That's not the remote!
Wait. Take this.
Are you listening,
Rani's mother-in-law?
What is it, Anand's mother-in-law?
The TV mother-in-law is going to throw
her daughter-in-law out of the house!
Oh yes.
Come come.
- Coming.
I've been cleaning
since when, its unending.
Gotya, turn on the AC.
I will do the cleaning later.
Anyway, its not
going to end in a day.
It'll take a whole week
to put things in order.
Such dramatic scene
and look at the sari!
Look at all this clutter. Sort it!
[Doorbell rings]
Look here! Chandrayaan!
I'll go in the sky.
Yeah. I'm going on moon.
Chikoo! Chikoo!
- Chandrayaan! Chandrayaan!
See? Her hair has never
been oiled! How will they shine?
Rani's Mother-in-Law, I myself
had sent her good quality oil.
She doesn't even use it herself,
why would she apply it to Chikoo?
Is she really that busy?
Every minute of the day?
Look at Rani!
All dried up and thin.
Some odd dietary fads.
This whole generation is strange.
Can't figure them out at all!
My generation?
No honey, your mother's.
Then its all right.
Because we've figured it all out.
Really! Tell me about it.
Not to marry at all!
This will eradicate
having a Mother-in-Law.
Is Mother-in-Law a
disease to be eradicated?
Look at nails!
There's so much dirt under them,
but she's not bothered.
Then children are
bound to fall ill. - Yes.
Have my toenails grown too?
Let me see.
Today you remembered
your toenails too?
Come to study!
Wait, we are discussing.
Chikoo, behave!
Don't shout at your child.
It's not like we come everyday.
- Yes.
Son-in-Law, you must take control.
Even she's saying it!
You've become henpecked!
Same at my place too.
I had selected seen such a fine girl,
Sharmila, for my boy.
But he liked that made-up doll!
Why blame the daughter-in-law?
Our boys are at fault.
[Mosquito buzzing]
This mosquito has been
buzzing in my ear for so long.
Have you seen the cockroaches?
Not only cockroaches!
No cleanliness,
mosquitoes enter,
bite the child, dengue epidemic!
Isn't it Dengi?
It's GU. Look at the spelling.
GU in the end. So it must be gu!
But I hear its pronounced Dengi.
Mosquitoes buzzing sound is
"gu" "gu"-
That's why dengu!
Gotya, there's a constant
whining around my ears.
Around your ears?
But you are doing the same to me!
Your own mother's
words are hurting you?
It's fine. I won't say anything now.
You too say nothing.
You hurt your own mother?
I think you learnt it from Rani!
Never mind, Rani's Mother-in-Law,
We are not required anymore.
We are mosquitoes!
Any one can come and squash us.
The old way was better.
Elders would retire to the forests.
End of the story!
Retire to the forests?
Then go in the balcony,
there are plants.
Sit there and criticize
your daughters-in-law.
And what are you
dumbly listening to?
Show some spine at least once!
Hey! Want to see my spine?
Will show you!
Look, its visible!
Every vertebrae is protruding
due to your squabbling.
Whatever the issue, how
come you blame us males only?!
You blamers!
You trouble each other
but while talking all your
problems become male-gendered!
Is it necessary that you were
bitten by a male mosquito?
It could be a female too!
Nuisance is due to he-rat, why?
It could be she-rat.
You get scared of cockroaches but..
But cockroaches are neuter!
Not he or she, it's that cockroach!
He doesn't know the difference
between masculine, feminine and neuter.
How will he keep his
wife under control?
Let's go.
- She did not put almonds.
Who made it?
She must've done it.
I want to be a maid when I grow up!
But you wanted to become astronaut
and go to the moon! What of that?
I can be a house help on moon!
There's bound to be a
demand for helps even there!
That's correct.
- Good.
Chikoo, do one thing,
you first become a lady.
Then we will think
about becoming a maid!
So, I am not a lady?
You are, you are.
But need to become a little
bigger lady. tall as your mother.
My daughter is
very career-oriented.
The things children pick up!
But seriously,
this business is most in demand!
There can be some
specialisation in future!
What nonsense!
[Phone vibrating]
So many Missed calls?
[Line ringing]
Hello Smita teacher,
I am Sayali's mom.
you had called?
Yes yes. I called so you could
pick up Sayali I mean Chikoo.
Today's practice is cancelled.
She became free early.
But its all right, she left.
I see! did Anand, her
father come to fetch her?
No, that lady fetched her.
Which lady? Whom did
you send Chikoo with?
Where is your phone?
- Battery is dead.
Rani is calling.
- Hello, did the school called you?
Why did not you receive?
Battery is dead.
They sent Chikoo with Asha!
Asha came all the way for Chikoo?
Yes! What if she takes
revenge for being sacked?
Start immediately,
our daughter's life is in danger!
Ashatai! Why is her phone busy?
Mom? Has Chikoo come home?
What happened?
I have told you not to keep
the phone on silent mode.
Sorry, darling, I got late.
Ashatai brought me jujubes!
- Really?
And take this.
What's this?
She said something about you
giving it to her for rickshaw-fare.
Keep it in pocket.
She took break from work and came?
Yes! She also spent money
on rickshaw. Did not meet me.
And you thought she'd harm Chikoo!
You're too much.
Kalyani, wont I be suspicious?
I sacked her after a big fight.
Don't we read and hear
those terrible news items?
I understand!
She also returned the rickshaw-fare
which I had given that day.
Kalyani, Call Ashatai again,
like you did that day.
Again? It'll look so odd! No.
Either you call Asha or come stay
at my home with Chikoo's grandmas!
Calling Asha!
[Cellphone rings]
Yes Kalyani madam.
How are you, Ashatai?
I'm good.
What's up?
Nothing! New madam
wanted some groceries!
What happened between
you and Rani? I got to know.
I had come to her house
yesterday, you weren't there.
She fired me.
The both of you!
Can't live with each other,
can't stay without each other!
Never mind, let bygones
be bygones. Come back.
No, madam, not this time!
Why? What happened this time?
You even went to Chikoo's
school to pick her up.
Yes, teacher couldn't
connect to madam's phone.
So you too care for her!
She dragged,
pushed and threw me out.
I won't go back.
Ashatai, weren't you at fault as well?
Yes, I'm not denying that.
Then meet her once.
I leave at 7 in the morning and
return at 11 in the night. I just cant.
She cut the call.
I think she's very upset.
I knew it was impossible.
Forget it. Let's talk
about the possible!
Yoga-friend trophy.
The champs are coming!
Suvarn Samruddhi bank!
No! Don't increase your weight!
It's one candy!
Every gram counts.
I will be lifting you in that pose,
Smarty! What's it to you?
Let's go...
I will help a bit.
I'll leave afterwards.
- See you tomorrow.
Okay, bye!
Rickshaw! Rickshaw!
[Groans] Oh!
Is the foot broken too much?
Can't you remove
the plaster for yoga?
Don't touch!
- Whoa!
No. Can't be removed.
What if we changed the partner?
Don't even think about me!
I have slipped disc!
What if we take an outsider?
Will have to ask organisers
if its allowed.
If they say no, its finished.
Your entry would be cancelled.
Sorry Rani!
You've lost your
chance because of me!
It's okay...
Here she comes!
Why Mothers-in-law
are shown cunning?
Earlier in films, daughters-in-law
would harass Mothers-in-law.
Everyone seems to
have forgotten that.
And these T. V. serials portray
daughters-in-law as very sweet.
We don't have such
sweet-daughter-in-law in our fate!
I tell you,
regardless how much affection you shower,
A daughter-in-law never
becomes a daughter.
A daughter-in-law is bitter gourd!
Whether you fry in oil or with sugar...
It stays as bitter as ever!
You are my mother, aren't you?
Yes I am. So? What?
What happened?
Another one enters!
Rani, what happened?
Say something.
Kalyani's leg is broken!
Oh dear! Is she badly inured?
No. She'll recover.
Then is the Yoga
competition cancelled?
For me, it is!
So, now?
What does it matter?
It's just a useless competition.
If I don't take part,
the heavens won't collapse!
However I decide to do something
with my life, nothing happens.
Daughter, wife, mother, employee.
Constantly living up to the ideal
standards of each has exhausted me.
I had to leave yoga after college,
could never resume it.
I was about to restart...
and this happened.
Everything seems
to be slipping away...
age, desire, strength, everything.
She always wanted to do
this right from her childhood.
But I said,
there is no career in it.
Yes, we have these ... fears.
I was wrong.
Don't cry, mother.
It was my decision too.
I wanted to settle,
then job is a must.
Then it's time to marry.
Then a child. A good house.
Then a home loan. Both must earn.
Remember that song?
'Dance ghuma dance. How can I?'
My condition is like that song.
I want to dance, but can't.
We were not well off
when I was young,
how can I dance?
Now I have a job, no time,
how can I dance?
I'm married now,
I have a child, a loan on my head,
how can I dance?
Then don't dance at all.
Stay like this,
complaining, whining.
Don't dance...
I too had an interest in singing.
I won may competitions in school.
But later, I couldn't.
Marriage, family...
I too was trained in Bharatnatyam.
I was to have a
graduation ceremony.
I had saved up for it,
but a huge expense
suddenly came up.
Bharatnatyam ended
and the drama of life started.
True. That is a woman's life!
Always urgency to marry,
urgency for a child,
for loan
and wishes turns to ashes.
What happened with us,
shouldn't happen with you.
Rani, you fulfil your dreams!
I will be your partner in yoga!
But Rani wants to win!
Let me do it!
you can only lie still on ground.
Let's perform it together!
Cut the crap, Gotya!
Gotya Sir,
the competition is only for women.
I'm a woman too!
I can be your partner!
Both of us will perform poses
You sweety!
There is that dialogue in
shah Rukh Khan movie...
if you want something,
your friend Kashinaath will help you.
Kashinath is a juice centre.
Not like that.
- Juice centre.
Okay it is not Kashinath,
it is Kaalnaath! - [Cellphone rings]
Kaalnath will serve you.
- No, it's Kayamat.
No, I think its Kaalnaath...
could be, but I think... its Kayamat.
Yes sir.
I talked to organizers,
As a special case, you can enter
the competition with another partner.
But, at this eleventh hour...
I'm ready to enter wearing a saree,
but that would be against the rules.
the Bank's honour is at stake.
Please do something!
Okay sir!
Another partner will do!
I had told so! Kaalnath helps you...
It is not like that.
Listen carefully...
'It is like yearning for something
passionately makes the entire universe... '
What nonsense are you talking,
Forget that rubbish!
Another partner!
There's no one.
Hope in English
means Asha in Marathi!
I know where she stays.
This is the place...
Rani, that way... let's go.
You leave.
No, I'll come with you.
No. You go.
You leave!
I don't want any quarrels there...
Why did you barge in the line?
I did not, you did.
[Indistinct quarrel]
Water is available, go.
He said I shouldn't turn on the A. C.
when car is not running.
I told him to shove
the AC down his throat.
He just makes me wait for 12 hours!
I left it!
Here, eat.
Mom, I want a compass box.
I will buy it once
I'm paid my salary... for you.
Fried leftovers? Again?
Do you do it deliberately?
- What no?
You stuff stale leftovers
in my mouth everyday.
I have to leave for
work immediately,
so I made something fast.
- What?
Leaving for work so...
What work?
- Don't scream.
Look at what I do! Driving!
It takes brains as
well as brawns to drive.
Unlike your worthless job
of cleaning and washing!
Think you are doing
big favour to me?
It helps us earn some money...
Money? How much money?
You're giving me attitude because you earn?
- No...
I will...
- No.
O my God!
Has earning money
gone to your head?
Listen, I am already late for work...
you have also left your job...
Because I'm not a slave like you!
If you serve me
crap like this again...
I will beat you up
with this very plate...
Screaming before even I hit?
If you hit her again,
you'll be sorry!
I wasn't hitting her...
helping her in sorting the plates...
I go to do phone recharge, okay?
Now I know the address too.
The Police will pick you up
if you try to help her
sort out the plates!
Don't cry baby.
You go to school
right on time okay?
...I am late for work... so I leave...
Kavita Bhabhi,
please keep an eye when
he returns from school.
Don't worry, Asha.
Sometimes head
was banged in the bus,
sometimes it was a cricket ball!
How many times have
you shielded your husband!
These things embolden them.
Let it be madam. He fears you.
Why change the subject?
Now not just him,
but no one in his clan will dare hit me.
You freed me from
the Police station,
he's intimidated by you.
You have done me a great favour.
But now please leave.
I have to go to work, have to go...
You can go now
...and let me go.
Asha, Listen.
Madam, why are you...
So this is how your mornings are
Asha, come back to work!
[Cellphone rings]
Yes madam...
Yes coming. Reaching soon...
You carry a tiffin?
The new madam does not feed you?
I will increase you salary.
I did not leave for salary..
Please forget what happened,
and come back.
I can't betray my new madam.
She's become your
Madam in two days?
And I am a nobody?
Quick, hey you...
Quick, hey you...
Are you going to chase me like this?
Please listen...
If you're adamant,
I'm ten times as adamant!
Listen madam,
you don't have to
come in this crowd...
Hey, move. Let me go...
- Then tell me properly ...
what a woman!
Let me sit.. Give side...
Don't pinch me! Watch out...
no manners at all!
Ranitai... its like this only in bus!
I am not travelling for
the first time in a bus!
She pinched me!
Ashatai listen...
that day the accident happened,
I lost my head.
You are right madam.
Not your fault. I am late everyday.
Ashatai, please come with me.
You are witnessing, right?
Commuting is not in my hand...
Kalyani madam broke her leg.
She'll recover,
but won't be able to do yoga...
Today is the final round.
Now I know your difficulties,
we'll figure out the duty timing.
Are you coming to her house?
At least come for
the Yoga Competition.
[Doorbell rings]
She hasn't given you the keys?
No trust?
Ranitai please...
You're so late!
I had told you specifically
about the timing!
Not even a day and
you've started coming late.
Sorry, madam.
You say sorry and that's it?
I don't order you
sitting around the house.
I too have to go to work,
I'm a working woman.
Hey! She's a working woman too!
She rises early morning and
does the entire cooking, cleaning,
clothes, washing
before leaving the house.
And besides, queues
are never ending!
The bus stop queue,
auto queue, security etc.
Can't you understand?
Who's this?
My earlier madam.
- Great!
Not only are you late, you
also brought her with you.
Hello, I will go wherever I please!
You don't scream at her.
And you don't scream at me!
It's my voice. I'll scream. You go!
Why I go?
This is my house. I may stand
here for ten hours! You leave!
It's my Country.
I will stand anywhere!
Watchman.. watchman
There is no watchman to rescue you.
He will come.
Madam, let me come...
you Ranitai please..
Let's go to our home...
Sister... no..
Which home?! This is Asha's home.
Leave her hand.
Won't leave.
Won't leave at all!
She is working here.
No, she won't!
Oh you... Your hair looks
like a broom... get lost!
I am chasing her since morning...
in bus, rickshaw... that's why.
And just look at yourself...
fat is flowing out of your body!
I have thyroid issues!
I'm on medications!
It's not thyroid, it must
be eateroid! Eating all day!
Get lost, shaggy!
Manage your cobwebs!
Asha is going to work here.
No! Let's go..
Giving you 30 seconds,
ask her to leave and get inside.
Or don't come.
Okay, let's go Asha...
Where? This is her home...
You come inside in two minutes...
else, you are fired.
No madam..
Please listen... why are you...
5 or 10 minutes, or
12... take 15 minutes.
But if you don't enter in 20
minutes, you are in trouble!
I will come...
When I reached home with
the rickshaw fare money,
My son and husband
were not at home.
They were in the hospital.
My son wanted something, my
husband pushed him, head injury!
It was a government hospital.
They gave a saline.
But one medicine
I had to buy from outside.
Husband had no money.
I used the money you gave me.
I sat awake by his
bedside the whole night.
I requested my husband
to relieve me at 6 a. m.
he came by 8.
I had no money for rickshaw,
phone's recharge was over.
I called security from
my husband's phone
and told him to make my entry.
So that you would
receive the message
and be at peace.
I gave a silver
earring to a rickshaw driver
and told him to take
me as fast as possible..
But I was late anyway.
How can I request you to come back?
Why would you ever forgive me?
Ashatai, I am sorry.
I am sorry.
"What are his plans, "
"who knows.. "
"Tiny things,
Child's play, play house game"
"Tiny things,
Child's play, play house game"
"Dolls were mismatch,
nobody's to blame"
"Way of the world,
troublesome always, "
"No one for anyone,
tracks get faded, "
"Game of life, dice uncontrolled, "
"Ghumaa danced and danced... "
"Dance ghuma dance... "
"Ghumaa danced and danced... "
"Dance ghuma dance... "
"Dance ghuma dance... "
"In ball of soil, soul of water, "
"Who filled it on a wheel,
who is this potter"
"Momentous body, wet muddy mind"
"flesh and soul got mixed,
go through grind"
"Time flows fast, like in a free fall, "
"Bonds and matches, why we crawl"
"Two sticks float, they come close, "
"Detach next moment... "
"She danced and danced... "
"She danced and danced... "
"Dance ghumaa dance... "
"Dance ghumaa dance... "
And now, the next pair is from Suvarn
Samruddhi bank, Mrs Rani and Mrs Kalyani.
My partner broke her leg.
I will perform the
headstand pose alone.
But then you won't
be eligible for the prize.
Wait, wait!
Wait, wait! The partner's coming!
We went to the wrong
venue accidentally,
The marriage hall next door!
Go go...
Go go.
Thank you.
What aasan?
The bow arrow,
we saw that day.
I do the base, you climb.
- [Whistles]
I was shocked to see you...
Your mom made the arrangement.
What did you tell that madam?
You finished?
You wanted to perform Yoga.
Now come.
Madam. Asha won't go with you.
We'll solve your problem.
Come here.
Household, job, children..
how will I..
Husbands are useless!
Then we should first find
a good husband for you!
What are you saying?
- Good husband is easy to find
but not a maid!
That was the third prize winner pair.
The second prize goes
to Sanchay Vikaas bank,
Mrs Jahnavi and Mrs Komal.
And now, the first prize.
The first prize will be
given by a special guest.
Let's give him a big hand...
the famous actor Mr Swapnil Joshi!
Looking at my healthy and round
body, you must have realised
that I don't do yoga.
[All laughs]
And still, you invited me
as chief guest here for
which I am grateful to you!
I am also quite excited
for the big reveal!
The first prize.
I request you sir, to
announce the winners.
Thank you.
Interbank yoga competition. Yogasakhi,
the first prize winners are..
Suvarn Samruddhi Sahakari bank,
Mrs Rani and Mrs Kalyani!
Rani... congrats!
One minute please...
It's not Kalyani, it is Asha!
Asha... Asha..
Mrs Rani and Mrs Asha...
- [Whistles]
Rani! Asha!
First of all, It is not Yogaa, but Yoga!
Yoga means to join,
to come together...
Like us!
Ashatai works for me.
She's a servant.
If you think about it,
I too am a servant.
All of us, in fact...
But only they are known as
servants or maids.
I used to always nag her
and get angry at her
I always felt that
I did a lot for her,
but what she does for me
is priceless.
Neglecting her household and child,
she looks after my
household and my child!
My Chikoo has got a second mother in her!
My apartment is a home due to her!
My house is
accustomed to her touch.
Behind every successful man
there is a woman
and behind every successful
woman, there is a maid!
Take... take.
honour or award.
Madam, I didn't come
for this honour or award.
I came to fulfil your dream.
I didn't want you to lose.
Your victory is my victory.
What does a woman need in life?
A husband, children, a little respect
and a few household items!
You never treated me like a maid.
You never forbade
me to sit on the sofa.
You never locked the cupboards.
You reposed immense trust in me.
You gave my number after
yours in your daughter's school.
What can I say?
You've done a lot for me.
You never forgot my son's birthday.
You had a Bank
Account opened for me.
She got me a insured.
Had a Bank Account opened for me.
You taught me to save money.
I hope god grants
all my housemaid sisterhood
an employer like you!
May everyone also
find a sponsor like ours!
They have announced an electric
scooter for the first prize winners!
No... sister..
[Cellphone rings]
Hello Ashatai, what is it?
Are you awake?
Not really...
Its only 6.15 a. m. !
Why, what happened?
Are you going to bunk today?
Not at all. I am in the hall.
Will you please come out?
I'm getting bored.
What on earth is this?
I woke up as per
my habit at 6 a. m. ,
forgetting that
I have a scooter now.
I came here in 15 minutes.
Then I thought of waking you up.
Let's perform Yoga together.
Thought of doing yoga together.
Come. I am getting bored alone...
Oh so your waking me up because
you are getting bored?
Look madam, early to
bed and early to rise..
You're teaching me proverbs? Me?
[Indistinct quarrel]
"She is a beauty, she is cute"
"Holds entire world in her hands. "
"Ghuma has two hands, plenty of tasks, "
"At Home and out she is ruling queen, "
"Swift she walks, observant her look"
"Big her leap, striking tigress"
"Dance hey ghumaa. "
"She glitters,
- She moves, "
"speed in her legs"
"Dance my ghumaa. "
"Ghuma ghuma ghuma ghuma ghame!"
"Dance my ghuma,
- how can I dance?"
"Dance my ghuma,
- how can I dance?"
"This route and that one,
the bus got delayed, "
"Dance my ghuma,
- How can I dance?"
"Dance o ghuma"
"You are a puzzle nobody can solve. "
"You seem like this, but you are that"
"No song can sing your virtues"
"No one can survive your wrath"
"She purrs, she whimpers, she growls"
"Dance you ghumaa"
"Her mind at nest, sometimes in the sky"
"Sometimes beside fountain,
Dance o ghuma"
"Ghuma ghuma ghuma ghuma ghame!"
"Dance my ghuma,
- How can I dance?"
"Dance my ghuma,
- how can I dance?"
"Calories entered, body bloated
Pressure of diet, need to sweat"
"Dance my ghuma,
- how can I dance?"
"Dance my ghuma, "
"Shri Kanta Kamal Kanta,
how can this happen?"
"Why this nutty nut tied to me... "
"Shri Kanta Kamal Kanta,
how can this happen?"
"Ghuma is coming and then she's going"
"Fluently and fastly she turns around. "
"She goes away and disappears. "
"I hold my breath. "
"Sometimes less, sometimes more.. "
"Without her my heart is broken, "
"Playing with her... "
"Dance you ghumaa"
"It will not work without you,
Can't live without you. "
"Stand like a brave lady"
"Dance o ghuma"
"Ghuma ghuma ghuma ghuma ghame!"
"Dance my ghumaa.
- How can I dance?"
"Dance my ghumaa.
- How can I dance?"
"No password and no login of any app. "
"Dance o ghuma...
- How can I dance?"
"Dance o ghuma... "
"Dance o ghuma... "
"Dance dance dance ghuma,
- How can I dance?"
"Dance dance dance ghuma, "
"Dance dance dance ghuma, "
"How can I?
- Dance dance dance ghuma, "
"Dance dance dance... "
"Dance dance dance ghuma, "
"How can I?"