Nazis At The Center Of The Earth (2012) Movie Script

Wrzburg Germany, May 10, 1945.
Live, Hitler.
The Americans will come, Dr. Mengele.
- Thank you, Sergeant.
Place the device on board.
You must leave now, Dr. Mengele.
Please, Dr.. Mengele.
Queen Maud Land in Antarctica.
Niflheim station, you hear me?
Niflheim, you hear me?
Here Niflheim, is this Mark?
Yes, May, is me.
We are ready at location N4-17 for
sampling, over.
Well, now we know where you are
. over.
Hey May......
... If we return later,
we can have coffee together?
Yes, as we have always done. over.
As usual .
We will call again after 30 minutes. over.
Ok, Mark, keep your body warm.
Well over...
... Ok I have lost hearing.
Hey, Page, Can you hear me?
Damn, why stand-offish.
But this February,
summer here.
Imagine if you need to spend the winter here.
I'm not sure you want to do that.
- Antarctica is the basis for medical research.
Do you know that...
Is eligible to do to have a sample of Streptomyces...
... Eight-million-year-old......
... Found in ice?
It's nice when we can find a sample here.
We bend metal.
Release him.
Come join us.
Where should I put this platform, Dr. Moss?
Put it in there.
So you're so why should you?
- Request Dr. Reistad.
Where three molecules of hemoglobin phenotypes proved......
... Electrophoresis method.
Can you?
I was busy performing.
What can not you wait?
- No.
Sorry, excuse me for a while.
What happened?
Vibrio vulnificus
(Nature rod bacteria).
Vibrio vulnificus.
I know what it...
I want to know what you're doing here
What is this to be a problem, doctor?
You do not care about that...
Other experiments this led almost all...
Bocornya bacteria cause meat-eaters.
And that very fatal consequences....
... What are you doing here,
what are you doing here,
we do not allow .
According to you who deserves diikutin
- between them?
Reistad and Lucas may be the boss for any job
What actually happened that Reistad own
Buntunya perform operations on the intestine in emergency situations......
Winter she is just alone here?
O... it has obtained all the scars.
How do you know?
And I will not let you do foolishness...
... Again, as you
do three last summer.
What are you talking about?
You are infected, including the entire team
you with the flu...
... But to see how fast the virus spreads......
... Enclosed within.
- You know very well...
This experiment caused the discovery...
... Vaccine that has
save thousands of people.
Look at the...
Integrity and honor you have doubt...
... You have additional staff but still lost the contest
As a manager in the history of the whole station project.
Dr Moss...
Antarctica is a very dangerous place.
Once you live here ten years...
... You, you can tell me how everything will work
I lso and I will make sure
fixed ATS procedures are followed.
Whom you will kill it in my environment.
Paige and Mark...
They never report again
What is happening here?
- Generator explode?
May be broken - That is true.
Dr. Reistad.
This is the blood.
Trail leg...
... Looks like...
As a person who is being dragged.
- Well, it all......
... Back to snowmobile.
I will walk, you ikutin me.
Thank you fine.
Is anyone hurt?
Yes, there are some head injuries.
- But it's good kalo...
... Fine.
Who are they?
What Army?
Should this time
no military training, held in Antarctica.
Why did they do this...
Who are you?
Why are you doing this?
Eh would be brought to where she?
She really insisted.
To continue to search...
... Well what would you do if it is not
a Dr. Morgan?
I feel very romantic.
What are you doing to me?
I can not move.
Who Goes There?
Who are you?
What do you want?
What would you do?
Do not.
What would you do?
What are you doing?
Do not.
No, please...
Oh, no.
Oh God, no.
You go from here.
I want to go home.
Oh God.
Do not, I beg you, do not.
I need a rope.
What do you want to do?
- The road ends here.
Itui too dangerous.
I have to do it.
You will also do the same thing for Celia.
Offer string slowly.
Eh not to forget this light.
Thank you.
You said can not have cursed in What do
Why is the color blue at all?
- We are 15 meters below ground.
What you see is ice.
But the water behind the rock, blue
And That is the sea.
I feel the warm air.
Hey guys, this
warmer than normal.
Online tunnels originate from there.
Are we willing to continue.
Everything will be fine.
Help me...
... Help me, Paige.
What happened there?
What do you want to do?
Continuing .
- Never.
You do not know how the hole.
You will die because of high pressure,
if you kecebur into the sea.
Paige was there.
- You did not know it.
There is no other way.
String This is about 30 meter
if you have not reached the policy...
... You can tell with this rope tug
... And we will pull you back.
Three times you twitch as a sign for us.
Understand? Nice.
Good luck.
- Yes.
Let us begin.
Offer plans.
Keep your body balanced.
Well, it looks good....
... 15 meters....
... 25 meters.
And... is 30.
Hang in there.
Lucas ?
- Did she fall?
Coz he release the string.
What are you okay?
Download and relate hammer rope,
I will catch up.
I will go.
- Are you sure?
I have more light, when we both
should be pulled back up.
If all goes well in the end...
... Rope, I will take away three times.
Are you sure?
I of Norway.
Ah, what can I do.
Dr. Moss?
Oh my Lord - amazing.
An infection in the face of the person you.
Prednisone Did you try to fight the HLE, is it?
What is more effective than CSA?
Sporna cycle is still effective, but the allergy
...... very strong transplantation
May have something to do with the rejection of large...
... Which means high degree of compatibility
histo symptoms.
You're a doctor.
I am a doctor.
What better result could
all with corticosteroids?
Better than Calcinara afremmers
but not as effective as the ATG.
I do not know the treatment.
Successful application of anti-antibody polyclonal T cells is a new method.
What is the object of study?
Normally, rabbits, horses sometimes.
Do you descendants of German?
Do you speak German?
I understand a little.
Tell me everything you know about... CMI.
Yes my Lord.
For centuries, people have been talking about the world
in the earth.
This is not possible.
- However you look at the facts.
During the second world war, the
Antarctica occupied by Germany (Nazi).
Hitler actually sent expeditions here......
Review the possibility of the entrance to Agartha at the South Pole.
There is a secret to say, that here...
... Was the headquarters of German submarines.
Some also say this is the center's
Nazi UFO research.
Sorry, how do you know all this?
If you live more than 10 years in Antarctica
likely you will hear the issue.
Come on,
we have to find Paige and Mark.
From one extreme location to another location.
High humidity.
This is part of my life, dude.
In an environment like this, the first time...
... Prehistoric microbe appears.
Come on.
We have almost reached.
Then what will we do.
We do not know who or what
creatures living in the building.
Microbes that have not been formed.
- Hops.
Ok, all right.
Seems more safe if you wait here.
Paige and Mark is also our friend.
We have been running so far and I......
... No ga...
- Celia? you are not any khan...
... It's nothing...
The weather was warm.
Try to drink water.
Drink more.
I 'm good aja,
predication does not have any.
Let us find our friends
and go from here.
Why this place looks very familiar.
- Because this is a man-made as well.
You kept the oath, Dr. Reistad.
Live, Hitler.
What this means?
This is not the first time I was here.
When I worked in the same place...
I was arrested and brought here, to New Schwabenheim.
It was the first time I met with Dr. Mengele.
- Who?
Dr Josef Mengele, the angel
pencabut lives.
Killer from Auschwitz.
Mengele died in the '70s.
- That is true.
A unit from Scotland and Brazil
take the DNA of those attachments.
I am 61 years old......
... Suffering from severe osteoarthritis......
... And chronic osteoporosis.
But I managed to secure......
... Nearly 60% of the frame is changed.
But in the end
my health setback stop......
... And make the world stop to find my
It is not possible.
Ah, my doctor...
- Doctor Moss.
You might not know what......
... Once released from the knowledge......
... Emotional ties and moral ethics.
You mean torture and kill innocent people.
You sure Dr. Blechman.
A Jew.
- I have not a fanatic.
When the war be over......
... U.S. and Russia together......
... All the scientists and doctors that their hostages....
... And they use for their own
But I became the most outstanding scientists...
... Who managed to escape.
Most importantly, the development of scientific
in the 20th century......
... According to the German technology.
Over the last 60 years we have the highest technological advances
... But for the evil Zionist West......
... That's only been a dream.
But there is still work to be done.
We are preparing themselves to take over power......
... As ruler of this world.
There are a few of us.
What has changed its vital organs,
they are recycled for many years......
... Brittle bones replaced......
... With more permanent materials.
Dr. Reistad here, still alive......
... By agreeing to send a regular donor
Specifications suitable replacement.
Do not worry.
You brought it here......
... For other reasons.
Dr. Reistad told me...
... You all are the
researchers with different expertise.
The best of the best.
You are here......
... Aim to ensure we stay alive.
To see the next variable.
That The 'Reich'. (Prosperity).
Emergence of prosperity for 1000 years.
I'm not going to help.
What true.
We can help them so that we can still live.
Calm, What should we do
or we will never go away.
We need to derange their plans.
Yes, and how we do it?
We will come to Niflheim to contact McMurdle
And what? we say that there are
Nazi Germany in Antarctica?
There air base in Auckland.
What can you stop?
We can not escape.
- We must do something.
What can we do?
- We only doctor.
A person will do something.
- Do you listen to your heart?
Do you see what happened to Aaron?
We must save ourselves.
True Raoul.
We have to do anything even to survive.
As Dr. Reistad and... Paige.
We can do anything.
Should it?
Should it?
Evil will win we should not do anything.
I will try.
I will be waiting.
But I will not do.
We will all be dead, right?
Oh, God, you okay?
It was not Mark.
Good morning.
Give me a kiss.
- Stay away from him.
You go down, Hoederer.
This Laboratory......
It is my work for decades...
, Genetic studies and organ transplantation.
Everything I learned...
... You can see in this picture.
All that is needed......
... To develop and improve the nation
Featured Aria...
... You can find there.
Despite all the efforts I......
... They are only temporary.
UVHD, you must have an enzyme beetle
... Inhibitors are required.
Yes, Dr. Morgan has proposed it.
But still does not work .
That's because the symptoms of rejection.
This is the problem of medical research.
It is very clearly different.
For acute rejection, can be addressed
very well, but......
... The problem here......
... Nosocomial infections are.
If an open surgical wound while
patients and doctors live far away...
Enough with antibiotics alone.
You're right, Dr. Reistad.
It was obvious he was still useful.
But this time he...
Is still our enemy.
I will let you do your job.
What about results?
Not so good.
I think this will be useful later.
The brothers, come with me.
The Women, go with him.
Quick mantle miss you.
- What happened?
We want to stay together.
- You will be together again, as soon as possible.
Where do you take them away?
- We suggest you calm.
They just go to the bathroom.
First out...
... Remove clothing.
Do not.
Do not.
Release him.
Steer clear of him.
Angela, no.
Dr. Reistad, profit you came.
What are you doing?
You and Luke talk about what?
Do you realize what is going on here?
The world will never have the use of
that Germany would rise.
This is the only way we survive
... The winner will
join us.
This one here.
Take him to the operating room.
No, no, no.
I'm sorry .
You know exactly what to say.
Let us go.
He is for you.
Celia, you ok?
Celia, where Angela and May?
Come on.
Oh, God.
Come on.
You will be witness to history.
Dr. Reistad,
Please you lend a hand.
Reistad. You're a doctor,
how you can do this?
I do not know what true
you a hypocrite or just naive.
Everything we know about the effects of freezing on the body......
... Derived from human trials.
Almost exclusively from......
... From Dachau and Auschwitz.
But you do not have a problem with
treatment for hypothermia.
What is the difference?
- Reistad, do not be entertained.
Get rid of him from here.
You say would be successful.
I tell you, that we should try it
You say that the parent
cells is the key.
This new khan first trial.
What is wrong with you, you never fears
I do not.
I am pregnant.
Why do not you tell me?
You will send me home.
Oh, my Lord.
I am so sorry.
You sure this will work?
- In science, nothing is certain.
However, the regenerative ability...
Fetal stem cells is well documented.
I beg.
Do not do to our babies.
What do we wait.
I beg...
... Oh our poor baby.
Exit you.
Yes, Dr. Mengele.
Why did they bring us here?
- Angela and May killed.
What is going on.
... Victory and safety.
Victory and security... .
... Friends...
Lord of hosts, so...
... Generous to us in recent years......
... We bow with gratitude...
... To maintenance enables us......
... To become a great nation.
We are grateful to him, that
in line with the previous generation.
Next generation of the German......
... Important act we can also...
... Recorded in the book
immortal in the history of Germany.
Set Vril aircraft immediately.
Help you no longer needed.
Dr. Reistad ...
Dr Morgan...
... Please provide the operation.
Transport, the deceased, may still be useful.
You are here.
I UBAYA that you have feelings for Dr Moss
... But here there is no place for feeling sentimental
We are at the beginning......
... To start a new World Order
where only the strong that will last
It has begun.
We must act fast.
To Direct exposure...
... Sunshine on my skin is getting worse
Do you like the physical appearance of his fun.
But he is not of our race.
But he can.
As you can see.
I need new skin.
Leather Lucas will be mine.
She will be mine.
Do not.
- The......
... We can be together, you and I......
... Adjacent......
... The noble leader of the Fourth Reich.
Listen to me.
I beg to stop.
I'm sorry.
I think you have lost.
- There will be never.
We should look for Bryan.
- Come on.
No, no, I beg.
Please, stop it.
Celia help me.
I beg.
Dr. Reistad, what do you do?
What are you doing.
I beg.
What is it?
Celia come on, we gotta go.
Do not.
- Come on.
Come on.
Lucas, the hearts.
Hey, fool.
In the four small arms fire.
That's not important.
- Do it just continues.
Yes, Majesty.
This is not yours.
We should come out of this ship.
Him not being there.
- Reistad, go ride here.
Let the road.
We are approaching the surface....
... Air Force Base Auckland,
SQ5 here, you can listen to us?...
... EQC report rather than the usual
of seismic activity at that site....
... Point coordinates are 26 BB
at 33 South.
Roger, Air Force Base Auckland,
we will check.
I know this place.
We have to find Mark.
We will be out of here.
Do not.
Kill me.
Do not.
Suicide me.
Do not.
Do not like it.
Come on.
We are approaching the outer atmosphere.
Captain, I get a message from the MAD...
... The strength of an earthquake on the target,
around 8 on the Richter scale.
That is a very large earthquake.
Down more to the bottom again.
- Let us see what happens.
Strange thing?
Do not.
- Wait.
Air Force Base Auckland, here SQ5......
... We have visual contact with
unidentified flying objects.
This object is very large.
Auckland air base here ......
... Received info unknown flying object,
the target is not friendly?
Target Nazi swastika symbol wear.
Seems unfriendly.
Shit, Reistad.
Sure no other way to exit.
I think I have seen a door in the hallway....
... SQ5,
allowed you to attack the target.
Schut Officer, to do to prepare for the operation of Maverick
Sir, an unknown aircraft
appears before us.
Now what?
Yes. Stairs.
- What?
Go I'll protect you.
Report - Negative. All the missiles destroyed.
It is not possible.
- Steer clear.
Base Auckland, unsa
and told to USAC,
that we are being attacked back.
Shit, mine does not work.
Give your gun and I
will protect you.
No, no. Go, go.
Down to the bottom.
EMP, electrical and machine
we do not work. Mayday.
Now put the target in North America.
Go, go quickly.
There was an explosion below.
dipesawat American to escape.
Execute the mission you.
Bomb every country is not Aria.
Bacteria are meat eaters.
This is a Reistad do.
They put this in their bombs.
They will attack this planet with the bacteria.
We must stop them.
- How?
Hey, I mean what is it?...
A rescue capsule.
Thank you God.
Come on.
What is the nearest enemy country?
English in Falkland Islands.
... Air Force Base Auckland, this combat units,
we see an attack target.
Assault Unit, you have full permission to attack
Ready, shoot.
All targets destroyed.
Falkland Islands are within range.
Destroy them all.
We must continue to seek ways.
I love you.
You have to go.
- There will be never.
Let us go now.
Fired rockets ready.
It would joke from hell '.
Do you have a plan?
- What was thought of.
What plot?
- Still think.
Come here, you Nazi zombies headed
Where you want to go for honeymoon?
To place definitely getting warmer.