Needle Boy (2016) Movie Script

There's been an accident.
Your class...
They're all dead.
It's so crazy to think,
you could have been on that boat.
I mean, you would have drowned
along with the others.
I am so happy you're here.
Have you cried?
Can't you stay inside me a while?
Can't we just lie here, holding each other?
Who told you about the accident?
It must be really strange for you.
Did you completely forget
you were meeting early?
It really is a miracle.
How can it be a miracle
to save someone evil?
Someone evil?
But you're not evil.
Yes, I am.
Why would you be evil?
I think I know that better than you.
You know a lot,
but you don't know anything about this.
Nick, I think it's perfectly normal
to react like this.
Thinking radically about yourself, or...
feeling you're luckier than you deserve.
That's not what I meant.
If you ever knew what I'm thinking -
- you would either hate me or leave me.
Why are you saying this?
Do you remember a while ago -
- when things weren't great between us?
I considered leaving you.
But I couldn't bring myself to do it.
I knew you wouldn't be able to handle it.
But you didn't do it.
That shows you do possess
some compassion, after all.
I caught myself thinking
maybe it'd be easier if...
If you died.
That's sick, do you know that?
I fucking hope normal people
don't think like that.
- Did you never have thoughts like that?
- Of course not!
If I did, I would tell you.
- Do you always say what you're feeling?
- Yes.
- I don't know what's with you lately...
- I'm just telling you the truth.
Maybe it's...
Like you said before...
Maybe we've just had a rough patch.
Everybody goes through those.
I don't think so.
Last time we had your sister
and her kid over -
- all I could think of was
how it would feel to fuck your sister.
I thought maybe it'd be best
to fuck her in the ass -
- since she'd had a kid.
Why are you doing this?
You had a rough morning,
with the accident and all -
- but that doesn't give you the right
to be such an asshole.
You asked for the truth.
Why didn't you answer your phone?
I'm so glad you're here.
Our first story is a tragedy
which has claimed the lives of 12 people.
The police have just revealed
that 11 students and their professor -
- lost their lives in an accident at sea.
A biology class on a field trip capsized
while conducting -
- Are you playing Chima?
- Yes.
- The tragedy occured near Aarhus.
- Cool.
Among those killed are
Camilla Larsen and Mathias Alfredson -
- as seen on these photos.
A memorial will be held tomorrow
at Aarhus University -
Does the TV have to be on?
What do you mean?
Can't we just enjoy
the pleasure of each other's company?
Honestly Nick, it's not that strange
to be shocked by what's happened.
I just thought you could spend time
on someone who's still alive for once.
What is this all about?
I'd just like to spend time with you,
instead of watching TV.
Why are you making a scene
in front of Emma?
Can't you see she's upset?
- Emma, are you upset?
- Why don't you say something, Jens?
- Well, Nick...
- I'm not the one who's angry and annoyed.
Well, we can certainly hear that!
I just...
Now we're having a good time.
What would you do if I died?
Well, the young have arrived!
So, what do you do?
- I kill frogs.
- Frogs?
Yeah, I study biology at university.
I have my own little frog guillotine.
Do you know how to break a blonde's nose?
It's pretty easy.
You take out your cock -
- underneath a glass table.
Maybe you don't go for blondes.
Did you know that children -
- can't drown during delivery?
It's impossible for them
to breathe underwater.
No, I hadn't thought about that.
The umbilical cord is the only way
they get oxygen.
Until it's cut, of course.
They breathe on their own after that.
I once had a brother.
A twin brother, as a matter of fact.
There's a complication during delivery.
I don't really know how,
but somehow I wrapped my umbilical cord -
- around my own throat.
So I cut off the oxygen supply
to both myself and my brother.
I was suffocating.
And the doctors just panicked,
so they cut the umbilical cord.
So I survived.
But my brother died behind me.
Try to imagine
drowning in your own mother's womb.
Then how about we do something,
seeing as how we're here?
Such as?
Hey, you're all right!
Are you gay?
- Fuck you!
- Hey, I'm just asking if you're gay.
- What?
- Do you like men?
Fuck, no!
- How do you know?
- Because men don't turn me on.
Have you ever been with a man?
- No.
- What I mean is, you don't really know -
- if you've never been with a man.
- Have you ever been with a man?
Yes. I have, actually.
I went to a bar and met a guy -
- and then we fucked.
I fucked him rotten.
And do you know what?
It was absolutely not for me.
My point is, you don't know
if you haven't tried, do you?
You're the one who's fucking weird.
Listen, my friend.
Don't be so scared of cracking up.
You get wiser for every time
you pull yourself together.
How the fuck do you know?
Just because all your wives left you,
and your kids don't want to see you -
- and your friends slowly die
all around you -
- do you really think
you know more than me?
Yeah. Actually, I do.
Hey, what the hell are you doing?
Well, looks like the cheese hog
is on the loose again.
You may be the only one in here
who doesn't need extra gravy -
- and yet you're shopping for a big feast.
All right, cool. I'm on my way
back from grandma's.
Yeah, it was really nice.
Good food, money for clothes and stuff.
Right? It's completely fucked.
With Jesper. If I could just get
a hot boyfriend and a hot apartment -
- I'd be pretty fucking happy.
No, nothing.
So you managed to drag
your bloated ass all the way up here!
A little exercise goes a long way.
Sorry, who the hell do you think you are?
Actually, I read an article on obesity
just the other day.
It said that eight per cent
of all obese people -
- suffer from obsessive overeating.
It's a disease. But what struck me
is that 92 per cent -
- of all obese people aren't really sick.
They just tell themselves they're sick
to keep lapping up gravy.
Oh, I just need this vodka.
And the cream.
I think what pisses me off the most
about obese people like you -
- don't take any responsibility.
Disease, that's an excuse.
- Obesity isn't.
- That'll be 89.
And now you stand there,
looking shocked -
- but I'm just saying
what everyone here is thinking.
This is the best day of my life!
I can be honest with you now, right?
Sure. But I want to go dancing soon,
so don't take all night.
I always saw you as someone
who had it easy.
- I mean, you had an easy life.
- Sure.
Aside from being dead
it's been a bed of roses.
What is this! Hey Nicky!
Pretty rare to see you here, huh?
You're in the middle of an essay, right?
How's that coming along?
Mathias, we're having a conversation.
- You postponed it, right?
- Right.
What's it about?
- Life below the surface.
- Well, well, well!
That sounds a bit... broad?
Hey, we're at a party, right?
No need to bother you with boring stuff.
Oh, just come on!
Nicky-boy. Do tell.
- Stop it.
- What's wrong?
Don't you like our discussion?
Sorry, are we having a discussion?
Actually, I do have a problem.
It's how you look at me.
The way you keep staring -
- without looking away.
It confirms my idea
that the reason you're so good -
- so intense when asking
critical questions -
- is due to your own
complete lack of opinions.
Other people air their opinions.
They don't steal them.
So now it's wrong to love knowledge?
If you ask me,
I'd rather be a dick than a sucker.
Nick, stop it.
I'm on my period.
You're what?
Your period? You can't be on your period
if you're dead.
Actually, you can.
Fuck you!
Hey, are you all right?
- Hey girls, are you coming?
- Hey relax, we can't just leave him!
- Just bring him!
- Where?
To the party, of course.
- In the woods!
- Do you want to come?
To the woods?
Come on, we'll all bike there!
Would you please shut up?
I think we all know
there's been a terrible accident today.
So I think we should have
one minute of silence -
- out of respect
for the class that died.
I'll time it.
We'll start...
... now.
Okay people!
Thank you!
Who are you, then?
I'm... a young man.
What do you mean?
That's how I first saw you.
You were lying in the street,
in front of our bikes.
Isn't that how you got that scratch?
Yeah. Were...
Were you one of the girls
on the bikes?
Perhaps you didn't notice me at all?
Erm, sure. It was...
You were the one who...
Who are... who are you?
Or... What do you do?
I'm a young woman.
Do you want to come swimming?
My dad once told me a story.
About a man who lived in the mountains.
Alone in a wooden cabin.
He walks down to a valley
to fill a glass pitcher with water.
He brings it back home and freezes it,
and after a couple of days -
- once the water has turned to ice,
there are small patterns in it.
And then he decides to go back down
and do the same thing again.
Only this time -
- he talks to it, like a person.
Gives it his attention,
his love, and...
And it's completely different.
The frozen water is completely clear -
- like ice crystals in a fearless symmetry.
How about I get us a couple of drinks?
Will you stay here and wait for me?
Hi, you've reached Lisa. Leave a message.
Come on in.
What can I do for you?
Is there anything you want?
Are you all right?
What would you like?
I... I'm Mathias' mother.
There'll be a memorial
in the auditorium in a moment.