Nefarious (2019) Movie Script

In your own time, Louise.
Can you tell us everything
that happened that night?
- You getting up today?
- Hmm.
Look. Come on, babe...
Go and look for something
today, will you?
We have to work around here.
You're not on the easy street
Morning, Daz.
Where are you working today?
Big house out in the country.
- She still asleep?
- Yeah.
No, not now.
I'm fucking late already!
Sorry, I can't be
all mysterious like her.
Clive, come on!
You're gonna be late for work.
Put it down!
What's the matter?
Clive, what's wrong?
Don't want to go.
I hate working there.
Why? What's happened?
They all tease me.
Oh, look, Clive,
people can be nasty,
when they don't understand
people who are special.
Try not to take it personally.
It's their problem, not yours.
But they're so mean.
You have to try and get on
in life, Clive, yeah?
Make the best of the situation.
you'll not have any friends.
You'll just end up alone
all day in your room.
Come on, I'm sure
it can't be that bad?
It is.
Look. Try and stick it out
to the end of the week
and see how it is
at the weekend.
But what about the bird?
Oh, don't worry.
I'll deal with that later.
Did he deserve it?
- What?
- The bird.
Do you think he deserved to die?
It's just nature, Clive.
Nothing deserves to die
any more than anything else.
It just happens.
It's just the pecking order.
So... stay calm,
don't let them get to you,
and I'll pick you up
this afternoon, okay?
Mr. Streuli.
You work at Fitzgerald and Co.
Can you tell us anything
that you remember
about October 30th,
and how it might relate
to your colleagues
Darren Carter and Clive Winters?
- Get out the way.
- Shift it!
- So, Jolene...
- Jo.
She was working at a big house
out in the country?
And that's the house
you decided to rob, yeah?
And what made you
pick that house?
Yes. Yes, I know.
I understand.
No. No, still nothing.
Okay, well, can you get
someone out today?
Yes. Yeah, I suppose so, yes.
Fine. I'll see you then, then.
Thank you.
Nothing out of the ordinary
that day
in terms of Darren's demeanor?
Well, there was that
conversation at lunchtime
that was a bit odd.
Out of my seat, retard.
Go on, get out.
Micky, have a look
at the cameras
and see who was down
at the forks
end of day yesterday
when you go back, will you?
Sodding wing mirror's broken.
Be coming out
of someone's pay packet.
Camera's broken.
What? Which one?
- All of them.
- Since when?
Saw it in the office.
All of them.
He's right.
Power surge last weekend.
Whole system was down.
The boss is fuming!
Seen this?
Hundred and eighty grand
for a fucking car?
Not on your wages,
You'd have to win
the bloody lottery first!
I did.
Scratch card. I won.
Oh, yeah? How much?
Yeah. All right, fucktard.
Just like that time
that you was in the SAS?
Or like that time when you
helped catch the gorilla
that escaped from the zoo?
I did.
Twenty. Twenty thousand.
Why you still working here then?
I'm special. Special.
You fucking got that right.
Gonna get the money.
Get the money.
Waiting for papers.
Got to do papers
before you get the money.
Thank you, Jo.
I'll, uh, see you on Friday.
Yeah. Cheers.
So, Ms. Holmes...
Mr. Carter came in
to your office
at what kind of time?
Uh, about two o'clock.
He said he wanted some milk.
All right, ladies.
Have you, uh, got any milk?
We've run out down
in the canteen.
- Yeah, sure.
- Cheers.
- Here you go.
- Thank you very much.
You're welcome.
And then Arick, my supervisor,
said he caught Darren
going through Clive's locker
that afternoon.
But you didn't see it yourself?
And where is Arick now?
Oh, I think
he went back to Norway.
So what did he tell you?
What you doing, Dazzer?
Just putting my stuff away.
And when you found out
that Mr. Carter had taken
the petty cash tin,
you confronted him?
How did he react to that?
You're a twat.
You can't be trusted.
You're always fucking late.
I fucking can't do anything
with you.
You broke the wing mirror,
you tried to cover it up.
You fucking can't do...
In fact, I hear you tried
to nick the cash box!
What can I do?
In fact, I tell you what,
you're fucking fired.
Get out.
Go on.
The fuck are you
staring at, retard?
So what
were you doing during the day
whilst all this was happening?
Just hung out.
Watched TV with Mas.
So you didn't go out looking
for a job like Darren told you?
No. No, I didn't.
So, you fired him. And then?
You didn't call us
at this point, because...?
Well, what would be the point?
You wouldn't have done anything.
Besides, Clive's brother
didn't want me to call you.
what's this all about anyway?
Oh, my God! That was so rough.
Oh, Clive. Clive.
- Are you all right?
- No. Dad. Dad.
Are you going
to call the police?
No point.
Fucking scrotes like him
get what's coming to them.
- Are you all right, Clive?
- There, there.
Now, Jack, we know
you're involved in this.
Why the fuck
should I tell you anything?
Fucking pigs.
Because, Jack,
you don't wanna be
in any more trouble
than needs be, do you?
You've already got a suspended
sentence hanging over you.
You wouldn't wanna jeopardize
that now, would you?
I ain't done shit,
and you fucking know it.
You got fuck all!
So why not just tell us
what you know?
Was Louise a regular customer?
I don't sell nothing!
Then why were you
at Mr. Carter's flat
on the 30th of October?
'Cause the little mug
owed me money.
But you said
you don't sell anything.
So why would he owe you money?
Why were you there, Jack?
We're not looking
to prosecute you, not today.
You understand that, right?
We just need
to establish a timeline.
There's far more going on here
than you, mate.
I just need...
a few more days...
and I'll get it.
- A few more days?
- Yeah.
Yeah, sure, no problem, "mate."
After all, I've been waiting
a month already.
What's a few more days, eh?
- Yeah.
- Eh?
I can get you
a few quid today, mate.
Well, that's a start.
But what about
my two fucking grand?
I tried, mate.
Look. I'll get it, okay?
I promise.
Sit the fuck down.
You'd fucking better,
'cause if you don't,
I'll fuck both of you up,
ain't coming off the bill.
Two grand, three days. Got it?
So, Louise,
your friend Jack tells us
that he was owed money.
A considerable sum.
And that he came looking for it
that afternoon,
but none of you
could pay him off,
so he left.
Can you tell us
what happened after he left?
What the fuck's going on?
- What's going on, Daz?
- Nothing.
You owe him money?
How much?
Two grand.
Fuck. Daz, by when?
Oh, don't pretend
you weren't fucking listening.
You fucking bitch.
Daz, what the fuck
are you gonna do?
Maybe I'll put you out
on the game, so you're worth.
This isn't
my fucking fault, Daz.
It ain't fucking mine either.
That fucking bitch.
- Daz?
- What?
Where'd you get this?
Some fucking dickhead at work
got me sacked, so I banged him.
This guy.
It's where I work.
It's my bosses' brother.
Lives with him.
What do you reckon?
Well, we know
Clive and Marcus went home.
After that, who knows?
I've never seen
anything like it.
You know you really
mustn't get involved, Clive.
It's not your place.
What did Father always say?
Some people don't...
Well, they don't care
if you're special or not, huh?
They're selfish.
- It was my fault.
- What was?
He got sacked.
The man who hit you?
Oh. No. No, I'm sure it wasn't.
Yes. I...
I told him the cameras were
broken, but they were fixed.
He's always teasing me.
I just wanted him
to get into trouble.
Yes, well, either way,
you're not to go
breaking up fights, okay?
You're too precious to me.
I promised father
I would look after you.
How can I do that
if you put yourself
in harm's way?
It's a good job I did
those two years
at medical school, isn't it?
So that I can look after you.
Now I'm out tonight,
had you remembered?
I'll be back late.
You'll be okay?
I've got some new DVDs to watch.
Okay. Good.
There's plenty of food
in the fridge, and, uh...
You've got your phone charged?
And I... I must go and get ready.
I'll go to my room now then.
See you tomorrow.
- There you go.
- Thanks.
Okay. Louise...
So we think
we've pieced together
most of what happened
on that day.
Up until the time
before you left your flat
to go and commit the robbery.
What happened then?
I didn't wanna do it.
Yeah, and I understand
that Louise, I do.
And I want to reiterate,
you are not in any trouble
for anything.
We just wanna understand
what happened
and how we ended up
where we are now.
Fucking come on!
Let's do this!
In and out.
It's the only way we're getting
out of this place, Mas.
He's definitely out tonight?
The alarm's not working.
And you've got
the code to the safe?
Now, Mr. Hyne,
this isn't the first time
we've had to interview you
about a serious crime, is it?
Look, I'm just a taxi driver.
I just dropped these kids off.
I don't know nothing about it.
On a dark road?
In the middle of nowhere
at night?
And you didn't think there was
anything unusual about that?
I just drop people where they
wanna be dropped, you know?
How would you describe
the demeanor
of your fares that night?
I... I don't know.
I don't really remember.
Well, you'd better
start thinking, Mr. Hyne,
'cause this is
a very serious crime
we're involved with here.
And I'd hate to have
to revoke your license.
They... They was
a bit nervous lot, I suppose.
Just here's fine, mate.
That's six pounds ninety, mate.
Cheers, mate.
So you got out the taxi.
Where the fuck are we?
Keep your fucking voice down.
Which way?
About half a mile.
Right, let's go. And keep
your fucking torches off!
If a car comes,
just put your head down
so they don't see your faces.
Got it?
We shouldn't...
Not here.
This is your fucking fault
that we're here,
you useless cunt.
Don't fucking forget that.
The brother's room's
around the back.
Jo, show us the way.
Lou, go hide in the bush
and keep watch.
You see anything, call me.
I'll flash the torch three times
and we're in.
And at this point,
you were outside
keeping lookout.
Was that for the whole time?
Not the whole time.
Like I said before,
I went round
to see what they were doing
because they were taking
so long.
But I didn't go into the house.
We know
from the audio recordings
taken from the digital system
in the house,
roughly what went on
from that point.
Would you like to hear
those recordings?
To know what went on
in that house?
His bedroom's upstairs.
Mas, go wait in the kitchen.
Watch for the building
at the back to make sure
the brother doesn't come in.
What if he does?
Just fucking shout.
What's he keep in here?
Down there.
- The fuck are you doing?
- Come on, we're better together.
- Are you fucking mad?
- What?
If we get caught up here,
we're going down.
Do you understand that,
you thick fucking bitch?
Yeah. I just... I thought...
Is there even anything up here
worth having?
Then where the fuck
is this safe?
Downstairs, in the kitchen.
You fucking wanker,
I nearly shat myself!
What the fuck is this?
Yeah, I know they're biscuits,
you fucking prick!
From here?
Put them in the fucking bag.
And wash those crumbs
down the sink.
You fucking idiot!
We're not here
for fucking biscuits, Mas.
Where's the safe?
What about the retard?
It's fine.
He's gone to sleep.
Let's just get it and go!
- What's the code?
- 2-8-0-7.
- Oh, fuck!
- What?
What happened, Daz?
- Fuck.
- Fuck, Daz! Are you okay?
Of course I'm not okay,
you cunt!
Ugh, fuck!
It's a fucking shutdown system.
You got the fucking code wrong.
No, no, I'm sure!
We gotta get fucking blood off.
This is a fucking mess, Jo.
You said there was money here.
You said
you knew the fucking code!
We've got to get your fucking
fingers out, Daz, focus!
We, we could take the TV
or something?
The TV? The fucking TV?
We're in the middle of nowhere,
you stupid prick.
How the fuck
are we gonna carry a TV?
And I've got no fucking fingers!
- What about him?
- No.
No, he won't have
anything over there.
Yes I know,
but can he get into the safe?
But what if there's
nothing in there?
My fucking fingers
are in there, Mas.
If we don't get them out,
I'm going down.
And I'm taking you two cunts
with me.
And that's when I panicked
and went to see
what they were doing.
It was just taking too long.
And I was terrified
we were gonna get caught.
And you were thinking what?
That they'd fucked it all up.
You weren't far off.
I just wanted to get out.
So you went back
to the front of the house
to keep watch,
like Darren told you.
Why didn't you
just leave them there?
Go home?
It was Mas.
I... I couldn't leave Mas.
I just wanna start afresh.
I wanna forget it all.
From this point, Lou,
we have limited CCTV.
We've been through it
several times.
they all went to the outhouse.
This is wrong.
What the fuck
are you doing back here?
You're supposed
to be keeping lookout.
What the fuck?
So you can try
and fuck my boyfriend?
I'm not stupid.
What the fuck happened
to your hand?
Keep your fucking voice down,
will you?
That man is a retard.
You even said it yourself.
This isn't right.
None of this is right, Lou.
But we wouldn't be here
if it weren't for you
and your fucking beak!
So shut the fuck up,
and go and keep watch!
If he comes home and catches us
now, we're even more fucked.
But it's fucking freezing
out here.
Is that my fault?
Go and keep a fucking lookout!
He must have gone out.
No, no.
The lights went out.
They must have been on timer,
you idiot!
What are you doing?
Trying to find something
worth fucking having.
Wait. Where the fuck is he?
Jo! He's a fucking mong.
There's not gonna be
anything worth taking.
Stop it.
Stop it!
Face it, it's fuck all here,
you got it wrong!
Let's get the fuck out of here!
What about the fucking fingers?
We'll use the fucking crowbar!
You're not gonna get in
that safe with a crowbar, mate.
I fucking know that!
We'll wait until he gets home,
and then we'll force him
to open it.
So you wanna go from breaking in
to fucking assault
with a deadly weapon?
You got any fucking
better ideas?
They're not my fingers
caught in the fucking safe.
I'm not doing this.
You ain't fucking backing out
of this now,
you little fucking weasel!
You fucking came here,
and your fucking fingerprints
are everywhere too!
Fucking stop it you idiots!
This is all fucked up
because of you!
I don't know, serg, after that,
we're just clutching at straws.
The carnage
in that room, it was, um...
Well, I think
it will be impossible
to really know what went on.
What does
the autopsy report say?
Get out the fucking way.
What the fuck?
Fuck! Fuck!
Oh, fuck! Fuck!
We're going down, man.
We're going down!
Jo, what the fuck
are we gonna do?
He's been fucking stalking me.
He's a fucking psycho.
Let us out!
Let us out!
Oh, shit!
Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck.
Clive, please.
Just... Just let us go.
We won't tell anyone.
Clive, please.
Please just let us go.
Clive, please. Please.
Please, Clive. Please...
Clive, what are you doing?
Clive, what the fuck
are you doing?
Clive, what are you doing?
Stop it.
What the fuck are you doing?
Jo! Jo!
Now, Clive,
just like we talked about, okay?
Listen, Clive, you owe me this.
You owe me.
I gave up my dream.
I was going to be a doctor.
But I can't, can I, Clive?
I can't because of you...
just like we talked about,
Please, Clive. You owe me this!
What the fuck are you doing?
You're a fucking psycho.
No. No, no, no, no.
With violent tendencies and...
attachment problems.
A psychopath has no planning,
no end goal.
A psychopath kills without
thought or reason, frivolously.
I am not a psychopath.
I understand consequences.
I doubt
you even finished school,
so I won't waste my time
trying to explain it to you,
but when Clive has made
his confession,
I will be neither a psycho
nor a sociopath.
Merely an innocent bystander
in a terribly nefarious
and elaborately planned
murder spree,
committed by someone
capable of being a psychopath...
but with an impossibly
implausible explanation
of events.
You're fucking mad.
No one's gonna believe you.
Maybe not.
Regardless, every piece
of evidence accrued
will be inextricably linked
to my poor, stupid brother.
This isn't a plan I've just
hatched overnight, you moron!
I'm a sociopath, remember?
This has always been my endgame.
And besides, you won't be around
to tell anyone about it.
Your dim-witted friend
in the barrel has seen to that.
Oh, yes.
The internal chemical burns
from the acid fumes
are already perforating
your lungs.
You have about 12 hours
before you're no longer able
to breathe.
Come along now, Clive,
let's get this over with.
It's what Father
would have wanted, isn't it?
For us to help each other out
when we're in trouble.
- Do you remember?
- Hmm-mmm.
My name is Clive,
and I have killed
lots of ladies.
Lou. Lou, get me out!
Lou, get me out!
Oh, dear.
You bastard.
Why are you doing this?
Well, I could ask you
the same thing, Louise.
Give me the bar, Lou.
Lou, give me the bar.
Lou, give me the fucking bar!
You're an evil fucker.
Now, now, you watch your mouth,
my girl.
You know I don't like
to hear you swear.
- What would your mother think?
- Shut up, you cunt!
Lou, give me
the fucking bar now!
Don't you dare
speak about my mother.
Tell me, what would she think
about all of this?
You're disgusting.
And you know what?
I'm glad she's dead.
so she never had to see
what you've become.
Uncle Clive
doesn't deserve this.
Louise, don't hurt him.
Don't hurt him, please.
He's your dad.
Mummy wouldn't want it.
Didn't you know?
You got yourself caught up
in some messy family business,
I'm afraid, young man.
You just walked into the wrong
house at the wrong time.
- Put it down!
- Stop it!
Oh, shut up, you imbeciles!
You see, Louise here
has some daddy issues
that need ironing out.
I suppose slumming it with you
for the last two years
didn't get it out of her system.
My name is Clive.
What have you done?
My name is Clive,
and I have killed
lots of ladies.