Nefes: Vatan Sagolsun (The Breath) (2009) Movie Script

Karabal, do you read me?
Please come in. This is Falcon 1-8
Karabal, please come in,
this is Falcon 1-8.
Karabal, do you read me?
This is Falcon 1-8.
This is Falcon 1-8.
Whip 2 listening.
Is that your group coming down
from southwest of the station?
That's correct. That's correct. We're almost there.
Still no contact.
Karabal, Karabal. This is falcon 1-8.
Falcon 1-8, this is Tuna.
Did you establish contact with Karabal?
We can't establish any contact
with the station.
Guys, it's at 11 o'clock.
Did you see Karabal hill?
Falcon 1-6 roger.
Falcon 1-4 roger.
Falcon 1-8,
what is the situation in Karabal?
Do you see anything?
There's smoke rising from the building, Tuna.
People lying around.
Is someone approaching the station?
Tuna, Tuna5. I'm 50 meters away commander
Tuna 5, report the situation.
Be careful. Hostiles could still be around
Secure the area
Speak, lieutenant.
Commander, here...
Lieutenant what happened to Karabal?
Have you ever been in love, commander?
Yes, I have. Ibrahim. Yes, I have.
- Have you ever been happy?
Karabal Gendarme Station
Ibo, grab his weapon first.
Yes, sergeant.
Hey! Are you asleep?
Get up, wake up! Go to your fucking bed!
Ibo Give me the weapon.
This is not your home.
Leave him with the blanket.
Get up.
Kaya 1, Kaya 1.
Kaya copy.
We reached the station sir.
Station commander is asleep.
Shall I wake him up?
Don't, I'm on my way.
Sit down, son. Sit, sit... Sit down!
Good morning.
I am captain infantry commando,
Mete Horozoglu
Turgay Atalay from Kars.
In your command.
Gendarme second lieutenant,
Vedat Dinckaya.
Communication Sergeant
Kamil Ates, captain.
Sir, we were expecting you
We came early, didn't we?
Why is that so, Turgay?
For you guys, we came to support you.
We've been informed yesterday
by radio dispatch.
Okan. - Yes, Sir. Commander.
Bring me Dogukan, Doruk
and Cemil right now.
Our condolences.
You must be hungry.
Shall have something to prepared?
We came, overtook your positions.
Your soldiers were asleep.
We killed them.
Then we entered the station, in your room.
You were asleep as well.
We killed you too.
Do you know the Subasi Plateau?
We came that way.
At the entrance of the plateau
Lieutenant Baris called me...
...Sir, could you come up front.
Cause they discovered some footprints.
What could I do Baris, we have to go through anyway,
I said.
I called Orhan. Told him this.
From far away, the sound of Dragunov
sounds like a whistle
If you hear it, you're still alive.
One of us, Emre from Sivas,
he was on the front.
He couldn't hear it.
It went right in there.
I was practically paralyzed.
Turgay pulled me away to shelter.
Then I came to myself.
Take cover, I yelled. Take cover...
But Orhan, he is experienced.
He spotted where the sound comes from.
He pointed his gun...
A bullet hit his left shoulder.
He staggered. Wanted to lift his gun...
I yelled to him, Orhan, Orhan!
Tried to him get back to us.
He didn't even hear me.
He walked to the center of the plateau,
right through the snow.
Medic... I called the medic
a couple of times.
But he could not raise his head up.
His first action.
He tried to move a couple of times
but he couldn't.
Which one of us could anyway?
Then the third bullet hit him.
Orhan just collapsed.
Roll call in 30 minutes.
On the front right part of the skull...
... there is a bullet hole, sized 1 cm.
Another one, 5 cms in diameter...
...on the back left side of the skull.
At ease, Sedat. At ease.
Did you have the chance
to meet others? - Yes, sir.
Good, connect me to the brigade.
What's your name?
- Akan, Sergeant.
And you?
- Utku Duman, Sergeant.
- Cneyt, Sergeant.
How many of you are here in this station?
- 12 men, including ranked officers.
Commander, we've reached Karabal Hill.
Copy Kaya. Any problems?
No, no problem sir.
Copy that, captain.
The boys were already expecting us, we're all settled.
You know I trust, a lot.
Take care of the station.
Thank you, sir. Understood. Over.
Don't worry. We're taking
good care of Orhan's family.
Don't leave the station except for patrols.
May God be on your side.
At ease. You?
Communication Sergeant Kamil Ates,
in your command sir.
Kamil Ates, you are dead.
Are you married?
- Yes, sir.
She lives in the barracks?
- Yes, sir.
Give her a call, she needs
to start looking for a new house.
They won't let her live in the barracks
any more. You know why?
You are dead!
Are your parents still alive?
- Yes, sir.
Good. We'll send your coffin
to them. You?
Akan Atakan, from Hatay.
In your command sir.
You are dead! You?
You? - mer etin Duman from
Bandirma. In your command.
You are dead, mer etin!
You? - Utku Duman from
Giresun. In your command.
Who will take care of your inheritance?
- My father sir.
Good, then we'll also
send him your coffin.
You? - Melih Korucu, Istanbul.
In your command.
Istanbul? You are dead!
So you got a girlfriend?
- Yes, sir.
Not anymore!
She'll marry someone else.
Cause you are dead now, boy. You're dead!
Your mother cries her heart out.
Your neighbours try to calm her down.
They are rubbing her wrists
with cologne.
My son, she's crying out! one and only!
Your father is crying as well,
silently sitting the corner, crying inside.
But he says one thing, only one thing.
Long live our motherland!
Long live our nation!
If I had another son, I'd ship
him out too, cries your father.
Long live our motherland, says your mother.
They ambushed the station.
They killed all of you.
We sent your corpses to your families.
They wash your bullet holes.
Wash off the blood. Clean up your wounds.
Then they cover your coffin
with the flag.
That's the way they do it, right Turgay?
As you command, sir.
That's the way it is.
That's how the man I cared most died.
He died not because he fell
asleep but because he wanted come here earlier.
They put him in a helicopter
and sent him to his family.
That's what they are
gonna do with you guys.
You? - Ekin Bulut, Ankara.
In your command, sir.
Who will carry your picture
in your funeral?
Do have a sibling?
- Yes, sir.
Good, he'll carry it then. How old is he?
Then you'll make a 30 year old man carry your picture.
You will make your "30 year old"
brother carry your coffin.
Does your father smoke?
- No, sir.
He will! He will have
cancer because of you!
You'll even make it into the news.
That's how it happens now, isn't it?
You will be heroes for 45 seconds!
A lady in fancy clothes will speak in a gloomy tone:
Ekin Bulut died as a martyr
during the station ambush.
After that, celebrity news starts.
Did you fight bravely?
Did you die like that?
No, you died because
this man fell asleep!
Why do your parents cry?
Because this man fell asleep.
But don't be mad at him. You will not be mad!
Be mad at yourself. You are a unit.
You can't act as individuals.
You act for your comrades.
You don't sleep for him to sleep.
You will die, so he does not!
You won't just die asleep.
If you sleep, you die.
You all die! If you sleep, you die.
If you sleep, you die. You too.
You guys all die.
You die, if you fall asleep, lieutenant.
If you fall asleep everybody dies!
Look. We are strong, brave and ready.
Ready for what?
To die in our sleep?
You will not sleep! You will not eat!
You will not rest!
I will not send your corpses,
your coffins... your families!
I forbid you to die.
Understood, soldier?
- Yes, sir!
I forgive your friend,
to preserve order in the unit.
I forgive him, so you can stand guard
side by side till mornings.
But if I ever, if I ever see
you make a mistake
I'll shoot you with my own hand. I swear.
And I'll sign the papers, a training accident.
Understood, soldier?
- Yes sir!
What is the matter with this flag?
Sir, wind here is just too strong.
Keeps tearing them apart. All flags are the same.
We brought a new one. Change it.
Yes sir.
How are the boys doing?
Doing fine sir, they'll get over the shock.
Every single one of these boys
is different.
Their hands, faces, their loves
and fears are different.
You don't notice them.
They don't even know why you can't.
They all come here for you.
To become your heroes.
They run but they don't know why.
We make 'em run so that walking will be easier.
All their longings are here, their
sadness. Even their home is here.
This is their homeland.
One goal makes them forget everything.
They celebrate it like they're fighting.
They dance. But not like sissies.
They are men.
They laugh.
What the fuck is going on in here?
- A grenade went off.
I was just coming from sentry watch, captain.
I tried to adjust the pin to the grenade.
It slipped out of my hand.
So I threw it in the toilet.
Why the hell is the grenade in the toilet
and the pin is in your hand? Why the hell?
They make mistakes, but never lie.
- Have you ever been in love?
A long time ago.
- You're not in love right now?
They fall in love.
- While I am on night watch here light my nights like moonlight...
- If you write poems, you'll fall in love.
When you emboss my dreams,
I can't sleep in these mountains
They express their feelings
through poems.
You need to be able to express
your feelings.
One of you is a Kurd, the other a painter
and the third a poet.
I'm a Kurd too!
- Me too.
And you are the guys to watch my back?
They come from the most
different places.
Tunceli, Eskisehir. Adana, Istanbul...
They don't understand each
other. Here they learn to understand.
Enjoy your meal, guys!
- Thank you.
Code name Doctor, real name Riza.
An unexpected enemy approaches them.
Doctor was a student in Hacettepe Med School...
That's all guys. We're leaving at 6 am.
Get some rest now. We depend on you.
They leave to face the enemy.
- Tomorrow, we leave for duty
(Snow falls down silently)
- Where are we heading sir?
- You'll see, when we get there
(What happens to the commando?)
(Tonight we see action)
(Shoot, shoot, mountain commando!)
(Shoot, shoot, mountain commando!)
They get graded with their wounds.
hospital care.
- It's urgent.
Right. 4 - We may loose the patient.
They are curious about their fate.
Would we treat a wounded terrorist?
- Of course we will.
I want to join you in the mountain campaign.
Nobody cares about me back home.
What am I supposed to tell them
when I get back home?
I'm a good-for-nothing. That's
what my dad keeps telling.
Do me this favor, sir. Let me come.
(You need to be brave to become a commando)
This mountain will make a man
out of me, sir. - Take him with you.
God is almighty.
Troops, wake up. Get up!
Look, he's still sleeping! Get up!
(Pull the pin)
(Throw the grenade)
They leave their warm beds and
start their march to the mountains
(Snow on my head)
(Winds are wild)
(Lowlands become too narrow)
(My country)
(are the mountains)
(are the mountains)
Fate looks down for a hero
and finds him...
I wrote the report, Mr. District Attorney.
Here are the details.
Ok, let's type it.
Below the shoulder, left and right side,
there's a bullet hole, circ. 3 cm.
Be careful, Mr. District Attorney.
It's slippery here.
These boys keep walking,
No matter what.
These boys carry their hearts
in their hands.
As they walk closer to the peak,
they get further away from you.
They don't understand you any more.
You don't understand them either.
Who's up there?
- They are cleaning the roof sir.
Did you see Orhans new car?
- No.
He was crazy about it.
- I know.
He didn't get the chance to drive it.
Life sucks.
Come in.
- You're wife's on the line sir.
I hear you. How are you?
- I'm fine, fine. How bout you?
Do you know when you'll be coming back?
Even if I knew, I couldn't tell you.
- I know.
I just wanted to know whether you know a date or not.
- I don't know.
Please take good care of yourself.
- Of course, darling.
Commander, tell your wife, waiting is
useless. She won't see you again.
Zeynep, hang up there is an interference.
- I don't understand?
The line is no good, hang up.
I'll call later. Hang up.
Speak, while you still can, Kaya.
Still here asshole?
What's up?
So your commander Tuna won't let
you leave the station, eh?
Don't be such a pussy!
Why don't you act like a man?
Instead of living like a wild pigs
in the mountains.
You should have graduated from
the university and went back to ...
Your cheap propaganda slogans
won't work, commander.
So Am I wrong?
Instead of going to your university,
I rather hang out in my mountains you asshole.
Why so angry, Doctor? We're just
having a nice chat.
No worries, captain.
Eventually, you will die like an animal.
Wolves and vultures will feast
on your corpse.
Screw you, captain.
- Screw you too, pig.
Those who didn't sign their last
will... - Here Cemil,
and Dogukan, Polat too.
Ibrahim, Resul and you.
Muharrem. - I did sign it,
Sergeant. - What? - I signed it
Write it down guys. In the case of my death...
God Forbid.
...I pass on my individual rights...
What are individual rights sir?
- Well, the rights you own with your personality.
You re currently being soldiers so it must soldier rights?
Which means?
- To make it short:
If we die a martyr, the government
will pay reparation. - How much?
I guess a lot. I don't know
- Dogukan whose name will you write?
I've got no one to write here.
Whose name did you write?
My mom. - I have a mom but
my father takes away her stuff.
Then I'll write my mother's name
in my last will.
Whatever, then write your father's name
down. Make sure there's a name in there.
So we're all settled? If anybody wants to
donate organs, write that down too.
Organ donation?
- Yes, donation Ibo.
How's that supposed to work?
Is that an order? - Not an order.
No, I won't donate nothing.
That just won't work.
Why not?
- Won't my heart die when I die?
No it won't. They cut it out,
put it into a box...
...and take it to the hospital.
And that's something good.
It's an easy thing to say, but you'll
carry the sins of these boys. It's a sin!
Do you think that's a good thing
to do? - I don't force them to...
Suppose they die, shall they
enter the afterlife...
...without arms and legs,
even without a heart?
He's right. If we die tomorrow...
...we enter the afterlife
without our donated organs.
That's the word of God,
that's how it's written down.
God Forbid, if we step on a landmine...
...and our arm or leg is shattered,
what then?
Then you're a martyr and
you'll go straight to heaven.
Your place will be directly
below the prophets.
No one will ask you
about your missing organs.
But you just said it. I'm becoming
a martyr if I die here? - Right?
- So if I'm a martyr anyway. I'm not
not accountable for anything in heaven.
Then I'll donate my heart?
- That's right!
I'll donate, pal. - That's the spirit.
- Right on, donate!
When did they open fire on you?
- 3 months ago, sir.
Is it regular?
I've been here for 8 months and
there was only one shooting.
One in 8 months? - Yes, sir.
- That sounds fishy, Baris.
You and Sedat look through
the old files...
...and check them for death
zones and shooting directions.
Calculate the distance and inform
the brigade.
In case there is an assault, we can
ask for artillery backup.
Yes, sir.
- Vedat, where are the files?
At the information centre.
Good, let's check them out.
- Yes, sir.
Why didn't you connect the foxholes?
- The soil is too rocky here sir.
We weren't able to build
connecting foxholes.
Do you send out patrols to secure the area?
- No, sir. Weather is awful here.
Besides we don't have enough men.
We are barely arming sentry points.
We'll send out patrols when
snow melts. - Yes, sir.
Then we'll see what's going on
out there.
Those pigs will stay down in this
weather anyway.
Faruk, they're totally shredded.
How are we supposed to sew them?
No idea, just sew it. It's an order.
Yours is even worse.
- Yeah...
Lock it. Pick up the ammo.
Hurry up, hurry up. Muzzle into the can.
Load it, chamber a round,
release the safety, pull the trigger
Put in the magazine, lock it.
Muzzle into the can, chamber a
round, pull out the magazine
Release the safety, pull the trigger,
put in the magazine,
Don't point it at me.
Pick up your magazine.
Come in.
Time for you medication sir. - Thank you.
What are you staring at?
There's nothing to see here. Get lost.
Sedat, put it on the speaker.
- As you command sir.
Sergeant... Turn it off!
Give me my gun!
Turn off the generator!
Hurry, hurry... at 2 o'clock! To the 14!
Don't shoot unless you can aim!
In my right pocket!
What's in your right pocket?
Take the lucky charm.
He is dead. Turn off the light.
What is in your right pocket?
We're right under the relay! Right!
I can't see anything.
Take the lucky charm.
What the fuck? Are you dreaming?
It's ok, it's nothing.
Sergeant. - Sleep on.
He's pale like a ghost.
Must have been a nightmare.
Go back to bed.
Snow is melting.
It's like spring time.
It is indeed.
I'll send you a parcel.
Would you get it?
Apricots and stuff you like.
Thank you, but not now. I'll let you
know when the time is right, ok?
Captain, if you need a courier, I'm your man!
- Zeynep, hang up please.
I wonder, how long your wife will continue
to live in the barracks after you die?
Do you hear me, Mete? - Zeynep,
would you please hang up?
Actually I was aiming at you.
I hit the boy accidently.
What was his name again?
No worries, I'll whisper his name
in your ear once we meet.
After their last failure, terrorists
will get even more aggressive
At least that's what it looks like.
Every single one of you needs to
act with caution.
Follow the orders accurately.
Be ready for combat at all hours.
This place will become our graves ...
... or their gaves.
Don't you ever forget that.
Look under every rock.
- Clear.
They took this path. We secured
the area.
Southeast. Southwest.
Get down.
Their hideout must be
right around here Baris.
That's why he's not attacking.
We must disturb him. Hurt him.
Let's search every mountain, boys. Okan!
Yes, Sir.
- Send two men over there.
They also cleared
the other side of the path.
This area?
- Search completed in the area.
He trusts himself a lot.
That's his weak spot.
We must make him angry.
Let's make him angry then.
Go look for a nice
observation spot. - Yes, Sir.
We need to find an ambush point.
The two of us and a messenger.
Your medication sir.
Four men will be enough.
This guy is around here.
You were right, captain.
Have you found an appropriate spot?
Yes, sir.
He won't attack us until
the end of our assignment.
We need to lure him out of his cover.
If we can't find him, he must come to us.
What are we going to tell the
brigade Commander?
They don't want us to leave the station.
We say nothing.
If something goes wrong?
It won't.
Let me go alone.
No, I'll join you.
As you wish, captain.
I'll take the revenge of Orhan.
In this place sin is larger than
man, right?
It is written that man...
...shall not slay man.
Are there men without sin, Ibo?
That's what's written.
Do you want to read my poem?
- Yep!
Why don't you write one yourself?
I wouldn't ask for yours, if I could,
Hello, do you hear me?
Follow my words:
I look at stones and rocks.
I look at stones and rocks.
Try to act a little bit sad, when
you're staring at the stone.
Look at the stone.
- Look...
I look at stones and rocks.
There they lie.
What is their purpose? Alone is
the stone, for a long long time.
Can he leave? He cannot.
Can you?
- Nope.
I ask myself, if somebody waits for them or not?
- Less tragic, slightly melancholic!
Don't cry, just melancholic!
Then I think of you.
Your eyes, they shine.
I think of you. I think of you.
Don't overdo it. Smile slightly.
I'm glad that the longing will
end someday.
We'll be united happily.
What's up?
What? Why are you laughing?
OK, so?
That's it, darling.
- Masallah!
Oh fuck you, Ibo!
Did you do it like I told you?
I did and even swayed with my
head. Just ask Sedat!
Did you actually feel what you said.
- Yes, I didn't fucking feel bro!
Strange. Then you didn't
perform it properly. What's her job?
She's as student at a technical
college. - Technical college?
- Then it won't work with her.
Why not?
She's the materialistic type,
not the romatic. She needs a different poem.
- You go off now. I'll write another one.
Those girls aren't romantic.
May I ask you a question, sir?
- Of course, Kadircan.
There are rumors... They say the doctor
will attack the station.
Who is this guy?
You know, the terrorist
who's intercepting the radio?
Why is he called Doctor? Is he a doctor?
He dropped out of medical college
after 3 years.
Then he disappeared in the
mountains. Nickname stuck up.
Why did you drop out?
Afraid of dead bodies?
Is this guy nuts? He should work
in a hospital and make a great living.
What the fuck is he doing in mountains?
Commander says,
they'll definitely attack.
Then they will.
I am your angel of death.
Are you out of your mind?
- Put that rifle away.
Are you OK?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
Good god...
I thought I heard something...
My grandpa made those.
Said, they'll protect me.
These men are doing a great
and sacred job.
As I said before...
... we were able to weaken
the terrorists severly.
We will increase these efforts...
... and as I promised our
distinguished people...
terrorism will no longer be
an important topic... the end of summer.
Even your flag can't stand
against the wind, right?
You too fought for this flag.
How could you forget?
It's you who forgot! Blood of my
people is in that flag too.
It is the blood of all of us
It colors this flag red.
But you added the crescent moon
and the star.
Just a star would've been better!
So you don't like the crescent moon now?
Go away while you still can.
If not, sister Zeynep will be very sad.
No one will be sad if you die?
I'll blow your head up, just as I did
with the other two boys
You're gonna pay for those two men.
You will die, captain.
Baris, you don't use the
radio transceiver anymore?
No sir, not any more.
- Did you have a fight?
We broke up.
She's sick of waiting.
She's right. It's hard to wait for
your death news anytime.
She just shouldn't wait for it.
It is a good thing, if someone waits
for you. Baris, it's good.
Open the window.
What's wrong. Tell me?
Nothing. Never mind.
- Come on, why are you doing this? Tell me.
I dunno... I was thinking about Emre.
... Sergeant Orhan. My mother, Hlya.
Look, I got some new moves.
Wanna see?
Watch it, elevator frenzy!
So how's it? Just look!
Blue. Beret. Does not fall down.
Now with just one finger.
One, two. That's more easy.
You know the grocer Yusuf?
He has a son, Mahir?
He sent his mother to my moms the other day.
They want me to marry their son.
- What the hell?
My mom just told me.
Oh fuck this grocer boy!
Fuck this shit!
They proposed to her and stuff...
It made my heart... you know?
I guess I'm more in love than I thought I was.
But she said no,
so what else do you want?
That's right. But what if we die out here?
Hello? Mom?
My son...
Nothing, not much to do here.
How are you?
I miss you so much. So nice to
hear your voice, my boy.
How are the boys?
Good. In perfect shape.
We don't know anything
about your situation.
Me and your father are kinda nervous.
We do get bits of information... martyrs everywhere
They aren't related to us,
we are at a different place.
We're in Turkey.
You'll wrap the newborn in
Besiktas banner for me, will you?
Mom, I'm talking to you.
- To me?
Yeah, of course to you.
We're the champions this season.
Don't you get it? Fener is the best!
Hello, mom. I'm fine and you? (in Kurdish)
Mom? I am allright, how are you? (in Kurdish)
Do you hear me? Is your phone broken? (in Kurdish)
It's getting warmer,
Orange blossoms smell lovely.
Do you hear the call to prayer?
I pray for you and your friends.
I can't stand this much longer.
I see you sometimes standing before me.
And a I blink, you're gone.
I guess I am demented.
I miss you so much.
- I miss you too.
I couldn't wash the t-shirt
you wore last time.
Sometimes, I take it out and I smell it.
- Oh, mom.
It smells like my boy.
I'll send you greetings with music!
If we die while asleep.
Will we still become martyrs?
If you're confident and
not afraid of death...'ll become martyrs while sleeping. Doesn't matter!
Is that guy still beating you up?
- It will soon be over, mom.
No need to worry about us.
- Just 64 days...
You serve your country.
You need to deal with this.
Why not? Are you at war?
Don't you ever watch TV?
- Your father sold the TV.
He what?
I really miss you.
- I do miss you too.
I really miss your cooking a lot.
Since you left, I never
cooked meat balls...
...nor any sarma.
Because you like those so much.
Mom, are you crying?
No, I'm not crying. Sweetheart, I'm not.
Don't cry.
Your voice protects me. (in Kurdish)
Your voice soothes me. (in Kurdish)
Do you still have those gold
nuggets I bought for you?
Have you ever thought about me,
being in need of you?
Don't you think I ever want that? They just
won't let me go. Do you think, I'm stupid?
That was all I had. I wanted to start
a business with that when I'm back.
You go crazy over there then!
Don't call him dad, he is not my dad!
And you will call again in 10 days,
Yeah, I know. Ok!
This is not a hotel room. Do you
think I can make calls anytime I like?
Aunt Hanife. It's me, Soner.
- Hello.
Is Esma at home?
No, she's not.
But I can hear her.
Please don't call anymore.
Her father gets mad with me and with her too.
- OK, auntie.
Are you in love with somebody too?
Keep me updated, will you?
We'll be sitting near the phone all the time.
Is she in love with you too?
I love you.
- I love you too.
You know I love you very much,
don't you?
Yes, I know.
It's me. Ahu?
You were luckier than me.
Would your love die, if we don't see
each other?
Love is not the only thing
that plays a part here.
You're self-centered.
Am I self-centered because
I need to fight for everything here?
What are you fighting over there anyway?
What's that supposed to mean?
You are there so that I can sleep
in peace right?
Cause you're in the army! Oh, sorry!
Yes I am.
- Of course!
So I need to be thankful for every
quiet night. I get it.
Do you want to end it?
- That would make it easy for you, right?
No, it wouldn't.
But you sound like that.
It feels like the right thing to do,
indeed. It is over.
(You didn't give me your picture)
(Now you hang out with other men)
(You didn't give me your picture)
(Now you hang out with other men)
(One day I will knock
on your door with roses.)
(Get lost, I'll say.)
(Live in the streets.)
(You tramp, godless whore)
(How much fun we had together)
You look tired, Vedat?
- No, sir. I'm fine.
Did you not sleep well?
Not really.
Where does she live?
I beg your pardon sir? Who?
- Your girlfriend, boy. Your girlfriend.
In Istanbul sir.
- Istanbul?
Are you in love with her?
I think so, yes.
You know, love is too small
for big cities.
I know.
She'll cheat on you.
So are you prepared for it?
I can't change it if she'll cheat.
For the fight! Are you ready for the fight?
- I am, sir.
Serkan, you?
I am ready sir.
You didn't make that impression
on me last time.
I am now, captain.
- Ready for what?
Ready for what you have taught us, captain.
What did I teach you anyway?
Would you treat the terrorist
who shot Orhan...
...if we captured him wounded?
Yes, I would sir.
Equal treatment for everyone,
right? - Yes, sir.
We thaught that too, right?
- Yes, sir.
That was a mistake.
I beg your pardon?
- Nothing.
So if that terrorist killed your
brother? What would you do?
I would still treat him.
And what would you tell
your mother?
Someone killed my brother.
We captured him but I saved
his life. Why?
Because I swore an oath to
uncle Hippocrates, right?
These mountains have different oaths.
Hakan you are a banker, right?
- Yes, sir.
Those guys earn 5 times
the salary we get.
Ain't it true?
Depends on the bonus.
We have commissions too.
What would I need to show you
to get a credit?
I'm not in the credit department,
but securities I guess.
My securities are these mountains here.
You would need papers to prove this.
I don't have papers... these mountains
mean nothing to the bank.
When you're discharged
you forget about the mountains.
You'll go to the woman you love.
Rest your head on her shoulders.
And start talking...
Oh, you're going to say,
when I was there, I shot a man.
I was shot, I couldn't breathe,
you'll say and cry.
There was blood everywhere you'll say.
Shed two little tears
on their shoulders, right?
And the women will cry.
My hero, my national hero!
That's how she'll call you.
Just awesome, right?
You'll hug each other,
so soft and nothing else matters.
- Yes captain.
Tell that painter boy, he always draws
sticks and stones.
Tell him to paint flowers,
beetles and butterflies! Butterflies!
Yes, sir.
Maybe then we can get a
credit someday, right?
Kaya, Kaya 1.
Kaya 1 here.
We prepared the stake-out.
Kaya 1, did you ever apply
for credit at a bank?
No, Kaya
Well, don't. Because they want to
papers for that
As you command.
Go now. C'mon.
- Yes, sir.
Turgay. - Yes, Sir?
- Bring me some tea.
Kaya 1, Kaya.
Kaya, Kaya 1.
Just come back home.
- Yes, sir.
He said you shouldn't draw stones,
but beetles, flowers and butterflies.
You will not get credit if you don't.
Omer, sup bro? Here, take these sheets.
Take a big pot, add some tea...
...and boil them thoroughly.
Just wait. In a minute you will
forget that you are here.
Just close your eyes and concentrate.
We concentrate on women, right?
No, later. First we concentrate on
the day of discharge.
Or leave.
Yes, two men.
Southwest, they are running.
We will leave this place.
Think of your families.
Birds singing. Wind.
I see them. They are no scouts.
Let's wait.
And other stuff. You see them,
A woman.
Think of Hlya.
Think of your warm beds.
You aim at the man.
- The sound of water.
I'll take out the woman.
Forget that you are even here.
- Stay calm.
You are not here.
- 60m
A slight breeze.
- Very nice.
On my mark.
The girl fell behind the tree. Baris! Go, run!
Yes, sir.
The boy went down, can't see the girl.
He is dead sir.
Does she have grenades?
- No.
Maybe under her body.
Have a look, get down!
- Yes, sir.
Take his ammo. Turgay.
- Yes, sir.
Kaya 1, Karabal.
- Karabal here.
We engaged the...
Wait. Don't report.
- Take that.
Are you coming back?
- Give me radio.
Karabal, everythings fine. We're coming back.
- Understood.
Take it.
Turgay, bundle up our stuff.
- Yes, Sir.
What are we gonna with them?
His owners will collect him.
We'll take the girl to the station.
Serkan. What's her condition?
Severly wounded.
I know son, I shot her.
Can you stop the bleeding?
We"ll need a helicopter.
Serkan, which college did you go to?
- Hacettepe.
It's the best med school
in the country, right?
I guess so...
So you were a bad student or
what? Do your job.
lker, turn on the TV.
We need the helicopter, sir
- There won't be one.
Where do you think you are? In the US Army?
We can't call helicopters for every wounded.
I need to talk to her. There are
things I want to hear from her.
I am trying to save you.
lker, bring me a sheet.
I'm 21, I was born in Ankara and
went to college.
Omer, what's that?
How was the day of the contest
for you? Were you excited?
Just tell us a little about it.
- Swab. Swab.
Let me have it.
Here, grab this. Omer, tighter!
Sir, I can't watch this.
- So fucking don't, damn it!
There were so many other
beautiful girls.
And how does it feel to be the
most beautiful girl of Turkey
I am very proud.
And I want to represent my
country in the best possible way.
How did you get that stunning
body and great looks?
Oh, I exercise alot. I am an athlete.
I'm on a healthy diet.
Every morning, an apricot
and a glass of water.
That's how I start my day.
Is there any part of your body
you don't like?
Yeah, I don't like my neck.
What changed in your life
after the contest?
It still feels like a dream.
Nothing much.
Only more people know me now.
Sir, I can't concentrate.
Can we turn off the TV?
Could you stop the bleeding?
- To some extent.
Thank you and again, congratulations.
Are you in pain? What a pity.
You were there when
Orhan and Emre got killed?
Orhan had a wife and two kids
and a new car.
Did you watch them die?
Oh, did I squeeze too tight?
I'll loosen it a bit then. Good.
Is there anyone who'll miss you,
when you die?
Who'll be sad when you die?
Sir, you'll kill her.
Not me.
Would Doctor be sad? Do you know him?
He fucks you, doesn't he?
You are going to kill her.
- I'll make this Doctor show up here.
Sir you will kill her.
- Shut up! What?
Sir, Doctor wants to talk to you.
Tell him the captain is taking care
of his girlfriend. I'm busy right now.
Yes, sir.
So you know each other?
Where is this doctor?
You're going to kill her!
Where is the doctor?
Sir, sir!
You'll kill her! Commander!
The Doctor is here.
Sir! Sir!
Orhan had a wife and two kids
and a new car.
Call the helicopter.
Everybody out! Ilker, Soner, out!
Yes, sir.
Yes, Sir.
I'll ship you out with the heli.
Take a few days leave.
No, we came here together. We'll
go back together as well.
The helicopter is here.
Call the boys, they'll help you carry.
Yes, sir.
Bring the blanket too.
Yes, sir.
Let her down, slowly.
Let me have it.
Sit down.
Citizens heatedly protested
against the terror of the PKK.
It takes 57 second.
What takes 57 seconds?
Commander said we would get
General Gres is ordered to
lead the examination... Diyarbakir in the southeast.
(Don't shed tears, you beauty.) (in Kurdish)
(Don't hurt yourself, beauty.) (in Kurdish)
What does this mean in Turkish?
Don't shed tears,
Don't hurt youself, beauty.
What shall I do, I love you.
I can't cope with my feelings.
Do you have a girlfriend?
Yeah, in the village.
What's her name?
- Xece
- Xece
What's that supposed to mean?
- Hatice in Kurdish.
My heart. My only one, my flower.
I am too far away to say I'm sorry.
I wished my breath to be in your face.
I'd love to warm your back
with my breath.
If only I could whisper the
sweetest love songs in your ear
Muzzle into the can!
I couldn't, my love.
I was ashamed of these words.
My hands caressed your hands,
my lips caressed your neck...
Be careful.
My eyes, your heart...
...where the sun hides.
I always thought the clouds would disappear,
if I would only stare bravely enough at them.
I can't change this. Too late.
Don't be angry.
A cloud concealed my view.
I couldn't help it...
I became that cloud.
I made it rain in your innermost.
Forgive me.
I didn't have enough breath
to chase the clouds away.
I seem to hear your voice...
In my most unprotected moment
I will take your curse.
I will ask for forgiveness.
My breath was supposed to
give life to yours. I couldn't.
I was out of breath.
Come in.
Your medication sir.
I don't need them anymore.
Throw 'em away.
I wished so hard that this breath would be
enough to swallow the love in your chest
It wasn't supposed to be that way.
I wasn't able to tell you the
fairy tales of my childhood.
I would have loved to carry you
away with my fairy tales!
Once upon a time... was all I said.
Hello? Hello?
Kaya, I will avenge the death of my comrade.
- Then come on in.
I'll take revenge for her.
- I'll take my revenge too.
I will raise her statue in your station.
Come here, act like a man.
- I will soon.
I won't leave this place without
having seen you first. You coward.
Would a coward fight for 10 years?
You live like a pig in the mountains.
You killed thousands of youth!
You are murderers!
We fight against the leeches
that dwell among your own people.
Did you manage to defeat them
in all these years?
You are the one who kills his own people.
Don't speak out the name of
my people. You oppressed us.
Oppressed? What is it,
that our nation didn't give you?
My freedom! You banned my
people from their own land.
You don't get freedom with massacres.
- You outlawed my language.
This country gave you college education!
Be patient. I will free you of
all your worries.
You are a murderer.
- You are the murderer, captain.
What about the teachers, children, doctors
engineers, workers you've killed?
This land is tough, this war has rules.
You have a rule of killing children?
How many villages did you burn down?
The blood of the innocent
villagers is on your hands!
You never understood us. It is your fault
that poverty became the fate of my people.
Has every poor man become a
terrorist, like you?
This is our land.
- Doctor, this land belongs to us all.
These mountains are mine. Off you go!
They are only your grave.
- Fuck off!
Not without seeing you first.
- Go to your wife.
I'll stay here, Doctor.
- Go away!
I will kill you.
- You will die here.
Long live our motherland then!
Baris, I want you to give this to Zeynep.
This is not an order.
I ask you to do it.
I don't think I'll survive the fight.
I feel this since Orhan died.
I just can't deal with his death.
Sir, you've been in so many combats.
I never told Zeynep
how much she means to me.
I was ashamed.
I said we are commandos. We don't
have those romantic things.
I just couldn't say I love you.
I love you...
How hard was it to say these 8 letters?
Good god... 8 letters.
It's all pitch black, Baris.
I don't find answers to
my questions anymore.
I'm stuck here without answers.
Without Zeynep, without Orhan.
Nothing makes sense. And I don't have
the courage to say it out loud.
How could I tell her that I love these
mountains as much as I love Ankara?
Don't you wonder what's this
medication is about?
We can't have children.
This hurts me a lot Baris.
Give this to her.
Tell her, I smell her scent
whenever I see flowers.
And... I want her to forgive me.
Could you send out some spare munitions?
Ok, keep us updated if anything comes up.
Sir? Yes sir!
Nights are always short here.
...except for one.
You'll pray to make it end.
You won't have the chance to think
about why you're here.
You just want to survive the night,
still breathing.
If I stop breathing, you do too.
Do you deserve your breath?
I don't know. Sir, I...
- Sshh, slient!
It's you who sent me out here,
yelling bravest soldier is our soldier!
Martyrs never die, motherland
never splits up!
That's how my uncle shouted out.
My aunt did.
Neighbours... You did too.
And so I came.
This is war. Either you are a
murderer or a victim.
In between it's only dishonour.
Do you think, I don't know we
can't win a war like this?
Do you think I'm stupid?
I know that.
What you don't know is that
if I fail here,
You lose in Istanbul and Ankara
as well. Do you get that?
You don't.
Nobody is ever right in war.
In that long night,
you don't ask yourself ...
... who is right or wrong, murderer
or victim.
There is only your breath.
You breath in and out.
That simple. You get that?
I wish you guys would love me just a little bit?
Sleep now. Get in the bed.
Don't worry. Every war got to
an end. Even this one will.
At the end, you'll judge me.
That doesn't matter.
There is no other place for me
to turn to.
Fuck the grocer!
Captain still sleeping?
Sergeant! Sergeant, I need to call Gksen.
Who the hell is Gksen?
- My bride-to-be.
That's not funny. Good night.
- I have to call her!
I beg you, please!
Hey buddy, I have a special request
for you. One of our boys here ...
... needs to do a long-distance
call. Family affairs.
Ok, here is the number.
What's going on?
Get lost. It is ringing.
Come on sweety.
Hello? Hello?
Get down!
Get down!
- Commander!
Are you OK?
My arm is off.
Go get the machine gun.
I can't see shit!
Turn of the generator!
Yes, sir.
Turn off the light.
Look at his foot.
Push it on his leg. He is dead.
Off to the radio room.
Fire! Keep firing!
Come here, Soner.
Soner, grab the bag, look at me.
What's your name?
- What's your name?
Doctor, I've got a letter
in my right pocket.
Aim first, shoot later!
My right pocket...
Look at me.
I can't see anything.
We'll give it together.
Hand this letter to my mom, OK?
Gktay, answer me!
My arm has been ripped off bro
Give me the letter.
Right side...
Look! On the other side.
Go away!
Doctor, sir!
My arm has been ripped off, sir.
Wanna lick my head? It wouldn't help shit!
In my right pocket, Resul.
Resul, Resul?
One of us?
Don't be afraid. Give me a gun.
They are on the right side.
I dont see them.
Keep firing! They're shooting back.
In my right pocket.
What's in there, sergeant?
For gods sake, what's in your pocket!
His girl knows nothing about
poetry. I wrote a poem.
We must shoot back.
- Grab his arm.
While you sneak into my mind at night ...
... I'm on sentry watch
I can't sleep now, must keep thinking of you
Want to get up and get to you,
but I can't.
I... shoot.
Hakan, shoot! Shoot!
Just shoot! Just shoot!
Have you ever been in love, captain?
I've been, Ibrahim. And you?
Screw you.
I once was.
Have you ever written a poem?
Yes, I did.
- Fuck off.
Do you have feelings? Do you? Huh?
Did she laugh at you?
Welcome, Doctor.
Thank you, commander.
I can't find the vein. Go on.
I must read poetry.
Go, Dogukan.
Shoot them. Hakan. Give me your rifle.
Do you hear me? Go to the 14!
I can't see anything!
- I am looking!
Is anybody here?
Why don't you shoot? They will kill us!
Are you OK, Sergeant?
Here they come.
Go, go!
- God help us.
Medic! Come here fast!
In my right pocket...
Look ahead. Sergeant, where are
you going? Down!
In my right pocket.
Turn of the light! Sergeant! Sergeant!
You make us an easy target!
Look ahead, Dogukan! Look ahead!
You got any clips left?
Do you see the spot over there?
Are the boys out there?
Why did machine gun 3 stop firing? Fire now!
Just shoot!
Dogukan, there are too many of 'em.
Idiot! Why don't you just shoot?
Take the lucky charm.
Take it, for god's sake. Take it.
Dogukan, take the lucky charm.
Turn off the light!
Sir, please.
Turn it off, Ekin!
My grandpa prayed...
I brought you the radio unit.
Boys, aim first shoot later, ok?
I'm out of ammo.
I beg you, take it.
Take the clip.
Someone's comin in?
- I brought you the radio unit.
Someone's running up here!
Take him down. Take him down now!
How are you, captain?
- Give me my weapon, son.
Wake up, please!
- Look after Ekin!
Calm down.
Are you OK, sir?
Just a flesh wound. Now you are a war veteran.
Behind him. Back!
- Hold tight. He's dead.
Answer me!
- He is dead.
Turn of the light! Sergeant!
Omer has been hit. Don't move.
We're under the relay pole. Omer has been hit.
He is bleeding out.
You have to come here right now. Medic!!
Omer has been hit. Don't fucking move!
Where are you?
- Right under the relay pole. Come quick.
On my way, stay put.
Lights off!
- Aim at the right side.
Get the signal cartridge ready.
I'll get you to your girl.
You've become a war hero,
just wait and see.
War veteran mer etin.
She'll immediately fall in love with me.
Over there!
Now, everybody will know,
I'm in the commando forces.
They are coming! Hurry!
Medic's coming in buddy. Hold on.
Where is he hit?
- Abdomen.
Give me some bandage.
Get down on the round!
Father, I'm coming to you. (in Kurdish)
Mother, forgive me. (in Kurdish)
I am tearing down your station Kaya
Piece by piece.
I can still see the roof, doctor.
Did you run out of your RPG rockets?
Situation report, Heval Ciya...
Up, up!
Hakan, support coming in.
Turkish soldiers, surrender now.
We won't do you no harm.
Give us your captain.
It's not worth fighting for
this man, surrender now.
We have nothing to do with you.
Save your breath, Doctor.
These boys will never surrender.
Get to Turgay.
- Turgay is dead.
Turgay is dead.
- No, he's not!
Turgay! Turn off the lights.
- I can't see.
Turn it off!
- I don't see shit!
Sir, don't.
I'll kill you. Turn it off now!
- I need to take care of you.
Shhh. The light.
- I need to bandage you.
Bring me a sheet or a blanket.
Don't let your soldiers die
like flies. Surrender now.
Come on in Doctor, I'm waiting for you.
Are you okay, Omer?
- Yes, sir.
How's your wound?
- I don't know sir.
Are we dying sir?
- We have lots of time ahead of us.
Yes, sir.
Do you have your rifle?
- Yes, sir.
Captain, surrender now.
I broke the slender neck
you were so fond of kissing.
You hear that?
What was her name, Doctor?
How did you call her?
My wild wind?
My daisy? How?
Doctor, you finally made it?
Come on in. I'm waiting.
Her name was Gulan.
Beautiful name.
I know the pain you'll feel,
when you hear them ringing the bell
I won't smell your soul anymore.
Like a cloud I'll darken your inner sun.
Forgive me.
Words never had so much weight, my love.
When I said "my life for my country"... heart screamed
"you are my home!".
I became your grave
while trying to be your soil.
A trickle instead of your river.
Instead of being your sun
I became your shadow.
Forgive me, my love...
Why didn't I listen to your soul?
Listened with my eyes,
see with my heart?
Why did I hide my heart
when you reached out for it.
If only my tears could rest
on my cheek without shame.
My love, I take you with me.
How cruel, to be the cloud
in your heart.
To devour the light of the
morning forever.
Winds! Help me!
I hope that one sunny day
a stronger love finds its path...
...and I fly away.
Then I will scream a thousand times
I love you.
(I'm unemployed. Why do you hit me?)
(This love should not end like this.)
(Please don't leave me, oh!)
(This love should not end like this.)
(Don't leave me alone,)
(don't surrender me to death,)
(don't surrender me to cruelty.)
(Take me with you, wherever you go,)
(don't surrender me to death,)
(don't surrender me to cruelty.)
(Take me with you, wherever you go,)
(I can't breath without you,)
(I can't stand it here without you,)
(Oh, I can't be alone!)
(I miss your scent,)
(waited for you forever,)
(Take me with you, wherever you go,)
(I can't breath without you,)
(I can't stand it here without you,)
(Oh, I can't be alone!)
(I miss your scent,)
(waited for you forever,)
(Take me with you, wherever you go,)
(I can't breath without you,)
(I can't stand it here without you,)
(Oh, I can't be alone!)
(I miss your scent,)
(Oh, I can't be alone!)
(Take me with you, wherever you go.)
Well done!
- Thank you, guys.
- Thank you!
- Thank you!
Step by step, march ahead!
Snow on my head.
(Winds are wild.)
(Lowlands become too narrow.)
(My country...)
(...are the mountains, the mountains.)
(Towns seem like traps to me.)
(People's chit-chat not allowed.)
(Stay away from me.)
(My country...)
(...are the mountains, the mountains.)
(...are the mountains, the mountains.)