Negative (2017) Movie Script

[instrumental music]
[metal clanking]
[instrumental music]
[wind chimes chiming]
[dramatic music]
[siren wailing]
[breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily]
[water sloshing]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[engines revving]
[vehicles honking]
[no audio]
[engines revving]
[indistinct yelling]
[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
[camera clicks]
[liquid sloshing]
[knocking on door]
[knocking on door]
[knocking on door]
Just come on in.
Ottoman is an odd choice.
It's hard to break an ottoman.
Tell that to Dick Van Dyke.
I don't know what that means.
I saw you at the park.
[male 1]
So you're following me?
In a way.
[male 1]
Why? Who are you?
Before you get comfortable,
let's skip to the part
where you tell me what
you're doing in my house.
- Apartment.
- Uh, sure.
Had you said home,
I wouldn't have
felt the need to correct you.
Yeah, enough already.
Who put you up to this?
You and I have business
to be discussed.
- Business?
- A transaction.
I didn't make
any purchases today.
Your actions at the park.
It's a public space.
- You see, I keep to myself.
- As to why?
Then you understand
why I'm here.
The photograph?
- Yeah.
- No sale.
- I'm sorry.
- Hand it over.
No, the photograph
is my property.
It's staying with me
no matter what.
It's, it's an aggressive stance
to take with a stranger
no less a guest.
It's my profession
how I make my living.
No one profits from me
unless I intend it.
You're not the subject
of the frame.
I don't need to ask
for your permission.
And you seemed like
the reasonable type.
You can leave now.
Once I have the negative film
and any prints you made
in my hand.
I'm gonna ask you to leave now!
You already have
and it won't work again.
I'll call the police.
With your rotary phone,
your finger
wouldn't even spin nine.
Well, now who's
bein' aggressive?
- Where is it?
- Uh, no, forget it.
It's a great photo.
I'm keeping it. You...
You have 19 seconds before the
spasm you feel in your windpipe
'causes your throat to close.
The oxygen depravation
will lead to paralysis
similar to a stroke.
Fourteen seconds.
Tell me where it is
and I will make it stop.
Deep breaths.
Count to five between each one.
[breathing heavily]
[door lock opens]
[door shuts]
[scissors snap]
Not the subject of the frame?
It's a percentage.
You're upset. I get it.
It really is the better photo
you took today.
That's it?
Sorry I took your breath away.
[tires screeching]
- No.
- What's going on?
Fuck. I thought
this would have gone quicker.
[male 1]
Listen, I'm gonna tell you
my name to establish trust.
I think it's a little
too late for that.
Well, that's up to you,
but these men
headed up this way
will seriously harm you.
- For what?
- Talkin' to me.
Are you serious?
I'm Natalie. You?
- Uh, Ho-Hollis...
- Listen, Hollis.
You and me and this photograph
need to leave right now.
- I-I believe you.
- Good. Let's go.
- Uh, w-what about my stuff?
- There's no time.
Well, where are we going?
[intense music]
[vehicles honking]
[indistinct chatter]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[train chugging]
[indistinct chatter]
Gotta get outta town.
I, uh, I'm not getting
on a train with you.
Train's a death trap
in situations like this.
A few exits and you
can't control the stops.
But then why are we here?
Just do what everyone else
does. Just look around.
Why can't you just
drop me off at the police?
The police can't help you.
Well, what if I say no?
Fortunately for you,
my protection comes
with or without
your cooperation.
What are you, a 140 pounds?
You'll slow me down,
but not that much.
Why do you care
what happens to me?
Because I know
what will happen to you.
[indistinct chatter on PA]
Wait. W-what does that mean?
[instrumental music]
[car doors unlock]
[breathing heavily]
[gun cocks]
Who are you?
Where are we goin'?
Out of town.
What, conversation's not
one of your special skills?
You could have answers
or you could be dead.
If I had answers, this would
feel less like a kidnapping.
How did you find my apartment
after you saw me in the park?
And who's after us?
Is there anything
you can tell me?
I'm sorry, sincerely.
[instrumental music]
[engine revving]
Can you stop the car, please?
Not going to happen.
I feel sick.
[Hollis breathing heavily]
Where's the spectacle?
Huh? It passed.
It's time you start
betting on me.
Because one of us
isn't a stranger
to situations like this.
But since you disagree...
here you go.
I, I have nothing to do
with this.
I just took a picture
of you, that's all.
When they find you,
and they will
you're gonna need something
to defend yourself.
Against who?
At 18 you received a diploma.
Folks behind us
they were handed a Beretta M9.
It also happens to be
the official side armor
for military, unlike them
they load these weapons
with jacketed hollow points
that achieve a velocity
of 400 meters per second.
Incredible stopping power.
Designed to leave extra-large
bloody holes in their target.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
[breathing heavily]
This is real.
In less than an hour
they will catch up to you
and open fire in seconds.
So if I were you, I would swing
that tool as fast as I can.
Maybe one less bullet
disrupt your frame
which makes all the difference
in the authority's ability
to ID your body
allows for the funeral
you deserve.
Whether you swing
that thing or not
it's going to be
a closed casket.
Or we stay together
and you bet on me.
[instrumental music]
[engine starts]
[engine revving]
[tires screeching]
[indistinct chatter on radio]
Couldn't you have picked a car
with satellite radio?
Humor. You're relaxing.
Just getting used
to a new normal.
It's not forever.
What's in Nevada?
Not our destination.
Which is?
Yep, that one.
- Ever been?
- No.
- You?
- Yes.
Well, then you know
this isn't the right way.
We've gotta get on the ten.
[Natalie] Yeah, that's the way
everyone goes to Phoenix.
I hope they send the people
who are following us
won't know where we are heading.
In case I'm wrong,
the extra added time and space
will make them think
we went somewhere else.
And-and after
this extra-scenic round
what's waiting for us there?
A safe place.
Somewhere I can protect you
until this is over.
Who are you?
Look, I-I mean,
I think I'm already there
but just help me
tip the ball in.
Law enforcement? Government?
"And zoom straight to the moon
with you, Alice."
How old are you?
Jackie Gleason.
Funny man. I thought you'd
appreciate the black and white.
Yeah, fair enough. You're
not gonna tell me who you are.
Ah, your deal?
Our paths crossed while
I was in transition of sorts.
Oh, we could say the same thing.
Um, burdening your soul on me
won't benefit either of us.
Well, you really do live
on front street.
- Referring to my honesty?
- And your blunt delivery.
It's effective.
I was gonna say rude.
[instrumental music]
Bathroom's yours. Go ahead.
You know what?
I think I'll hold it.
I didn't know the princess
required five stars.
[instrumental music]
Get whatever you want.
Is there a real meal
in my future?
Why ask if there's not?
Thought you might say that.
What part of this
feels like a vacation?
The clerk is watching me.
Stop giving him a reason to.
Is there toothbrush
in front of you?
- Yes.
- Could you grab one?
What are you gonna do with it?
Brush my teeth.
- Alright.
- One toothpaste, too, please.
Colgate, if they have it.
Hm, priorities. Colgate.
Dental hygiene.
Uh, c-can I get one?
It is recommended.
Prevents cavities.
I know you don't think
this is a joke.
Right again.
But you're screwing
with my life!
No, I am saving it.
Well, to-tonight's plan?
- I deserve to know that much.
- Relax.
You're gonna get
your beauty rest
and this fantasy meal
you have in mind, okay?
- Happy?
- Okay.
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
- Hi. Two for tonight?
- Yes, please.
Yeah, please.
[female 1] Your server, Savannah,
will be with you
in a second to get you started.
Thank you.
- Enjoy.
- Thanks.
As you requested.
Well, you sure know
how to treat a fellow.
See anything you like?
"Diner signs up for mediocrity
by definition."
How so?
Well, basically saying that
we do a little bit of everything
and we'll make it somewhat
as you choke it down
but we're not here to make
any one thing great.
Well, you thought
a lot about this.
Well, you asked me
what I might be getting
here's my advice.
Place like this,
breakfast for dinner.
That's the move here.
Well, you'll have to excuse me
if I don't do the same.
Must have a decent salad.
Well, good luck with that.
I warned you.
Welcome. You guys
ready to order?
Cobb salad, dressing on the side
and an unsweetened tea, please.
- You got it. For you?
- Can I get eggs and bacon?
And can I add a sausage link
and a piece of ham steak?
- The Kid Texas?
- Exactly.
I should have ordered
by name for fun.
Coming right up. Don't steal
anything from me, okay?
Who or what is a Kid Texas?
Yeah, I can't imagine
that trouble across the pond
in ye Old England. Hm.
[crickets creaking]
- Alright.
- Thank you.
That was Monday.
Tuesday was the casing
of the joint.
Check doors, count windows
identify the security systems,
its strengths and weaknesses
check for both entry points
and quick exits
should there arise a need.
Wednesday, gather
any necessary equipment
based on the primitive search.
Thursday, game on. Break in.
Take what he recognizes,
valuable, and get out.
Friday and Saturday, travel. Get
as far from town as possible.
Trade or sell
what he couldn't keep
and when it was Sunday morning
again, I think
he robbed 13, 14 houses.
And how did he get caught?
Still don't get
why they call him Texas
if he worked his way
through the Northwest.
Good question, and they both
have the same answer
which makes the story so cool.
Thursday mornings,
day of the heist
game day is ritual.
He'd go to the nearest diner
and order this exact breakfast.
One scrambled egg,
one sausage link
one piece of bacon,
one slice of ham steak.
It was off the children's menu.
- They called it...
- A Kid Texas.
Yeah, and after nine houses in
the authorities linked
all these robbers together
and started to map it out.
They'd have the managers
of the local diners call
if anyone between the ages
of ten or eighteen
dined by themselves
and ordered that.
It wasn't the most
perfect of plans
but they eventually
apprehended the guy.
Story of Kid Texas.
I don't know if I believe it.
Well, it's your prerogative.
Call it a legend
if you re-tell it.
I'll use the bathroom.
I'll get the check.
Thanks for the food break.
You're welcome.
- Here you go.
- Okay, keep the change.
This is crazy.
[water sloshing]
[breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily]
And where are you headed?
This is exactly the kind
of attention we don't want.
- Guys climbing out of windows.
- Uh, what? We?
Do-don't act like we're a team.
You say if I leave you,
they'll find and kill me
but I'm not so sure
that sticking with you
doesn't end with me
being dead, as well.
Risk versus reward.
Did you learn
the art of conversation
from a fortune cookie?
Have I said anything so far
you don't understand?
No, it's just very terse.
It lacks nuance.
- It's by design.
- Copy that, RoboCop.
- I'm not a police officer.
- I can't do this anymore.
There are less comfortable
ways of doing this, you know?
More threats.
My patience has
a tendency to dissipate
and my kindness
has been known to expire.
Oh. Message received,
loud and clear.
My way of speaking
must be contagious.
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
Hold on.
[Hollis sighs]
Okay, let's go.
One room and two beds, please.
At this time I've only got
rooms with a single bed.
It's fine.
[inhales sharply]
So, uh, are you two staying
for the whole night?
It's 50.
I'll have your change
in the morning.
It's room 12,
checkout's at 11:00.
Excuse me, d-do you
happen to know
the thread count
on the sheets here?
What the fuck
are you talkin' about?
So how does this work?
You take the bed,
grab a few hours of sleep
I'll take watch
and then we'll switch.
Is that really necessary?
Are you watching me
or out the window?
What about the time I watched
you come out of a window?
Gas station, there were
two closed-circuit cameras
five witnesses at the diner.
Less of an issue
when we are on the move
but now that we are staying put
it would allow for the people
who are following us
to gain back
some of the distance.
In case they do,
I would like to know that
so when it's your turn
to take watch
I expect you
to take it seriously.
Great talk.
Sure enough, that won't
give me nightmares.
I can't sleep.
I'm serious.
What do you recommend?
Sheep, white fence.
How many of them jump over
in identical succession?
It's classic for a reason.
You had to fuckin' drive?
I don't care
if you could water ski.
No one's talkin' about driving.
- I was talking about...
- Yeah.
I'll tell you what, it seems
like there is somebody
fuckin' talkin' about drivin'
and that's this guy.
You just, I want you to listen.
You are mine, alright?
All of it, even those
fucked-up ears of yours.
The shit don't even
dangle properly.
- Oh, fuck you!
- Fuck me? No.
- Fuck you!
- Listen, listen to me.
- Oh.
- You're gonna respect me.
Will you listen to me?
So many fucking rules. Yeah!
Some bling
for your pimp hand, huh?
- I'm pimp?
- Yeah.
You want, you want me
to show you pimp?
- Huh? Oh, oh?
- Don't, don't.
- Don't! I'm serious.
- Loosen up. Come on!
Huh, you're serious about,
what are you serious about?
- That's fucking gross.
- Oh.
[indistinct chatter]
[female 2] I don't wanna fucking
do that right now.
- Let go of me!
- You don't want it?
- Do you not fucking want it?
- Get the fuck away from me.
Oh, God! Ow.
- Ow!
- Natalie?
Holy shit!
What is it, huh?
Do you see something?
Guy's beating on this girl.
You woke me up because
you're people-watching?
- She's in trouble.
- Not our problem.
- Well, I'm going out there.
- No, you're not.
You're not gonna
shoot me for trying
to help a stranger in need.
- You don't know me.
- Use my back as a target.
Light the whole building up.
- Fuck off, Graham. Graham.
- Or what?
- Alright, that's enough.
- Stop. Fuck you.
- Walk away, man.
- Oh, I'm serious.
Let her go. Leave her alone.
You don't speak for her
or talk to me.
Now walk the fuck away.
Hey, hey, hey.
Just, just cool down, okay?
- I don't want any trouble!
- Cool down? Told you.
You should have
walked the fucked away.
- Let him go!
- Shut the fuck up!
- He doesn't wanna fight...
- Shut the fuck up!
Fuck you, Graham.
Fucker's stuck his neck
where it doesn't belong.
Oh, come on, Graham, don't!
Balance is off.
Weight's not
properly distributed.
It won't deliver
the blow you think.
Oh, yeah, is this
your little turd?
I'll tell you what,
you wait, you wait here
I'll get you next.
Don't like waiting.
Builds anticipation.
I don't know about you,
but it never
really lives up
to my expectations.
Oh? Yes, your mouth
likes to talk.
Hey, I think I prefer a move...
without words.
- Look, ma, no hands.
- What the fuck?
This man is a Neanderthal.
He'll seriously end up
hurting you.
- Jeez, get the fuck off.
- Ooh...
Quite double standard,
don't you think?
My friend here and I
were here to help you
when this piece of shit
did that to you.
When I strike you, it excites
him more than frightens him.
Yeah, there are people
in this world
who type exactly that
into a search engine
five minutes before they come.
[breathing heavily]
Oh, fuck you.
That office is open 24 hours.
Y-you go in and ask,
you can use their phone
and press charges
against this thing.
[Natalie] Find a new companion before
your life gets any worse.
- Ah...
- Fuck off. Shit!
Come on, Graham. Come on.
[indistinct chatter]
Thanks for your help.
You did the exact opposite of
everything I've asked you to do.
- Well, she was in trouble.
- Our trouble trumps hers.
If you really don't want
to live, that's your problem
but the second you jeopardize
my life, it becomes mine
and I have enough fucking
problems. Do you understand?
- Uh.
- Good.
You have a big heart.
Thank you.
Yeah. You'll only break
into more pieces.
Wake me in three hours.
Keep watching,
do not leave the room.
Then what?
Phoenix. Plan hasn't changed.
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[breathing heavily]
- Good. You're ready to go?
- No, I need more.
- What, like, breakfast?
- Like, answers.
I need to know more if I'm gonna
get back in that car with you
otherwise, I dead bolt that door
take my chances
and wait this out.
The less you know, the better.
That was yesterday.
Today's a different tune.
And before you tell me
that I don't have the clearance
or some shit like that,
save it...
'cause I don't think
you do anymore.
Alright, a division of the
British Intelligence I was in
wasn't exactly known
for their retirement plans.
So when they were replacing
the need for what I do best
I decided to make
a move on my own
before the inevitable push.
They didn't like this.
The Queen? Her Majesty's men
are chasing us?
No. Angry,
well-armed Colombians.
When I was stationed in Arizona
one of my assignments
was to broker a deal
between a major British bank
and the Mexican Sinaloa Cartel
give them a place to stash
their laundered money.
It's common practice
and it was a success.
I managed on the account
for years
and when it was clear
my time was up with the agency
I commenced work
on my exit strategy.
Well, you don't just
shake hands with anyone.
- What does that mean?
- You're a greedy opportunist.
I've heard about these
good Samaritans of Sinaloa.
- It was my job.
- It was? How about now?
But what's this got to do
with the Colombians?
Their money dried up,
not their product or work ethic.
So on leaving the biz
you thought you'd foster
some competition
ignite old feuds.
And it was brilliant
in its simplicity.
Siphoned off close to
a 100 million of Sinaloa's funds
and bankrolled the Colombians.
In return for?
An annual stipend that gives me
liquid for the rest of my life.
But why are they after you?
I came to Los Angeles
to complete the deal in person
with the cartel. Neutral ground.
En route to the meet
the Sinaloa cartel shut down
or moved all the money
out of their bank.
I don't know if it was my former
boss that tipped them off or...
I don't know,
the worst kind of luck...
And I had no angle to play.
I tried to explain to them
what happened
but they didn't take it well.
I barely escaped with my life.
I claimed three of theirs
and I was in the middle
of disappearing
when you captured me.
On film.
They think I betrayed them and
it doesn't matter that I didn't.
I took out their lieutenant
and now they want me dead.
So if it's okay with you,
can we move on now?
Pretty please?
With fucking cherries.
[instrumental music]
[engine starts]
[engine revving]
[music continues]
Don't they have a signature
thing that they do?
You know, it's, uh,
it's-it's like a bow tie.
Necktie. Colombian necktie.
And that's when you put
the what inside the what again?
Just don't think about it, okay?
Nothing's changed.
But then how can I
not think about it?
Dying is inevitable,
one way or the other.
So there's absolutely no point
giving it any thought.
Focus should be
on staying alive.
It takes training,
but I can help you.
Focus on something else,
something positive.
In your apartment
there was a framed photograph
of you and a woman. Girlfriend?
Well, you said
something positive.
Ex-girlfriend then.
You can still work with that.
I'm not gonna talk to you
about my relationship.
Why? I'm a good listener.
Something funny?
Oh, not at all.
What's her name?
So she's your ex-girlfriend,
but you still have
a framed photograph
of the two of you.
It's a good photo.
If you insist.
You know, it doesn't matter.
None of it matters
anymore, does it?
She's seeing
someone else, anyway.
[Hollis] I saw them together before
you turned up on my doorstep.
And you regret
breaking it up with her.
- How'd you know?
- What happened?
I... I was an asshole.
Got to this place where
I hated the comfort of it.
Felt like I was settling.
We were together
for five years and...
I thought that maybe
I could do better.
I don't know, it turned me
into an awful person.
I was drinking a lot and, uh...
finally she had enough
of this, you know?
Walked out.
You know, just because you
haven't found a better companion
this, this break up doesn't mean
you made a mistake.
No, but I still made a mistake.
I really loved her.
I still do.
And I traded the yes for a maybe
and I can't even tell you why.
You know, I-I really
had a chance with her
and I fucked it up and now
I may never get another.
when we get to Phoenix
you'll be safe.
You'll get your chance.
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[engine revving]
[music continues]
So where's his house?
Around the corner,
then down half a block.
What, you don't wanna be closer?
Uh, but the street's empty.
Deliberate choice.
Uh, uh, just so we're clear
you don't trust the guy
at the alleged safe haven?
You're thinking
about this wrong.
I wasn't thinking
about it at all
but now I'm more worried
than before.
- Good. Use that fear.
- What?
Be cautious.
That will get you far.
Oh, um, I can't believe
I'm asking this again
but do you know
what you're doing here?
This is the right choice.
This man can help.
But your parking
would suggest otherwise.
In our profession,
shared-by or host
to trust is a luxury
we can't afford.
Is he gonna be happy to see you?
When I left my post in Arizona,
I also left behind Rodney.
- You guys were a thing?
- Our marriage was...
He's your husband?
- No.
- Ex-husband?
A marriage arranged
by the agency.
- For real?
- To solidify our cover.
- And to spy on America?
- Among other things.
Aren't we allies?
What happened between you two?
Even though we weren't
working side by side
Rodney would have preferred
if I had remained by his...
continued to be his wife.
Oh, this is just great.
[doorbell ringing]
[birds chirping]
[knocking on door]
C-can't you just do your thing?
You know, your, uh,
your-your thing.
I don't think Rodney
would appreciate that.
Come on. I know a place
we can go in the meantime.
[instrumental music]
I like it here. It's humbling.
Where are you from?
Just outside London.
I was instructed for the longest
time to stay right here...
but whenever
I didn't feel like it
I would come out here
and take a break from it all.
From British espionage?
No, from pretending.
I've spent so much time
in America trying to fit in.
Away from everyone,
surrounded by strangers.
Well, that can happen
even if you're from here.
It's isolating.
- Well, it was your job.
- Yeah.
- A unique line of work.
- Considered it more of a duty.
Yes, but at some points,
the payment didn't match up
with the price.
Emotional toll?
I used to believe in what I do.
I just don't know
when it stopped.
Excuse me?
That wasn't a part
of your upbringing?
It's considered the most famous
episode of "I Love Lucy."
Can't believe
you haven't seen it.
Yeah, I think I may
have missed that class.
Huh. I used to get a few laughs
from that one at dinner parties.
What about your job?
Taking pictures?
You know, Arizona is the home
to the largest
Native-American reservation
the Navajo Nation.
I didn't know that.
In their culture, they consider
taking a photograph of someone
is like stealing their soul.
No, I've never
subscribed to that.
Thought you were gonna say
"It doesn't matter
'cause I don't have one."
Well, you're helping me.
It can't be all that bad.
I really wish you'd
let me bring my camera.
[crickets creaking]
[wind chimes chiming]
[engine revving]
[speaking in foreign language]
[speaking in foreign language]
[speaking in foreign language]
There you go.
All good.
[speaking in foreign language]
- Adios.
- Gracias.
[speaking in foreign language]
- No.
- No?
[speaking in foreign language]
[speaking in foreign language]
[car door shuts]
[engine starts]
[engine revving]
Chewing, you don't
practice that anymore?
It's been a while.
I figured, which is why
at the last minute
I decided to procure
the necessary ingredients.
Oh, apologies again for not
being here when you arrived.
- Mm.
- No, not at all. Thank you.
Hollis, are you familiar with
spreadable marshmallow paste?
- Uh, yeah.
- Guess it's a sweet confection.
- Isn't it?
- Uh, my mother bought Fluff.
- We were brand-name snobs.
- Oh.
Well, by itself,
its chemical makeup
is unapologetically simple.
Corn syrup, sugar syrup
vanilla extracts and egg white
but it's when you add
the peanut butter...
That magical Fluff and Nutella.
[Rodney] Oh, it made Natalie
weak in the knees.
I mean, she'd put down
at least three a day
when we shared a life.
Oh, I never would have guessed.
Oh, it's the absolute truth.
I was, uh, partial to Nutella
and my Fluff.
Hm. You were chasing
the taste of the smalls.
- Yeah, I guess I was.
- Yeah.
Well, I never particularly
approved neither combination.
Rodney was always against
my fascination, you see?
[Rodney] Hm, I thought
it lacked sophistication.
It was a child's dish.
Didn't stop me from
catching you making
peanut-butter banana sandwiches.
Hm, hm. Touche.
I believe you Yanks call it
the, the Elvis Presley.
All hail the King.
Nevertheless, uh
it's when I started studying
marshmallow cream
that I decided
to support Natalie
in her effort to anchor
her entire diet around it.
Are you familiar
with its beginnings?
- Uh-uh, no, not at all.
- Oh, it's fascinating.
You see, it started
with this confectioner
called Archibald Query.
He was a resident
of Somerville, Massachusetts
at 106 Bromfield Lane,
to be exact.
And he was credited
with inventing it in 1917.
And he was making it
in his kitchen.
- And selling it door-to-door...
- But then?
But then, World War I
caused a shortage of sugar
his key ingredient,
so he had little but no choice
than to sell his recipe
to these two candy makers
from Lynn, Massachusetts,
Alfred Durkee and Fred Mower.
This was the first incarnation
to hit the store shelves.
- It's fascinating.
- Mm-hmm.
And yet we haven't quite
arrived at the point.
- Have we?
- Yes.
As you're well aware
is one of six states
that makes up the questionable
expression New England.
Uh, yes, of course.
See, that's how
I rationalized it.
If it could become
the brainchild of a region
that was colonized
by a mother country
then, I suppose, it could
very well become the staple...
of the New England we were
creating right here in Arizona.
Rodney, you talk as if
I needed your permission.
- Well, I was higher in rank.
- Ah, here we go.
when I saw that
you were heading up here
I thought it only right
to prepare a proper greeting.
It was delicious. Thank you.
- Well, just as you remember?
- Of course.
Everything pretty much is.
Well, not everything.
Of course. Where's Hadley?
Well, he's no longer
with us, I'm afraid.
- Oh, that's so sad.
- Hm.
Hadley was this Maltese
poodle mix I got Rodney.
- Oh, he was so cute.
- He was a stunning dog.
Never shed.
[speaking in foreign language]
He was eaten by a coyote.
Do you have a picture?
Oh, get that one, when he's
on the couch in your office.
Ah, yes. Yeah, I think I can
get my hands on that, yeah.
Agent Fluffernutter.
That's what I'm calling you
the rest of the night.
That will be a good way to get
your windpipe compromised again.
- There you go.
- Oh.
Hey, look at that.
Handsome fellow.
- Here.
- I know, he's so cute.
[Rodney] Well, I hope you're both
sufficiently replenished.
Uh, yes. Thank you.
So what's next?
I mean, there's a bounty
of clean towels
down the hallway
if you want to clean up.
Oh, that would be great.
Um, I'll shower first.
I'm gonna let you two
continue to catch up.
Down the hallway.
This way, yeah.
- Did you click this?
- Of course.
Alright, how much trouble
are you in?
I'm here, aren't I?
Oh, be honest with me, Nat.
Well, you always talk
with such context.
Yeah. And?
It was never my thing.
uh, I can't help you
if you don't confide in me.
Just let me...
warm up a bit.
Huh. In the Arizona sun?
No, to you...
and your embrace.
Hm, I'll take that.
So what kind of sport you're up?
- Oh, just give me a minute.
- Oh, come on, darling.
And the agency doesn't
know your location?
No, I was running this asset
completely off-book.
What kind of information
does Hollis possess?
Nothing. He was more
of an eyewitness.
- Same danger as me.
- Hm.
You know, I don't have
the clearance
to coordinate your extraction.
I understand.
How long do we have?
We weren't followed,
but we should probably leave...
in the morning, just to be safe.
Such a brief reunion?
- I'm sorry for the intrusion.
- Oh, don't be dumb.
[speaking in foreign language]
[water sloshing]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[kettle whistling]
- Clothes okay?
- Uh, yeah. Thank you. Yeah.
They look good on you.
[clears throat]
Hm. Alright.
I'm such a cliche, I know.
Oh, no, I-I wasn't
thinking that.
The Englishman
and his cup of tea.
Mm. Mm. You sure
you don't want a cupper?
Oh, no, thanks. Uh, warm liquids
play havoc with my bowels.
It's something to do
with my colon or something.
Mm. I see. Yeah.
It has been close to 20 years
since I've been
a resident of the UK
and it's customs like these
that keep me close in spirit.
Well, I think that's great
as long as it tastes good
and doesn't cause
extra bathroom time.
[instrumental music]
See, with me, my photography
is both my passion
and my profession.
Hm. Well, you're fortunate.
They don't always intersect.
Well, how about you?
Well, from the little I know,
did you always wanna do
what you and Natalie do?
Oh, yeah...
but not as young as you did...
but once I found it...
I attacked it
with the same hunger.
[intense music]
Would you come here for a sec?
Really? You're better than that.
[sighs] Just don't hurt him.
Let me explain.
We tried that. It's too late.
It's not what you think.
Your EOS, the order went out.
You almost got away with it.
You were so close to being able
to pass through harm-free.
You're offline. You wouldn't
have seen the notice.
Well, that's correct, yeah,
but what are the odds of me
knowing about your status, huh?
I mean, once you're out,
you're all the way out.
Yet, I possess the bit of info
that you don't want me to have.
He's got nothing to do with
this. Could you let him go?
Oh, such altruism.
Why don't you worry
about yourself, darling?
You're allowed.
Now, how do I know
about the execute-on-sight
- Does it matter?
- Oh, come on.
You might find it amusing,
that one tiny
trivial, fucking phone call
would claim your life.
You think this is gonna
get you back in?
I really don't like the way
she drops me all the time.
I don't wanna go back.
It's just an outstanding credit
in my favor bank.
We can work something else out.
Oh, don't negotiate.
It's terribly unattractive.
Anyhow, uh,
do you remember Crawford?
He called me two days ago
and his daughter, uh,
not Madeleine, but the ugly one
uh, his daughter's applying to
Arizona State for Art History.
And since my cover
is so good at the museum
he actually called on her behalf
to ask me for a letter
of recommendation.
I agreed out of history
and courtesy.
And just as we were
about to hang up...
he goes,
"How are you holding up?"
I didn't know what
he was referring to.
So I asked him to elaborate.
He says your name, which
prompted me to inquire further
and that's when
he breaks protocol
and tells me
about the EOS order.
Roughly ten hours after that
you call me and tell me
you're heading this way.
Imagine my surprise.
Nat... isn't that funny?
I mean, come on, tell me that
you're least entertained
by this bit of news.
Hide and seek, huh?
In this house? Really?
It's not a big house.
It's not gonna be
much of a game.
Where are you, Nat?
Please don't. It really
brings out the stupid.
Maybe it's just...
'cause of your Swedish heritage.
It's just human that
you made it your weapon.
Allow me to save you the mystery
of its current weight.
When you were rinsing off,
I removed all the bullets
and re-inserted an empty clip.
So what's the next move,
darling, huh?
How does it go down?
I hope you didn't shag Hollis.
I mean, he looks so fragile.
It's not out of jealousy,
but you know
can't imagine he'd be any good.
You know, I mean, I know
that's not what you like
but maybe what you like
has changed.
What do you think, huh?
Come on, Natalie.
I know you're in here.
It'll be quick, I promise.
Let me grant you that dignity.
My final gift to you.
[intense music]
- Oh, God!
- Ugh!
[car alarm blaring]
[car alarm blaring]
[car alarm blaring]
Come on.
[breathing heavily]
[Natalie coughing]
[breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily]
[knife clangs]
[breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily]
- Hollis.
- No, no, no.
[Hollis] Don't say anything.
Don't talk to me.
- What are you doing?
- Please stop talking.
- Where are you going?
- I don't know.
Can you please just talk to me?
That's the one thing
I just asked!
Okay, fine. Now just-just...
You talk to me. Say something.
No, I need to leave.
I need to leave right now.
I am sorry you saw that.
Sorry I saw,
not sorry you did it?
[breathing heavily] He would've killed me.
I had no choice.
It scares me that you think
you're wired that way.
Oh, you know
what I'm capable of doing.
It's an entirely different thing
to... see it.
You loved that man...
at one point. I assume as much.
And now, right then, in there
you, you-you end his life,
just like that.
I didn't see I had any other
choice at that moment.
The moment right before
when he was still alive?
The alternative
would have been me
lying there in the garage,
not moving.
- Would you have preferred that?
- That's a stupid question.
You came in there with a knife.
What were you gonna do?
To help you.
- Well, I helped myself first.
- I saw.
I see that now,
you're good at surviving
lookin' out for yourself.
And you.
- We're gonna make it.
- No.
I'm done.
I'm gonna take my chances
out there on my own.
You're just as dangerous
as what's out there.
There's no difference.
You forced me to trust you.
Made me feel safe.
No wonder it's for you.
Go ahead.
I'm really sorry
I walked into that park.
Not as sorry as I am
for taking that picture.
Wait, I'll clean up
and I'll get you some money.
[instrumental music]
[water sloshing]
[engine revving]
Fuck! Company!
[gun cocking]
- I think they're here.
- How many?
- I saw at least two.
- That sounds right.
Okay, uh, w-what can I do
to help?
Oh, so now you're with me?
Well, what do you think?
Not knowing their strategy,
I can't counter.
Best thing to do would be
to stick with defense.
Well, me?
Run or lure them into
an on-the-fly kill zone.
Finger off the trigger
until you're ready to shoot.
Use both hands, aim
and then pull the trigger.
- You got it?
- Yeah.
[glass shattering]
Oh, fuck. Fuck.
[breathing heavily]
So, so what do we do now?
We'll have to get out of here.
Puts everyone at risk.
Okay, so what's the plan?
I've got an idea.
You've got another light on you?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
[dog barking]
[speaking in foreign language]
That should keep them moving
in this direction.
What, they...
And we want that?
- Yeah.
- Won't they follow?
Got no choice, if they go back
to Colombia empty-handed...
it'll get much worse for them.
[engine revving]
[speaking in foreign language]
It's to our advantage
to control their approach.
We're gonna have to split up.
- What? Oh, no.
- You have your gun.
Just head up to those rocks
over there.
- I-I can't. I...
- Hollis.
This is the only way.
[gun cocks]
[intense music]
[engine revving]
[engine revving]
[car door shuts]
[music continues]
[gun cocks]
[music continues]
[engine revving]
[breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily]
[speaking in foreign language]
[speaking in foreign language]
[speaking in foreign language]
[speaking in foreign language]
[speaking in foreign language]
[speaking in foreign language]
[exhales sharply]
[breathing heavily]
Are you okay?
- Yeah.
- Are you hurt?
- Are you bleeding?
- I'm fine.
The other one, is she, uh...
Well, I was the one...
Hey, it's okay.
It's fine.
You're alive.
It's gonna be fine, okay?
Come on, let's go.
[birds chirping]
[engine revving]
Car's all yours.
- Is it safe now?
- Yeah.
Well, you're welcome
to stay in the house
for a few hours
if you wanna head out later.
No. I'll go now.
Just obey the speed limit.
I'd hate for the registration
to come out.
Stop the car in a crowded lot,
wipe it clean.
What about you?
I'll dispose of Rodney,
I'll... clean the house.
I'll borrow his car.
No, I meant after.
I don't know,
I will disappear, I suppose.
They won't send more?
New country, new ID,
new everything.
Doesn't matter.
No one will find me.
I don't doubt it.
you, uh, saved my life
back there...
in the desert, I...
Thank you.
Well, I guess
that makes us even then.
I'm sorry for dragging you
into this.
Well, you've told me
I'd get through it.
I wasn't sure when I said it.
Listen, well...
well, what I said before about
you being dangerous, I didn't...
No, it's fine. You were right.
You were right.
I'll examine that.
Drive safe and if, if you feel
yourself getting tired, just...
Don't let this stop you
from taking pictures.
The thought hadn't even
crossed my mind.
And whatever's next...
good luck.
Thank you.
[instrumental music]
[engine starts]
[engine revving]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[music continues]