Neiges Du Kilimandjaro, Les (The Snows of Kilimanjaro) (2011) Movie Script

The Snows of Kilimanjaro
Luigi Partero...
Malek Mimouni...
Roger Barbaro...
Diego Vasquez...
Matteo Kalisti...
Michel Van Straten...
Jules Daman...
Elie Bensoussan...
Adrien Galoret...
Azad Arptian...
Louis Toledano.
Jean Richer...
Pierre Moratier...
Karim Youfsi...
Andr Paul...
Omar Zmoun...
Paul Duro...
Serge Kasparian...
Michel Marteron...
Are you nuts?
Christophe Brunet...
That's twenty, guys.
Let's have no regrets.
The current situation dictated this.
We could have lost everything.
lt's better than nothing.
l'll give management the list.
''Courage resides in watching
one's spinning machine or loom
''so that not one thread snaps
''while preparing a broader
and more fraternal social order
''in which the machine
will be the common servant
''of the freed workers.''
Michel Marteron!
Talk about proud!
You could have left your name out.
As our union representative,
you didn't have to be on the list.
lt was a privilege.
l don't want any.
What'll you tell Marie-Claire?
That my name was drawn
along with 19 other comrades.
And that your name
didn't have to be in the box?
l'll have to find a new girlfriend.
You bloody idiot!
See you on Thursday, Mrs Iselim.
Thank you, Marie-Claire.
Come to meet me?
How did you know l was here?
Tuesday is Mrs Iselim
and today's Tuesday.
You know that?
Your schedule's on the fridge.
Why are you here?
l wanted to buy you dinner.
You picked
the winning lottery number?
You could say that...
An Indian restaurant.
They'll feed us bison!
Looks good.
Today was the day.
My name was drawn.
Raoul told me l was wrong
to put it in the box.
But l did...
lt can be tiring living with a hero.
Aren't you hungry?
Let's see...
Come over here, Louis!
Where are you, Grandpa?
Right here!
Do you need binoculars or what?
Where are you going?
- l want another biscuit!
- Another?
How's retirement?
Flo, don't mention retirement
to your father!
He's just unemployed.
He won't find work, Mum.
Says who?
Come on, you have to face it.
lt's nothing to be ashamed of.
lt's chilly...
Time to go back.
Let's go.
He's less tense
now he's not working.
Less tense?
He's not happy.
He's playing with our kids.
l hate seeing him like that.
He doesn't drink or smoke,
he's out of work so let him have fun.
He can't be happy.
He can.
He doesn't look unhappy.
He won't say how he feels!
Without work, it's normal
to feel a bit down.
You have a short memory!
And when the shipyard fired you?
You were a wreck, not just down.
Ludo was a baby, l was young...
So Dad's old
and old people don't matter.
Stop talking like that!
Are you crazy?
Think he'll have time
to do my pergola now?
You're too much!
He needs to keep busy.
What can he do?
Take her.
Come with Daddy.
l could do lunch for them every day.
You can't fry an egg!
l can learn.
l wanted to ask...
l know, the pergola.
Do you mind, Maryse?
It'll be better and cheaper.
And a way to help you.
l don't mind.
And you?
Ask Jeannot too.
Suits me.
l'm not going to poison them!
No chili peppers, ok.
Climb up, you're a big boy now.
Hey, kids...
Want lunch at Grandpa's?
Come over for a drink?
We'll come
when we can use the pergola.
We can't.
Jeannot leaves first thing.
Back to Bordeaux?
Afraid so.
- Will it be much longer?
- Three months.
The whole thing's cabled now.
After the tests,
l can come back every other weekend.
Come and have a drink!
Shall we go, Marie-Claire?
No, we're eating at my sister's.
Watch me.
You try.
With the bones?
Use your fingers.
The head and the tail.
We eat the tail?
Eat your sardines, champ.
And then a radish!
All right?
Don't want one!
Ludo can do it.
l hate sardines!
Do like Ludo.
No sardines!
Hello, Martine.
Having dinner with your mum?
l've done peppers.
- Where are you off to?
- l've finished.
At 6:15?
Don't you finish at 7?
You always sneak off early?
l know we go back a long way...
l hate to say this...
Taking advantage of her...
l don't have time now.
l work for your mum, not you.
l pay you.
Yes, you do.
You're elegant, with a fancy car...
Do the job you're paid for.
Your mum calls me regularly,
even at night.
Often my husband answers
and they talk.
She has nightmares, she's bored.
She calls you
but only ever gets your voicemail.
- What's that to do with your hours?
- Nothing.
l have to enter the code!
We won!
The first one home wins.
Let me in first!
Give me a head start.
Poor kid, you fell over.
l shouldn't have made you run.
We'll soon catch them!
Slow down, boys!
Loads of pens don't work!
Use those that do.
Bad day.
The kids got on your nerves?
No, they never get on my nerves.
ls Gilles' pergola coming along?
l didn't have the energy
to do the dishes.
l just want a drink at the bar.
You're like all men.
You're weak.
What did you say?
Now you don't work
and spend all day thinking,
you see you're neither Jaurs
nor Spiderman.
You're just an old man
on early retirement.
You've lost the power
the union gave you
and you're an ordinary man again,
facing his weaknesses.
And that...
You can't stand it!
Are you out of your mind?
Why are you saying that?
You really believe that?
Not all of it.
Not all of it.
Let me smell.
l like it.
lt's just a bit strong.
Not too tough coming back?
Shit, Michel, they're slipping!
- Been drinking?
- Only a drop.
l didn't thank you for this...
For what?
Now l don't work here,
l shouldn't...
l wish they'd refused.
l threatened strike action.
You didn't?
No way!
Thanks for inviting me.
Number 18.
Sorry, l didn't recognize you.
l hadn't been here long.
l invited everyone l picked out.
Help me.
One per table, ok.
l'm totally plastered.
Found work?
No, not yet. l should do soon.
How about you?
Nothing either.
You're doing ok?
Ups and downs.
You keep your chin up.
Got everything you need?
lt's ace, thanks.
- Ok?
- Great.
Our turn soon.
Our 20th anniversary!
Ever regret it?
l'm drinking and you're drunk!
l adore you.
Kids, get ready.
One, two, three...
He won't go much further than this
Will soon fall
He sees
Over there
ln the distance
The snows of Kilimanjaro
They will make you
A white mantle
Where you'll be able to sleep
They will make you a white mantle
Where you'll be able to sleep
lt's lovely but it's sad.
Did you teach them that?
Hold on...
Here, Mum.
From all of us.
What's this?
Go on...
lt's Swahili for ''journey to the land
of animals and nature''.
What's Swahili?
Open it!
Swahili means ''people of the coast''.
l still don't understand.
Go on, open it!
What if it's a bomb?
Why should l do it then?
You open it!
No, you do it.
Always in a rush.
Is he like that in bed?
Stop it.
My God!
What's this treasure?
Look inside.
At the bottom.
Where's Arusha?
A guide for two for a week.
ln Masai land.
Near Kilimanjaro.
They will make you a white mantle
Where you'll be able to sleep
They will make you a white mantle
Where you'll be able to sleep
SIeep, sIeep
What's this?
For me?
Only for me?
From Raoul.
No, from all of us!
With Raoul,
it has to be political.
lt can't be anything else.
What is it? It's flexible.
The 1972 Socialist and Communist
joint manifesto?
Of course not.
Look inside, the first page.
Your name's in it!
So you stole it from me!
l stole your girlfriends.
What is it, Dad?
The first comic book
l ever bought.
l dreamt of being a hero.
Thank you.
Thank you, Raoul.
You're welcome.
l came across it in a bookstore.
Then l saw your name in it.
Yes, it's incredible.
A speech!
No, Michel's the speaker.
He knows how to talk.
He talks during strikes,
he talks at demos, at conferences...
He never stops talking.
He talks and talks.
You know him as well as l do.
l'd like to thank
you all for coming.
Many of you
were there at our wedding.
The only thing l want is for us
to be together
for a long time to come.
Go on, Jaurs, your turn.
l don't know
what Jaurs would have said today.
But l know what l want to tell you,
You're scaring me...
Don't listen to this.
l love you.
l love you
when you talk,
when you're silent,
when you shout,
when you whisper and when you cry
and when you laugh.
l loved you yesterday...
and l love you today.
lt's barely 8. Four hours till noon.
You have time.
What else can l do?
Learn English.
They speak it in Tanzania.
English could be handy
on our safari.
English is a colonizer's tongue.
lt's a colonizer's tongue
and l'm no colonizer.
We'll buy ''Teach Yourself Swahili''
and speak Swahili instead.
The Germans colonized Tanzania.
The Germans?
Have a good day.
lt's me.
l woke you?
l talk in my sleep.
- Busy?
- l was just leaving.
- Where?
- for work.
l'm not on early retirement.
lf you want,
l'll go to work for you.
Ok, and l'll go to Tanzania
with Marie-Claire.
See you tonight.
Have a good day.
- Do you still use the butcher?
- No.
You see.
He wants me to,
after what he did!
l can't afford his prices.
Where you go now,
the meat's not as good.
He does what he wants
with his woman. 80, diamonds.
His women!
Brought from Eastern Europe.
What does he do with them?
No idea.
- 90, diamonds?
- Yes.
No! l said diamonds.
He said spades.
- Double.
- Shit.
He knocks them up and dumps them.
The last one couldn't have kids
so he dumped her. He's sick.
Talk or play, Denise.
You can't go any higher?
Asante sana.
That means ''thank you'' in Swahili.
No jack?
No, no jack.
lf l say 80,
that means l don't have it either.
At 80 clubs earlier
you had the jack.
That was earlier.
To bid 110 and give me 30,
you need the jack and an ace.
You don't have an ace?
We play in silence.
You have the ace and jack, bitch.
She'll never learn.
- l love this.
- It's getting chilly.
l met an old gentleman today...
Freeze! Shut up! Sit down!
Are you ok?
Tie them up, dammit!
Where's the dough?
Shut your mouth!
Where's the dough?
- What money?
- For the trip!
Where is it?
The money's in the bank!
Fuck that!
Under the TV.
Don't be afraid.
People like you have credit cards.
Keep still, fucker.
The PIN.
What's the PIN?
The PIN's 1936. It's 1936.
- Your card.
- l don't have one.
And yours?
Acting smart?
ln the green jacket there.
The PIN's 1972.
l hope that's true.
l'm not lying.
ls it true?
Wait for my call.
Are you ok?
l'm ok.
lt's all right, Denise.
lt's nothing.
Lift me up. l'm in pain.
All set?
You can't leave us tied up!
You fucker!
Jules, eat.
- Cornflakes, Martin?
- l'm not hungry.
You won't regret it?
l'm not hungry.
Want cornflakes?
There's no Nutella?
No, only cornflakes.
Cornflakes then.
Eat them.
You better had, pal.
- Can l watch TV?
- After.
Well, no, we're going to school.
One cartoon.
l said no.
Don't argue.
Eat your cornflakes.
With a smile.
l'll cut your hair tonight.
l'll cut your hair.
- 6 times 5?
- 30.
- 6 times 6?
- 36.
- 6 times 7?
- 42.
That's good. You take over.
- 6 times 7?
- 42.
- 6 times 9?
- 54.
l'm here. Come on in.
Called a doctor?
He's on his way. Get some water.
- It'll be all right.
- Leave me be!
Here, drink this.
Have some.
- How's it going?
- Fine.
Don't open it here.
With the cards and the box,
just over 1,500.
No more?
One hour's work, 1,500 tax-free.
Got a better deal?
- Two months behind?
- That's right.
Plus this month.
l know.
Can l pay you next month?
There'll be costs if you're late.
ln cash?
ls that a problem?
- Ok?
- Fine.
l have the money l owe you.
You don't need it?
No, l'm doing better.
To say thank you, will you come
for a burger with my brothers and me?
There's no school the next day.
Ok, Tuesday.
- See you then.
- Ok.
- Have a good day.
- You too.
Hey, you brats!
With Nutella!
Jules, he got us Nutella!
After you finish, do your homework.
Why do we work hard at school?
l wonder that myself.
l'll check when l come back.
- You're going out?
- Yes, but l'll be back soon.
See you later.
Thank you.
See you again soon no doubt.
Don't you recognize me?
Michel Marteron.
Of course. How are you?
Sorry, l screwed up my shoulder.
The only welders' jobs are overseas.
Then again, you're young.
- Have a good day.
- Good luck.
- Ok?
- Fine.
l never thought you'd call so soon.
A new job?
l need to check a few details.
But it could work.
Excuse me, l'd like a beer.
- Want to hear about it?
- Go on.
lt's where l pay my rent.
Your brothers were alone!
Piss off!
Watch your tone!
l'm your mother, remember.
Where were you?
l told you.
You told me nothing.
But you weren't here.
We aren't going to fight.
We talked about this.
l can't take them with me.
How's school?
lt's ok.
Jules can't repeat the year.
He won't.
lf he does...
He won't.
- l'll see to that.
- You check his homework?
Why are you here?
- To pick up stuff.
- Fine, now go.
Come on.
What kind of world is this?
Why attack us? And how
did they know about the money?
You have our statements
from the police.
Yes, l know,
but it's too late.
My wife informed you right away.
lt's the direct debits...
Electricity and phone companies,
your income tax...
Your authorized overdraft
won't cover it. Sorry.
ls he the blind one?
No, that's Daredevil.
He's Iron Man.
What's Iron Man's problem then?
His heart.
Excuse me.
Can l see your book
for a minute, please?
l'll give it back.
Thank you.
An antique.
Take care of it. It's valuable.
Hold on, wait for him to pass.
We'll have burgers
only once this week.
One of you is getting too heavy.
Where were you?
You forgot the kids at school.
l forgot them?
The headmistress called Flo
and she went to get them.
l'll call Flo
to tell her you're here.
We were worried sick.
Hi, it's Mum.
He's here.
l don't know.
Can you let Gilles know?
No, l don't know where he was.
He's here, in one piece.
Ok, take care.
So where were you?
l completely forgot them.
- They didn't cry too much?
- No.
Have you eaten?
You've changed since it happened.
l was really worried.
l know who did it.
l recognized one.
l know him, Marie-Claire.
l worked with him.
We were laid off together
and l picked out his name.
He was at our anniversary?
What now?
Have you told Raoul?
l'll go to the cops...
- That's him there.
- With the two kids?
ln blue.
Suspect spotted heading for bus 37
with two kids.
Caucasian, in his twenties,
short hair,
blue jacket, jeans.
Pick him up
but let the kids leave first.
Hello, strangers!
Talking to me?
No, nothing.
What did you say?
l was wondering...
What would we have thought of us
sitting up here on a terrace
having a drink at sunset?
What would we have thought of us?
Try to imagine us, 30 years ago,
walking along and looking up.
We see two 50-year-olds,
two calm people sipping their drinks
and spitting
olive pits over the rail.
What would we have said?
That they were middle class.
We are middle class.
We go to the sea on Sundays,
we own our home,
we watch TV...
We are middle class...
but not completely.
l think we'd have said,
''They look happy.''
We'd have said,
''To be that happy,
they haven't made others suffer.
''They care about others.''
Even now?
Are we still happy?
You had no choice, Michel.
That's the one.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
You confirm that?
A toy one?
Yes, madam.
Whether it's fake or real,
it's still armed robbery,
with the same penalty.
He's not a tough one.
He's already confessed.
We'll soon find the other.
Have a seat.
He didn't have much on him.
His accomplice gave him 1,500 euros.
They stole a lot more than that!
They maxed out our card.
Raoul's as well.
With the plane tickets,
that's 5,OOO at least.
You declared that but...
Maybe you exaggerated,
for the insurance. l'd understand.
lt's a way to get what you lost.
We're the liars now?
Don't get offended.
l'm just doing my job.
You sometimes feel
like putting the victim behind bars.
l don't mean you.
l think the other guy screwed him.
He's an amateur, no record...
His first theft?
Or he wasn't caught before.
What'll he get?
One guy robbed a jeweller
with a fake gun
and got 15 years.
Without a record,
l'd say he'll get 8.
Want to see him?
What for?
Whatever you want.
We'll say he resisted.
Keep well back.
You're better off behind him.
You'll be safer there.
You took more than 5,000 euros.
Where's the money?
Will he hit him?
Certainly not.
We worked together.
We got laid off together.
And you steal from me?
You left us tied up all night.
My sister-in-law had a fit of nerves
and we couldn't help her.
Know what it's like,
tied to a chair in your own piss?
You need to piss, someone takes you.
lf they didn't,
you'd go crying to your lawyer.
But us?
Can you imagine?
But l'm not like you.
You won't make me become like you.
l won't hit you.
You didn't have the cards,
you had the comic.
You didn't hit me.
You don't know me.
ln 6 months, you never noticed me.
You're not the ringleader.
You were led into this.
The inspector's right.
You got screwed over too.
You didn't get all your money.
Have you had yours?
Your severance pay...
Not yet? You soon will.
You don't really need it, huh?
l can imagine your Sundays...
grilling nice thick cutlets,
drinking chilled ros,
paid for by the union.
You need that to swallow
all the compromises.
How much passed under the table?
Please, l don't want to know.
Help me.
l didn't mean to hit him, l swear.
Fold this into three.
- Don't look at me like that.
- l'm not looking at you.
Look at me then!
He insulted me.
He was handcuffed, Michel.
He jeered at me.
That asshole made fun of me.
l hit him like he hit us!
They hit us.
They hit you, Marie-Claire.
And we couldn't defend ourselves.
How are you?
Have a seat.
You know Raoul.
He blew his top
because Michel didn't tell him.
Sleeping better?
l'm ok.
No, l'm not sleeping much better.
But l'm glad he's in jail.
- When'll they catch the other one?
- l don't know.
Want a drink?
No, l just came over
to get some air. l'll go now.
l'll come with you.
No, don't worry.
You have a lot of ironing.
He shouldn't be in jail.
We can't press charges.
Don't touch me!
He's a worker like us.
Like us?!
You've attacked people before?
Beaten them up and robbed them
in their own homes?
He's looking at 15 years!
Boo-hoo! 15 years!
l bet he won't even do two.
And l say even 15 isn't enough!
We all screw up...
Stop comparing us!
l've worked my ass off
since l was 14!
That's different!
Just shut the fuck up!
lf he gets 15 years, l'll be happy.
What pisses me off
is he'll be sponging off us,
housed, fed and paid by us.
And that pisses me off!
Guys like that,
l'd make them work 15 years
picking up rocks or stuff.
lnstead, they watch TV,
nice and comfy,
planning the shit they'll do
when they get out!
You don't like it?
What's that look for?
l disappoint you?
Too bad.
You want to go to bed?
Why wouldn't it change anything?
l see...
Thanks anyway.
The prosecutor is working on it
and, since a crime was committed,
even if we withdraw our complaint
it won't change a thing.
Are you the replacements?
l'm sorry?
The other fellow was a joke.
So l called them.
And they thanked me.
There's interesting stuff in there.
The advertising and all that.
It's something to read.
You seem nicer.
You look normal.
What's wrong?
Are you sulking?
You wanted to be a nurse.
Now look at us.
That was 25 years ago!
You don't understand me.
ls it St. Raoul's day?
lt hurts me,
hearing her cry like that.
l've tried everything.
She's inconsolable.
l want to kill that fucker.
So screw all the fancy words
and good intentions.
Give him the maximum.
l mean that.
l don't care
if he's punished or not.
l just want to understand!
l need to know what happened.
Come and see us.
He needs his old friend.
And so do l.
A drink?
A pick-me-up.
What for?
l'm sorry?
To pick you up how?
A broken heart? Trouble at work?
- Family problems?
- Does it matter?
lt matters a lot.
For love...
For you, at your age,
with your figure,
your beauty...
l wouldn't hesitate, l'd say...
Marie Brizard.
All l can say is,
the taste of aniseed
caresses your lips like a kiss.
Then there's the sweetness
that lingers after,
like two lovers in bed
or a meadow of daisies.
And 25 degrees of alcohol
isn't enough to erase everything.
You never want to erase
a broken heart completely.
l put two ice cubes in it.
The cold exalts the whole thing.
All that prepares you
for a new love.
Because a broken heart
is just a prelude to more happiness.
lt's an open door to other joys.
Marie Brizard?
Not a broken heart?
No, it's more complicated.
It's life.
You definitely don't need
a Marie Brizard.
Just a second.
l know what you need.
Try this.
lt's good.
lt's not too strong.
From sunny Greece.
Drink up, l'll pour you another.
Life needs two, madam. At least.
The second one's on me.
- Is that you?
- Yes, it's me.
l'm sorry, Raoul.
l haven't made dinner.
That's ok.
We'll eat out.
l don't want to go out.
You know what?
We'll stay in.
And we'll order pizzas.
Like this, Dad?
Got mint?
- In your pastis?
- Please.
- Where are you going?
- Dad wants mint.
lt's heavy!
Your tiramisu?
Let's have dessert!
No, l'm starving, l want sausages!
- Does it go in the fridge?
- Yes.
Look out! Tiramisu!
ls your shoulder ok?
Yes. It's nearly better.
Want these?
Just a second.
- Hello, Michel.
- Hi, how goes it?
Fine, thanks.
Smells good.
Where does this go?
Who'd hide mint syrup
with the shoes?
Your kids now you've told everyone,
Hello, Denise.
Hello, Raoul.
Thanks for the chairs.
What'll you have?
The same, without mint.
You're not asking me?
You're here too?
You brought her along?
He's terrible!
- Leave my son alone!
- He won't give me a drink!
l'm thirsty too.
Hello, Raoul.
Cheese or the tiramisu?
The tiramisu. l'll get it.
Michel, you can do us
a pergola any time.
Don't go empty-handed.
Gilles! The dessert plates.
Yes, boss.
l'm not moving.
l could have done a better job
but it's not bad.
l was thinking...
No one can use the tickets
in your name.
lf they find them, you can go
on the trip to forget.
The money was what they wanted.
These junkies will stop at nothing
to get their dose.
Let's not talk about it.
We can't manage to forget.
We should
but we can't.
Those young guys thinking
l was someone selfish or bad,
that's an idea l can't bear.
Why did you mention it?
lt was Jeannot!
They hate us.
Because we have a house, a car...
We fought for that.
We fought for young guys like them.
Michel more than anyone.
What's changed?
Why did they come to steal from us
and hit us?
Comee with the tiramisu?
- Good idea.
- l'll make it.
Got a drop of alcohol
to tackle the fat?
You want a liqueur?
Yes, why not?
lt's good. It's from Greece.
No one's eating the tiramisu?
We fought, that's true,
but who knows that?
People forget.
Youngsters now think
we've always had
paid holidays, social security,
Maybe we haven't told them
others fought for us.
You're excusing Brunet
because he's a worker.
But a civilian jury
acquitted Jaurs' killer!
Ordinary people, not the well-off!
Guys like Brunet! You told me that!
And now it's not a crime
to beat you up and rob you?
Just let the thieves off!
Yelling like that,
you're talking football or politics.
l see your names on them
but you need
to confirm they're yours.
These are our tickets.
Did Brunet have them?
The other guy.
You've arrested him?
Christophe Brunet named him?
No. He wouldn't tell us.
We found a bar
where they used to meet.
l sent two men,
a waitress identified the guy,
we nabbed him.
And the money?
We know what Brunet did.
He paid his rent
and bought food
for his mother and two brothers.
The two kids were his brothers?
Two young brothers.
Oddly, you're more likely
to know prison,
so to speak,
if a family member's done time.
So it's not much of a deterrent.
l'll do all l can to get
the tickets back to you in time.
lt's a great trip.
You mustn't miss it.
Hello, inspector,
this is Mrs Marteron.
Anybody here?
Aren't your parents in?
Don't you know to lock the door
when they're out?
Will they be back late?
Who are you?
What do you want?
To see your parents.
- We don't have a dad.
- Shut up!
Why do you want them?
Your mum then.
To talk about grown-up stuff,
nothing interesting.
What's your name?
Martin is a nice name.
lt comes from Martinus,
and Martinus comes from Mars,
the planet,
not Marseille.
Mars was the god of war.
And you?
He's Jules.
That's another planet: Jupiter.
Names interest me
because l have grandchildren.
Their names?
My grandchildren?
The oldest is Ludo.
That's short for Ludovic,
his full name.
Then there's Louis.
That's a very old name
from northern Europe.
l can't really remember
but it comes
from Cholodwig, l think.
And the youngest one is Monica.
That means ''the one and only''.
- Got any homework?
- No.
Not for tomorrow?
lt's a day off.
Silly me.
- Who helps with your homework?
- Christophe.
No one. We do it alone.
That's good. You manage alone.
Very good.
- It's me!
- Hello...
Sorry, l came in.
The door wasn't locked.
lt's not my place. Who are you?
l know Christophe.
l work with him.
You work there?
Yes, as a cleaner.
You know what's happened?
Christophe's so sweet.
Their mother isn't here?
We haven't seen her for months now.
Or just long enough
to slam a few doors.
They're good kids.
What'll happen to them?
Sorry, l work nights, l have to run.
Bye, boys.
You're going to love it!
Bye, Agns.
- Mrs Brunet?
- Are you Marie-Claire?
Brunet is Christophe's dad.
My boat's leaving. What do you want?
You know about your son, Christophe?
Who's going to look after...
Well, Jules and Martin
are very young.
l knew it.
Are you a social worker?
No, social workers have a nap
in the afternoon.
Sorry, but l'm in a hurry.
Will you be away long?
With the kids alone?
Know what he's facing?
l don't want to know.
You're leaving?
- That's sick.
- Sick?
You're here to insult me?
My husband wanted kids.
Where are they now?
l have to take charge?
They take off, leaving you the kids!
l had Christophe at 16!
His dad vanished 6 years later
without a trace!
For 5 years, l lived without a guy.
That's a fucking long time!
The next guy gave me two more,
then split!
l'm not even 40 yet.
ln the raw, l look 30!
No one could ever tell
l've dropped 3 kids already.
There's a guy on that boat.
He got me the job.
We sail back and forth,
a three-day crossing.
And that guy likes me.
And that's priceless!
Imagine me saying l have 3 kids,
one aged 22!
No way!
l say he's my brother.
l'm not a mother.
l never have been.
No one fucks mothers.
No one.
Sorry l'm late.
Are you ok?
l was at Mrs Iselim's
and l got talking to her daughter.
Done something nice?
l overcooked it.
Never mind.
Let's see a movie tomorrow.
l don't know. Anything.
No thanks.
Mind if l go alone?
- No, Marseille are playing.
- Against?
l can never place that town.
l thought Lorient was in the east.
l'll bring you popcorn.
Mrs Iselim...
You want Marie-Claire?
No, she's not here.
She's at the cinema.
No, you're not disturbing me.
Yes, l'm watching the game.
You too?
No, Lorient is a mid-league team.
They're making mincemeat of us, yes.
They're still hungry.
The right back?
Yes, l like him too.
Yes, he has a good kick.
Come on now, time for bed.
- Good night, ma'am.
- Good night, sonny.
Will you be ok?
Sleep tight.
Good night.
''Sleep tight, Martin.''
l looked everywhere
but couldn't find it.
Looked for what?
What you promised.
The popcorn.
The popcorn?
Shit, the popcorn! l forgot.
The smell of onions and coee
first thing isn't great...
Chicken yassa without onions
is the French team without Zidane.
Sweet potatoes or rice?
Sweet potatoes or rice with it?
You decide.
A colleague has asked me
to replace her.
l couldn't refuse.
two or three times a week,
l'll be home later than usual.
Two or three?
l have to see her today
so she can fill me in.
When'll you be home?
There you go. Have a nice trip.
Forget all this.
l'd like to see him.
l'm sorry?
Can l talk to him, inspector?
l'd have bet you wouldn't hit him.
Just to talk to him.
lf you bet on a horse,
you may end up winning.
But on a man...
You know a refund will entail costs?
How much?
lt depends.
Let's check.
Cash would suit me.
Sorry about your holiday.
Thank you.
Why do you come here?
To drink. What'll you have?
ls that alcohol?
Metaxa. It's good for me.
Are you ok?
ln 50 years, l never once
came to a bar unaccompanied.
l like it.
l come in, l sit down,
l chat with the waiter
l drink my Metaxa...
lt's very feminine
but men drink it too.
Hot chocolate?
Yes. Why not.
He's amazing.
He always knows what you want.
l think Jeannot's met someone
in Bordeaux.
Have a Marie Brizard instead.
What'll we do?
- About what?
- If he's met someone.
lt's no big deal.
Had many?
Two. l always have two.
That's my prescribed dose.
Ok, Flo, let's say he's met someone.
How do you know?
He told you?
But l can tell.
He's changed.
When he gets home,
is he less loving?
No, that's ok but...
- It's different.
- It's not as good?
No, not really, it's...
- Different.
- Less good?
Stop asking me that, l don't know.
No, not less good.
You don't seem bothered about it.
Flo, it's your life.
You have to deal with it.
lf he goes away for long,
you should go too.
l can't, l have my job.
lt's your life.
lt's up to you.
You know what matters.
My job is...
And there's the mortgage
on the house...
l should be like you?
Sacrifice myself too?
When l left nursing school?
l made that choice.
Others wouldn't have.
But that's what l chose.
l've liked my life, l always have
and l still do
because l've spent it
with your dad and you,
right where l was born.
l wanted all that.
Your hot chocolate.
Come on. 3 minutes,
then he's seeing the magistrate.
Don't screw up.
Come on.
l've withdrawn my complaint.
But with the proceedings started,
it was no use.
What does he want?
Can l...
Can l do anything?
- What?
- Calm down.
He's the one who put me here.
He ratted on me.
And now what?
A U-turn?
lt's too big a burden
for his tiny shoulders?
Does he know what he's doing here?
What does he want? An apology?
What should l apologize for?
For being out of work?
For dipping into his savings,
his pocket money?
For messing up his trip?
Going thousands of miles
to ogle at the world's poverty.
There are animals
all around us here!
He has his pension,
early retirement,
his nice little home,
his little credit plan...
He doesn't know times have changed.
How do you live without work?
We'd just been hired
so we don't get benefit.
The draw was the fairest way
to do it.
Got a better idea?
Analyse each guy's situation.
Lay off the richest,
those whose wives work...
We could have shared
pay and hours.
Or burned the place down!
Anything but crap compromises.
See, l have a few ideas.
Without 35 years in the union.
Just 3 weeks in jail.
lf he wants to help,
he can go to my place to water
the plants or feed the fish.
Boys, are you home yet?
Anybody here?
- Excuse me.
- Who are you?
l'm sorry.
There's no one at Brunet's.
Aren't the kids here?
They aren't home from school.
Are you a relative?
No, but l had this for them.
- For who?
- Christophe's parents.
His parents?
l've never seen a father.
Maybe there's more than one.
As for the mother...
l can give it to the brothers.
Who looks after them?
Social Services, no doubt.
l wonder why
they haven't come for them.
Any news from Christophe?
All right...
l lied.
They found the tickets
and l gave them in for a refund.
l should have told you.
lt was a present for us both
and you really wanted to go.
l'm sorry, Marie-Claire.
What's ''too bad'' in Swahili?
l don't know.
You learnt Swahili for nothing.
Too bad.
You're not angry?
Why would we have gone there
after all this?
Our gazelles...
Our thirsty lionesses...
- Our ''genus''.
- Gnus.
Look, a giraffe...
More like a flamingo.
And our hippos!
You know, Marie-Claire...
it's not easy right now.
The trip could have helped us
to forget.
No, the trip wasn't a good idea.
l want to be happy here.
You're not mad at me?
What's ''l love you'' in Swahili?
Ti copouvala.
l saw him earlier
at the courthouse.
Maybe he's not wrong.
Maybe we could have managed
to save the plant.
Maybe the draw was a bad idea.
The way we did it anyhow.
You've done nothing wrong.
Even in the fight,
the bosses divide us.
l know, it's globalization
and other people are to blame.
But Jaurs wrote,
''True courage
is understanding one's life,
''defining it and deepening it,
''establishing it
and harmonizing it with society.''
Even if nothing is our fault...
l know he attacked us and robbed us
and that we didn't deserve it
Christophe Brunet
has two young brothers.
l think we should help them.
So what do you think we should do?
Now he's likely to be inside
for two or three years,
l'm thinking...
they could live with us.
At home?
Until their brother gets back out.
We'll get by.
l'll get my severance pay,
we can do more advertising deliveries.
ln any case,
we have the plane tickets
to start with.
Are you hungry?
Thank you.
You're not too cold?
We stopped at the beach
on the way home.
They wanted a swim.
Their bags are in the car.
We'll deal with the paperwork later.
We'll manage.
l didn't tell you
because l knew you'd agree.
There was no need.
l did the right thing?
Gilles and Flo...
What are they going to say?
That we're nuts!
Why did you do it?
Why don't you adopt
the kids of the boss who fired you?
He could've killed you!
Ok, Gilles, calm down.
Aren't three grandchildren enough?
lt's not that.
Shut up!
Calm down, Gilles.
Don't talk like that.
What did you do it for?
What use will it be?
lt eases their conscience!
Shut the hell up!
There are millions of kids
worse off than them!
Forget about seeing me or my kids!
So you have 5 grandchildren now?
l still only have 3 grandchildren.
Jeannot won't like it.
How about you, Flo?
Do you mind your daughter
having lunch with them?
You do! Say so!
l'm just wondering what our kids
will think about it,
about these kids being there,
sleeping there,
living with you. Strangers.
We could try asking them
what they think.
No, they don't need this bullshit.
They're too young to understand.
You could have tried
slowing down a bit,
enjoying your grandchildren...
Haven't you worked enough, Dad?
Guys like him,
what would they do for you?
You sacrificed yourself for them.
And how many were worth it?
To end up redundant...
You were always at meetings,
you saw us between strikes...
- That's not true!
- It is!
Seen what's happening now?
Another redundancy plan.
All that for nothing.
You could've told us.
l mean, that trip of yours...
We cut back on stuff...
We all...
We all chipped in to treat you.
Would we have done it if...
No way!
Wait till your friends find out
where their money went!
Know the cost of raising two kids?
Don't count on us!
By the way, when'll you pay me
for the pergola metal?
You asked me to weld it.
l won't count the rods or my labour
but l'd like you
to pay for the metal as agreed.
Are the sausages spicy?
Let's ask them.
How spicy are you, Mrs Sausage?
Not a lot.
What did she say?
Not a lot.
- You want one?
- Yes.
- A plain one too?
- Yes.
- Monsieur Jules?
- Yes, Michel.
We have visitors.
Boys, help me set the table.
l heard you have guests
who like this.
l hope you like cakes, boys.
We know you like it.
How did you know?
The smoke signals.
Gilles called us.
He said you got a refund
and that's bad.
So we're here...
to tell you it's good for us.
No problem.
And if you have enough sausages,
we'll stay for lunch.
Shit! They're burning!
So one of you is Martin...
And you're Jules.
Thank you, ma'am.
No, Denise. l'm Denise.
All right.
- Burned them again?
- Whose fault is that?
How many are you doing?
There are enough for 15 people.
Strange. the comic book...
Yes, l got it back.
lt's not that.
l wanted to tell you...
l didn't find it in a shop
like l said.
l found it at my mum's.
l was the one who stole it.
Inspired by Victor Hugo's poem
''How Good Are The Poor"
Translation: Ian Burley