Nekromantik (1987) Movie Script

Come on, hurry up!
If you've got to go
every ten minutes...
we'll never get there.
Get the map out.
- Where the hell are we?
- You've got the map, haven't you?
Let me see.
Oh, my God! Watch out!
All right, boys. We're there.
Get out!
Go ahead!
Where are the body bags?
Joe's Streetcleaning Agency
Get out of the way.
I have to see the boss.
Hey, wait a minute.
I'll show you
'wait a minute'!
It's all yours.
Okay. Well, then, see you.
Bruno, how did it go?
How do you think it went?
This Schmadtke guy, he's hopeless.
It's not going to work.
Listen, he hasn't been
with us very long.
We got to give him a chance.
And, anyway, I'm too busy
to bother with this kind of crap.
I'm still not happy with him.
That's your problem.
Okay, get to work!
Hi, darling.
What we are talking about here
are real phobias...
with a high rating on the test
anxiety scale...
according to Krumholtz
and Thorensen.
And even after a very long
desensitization period...
you can have a sudden relapse
with the worst possible consequences.
But when the person is continually
confronted with this phobia...
does it not become less horrific?
I am thinking especially
of soldiers in war...
who could not stand
the sight of blood...
or teenagers who watch
brutal horror movies all the time.
Of course, we have a reduction in fear
through systematic desensitization...
but only with less serious phobias.
But we're talking here
about spider phobias.
We now hear from Dr. Laskowski.
because of the way they look...
and even though
they are very useful animals...
are the cause of many phobias
in people.
These phobias take the form
of pathological fear.
These people can sometimes be cured...
through shock therapy
or desensitization.
I remember a case where I simply put
a spider on the patient's hand...
and her phobia was immediately cured.
She then went on to develop a very
close relationship to these animals.
She started
to breed tarantulas for a living.
This shows that this kind of therapy
can be used...
to cure other, similar aversions:
for example, fear of dirt,
excrement or dead bodies.
This is, of course,
a very unexplored area in psychology...
and we have only made the first steps
into a mysterious land of wonders.
Joe's Streetcleaning Agency.
Well, how does it look, Officer?
Okay, we're finished here.
You can drag him out.
Get to it!
Have fun, boys.
He picked a good day
to go swimming, didn't he?
Hurry up!
That's it for today.
Rob, you take him away.
Betty, come here!
Guess what it is.
Here you go.
I've got some videos here.
They're real hot stuff.
Good one!
What's that terrible smell?
Is that you?
Have a look
in Schmadtke's locker.
He left his overalls here
to rot over the weekend.
- Where is he, anyway?
- He's not here.
What? He's not here yet?
Good morning.
What's the idea?
You're always late!
Yeah, a couple of minutes.
I'll show you
a couple of minutes.
What is this, a pig sty?
I've had enough of you.
We're going to see the boss.
Hey, are you crazy?
Move it!
'Yes child, and I hope
we can be one big happy family.'
A tear ran across Eve's face.
She couldn't speak.
Carefully, the man led her to a chair.
'What's wrong?' he asked her.
'It was too much for me,'
she whispered.
He looked at Eve's tender body
with love in his eyes.
'Do you think you could ever love me,'
he whispered.
Do you think you
could ever love me?
'It was love at first sight...'
she said breathlessly...
'but I never hoped
that you could love me too.'
'Didn't you feel it?'
Okay, you can see for yourself.
You don't fit in here.
I have to rely
on my foreman's judgement.
Go and pick up your papers.
They've thrown me out.
Thrown you out?
What for?
Trouble with Bruno.
Trouble with Bruno,
and they simply threw you out?
Why didn't you
stand up for yourself?
Don't just hang there
like a wet blanket.
I bet you stood there
in front of your boss...
staring at your feet...
you wimp!
Answer me!
What can I say?
My God, you're unbelievable.
Do you want me to go out
and work for you?
Shall I go searching...
for corpses?
How long do you think
that's going to last?
Look at the state of him!
I'll tell you something:
If I meet a guy with money...
then you won't see me
around here anymore.
I'm not going to waste
the best years of my life...
here with you in this hole!
- Stop it!
- Not, not at all!
It's all over.
I think you understand
that I don't want to sacrifice...
the best years of my life
for you.
I've taken ''our friend'' with me,
as a last present from you to me.
Good-bye, B.
Three beers.
Crisps and peanuts.
Has the film started?
Ten minutes ago.
Ticket and a beer.
Nine fifty.
I've never had such a horrible pig
between my legs.
He stunk to high heaven...
and wanted to do it doggy-style.
The old bastard!
What are you laughing about?
If he comes back tomorrow,
he's not going to find me here!
Yeah, if you want to do something
special, it's okay with me...
but it will cost you more.
Yeah, we can do it there
if you want.
Here, that one.
Okay, slip it in!
What's wrong?
Can't you get it up?
Come on, try it again.
Something's wrong.
Don't laugh at me,
you cunt!