Nekromantik 2 (1991) Movie Script

That feels good.
Just do it.
Come on.
Come here, baby.
Kiss me right now.
That feels good.
Come on, just do it.
Come here, baby,|kiss me now.
I'm so horny.
Come on, let's fuck.
That feels good.
Come on.
Come on, baby,|kiss me now.
I feel so horny.
Let's fuck.
Oh, damn.
My God, you're unbelievable.
Do you want me to go out|and work for you?
Shall I go searching...
for corpses?
How long do you think|that's going to last?
Look at the state of him!
I'll tell you something:
If I meet a guy with money...
then you won't see me|around here anymore.
I'm not going to waste|the best years of my life...
here with you in this hole!
It's me.
I know that we have|our date next week...
but I can't make it then.
Couldn't we meet|tomorrow evening?
That's fiine with me.|I don't know what to do anyway.
There's an interesting fiilm|showing at the cinema.
What kind of fiilm is it?
Yeah, I heard about it.
Okay, I'll get the tickets...
and please be on time.
Okay, see you.
Yes, I'll be on time.
One coffee, please.|With milk.
That's one mark.
You know, I've always|been interested in ornithology.
As a small boy,|I often went into the woods.
There was a small bird colony|of about 40 birds...
which nestled|high up in the pine trees.
And as we went to Iceland|a few months ago...
my interest awoke to new life.
In the midst of the city|is a small lake...
and every day|a lot of rare ducks appeared there.
For example, eider ducks...
whose feathers are used|to make eiderdown...
and heron ducks...
and also singing swans, that you|don't see much around here.
Did you also see ice ducks?
Yes, ice ducks too.
They can only be found|in Iceland and in Norway.
I found all that so exciting...
that I later went|to the home museum of Reykjavik...
where they had|an extremely rare bird on display...
that became extinct in 1840.
It is called "Geyrevogeel" in Iceland.
It's German name is "Dronte"|or "Riesenbrielelenaelk"...
and there exist just a few|stuffed specimens of this bird.
I was quite astonished|to fiind one of them in East Berlin...
at the Museum of Natural Science.
The "Dronte" was a big bird,|about three feet high, unable to fly...
and laid just one egg a year.
Did you know that "Lummen"|can also be found in Helgoland?
They have a funny name:|"Trotteelelummen".
Anyway, there's a nice|natural history museum in Helgoland...
and I went there.
They had a lot of stuffed birds...
and all kinds of fiish|swimming in the pools...
like codfiish and herrings...
in salt water pumped in|from the seacoast.
The main city of the Westmannsinseln|is called Hamay.
I went for a walk there|and came to a green meadow...
where suddenly some strange birds|started flapping around me...
and as if laughing at me...
began a curious tune.
They got real thin legs,|as thin as a match...
and about this long...
and are called "Morneelel"-"Regenpfeifer".
Very strange.
Anyway, they continued circling me|to distract me from their nests.
That's instinctive behavior|to deter enemies.
The largest living birds|ever to exist on Earth...
were the moas from New Zealand.
They couldn't fly|and measured up to 11 feet.
The Maoris used to ride on them.
There are some more birds|which are unable to fly...
such as the kiwi...
which has nothing to do|with that prickly, little fruit.
It lives in Australia...
and is their national bird.
Another one is a small parrot...
but I don't know exactly|what it's called.
It's a small, green one...
that makes small paths|through the underbrush.
And of course the penguins,|which you also know.
Did you know that those are direct|descendants of the dinosaurs?
I haven't heard that before...
but according|to the theory of evolution...
birds are the only descendants|of the dinosaurs.
You know,|there's this archae-such and such...
that was found petrifiied.
It was a flying dinosaur which|became the ancestor of all birds.
So, birds are actually dinosaurs.|Can you imagine?
A sparrow is a dinosaur?
Ten past nine,|I was tired of waiting.
Not being on time|has always made me angry...
and I didn't want to miss|the beginning of the movie.
On top or on the side?
On top.
Got some salt?
What do you do for a living?
I dub fiilms.
What kind of fiilms?
Sex fiilms.
Come on, you're kidding me?
No, really. That's why I liked|the movie we just saw.
They were only sitting and eating.
It's different|from the monotony of porn flicks.
What do you do?
I work at a hospital as a nurse.
That's my great-grandmother.|Looks as if she's sleeping.
That's her husband.
He died soon afterwards.
That looks like she's buried alive.
I have an absolute horror|of being buried alive.
Here's my mother...
and this is my aunt's burial.
That was beautiful, very solemn.
They had a choir singing choral hymns.
Right, but I'm still alive.
Look, it's almost real.
Let me down, okay?
Let me down, will you?
Hi. I'm terribly sorry.
I really wanted to be on time.
It doesn't matter.
Let's not quarrel about that now.
- Want a coffee?|- Yes, please.
Two coffees, please.
How are you?
Quite well.|I can't complain.
How are you?
I'm not sure. That's why|I wanted to talk with you.
I met a girl a short time ago...
and people in love|are supposed to be happy...
but somehow she bewilders me.
That's part of the game,|isn't it?
Well, not quite.
She's really nice but...
I think she's somehow... perverse.
You, of all people,|you call somebody perverse.
I thought that in your job|one gets to see everything.
Nothing like her.
She doesn't want me|to move while having sex...
and takes strange pictures of me.
My philosophy...
The fiirst rule is:|You look good.
That's just a given|in our case, you know?
Women are lonely.
That's the topic of today's session.
It's disgusting how you just|sit here and let yourself go.
You're a man. You must notice|that something is wrong here.
Just sit up straight|and fiix your tie properly.
Maybe it's going|to work out after all.
The thing is...
you can't always pretend to be nothing|but a totally incapable, miserable slob.
The point is to fiind some way|to get a start.
If you try to get into it|and then withdraw in such a way...
Do you get it?
Is that clear?
Hey, wake up. We're done.
This is Mark.|These are some friends of mine.
We got to go now.
What have you been doing?
We watched a videotape.
My friends brought it along.
Let me see.
Come on, let me see it.
Very well.
Stop the tape.
Stop it!
I wouldn't want to get acquainted|with those friends.
Why not?
Because it's totally perverse|to watch this for fun.
Or don't you like it?
I fiind it interesting...
and in any case less perverse|than fiilms that always show...
dicks and cunts in close-up.
That's supposed to turn you on,|but it doesn't work with everybody.
Then you shouldn't|have left so abruptly.
I don't want to talk about it|on the phone.
Why don't you come over|tomorrow evening...
and I'll explain it to you, okay?
Okay, see you.
Congratulations, you're pregnant.