Nelly Rapp: Monster Agent (2020) Movie Script

- She was being chased, there
was no place she could hide.
She was face to face
with a terrible monster,
but she didn't feel any fear
and then the monster attacked her!
I'll never give up, do you hear me, never!
Go away, ugly monster,
go away or I'll kill you!
Do you hear me?
It was a wild struggle.
The lady was completely covered in blood,
but despite being injured,
she continued to fight.
Finally, she beat the monster!
The end.
- Well done.
- That was terrible.
- Boo!
- Bah bup bup bup.
- Go away, you're terrible!
- Okay, thanks.
- Okay uh,
can I ask you to be quiet, please?
But we thank her for that
performance that was most unusual.
Let's talk about it.
Your friends probably really
liked the play, deep down.
- Those kids are not my friends.
Hey, come out of there now.
I know it doesn't feel like it now, Nelly,
but school's just a small part of life.
- Just 12 years.
- Yeah, maybe you can pretend to be
more like all the other kids?
So it'll be easier for you.
And remember, those who
are popular now, Nelly,
are often the ones who--
- Who just end up as failures as adults.
- Have I said that?
- After the Christmas show
and when you were angry 'cause
nobody came to my party.
Okay, but get changed
now so we can get going.
- Oh, hello my baby.
It'll be nice to
get away for a while, right?
Get out to the country,
see Uncle Hannibal,
enjoy the fresh air,
recharge our batteries.
Impressive, right?
Yeah, not a bad place to
spend your fall break.
- Oh well that's great.
So then I guess Hannibal
did call for help.
Yeah, or rather,
it was me who called.
I see.
This is Nelly.
- Right, and you are her assistant?
You could call it that.
- Here you are.
- Or dad, as we say at home.
So it's a family business.
Here, take this.
- Thanks.
- Please, you can come on in.
We have all this space,
so you might as well get
started with the cleaning.
You can work in shifts.
No no,
I think there may have
been a misunderstanding.
- Oh yeah.
- You see, this is Nelly.
Nelly Rapp, Hannibal's niece.
And I'm Nelly's father,
I was married to Alice.
We've met before, many times,
but it was, of course, a long time ago.
Are you Nelly?
Are you that Nelly, Alice's daughter?
Yes, you are.
You know, I'm so stupid,
last time I saw you,
you were a tiny baby and
you look just like anyone,
with that ordinary face.
- Thanks.
- I'm so sorry, I thought
Hannibal had hired you
to do the washing up along
with the cleaning and cooking.
Surely Hannibal knows that Nelly
is staying here for a week?
- Oh yeah, oh yes,
Hannibal, yes, he knows.
At least I think so.
You are welcome to use all
the rooms as you please,
except the cellar.
- What's in the cellar?
- Monsters, so don't go there.
- What?
- Yeah, of course there are
no monsters in the cellar,
Nelly, I'm sure are aware that
Lena is just joking with you.
- Lena-Sleva, hm.
And this is your room.
- I thought I'd stay for the
night, while she settles in.
That way I'll be more comfortable.
- Yes, you do that, and feel
free to do some cleaning.
- Your mother also liked it here.
She always said she liked old,
haunted houses.
- You're sure it's haunted?
Oh, absolutely not.
Oh, I didn't hear you come in.
Uh no, uh uh buh buh buh,
we normally only have candy on Saturdays.
- Enjoy them, dear.
Okay, thank you, Lena-Sleva.
She's very quiet.
- Are she and Hannibal married?
- No, they're old teacher
colleagues and friends.
I don't actually know, Nelly.
Can't actually say I've ever
understood these people.
Come here, London.
- Is that why we never visit them?
- So, I'll get your bag
so you can settle in, mm.
Oh, oh.
I simply forgot the milk.
Keep quiet.
We'll let you
out when you calm down.
I'll write
the report for Vincent.
Yes, you'd better do that.
Papa, wake.
Papa, wake up.
- What, what is it?
- Uncle Hannibal has a vampire
in a cage in the cellar.
- No, no he doesn't.
What Lena-Sleva says
about monsters and stuff
is just a story.
- No no no, it's true, I saw it!
Please dad, come on, it's a vampire.
It had fangs and Hannibal's
hand had a bloody bandage on it.
What if he got bitten by the vampire?
- What were you doing coming down here
in the middle of the night?
Something could have happened.
Oh, have you seen this?
It's your grandmother Yardis.
What a nice portrait.
- Come on!
Yeah yeah yeah.
- But, it was here.
- It was probably a dream.
You may have been sleepwalking.
Come on, come here.
It's not unusual to have nightmares
when you sleep in an unfamiliar place.
And may I remind you, you're
a very sensitive little girl.
- Skip the psychology, I know what I saw.
- Mm, okay, come on sweetie,
let's go back to bed.
You need some sleep and
daddy's got a very early start.
- Good morning, London.
London, time to get up.
Time for breakfast.
- If there's the slightest
sign of homesickness,
you'll have to call.
Nelly's a bit, she's a bit unusual.
It's like she has her own
fantasy world inside her head
and she gets stuck in it sometimes.
And one other thing I need to mention,
if there are other kids of her age around,
that would be great.
I'm afraid she hasn't got
many friends back at home.
At school, I believe she
hasn't quite found her,
oh, Nelly.
- Nelly.
Did you sleep okay?
Your father says you've
been having nightmares.
No monsters in the cellar, hm?
- Ah.
- Cigarillo?
- Uh buh buh buh buh.
Now just a minute, Nelly
is only 11 years old.
I see.
And here's a dog.
- Hello London.
Oh, I guess you're
getting hungry, huh Nelly?
- Hm?
You want to have something to eat.
No problem, I'll see what we've got.
Hello, this is Lennart.
Yeah, okay, go ahead, make a start.
I'll join you later, quietly.
Uh huh.
Okay, I'll meet you there.
All right.
- We've got halloumi bowl,
beef croquets, pasta carbonara--
Oh, I got it.
- Oh God!
- Well, you're not as
fast as you once were.
You need to get to the
hospital, you need a doctor!
- No no no no--
- No no no no, it's fine.
- It's not necessary.
Some blood and other minor injuries
is nothing for a retiree or pensioner.
- I took an early retirement.
- Yes, and in winter, when it's slippery,
we fall and break something
every day, don't we?
- Nelly, you have to get ready
to come back to town with me,
- No no no no,
Nelly should stay here with us.
And of course surely
you want to stay here with Uncle Hannibal.
- Come on, we'll go
and get some breakfast.
- Go on, I'll see you in a few minutes.
Doodle oo.
Brace yourself.
- No, don't--
- Yes.
- Stop, ah--
- Come on.
- Do not come near me,
it's really painful.
- I'm only trying to help you.
Get something,
get some pruning shears or something.
- It'll be a lot of fun.
- When you get an arrow
straight through your arm,
it is not a minor injury.
Of course you need a doctor.
Immediately, straight away,
with no discussion whatsoever.
Do you remember last summer
when I got stung by a wasp?
It hurt, a lot.
Imagine an arrow straight
through your arm, oh my God!
I wish I could have
done something about work, but--
- Don't worry at all.
Nelly is in good hands.
Come on, come here.
- Hannibal.
- Oh, it's only you.
- What, what is this place?
- What is this place?
The fact that you found it,
that means that you are ready now.
You'll find out everything
sooner or later anyway.
- Ready to do what?
- What I'm about to tell
you is very, very secret,
and you must promise me
that you will never, ever tell anyone
whether they are a living
creature or even a dead one.
It's like this,
there are monsters and
other creatures in the world
and they are not of human kind.
What do you mean?
- What's that?
What do you mean?
- Sorry?
For real?
- Huh, what?
- For real?
- Yes.
This is our library.
Here is all our research
and everything that's ever
been written about monsters.
And guess what,
people come from all over
the world to see this
to read everything that we've documented.
And here, we have a collection
of different organs.
We have monster paws--
What, really?
fetuses over there.
Uh huh.
- And here, here,
these are delicious.
Mm, pickled eggs.
Try one.
They keep forever, go on.
Don't be shy.
Most of the time there's
a very good balance
between monsters and humans.
The monsters keep to themselves, usually,
and people don't really notice them.
For the most part, it works,
but then sometimes something goes haywire
and they don't like that they're monsters.
That's when they start breaking the rules
and that's where we come in.
We are the monster agents.
Our most important task
is to protect the world from monsters
and to protect monsters from the world.
- You and Hannibal, are you agents?
- Mmhmm.
This is where we bring difficult monsters.
Don't worry, he's asleep.
These are the ones who can't be helped
in their natural environment.
This one hasn't stuck to his diet
and last night he went
out looking for blood.
Luckily we caught him before
he could attack a human.
- Mmhmm.
- He's a little malnourished, see?
You take a little more
nourishment and we'll let you out.
You know, we considered
your mother a hero.
Wasn't she a librarian?
Yes, but she
was also a monster agent.
See that?
- You're so much like her.
Not a single day goes by
that I don't think of her.
I miss her so much, since that
mission when she disappeared.
- What mission?
- A car accident?
- We wanted people to believe
that she met her demise in a car accident.
If only she hadn't been so stubborn.
- Then, what happened?
- There was a super-moon in
March, almost nine years ago.
Your mother responded to a werewolf alarm,
in the dark forest, alone.
One should
never do that on their own.
We followed
her and we searched for her.
For a long time.
- But we never found her,
your mama.
I'm sorry.
Look here.
It was your mother's monster agent badge.
- What are you doing, saying
what you shouldn't say?
- Surely you haven't told her.
- Uh, told her what
exactly, what do you mean?
Well, I've mentioned just a few things.
- What has been decided?
- We did decide that we should wait.
- We should wait.
How long has she been here?
One day, and then you start
blah blah blah blah blah blah.
You come with me.
You've seen too much already.
But I want
to be a monster agent.
- Absolutely no way.
get into the elevator.
Right now,
I want you to listen to me, concentrate.
Look at the pocket watch.
Follow it with your eyes.
Breath deeply, forget
everything you have seen.
I'm erasing your memory.
You won't remember a thing and you--
- What are you doing?
It never worked anyway.
Just forget everything
you've seen, forget!
And no nagging.
This can't go on.
More and more monsters are
showing up among people.
Sorry to say, but no one's safe anymore.
- Tea?
You know, I've
been saying for a long time--
- You know, I thought maybe
you could let me become a
monster agent after all?
- Please Nelly, I'm busy.
You can't just wander around the house.
Do you want some candy?
No more.
That's not all, the world
is full of media reports,
incidents that can only
be explained by one thing,
A large
woman abducts a child
from a maternity ward.
Oh my God, these are obviously trolls.
The water spirit likes to entertain.
- Hey.
- Huh?
- Uh,
you have to know, I really
feel ready to do this.
- You shouldn't be here--
- but I'm ready--
- I told you so.
Now do as I say, go
upstairs and stay there
and don't come down again.
Vincent says our old methods
aren't working anymore.
- Vincent?
- The monsters are more active than ever.
He has called for a crisis meeting.
He has a new idea that he wants to present
and put into action.
Ug, you don't
think he's exaggerating?
- Absolutely not at all,
he's the one who's got the big picture.
- All right, okay, you
call a crisis meeting.
Then we'll see where that gets us.
- Yeah.
- Nothing good, I'm sure.
You see, I have no faith in him.
I think that sometimes he's a,
bit of a drama queen, hm?
Let him come and, we'll see
what Vincent has to say.
- What?
If he actually shows up.
What was that all about?
What was all that winking?
Did I see you wink?
- Now Nelly, we're having
a monster agent meeting.
Bunch of strange cars.
- But it's just a cover.
We can't let people know
that we're monster agents,
so we have to have other jobs.
Then people think that's what we do.
And so what's your cover?
- I'm a retired teacher,
just like Hannibal.
He took early retirement.
He thinks it's classy.
Who's that?
he's become the most important person
in the monster agent
council, so important.
You could say he's our boss.
- What's his cover?
- He's a life coach.
- What's that?
- I don't know.
Come on.
Wait here, wait.
- Lena-Sleva, it's been a long time.
Nice to see you.
Sorry, I thought I saw a ghost.
Is that Alice's daughter?
- Yes, Nelly.
Aren't they alike?
- Definitely.
Wow, great place.
I could happily live here.
Yeah, we do our best.
I couldn't help but notice
outside your beautiful Porsche,
what year is it?
- '85.
- Of course.
- Mmhmm.
- And the engine?
- 3.3 liters.
- Turbo charged?
- Of course.
- Split.
- Of course.
Oh, not now.
- Uh, monster alarm, we have
activity in sector three.
We'll take my car,
I have several uniforms.
Let's go,
mission military exercise.
- Hey, I'll come with you, Hannibal.
Watch out, next time.
- No London, come back.
London, come back!
- It's hiding by the garbage.
A Frankenstein-er,
wandering around in public.
It's breaking all the rules.
But yes.
- What's going on?
- Today is our uh, Army training day.
Here they are.
You're going to use bolas?
- Yes.
Ah, Yee haw!
Is this what
our taxes are used for?
- London, stop!
No London, come, not that way!
London, come.
- Vincent, forget about it.
It's exactly like you said,
our old methods no longer work.
Let's regroup and focus on the meeting.
We're all looking forward to
hearing more about your idea.
- London.
There you are, London.
Professor Stein.
London, come on.
No no no, no.
London, run!
What, what was she?
- Well, what are we going to do?
We can't work any harder
than we already do.
Two of my agents are now
suffering from burnout.
- But do we really know that the monsters
have become harder to catch?
- Well, you can ask Hannibal
and Lena-Sleva, I don't know.
You've been chasing a
werewolf for six months now,
am I right?
- Yes, we have because it's very fast.
I'll take this one.
Oh dear.
Where did it go?
But is it right that poor you
should have to run and get sweaty
just because they cause a problem?
No, it's time for new ideas.
- And that's what this presentation
is going to be all about.
It's a story about a little boy.
Not a day goes by
without him being bullied
or teased or mocked.
No one liked him, not even
his own mother like him.
"You're so ugly," she said.
But he's strong, the boy is strong.
He no longer wants to live in the shadows.
He decided to change
his life for the better
and he chose happiness.
And this boy, that was me.
- He's such a drama queen.
- Right.
- No matter how brutal,
maladjusted or disgusting they are,
surely everyone can change.
Monsters, a huge problem in society.
Monster agents have been
fighting them for generations,
but the question is, are the old methods,
in fact, still working?
The answer is, no.
The new, state-of-the-art,
Total Care Center
combats monsters with high-tech,
cost-effective methods.
Here, patients are treated
with the very latest
normalization techniques.
Please try some broccoli.
You won't get anymore human brains.
- Our cosmetic expertise is world-class.
A werewolf's horrifying
hands can be fixed.
A vampire's scary smile
can, of course, be treated.
Our producers will make
them as human as possible.
Total Care Center, for a world
free of grotesque monsters.
What do you think?
Was it bad?
- No no no.
- I should've lowered my voice a little,
Total Care Center, huh?
No, no it was, it was fine.
- Tell me.
- Well, I don't know.
Uh, this thing you expressed,
about making everyone fit in,
or those who don't.
- I think you're right,
I think it's possible.
We're gonna face a lot of obstacles,
but I need all your monster
agents to do their part.
And I need you,
and all of your monster
agents to come through.
I'm in.
- Yes.
Today's monsters are more
brutal than ever before.
half wolf, half human.
Transformation happens
during a full moon, once me.
Ghosts, can't, want to
depart from this world.
Vampires, can't stand
sunlight, drink blood.
A Frankenstein-er is
a monster put together
from different body parts.
Their head, legs and arms
are stitched together,
making a completely new creature.
That's why they're called poly-corpus,
poly means many and corpus means body.
In order to bring the creature to life,
a laboratory is required and
also very strong electricity
as one would find in
lightening, for example.
One of the many problems
with Frankenstein-ers
is that they lack a natural link
between their heart and their brain.
In addition, they are incredibly strong.
For that reason, they can be
ruthless and very dangerous.
- If I say to you that Total
Care Center is the solution,
what say you?
- Do you want it?
- I said, do you want it?
- I can't hear you!
Can't hear you!
All right!
- I'll show Hannibal
that I am ready to become a
monster agent, just like you.
Come on, London, let's go
catch a Frankenstein-er.
It's very dark.
Come on, London.
Go away, ha!
Go, be gone!
- Just lie still.
- Where's London?
London, I thought you were--
- Lie still.
Try to rest.
Yes, here you go.
Good doggy.
- Come, come here, London.
What are you baking?
Okay, but thanks for saving
me from the werewolf.
And I'm sorry I tried
to catch you yesterday.
So, can you tell me what
you're going to be baking?
- Cookies.
Uh, cookies and jam.
I have the heart of a pastry chef.
- Tell me, are you really
a Frankenstein-er girl?
- Hm.
So, I guess you live here.
I mean, how long have you live here?
Did they put you together here?
- I was born in the laboratory.
In the laboratory?
- In the cellar.
- Can I see it?
- Okay.
- Vincent.
- Hannibal.
It's gonna be a success,
Total Care Center.
No more monsters in the house.
Are you with me?
- Oh, absolutely.
- I must say, it's great
having gotten to know you.
May I invite you to have dinner with me
when all of this is over?
I'll take you to a little place
that specializes in
serving a kind of pizza.
They have four Chinese dishes
rolled into it, most unusual.
Sweet and sour sauce,
nuts, deep fried prawns,
stir fried chicken, folded
inside it like a surprise.
It's a sort of crossover kitchen.
- Know what, I'll book it now, right now.
- You really will?
- Yes.
Let's do it.
Let's do it tonight.
Am I interrupting?
- Yes, a little.
- No, not at all, come in.
I'm booking a car to Total Care Center.
Let's do it.
- Okay.
Have the car here at 7:00 p.m.
Have you seen Nelly?
My mom built me here
in the laboratory a long time ago.
Is your name Roberta?
- My name's Nelly.
But the drawing is more
than 100 years old.
Tell me, how old are you supposed to be?
- Old.
- Come to mama.
Yes, go, careful, careful, you can do it.
Well done!
My mother, the professor,
thought I was a beautiful child,
the most beautiful she had ever seen.
She wanted me to be normal
and have a profession.
- This heart belonged to a
very talented pastry chef.
Now you're going to learn to bake.
Won't that be nice?
Mother had a
lot of patience with me.
- Oh Roberta.
- Uh, mm.
It took me many years to learn to bake.
Oh my, they're beautiful.
We decided
to open a cafe together.
But my mom had grown very old.
But I didn't.
When she was no longer here,
everything became very quiet.
The cafe never opened.
I don't have a mom either.
She died when I was little.
We never got to know each other at all.
What is that?
- It's a, um um,
well, my mom was a,
hero to some people,
and they gave her this medal.
- You know, you look like her.
- I would like to be just like her.
But my dad wants me to
be completely ordinary.
He always says, "Try to
tone it down a bit, Nelly."
He's probably just worried
I'll be all by my lonesome.
Are you a sad girl?
Don't take this the wrong way, Roberta,
but I thought that you didn't have a link
between your heart and your brain.
That was in a book that I read, so,
of course I thought that you were
a really dangerous Frankenstein-er.
But I see I was wrong.
Do you have any monster friends?
Back in the 1980's,
we used to have parties.
We loved to dance.
But not anymore?
all monsters are quite
different from each other,
but most of them want to
be with their own kind.
- This is really so sad.
What if you end up having to be alone here
for another 100 years?
I think you should open your cafe.
'Cause it's your dream.
Your mom would be really happy about it.
You gotta dare to try.
People can change, and monsters too.
And Roberta, I'll be here to help you.
Let's see it.
Tea and Cakes
at Roberta's.
Is he a vampire?
- Mmhmm, mmhmm.
Hi, it's Lucas.
Hi mom.
Give me an invitation.
- That's Vanja, the werewolf
you met in the forest.
- What?
The werewolf works at the hotdog stand?
- Yes, but the only time she's dangerous
is when the moon's full.
Okay, let's invite her.
It's just
a normal little pimple,
no one's going to notice it.
- Are you joking?
It looks like I have a flashing red light
in the middle of my face.
- Well excuse me,
but I don't think anyone's
going to notice the pimple
when they see the knife in your stomach.
- Dearest God in Heaven, please, please,
remove this horrible blemish--
- Amen.
- What?
- Quick, say amen.
- Come on, one more time.
Vincent speaking.
- Hi, it's Eva from Total Care Center.
They're not adjusting as planned.
They don't seem to feel quite well.
I can't put my finger on it.
Okay, what's the problem?
- What if we took away
too much of their brains?
Nah, it's fine,
we're bringing the other bunch tonight.
- I'm worried that
we won't be able to
release them into society.
We have to
eliminate the difficult ones.
Yes, you know, chop chop.
- Are we going to kill them?
We are ready downstairs.
- Very good.
Friends, we
have monsters to catch.
Look for them everywhere.
We're going to catch them all
and we're going to make them fit in.
Let's do it.
That figures.
- I can get some more.
They've probably got some at the house.
- Hey wait.
- What's up?
Roberta, there's something I have to say.
- Hm?
- You see, I am,
well the truth is, I'm not,
not yet, but I'm hoping to become
maybe you'll call me a, something like,
if I'm chosen.
Just like my mom was.
- Tell me later.
The guests will be here soon.
Go get some more paint.
- The hotdog stand is closed,
there's no sign of the werewolf, copy.
- Hotdog wrap with extra everything.
- It's closed, no one's here right now.
- Yeah, but you're here.
- I'm not.
- Come on.
- Okay, so what did you want again?
- Hotdog wrap with extra everything.
- What are you doing there?
- Uh, we're doing some
work on the electricity.
We have a,
a, uh huh, there it is.
- We are all gathered here today,
the little one is being surprised,
I mean baptized and it will be named,
what name again?
Extra everything.
And ice cream.
Pickled cucumber.
It's for you.
There's no one here,
so I'll just put the
mail through this slot.
- That's usually where the
mail is supposed to go.
- How are you doing?
- Soon finished.
The source of the problem is right here.
Uh, I just cut it off.
That does it, yeah.
- I say the name, with water on the head,
I baptize you--
- Who are you?
- Uh--
- Corina Bergstrom.
Oh, that's my name.
Woop, hold on.
Yeah, I'm connected, I knew it.
With the Lord, the Lord.
Sometimes he contacts me,
but he's always so pushy.
Mm, hallelujah.
Look here.
- Frankenstein-er.
- And here.
Human footprints, small feet.
- Ah, come.
- So you haven't heard
of the Sisters of Mercy?
Mm mm.
- Ah, mm, well, the first album
was First and Last and Always in 1985.
Flood land was released in 1987
and then Vision Thing in 1990.
This is dead boring, let's go.
Come on, maybe
there's gonna be a party.
- Party, it sounds more like a funeral.
Our funeral was a lot
more fun than this is.
But we
haven't had a funeral.
- Oh, she doesn't know she's dead.
- Oops, yeah.
- Can you see my blemish?
- Yes, definitely.
- Uh, everyone, please
help yourself to cookies.
- Finally.
- Uh, excuse me,
but I don't understand
what we're doing here.
- We're eating.
- I've asked you all to come here tonight
because I'm thinking of opening
a small, but very friendly cafe.
- I see.
What's that got to do with us?
- Well, we thought that maybe
you would be interested in helping us out.
- Help out, I can cook hotdogs.
I'm good at eating, but I don't bake.
- Exactly who did you think
would come to this cafe?
Other monsters, or what?
Or did you
think maybe some humans?
Hang on, I can
smell something in the air.
- Werewolf.
- And ghosts too.
Everyone was heading in
the same direction, here.
- I'll call Vincent.
Hannibal to Vincent.
- Nelly, wanna come,
it's gonna be exciting.
- Why is that?
- We know there are
monsters in the forest.
They're all gathered together
and we're gonna catch them.
You've got agent blood in your veins.
Wanna come?
We're getting rid of
them once and for all.
It's not blood.
I'm a vegan.
It's okay, I take these
iron supplements, mmhmm.
My family doesn't understand
why I don't drink blood.
They're like, "What's wrong,
wanna be malnourished?"
Mm, I'm glad they moved to Transylvania.
But not you?
- No, not my thing, never was.
The whole Dracula life, oh,
living in an old castle,
wearing a cape, it's so not me.
But I would like to help out
with the cafe you were talking about.
- Hm.
If you want.
- Me too.
I'm what you call a spoon licker.
- Should I put some music on?
- Sure.
- Yeah, yeah?
- What's on your mind?
- My Nellie.
Who's that?
My new friend.
Really bad song.
This is not helping.
It sounds sad.
This is going
to make everybody leave.
He should play
something we can dance to.
Voodoo wadda voodoo wadda
Voodoo wadda voodoo wadda, voodoo
Voodoo wadda voodoo wadda
Voodoo wadda voodoo wadda, voodoo
1984, who was knocking on
my door, wanting your life
1980 now, it's giving me a
go way to the artist's show
I only wanna be forever now
Forever and a day, day, day
Following in the
footsteps of your love
Oh oh voodoo wadda voodoo, do ya
Oh oh, I only wanna be voodoo, oh oh
Voodoo wadda voodoo, do dah
Oh oh, I only wanna be voodoo, oh oh
1989, I'm not wasting time
wishing you a happy day
But 1980 now, no reason
why I'm giving you my soul
Oh, I only wanna be forever now
- Be quiet!
- Nelly's in there.
Has she gathered them all together?
- Let me see.
- You need to get away, now!
I haven't got time to explain,
but some monster agents
are coming to catch you.
Run, hurry up!
After her!
- You have to let her go,
she hasn't done anything.
What, what do you mean?
Disgusting freak.
Let me go!
You can't take her!
Nelly Nelly,
what are you doing?
Nelly, Nelly!
- Stop her, stop her now!
Put it down, oh, put it down, quick!
Okay, center.
Roberta, it's only me.
Oh gosh!
It's stuck!
No, Roberta, don't!
- Roberta, please stop.
- I'm a monster, don't come near me!
- Stop Roberta!
- Nelly!
You've gotta
stop, please please.
You've gotta stop.
Roberta, please stop.
- Hey hey, Roberta, you've gotta stop.
Don't do anything stupid.
Hey hey,
I'll make you beautiful.
You're a monster, but I can fix that.
- Please Roberta, don't do it.
You're my friend, Roberta,
my only true friend.
I really like you.
Don't do it, please please don't do it.
Please Roberta, do it
for me, you're my friend.
I'm sorry, I should have
told you everything.
I'm sorry.
Come on.
I thought I wanted to be a
monster agent, just like you,
just like my mom,
but if that means that
anyone who's different
isn't allowed to exist,
that you're not allowed to exist,
that changed my mind.
- Look out!
- Hannibal,
you're just a fricken coward!
What are you staring at?
Stop staring at me!
I'm not afraid of you.
I don't need you, I don't
need any of you, get it?
Freaking monster huggers.
No, you don't even get it,
you don't understand what we're doing!
You have no idea how
fantastic it could be.
You blithering idiots!
I'm surrounded by blithering idiots!
How am I supposed to build something great
when everyone around me
is a total idiot, huh?
You're all crazy, just plain nuts!
I thank you.
He's actually a bit of uh,
what did you call him?
Drama queen.
Exactly, a drama queen.
Well my dear fellow agents,
what does it in fact mean to be different?
What does it mean to be normal?
Am I normal?
- No.
- Yes, I would say that I am.
Hannibal is normal.
No way, I'm not talking
about just his appearance,
his whole personality is just
strange, be that as it may.
Perhaps that also explains
why I like him so much.
- Thank you, Lena-Sleva.
Our mission is to protect
the world from monsters
and monsters from the world,
but not to decide who is
allowed to exist in the world.
Nelly Rapp, come here.
You're small,
but your heart is big
and all of your actions
have reminded each of us
of who we really want to be.
There ought to be more monster agents
and more people like you.
And therefore, I hope, with all my heart,
that you will want to wear
your very own agent badge.
And you'll wear it with pride.
- Yeah.
- You're a monster agent.
Oh, oh I've missed you
so much.
Is everything okay?
- Yeah, yes you should
know one thing, Lennart,
Nelly is, she is an incredible person.
- Oh.
Hey, what's this?
- I thought she should have
one of those like Alice had.
It's a family tradition.
Huh, thanks for the week.
We'll keep in touch, huh?
- Sweetie, if you ever need me,
you'll know where to find me.
Hide it.
Take care, sweetie.
Hop in.
Oh, watch your tail.
Bye bye.
- Well,
so it's just the two of
us here again.
Turn off here.
Here, why?
I'm gonna show you something.
What is this place?
I have a friend
here, I wanna say goodbye.
Come on.
Really, a friend?
Welcome, come in.
- Ooo, come in if you dare.
- Such realistic costumes, fantastic.
Boing boing.
Vampires can't
stand the sunlight.
- Oh yeah, says you.
- Nelly!
- This is my friend,
Roberta, and this is papa.
- Ah, Lennart.
Really fantastic concept.
So you're stitched together
from different body parts?
I must say, it looks great.
It's lucky that it's just
a fake one, right?
- Eh, no thanks, I'm fine.
- Come on.
- Scary teeth, really
scary, very realistic.
Well I think I'm gonna
have to try something.
Now, what's this, oh fingers with blood.
Yeah, I'll have to have one of those.
- His hearing is bad, help yourself.
You can have a whole hand, Lennart.
And I think I'll
also take a meringue.
Why not take two?
- Here, I thought that
you might wanna have this.
You are my friend, Nelly,
even though you're trying
to be a monster agent.
I know your mom would
have been proud of you.
- And your mom too.
I have to talk with
the shadow in the light
And who fighting for me
They say put your tricks
aside, oh oh oh, oh oh oh
And for once, please, how can I adapt
I never did, I don't know how to
But when it's not
enough to fight for me
I'm gonna wanna live and fight for you
And just because it's
black in the dark
Oh it doesn't mean there's no colors
Just because it's black in the dark
Doesn't mean there's no colors
Oh oh, doesn't mean there's no colors
Doesn't mean there's no colors
I had a talk with the shadow
in the light, oh oh oh
Oh who, looking at me
They said put your
reason aside, oh oh oh
And for once believe
How can I adapt
I never did, I don't know how to
And if I ever stop believing in me
I know I always can believe in you
And just because it's
black in the dark
Oh, doesn't mean there's no colors
Just because it's black in the dark
Doesn't mean there's no colors
Doesn't mean there's no colors, colors
I pulled up my roots from
the bottom I was caught in
I was caught in, ha ha ha