Niko: Beyond the Northern Lights (2024) Movie Script

(light music)
(sleigh chimes)
(light music continues)
(sleigh chimes)
- We're reindeer
we're not horses,
we're Santa's Flying
Forces, ho ho!
(energetic music)
(Lili laughing)
- [Niko] Look at her go.
- Yay!
- [Niko] Lili, The
Flying Reindeer Girl.
- [Jonni] Hey, what about me?
- Lili, The Flying Reindeer Girl
and her brother, Jonni,
The Flying Reindeer Boy.
Be impressed, be
amazed, be careful.
- Niko, what did I say about
doing the Towering Trio?
- I think it was do it?
- I said don't do it.
- Ah. I was so close.
- Yay!
- Come on, Julius,
you worry too much.
- Ah!
- Oh, no.
- Niko, watch out!
- Yay! I'm flying.
- Yeah!
- Again. Niko, again!
- Absolutely not.
- Let's do something else.
How about the Daring Downhill?
- Yeah!
- I love the Daring Downhill.
- Niko, you tell them
to stop that right now.
- Yeah!
- Yay!
- Last one on the
lake is a horse!
- I can beat you two
with my eyes closed.
- Niko! Ah, no.
(Niko grunts)
- Niko is a horse,
Niko is a horse!
- Don't be too sure about that.
- Oh. Oh, oh. (laughing)
(squeals) I'm flying.
(Julius screams)
- Whoa!
- Oh no!
- (Lili laughing)
- No.
- Look.
It's the Flying Forces.
- Hello. You seen Niko, kids?
(Niko grunting)
- We were racing and I
won and Lili came second.
And Niko...
(Niko screaming)
(energetic music)
- Dad?
(snow thuds)
- Ah, did we catch
you at a bad time?
- (grunts) No, no, no.
I was just babysitting.
- Niko, are you
sure you're ready
to start your Flying
Forces training?
- What?
- Of course he's ready.
- I'll be the best
junior pilot ever, sir.
- That race is just the
kind of reckless behavior
that tells me Niko is
anything but ready.
- If Dad says I'm
ready, then I am ready.
- Now, don't be childish.
Hey, I'm not done talking.
- Well, I'm done listening.
And I'm not a kid anymore.
- Nonsense.
- Hmm.
(Julius grunts)
- Mom. (whimpers)
- Huh?
- Well, I'm not a big fan
of goodbyes. So long, kid.
- Goodbye.
- Bye, Niko.
- I'll visit as
often as I can. Okay?
(Niko's dad clears his throat)
- Sorry, Niko.
The ancient rules state
that during the first year
of Junior Flying
Forces training,
you're not allowed
to visit home.
- What?
But, but I'll see them
at Christmas, right?
Even if it's just a
flying visit, right?
- Yeah, well, the thing
is, Christmas is kind
of a busy time for us,
what with it being
Christmas and everything.
- You mean,
I'll never be home
for Christmas again?
- Oh, no.
- You're only telling
Niko this now?
- Hey, I've been busy.
Being in the Flying
Forces is tough.
There's the training,
the sleigh flying.
- The partying.
- Someone say party?
- Party.
- [Flying Forces]
Party! (cheering)
- Settle down guys.
Settle down. What partying?
(laughs nervously)
- Niko, we need to talk.
Joining the Flying Forces
is not for everyone, Niko.
Your father's right about
one thing. It's tough.
Their whole lives
revolve around training
and flying that sleigh.
- I'm, I'm tough.
- I know you are, but you're
also helpful and kind.
And your younger brother
and little sister love
having you around.
We all do, Niko.
We're just saying, why
not wait a few years?
- [Jonni and Lili] Yeah!
(Lili giggling)
- After all, you're
still just a kid.
- I'm not a kid anymore, mom.
Why does everyone
keep saying that?
Dad is the only one
who believes in me.
- We'll take good care of him.
I won't let him outta my sight.
Eh, Niko?
Come on, son. Time to go.
- I can't go without saying
goodbye to Julius. He's family.
- He'll understand.
- Besides,
we're your family now, son.
- Dad, weren't you
always my family?
- That's the spirit.
Now let's move.
(sleigh chimes)
Hey, don't worry.
It'll be great, son.
- Yeah, dad. It'll be the best.
(triumphant music)
- Mom.
Will Niko ever be at home
with me for Christmas again?
- I don't know,
Lili. I don't know.
- Niko, if you've come to say
goodbye, I'm done listening.
- You didn't say
goodbye to Niko?
- He's gone? But we
didn't say goodbye.
- Let me guess,
you're fighting again?
- No.
Well, I might have told
him he wasn't ready
to join the Flying Forces.
- I get it. You're upset.
Goodbyes are hard.
You two are real close.
- Real close? I raised that
boy like he was my own son.
He's not ready to
leave the herd.
- If you're worried, why not tag
along and keep an eye on him?
- Huh, oh, what's that point?
He as good as told me he
doesn't need me anymore.
- (sighs) Fine. You stay here
and feel sorry for yourself.
I'm going.
- So, it's just
you and me, buddy.
Just you and me.
(snow thuds)
(Julius screams)
Uh, Wilma! Wait for me!
(energetic music)
- [Flying Forces]
We're not horses,
we're Santa's Flying
Forces, ho ho!
- Troops, nose dive.
(energetic music)
- Wow, it's so great to be back.
- So, are you ready
for the ceremony?
- What ceremony?
(reindeer humming)
- Niko, do you solemnly swear
that from this day forward
you will commit your life
to the Flying Forces?
- Yeah.
- Definitely.
- Just say I do.
- I do. Definitely.
- Do you swear that
nothing is more important
to you than the
Christmas mission?
- Abso...
I do.
(Niko gasps)
- With the power vested
in me, in accordance
with our Flying
Forces constitution,
I hereby declare you,
Niko, a full Junior
member of the-
- Stop!
Stop right there.
- Whoa. Who are you?
My name's Stella.
And I'm here to claim my right
to challenge for a place
on the Flying Forces.
- Huh?
- Who is she?
- Where did she come from?
- Nice try, Elsa.
But you're too late.
Niko's already got the job.
- Not according to your rules.
And my name's not Elsa. It's-
- Stacey?
No, no. Wait, Bella.
- Nah. I'm thinking
it's more of a Helen.
- She's right.
The ancient rules
clearly state only one
reindeer at a time can become
a member of the forces.
However, any
and all flying reindeer can
challenge for that place.
- So, racing trials.
- Race, yeah!
(group exclaiming)
- Don't the rules also state
that any challenger must
prove themselves worthy
to take the test?
- Bring it on. (grunts)
- Oh.
- Ha, ha, ha! (grunting)
Ow. (grunts)
You still think I'm not worthy?
(group exclaiming)
- [Reindeer] Super fast, eh?
- [Reindeer] Wow.
- Are you okay?
- Of course I'm okay.
- Stella, right?
- So, I'm-
- I know who you are, Niko,
son of the famous Prancer.
The hero.
- Eh?
- What is her problem?
(dramatic music)
- In accordance with
the ancient rules,
the contestants will undergo
three trials to decide
who will be accepted
as a junior member
of the Flying Forces.
Are the contestants ready?
- Ready.
- I do.
What? No, I mean I'm, I'm ready.
- You got this, Son.
Keep your head low and
pull your hooves in.
- Thanks, dad.
- The first trial,
go get the practice presents
from the Roaring River
and place them back here.
Whoever's fastest wins.
Contestants, take
your positions.
On your marks.
Get set.
- Niko! Niko! Niko!
- Dad.
- What?
- May I remind you
that all members
of the Flying Forces must
remain strictly impartial?
- Sorry.
(Stella laughs)
- Now, where was I?
Oh yeah. Go!
(energetic music)
(both grunting)
- You gettin' tired already?
- No, never.
- Huh.
You don't stand a
chance. (grunts)
(both grunting)
(energetic music continues)
(ice thuds)
(Niko grunting)
(Stella grunting)
(wood thuds)
(Stella screaming)
(sleighs thud)
(Stella grunting)
(both panting)
- You okay?
- Why did you come back?
You could have won.
- Yeah, but that
wouldn't have been fair.
- Fair? What do you
know about fair?
- I just saved your life.
What's not fair about that?
(energetic music)
- Look, she's leading.
- Push, Niko. Push, darn it!
Push, darn it!
(energetic music)
(both grunting)
- Yes, Niko, you won!
- The winner of the first
trial, by a hare's breath,
is Stella.
- Yes! I won.
- Nice one, Stella.
- Thanks.
- Respect, girl.
- You go.
- [Stella] Thank you.
- She's really good.
- Yeah. And if you lose
the next race, you're out.
Time to get serious, Niko.
- Huh. That was easy.
I almost felt sorry for the kid.
- Huh?
- Time to get serious.
- The second trial
is a real challenge.
You must both fly beyond
the northern lights.
- The northern lights?
- Oh, what's the matter?
Never flown that high?
- Sure I have.
I was, I was just
worried about you.
- Good. You should be.
- You will each bring
back a practice present
and drop it into your sleigh.
First one back is the
winner. But be careful.
Never ever open your eyes
inside the northern lights.
You might not like what you see.
- Yeah. Weird things, like boo.
- Turn back right after
you collect your presents.
If you drift too
far out, well...
(reindeer shiver)
You might not make it back.
- Psst. Your whole future's
riding on this, Niko.
You have to win.
- I'll, I'll do my best, dad.
- On your marks. Get set.
- Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!
(Dasher clears his throat)
(energetic music)
(Niko grunting)
- You ain't seeing nothing yet.
(Niko grunting)
- Wow. Incredible.
- Give up. This is
not for little kids.
- Little kids?
(Niko grunting)
(dramatic music)
- Careful. You're
drifting out too far.
- (gasping) I don't
need your advice.
(ethereal music)
- [Lili] Niko, Niko.
- Oh no!
(Niko grunting)
(Lili and Jonni laughing)
- Guys. What's going on?
- Huh?
- Playing little kids
games again, huh?
You think you're tough
enough for the Flying Forces?
You have to win, Niko.
Only then can you be like me.
- Dad?
- What?
- Jonni! Lili?
- Lost without your
daddy, little hero?
- Is anybody there? Dad?
(Stella sighs)
(dramatic music)
- This way, Niko.
- Huh? Oh no!
- Wakey, wakey.
Now we're even.
- But, you could have won.
- Oh, I'm still gonna win.
- Not at that speed, you won't.
- No! Wait!
(energetic music)
- Ow, ow! (blowing)
- First rule of high
altitude flying,
slow down on the descent
or you'll burn up.
- Thanks. I didn't know.
- There's a lot you don't know.
(energetic music)
(both grunting)
- Come on, Niko. Nearly there.
Come on, son! You can do it.
Niko! Niko! Niko!
(presents thud)
Back of the net.
Yes. Well done!
Both of you.
- The winner of the
second trial is Niko.
- Check it out. Who's the daddy?
Yeah, who's the daddy? Yeah.
Who's the daddy? Yeah,
me! (laughs nervously)
- The final race will take place
first thing tomorrow morning.
- Great flying.
- Well done, Niko.
(reindeer exclaiming)
- Come on, champ.
(upbeat music)
- So when you all joined
the forces, did you have
to take part in the trials too?
- Oh yeah. Most of us.
- During my speed trial,
I got so lost in fog,
I ran straight into old Tobias
and almost knocked his
antlers off. (laughing)
- Oh dear.
- What was
your trial like, dad?
- Oh, tough.
Competition was
fierce. Heck of a fly.
- What was your secret?
- What do you mean, my secret?
- How did you win?
- Oh, right.
There's only one rule.
Just focus on yourself.
- I can do that.
Just focus on yourself.
Focus on yourself.
Focus on, Stella?
- What do you want?
- You know, it's a
lot warmer inside.
- Warmth is for weaklings.
I come from a place
much colder than this.
- Oh, thanks for
earlier. How's the hoof?
- Ready to fly rings around
your hairy hide. See?
So, what are you doing up?
The final trial is first
thing in the morning.
- Couldn't sleep.
- Me neither.
- Hey, wanna come for a night
flight? I can show you around.
I mean, if you want to.
If you don't, that's cool.
In fact, it's probably
a bad idea. Yeah, sorry.
I'll just...
- Come on then.
Show me around.
Down there, that's the secret
entrance to Santa's Fell,
where the wolves
invaded and then-
- Ugh. Everybody
knows that story.
- Yeah, I guess. What about you?
What's your story?
- Oh, it's nothing special.
- Did you always want to
be in the Flying Forces?
- Ever since I was little,
it's been my dream to fly
Santa's sleigh.
I've been training
so long for this,
I thought I couldn't be beaten.
Now I'm not so sure.
- Was that a compliment?
- I'm serious, Niko.
I might be going home
without ever even
seeing Santa's sleigh.
- Hey, I could show you
the sleigh right now.
- Really? You'd do that for me?
Isn't it against the
almighty ancient rules?
- Then we better not get caught.
(doors creak)
(Stella gasps)
- Wow.
(reindeer snoring)
- Shh.
(bells ring)
(Niko gasps)
(Stella screams)
- We're Santa's...
- [All] Flying Forces, ho ho!
(reindeer snoring)
- That was...
- Weird.
(both giggling)
They have to be opened
in just the right order.
My dad showed me how.
- Oh.
(levers clicking)
(something thuds)
(mechanism clicking)
- This way.
- Huh?
(triumphant music)
(Stella gasps)
It's, it's beautiful.
- This is what it's all about.
(Stella sighs)
- Huh?
What's the matter?
- Oh, it's nothing.
- Come on. You better leave.
(Niko grunts)
- Niko?
- Yeah?
- Thank you.
(calm music)
(doors thud)
(alarm blares)
- Huh?
- Whoa.
- What is that?
- Is it Christmas already?
- Oh man. There goes
my beauty sleep.
- It's coming from
the sleigh room.
- Ouch.
(group exclaiming)
- [Reindeer] What is it? Ugh.
- [Dasher] Donner, Cupid,
Check the entrance doors.
Comet, secure the area.
- We're already out, sir.
- Prancer, turn off the alarm.
- Oh boy.
- What is this?
- It's gone!
- But where's the sleigh?
- No signs of a break-in.
(sniffs) The thief must have
known the code for the door.
- But, no one apart
from us knows that code.
- Ugh.
- Put me down, you big oaf.
- I found these two
snooping around.
Tell 'em what you told me.
- Well, we saw that sleigh of
yours leaving in a real hurry.
- Did you see who was flying it?
- Some reindeer kid.
- No, it can't be.
- Can't be what?
- Last night I, I showed
the sleigh to Stella.
- You did what?
- Huh?
- I was just trying
to be friendly.
- So, you risked
Christmas for that?
- You swore nothing
was more important
to you than the mission.
- Well now, now not easy
there. He's only a kid.
- Troops, without the
sleigh, there is no mission.
Without the mission,
there is no Christmas.
Vixen, Blitzen,
Donner, you take South.
Cupid, Comet, Dancer, west.
Prancer and I will go east.
- Why, what about the
Northern Territory?
- The eternal sea?
There's nothing there,
only ice and more ice.
No reindeer could survive the
cold up there. Where was I?
Oh yeah. Go!
(energetic music)
- Wait. Let me come, I can help.
- No way. I trusted you, Niko.
You need to have a long,
hard, think about this.
You're grounded
Niko. You hear me?
(dramatic music)
- What have I done?
- Cheer up, Niko.
They have all day
to find the sleigh
before the Christmas flight.
- Hang on.
Stella said it was much
colder where she comes from.
The only place colder
than here is up north.
- The Flying Forces are looking
in the wrong directions?
- You heard Dasher.
There's nothing up north,
but ice and more ice.
If I could get the sleigh back,
they'd have to
give me another chance.
- I like where this is going.
- This isn't going anywhere.
And neither are you. (screams)
(energetic music)
- Alright.
(ominous music)
- Whoa.
- She made it
(sleigh bells ring)
(Stella grunts)
(sleigh thuds)
- Dad, should we maybe...
(Stella grunting)
(hooves thud)
I'm on it, dad!
Whoa, whoa!
- Finally, after
all these years,
you've done us proud, Stella.
You took their sleigh, but not
before beating them
at their own game.
- I didn't win
the trial, father.
(snow crackles)
- I told you, Little Miss
Perfect would mess it up.
- And those trials are
for cheats and snakes.
Why should we play
by their rules?
- You said you wanted your
chance to pull the sleigh.
So, here it is.
- All in good time. There's
been a change of plan.
- What? What change of plan?
- You just brought me
the best present ever.
- But...
- Well done, Stella.
- What about Christmas? Father?
(energetic music)
Oh, why?
- Come on, Julius.
Just be happy to be on a
little excursion with us.
- Little excursion?
Firstly, we have no idea
where we're actually going.
Secondly, hypothermia.
Or we could just get lost
over the ice cold sea.
And have you ever
come face to face
with a real actual wolverine or-
- Let's just stay quiet
and enjoy the scenery, eh?
(Niko whooshes)
- May I ask just one question?
How can we ever hope to
just find the sleigh?
It's not like it leaves
tracks in the air.
- Look, tracks!
- Oh!
- They could be from the sleigh.
- Over there. Hoof prints.
Maybe Stella landed here and
then walked towards this tree
and her feet swelled up.
I'm thinking cold allergies.
- No, someone else
was here, too.
- Yeah, that would
also make sense.
- [Lala] Look out below!
- Huh?
(grunts) Got her.
Are you alright?
- Oh, sure.
Don't worry about us.
- Us?
- Here I come.
- Incoming!
- [Lemmings] Wee!
(lemmings thudding)
(lemmings exclaiming)
(Julius grunting)
- Here I come.
- No.
- Woo, woo!
Woo hoo!
(lemmings cheer)
What are you doing?
You can't just go around
jumping off cliffs.
- Somebody's gonna get hurt.
- Don't blame me.
I was following her.
- But I was following him.
- But he was following you.
- I jumped because I saw
some food down there.
- Huh?
(lemming chomping)
(lemming gulps)
- [Lemmings] Ooh.
- I could do with
a fresh juicy leaf
with some moss on top of it.
- I could eat a rock. (grunts)
- They need to eat. Wait here.
- Oh yeah, with some-
- Alright.
Alright. Who's in charge here?
- Uh, nobody.
- Nobody?
- Us lemmings are born
followers, the best.
- But without anyone to follow,
well, we can get very lost.
- Yes, because every
team needs a leader.
- And we are looking for one.
The leader of all lemmings
should be a magical one
who will lead the way to food,
to shelter, and to happiness.
- [Group] Food.
- What?
Your whole future
rests on hocus pocus?
- [Group] Yes.
- Mm hm.
- Listen, you need to start
taking care of yourselves.
You have to stop hoping some
kind of magical being is going
to appear and solve all your
problems just like that.
(Julius gasps)
(lemmings sigh)
Well, what do you know?
- [Lemmings] Our magical leader.
- Who, me?
Oh, no, no, no, no.
There seems to be some
kind of misunderstanding.
Now, if you don't mind,
we have a whole
flying-sleigh thing
to take care of.
- A big red one?
- You've seen it?
- Yes, oh magical leader.
It was headed north-
- North?
- Towards the Eternal Sea.
- Huh?
- You heard the lady.
- To the Eternal Sea.
- Wilma, wait for me.
- You can't leave.
We want to follow
and worship you.
- No. No.
You don't need to follow anyone.
You know, just
believe in yourselves
and listen to your hearts.
- [Lemmings] Wow.
Listen to your hearts.
Wise words, indeed.
- My heart sound,
follow that guy.
- We found our magical
leader. Let all lemmings know!
(dramatic music)
- Father, please.
Santa needs the sleigh for
Christmas. We can't do this.
- Stop whining, Stella.
If father says we can
do it, we can do it.
(dramatic music)
- Alright.
(reindeer grunting)
- The boss is back.
- Huh?
- And he's got the sleigh.
(group cheers)
- We are the Storm Forces, huh!
Not those Flying Forces, huh!
- [Group] We are
Storm Forces, huh!
Not those Flying Forces, huh!
- We are strong. We are tough.
We are more than good enough.
- [Group] We are
strong. We are tough.
We are more than good enough.
- Wow. The real thing.
Happy Christmas to us.
- Oh yeah.
- Let's take it for a ride.
- Nobody touches the sleigh.
- [Group] Okay, boss.
- Father, please.
Let me take it back to the
Fell. You've had your turn.
- No, I've never had my
turn. And do you know why?
- Because you failed your
trial, like the rest of us?
- I didn't fail. I was betrayed.
- Oh, this, again.
- Yes. This again.
My rightful place on
Santa's Flying Forces
was stolen from me.
It seems only fitting
I steal it back.
- But tomorrow's Christmas.
- (laughs) Not this year.
This year, we're gonna
cancel Christmas.
- (gasps) Christmas is canceled?
- What?
- What?
- You're kidding, right?
- Oh, we can't do that.
- Won't that upset Santa?
- Oh, yes. He'll be heartbroken.
- Isn't that a bad thing?
- Yes, for the Flying Forces.
After all, they're the ones
who lost Santa's sleigh
on Christmas Eve.
Santa will be furious.
He'll never want to
see Prancer or Dasher
or any of those idiots again.
And after the Flying
Forces are fired,
then comes the sleigh full
to the brim with presents,
with a brand new, even better
team of flying reindeer.
- Great. Who are they?
- It's us, the Storm Forces.
We will become Santa's
new flying reindeer.
- And you get to
be a hero, father.
(group cheering)
- [Lemmings] We are
lemmings, we love to-
- What's that?
- [Lemmings] We are
lemmings (indistinct).
We are lemmings (indistinct).
- You wanna move
aside there, hot shot?
Pardon me, mouse.
- Stop right there.
- Huh? What?
- I'm a lemming?
You just took one look at me
and said, oh, there's a rodent.
What's the most common
rodent? A mouse.
He's probably a mouse.
Well, I'm not. (grunts)
- Right. Sorry, lemming.
Have you seen a young reindeer
girl pulling a sleigh?
- Nope.
Hey, listen up,
Eastern Lemmings.
We finally found him.
- The magical leader?
- Yeah, yeah. He's
traveling north.
All lemmings are to
follow him there.
- I'm sorry. The magical who?
- You know, the leader.
- [Lemmings] The magical leader.
- The leader is wise and kind.
He created a food
shower of moss for us.
- Wow.
- He calls himself Julius.
- Julius?
- Did he have a young
reindeer boy with him?
- Yep. He did.
- You know, the magical leader?
- Why on earth would Niko fly
north? Nobody lives up there.
You said so yourself.
- Prancer, he's not ready
for the Flying Forces.
Better head that way and
take him back to Home Valley.
- Yeah, you are right.
- Follow that moose.
(lemmings exclaim)
(dramatic music)
(wolverines growl)
- Are you sure we're going
in the right direction, Niko?
- Yes.
- You know the best way to
find due north is to look for-
- The North Star.
I know, Julius.
- We can't see a
thing in this weather.
- Julius, I know where north is.
Which way is north?
Oh, this could take forever.
- Now, now, Niko.
- Patience. In time,
you will learn that-
- Julius, I don't
need you telling me
what to do all the time.
- Oh, really?
You left home without me and
here you are in trouble again.
- And here you are telling
me what to do, again.
- Well, I know when
I'm not wanted.
- Um...
Hmm. Hmm.
- What? He always talks
to me like I'm a kid.
- Niko, you're growing up.
You don't need Julius
like you used to.
- That's what I've been
trying to tell him.
- Well, how do you think
that makes him feel?
His whole life has been
about looking after you.
It hurts to be told
you're not needed anymore.
- Ugh.
Julius, I'm sorry. I
didn't mean what I said.
- Oh, I get that you wanna
stand on your own four feet.
- I, I do, but I don't.
I wanna be a good son to mom.
I wanna play with
Jonni and Lili,
but I also wanna be like
dad and make 'em proud.
And I also want to hang
out with you and Wilma.
And I just wanted
Stella to like me.
Why do I always
mess everything up?
- Would you believe
I've made mistakes too?
And you know what?
Mistakes are good.
They help us to learn, to grow.
- It doesn't feel like that.
- In time, it will.
(wolverine growling)
I think there's something
behind that rock.
- Huh?
- That's a wolverine.
(wolverine growling)
- Ah!
Hold on.
(dramatic music)
- Wilma?
- Wilma?
- You keep going, Niko.
I'll find Wilma.
- What? No.
- I'm not leaving
you two in danger.
- We'll be okay.
The fog's cleared.
There's no time to lose.
- But, I can't do this alone.
- There's nothing
more I can teach you.
Now, go find Santa's sleigh.
- Goodbye, Julius.
(sad music)
- Goodbye, Niko. I believe
in you, always will.
(dramatic music)
- The Eternal Sea.
Come on. You got this.
(dramatic music)
- What have I done?
- Okay, Storm Forces.
- Huh?
- Next year we will be
flying Santa's sleigh.
(dramatic music)
(Wilma panting)
(Wilma gasps)
- Wilma. Wilma.
Oh. Wilma! Hey! Wait!
- Shh.
- Ah. I came back to
save you from that-
- I knew I'd heard food.
- Oh. I'm sorry.
Were you hiding?
(wolverine growling)
- Run!
(dramatic music)
- Huh?
(thunder booms)
(hail clinks)
- Okay, good work, Storm Forces.
One more left we'll do for
today's practice, troops.
- What?
(dramatic music)
(wolverine growling)
- Ah!
The Eternal Sea. We made it.
(wolverine thuds)
- I do love a chase.
Builds up the appetite.
- Wilma, this is it.
- Enough chitchat.
Show me what you got.
- No. No.
Why don't we all calm down, uh,
and, you know, talk about this?
(wolverine growls)
(Julius yelps)
- What's that noise?
- My knees shaking.
- The magical leader! Woo hoo!
(lemmings cheering)
(wolverine growls)
(wolverine sneezes)
- Huh?
(ice cracking)
- This is so unfair.
I'm (sneezes)
allergic to lemmings.
(wolverine sneezes)
- Hey, where'd you
go? Oh, there you are.
- Oh.
(wolverine sneezes)
- Oh, are you okay?
- Help. Help.
- Can I help?
(wolverine screams)
(Julius laughing triumphantly)
- Maybe being the magical leader
isn't such a bad
thing after all.
(everyone gasps)
- Watch out!
(wolverine growling)
- No lemming will save you now.
(wolverine growls)
(ice cracks)
(lemmings yell)
(Julius and Wilma screaming)
(lemmings gasp)
(Wilma grunts)
- The magical leader can fly.
- And he led us to this moss.
(lemmings cheer)
(water splashes)
- Huh?
(dramatic music)
It's just like Santa's Fell.
(ice creaking)
Let go of the sleigh.
- Niko!
- I helped you out in the race
and I showed you the sleigh,
against all the rules.
I trusted you.
- I know.
And I'm sorry,
but there's still
time to get the sleigh
back to Santa's Fell if-
- If what? If what, Stella.
Fraternizing with the enemy?
- Father, please. You
can't cancel Christmas.
It's not right.
- Cancel Christmas?
- What do you know about right?
The girl who betrayed
her own father.
- And brother. I
feel very betrayed.
And this must be
the famous Niko.
- You're smaller than I thought.
- You're just a kid.
- I'm here for the sleigh.
- You'll have to
get past me first.
- Father, no.
- So, what's it
going to be, Stella?
Whose side are you on?
- Ah. Ugh.
- You two are grounded.
(ice cracking)
(Niko grunting)
- This is all your fault.
- Okay. I deserve that.
But you know what? It was
Prancer who started all this.
- What's my dad got
to do with this?
- More than you know.
A long time ago, our
fathers were best friends.
- You're making that up.
- When Prancer and my
father, Ilmar, were boys,
they were like brothers.
They did everything together.
(both whoosh)
- [Both] Whoa!
- That was cool.
- [Both] Hoofa.
- They helped each other,
looked after each other.
(wolverine growls)
(wolverine thuds)
- Thanks.
- They even shared
the same dream.
- Look.
- Same one as you and
me, Niko, to be one
of Santa's Flying Forces.
So when the call came for new
recruits, they both signed up.
But, there was a problem. Only
one of them could be chosen.
(dramatic music)
- One reindeer at a
time can become a member
of the Flying Forces.
- They'd have to compete
against one another.
(both grunting)
My father, Ilmar,
won the first trial.
Your father won the second.
- Huh? What happened?
- It all came down to the
third and final trial.
(energetic music)
- Mind those branches, Prancer.
Prancer, watch out!
(Ilmar grunting)
I'm stuck. Prancer, help me.
What? What is it?
- I'm, I'm sorry.
- Prancer?
Prancer? Prancer.
Help me!
- Liar! My dad is a hero.
- He'd never let
his friend down.
- You've seen this place.
Why do you think
my father recreated
a replica of Santa's Fell?
Because he never
got over his dream.
A dream taken away
by your father.
- There's only one rule.
Just focus on yourself.
(dramatic music)
- What on earth is this?
- Niko! (echoing)
- Huh?
- Huh? Niko?
- [Niko] Dad!
- Niko! (echoing)
Niko. (echoing)
- [Niko] This way, dad.
- Niko.
- [Niko] Over here.
- [Prancer] Niko!
- Stop.
- What is it, father?
- (sniffs) Ah, the
smell of betrayal.
He's here.
(dramatic music)
- Dad?
- Niko.
(ice thuds)
(Prancer grunts)
(ice cracks)
(ice shatters)
(Prancer grunts)
Niko, are you alright?
- I'm okay.
- You. Where's the sleigh?
- I'll show you.
Don't worry about her. Come on.
- Uh.
- Which one did
you come down, dad?
- Oh
- This way. Come on.
(dramatic music)
- Alright. Woo!
You did good, Niko.
Hitch yourself to the sleigh.
- Dad? Who's Ilmar?
- Um, where did
you hear that name?
- Was he really
your best friend?
- I guess so. It
was a long time ago.
Now, come on, let's go.
- Is it true?
You chose a place
on the Flying Forces
over your best friend?
- I, well...
- It's been a while, Prancer.
- Ilmar.
- Well, come on,
Prancer, answer the boy.
- I was just young and I
wanted to win so badly.
Please, understand, son.
- No, I understand.
You're no hero. I don't
wanna see you ever again.
- Niko.
- Every action has its
consequences, Prancer.
Time to face yours.
Meet the Storm Forces.
Soon, you and your
pathetic Flying Forces
will be a thing of the past.
- Whoa.
- The storm forces will
rule the Christmas skies.
- No!
(group exclaims)
- Close the exit.
- We're on it, Boss.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- I know another way out.
- I don't need your help.
- You sure about that?
- Keep them in the cave.
- Go, Niko.
I'll hold them off. (screams)
(energetic music)
(Stella yelps)
(ice clanks)
(Prancer panting)
- This way.
- I can't go any faster.
- Stella! Stop.
Stop, Stella. Right now.
- What do we do?
- I know.
- Whoa!
(ice thuds)
(Stella grunts)
(energetic music continues)
- Stella, no!
This is a bad idea!
(both scream)
- Storm Forces, retreat.
This way.
- Yes!
- You're really...
I mean, that was totally-
- Cool? I know.
- Reckless and stupid.
You could have
broken the sleigh.
- But I didn't.
- Okay. Oh.
This must be the way out.
It's gotta be. Oh, come on,
use your head now, Prancer.
Use your head. Oh,
hey, that's it.
One (grunting) two, ow!
(ice cracks)
Ow! Ouch!
That's gonna hurt
in the morning.
(dramatic music)
- I guess this is it, then.
I put them here.
Followed by a slow miserable...
- Could, could that be Niko?
- (gasps)
- Yes. Oh, we're safe.
Niko! Niko!
- Yay!
- Julius.
- Come on Julius,
let's hitch a ride.
- Seems pretty dangerous.
Are you sure this is good plan?
- There is no plan.
Just jump!
- (Julius screaming)
- Now!
- Uh, I knew it.
Way too dangerous.
(energetic music)
- Over here. The ice labyrinth.
- Quick. Block all the exits.
(Storm Forces grunting)
(Niko grunts)
- Whoa.
- Whoa. Yeah.
(dramatic music)
(hooves thud)
(Julius yelling)
- Julius!
- Stella, it's over.
- Yeah, like so over.
- Just hand over the sleigh.
- No. I'm taking
it back to Santa.
- (laughing) Come on.
You're just a kid.
(Storm Forces laughing)
(Storm Forces groan)
- Oh, dad.
(Ilmar yelling)
(water splashes)
(energetic music)
- Oh, oh no.
- Niko, watch out!
- What?
- This ends here!
(Niko and Stella grunting)
(Niko and Stella yelling)
- Niko, Stella are
you two alright?
- You can't do this.
- Who's going to stop us?
You kids?
- Yeah. And me.
- And me.
- It's going to take more
than a flying squirrel
and a weasel to-
- [Prancer] To what?
- Huh?
- Are you two okay?
- I've got nothing
to say to you.
- [Flying Forces] We're
reindeer we're not horses,
we're Santa's Flying
Forces, ho ho!
- Yes!
(triumphant music)
- We saw your star
signal, Prancer.
- Dasher.
- Do I know you from somewhere?
- We are the Storm Forces.
- Whatever. Just
hand over the sleigh.
We're kinda in a hurry.
- Forget it. The
sleigh is ours now.
- That sleigh belongs to Santa.
We are going nowhere without it.
- As you wish.
(dramatic music)
- Son, change of plan.
Make sure those fools
don't get the sleigh,
no matter what it takes.
- Okay? How exactly-
- This is your chance, Morten.
Come on. You can do this.
- I won't let you down, father.
- On my command.
- Charge!
(energetic music)
(antlers clank)
- Kinda stuck here.
- Ah.
- Oh.
- Oh, come on.
(group exclaiming)
- (gasps) The sleigh!
(energetic music)
- You go get it, Niko.
- It was all a lie.
I was never a hero.
- No! Ah!
- You, my son.
You'll never be a hero either.
(Stella panting)
- Huh?
Morten, no!
- Huh?
(energetic music)
(Stella panting)
- Oh, no.
- Hmm. (humming)
- Hmm!
(group grunting)
(antlers crack)
- Ah!
- Feeling the pain, Prancer?
- Wait.
- I waited long enough.
- Behind you, wolverine.
- Is that the best you've got?
- No, really.
(wolverine growling)
(Prancer grunts)
(wolverine yelps)
- You, you saved me?
(dramatic music)
- You've let
everyone down, Niko.
Your mother, your
brother, your sister.
You even let Santa down.
Now, the sleigh will
be lost forever.
You disappointed me, Niko.
I trusted you.
- No.
No! I trusted you!
I always tried my
best to make you proud
because I was so
proud to be your son.
- [Stella] Help!
- Get out of my way.
You're not real.
(energetic music)
- Let me go. This is an order.
Troops! Defensive positions.
(wolverines growling)
- Defensive positions.
Who, exactly?
- Christmas has come early.
- We hate you. (grunts)
- (grunts) Thanks.
(wolverines growling)
- Julius.
- Ah!
(wolverine growls)
- Okay, lemmings.
Protect the leader!
(lemming growls)
(wolverine sneezes)
(lemmings cheer)
- Rejoice, for the magical
leader has been found.
What are you doing?
- Get back here.
- Unpaw me right now.
- Stella?
Oh no. (grunts)
(energetic music)
(antlers thud)
- Just like old times, huh?
- Yeah. (chuckles)
- I did what you asked, father.
The sleigh is on
its way to the moon.
- Huh? What?
- Stella went after it,
but don't worry,
she'll never catch it.
- What?
(Ilmar zooms)
(crystals chime)
(Niko grunting)
(thunder roars)
- Stella, please, wake up.
- Niko.
- But, the sleigh.
The mission is everything.
- Hmm. No, son.
You are.
- Stella.
Oh no.
- What have I done?
Stella, please.
- (gasps) Father?
- Oh.
- The sleigh.
- I'll get it.
It's too far out. You
won't make it back.
- I need to do this for you.
- Listen, I need
to go help Ilmar.
I owe him.
- I know. Go, dad.
(energetic music)
- Ah. Starting to like this.
Same here, buddy.
Two steps to the right.
- And bing!
(group exclaiming)
- Making me dizzy.
- Good job. We
did it. (grunting)
(energetic music)
(Prancer and Ilmar grunting)
(Prancer and Ilmar wheezing)
- It's coming in too fast.
- We have to slow it down.
- Here it comes.
Stand firm and...
(energetic music)
(ice cracking)
- Ilmar.
(Prancer grunting)
- I'll get my harness on.
- No, let's pull the sleigh
sideways to slow it down.
- There's no time.
It'll burn up soon. (grunting)
I'm almost there.
- No, this way.
(both grunting)
- Hold on!
(all grunting)
- This is hopeless.
(sleigh zooming)
- Ah! Ah. (grunting)
Stella. I need your help.
- On my way.
(both grunting)
Let's do this.
- Keep pulling.
(both grunting)
(both screaming)
Don't give up.
(both panting)
- Huh?
We did it.
- We did it.
(dramatic music)
- Hmm?
(both yelling)
(Prancer gasps)
- Morten.
- Niko, watch out.
- This is for you, dad.
(all yelling)
(dramatic music)
- What the?
Oh no!
- Oh!
- Ha!
(Morten sighs)
Christmas is canceled, father.
- Oh, Morten, no!
- But you said no
change of plan.
(sighs) I just can't
get it right, can I?
(dramatic music)
- Over here. (grunting)
- This is hopeless.
- No.
We can't just quit.
- Right.
- Oh, come on.
- I'm sorry.
We just won't be able to find
all the presents on time.
- It would take forever.
- Well, we're not giving up.
- Hmm.
- Huh.
- Huh?
- Morten.
- Huh.
- Mr. Dasher, sir.
- What is it?
Sorry about, you know, ruining
Christmas and all that.
It was my fault. I got it wrong.
- No, Morten.
I filled your head
with hate, with anger
and tales of revenge.
I was wrong. I'm sorry.
- You sure about that?
I mean, you won't go changing
your mind again, right?
- Promise. No more
changing of plans.
(dramatic music)
- They're right. This
will take forever.
- I guess we couldn't
save Christmas after all.
- Niko. Ugh.
- Am I glad to see you.
- Julius? Wilma?
- Ugh. What a great
way to travel.
- What's all this?
- They go back for miles and
more of them keep showing up.
- There will be millions.
- Why have we stopped,
oh, magical leader?
- Is there anything you
need, oh magical leader?
(lemmings exclaiming)
- Uh, how about some privacy?
- Okay. Apart from that.
- Oh.
- Millions.
- Wow.
(reindeer exclaiming)
- Alright, troops.
I'm afraid it's time
to face the music.
- Wait.
- Niko?
What is it?
- I give you Julius, the
magical flying squirrel.
- Follow the sound
of my magical paws.
- The hamster's lost it.
- Look.
(group gasps)
(trumpet blows)
(dramatic music)
- That's right. Come to me.
- [Group] Huh?
- Nice trick, Julius.
But I'm afraid one present
does not a Christmas make.
(dramatic music)
(lemmings chatter indistinctly)
- Oh.
- Oh.
- (panting) That's the last
one, oh magical leader.
- Thank you, lemmings.
- Oh, don't mention it.
- Wow. Unbelievable.
- I didn't think we'd
ever make it in time.
- (laughs) You see, you
don't need to follow anybody.
You can make the
impossible possible.
- Thank you, oh magical
leader for making it possible
for us to make the
impossible possible.
- What? No.
You're not listening.
You don't need a leader.
Everything you need is in here.
- Yes. Everything
we need is in you.
(lemmings cheering)
- What? No, not me.
I'm saying everything
you need...
Oh, forget it.
- Hmm. (chuckles)
(dramatic music)
- Just look at that.
- Oh, hang on a second.
(metal scrapes)
(Niko chuckles)
- [Storm Forces] Stella!
- [Flying Forces] Niko! Niko!
- What?
- The time has come for Niko
and Stella to
complete their trial.
- What?
- [Storm Forces] Niko! Niko!
- [Flying Forces]
Stella! Stella!
- The winner of this final trial
will join the
Flying Forces today.
On your marks.
Get set.
(all cheering)
- Wow, that was fast.
- No.
- We're not doing it.
- Huh?
But not doing it isn't
part of the rules.
- If only one of us can
join the Flying Forces,
then we don't want to join.
- We're friends.
- Friends?
- Prancer?
Anything you wanna
say about this?
- Niko, I've never
been so proud.
- Huh?
- If only I'd done the
same all those years ago.
All my life I've carried
the guilt of that mistake,
and what it did
to my best friend.
Hey guys, how about from now on,
all flying reindeer
can join the forces?
We could take turns flying
the sleigh at Christmas.
- I'm afraid that is completely
against the ancient rules,
but the ancient rules
are just that, ancient.
Let's put it to a vote.
All those in favor of
Prancer's motion, say yes.
- [Group] Yes! (cheering)
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- [Both] (laughs) Hoofa.
- Happy Christmas.
- Happy Christmas.
- Son, I am so loving this.
- This leg gets a bit wobbly
on a sharp left at Santa speed.
- And no loops until everyone's
in the right formation.
(doors thud)
- It's, it's...
- I know, son. I know.
- Oh.
- Ooh.
- Ready for Mission
Christmas, sir.
- [Santa] I see we have
some new faces this year.
Welcome to the team.
- Did you see that?
Santa spoke to me.
- Let's get this
show on the road.
(triumphant music)
Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!
- Whoa!
- Ah, can't believe we're
free for Christmas, mate.
- Ah, we can do
whatever we want.
- This is awesome.
- That's awesome, eh?
(group grunting)
- You got absolutely no idea how
to celebrate Christmas, do you?
- No.
- Just follow me.
- Oh, where can little Lili be?
(Lili laughing)
- (laughing) I found you.
- Again. Let's do
it again. (laughing)
- I found someone else, too.
- Hi.
- Niko!
- Niko, you came back.
(group laughing)
- Mom, our wish came true.
- What a wonderful surprise!
I thought you could never
come home for Christmas.
- Mom, I wouldn't
miss it for the world.
- Happy Christmas to everybody.
Jingle bells, jingle
bells, jingle all the way
Oh, what fun is to ride in
a reindeer open sleigh, oh
Jingle bells, Jingle bells
- Dad, what do you think
of this kind of Christmas?
- Oh, it's great.
Niko, I'm sorry I never told
you the truth about the race.
That was a big mistake.
- A very good friend of mine
says that mistakes are good.
They help us to grow and learn.
- I was scared of what
you would think of me.
- I'm proud of you, dad. Always.
(Prancer coughs)
Are you crying?
- No.
- That's okay, dad.
(Prancer clears throat)
- I can't believe
my little Niko.
- Yeah.
- He's all grown up.
- And you did a great
job helping him, Julius.
(upbeat music)
- [Lemmings] Aww.
- No. Right.
- So, who's hungry?
- I am.
(lemmings cheering)
(Julius and Wilma laughing)
- Ready?
- Lucky for you, we don't
have to do that last trial.
- I know.
I would hate to see you lose.
- You wouldn't stand a chance.
- Wanna bet?
- Sure. Bring it on.
(triumphant music)
(Stella screams happily)
- [Niko] Yeah!
(mellow music)
White skies, winter time
Oh the warm soul of you
Feeling bright, feeling kind
Oh the warm soul of you
I don't need the
snow to feel magic
'Cause when I think of you
I know it's real
Oh the starry skies and
Christmas lights are tragic
If I don't get to
look at them with you
December wouldn't be
the same without you
December wouldn't
be the same
And all the dreams I've
ever had could come true
But December
wouldn't be the same
Without the warm soul of you
Without the warm soul of you
Driving home, letting go
Oh this year's been so cruel
Then I see your face
and it fades away
Oh the warm soul of you
I don't need the
snow to feel magic
'Cause when I think of you
I know it's real
And all the starry skies and
Christmas lights are tragic
If I don't get to
look at them with you
December wouldn't be
the same without you
December wouldn't
be the same
And all the dreams I've
ever had could come true
But December
wouldn't be the same
Without the warm soul of you
Without the warm soul of you
(mellow music)
December wouldn't be
the same without you
December wouldn't
be the same
Oh December wouldn't
be the same without you
December wouldn't
be the same
And all the starry skies and
Christmas lights are tragic
If I don't get to
look at them with you
If I don't get to
look at them with you
(light music)
(energetic music)