Non Negotiable (2024) Movie Script

- Hello. How are you?
- Hi. I've been waiting for you.
Look, I'm sorry.
But I just couldn't fix it.
- Thank you so much. So what do I owe you?
- No, no, it's fine.
- Are you serious?
- Yeah, it was easy.
- Here.
- Mmm!
Careful now.
Take care, ma'am.
Thanks a lot!
Yeah. Good, good, good. Good.
Very good.
How's it goin'?
Take a look. It's done.
It's finally time
that we put an end to the abominable idea
that our government belongs to elites!
Araiza! Araiza!
We plan to increase investments
in scientific and technological research,
so we can ensure free, high quality
healthcare for all our citizens!
Araiza! Araiza!
My pledge to all of you
is that the promises made
during this campaign are...
are... are going to become a reality,
and we will prosper!
- I promise you that, my friends!
- Araiza! Araiza!
We're ready.
Araiza! Araiza!
Araiza! Araiza!
Hmm. And is she seein' somebody else?
I can't talk about that, Alan.
She's my patient.
Well, he's a complete wreck.
- Really?
- Yeah. He called me crying.
- He wants me to go with him to buy a bike.
- Oh, no.
Jeez, this is so typical.
I honestly can't believe that Beatriz
lasted that long with him, you know?
That's Mica's mom, right?
No. No, no, no, no. No.
No, Juana. We're not talking about her.
You said "Beatriz."
When you talk about Mica's mom
without me knowing,
you always tell me it's about "Beatriz."
Well, no. No.
Listen, we're not talking about...
Just don't say anything
about this at school.
Is she why they fired my English teacher?
Juana, enough. Drop it, okay?
- Oh, God! No, no, no.
- No!
I'm sorry. I gotta take this.
- Alan!
- It'll only take a minute.
I'm listening.
The... the...
- The... the... the lady is just hurt...
- Chief, what's goin' on?
What do you mean? Is he doin' okay?
- Well, he's stuttering a lot.
- Okay. I'm on my way.
- No!
- No, we got this one. Calm down.
- How long have you been there?
- Three hours.
- Okay. On my way.
- Alan, no.
- Hey, they need me.
- Oh! I can't believe you!
- Are there hostages, Dad?
- That's right, baby!
Alan! Come on!
- You okay, baby?
- No, of course I'm not! How...
- No, I meant you. You okay?
- I'm okay.
Who's gonna
take Juana to swim class?
- I have an appointment later.
- Ugh. Don't worry about it.
We'll just talk at home.
- Are you working undercover or something?
- Sh. It's a secret.
Who's taking me to class?
We'll figure it out later,
okay, honey?
- Jeez.
- What are you doing here, Bender?
What am I doing?
Thought I'd help, chief. I love you!
I can't believe how inconsiderate
he is. He never thinks about me at all.
This isn't working. This has got to stop.
I can't keep doing this.
I just can't, you know?
I told you, we've got it covered.
Everything's under control.
Okay, Menndez.
Fill me in. What's goin' on?
The... the...
- The... the...
- All right, all right. Slow down.
Just breathe. Inhale. Exhale.
All right. Now tell me. No stuttering.
- The... that lady, it's her... her mom...
- This lady?
Excuse me. What's goin' on?
He's got my mom in there.
I'm afraid he's gonna kill her.
- Do something!
- Who is it?
- It's my husband.
- What's his name? It's okay.
- Jos.
- Jos. Okay.
- Calm down. It's going to be okay.
- I... I...
- Hey!
- Hi, Jos. I'm Alan Bender.
Why the hell
are they sending another cop up here?
Oh, come on, man!
Do I really look like a cop to you?
Don't move!
Look, I'm a negotiator
with the Special Operations Police Unit.
Jos, look,
I'm the only one who can help you.
Talk to me. What's goin' on?
"Ooh, I can't stop
thinkin' about you, sexy."
"Wearin' something hot?"
"So, is that dude gone?"
She ran and hid before
I could blow her brains out!
Take it easy, Jos.
You're gonna be totally fine.
That a poodle?
- What's its name?
- It's Bushy.
Oh, Bushy. So beautiful.
That app has great videos,
I swear.
Even educational ones.
You know, you don't need to pretend, Mom.
Just stay here, no matter what.
- Don't move. Please.
- What if there's a fire?
- There won't...
- How do you know?
I don't know.
- Ah!
- Can you hear?
I'm coming!
You have three options.
You pull the trigger, first option.
But you're totally surrounded
by cops, Jos.
If you shoot, you're a dead man.
Second option is, don't pull the trigger.
You'd still be a dead man.
All those cops out there,
they're hungry, Jos.
They'll get mad and impatient. Trust me.
There's nothing more dangerous
in the world than a hangry cop.
And the third?
Turn yourself in.
Wait a minute, I'm sorry.
Come on!
I have to take this.
Hi. Did you know that you could have
a higher data usage on your phone?
- Reach out now to learn...
- Jos!
Jos, it's the attorney general.
She says,
if you turn yourself in right now,
your lawyer might be able to justify this
as an emotional or psychological crisis.
At most, you'd have
a couple months in psychiatric treatment,
and then you'd go home!
Yeah. That's it, you'd be free.
Think about this, Jos.
If you kill your mother-in-law,
that little slut down there
is gonna clean you out.
She'll take your house and your car.
- I have a truck.
- There you go. She'll get the truck!
She'll get Bushy.
Not Bushy, no!
Yeah. She can't take Bushy.
- Not Bushy!
- It's okay. I know. I know, Jos.
I swear, he's not a bad guy.
He's just jealous!
No, Rosa. He's a violent man.
But he's going away for a long time.
Just promise me...
- Congratulations. That was great work.
- Means a lot. Thanks, Menndez.
- I... I'm a moron.
- No!
Don't say that about yourself, okay?
You're picking it up. You'll get there.
- What do you say?
- B... beers?
There you go, you don't have
a problem sayin' that!
Remember how I told you I didn't ever
wanna try dating apps or anything online?
Look at that sweet man candy! Huh?
I met up with him for a date.
I went to his apartment, too.
- There was music, a nice bottle of wine...
- Have you been depressed?
I feel much better.
More connected, more optimistic.
You know, I've never allowed myself
to do anything crazy in bed.
And now I... I swear,
the man treats me like a gymnast, and...
I mean, he asks me
to do these things that...
Yesterday, he said
he wanted me tied to the bed.
I couldn't move at all, he just did
what he wanted. It was incredible!
I'm just glad to hear
the medication is working for you, Jimena.
Actually, while you're here,
I have a few samples.
- A new version of that medication...
- One sec.
I don't get it. Is she a gymnast?
I swear I have no idea what happened...
See? I knew it was Mica's mom.
God, that guy is a trip!
Hi, sweetie.
Oh, holy crap! You scared me!
What are you doin'?
Jimena found Juana sitting on the toilet.
Jimena found Juana sitting on the toilet?
I couldn't find anyone to watch her.
You couldn't find
anyone to watch her?
And my patient had a breakdown. Oof!
A breakdown?
Stop mocking me, Alan.
Uh, what? No, no, I'm not mocking.
- No, I mean, I'm trying to...
- You're just repeating every word I say.
Oh, am I repeating?
I didn't mean to.
I... I didn't realize it,
but... you seem kind of upset.
- How about you don't label my emotions?
- What?
- No, how am I doing that?
- Alan, don't try to control the situation.
- Control the situation?
- Listen. Now talk to me.
But that's what I'm doing.
I'm just trying to talk to... to you.
- Okay.
- Okay.
They know
I was treating one of the moms.
They kicked me out
of the parents' group chat.
And now it looks like I might actually
lose my license as... as a psychiatrist!
Oh, but I'm sorry.
How are you doing? How was your day?
Oh, mine? Well, I saved a hostage.
It was pretty good!
I don't give a shit about the hostage!
Okay. Basically,
I think we have three options.
No, two. Couples therapy or divorce.
- What?
- You're on the couch tonight.
Are you serious?
No, I... Victoria!
On the couch, yet again.
- Mara Luisa, that's really...
- Mm.
- Hey, baby.
- Hi, Daddy. Look!
- I see it. Pretty nice. Mm-hmm.
- The colors match.
- Oh my God, guess what?
- What, baby?
I heard Mica's mom is doing better.
- Oh, really?
- Yeah.
- Mmm?
- She's now doing gymnastics.
She's awesome at it.
- Yeah, gymnastics.
- Oh.
But... I don't wanna go to a new school.
No, baby. No.
Don't think about that stuff.
It's not gonna happen.
Just try not to worry.
What's for breakfast, Mara Luisa?
- Um, eggs.
- Eggs with what?
Eggs with more eggs, probably.
Oh, come on! No, no!
You're gonna have to carry me.
You're not tightening your abs.
Focus on that core.
- I'm doing my best! Ow!
- We talked about this. Come on.
- My legs are on fire.
- Come on. Four more. Four more.
- I can't!
- You're almost done. That's it.
- Come on.
- Uh, hey.
- There you go.
- Hey!
- Yeah?
- He doesn't like to be held.
Oh. Sorry.
I'm sorry.
- Don't listen to him.
- Come on. Last one.
- Go.
- Okay.
Ten, okay? Keep those abs tight.
- Okay.
- Stick that chest out. Come on.
- That's one.
- How's your mental health lately?
- Ah.
- Hasn't changed, really.
My mom has to send me some documents,
because I don't have health insurance yet.
- You know...
- Ah, Nico. Come on, man.
- Let me text a friend. He can help.
- No, no. It's okay.
- But how do you feel?
- Well, my hands got all sweaty.
I couldn't breathe for a minute.
- That's called a panic attack. I told you.
- No, I don't know, but it was bad.
It started happening
as soon as I moved here.
Three more. Come on.
Good, breathe.
Yeah. Two. Just more...
Two more. Abs tight!
- Help me stretch and relax after?
- Two, that's it.
Listen. I called Dr. Socorro.
She said she can see us tonight at 6:30.
Does that work for you?
She rearranged some appointments.
Isn't that nice?
I already told you that works.
Okay. Great.
This could be great for us.
And Juana?
Wait, you mean she should come with?
Of course. It's very important
for her to be in a session with us,
so she can finally hear how her daddy
doesn't give a shit about my job.
- Well, we should ask Mara Luisa...
- Oh! We should! Thanks for your support.
Great. Want me to go with you?
Mara Luisa!
Almost there.
It's that one.
There you are. There you are...
Yeah, don't worry. We got her.
Mari, I left the list right on the fridge.
Oh, and please don't forget
the fresh fruit for the twins' lunches.
Also, remember that Tiago's grounded
and he can't use the tablet until Friday.
And make sure
that Sofi studies for her religion class.
I can tell she doesn't know
the Apostles' Creed.
Have a nice, light dinner
ready for my husband.
My session will go late tonight.
Hi, can I help you?
Press the button.
- I couldn't hear you.
- It's fine. Hold on.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Oof, oof, oof.
All right.
If you're listening
to this, Mr. President,
I think a lot of people have questions.
They're wondering
whether you think it's appropriate,
or in line with democratic norms.
- A government with such wealth...
- You mind turning it off?
Sure. Sorry. against their rivals.
Still waiting for word from the referee
to see who takes possession.
Hey, baby.
Hey, sweetheart.
- Uh, here's the thing.
- ...late in the second half.
I have to go back to the office.
Gabriel has a problem.
You get it. I'm sorry.
Oh... Should I wait
so we can watch our show?
No, baby. No, I'm not gonna make it.
It's kind of a big deal.
I have to be there.
But hey, don't even think about
watching that episode without me.
If you want to, maybe
we can catch up tomorrow? Hmm?
That's fine, honey. Love you.
Love you too. Bye.
The point is he always acts like
he can't see me.
He promised he'd quit doing fieldwork
as soon as I had Juana.
And guess what. She's eight years old now.
Okay, I told you I'm working on it.
That's the whole reason
I'm training Menndez,
but it's not just gonna happen overnight.
- Menndez has a stammer.
- Hey! Don't discriminate.
Menndez does not have a stammer.
He just gets a little nervous sometimes.
He makes promises he knows he can't keep
just to get what he wants.
He lies to me like
I'm a criminal in some hostage situation.
Okay, no, I'm not a liar.
I have to massage the truth
to save peoples' lives.
God, I mean, come on! Every society
is pretty much based on that, right?
Otherwise, our lives would be impossible.
The truth creates problems for people.
I don't lie.
- Come on, really?
- No.
All right. Then why don't you tell us?
Did you sleep with your personal trainer?
Yes, I slept with my personal trainer.
- She's lying. See?
- No, yeah...
- She's making it up.
- No, seriously. I slept with my trainer.
Evening, sir.
Hey, what happened to Ramn?
He's sick. But not to worry, sir.
He got me up to speed.
- They fixed the elevator, by the way.
- All right.
I'm not sure...
I really don't know this guy.
Maybe we should just head out, boss.
Ah, don't be like that, Narro.
Let's live a little. I mean,
I already took the pill anyway. Come on.
Just pick me up in an hour.
Maybe an hour and a half.
Wow, wow, wow! What a welcome honey!
- If I had known, I would've...
- Hey, shut up. Hmm?
You remember me? Vicente Zambrano.
My diagnosis here, doctor,
is that he's clinically obsessed
with getting recognition.
You gotta talk to him.
He is clinically addicted to recognition
and probably to adrenaline.
So what? I mean, look at the doctor.
- She must like recognition, too.
- Oh!
- She has all these diplomas. Right, doc?
- Sit down. Sit down!
No! No, no, no.
And stop trying to play her.
- See? He's a world-class manipulator.
- No. No, no, no. That's...
He's the king of all the bullshitters.
He always gets his way, no matter what.
Meanwhile, my career is
just completely disregarded.
There's always an emergency.
But his job is so much more important!
You have to understand!
If I don't go, people will die!
Some of my patients want
to blow their brains out! Actually...
Wait, oh! Way more deaths occur
from suicide than hostage situations. Mmm!
Yeah, I don't know, doctor. We'd have
to examine the statistics, right?
I would never.
- Just answer.
- I'm not answering.
- Go ahead.
- I'm not picking up.
- Take the call.
- I'm not answering.
- Answer it.
- No, I'm not gonna take it.
- She'll see how this works. Take the call!
- Why do you want me to?
Okay! You want me to answer?
- This is Bender.
- Listen, we have a Code Pig.
- Who's speaking?
- Agent 44.
From the Special Operations Police Unit.
He's in Iztapalapa.
Get close. Wait for coordinates.
Okay. I'm... I'm on my way.
I'm sorry. I have to go.
- It's a national emergency.
- Right!
They kidnap the president
or something? God!
Why did you tell me to pick up the phone?
I'm sorry about that. Excuse me.
This is Alan Bender.
Okay. I'm on my way to Iztapalapa.
Ready to receive location coordinates
from Agent 44.
Copy. We'll get back.
Pick up the phone, Rubn!
Oh, sure, honey.
- Hello?
- Good afternoon.
I'm sorry to bother you right now.
Bender's waiting on the line.
And he says it's a Code Pig.
- Impossible. The Pig dropped...
- Sh!
dropped off the Chancellor...
He and the First Lady
are eating supper at this moment.
Oh, I'm sorry. Must be a mistake, I guess.
Thanks a lot.
- Yeah?
- Where's the president right now?
He's with the First Lady.
They're eating supper.
- You watching him now?
- Yeah.
- Want cheese on your tacos?
- I...
- Where the fuck are you now, you moron?
- Language, Rubn.
Look, I'm sorry, sir.
I just took him right
to his date with the congresswoman.
They're discussing some legislation.
Is he safe? Can you confirm it?
You want me to interrupt the President?
He shouldn't be long.
- Oh, hey, Nico.
- Hey, Victoria. Look, I'm really sorry.
I have to cancel our session tomorrow.
I'm feeling pretty bad.
What's wrong?
Well, I have tachycardia again
and I feel like I can't breathe.
I'm sorry, I don't mean
to dump all this on you.
Nico, just breathe.
It's a panic attack, you're gonna be okay.
- Yeah?
- I'm really scared, I feel awful.
- All right. Where are you?
- In Polanco.
Mm-hmm. Okay. Well, I'll just come
to see you. Share your location.
Wait for me, I'll bring you something.
No, don't hurt me! Please!
- Really? "Don't hurt me?"
- No, no, no, no, no! No!
- Move!
- Wait! No! I'm sorry!
- What was that?
- No.
- Easy!
- Hey!
No touching!
Nico, it's Victoria.
- Come on in, Mrs. Bender.
- Uh...
- They made me.
- What happened?
- Come inside.
- Okay, I'm sorry.
- Hello?
- Mr. President.
You're a few steps behind,
my friend.
Who's this?
I'm with the Pig right now,
and my men are posted everywhere.
Listen to me, okay?
If we see a single one of your guys
on this floor or near this room,
we'll murder the president.
I only wanna talk to Bender.
Who are you?
Yeah. Bender.
Code Pig has been confirmed.
Sending location now. Keep the line open.
The kidnapper will only talk to you.
Okay. On my way.
You should stick
to your taxi, dude.
- All right, let's do this, boys.
- Let's go.
Don't move, sir.
This is a covert operation, gentlemen.
No one can know we're here.
We're gonna keep it quiet.
We can't have a single leaked message.
No calls. No press. Nothing at all.
You all might as well be ghosts.
You're invisible, understood?
Yes, ma'am.
Yes, sir. We're evacuating.
Good evening. I... I'm sorry to bother you.
- There's a gas leak.
- Who are you?
- We need to evacuate.
- Wait, who is this? Who are you though?
Oh! I bet
it's another Jehovah's Witness.
Uh, no, we're not interested!
Screens over there, please. Uh, place
the coffee table here, and some cookies.
And give me a chair, okay?
- Set up over there.
- Quick! We need it ASAP!
Cover all entries
and move to the basement.
Everything's working, Captain.
Shark squad, head to the green.
Dolphins, you're on blue.
Piranhas, block all the internet signals
and wait for my instructions.
Octopus squad, wait for
evacuation and then head here.
- Jellyfish, on me. All of us go in...
- All of us come out!
- Let's go.
- Bravo, stay here.
With me.
- Come on, come on!
- Hurry!
Come on! Sir! Sir!
- Come on.
- Move, move.
Keep going!
- Talk to me.
- Bender! How you doing?
- Who is this?
- Why don't you call me Lamb?
Lamb, huh? Is that your last name?
No. It's symbolic.
Symbolic how? Are you
cleansing all the sins of the world?
No, just the President's.
Get it?
- Are you religious?
- Yeah... No.
I don't know. What do you think? Huh?
Am I gonna sacrifice myself
like Jesus Christ,
or have I recently developed
a taste for gyros?
- Lamb, can I speak to the president?
- Oh!
Yeah, of course. You know, actually,
if you want, you can even see him too.
There we go.
They make a nice couple. Huh?
And people say that politicians
never talk to the opposition. Hmm?
I caught the two of them
reaching some very vigorous agreements.
Isn't that right, Congresswoman?
- Hmm?
- What do you want?
Hmm. Can I show you something before
they block the signal? You ready?
She was here with her trainer,
going hard on some burpees.
- That's not true.
- Shut your goddamn mouth!
All right, Lamb, listen to me, okay?
I'll send you a rescue phone
so we can talk without the internet.
Bender, you're not getting it.
I call the shots, I make the rules.
I want 30 million pesos.
You have 30 minutes.
Open your mouth again. Do it, I dare you.
Jammer in place.
Going up to 624.
You need to evacuate. Gas problem.
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey! Hey!
No, no, no, no! No!
There's a... there's a gas leak!
No, no! There's a...
Guys, there's a gas leak! No!
No, I'm telling you, there's a gas leak!
Move it, move it. Let's go.
Come on, hurry up.
Come on. Move it.
I have eyes on the President.
He's wearing an explosive vest.
Why can't I see the drone?
Lieutenant Mrquez
borrowed it to record his son's birthday.
In position and ready.
Carrasco, you can't send me home, okay?
If he kidnapped my wife and specifically
said he only wants to talk to me,
this has to be personal.
Hey, come here and take a look.
Are those the guys?
Yeah, it looks that way,
because the doorman never came back.
We never see him again.
And, a few minutes later, the parking lot
security camera shifts away.
- They moved it.
- Think they have more guys?
- Fajardo, do me a favor.
- Mmm?
Rewind the video, but try zooming in.
We... we need to ev... evacuate.
There's a g... gas leak.
You need to come with me.
The whole b... building
needs to be evacuated.
You... you all need to get outside.
All right?
Uh... you... do you hear me, guys?
Would you mind?
Hurry up.
Octopus squad?
Wh... what is this?
- Keep moving.
- The evacuation?
In process. Let's go, please.
We're still vacating the building.
Don't worry.
We're moving you to a hotel for the night.
- Which hotel?
- That's all we know.
- Keep moving.
- Is there a continental breakfast?
Of course. You'll have AC and television.
Keep moving, please.
- It does smell like gas.
- We're still evacuating.
Let's finish exiting the building
in an orderly fashion, please.
Keep going, everybody.
All the way out. Good night. Thank you.
- All finished boss.
- Copy.
Looks like five individuals.
- The police are...
- Okay, shut up.
All right.
You're about to get a look at the
difference between your campaign promises
and your terrible policies.
And every time you see a broken promise,
you're gonna press that button. Hmm?
For example.
In my administration, we will
have zero tolerance for corruption.
- Mm-hmm.
- Now press the button.
Press that button, please.
Come on!
Okay, let's try one more time.
In my administration,
there will be no place for favoritism.
There are 200 of these. we can ensure
free, high quality healthcare
for all our citizens!
- Let's see the next image.
- Alan.
- What's up?
- That was the secretary of the interior.
- What'd you say?
- I did my best.
- They want a negotiator from Guerrero.
- Guerrero?
They have someone from narcotics
with a good record.
- Yeah, I'm sure he's good, I just think...
- Get some rest. Thanks, Alan.
- What?
- Yeah.
- How?
- I promise to keep you posted. Radio?
Are you serious?
Answer, answer, answer, answer.
- Hello?
- Mara Luisa, quick favor.
Uh, can you keep watching Juana?
It's our anniversary.
Sorry, I don't know what else to do.
Not to worry, sir. I'd be happy
to stay with her. Enjoy yourselves.
Thank you so much.
But next Wednesday, I'm going
home to see my sister, okay?
Huh? Wait, we said Monday.
Not... not Wednesday.
- Would Thursday work better?
- Okay, Thursday, but at night, please.
But I don't like to travel at night.
Okay, Mara Luisa. Make sure
Juana goes to bed early, please, okay?
I'll take care of everything, sir.
Have a nice night.
Thank you.
You can't be a part of this.
It's against every FBI protocol
in the book.
Yeah, but we're not in
the United States, are we?
I don't think their president
would run away from his bodyguards
to go meet his mistress, you know?
American presidents are practical.
They prefer to move their lovers
right into the White House.
I'm sorry, Bender.
Alan, can you think of anyone
who might want to harm you?
But this guy's a former cop, for sure.
Or ex-military.
He's familiar with our protocols,
our response time. He knew what to do.
He knew exactly where and when
to kidnap the president.
I don't know how he knows me, but
he planned this. He thought it through.
And if he asked to deal with me directly,
we both know you can't make him
change the rules right away.
It would... it'd make him look weak.
Are you suggesting we simply cave
to his request and give him the money?
If you want the president to live, yeah.
I promise to oust
these freeloading bureaucrats
from our government!
I will put an end to...
I will have zero tolerance
for those who try
to pick the pockets of our citizens!
- Do you have my money?
- Funds have been authorized.
Gas prices will be
the lowest we've seen in decades!
Who the hell is this?
Chief of the Special Operations
Police Unit, Alejandra Carrasco.
You listen to me.
- You put Bender on.
- My administration...
Or I'm gonna turn this pig into bacon.
I guarantee transparency
in every act of our government,
in every piece of legislation.
Down with the corporate lobbyists!
He's saying he won't talk
to anyone except Bender.
Tomorrow morning, we need the president to
show up in Congress
like this kidnapping never happened.
None of this can be shared or leaked
online to any website or media source.
- Understood?
- Of course. Excuse me.
Hmm. And who will be the one
briefing the First Lady?
- Not me.
- No.
Um, hello? I'm sorry, who is this?
The... the president was asked to
take part in a secret meeting tonight
at the attor... attorney general's office.
Is this a joke?
You're stuttering like a fucking moron.
I'm sorry.
Don't get... get ma... mad at me.
No. His nose was bigger than that.
Corona, let me know
when you have something.
- Did you find the doorman?
- No. Still missing, far as we know.
Yeah, I'm here.
Glad you're back. Missed you.
Listen to me.
I left some instructions in the lobby.
Look in the desk drawer.
- The lobby.
- So, where's the doorman?
His body, it's gotta be around here
somewhere, but, uh, I can't remember.
Or, you know, maybe he's alive.
I'm not sure.
Is everyone all right? Anyone hurt?
Do you need food? Medical attention?
How is everybody? Huh?
You know if there's a way
to manage or reduce the effect
of these little blue pills?
The president took some.
No! Bender, Bender!
I don't like
being spied on, Bender.
Let me know as soon as
the wire transfer is ready.
I bet this was supposed to be
a romantic date. No makeup, though.
She looks exactly like she did
when we left therapy.
She didn't shower. She's exactly the same.
- Have we tapped her phone yet?
- Uh... yeah.
But there were no texts. Just phone calls.
- How many?
- 25.
- Any photos?
- Uh, well...
No, don't tell me. Never mind. Okay. Hey...
No, forget it, I can't look at this.
So, he said he wants
the money transferred to Jess Hospital.
The donations account.
What do we do? Should we pay up?
- Yeah.
- Hmm. Transfer it.
Hey, Lamb, why Jess Hospital?
And why so much money?
Because I wanna make a difference
in public health. Hey!
The politicians don't care about it.
So, you were sick
and the government failed you?
Oh, no. No, Bender. Where'd you learn
psychology? Some influencer? God!
All right, Lamb.
The wire transfer's all set.
We gave you what you wanted.
Let them go.
Perfect. Let me see.
Presi, get up.
Go to the window.
What? I can't see anything.
Look to your left. Lower.
Right down there.
Uh... um...
Yeah, yeah. There. I... I see them.
- How many are there?
- Mmm... Two.
- Two.
- Huh.
Thank you, Bender.
The wire transfer went through.
Okay, take a seat.
Hey, I said take a seat, asshole.
He has to have someone on the outside.
I think it's that guy
on the security camera.
They came in together.
His accomplice took out the doorman.
He killed him, dumped the body,
and Lamb decided to fly solo in there.
How does he plan to escape?
it's time to show our honorable president
what the redistribution of wealth
actually looks like.
That was healthcare.
Now, let's go for education.
I want 30 million pesos wired
to the Quetzalcatl Elementary School.
We can't just keep
giving him whatever he wants.
Yeah, I agree. There'll be no end to it.
Okay, you have to trust me.
The money's meant to be restorative.
He's trying to rectify the past.
It's a form of therapy.
Bender, Bender!
Hey, I'm here.
But I really need you to help me.
Tell me how I can show my bosses
you're willing to cooperate.
Start your questions with "how."
Uh, avoid saying "yes" and "no."
Try to be firm, not domineering.
Drop the act, Bender.
Just tell me what you want.
I want my wife.
- Victoria has nothing to do with this.
- Victoria?
You know she doesn't love you.
- Want me to kill her?
- No. No, no, no. Listen.
She cheated on me, okay?
Just let me talk to her in person.
Quid pro quo.
Quid pro quo.
Get downstairs. Come on.
Hey, I need my phone.
I left my cell phone up there.
Congresswoman Lobatn is secure.
Get her down here right now.
Goddamn it, Lamb!
Try to keep a level head,
Bender. Keep a level head.
So what? You saying Lobatn's life
isn't worth the same as your wife's?
What the hell do you want?
I told you.
I gave you one hostage.
Now you give me 30 million pesos
for the Quetzalcatl Elementary School.
Come on. Time flies, Little Wings.
I know this guy.
I know him.
Vicente Zambrano.
He was a sniper
with the Special Operations Police Unit.
He was one of our top guys.
But he always had problems with authority.
He was an agitator.
We trained and worked
alongside each other for three years.
We did a bunch of operations together.
- What are you doin'?
- We were good friends.
- Then what happened?
- A stroke of bad luck.
A drug trafficker hijacked a bus
full of people and took them hostage.
He was demanding
that we let his partners go.
Back off!
I'm gonna kill him! I'm gonna kill him!
Release my partner or I'll kill 'em all!
Zambrano didn't wanna
wait for the order.
He thought I was in danger.
Back off or I'll kill him!
He fired. He was such a good shot.
He dropped the guy. The hit was lethal.
Unfortunately, all the hostages
died in the explosion.
And of course,
the press ran with the story.
Zambrano got fired from
the Special Operations Police Unit, and...
He even spent a few years in prison.
He always blamed me for not...
not doing enough to prevent it.
But... there was nothing I could do.
He thought I might be able, uh...
to make it go away,
if I talked to the right person.
But I couldn't help.
And the one who signed his discharge
was the former secretary of security
at that time.
Francisco Araiza.
That's right. President Casanova.
That's why Zambrano kidnapped him.
I don't think he wants him dead.
This must be about undoing past wrongs.
I'm sure it's possible
to get the president out alive.
Just trust me. Give him what he wants.
What should we do?
If he knows Zambrano
as he knows his wife, then we're screwed.
Give him the cash.
We just need the president.
The other hostages don't matter.
Authorized, but we want the president.
I set up the wire transfer to the school.
We have an address too.
Place a tactical team out there!
Something really weird
is going on. These aren't my boots.
- No, but...
- Guys, take her to the tent.
- Excuse me? Who is that?
- Go on, Bender.
Uh, listen, this is all a big mistake.
I'm Congresswoman Lobatn.
I don't know what happened.
But these aren't my clothes.
You... you need to help me
get my clothes back. Please.
Okay, Congresswoman.
You recognize him?
- Uh... no.
- Him?
That's the man who kidnapped us.
When did you meet Araiza?
- Uh... Just a few years ago.
- Where was that?
In a Congress session
about climate change.
And... we met and just... I...
He's... so... charming, and...
- And then?
- He wanted my number, and...
He called you up?
My room number at the hotel.
I'm surprised.
I always thought you and the president
were on opposite sides of the aisle.
You and your wife don't always vote
for the same party, do you?
We used to. Now, I don't know.
Please, uh, don't judge me.
I'm only human, you know?
I have some contradictions.
Only God is perfect, and that's the truth.
Yeah. Turns out God's a pretty good excuse
for anything, am I right?
I'm a revered congresswoman.
Show some respect. I have influence.
Who owns the apartment?
The executive branch.
Lots of presidents have used it.
Congresswoman, you'll have to somehow
prove to me you're not involved in this.
- Why would I do that to the president?
- I don't know.
You wanted to be more than just his lover,
so you hired Zambrano?
- I only need one husband.
- Victoria give you anything for me?
Well, she stays here till I say so.
If she remembers something, call me.
But I have to get back home.
My kids are waiting for me.
Listen to me. Sit down.
Get comfortable. No one's leaving.
Orders from the government.
All right.
Was this the guy at the door?
- No.
- You sure?
Yeah, no. The other guy had,
um, bigger eyes.
Little Wings.
Do you remember?
Yeah. I haven't forgotten.
I'm sorry for what I did to you.
My wife has nothing to do with this.
I'm the only one to blame, all right?
True. You're right, Little Wings.
It's not fair for your wife
to pay for your mistakes.
I just want justice to be done.
We gave you what you asked for.
What more do you need?
You have 20 minutes.
I want a polygraph.
A polygraph? What for?
Zambrano. Vicente!
We're clear.
There's no one in here.
- Status?
- Check your left!
Clear in the back!
Hey, guys. We got guns.
Looks like enough for an army. Jesus.
- Status.
- Clear in here.
- Clear!
- We're clear!
- Move!
- Clear over here!
We got a wall full of notes,
plans. He's been at this a while.
I found his wife.
I tried to use my insurance. Mmm...
Unfortunately, we found out that these...
That the government took my coverage away
and canceled my plan
after I was wrongfully fired
from the Special Operations Police Unit.
- Our situation is...
- We also...
We also found out that...
the government just suspended
all financial support for chemotherapy.
That applies to every
public hospital in the country.
They're trying to reduce federal spending.
- You should rest.
- Making cutbacks.
We... we're not...
we're not asking for charity.
But really, if you can help,
any amount will make a difference.
And you can consider that money
as a down payment for any repair, okay?
Just come in the shop
and I'll repair anything at all.
Vicente's not kidding.
He can fix any kind of appliance.
He's so good at it.
I'll copy the link right there.
Please help.
The two of us, my family,
we're so grateful,
we appreciate your time.
She died in 2021,
in the oncology center at Jess Hospital.
She was a teacher.
She worked at that school he mentioned,
Quetzalcatl Elementary.
- Bender.
- What?
The attorney general.
Zambrano, I want to apologize.
Take your apology
and shove it up your ass.
Thank you.
We searched your shop.
The intel work you did was
pretty impeccable.
- Congratulations.
- See what you're missing?
If it were me,
I would've solved it by now.
And how would you do that?
You know me, Little Wings.
I notice everything.
Listen, I didn't know
your wife was sick, and that she had died.
I'm sorry, I didn't think
you getting fired would lead to that.
See, Little Wings?
Actions have consequences. Hmm?
I saved your life, man, and you didn't
even bother to come see me in jail.
Yeah, I know.
This is all my fault, but...
Please, let me make up for the past.
Let me help you out.
We can still fix this, okay?
You... you don't have to die tonight.
"Recognize and label
the suspect's feelings."
If you die, I won't be able
to live with myself.
"Only use empathy tactically."
I'm serious.
The attorney general is right here.
If you tell us where the doorman is,
and we find him alive...
I know about the attorney general trick.
I swear, she's standing
right in front of me. Listen.
This is Attorney General Claudia Ortiz.
I don't care about making it out.
I just want that damn polygraph.
Let's try turning off the power.
What is he? MI5, CIA,
or a Navy Seal or something?
Why does it matter?
He's not coming out of there. He's stuck.
He's unresponsive.
He's checking transactions
That means he's not completely
cut off from the outside.
Listen to me.
We're not giving him a polygraph.
Okay. Sit there.
Yeah, over there.
- What happened to your wife is terrible.
- Hey, shut up.
No. I mean it, I'm sorry.
But killing me isn't
going to bring her back.
It won't get rid of the pain.
It'll make it worse.
You think she'd be proud of you right now?
No. I'm not gonna fall for that.
Alan has a lot of flaws, but he...
All he really wants,
all he's ever really wanted,
is for the two of us to be okay.
And he'd give his life for me.
I know he would.
Everything okay, Mara Luisa? What's up?
It's me, Dad.
Hi, sweetheart.
What are you doing up so late?
Well, I just couldn't sleep,
and Mara Luisa told me you're not coming
because of your anniversary.
Didn't we already
celebrate it a little while ago?
Yeah, but our... That was
the anniversary of our wedding day.
Tonight we're celebrating
the anniversary of when we first met.
So, how did you two meet?
Do you remember...
I mentioned that...
I was doing my training,
and it was an operation, and...
Oh right!
Mommy went to another doctor.
Something like that.
You stayed up talking,
you had breakfast together.
Yeah. That's right.
Oh! Well, have fun!
- Thank you.
- Can I talk to Mommy?
I wanna say congratulations to her.
Uh... Mommy can't come
to the phone right now. She's busy.
I just miss her, Daddy.
Where is she right now?
In the bathroom.
Once, she told me
she was going to the bathroom,
but she was just checking her phone.
Yes, your mom does do that sometimes.
Dad, you didn't think
of taking me with you?
Maybe I should skip school tomorrow
and all three of us
can have breakfast together.
Can we?
Sure, baby. May... maybe we can do that.
Okay. When are you coming home?
I don't know exactly yet, baby,
but uh, early morning.
- Okay?
- Okay.
Sleep well.
Uh-huh. Bye, Daddy.
- I love you.
- I love you. Bye.
- You know what the plan is?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Good.
- Just be quick.
Right. Just cover me, okay?
Will do.
All right...
I don't wanna tell my daughter
her mother was murdered.
That's not happening.
When we had Juana,
I promised Victoria
that I would stop taking fieldwork.
I promised we'd raise
our daughter together.
But I never did quit.
I always assumed that I...
that I had more time,
or that there was always tomorrow.
But it's not true.
Victoria always believed in me.
Come on. Give this to the lead agent.
I have to leave here alive, okay?
Please, just... I'm begging you.
Please don't... Nico!
Nico, we have to do something.
- Please.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay.
I'm not a personal trainer, Victoria.
You haven't put it together? I'm not Nico.
Vicente's not crazy.
Vicente is a genius.
And he's the only one who can
change this country, unlike that bastard.
And he's gonna make sure
my sister didn't die in vain.
Zambrano, how's it going?
Hi, Little Wings.
I'm just here, chatting with your wife.
She's telling us all her plans with you...
and your daughter.
But if you don't get me that polygraph,
trust me when I say
you're gonna lose it all.
Yeah, I'm working on it,
but they haven't authorized it yet.
Give me a few more minutes.
By the way, I'm gonna send you
the pizzas you ordered.
Do me a favor.
Can you prove that Victoria's still alive?
You have five seconds.
If I don't make it out of here,
please promise...
You'll get out alive, I promise...
Don't interrupt me.
Right, okay. Go ahead.
Tell Juana that I love her
with all my heart.
- Take care of Uncle Esteban.
- Time's up!
Over and out.
Good evening
to the beloved people of Mexico.
We're coming to you from
7 George Bernard Shaw Street.
It's a special night in Polanco.
We're lucky to be here tonight with
the honorable president of our republic.
We've got him tied up like this because,
as most of you know,
politicians can be very busy.
But tonight, we need some answers from
him, and we're gonna get them right now.
This fancy little thing here
is a polygraph.
But I have a feeling most of you will know
it by its common name, the lie detector.
It's exactly what our government uses.
Tonight, we're going
to find out the truth.
The truth about the people
who are supposed to be working for us.
Most of these people
are terrible at their jobs.
And on top of that, they lie to our faces.
They're our country's worst employees.
But we're not the same as our politicians.
I comply with the letter of the law.
I'm a punctual taxpayer.
I cooperate, I obey and...
what do we get back from them?
Bullshit guarantees, ridiculous slogans,
and excuses that are absurd.
But tonight, no more corruption.
our country's lambs rise up together
and we demand to be told the truth.
Carrasco, if we go by force,
do you think there's a chance
we could get him out of there alive?
Slim to none.
- Give me a number.
- Well, it's not just the president.
In a confrontation like that,
hostages and police officers
would die too.
And we don't know if he's alone.
He might have accomplices,
we haven't been able to confirm.
Give me a number, Carrasco.
70-30. 70 they won't make it.
Please, give me...
Give me more time, okay?
I know I can work this out.
What should we do?
I have an idea.
Let's turn up our little cattle prod
here real quick.
Get ready... and...
So tell me, what did you wanna be
when you were a kid?
What did you wanna be when you were a kid?
Listen to me, you moron.
What did you wanna be when you were a kid?
A winner.
I wanted to be powerful.
He wanted to be powerful.
Okay. First scenario.
The president gets out alive
through negotiation
without anyone finding out.
In this version, we all win.
Scenario number two.
We make entry by force, and we get
him out either unharmed or wounded.
What would we do then, you ask?
We'd just report
some health problem or minor trauma.
Maybe appendicitis,
kidney stones, anything.
And, in a few days, we have him
back at his desk and working hard
like nothing ever happened.
Scenario number three.
He doesn't make it.
If people ever found out
the congresswoman is his lover,
the coalition would simply
not survive that crisis.
With that said,
if we can shape all this
into a good story,
then we should have no trouble assuring
a legitimate and peaceful
transition of power to Regina Bastn.
And meanwhile, we would create
the legend of President Araiza.
We'll say he took a bullet
like a true patriot,
that he was a martyr for our democracy.
One possible narrative,
President Araiza was on his way to Jalapa
to address its desperate
and impoverished people,
when his helicopter suddenly malfunctioned
and unfortunately, he was killed.
What do you think?
After all, dead politicians
are always more beloved than living ones.
Have you ever gotten
checked out by a psychiatrist?
Three times.
Mmm. What did they say?
Narcissist with...
psychopath... pathic traits.
Who's your main henchman?
Augusto... Coronado.
My former driver.
How many properties
has Augusto bought for you?
Two houses in Miami.
Uh... and another in Puerto Bans.
Uh, a yacht... And a jet.
It's small, very modest. Very modest.
During your whole term in office,
how much money did he move for you?
I'm not sure I'd be able
to give an exact figure.
Oh! Come on, Presi! Just estimate.
About, uh... 120 million dollars.
120 million dollars! Son of a bitch!
Did you really hire a medium
and pay her a government salary
so you could make spiritual contact
with your dead dog?
Mercedes has powers, it's true.
Did your children
go to a public school?
When was the last time
you took a bus somewhere?
When I was a student.
How much money did you steal
from the construction budget
for the 12th line of the subway?
I took 50 million dollars, okay?
But I didn't keep it! I paid people.
I used it to lubricate the system.
Everyone does it!
It's just how the game is played.
Tell me what you think.
I mean, as a citizen, what do you think
about the game and all that?
- He's corrupt and I wish I hadn't...
- Tell him.
You're corrupt. I wish I hadn't voted
for you. You're the reason we're here!
Now there's one last bone to pick.
Is the secretary of the interior aware
of your shady behavior
and acts of corruption?
All right, I'm done negotiating.
It's time to go in.
If we give him the polygraph,
I know we'll be able to move forward.
There is no way we're gonna do that.
- Little Wings, are you there?
- I'm here, Zambrano. What's up?
As a sign of goodwill
and thanks for feeding us,
which is more than
the goddamn government ever did,
you get one hostage.
Quid pro quo.
Tell this guy there's no more negotiating
unless he gives up the president.
We'll go inside with extreme force.
Please don't. Let me talk to Zambrano.
Look, I'll get some information
so we can keep negotiating.
My wife is in there too.
Bender, we've been very patient with you.
You have ten minutes, understood?
- In the tent.
- Alan. Alan!
We have a lot to talk about.
Sit over there.
You recognize him?
Hmm... Maybe, I... uh...
No. No, never seen this guy.
Take him.
Any message from my wife?
- No.
- Tell me how they got you.
I, um...
I... I came down to buy some cigarettes,
like always, and...
there was this blue car.
Two men came out, they had hoods on,
and they put a gun right to my head and...
Uh, they covered my head too,
and then they threw me in the car.
And... all of a sudden, I was
in that apartment with the president,
his mistress, and that mental case
who says he's a Lamb.
He forced me to call Victoria.
So he has an accomplice.
Ye... yeah. Yeah, I'm pretty sure. Someone.
Yep. Yes, that's him,
that's the kidnapper.
How about him?
Is he the accomplice?
I don't know.
I told you there was no one else.
- What's his escape plan?
- What? How should I know?
Why'd he want the polygraph?
I didn't hear anything.
He locked me in the bathroom.
How did you like my gift,
Little Wings?
Or did you crucify him
like the Romans did to Jesus?
Why are you asking me about this hostage?
Well, I... Mmm, I wouldn't want you
to accuse me of abuse or anything.
Listen to me, Vicente.
You have ten minutes to get out of there.
After that, they're going in,
and there's nothing I can do to stop them.
That's all right...
This wouldn't be the first time
you sat around
and watched things go wrong.
What is it?
My wife told me,
"Take care of Uncle Esteban,"
but he's been dead for a while.
I just keep thinking about it.
I don't know what she meant.
What was Uncle Esteban like?
He was a liar. A backstabber. A snake.
I'm wondering
if we should look at his injuries.
- Let's get you outta here.
- Wait, what?
It's all gonna be okay. Mmm.
- Lay down. We'll check your head injury.
- Why do you mean?
- It's bleeding. You're a trainer?
- None of your business!
- Where did you go to school?
- What is that? No!
- Get off me, asshole!
- Easy. Take a deep breath.
Deep breaths. Just breathe.
Just breathe. That's it. Okay.
That's it.
- Ready?
- Ready. Done.
- All right. Check everywhere, okay?
- Yeah.
Take a look at this.
Holy shit.
All right.
Oh. Do you have another glove?
How much money
did you steal from the budget
for the 12th line of the subway?
- I took 50 million dollars, okay?
- Son of a...
But I didn't keep it! I paid people.
I used it to lubricate the system.
- Everyone does it!
- He knew we were gonna block the Internet.
That's why he needed
a fake hostage to get the video out.
Now there's
one last bone to pick.
Is the secretary of the interior aware
of your shady behavior
and acts of corruption?
Regina Bastn...
She's more corrupt than anyone.
She's been in on every
government conspiracy.
Hey, chief, we have some visitors.
Cover for me?
- Of course.
- Okay. Thanks.
Let's go, Fajardo.
Attention, all divisions
of the Special Operations Police Unit.
Regina Bastn here.
I'm the secretary of interior.
The operation is now being taken over.
From now on, it's in the hands
of our secretary of defense,
General Casimiro Zavala.
What happened?
What happened?
- Yeah, what's going on?
- They went dark.
This is Secretary of Defense
Casimiro Zavala.
Attention, all units.
Prepare to make entry.
Our highest priority is
President Araiza's safety.
Outta the way!
- Oh, come on! Let me through.
- I can't. I have orders.
Please. I have to save her.
Hit me.
- Say what?
- Hit me!
Ah, goddamn it.
- Just go.
- Thanks, Charlie.
Nice job, bro.
All right, now it's your turn.
Aw, come on, man. One guy is enough.
Attention, Menndez.
Listen, Bender's upstairs.
They're going in.
Can we stop them somehow?
Are they gonna k... kill them?
Oh! Ca... ca... cannabis?
We're almost ready to go.
Who is it?
Zambrano, it's Bender. Go to channel two.
It's Alan.
- What do you want?
- I want to tell you something.
Who's listening to us?
Just your wife right now.
- The president is taking a nap.
- Okay.
- That's perfect. Get closer to the door.
- What is this?
They're comin' in.
They're gonna kill everyone.
Please, come closer.
I need to talk to you. I saw your video.
I'm warning you.
I'll use your wife as a shield.
What do you want?
Listen, I'm unarmed.
I don't care about the president.
And if you end up dead, I might
be sad for a couple of days, but...
Look, I'm here for Victoria.
I have the video here with me.
It's incredible.
The thing has to go viral ASAP.
Everybody has to know about this, man.
But the only way that's gonna happen
is if you give me Victoria.
This is it, Vicente.
You lost. Trust me.
You have no other option.
Maybe my option is to shoot them all.
But you don't want that.
That's not why you're here.
How do I know
you'll share the video?
I swear on the life of my daughter.
Let me inside.
Let me take Victoria's place, okay?
What do we say?
All of us go in...
All of us come out.
Shark squad here.
We've got a hostage. It's Bender's wife.
Where'd she come from?
Uh, I don't know.
This is... really weird.
Was our closed-circuit hacked?
- Where's Bender?
- I don't know! He was there.
Just fix it.
- Alan... Wait, he's still inside. Go back!
- Let's go. Just keep moving.
- This is a dangerous situation. Easy.
- Don't worry.
It's too risky.
I promise
we're gonna make it out alive.
Here. Here. This is good.
Commencing countdown now.
In 60...
- 58... 57...
- Just wait please. My husband's inside.
- 47... 46...
- Zambrano's willing to destroy evidence.
- He'll let you go and turn himself in.
- 45...
If you agree not to press charges,
this could all be over.
40... 39...
38... 37...
35... 34...
- 33...
- What'd you record on?
- Did he use this?
- 31...
- There you go.
- 24...
- The evidence against you is gone.
- 23...
Co... come in!
Attention all units.
Bender is in the room.
How about we let him work his magic?
- Bender's our friend.
- Turn it off!
- It's not how this Chinese software works.
- He taught us all we know!
You're dismissed, agent.
You just disobeyed a direct order.
I accept the consequences.
You're right, General.
But he's a beloved colleague who's putting
his life on the line to save us all.
And we've been here for hours.
I mean, we're starving,
and sleep-deprived. I'm so tired.
It's time to end this, all right?
We all just wanna
get this over with and go home,
but we have to support Bender.
Everybody is one.
And one is everybody.
Jail for two full years.
- One year.
- Year and a half.
- Fine.
- Deal.
Ah... we're taking him in his underwear?
- Okay.
- There.
Come on.
Get back!
Show us your hands. Move it!
Keep moving forward!
- Let's go, goddamn it!
- Hurry up!
Keep your hands above your head!
Move it!
- Don't move!
- Okay!
Spread 'em, asshole. All right.
Get movin'!
- Are you okay?
- Yes!
You sure? Mmm!
God, I can't wait to see Juana.
I know. Neither can I.
- Hey, shall we give her a call?
- Yeah.
I love you.
I almost believed you.
- Mr. President. Glad you're okay.
- Mr. President.
- Carrasco. Thank you so much.
- Fa... fantastic work.
- I'll get fired for sure.
- No. I don't think so.
Menndez. Congrats.
- You're ready for this.
- They'll really fire you?
Who won the game, you guys?
Breaking news.
The identity of the mysterious "Lamb"
has finally been brought to light.
A man named Vicente Zambrano
kidnapped the president three months ago
and held him hostage,
during which he recorded now-viral footage
of the head of state confessing
to a number of indiscretions
in his administration.
This quickly became the most-viewed video
in the history of our country.
It reached an astonishing
370 million views in just five days,
in addition to provoking
a series of massive protests nationwide.
The legend of the Lamb has since
become an emblem of social justice,
and the movement has resulted
in the resignation
of President Araiza and his cabinet.
The protests have also
provoked Congress to hold elections
for an interim president
to lead the country for now.
A former Special Forces police officer
who has now become a global icon.
Zambrano is currently being detained
in a prison in the city,
and is undergoing psychiatric treatment.
The authorities
are not revealing his exact location
for fear of generating further unrest.
Cordero! Cordero!
Cordero! Cordero!
Cordero! Cordero! Cordero!
Cordero! Cordero!
So, marriage is nothing
like a hostage situation.
It's not an event
with a definitive start and a clear end.
I mean, that is unless
you want to get a divorce.
Right, my love?
Right! No question.
No question. It's never good
to constantly seek out confrontation.
But it's also not healthy
to avoid conflict,
because that creates other problems.
- Big ones!
- Right.
And that's the central idea
we want you guys to think about.
My partner is not holding me hostage.
I'm not trying to get away.
- Thanks so much.
- Yes. Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Thanks, guys.
Not a big crowd, huh?
Not exactly.
- Well, you take forever to respond.
- I take forever?
- That's 'cause you keep interrupting me.
- I interrupted you?
- Oh. Yeah, yeah. Let's go. Yeah.
- I'm sorry. Excuse us, sorry.
How many people did you count? I got 23.
- No, 25. It was more.
- You think so?
- Yeah! It wasn't that bad. Not too bad.
- More than I thought.
- You seem upset.
- Don't label me.
- I'm not...
- Hey, guys! So, are you getting a divorce?
- No!
- Yes.
- Yes?
- No?
What are we gonna do with all this?
Let's take it home, huh?
- What's up? Who is this?
- All right. Okay, let's pack this up.
Bender. Do you remember me?
- Of course I do.
- So, yes or no, Mom?
- We thought about it, but no.
- I've had a lot of time to think in here.
And I've realized that what we did
together was the start of something big.
Not sure I follow you.
Well, I'm basically a celebrity, so...
I been thinkin' about it.
Me and you could really make
a big difference in this country.
But from the inside.
What do you think?
Let's take the bull by the horns together.
- I don't know.
- Come on. Let's go, baby.
We'll see.