Outside (2024) Movie Script

[man] Ladies and gentlemen,
let's all stand up
and let's welcome our bride and groom.
- Let's give them a round of applause.
- [clapping and cheering]
Mr. and Mrs. Abel, congratulations!
[romantic music playing]
If you knew fate would betray
And cause forever to elude you
Would you love me anyway?
Tell me, my darling
If this love's not meant to stay
And will be but just a memory
Would you still love me...
[ominous music playing]
[breathes heavily]
[door creaks]
[faint clattering]
[stairs creak]
[faint clattering]
[fly buzzes]
[floor creaks]
[door creaks]
[flies buzzing]
[breathes shakily]
[woman] Sorry.
Sorry. [breathes harshly]
[breathes shakily]
[breathes shakily]
[floor creaks]
[screams] Sorry!
Sorry! Sorry!
Sorry! Sorry!
[somber music playing]
[somber music continues]
[somber music fades]
You didn't sleep?
[water gushing]
[insects buzzing]
[bird cawing]
It's okay! Come on!
- Wow!
- [giggles]
[boys giggle]
[teen] Okay, your turn. Your turn. Wow.
- Phew!
- Me next, Josh!
[Josh laughs]
- [boy grunts]
- [Josh] What?
[boy grunts] So heavy!
[Josh laughs]
- Oh, it's cold.
- [boy laughs]
[Josh laughs]
[boys continue giggling]
[birds sing]
Ma, where do you want it?
Just put it there.
But Dad said
he wanted the medicines in his room.
I said, "Just leave it there."
[Josh] Dad.
Maybe there's something useful in there?
Oh, hey.
Come here. We're not going far.
Just down there.
You'll have Kyle with you.
He'll protect you.
And Mom needs you to protect her.
You stay here with Mom.
Good boy.
Okay, come on.
[birds singing]
[door creaks]
Mr. Orly?
Who's he?
He runs things.
[chickens cluck]
I told you we'd find something useful.
Yeah, that's good.
I need a key.
You find it?
- Dad!
- What?
Get the key.
Josh, he's dead.
Really dead.
Come on.
[groans] Ah!
[breathes shakily] Ah!
Ah! [groans]
[chickens cluck]
[boy] Get up! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow!
[grunts] Pow!
What happened?
[man] He saw a dead body.
He'll be okay.
Taste it.
Bite here.
Francis, I want to show you something.
[door unlocks]
[door creaks]
It might still work.
[ominous music playing]
Was it here?
[cap squeaks]
[breathes shakily]
It's empty.
Let me see.
[ominous music continues]
[Francis] Wait.
Bless us, O Lord
and these Thy gifts
which we are about to receive...
- From Thy bounty...
- From Thy bounty
through Christ, our Lord.
Lucas, stop that.
Leave him.
It's all sugar.
Eat your food.
Lucas, I just said...
[Francis] Lukie.
I'll give you more later.
[radio crackles]
- I'm looking for a clear reception.
- We're eating.
S... sorry.
[crackling stops]
Thank you.
What about tomorrow?
We still have food.
But for how long?
Yes, but compare it to where we came from.
We're better off here.
We have clean water. Safe.
I think we should stay here until we know
for sure what's going on out there.
How will we know what's going on?
We have no reception.
No electricity either.
Francis, according to the last news
we heard, we should head north.
And this is not north enough?
Just look at what happened
to your parents.
I'm sorry.
I remember when Alice texted me.
She said her family
were going up to the mountains.
Isn't that near here?
We're not leaving here
to look for your girlfriend.
It's not just her.
- Many of my friends will be there...
- Are dead.
They have families too.
I miss my friends too.
I know, Lukie.
Eat up.
[low battery sound dings]
Don't think I don't notice
how you're treating him.
Francis, you promised.
[ominous music playing]
[door rattling]
[young Francis] No...
D... daddy...
[crying] No!
D... daddy...
[woman screeching] Francis!
- [breathes shakily]
- [woman] Francis.
[Francis inhales sharply]
[Francis] It's so quiet.
We're probably safe here, right?
I didn't think I would use that word here.
It's not enough of a reason
for us to stay here.
Why not?
When I saw you last night,
I understood everything
you said about this place.
About what happened to you.
So that's all the more reason
why we should leave this place, right?
It's better for you, it's better for us.
So there's an "us" again.
All I know is that we're both guilty.
Me, I made a mistake.
But you...
I wish I knew sooner.
If I had told you earlier,
well then,
we wouldn't be together now.
And we wouldn't have Lucas.
I'm ready to move on if you are.
[ominous music playing]
So let's move.
Francis, it's not far to go now
until we reach the north.
And the mountain
that Alice told Joshua about.
That's where people are going.
Let's hope so.
And that's what Uncle Diego said too.
What did you say?
Uncle Diego.
He also told Mom
that we should head north.
When was that?
[Josh] I don't remember.
I just overheard he
and Mom talking before we left.
Right, Mom?
[scoffs] Could've guessed.
He just called to check on us.
Why didn't he call me?
[woman] He says you won't answer.
Oh, really?
Move on.
Francis, don't.
You're lying.
- I said not here.
- I knew it. How could I be such an idiot?
- Pa!
- I'm really...
- Listen to me, I'm telling you the truth.
- Pa!
- What?
- [gasps]
[car tires screech]
[ominous music playing]
It's blocked.
Francis, we'll get through.
Iris, no.
There's still space.
We just have to push back the fence,
then the van will fit.
- We won't get through there.
- We still can!
[Francis] Iris, please, listen to me.
The fence is there for a reason and... and...
It's getting dark!
It's too risky.
Let's just go back.
[door slams shut]
[ominous music playing]
Papa, I'm scared.
[sighs] It's gonna be okay, Lukie.
[ominous music intensifies]
Pass, please. [wheezes]
- Mom!
- Don't move! Don't move!
Pass, please!
Pass, please!
Get down!
- [screams]
- Pass, please! Pass, please!
- What were you thinking?
- Sorry! Sorry!
- Sorry.
- [eerie music playing]
[horn honks]
- [grunts]
- [screams]
- [eerie music continues]
- [screams]
[incoherent grunting]
No! Don't! Don't! The children.
- [screams]
- Mama! Mama!
[grunting] Let me buy!
Let me buy!
- Copy!
- Let me buy!
Come on, quick!
Both of you, run as fast as you can! Run!
[undead grunting and screaming]
Let me buy! Let me buy!
Let me buy!
Copy! Copy! Copy!
Let me buy!
[indistinct shouting]
[music turns dramatic]
- [pants]
- [ears ringing]
[ominous music playing]
We tried it your way.
[flies buzzing]
[car engine clicks]
[car engine starts]
[Josh mimics explosions]
Okay, turn there! Here we go!
Boom! The enemies are over there!
[mimics rapid gunfire]
[Lucas] A bomb!
[Josh] Boom! Let's use the bazooka!
Fire's in the hole. Boom!
- [Lucas mimics rapid gunfire]
- [Josh] Boom!
- [Lucas] Whoa!
- [Josh] What the heck? We beat them!
- Time for the next level!
- [Lucas] Pow!
[Josh mimics rapid gunfire]
Come on, turn! Turn!
[Lucas mimics roaring engine]
[Josh] Let's use another bomb!
- [Lucas] Whee!
- [Josh] Fire's in the hole!
- Kaboom!
- [Lucas] Kapow!
- [Josh mimics rapid gunfire]
- [Lucas] Pew! Pew! Pew!
- [Josh mimics explosion]
- [Lucas] Another bomb!
- [Josh] Over here!
- [Lucas] Pew! Pew! Kapow! Sir, yes sir!
[mimics engine sounds]
[mimics rapid gunfire]
So many zombies!
- [mimics engine sounds]
- [mimics rapid gunfire]
- [Lucas] Pew! Pew! Pew!
- [Josh] Throw the grenade over there!
- Whoa! Ew! [mimics rapid gunfire]
- [mimics machine gun]
Here's another bomb!
[chickens cluck]
- Dad?
- Papa!
What's that?
[breathes heavily]
Francis, where's the van?
It broke down.
- [Lucas] Look, wow!
- [Josh] Yeah, look at that!
[Lucas] Yay!
[door unlocks and creaks open]
[takes a deep breath]
- [ominous noise]
- [breathes shakily]
And God said
"Let there be light!"
[laughs] Holy shit!
[Francis] Wait!
There's more!
[Josh] What else?
[air con whirs]
Air con?
[Francis] Yes, sir!
[Josh] Holy shit!
Pa! He's been saying some very bad words.
Because we've got cooling!
See for yourself!
Uh... One, two, three!
- Wow! It's cold!
- Enough.
Your brother might get hurt.
- [sighs]
- [Josh] So cold.
This is just wasting gas.
Special occasions are okay.
But wait.
There's more! [chuckles]
- Hey!
- What?
Two things my mom really loved...
Air con
and disco.
[record crackles]
["Magsayawan" by VST & Company playing]
Come on, follow.
Step back. Give me a clap.
Put your head into it.
[Lucas laughs]
[Josh laughs]
[Francis laughs]
[music fades]
[romantic music playing]
Tell me, my darling
If you knew fate would betray
And cause forever to elude you
Would you love me anyway?
Tell me, my darling
If this love's not meant to stay
And will be but just a memory
Would you still love me today?
I don't know what lies ahead
Here today and gone tomorrow
But all I know
Is now I've got you in my arms
And I'm not letting go
Tell me, my darling
If the future were unveiled
And what awaits us is heartache
Would you love me anyway?
[breathes heavily]
If we should be led astray
And tomorrow we'll be strangers
Would you still love me today?
[door creaks]
What the...?
Is it okay if I stay with you in here?
Mom and Dad are busy. I'm scared.
I'm busy too, okay?
Busy how?
[Josh] Just am.
Now get lost!
I'm sorry.
[Lucas] Whoa! Cool!
Dad made this?
I remember the time when he made it.
He made them when he was a kid.
[mimics machine noise]
[mimics siren]
Aren't those people the ones Dad buried?
Yeah, they are.
It's Uncle Diego.
You look like him, Josh.
I don't.
[Lucas] Or maybe that's really you
and you just time-traveled.
[Josh] Look at the picture of Dad here.
He looks like a lot like Mom there.
He looks sad.
Why is Mom always sad, anyway?
[Josh] Maybe she's tired.
Tired how?
Of everything, you know.
Is she tired of me?
Don't think that, Lucas.
Then why is she always cross at me?
I don't know.
I do know that...
that if you're angry at somebody,
sometimes you can hurt someone else.
Is that how Dad is when he's angry?
Don't know.
That's been how Dad is ever since
he and Mom started fighting, hey?
Maybe that's all it was.
But now that I think they're happy,
do you think
that they will stop being mad at us?
Who knows?
Let's hope.
It's weird, hey?
They make up
when the world is falling apart.
It's nic-ro...
- [sighs]
- Ironic. [chuckles]
But you know,
when two people love each other,
no matter what kind
of shit they go through,
things will be alright.
Mom and Dad love each other, don't they?
So they'll be okay.
And so
they'll be okay with us.
[somber music playing]
MARCH 1995
[somber music continues]
It's nice.
- You look like a farmer.
- [chuckles]
[laughs] But it's nice.
So are you ready for the country life?
I know we've had a lot
of misunderstandings lately.
That's on me.
I know I did you wrong.
I'm sorry I hurt you.
I'm sorry I hurt you.
But look...
I'm not saying it's possible
to go back our old life.
But all my problems,
everyone I owe something to, they're gone.
That's great, right?
Like we've been given a second chance.
We own the farm.
I love you.
Good morning.
Hey Lukie, what are you eating?
- Rice!
- What?
Just rice?
That's okay?
It shouldn't be.
You want scrambled eggs?
[chickens clucking]
Fuck. Argh!
[breathes shakily] Fuck.
- You need a rabies shot.
- It didn't have rabies. It had a collar.
Last time I checked, I'm the nurse.
Yeah, yeah.
So just treat it.
Francis, I'm serious.
You need to go to the hospital and have...
I'm fine.
[radio crackles]
[radio buzzes]
[man] Delta.
- Delta Camp.
- Holy shit.
[man] Repeat.
Delta Camp.
Delta Camp. Repeat.
No, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no!
Mom! Dad!
- Josh!
- Ma! Ma.
Josh, what was it?
I heard... I heard someone on the radio.
Uh... Someone was talking.
Uh... Um... Do we still
have batteries with us?
What was it you heard?
I'm not sure, something about a camp.
What camp?
[breathes shakily] Uh...
I... I don't remember.
Try hard, Josh. Focus. Focus.
Are you sure you heard anything at all?
[Josh] Yes, I promise.
I really heard something.
Are you sure?
That radio hasn't been working.
[inhales] Yes, I'm sure I heard something.
But the batteries are dead.
[sighs] Francis, maybe Joshua
did hear something.
Okay, think hard
about what he might have heard.
I've got things to take care of.
To keep that dog out.
What are you thinking?
The radio.
If Joshua did hear something,
then that means we're very close.
To what?
[Iris] The camp.
Francis, I'm serious.
We have enough food
and we have drinking water.
We can go back and we can fix the van.
If it really is broken.
The bridge is closed but you want to go.
- We can still get through it, right?
- Okay, so
what you want to happen...
So we'll get to the van that doesn't work,
then we'll drive hundreds of kilometers
to find people in a camp
that we're not even sure
is in a situation that's better than ours.
There's probably a doctor there.
And probably people who can help us.
Are you hearing what you're saying?
What if that dog had bitten Lucas?
Why are we talking about a dog
when compared to whatever is out there?
You're aware of what's happening, right?
Or you've forgotten?
You remember what happened on the bridge?
What happened at Lucas' school?
To his classmates?
You want him to become like them?
You're scaring your son.
It's better to be afraid and alive.
What's the value
of courage if you're dead?
I don't want to die, Papa.
[sighs] That won't happen, okay?
I'll make sure.
[ominous music playing]
[hammer bangs]
[Josh] Dad?
I just wanted to ask
if we could turn the generator back on?
To charge again?
There's no reception.
I was thinking of trying
the music player in the living room.
Maybe I can get reception on it.
It's called a turntable. There's no radio.
I just want something to do.
There's a lot to do here.
Just keep doing it.
I just want to know what's out there,
I need to know who else is out there!
Are you blind?
When you boys
were almost killed on the bridge...
You didn't see any of that?
I did.
So you saw me too?
You saw what I did to save you?
Can you do that?
[ominous music playing]
Can you kill?
I can.
You can, huh?
[ominous music continues]
[Josh] Dad!
[Francis] You know...
when I was young...
this land used to be full
of rebels and thieves.
My dad was their target.
But they realized...
Arturo Abel doesn't scare easily.
It was a wild time.
Everyone had a gun.
You ready to kill?
[breathes shakily]
[gunshot sounds]
[breathes shakily]
[young Francis] D... Daddy!
Fix your stance.
[ominous music playing]
How? How do you aim?
Huh? Let me see.
Front sight and then...
Front sight, rear sight.
It should look like this, understand?
- Like this.
- I don't understand.
Target, front sight, rear sight.
That's it. Come on.
[breathes shakily] Francis,
what's going on?
I'm just teaching him.
Teaching him? Why?
When I was his age, I'd killed animals.
He needs to learn.
Come on, Francis.
What are you doing?
Why can't you hit it?
I've lined it up for you, now focus!
It's just one line,
why can't you hit it yet?
[breathes shakily]
Target, front sight, and rear sight.
What's wrong?
- I said, "Fire," Francis!
- [screams]
[dramatic music playing]
[screaming continues]
That's good.
[eerie music playing]
In the name of the Father...
In the name of the Father...
In the name of the Father...
Oh my God.
Oh my God, Francis.
- Francis...
- Run!
- Come on, run!
- Josh?
Josh! Josh, Run!
[dramatic music playing]
[unintelligible grunting]
[crying] Mama!
[Lucas cries]
[unintelligible grunting]
[Francis] Get inside the house!
Get inside!
Come here!
[gasps for air]
In the name of the Father...
[groaning and sniffing]
- Dad...
- Shh...
In the name of the Father...
This is my land.
Leave, my love.
[dramatic music continues]
In the name of the Father...
In the name of the Father...
[Iris] Francis!
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
[car horn honking]
[ominous music playing]
[car tires screech]
[breathes shakily]
[flies buzz]
What now?
That's Dad's.
What are you doing here?
And Timmy?
Do you remember when we were kids?
We always fished here,
even if we couldn't catch anything.
Mr. Orly always helped you.
But what are you doing here?
I'm heading north.
I wanted to see how Mom and Dad are doing.
Are they...?
I'm surprised you're here.
This is the last place
that I thought I'd see you.
Daddy was right.
You came back.
This place was never a home for me.
But now he's dead...
it can be.
Are you sure?
You think I can't?
I'm saying,
there's a reason why you left.
Yeah, and that reason's dead.
This place is dead.
How long will your supplies last here?
[sighs] It's a farm.
- Sure, little bro.
- We're fine.
Okay, that's good.
What about us?
Are we fine?
[sighs] Fran...
What happened before...
I'm sorry.
It's been too long.
was an ill-timed mistake.
I'm sorry.
Look, Fran.
I didn't really come here for Mom and Dad.
The truth is...
So I could help you.
I know the way to the north.
Let me help you.
You know it yourself.
You can't support them forever.
Look in the mirror.
You can't even save yourself,
let alone your family.
You stay the fuck away from my family.
What do you care, huh?
They're yours?
This is your farm, huh?
Mr. G... Golden Boy?
Y... you come here...
Fuck you!
- I was wrong to come here.
- Oh, yeah!
I'll leave this, anyway.
- [car door shuts]
- [car engine starts]
[breathes shakily]
[breathes heavily]
I was too late.
[funky playful music playing]
Are you and Dad okay?
Are you okay?
I'm just tired.
I know.
Just look at yourself.
You smile the same.
As who?
No one.
It's like you're used to this, huh?
It's like you're a chain smoker.
[fly buzzes]
[fly buzzes]
[stairs creak]
[fly buzzes]
[fly buzzes]
[fly buzzes]
[tense music playing]
It's okay.
He can't get in.
[fly buzzes]
[somber music playing]
He's getting weaker.
And soon, they'll all die.
And we can go outside again.
[music turns ominous]
Go ahead.
Go ahead.
Go ahead.
Go ahead.
Go ahead.
[gasping for air]
[ominous music plays]
[uneasy music playing]
[breathes heavily]
- Francis, what's going on?
- [Francis] This attacked me.
But I killed it.
[Francis] He moved so fast.
I saw another one too.
- There's still so many of them.
- What's your problem, huh?
Did we need to see that?
This! This is our problem!
There are still so many of them.
They're everywhere.
Nobody goes out. We all stay inside.
Nobody goes out. Do you hear me?
They're so fast.
What are you doing? Get inside!
[flies buzzing]
[door creaks]
[water splashing]
I was just looking for Lucas.
[eerie music playing]
["Deck the Halls" playing]
Deck the halls with boughs of holly
What's all this, Francis?
'Tis the season to be jolly
Special occasions, right?
What's that, Papa?
[Francis] On the count of three,
I'll tell you.
and two,
three. Hey!
It's Christmas now?
It's only September now.
September, December. It's all the same.
We can have Christmas whenever we want.
Come on!
you heard your dad. It's Christmas.
Fa la la la la la la la la
Strike the harp and join the chorus
[Lucas] Whoa!
What's this, Dad?
It's like...
I just found that this...
This is from my mother.
Put it there.
[Lucas mimics sparkler sounds]
Fa la la la la la la la la
Uh... bells!
Ding, ding, ding, ding!
Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts
which we are about to receive
from Thy bounty
through Christ, our Lord.
Let's do something else
so we can feel the Christmas spirit more.
What do you think?
A game?
What game, Pa?
[inhales deeply]
Let's all tell each other
what we would like to get for Christmas.
You never know, Santa might be listening.
Who wants to start?
[Lucas] Okay, I will.
I want to get a new bike.
Where will you ride it?
In the living room?
Obviously outside.
[Josh] Okay, how?
Josh, your brother wants a new bike
so just leave him alone.
What about you?
What do you want?
I don't know.
Maybe a map.
Joshua, what map?
You should ask Dad.
I don't know what he's saying.
Francis, what map?
Yes, Joshua. What map?
The map I saw.
[Francis] Where?
[Josh] In your room.
If there was a map in my room,
your mom would've seen it.
If a map is what you want
then next Christmas, you shall get a map.
[Lucas] What about you, Papa?
What do you want for Christmas?
[Francis] Me?
I just want something simple.
I want another child.
Maybe it's time
to add a new member to our family.
I can't stop thinking about it.
Lukie, didn't you say
you'd love to have a baby brother?
Uh... Sure, but...
I think it's time.
What do you mean, "it's time"?
Francis, don't joke about this.
[Francis] I'm serious!
Why does our life as a family have to stop
because the world did?
We can still live normally, Iris.
Francis, normal is over.
That's all the more reason
for us to get together.
Let's grow our family.
No way.
What do you mean?
I can't live like this.
This is not normal.
It's not right.
Do you want to know what my wish is?
I want to leave.
Not the next month.
Not the next week.
I want to leave now.
Right now.
We've talked about this before.
Francis, look at our food.
How long until it's all gone, huh?
No matter how many candles you light,
no meal will ever feel like fine dining.
Those things outside
that we're afraid of, they're dying.
Maybe not all of them,
but most of them are.
Even I can run faster than them.
[Francis] You can.
You can. But what about them?
Yes, I know we stayed here
because they couldn't.
I won't argue with you there.
I understand that.
But just take a look at us.
We have nothing to eat!
[inhales] We have to leave here
to find some food.
And who will do that?
You fortified the walls
but you didn't do anything to find food.
Sugarcane, over and over again.
Do you hear that, boys?
Your mother is leaving us.
But I don't have any choice.
We need to eat!
How can we be sure you'll come back?
Of course I'll come back,
they're my children!
[Francis] No.
I know you're not coming back.
Because I know you don't even like us.
You didn't want this
from the very beginning.
You wanted to leave us from the start.
You wanted to be somewhere else.
Did you know that your mother wanted
to leave us, even before the outbreak?
Francis, stop. Please.
You're leaving?
[Josh] Ma?
What is he saying? Where are you going?
"I need to fix myself."
That's what you said, right?
When were you going to tell the kids?
That you plan to leave us.
When were you going to tell them?
Just say it.
Don't lie straight to their faces.
[inhales] I was going to tell you.
I was going to say goodbye.
But why are you leaving?
[Iris cries]
It's not your fault. It's not your fault.
Mm. It's not you.
I just wasn't happy. [sobs]
I'm not okay.
I'm tired.
I just wish...
I don't know.
I wanted to start again.
I wanted to be a good person
so I could be a better mother
to both of you.
The truth, Iris.
Tell us the real reason
why you wanted to leave.
[breathes shakily]
[inhales] You know, boys,
your mother is a liar.
Just ask her.
Come on. Just ask her what she did before.
Francis, what happened before
has nothing to do with our problem now.
Oh, is that right?
Francis, I want to save you
and Joshua and Lukie!
I want to go outside
because I want to find help!
Don't you understand?
Help! But from whom?
[Iris cries]
He's dead!
He's gone.
[unsettling music playing]
She wants to leave
because she wants to find someone.
Tell them who it is.
Go on, say it, God damn it!
Don't talk to Mom like that!
You just shut up, you fucking bastard!
Stop it, now! Stop it!
I wanted to leave you!
Don't you understand?
I wanted to leave because I couldn't take
the two of us together anymore.
Can we just stop pretending?
Please? Stop this!
Please don't do this to the children.
Just give me the map.
This it?
[ominous music playing]
Francis, what...
Francis, what are you doing?
Don't do that!
Give it to me!
Give it to me! Give it to me!
Francis, what's wrong with you?
What the hell are you doing? [grunts]
Give it to me! Let it go!
It's our only chance!
Damn you! Damn you to hell!
[gasps for air]
[ominous music continues]
[plants being slashed]
[insects hum]
[Lucas] "And when the boy's
parents found out,
they were...
they were angry."
Are you practicing how to read?
Mm... Yeah.
So how does the story end?
I just want to know
what's going to happen.
Can I join you?
[floor creaks]
[Iris] May I?
[inhales] "When the boy's parents
found out what he did,
they were very angry."
[somber music playing]
Do you know why
his parents were angry with him?
Because they found out he was lying.
He lied and said he was attacked by a wolf
because he wanted his parents
and the people in the village...
He... he wanted them to help him.
Why? Why did he lie to them?
he just wanted attention.
Maybe he thought
his parents didn't love him anymore.
Maybe that's why he did it.
Or maybe the boy is a bad person.
You know...
I think I might know a boy like that.
He even looks like you!
And has your smile.
Come here.
Look at that.
[insects buzz]
[gunshot sounds]
[rapid gunfire sounds]
[tense music playing]
[door bangs and creaks open]
[music turns ominous]
[wood thuds on floor]
Francis, what are you doing?
[Francis] What do you think?
There are still so many of them.
They're all around us.
It's been weeks.
[Francis sighs]
How can we go out?
Why? What else are you looking for?
[inhales] He can't get in here.
Bullshit. Rubbish.
[breathes heavily]
- [grunts]
- [chains clink]
What did you say?
I said that's bullshit.
- Joshua, stop it.
- [Francis breathes heavily] No.
Let him.
You don't have to do this. Okay?
Why? What are you going to do?
[breathes shakily] Are you going
to let them all come in?
Who's "them"? What are you taking about?
We don't see them outside anymore.
You just want to keep us here!
You... you son of a... of a bitch.
That's why we don't have the van
and why you destroyed the map
and why you locked the house.
Because you don't care
about what's out there!
Just... just shut up! Shut up!
You just want to lock us up
like your parents used to lock you up!
- You fucking snitch!
- Francis, don't!
You s... son of a bitch!
You can't even listen properly.
A little shit. Huh?
Listen. They're j... j... just...
[breathes shakily]
E... everything I did, I did it all for you!
I... I... I wanted to keep you safe!
So just stay inside.
Just stay inside!
[knocking on door]
[man] Hello? [knocks on door]
- [Francis shouting] Who's there?
- Josh! Josh!
[man] Sir, please help me.
My name is Corcuera.
I'm a soldier, sir. Please,
I beg for your help. [knocks on door]
There's no help here!
[man] Sir, I'm begging you.
Even just a little water
or something to eat. Sir, I beg you.
Go away, I have a gun!
[man] Sir, I beg you.
I have nowhere else to go, sir.
Please, sir. [knocks on door]
Sir, I'm a soldier.
I won't say it again.
- Two!
- [man] Sir, please, I beg...
What are you doing?
- [groans]
- Move!
Sir, I wasn't bitten.
Please sir, I wasn't bitten.
Sir, I'm human. I'm human.
No bites on me, sir.
- The blood is from my wound.
- [Iris] Don't!
- [Francis] Iris!
- It's just a wound.
[Iris] When did this happen?
It was yesterday.
Stay with me and talk to me.
Where are you from?
From Delta... Delta Camp.
That's it. That's the camp.
[whispering] Okay.
Um... Where is it?
It's about half a day...
about half a day's drive.
My unit went to the city
to look for some supplies for Delta.
[breathes shakily]
Then on the way back...
we were attacked by those...
All of my friends, they're dead.
They're all dead
and I'm the only one left.
I was right.
They're everywhere.
No. No, sir.
It depends upon where you are going.
There's hardly any of them
between here and Delta Camp.
I'm sure I'd be dead
if it wasn't for the man who helped me.
[breathes shakily]
What man?
[Corcuera groans]
I don't know him, ma'am.
I didn't get his name, but...
He told me to run this way.
To run in this direction until...
until I saw your house.
This man, what happened to him?
I don't know, ma'am. When I looked back,
he was already being attacked.
I... I didn't see much.
It all happened so fast.
I'm sorry, ma'am. So sorry.
You lied.
So did you.
Let him go.
We can't help him.
Let's help the man.
[Francis] On one condition.
[door creaks]
Francis, he's not infected.
We'll find out tomorrow.
[somber music playing]
Josh, son...
What is it?
I'm leaving.
Joshua, wait a minute... You can't.
I'll look for Uncle Diego.
I know he can help us.
But didn't you hear what Corcuera said?
Uncle Diego may not have survived.
I still want to try.
I can't take it anymore.
I can't stand Dad anymore.
He doesn't even see me.
It's because...
[inhales] Because he's not my real father.
I know.
But he's still my dad.
I just wish he'd realize it.
But he's still not okay.
He needs help.
So let's get out of here.
Josh, I can't leave
your brother here alone.
Then please tell Lucas...
to be brave.
[music turns eerie]
[incoherent young Francis shouting]
[crying] Mom!
- Francis!
- [young Francis] Mommy!
[breathes deeply]
Thank you.
Good morning, sir.
You're still alive.
Where's Joshua?
I don't know.
[footsteps approaching]
[ominous music playing]
[chains clinking]
[chains clink on the ground]
[upbeat playful music playing]
[Iris screams]
[Lucas screams]
Joshua is gone.
- [screaming] Francis!
- You can't go either, okay?
[voice echoes] Francis!
[Lucas] No...
Francis, don't...
[Lucas cries]
[Iris] Don't do this to your...
- You're staying here.
- [Iris] Francis...
[breathes heavily]
[eerie music playing]
[whispering] Lucas.
Lucas... Luke... Lucas...
[breathes shakily]
Lucas, are you okay?
[house creaks]
[bangs on door] Francis?
[screaming] Francis!
[fly buzzing]
[dog barking]
[ominous music playing]
[door creaks]
Happy Independence Day.
I cooked.
Let's eat.
- Where did you get that?
- [Francis] Outside.
Come on, Lukie. Try it.
- But Mommy, I'm very hungry.
- Lucas, no.
Why? Your son is hungry.
[Francis] It's tasty!
Delicious! Mm. Mm!
So delicious!
Mm? Try it.
You know, when I was a kid...
You know, when I was a kid,
if I didn't finish my food,
my dad would get really angry with me.
And now I give it to you
and you don't eat?
You're so damn lucky.
[tense music playing]
It's so hard to find food nowadays.
You're right. You're right. [cries]
No one is waiting for me outside.
[music turns ominous]
[gasps] I like it here.
Francis, I need you.
[house creaks]
I really need you.
[Francis] I need you too.
[music turns dramatic]
But I can't trust you.
[door creaks]
Damn you, fucker! Damn you, fucker!
[cries hysterically]
Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!
[cries and grunts]
[breathes heavily]
[ominous music playing]
[Lucas] Mom?
Is Papa going to kill us?
Maybe I could act like that boy.
What boy?
- [Lucas screams]
- [loud thud]
[ominous music playing]
Lukie! Lukie! Lukie!
What happened? What happened?
- Sorry.
- For what?
- [music intensifies]
- [Iris screams]
- [Iris screams]
- [Francis groans]
[Iris] Run! Run! Run! Hurry!
You motherfucker!
[young Francis] No, Daddy.
- [screams]
- Come on!
[screams] Daddy, I didn't...
- Francis!
- Daddy!
- Francis!
- Daddy!
- Francis!
- Daddy!
[tense music playing]
[Francis screaming]
Iris! Iris! Iris! Iris! [screams]
Daddy! [screams]
Daddy, I'm sorry!
Daddy, I'm sorry!
I'm sorry!
I'm sorry!
- [breathes shakily] Are you ready?
- Yes. I'm brave.
Yes, you are brave.
We're going to find your brother, okay?
[door creaks]
[music turns dramatic]
[unintelligible muttering]
Run... Go...
[somber music playing]
- [Lucas gasps]
- [gasps] Get inside!
- Run!
- [Iris screams]
[tense music playing]
- [screams]
- [Lucas] Mama!
[Iris whimpering]
- [screams]
- Run!
Hurry! [screams]
[Lucas] Mama!
[Iris screams]
[Lucas screams]
[Iris cries]
[breathes heavily]
- [grunts]
- [screams]
[Lucas] Mama!
- [grunting]
- [screaming]
[Iris screaming]
- [Iris screams]
- [growls]
[Lucas] Mom! Mommy!
- [Iris] Hey!
- [Lucas screams]
[Lucas] Mommy!
[Lucas cries]
- [grunts]
- [screams]
[Iris] Francis...
Francis, stop.
[ominous music playing]
You let him into our house.
Into my house!
You threatened my family.
It won't happen again.
Never again.
- Francis, don't!
- [Lucas] Mom, Dad...
[breathes shakily]
[somber music playing]
Luca... Lukie... Are you okay? Huh?
Let me see.
[Lucas whimpers]
[somber music playing]
[hushes] It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
Lucas, you're so brave.
What are you doing?
Francis, you know what's going to happen.
Francis, help us.
[music turns ominous]
Francis, fuck!
[Lucas sobs]
Lucas, bite down on this hard, okay?
You're brave, aren't you?
I know you are the bravest boy
in the whole world.
[breathes heavily]
- [screams]
- Iris, don't!
[gasps for air]
[Iris screams]
[screams, cries]
[ears ringing]
[muffled crying]
[somber music playing]
Lucas, it's going to be okay.
[sniffs] It's okay.
Everything will be okay.
[gasps] Everything's okay.
We need to get him to a hospital.
He needs blood!
Francis, we need a car!
Lucas, stay with me.
[Iris] Francis...
Just rest.
[Lucas] Did I make it?
You did.
My baby boy is so brave.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
[sniffs] I'm so sorry, Lucas.
I promise I won't leave you.
I promise I'll be better.
I'll be better.
[Francis panting]
[Josh crying] Dad?
Dad? Dad, I'm sorry!
I'm so sorry, Papa.
Dad, sorry!
- Pa...
- [Francis] Josh...
Dad, I'm sorry.
My son.
[somber music playing]
[engine starts]
...just a memory
Would you still love me?
[somber music playing]
[music turns tense]
[tense music continues]
[music turns sinister]
[music fades]