P2 (USA) (2007) Movie Script
Yes Mister, already rescribed the contract
with the new stipulations.
- Where are they?
- You the control for fax.
Did you make the changes that I told you?
If, I included the increase of the 4
% in the 10 extra millions.
No, no, it is not it is this way the one
No, that was what you/they told me.
- Who did tell you that?
- The lawyers...
They are some idiots, and not
I understand its lack of communication.
No, this well, didn't have
it forms that he/she had known.
Ok, this is what I want that you make.
- He/she could wait a little.
- This well.
Thank you... Hello Jody.
Mr. Harper wants
to see you in their office.
- Clear.
- Do you want that that makes?
You know that this well, you don't have that
to make it, I have not even finished.
- You go home.
- Sure?
If, it is late, I don't want
that your parents worry.
Veto of here, ok.
- Merry Christmas Angela.
- Merry Christmas Jody.
Hello, Lorraine, undoubtedly I will go.
Allow me to call you of turn.
In some minutes I promise it to you.
Still working in the contract.
What can I make for you?
One doesn't eat...
I feel bad with what I happen...
This well, this ok.
Don't worry for that reason.
Not this well.
I sit down as an idiot.
Take too much and you know as
they are the navidad parties.
We had a he/she drinks the year
past, it has been a difficult year.
For sure if.
Alone he/she loved you
that I really sit down it.
These excused.
Thank you.
Merry Christmas Angela.
Your also Jim.
You call me of the work, I thought
that you went first home.
Don't worry, I have everything with me.
- They come for here Angi.
- Coarse.
You picked up the disguise of Santa,
do I hope you didn't forget?
Don't forget it, this in the car.
I believe that potato this but
excited that the children.
Believe me I don't see the one
moment of leaving of here.
Jimmy puts that of turn
there, we will already eat.
You will already eat now.
- He/she suckles I want it.
- Then wait.
- Please, don't arrive late.
- I won't make it, I promise it to you.
- Ok, good-bye.
- Good-bye.
My God.
I sit down it, he/she was closing the floors.
Not I thought that nobody was
working so late.
If, me neither.
- I sit down it.
I will return later.
If it doesn't bother you to wait,
I close my office and first floor with you.
- Ok, this well.
- Two seconds.
Do you work the whole night?
They closed the building
for next 2 days.
I also have a new service.
That is good.
I hope to be able to arrive on time for
to open the gifts with my girls.
- How are they?
- Well.
- We go your parents they don't support me.
- That is not certain, they love you.
Where do you go tonight?
I will go to my sister's house in Jersey.
I thought that serious of another place.
If, a piece of my if.
- I grew in a farm.
- Farm?
I don't believe it to you.
Not leave that the clothes
deceive you, it is the true.
That is what you call him/her, truth.
- Good night.
- Merry Christmas.
For you also, I see you then.
If, I promise it to you, I leave now.
Him you, I sit down it, I am in elevator.
In 25 minutes maximum.
Don't I listen to you, what?
Lorraine, don't I listen to you, hello?
This is not true, it cannot be.
Oh, God that I will make myself.
To leave the car, that is it I will make.
Lucky that you make?
Sit down, we go, sit down.
- I sit down that.
- This well.
The door of the elevator can open up.
My car doesn't light and
I should leave to take a taxi.
If, I can...
Alone I have to find my keys.
Where are they? He/she already went to
to give a turn so...
- Ok.
- What do I pass to their car?
- Not I have idea.
- Insurance accent the lit lights.
I don't believe it, I am very good with that.
People make it the whole time.
It is the instinct, I eat here it is very dark.
That happens, here they are.
In fact I believe to have
a loader there behind.
So if it is their battery, it could use it.
Thank you, but he/she should take
a taxi, is so late already.
No, he/she took him/her but to take
a taxi, is Christmas.
Not you, like want, like want.
- How much did he/she take?
- Some minutes.
Well, where this their car?
Over there.
Working late,
no? You like he/she feels.
These cars are very
sure almost always.
That believes.
Well, positive.
Ok, be about lighting it.
That strange.
Wait, he/she can light the lights.
Try again with the keys.
Turn off the lights.
You know that, this well.
You have been of a lot of help, but I surrender.
I sit down it but not you that it passes him/her.
I thought that he/she could make something with the one.
This well, it has been very
good, it takes me to the elevator.
Alone it was about helping her.
Him you, I appreciate it, thank you.
You that this brave one with
their car that he/she doesn't light.
But they are Christmas,
it is hour of feeling well.
If, you are right, he should be.
Let us get ready a small one
eat of Christmas for my.
If you want you could eat with me.
- Alone he/she joked.
- If, I sit down it, I am tired.
But seriously, thank you for the help.
Of anything, maybe in another moment.
If, clear.
Well he/she takes.
Sure that doesn't want
that he/she calls him/her a taxi.
If I have a number here.
Ok, like Merry Christmas want.
Merry Christmas.
It can send me a car
at the 2237 of Park Avenue?
This sure one? No, this
well, I will wait, thank you.
Hey, Lorraine, not
you will believe what I spend.
No, in fact my car didn't light.
It begins without my, I will arrive in
one hour and I will compensate them to him.
Ok, I see them soon, good-bye.
Ok, thank you.
This not this happening.
No, no, it cannot be.
Carl, where these? Is somebody here?
We go, we go.
What... ?
Alone one second, I already return.
Hello, do they listen to me?
There is a taxi waiting for me, me
he/she can open the door of in front.
No, no, not.
Demons, how do I leave myself here?
Without service.
Awake, curse the taxi left.
Hey, I am still here, wait.
I magnify.
Ok, leaves the paranoia.
You go to the office.
Merry Christmas, you have been a good girl.
Ok, this well, these well.
You are not very well, these
well? Take it calmly.
This well.
What do I spend that hour is?
Alone you fell, you will be well.
I don't feel well, I will vomit.
I go for some water, dilutes.
Be careful.
You will injure.
It is about calming down.
This well, takes, he/she takes.
Well, I will help you, ok, I will help you.
We go.
Well, here we go.
It is about relaxing yourself, I will clean this.
Well, I already return.
Are you hungry?
I have turkey, mashed potatoes.
I also have something of bread of corn.
Oh, I sit down this.
Alone it was playing,
he/she didn't want to get scared.
I wait that still this hot one.
The taenia in the microwave so...
Do you feel better?
What do I pass to my clothes?
As I told you, you fell
and your clothes got dirty.
Maybe, want something of wine.
So that you relax yourself a little.
Not you that devils faces,
but better you loose me.
This wine is of
California, of where I am me.
It is very pretty there.
Of where you are?
What do you want?
Do I want to know of where you are?
I Am of Rainfield.
Where this that?
Why don't you tell me what you want?
Alone I want to know where this that.
And I want you to relax yourself.
Well, I will make the toast.
For the good friends,
the towns of where we are.
And for Rainfield, where
want him to be that.
- He/she listens...
- Tom.
Tom, I have to arrive to a place.
I have things to make.
If, him you.
You worry too much, not
you need to go with that whole people.
Maybe we should take
something in the new year.
Already prepare here everything, this.
Him you, and and you go very well.
If, well.
Because we eat, I am
dying from hunger.
Tom this is very pretty on your behalf.
But my family me this
waiting, I have plans.
I imagine that some
plans should break.
Do you want to thank the or do I make it me?
To the devil, olvidmonos of that.
I have never been so religious.
Good Appetite.
What do you like to make?
You know, after the one
I work, your hobbies.
That is a mundane question, but
people the question to be known.
I read, now I am reading Hemingay.
The sun comes out always.
You should eat, it will cool.
In all ways, in the book this
man loves this girl so much.
That this willing one to forgive him/her
all that she makes.
Inclusive their infidelities.
It is a very intense history,
but is that the love, not?
My boyfriend leaves to
to worry and he/she will come for my.
If I don't arrive, the one will come,
the one knows where I work.
Does he/she make as much as they leave or do they see each other?
- 2 years.
- 2 years?
- Do they live together?
- He/she is not interested.
That was not very educated.
If, we live together, ok.
It is but that a boyfriend, that is...
... it is as a marriage.
- Do they have plans?
- If.
How ago your boyfriend?
He is a journalist.
Journalist? Wise that
it should be intelligent.
- What journalist's type?
- Deport.
Do deport? In a newspaper?
- In the One Post.
- The Post? I read it.
- How does he/she call himself?
- Mark Clayton.
Mark Clayton, Clayton? I don't remember.
I have one here.
It is in the Internet, it is the one Post online.
You know it is impressive that
you can maintain a relationship,
... with the quantity
of hours that you work.
He/she should feel very alone when
do you have to work, not?
Do you love him, the he/she loves you?
Alone I ask myself to you then
it worries how express he/she will come here.
I am sure that already this in road.
He/she should walk on the way to half.
- What car does it manage?
- Not you.
Not you know, you don't know the one
car that your boyfriend manages.
- A Toyota, I believe...
- Toyota?
If, the car but quick, he/she can
to arrive but quick of what believed.
He/she can come right now for the ramp.
You know, you have not spoken a lot,
since we met each other.
But now,
... you tell me all envelope your boyfriend.
I sit down it, your engaged one.
Or we become
better friends in the dinner,
... or me these lying?
Allow me to guess, you lie me.
Don't you really have a boyfriend, not?
But you want one,
... you want somebody
that he/she worries about you.
That he/she worries about you.
Please, not.
You have a good family,
... you have Lorraine.
Small Jimmy, Rose, they love you.
Insurance is worried by you.
Maybe we should call them.
To tell them that these well.
What do you believe?
What do we tell him/her?
Already you, already you, we tell him/her
that you have other plans.
No, sure you already said that.
You know that, your he/she thinks of something,
you are a good liar.
We go, he/she calls.
Hello, hello?
Hello Rosie, put on to
your mommy in the telephone.
Who does speak?
He/she is the aunt Angi.
- He/she suckles he/she is the aunt Angi.
- Give me one second.
Hey, where these? Angela?
I don't feel well.
What do you say? We are waiting for you.
- He/she says that it doesn't feel well.
- That said the last time.
Can I speak with my sister, please?
Where these Angi?
At home, I came home.
- What does it happen, where this?
- Not I understand.
When he/she speaks with you, me
you said that you were in road.
And the disguises?
We should eat, already
you know your sister.
Angela, serious good that put
to your family first at some time.
Coarse, give me the telephone.
Angi that happens?
Hello? Don't I listen to it, hello?
Affection, do you listen to me?
Hello he/she suckles, I am here.
Affections, what step where these?
Not him you, I believe that it is cold.
You really listen to yourself
horrible, sure this well?
- Affection.
- If.
Alone I need to rest.
Ok, rests and I hope you sit down
better for the lunch tomorrow.
And affection, don't worry
for the disguises, ok?
Merry Christmas, ngel, I love you.
I love you, he/she suckles.
That is the best gift of
Christmas that somebody has given me.
Thank you.
Now I have a present for you.
We go, open it.
Not you do have curiosity?
We go, open it.
If, if, if.
To that now if you have curiosity, not?
I won't torture you.
What? This well.
Why do you teach me this?
He/she waits.
Damned idiot.
I set that you had to see that.
Do you want to go of walk?
The men always
they make what you/they want.
Here we go.
Calm down, sit down.
Why did you make that?
Be quiet.
- Allow me to help you.
- No.
Not be silly, I won't hurt you.
You hurt my arm.
That is because you don't give it to me.
Alone you allow me to go.
I won't tell to anybody.
If, I believe you, alone I want to become trained something.
Olvidmonos of all that.
Here we go.
I believe that he/she takes too much wine.
Not it should manage.
Alone he/she joked.
I have seen you manage so many times.
It feels strange to be
in the car with you.
In fact it is I magnify.
I thought that we will give a turn.
Then for that are lowering Tom?
It is cold there out.
This will be better.
What do we make here?
Oh my God.
What is this Tom?
This is my gift for you.
He/she takes this and teach him/her.
To teach him/her what?
That you are not a prostitute.
He/she takes this and teach him/her that he/she is not able to
to play each woman that wants.
Languages of what I pass in the elevator?
Oh, Tom, you don't understand, that was an error.
A stupid error.
What, what?
Treatment of violating you.
No, alone you passes a little in a party.
Not it was anything of violation.
Alone it was drunk, you excuses.
Him you excuses.
You believe that you are first o'clock
to the one that makes him/her this?
I have seen it be about playing to
all the women in the building.
It is or pervert, is a degenerate one.
No, it is not it.
He/she is a good man, a
good man, looks at it.
He has a family, a wife.
Tom please.
He/she stops to say my name.
You what you are about making.
You are to humanize yourself
as if you were one it kills.
I told it to you, I won't injure.
Well? He/she stops to tell me my name.
He/she stops to say, Tom, Tom, Tom.
Every time that you speak.
You that you are a person, him you.
I am also it.
You that you have feelings.
Me also.
I worry about your feelings.
He is the one that you should fear him/her.
He is the one that doesn't have feelings.
If you want to help him.
He/she takes this and teach him/her.
I told you that you excuses.
Him you excuses but he/she will make it again.
And he/she apologized again.
You should avoid that these
idiots take advantage of you.
Please, believe me it was
alone a malentendido, Tom
He/she stops to say my name, I told it to you.
- Didn't I tell it to you?
- If, if, if.
I sit down it but me these scaring.
Jess, when will you understand?
I am here to help you.
I won't injure.
I will make it.
You loose me and I will make it.
No, no, not.
You are a good person.
Your also.
I should never request you
to make this, I sit down it.
No, this well.
Because I want, alone...
Alone you have to loosen
and I will make it for you.
No, no, no, it is my work...
No, Tom listens to me, it is not it, not.
Please, don't make anything.
Not be about escaping, ok?
Do I trust you?
Do I trust you?
If, you can trust my.
I sit down it.
I sit down it.
Then you like
to play the girls, not?
No, no, not?
You look at it, I said that you looked at it.
Do you find that her this happy one?
If, you entered with the mistaken girl.
What did he/she make you think that it was for you?
What did he/she give you the right?
It belongs to another person, you know it.
Pretensioso, shit piece.
Not you know to the world, neither to all in the one.
In that thinks a type like
your when it puts the hands,
... in a girl to the one who
obviously it doesn't interest him/her?
Who obviously is not a prostitute.
Now you do think different?
I don't listen to you well.
What was what said?
You can speak but high.
Because of this you don't go
to leave apologizing.
Why I am wasting
my time with you?
Why Angela, the he/she deserves it?
Don't make him/her he/she please swims.
Merry Christmas, idiot.
Good, it no longer bothered you but.
To where we go? Not we can leave it there.
Not we can.
Why for that defend it?
I am not making it.
Do you like it, do you like him to play you?
Do you like when he/she plays you in the garage?
Do you want to go to bed here with the?
Your you know that that is not true.
Then that it happens, is it for your career?
Did you go to bed with the one for a promotion?
Leave it.
You are right, I sit down it, I sit down it.
Not we should leave it here.
What do you make?
We will take it to give a turn.
What do you make?
Non Tom, for, for.
Please, for, what do you make Tom?
No, no, not.
Oh, my God.
Tom doesn't make it, not please.
No, not.
Your you are a good person.
Please, don't make it, not.
No, not.
To where you go?
Angela, returns.
Damned liar.
Here below.
Do they listen to me?
Does somebody listen to me?
Good boy.
Good boy.
Everything is well, I will take the suitcase.
Help, please!
Help, please!
Please that somebody helps me!
Help me, somebody is about kill-me!
Without service.
Please, if somebody can listen to me,
I am caught in the buried parking
of the building in the 2370 of Ave. Park.
Somebody is about murdering me.
Angela, let us go!
Can we speak of this?
It seems that somebody
it is about playing. Hey Roky?
Let us go, to the lobby, to the lobby!
Why demons do you stop?
Hello help! somebody
can he/she hear me? hello!
Please, hello... Please
respond, please, please...
If, we speak to him/her of security, hello...
- Hello...
- If, if, if, I am here can he/she listen to me?
- Do I listen to it well in that can help her?
- I have been kidnapped, I work in the signature
Brighter Smith & Steinberg,
it is in the 2370 of Ave. Park.
I am caught in the one
elevator, can he/she call at the 911?
OK, calm down this the one
kidnapper with you?
No, the one is outside, in the parking,
it has already killed more somebody.
- Did he/she see it making it?
- If, I have seen it.
He assists the area of
parking in my building.
Please, if he/she could
to hurry, I am in danger.
Sra. relax you and breathe deep.
How demons he/she wants that me
do relax? This man is about killing me.
He/she could understand once and for all and to call
to the police? Please call at the 911!
To the police?, no, him
it is only about helping her.
Is Angela still there?
Listen to me imbecile, I will look for
to the police and you leave to joder!
I only want to speak to you Angela... For
of seeking that you are another person.
Not be bothersome. You could
to leave? He/she was joking.
Veto to the hell!
Angela, you don't understand it, I made it
for you. That type you irrespet.
Why don't you speak to me Angela?
Only give me an opportunity.
Perhaps if you give me that
opportunity this can work.
You have given me the idea. People that happens
for these situations they should be together.
To depend the one of the other one.
Possibly they lean on mutually.
They take care mutually. To
times until they fall in love.
Angela, please, don't make this...
Why don't you speak to me?!
Do you know? He/she would want you to feel a
little more than respect for yourself.
Not I will leave! Did you hear me?
I won't move, damned!
Freezing you there out should be.
That disaster!
I believe that Carl is wounded.
Angela. We would should
to call to an ambulance?
He/she could return this way with their children
and their family, and your with your sisters.
And I will stay here, in
this parking! me only!
Because everybody
he/she makes what gives him/her the desire!
Not pursuing you will be
a lifetime. Also...
The whole place is closed.
Angela! What you go to
to make to escape?
This freezing there out.
Where will you pass the navidad, Carl?
Thank you.
You are wonderful.
Do you want make-up?
Mmm? OK.
You have the more lips
beautiful that has seen.
Thank you to accept my invitation.
It is your body... it is so
good to be here, baby...
Your and me...
Angela your skin is... it is... so soft...
I want to love you and to love you...
Does Angela know it, certain?
Hello. Shit, shit!
Hello! Can you hear me?
It is well.
Hello Official, can I help him?
He/she opens the entrance, please.
If Sr. at once I am with you.
I sit down it, I sit down it, I have to make it.
I sit down it, but I delayed
a little for other matters.
What is what happens?
We receive a call for problems
of this address. Do you know something about that?
No, it has been very calm tonight.
Have not you noticed of anything suspect?
No, I have made my beats, and...
... it has been very calm,
I have not even had to lower.
There are cars here.
Good, it is a parking.
In this level they stay the cars, in
the following one is a rent agency...
I mean that nobody has been for
here tonight, except me and Roky.
They have made his here tonight.
Something like that, Roky is my dog.
I have it right now in the office.
We will take a look,
mount you, we will give you an aventn.
It is a good idea.
If, allow me to not close the door
will be that somebody is strained.
OK, thank you for the aventn.
If they want chequear the rest of
the floors, follow right here,
but be careful in P3,
there is a pipe main rattan.
- We see each other.
- OK.
Not there is sign.
What was what happened here?
Help me! Help! Help!
Help me! Help!
Help me!
You say that you have not seen
anything strange tonight?
No, everybody was early.
Do you have a party there inside?
No, we are only Roky and
me, there is not any party.
Nobody has come to visit one another,
do you already know, for some action?
To my? No, not. What company
would he/she have if nobody has lowered here?
Especially at these hours.
Don't you like to break the rules, certain?
- No, I only make my work.
- Of agreement, vmonos.
Help me!
I have to open them the door,
so I will take the stairways.
Make it.
Open up!
That they pass it well.
- Attentive when these they are open.
- Of course, you can bet.
- Merry Christmas!
- For you also, partner.
Wait! Wait!
- 911 ...
- Please, help me...
Not there are available operators, for
favor awaits, they will assist him/her shortly.
- Hello...
- Thank you.
Not there are available operators,
please await...
Rok? Roky!
Why? Why did you make this?
It is only an animalito.
Why you killed to a
defenseless animalito?
After everything that made for you.
That I helped you, is this what I obtain?
You killed my dog!
He/she responds, he/she responds,
please he/she responds...
Seriously you got
to bother me! Angela!
Hello, hello this there? Hello...
Is the police, is somebody there?
Is somebody there? If this is one
emergency and he/she can listen to me,
please say something, mark the one
telephone, make me know that it is there.
Hello, hello... This is the police
is it the 911, is it well?
This there? Hello...
Do you treat that they say goodbye to me, certain?
That is it that more you want.
But, affection, what will we make then?
I at least will make you to be sorry...
Shit, shit, shit!
We will make it.
We will make it once and for all.
Let us go!
Let us go, prostitute's son, let us go!
Do allow me to help you OK?
"Help me! You have to help me!"
Allow me to give you now
something of help to change!
Damned prostitute son!
What cono are you making?
Angela, returns here, allow me to go.
They come and take out me of here right now.
Why do you make me this Angela, why?
Angela, me only... only
he/she wanted us to be friends.
I am very only, he am always...
Why we cannot happen
a time more together?
Angela? Wait! Why?
Why cannot we be friends?
Why we are not able to
to pass Christmas together?
Don't you listen to me? Damned prostitute!
Angela, waits, I didn't want...
Merry Christmas Thomas.
Is it well?
with the new stipulations.
- Where are they?
- You the control for fax.
Did you make the changes that I told you?
If, I included the increase of the 4
% in the 10 extra millions.
No, no, it is not it is this way the one
No, that was what you/they told me.
- Who did tell you that?
- The lawyers...
They are some idiots, and not
I understand its lack of communication.
No, this well, didn't have
it forms that he/she had known.
Ok, this is what I want that you make.
- He/she could wait a little.
- This well.
Thank you... Hello Jody.
Mr. Harper wants
to see you in their office.
- Clear.
- Do you want that that makes?
You know that this well, you don't have that
to make it, I have not even finished.
- You go home.
- Sure?
If, it is late, I don't want
that your parents worry.
Veto of here, ok.
- Merry Christmas Angela.
- Merry Christmas Jody.
Hello, Lorraine, undoubtedly I will go.
Allow me to call you of turn.
In some minutes I promise it to you.
Still working in the contract.
What can I make for you?
One doesn't eat...
I feel bad with what I happen...
This well, this ok.
Don't worry for that reason.
Not this well.
I sit down as an idiot.
Take too much and you know as
they are the navidad parties.
We had a he/she drinks the year
past, it has been a difficult year.
For sure if.
Alone he/she loved you
that I really sit down it.
These excused.
Thank you.
Merry Christmas Angela.
Your also Jim.
You call me of the work, I thought
that you went first home.
Don't worry, I have everything with me.
- They come for here Angi.
- Coarse.
You picked up the disguise of Santa,
do I hope you didn't forget?
Don't forget it, this in the car.
I believe that potato this but
excited that the children.
Believe me I don't see the one
moment of leaving of here.
Jimmy puts that of turn
there, we will already eat.
You will already eat now.
- He/she suckles I want it.
- Then wait.
- Please, don't arrive late.
- I won't make it, I promise it to you.
- Ok, good-bye.
- Good-bye.
My God.
I sit down it, he/she was closing the floors.
Not I thought that nobody was
working so late.
If, me neither.
- I sit down it.
I will return later.
If it doesn't bother you to wait,
I close my office and first floor with you.
- Ok, this well.
- Two seconds.
Do you work the whole night?
They closed the building
for next 2 days.
I also have a new service.
That is good.
I hope to be able to arrive on time for
to open the gifts with my girls.
- How are they?
- Well.
- We go your parents they don't support me.
- That is not certain, they love you.
Where do you go tonight?
I will go to my sister's house in Jersey.
I thought that serious of another place.
If, a piece of my if.
- I grew in a farm.
- Farm?
I don't believe it to you.
Not leave that the clothes
deceive you, it is the true.
That is what you call him/her, truth.
- Good night.
- Merry Christmas.
For you also, I see you then.
If, I promise it to you, I leave now.
Him you, I sit down it, I am in elevator.
In 25 minutes maximum.
Don't I listen to you, what?
Lorraine, don't I listen to you, hello?
This is not true, it cannot be.
Oh, God that I will make myself.
To leave the car, that is it I will make.
Lucky that you make?
Sit down, we go, sit down.
- I sit down that.
- This well.
The door of the elevator can open up.
My car doesn't light and
I should leave to take a taxi.
If, I can...
Alone I have to find my keys.
Where are they? He/she already went to
to give a turn so...
- Ok.
- What do I pass to their car?
- Not I have idea.
- Insurance accent the lit lights.
I don't believe it, I am very good with that.
People make it the whole time.
It is the instinct, I eat here it is very dark.
That happens, here they are.
In fact I believe to have
a loader there behind.
So if it is their battery, it could use it.
Thank you, but he/she should take
a taxi, is so late already.
No, he/she took him/her but to take
a taxi, is Christmas.
Not you, like want, like want.
- How much did he/she take?
- Some minutes.
Well, where this their car?
Over there.
Working late,
no? You like he/she feels.
These cars are very
sure almost always.
That believes.
Well, positive.
Ok, be about lighting it.
That strange.
Wait, he/she can light the lights.
Try again with the keys.
Turn off the lights.
You know that, this well.
You have been of a lot of help, but I surrender.
I sit down it but not you that it passes him/her.
I thought that he/she could make something with the one.
This well, it has been very
good, it takes me to the elevator.
Alone it was about helping her.
Him you, I appreciate it, thank you.
You that this brave one with
their car that he/she doesn't light.
But they are Christmas,
it is hour of feeling well.
If, you are right, he should be.
Let us get ready a small one
eat of Christmas for my.
If you want you could eat with me.
- Alone he/she joked.
- If, I sit down it, I am tired.
But seriously, thank you for the help.
Of anything, maybe in another moment.
If, clear.
Well he/she takes.
Sure that doesn't want
that he/she calls him/her a taxi.
If I have a number here.
Ok, like Merry Christmas want.
Merry Christmas.
It can send me a car
at the 2237 of Park Avenue?
This sure one? No, this
well, I will wait, thank you.
Hey, Lorraine, not
you will believe what I spend.
No, in fact my car didn't light.
It begins without my, I will arrive in
one hour and I will compensate them to him.
Ok, I see them soon, good-bye.
Ok, thank you.
This not this happening.
No, no, it cannot be.
Carl, where these? Is somebody here?
We go, we go.
What... ?
Alone one second, I already return.
Hello, do they listen to me?
There is a taxi waiting for me, me
he/she can open the door of in front.
No, no, not.
Demons, how do I leave myself here?
Without service.
Awake, curse the taxi left.
Hey, I am still here, wait.
I magnify.
Ok, leaves the paranoia.
You go to the office.
Merry Christmas, you have been a good girl.
Ok, this well, these well.
You are not very well, these
well? Take it calmly.
This well.
What do I spend that hour is?
Alone you fell, you will be well.
I don't feel well, I will vomit.
I go for some water, dilutes.
Be careful.
You will injure.
It is about calming down.
This well, takes, he/she takes.
Well, I will help you, ok, I will help you.
We go.
Well, here we go.
It is about relaxing yourself, I will clean this.
Well, I already return.
Are you hungry?
I have turkey, mashed potatoes.
I also have something of bread of corn.
Oh, I sit down this.
Alone it was playing,
he/she didn't want to get scared.
I wait that still this hot one.
The taenia in the microwave so...
Do you feel better?
What do I pass to my clothes?
As I told you, you fell
and your clothes got dirty.
Maybe, want something of wine.
So that you relax yourself a little.
Not you that devils faces,
but better you loose me.
This wine is of
California, of where I am me.
It is very pretty there.
Of where you are?
What do you want?
Do I want to know of where you are?
I Am of Rainfield.
Where this that?
Why don't you tell me what you want?
Alone I want to know where this that.
And I want you to relax yourself.
Well, I will make the toast.
For the good friends,
the towns of where we are.
And for Rainfield, where
want him to be that.
- He/she listens...
- Tom.
Tom, I have to arrive to a place.
I have things to make.
If, him you.
You worry too much, not
you need to go with that whole people.
Maybe we should take
something in the new year.
Already prepare here everything, this.
Him you, and and you go very well.
If, well.
Because we eat, I am
dying from hunger.
Tom this is very pretty on your behalf.
But my family me this
waiting, I have plans.
I imagine that some
plans should break.
Do you want to thank the or do I make it me?
To the devil, olvidmonos of that.
I have never been so religious.
Good Appetite.
What do you like to make?
You know, after the one
I work, your hobbies.
That is a mundane question, but
people the question to be known.
I read, now I am reading Hemingay.
The sun comes out always.
You should eat, it will cool.
In all ways, in the book this
man loves this girl so much.
That this willing one to forgive him/her
all that she makes.
Inclusive their infidelities.
It is a very intense history,
but is that the love, not?
My boyfriend leaves to
to worry and he/she will come for my.
If I don't arrive, the one will come,
the one knows where I work.
Does he/she make as much as they leave or do they see each other?
- 2 years.
- 2 years?
- Do they live together?
- He/she is not interested.
That was not very educated.
If, we live together, ok.
It is but that a boyfriend, that is...
... it is as a marriage.
- Do they have plans?
- If.
How ago your boyfriend?
He is a journalist.
Journalist? Wise that
it should be intelligent.
- What journalist's type?
- Deport.
Do deport? In a newspaper?
- In the One Post.
- The Post? I read it.
- How does he/she call himself?
- Mark Clayton.
Mark Clayton, Clayton? I don't remember.
I have one here.
It is in the Internet, it is the one Post online.
You know it is impressive that
you can maintain a relationship,
... with the quantity
of hours that you work.
He/she should feel very alone when
do you have to work, not?
Do you love him, the he/she loves you?
Alone I ask myself to you then
it worries how express he/she will come here.
I am sure that already this in road.
He/she should walk on the way to half.
- What car does it manage?
- Not you.
Not you know, you don't know the one
car that your boyfriend manages.
- A Toyota, I believe...
- Toyota?
If, the car but quick, he/she can
to arrive but quick of what believed.
He/she can come right now for the ramp.
You know, you have not spoken a lot,
since we met each other.
But now,
... you tell me all envelope your boyfriend.
I sit down it, your engaged one.
Or we become
better friends in the dinner,
... or me these lying?
Allow me to guess, you lie me.
Don't you really have a boyfriend, not?
But you want one,
... you want somebody
that he/she worries about you.
That he/she worries about you.
Please, not.
You have a good family,
... you have Lorraine.
Small Jimmy, Rose, they love you.
Insurance is worried by you.
Maybe we should call them.
To tell them that these well.
What do you believe?
What do we tell him/her?
Already you, already you, we tell him/her
that you have other plans.
No, sure you already said that.
You know that, your he/she thinks of something,
you are a good liar.
We go, he/she calls.
Hello, hello?
Hello Rosie, put on to
your mommy in the telephone.
Who does speak?
He/she is the aunt Angi.
- He/she suckles he/she is the aunt Angi.
- Give me one second.
Hey, where these? Angela?
I don't feel well.
What do you say? We are waiting for you.
- He/she says that it doesn't feel well.
- That said the last time.
Can I speak with my sister, please?
Where these Angi?
At home, I came home.
- What does it happen, where this?
- Not I understand.
When he/she speaks with you, me
you said that you were in road.
And the disguises?
We should eat, already
you know your sister.
Angela, serious good that put
to your family first at some time.
Coarse, give me the telephone.
Angi that happens?
Hello? Don't I listen to it, hello?
Affection, do you listen to me?
Hello he/she suckles, I am here.
Affections, what step where these?
Not him you, I believe that it is cold.
You really listen to yourself
horrible, sure this well?
- Affection.
- If.
Alone I need to rest.
Ok, rests and I hope you sit down
better for the lunch tomorrow.
And affection, don't worry
for the disguises, ok?
Merry Christmas, ngel, I love you.
I love you, he/she suckles.
That is the best gift of
Christmas that somebody has given me.
Thank you.
Now I have a present for you.
We go, open it.
Not you do have curiosity?
We go, open it.
If, if, if.
To that now if you have curiosity, not?
I won't torture you.
What? This well.
Why do you teach me this?
He/she waits.
Damned idiot.
I set that you had to see that.
Do you want to go of walk?
The men always
they make what you/they want.
Here we go.
Calm down, sit down.
Why did you make that?
Be quiet.
- Allow me to help you.
- No.
Not be silly, I won't hurt you.
You hurt my arm.
That is because you don't give it to me.
Alone you allow me to go.
I won't tell to anybody.
If, I believe you, alone I want to become trained something.
Olvidmonos of all that.
Here we go.
I believe that he/she takes too much wine.
Not it should manage.
Alone he/she joked.
I have seen you manage so many times.
It feels strange to be
in the car with you.
In fact it is I magnify.
I thought that we will give a turn.
Then for that are lowering Tom?
It is cold there out.
This will be better.
What do we make here?
Oh my God.
What is this Tom?
This is my gift for you.
He/she takes this and teach him/her.
To teach him/her what?
That you are not a prostitute.
He/she takes this and teach him/her that he/she is not able to
to play each woman that wants.
Languages of what I pass in the elevator?
Oh, Tom, you don't understand, that was an error.
A stupid error.
What, what?
Treatment of violating you.
No, alone you passes a little in a party.
Not it was anything of violation.
Alone it was drunk, you excuses.
Him you excuses.
You believe that you are first o'clock
to the one that makes him/her this?
I have seen it be about playing to
all the women in the building.
It is or pervert, is a degenerate one.
No, it is not it.
He/she is a good man, a
good man, looks at it.
He has a family, a wife.
Tom please.
He/she stops to say my name.
You what you are about making.
You are to humanize yourself
as if you were one it kills.
I told it to you, I won't injure.
Well? He/she stops to tell me my name.
He/she stops to say, Tom, Tom, Tom.
Every time that you speak.
You that you are a person, him you.
I am also it.
You that you have feelings.
Me also.
I worry about your feelings.
He is the one that you should fear him/her.
He is the one that doesn't have feelings.
If you want to help him.
He/she takes this and teach him/her.
I told you that you excuses.
Him you excuses but he/she will make it again.
And he/she apologized again.
You should avoid that these
idiots take advantage of you.
Please, believe me it was
alone a malentendido, Tom
He/she stops to say my name, I told it to you.
- Didn't I tell it to you?
- If, if, if.
I sit down it but me these scaring.
Jess, when will you understand?
I am here to help you.
I won't injure.
I will make it.
You loose me and I will make it.
No, no, not.
You are a good person.
Your also.
I should never request you
to make this, I sit down it.
No, this well.
Because I want, alone...
Alone you have to loosen
and I will make it for you.
No, no, no, it is my work...
No, Tom listens to me, it is not it, not.
Please, don't make anything.
Not be about escaping, ok?
Do I trust you?
Do I trust you?
If, you can trust my.
I sit down it.
I sit down it.
Then you like
to play the girls, not?
No, no, not?
You look at it, I said that you looked at it.
Do you find that her this happy one?
If, you entered with the mistaken girl.
What did he/she make you think that it was for you?
What did he/she give you the right?
It belongs to another person, you know it.
Pretensioso, shit piece.
Not you know to the world, neither to all in the one.
In that thinks a type like
your when it puts the hands,
... in a girl to the one who
obviously it doesn't interest him/her?
Who obviously is not a prostitute.
Now you do think different?
I don't listen to you well.
What was what said?
You can speak but high.
Because of this you don't go
to leave apologizing.
Why I am wasting
my time with you?
Why Angela, the he/she deserves it?
Don't make him/her he/she please swims.
Merry Christmas, idiot.
Good, it no longer bothered you but.
To where we go? Not we can leave it there.
Not we can.
Why for that defend it?
I am not making it.
Do you like it, do you like him to play you?
Do you like when he/she plays you in the garage?
Do you want to go to bed here with the?
Your you know that that is not true.
Then that it happens, is it for your career?
Did you go to bed with the one for a promotion?
Leave it.
You are right, I sit down it, I sit down it.
Not we should leave it here.
What do you make?
We will take it to give a turn.
What do you make?
Non Tom, for, for.
Please, for, what do you make Tom?
No, no, not.
Oh, my God.
Tom doesn't make it, not please.
No, not.
Your you are a good person.
Please, don't make it, not.
No, not.
To where you go?
Angela, returns.
Damned liar.
Here below.
Do they listen to me?
Does somebody listen to me?
Good boy.
Good boy.
Everything is well, I will take the suitcase.
Help, please!
Help, please!
Please that somebody helps me!
Help me, somebody is about kill-me!
Without service.
Please, if somebody can listen to me,
I am caught in the buried parking
of the building in the 2370 of Ave. Park.
Somebody is about murdering me.
Angela, let us go!
Can we speak of this?
It seems that somebody
it is about playing. Hey Roky?
Let us go, to the lobby, to the lobby!
Why demons do you stop?
Hello help! somebody
can he/she hear me? hello!
Please, hello... Please
respond, please, please...
If, we speak to him/her of security, hello...
- Hello...
- If, if, if, I am here can he/she listen to me?
- Do I listen to it well in that can help her?
- I have been kidnapped, I work in the signature
Brighter Smith & Steinberg,
it is in the 2370 of Ave. Park.
I am caught in the one
elevator, can he/she call at the 911?
OK, calm down this the one
kidnapper with you?
No, the one is outside, in the parking,
it has already killed more somebody.
- Did he/she see it making it?
- If, I have seen it.
He assists the area of
parking in my building.
Please, if he/she could
to hurry, I am in danger.
Sra. relax you and breathe deep.
How demons he/she wants that me
do relax? This man is about killing me.
He/she could understand once and for all and to call
to the police? Please call at the 911!
To the police?, no, him
it is only about helping her.
Is Angela still there?
Listen to me imbecile, I will look for
to the police and you leave to joder!
I only want to speak to you Angela... For
of seeking that you are another person.
Not be bothersome. You could
to leave? He/she was joking.
Veto to the hell!
Angela, you don't understand it, I made it
for you. That type you irrespet.
Why don't you speak to me Angela?
Only give me an opportunity.
Perhaps if you give me that
opportunity this can work.
You have given me the idea. People that happens
for these situations they should be together.
To depend the one of the other one.
Possibly they lean on mutually.
They take care mutually. To
times until they fall in love.
Angela, please, don't make this...
Why don't you speak to me?!
Do you know? He/she would want you to feel a
little more than respect for yourself.
Not I will leave! Did you hear me?
I won't move, damned!
Freezing you there out should be.
That disaster!
I believe that Carl is wounded.
Angela. We would should
to call to an ambulance?
He/she could return this way with their children
and their family, and your with your sisters.
And I will stay here, in
this parking! me only!
Because everybody
he/she makes what gives him/her the desire!
Not pursuing you will be
a lifetime. Also...
The whole place is closed.
Angela! What you go to
to make to escape?
This freezing there out.
Where will you pass the navidad, Carl?
Thank you.
You are wonderful.
Do you want make-up?
Mmm? OK.
You have the more lips
beautiful that has seen.
Thank you to accept my invitation.
It is your body... it is so
good to be here, baby...
Your and me...
Angela your skin is... it is... so soft...
I want to love you and to love you...
Does Angela know it, certain?
Hello. Shit, shit!
Hello! Can you hear me?
It is well.
Hello Official, can I help him?
He/she opens the entrance, please.
If Sr. at once I am with you.
I sit down it, I sit down it, I have to make it.
I sit down it, but I delayed
a little for other matters.
What is what happens?
We receive a call for problems
of this address. Do you know something about that?
No, it has been very calm tonight.
Have not you noticed of anything suspect?
No, I have made my beats, and...
... it has been very calm,
I have not even had to lower.
There are cars here.
Good, it is a parking.
In this level they stay the cars, in
the following one is a rent agency...
I mean that nobody has been for
here tonight, except me and Roky.
They have made his here tonight.
Something like that, Roky is my dog.
I have it right now in the office.
We will take a look,
mount you, we will give you an aventn.
It is a good idea.
If, allow me to not close the door
will be that somebody is strained.
OK, thank you for the aventn.
If they want chequear the rest of
the floors, follow right here,
but be careful in P3,
there is a pipe main rattan.
- We see each other.
- OK.
Not there is sign.
What was what happened here?
Help me! Help! Help!
Help me! Help!
Help me!
You say that you have not seen
anything strange tonight?
No, everybody was early.
Do you have a party there inside?
No, we are only Roky and
me, there is not any party.
Nobody has come to visit one another,
do you already know, for some action?
To my? No, not. What company
would he/she have if nobody has lowered here?
Especially at these hours.
Don't you like to break the rules, certain?
- No, I only make my work.
- Of agreement, vmonos.
Help me!
I have to open them the door,
so I will take the stairways.
Make it.
Open up!
That they pass it well.
- Attentive when these they are open.
- Of course, you can bet.
- Merry Christmas!
- For you also, partner.
Wait! Wait!
- 911 ...
- Please, help me...
Not there are available operators, for
favor awaits, they will assist him/her shortly.
- Hello...
- Thank you.
Not there are available operators,
please await...
Rok? Roky!
Why? Why did you make this?
It is only an animalito.
Why you killed to a
defenseless animalito?
After everything that made for you.
That I helped you, is this what I obtain?
You killed my dog!
He/she responds, he/she responds,
please he/she responds...
Seriously you got
to bother me! Angela!
Hello, hello this there? Hello...
Is the police, is somebody there?
Is somebody there? If this is one
emergency and he/she can listen to me,
please say something, mark the one
telephone, make me know that it is there.
Hello, hello... This is the police
is it the 911, is it well?
This there? Hello...
Do you treat that they say goodbye to me, certain?
That is it that more you want.
But, affection, what will we make then?
I at least will make you to be sorry...
Shit, shit, shit!
We will make it.
We will make it once and for all.
Let us go!
Let us go, prostitute's son, let us go!
Do allow me to help you OK?
"Help me! You have to help me!"
Allow me to give you now
something of help to change!
Damned prostitute son!
What cono are you making?
Angela, returns here, allow me to go.
They come and take out me of here right now.
Why do you make me this Angela, why?
Angela, me only... only
he/she wanted us to be friends.
I am very only, he am always...
Why we cannot happen
a time more together?
Angela? Wait! Why?
Why cannot we be friends?
Why we are not able to
to pass Christmas together?
Don't you listen to me? Damned prostitute!
Angela, waits, I didn't want...
Merry Christmas Thomas.
Is it well?