Pearl (2022) Movie Script

one day.
You'll never see me again.
That's right, Charlie, by life may be
it for you, but it's sharing for me.
I'm special.
Mama's gonna feel real stupid
when she finds out won't she.
One day, the whole world's know my name.
Don't you.
what are.
Your twin diligent
animals said foolishness.
It's just dance.
Selfish is what it is
with all the farm he gone.
I can't do every single to myself.
I help
it's the mice off and
hold time and further.
Anything for me in the post today?
thera have taken control of France.
You can read it after supp Theona.
This can be the end of the war do,
as I ask per you don't want to hear
about any more dead Germans tonight.
Supper is ready.
bless us.
So Lord, and which we are
to receive from Christ.
My pressure is per it feels as if
it has been an eternity without you.
All we do is walk.
It seems, I never know if we'll
get to where they say we are gone,
they have us true one boy on cubes.
So we don't notice the pains in our feet.
I find it most frightening at night in the
trenches, the mortar shells are definite.
Many soldiers have gone mad with the fear.
Garnished from the gas has shown
me things I won't soon and forget.
And thinking of giving
has been my only reprieve.
I will always be proud
to serve my country.
But one thing is for, has made clear
is that I cannot wait to return
home and cannot laugh together.
I never wanna be away from you again
to death's part, your love and husband.
I'll go to tomorrow,
pick up more medicine,
which means I could stop have pictures.
Don't tell em, show all of the
best dancers at the pictures
could be on the line of those girls.
One day.
I I'm good.
I didn't wanna to hot water.
The money for his medicine
is on the kitchen table.
Remember to cover your face.
Don't linger, close to anyone.
Papers are warning of
an all lethal research.
It's like for bed sickness returns to.
Fews please.
Or Johnny pass somewhere in
sunny, France of a girl by,
she looked loved to dance play.
So he loved
Enjoy the picture
I'll go on.
I don't have the bug.
You like the movies?
I like dancing.
Oh, future tiller girl.
I can see it now.
I wish.
Why not?
You're pretty enough.
I'm kind of a husband.
I gather he's overseas, but my father's
in firm, so I have to help at home.
I'm sorry to hear that.
You wanna come watch the second show?
Free admission.
I'm the projectionist
I need to get going.
Mom was expecting me, but I
appreciate the, um, stay there
for just one minute with you.
from what you just saw,
you showing it again.
Ah sure.
But it's only one frame.
Nobody nobody'll notice once that splice
it back together, you know, caring
for your family during these times is
admirable in order to take pride in
that don't forget to live your life too.
I wouldn't mind seeing you up
on that screen one day, Mrs.
Well, if you come back, knock on
this door, I'm always here and I can
run the pictures as much as I like.
Thank you.
I will.
May I have this.
What took you so long?
It's far ride mama.
What is on your head?
Found it along the road.
Do not ring it inside.
It may be covered insurance.
Wash your hair feel lucky
it's only full of lights.
When you finish your father needs changes.
Don't let him sit in his mess.
Sign picture today, eat a black
that girls will all flawless.
There's no room for even the tiniest lack
of precision and a troop like that takes
absolute perfection with trauma life.
It must be to start in the movies.
Bless us all Lord and his gifts,
which we are about to receive
from Ty through Christ, our Lord.
The rest of the money I, you,
I can count per 8 cents missing, have
gone some hard candy for the trip home.
That is enough.
Then you ate the candy.
That was your supper.
The food I worked hard
to prepare alone is not.
But mama, I wrote all that way.
I'm starving.
You may have what's left
of it in the morning.
Where are you going to bed?
I did not excuse you from the tablety.
We happen here.
Feel guilt to the tighten Haven end
that Pearl to DF snakes or lights.
Next time is leak.
Get know, and deer me, you believe,
act some.
I know, and I am careful.
Leman for, for, for two
father kindling is
good TOK,
Lord, make me the biggest star of
the world is ever known so that
I make it far away from this.
Afternoon, Pearl.
I like your dress.
Oh, thank you.
Feels wonderful.
To finally be out to Dawn
something pretty again.
It's the first time
we've left home in weeks.
Mother is so afraid of
getting them mama too.
We were a bit worried about the both
of you being out here all alone.
So we brought some food.
That's very kind.
How have you been getting all
and in new letters somehow?
Well, mother has been riddled with worry.
They say no news is good news though.
pH Lee, his pride hadn't gotten
him involved in this dreadful war.
You know, we had a doctor willing
to declare him eligible anyone
would've taken that opportunity.
Not Howard.
First, he runs off to become a farmer.
Now the army.
The length my brother will go
to, just to spot his father.
All this isolation has been
enough to make one, man.
It hasn't, it really has.
No, they don't sick.
cannot share a secret with you.
mother would throttle me if she knew I
was planning on a Tanon there's a dance
audition this Saturday at our church
for Christmas chorus line to bring me to
folks throughout the state, during the
holidays where it is, they're putting
together arou and we'll be torn seven
different cities before the year ends.
Doesn't that sound exciting?
I would love so much to be a part of it.
So would I, we should go
together, Anne, but you can too
assume I would never explain it.
It'll be our secret method.
I better SCADA.
We got three more pigs to drop off
this afternoon, Saturday at 11.
Sister-in-laws have to
stick together, right?
MIY time to go see you later.
This could be it.
I didn't expect to see you again.
Can't believe you get to see
the pictures every day for free.
Not a bad gig.
Thank you.
So to what do I know this pleasure?
I've been thinking a lot about
what you said to me the other day.
I'm not forgetting to live my
life and well, there's a dance
audition coming up at the church.
Oh, I like the sound of that.
but I've never really danced
in front of anyone before.
What if I'm not perfect?
You can do anything if
you want it bad enough.
I want it.
I don't let anything stand in your way.
What would you like to see?
Palace Folley?
Oh, come on.
You saw that already.
How about something different tonight?
How about,
how about a film?
Nobody else has seen.
I picked this one up while I
was in the service in France.
Do you live in here?
Yes, ma'am.
I laid my head on that pillow from
time to time, but I wouldn't say
I live anywhere in particular.
I'm what more civilized
people refer to as Bohemian?
I don't know what that is means I can
pack up and leave whenever I want to.
Sounds like a dream.
Just as long as I can keep from waking up.
What is this?
Ever seen anything like that before
now, have you, there are all kinds
of underground stag like this
out there, so illegal doing it.
Filming it.
No, not here anyway.
Will be eventually people paying arm and
all a to see this pictures, like this
are gonna revolutionize the industry.
And I, for one plan on capitalizing
narrative it's reality and there's no
denying, we all share a fascination
in seeing people as they truly are.
I don't like reality
where I live.
I mean, so leave.
It's not that easy.
Well, sure it is.
There's a road right out front there.
That'll take you all the
way to New York city.
One day, my mother and
father will be gone.
I can do what I want, man.
What if that's too late?
The fact and truth, the matter is Pearl,
you only get one take of this life.
And if you don't make the most
of it, when you're young, you
don't get a second chance.
If only they would just die.
It's real nice to be able to
talk to someone for change being
CAPD up on that farm for so long.
Sometimes I worry that.
Not the same as other people.
Why would you ever want
to be like everybody else?
I don't know.
Sometimes it just seems
more peaceful, I guess.
Did she mean what you said by
wanting to see me up on that screen?
I did.
I do anything to be up there.
Well, then y'all ought to go overseas when
this pandemic is, that's what I'm doing.
The arts are so much more live in Europe.
You can be whoever you want to be there.
You can even be in pictures like this.
I know.
I'd watch you.
I should go now.
Thank you.
And what for, for seeing me tonight.
What are you staring?
I'm leaving soon.
I can't stay here any longer.
Howard was supposed to take me away.
It'd be easier for me if I didn't
feel like I was abandoning you.
You understand though,
I love you daddy, but this is no way to,
I tell you to quit.
I'm talking with daddy.
They need to get him back to the house.
Why do you hate me, mom?
I only want what's best.
When do I get what I want
when they understand that?
Getting what you want?
Isn't what's important.
Making the most of what you have is
life really turns out how you expect
you need to be prepared for that.
If you ever want to be
happy, come back inside.
Where are.
Stop staring at me.
How'd you find that I am apply
to what goes on once here.
Take your dinner, stand the bunkhouse,
but it's freezing out there.
You should have told her there
before putting west isolate yourself
until we know you are not here.
That is what's right.
There's a dance audition in town tomorrow.
I'm going on now?
You're not.
Yes, I am.
Why I not, if I'm good enough.
Good enough.
For what?
that this ungrateful stem home, how is it?
You find our life so easy.
You've always had the Wolf over
your head food in your belly.
We not seem to came a great
sacrifice from your father.
And I.
How do you think we are be needs?
You too.
I'm mentally about the rest of my
days with you and daddy on this farm.
And so be it, but I'm only young once.
If I go to this audition and I don't
get picked, then I'll come home
and I'll never speak of it again.
I swear, but I have to
know that I tried her.
I'm gonna regret it for the
rest of my life, please.
You have no idea what I'm capable of.
Oh yes I do.
I've seen the things
you've done in private.
You be, no one is watching.
You think won't notice you
can't giggle true for another.
They really notice eventually, and
they will be frightened just as I am.
You're wrong.
Am I?
They're not a fine woman.
You hope to become leaving
your mother alone to lot.
So you can dance with a
bunch of silly causes.
Let alone the illness you
may contract and spread.
You see what it does to your father.
That's what you want
for yourself and others.
And maybe that is what you wish for me.
Personal stop lying.
I can't stand the sound of it anymore.
It's so almost as your simple behavior,
you are not when heard, it's only a matter
of time before you hurt someone else.
Malevolence is Fe in you.
I see it.
And I will not in good conscience.
Let you leave this farm again.
You can't stop me.
Oh yes.
You don't want to know what
I could do in New York.
I show that a burden you
will never understand.
Spend my days feeding and wiping the
snot of the face of the man I'm married.
You dare sit there and
talk to me about regrets.
I was supposed to be his
wife, not his mother.
Don't you speak that way to me again?
Don't you hear me?
No, you're not.
Are you in stop on this?
That's what you really desire?
Isn't it.
Perhaps I should kill him for you that why
you don't have to care for him any longer
with the so just selfish dreams better.
And we can both go the
dance your husband has gone.
So is mine who I, should we be
selling this caring for them?
The work of this farm?
What about us getting what we want?
I won't suffer for you any longer.
You wanna leave, go, but when you fail.
And you would fail.
I wanted to remember what it feels
like, because that's how I feel.
Every time I, everything I
ever had has been taken from
I just don't want him to block you.
Where are you going?
It's not 6:00 AM.
I have to practice my routine.
I need to be perfect
for my audition the day.
You still think I'm pretty enough.
I know how much has changed
in the last 24 hours?
Yes, it has.
Oh, you forgot this last time.
I'm glad you came back.
Let me at least drive it home.
Somebody, you know,
not really sure.
Well, it's hard to know
who anyone is nowadays.
All these masks people are wearing.
Wait here a minute.
I'm gonna get you cleaned up real soon.
I just have a guess right now.
My father,
please, to meet you, sir,
let me go to my bedroom now.
It doesn't seem so bad.
It is.
What was that?
Tell me more about Europe.
When can go don't you should
think you should go check.
I'm sorry, whatever that is.
We can't just ignore.
It could be your father for Christ six.
It's not my father, please.
Don't go.
What's the matter with you.
It's her dog.
She made a mess in the
kitchen while I was away.
So I put her in the root cellar.
That's Charlie.
She's always hungry.
We can't afford to feed her.
Like we used to.
And over here, this is Mary ain't.
She a dish.
This is Francis.
They're my best audience
on named each of them.
After my favorite picture stars, I put
on so many shows for them over the years.
It'll be sad to say goodbye, but like
they say for not moving forward and
show business, you're moving backwards.
We used to have many more
animals, but they hell died.
What about your dog?
What's his name?
We don't have a dog.
I thought you said you,
uh, did in the cellar.
Um, RA.
Well, um,
Oh boy.
Oh, I better be getting back.
You know
Oh, I gotta go and screen the matinee,
you know, but you gotta practice.
Remember you gotta get those dance moves.
Now it's not the time to be
resting on your laurels is
it's nice seeing you Pearl.
Did I do something wrong?
And why did you just go cold on me?
I don't know what you mean.
What did you see?
I didn't see anything.
You're lying.
I'm not.
Yes you are.
I know.
Cause I feel things very deeply.
look, I gotta get back to work.
All right.
I'll I'll see you later.
When what, when will I see you?
I don't know.
Pearl, it's just an expression.
You're not gonna take me to Europe.
Are you tell me the truth?
What did I do wrong?
No, why you wrong?
I understand you.
I do like you.
I just tell me the truth.
Why you you, why did you
you're scaring me Pearl.
I wish you the best
luck with your audition.
I'm not.
What it feels like.
Cause that's how I felt.
Every time you looked at me.
Okay, daddy, let's get you.
I wouldn't look at me.
what do you think.
I know
Oh, thank goodness you came.
I was beginning to think you
weren't gonna show, sorry.
I had some chore to do around the house.
Well, I've been in such
a flap all by myself.
I feel worse than I imagine.
I would've.
I contracted that over the flu.
What's in the suitcases, all my things
I need for going on the road for.
You're confident rumor has it.
They may only be taking one gal per TA.
It has to be me.
I don't think you meant to
say that out loud, Pearl.
Well, if it's not me,
then I hope too, right.
It has to be me
Stary Collins.
Can't say I'm too sad.
M for some people just think they're
God's gift, you know, they always
get what's coming to them eventually.
I feel bad saying that
actually she's a nurse.
I don't know how to do
something like that.
Oh, Pearl.
I'm so nervous.
Why did they laugh me right off stage?
Oh my God could handle that.
How are you?
Not scared?
I'm guessing just more
yeast to the feeling.
I don't think I can do this.
I'm too frightened.
Come on, Pearl switch.
Before they open the doors again.
Come on.
thank you.
You're a good friend,
Emma, of course you are.
Your sister-in-law is how
to stick together, right?
Next, your turn, Tom.
Show them what you can do.
Show them all recollect.
Thank you, but it's going to be a no.
You just not what we had in mind.
Well, that was the best
dancing I've ever done.
Yes, it was very nice, but we already had
plenty of gals like you and the troop.
We're looking for something
different today, you know, more.
All American, younger and blocked
some of 'em with X factor.
No, I'm afraid.
So miss down to go,
You don't understand underneath
this next in line, please.
I can make it better.
Come on, darling.
You don't wanna make a scene,
spoil everything, please.
Just give me one more chance long down.
No, I'm a, I'm a star.
How about I take you?
Is that our pig?
Should I go and infect your mother?
How bad I get you something nice to drink.
Never getting off this farm.
And where would you want to go?
What earth for, for be in ruins.
And you'll never get Howard back there.
I tell you, oh, come on now.
I know you're disappointed, but there's
no sense in taking it this hard.
It just a lousy church group.
Those all adults, you know, the
first thing about quality dancing.
You don't understand what
don't I come on Pearl.
What's really the matter.
I don't feel well.
You're not coming down
with someone, are you?
No, nothing like that.
If I snuck out of the house, it ended
up bringing home nothing but the germ,
my mother and father would just kill me.
I'm worried there, maybe
something real wrong with me, MI
how do you mean?
Seems like there's something missing
in me that the rest of the world has.
Have you told Howard I've never
spoken about it a lot to anyone so
afraid of what people might think her.
Howard's your husband.
Hedos you shouldn't be afraid.
Tell him how you feel.
Scared him one.
Not say, well, practice on me
first, then pretend I'm Howard.
And you say whatever's on your mind?
I can, yes, you can go on, get it loud.
Trust me.
go ahead.
I hate you so much for leaving me here.
Sometimes I hope you die.
I awful love living in
that, but it's the truth.
I was curious about the other man.
I'm sure you don't want to hear about
a stranger satisfying your life.
And I swear it was only
once there a mistake.
It wasn't him that I wanted.
I know that now I just, things could
just go back to the way they were
before, but I don't see how they
could not, after the things I've done.
What else have you done, bro?
How I realize how this almost sound.
Honestly, there was a time.
I was flatter to have someone,
his handsome as you bond over me.
You're such a good person.
I know that.
I make sure to always be
mindful with your heart.
I never wanted you to feel jealous.
It's an awful feeling like rock the way it
just twists and turns that you're inside.
I know that it can so well, I feel
it whenever I see others whose
lives can be easy because truth
is, I'm not really a good person.
I think I should.
The reason I kept my eyes to
the around, around other men
was never to avoid hurting you.
It's cuz I understood how lucky
I was to have your attention.
I may be a poor farm girl
have, but I'm not stupid.
I spotted you the moment you came
to live with us, you weren't hard.
Let the other farm end speak.
You were different.
You're from somewhere, a nice,
comfortable place that you could
return to whenever you wanted.
I'm so desperate to have that
all my life I've wanted off this
farm, you are my ticket out.
So I made sure to never let
you see who I really was.
I worked like a charm too.
Then when you finally brought me
back to your home to meet your
family, it was just as I hoped life
straight out of the pictures, at
least that's what it felt like to me.
And you didn't want it.
You just wanted to stay
here with our farm.
And that made me so angry,
but you certain, I hated it.
He must have.
How could you be so selfish and cruel
after a while that doesn't make you happy?
I was even pregnant with your baby.
I never wanted to be a mother.
I love the feeling of it growing inside
me for that sickness, pulling, sucking on
me and let some needy animal in the barn.
How could I be responsible
for another life?
Life terrifies me.
It's hard and bleak and draining . I
was so relieved when it died.
It was a little less late keeping
me trapped here, but then the
war came and you left me too.
Why did you leave me Howard?
I hate feeling like this.
So pathetic do people like
you ever feel this way?
Figure you don't.
You seem so perfect on time.
Lord was too generous to you.
He never answers any of my prayers.
I don't know why, what did I do?
What is wrong with me?
Just tell me so maybe I can get better.
I don't wanna end up my mama.
I wanna be dancing up on the screen.
Like the prey girls in the pictures.
I want what they have so badly
to be perfect, to be loved from
as many people as possible to
make up for all my time spent.
times I wake in the middle of the
night and the fear washes over me.
Cuz what if this is it?
What is I belong?
I'm not pretty I'm naturally
pleasant or friendly.
I'm not smart.
You're funny or confident.
I'm exactly what mama said.
I was weak.
I don't know why, what did I do?
Why was in my family like yours?
I hate what it feels like
to be me and not you.
I'm so scared that when you finally come
home, you'll see me and be frightened.
Like everyone else is.
I know what I've done.
Bad things, terrible,
awful murderous things.
I regret them now, but
I lied how they felt.
I wish I didn't, but I did.
At first it was only
animals smaller than myself.
Nothing with feeding, nothing
that could hurt me back felt good.
Killings easier than you think.
until recently the mom were,
and the boy from the picture
house, they were different.
They were more meaningful.
I heard them.
So they too might know what it
feels like to suffer, but apart
that he didn't deserve that, I
wish I hadn't done what I did.
Mom went well, she had a hard laugh.
She don't even wanted a home to feel safe.
And I can see that.
I thought I hated her, but
I just wanna feel safe too.
I made such a mess of things.
I don't know how much more I can take.
I need to clean this up.
All of it.
I need to make things right
before you see me again.
I can turn this farm into a home for it.
Like you want it.
Things will finally be different.
I can forgive.
I can be who you want me to be.
If you just stay with
me, can do that, please.
I can't be all by myself anymore.
It's too hard.
We can love each other.
I'll do that for you.
If you really meant all that till
dev do us part, it'd be enough.
Just you and me here on this farm.
All I really wanted is to be loved.
I having such a hard
time without her lately.
I should probably get going.
Now mother, be wondering where I am.
If I'm not home soon,
are you frightened of me?
of course.
No problem.
You think I'm sick?
No, thank you.
I'm happy for you.
What became the park and dance trip?
You deserved it.
I didn't get the part.
It's okay.
Don't have to pretend anymore.
My feelings.
Don't be it wasn't me.
I'm glad it was you.
But Pearl, I like this don't lie to me.
Well, yes.
Thank you.
It's gonna be real swell,
dancing around the state.
Hope you can come see this show sometime.
You always get everything on
I'm younger.
My blonde.
I have to go now.
I'm not gonna say anything.
Are you?
I really do love Howard.
I know nobody has to know.
I can fix things.
Can be our secret.
I won't
it's anymore.
I think the best of what I.
Bless us.
So Lord, and that he.
Which we are about to receive from
through Christ.
Our Lord.
I'm so happy.
You're home.