Picture Perfect Lies (2021) Movie Script
[dramatic music]
[water lapping]
[animal howls]
[suspenseful music]
[door clacks]
[footsteps thumping]
- Oh, my god,
turn off your light, quick.
[tense music]
- [exhales nervously]
[exhales sharply]
- [gasps]
- Stay back!
Stay away from my friend.
Okay, what do you want?
Stop it!
- [gasps delightedly]
oh, wow.
This has really been
a joyous occasion for me,
But I have a feeling that
The kids are even
gonna be more thrilled.
So it's really been a passion
of mine and a labor of love,
But as we all know,
with any large project,
It's really a team effort.
So my husband's company
donated all the supplies,
And the creative design
Is the brilliant work
of my sister.
[pleasant music]
[camera shutter snaps]
Jenny, come say a few words.
- Oh, no, I'm good.
- Well, she has been working
for months on this.
And I'm so proud of my team.
- What's your charity
up to next?
- I'm so glad that you asked.
We recently acquired
the empty lot
Over in the old mill district.
As you all know,
it's been a bit of an eyesore.
We're really excited about it.
Hopefully, by the springtime
We will have a new community
playground and rec center.
[cell phone chimes]
Oh, shoot, I'm so sorry.
It's my daughter's birthday.
I've gotta go.
I have a party to throw.
Thank you all so much.
Thank you.
Are you okay?
- Never been better.
- [sighs]
I mean, would it kill you
To put on a happy face
for the press?
Your work was great.
You should be proud.
- [scoffs]
How can you act so casual
about everything?
- Because I put what's
in the past in the past,
And I keep it there.
Come on, look around.
The future's bright.
Look at all that
we have created together.
- You can't just magically
erase the past with good deeds.
- Come to the party
tonight, okay?
You'll feel better.
Rachel's there.
She always makes you feel good.
I've gotta go.
Come, and then
we can talk later, okay?
[dramatic music]
[engine starts]
- So the foundation work
should start on Wednesday.
- Okay, what about
the labor dispute?
- All taken care of.
I guess your phone call
to the mayor paid off.
- This time just make sure
to keep an eye on things.
When we're ahead of the ball,
that's when people get lazy.
- Is it too early to gloat?
- How was the playground
- Oh, it reminded me
of when she was little.
- Aww.
- But don't worry,
I mentioned you
And your company to the press.
They loved it.
- You better.
- I did.
How's it coming along?
The latest edition
to your empire?
- Our empire.
And it's beautiful.
- I love you.
- Love you too.
- Here, let me get a picture
for the website.
- Oh, perfect.
- Let's, uh...
- Let's get in front
of the sign, yeah.
[warm music]
[camera shutter snaps]
[doorbell rings]
- Hey, deysi.
Big day.
She upstairs?
- Go on up, she's waiting.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- I got it!
- [squeals]
Come in, come in, come in!
Oh, my god, I thought
you were never gonna get here.
- Let me see it.
Let me see it.
Okay, let me see it.
[both scream]
you're gonna be gorgeous!
- Let me try it on, come on.
- Okay, okay, okay.
- [gasps]
- [gasps]
- Oh!
- [giggles]
- Look at you.
So shiny.
- [laughs]
oh, my goodness.
Oh, my.
- Wow.
Rachel, you look beautiful.
My little baby girl's
growing up.
- Happy birthday, sweetie.
You look radiant.
- Oh, thanks, dad.
- I just--I feel really weird.
But do I--do I look like
I feel weird?
- No, no, you look
absolutely fabulous.
Sweetheart, you're gonna
remember this day
For the rest of your life.
- Oh, my god, guys.
Oh, my god, this is amazing!
oh, my god, deysi,
You're like an actual,
serious miracle worker.
- Oh, I'm so happy for you.
- Spencer, go get everyone
some refreshments.
Deysi, you're a guest today.
Rachel, come here.
I wanna tell you something.
Every day, I'm so thankful
for the miracle of having you.
And I just look
at these baby photos,
And it just seems like the time
has gone so fast.
And, you know, I know that
the teenage years can be crazy
And I know that your father
and I work all the time,
But I just want you to know
that I love you so much.
You'll always be my baby.
- Oh, I love you, mom.
No, no.
You're gonna make me cry,
And it, like, literally took me
forever to do this eyeliner.
[doorbell rings]
- Oh, adam.
That's adam, that's adam.
- Oh.
- Go, go.
- Hi, adam.
- Hey, deysi.
- Come on in.
- Hi.
- You look amazing.
Happy birthday.
- I'm really glad you came.
Come on.
[upbeat music]
[indistinct chatter, laughter]
- [clears throat]
- Can I just have a second?
- Yeah.
- Jenny.
- Hi.
- Hey.
I'm so glad you
could make it today.
- Me too, rae.
- It really means a lot.
- [laughs]
There's something that
I've been meaning to tell you.
And I think you need
to know now, so...
- Rachel, let's take a photo.
Come on, come on.
It'll be quick.
- But mom--sorry.
- Ava.
Adam, get in the photo.
Spencer, honey, come on.
Yes, everybody.
We need more photos.
I always forget.
Jenny, will you
take the picture?
- Sure.
- Thank you.
Come on, everybody gather.
- You get here.
- In tight.
- All right, get in tight.
- Come, come.
You guys look beautiful.
- We'll bookend here.
Tighten up.
- Ready?
- Okay, everybody smile.
- Cheese.
[camera shutter snaps]
- [laughs]
- okay.
- All right.
- I'm okay.
- Come, come.
You guys look beautiful.
- It's from adam.
Ooh, what is it?
- Oh!
- Oh, there you go.
[indistinct chatter]
- Okay, um...
All right, what's next?
[uneasy music]
- Happy birthday, rachel.
- See you, rachel, at school.
- Bye.
- Happy birthday, bye.
- See you at school.
I'll miss you.
- Oh, thank you so much
for coming.
- Oh, happy birthday.
- Thanks.
- See you...
Both: Tomorrow.
- Bye!
- Bye.
- Bye.
- See you, ava.
- You've got that look.
- It's just--I've just never
seen you looking hotter.
I mean, wow.
You know, it's taken a lot of
effort to act like a gentleman.
- Oh, the gentleman thing
was just an act?
- Mm-hmm.
- That's a shame, 'cause I was
really starting to enjoy it.
[bright music]
- I bet there's a way
we can have even more fun.
Rachel, wait, wait, wait.
I have to tell you something.
It's important,
And I want you to know
I'm serious.
From the moment
that I saw you--
- Oh, my god.
[ominous music]
Oh, my god, jenny!
Oh, my god, no, jenny,
please, no.
Oh, my god.
Jenny, no, no, no.
Please be okay.
- Come on.
- She--she doesn't look like
she's breathing anymore.
She--what are we gonna do?
Oh, my god, jenny, no.
She's not breathing.
Go tell my parents to call 911.
You gotta get up.
You gotta wake up.
You have to.
You have to stay with me.
Please wake up.
[indistinct whimpering]
[camera shutter snaps]
[birds chirping]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[unsettling music]
- [sighs deeply]
I, um--I don't know
what happened.
She-she was in
a bad mood all day,
And she loved rachel.
I just thought by inviting her
to the party that everything,
You know,
might make her feel better.
- Angela, we have to
tell them everything.
- She was drinking.
A lot.
She probably fell and slipped.
- Mm-hmm.
- Detective!
This could account
for her head wound.
- Could you get a photo
of that?
[camera shutter snaps]
- Detective, how much longer
do your men need?
It's just, you know,
it's been a long night.
- Afraid we can't leave yet.
There's a possibility this
could have been a homicide.
- What?
- You should call them in.
[birds chirping]
- Okay, we've been through
tough things.
We will get through this.
I promise.
- Okay.
- You are a good sister.
And we took care of her.
We bought her a house.
We got her with a job
at the company.
- We should have done
more for her.
She was so unhappy.
- We had to focus
on rachel's well-being.
That's our job as parents.
- I just--I invited her
to the party
Because I thought it would
make her feel better.
You know?
Did I do the wrong thing?
- We just need to let
the police do their job, okay?
You need to focus
on our future, right?
On rachel.
- Okay.
- Okay?
Come here.
Come here.
[suspenseful music]
- Rachel.
Oh, I'm so sorry, baby.
I know it wasn't supposed
to be like this.
Jenny was an angel.
Poor thing.
How are you?
- It's just--
god, I feel so old.
Am I ever gonna
feel normal again?
[car horn honks]
That's adam.
Gotta go.
- Yeah.
- [sighs]
[indistinct chatter]
So did they talk to you?
- [sighs] I mean, they
asked me lots of questions.
- Yeah, me too.
I just...
God, I keep imagining
What her last moments
might have been like.
- Hey, don't.
You're gonna
drive yourself crazy.
[gentle music]
- See you after class?
- Definitely.
- Hey, adam?
- Yeah?
- What was it
that you wanted to say?
You know, the other night
at the party, before--
- [sighs]
never mind.
It seems silly.
- I wanna know.
- Rachel, everything's
all screwed up.
I wanted everything
to be perfect.
- Whatever you have to say
to me right now,
It would be really helpful.
- [sighs]
Well, I just wanted to tell you
That, um...
I love you.
I really am in love with you.
- And I'm really in love
with you too.
- [laughs softly]
come here.
- I can't believe you even came
to school today.
Should have just stayed home
and got some rest.
- I know.
It kind of feels like my head
got put through a cuisinart.
I don't know,
I just thought it would help me
take my mind off things.
- So do you know what happened?
- No.
Nobody really does.
I mean,
I guess somebody snuck in
While we were
all at the party, but...
- [clears throat]
- what?
- It's just--nothing.
- Oh, my god, ava,
did you talk to jenny
Before she died or something?
- No, but...
[dramatic music]
- Oh, my god,
no, you have to tell me.
- What did your parents say?
Did they--did they talk
to the cops?
- Yes, but what does that have
to do with anything?
- So I went to the kitchen
after you opened gifts
To see if I could sneak
a little wine.
- Ava!
- [laughs] okay.
And I saw your dad
Arguing with your aunt jenny,
And they both looked upset,
And your aunt jenny
started crying,
And then he hugged her
and held her close.
- What?
- I know, it was weird.
I just--I wasn't gonna
tell you at first,
But then with everything
that happened,
I just didn't wanna
keep it from you if it,
You know, meant something.
- Well, it doesn't have
to mean anything, right?
I mean, does it mean something?
I mean--
Oh, my god, do you think
they were having an affair?
- Sort of?
No--I don't know.
I just--I'm not really
too sure what I saw.
I can't really explain it.
But maybe your dad can.
- Oh, my god,
I'm not gonna have
That conversation with him--
can you imagine?
[birds chirping]
[uneasy music]
- Hi.
- Hey, deysi.
[lock clicks]
[tense music]
[footfalls approaching]
[door creaks]
- Oh, that looks wonderful.
Thank you, deysi.
Well, kids, bon apptit.
- Well, looks like
we're gonna break ground
On the new condo development.
Forty units
right by the river.
- Oh, that's wonderful news,
- Yeah, it's all set.
Everything but a name.
Rachel, maybe you'd like
to help us
Pick out a name
for the new condos.
- I don't know.
What about the jennifer burkett
memorial condominiums?
[unsettling music]
Yeah, I'm not really hungry
And I've just got
a lot of homework to do,
So can I go ahead
and get started on it?
- Oh, sure.
Of course.
I think it's good that
you're focused on your school.
- Yeah.
See you guys tomorrow.
[brisk suspenseful music]
- Are you okay, honey?
- It's okay, mom, we just need
to study for the ap test.
So wait, a gun?
I didn't know your dad
owned a gun.
- Neither did I, so...
- So what did he say?
- Nothing, 'cause I didn't
really talk to him about it.
- Hmm.
- Ugh, my parents
have been acting
So weird about
this whole thing.
- Your mom wanted your birthday
to be perfect.
She's probably more devastated
than you are.
- Mm, yeah,
but this doesn't make sense.
I mean, who would wanna
kill aunt jenny?
She wasn't dating anybody.
She wasn't involved in any
drugs or anything like that.
- How well do you know her?
- Um...
She was like my second mom.
I mean, you know how my mom is.
She's always going to meetings
and getting things done
And go, go, go, go, go.
And, you know,
jenny was calm and quiet
And actually really cared.
- But what was she doing when
she wasn't taking care of you?
- I don't know.
- I'm just saying.
It all seems
a little confusing,
Because you don't have
a lot of information.
- I have no information.
- What if your dad owned a gun
Because he was secretly
part of the russian mafia?
- And he's having an affair
with aunt jenny?
You know, she was
so upset that night.
And, you know, in was the only
one who seemed to care.
man, I wish I could go back
And figure out
what was going on with her.
- We could check and see.
- Mm--how?
- Go to her house.
See what she was like.
- Okay, I think those
criminology classes
Are going to your head,
Because that is
a huge invasion of privacy.
I mean, what if the cops
are still there?
- We're smart,
and we're sneaky.
- No, we need to study.
And I need to get my mind
on literally anything else.
- Fine.
It's much easier just to act
like everything's normal.
[tense music]
- Do you know what they do
when the catch minors
Doing something super illegal?
- She's your aunt.
Besides, we're not
stealing anything.
- Yeah, but I'm pretty sure
That breaking and entering
is super illegal.
- Do you wanna find
the truth or not?
- [sighs]
Look, I've been here
million times
And I've never seen
anything weird.
I don't even know
what I'm looking for.
- Okay.
Let's go to her room.
[foreboding music]
- Whoa.
Hey, come check these out.
She's not smiling
in any of these.
- Hmm, she looks a lot happier
when she was younger.
I thought she loved working
for your mom's charity.
- I mean,
that's what mom said.
- She doesn't really look like
the criminal mastermind.
- Hey, hey.
[suspenseful music]
I don't think we should
be going through her things.
It doesn't feel right.
- Rachel, if you wanna
find out what happened,
Maybe you have to learn
Some messed up things
about your aunt.
- What's that supposed to mean?
- Maybe she wasn't a saint.
Ooh, lingerie.
- Lingerie does not
make you a criminal.
- Okay, well, I'm gonna go
check the medicine cabinet.
Maybe check under the mattress.
People with things to hide
Usually hide them
under the mattress.
- Please, I'm not gonna go
under my aunt's mattress.
Ava, you're good.
You are good.
- Bad for your eyes
to read in the dark.
- You're so considerate.
- [laughs]
- check these out.
I've never seen any of these
photos in my life.
- All the same girl
and all the same day.
Why would your aunt hide these
under her mattress?
- And who's this little girl?
[door clacks]
[footsteps thumping]
- Oh, my god,
turn off your light, quick.
[brisk tense music]
[floor creaking]
- [exhales nervously]
- [gasps]
Stay back!
Stay away from my friend.
Okay, what do you want?
Stop it!
Ava, look at me.
Wake up.
Oh, my god, ava, please.
Ava, wake up.
Look at me, please.
Oh, my god.
[engine starts]
[tires squeal]
[line trilling]
- 911.
What's your emergency?
- Hi, my friend--
she was attacked,
And she got hit in the head,
And I don't know
if she's breathing,
We're at 325 elm street.
- Help is on the way.
- Yeah. [sniffling]
Ava, ava, please stay with me.
Please stay with me.
[dramatic music]
[siren wailing]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
- Okay, just tell her
we're thinking of her.
Good night.
Ava's mom.
Said she thinks
she's gonna be okay.
They're gonna keep her
in the hospital tonight
For observation.
- [sighs]
- thank god.
- Why would anyone do this?
I mean, why would anyone
wanna attack ava?
- I don't know, it just sounds
like a burglary gone wrong.
You girls were in the wrong
place at the wrong time,
Which brings up--
- no, no, no, no, no.
This wasn't just
a random robbery.
I mean, they were looking
for something.
- Rachel, you know,
the most important thing here
Is that you're okay, right?
- What you did was very risky.
- And we're glad that
you're safe, but I have to ask,
What were you doing there
in the first place?
Why on earth
would you and your friend
Break into your aunt's house?
- [sighs]
we, uh...
We thought that we might
find a clue or something
About why somebody
would wanna kill aunt jenny.
- Well, the police
are looking into that.
Don't you think
they're more qualified
To handle it than you?
- Well, yeah, but we actually
found something.
We found these little pictures
of this little girl
In these little pink shoes
under her mattress,
And it might have something
to do with this.
- Do you still have the photos?
- No, the attacker took them.
I think they're connected
to the murder somehow.
- I think we just need
to be patient and wait.
[uneasy music]
- You know, she saw you.
Ava saw you that night hugging
and fighting with aunt jenny.
So why didn't you
tell the police that?
- Rachel, I did not have
Anything to do
with jenny's death.
- Okay, so then
why did she see you
Hugging her and kissing her?
- What?
I never--I never kissed her.
Is that what this is about?
You think I was having
an affair with your aunt?
- Well, were you?
- No!
No, it was nothing like that.
We weren't involved.
- Sweetie, your father
Was a very good friend
to aunt jenny, okay?
I really think you're
imagination is running wild.
- No, no, this is not
my imagination.
I trust my friend,
and I trust what she said.
And she said she saw you
Hugging and fighting
with aunt jenny.
- He was comforting her.
We knew
that she would be distraught.
Your birthday is right around
the same time
That aunt jenny's daughter
passed away, years ago.
- Aunt jenny had a daughter?
- The cutest daughter,
with the biggest smile.
- Okay, well, what happened?
- It was years ago.
Aunt jenny was a young mom.
Her daughter only lived to be
about four years old.
- And how did she die?
- It was a rare
heart condition.
It was a tragedy.
Just terrible.
And frankly,
aunt jenny was never the same
After it happened.
You know, she felt guilty, even
though she had no reason to.
So this time of year, it was
always very difficult for her.
- Okay, so why didn't you
tell me any of this before?
- She swore us
to secrecy, honey.
She didn't like anybody
talking about it.
It was a really
painful wound for her,
Especially around
your birthday.
But sweetie,
she loved you so much.
- Yeah, but, I mean, you could
have told me the truth
About what happened after.
- I know.
We just...
We didn't wanna upset you
on your birthday.
- I'm sorry, we should have
told you everything.
- Rachel,
you are a responsible
And very trustworthy
young woman, honey.
We're so proud of you.
- Yeah, we're
very proud of you.
But you can't go
sneaking around
And breaking
into people's homes,
And getting into trouble.
I mean, no matter
what the reason is.
- Okay, well you have to
promise me no more lies, okay?
I mean, total honesty.
- Okay, we promise.
- I mean it.
From now on, you guys have
got to tell me the truth
About everything, okay?
- Of course.
Total honesty.
We can rely on you,
and you can rely on us.
- We have to stick together
as a family.
- As a family.
[cheerful music]
- [laughs]
- So glad you're okay.
- Never been so happy
to come home.
So, you promised
to tell me everything.
What's the deal
with your aunt jenny's kid?
- She died, I guess.
And apparently it was
some big, painful secret
That nobody wanted
to talk about.
And that's why
she was upset that night.
- And you believe that story?
- Okay, what, you think this
is some smokescreen for my dad
Having an affair with jenny
and then killing her?
That's crazy.
- And you're sure
the kid's dead?
- I don't know?
- Maybe the long lost daughter
is the murderer.
- No, that is way
too soap opera.
I don't know.
Maybe it's a person with
a grudge against my parents?
I just wish I'd held on to that
photo of that little girl.
'cause, I mean,
there was something about her.
- I just thought of it.
My mind's been so scrambled.
- [yells]
- [laughs]
I guess they found it
on me at the hospital.
I pocketed it before,
you know.
- [grunts]
See, if we can figure out
what happened to her,
I bet we can figure out
what happened to aunt jenny.
[dramatic music]
Thank you so much.
Have a nice day.
- Your parents
wanted to talk to you.
It seems serious.
- Uh, okay.
- Yeah.
- [laughs]
- What?
- Your father and I wanted to
wish you a very happy birthday.
- Didn't we already do this?
- Well, yes,
but I don't want your birthday
To be overshadowed in tragedy,
and I don't think
Your aunt jenny would
have wanted that either.
- Thank you.
I just--
I don't really
feel like celebrating.
- But sweetheart,
there's so much to celebrate.
Rachel, we love you, and your
birthday is a very special day.
It's important that we give you
a gift to recognize it.
- I already got lots of gifts.
- And your mother and I
also think
That it's important
that you move on,
And that you have the freedom
to live your life.
[pleasant music]
- Okay.
Are you--are you serious?
- [laughs]
- surprise!
- Is this for real?
- Out front.
- [laughs]
- let's go.
- Oh, my god!
- [laughs]
- Ta-da!
- Oh, wow!
Is this--is this real?
- Kick the tires and find out.
- Honey, it's the least
we could do.
You've just been through
so much this year.
You know, we love you so much.
We're proud of you.
- I--wow.
Thank you.
- You don't seem very thrilled.
- Um...
You know--
look, I'm sorry, I really am.
It's just--um...
You know, I'm not really
feeling well right now,
So I think I'm gonna just, uh,
You know, lay down in my room
for a little while.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
- She'll be okay.
She needs a little time, okay?
[birds chirping]
- Bam!
Let's see tiger woods top that.
[mumbling softly]
[melancholy music]
Rachel, are you okay?
- Oh.
- You've been in your own
little world all day.
I thought having some dorky fun
might cheer you up a bit.
It's been a while since
I've seen you crack a smile.
Is it your aunt?
- [sighs]
I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.
- No.
- I'm really sorry.
- No, no,
you don't have to apologize.
It's just, I don't know.
You can talk to me.
For real.
- Okay.
It's like everything
just feels wrong.
And, like,
I'm not gonna be okay
Until I figure out the truth.
- The truth about...
- Everything.
About why my parents
are acting so weird,
And about my aunt's murder,
I mean, look, they--
My parents bought me that car
out of the blue.
And don't get me wrong,
it is an amazing car, but...
it's like there are suddenly
Two strangers
living in my house,
And I have no idea
who they are,
And then I just can't stop
thinking about that photo.
- Photo?
What photo?
- The one I found
at aunt jenny's house.
Did I not tell you?
- You've barely spoken to me
all week, rae.
- [sighs]
I can't stop looking at it.
And it's like--
I don't know, it's like
every time I look at it,
It's like dj vu.
[tense music]
- It's--it's you.
Here, let me see your hand.
it's definitely you.
- But why would my parents
lie to me about that?
I mean, why would they lie
about her having a kid?
- That photo doesn't mean
they were lying.
It just means aunt jenny
kept pictures of you.
- Under her bed.
- [sighs]
show it to them and ask?
- I don't know.
- What?
- It feels like aunt jenny was
Trying to hide this
from my parents.
- So what if jenny really did
have a daughter?
- Yeah, why lie about it?
What if--
What if I'm her daughter?
No, what if--
what if I'm her daughter
And aunt jenny
is actually my mom?
- Okay, you don't know that.
- But it would make
so much sense.
I mean, aunt jenny and I,
we were so close,
And my parents
are acting so weird
About this whole thing, and...
- Hey!
[suspenseful music]
- Okay, what the hell
is happening?
Because they didn't
take anything.
My wallet and my phone
are still here.
- Have you noticed anyone
Watching you
or following you or anything?
- No.
And, I mean,
what would they want?
- You still think
this is about your aunt?
[inquisitive music]
- You think they're after this?
- Come on.
You should get home.
[uneasy music]
- Somebody tried to break in.
I was working in my study
when I heard the door shatter.
By the time I got here,
they were gone.
- Did they steal anything?
- I don't think so.
I think I scared them off.
- You just missed the police.
They were here.
They took statements, photos.
- Do they know who did it?
- No, not yet.
- And so they still have
no idea who killed aunt jenny.
Well, the same thing
just happened to my car.
- What?
Oh, my god, what happened?
- I was at the park with adam,
and somebody broke into my car.
But it seemed like they were
looking for something specific,
'cause they didn't
take any valuables.
- Okay, do you hear this?
Now our daughter is a target.
I don't care what it costs.
We need to make
this house safe.
The police can't
protect us 24/7.
- Okay, I'm on it.
- [sighs]
sweetheart, are you okay?
I mean, you must--
- I'm fine.
Adam was with me.
- [sighs]
- I'm so sorry that you have
to deal with any of this.
- [scoffs]
you're sorry?
- Yes.
[sighs deeply]
You deserve to feel
safe and secure,
And it's my job to save you
From all the bad things
in life.
- And you have no idea
why any of this is happening?
- No.
Why would I?
I just hope that aunt jenny
Wasn't mixed up
in something bad.
- My aunt?
Or my mother?
- What are you talking about?
- You lied to me.
You lied to me about jenny
having a daughter
And about the picture and about
why she was upset that night.
- I never lied to you.
- Really?
But this is me, isn't it?
This is me.
I'm the little girl
in the photo.
I'm jenny's daughter?
- [sighs]
- [inhales shakily]
oh, my god.
Is this--is this all a lie?
Like, has my whole life
just been a lie?
- Sweetie, I'm--
- no, you promised me--
You promised me that you
wouldn't lie to me anymore.
So what is the truth?
I mean, are you even my dad?
- Honey.
- We were gonna
tell you everything.
We had to protect you.
- You were gonna protect me
by lying to me?
- We had to.
- Why?
- Because she told us to.
- Who told you to?
- Your aunt jenny.
- That doesn't--that doesn't
make any sense.
Why would she do that?
- Okay, sweetheart,
you were right, okay?
She's your biological mother.
I wanted to tell you someday,
But not like this.
- Oh, my god, this is insane.
You know what,
if you don't wanna be
Honest with me, that's fine.
I'm just gonna go to ava's.
She's got an extra room.
And you know what, at least
her mom isn't full of crap.
- Rachel,
listen to me, please.
Jenny was in high school
When she got pregnant
with you, okay?
She was just a kid.
She couldn't handle the idea.
Your father and I
had just gotten married,
So we decided to adopt you
and raise you as our own.
I'm sorry.
But that's the way
she wanted it.
- So aunt jenny
was my real mom.
- No, honey,
I am your real mother.
I love you.
I raised you.
I'll always protect you.
Jenny knew what
she was giving up, okay?
She loved you too,
but she--
She knew she could only be
your aunt, not your mom.
Sweetheart, please, I'm--
You know, it was just--
it was crazy times.
And--and we all made mistakes.
But it was only
because we all love you.
Jenny made us promise
to keep it a secret.
Sweetheart, I'm so sorry.
I'm so--
- So then who killed her?
- I don't know.
- Okay, you remember
when you used to read me
The story of
"the boy who cried wolf"?
Well, this is kind of
like that,
'cause it's really hard for me
to tell the truth
Between the lies
when you just keep lying to me.
- Rachel,
you have to believe us.
We don't know.
- Believe you?
How am I supposed
to believe you
When you've lied to me
every single day of my life?
- Your mother loves you.
- Oh, that's kind of tough,
'cause my mother's dead.
I'm going to ava's.
- You are not going anywhere.
- Oh, really, angela?
- There's a killer out there.
You can't go.
- Yes, you are my daughter.
You belong to me, okay?
You are staying here.
You're not going anywhere.
- No, let go of me!
- Don't you understand that
the world will eat you alive?
Okay, look at everything
that's happened.
Sweetheart, just trust us.
It's gonna be okay.
- Trust?
No, trust is gone
out the window now.
- Rachel, that's enough!
I know you hate us for keeping
this secret, but believe me,
Every choice we've made
has been to keep you safe.
- Then why do I feel
the most unsafe
I have ever felt
in my entire life?
- You can't go.
Not with everything
that's going on.
- Please, sweetheart.
Everything's gonna be okay.
[birds chirping]
[unsettling music]
[loud thumping]
- [groaning]
[gasps softly]
[wind whistling]
- We have a few more cameras
to install in the backyard
And the side of the house.
- I already feel safer.
- Thank you, ma'am.
We'll finish up by tomorrow.
Let me know if you have
any other concerns.
- Great, thank you.
- Mom?
- Oh, hi, honey.
- Why is there a man
outside my window?
- Oh, he's just putting up
the last of the safety bars.
- Safety bars.
- Yeah.
For the windows.
To prevent from any intruders.
- Bars?
Like in a prison.
- Oh, honey,
don't be so dramatic.
We just want everyone
to feel safe.
- Where's deysi?
- [sighs]
we had to let her go.
- You fired deysi?
- We were very generous.
It was just important for us
To update some things
around the house.
You know, the locks on
the doors, windows, the help.
We just want a safe,
fresh start.
Oh, and I installed
new security cameras
And motion sensors.
I mean,
by the end of the day,
This place is gonna be
like fort knox.
And then you won't
have to worry.
- Mom, this is nuts.
- Oh, no, honey,
I know it seems like a lot.
But we just can't
take any chances.
And you were right.
You are growing up.
And we think it's important
That we stay together,
as a family.
- I can't believe
you just fired deysi.
- Oh, we don't need her.
We don't need anybody
but ourselves.
Do you remember
when you were a kid
And I used to make dinner
all the time?
I have a surprise for you.
[birds chirping]
Have a seat.
You must be starving.
I made your favorite breakfast:
Banana pancakes,
scrambled eggs,
Crispy bacon,
just like you like,
And lemon poppyseed scones.
- Thanks.
- Good morning, my sweet.
Wow, this looks so good.
You know, I was thinking,
We haven't had a pet in this
house in a lot of years.
How about a kitten, huh?
Or a puppy?
You tell me what you want.
We'll go to the breeders.
We'll get the best they got.
How's that sound?
- But you don't like dogs.
I mean, you really hate cats.
- I don't hate anything.
I think you should have
exactly what you want.
- I'll think about it.
- Of course.
That bacon smells good.
- Thank you, sweetheart.
So rachel, I was thinking,
You know how you're
always eager for more
Grown-up responsibility?
What if we got you a job
at the charity?
Building playgrounds,
Working in the community,
talking to kids.
- So I'd be like the new jenny.
- Well, no.
I think that you would be
who you wanna be.
- I just don't really think
I'm qualified
For that type of work.
- No, honey,
You are an incredibly
talented young woman.
- Yeah--I mean, don't you think
It would piss off
some people at the charity?
- Okay, sweetie, if you're
not interested, that's okay.
I just want you to be happy.
- Angela, maybe rachel
would rather choose
A more ambitious path.
You could come work for me
Overseeing some of the new
construction projects.
- Oh.
- Wow.
Wow, that is just--
that is really great, guys.
You know what, mom, dad,
thank you so much
For these really
amazing opportunities,
But I think that
I'm just gonna--
I'm just gonna
focus on school for now.
You know, get good grades.
- Mm-hmm.
Doesn't it feel great
to get back to the way we were?
- Mm-hmm, this is great.
- Now, sweetie, your mom went
through a lot of trouble
Preparing this
wonderful brunch.
Those pancakes look delicious.
And the eggs.
- Hey, actually, guys,
can I--
I am so sorry.
Can I be excused?
- Sweetie, we're actually going
to enjoy the day together.
- As a family.
- Oh, yeah, no, totally.
I just need to go
to the bathroom real fast.
I'll be right back.
- Come right back.
- [exhales shakily]
[tense music]
- It's gonna be fine.
Just be patient.
Just let it--
- okay, okay, okay.
[indistinct conversation]
[knocking on door]
- Come in.
- [sighs heavily]
- Everything you text me
sounds freaking crazy.
- Ugh.
I think my parents have
officially gone insane.
- [scoffs]
- Can I stay with you
for a little while?
- Yeah.
- [sighs]
- You know what
you're gonna do?
- I mean, what am I
supposed to do?
'cause I don't even know
what's going on.
- [sighs]
Do you think jenny's
your real mother?
I mean, it would
explain a lot.
- No, I think it's just
some story that my mom--
Angela told me.
'cause, I mean, jenny was
such a huge part of my life.
Why would she lie
to me about that?
And now they're putting up
security cameras
And they're putting bars
on the windows?
- So freaky.
- You know, and I just
keep thinking, you know,
And remembering things.
- Like what?
- Like...
Like this.
- [laughs]
Such a "pwetty pwincess."
You look super happy.
- It's a lie.
Okay, when I was eight,
I liked to play in the mud
And, you know,
catch frogs and snakes
And turn over rocks
and get my feet dirty.
- So you were a tomboy.
- Okay,
for my ninth birthday party,
I wanted to wear
these overalls.
And my mom wanted me
to be a princess.
And she picked out that stupid,
frilly, pink dress,
And I hated it.
But she made my wear it,
and I smiled,
And I looked happy
in all the photos,
But it was her idea for me
to be a princess, not mine.
- So?
- I hated being told
what to do,
'cause I felt like
I was getting put in this box,
And they were trying to make me
This perfect
fairy-tale daughter.
- My mom made me
take accordion lessons,
But that doesn't
make her a monster.
- Yeah, but your mom
isn't full of secrets and lies.
[breathes deeply]
Notice anything
about this photo?
- You look perfect.
- Perfect?
[dramatic music]
- Whoa.
- I have no idea
what's going on.
But I know that they're lying
to me about where I came from.
- If jenny is your real mother,
Why would they have
fake baby pictures?
- Right?
I mean, nothing
makes any sense.
Except I think that my parents
were involved with the murder.
And I think that
that has something to do
With where I came from.
I don't really know
How I'm gonna find out
the truth, though.
Okay, miss crime genius,
this is the part
Where you come up
with some brilliant plan.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
[sighs deeply]
Got it.
Jenny's old boyfriend.
Remember the pictures
on her wall?
[suspenseful music]
Zoom in, at the top.
There he is.
He could be your real dad.
- Okay.
But who is he?
'cause I can't exactly
go ask angela.
- The library
has old yearbooks.
- Thank you so much.
Okay, take junior year,
I will take senior year.
Jenny burkett.
Photography, french club,
and honor society.
She looks so happy.
[gentle music]
Ah, senior year.
Jenny burkett
and derrick marshall
Voted most likely
to get married.
- Derrick marshall.
- That could be my dad.
Well, we're gonna have
to go see him.
- I wish I could.
I think I got a little
too enthusiastic.
I'm still feeling dizzy
from what happened.
I think I should go back home
and lay back down.
- It's totally okay.
Because you have
seriously been so amazing
And so helpful
through all of this.
- What about adam?
- Mm, I don't know.
I don't know if I really wanna
drag him into this.
- Like, he's not dying to be
your knight in shining armor?
- [sighs]
But I don't want him to think
I'm damaged goods
With my crazy family.
- Wait.
Take it from somebody
who actually almost died
Helping you solve this.
You need to be
smart about this.
[dramatic music]
- Okay.
- This is life or death stuff.
Whether it be your parents,
this derrick guy, whoever,
They're willing to kill
to keep these things hidden.
- You're right.
[cell phone chimes]
Adam's on his way.
- Good, but you gotta
ditch your phone.
Your parents bought it
for you, right?
They're probably tracking it
right now.
- Hey, you're okay
to drive, right?
- I'm okay
good luck.
Call me of anything happens.
I know you'll figure this out.
[suspenseful music]
- So what's up?
- You told me you
love me, right?
- Yeah.
- Well, we're about
to find out how much.
- What?
- I'll tell you on the way.
- All right.
- Can I help you?
- We're the ones that called.
- Right.
So what'd you come
all this way to ask me?
- We're here because
you knew jenny burkett.
- Jenny.
It's been a while.
How is she?
- She's, uh, dead.
- She was murdered, actually.
- That's--that's terrible.
- She got drunk
and she got in a fight.
- Wow.
Sure doesn't sound
like the jenny I knew.
What a terrible shame.
Is there something I can do?
- I'm actually her friend,
and there were--
There was a lot of rumors
going around,
And I'm just trying
to clear some things up
Before the funeral.
Just something things
about her past.
- Of course.
- Mr. Marshall, was jenny
pregnant in high school?
- Pregnant?
No, no way.
Believe me,
I would have known.
We were together through
most of high school
And the summer after.
It was a wonderful time
in our lives.
Jenny was special.
I would have married her.
- Why didn't you?
- [laughs softly]
She had big dreams.
Yeah, the kind that make
marriage out of the question.
But then she changed.
I came back from trade school,
And she was working
for her sister.
She seemed lonely
and cut off from everyone.
I tried talking to her,
But she didn't want
anything to do with me.
I never spoke to her again.
How is it?
Her sister's charity?
- It's good.
- I hope jenny had something
to do with that.
I never really
trusted her sister.
- Why not?
- Just a feeling.
Angela always seemed,
you know, cold and ambitious.
The jenny I knew--
so happy, spirited.
She didn't have time for her
sister's version of success.
[uneasy music]
I guess things change.
When is the funeral?
- They're still making
- Would you let me know?
I'd like to pay my respects.
She'll always have
a special place in my heart.
- Of course.
Thank you so much
for talking with us.
- I hope you find
what you're looking for.
- Happy and spirited?
I mean, that sounds like
A completely different
version of my aunt.
- So she was a happy kid
and a sad adult.
Doesn't that happen
to a lot of adults
Who take the first boring job
Their parents
tell them to take?
- Yeah, but what happened?
Because he said
she became cold and cut off
When she started
talking to my mom.
- That night,
when ava was attacked,
You said the attacker drove
away in a white pickup truck.
- And?
- Look.
- Yeah, but that was just
a plain white pickup truck.
It didn't have a company
logo or anything.
- Yeah?
- I don't know.
I don't think derrick's my dad.
He seemed genuinely shocked
when I told him
What happened to jenny.
[cell phone chimes]
- [sighs]
it's your mom again.
- Don't--don't answer it.
- Rachel.
- Let's get out of here.
- Okay, let's see
what we can find out.
Here, let me scan
those photos you have.
Maybe we can find some answers.
[inquisitive music]
You got the other pictures?
- What, my fake baby photo?
- Yeah.
All the pictures.
Here we go.
We'll just scan that
into the computer.
Maybe that'll
tell us something.
- Um, like what?
[scanner whirring,
laptop chimes]
- Here we go.
There you go.
Let's try a reverse image
search on the baby picture.
Let's see.
[laptop chimes]
- [laughs]
copyright 1996.
That is definitely not me.
- Okay, let's try
the playground picture.
[laptop chimes]
- Hmm, wait, wait, wait.
Go back.
Can you zoom in right there?
- Yeah, sure.
- What's that above my head?
Echo lake park.
Where's--where's that?
- Echo lake park.
It's in colorado.
- Okay, well,
at least now we know
Where the photo was taken.
- Do you remember
being in colorado?
- No, I don't remember
ever going there.
- So this would have been,
what, around 2008?
- I mean, it couldn't have been
any later than that.
[uplifting music]
- Oh, my god.
- Rachel.
- That's me.
"rebecca tomlinson
went missing from a park
In echo lake, colorado,
in 2008."
- Look, the parents are listed.
- Marcy and ryan tomlinson.
- They've been searching
for you all these years.
Ryan and marcy.
Look, you have
a brother and sister.
Ben and amy.
This is--this is amazing.
- I mean, do you--do you
really think that this is me?
- I think you're gonna get
all the answers
To all the questions
you ever had.
- Oh, my god,
this could be my family.
This could be my real family.
God, I can't believe it.
[door clacks]
[door creaks, shuts]
I thought you said your parents
are out of town.
- They are,
they're in san diego.
[loud thud]
Stay here.
- Uh--no.
[suspenseful music]
[car alarm blaring]
- Oh, my god.
[door creaking]
- [gasps]
Stop it!
let me go!
- Freeze! Get off her!
Get off her,
or I start pulling the trigger
And we see how good my aim is.
Drop the knife!
Drop it!
Now, turn around.
Put your hands
behind your head.
- Adam, behind you!
Oh, my god, adam.
Oh, my god.
- What--?
- Hey, adam, hey.
- What--
- hey, hey, hey.
Hey, are you all right?
- Oh, man.
- Oh, my god.
A squirt gun?
- My mom's super anti-gun.
- Oh, my god.
- [sighs]
- I think you just saved
my life with a squirt gun.
- You're not safe yet.
We gotta get out of here.
Come on, we can take
my dad's car.
[tense music]
Come on.
[engine starts]
Call 911 to report the fire.
- [breathes shakily]
[indistinct chatter, laughter]
- Yay!
- She did it by herself
this time.
Please, help us find our baby.
- We won't ask any questions.
We just want her back.
- Hey.
You should get some sleep.
- How could I ever do that?
[dramatic music]
[suspenseful music]
[melancholy music]
- I think this is it.
Hey, you ready?
- You're looking for
marcy and ryan?
- Yeah.
This is where they live, right?
- Yes, but they're not home
right now.
- Do you know when
they're gonna be home?
- What time is it?
- Ah.
Oh, sure, we know
where they are.
- Okay, where?
Look, this is super important.
- Same place they are every day
at this time.
They're at the playground,
Down by echo park,
with ben and amy.
- The playground.
- Thank you.
Thank you so much.
- [laughs softly]
[engine starts]
[ominous music]
[indistinct chatter, shouts]
[warm music]
[playful shouting]
- It's the same playground
as the picture.
Hey, are you okay?
[indistinct chatter]
- It's crazy.
[indistinct chatter]
- Mom?
- Oh, my god.
- Mom?
- Rebecca, is that you?
Oh, my god.
- [sobs]
This is a miracle.
How did you find us?
- It's--
it's a really long story.
My name is actually--
- rachel.
- Wait.
[tense music]
- These people
can't be trusted.
- [gasps]
Okay, look, whoever you are--
- These people
are very dangerous.
You need to come
with me right now.
- Just stop it.
This whole charade is over!
- You're my daughter.
I raised you.
I love you.
If you would just listen to me,
I could--
I could explain myself.
I could explain myself
more clearly, okay?
- Okay, okay.
- Okay.
Spencer and I
couldn't have kids.
We tried everything.
We spent a fortune on doctors.
Nothing worked.
I wanted to adopt.
But they rejected me.
They rejected me, rachel.
- So you just steal
somebody else's kid?
- No, it wasn't like that.
We told aunt jenny
That we were heartbroken.
We forced her to find
the perfect little girl,
With parents
that resembled us.
Get back.
- Jenny took those photos of me
here at the park.
- Yes, baby, and when we
saw the pictures of you,
We knew that you were perfect.
Your aunt jenny and I,
we chose you.
- Please.
Please don't take her
from me again.
She's my baby.
- Shut up.
You could have kids.
I couldn't.
- You had jenny kidnap me.
And she never stopped
feeling guilty about it,
And it destroyed her.
You destroyed her!
- We gave her everything.
But she had to tell the truth.
She had to break her promise.
- She was gonna tell me
the truth that night.
She was gonna tell me the truth
on my birthday.
- Spencer tried
to reason with her.
But she was drunk, and she
was emotional, so I tried.
- And you just hit her
over the head
And you left her there
to die, huh?
- No, no!
That's not what happened.
We got into an argument, okay?
And--and things got
a little bit out of control.
I know what I did was wrong,
but my reasons were right.
I'm telling you
the whole truth now, okay?
- The truth is...
You were never supposed
to be a part of my life.
- How could you say that?
How could you say that?
We love you.
- [grunting]
- Let go of me!
- [grunting]
[both grunting]
- [yells]
- [screams]
- [gasping]
- [sobbing]
- [groaning, shouting]
- Oh, my god.
My baby.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
My baby.
I'm so sorry.
- [panting]
- Angie, this has to stop.
- I'm so sorry.
- [groans, pants]
- No.
I didn't mean to hurt anybody.
I just wanted a baby.
I just wanted...
- [sobbing]
[dramatic music]
- It's been difficult to make
sense of what happened,
But I've come to realize
that what we call evil,
It's just human desperation.
And who are we to condemn
somebody for being desperate?
Getting to know my mom and dad
over the last year,
It's been incredible.
And getting to know my little
sister and my little brother,
It's been a dream come true.
But the memory of spencer
and angela and jenny--
It's always with me.
But I've come to
understand that--
Which one of us has never been
so desperate for love
That we haven't done
something we regretted?
But we have to face the
consequences of our actions
And try to reconcile
with those that have hurt us.
And we've got to dig
deep within ourselves
To try to make the world
a better place for everyone.
- And why have you chosen
to carry on angela's charity?
- Because the world can be
A really difficult place
to grow up in.
And the way that we shine
through the darkness
Is with play.
[uplifting music]
[lively music]
[dramatic music]
[water lapping]
[animal howls]
[suspenseful music]
[door clacks]
[footsteps thumping]
- Oh, my god,
turn off your light, quick.
[tense music]
- [exhales nervously]
[exhales sharply]
- [gasps]
- Stay back!
Stay away from my friend.
Okay, what do you want?
Stop it!
- [gasps delightedly]
oh, wow.
This has really been
a joyous occasion for me,
But I have a feeling that
The kids are even
gonna be more thrilled.
So it's really been a passion
of mine and a labor of love,
But as we all know,
with any large project,
It's really a team effort.
So my husband's company
donated all the supplies,
And the creative design
Is the brilliant work
of my sister.
[pleasant music]
[camera shutter snaps]
Jenny, come say a few words.
- Oh, no, I'm good.
- Well, she has been working
for months on this.
And I'm so proud of my team.
- What's your charity
up to next?
- I'm so glad that you asked.
We recently acquired
the empty lot
Over in the old mill district.
As you all know,
it's been a bit of an eyesore.
We're really excited about it.
Hopefully, by the springtime
We will have a new community
playground and rec center.
[cell phone chimes]
Oh, shoot, I'm so sorry.
It's my daughter's birthday.
I've gotta go.
I have a party to throw.
Thank you all so much.
Thank you.
Are you okay?
- Never been better.
- [sighs]
I mean, would it kill you
To put on a happy face
for the press?
Your work was great.
You should be proud.
- [scoffs]
How can you act so casual
about everything?
- Because I put what's
in the past in the past,
And I keep it there.
Come on, look around.
The future's bright.
Look at all that
we have created together.
- You can't just magically
erase the past with good deeds.
- Come to the party
tonight, okay?
You'll feel better.
Rachel's there.
She always makes you feel good.
I've gotta go.
Come, and then
we can talk later, okay?
[dramatic music]
[engine starts]
- So the foundation work
should start on Wednesday.
- Okay, what about
the labor dispute?
- All taken care of.
I guess your phone call
to the mayor paid off.
- This time just make sure
to keep an eye on things.
When we're ahead of the ball,
that's when people get lazy.
- Is it too early to gloat?
- How was the playground
- Oh, it reminded me
of when she was little.
- Aww.
- But don't worry,
I mentioned you
And your company to the press.
They loved it.
- You better.
- I did.
How's it coming along?
The latest edition
to your empire?
- Our empire.
And it's beautiful.
- I love you.
- Love you too.
- Here, let me get a picture
for the website.
- Oh, perfect.
- Let's, uh...
- Let's get in front
of the sign, yeah.
[warm music]
[camera shutter snaps]
[doorbell rings]
- Hey, deysi.
Big day.
She upstairs?
- Go on up, she's waiting.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- I got it!
- [squeals]
Come in, come in, come in!
Oh, my god, I thought
you were never gonna get here.
- Let me see it.
Let me see it.
Okay, let me see it.
[both scream]
you're gonna be gorgeous!
- Let me try it on, come on.
- Okay, okay, okay.
- [gasps]
- [gasps]
- Oh!
- [giggles]
- Look at you.
So shiny.
- [laughs]
oh, my goodness.
Oh, my.
- Wow.
Rachel, you look beautiful.
My little baby girl's
growing up.
- Happy birthday, sweetie.
You look radiant.
- Oh, thanks, dad.
- I just--I feel really weird.
But do I--do I look like
I feel weird?
- No, no, you look
absolutely fabulous.
Sweetheart, you're gonna
remember this day
For the rest of your life.
- Oh, my god, guys.
Oh, my god, this is amazing!
oh, my god, deysi,
You're like an actual,
serious miracle worker.
- Oh, I'm so happy for you.
- Spencer, go get everyone
some refreshments.
Deysi, you're a guest today.
Rachel, come here.
I wanna tell you something.
Every day, I'm so thankful
for the miracle of having you.
And I just look
at these baby photos,
And it just seems like the time
has gone so fast.
And, you know, I know that
the teenage years can be crazy
And I know that your father
and I work all the time,
But I just want you to know
that I love you so much.
You'll always be my baby.
- Oh, I love you, mom.
No, no.
You're gonna make me cry,
And it, like, literally took me
forever to do this eyeliner.
[doorbell rings]
- Oh, adam.
That's adam, that's adam.
- Oh.
- Go, go.
- Hi, adam.
- Hey, deysi.
- Come on in.
- Hi.
- You look amazing.
Happy birthday.
- I'm really glad you came.
Come on.
[upbeat music]
[indistinct chatter, laughter]
- [clears throat]
- Can I just have a second?
- Yeah.
- Jenny.
- Hi.
- Hey.
I'm so glad you
could make it today.
- Me too, rae.
- It really means a lot.
- [laughs]
There's something that
I've been meaning to tell you.
And I think you need
to know now, so...
- Rachel, let's take a photo.
Come on, come on.
It'll be quick.
- But mom--sorry.
- Ava.
Adam, get in the photo.
Spencer, honey, come on.
Yes, everybody.
We need more photos.
I always forget.
Jenny, will you
take the picture?
- Sure.
- Thank you.
Come on, everybody gather.
- You get here.
- In tight.
- All right, get in tight.
- Come, come.
You guys look beautiful.
- We'll bookend here.
Tighten up.
- Ready?
- Okay, everybody smile.
- Cheese.
[camera shutter snaps]
- [laughs]
- okay.
- All right.
- I'm okay.
- Come, come.
You guys look beautiful.
- It's from adam.
Ooh, what is it?
- Oh!
- Oh, there you go.
[indistinct chatter]
- Okay, um...
All right, what's next?
[uneasy music]
- Happy birthday, rachel.
- See you, rachel, at school.
- Bye.
- Happy birthday, bye.
- See you at school.
I'll miss you.
- Oh, thank you so much
for coming.
- Oh, happy birthday.
- Thanks.
- See you...
Both: Tomorrow.
- Bye!
- Bye.
- Bye.
- See you, ava.
- You've got that look.
- It's just--I've just never
seen you looking hotter.
I mean, wow.
You know, it's taken a lot of
effort to act like a gentleman.
- Oh, the gentleman thing
was just an act?
- Mm-hmm.
- That's a shame, 'cause I was
really starting to enjoy it.
[bright music]
- I bet there's a way
we can have even more fun.
Rachel, wait, wait, wait.
I have to tell you something.
It's important,
And I want you to know
I'm serious.
From the moment
that I saw you--
- Oh, my god.
[ominous music]
Oh, my god, jenny!
Oh, my god, no, jenny,
please, no.
Oh, my god.
Jenny, no, no, no.
Please be okay.
- Come on.
- She--she doesn't look like
she's breathing anymore.
She--what are we gonna do?
Oh, my god, jenny, no.
She's not breathing.
Go tell my parents to call 911.
You gotta get up.
You gotta wake up.
You have to.
You have to stay with me.
Please wake up.
[indistinct whimpering]
[camera shutter snaps]
[birds chirping]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[unsettling music]
- [sighs deeply]
I, um--I don't know
what happened.
She-she was in
a bad mood all day,
And she loved rachel.
I just thought by inviting her
to the party that everything,
You know,
might make her feel better.
- Angela, we have to
tell them everything.
- She was drinking.
A lot.
She probably fell and slipped.
- Mm-hmm.
- Detective!
This could account
for her head wound.
- Could you get a photo
of that?
[camera shutter snaps]
- Detective, how much longer
do your men need?
It's just, you know,
it's been a long night.
- Afraid we can't leave yet.
There's a possibility this
could have been a homicide.
- What?
- You should call them in.
[birds chirping]
- Okay, we've been through
tough things.
We will get through this.
I promise.
- Okay.
- You are a good sister.
And we took care of her.
We bought her a house.
We got her with a job
at the company.
- We should have done
more for her.
She was so unhappy.
- We had to focus
on rachel's well-being.
That's our job as parents.
- I just--I invited her
to the party
Because I thought it would
make her feel better.
You know?
Did I do the wrong thing?
- We just need to let
the police do their job, okay?
You need to focus
on our future, right?
On rachel.
- Okay.
- Okay?
Come here.
Come here.
[suspenseful music]
- Rachel.
Oh, I'm so sorry, baby.
I know it wasn't supposed
to be like this.
Jenny was an angel.
Poor thing.
How are you?
- It's just--
god, I feel so old.
Am I ever gonna
feel normal again?
[car horn honks]
That's adam.
Gotta go.
- Yeah.
- [sighs]
[indistinct chatter]
So did they talk to you?
- [sighs] I mean, they
asked me lots of questions.
- Yeah, me too.
I just...
God, I keep imagining
What her last moments
might have been like.
- Hey, don't.
You're gonna
drive yourself crazy.
[gentle music]
- See you after class?
- Definitely.
- Hey, adam?
- Yeah?
- What was it
that you wanted to say?
You know, the other night
at the party, before--
- [sighs]
never mind.
It seems silly.
- I wanna know.
- Rachel, everything's
all screwed up.
I wanted everything
to be perfect.
- Whatever you have to say
to me right now,
It would be really helpful.
- [sighs]
Well, I just wanted to tell you
That, um...
I love you.
I really am in love with you.
- And I'm really in love
with you too.
- [laughs softly]
come here.
- I can't believe you even came
to school today.
Should have just stayed home
and got some rest.
- I know.
It kind of feels like my head
got put through a cuisinart.
I don't know,
I just thought it would help me
take my mind off things.
- So do you know what happened?
- No.
Nobody really does.
I mean,
I guess somebody snuck in
While we were
all at the party, but...
- [clears throat]
- what?
- It's just--nothing.
- Oh, my god, ava,
did you talk to jenny
Before she died or something?
- No, but...
[dramatic music]
- Oh, my god,
no, you have to tell me.
- What did your parents say?
Did they--did they talk
to the cops?
- Yes, but what does that have
to do with anything?
- So I went to the kitchen
after you opened gifts
To see if I could sneak
a little wine.
- Ava!
- [laughs] okay.
And I saw your dad
Arguing with your aunt jenny,
And they both looked upset,
And your aunt jenny
started crying,
And then he hugged her
and held her close.
- What?
- I know, it was weird.
I just--I wasn't gonna
tell you at first,
But then with everything
that happened,
I just didn't wanna
keep it from you if it,
You know, meant something.
- Well, it doesn't have
to mean anything, right?
I mean, does it mean something?
I mean--
Oh, my god, do you think
they were having an affair?
- Sort of?
No--I don't know.
I just--I'm not really
too sure what I saw.
I can't really explain it.
But maybe your dad can.
- Oh, my god,
I'm not gonna have
That conversation with him--
can you imagine?
[birds chirping]
[uneasy music]
- Hi.
- Hey, deysi.
[lock clicks]
[tense music]
[footfalls approaching]
[door creaks]
- Oh, that looks wonderful.
Thank you, deysi.
Well, kids, bon apptit.
- Well, looks like
we're gonna break ground
On the new condo development.
Forty units
right by the river.
- Oh, that's wonderful news,
- Yeah, it's all set.
Everything but a name.
Rachel, maybe you'd like
to help us
Pick out a name
for the new condos.
- I don't know.
What about the jennifer burkett
memorial condominiums?
[unsettling music]
Yeah, I'm not really hungry
And I've just got
a lot of homework to do,
So can I go ahead
and get started on it?
- Oh, sure.
Of course.
I think it's good that
you're focused on your school.
- Yeah.
See you guys tomorrow.
[brisk suspenseful music]
- Are you okay, honey?
- It's okay, mom, we just need
to study for the ap test.
So wait, a gun?
I didn't know your dad
owned a gun.
- Neither did I, so...
- So what did he say?
- Nothing, 'cause I didn't
really talk to him about it.
- Hmm.
- Ugh, my parents
have been acting
So weird about
this whole thing.
- Your mom wanted your birthday
to be perfect.
She's probably more devastated
than you are.
- Mm, yeah,
but this doesn't make sense.
I mean, who would wanna
kill aunt jenny?
She wasn't dating anybody.
She wasn't involved in any
drugs or anything like that.
- How well do you know her?
- Um...
She was like my second mom.
I mean, you know how my mom is.
She's always going to meetings
and getting things done
And go, go, go, go, go.
And, you know,
jenny was calm and quiet
And actually really cared.
- But what was she doing when
she wasn't taking care of you?
- I don't know.
- I'm just saying.
It all seems
a little confusing,
Because you don't have
a lot of information.
- I have no information.
- What if your dad owned a gun
Because he was secretly
part of the russian mafia?
- And he's having an affair
with aunt jenny?
You know, she was
so upset that night.
And, you know, in was the only
one who seemed to care.
man, I wish I could go back
And figure out
what was going on with her.
- We could check and see.
- Mm--how?
- Go to her house.
See what she was like.
- Okay, I think those
criminology classes
Are going to your head,
Because that is
a huge invasion of privacy.
I mean, what if the cops
are still there?
- We're smart,
and we're sneaky.
- No, we need to study.
And I need to get my mind
on literally anything else.
- Fine.
It's much easier just to act
like everything's normal.
[tense music]
- Do you know what they do
when the catch minors
Doing something super illegal?
- She's your aunt.
Besides, we're not
stealing anything.
- Yeah, but I'm pretty sure
That breaking and entering
is super illegal.
- Do you wanna find
the truth or not?
- [sighs]
Look, I've been here
million times
And I've never seen
anything weird.
I don't even know
what I'm looking for.
- Okay.
Let's go to her room.
[foreboding music]
- Whoa.
Hey, come check these out.
She's not smiling
in any of these.
- Hmm, she looks a lot happier
when she was younger.
I thought she loved working
for your mom's charity.
- I mean,
that's what mom said.
- She doesn't really look like
the criminal mastermind.
- Hey, hey.
[suspenseful music]
I don't think we should
be going through her things.
It doesn't feel right.
- Rachel, if you wanna
find out what happened,
Maybe you have to learn
Some messed up things
about your aunt.
- What's that supposed to mean?
- Maybe she wasn't a saint.
Ooh, lingerie.
- Lingerie does not
make you a criminal.
- Okay, well, I'm gonna go
check the medicine cabinet.
Maybe check under the mattress.
People with things to hide
Usually hide them
under the mattress.
- Please, I'm not gonna go
under my aunt's mattress.
Ava, you're good.
You are good.
- Bad for your eyes
to read in the dark.
- You're so considerate.
- [laughs]
- check these out.
I've never seen any of these
photos in my life.
- All the same girl
and all the same day.
Why would your aunt hide these
under her mattress?
- And who's this little girl?
[door clacks]
[footsteps thumping]
- Oh, my god,
turn off your light, quick.
[brisk tense music]
[floor creaking]
- [exhales nervously]
- [gasps]
Stay back!
Stay away from my friend.
Okay, what do you want?
Stop it!
Ava, look at me.
Wake up.
Oh, my god, ava, please.
Ava, wake up.
Look at me, please.
Oh, my god.
[engine starts]
[tires squeal]
[line trilling]
- 911.
What's your emergency?
- Hi, my friend--
she was attacked,
And she got hit in the head,
And I don't know
if she's breathing,
We're at 325 elm street.
- Help is on the way.
- Yeah. [sniffling]
Ava, ava, please stay with me.
Please stay with me.
[dramatic music]
[siren wailing]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
- Okay, just tell her
we're thinking of her.
Good night.
Ava's mom.
Said she thinks
she's gonna be okay.
They're gonna keep her
in the hospital tonight
For observation.
- [sighs]
- thank god.
- Why would anyone do this?
I mean, why would anyone
wanna attack ava?
- I don't know, it just sounds
like a burglary gone wrong.
You girls were in the wrong
place at the wrong time,
Which brings up--
- no, no, no, no, no.
This wasn't just
a random robbery.
I mean, they were looking
for something.
- Rachel, you know,
the most important thing here
Is that you're okay, right?
- What you did was very risky.
- And we're glad that
you're safe, but I have to ask,
What were you doing there
in the first place?
Why on earth
would you and your friend
Break into your aunt's house?
- [sighs]
we, uh...
We thought that we might
find a clue or something
About why somebody
would wanna kill aunt jenny.
- Well, the police
are looking into that.
Don't you think
they're more qualified
To handle it than you?
- Well, yeah, but we actually
found something.
We found these little pictures
of this little girl
In these little pink shoes
under her mattress,
And it might have something
to do with this.
- Do you still have the photos?
- No, the attacker took them.
I think they're connected
to the murder somehow.
- I think we just need
to be patient and wait.
[uneasy music]
- You know, she saw you.
Ava saw you that night hugging
and fighting with aunt jenny.
So why didn't you
tell the police that?
- Rachel, I did not have
Anything to do
with jenny's death.
- Okay, so then
why did she see you
Hugging her and kissing her?
- What?
I never--I never kissed her.
Is that what this is about?
You think I was having
an affair with your aunt?
- Well, were you?
- No!
No, it was nothing like that.
We weren't involved.
- Sweetie, your father
Was a very good friend
to aunt jenny, okay?
I really think you're
imagination is running wild.
- No, no, this is not
my imagination.
I trust my friend,
and I trust what she said.
And she said she saw you
Hugging and fighting
with aunt jenny.
- He was comforting her.
We knew
that she would be distraught.
Your birthday is right around
the same time
That aunt jenny's daughter
passed away, years ago.
- Aunt jenny had a daughter?
- The cutest daughter,
with the biggest smile.
- Okay, well, what happened?
- It was years ago.
Aunt jenny was a young mom.
Her daughter only lived to be
about four years old.
- And how did she die?
- It was a rare
heart condition.
It was a tragedy.
Just terrible.
And frankly,
aunt jenny was never the same
After it happened.
You know, she felt guilty, even
though she had no reason to.
So this time of year, it was
always very difficult for her.
- Okay, so why didn't you
tell me any of this before?
- She swore us
to secrecy, honey.
She didn't like anybody
talking about it.
It was a really
painful wound for her,
Especially around
your birthday.
But sweetie,
she loved you so much.
- Yeah, but, I mean, you could
have told me the truth
About what happened after.
- I know.
We just...
We didn't wanna upset you
on your birthday.
- I'm sorry, we should have
told you everything.
- Rachel,
you are a responsible
And very trustworthy
young woman, honey.
We're so proud of you.
- Yeah, we're
very proud of you.
But you can't go
sneaking around
And breaking
into people's homes,
And getting into trouble.
I mean, no matter
what the reason is.
- Okay, well you have to
promise me no more lies, okay?
I mean, total honesty.
- Okay, we promise.
- I mean it.
From now on, you guys have
got to tell me the truth
About everything, okay?
- Of course.
Total honesty.
We can rely on you,
and you can rely on us.
- We have to stick together
as a family.
- As a family.
[cheerful music]
- [laughs]
- So glad you're okay.
- Never been so happy
to come home.
So, you promised
to tell me everything.
What's the deal
with your aunt jenny's kid?
- She died, I guess.
And apparently it was
some big, painful secret
That nobody wanted
to talk about.
And that's why
she was upset that night.
- And you believe that story?
- Okay, what, you think this
is some smokescreen for my dad
Having an affair with jenny
and then killing her?
That's crazy.
- And you're sure
the kid's dead?
- I don't know?
- Maybe the long lost daughter
is the murderer.
- No, that is way
too soap opera.
I don't know.
Maybe it's a person with
a grudge against my parents?
I just wish I'd held on to that
photo of that little girl.
'cause, I mean,
there was something about her.
- I just thought of it.
My mind's been so scrambled.
- [yells]
- [laughs]
I guess they found it
on me at the hospital.
I pocketed it before,
you know.
- [grunts]
See, if we can figure out
what happened to her,
I bet we can figure out
what happened to aunt jenny.
[dramatic music]
Thank you so much.
Have a nice day.
- Your parents
wanted to talk to you.
It seems serious.
- Uh, okay.
- Yeah.
- [laughs]
- What?
- Your father and I wanted to
wish you a very happy birthday.
- Didn't we already do this?
- Well, yes,
but I don't want your birthday
To be overshadowed in tragedy,
and I don't think
Your aunt jenny would
have wanted that either.
- Thank you.
I just--
I don't really
feel like celebrating.
- But sweetheart,
there's so much to celebrate.
Rachel, we love you, and your
birthday is a very special day.
It's important that we give you
a gift to recognize it.
- I already got lots of gifts.
- And your mother and I
also think
That it's important
that you move on,
And that you have the freedom
to live your life.
[pleasant music]
- Okay.
Are you--are you serious?
- [laughs]
- surprise!
- Is this for real?
- Out front.
- [laughs]
- let's go.
- Oh, my god!
- [laughs]
- Ta-da!
- Oh, wow!
Is this--is this real?
- Kick the tires and find out.
- Honey, it's the least
we could do.
You've just been through
so much this year.
You know, we love you so much.
We're proud of you.
- I--wow.
Thank you.
- You don't seem very thrilled.
- Um...
You know--
look, I'm sorry, I really am.
It's just--um...
You know, I'm not really
feeling well right now,
So I think I'm gonna just, uh,
You know, lay down in my room
for a little while.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
- She'll be okay.
She needs a little time, okay?
[birds chirping]
- Bam!
Let's see tiger woods top that.
[mumbling softly]
[melancholy music]
Rachel, are you okay?
- Oh.
- You've been in your own
little world all day.
I thought having some dorky fun
might cheer you up a bit.
It's been a while since
I've seen you crack a smile.
Is it your aunt?
- [sighs]
I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.
- No.
- I'm really sorry.
- No, no,
you don't have to apologize.
It's just, I don't know.
You can talk to me.
For real.
- Okay.
It's like everything
just feels wrong.
And, like,
I'm not gonna be okay
Until I figure out the truth.
- The truth about...
- Everything.
About why my parents
are acting so weird,
And about my aunt's murder,
I mean, look, they--
My parents bought me that car
out of the blue.
And don't get me wrong,
it is an amazing car, but...
it's like there are suddenly
Two strangers
living in my house,
And I have no idea
who they are,
And then I just can't stop
thinking about that photo.
- Photo?
What photo?
- The one I found
at aunt jenny's house.
Did I not tell you?
- You've barely spoken to me
all week, rae.
- [sighs]
I can't stop looking at it.
And it's like--
I don't know, it's like
every time I look at it,
It's like dj vu.
[tense music]
- It's--it's you.
Here, let me see your hand.
it's definitely you.
- But why would my parents
lie to me about that?
I mean, why would they lie
about her having a kid?
- That photo doesn't mean
they were lying.
It just means aunt jenny
kept pictures of you.
- Under her bed.
- [sighs]
show it to them and ask?
- I don't know.
- What?
- It feels like aunt jenny was
Trying to hide this
from my parents.
- So what if jenny really did
have a daughter?
- Yeah, why lie about it?
What if--
What if I'm her daughter?
No, what if--
what if I'm her daughter
And aunt jenny
is actually my mom?
- Okay, you don't know that.
- But it would make
so much sense.
I mean, aunt jenny and I,
we were so close,
And my parents
are acting so weird
About this whole thing, and...
- Hey!
[suspenseful music]
- Okay, what the hell
is happening?
Because they didn't
take anything.
My wallet and my phone
are still here.
- Have you noticed anyone
Watching you
or following you or anything?
- No.
And, I mean,
what would they want?
- You still think
this is about your aunt?
[inquisitive music]
- You think they're after this?
- Come on.
You should get home.
[uneasy music]
- Somebody tried to break in.
I was working in my study
when I heard the door shatter.
By the time I got here,
they were gone.
- Did they steal anything?
- I don't think so.
I think I scared them off.
- You just missed the police.
They were here.
They took statements, photos.
- Do they know who did it?
- No, not yet.
- And so they still have
no idea who killed aunt jenny.
Well, the same thing
just happened to my car.
- What?
Oh, my god, what happened?
- I was at the park with adam,
and somebody broke into my car.
But it seemed like they were
looking for something specific,
'cause they didn't
take any valuables.
- Okay, do you hear this?
Now our daughter is a target.
I don't care what it costs.
We need to make
this house safe.
The police can't
protect us 24/7.
- Okay, I'm on it.
- [sighs]
sweetheart, are you okay?
I mean, you must--
- I'm fine.
Adam was with me.
- [sighs]
- I'm so sorry that you have
to deal with any of this.
- [scoffs]
you're sorry?
- Yes.
[sighs deeply]
You deserve to feel
safe and secure,
And it's my job to save you
From all the bad things
in life.
- And you have no idea
why any of this is happening?
- No.
Why would I?
I just hope that aunt jenny
Wasn't mixed up
in something bad.
- My aunt?
Or my mother?
- What are you talking about?
- You lied to me.
You lied to me about jenny
having a daughter
And about the picture and about
why she was upset that night.
- I never lied to you.
- Really?
But this is me, isn't it?
This is me.
I'm the little girl
in the photo.
I'm jenny's daughter?
- [sighs]
- [inhales shakily]
oh, my god.
Is this--is this all a lie?
Like, has my whole life
just been a lie?
- Sweetie, I'm--
- no, you promised me--
You promised me that you
wouldn't lie to me anymore.
So what is the truth?
I mean, are you even my dad?
- Honey.
- We were gonna
tell you everything.
We had to protect you.
- You were gonna protect me
by lying to me?
- We had to.
- Why?
- Because she told us to.
- Who told you to?
- Your aunt jenny.
- That doesn't--that doesn't
make any sense.
Why would she do that?
- Okay, sweetheart,
you were right, okay?
She's your biological mother.
I wanted to tell you someday,
But not like this.
- Oh, my god, this is insane.
You know what,
if you don't wanna be
Honest with me, that's fine.
I'm just gonna go to ava's.
She's got an extra room.
And you know what, at least
her mom isn't full of crap.
- Rachel,
listen to me, please.
Jenny was in high school
When she got pregnant
with you, okay?
She was just a kid.
She couldn't handle the idea.
Your father and I
had just gotten married,
So we decided to adopt you
and raise you as our own.
I'm sorry.
But that's the way
she wanted it.
- So aunt jenny
was my real mom.
- No, honey,
I am your real mother.
I love you.
I raised you.
I'll always protect you.
Jenny knew what
she was giving up, okay?
She loved you too,
but she--
She knew she could only be
your aunt, not your mom.
Sweetheart, please, I'm--
You know, it was just--
it was crazy times.
And--and we all made mistakes.
But it was only
because we all love you.
Jenny made us promise
to keep it a secret.
Sweetheart, I'm so sorry.
I'm so--
- So then who killed her?
- I don't know.
- Okay, you remember
when you used to read me
The story of
"the boy who cried wolf"?
Well, this is kind of
like that,
'cause it's really hard for me
to tell the truth
Between the lies
when you just keep lying to me.
- Rachel,
you have to believe us.
We don't know.
- Believe you?
How am I supposed
to believe you
When you've lied to me
every single day of my life?
- Your mother loves you.
- Oh, that's kind of tough,
'cause my mother's dead.
I'm going to ava's.
- You are not going anywhere.
- Oh, really, angela?
- There's a killer out there.
You can't go.
- Yes, you are my daughter.
You belong to me, okay?
You are staying here.
You're not going anywhere.
- No, let go of me!
- Don't you understand that
the world will eat you alive?
Okay, look at everything
that's happened.
Sweetheart, just trust us.
It's gonna be okay.
- Trust?
No, trust is gone
out the window now.
- Rachel, that's enough!
I know you hate us for keeping
this secret, but believe me,
Every choice we've made
has been to keep you safe.
- Then why do I feel
the most unsafe
I have ever felt
in my entire life?
- You can't go.
Not with everything
that's going on.
- Please, sweetheart.
Everything's gonna be okay.
[birds chirping]
[unsettling music]
[loud thumping]
- [groaning]
[gasps softly]
[wind whistling]
- We have a few more cameras
to install in the backyard
And the side of the house.
- I already feel safer.
- Thank you, ma'am.
We'll finish up by tomorrow.
Let me know if you have
any other concerns.
- Great, thank you.
- Mom?
- Oh, hi, honey.
- Why is there a man
outside my window?
- Oh, he's just putting up
the last of the safety bars.
- Safety bars.
- Yeah.
For the windows.
To prevent from any intruders.
- Bars?
Like in a prison.
- Oh, honey,
don't be so dramatic.
We just want everyone
to feel safe.
- Where's deysi?
- [sighs]
we had to let her go.
- You fired deysi?
- We were very generous.
It was just important for us
To update some things
around the house.
You know, the locks on
the doors, windows, the help.
We just want a safe,
fresh start.
Oh, and I installed
new security cameras
And motion sensors.
I mean,
by the end of the day,
This place is gonna be
like fort knox.
And then you won't
have to worry.
- Mom, this is nuts.
- Oh, no, honey,
I know it seems like a lot.
But we just can't
take any chances.
And you were right.
You are growing up.
And we think it's important
That we stay together,
as a family.
- I can't believe
you just fired deysi.
- Oh, we don't need her.
We don't need anybody
but ourselves.
Do you remember
when you were a kid
And I used to make dinner
all the time?
I have a surprise for you.
[birds chirping]
Have a seat.
You must be starving.
I made your favorite breakfast:
Banana pancakes,
scrambled eggs,
Crispy bacon,
just like you like,
And lemon poppyseed scones.
- Thanks.
- Good morning, my sweet.
Wow, this looks so good.
You know, I was thinking,
We haven't had a pet in this
house in a lot of years.
How about a kitten, huh?
Or a puppy?
You tell me what you want.
We'll go to the breeders.
We'll get the best they got.
How's that sound?
- But you don't like dogs.
I mean, you really hate cats.
- I don't hate anything.
I think you should have
exactly what you want.
- I'll think about it.
- Of course.
That bacon smells good.
- Thank you, sweetheart.
So rachel, I was thinking,
You know how you're
always eager for more
Grown-up responsibility?
What if we got you a job
at the charity?
Building playgrounds,
Working in the community,
talking to kids.
- So I'd be like the new jenny.
- Well, no.
I think that you would be
who you wanna be.
- I just don't really think
I'm qualified
For that type of work.
- No, honey,
You are an incredibly
talented young woman.
- Yeah--I mean, don't you think
It would piss off
some people at the charity?
- Okay, sweetie, if you're
not interested, that's okay.
I just want you to be happy.
- Angela, maybe rachel
would rather choose
A more ambitious path.
You could come work for me
Overseeing some of the new
construction projects.
- Oh.
- Wow.
Wow, that is just--
that is really great, guys.
You know what, mom, dad,
thank you so much
For these really
amazing opportunities,
But I think that
I'm just gonna--
I'm just gonna
focus on school for now.
You know, get good grades.
- Mm-hmm.
Doesn't it feel great
to get back to the way we were?
- Mm-hmm, this is great.
- Now, sweetie, your mom went
through a lot of trouble
Preparing this
wonderful brunch.
Those pancakes look delicious.
And the eggs.
- Hey, actually, guys,
can I--
I am so sorry.
Can I be excused?
- Sweetie, we're actually going
to enjoy the day together.
- As a family.
- Oh, yeah, no, totally.
I just need to go
to the bathroom real fast.
I'll be right back.
- Come right back.
- [exhales shakily]
[tense music]
- It's gonna be fine.
Just be patient.
Just let it--
- okay, okay, okay.
[indistinct conversation]
[knocking on door]
- Come in.
- [sighs heavily]
- Everything you text me
sounds freaking crazy.
- Ugh.
I think my parents have
officially gone insane.
- [scoffs]
- Can I stay with you
for a little while?
- Yeah.
- [sighs]
- You know what
you're gonna do?
- I mean, what am I
supposed to do?
'cause I don't even know
what's going on.
- [sighs]
Do you think jenny's
your real mother?
I mean, it would
explain a lot.
- No, I think it's just
some story that my mom--
Angela told me.
'cause, I mean, jenny was
such a huge part of my life.
Why would she lie
to me about that?
And now they're putting up
security cameras
And they're putting bars
on the windows?
- So freaky.
- You know, and I just
keep thinking, you know,
And remembering things.
- Like what?
- Like...
Like this.
- [laughs]
Such a "pwetty pwincess."
You look super happy.
- It's a lie.
Okay, when I was eight,
I liked to play in the mud
And, you know,
catch frogs and snakes
And turn over rocks
and get my feet dirty.
- So you were a tomboy.
- Okay,
for my ninth birthday party,
I wanted to wear
these overalls.
And my mom wanted me
to be a princess.
And she picked out that stupid,
frilly, pink dress,
And I hated it.
But she made my wear it,
and I smiled,
And I looked happy
in all the photos,
But it was her idea for me
to be a princess, not mine.
- So?
- I hated being told
what to do,
'cause I felt like
I was getting put in this box,
And they were trying to make me
This perfect
fairy-tale daughter.
- My mom made me
take accordion lessons,
But that doesn't
make her a monster.
- Yeah, but your mom
isn't full of secrets and lies.
[breathes deeply]
Notice anything
about this photo?
- You look perfect.
- Perfect?
[dramatic music]
- Whoa.
- I have no idea
what's going on.
But I know that they're lying
to me about where I came from.
- If jenny is your real mother,
Why would they have
fake baby pictures?
- Right?
I mean, nothing
makes any sense.
Except I think that my parents
were involved with the murder.
And I think that
that has something to do
With where I came from.
I don't really know
How I'm gonna find out
the truth, though.
Okay, miss crime genius,
this is the part
Where you come up
with some brilliant plan.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
[sighs deeply]
Got it.
Jenny's old boyfriend.
Remember the pictures
on her wall?
[suspenseful music]
Zoom in, at the top.
There he is.
He could be your real dad.
- Okay.
But who is he?
'cause I can't exactly
go ask angela.
- The library
has old yearbooks.
- Thank you so much.
Okay, take junior year,
I will take senior year.
Jenny burkett.
Photography, french club,
and honor society.
She looks so happy.
[gentle music]
Ah, senior year.
Jenny burkett
and derrick marshall
Voted most likely
to get married.
- Derrick marshall.
- That could be my dad.
Well, we're gonna have
to go see him.
- I wish I could.
I think I got a little
too enthusiastic.
I'm still feeling dizzy
from what happened.
I think I should go back home
and lay back down.
- It's totally okay.
Because you have
seriously been so amazing
And so helpful
through all of this.
- What about adam?
- Mm, I don't know.
I don't know if I really wanna
drag him into this.
- Like, he's not dying to be
your knight in shining armor?
- [sighs]
But I don't want him to think
I'm damaged goods
With my crazy family.
- Wait.
Take it from somebody
who actually almost died
Helping you solve this.
You need to be
smart about this.
[dramatic music]
- Okay.
- This is life or death stuff.
Whether it be your parents,
this derrick guy, whoever,
They're willing to kill
to keep these things hidden.
- You're right.
[cell phone chimes]
Adam's on his way.
- Good, but you gotta
ditch your phone.
Your parents bought it
for you, right?
They're probably tracking it
right now.
- Hey, you're okay
to drive, right?
- I'm okay
good luck.
Call me of anything happens.
I know you'll figure this out.
[suspenseful music]
- So what's up?
- You told me you
love me, right?
- Yeah.
- Well, we're about
to find out how much.
- What?
- I'll tell you on the way.
- All right.
- Can I help you?
- We're the ones that called.
- Right.
So what'd you come
all this way to ask me?
- We're here because
you knew jenny burkett.
- Jenny.
It's been a while.
How is she?
- She's, uh, dead.
- She was murdered, actually.
- That's--that's terrible.
- She got drunk
and she got in a fight.
- Wow.
Sure doesn't sound
like the jenny I knew.
What a terrible shame.
Is there something I can do?
- I'm actually her friend,
and there were--
There was a lot of rumors
going around,
And I'm just trying
to clear some things up
Before the funeral.
Just something things
about her past.
- Of course.
- Mr. Marshall, was jenny
pregnant in high school?
- Pregnant?
No, no way.
Believe me,
I would have known.
We were together through
most of high school
And the summer after.
It was a wonderful time
in our lives.
Jenny was special.
I would have married her.
- Why didn't you?
- [laughs softly]
She had big dreams.
Yeah, the kind that make
marriage out of the question.
But then she changed.
I came back from trade school,
And she was working
for her sister.
She seemed lonely
and cut off from everyone.
I tried talking to her,
But she didn't want
anything to do with me.
I never spoke to her again.
How is it?
Her sister's charity?
- It's good.
- I hope jenny had something
to do with that.
I never really
trusted her sister.
- Why not?
- Just a feeling.
Angela always seemed,
you know, cold and ambitious.
The jenny I knew--
so happy, spirited.
She didn't have time for her
sister's version of success.
[uneasy music]
I guess things change.
When is the funeral?
- They're still making
- Would you let me know?
I'd like to pay my respects.
She'll always have
a special place in my heart.
- Of course.
Thank you so much
for talking with us.
- I hope you find
what you're looking for.
- Happy and spirited?
I mean, that sounds like
A completely different
version of my aunt.
- So she was a happy kid
and a sad adult.
Doesn't that happen
to a lot of adults
Who take the first boring job
Their parents
tell them to take?
- Yeah, but what happened?
Because he said
she became cold and cut off
When she started
talking to my mom.
- That night,
when ava was attacked,
You said the attacker drove
away in a white pickup truck.
- And?
- Look.
- Yeah, but that was just
a plain white pickup truck.
It didn't have a company
logo or anything.
- Yeah?
- I don't know.
I don't think derrick's my dad.
He seemed genuinely shocked
when I told him
What happened to jenny.
[cell phone chimes]
- [sighs]
it's your mom again.
- Don't--don't answer it.
- Rachel.
- Let's get out of here.
- Okay, let's see
what we can find out.
Here, let me scan
those photos you have.
Maybe we can find some answers.
[inquisitive music]
You got the other pictures?
- What, my fake baby photo?
- Yeah.
All the pictures.
Here we go.
We'll just scan that
into the computer.
Maybe that'll
tell us something.
- Um, like what?
[scanner whirring,
laptop chimes]
- Here we go.
There you go.
Let's try a reverse image
search on the baby picture.
Let's see.
[laptop chimes]
- [laughs]
copyright 1996.
That is definitely not me.
- Okay, let's try
the playground picture.
[laptop chimes]
- Hmm, wait, wait, wait.
Go back.
Can you zoom in right there?
- Yeah, sure.
- What's that above my head?
Echo lake park.
Where's--where's that?
- Echo lake park.
It's in colorado.
- Okay, well,
at least now we know
Where the photo was taken.
- Do you remember
being in colorado?
- No, I don't remember
ever going there.
- So this would have been,
what, around 2008?
- I mean, it couldn't have been
any later than that.
[uplifting music]
- Oh, my god.
- Rachel.
- That's me.
"rebecca tomlinson
went missing from a park
In echo lake, colorado,
in 2008."
- Look, the parents are listed.
- Marcy and ryan tomlinson.
- They've been searching
for you all these years.
Ryan and marcy.
Look, you have
a brother and sister.
Ben and amy.
This is--this is amazing.
- I mean, do you--do you
really think that this is me?
- I think you're gonna get
all the answers
To all the questions
you ever had.
- Oh, my god,
this could be my family.
This could be my real family.
God, I can't believe it.
[door clacks]
[door creaks, shuts]
I thought you said your parents
are out of town.
- They are,
they're in san diego.
[loud thud]
Stay here.
- Uh--no.
[suspenseful music]
[car alarm blaring]
- Oh, my god.
[door creaking]
- [gasps]
Stop it!
let me go!
- Freeze! Get off her!
Get off her,
or I start pulling the trigger
And we see how good my aim is.
Drop the knife!
Drop it!
Now, turn around.
Put your hands
behind your head.
- Adam, behind you!
Oh, my god, adam.
Oh, my god.
- What--?
- Hey, adam, hey.
- What--
- hey, hey, hey.
Hey, are you all right?
- Oh, man.
- Oh, my god.
A squirt gun?
- My mom's super anti-gun.
- Oh, my god.
- [sighs]
- I think you just saved
my life with a squirt gun.
- You're not safe yet.
We gotta get out of here.
Come on, we can take
my dad's car.
[tense music]
Come on.
[engine starts]
Call 911 to report the fire.
- [breathes shakily]
[indistinct chatter, laughter]
- Yay!
- She did it by herself
this time.
Please, help us find our baby.
- We won't ask any questions.
We just want her back.
- Hey.
You should get some sleep.
- How could I ever do that?
[dramatic music]
[suspenseful music]
[melancholy music]
- I think this is it.
Hey, you ready?
- You're looking for
marcy and ryan?
- Yeah.
This is where they live, right?
- Yes, but they're not home
right now.
- Do you know when
they're gonna be home?
- What time is it?
- Ah.
Oh, sure, we know
where they are.
- Okay, where?
Look, this is super important.
- Same place they are every day
at this time.
They're at the playground,
Down by echo park,
with ben and amy.
- The playground.
- Thank you.
Thank you so much.
- [laughs softly]
[engine starts]
[ominous music]
[indistinct chatter, shouts]
[warm music]
[playful shouting]
- It's the same playground
as the picture.
Hey, are you okay?
[indistinct chatter]
- It's crazy.
[indistinct chatter]
- Mom?
- Oh, my god.
- Mom?
- Rebecca, is that you?
Oh, my god.
- [sobs]
This is a miracle.
How did you find us?
- It's--
it's a really long story.
My name is actually--
- rachel.
- Wait.
[tense music]
- These people
can't be trusted.
- [gasps]
Okay, look, whoever you are--
- These people
are very dangerous.
You need to come
with me right now.
- Just stop it.
This whole charade is over!
- You're my daughter.
I raised you.
I love you.
If you would just listen to me,
I could--
I could explain myself.
I could explain myself
more clearly, okay?
- Okay, okay.
- Okay.
Spencer and I
couldn't have kids.
We tried everything.
We spent a fortune on doctors.
Nothing worked.
I wanted to adopt.
But they rejected me.
They rejected me, rachel.
- So you just steal
somebody else's kid?
- No, it wasn't like that.
We told aunt jenny
That we were heartbroken.
We forced her to find
the perfect little girl,
With parents
that resembled us.
Get back.
- Jenny took those photos of me
here at the park.
- Yes, baby, and when we
saw the pictures of you,
We knew that you were perfect.
Your aunt jenny and I,
we chose you.
- Please.
Please don't take her
from me again.
She's my baby.
- Shut up.
You could have kids.
I couldn't.
- You had jenny kidnap me.
And she never stopped
feeling guilty about it,
And it destroyed her.
You destroyed her!
- We gave her everything.
But she had to tell the truth.
She had to break her promise.
- She was gonna tell me
the truth that night.
She was gonna tell me the truth
on my birthday.
- Spencer tried
to reason with her.
But she was drunk, and she
was emotional, so I tried.
- And you just hit her
over the head
And you left her there
to die, huh?
- No, no!
That's not what happened.
We got into an argument, okay?
And--and things got
a little bit out of control.
I know what I did was wrong,
but my reasons were right.
I'm telling you
the whole truth now, okay?
- The truth is...
You were never supposed
to be a part of my life.
- How could you say that?
How could you say that?
We love you.
- [grunting]
- Let go of me!
- [grunting]
[both grunting]
- [yells]
- [screams]
- [gasping]
- [sobbing]
- [groaning, shouting]
- Oh, my god.
My baby.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
My baby.
I'm so sorry.
- [panting]
- Angie, this has to stop.
- I'm so sorry.
- [groans, pants]
- No.
I didn't mean to hurt anybody.
I just wanted a baby.
I just wanted...
- [sobbing]
[dramatic music]
- It's been difficult to make
sense of what happened,
But I've come to realize
that what we call evil,
It's just human desperation.
And who are we to condemn
somebody for being desperate?
Getting to know my mom and dad
over the last year,
It's been incredible.
And getting to know my little
sister and my little brother,
It's been a dream come true.
But the memory of spencer
and angela and jenny--
It's always with me.
But I've come to
understand that--
Which one of us has never been
so desperate for love
That we haven't done
something we regretted?
But we have to face the
consequences of our actions
And try to reconcile
with those that have hurt us.
And we've got to dig
deep within ourselves
To try to make the world
a better place for everyone.
- And why have you chosen
to carry on angela's charity?
- Because the world can be
A really difficult place
to grow up in.
And the way that we shine
through the darkness
Is with play.
[uplifting music]
[lively music]