Prathibha Tutorials (2024) Movie Script

Dude ..., Don't run...
This is me.. me..
Frieghtened me....
Oh.. Is it you ? Why so
sudden? Not worked out the plan?
Nothing Done and between
had some trouble too..
Was it hard kiss? patches here..
What to say......
I... went through her kitchen side .
Sh... Sh.... Sh... Eh?
Not snake... its me..
Made Sh... Sh.... sound.
Her husband was there.
Then seen only a hand flashing through air
It passed through this side, If got hit, the entire teeth this side might have gone..
Just touched only. This patch is due to that..
Couldn? call me before you go, brother?
Forgot everything, while seen her message.
Message, eh? Show me..
Today you not come, my little heart.
Hubby is here.. Is this the message?
You know the meaning of this message.?
Today you not come means you should not come today
Husband is there..
That dirty guy was there..
Don't know English, not even gone to school...,,
Would have ask me before you go?
While I was in mood, didn't think anything.
Got so many spanks, Including this
and the one from Mallappally earlier.
Now realised the importance of language in our life.
To stand among, these educated people
Our heroism, party and pride is not all enough..
I realised it long before.
At least learn to read or you will die by others blow
Couldn't even drink liquor.
Where you have pain?
Above cheek
Where will I go to learn language in this age ?....
Who will teach me?..
I have an idea..
What? Anything to get the next blow..?
Shall we buy a college?
What did you say?
Brother, don't you want to study eh?
I will teach you. You be the
student and me the Principal.
Idea is good, but..
You be the Principal.. Could you manage?
Is it enough you to have a degree?
Need to get passed 10th also.
Ok.. leave... Santo
Is it possible to buy a college here?
You need only one college , eh?
Finish ...
That too gone..
Eh? What ?....
Ghost... Ghost...
Hey... It is not ghost..
Don't go..
It is not ghost..
That is the spirit of my father..
Spirit, eh?
Are you well, kids?..
Dad..., Not that much ......
Whatever new venture starts, it ends in total loss..
Jumps in all troubles..
Gone huge amount, because of him....
Is it me, then?
It is crystal clear that you are
the reason. Don't say rubbish..
What is this kids?
Having a very good institution in your hand..
Avoiding that ,
Want to spoil life , eh?
Institution , eh?
What Institution?
Prathibha Tutorials
Has dad gone?
Where gone?
Dude, being a soul, your dad got some sense
Have some reason in his words.
But, nowadays in tutorials, will anyone join?...
This is a lucky name
Be it there.
Yes.. Changes need to classes.
Entrance Coaching Class.
Entrance Coaching Class.
How is it?
Dude, if it is like that,...
One person is there to
fit the chair of Principal.
Who is that?
I. myself..
Yes... If you don't do that...,
I won't give single penny.
That, we will think of it..
Have to think immediately,
You must realize that, I am
a person without any work..
Right place.
Stop?,what for?
Need to pee..
Stop there.. stop..
Who is here in this midnight?..
Oh.. union leader of that Themmadimukku.
That dirty guy, eh?
Get down..
Hello, what is there ?
Who is that?
Who are you?
The rest later..
Hey Santo, they are
the teachers to teach us.
Both might be for leisure walk, eh?
No, we are here having
an important discussion.
Is it related to sale of this college?
No, discussion to reopen this college.
Dude, they are going to
reopen, eh. Best wishes..
Okay, when will be locked it then?
Just asked ,since you are reopening...
Will come straight to the point.
Are you selling this college?
What? If you are selling this college,
I will take it with instant payment.
What for?
I need to appoint this Santo as Principal.
If he is here, I too can study
He won't say anything to me.
I can call him any nasty words also.
Then what about us?
Let them too teach here, eh?
Let them teach...
Then I can call you also anything .
If needed , your parent also.
Calling dad arrogant words , eh?
If you touch my brother..,
What will you do, eh?
Take him from here...,
Hold hand...
Got smashed without any reason.
Lost the mood.
Leave it
That dirty guy will
speak like this. get lost..
If you have any plan for
sale, intimate me first..
What are you searching ? eh?
I will .... go.... you..
Smashed the Principal..
Check brother , whether my head injured?..
No, But blood is coming..
Alphonsa Baby...
What father?
Please come here...
Baby,.. repeat it once again..
listen everyone.
Oh my hero of mercy..
Be inside my heart
As the vision of eyes,
As golden lights..
Be with me in my foot steps.
While grieves in heart ,
Shower dew drops on me..
Oh lord.....
Oh guide....
Oh Jesus....
Your altar is my heart,
Oh constant, oh truth...
Your mercy is this life...
Oh my hero of mercy..
Be inside my heart
Alone in the pain of wind,
as a child in wrong path
Arriving now in search of incarnation..
Show the direction through your fingers..
your psalm....,
as my music,
Give place inside you always...
oh guide....
oh Jesus....
Your altar is my heart,
oh constant, oh truth...
your mercy is this life...
In the problems given by time,
While drifting the tears of sea,
will come along as a savior,
give the buds of mercy...
my sadness as,
your message,
may fill inside me ,
Oh my hero of mercy..
Be inside my heart
oh guide....
oh Jesus....
Your altar is my heart,
oh constant, oh truth...
your mercy is this life...
I am here...
Employee is owner and
owner who gave job is employee
Oh... busy... busy..
What is this?
Now only realized, as a
principal has to do lot of work.
You yourself decided that you are the principal, eh?
Who other than me is to decide?
You know, what is this?
Full locality Advertisement..
Yes, that is good.
How is this?
Teaching entrance coach here?
Isn't it for coaching?..
Knowingly printed like this..
Any other problems, eh?
good, eh?
It is not Princi pal, it is tea.
need 2 p in principal
The letters of pa got confused
to which pa is needed in top.
So decided to reprint it
after discussing with you.
I won't give money to reprint it.
What an ugly habit, eh ?
We are running an institution.
Bharathan, you are creating issues
,when I decided to be the Principal
This nature is not wise. Bharathan,
don't be jealous this much.
Have to buy some items from town
Give your bike's key
Keep in mind that I am a principal.
Friendly chats at home. Clear, eh?, go..
Have to cut this in the bud
itself, otherwise will sit on head.
Super power, will create issues, eh?
Dear country men, friends....
Our most needed institute,
Prathibha Tutorials,
reopened and started classes.
Pride of this place,
Rising buds of this place,
chilly, eh?...
No buds... go ...
To mould the girl & boy students,
Prathibha Tutorials, Prathibha Tutorials
to encourage the students &
teachers of Prathibha Tutorials
with tea & snacks, Manoj Tea Stall
Manoj Tea Stall, Manoj Tea Stall
Oh.. what a style, great..
Manoj, is it the advt. of
Tutorial or your tea stall?
go... you ,Disturbing while giving free advt.... go...
Judo Mary?
Yes Sir.
Havildar Sivaraman?
No need to say about
discipline to a soldier, eh?
No sir, Discipline is most
important part of my life.
That is written on my face, eh?
Military person, ask,
about drinking habits?
Sivaraman, Do you have
the habit of drinking ?
No sir, can't you realize
by seeing the Sindhoor?
Not even a single drop. But eats pickle..
yes.. can have pickles, eh?
Students will be from different places
Need to go everybody's houses?
No Sivaraman.
All are staying in our hostel.
They may be of different nature.
It is a difficult thing to handle them.
This is your job.
Sivaraman has to handle
boys and girls by Judo Mary
What? need to ask one thing..
What is the reason
for leaving the last job?
See..., why this?..any reason?
Resigned means left
by yourself, not fired..
Don't cry... you are appointed.
Thank you sir.
One important matter...
I am very strict in all matters..
Me too.. since I am the Principal.
I am the proprietor.., little above...
In Sekharan master's Prathibha...,
Master's son is starting coaching class.
For the time being, shall we join there?..
I was about to say that to dad...
Seen in notice that for
the first 10 admissions,There is fee concessions.
Yes..., let me check it...
Mom... hungry.... take the Tiffin....
Baby.., take bath and come...
Good Morning
Good Morning Sir..
To talk about our institution.....,
Inviting Sri. Pradeepan..Principal
of Prathibha Tutorials ..
Don't take exams as a hurdle......
It will be a thrilling experience..
Then... one thing is there which
is most favourite to students..
Do you know what is it?..
We have it here...
More pleasure...,
More pleasure, less studies..
Enough, enough. Stop...
Some students...
Always chew....
Even though a buffalo chews 24 hours .
Its tooth doesn't shines....
I am not only a Principal,
But a humorist too...
That is clear now., eh?
Intorduce teachers..
This is MRF - Maya Revathy Femina
These efficient teachers are...,,
going to teach you..
They are helping you to succeed this exam...
Without tension and fear
Say fees...
Every institute? energy
lies in its fee collection part.
To remit fees at anytime, contact Chinnu.
Isn't Chinnu?
Yes Sir..
You can remit it in any way you like,
As full or half or quarter ..
What sir?.. is it beverage?
What Pradeep sir tried to say
is that, fees can be remitted,
as full payment or as half at the
time of completion of half the course,
Or as one by fourth ...
Accommodation has been arranged
for students from distant places.
Is it in hostel?
Not in hostel, in home, for both girls and boys. Okay?..
Mary Elias Judo & Havildar Sivaraman are the caretakers.
See sir, Is it 3 persons this Mary Elias Judo?..
That is one person. Think have
not much proficiency in English?
Mary alias Judo Mary. That was in mind, eh?
Me for namesake said.. Isn't eh?
Okay .. Let him say...
Only the parents of Alphonsa & Binil ,
informed to be day scholars ,since house is near..
For the convenience of studies,
They too be with others, is our opinion.
She is our only child, as male and female.
Feels sad to be away from home for such a long time...
Only that..
Sir, next week itself , Vinu too will join with them.
All parents dream is that their kids have to study well,
and get good jobs,and lead a better life.
For that , not dividing rich and poor,
every parents struggle.
that is...., kids might be smart.
That is everyone? desire.. isn't it?
Let that dream fulfill... isn't it?
Principal, We will start with sweets..,
Take one... give it to them
Have it... have it..
Saying the words written from home , eh?
Yes... to a small extend..
Don't disclose to others, be careful, some are blunders
Don't be oversmart. Since I interfered , you been saved.
What's wrong I said, I have
kept students in a thrilling mood
Don't open your mouth further..
You keep mum..
Um.. A Principal..
Yes.. I am the Principal., you proprietor.
Chinnu..., Can we run an institute satisfying all, eh?
Chinnu..... gone to temple today?
yes sir....
You look beautiful with this Sindhoor
Thank you sir,
Sir... back..
It is, having good work out... gym... gym
Sir,.. Sir.. not that sir...
In your back sir...
Hey.. hey.. if somebody sees, Chinnu....
Not that sir... just listen what I am saying sir..
Here sir.....
Chinnu.. no..
No that sir..
Chinnu .., that chair.
for what?
Not expected a game like this here.
What game?
Chinnu was saying that my body is fit by going in gym
Sir, bubble gum...
bubble gum, eh?
Yes sir bubble gum...
Ya.. bubble gum..
Bubble gum? this,
is the game of other guy...
I got the matter.. it is sure , it is his game.
Sorry.., I thought..
What for sorry?
For bubble gum...
Why for sorry for bubble gum..
For that why are you getting irritated?
I have no problem. I am totally free and have no problem..
I won't be irritated. I am like this always..
Why should I worry for sticking bubble gum?
Is it too long playing this bubble gum game?..
No sir,
Ok then, go with your work..
Very bad..,Pradeep sir is a self booster, eh?..
Don? know how to handle till exam completes..
You all are staying here itself, eh?
Can do combine study , since it is college hostel.
So can have smoke in between, eh?
This guy smokes...
Won't you?
No.... I will teach you
Don't want..
Is it adjustable here, to you?
Um.. it is okay..
Excuse me... me Vinay..
Are you the one sung in the church today?
I heard it, it was super..
Thank you.
That is our parish church. Is your house near by?
No. Heard it while going through that way.
Dude, need to say one thing..
Anyhow , excellent beginning.
This chicken is very soft.
Dude, yes, excellent beginning.
Dude, not that..
then what?
Our Prathibha Tutorials begun in a good way..
Yes, that is true..
Has to increase the collection little more..
What for?
Our set up totally changed, eh?
We can't have local food now.
We totally changed. We need chicken, mutton like high foods.
Don't need that..
This much students joined only because
of the reputation made by my father.
We should not spoil that names.
You don? worry about, since I am the Principal
Dude, from where you arranged
the teachers of our college?
I made it., just to have time pass, eh?
No change for your old habit, you naughty...
Boy, come...
Have full manthi?
yes sir.
2 Manthi parcels for home.
5 minutes sir.
5 minutes, eh? okay ...
To whom this kuzhimanthi?
for myself
Hey Bharathan, how long we strayed in street,
Looking the Alpham & Kuzhimanthi board.
If don't have money with us, nobody will care us
Hey Pradeep, are you fine?
Go you bitch...
Where were you all these years?
Now, local people have jealous upon us.
let them be jealous..
We will fly up......
and up......
Will go.., Eh?
Heard that started new college, eh?
Give back the money borrowed..
Just started only... will return.
Then, food bill of 4 of us is there, pay that...
Sir, Kuzhimanthi.
Ah.. great..
what I have to do to put
kuzhimanthi back in the ditch?.
Not possible sir,
okay then,
Put me in that ditch.
Sir, bill....
Bill too in that...
Bharathan..... Bharathan...
These works are of Mary's. Um...
But, If she is not in kitchen, stomach will be empty. That is why
Only flowers, don't have fruits in it?
If fruit is not there, I won't water you.
Hey, What is this?
Hey, what is this?, This is not a
temple to break the coconut here...
Came for a good deed.. Let it begin with pooja
Good reason... what good reason?..
A budding doctor in this house, eh?
What is the problem here?...
They broke the coconut Coconut broken
here? Don't have place in their home, eh?
Let me ask the reason..
This is my son Harinarayanan..
This one, eh?..looks like siblings..
Not me... this..
Then correct..
It is better send him to learn gynecology ..
yes.. yes...
oh.. sad..
Couldn't get you, who are you?
I.., Sivaraman, she Judo Mary
We are the caretakers here..
Couldn't get it ...
Means, the workers looking after day to day affairs here..
Oh my section... Are you Custodian?
Not custodian.., care taker
You are looking after affairs
here.., So you are custodian here
I am looking after affairs there, so
I am there Custodian. Same pitch
Okay. Custodian... Yes..,,
Not you, him..
I am Care taker...
Yes.., what ever be.. Take good care of my kid .
Why? will he elope?
No.. he is very shy...
Will not mingle with girls...
Like me..
I got it clear..
Dear Mary..
Dear.., eh?
Are you Mary? No.. Sivaraman
Then this?... Mary
Take all this inside..
Is it my duty, eh?
Full sweets in it , that much to start a bakery
You could have say it in advance
I will do it..
Hi Alpha..
We two at right time, eh?
Every day comes in this time, eh?
The place you said has been reached..
I know . No need to say
Oh, my dad....
Did you call me?..
What for calling you?
Why should I call you? I called my dad only..
Ic , my name is also bappu..
Hey, a guy to call as Dad... um..
Put that down..
Mother, put this down..
Hold this..
Oh.. god.. Baby, please come...
Put this on his head....
My god, there was no need to be here...
Not given the auto fare?
Auto fare, eh?
Me Sophia from Tellecherry..
Okay go..
Is this the college?..
Okay... move...
Good morning... Um..
Where to in a hurry..
To give tea....
Dear Manoj, don't try to sell all tea in your shop here...
This is not to fill your fat stomach.
There is a girl inside tired by studies.. this is for her..
This is not a metal crusher to get tired by work..
I am running a tuition centre here...
Don't you have humanity?..
Principal.. Umm
What is this?
Sir,.. Sophia..
Sophia? on your head, eh?
Sophia , I am student here...
Okay... Who are you...
I am the teacher here...
Oh god... teacher with a mustache...
Who is this?
This is my mother..
Um.. good.
You come back as a doctor after studies.., eh?
Um... Mother..
I am arranging a felicitation function in the panchayath
Um.. what?
Nothing... you arrange the felicitation...
I will send the doctor soon..
Show them the place
Okay Sir.,,
Teacher, shall I move then... , yes
Me Sophia, from Tellecherry..
Get in...
Put the bag down...
Hai... Hello... Please sit..
Dude... Smart , eh?
Thank you sir...,
At least show the level of UP school..
Problem to dude....
By mistake send it sir...
Shut up..
Some of this students have to attain their goal...
One like him is enough to spoil all...
Sir is strict, eh? no...
Get out...
Never mind teacher....
You be outside for 2 hours..
I am very strict to students...
To students only...
Discipline is must to me.
Won't hesitate to take strict action..
After this hour, there is staff
meeting, you should come..
I came here to say that...
Provide water for our basic needs...
Why your are here?..
Couldn't sleep without seeing you..
Go you....
Come here dude..., Yes coming
Aunty......., All of you,
to see Alphonsa, eh?
Yes.... come, come...
Please be seated girls....
Hi guys, what is the programme?....
Dude..., you didn't told me , having a business like this here....
I know, you won? go from here, if I told this...
Yes, yes..
Dears..., have it.
spreded on dress.
How is the life in hostel? Is it fine?
We came here to say related to that...
Alpho is the one who got top marks among us.
If she is with us , combined study will be excellent..
I don't have any problem for that..
But, her dad too has to agree.
We will talk to him...
Hai, every body has come...
Please ask...
Are you here since long, eh?
Just now only
With a request to send Alphonsa to hostel.
What for?. It is only 10 minutes to college from here..
Not that uncle, If she is with us , we will be
more confident.. It is only for few days, eh?
Aunty says, dad has to permit..
She can't sleep without seeing Baby...
and not for my permission..
Uncle please, if she is with us
, we will get more confidence...
If you are so particular, okay..
Why should I object?..
Hai dude. Dad Agreed..
Thank you uncle...
Don't have class this hour?..
Need to go early today..
No sugar in this tea...
Even this can't be afford, then.
This too can't too manage, then...
It has sugar..
Nice tea...
Thank you...
Simply saying mistakes about some one, eh?
Good morning sir..,
Good morning...
Who are you?
I, Lakshmikanthan,
Called you few days back,
Related to a vaccancy of non teaching staff
Yes... But I said that I will inform, eh?
Yesterday one guy from here
called me to come and join..
Yes.. that is fine..Did he say anything about money?
Said that, will say directly..
That is very nice..
Bharathan sir gone out.. Will come soon.
What Manoj?... relaxed , eh?
Give cash..., eh?
Give cash...
I had given to Barathan Master...., Not got it, eh?
Bharathan Master's memory is too
bad.. but he is simple, innocent.. Master..
Don't play games with me. If you don't
give cash, will not give a drop of water..
Manoj, when get fees from students,
the first payment will be yours..
Will remit fees?
Hope so..
Come there to have tea, show you then...
Yes, enough, not that much
strong, getting complaints from few
Dude, This is the new staff
appointed by Bahrathan Master
Poor guy..
Poor guy..., so innocent, won't
get a man like this in this institute.
You do one thing. Take him to your
shop and give whatever he needs..
Take him to your shop and give whatever he needs
There is only tea there..
Tea or anything else... go...
Do you have any problem to come here?.
Manoj, Manoj.... Don't do like this...
Hello.. Where are you going?
Is class over?..
Had tea?.. Yes
Okay then..
If gets 10 staff like this, I
will start two-three Colleges..
Super snacks.. have it..
Have it...
Do you know Bharathan Master earlier?
Then how you come here?
Seen advertisement in News paper
When Bharathan Master's
father Sekahran Master run this,
Such a well institution was not here nearby..
When he died, that name too gone...
I think, the person seen
now, not liked me that much.
No... not because of that...
He is reluctant to give money to others..
Don't worry about it... have it.
Till this time I didn't receive
single penny. Then to you... um..
Stop here...
This is the house..
Blessings to be good
Give 130 rupees..
130 rupees..
Is it as cash or blessings?
Not as blessings, give it as cash..
Cash will be gone soon
But blessings will be there in the body life long..
I am person who got plenty of blessings
I have shortage of cash. So give it as cash
Then have to wait little..
Sivaraman... He is my nephew..
He is here since long..
I am here to see him..
Oh.... Uncle...
So Say need Blessings?.. Not needed..
Okay... he will realize the value of blessing...
What for he is here? eh?
Stop.. stop.. where to in a hurry?
What is your intention?
give 5000 rupees
5000 rupees, eh? .. Yes
What for?
Don't this wandering man have any need for money ?
Need to pay to the Auto fare.. give 5000 rupees
You are by auto from Haridwar, eh?
give 5000 rupees..
Um.. 5000 rupees..., I will pay the auto fare..
Dirty bitch...... not relying own uncle..
How much?
130 rupees..
Keep Rs.150/- Don't go...
wait.. chance is to get one return trip..
Let me see that I can collect 5000 rupees from him..
from where he took auto, take him back there itself..
Who is this?
Best wishes...
Offerings from Haridwar is with me.. Shall I give..
Offering.. eh?..
Couldn't stand straight, eh ?
Why you beat me?
He is my nephew..
Did you ever enquire that I am living or not?
Who is this?
You come.... Why you here with girls..., eh?
What are you doing here..
This is hostel...
Which hotel?..If so where is the board
Not hotel..,
Studying students Hostel.. I am the care taker here..
Then let me see..
Stop there, you can't enter..
Here girls only can stay..
you are a male... can you stay here?
Why are you creating nuisance while I say some thing..
This is hostel. Not possible here...
This might be hostel to you, but to me, this is monastery..
Move way..
Brother.. What I have to do..?
You too come... Is it a tavern, eh?
All follow me... come...
Oh.. going inside, eh?
You too coming, eh? go....
Ic.. me out , eh?..
Where is the offerings?..
If this old guy stays here, I will be in trouble..
Show your hand...
Good taste...
Why are you laughing ?
Wait, will say...
Our Soofiya fainted...
Laughing , while seeing one unconscious, eh?
Not due to that...
Seen Suryanamaskar of our Brahmin....
What is in it there for fainting?...
All will faint , if sees one praying in Napkins..
Move... Let me check ...
What to see?..
Not that...just see what is the problem with her... Move..
Dude Soofiya,
What did you see to get collapsed ?.., eh?
Nothing seen...
I got freighted while seeing one naked all on a sudden..
She won't say anything...
Something should be there to say..
Need not say anything, Okay...
First time in school after failing in 4th std.
Throw the cigarette...
This is college... show respect...
I didn't do, even in front of my dad..
What is the discussion there?..
We are having some flirty talks..
Can't we girls , discuss it, eh?
Sure.. Sure. you can.. For everything... girls,
Must be in front.. isn't Santo..
Who are you?...
Who are you?, eh?
You know he?... No..
He is a leader..
Very big leader of union...
See , the way he speaks English.
Could any of your teachers speak English like this?
If I buy this college, this Santo Sir will be your Principal..
See... the teachers here is enough and more to us...
Don't feel his need, even after hearing his English?
No...We didn't feel
Then I have..
That is because you don't have sense.
Hey Santo.., what a palm is this?..
So many lines.. lucky girl..
Show... But sees possibility of a danger...
May be due to collapse of old building...,
May be due to this old school
May be due to falling of this roof.
If I get this school, I will remove these tiles and concrete it..
Give that palm once again..
One more thing to say..
After I buy this school...,
That day will be your cremation day...
You mean, funeral, eh?
Funeral?.. what is it?
Is it some dirty word?
The English what he spoke, your teachers can't follow....
Teachers without any quality.
Hey, hey...
Warned you not to enter in this compound, eh?
Sorry..., brother came here only to help you..
Your brother's help is not needed to us..
Leave here without troubling our students......
I need to talk to these students..
Get out...
Do what I say... go...
One day you will come to me....
Get out...
Which day?..
Oh.. Tuesday. eh?
The filthy English of this Principal....
Me too have to spit
For you too , me spitted, Oh.. Gone ...
You are smart, eh?..
Sir, may I stand upon bench?..
No.. No need, eh?
Hey... One day you will come to me
Nothing.... will go...
Run....... you......
He is our new staff.
Your name : Lakshmikanthan & Yours ?
In appearnce feels innocent.
Staying in Manoj's Tea shop.
You can call any name , the divine glory entered in me
For that no religion, cast, place , difference at all..
While in the glory of god,
my inner mind reminded me..
Utpalaksha... Shaking minds in Kerala
Is longing for your presence
You go and console them....
Only for that reason, I flew to this place..
Swamy... Is there solution for all problems?
Sure, will get solution for all issues.
Mary move little.. Soffy come near..
This Utpalakshan? ultimate goal is communal harmony...
Swamy... this bulky body is a problem to me....
That is not an issue..
Will you reduce it..?
Some money needed.. that is all.
Why are you laughing Swamy?..
Who made slim Aiswaray Rai, Juhi
Chawla & Shilpa Shetty and others? Who?..
Swamy Uchuthanandan, my mentor..
Won? I have little of his quality?....
I will make slim Mary..
Swamy, Exams nearing, So please bless us too..
Soofy..., move little..
Alphonsa come...
Make 4 finger sounds..
Distinction or Rank you need?
Distinction will be given by small amount. For Rank amount will be more..
Have to do fire rituals
This week there is an offer...
For just pass will do small ritual with two flowers..
Is this a Big Event?..
Will fail.. Tongue twisting. No hope....
Blessing separately is expensive..
Expense will be less by blessing as a whole..
No need for hurry,
Say within two three days time.
I am here, eh?
How long will you be here?..
Till death..
Sincerely you all close your eyes..
Close eyes... and keep god in mind,,
Why you are here?.. go...
While I am some how managing.... you.. go..
Now you all open eyes...
Hai.. Ash...
putting here,
closely holding a blessing...
No... No..
Do it like this...
Take that thing..
That thing..
You go...
You do it by yourself...
Get up.... that item there...
Which item?..
No soda..
Okay, we will see in the morning at the time of lamp worship.
Okay Swamy...
Stop.. Are you going to make temple here?
Come lord.. It is time for Pooja...
Stop... stop there...
Neenu ... this
If I am angry, I will do anything..
Take the gun under the pillow and one shot..
God.., is it real what I said..
Hey excuse me...
Me, eh?..
Brother , will you please come... want to say one thing..
Which is this hottie?..
Calling... come...
Hai.. How are you?..
Are you Hindi?
Yes Bengali..
Mr. & Mrs. Rihan Neenu Sharma..
Oh.. She...., Neenu Sharma
This Sharma... this Neenu.
Again gone wrong...
Neenu, these are my friends, Arun, Vinay and.......
Brother, please do little help
Will you help little?..
See. Do you now few words in Malayalam?
Knows very well. We are
here for the last five years..
Brother, this is to that house...
The new tenants in that house..
We have to lift your luggage
there., eh? Will help you, since
You are our guests...
We are thankful brother. Won't forget this help till death..
Neenu, say thanks..
Thank you...
Dude.. Unload this.. fast..
Hey..., If anyone unload this , I will cut his hand...
Brother, this is my articles
Not only of you, any bitch in the world, we won't allow.
This is mine. What is the
problem to you, unloading by them?
Hey, we have little problem
What problem?
We won't allow to unload
any items of Prathibha Hostel..
This is not of here.. It is of that house.
But unloading by Prathibha's boys.. Won't allow.
What you will do, if we unload, eh?
Not you, even your dad comes, won't allow
Boasting dad..
Santo... hold..
Boys are strong...
If stay further , they will punch
us like anything, Shall we run?
After boasting this much, eh?
I will argue once again.. You must push me back, eh?
I will do. Sure..
Counting our patience...
Leave him, the rest we will do..
Who the hell are you to interfere?
Release him.. release..
Come... come.. I will come... to
teach you a lesson, keep in mind..
You have played with cobra..
Will handle later..
They have gone.. you come..
Brother, go and help them.
What is your name?
Mine?.. Neenu
From Delhi.. Half Bengali, Half Malayali..
I will take wardrobe.....
Come little fast..
Arrange everything inside..
Put it in that corner..
How is the house?
Keep it there...
Shall keep it inside?
No there...
Arrange it there...
Keep it there..
Very good..
Is ok everything?..
No need to worry now..
For anything Sivaraman is with you...
We too
Thank you brother..
You all are very good people..
More over nice place..
No need to say thanks.. This is our duty..
Come, we will put it inside...
Handle without breaking anything..
I will manage heavy items..
I will take that.. go...
First time in life doing a work..
levae the rest till arrange all these
Neenu... take this and come...
Brother, you keep it there...
Ah.. Naughty..
A present from me..
Specially designed in the company..
Don't play these type games with me....
Lift which one can handle..
Look there. could you identify that..
Ic. like that , eh?
Then this?
Jackson, what is the use of sitting in the
class , looking outside,while taking class,.
Every action there is equal and opposite reaction. is that teacher told?
He doesn't have any work, eh ?
Those who are not interested to study, can be like that..
Should not trouble, those who are interested..
Use internets asssitance in a good way..
For learning purpose of students, we will start a whatsapp group
Great... But one condition
This group should be only for studies..
Should not share anything else..
Who told you to stand on bench...?
That is the habit..
Then continue that habit..
Be there till finish this class..
Good.. he deserves it..
Sir felt ashamed ..
Dude... well done..
Doing these unknown things will reverse back to me, eh?
fast... fast... No.. no touching
game . will do some other.
Swamijy... greetings...
Be good..., Say..
Students told that a priest is
here who solve all problems..
I am that priest.. say...
What for we are here...
Let the girl say..
Don't interfere between the talk..
You come...
You stay there..
Others with you are husband and uncle. eh?
How you know?
Got it from my inner sense..
Body is sick. eh?
How you know?
Feeling full body pain, eh?
Yes true..
I will cure it..
This is not palm...
Lot of matters to say..
Obstacle stops at Lagnam
That is the issue..
See, it is not ice cream. It is her hand..
What is your role here?..
Are you jealous?
Won't allow me to live at any cost. eh?
You come... You are going to have luck..
I am going to convert this as a Monastery.
You join as my assistant... See people from Bengal here..
You give any leaf or flowers.. the rest I will do..
If it is like this, I will tear you..
Have to say so many private matters...
May go inside the house..
Priest... give full blessings..
We don't have kids..
That I will handle..
What for having mustache to you?No Mustache..
How many kids you want? 1, 2 or 3?
Not to you,... to him..
Could get atleast her as a waste?
I will kill this guy today...
Don't know, head or back got the hit..
Swamiji.. what happened?
Dude,... Didn't told us
about your love with Soofi..
Shall I come?
No need to say much..
We are getting everything about you..
Don't say anything, dude..
Dad coming
Father...Why ?, without intimation?
There will be rush after this week in
company. That is why came today itself..
Need to remit fees, eh?
Oh.. dad, you could have send it..
Loving fathers are like that...
Dad wants to see you, eventhough you don't .
Isn't dad?...
Say like that Baby...
You are studying well, eh?
Till this time, she is the topper in all tests..
He too is good..
Baby, pay attention to him
He is our dream..
I will remit the fees and come..
What dear?...
No need to worry about him..
He is really working hard. Me too also helps him..
Okay... fine..
Hey.. Not as you say..
You come near, to form as a
single star in the blue sky
Me as a garland to touch your feet as a shore
come with me..
I came as a wave..
As a cloth you wore ,
up in the sky,
the way I wandered
As a breath searching for life,
lying in your heart
You come near, to form as a
single star in the blue sky
Me as a garland to touch your feet as a shore
While you search each days...
Have a small problem..
what problem?
Tomorrow is the anniversary of
our grandpa.. That was last year, eh?
It was grandma's.
Now whose?
If it is grandpa's , has to attend.
It is not wise not being there..
Since you are in a
responsible position in a firm,
We two cannot go together..
Not possible..
You go to the anniversary of
I will take care of these kids.
How is it?
Wear this.. this will be fine after rituals
Need one chain?
If he won't allow me to live,
I will celebrate his anniversary
by next year this time..
Not even done rituals after dad's death.
Then doing grandpa's anniversary.... Um....
I won't go from here..., mind it..
What this grandpa given to me?..
than wandering here and there..
Let me see what my Mary is doing...
At first, has to qualify this entrance..
After that 4 years studies..
One year house surgency
Then only you will become a doctor..
Again two years studies..
To get diploma
Now in the time of class itself,
looking at the belly of teacher,
Are you skin specialist, eh?
As per law, cannot look women more than 14 seconds.
If put up a complaint to police,
you won't see outside further..
You know that?
Won't happen again sir..
Sorry Ma'm. Done by mistake...
Saying unknowingly after looking by intention.
Um... go .. go..
Sir, may I go..
Couldn't say him any mistake .
Didin't come, eve though you said you will come this week?
Dear Sindhu, It is very busy here..
Then I will come over there, eh?
Next day itself.
Cashew, Badam, Nuts etc.
I will bring everything.
Dear , Isn't the cashew & nuts same?
Nowadays your IQ is little high, um..
I am getting another call. Call you later.
Happened unknowingly
What is the matter?..
What the hell happened?..
You are saying happened and
she is crying. Say What happened?..
He abused me through whatsapp group..
Dude.., You raped her in group?, Isn't wrong, eh?
What absurd you are saying, who raped, eh?
Isn't he raped through group, eh?
What I said is he mentally
tortured me by writing post in group..
Mentally tortured by putting post in group? What abuse?
Is that the issue?
No need to cry like this for that..
It is only the matter of a write-up..
You can say that. It is such a flirt group ,
who expects kids immediately after marriage..
Hey, don't make issues, let me see the post...
Is it video?..
What the hell you are searching?.. See....
Let me explain.... No...
I sent it in a poetic way,
mentioning Femi, not to worry.
Got confused the meaning, while typed in English.
Sister , it is an issue related
to spelling mistake in typing..
Leave it.. No need to announce this to public..
I complained to you, expecting
to take action against him...
Are you supporting him?.. You should take action..
Never repeat this.. Gone?..
Bharathan, just played a drama... take it easy..
You beat me... eh?..
Bharathan.., If she put up a complaint,
you will be behind bars for 10 years...
Only because of that I beat you..
Only for that. If you want, you beat me.., Do...
Bharathan , now it is equal...
Why are you like kids ? Don't be angry..
Say the menu...
Strawberry, Mango, Chickoo etc..
Have Strawberry with Vanilla
with Mango with Chocolate shake ?
No sir...
Then two cups of tea will do.. Okay?
For me Strawberry will do.
For madam Strawberry and for you
Then for me too Strawberry..
Then two Strawberries..
Bring it fast..
Just a warning, only that much I expected..
Never expected thrashing you.
Me too..
Sorry..., I am really sorry..
After that incident, I couldn't even sleep..
Me too
Have it..
You take...
After that , so many nights, I slipped down from
bed , seeing nightmares of getting beaten....
Don't worry, leave it...
To be honest, I am thankful to Pradeep..
Even though got beaten, got this beauty, eh?
Sir, Shall me move then ....?
Bill Please...
Sir.. Bill..
Madam, come again.. Have lot
of items.. You have to try that..
Madam, Are you working?.
Name? Femina..
See , no need to have that much intimacy...
First learn how to behave with customers...
Certain flirts will be smart while seeing cute girls..
Sir.. Bill
Have Google Pay?.. Yes Sir..
I don't have..
Will accept card?..
Swiping machine is complaint sir...
Because of people like him, this world is not proper..
Doesn't matter... Is it Rs.100/-?
No... , It is okay..
Sir, Bill Book..
Take it...
Sexy flower blooming morning...
Good morning sir.. give some donation sir...
Is it called donation for begging now?
Have a healthy body.. Can't you live by doing work?
What is this?
Sir, Wife's card...
Oh.. Your wife's card...
Begging by showing card of wife at home ?
Poor guy...
Um.. go..
Stayed as Chronic bachelor , may be to see one like Femi...
Me too feel like that...
In the cool morning, in the future time....
Will you give bed coffee to me, eh?
In return, will Bharathan sir
make coffee to me also, eh?
Hey Sindhu...
Sindhu... go and make a cup of coffee..
I told you so many times not to speak
without having respect to opposit...
Full night, I was caring the kid, eh?
Me was working the full day, eh?
I will be angry , if you don't make coffee..
Don't roar, Go and make one coffee to me also..
What sir?.. Eh...
Mother... Woman is mother...
Lady is lover and wife...
We have to respect ladies..
In each morning, I will make
lot of coffees to my dear Femi.
You naughty...
So funny...
Where is my Aadhar card?..
Where gone that beggar?..
Hai Friends...
I don;t know your names...
Friends.., what now you seen is the
insult to self employees in the country.
I am here in this FB life to
say something to you all..
You all have to listen, go only
after hearing this. Don't cut off this...
Look..., see this..
For asking a donation ,..
One gentleman had given his wife's ID card..
What to do.. He is behind another girl..
How can woman rely their husbands going for work ?
You say, If I open an onlne
site and sits at home...,
Will you give money to me?..
In Europe, I need to stand idle in a place..
One will come and put a towel..
Another one will put plate for begging..
Other one will give Euro..
Other one will give dollar. Won't waste single day..
See the condition here..
Spoiling job opportunities...
Friends.. You have to react....
Friends, you visit my YouTube
See the programme, like it & subscribe it..
Please, otherwise I will be in trouble..
Beggar, where is my Aadhar card?..
Should not see you in this
place. You don't know who I am?..
Have to change the area, eh?..
Who is he? Area Secretary?
Why are you distrubing me like this?.
I will inform teachers...
I like you and said that openly to you..
And what for saying to teachers?..
You want to say this to others also, eh?
You are a dirty guy.. Be good?, eh?
Sorry, I won't disturb you further...
I am a teashop man, that is why..
You stop there...
Shall I give a present to you?
What Present ?..
Some one.. Some one...
Showing the ray of love..
In the doorstep of my heart..
Some one.. Some one...
Shows the love in eyes..
Today in the unseen path of anyone..
She is the mist showered in that day..
She is in me without fading..
That girl's face seen worried...
They came closer....
Even though they are 10 to20, I don't care...
My tension was about that girl..
Sir has come...
At last...
I took that decision..
What Decision?
Not that..
While enemies attack us,
We have to attack them one moment in advance..
I did a jump...
No Sir....
You jump..
Don't want sir...
Parents sent you here, because of your jump there...
Is any plan to jump from here also, eh?
No sir..
All are Listening, while telling the story of jump, good..
Couldn't study something in that time, eh?
Isn't for that, you are here?
Will do sir...
Will study sir..
What study?.. Is this the studies?..
Is it Rithwik Roshan?..
Have to wear this those who deserve it...
If you don't be angry, shall I say one thing?..
You look smart in this glass..
Is it?
Yes sir.. good sir...
It is apt.. Suits you sir..
I have seven at home..
I thought t..
Different types.. golden glass, glass with chain etc...
Everybody at home and village like it...
Dude, Students.. study well..
OK sir...
What a fool.. likes boosting...
Says all rubbish things...
Yes Mother...
Yes mother, I will come soon..
Why you are here?..
Mom called from village..
My sister's condition is very bad..
Have to go home..
Doctors informed in advance, that won't be cured completely...
Not seen any problems nowadays..
Your younger sister also has the same problem, eh?
She doesn't have problem at all....
The problem is that nobody
is to assist them there.....
Mom can't take her to the hospital..
Then you might not come back, eh?
Not sure.. that too this much distance..
That is the problem...
Since you are going...,
Keep this..
Don't want Manoj Brother...
Dude, Money will be needed
at any time.. You keep this..
Should I?
Keep it. Will be needed..
This is from my side.. Go and come...
Shall I go
Go and come.....
Of Pearl, gold, don't hate?
What wrong I did to you?
Silence......., Sit down..
Pearl.. Gold... what is this?
Is it market?
No sir,.. Revathy Miss is on leave today.
So this hour is free..
Is free?
Then I will take class
No... No...
Don't we have to pass?
I am the master who give
training to your teachers...
More over, I am very strict too..
Yes.. yes
Already told not to disturb me
while I am teaching students, eh?
Let your teaching be there...
Heard that have beautiful teachers there..
Is anybody sits on your belly now?
No teachers here..
Seen Femina Miss going with you sir..,
I had that doubt.. I have no
confidence upon you since long....
I am coming there.. Remember my old blows.., eh?
If I see anything like that,
I will squeeze you in front of the students..
I won't bother that you are
the proprietor or other thing..
Sir.., your wife is also very strict, eh?
Kids... You love as much you can. But never marry..
It is the request of this Bharathan master..
Totally spoiled mood..
Not getting the rhythm to teach..
Who has sung earlier?
This Alphonsa..
Alphonsa.. Sing a song. Let me get relaxed..
Make him relax .., sing....
On never seen world..
Can seen through eyes...
Won't get a time like this..
To unite together...
Can go up to sky..
Can travel long.
To be soluble in this sky ,
Slowly pat you...
Friend as umbrella to shade the hot sun
Here I am with the wings of dreams.
Seeing this world to hug with finger tips
As a union of love...
Giving space ..
In the chariot of blue sky...
Being as sea
Here ,time shows its folded hand
Be in the mountain shelter
can reach up to sky..
Heart fills with pleasure here..
As shadow , me in you,
As soul in my heart
As a look in the heart...
Always I search in you,
In your day dreams...
Join in the tiny steps..
Each day with glory...
Starts in you..
Like a symphony of song...
Without saying and an unknown shore..
Unknowingly in this evening...
Touching inside ...
Here... here...
Hai Vinu..
How are you?
Nice looking..
Daily goes, eh?
By the way meet my cousin,.
Hai.. Name?
I am Vinu.. Okay.. Bye..
See you again.. Nice to meet you...
Oh Dude... This is why oldies say to get up early...
Couldn't see them..
Oh. mom....
There are lot of second hand colleges
for sale in Coimbatore, Salem Areas..
What is the use for buying college there..
If possible, has to study in our own local college..
Move... move..
Santo... What happened?.
Hey,... you did it knowingly, eh?..
He tried to kill me...
Happened to you by mistake..
Happened by mistake...
Then, pushed by neck that day ?..
You know to be smart when
people are there. Now you alone...
Brother, take me to the hospital..
Has to take him to hospital
Is it cycle, eh?
Hitting that cycle in his body
is just like hitting tipper to him..
Has to go to hospital
Has to give compensation..
I don't have anything with me..
Nothing with you, eh?
Then call your teachers. They have plenty of money..
Call them.
Hey... leave him...
I told you so many times not to hurt students...
Oh your student tried to kill
him with cycle.. Tried to kill , eh?
Not seen any damage to him, eh?
it is inside. my lungs totally destroyed...
Then complaint to police and admit in hospital..
Then we will go to police station..
Not possible, since they are enquiring
against us related to that case..
Need compensation. Then we can settle this issue..
Compensation .. to you?
Or give that college to me..
You rascal, idiot..
Won? give it to you, even if I
have to give to anyone free of cost..
It is better to fire it than giving to a dirty bitch like you..
Cultureless fellow without any commonsense.
Come.. Brother , you know
the meaning of what they said ?
Hey, If you sell this college,
Never forget to ask me before doing so..
Wait there, I will teach you a lesson today..
Hey, stop there...
Where these mad guys going?..
Don't hit me. don't hit on my stomach..
You are okay, eh?
Yes Okay..
It will be good, if you take him to hospital
Santo..., don't leave me alone...
Sir are you on live?
No, in chatting..
if so, then?
Nothing, simply asked..
No silly questions.. What do you want?..
Need to go to town..
Oho.. what for?
Need to buy few guides..
Arun and Vinay had gone for the same.?
Can't you share it..
It can be used as per convenience, if it is owned..
I know pretty well that it is to wander
in the town by the name of guide..
Be back immediately to hostel
after buying it. I am very strict..
Ok sir,.. Your live scene on road is super hit..
Crossed 5 K
The problems creating by us will be known to us,
Only after world knows the same..
What for giving birth like this?
Before keeping at least two eggs for omelets
I will kill all
Don't kill
Looked after me when I was kid,
Spoon-fed me, given chocolates,
Likewise took me on shoulders,
while crossing the river to school,
You know, he is such an uncle..
Killing that much lovable uncle....,.,
What to do then...
Break the knee cap of both the legs..
Break the knee caps.. that rascal should
not come to this house even creeping
If didn't cry aloud...
Break the back bone, and few ribs...
Then one eye too, eh?
Not killing, killing without killing..
Hey.. Sivaraman...
If I stay here further, it
will badly affect my body..
Where are you going uncle?..
You bitch...
Why you beat me?
Beaten for, eh? I am going to my home..
What for?
You will do spy work against me, eh?
Me, eh?
While I came to make
omelet.. you called that kids...'.'
And planned to break by knee cap? will you?
It was a joke, April fool..
In December, eh?
I won't be here in April. That is why..
You keep in mind.. I will come
with police here... What for?
Running Immoral traffic
act here with girls and boys
Uncle don't go..
What will I say to that Hindi couples...
Want to have a baby to them?
I will come...
My word is word..
Brother , Is uncle going?
No.. Coming..
Forcibly sent.., eh?
Otherwise this hostel may change to baby's cradle
Go dirty.. bitch.. Mary... Koory..
Dear dude, fed up with Mary's hostel food..
How can we have it?
Yes.. that much useless
That is why I go out with lame excuses..
Bharathan sir is much cleverer than us.
Never give a chance to get in his eye.
I didn't expect that you will come.
Why? Have no confidence upon me?
Not because of that dear,
You made it as a surprise.
Oh. hell. will be back now...
Good Morninfg Sir...
Why you all on a sudden?
Not expected ....
I was in cooking...
Sir grapes..
Ah.. take it...
Dude, search...
Might got whistled, if got half an hour more....
Sir.. inside..
Water was about to boil..
Sir, Why are you in bed sheet?
Bed sheet?.. I am alone here..
Nobody is there to see..
So dressing doesn't matter..
Dude, take the bag...
What is this sir?..
Dude .., ladies bag...
Forgot to say.. Yesterday night my wife has come...
Where is she then?..
Forgot to take back the bag..
Careless one..
Sindhu... what?..
I was doubtful, when not seen
you for the last three four sundays..
Whose bag is this?..
All these are my students..
That is not what I asked. Whose bag is this?
I know, it is not of these girls..
I was about to start reproduction class to them...
Students have doubts...
Well done.. you are the master of that..
Say the truth, whose bag is this?..
Isn't it sister's. Said that
you had come and gone...
Say the truth man... Who the
bitch has come here today...
I will kill her today..
Where?.. Where is the knife?...
What for Knife...
Oho........... Femina Miss..
What is the thing just gone, eh?
You don't know sir...? Isn't our Femina Miss?..
Is it?..
Might have come with you, eh?
I won't rely you further anymore.....
He might be planning to put it in our head...
I want to see , how you take reproduction class further..
Study alone, not jointly..
Hai guys..
Hello Sivaraman brother..
Hai.. come... Mary come here..
All are come.. take, take
Hai.. why with Laddu Sweets?..
You all take..
You too
What is special?
Today is my birthday...
Happy Birthday...
You all must come today evening for the function.
oaky ... bye..
Neenu... Happy birthday..
Vinu... this is for you..
Here in Kerala no demand for doctors..
That is there in Ladak.
Full patients..
Extreme Cold. common cold everywhere.
There doctors are like god..
Clear eh? god...
Standing idle...
If you arrange some money...
I can arrange a hospital there....
I will make you a gynecologist.
You a cardiologist & you a numerologist.
And you as any other specialist, okay?
I have good hold there..
Hey.. Not that..
That Shawarma, eh?
That kid like oldie..
Tuning girls...
If elopes with any one, we will be in trouble..
Um.. I will be there..
Even too small, how clever he is..
Um.. this is not my job..
Hello, Is it SI Vinaykumar?
Who is there?..
I am an anonymous person..
Tell the name of anonymous guy..
A nonymous Sivaraman, what is the problem?
Sir, a terrorist without citizenship,
Is staying nearby my house..,
near thonnyasam Junction...
Hey... nothing to worry..
We, full force will be there
by tomorrow morning...
Whys sir, have no force now?
No.. we are only three..
We don't have pistol, baton or anything..
Is it ok to come in the morning?.. eh?
He is a human bomb sir..
Heard saying Operation MCH..
Hey, Anonymous Sivaraman, MCH means...,,
Medical College Hospital..
Might have said about some operations there..
You go and sleep peacefully.
Couldn't sleep like that sir...
I am the security and care taker here...
Then do one thing.. Don't
lay and sleep,Sit and sleep
We will come in the morning, ok? stop it and go..
Sir, I am a good person sir..
I am not a Bangladesh native sir,
I am an Indian Citizen sir,
I am saying the truth..
Don't catch me sir..,
I am a good person sir..,
Don't cry like this terrorist..
From this moment onwards you?re
under the protection of Kerala Police.
Give some glucose. He is
tired because of running..
He says , not needed..
Sir., I am not a terrorist..
I have aadhar sir..
I don't think that Citizenship can be proved,
With the face of you..
Yes sir..
Have difficulty to walk?
To walk, eh?
If stops, I will stop your movement..
Get him inside...
Hey.. Anonymous Sivaraman, Come..
Have AC?
His AC
What news?
Yesterday how you did
phone call by different voice?..
Anonymous Sivaraman Speaking...
Have to do these good deeds, whenever possible..
In different voice, eh?
I will do like that.. Okay..
I will vomit if I go in Jeep..
Shall I call Bakker once.
No. No..
Sivarama.. will come back.. Tata..
They will take his juice today..
Hi. Alphonsa...
Praise the lord father
Praise the lord dear
What is new dear?..
Nothing father..
Exams are nearing. Wished to pray...
Good dear...
One person?s belief is ...,
His or her strength...
Means..., a believer in god believes him ..,,
And communist believes in his values..,
In one way....
All gods are communists..
Why because...., god..
Treats all are equal, who prays to him..
Dear..., no need to fear exam...
Face it with confidence...
God bless you..
Thank you father..
Shall I move then...
Are you late today?..
Little.. gone to collect collection..
Why can't you avoid this till exam finishes.
Couldn't do that..
It is a responsible work..
If people won't get paper one day..
They will arrange others....
More over my father don't
have that much cultivation...
Umm?. it is an arrow upon me, eh?
Told you, only to be good in studies.
Honestly, I have interest...
But if Lose this income..
My various plans will be down...
Feel little hungry, shall I move to home..
Come with me, can have food from my house..
Will do later..
Okay then..
She is the mist rained that day..
She is in you today
When came in front...,
When lashed the eyes...
Like the bowed to heart...
See.. dad has come..
Your time is late, eh?
Don't worry dad..
That manger is a dirty guy..
Intentionally hurting..
It?s okay dad..
Then kids go fast... have exam, eh?
Okay Dad..
Mom.. I am going..
Okay dear...
Come... come.. fast..
On time because of test paper, eh?
Gone home Ma'm. Dad was late..
House? for what?
Miss.. Term fees last date was today..
Why can't your dad come here and remit, eh?
No Ma'm.. Dad was busy with his work..
To be so busy, are your
father a District Collector, eh?
No Ma'm.., An ordinary worker in a Saw Mill..
Manager didn't give leave to him..
Um.. Sit inside...
Should not miss test paper in future..
Saying for the well being of you..
Doesn't matter...
Siva Dear...
See in horlicks not only cashew and Badam,
Added little rose flower powder too.
Will have red face...
Feeling sad, eh?
No... Nothing...
Something is there.., Say..
From tomorrow onwards we have to have flower in pure water..
Who knows, how long this will be,eh?
Dear, you are going from here, eh?
Not only me, we both...
What for? Dear Mary, Do you
think, these silly students will pass?
If so, two three will pass exam..
Others parents will come and ruin this college..
Where will we go then?
Was in a safer side.....
My tension is not that.. since I
have to take chisel & hammer again...
What chisel & hammer ?,
You told that you were in Military.., eh?
Yes, yes in Military...
Making pistols in Military.., that is me..
Yes with chisel & hammer
More over the doors & windows of
General's house too be repaired by me
I was the main supervisor there..
So you are skilled, eh?
Might have flipped from hand..
Whatever be, I will not leave you..
That is what I need to hear..
Are you flirting, eh?
Get off you pig..
Good morning, State Medical Entrance exam results,
Has been declared..
Pradeep... Press reporters are there outside..
Bharathan... You should stand with me..
I didn't teach students to do copying..
I don?t know how they succeed..
You convince the police..
Not police, TV & New reporters.., to talk with us..
You come fast..
Dude... how could this happened, eh?
Got passed.. you come..
With lot of expectation,
send me to this tutorial college
Getting this much marks..., no words..
We were confident , but family was not..
Now we created history..
If I say...
Experience is really good. This is not expected..
Got it because of the co
ordination, teachers too are happy
Got 100% success due to the
disciplined work of Bharathan sir.
I am here in Prathibha Tutorials..
We will talk about their higher education..
Hey.. Hey.. Principal..
What is the secret of making
students in to this big success?.
Disciplined learning methods,
Calm and attractive atmosphere..
and a strict director like me..
All these are the secret of our success.
Not that...
I take daily decisions about teaching methods..
And communicate the same to the teachers..
The huge success is the result of my hard work..
Yes, early morning, plough this land,
Planting & watering plants,
Such hard works..
Teaching were done by me and my teachers..
Bharathan Master, Come,
have to talk another matter.
To clear a doubt..
Bharathan, stop the dirty habit you have,
While seeing channel people
If you open the mouth, this tutorial has
to be closed.. That is why I am talking..
What? Sir, have small Problem..
What Problem?
Our Vinu is missing..
Missing, eh?
might be eloped because of low mark, eh?
Not alone, with that neighbour Hindi woman..
One letter is there. Just read..
Sir, I am not sure about the success in exam..
In Kerala 36 lakhs Bengalis are working.
Earning money..
Marrying Malayali ladies..
Living happily.
As a Malayali, why can't I think reverse?
I am going to Calcutta along with Neenu..
What the damn thing the boy did..
You don't worry..
To some it will be success and some not..
In his case it was okay and he gone..
That is right.. No Salary to you this month..
Present Ma'm
Present Ma'm
Present Ma'm
Krishnakutty M K
Present Teacher
Not expected this much
donation from Krishnankutty..
If gets donation, will teach
all these type of Oldies.. Yes..
See. shall we appoint some unique teachers...
No.. don't change teachers..
You should not forget that this
result is because of the teachers..
It is because I am strict..
Not because of that, It is
because I am the principal..
I am a proprietor, don't forget that..
That is written here. Till
today, it is not clear to me..
What is it?..
Proprietor has the power to terminate Principal..
It is not fine to devalue one while among public..
Hello.. Good morning..
Good Morning...
Good Morning..
Good Morning Master...
Why are you here?..
No need of tea and coffee here.. go out..
She is the mist rained that day..
Ever since in me
When come on front
While looked at me...
like arrow bowed in heart
She is the mist rained that day..
Ever since in me
Without leaving me again...
Who is loving me...
As silent breeze of rainy month...
Why thinking stops in one..
Why the mind searched only one image...
Somebody who opens the heart of love..
In the door step of my soul..
Somebody who opens the eye....
Today in a sreet which nobody seen..
She is the snow rained that day..
Still remains inside me..
As an ink pen..,
Inside my heart...
Memorable shade...
Who poured inside me..
As golden shower flower,
In the wings of dream..
Blooms as who, early in the morning ..,
Who unknowingly touched me...
In each petals of life..
Who has come without saying....
To see the unseen way....
She is the snow rained that day..
Still remains inside me..
When came in front..
When winked the eyes
Like arrow plunge in heart...
She is the snow rained that day..
Still remains inside me..