Quiet Earth, The (1985) Movie Script
Let. I know you're in there!
Hello, is anyone?|Someone receiving me?
ENTRY scientific|center INTERSIZA
Negative response
"A proceder with Flashlight project|as it was scheduled"
Alert: Danger of radiation.|The laboratory will be|sealed immediately.
Alert: lab has been sealed.
LABORATORY sealed contact|an administrator
Nobody in the administration!
Perrin ...
You have made this city ...|International Cooperation, ch.
Well, you get everyone,|including you.
UV levels exceeding 100 Megavati.|Use proper protection.
... Even me.
Acetylene. OXYGEN.
... One of our computer|analysis indicates
as programs executed|were incomplete.
It's hard not to conclude|that the head office
deliberately withdrew|vital information.
Are unable to continue
oarbeste to work on a project|with such destructive power.
I think I still only one|way that I was heading.
Zac Hobson, 5 de Julio.
One: It was a problem with|the project Flashlight
catastrophic results ...
Two: it seems I'm the only|person alive on Earth ...
Three, Perrin burned all the checks ...|Four ...
... I was stuck in a lab and
I opened a bottle of|gas waiting ...
Alert: Fire extintoarele|were activated.
Name, address and telephone.
Hello. My name is Zac Hobson.
If someone,
please contact me Alley Thurston|Number 2, Grey Linn.
Or call the number: 396 121.
Hello. My name is Zac Hobson.
If someone
please contact me in the alley|Thurston Number 2, Grey Linn.
I am the only person on Earth? My Address e.|..
Attention, attention.|It requires all citizens|to submit anonymous.
Who does not listen is involved in|a violation of Regulation 366 025,
Please someone come.
Time stopped on the ground.
July 12.|Transmit this message for|5 days without answers.
Please forget the|previous address,
Rosehill Gardens are now|5, Churtin Heights.
Make me a visit or phone please|call me at 665 058.
I will do a great pleasure|to receive.
Hello. Here Zac Hobson.
July 12.|Transmit this message for|5 days without answers.
Please, forget the|previous address,
Rosehill Gardens are now|5, Churtin Heights.
Make me a visit or phone call to me ....|66
Impressive.|Shame that none came.
I think I will give|an opportunity ...
Big mistake, probably will not|give you any opportunity.
Do not lose hope.
It was pure coincidence.
... Must be extinguished immediately.|- No, I think is a proper party.
Frankly, I think
if our country is part of the free world should|try all means of technology research
contributing to our|current position.
Is to maintain a balance between the power|that exists today in the world.
I do not want to continually|maybe I'm right there
that's what we ...
Try destrugeti us all!
I gotta take control.
Look, now I can not talk to you.|I am a very busy man.
You had your chance.
I dedicated my understanding of scientific|knowledge in projects
I knew that could be used|for evil purposes.
In order that the common good ...|dixit.
How easy it is to believe|in the common good,
when this faith is rewarded with
status, wealth.
And power!
How hard it is to believe|in the common good ...
When I say all my flesh
the enormous forces that have|helped to be created
... Were put in the|hands of crazy!
I was a victim of|my own corrupt!
It's not fair to be President
this ...
... Silent Planet?
I was comdamnat to live.
Where are you?
Okay, where are you?
Where are you?
Where is he?
If there is, shoot the boy.
Now I am God.
Hello.|- Hello.
How are you?|- Very good.
UV-i will climb a little.|Continue to work in it, eh.
Not true.
Lord, how good it is|to find someone.
I was at my sister's room ...
... It's gone.
Simply ...
... Disappeared.
We went there two weeks, then|I do not remember much.
I feel bad.
Know that we are a little crazy.|- I decided what was|best for the world.
It was very strange walking through|the hospital in darkness,
No sounds. Empty Beds.
It was strange when I saw the baby.|- Baby?
There was only because|he was a baby ...
... I never was very skilled with children.|- This means that there|is someone else.
No. Will already be three weeks.
The baby must be dead.
Something changed.
I do not know what is!,|But I'm sorry.
It's like I have been elected.
North Pole continues to be north,|but water flows backwards.
I have a feeling ...
... We are in another universe.
It's another universe?|We found a woman ...
... Or a girl?
I have a theory.|I think those girls are like|plasticine maleabiles ...
... Are not rigid, like bones.
Form determined by brain|image is constant.
So if your brain has|less capacity,
will be ugly and stupid.
But if you have a good brain, and|decide how to use its energy,
You can be attractive|or intelligent ...
... Or you can be an|expert, but ugly.
Or handsome, but stupid.
I was thinking to drink|some champagne.
Me too.
If you have luck, you could|have a great brain ...
you are very handsome and|with high intelligence,
like me.
Have you invented it yourself?|- Yes.
You're beautiful.
Well, I say stupid?
No, no. When I did that.
No worms.
She asked for help.
She lived after the event.
What happens?
Do not you feel that the|sun beat like a heart?
Well, maybe not.
Blvd. and Mrs. Smith?
It is yours.|- Thank you.
If someone we live,|how will it be?
We find people of all kinds.
travestis ...
I think we should look where|they were prisoners.
or afraid to leave.
Psychiatric hospitals, prisons.
This kind of places.
May I have little hope|to find someone.
Must look.
You ran out of words?
Where do we sleep?|- I sleep there.
I thought you said that.
This is good. Here, the keys.
Also I do not like.
Do not be ... beautiful.
It's simple: I was in charge of that|bank of the river and you handle it.
Call me every half hour.|- Yes.
Zac, do you?
Joanne says.
Zac, are in a hospital.|Where are you?
I went through university.|All right?
Yes. I will come.
That's fine.|I call over a half hour.
You there, Zac?
Hello. Are you okay?
I felt strange a few seconds ago.|Where are you?
Mentally I'm on the street in Hill Crest.|There's nothing here.
Something to university?
I'll call you later.|Keep in touch.
All right. Close.
Want to tell me that you and|your friends head-white
Do you have any connection|with that?
I do not know.|Was an American idea.
Experimenting with forms|to transmit energy.
Through a network|around the Earth.
Planes could use it longer|without refueling network.
More or less it.
Sure.|An exclusive club for people to|play the Gods of the universe.
I was just a small part of an immense|network spanning the world.
To work simultaneously.|On the other hand ...
... Do not believe|to be the leaders.
God maybe blinked.
Flashing God and the world|disappears entirely?
A world of zgom|toselor, violence
and extraordinary human beings.
Lord, how my longing for them.
Everything is ok.
Dr. Hobson, go to the reception.
I hope you know that you must leave|the room before 10 o'clock.
And you know that you have an additional|cup for your guest yesterday?
I knew I was supposed to pay.
We have rolls, you know?|- Go back to bed.
Thanks.|- Anything else, sir?
More bread?|- Sorry, dear.|The bread is finished.
See you at 13, at the market.|- Then we continue south.
Let's go back.|- We will discuss it at lunch.
Are constants that never change|in the history of science.
One of them is charge|of an electron.
In the experiment we did, we verified|that this task was altered.
And actually, it was between|two new values.
Fail to measure these values,
once the amplitude between|them increases.
Only managed to conclude that the|foundation of the universe
Not only was altered, but|that is highly unstable.
God knows what will happen.
Hello, "Mon chre.
Joanne, are you?|- What do you mean?|Is anyone else?
You know that for me the only|woman in the world, dear.
That's fine.
"Au revoir, chri.
Are you single?
Have you ever seen someone else?
Put your hands on the truck.
Come back.
Zac, are you there?
Why late?
Lie!|- What would you have done?
How are you?|- Only her and me.
Are only two?
Engine off and continue.
Look ...|- Come on!
It is not.|- Find it.
Zac, where you're going?
Why is not responding?|- Cursed by radio.
I thought I left alone again.
Hide glass. A police car.
To look serious.
Pisces. That are fish on the bank.|- Are small.
Maybe it makes sense.|The eggs are jelly fish river.
And males make sperm over them.
So, if semen was deposited prior to|the effect, and penetrate, more ...
... Will be over.
Long ago I thought I was dead.|- He thought he was God.
Why you thought you were dead?|- Because I was.
I was in the woods with a friend.|Okay ... kind friend.
I was almost unconscious|when I saw it.
See above.
I could see him him and me.
It was quiet.
It was something like a light.|A long wave.
I had to go inside the water,|almost arrived ...
... When suddenly, the whole weight|of life returned to me.
I was confused.
I felt that reach the light,|and not wanted to go back.
Just myself.
Same.|- Time of death.
Effect happened when dying.|Therefore we live.
Do not you think?|- Is possible.
At first I did not know what it was.|In the end I was alone|in this world.
I thought it was a ghost.
It was very sad.
If I live, had to go north|and look for survivors.
And if I was a spirit, was|comdamnat to haunt.
However, already no one|direction was not good.
Then, just us three.
Well, you live and I.
And you?
I suppose so.
What do you think about it?|- Play the piano well.
No. I think that's fantastic.
He made bedding.|- Yes, a ... and two.
How ironic.
Between us, I thought I was best|prepared for the situation.
Before that happen.
I never liked to be alone.
And then you came along.
Thinking about November 3.|Not only to you or me.
Api, play other music.|Something can sing.
If all the wise should|be forgotten
And not remember ever
If all the wise should|be forgotten
For old times and good.
We drink a good glass.
For old times and good.
If the current pace continues|oscillations sun
the sun will collapse in the range of a|few days, taking everything with him.
It is necessary to analyze the|computer to specify more.
You know, most fun a friendship,|it is not always logical.
You know when you come and ask|why you enjoy being with them
and give all the reasons|interesting, what is it?
After you create your reasons why|you decided that you like them.
If you decide you like someone, after two|seconds to understand in any form.
So, if someone you love, see|more good things than bad.
And if you like, see more|bad things than good.
Something else is that you tend|to be with people who like you.
And when you think about me?
It seems that you like.
Why your friend tried|to kill you?
Because I killed my wife.|- You killed my wife? Why?
It was necessary.
And who decided it|was necessary?
And who will decide the|next thing you need?
Who the hell you think you are?|God?
You are not God.
Here, Joanne, something strange happens.|I do not get better,|but you must ...
What happened?|- Leave me alone.
What happens?
I have something important to say.|- I have lived more than|those of yesterday.
Not talking about those of yesterday.|SSarele talking about.
Want to talk about the sun?|Why not talk to God out there?
Get your hands off me.|- What are you doing?
Api ...
How long can reach the north?|- But I just arrived.
Yes I know.|But please, how long?
My house is your not good?|- No. Not this.
Now you explain on the way, okay?|- You're in control.
All right.|If you like, yes.'s Me.
She cries. What did you do?
What will you do?|- Am I the command, remember?
Joanne, come soon.|We leave right now.
Look, fool, do not see that|things have changed?
Others went with white head.|Now we are you and me.
It is quite complicated as people like|me to explain people like you.
People like me?|- Listen to this!
Okay. If so you ...
I would not go with you, either|you were the last man on Earth.
Working on it.
... We see that the "Flashlight"|continue untouched,
affect the whole balance|of the network.
And this in a way that|affects the Sun.
If you do not stop to shoot.|And I do not care who you are.
I will not live with both to try|to decide which of you is God!
If you do not believe me, try.
You do not believe ...
For God!
Damn thing keeps me preoccupied|for more than a year.
I knew something was wrong with the project.|And I said nothing.
It may be more guilty than that?
You have sentenced to death.
That morning, you tried|to commit suicide.
What you gonna do?|- I do not know.
You mean you did all this|and fails to repair it?
We will never know the whole history.|Americans we have hidden|information.
Have you played with the world|without knowing what you do?
None never realized|what was happening.
I trusted her.|They were on our side.
You may not be so stupid.|If they say that about the|Russians, and why not you?
In addition, if you had told|her, I told her you were on?
For me are all the same.
Only I said it.
We said it.
Try again.
Same result.|- What are those two lines?
It is a time scale.|This is the point of|maximum instability.
Will happen at 6:00 tomorrow.
What will happen?
I think the effect|will happen again.
Joanne|- I 'm here.
Are you okay?
Your calculations were incorrect.|It was recently pre.
No. That was just the beginning.
What will happen next time,|will be serious.
Your calculations are|a waste of time.
If destruim laboratory and the|effect would be to stop.
Not walk.
Not bad, huh?|- Is an artist.
Are you sure that|will be enough?
How much do you think we need?
A ton?
A get our truck.
... Then Perrin button activated, the effect|has happened and they all disappeared.
But our little effect will happen|again tomorrow morning.
Only this time Perrin|is no button there.
Maybe he has a relationship|with any effect.
How young man with the stick?|- What?
The young man with the stick.
Remember that lack of|energy in the U.S.?
All East Coast was in|the dark for 6 hours.
They found a young man on his way home.|Play with something.
He had a stick on a power line.
At that moment e|erything was off.
And thought it was because of him.|What would you have thought?
I think the effect is something cosmic,|like the creation of the universe.
And no one has ever|properly explained.
Perhaps no one has gone, except me.|I am the effect.
And us|- are not real. Are imaginary.
You are God.
I think not be so grand.|In the end, is the effect.
The lead truck.
Not true.|- You were born in the|shadow of Perun?
Said this way ...
But people are Perunienii night.
Maybe you're not real.
Quite real.
I suppose that will result anyway,|we live happily forever.
Is not it?|- I hope so.
All three?|- Should be so.
For me it's easier for|me placeti both.
But I prefer him ...
Sometimes I have a strange|impression.
As you will know and|API years ago.
As if I would be the victim|of a huge conspiracy.
Api and you and you were|sent as some guards.
Change often like|secret messages.
When not present.
Can talk.|- Something strange in the API.
Are you worried that his friend|tried to kill him?
He killed the woman.
She was in love with him, and repudiated it.|When she committed suicide.
Api was considered responsible.|And the same thought and friend.
It's very sad.
I learned things|about people ...
... In recent weeks.
Do not worry about me.
Whatever happens, I will|continue alone.
Api!|I knew I had to say something.
What we do|- I move out?
I'm going to push|him out the road.
Take care.|- Do not worry.
Must separate a little.
He did not go ...|- No.
Ever, one of you coming?|- Bye.
API hear me?
Api, answer ...
Here comes the boss.|- Answer the fucking radio, Api!
Go and took him a little, right?|- What are you doing?
We can not move closer.|- Why?
The laboratory is ionized so that|it's like working in a microwave.
And here we are safe?
We are one mile distance.
I believe I brought enough.|- Come take a look?
The lights are still lit.|- Yes.|Are supplied by the network.
We know that there is no network when|the lights will be extinguished.
If we can get the truck.
Who will lead it up there?
Go to town looking for something|that can make that work.
It's a remote control unit.|I use it for long range.
We work with a truck so big?
We can adapt it.|- We have time?
I think so.
If I leave right now.|I'll be back in two|hours from now.
Want to go with you?
It's better to stay.|- All right.
What do you think will happen?
He will try.|Probably will not work|in a truck that big.
Therefore, I will lead.
Why you?|- Because I'm the driver.
However, it is easier for me.
I watch my ancestors.
What is this?|- E truck!
How much of late?
Almost 20 minutes.|- If it never managed to leave.
He said only lies.
Started.|- Zac!
Translation: Pavarotti (ARB) Arbmos|(ESP) Fernan54 (Romanian)
Let. I know you're in there!
Hello, is anyone?|Someone receiving me?
ENTRY scientific|center INTERSIZA
Negative response
"A proceder with Flashlight project|as it was scheduled"
Alert: Danger of radiation.|The laboratory will be|sealed immediately.
Alert: lab has been sealed.
LABORATORY sealed contact|an administrator
Nobody in the administration!
Perrin ...
You have made this city ...|International Cooperation, ch.
Well, you get everyone,|including you.
UV levels exceeding 100 Megavati.|Use proper protection.
... Even me.
Acetylene. OXYGEN.
... One of our computer|analysis indicates
as programs executed|were incomplete.
It's hard not to conclude|that the head office
deliberately withdrew|vital information.
Are unable to continue
oarbeste to work on a project|with such destructive power.
I think I still only one|way that I was heading.
Zac Hobson, 5 de Julio.
One: It was a problem with|the project Flashlight
catastrophic results ...
Two: it seems I'm the only|person alive on Earth ...
Three, Perrin burned all the checks ...|Four ...
... I was stuck in a lab and
I opened a bottle of|gas waiting ...
Alert: Fire extintoarele|were activated.
Name, address and telephone.
Hello. My name is Zac Hobson.
If someone,
please contact me Alley Thurston|Number 2, Grey Linn.
Or call the number: 396 121.
Hello. My name is Zac Hobson.
If someone
please contact me in the alley|Thurston Number 2, Grey Linn.
I am the only person on Earth? My Address e.|..
Attention, attention.|It requires all citizens|to submit anonymous.
Who does not listen is involved in|a violation of Regulation 366 025,
Please someone come.
Time stopped on the ground.
July 12.|Transmit this message for|5 days without answers.
Please forget the|previous address,
Rosehill Gardens are now|5, Churtin Heights.
Make me a visit or phone please|call me at 665 058.
I will do a great pleasure|to receive.
Hello. Here Zac Hobson.
July 12.|Transmit this message for|5 days without answers.
Please, forget the|previous address,
Rosehill Gardens are now|5, Churtin Heights.
Make me a visit or phone call to me ....|66
Impressive.|Shame that none came.
I think I will give|an opportunity ...
Big mistake, probably will not|give you any opportunity.
Do not lose hope.
It was pure coincidence.
... Must be extinguished immediately.|- No, I think is a proper party.
Frankly, I think
if our country is part of the free world should|try all means of technology research
contributing to our|current position.
Is to maintain a balance between the power|that exists today in the world.
I do not want to continually|maybe I'm right there
that's what we ...
Try destrugeti us all!
I gotta take control.
Look, now I can not talk to you.|I am a very busy man.
You had your chance.
I dedicated my understanding of scientific|knowledge in projects
I knew that could be used|for evil purposes.
In order that the common good ...|dixit.
How easy it is to believe|in the common good,
when this faith is rewarded with
status, wealth.
And power!
How hard it is to believe|in the common good ...
When I say all my flesh
the enormous forces that have|helped to be created
... Were put in the|hands of crazy!
I was a victim of|my own corrupt!
It's not fair to be President
this ...
... Silent Planet?
I was comdamnat to live.
Where are you?
Okay, where are you?
Where are you?
Where is he?
If there is, shoot the boy.
Now I am God.
Hello.|- Hello.
How are you?|- Very good.
UV-i will climb a little.|Continue to work in it, eh.
Not true.
Lord, how good it is|to find someone.
I was at my sister's room ...
... It's gone.
Simply ...
... Disappeared.
We went there two weeks, then|I do not remember much.
I feel bad.
Know that we are a little crazy.|- I decided what was|best for the world.
It was very strange walking through|the hospital in darkness,
No sounds. Empty Beds.
It was strange when I saw the baby.|- Baby?
There was only because|he was a baby ...
... I never was very skilled with children.|- This means that there|is someone else.
No. Will already be three weeks.
The baby must be dead.
Something changed.
I do not know what is!,|But I'm sorry.
It's like I have been elected.
North Pole continues to be north,|but water flows backwards.
I have a feeling ...
... We are in another universe.
It's another universe?|We found a woman ...
... Or a girl?
I have a theory.|I think those girls are like|plasticine maleabiles ...
... Are not rigid, like bones.
Form determined by brain|image is constant.
So if your brain has|less capacity,
will be ugly and stupid.
But if you have a good brain, and|decide how to use its energy,
You can be attractive|or intelligent ...
... Or you can be an|expert, but ugly.
Or handsome, but stupid.
I was thinking to drink|some champagne.
Me too.
If you have luck, you could|have a great brain ...
you are very handsome and|with high intelligence,
like me.
Have you invented it yourself?|- Yes.
You're beautiful.
Well, I say stupid?
No, no. When I did that.
No worms.
She asked for help.
She lived after the event.
What happens?
Do not you feel that the|sun beat like a heart?
Well, maybe not.
Blvd. and Mrs. Smith?
It is yours.|- Thank you.
If someone we live,|how will it be?
We find people of all kinds.
travestis ...
I think we should look where|they were prisoners.
or afraid to leave.
Psychiatric hospitals, prisons.
This kind of places.
May I have little hope|to find someone.
Must look.
You ran out of words?
Where do we sleep?|- I sleep there.
I thought you said that.
This is good. Here, the keys.
Also I do not like.
Do not be ... beautiful.
It's simple: I was in charge of that|bank of the river and you handle it.
Call me every half hour.|- Yes.
Zac, do you?
Joanne says.
Zac, are in a hospital.|Where are you?
I went through university.|All right?
Yes. I will come.
That's fine.|I call over a half hour.
You there, Zac?
Hello. Are you okay?
I felt strange a few seconds ago.|Where are you?
Mentally I'm on the street in Hill Crest.|There's nothing here.
Something to university?
I'll call you later.|Keep in touch.
All right. Close.
Want to tell me that you and|your friends head-white
Do you have any connection|with that?
I do not know.|Was an American idea.
Experimenting with forms|to transmit energy.
Through a network|around the Earth.
Planes could use it longer|without refueling network.
More or less it.
Sure.|An exclusive club for people to|play the Gods of the universe.
I was just a small part of an immense|network spanning the world.
To work simultaneously.|On the other hand ...
... Do not believe|to be the leaders.
God maybe blinked.
Flashing God and the world|disappears entirely?
A world of zgom|toselor, violence
and extraordinary human beings.
Lord, how my longing for them.
Everything is ok.
Dr. Hobson, go to the reception.
I hope you know that you must leave|the room before 10 o'clock.
And you know that you have an additional|cup for your guest yesterday?
I knew I was supposed to pay.
We have rolls, you know?|- Go back to bed.
Thanks.|- Anything else, sir?
More bread?|- Sorry, dear.|The bread is finished.
See you at 13, at the market.|- Then we continue south.
Let's go back.|- We will discuss it at lunch.
Are constants that never change|in the history of science.
One of them is charge|of an electron.
In the experiment we did, we verified|that this task was altered.
And actually, it was between|two new values.
Fail to measure these values,
once the amplitude between|them increases.
Only managed to conclude that the|foundation of the universe
Not only was altered, but|that is highly unstable.
God knows what will happen.
Hello, "Mon chre.
Joanne, are you?|- What do you mean?|Is anyone else?
You know that for me the only|woman in the world, dear.
That's fine.
"Au revoir, chri.
Are you single?
Have you ever seen someone else?
Put your hands on the truck.
Come back.
Zac, are you there?
Why late?
Lie!|- What would you have done?
How are you?|- Only her and me.
Are only two?
Engine off and continue.
Look ...|- Come on!
It is not.|- Find it.
Zac, where you're going?
Why is not responding?|- Cursed by radio.
I thought I left alone again.
Hide glass. A police car.
To look serious.
Pisces. That are fish on the bank.|- Are small.
Maybe it makes sense.|The eggs are jelly fish river.
And males make sperm over them.
So, if semen was deposited prior to|the effect, and penetrate, more ...
... Will be over.
Long ago I thought I was dead.|- He thought he was God.
Why you thought you were dead?|- Because I was.
I was in the woods with a friend.|Okay ... kind friend.
I was almost unconscious|when I saw it.
See above.
I could see him him and me.
It was quiet.
It was something like a light.|A long wave.
I had to go inside the water,|almost arrived ...
... When suddenly, the whole weight|of life returned to me.
I was confused.
I felt that reach the light,|and not wanted to go back.
Just myself.
Same.|- Time of death.
Effect happened when dying.|Therefore we live.
Do not you think?|- Is possible.
At first I did not know what it was.|In the end I was alone|in this world.
I thought it was a ghost.
It was very sad.
If I live, had to go north|and look for survivors.
And if I was a spirit, was|comdamnat to haunt.
However, already no one|direction was not good.
Then, just us three.
Well, you live and I.
And you?
I suppose so.
What do you think about it?|- Play the piano well.
No. I think that's fantastic.
He made bedding.|- Yes, a ... and two.
How ironic.
Between us, I thought I was best|prepared for the situation.
Before that happen.
I never liked to be alone.
And then you came along.
Thinking about November 3.|Not only to you or me.
Api, play other music.|Something can sing.
If all the wise should|be forgotten
And not remember ever
If all the wise should|be forgotten
For old times and good.
We drink a good glass.
For old times and good.
If the current pace continues|oscillations sun
the sun will collapse in the range of a|few days, taking everything with him.
It is necessary to analyze the|computer to specify more.
You know, most fun a friendship,|it is not always logical.
You know when you come and ask|why you enjoy being with them
and give all the reasons|interesting, what is it?
After you create your reasons why|you decided that you like them.
If you decide you like someone, after two|seconds to understand in any form.
So, if someone you love, see|more good things than bad.
And if you like, see more|bad things than good.
Something else is that you tend|to be with people who like you.
And when you think about me?
It seems that you like.
Why your friend tried|to kill you?
Because I killed my wife.|- You killed my wife? Why?
It was necessary.
And who decided it|was necessary?
And who will decide the|next thing you need?
Who the hell you think you are?|God?
You are not God.
Here, Joanne, something strange happens.|I do not get better,|but you must ...
What happened?|- Leave me alone.
What happens?
I have something important to say.|- I have lived more than|those of yesterday.
Not talking about those of yesterday.|SSarele talking about.
Want to talk about the sun?|Why not talk to God out there?
Get your hands off me.|- What are you doing?
Api ...
How long can reach the north?|- But I just arrived.
Yes I know.|But please, how long?
My house is your not good?|- No. Not this.
Now you explain on the way, okay?|- You're in control.
All right.|If you like, yes.'s Me.
She cries. What did you do?
What will you do?|- Am I the command, remember?
Joanne, come soon.|We leave right now.
Look, fool, do not see that|things have changed?
Others went with white head.|Now we are you and me.
It is quite complicated as people like|me to explain people like you.
People like me?|- Listen to this!
Okay. If so you ...
I would not go with you, either|you were the last man on Earth.
Working on it.
... We see that the "Flashlight"|continue untouched,
affect the whole balance|of the network.
And this in a way that|affects the Sun.
If you do not stop to shoot.|And I do not care who you are.
I will not live with both to try|to decide which of you is God!
If you do not believe me, try.
You do not believe ...
For God!
Damn thing keeps me preoccupied|for more than a year.
I knew something was wrong with the project.|And I said nothing.
It may be more guilty than that?
You have sentenced to death.
That morning, you tried|to commit suicide.
What you gonna do?|- I do not know.
You mean you did all this|and fails to repair it?
We will never know the whole history.|Americans we have hidden|information.
Have you played with the world|without knowing what you do?
None never realized|what was happening.
I trusted her.|They were on our side.
You may not be so stupid.|If they say that about the|Russians, and why not you?
In addition, if you had told|her, I told her you were on?
For me are all the same.
Only I said it.
We said it.
Try again.
Same result.|- What are those two lines?
It is a time scale.|This is the point of|maximum instability.
Will happen at 6:00 tomorrow.
What will happen?
I think the effect|will happen again.
Joanne|- I 'm here.
Are you okay?
Your calculations were incorrect.|It was recently pre.
No. That was just the beginning.
What will happen next time,|will be serious.
Your calculations are|a waste of time.
If destruim laboratory and the|effect would be to stop.
Not walk.
Not bad, huh?|- Is an artist.
Are you sure that|will be enough?
How much do you think we need?
A ton?
A get our truck.
... Then Perrin button activated, the effect|has happened and they all disappeared.
But our little effect will happen|again tomorrow morning.
Only this time Perrin|is no button there.
Maybe he has a relationship|with any effect.
How young man with the stick?|- What?
The young man with the stick.
Remember that lack of|energy in the U.S.?
All East Coast was in|the dark for 6 hours.
They found a young man on his way home.|Play with something.
He had a stick on a power line.
At that moment e|erything was off.
And thought it was because of him.|What would you have thought?
I think the effect is something cosmic,|like the creation of the universe.
And no one has ever|properly explained.
Perhaps no one has gone, except me.|I am the effect.
And us|- are not real. Are imaginary.
You are God.
I think not be so grand.|In the end, is the effect.
The lead truck.
Not true.|- You were born in the|shadow of Perun?
Said this way ...
But people are Perunienii night.
Maybe you're not real.
Quite real.
I suppose that will result anyway,|we live happily forever.
Is not it?|- I hope so.
All three?|- Should be so.
For me it's easier for|me placeti both.
But I prefer him ...
Sometimes I have a strange|impression.
As you will know and|API years ago.
As if I would be the victim|of a huge conspiracy.
Api and you and you were|sent as some guards.
Change often like|secret messages.
When not present.
Can talk.|- Something strange in the API.
Are you worried that his friend|tried to kill him?
He killed the woman.
She was in love with him, and repudiated it.|When she committed suicide.
Api was considered responsible.|And the same thought and friend.
It's very sad.
I learned things|about people ...
... In recent weeks.
Do not worry about me.
Whatever happens, I will|continue alone.
Api!|I knew I had to say something.
What we do|- I move out?
I'm going to push|him out the road.
Take care.|- Do not worry.
Must separate a little.
He did not go ...|- No.
Ever, one of you coming?|- Bye.
API hear me?
Api, answer ...
Here comes the boss.|- Answer the fucking radio, Api!
Go and took him a little, right?|- What are you doing?
We can not move closer.|- Why?
The laboratory is ionized so that|it's like working in a microwave.
And here we are safe?
We are one mile distance.
I believe I brought enough.|- Come take a look?
The lights are still lit.|- Yes.|Are supplied by the network.
We know that there is no network when|the lights will be extinguished.
If we can get the truck.
Who will lead it up there?
Go to town looking for something|that can make that work.
It's a remote control unit.|I use it for long range.
We work with a truck so big?
We can adapt it.|- We have time?
I think so.
If I leave right now.|I'll be back in two|hours from now.
Want to go with you?
It's better to stay.|- All right.
What do you think will happen?
He will try.|Probably will not work|in a truck that big.
Therefore, I will lead.
Why you?|- Because I'm the driver.
However, it is easier for me.
I watch my ancestors.
What is this?|- E truck!
How much of late?
Almost 20 minutes.|- If it never managed to leave.
He said only lies.
Started.|- Zac!
Translation: Pavarotti (ARB) Arbmos|(ESP) Fernan54 (Romanian)