Quiet Little Marriage, A (2008) Movie Script
Hey, do you think
my beard looks ratty?
Hey, you two.
I'm sorry we're late, man.
Oh, don't worry about it.
Don't worry about it.
It's fine.
I'm sorry.
We brought some wine.
We got a sitter.
I could kill her.
She... well, I love her,
but she's late.
- Well, you love her.
- I think she's amazing.
Well, she's a stoned
but she does...
ah, you got a...
You're having
a little bit of a...
You're leaking there
a little bit.
Oh, wow.
Oh, jeez.
Do you want me
to run down to the car
and get the pump
or something?
Maybe now is a good time
to maybe...
- Oh, my God.
- We got this pump.
First of all,
this contraption is like...
Can you not talk about it?
I'm so embarrassed right now.
- It's no big deal.
- Do you need to...
I'm so sorry.
Okay, let us
take care of this,
and we'll be right back.
Okay, go help her.
Go. You go.
- Okay, we're gonna...
- Thank you.
Hold on.
He knows what a pump is.
It's not like he doesn't.
all: Cheers!
Some water for the mommy.
Cheers to that.
Thank you for having us.
Thank you for being here.
How exciting.
Everybody's up for
a little kid break tonight,
teachers too.
Oh, my God.
Yes, I did, I did.
It's so nice to be here.
Everyone had a great day?
Henry was very sweet.
He took me to the beach.
We're pretty classy here
in the Hughes house.
Baby pictures!
Well, she's really cute so...
I brought baby pictures.
Baby Mathilda.
Oh, look at that.
Look at her little baby toes.
I know.
Oh, my gosh.
Are you kidding?
Yeah, she's really...
Oh, is that your sister?
It's so sweet
that she got to visit.
I know.
I know.
Wow, right away,
just after?
Can I...
I'm so sorry.
Oh, no.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.
I shouldn't be so embarrassed.
I'm so sorry.
Oh, my God.
Okay, no, they got worse.
They got worse,
so, yeah.
Oh, come on.
I grabbed a...
I grabbed a stack of photos.
There's a couple...
Look at these photos.
They go together,
babies and...
I'm so sorry.
My vagina...
Oh, we're all friends.
Who cares?
I'm sorry.
What's wrong?
Let's all eat dinner.
Oh, my God.
Okay, pass the good ones.
It's a vagina, people.
Dax, you have to look.
Oh, my goodness.
She's so beautiful.
Kind of makes you want one.
Can you put them
in your pocket?
So it's really
changed your life, I bet.
Oh, yeah.
To new babies.
all: Hear.
Here it is.
Here's to babysitters.
Who made the pie?
You made the pie?
Oh, wow.
I'll get it.
You guys go ahead and start.
- Hi.
- Hey.
How are you?
I'm great.
Is Dax around?
- Hey.
- Hi.
Ah, that's Sylvia.
Hey, it's Jackson.
Do you want
to go serve the pie,
and I'll, um...
Yeah, sure.
Are you sure you guys
don't want to come inside?
Come back another time, then.
- Thank you.
- Okay.
Where you been?
You guys having
a little party here?
We're having some people over.
- Awesome.
- You okay?
Actually, I'm great.
I'm getting married.
- You're getting married?
- Yeah.
Hey, baby,
come meet my brother.
- Is she okay?
- Yeah, she's fine.
We were just
running all over today.
She's exhausted.
I didn't even know
you were seeing anybody.
Oh, we just met,
but God damn it,
I'm in love with her.
I figured, what the hell?
Join the married folks
like you guys.
And shit, she's gonna be
your sister-in-law,
so you should meet her.
When are you getting married?
That's the funny thing.
We're driving
to Las Vegas tonight.
You're gonna
get married tonight?
I don't know, man.
I'm in love with her.
I can't help it.
Uh, congratulations.
To you both.
Thanks a lot.
The thing is, we're a little shy
on gas money.
Oh, well, here.
I'll... I'll pay you back...
All I've got is,
like, $100.
That's... $100's amazing.
You're a stand-up guy.
What'd I tell you, babe?
Stand-up guy right here.
Have a good dinner party.
All right.
I think you killed me.
You know what I'd like?
I don't think I can
for just a second.
Not that.
I want to have your baby.
Okay, you got me.
I want you
to make me pregnant.
Stop laughing.
I'm serious.
I want to...
I want to start a family.
We already talked about this.
On our first date,
you said
you didn't want to have kids.
You said
you didn't want to have kids,
and you also said
that the Catholic Church
should canonize Kurt Cobain.
I did not say that.
You definitely said that.
I think we were on mushrooms.
No, that was our second date.
On our first date,
we went and had Italian food,
and we both agreed that
it was selfish and narcissistic
to bring kids
into this world.
What about that time when we
drove your dad cross-country,
in the motel room?
I was talking about
how hard it was gonna be
to start taking care
of my father.
And I...
That was three years ago.
Yeah, but I mean,
it's not like the world
got to be a better place.
You know,
just today on NPR,
I heard this thing
about these kids in Darfur.
Rebel armies
march into their villages
and kill all the adults.
And then
they give the kids a choice:
either eat the dead bodies
or be killed too.
What are you talking about?
Those kids have to eat
their parents.
I just don't understand
bringing a child
into that kind of world.
We don't live in Darfur.
That's... that's not my point.
But I mean, you love kids.
You're a teacher.
You love them.
They're my class.
Of course I love them.
And they love you.
Just think about it.
You'd be a great dad.
I don't know that.
You know?
I mean, you don't know that.
I just...
Those kids are not easy,
I'm sure
some of their parents wish
that they had taken better
advantage of contraception.
That is a terrible thing
to say.
I'm serious.
You know?
The kind of life we have
is over for them.
It's just...
I'm mean, most of them are just
struggling to stay together.
Besides, you have good genes,
but look at my family.
What if I got pregnant?
But you're not.
But what if?
I just feel like
we already talked about this.
We can talk about it
some more, right?
I have to go to the bathroom.
You gonna
go see your dad today?
You want me to go with you?
It's too confusing for him
right now.
This is my dad's
bonobo chimpanzee mask.
Bonobos' DNA
is 98% identical to humans.
My dad also has a complete set
of Congo River animal
action figures.
This is my mom's
Jane Goodall research costume.
When my dad moved across town
with Vicky Green...
Let's wrap it up, Sammy.
My mom buried them both
in the backyard.
You can see the chip
on the top of the mask
where my shovel hit it.
Let's sit down.
And it took me three weeks
to find where she hid them.
Okay, who else
has something to share?
all: Me!
All right, Meegan.
Hey, Sammy, can I talk to you
for a second?
Listen, you know,
some things are private.
Can you take the mask off
for me?
Do you know
what I'm talking about?
It's not always good
to talk about everything.
My mom says it's good to talk.
Okay, yeah.
You know, I just don't think
she means, like,
at show-and-tell.
Can I hold on
to the bathing suit?
All right, go have fun.
What... what do you call these
again, Olivia?
Snaps, Dad.
They're your favorites,
Well, they're delicious.
No, no.
You finish them.
They're for you.
That's okay, June.
You give those to the baby.
She likes cookies too.
Dad, I'm Olivia.
And June was your wife.
I know.
I know who you are.
That's right, Dad.
You know me.
It's like we have a second pet.
I guess you had a good day.
It was terrible.
Lucky me.
Oh, wait.
- What?
- I'll meet you in the bedroom.
Hey, hey.
Hey, wake up.
I thought you were a cop, man.
What the hell
are you doing here?
We were sleeping.
Get out of the car.
Hey, I'm sorry
about this morning.
You know, Jackson,
it wasn't just us.
You woke up
the whole neighborhood.
Ah, well, we were gonna
come in last night, man,
but your lights were off.
Okay, so we had to sleep
in the car.
You know the point is,
you just shouldn't be driving
like that.
- I know that.
- Obviously, you don't.
I'm sorry.
I'm gonna be late.
Looks great.
Thank you.
Can you try
to eat something, babe?
It's good.
Looks good.
You guys have a paper towel?
We've had to keep him
in his room all day.
Well, you can't keep him here
as a prisoner.
Dad, just sit down
and behave for a second.
I thought you said routine
was important.
It is important.
But his behavior is escalating
as time goes on.
Just hold on, Dad!
I'm having a conversation!
It's okay, Bruce.
Safety is our
most important concern.
Well, he can be in the garden
if I'm with him, right?
Of course, he can.
I'm not a child.
You shouldn't talk about me
like I'm not here.
I'm sorry, Dad.
Do you want
to go to the garden?
Let's go.
We're fine.
I didn't mean to.
I know you didn't, Daddy.
Hi, Bruce.
- Hey, babe. I'm sorry...
- Hey.
- Olive.
- Is everything okay?
Can you just take him to
the garden for me for a second?
Come on, Pops.
Let's go take a walk.
He didn't mean to.
We have to talk about options.
Your father either needs
or we're gonna
have to sedate him.
I'll think about it.
We're not equipped
for violent residents.
He's not violent.
Punching is violent.
If it happens again,
we're gonna have to ask you
to find someplace else.
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry he hit you.
It's the disease.
I just need
a little bit of time.
Then he's like,
"Mr. Dax is the best.
"Mr. Dax,
he grades my test.
Mr. Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy,
was he?"
That's what it sounded like.
Hey, play something on vinyl.
All right.
Hey, what do you want
to drink?
Mmm, red wine.
No wine.
No beer.
We do have this.
Mr. Award-Winning Educator,
your secret's safe with me.
You're so beautiful.
No, no.
You first.
No, me first.
Me first.
You can't get it?
I can get it.
I'll get it.
No, stay.
I know where matches are.
I know where matches are.
I'll get it.
I know where matches are.
I'll be back.
Found some.
I got it.
I'm gonna make
the best breakfast in the world.
Eggs, toast, bacon,
orange juice.
I'm gonna make smoothies.
I make the best smoothies
in the world.
- And potatoes.
- And potatoes.
They're made
from old sweaters.
What is it?
A bear.
It's a bear.
And all the of money
that we make from selling them
will go to the Sparrow Rock
Elementary School.
Little kids made them.
Actually, I make them.
Very nice.
Hey, baby.
Thank you.
It's a little melty.
Ice cream always makes me
think of Disneyland.
I didn't know
you went to Disneyland.
My mom took us, kind of.
How do you kind of
take someone to Disneyland?
One summer...
I must have been about seven...
Jackson started collecting
these coupons
for half off tickets
to Disneyland.
And my mom got really into it
with him
and collected all summer.
And then when they had enough,
she talked Frank
into driving us all down.
So all five kids...
Frank's three girls,
me, and Jackson...
loaded into
the back of Frank's Caddy.
And we drove for hours,
no AC,
totally hot and sweaty.
You know?
But no fights.
We were all excited
and on our best behavior.
And then when we got there...
Half of the tickets
had expired.
Frank got really pissed off.
He started a shoving match
with the guy at the gate.
We all had to load back up
into the car.
I can still remember
the way Disneyland looked
getting small through
the back of the windshield.
That's, like, the saddest
thing I've ever heard.
Everybody was crying,
and Frank was yelling at us
to shut up,
and my mom was a total mess.
But then, you know,
she told Frank to pull over.
She grabbed 40 bucks
from her purse.
She marched us
into Baskin-Robbins.
Any kid could have as much
ice cream as they wanted.
Jackson got a banana split
the size of his head.
I always just liked chocolate.
I love this.
I said, I love this.
Me too.
Ah, fuck.
Hey, buddy.
What the hell?
You're late.
I'm sorry, man.
They were talking to me
and asking me questions.
I think I got this job.
that's great, Jackson,
but you promised
that you wouldn't be late,
and now I'm late.
Okay, well, get the car,
go to work.
I got trash.
Go, go, go.
Uh, are you guys
having a kid?
No, that's... that's not...
I mean, we're not.
It's, um...
We're not.
Didn't she tell you about it?
I mean, I knew about this.
It's just... it's nothing.
All right.
Well, I won't say anything
to her.
But, um, actually, man,
I kind of wanted
to talk to you about...
She's not pregnant.
You know, there was just
a slipup
with the birth control.
She's fine.
Fight, fight,
fight, fight, fight!
Hey! Hey!
That's enough.
Your mom's stupid.
I said that's enough!
Come on.
Kids, sit down.
Well, it's our first time
trying Thai,
so I hope the flavors
are all right.
- It's delicious.
- It is.
Really, really good.
Thank you.
Really good.
This wine is excellent.
Oh, good.
I'm glad.
You don't want any?
Mm, no,
I'm still nursing,
so I can't.
Can't do it.
Because everything I have
will go right to Mathilda, so...
Wow, no alcohol for...
what is that, a year?
That's a long time.
You're such a boozehound.
No, I'm just saying,
it takes patience, you know?
He just likes the wine.
Here, let me top you off.
You are a little bit
of a boozehound.
Thank you.
All right, well,
give me some more.
It is a long time, though,
'cause you know,
you're pregnant for 9 months
and then nursing for 12.
Forever, forever,
it feels like.
I really miss coffee
more than anything.
Olive loves her coffee.
That's true.
I do love coffee.
I also love wine,
so maybe I should
have a little more.
Excuse me.
I think
he's an awesome dog.
He is an awesome dog.
He's just neurotic.
Yeah, well, all dogs
are afraid of fireworks, right?
I mean,
that's not too neurotic.
Maybe not.
But last year on the Fourth,
he was so freaked out,
he peed all over the house.
He was like
a big furry faucet.
Not this year.
We're ready for him.
We're gonna slip him a mickey.
We're going to sedate him.
Henry got some pills
from the vet,
and we're going
to knock the little pisser out.
That's probably
a really good idea.
Just let him sleep
through the whole thing
and not worry about it.
I think it's immoral.
Drugging a dog just because
it's convenient for you.
It's medical.
I mean,
it's for his own good.
Did you know that
Olive used to drug our cat?
She used to blow pot smoke
in its face
until it got high.
I did that once.
I just don't think that
you should be
inflicting your will
on animals that don't get
to participate in the decision.
Our dog, he gets
into some pot brownies.
This was years ago,
but I still feel a little bit
terrible about it.
We had a... like an entire
plateful of pot brownies.
The dog devours
the whole thing,
and, like, you know,
you know,
more than is safe.
I love you.
Love you too.
I'm sorry I gave marijuana
to the cat.
Dax and I are thinking
about having a baby,
I mean, soon.
Would you like that?
Would you like a grandchild?
That's good.
That's good that
you're gonna have a baby.
See you next time.
May I help you?
I'm here to pick up
my wife's prescription.
Her name?
Olive Hughes.
Okay, give me a moment.
Mr. Hughes,
your wife hasn't filled
that prescription here
for some time now.
Ah, yeah,
we've been out of town.
I'll still have to call
her physician.
For birth control?
It is a prescription,
Mr. Hughes.
Of course.
Hey, babe.
Oh, hi.
God, you scared me.
Hey, what are you doing home
so early?
Oh, the kids had one of those
motivational assemblies,
and so I got
the rest of the day off.
Hmm, lucky us.
Want to help me wash my hair?
Not... not right now.
Are you sure?
Yeah, I... I just don't want
to get wet.
You know, there was
a sub today at school
who got pregnant,
and she was using the diaphragm.
I just wanted to make sure
that we weren't, you know,
too hasty or anything
in switching it up
and that, you know,
it was safe.
Yeah, yeah, it's totally s...
it's, like...
you know,
it's as safe as anything else,
like, you know, 97%
or, like, 98.8% or whatever.
You know,
I feel so much better.
And I think it's also
supposed to help reduce
the risk of some cancers.
I just wanted to make sure
that you were covered,
you know,
and that you're doing okay.
I mean, does it bother you
or something?
Can you feel it?
No, it's fine.
Someone's at the front door.
I'm gonna grab that.
It's all fucked up, man.
Hey, do you want
to come inside?
I'm sorry.
Fuck, I just feel
like I'm dying, man.
I can't eat.
I can't sleep.
I can't fucking do anything.
I just sit and think about her
all day.
What happened?
I wasn't enough for her,
I mean, I tried.
And I lost that job.
But it's just
so much more than that.
I'm a fucking...
I'm a fucking weak
son of a bitch.
I'm sorry.
Maybe you guys
can still talk it out.
She left a note.
She's not coming back.
Let's go inside.
I'll make some coffee.
No, man.
I just wanted
to talk to somebody.
I'm good.
Jackson, come inside.
I'm late for something, so...
What are you late for?
Do you know how much it costs
to get to Wilshire?
I got to get some lunch too.
Thanks, man.
You're a good guy.
Olive is very lucky.
Hey, Jackson,
do you ever...
do you ever think
you're in over your head?
I don't know.
You know, we've got
fucked-up genetics.
Our mother was a whore.
That has nothing to do
with genetics.
All I'm saying is that,
you know,
I know you drink.
I don't know what else you do,
but if you wanted,
I could help you with that.
I'm, uh...
You know, I could...
I'm not in over my head.
Thanks for the loan.
I'll get you back.
How did you sleep?
Did you dream?
What are you doing up there?
Oh, nothing.
How did you sleep?
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm just...
I think I'm worried
about Jackson.
Thanks, babe.
That was awesome.
Is something wrong?
It's a little bitter
or something.
I'll run water through
the coffeemaker later.
Have a good day.
You too.
Hey, can I... I got to pick up
that prescription.
I know.
I know.
Please, man.
Thanks so much.
You have to be careful.
I have scissors.
Good morning, Bruce.
Time for your meds.
How are we today, Bruce?
How are we?
- How are we?
- How are we?
We are drugged out
of any sort of personality.
We are in
a semiconscious haze
with no ability
to communicate.
And he doesn't even know
who I am.
Listen, Olive.
Just... just let go
of the scissors.
Take a time-out
in the bathroom.
You're frightening
your father.
You're frightening your father.
can you open your mouth for me?
Can you just open your mouth?
Can you do that?
That's okay.
You all right?
I'm all right.
It's okay.
I'm okay.
Here you go.
That's it.
What's funny?
Anna's so sweet,
but she can't spell
to save her life.
Her essay is all about
her new soccer couch.
"The couch tells me
I can go far if I just try.
my couch studied in Brazil,
so I will need to go there
if I want to be better."
She's really cute.
Sounds funny.
I guess you just
have to know her.
You're tapping.
I didn't realize.
I'll stop.
I don't even know
why I make these.
Nobody ever buys them.
# Love #
# Oh, love #
# Careless love #
# Oh, love #
# Oh, love #
# Careless love #
# Love #
# Oh, love #
# Careless love #
# See what you've done? #
# Done to me #
# I used to wear my apron #
# Down low #
# Follow me #
# Wherever I go #
# Oh, oh, oh #
# But now I wear my apron #
# High... #
# Ah, ooh #
# Ooh, ooh #
# Careless love #
# I said ooh #
# Ooh, ooh, ooh #
# Ah, ah, ah, ah #
# Ah, ah, ah... #
# Careless love #
Okay, Mrs. Hughes.
Well, the home tests
were correct.
You're not pregnant.
I'm not pregnant?
But I'm moody,
and I'm swollen,
and I cry a lot.
Oh, you'll probably
just start your period soon.
You were hoping
for a pregnancy?
Yeah, I guess so.
Are you trying for a baby?
That's great.
You're healthy.
We confirmed a pill prescription
for you a few months back.
It's possible
to get pregnant right away,
but for most people,
it takes some trying.
If things
don't happen naturally,
come back,
and we'll talk.
My pill prescription?
Your birth control pill.
No, I'm not taking
the birth control pills.
But you renewed your
prescription four months ago.
So you haven't been off it
very long.
I renewed?
When did you take
your pill last?
I'm sorry.
I don't know
when I took my last pill.
Yeah, it's still in your body.
Just give it a while.
Keep trying.
You can get dressed now.
Hey, just the person
I wanted to see.
Not now.
Hey, Olive.
I could really use some advice
about something.
What's going on?
What happened?
I went to
the gynecologist today, Dax.
You okay?
Apparently, I messed up
my birth control pills,
and that's...
that's not very good for me,
you know?
It's not too fucking healthy.
I've been slipping them
to you.
Is that what
you're trying to say?
Because I found
your little pill stash.
How could you do that to me?
Do you know how stupid I felt
sitting in that office
thinking I was pregnant?
I found your diaphragm.
You started it.
Well, I'm sorry,
but that's not the same thing.
It's not the same thing?
You can't sneak a baby,
It's a human being,
for Christ sake.
You wouldn't even talk to me
about it.
You wouldn't even
discuss it with me.
I told you.
I told you
I did not want to have a kid.
I mean, look at my family.
Is that what you want?
I don't think you know.
You know,
I think it's some sort of
conceptual thing for you, Olive.
Oh, okay.
I'm sorry.
I forgot that you know
what's best for everyone.
If we had a kid,
everything we did,
every mistake we made
would affect that kid.
I mean, we'd mess it up.
You what?
Did you...
You put it in my coffee
every day?
Every day
for how many months?
Don't look at me like that.
You don't get to look at me
like that
with everything
that I have going on right now
with my dad.
It's just,
your dad's falling apart.
And you're trying to trick me
into having a baby.
No, you don't get to talk
to me about him.
You don't get to talk to me
about my dad.
How could you do this to me?
I'm not going to stand here
and compare scores with you
on who's worse,
because you drugged me, Dax.
I was...
Are you okay?
I don't feel...
- Okay.
- I don't feel good.
Just stay right there.
Vitamin B and vitamin C
and Tylenol cold and sinus,
some codeine that
was left over from a root canal.
I think there were
some children vitamins.
And birth control pills,
just two of them.
And that's all.
And some echinacea.
And that's all.
I didn't make it for you,
you know?
I just wanted to see
how easy it was to hide pills.
Okay, Mr. Hughes.
These will help
settle your stomach.
You probably won't feel
like eating tomorrow,
and that's okay.
Remember to stay hydrated,
even if you're sipping water
or chewing ice slivers.
This has the contact number
should you have
any more problems.
Keep an eye on him.
What do you want?
You want to split?
Do you want a divorce?
I don't know.
Do you?
I don't know.
I don't think so.
I don't know.
I'm pissed, Olive.
You can reach me
on my cell.
I thought
I had the wrong place.
I'm sorry it's so late.
What's going on?
Olive left me.
I just wanted to talk.
That's shitty, man.
Can I come in?
I can't come in?
Well, Sylvia's sick.
She's really sick.
And I think...
I think it's contagious.
She's back?
It's just a bad time.
I could stop by later.
We could get a beer
or something.
I'm sorry about Olive.
Mrs. Hughes.
We've been trying
to reach you.
Your dad had a stroke
last night.
He died early this morning.
He was very peaceful.
He wasn't alone.
I was with him.
Nobody called me.
Yes, we've been calling.
Oh, God.
My dad died.
Oh, Jesus.
I'll never be able
to go back there.
I ran away.
I'll never be able
to go back there.
Yes, you can.
I'll go with you.
Let's have a baby.
What are you talking about?
Not because of what happened
with your dad.
I was thinking about it
before you even came back.
I'm scared,
but that's a bad reason
not to do something, you know?
The way we love each other,
you know, it'd be okay.
We can't have a baby.
We're a total fucking mess.
But I love you.
You want one,
and I want one.
I love you so much.
But no.
We're the last people
in the world
who should be having a kid.
But I want one.
# Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh #
# Ooh, ooh #
# Ooh, ooh #
# Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh #
# Ooh, ooh #
# Ooh, ooh #
# Ooh, ooh, ooh #
# Ooh, ooh #
# Ooh, ooh, ooh #
Hey, baby,
your coffee's ready.
I'm sorry.
I'm about to iron.
Do you want me to iron
your shirt?
No, no.
I just won't
take my jacket off.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
Are you okay?
I'm gonna grab that real quick,
all right?
Thank you.
Hey, little brother.
You... you look sharp.
Olive's dad died.
We're going to the funeral.
Who's that?
Yeah, he's a small one.
all his little fingers
barely add up
to one of mine.
He's kind of good-looking,
don't you think?
I think he's about a month.
Where's Sylvia?
Oh, man.
That's been kind of a nightmare.
She shows up a week ago.
She dumps him on me.
And then she sneaks out
in the night.
Oh, man.
Come on, you should come inside.
The thing is,
I'm doing my best,
and I've been clean
for two whole days,
and I'm gonna stay that way.
But the kid,
he can't stay at my place.
Shit, I can't even
stay at my place.
Jackson, what are you
talking about?
Dax, I'm going upstate.
There's a rehab up there,
I've been talking
to one of the counselors,
and I'm gonna
turn my shit around.
Now, listen,
Mary's been up there, okay?
She says it's a great place.
And you said
you'd help me, Dax.
I need you to take my baby.
What about Sylvia?
Okay, so there's diapers
in this bag, okay?
There's... there's a bottle.
There's formula.
You can't just dump this on me.
Dax, I can't.
I can't.
But I will call you,
and I will be back.
I'll be back.
How do I...
I'm ready.
Who's that?
It's Jackson's son.
Jackson has a baby?
Well, where's Jackson?
He left.
When is he coming back?
I don't know.
my beard looks ratty?
Hey, you two.
I'm sorry we're late, man.
Oh, don't worry about it.
Don't worry about it.
It's fine.
I'm sorry.
We brought some wine.
We got a sitter.
I could kill her.
She... well, I love her,
but she's late.
- Well, you love her.
- I think she's amazing.
Well, she's a stoned
but she does...
ah, you got a...
You're having
a little bit of a...
You're leaking there
a little bit.
Oh, wow.
Oh, jeez.
Do you want me
to run down to the car
and get the pump
or something?
Maybe now is a good time
to maybe...
- Oh, my God.
- We got this pump.
First of all,
this contraption is like...
Can you not talk about it?
I'm so embarrassed right now.
- It's no big deal.
- Do you need to...
I'm so sorry.
Okay, let us
take care of this,
and we'll be right back.
Okay, go help her.
Go. You go.
- Okay, we're gonna...
- Thank you.
Hold on.
He knows what a pump is.
It's not like he doesn't.
all: Cheers!
Some water for the mommy.
Cheers to that.
Thank you for having us.
Thank you for being here.
How exciting.
Everybody's up for
a little kid break tonight,
teachers too.
Oh, my God.
Yes, I did, I did.
It's so nice to be here.
Everyone had a great day?
Henry was very sweet.
He took me to the beach.
We're pretty classy here
in the Hughes house.
Baby pictures!
Well, she's really cute so...
I brought baby pictures.
Baby Mathilda.
Oh, look at that.
Look at her little baby toes.
I know.
Oh, my gosh.
Are you kidding?
Yeah, she's really...
Oh, is that your sister?
It's so sweet
that she got to visit.
I know.
I know.
Wow, right away,
just after?
Can I...
I'm so sorry.
Oh, no.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.
I shouldn't be so embarrassed.
I'm so sorry.
Oh, my God.
Okay, no, they got worse.
They got worse,
so, yeah.
Oh, come on.
I grabbed a...
I grabbed a stack of photos.
There's a couple...
Look at these photos.
They go together,
babies and...
I'm so sorry.
My vagina...
Oh, we're all friends.
Who cares?
I'm sorry.
What's wrong?
Let's all eat dinner.
Oh, my God.
Okay, pass the good ones.
It's a vagina, people.
Dax, you have to look.
Oh, my goodness.
She's so beautiful.
Kind of makes you want one.
Can you put them
in your pocket?
So it's really
changed your life, I bet.
Oh, yeah.
To new babies.
all: Hear.
Here it is.
Here's to babysitters.
Who made the pie?
You made the pie?
Oh, wow.
I'll get it.
You guys go ahead and start.
- Hi.
- Hey.
How are you?
I'm great.
Is Dax around?
- Hey.
- Hi.
Ah, that's Sylvia.
Hey, it's Jackson.
Do you want
to go serve the pie,
and I'll, um...
Yeah, sure.
Are you sure you guys
don't want to come inside?
Come back another time, then.
- Thank you.
- Okay.
Where you been?
You guys having
a little party here?
We're having some people over.
- Awesome.
- You okay?
Actually, I'm great.
I'm getting married.
- You're getting married?
- Yeah.
Hey, baby,
come meet my brother.
- Is she okay?
- Yeah, she's fine.
We were just
running all over today.
She's exhausted.
I didn't even know
you were seeing anybody.
Oh, we just met,
but God damn it,
I'm in love with her.
I figured, what the hell?
Join the married folks
like you guys.
And shit, she's gonna be
your sister-in-law,
so you should meet her.
When are you getting married?
That's the funny thing.
We're driving
to Las Vegas tonight.
You're gonna
get married tonight?
I don't know, man.
I'm in love with her.
I can't help it.
Uh, congratulations.
To you both.
Thanks a lot.
The thing is, we're a little shy
on gas money.
Oh, well, here.
I'll... I'll pay you back...
All I've got is,
like, $100.
That's... $100's amazing.
You're a stand-up guy.
What'd I tell you, babe?
Stand-up guy right here.
Have a good dinner party.
All right.
I think you killed me.
You know what I'd like?
I don't think I can
for just a second.
Not that.
I want to have your baby.
Okay, you got me.
I want you
to make me pregnant.
Stop laughing.
I'm serious.
I want to...
I want to start a family.
We already talked about this.
On our first date,
you said
you didn't want to have kids.
You said
you didn't want to have kids,
and you also said
that the Catholic Church
should canonize Kurt Cobain.
I did not say that.
You definitely said that.
I think we were on mushrooms.
No, that was our second date.
On our first date,
we went and had Italian food,
and we both agreed that
it was selfish and narcissistic
to bring kids
into this world.
What about that time when we
drove your dad cross-country,
in the motel room?
I was talking about
how hard it was gonna be
to start taking care
of my father.
And I...
That was three years ago.
Yeah, but I mean,
it's not like the world
got to be a better place.
You know,
just today on NPR,
I heard this thing
about these kids in Darfur.
Rebel armies
march into their villages
and kill all the adults.
And then
they give the kids a choice:
either eat the dead bodies
or be killed too.
What are you talking about?
Those kids have to eat
their parents.
I just don't understand
bringing a child
into that kind of world.
We don't live in Darfur.
That's... that's not my point.
But I mean, you love kids.
You're a teacher.
You love them.
They're my class.
Of course I love them.
And they love you.
Just think about it.
You'd be a great dad.
I don't know that.
You know?
I mean, you don't know that.
I just...
Those kids are not easy,
I'm sure
some of their parents wish
that they had taken better
advantage of contraception.
That is a terrible thing
to say.
I'm serious.
You know?
The kind of life we have
is over for them.
It's just...
I'm mean, most of them are just
struggling to stay together.
Besides, you have good genes,
but look at my family.
What if I got pregnant?
But you're not.
But what if?
I just feel like
we already talked about this.
We can talk about it
some more, right?
I have to go to the bathroom.
You gonna
go see your dad today?
You want me to go with you?
It's too confusing for him
right now.
This is my dad's
bonobo chimpanzee mask.
Bonobos' DNA
is 98% identical to humans.
My dad also has a complete set
of Congo River animal
action figures.
This is my mom's
Jane Goodall research costume.
When my dad moved across town
with Vicky Green...
Let's wrap it up, Sammy.
My mom buried them both
in the backyard.
You can see the chip
on the top of the mask
where my shovel hit it.
Let's sit down.
And it took me three weeks
to find where she hid them.
Okay, who else
has something to share?
all: Me!
All right, Meegan.
Hey, Sammy, can I talk to you
for a second?
Listen, you know,
some things are private.
Can you take the mask off
for me?
Do you know
what I'm talking about?
It's not always good
to talk about everything.
My mom says it's good to talk.
Okay, yeah.
You know, I just don't think
she means, like,
at show-and-tell.
Can I hold on
to the bathing suit?
All right, go have fun.
What... what do you call these
again, Olivia?
Snaps, Dad.
They're your favorites,
Well, they're delicious.
No, no.
You finish them.
They're for you.
That's okay, June.
You give those to the baby.
She likes cookies too.
Dad, I'm Olivia.
And June was your wife.
I know.
I know who you are.
That's right, Dad.
You know me.
It's like we have a second pet.
I guess you had a good day.
It was terrible.
Lucky me.
Oh, wait.
- What?
- I'll meet you in the bedroom.
Hey, hey.
Hey, wake up.
I thought you were a cop, man.
What the hell
are you doing here?
We were sleeping.
Get out of the car.
Hey, I'm sorry
about this morning.
You know, Jackson,
it wasn't just us.
You woke up
the whole neighborhood.
Ah, well, we were gonna
come in last night, man,
but your lights were off.
Okay, so we had to sleep
in the car.
You know the point is,
you just shouldn't be driving
like that.
- I know that.
- Obviously, you don't.
I'm sorry.
I'm gonna be late.
Looks great.
Thank you.
Can you try
to eat something, babe?
It's good.
Looks good.
You guys have a paper towel?
We've had to keep him
in his room all day.
Well, you can't keep him here
as a prisoner.
Dad, just sit down
and behave for a second.
I thought you said routine
was important.
It is important.
But his behavior is escalating
as time goes on.
Just hold on, Dad!
I'm having a conversation!
It's okay, Bruce.
Safety is our
most important concern.
Well, he can be in the garden
if I'm with him, right?
Of course, he can.
I'm not a child.
You shouldn't talk about me
like I'm not here.
I'm sorry, Dad.
Do you want
to go to the garden?
Let's go.
We're fine.
I didn't mean to.
I know you didn't, Daddy.
Hi, Bruce.
- Hey, babe. I'm sorry...
- Hey.
- Olive.
- Is everything okay?
Can you just take him to
the garden for me for a second?
Come on, Pops.
Let's go take a walk.
He didn't mean to.
We have to talk about options.
Your father either needs
or we're gonna
have to sedate him.
I'll think about it.
We're not equipped
for violent residents.
He's not violent.
Punching is violent.
If it happens again,
we're gonna have to ask you
to find someplace else.
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry he hit you.
It's the disease.
I just need
a little bit of time.
Then he's like,
"Mr. Dax is the best.
"Mr. Dax,
he grades my test.
Mr. Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy,
was he?"
That's what it sounded like.
Hey, play something on vinyl.
All right.
Hey, what do you want
to drink?
Mmm, red wine.
No wine.
No beer.
We do have this.
Mr. Award-Winning Educator,
your secret's safe with me.
You're so beautiful.
No, no.
You first.
No, me first.
Me first.
You can't get it?
I can get it.
I'll get it.
No, stay.
I know where matches are.
I know where matches are.
I'll get it.
I know where matches are.
I'll be back.
Found some.
I got it.
I'm gonna make
the best breakfast in the world.
Eggs, toast, bacon,
orange juice.
I'm gonna make smoothies.
I make the best smoothies
in the world.
- And potatoes.
- And potatoes.
They're made
from old sweaters.
What is it?
A bear.
It's a bear.
And all the of money
that we make from selling them
will go to the Sparrow Rock
Elementary School.
Little kids made them.
Actually, I make them.
Very nice.
Hey, baby.
Thank you.
It's a little melty.
Ice cream always makes me
think of Disneyland.
I didn't know
you went to Disneyland.
My mom took us, kind of.
How do you kind of
take someone to Disneyland?
One summer...
I must have been about seven...
Jackson started collecting
these coupons
for half off tickets
to Disneyland.
And my mom got really into it
with him
and collected all summer.
And then when they had enough,
she talked Frank
into driving us all down.
So all five kids...
Frank's three girls,
me, and Jackson...
loaded into
the back of Frank's Caddy.
And we drove for hours,
no AC,
totally hot and sweaty.
You know?
But no fights.
We were all excited
and on our best behavior.
And then when we got there...
Half of the tickets
had expired.
Frank got really pissed off.
He started a shoving match
with the guy at the gate.
We all had to load back up
into the car.
I can still remember
the way Disneyland looked
getting small through
the back of the windshield.
That's, like, the saddest
thing I've ever heard.
Everybody was crying,
and Frank was yelling at us
to shut up,
and my mom was a total mess.
But then, you know,
she told Frank to pull over.
She grabbed 40 bucks
from her purse.
She marched us
into Baskin-Robbins.
Any kid could have as much
ice cream as they wanted.
Jackson got a banana split
the size of his head.
I always just liked chocolate.
I love this.
I said, I love this.
Me too.
Ah, fuck.
Hey, buddy.
What the hell?
You're late.
I'm sorry, man.
They were talking to me
and asking me questions.
I think I got this job.
that's great, Jackson,
but you promised
that you wouldn't be late,
and now I'm late.
Okay, well, get the car,
go to work.
I got trash.
Go, go, go.
Uh, are you guys
having a kid?
No, that's... that's not...
I mean, we're not.
It's, um...
We're not.
Didn't she tell you about it?
I mean, I knew about this.
It's just... it's nothing.
All right.
Well, I won't say anything
to her.
But, um, actually, man,
I kind of wanted
to talk to you about...
She's not pregnant.
You know, there was just
a slipup
with the birth control.
She's fine.
Fight, fight,
fight, fight, fight!
Hey! Hey!
That's enough.
Your mom's stupid.
I said that's enough!
Come on.
Kids, sit down.
Well, it's our first time
trying Thai,
so I hope the flavors
are all right.
- It's delicious.
- It is.
Really, really good.
Thank you.
Really good.
This wine is excellent.
Oh, good.
I'm glad.
You don't want any?
Mm, no,
I'm still nursing,
so I can't.
Can't do it.
Because everything I have
will go right to Mathilda, so...
Wow, no alcohol for...
what is that, a year?
That's a long time.
You're such a boozehound.
No, I'm just saying,
it takes patience, you know?
He just likes the wine.
Here, let me top you off.
You are a little bit
of a boozehound.
Thank you.
All right, well,
give me some more.
It is a long time, though,
'cause you know,
you're pregnant for 9 months
and then nursing for 12.
Forever, forever,
it feels like.
I really miss coffee
more than anything.
Olive loves her coffee.
That's true.
I do love coffee.
I also love wine,
so maybe I should
have a little more.
Excuse me.
I think
he's an awesome dog.
He is an awesome dog.
He's just neurotic.
Yeah, well, all dogs
are afraid of fireworks, right?
I mean,
that's not too neurotic.
Maybe not.
But last year on the Fourth,
he was so freaked out,
he peed all over the house.
He was like
a big furry faucet.
Not this year.
We're ready for him.
We're gonna slip him a mickey.
We're going to sedate him.
Henry got some pills
from the vet,
and we're going
to knock the little pisser out.
That's probably
a really good idea.
Just let him sleep
through the whole thing
and not worry about it.
I think it's immoral.
Drugging a dog just because
it's convenient for you.
It's medical.
I mean,
it's for his own good.
Did you know that
Olive used to drug our cat?
She used to blow pot smoke
in its face
until it got high.
I did that once.
I just don't think that
you should be
inflicting your will
on animals that don't get
to participate in the decision.
Our dog, he gets
into some pot brownies.
This was years ago,
but I still feel a little bit
terrible about it.
We had a... like an entire
plateful of pot brownies.
The dog devours
the whole thing,
and, like, you know,
you know,
more than is safe.
I love you.
Love you too.
I'm sorry I gave marijuana
to the cat.
Dax and I are thinking
about having a baby,
I mean, soon.
Would you like that?
Would you like a grandchild?
That's good.
That's good that
you're gonna have a baby.
See you next time.
May I help you?
I'm here to pick up
my wife's prescription.
Her name?
Olive Hughes.
Okay, give me a moment.
Mr. Hughes,
your wife hasn't filled
that prescription here
for some time now.
Ah, yeah,
we've been out of town.
I'll still have to call
her physician.
For birth control?
It is a prescription,
Mr. Hughes.
Of course.
Hey, babe.
Oh, hi.
God, you scared me.
Hey, what are you doing home
so early?
Oh, the kids had one of those
motivational assemblies,
and so I got
the rest of the day off.
Hmm, lucky us.
Want to help me wash my hair?
Not... not right now.
Are you sure?
Yeah, I... I just don't want
to get wet.
You know, there was
a sub today at school
who got pregnant,
and she was using the diaphragm.
I just wanted to make sure
that we weren't, you know,
too hasty or anything
in switching it up
and that, you know,
it was safe.
Yeah, yeah, it's totally s...
it's, like...
you know,
it's as safe as anything else,
like, you know, 97%
or, like, 98.8% or whatever.
You know,
I feel so much better.
And I think it's also
supposed to help reduce
the risk of some cancers.
I just wanted to make sure
that you were covered,
you know,
and that you're doing okay.
I mean, does it bother you
or something?
Can you feel it?
No, it's fine.
Someone's at the front door.
I'm gonna grab that.
It's all fucked up, man.
Hey, do you want
to come inside?
I'm sorry.
Fuck, I just feel
like I'm dying, man.
I can't eat.
I can't sleep.
I can't fucking do anything.
I just sit and think about her
all day.
What happened?
I wasn't enough for her,
I mean, I tried.
And I lost that job.
But it's just
so much more than that.
I'm a fucking...
I'm a fucking weak
son of a bitch.
I'm sorry.
Maybe you guys
can still talk it out.
She left a note.
She's not coming back.
Let's go inside.
I'll make some coffee.
No, man.
I just wanted
to talk to somebody.
I'm good.
Jackson, come inside.
I'm late for something, so...
What are you late for?
Do you know how much it costs
to get to Wilshire?
I got to get some lunch too.
Thanks, man.
You're a good guy.
Olive is very lucky.
Hey, Jackson,
do you ever...
do you ever think
you're in over your head?
I don't know.
You know, we've got
fucked-up genetics.
Our mother was a whore.
That has nothing to do
with genetics.
All I'm saying is that,
you know,
I know you drink.
I don't know what else you do,
but if you wanted,
I could help you with that.
I'm, uh...
You know, I could...
I'm not in over my head.
Thanks for the loan.
I'll get you back.
How did you sleep?
Did you dream?
What are you doing up there?
Oh, nothing.
How did you sleep?
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm just...
I think I'm worried
about Jackson.
Thanks, babe.
That was awesome.
Is something wrong?
It's a little bitter
or something.
I'll run water through
the coffeemaker later.
Have a good day.
You too.
Hey, can I... I got to pick up
that prescription.
I know.
I know.
Please, man.
Thanks so much.
You have to be careful.
I have scissors.
Good morning, Bruce.
Time for your meds.
How are we today, Bruce?
How are we?
- How are we?
- How are we?
We are drugged out
of any sort of personality.
We are in
a semiconscious haze
with no ability
to communicate.
And he doesn't even know
who I am.
Listen, Olive.
Just... just let go
of the scissors.
Take a time-out
in the bathroom.
You're frightening
your father.
You're frightening your father.
can you open your mouth for me?
Can you just open your mouth?
Can you do that?
That's okay.
You all right?
I'm all right.
It's okay.
I'm okay.
Here you go.
That's it.
What's funny?
Anna's so sweet,
but she can't spell
to save her life.
Her essay is all about
her new soccer couch.
"The couch tells me
I can go far if I just try.
my couch studied in Brazil,
so I will need to go there
if I want to be better."
She's really cute.
Sounds funny.
I guess you just
have to know her.
You're tapping.
I didn't realize.
I'll stop.
I don't even know
why I make these.
Nobody ever buys them.
# Love #
# Oh, love #
# Careless love #
# Oh, love #
# Oh, love #
# Careless love #
# Love #
# Oh, love #
# Careless love #
# See what you've done? #
# Done to me #
# I used to wear my apron #
# Down low #
# Follow me #
# Wherever I go #
# Oh, oh, oh #
# But now I wear my apron #
# High... #
# Ah, ooh #
# Ooh, ooh #
# Careless love #
# I said ooh #
# Ooh, ooh, ooh #
# Ah, ah, ah, ah #
# Ah, ah, ah... #
# Careless love #
Okay, Mrs. Hughes.
Well, the home tests
were correct.
You're not pregnant.
I'm not pregnant?
But I'm moody,
and I'm swollen,
and I cry a lot.
Oh, you'll probably
just start your period soon.
You were hoping
for a pregnancy?
Yeah, I guess so.
Are you trying for a baby?
That's great.
You're healthy.
We confirmed a pill prescription
for you a few months back.
It's possible
to get pregnant right away,
but for most people,
it takes some trying.
If things
don't happen naturally,
come back,
and we'll talk.
My pill prescription?
Your birth control pill.
No, I'm not taking
the birth control pills.
But you renewed your
prescription four months ago.
So you haven't been off it
very long.
I renewed?
When did you take
your pill last?
I'm sorry.
I don't know
when I took my last pill.
Yeah, it's still in your body.
Just give it a while.
Keep trying.
You can get dressed now.
Hey, just the person
I wanted to see.
Not now.
Hey, Olive.
I could really use some advice
about something.
What's going on?
What happened?
I went to
the gynecologist today, Dax.
You okay?
Apparently, I messed up
my birth control pills,
and that's...
that's not very good for me,
you know?
It's not too fucking healthy.
I've been slipping them
to you.
Is that what
you're trying to say?
Because I found
your little pill stash.
How could you do that to me?
Do you know how stupid I felt
sitting in that office
thinking I was pregnant?
I found your diaphragm.
You started it.
Well, I'm sorry,
but that's not the same thing.
It's not the same thing?
You can't sneak a baby,
It's a human being,
for Christ sake.
You wouldn't even talk to me
about it.
You wouldn't even
discuss it with me.
I told you.
I told you
I did not want to have a kid.
I mean, look at my family.
Is that what you want?
I don't think you know.
You know,
I think it's some sort of
conceptual thing for you, Olive.
Oh, okay.
I'm sorry.
I forgot that you know
what's best for everyone.
If we had a kid,
everything we did,
every mistake we made
would affect that kid.
I mean, we'd mess it up.
You what?
Did you...
You put it in my coffee
every day?
Every day
for how many months?
Don't look at me like that.
You don't get to look at me
like that
with everything
that I have going on right now
with my dad.
It's just,
your dad's falling apart.
And you're trying to trick me
into having a baby.
No, you don't get to talk
to me about him.
You don't get to talk to me
about my dad.
How could you do this to me?
I'm not going to stand here
and compare scores with you
on who's worse,
because you drugged me, Dax.
I was...
Are you okay?
I don't feel...
- Okay.
- I don't feel good.
Just stay right there.
Vitamin B and vitamin C
and Tylenol cold and sinus,
some codeine that
was left over from a root canal.
I think there were
some children vitamins.
And birth control pills,
just two of them.
And that's all.
And some echinacea.
And that's all.
I didn't make it for you,
you know?
I just wanted to see
how easy it was to hide pills.
Okay, Mr. Hughes.
These will help
settle your stomach.
You probably won't feel
like eating tomorrow,
and that's okay.
Remember to stay hydrated,
even if you're sipping water
or chewing ice slivers.
This has the contact number
should you have
any more problems.
Keep an eye on him.
What do you want?
You want to split?
Do you want a divorce?
I don't know.
Do you?
I don't know.
I don't think so.
I don't know.
I'm pissed, Olive.
You can reach me
on my cell.
I thought
I had the wrong place.
I'm sorry it's so late.
What's going on?
Olive left me.
I just wanted to talk.
That's shitty, man.
Can I come in?
I can't come in?
Well, Sylvia's sick.
She's really sick.
And I think...
I think it's contagious.
She's back?
It's just a bad time.
I could stop by later.
We could get a beer
or something.
I'm sorry about Olive.
Mrs. Hughes.
We've been trying
to reach you.
Your dad had a stroke
last night.
He died early this morning.
He was very peaceful.
He wasn't alone.
I was with him.
Nobody called me.
Yes, we've been calling.
Oh, God.
My dad died.
Oh, Jesus.
I'll never be able
to go back there.
I ran away.
I'll never be able
to go back there.
Yes, you can.
I'll go with you.
Let's have a baby.
What are you talking about?
Not because of what happened
with your dad.
I was thinking about it
before you even came back.
I'm scared,
but that's a bad reason
not to do something, you know?
The way we love each other,
you know, it'd be okay.
We can't have a baby.
We're a total fucking mess.
But I love you.
You want one,
and I want one.
I love you so much.
But no.
We're the last people
in the world
who should be having a kid.
But I want one.
# Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh #
# Ooh, ooh #
# Ooh, ooh #
# Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh #
# Ooh, ooh #
# Ooh, ooh #
# Ooh, ooh, ooh #
# Ooh, ooh #
# Ooh, ooh, ooh #
Hey, baby,
your coffee's ready.
I'm sorry.
I'm about to iron.
Do you want me to iron
your shirt?
No, no.
I just won't
take my jacket off.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
Are you okay?
I'm gonna grab that real quick,
all right?
Thank you.
Hey, little brother.
You... you look sharp.
Olive's dad died.
We're going to the funeral.
Who's that?
Yeah, he's a small one.
all his little fingers
barely add up
to one of mine.
He's kind of good-looking,
don't you think?
I think he's about a month.
Where's Sylvia?
Oh, man.
That's been kind of a nightmare.
She shows up a week ago.
She dumps him on me.
And then she sneaks out
in the night.
Oh, man.
Come on, you should come inside.
The thing is,
I'm doing my best,
and I've been clean
for two whole days,
and I'm gonna stay that way.
But the kid,
he can't stay at my place.
Shit, I can't even
stay at my place.
Jackson, what are you
talking about?
Dax, I'm going upstate.
There's a rehab up there,
I've been talking
to one of the counselors,
and I'm gonna
turn my shit around.
Now, listen,
Mary's been up there, okay?
She says it's a great place.
And you said
you'd help me, Dax.
I need you to take my baby.
What about Sylvia?
Okay, so there's diapers
in this bag, okay?
There's... there's a bottle.
There's formula.
You can't just dump this on me.
Dax, I can't.
I can't.
But I will call you,
and I will be back.
I'll be back.
How do I...
I'm ready.
Who's that?
It's Jackson's son.
Jackson has a baby?
Well, where's Jackson?
He left.
When is he coming back?
I don't know.