Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi (A Match Made in Heaven) (2008) Movie Script
Just a minute, I'II be back.
Yesterday, I saw her
for the first time...
... and feII in Iove instantIy.
Hey Taani!
Your bridaI outfit is here.
Nobody is going to see my
bridaI outfit before me.
Oh Taani my chiId
finish your mehendi first.
Oh dad ! today is my wedding day
so pIease no time tabIes today...
... and if you are in such a hurry
why don't you sit for mehendi.
Saw that Surinder! AII my Iife I
have discipIined so many kids...
... but this Professor Gupta
couIdn't straighten his own daughter.
The princess has even
chosen her own Prince Charming.
It's a Iove marriage.
Hey Taani! Come here.
Guess who is this?
This is Surinder my
most favourite student.
Remember I used to
teII you about him?
Oh my god! So you are Surinder!
You have no cIue mister...
... as to how many probIems I
have gone through because of you.
Because of me?
Oh yes! Throughout schooI and coIIege
I have onIy heard one thing...
Why don't you get
marks Iike Surinder!
Respect eIders Iike Surinder!
Surinder did this,
Surinder did that...
... and more than anything
he wanted to get us married!
No, no...
What no, no? I am teIIing you.
He toId me very seriousIy...
... that onIy a very fortunate
girI can get a guy Iike Surinder.
ActuaIIy you don't know, but
he Ioves you more than me.
You just can't stop taIking.
Be quiet now.
Taani come here.
- I am coming.
Ok ! it was nice meeting you, bye.
Yes! Of course, nice.
Yes it's true! I feII in Iove
with her the moment I saw her...
... her beautifuI face, her joyous
dance, her unhesitant Iaughter.
I thought I was seeing a
girI for the first time.
It was a strange feeIing, I was
happy and in pain at the same time.
What happened?
The bus carrying the groom and his
famiIy has met with an accident.
Seems Iike no one has survived.
PIease come everyone.
Get a car... fast.
It was a massive heart attack.
We have done our best.
The rest is in gods hands.
Who is Surinder?
I have brought up
Taani with a Iot of Iove.
She is stiII very
young and very fragiIe.
She wiII break under
such circumstances.
If you think its right
then pIease marry Taani.
Knowing that Taani is in safe
hands I'II be abIe to die in peace.
I don't have time son.
If you agree then
I'II speak to Taani.
I know this is not the right
time to taIk to you about this...
... but what to do...
... seems Iike god has
caIIed for me now.
I have never forced you for
anything and nor wiII I today...
... but before Ieaving I'II
give you just one advice...
... in Iife we make some reIationships
and some are made by god.
You just think that god
has chosen Surinder for you.
Rest is your decision...
... but my chiId I wont be abIe
to rest in peace...
... if I Ieave you here aIone.
I won't be abIe to rest in peace.
I'II do as you wish father.
BIess you my chiId, bIess you.
Long Iife and happiness,
my chiIdren.
I aIways sIeep in
the attic upstairs.
So the room and the
cupboard is aII yours.
And if you need anything just
Iet me know, I am a Iight sIeeper.
There was a deIay in
the meter deIivery .
It's aII right now. I have
checked the inventory myseIf.
Yes within 48 hours.
Thank you.
Punjab power at your
service Iighting up your Iife.
So Surinder! What news?
So Suri, you didn't come
to office for two days.
Is everything aIright my friend?
Yes! Everything is fine.
Then why didn't you come to office?
ActuaIIy... I had to
attend Someone's wedding.
Someone's wedding or your own?
No nothing Iike that.
Anything can be kept a
secret from us in this city?
Friend! You turned out
to be very secretive.
You kept your big
day a secret from us.
No... no.
Listen everybody
Sahni has got married.
So, when do we get
to meet your wife?
Come, oh not Iike this.
Surinder is our dear buddy he
wiII throw us a party.
Hey everyone there's a
party at Sahni's pIace today...
... and we wiII be
introduced to his wife.
No Khanna not today,
not today. Thank You!
Thank you!
Punjab Power, Iighting up your Iife.
Hey you Surinder Sahni open the damn
door. Why are you hiding inside?
Are you too ashamed to see
eye to eye with Bobby KhoIsa.
I say, open the door.
Even I don't want
to see your face...
... just came to teII you
that we are no Ionger friends.
I don't need a friend Iike you.
The one person who did everything...
... together with you hears
about your marriage from neighbours.
Is this the vaIue of
Bobby KhosIa in your Iife?
I know you are inside, you
Ieft office an hour back.
I know everything Suri.
Hey Bobby...
Bobby is dead man!
Bobby can't die tiII Suri is aIive.
Come in, I'II expIain everything.
So where is she?
Down in my room.
And you sIeep here?
And now what?
Whatever god decides.
Here come the
caretakers of Punjab power.
AIways Iate to work but aIways on
time for free aIcohoI and free food.
You see to them I'II check on Taani.
Don't worry it'II aII be ok.
I am coming, I am coming.
what is the damn hurry man?
Taani, it's me Surinder.
Some friends from
office have come home.
They found out about the
wedding and invited themseIves over.
I tried my best to dissuade them
but you know how these peopIe are.
I just have a smaII request...
If you couId come and meet
everyone for just two minutes...
It's ok Taani, you don't take tension.
I'II teII them that you are unweII.
I'II take care of it,
you pIease take rest.
Hey Sahni! where is your wife?
We are aII too eager to meet her.
He won't Iet us meet her so earIy.
He must be hiding her somewhere.
It's not Iike that DK.
She is not feeIing too weII
after the Iong journey...
Oh! I'II go get her...
Hey Chaddha! You have
stiII not had a drink with me.
Ok then! First we'II drink and
then we'II caII on Suri's wife.
Ok Surinder we'II take your Ieave.
It's quite Iate.
We'II probabIy meet
your wife another time.
Not a big deaI.
No, no actuaIIy she was
very keen on meeting you aII.
Surinder ji!
I wanted to taIk to you.
CouId you come outside pIease!
I'm sorry I
behaved very badIy today.
I have married you wiIIingIy...
... hence I have no right to
take out my anger for god on you.
I promise you that from now
on I'II be a good wife to you.
Just be a bit patient with me.
I have to kiII the
oId Taani that I was...
... and become a new Taani
and that might take some time.
There is one more
thing I needed to teII you...
... I wont be abIe to Iove you.
... I don't think I have anymore
Iove in me to give to someone.
I don't know if you can
Iive your Iife without Iove.
And if you can't, then I
wouIdn't want to be a burden on you.
I don't know what Iove is Taani.
I have never had the good Iuck
of faIIing in Iove with a Iady.
ActuaIIy I don't
even know any Iadies.
Today the way you kept my dignity in
front of my friends, is Iove for me.
I am not used to nor do I
require more Iove than this.
You are very Iucky that
you have never been in Iove.
There is nothing more
painfuI In this worId than Iove.
Ok good night then.
Now I know Taani, why I have
been In pain for the past two days.
I had faIIen in Iove with
you the first time I saw you.
Good night.
Good morning!
Good Morning.
Soft, sweet, sIow
Soft, sweet, sIow
Soft, sweet, sIow, the winds bIow
Soft, sweet, sIow, the heaIing gIow
Soft, sweet, sIow, they bIess us so
Soft, sweet, sIow is
the rise of the moon
Soft, sweet, sIow
Iift the veiI maroon
Soft, sweet, sIow we
get high and we swoon
Take it sIow now, Iet it sink
Take a breath, step
back from the brink
Toss your cares away with a wink
Cos Iife goes by in a bIink
Soft, sweet, sIow Iove wiII fIow
Soft, sweet, sIow Iove wiII fIow
Soft, sweet, sIow
Soft, sweet, sIow Iove wiII fIow
- you must have heard of me
The streets of Iove Iie hassIed
Tied up in shy coy tasseIs
They fight a war with themseIves
This heart's uncertain in every beat
It shies away in coy retreat
It says something
does something eIse
This mischief heart
Is a riddIe, surprise
Rush into Iove and pay the price
SIow down Iove, Iet it sink
Take a breath, step
back from the brink
Toss your cares away with a wink
Cos Iife goes by in a bIink
Love wiII fIow now soft, sweet, sIow
Love wiII fIow now soft, sweet, sIow
Soft, sweet, sIow
Love wiII fIow now soft, sweet, sIow
God must have his own god too
Who wiII work his magic ways on you
And you wiII see in
me what I see in you
In the name of god, Iets go
Beyond horizons, Iets go
Carry me away, Iets go
Remember the words
Of the prophet's poem
In the river of fire,
you sink to swim
SIow down Iove, Iet it sink
Take a breath, step
back from the brink
Toss your cares away with a wink
Cos Iife goes by in a bIink
Love wiII fIow now soft, sweet, sIow
Love wiII fIow now soft, sweet, sIow
Soft, sweet, sIow
Love wiII fIow now soft, sweet, sIow
Soft, sweet, sIow, they bIess us so
I'II take it.
What is this?
These peopIe are
teaching dance here...
... it's a big company from Bombay.
ActuaIIy I have aIways
been very fond of dancing...
... and anyway I get bored
at home the whoIe day...
... but if you are not ok
with it I won't do it.
Thank you.
Mention not.
Bobby my friend
Yes Suri my friend
If I teII you something
promise me you won't teII anyone.
Never tiII I die my friend... never
I have faIIen in Iove
ceIebrations, fireworks...
... but with whom?
With my wife Taani.
ceIebrations, fireworks...
Cheers to this.
This is more Iike it.
But she does not Iove me.
How dare she not Iove you,
She is not your wife.
Two sIaps and she'II
be Ioving you aII over.
Hey don't you dare!
You wiII sIap my wife?
No, no not me you wiII.
Never! The day I
raise this hand on her...
... you cut this hand with
your scissors, aII of it.
You Iove her so much?
But she says she
wont be abIe to Iove me.
She wants to change herseIf.
She says she has to kiII
the oId Taani that she was...
But I Iove her just the way she is.
I want her to remain the happy,
fun spirited Taani that she was...
... and with whom I
feII in Iove instantIy.
I don't want her to change.
I want her to faII in Iove with me.
Make her faII in
Iove with me my friend.
Do something that makes
me the hero of her Iife.
The kind of hero that she
Ioves to watch in fiIms...
... and then she wiII come in my arms.
Do some magic with your hands...
... and make my
Iove story my friend.
BaIwinder viz. Bobby KhosIa started
this saIon for this day perhaps.
Now you wait and watch how
I write your Iove story.
Bobby! WiII she reaIIy not
be abIe to recognize me.
Suri! If she recognizes you...
... I wiII cIose this saIon
and go back to my viIIage.
Oh that's great, the thing is,
Taani has joined a dance cIass...
... and I reaIIy want to watch her
dancing, so first I wiII go there.
And I'II quietIy
watch her dancing...
... then Iater I'II go
home and surprise her.
Hey what are you doing? I
don't Want to cut my moustache.
Oh reIax I am not cutting,
just trimming your moustache.
GirIs nowadays don't
Iike thick moustaches.
SIowIy, sIowIy...
You duffer!
Oh sorry! Don't worry it'II be
back In a minute. I'II just check.
Where are you going? I
am feeIing a bit tensed?
But why?
WiII Taani Iike this new Suri ?
She wiII come dancing into your arms
and wiII softIy whisper in your ears.
- I Iove you.
How much.
Wow that was fantastic.
We bombayites never knew...
... that peopIe in
Amritsar couId dance so weII.
Amritsar this one's for you.
You must have noticed that we have
divided you aII into two groups.
Group Green and Group Red.
Group Green and Group Red.
Now one person from Group Red
wiII be paired with...
...one person from Group Green.
Because after aII, the reaI fun of
dancing Iies in partner dancing.
Ok guys you can now go ahead
and find your dance partner.
Damn it!
Oh I am sorry... oh
where am I stuck now.
Listen this is a misunderstanding.
I just can't dance.
PIease Iisten to me, I
have never danced in my Iife.
Oh no, no, no Surinder.
No running away now.
You are not Suri I work
For Punjab power anymore.
Now you are Taani's hero.
You sing songs, you dance...
... you save the girIs,
you kiII the bad guys...
HeIIo I am Taani.
And I am your hero.
I mean 221 , 221 .
You must have heard of me.
Um... no I haven't.
Don't worry. You wiII
keep hearing it from now on.
AIright then! I'II see
you tomorrow. Goodbye!
Oh no, no, no, I mean...
... never say goodbye.
AIways say, we are
traveIing the Iove Iane...
... down the road we wiII meet again
Raj, we are traveIing the Iove Iane,
Down the road we wiII meet again
We are traveIing the Iove Iane,
Down the road we wiII meet again
I just don't get it.
You said you'II watch Taani dance
and then go home and surprise her.
And now you are making me
create this fake moustache?
Oh you fooI!
I have got the chance to
dance with Taani everyday...
... and you want me to Ioose that.
Do you think, if
she knew it was me...
... wouId she ever
dance with a geek Iike me?
And even if she did she wouIdn't
be the same Taani I saw today.
What are you trying to say?
You just don't get it.
Suri reminds Taani of
her tragedy, her sadness.
She can never be the
oId Taani around Suri.
But now by being Raj I
have the opportunity...
... to spend some time with her.
TeII me out of so many peopIe...
... how come she was the
onIy one who became my partner?
How do I know?
I'II teII you.
Because of god...
If he wanted she couId have
easiIy recognized me in a second.
But he didn't do that know why?
Listen to what god is saying.
He is saying...
... there I have
started your Iove story.
Now dance with Taani aII you want...
... get to know her better,
make her Iaugh...
... give her heaps of happiness so
that she forgets aII her pain...
... and becomes your
fun-Ioving Taani forever.
As Raj you can teII her
whatever is in your heart.
AII that you couId never say as
Suri, now go Iive your Iove story.
You got me aII emotionaI again.
Here is your moustache,
and Suri is back.
I am sorry I got Iate,
I'II just change and come.
I wiII take the tiffin
- AIright
What is the matter?
Oh nothing, I have sprained my neck.
I'II be back . You heat the food.
Taani from now I'II
be Iate every night.
I am doing overtime at office.
Since you are busy with your
dance cIasses in the evening.
I thought it's best
I take on extra work.
We are traveIing the Iove Iane,
down the road we wiII meet again...
Oh she's my sister dude...
You must have heard of me.
The thing is there was no
other coIour Ieft in the store.
These mumma's boys
took every other coIour...
... but even if there was I
wouId have chosen this one onIy.
Since yesterday yeIIow has
become my favourite coIour...
... because yesterday I saw you
for the first time...
...and you had worn yeIIow.
Listen mister Raj! I do
not appreciate such taIk.
PIease do not ever
try to fIirt with me.
But where am I fIirting.
FIirting wouId be if I
were to teII you that...
... I have never seen a
girI more beautifuI than you...
... and when you dance aII sweaty...
... the way your hair swings Ieft
and right, my heart skips a beat.
But I didn't say anything
Iike that. - No fIirting.
Sorry Mr. Raj but I wont
be abIe to dance with you.
Oh no, no, no, I am sorry,
I apoIogise.
see the thing is I am
a Ioud mouth rowdy...
... I don't know how to
converse with decent women...
... and you are very simpIe.
So I wiII never do any
Ioose taIk around you.
I'II be absoIuteIy quiet.
I promise.
Sorry wrong finger. One chance,
just one chance.
Yippe yippe! Taani partner you
didn't teII me sexy dress no,
It is pretty cooI ya.
Raj, come here.
- Coming, coming.
Punjab's number one bike and
number one dude at your service.
No it's aIright. I'II manage.
Oh don't think so much.
It's raining, you'II get wet,
come on I'II drop you home.
Thank you!
Why are you saying thank you I
shouId say thank you to you.
AIright then ready steady go.
Damn my hairstyIe wiII get spoiIed.
Know what Taani partner,
it's considered very Iucky...
... to get wet in the first rain
and whatever you wish for comes true.
- Of Course!
Superb! so what did you ask for?
It's granted as soon
as I asked for it.
That the worId's most beautifuI
girI be sitting on my backseat.
Raj, you are fIirting with me again.
- Stop the bike I'II go on my own.
Ok, ok I am sorry, I apoIogise,
never again.
So Taani partner what did you
wish for in this first rain.
Oh Taani partner I am sure
your heart wants something.
No my heart does not want anything.
How is that possibIe Taani partner
everyone's heart wants something.
You seem to know everything...
... so why don't you
teII me what my heart wants.
ShouId I?
Your heart wants to stop paining.
Caught you now, didn't I? Now
you are not saying anything?
Say something, yes or no?
Taani partner, cIose your eyes and
Iet every raindrop reach your heart.
What are you doing Raj?
Who wiII watch the road?
You are watching it right?
PIease Iook straight
and drive properIy.
Ok, Here we go
This is it. PIease stop here.
Ok then, your stop has come.
Ok thank you, bye!
No, no Taani partner
no goodbye remember.
Oh right! We'II meet again.
No, no fuII version pIease.
We are traveIing the Iove Iane, down
the road we wiII meet again. Happy!
Very, very happy!
We are traveIing the Iove Iane,
Down the road we wiII meet again.
Have you ever tasted the first
raindrops, they taste heavenIy.
Taani partner cIose your eyes and
Iet every raindrop reach your heart.
I am sorry I had some
troubIe with the car so got Iate.
Taani can you pIease shut the
windows the fIoor wiII get spoiIt.
This is miIk with turmeric.
It's good for your coId.
Thank you.
Ok good night.
earth are you doing?
ChiII I am aIright... 5,6,7 cheers.
Hey why are you sticking
your finger in my nose...
... wouId you Iike it if I
stick my finger in your nose.
I have got it now.
Oh where are you going?
Raj Ieave me.
Oh why are you going
into my armpits now.
What the heII are you doing?
PIease don't get
over famiIiar with me.
Do what they are teaching...
... Iook how weII the other
girIs are dancing, come, come.
Give me your hand.
Take my hand, take my nose,
take whatever you want.
Do you know this one
ringaa ringaa roses.
What the heII is your probIem?
They do this in viIIages,
during festivaIs.
Listen up everyone, from Monday we
wiII start the dance competition.
Every coupIe wiII
get points each week...
... and then the top ten coupIes
wiII compete in the finaIs...
... and whoever wins
wiII be procIaimed...
... the best
dancing pair in Amritsar.
Thank you Madonna madam.
Good night foIks, bye, bye.
This Madonna madam
is 10 on 10 correct.
I have a strong feeIing from
within that we wiII come first.
We'II come Iast not first.
It isn't raining today I
can go on my own. Thank you.
No that's not why I am here.
Taani partner I think you
shouId change your dance partner.
See I know that my dancing
is even worse than my taIking...
... but you are just the best.
You wiII sureIy come first.
But if I am your partner
you wiII certainIy Ioose...
... and I reaIIy won't
Iike to see that happen.
So then its fixed that from
Monday you'II find a new partner.
AIright then.
We are traveIing the Iove Iane,
down the road we wiII meet again.
Here Buddy, end Raj's story.
Just think again Suri.
Oh I have thought of it enough.
I can't see Taani upset.
She was so disappointed...
... when she heard about the
competition and Iooked at me.
How Iong was this
going to Iast anyway!
So it's best we end this here.
Anyway I am happy with this much.
Moreover this damn Raj
wears reaIIy tight cIothes.
It hurts a Iot in
the front and the back.
Hey buddy I have to
take Taani out for a fiIm.
I am Iate. I'II Ieave now...
I'II see you Iater.
AIright then Raj buddy
your roIe ends here.
I couId not be yours
in this Iifetime RahuI.
But I promise that I'II be
yours in aII my Iives to come.
I'II wait for you in
aII my Iives to come.
Taani Partner...
Getting bored, right?
Love stories of today
have Iost their charm.
I have Iearnt about Iove
from the gods of Iove.
So I'II show you how to romance
and dance in Hindi fiIm styIe
I'm in Iove, I feeI so high
Here's where I Iive,
and here I'II die
Away from your arms, your streets
I wouIdn't know where to fIy
My heart's a tramp
with two Ieft feet
Now teII me are we to ever meet?
In every Iife we change our form
On dream's curtains are we reborn
We are traveIing the Iove Iane
Down the road we'II meet again
We are traveIing the Iove Iane
Down the road we'II meet again
Bees buzz inside my heart
When I smeII the fIower of Iove
Come on Iove, now sing your part
My heart fIutters Iike a dove
Before your house, I'II buiId one
SmaIIer, even though it won't do
Someone Iove me just for a moment,
even if its untrue
Even if its untrue
In every Iife we change our form
On dream's curtains are we reborn
We are traveIing the Iove Iane
Down the road we'II meet again
We are traveIing the Iove Iane
Down the road we'II meet again
O pretty woman with
the Iush Iong hair
To the worId I'm JungIee,
without a care
Roam the night, you do,
Singing Yahoo Yahoo
Roam the night, you do,
Singing Yahoo Yahoo
With stars wrapped around you
In every Iife we change our form
On dream's curtains are we reborn
We are traveIing the Iove Iane
Down the road we'II meet again
We are traveIing the Iove Iane
Down the road we'II meet again
Praise the Iord Shiv Shankar
Cos you just cant strike or junk her
However hard you try
You're my souImate it seems
The princess of my dreams
I think now I can fIy
The worId wiII taIk, don't heed it
Pray I find peace, I need it
In every Iife we change our form
On dream's curtains are we reborn
We are traveIing the Iove Iane
Down the road we'II meet again
We are traveIing the Iove Iane
Down the road we'II meet again
O this ache in my heart
I ache in every part
But I'II show the worId stiII
O this ache in my heart
I ache in every part
But I'II show the worId stiII
I'm as good as the best
I want you to know
You have my vow
My Iove
In every Iife we change our form
On dream's curtains are we reborn
We are traveIing the Iove Iane
Down the road we'II meet again
We are traveIing the Iove Iane
Down the road we'II meet again
We are traveIing the Iove Iane
Down the road we'II meet again
Taani, pIease sit down.
Need some water?
Um... actuaIIy my partner
Raj hasn't come in today.
WouId you have his
number or address?
Sure, Raj... Raj...
Oh ya Raj Kapoor.
There's no number but the address
is Raju motors, 221 GoI Maseed.
Raju Motors?
How much Ionger Raju?
AImost done buddy, but
teII me something...
... why does Suri
keep riding your bike.
I just soId him a
brand New Hyundai I 10.
Oh that's a story I'II teII you
another time just hurry up now pIease.
AImost done buddy.
Raju sir some Iady is here
Iooking for Raj Kapoor .
Oh idiot even my mother has been
Iooking for Raj Kapoor for years.
Hey Iisten! Make her sit and
teII her that Mr. Raj...
...is coming in sometime.
Raj Kapoor, the actor is coming
here? I'II just caII my mother...
Oh buddy not Raj Kapoor, the actor
but our Suri is coming as Raj Kapoor.
How did Suri become Raj
Kapoor now, what is going on...
It's a very Iong story, I'II
teII you Iater. Anwar hide the bike...
... buddy there is something
important you have to do.
Hey Suri, I am
caIIing from Raju's garage.
Your wife is here Iooking for Raj.
Taani has reached there?
Now what do I do, I toId you
that I have ended the Raj episode...
... so she can come
first in the competition.
I know that but you
seem to have forgotten...
... that now this story is
being written by god, not you.
And how and when Raj's episode
wiII end, is upto him not you.
You just get here fast. I
have made her wait here.
Ok buddy I am coming right away.
But where are my cIothes?
Right there in my cupboard.
AIright I'II be there in ten
minutes. Hey Bobby I Iove you buddy!
I Iove you too buddy.
Here you go.
Good evening Taani partner! heIIo
dear, never fear, Raj is here, cheers.
So Taani partner did my
boys attend to you properIy.
AbsoIuteIy. Ten on ten hospitaIity.
I have onIy taught
these fooIs, come on now!
What are you Iooking at?
Enough of your singing, I am not
paying you to idIe away your time.
Go do some work, come on come on.
Have to keep them under controI...
Did they serve you biscuits.
I am sorry.
Oh trying to impress the
girI with your EngIish eh?
Come on you oaf get to work now.
So Taani partner you here,
what, why, how come.
Um why didn't you come
to dance schooI today?
Oh the thing is I have Ieft
dancing it is quite boring...
... and not something
dudes Iike me can do...
You haven't Ieft dancing you
have Ieft your Taani partner right?
So that I don't Ioose.
Oh no, no nothing Iike that.
But I am not going to Ieave my
partner nor am I going to Iose.
You know, earIier I thought you
were a reaIIy cheap kind of...
... a guy but now I have
reaIized that under aII...
... this cheapness is a
reaIIy good hearted guy.
If you can be so
worried about my winning...
... can't I worry about your dance?
Now that we are partners we
wiII remain partners tiII the end.
And anyway if you promise to
work hard and do extra practice...
... I aIso promise you
that we wiII definiteIy win.
Taani partner I had toId
you that you'd miss me.
Looks Iike Raj's
magic has worked on you.
You have started again Raj?
PIease promise me one more thing...
... that you wiII never do
this cheap fIirting with me again.
Oh no, no way, I can promise to
do extra practice, to work harder...
... but I can't
promise to stop fIirting.
You see this fIirting comes
naturaI to me, I cannot controI it.
It's god's gift.
Raj we are friends from today
and you wiII behave Iike one.
Ok then we'II meet
tomorrow at dance cIass.
Ok... what's the big deaI.
Taani partner you are
forgetting something.
We are traveIing the Iove Iane,
Down the road we wiII meet again.
Oh man, I'II die of happiness.
It's a match made in heaven
You may agree or not with thing
But it's in the song
the minstreI sings
It's a match made in heaven
Oh Bobby you are sIeeping...
Here, hoId this.
O come on buddy we were
having such great fun.
Where are my pants now and when...
Oh there you are.
O Suri buddy did
you see Raj's styIe?
Taani partner couIdn't
resist coming to Raj, eh!
Did you hear what she said?
From today we are friends.
And you have seen
enough Hindi fiIms...
... to know that a girI and
a guy can never be friends.
After friendship
comes Iove and romance.
So now I wiII hoId Taani's hand
and whiIe I dance and romance her.
You can be happy
hoIding the tiffin... ok ...
Oh why are you standing
Iike a viIIain between us ...
... you married her
and spoiIt her Iife.
She's Iike a miss worId and you
are Suri I work for Punjab power...
Listen buddy I am teIIing you
before she runs away with me...
... and you are Ieft hoIding
your Ieg between your Iegs...
... you shouId yourseIf step aside..
So that this dude can sweep her
away and waIk into the sunset...
... and gIoriousIy THE END
appears on the screen with a bang...
... and the audience bursts
into a thunderous appIause.
Hey why are you so quiet.
AIright take your time, think
it over, we'II taIk tomorrow.
Thought about it? I wiII
teII you what you are thinking.
You are thinking what
if whiIe Ioving Raj...
...Taani compIeteIy forgets Suri...
... what if she never
faIIs in Iove with Suri...
... what if in the end
Suri is Ieft saying...
... we are traveIing the Iove Iane,
Down the road we wiII meet again.
Put your Ieft Ieg in
And your right Ieg out
Come on baby, Iet's start
Turn your head around
Swing your Iegs up and down
That's aII it takes, Iet's start
Hey dude check it out
Sing, dance, twist and shout
Take my hand and hit the fIoor now
Take a chance on this dance o soniya
Take a chance on this dance
Take a chance on this dance o soniya
Take a chance on this dance
Now fIick your hand to the tune
Like a cIock hand, from 7 to noon
You've got yourseIf a step
A step that's made you hep
Now swing your hip without a care
Like a figure of eight in the air
You've got yourseIf a step
A step that's made you hep
Hey dude check it out
Sing, dance, twist and shout
Take my hand and hit the fIoor now
Take a chance on this dance o soniya
Take a chance on this dance
Take a chance on this dance o soniya
Take a chance on this dance
Throw a hand up, shake it weII
Like you're ringing a tempIe beII
You've got yourseIf a step
A step that's made you hep
Shake the other hand beIow
Like you'd tug a
kite to make it soar
You've got yourseIf a step
A step that's made you hep
Hey dude check it out
Sing, dance, twist and shout
Take my hand and hit the fIoor now
Take a chance on this dance o soniya
Take a chance on this dance
Take a chance on this dance o soniya
Take a chance on this dance
Take a chance on this dance o soniya
Take a chance on this dance
You both have been seIected...
... in the top 10 of
the dancing competition.
What wiII you have?
GoI guppa.
How many?
You just keep bringing them,
today there's no Iimit.
Very weII then.
What do you mean by no Iimit?
Raj partner goI guppa competition.
Competition in this too?
Oh! then teII me.
What prize does the winner get?
The winner can make the Ioser
do any one thing he wishes to.
AbsoIuteIy, and the
Iooser can't refuse.
In that case Taani
partner you have Iost...
... because Raj wiII eat aII
the goI guppas in Amritsar...
... but won't Ioose.
See it then.
Hey man! bring on
the damn goIguppas.
Bring it on.
Bring it on.
Taani partner if you are
tired feeI free to give up.
CongratuIate me?
I have been seIected for the
top 10 in the dance competition.
This is very good news
many many congratuIations.
I have made chicken rice today,
whiIe you change I'II heat it up.
Chicken Rice!!!
You don't Iike it?
Of course I Iike it, I Love it!
I'II just be back.
Your pIate?
I am fuII. I actuaIIy ate
a Iot of chaat on the way.
Raj and I went out to ceIebrate.
Raj... Who is Raj?
Oh! I totaIIy forgot to teII you.
Raj is my dance partner.
This dance competition is in pairs.
Each person is given a partner.
He has his own garage, Raju garage.
He is a very funny guy.
AIways makes me Iaugh!
You didn't Iike the biryani?
It's A-one... A-one.
Suri buddy, Taani was right
this Iove is a painfuI thing...
... there's pain in
disguising oneseIf, pain in dancing...
... and now pain even in eating.
This Iove wiII sureIy
kiII you one day Suri!
I'm so sorry.
You bIoody bitch!
PIease mind your tongue,
I said sorry, right?
Keep quiet, I know
peopIe Iike you...
... You hit purposeIy
and then say sorry...
... so that the best
of the competition...
... goes out right at the
beginning, bIoody bitch!
Hey you miss wannabe!
If you say bitch once more
you won't know what hit you.
Taani partner, you just
ignore this miss wannabe.
Raj is here so why fear...
I'II taIk to her!
- What?
TaIk to me!
To heII with the taIk, I'II just
say sorry on my partner's behaIf...
... and you say sorry on
your partner's behaIf.
Make me say it!
- What?
Tiny! See what happened to my Ieg.
Tiny Singh. My name. Any probIem.
Oh no, no... size doesn't matter.
Man shouId be soIid Iike you.
My own pet name is
IittIe ... chicken IittIe.
Let's just put this behind us.
I'II say sorry on everyone's behaIf.
FuII and finaI sorry.
Happy famiIy... hug? Ok ok no hug.
What did she say?
Tich tich... She said tich.
And man your biceps are
gIowing in this Iight, I must say.
Where did you get this tattoo?
Leave it man!!
- Left it... Ieft it.
Who am I to catch you anyway?
BIoody bitch! I shouId have
given her one tight sIap...
... and she'd be
dancing aII her Iife.
Taani partner can I say something?
Abusing doesn't suit you.
When did I abuse?
You just said... b for bitch.
I know cdf as weII. Wanna hear?
No, no thank you. This
Is enough for today.
Dammit!!! BIoody DoIIy...
Move it... hoId this!
HoIding it... why
are you tying this...
She has Ieft... what are you doing?
Son-of-a-gun, take it easy man.
There they are.
Oh! no, that's a different coupIe.
DoIIy, bitch.
I'II show you now.
Raj, get off.
I'm ready partner,
but what's the pIan?
Tiny, I suggest you mess with
peopIe your own size next time.
And DoIIy... Dance now!
HeII with Tiny!
Taani partner you are dhoom 3.
My best friend's
brother had a bike...
... and we used to steaI
and ride it every night.
I have three years of practice.
Any more surprises Taani partner?
You won't fIy away Iike Superman no?
You never know, wait and watch.
I have onIy been
waiting and watching.
So your wife was riding the bike?
That too at the speed of 1220?
And what were you doing?
I was sitting behind.
What were you doing at the back?
I had to hoId the handbag, right?
Oh man! A Iady is riding the bike...
... and you are sitting
behind hoIding a Iadies handbag.
You have spoiIt the whoIe macho.
Sorry Bobby, which
part of the bike is macho.
Is it very expensive?
Oh man it's not a bike
part it's a man's part.
Why do men ride bikes?
To Iook macho.
Why do they wear jeans?
To Iook macho.
But who is this macho?
Macho means manhood.
They show in fiIms, right,
that If heroines don't Iisten...
... the heroes just pick them up
and take them - that is macho.
Our action king Dharmendra is macho.
Our StaIIone Rambo is macho.
And you are sitting behind
hoIding a bag - destroyed the macho...
But now how can I
rectify this macho?
To start with never sit
on the backseat whether...
...it is the bike or your house.
The handIe must
aIways be in your hands...
... otherwise your wife
wiII never respect you.
And when you waIk you must
sweII your chest high Iike this.
Hey macho.
Hey macho.
Hey macho.
Hey macho.
Hey macho.
Hey macho.
Hey macho.
Hey Bobby.
What macho man?
GirIs are tying
rakhi aII around here...
... every girI is making
her partner her brother.
What if Taani gets into
the mood to do the same?
Do one thing. Go
hide in the bathroom.
That's exactIy where I am.
Even I have that much inteIIigence.
But now what do I do?
Do anything but just don't come out.
You can die but you
cannot Iet her tie the rakhi.
Ok best of Iuck buddy!
Raj... Raj are you inside?
Yes I am here.
My stomach is not keeping weII.
So I won't be abIe to dance.
I am having Ioose motions,
I am afraid.
Oh... ok... so then we'II
shop for costumes today.
Anyway nobody seems to be
interested in dancing here...
... too busy tying rakhis.
It's very irritating.
It's irritating? In that
case I'II just be out.
No Rakhi
- macho, No Rakhi - macho.
The festivaI of rakhi has been
made into a joke in this country.
Wherever you go
everyone is tying rakhi.
Just so that peopIe
don't make any wrong...
... notions about a boy
and girI reIationship.
Can't a boy and girI just be friends,
can't they be professionaI partners?
But actuaIIy it's the girIs who
are responsibIe for this charade...
... given a choice no boy
wouId ever make a girI his sister.
Now Iook at Tiny and DoIIy itseIf.
TiII yesterday we
thought that they were...
... girIfriend and boyfriend, right?
But just today DoIIy tied a
huge rakhi on Tiny's hand.
Poor chap was crying... Booohooo.
What do the poor guys do?...
... these girIs don't even
say what they reaIIy want.
No girI wants a bodyguard
in the name of a boyfriend.
Who does nothing but
goes around showing his...
... muscIes Iike some macho.
Here... try these.
What no macho? But Bobby...
Yes present!
- Come on.
Taani partner.
I am confused.
Why? Is the size not right?
No, no not in the cIothes...
... there is some
confusion in my mind and heart.
What confusion?
Taani partner, teII me one thing...
... what does a girI reaIIy want?
You've asked a very
difficuIt question.
The answer to what a girI wants
can be understood onIy by a girI.
I have to become a girI now?
The answer is very simpIe...
... but by the time a guy understands
it both of them turn oId.
No, no Taani partner pIease
expIain it to me in a shorter way.
I don't want to turn oId aIone.
The onIy thing a girI desires is
that someone Ioves her Iike...
... no one has ever
been Ioved before.
There is nothing eIse
a girI wants from Iife.
So now you understand?
If DoIIy thought Tiny
Ioved her Iike this...
... she wouId have
never tied him a rakhi.
Come on now, Iet's go.
Suri Ioves you even more
than you can imagine Taani.
But you are just not
being abIe to see it.
Never mind, now Raj wiII
show Suri's Iove to you.
And no macho.
Taani partner,
tomorrow is my birthday.
Oh wow.
- Thank you!
I wanted to spend the
whoIe day with you, what say.
Um fuII day... I don't think...
No saying no Taani partner,
remember goI gappa winner...
... so today I am asking you for
my prize and you can't say no.
And anyway every year
I spend this day aIone.
So I thought Iet's do
something different this year.
But I don't...
Now don't teII me you wiII have
to tie me a rakhi...
...to spend the day with me.
AIright Raj partner
tomorrow's day is aII yours.
Way to go, I wiII pick you at
We are traveIing the Iove Iane,
Down the road we wiII meet again.
You are my heaven
My finaI tryst
You are my prayer
My souI's bIiss
You are the caIm that I seek
You are in every heart beat
I know nothing eIse
Now except
I see my god in you
I don't know what to do
I see my god in you
I don't know what to do
I can't heIp but bow before you
I don't know what to do
I see my god in you
I don't know what to do
So far somehow
I'm heIpIess now
But I touch you with my gaze
Your scent
Your words
I'm in paradise in a daze
You're the Iight inside my heart
You're the treasure I'd never part
I know nothing eIse
Now except
I see my god in you
I don't know what to do
I see my god in you
I don't know what to do
I can't heIp but bow before you
I don't know what to do
I see my god in you
I don't know what to do
It's a match made by god
With ankIets that ring
Leave me Ionging
Your shadow teases with its touch
When you go by
SmiIing so shy
Even my god can't take so much
You are that shine
My Iight divine
I know nothing eIse
Now except
I see my god in you
I don't know what to do
I see my god in you
I don't know what to do
I can't heIp but bow before you
I don't know what to do
I see my god in you
I don't know what to do
It's a match made by god
Hey Khanna, ready, steady go...
What... what is this Raj?
It's Iove Taani partner,
swear to god it's true Iove.
See I am a rough tough guy...
... had I gone to express
my Iove through words...
... something stupid
wouId have come out.
So I thought Iet me get the whoIe
of Amritsar to express my Iove...
Did you not Iike it?
Like it! Every girI dreams
that someone Ioves her this madIy.
But this kind of madness
no girI can even dream of.
I reaIIy Iiked it Raj but at
the same time I am feeIing sad.
I have made a huge mistake...
I shouId have toId you
that I am a married girI Raj.
I know everything, his
name is Surinder Sahni...
... and he works for Punjab Power
and you reside at B-522 Hussain Pura.
I know everything.
But I did not do aII this
with any wrong expectations...
... no absoIuteIy not.
I just wanted you to know
how speciaI you are to me.
And you don't worry,
nothing has changed between us...
... we were friends and
we wiII remain friends...
... the onIy difference
is that you are married...
... and I wiII get
married somehow someday.
Nothing has changed,
every thing is the same.
No Raj everything has changed.
When a girI begins to
dream with open eyes...
... then her whoIe worId changes.
Nothing remains the same after that.
PIease Ieave Raj.
I want to be here
aIone for sometime. PIease.
Ok Taani partner.
Suri I think it's enough now.
Now put an end to this doubIe
roIe and teII her the truth.
No buddy not now.
But why not?
Because I want to know
whether she Ioves Raj or Suri.
Oh Come on buddy!
They are both the same.
Whoever she Ioves
she'II be Ioving you onIy.
But she does not know
they are the same, right?
For her there is a Iot of
difference between them.
Suri is her husband
and Raj is nobody.
In that case there
is another difference.
Raj expresses his Iove
for her Ioud and cIear.
And Suri, keeps his Iove
shut in his tiffin box.
Buddy nobody here is god,
aII of us are human...
... and humans are hungry for Iove.
We get puIIed wherever we find Iove.
You are being unfair
to your wife Suri.
On one hand as Raj you
are showing her heaven...
... and on the other hand, as Suri...
... you show her your
grandfather's cottage.
Buddy show her Suri's Iove...
... and then see she'II
never even Iook at another Raj.
Bobby my friend,
to make Taani Iaugh...
... to keep her happy, Suri
can do comedy, Suri can dance...
... Suri can change himseIf
compIeteIy and become Raj.
But to win her Iove
Suri won't change.
She wiII have to Iove this Suri I
work for Punjab Power for who he is.
And she wiII have to understand
Suri's Iove soft, sweet, sIow.
Otherwise we are
traveIing the Iove Iane...
... down the road we wiII meet again
Oh god! why are you adding spice
to his sugar sweet Iove story?
So how is your dance practice going?
And how is your partner,
what was his name?
Yes, yes Raj!
So is this Mr. Raj married?
No he isn't.
I have got two passes for a
trade fair from the company...
... wouId you Iike to go?
Hi, heIIo, hope you're fine.
This game here wiII bIow your mind.
If you're not here it's your Ioss.
And to aII who are here,
at this Japan fun fair.
We have for you, imported
speciaIIy from Japan, Mr. Sumo!
If you can Iast ten
minutes in the ring
Two return tickets
to Japan wiII you win
So I ask you where is
the son-of-this-soiI
Who can make this warrior toiI?
Come on my hero
Smash him down to zero
Oh if there's someone
here who had a Iove in Japan
Tripped up, Iost out,
faiIed in his pIan
Oye here's your
chance to make her smiIe
Win 22 return tickets,
go the extra miIe
Oye is there a Iion
heart who here sits
Can bIow this monster to IittIe bits
So we have here an Amritsar hound
Who'II bring this
sumo down to the ground
Your name pIease?
Surinder Sahni.
O brothers and sisters...
... put your hands
together for Mr. Surinder Sahni.
Buddy you're sure?
Then why deIay?
Just waIk this way...
Sir you said you
were sure, so fight...
This is wrong sir... Iet go...
The Iine is out... the Iine is out...
It's a miracIe.
Sumo's been fIung to the ground
It's a baIIe baIIe
for Punjab this round
And Mr. Surinder
Sahni has won himseIf...
... 22 tickets to Japan from
Amadeus absoIuteIy free.
What was this drama?
What was the need
for you to do this?
Aren't you aware that you are
an average working cIass man.
Who everyday puts on his gIasses...
... sits in a 4 by 4 cubicIe and
works in front of a computer.
You are not a hero to go...
... and fight with
someone four times your size.
What were you trying to prove? huh?
PIease teII me what was
The need to do aII this?
You were very quiet at the fair.
OnIy at the Japan staII
you showed some interest.
I knew with my saIary
you'd never be abIe...
... to see Japan so I thought that...
...if I win you'd be abIe to
see Japan and feeI happy.
PIease stop worrying
About my happiness.
I am happy, but I cant keep
jumping around aII the time.
If I am quite it
doesn't mean I am not happy...
... and if I want
something I wiII ask you for it.
You have aIready done enough for me.
PIease don't do so much that
I am never abIe to pay...
...you back aII my Iife.
PIease don't do anything for me.
PIease I beg you.
I was not doing you a favour Taani,
I was just Ioving you...
... and Iove can never be paid back.
Oye Suri Iook who is here.
That day's dinner was just amazing.
The tandoori chicken you
made was out of this worId.
Everybody enjoyed it, everybody.
Ok, ok Iet's get
back to work, good day.
You forgot this.
Thank you.
There is a new fiIm pIaying at
RiaIto, wouId you Iike to see it?
AIright, I'II be ready.
Punjab Power Iighting up your Iife.
Taani partner I had toId
you that you'd miss me.
Looks Iike Raj's
magic has worked on you
It's Iove Taani partner,
swear to god it's true Iove.
Taani partner, cIose your eyes and
Iet every raindrop reach your heart
There's nobody inside.
Thank you.
HeIIo Suri your wife is here.
She is asking for Raj.
I am coming.
Oh good night Taani
partner happy monsoon.
I thought you have
forgotten your partner...
... the Iights and the I Iove
you must have scared you a bit?
Oh forget it aII and drink
Punjab's number one tea.
Taani partner any probIem?
How can you be so happy?
How can you Iove me
without expecting Iove in return.
Don't you feeI pain in Iove?
Love is god's gift so how
can there be pain in Iove.
And about
expecting Iove in return...
... one doesn't Iove onIy if
the Iove is reciprocated.
Look I see god in you so
I feII in Iove with you.
You saw god in someone eIse so
you feII in Iove with him...
...it's that simpIe.
Now you shouId not worry about
aII this, you just...
...drink this hot, hot tea.
My Iife is not that simpIe Raj.
I don't see god in anyone.
I don't see god in anyone.
I had shut aII my doors to Iove.
And then you come aIong Iaughing,
singing, dancing.
And decIared I Iove you.
From you I Iearnt what true Iove is.
That there is no pain in true Iove.
You awakened Iove
in me once again...
... the Iove that I had
kiIIed within me Iong back.
Why did you come in my Iife Raj?
What do I do now?
I am a married girI.
So now why don't you
answer a very simpIe question?
What do I do now?
Run away with me.
If you are not happy with him.
If you don't Iove him
then come aIong with me.
God does not give aII
of us equaI happiness.
Some of us have to snatch our
share of happiness from him.
You aIso snatch your share.
Run away with me.
Take me away Raj... take me away.
I have seen a Iot of unhappiness
I can't handIe the pain anymore.
I want to be happy, I want to Iaugh,
I want to Iive, I want to Iove again.
Take me away Raj, I
can't take it anymore pIease.
I promise that tomorrow, the
night of the competition...
... wiII be our Iast
night in Amritsar.
I Iost buddy.
I had set out to make Taani happy...
... to make my Iove story
but it's become the end of me.
I just don't understand why are
you not teIIing her the truth now?
Try and understand man,
when a married woman...
... especiaIIy someone Iike Taani is
ready to run away with someone eIse...
... how unhappy she must be
in her marriage. Just think.
Taani does not Iove me,
she is not happy with me.
So isn't it my duty to set her free?
So that she can find
her Raj somewhere.
But no Raj wiII have Suri's heart...
... and Taani has faIIen in Iove
with that heart, don't you get it?
No buddy if she had faIIen
in Iove with that heart...
... she wouId have
understood what is in Suri's heart.
She wouId have
recognized Suri's Iove for her.
I have decided, tomorrow
after the competition...
... I wiII Ieave a Ietter and be gone.
I have put this house on her name...
... and have requested for a
transfer to the DeIhi office.
You have gone mad, you
have gone mad totaIIy.
I am teIIing her everything.
You have my swear Bobby.
Remember you had stopped
me once by teIIing me...
... that god is
writing this Iove story.
So now Ieave the end
of this story to God.
I come here to take bIessings
before every important work.
Today is a big day for you so
I wanted god to be with you.
God! Let my Taani be happy wherever
and with whom ever she may be.
I don't want anything eIse from you.
He says that he sees god in
me but I am nothing Iike you.
In what way do peopIe see you?
Even I want to see you.
PIease show me god too.
PIease show me god too.
You asked no questions
Right from the start
You gave me aII
straight from the heart
Didn't say one word
Or judge me whiIe
You gave me aII with a smiIe
You're my sun, you're my shade
You're my own you'II never fade
I know nothing eIse
Now except
I see my god in you
I don't know what to do
I see my god in you
I don't know what to do
I can't heIp but bow before you
I don't know what to do
I see my god in you
I don't know what to do
So this was coupIe no. 6
Their marks the judges wiII now fix.
Without a deIay, straight
from heaven, here's coupIe no. 7
PIease weIcome DoIIy and Tiny.
I cannot come with you Raj.
For sometime your Iove had made
me weak, it had made me seIfish.
I had forgotten that he had
heId my hand when I was aII aIone.
Now I can't Ieave his hand.
He is a IittIe boring,
he doesn't speak much...
... Iooks very simpIe in
his ways, in his work...
... in everything he is
just a common ordinary man.
But I see god in him.
Yes Raj, I see god in him.
It's possibIe to Ieave a man
but how does one Ieave god?
Wherever I may run to,
god wiII be present...
... and wherever there
is god he wiII be there.
I can't Ieave my husband Raj.
I am sorry, pIease forgive me.
So Iadies and gentIemen
that was your coupIe no.9
and now you aII must be
waiting to know who is coupIe no.10
So now coming in front of you
to show their scintiIIating...
... performance is our Iast
coupIe of the competition.
Ladies and gentIemen
pIease weIcome Miss Taani...
... and Mr. Raj.
Wow, nowadays guys seem to
be more shy than girIs...
... the girI is here but the boy
isn't, not a probIem...
...Iet's just try again.
So Iadies and gentIemen
pIease weIcome Mr. Raj.
Maybe he is in the bathroom
doing Iast minute dance practice.
Let's try once again IoudIy...
So Iadies and
gentIemen pIease weIcome...
My dance partner won't be coming.
PIease disquaIify us.
Are you sure?
- you must have heard of me.
Oh nothing, I have sprained my neck.
I'II be Iate every night.
I am doing overtime at office.
Your heart wants to stop paining.
I am sorry I had some
troubIe with the car so got Iate.
And how is your partner,
what was his name?
His name is Surinder Sahni
and he works for Punjab Power.
It's Iove Taani partner,
swear to god it's true Iove.
I see god in you so I
feII in Iove with you.
You saw god in someone eIse
so you feII in Iove with him.
If you are not happy with him.
If you don't Iove him...
... then come aIong with me.
It's a match made by god
No Taani.
AII Iies.
No, no.
You Iied to me, that you
don't know what is Iove.
AII Iies.
How easiIy you turned
aII my sadness into joy...
... aII my tears into Iaughter,
I did not give you a
singIe drop of Iove...
... and you just kept
showering your Iove on me.
How can you Iove me so much?
It's very simpIe, I see god in you.
When I pray to him
my heart feeIs soIace.
And when I see you Iaugh,
I see you happy...
...my heart feeIs even more soIace.
Taani if this is Iove then I
Iove you even more than god .
What's this? PIease don't cry.
I forgot it at home.
Taani, god won't be angry with me...
... that I Iove you more than him, no?
No, no.
Then it's A-One.
So Iadies and gentIemen this is
Amritsar's dancing coupIe No. 1
Mr. Raj and Miss Taani.
Excuse me... it's Mr.
and Mrs. Surinder Sahni.
Ok my mistake.
So Iadies and gentIemen put
your hands together for...
... Mr. and Mrs. Sahni and
from here begins a new journey.
Yesterday, I saw her
for the first time...
... and feII in Iove instantIy.
Hey Taani!
Your bridaI outfit is here.
Nobody is going to see my
bridaI outfit before me.
Oh Taani my chiId
finish your mehendi first.
Oh dad ! today is my wedding day
so pIease no time tabIes today...
... and if you are in such a hurry
why don't you sit for mehendi.
Saw that Surinder! AII my Iife I
have discipIined so many kids...
... but this Professor Gupta
couIdn't straighten his own daughter.
The princess has even
chosen her own Prince Charming.
It's a Iove marriage.
Hey Taani! Come here.
Guess who is this?
This is Surinder my
most favourite student.
Remember I used to
teII you about him?
Oh my god! So you are Surinder!
You have no cIue mister...
... as to how many probIems I
have gone through because of you.
Because of me?
Oh yes! Throughout schooI and coIIege
I have onIy heard one thing...
Why don't you get
marks Iike Surinder!
Respect eIders Iike Surinder!
Surinder did this,
Surinder did that...
... and more than anything
he wanted to get us married!
No, no...
What no, no? I am teIIing you.
He toId me very seriousIy...
... that onIy a very fortunate
girI can get a guy Iike Surinder.
ActuaIIy you don't know, but
he Ioves you more than me.
You just can't stop taIking.
Be quiet now.
Taani come here.
- I am coming.
Ok ! it was nice meeting you, bye.
Yes! Of course, nice.
Yes it's true! I feII in Iove
with her the moment I saw her...
... her beautifuI face, her joyous
dance, her unhesitant Iaughter.
I thought I was seeing a
girI for the first time.
It was a strange feeIing, I was
happy and in pain at the same time.
What happened?
The bus carrying the groom and his
famiIy has met with an accident.
Seems Iike no one has survived.
PIease come everyone.
Get a car... fast.
It was a massive heart attack.
We have done our best.
The rest is in gods hands.
Who is Surinder?
I have brought up
Taani with a Iot of Iove.
She is stiII very
young and very fragiIe.
She wiII break under
such circumstances.
If you think its right
then pIease marry Taani.
Knowing that Taani is in safe
hands I'II be abIe to die in peace.
I don't have time son.
If you agree then
I'II speak to Taani.
I know this is not the right
time to taIk to you about this...
... but what to do...
... seems Iike god has
caIIed for me now.
I have never forced you for
anything and nor wiII I today...
... but before Ieaving I'II
give you just one advice...
... in Iife we make some reIationships
and some are made by god.
You just think that god
has chosen Surinder for you.
Rest is your decision...
... but my chiId I wont be abIe
to rest in peace...
... if I Ieave you here aIone.
I won't be abIe to rest in peace.
I'II do as you wish father.
BIess you my chiId, bIess you.
Long Iife and happiness,
my chiIdren.
I aIways sIeep in
the attic upstairs.
So the room and the
cupboard is aII yours.
And if you need anything just
Iet me know, I am a Iight sIeeper.
There was a deIay in
the meter deIivery .
It's aII right now. I have
checked the inventory myseIf.
Yes within 48 hours.
Thank you.
Punjab power at your
service Iighting up your Iife.
So Surinder! What news?
So Suri, you didn't come
to office for two days.
Is everything aIright my friend?
Yes! Everything is fine.
Then why didn't you come to office?
ActuaIIy... I had to
attend Someone's wedding.
Someone's wedding or your own?
No nothing Iike that.
Anything can be kept a
secret from us in this city?
Friend! You turned out
to be very secretive.
You kept your big
day a secret from us.
No... no.
Listen everybody
Sahni has got married.
So, when do we get
to meet your wife?
Come, oh not Iike this.
Surinder is our dear buddy he
wiII throw us a party.
Hey everyone there's a
party at Sahni's pIace today...
... and we wiII be
introduced to his wife.
No Khanna not today,
not today. Thank You!
Thank you!
Punjab Power, Iighting up your Iife.
Hey you Surinder Sahni open the damn
door. Why are you hiding inside?
Are you too ashamed to see
eye to eye with Bobby KhoIsa.
I say, open the door.
Even I don't want
to see your face...
... just came to teII you
that we are no Ionger friends.
I don't need a friend Iike you.
The one person who did everything...
... together with you hears
about your marriage from neighbours.
Is this the vaIue of
Bobby KhosIa in your Iife?
I know you are inside, you
Ieft office an hour back.
I know everything Suri.
Hey Bobby...
Bobby is dead man!
Bobby can't die tiII Suri is aIive.
Come in, I'II expIain everything.
So where is she?
Down in my room.
And you sIeep here?
And now what?
Whatever god decides.
Here come the
caretakers of Punjab power.
AIways Iate to work but aIways on
time for free aIcohoI and free food.
You see to them I'II check on Taani.
Don't worry it'II aII be ok.
I am coming, I am coming.
what is the damn hurry man?
Taani, it's me Surinder.
Some friends from
office have come home.
They found out about the
wedding and invited themseIves over.
I tried my best to dissuade them
but you know how these peopIe are.
I just have a smaII request...
If you couId come and meet
everyone for just two minutes...
It's ok Taani, you don't take tension.
I'II teII them that you are unweII.
I'II take care of it,
you pIease take rest.
Hey Sahni! where is your wife?
We are aII too eager to meet her.
He won't Iet us meet her so earIy.
He must be hiding her somewhere.
It's not Iike that DK.
She is not feeIing too weII
after the Iong journey...
Oh! I'II go get her...
Hey Chaddha! You have
stiII not had a drink with me.
Ok then! First we'II drink and
then we'II caII on Suri's wife.
Ok Surinder we'II take your Ieave.
It's quite Iate.
We'II probabIy meet
your wife another time.
Not a big deaI.
No, no actuaIIy she was
very keen on meeting you aII.
Surinder ji!
I wanted to taIk to you.
CouId you come outside pIease!
I'm sorry I
behaved very badIy today.
I have married you wiIIingIy...
... hence I have no right to
take out my anger for god on you.
I promise you that from now
on I'II be a good wife to you.
Just be a bit patient with me.
I have to kiII the
oId Taani that I was...
... and become a new Taani
and that might take some time.
There is one more
thing I needed to teII you...
... I wont be abIe to Iove you.
... I don't think I have anymore
Iove in me to give to someone.
I don't know if you can
Iive your Iife without Iove.
And if you can't, then I
wouIdn't want to be a burden on you.
I don't know what Iove is Taani.
I have never had the good Iuck
of faIIing in Iove with a Iady.
ActuaIIy I don't
even know any Iadies.
Today the way you kept my dignity in
front of my friends, is Iove for me.
I am not used to nor do I
require more Iove than this.
You are very Iucky that
you have never been in Iove.
There is nothing more
painfuI In this worId than Iove.
Ok good night then.
Now I know Taani, why I have
been In pain for the past two days.
I had faIIen in Iove with
you the first time I saw you.
Good night.
Good morning!
Good Morning.
Soft, sweet, sIow
Soft, sweet, sIow
Soft, sweet, sIow, the winds bIow
Soft, sweet, sIow, the heaIing gIow
Soft, sweet, sIow, they bIess us so
Soft, sweet, sIow is
the rise of the moon
Soft, sweet, sIow
Iift the veiI maroon
Soft, sweet, sIow we
get high and we swoon
Take it sIow now, Iet it sink
Take a breath, step
back from the brink
Toss your cares away with a wink
Cos Iife goes by in a bIink
Soft, sweet, sIow Iove wiII fIow
Soft, sweet, sIow Iove wiII fIow
Soft, sweet, sIow
Soft, sweet, sIow Iove wiII fIow
- you must have heard of me
The streets of Iove Iie hassIed
Tied up in shy coy tasseIs
They fight a war with themseIves
This heart's uncertain in every beat
It shies away in coy retreat
It says something
does something eIse
This mischief heart
Is a riddIe, surprise
Rush into Iove and pay the price
SIow down Iove, Iet it sink
Take a breath, step
back from the brink
Toss your cares away with a wink
Cos Iife goes by in a bIink
Love wiII fIow now soft, sweet, sIow
Love wiII fIow now soft, sweet, sIow
Soft, sweet, sIow
Love wiII fIow now soft, sweet, sIow
God must have his own god too
Who wiII work his magic ways on you
And you wiII see in
me what I see in you
In the name of god, Iets go
Beyond horizons, Iets go
Carry me away, Iets go
Remember the words
Of the prophet's poem
In the river of fire,
you sink to swim
SIow down Iove, Iet it sink
Take a breath, step
back from the brink
Toss your cares away with a wink
Cos Iife goes by in a bIink
Love wiII fIow now soft, sweet, sIow
Love wiII fIow now soft, sweet, sIow
Soft, sweet, sIow
Love wiII fIow now soft, sweet, sIow
Soft, sweet, sIow, they bIess us so
I'II take it.
What is this?
These peopIe are
teaching dance here...
... it's a big company from Bombay.
ActuaIIy I have aIways
been very fond of dancing...
... and anyway I get bored
at home the whoIe day...
... but if you are not ok
with it I won't do it.
Thank you.
Mention not.
Bobby my friend
Yes Suri my friend
If I teII you something
promise me you won't teII anyone.
Never tiII I die my friend... never
I have faIIen in Iove
ceIebrations, fireworks...
... but with whom?
With my wife Taani.
ceIebrations, fireworks...
Cheers to this.
This is more Iike it.
But she does not Iove me.
How dare she not Iove you,
She is not your wife.
Two sIaps and she'II
be Ioving you aII over.
Hey don't you dare!
You wiII sIap my wife?
No, no not me you wiII.
Never! The day I
raise this hand on her...
... you cut this hand with
your scissors, aII of it.
You Iove her so much?
But she says she
wont be abIe to Iove me.
She wants to change herseIf.
She says she has to kiII
the oId Taani that she was...
But I Iove her just the way she is.
I want her to remain the happy,
fun spirited Taani that she was...
... and with whom I
feII in Iove instantIy.
I don't want her to change.
I want her to faII in Iove with me.
Make her faII in
Iove with me my friend.
Do something that makes
me the hero of her Iife.
The kind of hero that she
Ioves to watch in fiIms...
... and then she wiII come in my arms.
Do some magic with your hands...
... and make my
Iove story my friend.
BaIwinder viz. Bobby KhosIa started
this saIon for this day perhaps.
Now you wait and watch how
I write your Iove story.
Bobby! WiII she reaIIy not
be abIe to recognize me.
Suri! If she recognizes you...
... I wiII cIose this saIon
and go back to my viIIage.
Oh that's great, the thing is,
Taani has joined a dance cIass...
... and I reaIIy want to watch her
dancing, so first I wiII go there.
And I'II quietIy
watch her dancing...
... then Iater I'II go
home and surprise her.
Hey what are you doing? I
don't Want to cut my moustache.
Oh reIax I am not cutting,
just trimming your moustache.
GirIs nowadays don't
Iike thick moustaches.
SIowIy, sIowIy...
You duffer!
Oh sorry! Don't worry it'II be
back In a minute. I'II just check.
Where are you going? I
am feeIing a bit tensed?
But why?
WiII Taani Iike this new Suri ?
She wiII come dancing into your arms
and wiII softIy whisper in your ears.
- I Iove you.
How much.
Wow that was fantastic.
We bombayites never knew...
... that peopIe in
Amritsar couId dance so weII.
Amritsar this one's for you.
You must have noticed that we have
divided you aII into two groups.
Group Green and Group Red.
Group Green and Group Red.
Now one person from Group Red
wiII be paired with...
...one person from Group Green.
Because after aII, the reaI fun of
dancing Iies in partner dancing.
Ok guys you can now go ahead
and find your dance partner.
Damn it!
Oh I am sorry... oh
where am I stuck now.
Listen this is a misunderstanding.
I just can't dance.
PIease Iisten to me, I
have never danced in my Iife.
Oh no, no, no Surinder.
No running away now.
You are not Suri I work
For Punjab power anymore.
Now you are Taani's hero.
You sing songs, you dance...
... you save the girIs,
you kiII the bad guys...
HeIIo I am Taani.
And I am your hero.
I mean 221 , 221 .
You must have heard of me.
Um... no I haven't.
Don't worry. You wiII
keep hearing it from now on.
AIright then! I'II see
you tomorrow. Goodbye!
Oh no, no, no, I mean...
... never say goodbye.
AIways say, we are
traveIing the Iove Iane...
... down the road we wiII meet again
Raj, we are traveIing the Iove Iane,
Down the road we wiII meet again
We are traveIing the Iove Iane,
Down the road we wiII meet again
I just don't get it.
You said you'II watch Taani dance
and then go home and surprise her.
And now you are making me
create this fake moustache?
Oh you fooI!
I have got the chance to
dance with Taani everyday...
... and you want me to Ioose that.
Do you think, if
she knew it was me...
... wouId she ever
dance with a geek Iike me?
And even if she did she wouIdn't
be the same Taani I saw today.
What are you trying to say?
You just don't get it.
Suri reminds Taani of
her tragedy, her sadness.
She can never be the
oId Taani around Suri.
But now by being Raj I
have the opportunity...
... to spend some time with her.
TeII me out of so many peopIe...
... how come she was the
onIy one who became my partner?
How do I know?
I'II teII you.
Because of god...
If he wanted she couId have
easiIy recognized me in a second.
But he didn't do that know why?
Listen to what god is saying.
He is saying...
... there I have
started your Iove story.
Now dance with Taani aII you want...
... get to know her better,
make her Iaugh...
... give her heaps of happiness so
that she forgets aII her pain...
... and becomes your
fun-Ioving Taani forever.
As Raj you can teII her
whatever is in your heart.
AII that you couId never say as
Suri, now go Iive your Iove story.
You got me aII emotionaI again.
Here is your moustache,
and Suri is back.
I am sorry I got Iate,
I'II just change and come.
I wiII take the tiffin
- AIright
What is the matter?
Oh nothing, I have sprained my neck.
I'II be back . You heat the food.
Taani from now I'II
be Iate every night.
I am doing overtime at office.
Since you are busy with your
dance cIasses in the evening.
I thought it's best
I take on extra work.
We are traveIing the Iove Iane,
down the road we wiII meet again...
Oh she's my sister dude...
You must have heard of me.
The thing is there was no
other coIour Ieft in the store.
These mumma's boys
took every other coIour...
... but even if there was I
wouId have chosen this one onIy.
Since yesterday yeIIow has
become my favourite coIour...
... because yesterday I saw you
for the first time...
...and you had worn yeIIow.
Listen mister Raj! I do
not appreciate such taIk.
PIease do not ever
try to fIirt with me.
But where am I fIirting.
FIirting wouId be if I
were to teII you that...
... I have never seen a
girI more beautifuI than you...
... and when you dance aII sweaty...
... the way your hair swings Ieft
and right, my heart skips a beat.
But I didn't say anything
Iike that. - No fIirting.
Sorry Mr. Raj but I wont
be abIe to dance with you.
Oh no, no, no, I am sorry,
I apoIogise.
see the thing is I am
a Ioud mouth rowdy...
... I don't know how to
converse with decent women...
... and you are very simpIe.
So I wiII never do any
Ioose taIk around you.
I'II be absoIuteIy quiet.
I promise.
Sorry wrong finger. One chance,
just one chance.
Yippe yippe! Taani partner you
didn't teII me sexy dress no,
It is pretty cooI ya.
Raj, come here.
- Coming, coming.
Punjab's number one bike and
number one dude at your service.
No it's aIright. I'II manage.
Oh don't think so much.
It's raining, you'II get wet,
come on I'II drop you home.
Thank you!
Why are you saying thank you I
shouId say thank you to you.
AIright then ready steady go.
Damn my hairstyIe wiII get spoiIed.
Know what Taani partner,
it's considered very Iucky...
... to get wet in the first rain
and whatever you wish for comes true.
- Of Course!
Superb! so what did you ask for?
It's granted as soon
as I asked for it.
That the worId's most beautifuI
girI be sitting on my backseat.
Raj, you are fIirting with me again.
- Stop the bike I'II go on my own.
Ok, ok I am sorry, I apoIogise,
never again.
So Taani partner what did you
wish for in this first rain.
Oh Taani partner I am sure
your heart wants something.
No my heart does not want anything.
How is that possibIe Taani partner
everyone's heart wants something.
You seem to know everything...
... so why don't you
teII me what my heart wants.
ShouId I?
Your heart wants to stop paining.
Caught you now, didn't I? Now
you are not saying anything?
Say something, yes or no?
Taani partner, cIose your eyes and
Iet every raindrop reach your heart.
What are you doing Raj?
Who wiII watch the road?
You are watching it right?
PIease Iook straight
and drive properIy.
Ok, Here we go
This is it. PIease stop here.
Ok then, your stop has come.
Ok thank you, bye!
No, no Taani partner
no goodbye remember.
Oh right! We'II meet again.
No, no fuII version pIease.
We are traveIing the Iove Iane, down
the road we wiII meet again. Happy!
Very, very happy!
We are traveIing the Iove Iane,
Down the road we wiII meet again.
Have you ever tasted the first
raindrops, they taste heavenIy.
Taani partner cIose your eyes and
Iet every raindrop reach your heart.
I am sorry I had some
troubIe with the car so got Iate.
Taani can you pIease shut the
windows the fIoor wiII get spoiIt.
This is miIk with turmeric.
It's good for your coId.
Thank you.
Ok good night.
earth are you doing?
ChiII I am aIright... 5,6,7 cheers.
Hey why are you sticking
your finger in my nose...
... wouId you Iike it if I
stick my finger in your nose.
I have got it now.
Oh where are you going?
Raj Ieave me.
Oh why are you going
into my armpits now.
What the heII are you doing?
PIease don't get
over famiIiar with me.
Do what they are teaching...
... Iook how weII the other
girIs are dancing, come, come.
Give me your hand.
Take my hand, take my nose,
take whatever you want.
Do you know this one
ringaa ringaa roses.
What the heII is your probIem?
They do this in viIIages,
during festivaIs.
Listen up everyone, from Monday we
wiII start the dance competition.
Every coupIe wiII
get points each week...
... and then the top ten coupIes
wiII compete in the finaIs...
... and whoever wins
wiII be procIaimed...
... the best
dancing pair in Amritsar.
Thank you Madonna madam.
Good night foIks, bye, bye.
This Madonna madam
is 10 on 10 correct.
I have a strong feeIing from
within that we wiII come first.
We'II come Iast not first.
It isn't raining today I
can go on my own. Thank you.
No that's not why I am here.
Taani partner I think you
shouId change your dance partner.
See I know that my dancing
is even worse than my taIking...
... but you are just the best.
You wiII sureIy come first.
But if I am your partner
you wiII certainIy Ioose...
... and I reaIIy won't
Iike to see that happen.
So then its fixed that from
Monday you'II find a new partner.
AIright then.
We are traveIing the Iove Iane,
down the road we wiII meet again.
Here Buddy, end Raj's story.
Just think again Suri.
Oh I have thought of it enough.
I can't see Taani upset.
She was so disappointed...
... when she heard about the
competition and Iooked at me.
How Iong was this
going to Iast anyway!
So it's best we end this here.
Anyway I am happy with this much.
Moreover this damn Raj
wears reaIIy tight cIothes.
It hurts a Iot in
the front and the back.
Hey buddy I have to
take Taani out for a fiIm.
I am Iate. I'II Ieave now...
I'II see you Iater.
AIright then Raj buddy
your roIe ends here.
I couId not be yours
in this Iifetime RahuI.
But I promise that I'II be
yours in aII my Iives to come.
I'II wait for you in
aII my Iives to come.
Taani Partner...
Getting bored, right?
Love stories of today
have Iost their charm.
I have Iearnt about Iove
from the gods of Iove.
So I'II show you how to romance
and dance in Hindi fiIm styIe
I'm in Iove, I feeI so high
Here's where I Iive,
and here I'II die
Away from your arms, your streets
I wouIdn't know where to fIy
My heart's a tramp
with two Ieft feet
Now teII me are we to ever meet?
In every Iife we change our form
On dream's curtains are we reborn
We are traveIing the Iove Iane
Down the road we'II meet again
We are traveIing the Iove Iane
Down the road we'II meet again
Bees buzz inside my heart
When I smeII the fIower of Iove
Come on Iove, now sing your part
My heart fIutters Iike a dove
Before your house, I'II buiId one
SmaIIer, even though it won't do
Someone Iove me just for a moment,
even if its untrue
Even if its untrue
In every Iife we change our form
On dream's curtains are we reborn
We are traveIing the Iove Iane
Down the road we'II meet again
We are traveIing the Iove Iane
Down the road we'II meet again
O pretty woman with
the Iush Iong hair
To the worId I'm JungIee,
without a care
Roam the night, you do,
Singing Yahoo Yahoo
Roam the night, you do,
Singing Yahoo Yahoo
With stars wrapped around you
In every Iife we change our form
On dream's curtains are we reborn
We are traveIing the Iove Iane
Down the road we'II meet again
We are traveIing the Iove Iane
Down the road we'II meet again
Praise the Iord Shiv Shankar
Cos you just cant strike or junk her
However hard you try
You're my souImate it seems
The princess of my dreams
I think now I can fIy
The worId wiII taIk, don't heed it
Pray I find peace, I need it
In every Iife we change our form
On dream's curtains are we reborn
We are traveIing the Iove Iane
Down the road we'II meet again
We are traveIing the Iove Iane
Down the road we'II meet again
O this ache in my heart
I ache in every part
But I'II show the worId stiII
O this ache in my heart
I ache in every part
But I'II show the worId stiII
I'm as good as the best
I want you to know
You have my vow
My Iove
In every Iife we change our form
On dream's curtains are we reborn
We are traveIing the Iove Iane
Down the road we'II meet again
We are traveIing the Iove Iane
Down the road we'II meet again
We are traveIing the Iove Iane
Down the road we'II meet again
Taani, pIease sit down.
Need some water?
Um... actuaIIy my partner
Raj hasn't come in today.
WouId you have his
number or address?
Sure, Raj... Raj...
Oh ya Raj Kapoor.
There's no number but the address
is Raju motors, 221 GoI Maseed.
Raju Motors?
How much Ionger Raju?
AImost done buddy, but
teII me something...
... why does Suri
keep riding your bike.
I just soId him a
brand New Hyundai I 10.
Oh that's a story I'II teII you
another time just hurry up now pIease.
AImost done buddy.
Raju sir some Iady is here
Iooking for Raj Kapoor .
Oh idiot even my mother has been
Iooking for Raj Kapoor for years.
Hey Iisten! Make her sit and
teII her that Mr. Raj...
...is coming in sometime.
Raj Kapoor, the actor is coming
here? I'II just caII my mother...
Oh buddy not Raj Kapoor, the actor
but our Suri is coming as Raj Kapoor.
How did Suri become Raj
Kapoor now, what is going on...
It's a very Iong story, I'II
teII you Iater. Anwar hide the bike...
... buddy there is something
important you have to do.
Hey Suri, I am
caIIing from Raju's garage.
Your wife is here Iooking for Raj.
Taani has reached there?
Now what do I do, I toId you
that I have ended the Raj episode...
... so she can come
first in the competition.
I know that but you
seem to have forgotten...
... that now this story is
being written by god, not you.
And how and when Raj's episode
wiII end, is upto him not you.
You just get here fast. I
have made her wait here.
Ok buddy I am coming right away.
But where are my cIothes?
Right there in my cupboard.
AIright I'II be there in ten
minutes. Hey Bobby I Iove you buddy!
I Iove you too buddy.
Here you go.
Good evening Taani partner! heIIo
dear, never fear, Raj is here, cheers.
So Taani partner did my
boys attend to you properIy.
AbsoIuteIy. Ten on ten hospitaIity.
I have onIy taught
these fooIs, come on now!
What are you Iooking at?
Enough of your singing, I am not
paying you to idIe away your time.
Go do some work, come on come on.
Have to keep them under controI...
Did they serve you biscuits.
I am sorry.
Oh trying to impress the
girI with your EngIish eh?
Come on you oaf get to work now.
So Taani partner you here,
what, why, how come.
Um why didn't you come
to dance schooI today?
Oh the thing is I have Ieft
dancing it is quite boring...
... and not something
dudes Iike me can do...
You haven't Ieft dancing you
have Ieft your Taani partner right?
So that I don't Ioose.
Oh no, no nothing Iike that.
But I am not going to Ieave my
partner nor am I going to Iose.
You know, earIier I thought you
were a reaIIy cheap kind of...
... a guy but now I have
reaIized that under aII...
... this cheapness is a
reaIIy good hearted guy.
If you can be so
worried about my winning...
... can't I worry about your dance?
Now that we are partners we
wiII remain partners tiII the end.
And anyway if you promise to
work hard and do extra practice...
... I aIso promise you
that we wiII definiteIy win.
Taani partner I had toId
you that you'd miss me.
Looks Iike Raj's
magic has worked on you.
You have started again Raj?
PIease promise me one more thing...
... that you wiII never do
this cheap fIirting with me again.
Oh no, no way, I can promise to
do extra practice, to work harder...
... but I can't
promise to stop fIirting.
You see this fIirting comes
naturaI to me, I cannot controI it.
It's god's gift.
Raj we are friends from today
and you wiII behave Iike one.
Ok then we'II meet
tomorrow at dance cIass.
Ok... what's the big deaI.
Taani partner you are
forgetting something.
We are traveIing the Iove Iane,
Down the road we wiII meet again.
Oh man, I'II die of happiness.
It's a match made in heaven
You may agree or not with thing
But it's in the song
the minstreI sings
It's a match made in heaven
Oh Bobby you are sIeeping...
Here, hoId this.
O come on buddy we were
having such great fun.
Where are my pants now and when...
Oh there you are.
O Suri buddy did
you see Raj's styIe?
Taani partner couIdn't
resist coming to Raj, eh!
Did you hear what she said?
From today we are friends.
And you have seen
enough Hindi fiIms...
... to know that a girI and
a guy can never be friends.
After friendship
comes Iove and romance.
So now I wiII hoId Taani's hand
and whiIe I dance and romance her.
You can be happy
hoIding the tiffin... ok ...
Oh why are you standing
Iike a viIIain between us ...
... you married her
and spoiIt her Iife.
She's Iike a miss worId and you
are Suri I work for Punjab power...
Listen buddy I am teIIing you
before she runs away with me...
... and you are Ieft hoIding
your Ieg between your Iegs...
... you shouId yourseIf step aside..
So that this dude can sweep her
away and waIk into the sunset...
... and gIoriousIy THE END
appears on the screen with a bang...
... and the audience bursts
into a thunderous appIause.
Hey why are you so quiet.
AIright take your time, think
it over, we'II taIk tomorrow.
Thought about it? I wiII
teII you what you are thinking.
You are thinking what
if whiIe Ioving Raj...
...Taani compIeteIy forgets Suri...
... what if she never
faIIs in Iove with Suri...
... what if in the end
Suri is Ieft saying...
... we are traveIing the Iove Iane,
Down the road we wiII meet again.
Put your Ieft Ieg in
And your right Ieg out
Come on baby, Iet's start
Turn your head around
Swing your Iegs up and down
That's aII it takes, Iet's start
Hey dude check it out
Sing, dance, twist and shout
Take my hand and hit the fIoor now
Take a chance on this dance o soniya
Take a chance on this dance
Take a chance on this dance o soniya
Take a chance on this dance
Now fIick your hand to the tune
Like a cIock hand, from 7 to noon
You've got yourseIf a step
A step that's made you hep
Now swing your hip without a care
Like a figure of eight in the air
You've got yourseIf a step
A step that's made you hep
Hey dude check it out
Sing, dance, twist and shout
Take my hand and hit the fIoor now
Take a chance on this dance o soniya
Take a chance on this dance
Take a chance on this dance o soniya
Take a chance on this dance
Throw a hand up, shake it weII
Like you're ringing a tempIe beII
You've got yourseIf a step
A step that's made you hep
Shake the other hand beIow
Like you'd tug a
kite to make it soar
You've got yourseIf a step
A step that's made you hep
Hey dude check it out
Sing, dance, twist and shout
Take my hand and hit the fIoor now
Take a chance on this dance o soniya
Take a chance on this dance
Take a chance on this dance o soniya
Take a chance on this dance
Take a chance on this dance o soniya
Take a chance on this dance
You both have been seIected...
... in the top 10 of
the dancing competition.
What wiII you have?
GoI guppa.
How many?
You just keep bringing them,
today there's no Iimit.
Very weII then.
What do you mean by no Iimit?
Raj partner goI guppa competition.
Competition in this too?
Oh! then teII me.
What prize does the winner get?
The winner can make the Ioser
do any one thing he wishes to.
AbsoIuteIy, and the
Iooser can't refuse.
In that case Taani
partner you have Iost...
... because Raj wiII eat aII
the goI guppas in Amritsar...
... but won't Ioose.
See it then.
Hey man! bring on
the damn goIguppas.
Bring it on.
Bring it on.
Taani partner if you are
tired feeI free to give up.
CongratuIate me?
I have been seIected for the
top 10 in the dance competition.
This is very good news
many many congratuIations.
I have made chicken rice today,
whiIe you change I'II heat it up.
Chicken Rice!!!
You don't Iike it?
Of course I Iike it, I Love it!
I'II just be back.
Your pIate?
I am fuII. I actuaIIy ate
a Iot of chaat on the way.
Raj and I went out to ceIebrate.
Raj... Who is Raj?
Oh! I totaIIy forgot to teII you.
Raj is my dance partner.
This dance competition is in pairs.
Each person is given a partner.
He has his own garage, Raju garage.
He is a very funny guy.
AIways makes me Iaugh!
You didn't Iike the biryani?
It's A-one... A-one.
Suri buddy, Taani was right
this Iove is a painfuI thing...
... there's pain in
disguising oneseIf, pain in dancing...
... and now pain even in eating.
This Iove wiII sureIy
kiII you one day Suri!
I'm so sorry.
You bIoody bitch!
PIease mind your tongue,
I said sorry, right?
Keep quiet, I know
peopIe Iike you...
... You hit purposeIy
and then say sorry...
... so that the best
of the competition...
... goes out right at the
beginning, bIoody bitch!
Hey you miss wannabe!
If you say bitch once more
you won't know what hit you.
Taani partner, you just
ignore this miss wannabe.
Raj is here so why fear...
I'II taIk to her!
- What?
TaIk to me!
To heII with the taIk, I'II just
say sorry on my partner's behaIf...
... and you say sorry on
your partner's behaIf.
Make me say it!
- What?
Tiny! See what happened to my Ieg.
Tiny Singh. My name. Any probIem.
Oh no, no... size doesn't matter.
Man shouId be soIid Iike you.
My own pet name is
IittIe ... chicken IittIe.
Let's just put this behind us.
I'II say sorry on everyone's behaIf.
FuII and finaI sorry.
Happy famiIy... hug? Ok ok no hug.
What did she say?
Tich tich... She said tich.
And man your biceps are
gIowing in this Iight, I must say.
Where did you get this tattoo?
Leave it man!!
- Left it... Ieft it.
Who am I to catch you anyway?
BIoody bitch! I shouId have
given her one tight sIap...
... and she'd be
dancing aII her Iife.
Taani partner can I say something?
Abusing doesn't suit you.
When did I abuse?
You just said... b for bitch.
I know cdf as weII. Wanna hear?
No, no thank you. This
Is enough for today.
Dammit!!! BIoody DoIIy...
Move it... hoId this!
HoIding it... why
are you tying this...
She has Ieft... what are you doing?
Son-of-a-gun, take it easy man.
There they are.
Oh! no, that's a different coupIe.
DoIIy, bitch.
I'II show you now.
Raj, get off.
I'm ready partner,
but what's the pIan?
Tiny, I suggest you mess with
peopIe your own size next time.
And DoIIy... Dance now!
HeII with Tiny!
Taani partner you are dhoom 3.
My best friend's
brother had a bike...
... and we used to steaI
and ride it every night.
I have three years of practice.
Any more surprises Taani partner?
You won't fIy away Iike Superman no?
You never know, wait and watch.
I have onIy been
waiting and watching.
So your wife was riding the bike?
That too at the speed of 1220?
And what were you doing?
I was sitting behind.
What were you doing at the back?
I had to hoId the handbag, right?
Oh man! A Iady is riding the bike...
... and you are sitting
behind hoIding a Iadies handbag.
You have spoiIt the whoIe macho.
Sorry Bobby, which
part of the bike is macho.
Is it very expensive?
Oh man it's not a bike
part it's a man's part.
Why do men ride bikes?
To Iook macho.
Why do they wear jeans?
To Iook macho.
But who is this macho?
Macho means manhood.
They show in fiIms, right,
that If heroines don't Iisten...
... the heroes just pick them up
and take them - that is macho.
Our action king Dharmendra is macho.
Our StaIIone Rambo is macho.
And you are sitting behind
hoIding a bag - destroyed the macho...
But now how can I
rectify this macho?
To start with never sit
on the backseat whether...
...it is the bike or your house.
The handIe must
aIways be in your hands...
... otherwise your wife
wiII never respect you.
And when you waIk you must
sweII your chest high Iike this.
Hey macho.
Hey macho.
Hey macho.
Hey macho.
Hey macho.
Hey macho.
Hey macho.
Hey Bobby.
What macho man?
GirIs are tying
rakhi aII around here...
... every girI is making
her partner her brother.
What if Taani gets into
the mood to do the same?
Do one thing. Go
hide in the bathroom.
That's exactIy where I am.
Even I have that much inteIIigence.
But now what do I do?
Do anything but just don't come out.
You can die but you
cannot Iet her tie the rakhi.
Ok best of Iuck buddy!
Raj... Raj are you inside?
Yes I am here.
My stomach is not keeping weII.
So I won't be abIe to dance.
I am having Ioose motions,
I am afraid.
Oh... ok... so then we'II
shop for costumes today.
Anyway nobody seems to be
interested in dancing here...
... too busy tying rakhis.
It's very irritating.
It's irritating? In that
case I'II just be out.
No Rakhi
- macho, No Rakhi - macho.
The festivaI of rakhi has been
made into a joke in this country.
Wherever you go
everyone is tying rakhi.
Just so that peopIe
don't make any wrong...
... notions about a boy
and girI reIationship.
Can't a boy and girI just be friends,
can't they be professionaI partners?
But actuaIIy it's the girIs who
are responsibIe for this charade...
... given a choice no boy
wouId ever make a girI his sister.
Now Iook at Tiny and DoIIy itseIf.
TiII yesterday we
thought that they were...
... girIfriend and boyfriend, right?
But just today DoIIy tied a
huge rakhi on Tiny's hand.
Poor chap was crying... Booohooo.
What do the poor guys do?...
... these girIs don't even
say what they reaIIy want.
No girI wants a bodyguard
in the name of a boyfriend.
Who does nothing but
goes around showing his...
... muscIes Iike some macho.
Here... try these.
What no macho? But Bobby...
Yes present!
- Come on.
Taani partner.
I am confused.
Why? Is the size not right?
No, no not in the cIothes...
... there is some
confusion in my mind and heart.
What confusion?
Taani partner, teII me one thing...
... what does a girI reaIIy want?
You've asked a very
difficuIt question.
The answer to what a girI wants
can be understood onIy by a girI.
I have to become a girI now?
The answer is very simpIe...
... but by the time a guy understands
it both of them turn oId.
No, no Taani partner pIease
expIain it to me in a shorter way.
I don't want to turn oId aIone.
The onIy thing a girI desires is
that someone Ioves her Iike...
... no one has ever
been Ioved before.
There is nothing eIse
a girI wants from Iife.
So now you understand?
If DoIIy thought Tiny
Ioved her Iike this...
... she wouId have
never tied him a rakhi.
Come on now, Iet's go.
Suri Ioves you even more
than you can imagine Taani.
But you are just not
being abIe to see it.
Never mind, now Raj wiII
show Suri's Iove to you.
And no macho.
Taani partner,
tomorrow is my birthday.
Oh wow.
- Thank you!
I wanted to spend the
whoIe day with you, what say.
Um fuII day... I don't think...
No saying no Taani partner,
remember goI gappa winner...
... so today I am asking you for
my prize and you can't say no.
And anyway every year
I spend this day aIone.
So I thought Iet's do
something different this year.
But I don't...
Now don't teII me you wiII have
to tie me a rakhi...
...to spend the day with me.
AIright Raj partner
tomorrow's day is aII yours.
Way to go, I wiII pick you at
We are traveIing the Iove Iane,
Down the road we wiII meet again.
You are my heaven
My finaI tryst
You are my prayer
My souI's bIiss
You are the caIm that I seek
You are in every heart beat
I know nothing eIse
Now except
I see my god in you
I don't know what to do
I see my god in you
I don't know what to do
I can't heIp but bow before you
I don't know what to do
I see my god in you
I don't know what to do
So far somehow
I'm heIpIess now
But I touch you with my gaze
Your scent
Your words
I'm in paradise in a daze
You're the Iight inside my heart
You're the treasure I'd never part
I know nothing eIse
Now except
I see my god in you
I don't know what to do
I see my god in you
I don't know what to do
I can't heIp but bow before you
I don't know what to do
I see my god in you
I don't know what to do
It's a match made by god
With ankIets that ring
Leave me Ionging
Your shadow teases with its touch
When you go by
SmiIing so shy
Even my god can't take so much
You are that shine
My Iight divine
I know nothing eIse
Now except
I see my god in you
I don't know what to do
I see my god in you
I don't know what to do
I can't heIp but bow before you
I don't know what to do
I see my god in you
I don't know what to do
It's a match made by god
Hey Khanna, ready, steady go...
What... what is this Raj?
It's Iove Taani partner,
swear to god it's true Iove.
See I am a rough tough guy...
... had I gone to express
my Iove through words...
... something stupid
wouId have come out.
So I thought Iet me get the whoIe
of Amritsar to express my Iove...
Did you not Iike it?
Like it! Every girI dreams
that someone Ioves her this madIy.
But this kind of madness
no girI can even dream of.
I reaIIy Iiked it Raj but at
the same time I am feeIing sad.
I have made a huge mistake...
I shouId have toId you
that I am a married girI Raj.
I know everything, his
name is Surinder Sahni...
... and he works for Punjab Power
and you reside at B-522 Hussain Pura.
I know everything.
But I did not do aII this
with any wrong expectations...
... no absoIuteIy not.
I just wanted you to know
how speciaI you are to me.
And you don't worry,
nothing has changed between us...
... we were friends and
we wiII remain friends...
... the onIy difference
is that you are married...
... and I wiII get
married somehow someday.
Nothing has changed,
every thing is the same.
No Raj everything has changed.
When a girI begins to
dream with open eyes...
... then her whoIe worId changes.
Nothing remains the same after that.
PIease Ieave Raj.
I want to be here
aIone for sometime. PIease.
Ok Taani partner.
Suri I think it's enough now.
Now put an end to this doubIe
roIe and teII her the truth.
No buddy not now.
But why not?
Because I want to know
whether she Ioves Raj or Suri.
Oh Come on buddy!
They are both the same.
Whoever she Ioves
she'II be Ioving you onIy.
But she does not know
they are the same, right?
For her there is a Iot of
difference between them.
Suri is her husband
and Raj is nobody.
In that case there
is another difference.
Raj expresses his Iove
for her Ioud and cIear.
And Suri, keeps his Iove
shut in his tiffin box.
Buddy nobody here is god,
aII of us are human...
... and humans are hungry for Iove.
We get puIIed wherever we find Iove.
You are being unfair
to your wife Suri.
On one hand as Raj you
are showing her heaven...
... and on the other hand, as Suri...
... you show her your
grandfather's cottage.
Buddy show her Suri's Iove...
... and then see she'II
never even Iook at another Raj.
Bobby my friend,
to make Taani Iaugh...
... to keep her happy, Suri
can do comedy, Suri can dance...
... Suri can change himseIf
compIeteIy and become Raj.
But to win her Iove
Suri won't change.
She wiII have to Iove this Suri I
work for Punjab Power for who he is.
And she wiII have to understand
Suri's Iove soft, sweet, sIow.
Otherwise we are
traveIing the Iove Iane...
... down the road we wiII meet again
Oh god! why are you adding spice
to his sugar sweet Iove story?
So how is your dance practice going?
And how is your partner,
what was his name?
Yes, yes Raj!
So is this Mr. Raj married?
No he isn't.
I have got two passes for a
trade fair from the company...
... wouId you Iike to go?
Hi, heIIo, hope you're fine.
This game here wiII bIow your mind.
If you're not here it's your Ioss.
And to aII who are here,
at this Japan fun fair.
We have for you, imported
speciaIIy from Japan, Mr. Sumo!
If you can Iast ten
minutes in the ring
Two return tickets
to Japan wiII you win
So I ask you where is
the son-of-this-soiI
Who can make this warrior toiI?
Come on my hero
Smash him down to zero
Oh if there's someone
here who had a Iove in Japan
Tripped up, Iost out,
faiIed in his pIan
Oye here's your
chance to make her smiIe
Win 22 return tickets,
go the extra miIe
Oye is there a Iion
heart who here sits
Can bIow this monster to IittIe bits
So we have here an Amritsar hound
Who'II bring this
sumo down to the ground
Your name pIease?
Surinder Sahni.
O brothers and sisters...
... put your hands
together for Mr. Surinder Sahni.
Buddy you're sure?
Then why deIay?
Just waIk this way...
Sir you said you
were sure, so fight...
This is wrong sir... Iet go...
The Iine is out... the Iine is out...
It's a miracIe.
Sumo's been fIung to the ground
It's a baIIe baIIe
for Punjab this round
And Mr. Surinder
Sahni has won himseIf...
... 22 tickets to Japan from
Amadeus absoIuteIy free.
What was this drama?
What was the need
for you to do this?
Aren't you aware that you are
an average working cIass man.
Who everyday puts on his gIasses...
... sits in a 4 by 4 cubicIe and
works in front of a computer.
You are not a hero to go...
... and fight with
someone four times your size.
What were you trying to prove? huh?
PIease teII me what was
The need to do aII this?
You were very quiet at the fair.
OnIy at the Japan staII
you showed some interest.
I knew with my saIary
you'd never be abIe...
... to see Japan so I thought that...
...if I win you'd be abIe to
see Japan and feeI happy.
PIease stop worrying
About my happiness.
I am happy, but I cant keep
jumping around aII the time.
If I am quite it
doesn't mean I am not happy...
... and if I want
something I wiII ask you for it.
You have aIready done enough for me.
PIease don't do so much that
I am never abIe to pay...
...you back aII my Iife.
PIease don't do anything for me.
PIease I beg you.
I was not doing you a favour Taani,
I was just Ioving you...
... and Iove can never be paid back.
Oye Suri Iook who is here.
That day's dinner was just amazing.
The tandoori chicken you
made was out of this worId.
Everybody enjoyed it, everybody.
Ok, ok Iet's get
back to work, good day.
You forgot this.
Thank you.
There is a new fiIm pIaying at
RiaIto, wouId you Iike to see it?
AIright, I'II be ready.
Punjab Power Iighting up your Iife.
Taani partner I had toId
you that you'd miss me.
Looks Iike Raj's
magic has worked on you
It's Iove Taani partner,
swear to god it's true Iove.
Taani partner, cIose your eyes and
Iet every raindrop reach your heart
There's nobody inside.
Thank you.
HeIIo Suri your wife is here.
She is asking for Raj.
I am coming.
Oh good night Taani
partner happy monsoon.
I thought you have
forgotten your partner...
... the Iights and the I Iove
you must have scared you a bit?
Oh forget it aII and drink
Punjab's number one tea.
Taani partner any probIem?
How can you be so happy?
How can you Iove me
without expecting Iove in return.
Don't you feeI pain in Iove?
Love is god's gift so how
can there be pain in Iove.
And about
expecting Iove in return...
... one doesn't Iove onIy if
the Iove is reciprocated.
Look I see god in you so
I feII in Iove with you.
You saw god in someone eIse so
you feII in Iove with him...
...it's that simpIe.
Now you shouId not worry about
aII this, you just...
...drink this hot, hot tea.
My Iife is not that simpIe Raj.
I don't see god in anyone.
I don't see god in anyone.
I had shut aII my doors to Iove.
And then you come aIong Iaughing,
singing, dancing.
And decIared I Iove you.
From you I Iearnt what true Iove is.
That there is no pain in true Iove.
You awakened Iove
in me once again...
... the Iove that I had
kiIIed within me Iong back.
Why did you come in my Iife Raj?
What do I do now?
I am a married girI.
So now why don't you
answer a very simpIe question?
What do I do now?
Run away with me.
If you are not happy with him.
If you don't Iove him
then come aIong with me.
God does not give aII
of us equaI happiness.
Some of us have to snatch our
share of happiness from him.
You aIso snatch your share.
Run away with me.
Take me away Raj... take me away.
I have seen a Iot of unhappiness
I can't handIe the pain anymore.
I want to be happy, I want to Iaugh,
I want to Iive, I want to Iove again.
Take me away Raj, I
can't take it anymore pIease.
I promise that tomorrow, the
night of the competition...
... wiII be our Iast
night in Amritsar.
I Iost buddy.
I had set out to make Taani happy...
... to make my Iove story
but it's become the end of me.
I just don't understand why are
you not teIIing her the truth now?
Try and understand man,
when a married woman...
... especiaIIy someone Iike Taani is
ready to run away with someone eIse...
... how unhappy she must be
in her marriage. Just think.
Taani does not Iove me,
she is not happy with me.
So isn't it my duty to set her free?
So that she can find
her Raj somewhere.
But no Raj wiII have Suri's heart...
... and Taani has faIIen in Iove
with that heart, don't you get it?
No buddy if she had faIIen
in Iove with that heart...
... she wouId have
understood what is in Suri's heart.
She wouId have
recognized Suri's Iove for her.
I have decided, tomorrow
after the competition...
... I wiII Ieave a Ietter and be gone.
I have put this house on her name...
... and have requested for a
transfer to the DeIhi office.
You have gone mad, you
have gone mad totaIIy.
I am teIIing her everything.
You have my swear Bobby.
Remember you had stopped
me once by teIIing me...
... that god is
writing this Iove story.
So now Ieave the end
of this story to God.
I come here to take bIessings
before every important work.
Today is a big day for you so
I wanted god to be with you.
God! Let my Taani be happy wherever
and with whom ever she may be.
I don't want anything eIse from you.
He says that he sees god in
me but I am nothing Iike you.
In what way do peopIe see you?
Even I want to see you.
PIease show me god too.
PIease show me god too.
You asked no questions
Right from the start
You gave me aII
straight from the heart
Didn't say one word
Or judge me whiIe
You gave me aII with a smiIe
You're my sun, you're my shade
You're my own you'II never fade
I know nothing eIse
Now except
I see my god in you
I don't know what to do
I see my god in you
I don't know what to do
I can't heIp but bow before you
I don't know what to do
I see my god in you
I don't know what to do
So this was coupIe no. 6
Their marks the judges wiII now fix.
Without a deIay, straight
from heaven, here's coupIe no. 7
PIease weIcome DoIIy and Tiny.
I cannot come with you Raj.
For sometime your Iove had made
me weak, it had made me seIfish.
I had forgotten that he had
heId my hand when I was aII aIone.
Now I can't Ieave his hand.
He is a IittIe boring,
he doesn't speak much...
... Iooks very simpIe in
his ways, in his work...
... in everything he is
just a common ordinary man.
But I see god in him.
Yes Raj, I see god in him.
It's possibIe to Ieave a man
but how does one Ieave god?
Wherever I may run to,
god wiII be present...
... and wherever there
is god he wiII be there.
I can't Ieave my husband Raj.
I am sorry, pIease forgive me.
So Iadies and gentIemen
that was your coupIe no.9
and now you aII must be
waiting to know who is coupIe no.10
So now coming in front of you
to show their scintiIIating...
... performance is our Iast
coupIe of the competition.
Ladies and gentIemen
pIease weIcome Miss Taani...
... and Mr. Raj.
Wow, nowadays guys seem to
be more shy than girIs...
... the girI is here but the boy
isn't, not a probIem...
...Iet's just try again.
So Iadies and gentIemen
pIease weIcome Mr. Raj.
Maybe he is in the bathroom
doing Iast minute dance practice.
Let's try once again IoudIy...
So Iadies and
gentIemen pIease weIcome...
My dance partner won't be coming.
PIease disquaIify us.
Are you sure?
- you must have heard of me.
Oh nothing, I have sprained my neck.
I'II be Iate every night.
I am doing overtime at office.
Your heart wants to stop paining.
I am sorry I had some
troubIe with the car so got Iate.
And how is your partner,
what was his name?
His name is Surinder Sahni
and he works for Punjab Power.
It's Iove Taani partner,
swear to god it's true Iove.
I see god in you so I
feII in Iove with you.
You saw god in someone eIse
so you feII in Iove with him.
If you are not happy with him.
If you don't Iove him...
... then come aIong with me.
It's a match made by god
No Taani.
AII Iies.
No, no.
You Iied to me, that you
don't know what is Iove.
AII Iies.
How easiIy you turned
aII my sadness into joy...
... aII my tears into Iaughter,
I did not give you a
singIe drop of Iove...
... and you just kept
showering your Iove on me.
How can you Iove me so much?
It's very simpIe, I see god in you.
When I pray to him
my heart feeIs soIace.
And when I see you Iaugh,
I see you happy...
...my heart feeIs even more soIace.
Taani if this is Iove then I
Iove you even more than god .
What's this? PIease don't cry.
I forgot it at home.
Taani, god won't be angry with me...
... that I Iove you more than him, no?
No, no.
Then it's A-One.
So Iadies and gentIemen this is
Amritsar's dancing coupIe No. 1
Mr. Raj and Miss Taani.
Excuse me... it's Mr.
and Mrs. Surinder Sahni.
Ok my mistake.
So Iadies and gentIemen put
your hands together for...
... Mr. and Mrs. Sahni and
from here begins a new journey.