Radhaamadhavam (2024) Movie Script

hey srinu...
where is madhava?
madhava has already left.
he left?
yes, I have seen him leave.
why are you leaving
without me?
you know about me radha...
I have to go home and sweep,
bring water from boring well and
I have to prepare food by myself and
that is why I am leaving early.
oh yes I know... but today is my birthday,
If you come to my home I will serve you sweet.
wow, I haven't had sweet in a long time radha,
let's go to your home.
madhava, please sit in this chair
I will go and get sweet for you.
ok radha
Who are you?
Greetings sir. my name is madhava
I am friend of radha.
that is fine...
but what are your parents names?
my mother's name is ramatulasi and
my father's name is obuleshu.
didn't your parents die at once recently?
are you the son of that obulesh?
yes sir
come and stand here.
madhava why are you
standing outside? come here
I have asked him to stand there.
what is in that glass?
dad this is sweet,
I have made it for madhava.
go keep that glass inside and
bring it in some other glass.
but dad...
I will not repeat it once again,
bring the sweet in waste glass.
keep that glass there.
wow... the sweet is
very tasty radha.
I have got a gift for your birthday
radha, please take it.
it is very good madhava.
wow, it also has my
name on it.
radha I will take a leave now,
I have lot of work at home.
We will meet tomorrow at school.
that glass is yours now,
take it along with you.
ok sir
why did you behave like
that with madhava, dad?
listen my dear...
before you become friends with someone, you have to know what their caste is and what work do they do?
only then you have to become friends with them ok?
yes dad.
dear children
today we have to create awareness
about greenary and it's importance among villagers.
please hold each others hands.
radha, please hold the hand of madhava.
I am asking you again radha.
sastri... sastri
sir is that you? when did you get released
from jail? why did you come here?
why are our homes locked?
after that incident, your families could not stay here so they left for Hyderabad.
someone is coming...
kaali let's go... go inside... go inside.
who is that?
is that you president sir?
Who are they? robbers?
where are you going alone at this time of night?
that is fine... who is inside?
no body is inside sir
believe me sir...
let me check...
listen to me sir
no one is inside sir.
oh my god!
what are these crooked guys doing here?
mallayya, veerayya come here...
soorayya come here... come fast
What is wrong with these idiots?
they don't care about their wives and children.
they just drink everyday and roll on the streets.
why are you taking tension sister?
call the MCC guys and they will take care.
you have said the right thing sister.
what happened?
do you know where we are?
even I am unable to understand.
do you think we are dead?
may be we are dead.
after dying we came directly to heaven.
do you actually think we will go to heaven?
we go directly to hell!
then are we still alive?
I am saying good morning
to you only sir.
we will do with the formalities later...
by the way who are you?
how did we come here?
who brought us here?
are you guys planning to cut our
kidneys, liver and sell it?
shut up you idiot, our liver's and kidneys
must be already damaged by now.
they will not get even a rupee.
you do not have to be worried about
all these things sir, we will also take good care of you.
you are not saying who brought us here and
how did we come here madam?
I don't know about all those details sir.
who are you then?
why did you come here?
my name is swapna sir
I am a care taker.
my job is to find out your needs and
take good care of you.
so we have to ask you whatever
we need? is that it?
yes sir.
so, will you provide
what ever we want?
yes sir.
we want alcohol...
will you provide it?
I will send it to you sir...
give haircut to these guys and
come to room number.14
ok madam.
I don't understand his behaviour swapna...
he always wants to pee outside.
did everyone come?
yes mam. Let's go
some people entered the center
with alterior motive
stayed there for a while and then
complained against the center to the police.
MCC has particular rules and regulations.
you need to take all the details of
anyone who joins MCC.
first inform their families
then inform the police.
still if some of them create ruckus then
send them to work and pay section of MCC.
don't force anyone
to stay at MCC.
madam I am working here for 6 years
please don't dismiss me for a small mistake.
I won't even tolerate a
small lie when it comes to MCC.
in this case you have done a mistake.
greetings madam
greetings sir
why did you guys get
ready so early today?
what do you guys want today?
we dont want anything madam.
we have been drinking, eating and sleeping
since one week how long will we stay like this?
as long as you want
you can stay here
this is enough madam
we have not seen this kind of
luxuries in our entire life.
we don't know who is doing this and
why they are doing it but
for the first time we are very ashamed
of just eating and drinking without doing anything.
we will leave now madam.
sure, you can leave but
do you guys don't want to know who has brought you here? why? and why did they give you so many comforts here?
we want to know madam.
not now
come to room number 1 tomorrow morning
at 10am, we will inform everything there.
ok madam.
everyone please take a seat.
greetings to everyone
my name is swapna.
I am working as a manager in this MCC.
a few of you guys have been staying here since a few months and some since few weeks and some of you since a few days.
forgive us for any inconveniences
while you have stayed here.
that is fine madam...
but why did you guys bring us here?
why are you fulfilling all our needs?
the truth is that this is a rehabilitation center.
what does it mean?
this is a place for for people who
have problems with addiction.
we bring them here give necessary
treatment and try to help them create a new life.
so we are all drunkards and
you have come to save us?
let me talk for some
time please.
you guys are laughing?
why are you laughing?
is it because your wives are managing the households
while you guys are on streets drinking?
is it because your children are cleaning toilets in big houses for filling their stomach instead of going to school?
why are you laughing?
my stomach is churning just listening to the fact that there are many families in the society without proper food
basic clothing and no respect in society
I can't even image how they are
actually going through day by day.
what is your name?
ganganna madam.
what do you do for living?
I break stones for a living madam.
what did your father used to do?
he also used to break stones
for a living madam.
your family has been surviving for generations on same work? do you want your children also to do the same work?
you guys have become addicts and
have let your families stay in utter poverty.
you are giving poverty as a
gift to your next generations.
decide whether or not if you want to stop this by becoming better and changing the future of your children.
if any of you want to change your
lives then MCC is here to support you.
MCC will provide medicine, counselling,
yoga session to support you.
we will also provide work
if you need it.
please come and sign in these papers if
any of you guys want to change your life.
please raise your hands
if you want to change.
why are you doing this?
what is in it for you?
if you have ever loved someone beyond
your own life you will know the value.
love someone beyond your own life...
it could be your wife, child or parents
then you will know the value and
what benefit that I am getting from this.
why did you guys come outside?
will you not sign the papers?
I don't think they are
interested swapna.
thats why they didn't even
raise their hands in the hall.
please don't say
like that madam.
your words are more powerful
to us than your medicines.
we have changed.
we don't need any medicines.
please give us some
work madam.
ok ok
swapna please
appoint them.
why are you coming here everyday?
I cannot help you with your interview.
one interview mam please.
If I had any interest in giving interviews
I would have given you appointment sometime
but I do not have any interest in
giving any interviews.
please don't say like that mam.
it has been 10 days since I have joined
the job and I haven't contributed even a small news.
I haven't even taken an interview.
my manager is bothering me.
so you are a great interviewer?
am I an experiment for your interview?
no madam
it's sentiment.
only because of this MCC
I am here sitting in front of you mam.
or else I would't have
completed my education.
I can't even imagined how
my life would have been.
our family has respect in this society only because
MCC has changed my unmotivated father.
I was able to continue my education.
all this happened only because of MCC mam.
the world should know about MCC.
do you want a brief answer or
an elaborate answer?
please tell everthing in detail mam.
If you have to know about the MCC
you need to know about a love story.
hey madhava...
how is hyderabad?
it is fine.
how are you?
madhava how are you?
how are your studies going on?
fine grandpa...
the exams also went well.
if your mother had been alive
she would have been very happy.
ok go... you had a long journey
from hyderabad.
take a bath and come... go
where are you going out so early?
I am going to our banana farm.
why do you always roam like a guy?
the world has changed mom... there is no
difference between men and women these days.
you always give back some
or the other reason.
you are being very irresponsible.
my future husband will take care of
all those things... why should I bother?
brakes have failed...
please move aside
brakes have failed...
please move aside
hey madhava...
how are you doing?
hi brother...
I am fine thank you.
hey... move move...
nothing happened to you know?
did you get hurt?
radha... is that you?
thank god! nothing happened.
nothing happened?
I think I broke my back
oh mother!
I am unable to stand up...
give me you hand and lift me up.
I don't think so.
nothing happened no...
get up on your own.
what radha... you hit me with your bike so
have to help me get up.
or else I will call for a village meeting.
ok ok don't shout
give me your towel.
radha... you have feelings for me no?
I don't have any feelings for you.
you have feelings for me
let me ask my dad and tell you
what happened sastri?
the news paper didn't come yet?
yes sir... it's already time...
it's coming late by the day...
see the paper has come...
read it...
read it fast...
read the news out loud
so that everyone can hear.
veerabadram sir...
good news for you.
good news? what is it?
you will standup and dance after
listening to this good news.
really... read it fast
soon you are going to be president...
everybody please clap
stop it... stop it...
do you have brains?
what are you talking about?
oh god! listen to this news... government has
announced notification for panchayat elections.
you are talking nonsense.
sir... everyone is supporting you and you are
saying that it is nonsense.
only when everyone blesses me...
it will happen...
you are going to be
our village president.
very good...
you said it right.
hail to president veerabadram sir...
hail to president veerabadram sir...
hail to president veerabadram sir...
stop it... stop it...
what is this appi?
tell me who is the president of this
village since many generations?
all the village presidents until now
are from your family only sir.
my home street is named a president street because all the village presidents until now are from my family.
will we sit and watch if someone else tries
to take away the president post?
no sir... the president post will remain in your
family as a surname.
I will make sure that the president post remains
in my family by winning against veerabadram.
take it... my friend
has topped the exams.
take it... take it... my friend
topped the exams... aunty take it...
radhamma please take the chocolate.
why are you giving away chocolates?
our madhava has topped the exams.
our madhava is from my caste only.
take it...
very good
our madhava passed the exams...
greetings sir...
who is it?
you have asked me to come?
someone told me that
you have passed the exams?
yes sir...
I have passed graduation.
I will get good job soon.
jobs in the city are useless...
why don't you stay in the village and
do your caste work instead?
yes dad
bring my shirt from the hanger...
yes ok...
take this
no sir... we are going to be relatives very soon
so I will not take it...
what are you talking about?
I mean... if you are going to be our village
president then you are like everyones relative.
you said the right thing... very good.
let me take a leave.
good... leave.
you throw...
wow... super
yes... I have won it...
all these are mine.
take all these marbles and distribute
them among yourselves.
oh my god! snake...
snake... snake...
what are you doing here?
what is your work here?
I will tell that later... a snake bit me...
first take me to the hospital radha.
did a snake bite you?
in the banana garden...
a snake bit me on my foot.
let me see...
yes... this is a snake bite.
if there are 2 marks then it is
definetely a snake bite.
why are you wasting time...
first take me to the hospital.
me? I will not take you
to the hospital.
please don't say like that radha.
don't tell me all those things.
if you don't take me to the hospital
then I will do here radha.
do one thing...
take this stone and hold it
on your head and run.
the poison will not get to your head...
that's what my grand mother used to say.
snake... snake bite...
uncle snake bite
really... come here
where did the snake bite you?
snake didn't bite me... it bit him.
but no one's there.
oh no... the guy is here.
he is in this jute bag?
it's all good.
he will recover soon
he will wake up in half an hour...
you can take him.
I have to go
give him medicine and send him home.
take this
I don't have any money right now.
it's ok
no... please take it.
what will happen at what time
no one can guess... oh lord rama
hey madhava, what happened?
why do you look like that?
nothing grandpa...
I am a little weak.
madhava is lying grandpa...
madhava was bit by a snake.
radha sister told me
why didn't you inform me
about your snake bite?
I didn't want to bother you grandpa.
what is this?
hey narsimhulu come here...
sailu come here...
what happened grandpa?
our madhava was bit by a snake...
he has to be awake all night...
create a campfire
come lets bring firewood.
make it fast
sit... sit
do you want me to help you?
when a girl has a problem then men
become competetive to help her
they do more than what they can do
what if the girl with the problem and
the girl whom you love both are same
then to help her is a boon.
did I tell you that I am having a problem?
do you have to tell?
I know the problem.
it is going to get dark...
please move aside.
I will start it for you.
one minute... it will start
one minute
oh mother!
what happened?
it's ok...
small wound
take this...
you are bleeding... tie this.
why are you having tears
when I am the one who is hurt?
unable to see my pain you are tearing
your cloth and giving it to me.
what does it mean?
do you think I am incapable of understanding?
what are you trying to say?
give a name to the feelings
that you have for me.
I don't know any name.
you know it's love.
no. you are just imagining things.
am I imagining?
no... its the truth.
I dont care about your truth
keep everthing aside radha...
don't you like me?
move aside.
I have to go.
just one word before you leave.
I will wait for you tomorrow in the banana garden.
I hope that you will come
if you dont come.
if I dont come?
are you threatening to kill yourself?
threatening will hurt your heart.
I will never hurt you even if I die.
it is getting dark... I have to go.
one minute
your heart is also like your bike.
someone has to really move it.
thats all
where did you go until now?
you mom is worried sick.
I went to the garden dad...
I am coming directly from the garden.
ok ok... your mom is preparing food
go have it.
tell me the truth.
my daughter will not lie to me.
I promise on my mother...
I have seen them with my own eyes.
believe me sir.
sir... don't doubt the guy
who is telling the truth.
your daughter is the
one who is lying.
I knew this would happen.
why didn't you tell me before?
After his confirmation... now I am
confident that something is happening between them.
kill madhava as soon as you see him...
yes sir.
I knew you would get emotional
anger will destroy your intelligence sir.
this is the time for elections...
control your anger for some time.
minister is coming to our village tomorrow.
I am getting anger just by thing of
madhava's name... I cannot take it anymore
I have to do something...
I have to do something...
sir... with your permission,
I will give you a plan
if your anger has to subside then
give madhava a warning if not beat him up a little
tell him not to even look at your daughter.
once the elections are over...
then no one will bother even if you kill him.
do what sastri says.
ok sir.
hey ranga...
come here
greetings sir.
you can greet us later
come have the delicious chicken
and try the alcohol.
sir... we are going on a small work
we will come back later.
let's go
is this your money?
did you lose them?
come and take it
sir... what do you
want me to do?
nothing much...
very simple.
veerabadra asked you guys
to threaten madhava no?
what our kaali is saying is
don't threaten him...
beat him to death.
we cannot go against the
order or veerabadram.
you also went to threaten him but
he attacked you first
only then you have beaten him to death.
ok sir... we will do it
we will take a leave now.
hey... they have come
greetings minister sir
greetings... please come
please sit.
the villages are all farmers yet
they don't have much to eat.
there is no proper
give these cool drinks to everyone.
I will give the first cool drink
to our minister.
your minister?
yes mam... I will tell you
a secret radhamma.
the minister is from our caste only
he is ours.
ok. go and give
bring the cool drink.
greetings sir
I dont want cooldrink...
get me some cool buttermilk.
you leave...
please bring some buttermilk for the minister.
we want your help in setting up seed
and fertilizer business in the village.
why did you bring it in that glass?
remove it.
go and bring it in silver glass.
sorry sir
please take it sir.
this is my daughter.
I will take a leave now.
I don't think kaali is a big threat to you.
I will take care of it.
ok sir.
sir... take that glass
along with you.
what are you talking radha?
what happened to you?
they have lots of golden glasses
in minister sir house.
please don't mind sir... she is a child
it's ok
where did I leave my footwear?
they are here.
let me get them for you.
please wear them
we are very glad that you have visited our house.
call me whenever you need me... I will come.
I will take a leave now.
yes sir.
before you become friends with someone... you have to know what their caste is and what work do they do?
only then you have to become friends with them ok?
yes dad.
give me that towel.
give a name to the feelings
that you have for me.
I don't know any name.
you know it's love.
I will wait for you tomorrow in the banana garden.
I hope that you will come.
hey... radhamma is coming...
let's go
what happened madhava?
what happened madhava?
you have come?
please touch me once radha... only once.
I am not only going to touch you...
I will kiss you.
I have broken all the barriers that my father
has built in my heart.
I came to propose to you
I came here for you.
come let's go to hospital.
radha... what happened to madhava?
come... let's take him to hospital
bring him inside.
I just spoke to the doctor
he said that there is no danger.
but, he asked us to give
police complaint
come... let's go and
give police complaint
what did I tell you...
and what did you do?
sir... the situation escalated
to police station
kaali has created a gossip among the villagers that I am
the reason behind the beating up of madhava.
please forgive us sir. Kaali has bribed us and
asked us to beat madhava to death.
you foolish idiots.
sir... do you think that kaali will let us
win the elections?
his head is filled with cunningness.
only if we come out of his trap
we can win the election.
we have to plan for
a strong move sir.
unknowigly you have
done good for me.
you can go now.
ok sir.
I thought you will punish these idiots.
why are you leaving them sir?
if we have to escape from that kaali's trap
and win the elections.
then we need all the votes of
madhava's caste people.
the whole village already thinks that I am
the reason behind attacks on madhava.
so what now?
I will marry my daughter to madhava.
have you gone mad?
I will only give my word.
once I win the elections I will send
madhava to the grave
and send my daughter to my home
and I will go to the president's seat.
very good
very good sir
this is a really strong move.
you all have to forgive
me for my mistake.
I have reacted in the
spur of the moment.
I have come here to rectify my mistake.
give me an opportunity.
I will marry my daughter to madhava once
the elections are done.
hail to president veerabadram.
hail to the incoming president veerabadram.
peddayya... I am giving my word
I am taking the responsibility of their marriage.
hail to president veerabadram.
hail to president veerabadram.
hail to president veerabadram.
hail to the incoming president veerabadram.
hail to president veerabadram.
It is to inform everyone that
Veerabadram has won the village president elections.
by taking lead of 7 votes over his opponent kaali.
hey... why are you looking
at me like that?
looking into the eyes of the girl that I
like has a magic that I cannot articulate.
it's beyond words.
is it a poem?
poems are pouring into me just
by looking into your eyes.
you are such a flirt.
what I am saying is true radha.
that is fine but...
what's next?
what else is there?
marriage... first night
why are you being shy...
"She pulled me towards her
after a lot of conflict inside me"
"the secret must be reaveled"
"remove the obstacles of stubbornness and come"
"hey girl"
"why are you so shy"
"Grounded I stand, yet in your gaze, I soar, as if floating on clouds forevermore."
"Blue, oh blue-eyed girl, laughter like the sweetness of honey, the sky adorned with clouds, I saw the playful games."
"Your desires, ask, let them gently comb.
Yet, worry not, let anxiety flee"
"Behold the grand creation, embrace it like a jasmine vine."
"Come hither, regal presence, mighty as a king."
"If my kisses grace, the sculpture trembles in wake."
"Oh, with every embrace, my heart beats faster, like the rhythm of a drum."
"Biting lips, slipping clothes, desire ascends in clandestine throes"
"Now the game flows smooth, akin to undulating waves."
"In youth's embrace, a looming threat:
cast away desires without regret."
Should I ask your shoulder for support, or should I pray for wings to fly in the evening breeze?"
"Your newfound beauty, resonates profound."
"I'll turn fierce, muscles bending with might's hustle."
come subbarayudu...
what happened?
why are you looking like that?
what should I say? that lower caste fellow
has eloped with my daughter.
I am here
don't worry.
when did it happen?
just an hour ago.
they were last seen at
the outskirts of the village.
I have sent four of my
men to catch them.
they will not go anywhere...
we will find them.
they are becoming
fearless by the day.
come subbarayudu... let's go.
take your daughter home.
Did your eyes go up
into the scalp? idiot
how dare you elope with our
family's daughter.
how dare you?
we have the courage to resist whoever
comes in the way of our love.
so, you don't have fear?
I haven't done any mistake
why should I be aftraid?
I will show you what fear is.
tie this guy to that palm tree.
this is just the beginning
the real story is about to begin.
what the hell are you guys doing?
have to teach you
you what fear is
that is why.
will you kill me?
how many of us will you kill?
even though the hands and legs of the caste and
religious discrimination are broken years ago...
yet you guys are still
living in the same smell.
today you will kill me
tomorrow madhava will
come for your daughter
day after tomorrow some one else
how many will you kill?
today's death fire of yours should make
the heart of madhava shiver.
if he doesn't agree then
he will also get killed like you!
bride groom
stop it
bride groom...
bride groom...
bride groom...
bride groom...
stop it guys.
grandpa go and wear
shirt and come.
for what reason?
our madhava is about to
get married know.
let's go to veerabadra's house for formalities.
you are our gentleman.
ametuer boys
get lost from here.
why are you talking like that grandpa?
veerabadram has given his word to us right?
they will manipulate words according
to their convinience.
do you want me to believe those words
and go for marriage proposal?
I don't think you know much
about veerabadram.
you are right. I don't know anything
about veerabadram.
only you guys know everything.
but did you know where sailu
went since a week?
sailu went to neighbour village for work
his mother told me.
that veerabadram has tied up sailu to a tree and
brunt him alive turned him into ashes.
do you guys know that?
we know it...
we know it...
how are you doing?
why did you guys
form a group here?
nothing sir.
this is my first visit here after
becoming the president... tell me your problems.
your promises are our problems.
yes, I remember
I remember everything.
please fulfill all your promises sir.
so far in the country there is no leader or a
party who has fulfilled their promises 100%.
who am I?
just a village president.
there should be some relaxation.
if you don't understand what I mean
then you should ask madhava.
he is very well educated.
what do you say madhava?
you understand right?
please make your people understand.
I will take a leave now.
what happened radha?
why did you come here at this midnight?
madhava, do you really love me?
I love you.
then let's go somewhere and get married.
what happened radha?
my father is not a good person
he will kill you just like how he killed sailu.
that's what the whole village is saying.
are you afraid radha?
you can think whichever way you want but
take me to some other place madhava.
fine... let us go
come on...
let's go... let's go
listen to me...
go home
I will definetely come for you.
I will go to hyderabad and
write letter to you.
in our present circumstances my goal
is more important and you and me.
I have to go to hyderabad to achieve that goal.
be patient for a few days
I will come back for you and
I will marry you.
you have to trust me.
after joining the job in hyderabad
you have to take me there.
auto is coming
please be careful...ok
brother please drive carefully.
hey madhava
come... come... come.
how is the village?
it is like that only.
you could have written a letter
before coming?
I got a job offer so I came
as soon as possible.
oh really?
one minute.
job in satya computers?
you have hit the jackpot.
you are relaly great madhava...
come inside.
you are the smartest guy.
you have hit two birds with one stone.
that sailu is dead and this
madhava has become dumb.
if you do something, it should be as if
you have washed your hands after eating beans.
they will be afraid to even
look at our family girls.
in the same momentum why
don't you get radha married?
where can I find a groom
who is on our own level so immediately?
you are acting like a lady who searched
for her baby the whole village
while a baby was under her own arm.
what are you talking about?
yes, there is a guy in our village only.
in our village?
He is one step above you in
wealth and prestige.
who is it?
he is none other than kaali.
my dear radha...
how are you doing?
I am writing this letter as soon as I came
to the room from the office.
satya computers is a very big
software company.
you will be shocked if I tell
you the salary.
please come
how are you kaali?
please sit down
sit down...
sit down
I am very happy today kaali
to see both of our families become one
from now on, there is no turning back
for us in this village.
no one will stop us.
I am very happy today uncle
for becoming your son-in-law.
sit down...
I will be right back...
please go ahead.
the guests has arrived
arrange for coffee and tea.
what happened dear?
why are you like this?
I do not like this marriage dad.
I don't like kaali.
do you want madhava?
what is this trash?
what is there with that
lower cast fellow?
he has unconditional love for me dad.
you would know the value when
you love someone unconditionally.
in this modern age, the fire of truth is
melting the snow of caste, father.
since before I was born,
great people have been saying
that there are no castes,
all people are the same
still there is not an iota of
change in people.
I have seen that change with
my own eyes dad
not somewhere else
but in you.
in me?
you are the one who said his caste is
low caste... he is a lower caste fellow but
when the minister came who is also
from the same lower caste
you wore him his footwear
there I have seen a drastic change in you.
what did you say? what?
don't shout
I have to change clothes...
get out.
looks like an invitation.
give it to me.
what happened?
what is there in it?
radha is getting married
tomorrow morning.
I don't know what is happening.
I have to go to the village urgently.
now the plan is...
this is veerabadra's house.
we have to enter slowly
from the entrance.
veerabadram is sleeping here.
ranga sleeps here.
if you come here like this
here is radha.
we have to silently wake up
radha and bring her out.
is the plan clear?
we should not miss anything
and do exactly as I say
this is a foolish plan.
give me
this is veerabadram house.
we will come from here
this is veerabadram.
this is ranga.
we will go like this and
pull the sleeping cot
we can take radha away.
that's all.
dad... dad...
leave me...
radha... it's me
hey... who is that?
hey... hey...
don't leave him...
go and catch him.
come fast...
please don't sit like that.
I am unable to see you like this.
what should I do?
feels like somebody has beheaded me.
I will find out where madhava
is hiding in hyderabad.
I will marry radha only when
I bring him here and throw at your feet.
catch hold of him where ever he is.
I will tie him up and burn him alive.
I am leaving to hyderabad tonight
I will inform you once I know about his whereabouts.
don't think too much.
it is better if you do not
stay here for long time.
you should shift to some other house.
raghu it is better you also
shift to some other place
don't worry...
I am leaving to my village today night.
I will come after a week and vacate this room.
it is better if you guys leave now.
let's go radha.
"You and I, like milk and water, fragrance and breeze"
"Bond, which cannot be seen separately, is ours"
"We have together reached our dream shore. O Love"
"Blending like seasons, let's create our own melody."
"Whether seen in a beautiful form,"
"Or heard in a sweet melody,"
"Love, the guiding divine, is it not?"
"You are mine in this world,"
"And I am yours entirely,"
"What more meaning does marriage hold?"
"In unspoken words, love resides,"
"Can it be revealed through silent surrender?"
"In the eyes, at a poetic moment,"
"I crafted verses and presented them to you,"
"Slowly blossoming like the lotus, O poetic king,"
"Gradually unfolding, I am a majestic ruler,"
"Let us sail through the waves of time,"
"and script our own love story on the stones of destiny."
radha... radha
I have a good news for you.
I also have a good news for you.
really? what is it?
you tell your news first
then I will tell a bigger good news.
I got promotion
6 figure salary.
what is your good news?
I am also promoted?
and you are double promoted.
some one is going to call us mom
and dad very soon.
you have given such a good news.
I have to give you a gift.
just a minute.
close your eyes.
open your eyes now.
hey... this is my chain
how did you get this?
this chain has saved my life.
I have got it for you.
what happened radha?
why are you so dull?
nothing like that.
why are you hiding it from me?
shall I guess?
how can you know?
if you tell the truth
if I tell the truth?
you tell it first.
is that correct?
how could you tell
what was in my heart?
how can I not know
what you want...
you are already
5 months pregnant.
you know everything.
then will you give
me a babyshower?
for sure.
prepare a list of things that are needed.
we will go out tomorrow and purchase them.
radha... eat this.
I will go and finish my work.
I think it is going to rain...
did you dry any clothes outside?
no... you write.
I will sleep.
you sleep now.
why are you closing your ears?
I am afraid of thunders
that's why I am closing my ears.
but why are you closing your
ears even before thunderstorm?
how do you know it will thunder?
my mom used to tell me when I was a kid that after lightening strikes then immediately there will be thunders
veeraadram is coming
why don't you tell...
why don't you tell...
why don't you see...
why don't you see...
can't you tell...
can't you tell...
can't you speak?
can't you speak?
radha... radha
what happened?
come on guys
catch them
catch them
get up radha...
get up madhava
"You, I, milk and water blending as fragrance"
"Tied by unseen bonds that the eye can't grasp"
"The fragrance of dreams has faded,
"Even for a moment, stand and await,"
"In distraction, God's focus is lost."
"This cruelty has reached its peak."
"Why ask a stone, its silence holds no use."
"God returned in repentance,"
"unaware of his sin"
"In seeking to amend, he found you hardened,
a soul turned stone."
instead of giving me a babyshower,
my father has killed my husband
who took the responsibility of
giving me a babyshower.
my father has given me a
gift that I cannot forget in my life.
I could not live without madhava
and tried to committed suicide.
my goal is more important
than you and me right now.
I have to go to hyderabad
to acheive my goal.
my mother ramatulasamma...
I have never seen her laugh whole heartedly.
I could not know the reason behind the
tears in her eyes and the pain that she carried in the heart.
one day...
where did your father
go madhava?
ramatulasamma... your husband
fell down drunk outside of the village.
oh no... come madhava
let's go and bring him home.
I am getting afraid mom.
don't be afraid son... shut your ears
immediately after you see the lightening.
because thunders will come only
after the lightening has struck.
food... serve me food
you could have come early no?
it's my wish
serve me food.
what the hell? you are
serving me chilli with rice?
serve me proper food!
you took all the money
in the house and left.
our child doesn't even have
proper clothes to go to school.
and you are demanding quality food.
you idiot!
he could not see the
tears in his mother's eyes.
he did't want another mother
to suffer like his mother did.
madhava had that kind of noble goal.
you are great a person for
shouldered your husband's ambition
at such a young age and making
it a huge success mam.
how was it possible mam?
my love for madhava
made it happen.
even though he is not physically present, you have
made him to be present in the hearts of people for decades.
I bow down to you for your love.
madam is coming...
madam is coming...
greetings madam
your friend has completely
recovered... did you meet him?
our friend?
who is our friend madam?
he came to MCC along with you...
don't you remember?
yes... yes...
yes... we remember.
where is he now madam?
he is in our hospital...
go and meet him.
ok let's go.
how are you?
who are you guys?
exactly ten days ago all three
of us had alcohol together.
do you remember?
do you remember?
how did I come here?
they are providing me everything
even without me asking for anything.
who are these guys?
are they providing food
three times a day?
yes... they are providing.
yes... they are providing.
what else do you need at this age
with your broken leg?
why don't you let time pass
by saying Krishna and Rama.
I would like to bow down to the
great man who built this place.
please show me
who that man is.
come with us...
we will take you.
look at the god who
built this place.
this guy?
why is he here?
why is his photo here?
why are you hitting me?
shut up!
why are you hitting me?
if you slip your tongue one more
time about that great man...
they pulled you out of the
trash and saved your life
where is the stick?
salute him.
salute him.
you have saluted to madhava...
why are you not saluting to radhamma?
there she is... radhamma.
does this mean that after the death of madhava,
my daughter is doing all this in his remembrance?
my sacrifice for honor and prestige,
the time I spent in the jail is all wasted.
I will send radhamma to the same place
where I have sent madhava.
leave me...
I won't have peace of mind
without killing her.
this is my madhava's dream empire.
here I will know
even if an ant moves.
don't you think I know that you have
been here since 10 days.
let go of me...
I thought you would change knowing
that the person you killed has saved your life.
I thought you would know
what you did was wrong.
I have kept my honor by killing him
and by killing you I will
maintain my prestige.
shut up! you think you have
killed madhava but
he has lit the hearts of thousands of
families and he is eternal.
he is god to the families
that are lying in the abyss.
my madhava is immortal.
even if your father and grandfather comes,
you guys will not be able to touch my madhava.
drag and throw out
this arrogant fellow.
let me go...
I will kill you...
sorry grandpa
I didn't see you.
keep that aside...
what is your caste?
we belong to
upper caste.
then it's fine... go
I also have another caste
what is it?
we also belong to
lower caste.
wait... you...
I will kill you... stop.
In the Ramayana, Rama's arrow, in the Mahabharata, the Sudarshana Chakra broke down many worldly arrogants
In the Kali Yuga, the caste discrimination
was brought down by many great people.
still the caste discrimnation
is having it's last breath.
If brotherly feeling becomes Rama's arrow...
If equality becomes the sudarshan chakra...
then the last breath of caste discrimnation
can be taken away in no time.