Reapers (2024) Movie Script
[intro music]
[background music]
The population of descendants
- has increased by 2% over the last decade.
- A new
power enhancing drug called
eternity are making across the
world. [screams] People are
reportedly not dying anymore!
[explosion] They have no
memories of their past lives!
And since become a staple in
society where-[Foreign language]
[glass shatters]
[foreign language]
[explosions] [glass shatters]
- Rumors of the new afterlife were emerging...
- Local officials
in Japan have a body
count in the thousands.
[cross talks] Four main Reaper!
- Is a sign of retaliations
from the reaper.
Is resurrection real? The
seven claims they have...
[cross talks] New
Afterlife! [glass shatters]
Awaken from the dead with
special powers. All hope is lost!
[frightened] [crying]
[foreign language] [crying]
[crying] [background music]
[crying] [distinct chatters]
[background music]
[background music] [crying]
[background music]
[background music] [crying]
- Please I'm not ready.
- Hey.
[panting] [crying]
I'm not going to hurt you.
- I know what you are.
I don't want to die.
It's okay. It's okay.
Stay calm.
I could keep you safe. But
you have to come with me.
I have a daughter. I didn't
mean to hurt those people.
I know, I know. You have to come with me.
- Trust me.
- I-I'm sorry, I can't.
[train passing]
[running] [crying] [background music]
[running] [crying] [background
music] [bell chiming]
Ah! shit.
[background music] [bell chiming]
[background music]
You let her die. Dominion will
not be pleased with this Zion.
[train passing] [music]
[thunder] [music]
[background music]
[grunts] [door closes]
[background music]
[glass rattles]
[background music]
[background music]
[force field impact]
[background music]
[background music]
[background music]
[background music]
[gate open]
[background music]
[bird squawking]
[bird squawking]
[background music]
[background music]
[bird squawking]
[laugh] I can do it!
I, I can take you to the Elys... [ snap]
[bird squawking]
What are you doing?
[background music]
Grab the bag.
I said, what are you doing?
We could have kept him alive,
I am not trusting Scarlet
to keep up her end of the deal.
If she gets hold over the Elysium first,
what do you think will happen to our kind?
Think about it.
Why was he carrying eternity?
[heavy breath]
Descendants on eternity can
sometimes increase their powers.
Some lose their abilities all together.
So, they can die?
Grab the bag. And we'll
pay our little friend, a visit.
[background music]
Making a deal with the Dominion.
[tongue clicking]
Remember, I was the one who warned you
not to trust anyone from my world.
All of this,
all of this for someone that
you will never see again.
[background music]
Zion, we chose you because
of your potential, your power.
Don't forget that.
[background music]
Fine. If we must go.
We will do this our way.
[background music]
[background noise]
Rarely do people seek
me out willingly Zion.
Yeah, well most people believe in a good
boogey man story. Hey here's an idea.
You lied.
I never said that you
were the last descendant.
No, no but you did say there wouldn't be
be any other Reapers and
you know the difference.
Out of my hands. I'm actually
just as intrigued as you are.
I'm not all powerful.
I just see a desire.
I nudge it a little bit.
As long as you remember our arrangement.
The resurrection
of a deceased loved one.
It's quite a tall ask.
And I'm currently swamped in paperwork,
bureaucracy. You understand?
If you do not find her Dominion,
the next time you see me -
Watch your words, boy.
[growl] [rumbling]
This is not a bedtime story
And you have no power that I do not will.
I'll do what you asked, Dominion.
Of course you will.
When I have ancient power.
I'll resurrect your beloved.
[metal rattle]
[metal rattling]
[rain] [ominous sound]
[sword fight]
[background music]
[sword slicing] [grunt]
[sword fight] [background music]
[sword fight]
[swoosh] [grunt]
[rain] [background music]
[sword fight]
[sword fight] [grunt]
[swoosh] [sword fight]
[grunt] [sword slicing]
[grunt] [sword fight]
[sword fight]
[heavy breathing]
[sword fight]
[sword fight]
[sword fight] [background music]
[background music]
[rain] [foot steps]
Is it done?
No need, Nova.
I'll get it done myself.
[sword slicing]
[background music]
[background music]
Yup uh, Well on our side,
the uh, headquarters here.
And as you can see, there has been
a massive demonstration
hundreds of people outside
for testing at the announcements
that were made today. And with-
a break through in talks.
It's hard to see how this dispute
is going to end any time soon
I say we let him pick and
chose. And if you ask me,
the best thing that could have happened
is for the Reapers show up, and remind us
of just how evil we have become.
And with the gates closing.
Who told you, the Gates
of Heaven were closing?
They did. That's why they're here.
Well, I have to get
ready for my break now,
so if you need anything, you ask Cheryl.
[foot steps]
Patrick talking nonsense again.
It ain't Sunday and Patrick
ain't on his high horse
always going on and on and on.
Don't forget, I have the fifth off.
How can I forget you won't let me,
you won't stop talking about it.
[metals clanking]
It's called being happy.
You do remember what that's like don't you?
Red wine, a good book,
a couple of batteries is
all the happiness I need.
[background music]
[background music]
[background music]
[background music]
The effects vary. But
that's the purest there is.
[background music]
You here to kill me?
[heavy breathing]
[background music]
Where did you get this?
Kola, he has been
hiring Ghouls everywhere.
Especially since they've
been free to roam the streets.
If you haven't noticed? We got
Descendants suped up on eternity.
Offing people, even death himself.
What do you know about death?
I know that when you die,
you stay dead. I know that.
I know that wh - when people die,
they don't come back with
no goddamn superpowers. Like,
What can you do? You fly?
What do you know about death?
Only that he's trying
to take over the afterlife.
- The Elysium.
- Yeah, whatever that place is where
Souls get judged, either
remain or come back to
this damn place, there.
Death can't travel to the Elysium.
That's what he has us for.
And even there we're limited.
Have you heard from
the other three reapers?
- No.
- Exactly. Something is changing.
I even hear, there's a briefcase
that got to take a powerful
being like anywhere, you feeling me?
I thought that was just a myth.
The high order would have disavowed it.
Those religious bastards,
the one that created it,
and Zion, you in trouble.
Death gets to Elysium?
Why have the reapers?
The strongest of all
descendants doing his dirty work.
Stay out the alleyways, they aren't safe.
Ghouls are in a turf war.
But war times are good for business.
Your name comes up on the list,
I'll make sure you don't
return as a descendant.
Of that you have my word.
[Heavenly sound effect] [grunt]
[background music]
Make no mistake about
where your ire should lie.
We have suffered great loss,
but with it, great, hope.
Even now as the darkness
amongst us grows stronger,
we will not be deterred.
As many of, you know,
there's this void in our hearts
and until we take back control
and restore the order to the high power.
We shall not know rest. Until,
[background music]
That'll be all for today.
Peace be with you.
[foot steps]
The Hereafter is watching.
[foot steps]
[background music]
The people remain in
disarray. Now is the time to act.
This Realm may be in Peril. Yes.
But our time to act is not now.
We grow weary of waiting.
The high order is not
known for its patience.
If we are to keep our alliance fruitful,
I will need results.
Then you shall have them.
Find us the mind of a
pure blood and immortal.
And then we will chart
our way to the Elysium.
The doors of heaven will close.
And then you'll have what you want.
Scarlet, how will I find you?
[background music]
[train passing]
Hey, wait. I'm waiting for my fianc.
[background noise]
Why'd you have to go in this train?
[background noise]
[background noise]
[background noise]
[background music]
[background music]
Damn it, Valac.
Here goes what's gonna happen,
you're gonna go to the front of the train.
You're going to break the conductor's neck.
Your gonna kill 20,000 people today.
[background noise]
The good thing is,
you won't remember a thing.
[background noise]
[background noise]
[background noise]
[foot steps]
[foot steps]
[car police wailing]
[foot steps]
[background noise]
Where is the real drive?
[indistinct chatter]
What else did you find?
Sutan, I don't know where
it is. I gave you everything.
We should have let you rot with the others!
[heavy breathing]
Go to hell.
[background music]
That's enough!
[background music]
Hold on,
That's enough!
[background music]
Who is she?
It wasn't her...
You dare speak to me?!
After you brought a rat into my house!
Love has blinded you... You dishonor me...
[background music]
Take her.
[background music]
They say a man without a shadow.
A man without a shadow,
bares the worst sins of them all.
Sound like a bunch of rhetoric to me.
Sins a sin,
Nothing else below it.
I didn't expect to
see you in these parts.
I ain't got much to do these days.
What can I say? I'm getting bored.
But I hear about a descendant.
That's peaked my interest.
Devilish game your playing with her. Huh.
[foot steps]
Let's hope that she never finds out.
No longer a bell to toll,
but wither into a place and I shall appear.
I'll be in touch.
[foot steps]
[foot steps]
[paper flipping]
My brothers and sisters.
We are living in a time
corrupted by shadows.
Too many factions.
Too many paths that
appear brightly illuminated,
and yet lead into darkness.
Too much exchange between the worlds.
[indistinct chatter]
But today we are assembled here,
the brightest minds of our poque.
And I have no doubt that together
we can make the impossible possible.
We will accomplish our task.
[crowd cheering]
We will save mankind from chaos.
[crowd cheering]
Let us discuss the
strides of our grand plan.
Lord Baliant Linhart.
We found the brother of
the girl from the witch tower.
He could be part of our salvation.
His powers have not manifested yet
but we suspect it will happen soon.
He seemed weakened.
Sick. Like his mother then.
Like his mother. Ah. After
what happened to his brother,
I am not certain he will
help us of his own accord.
We need someone who knows him
who can lure him to us.
An outsider? We cannot risk that.
Our gates must remain closed.
Enough my friends!
Gravita could help us.
The chatelaine of the Goetzen castle.
Sources have brought to our attention
that she is an admirer of the High Order.
It's too dangerous!
We can't trust anyone.
[indistinct chatter]
We could make her an offer.
An offer? I am intrigued!
If she brings us Friedrich,
she could earn her place in our midst.
At least seemingly,
what she will perceive as
the truth lies in our hands.
What if it happens before we get to her?
I'm tired of your contradictions.
We don't have much time.
We have to act quickly.
Our order is no place for cowards!
You are either with us,
or against us.
[background music]
[background noise]
Your mother would
find all of the jelly beans
that you hid around the house.
And she convinced everyone
not to tell you that your imaginary friend,
didn't exist.
[background noise]
Yes Herbert was his name.
She never told me.
Always keeping secrets your mother.
What did she tell you?
I told you.
She never showed me what she was making.
Mind Reading Technology.
I mean who is to say
that it would even work?
Sounds like a movie or
something crazy like this.
[background noise]
For now, yes.
[background noise]
[background noise]
Sutan is in position.
Will he hurt her?
What happens to her
shouldn't be of your concern.
There will come a chance for you
to prove yourself to me!
Show me you are ready to
lead us into the next phase.
Yes, Nova.
[background noise]
[background music]
You knew that from the
moment you got involved
that things weren't gonna
end the way that you thought.
Look at you.
Getting so close yet
still not able to crack her.
[background music]
You let me worry about
that. I heard a rumor.
The overseers used to
kidnap and torture young girls.
Hope you find what
your looking for, Zion.
[background music]
These things have a way
of working themselves out.
[background music]
[background music]
Be seeing you around, Rush.
[punches] [grunt]
Thomas, I'm so disappointed. I
thought we had an understanding.
Soon everyone will know.
[foot steps]
Your kind, you think
because you can control minds
and make weapons from thin air
that you are some type of God.
You are an abomination. A mistake,
One, that we will soon correct.
[heavy breathing]
You know, what they
call you where I'm from?
Mylome, the high order.
Is nothing but uh but uh bunch of,
crazy, rich religious
people, too afraid to get their.
Pretty little hands dirty.
[background music]
I'll let you in on a little secret.
When I get to the Elysium,
I won't have to hunt you
rodents down one by one anymore.
You see Thomas when we get to the Elysium.
We will create a new world.
We will restore order.
What was it that you called me?
[bones breaking]
Find out who he was working with,
he wasn't acting alone.
[background music]
[background noise]
[bell ring]
[background noise]
[background noise]
[metal clanking]
[background noise]
Who are you? Have you been following me?
We need you to meet with your boyfriend.
I can't. Nova would never allow it.
I thought you said this one is smart?
Mercury is a hacker.
She can get us to the briefcase.
She knows what we are.
She knows what we are capable of.
[background noise]
There's a place.
Where we had our first kiss.
[background music]
[slow motion sound effect]
[gun shot]
[slow motion sound effect]
[background music]
[background music]
[gun shot]
[foot steps]
[background music]
[background music] [foot steps]
[background music]
[background noise]
Are you crazy? Why
are you still in Japan?
[background music]
[background music]
I remember the way you looked at me?
And you told me,
the sun rises in my eyes.
No one's ever looked
at me like that before.
You have to leave
before my uncle finds you.
[background music]
I need to know what Nova is planning.
No, Mercury.
I can't. Don't ask me about this.
- What were we coding for?
- That's it!
Now, I'm taking you with me
to explain to Nova. How you
were afraid of losing your mother?
You were not yourself.
If the world ends,
I'd rather be on this side with you.
[background music]
Scarlet believes that
if we were to catch one of the four,
we will be able to use
the mind remapping technology,
our company developed.
The way to map, the way to Elysium.
Jupiter, we cannot let the
overseers get to the Elysium.
It is out of my hand.
My uncle wanted us to
have a seat at the high order.
High order?
What are you talking about?
It's bigger than me, okay.
We're dealing with the things
that beyond for both of us.
Ghouls, demons, reapers.
So, we fight.
We cant let Nova help
start the end of the world.
The reaper showing up
should be all the evidence
you need to understand.
Mankind eras has already ended.
Has already ended.
[background music]
Then love is our only weapon.
[background music]
There is a briefcase in America.
The Prototype capable of
carrying the Geo-centric elements,
we developed.
Once you take this,
know that we will never
see each other again.
[background noise]
Good luck, Mercury.
[background music]
[background music]
[background music]
In this world or the next.
[background music]
[gavel tapping]
[background noise]
I wonder how they clean up all the blood.
Mindy, you said you saw her?
Calypso super famous singer
20 million followers, that Calypso?
Yeah, she just looked at me.
Calypso is back from the
dead and she shot up your bar?
No, she didn't.
- Didn't what?
- Shoot up the bar.
It was like she was laughing,
watching as they all died.
This, this is exactly
what I was telling you.
Wait, what?
This is our chance to catch one
to finally bring them to justice.
Think about it. If Calypso
is back from the dead
and killing for fun. How long do you think
before the descendants
start rolling into nurseries
and groceries stores
like taking souls, and...
Oh I wonder where the
bread is, Honey. Dead.
I now pronounce, you husband and wife,
you may kiss the bride. Dead.
Mindy, please.
This is our chance.
Alex, she didn't kill
me. I could have died.
this is why we have to act.
Flip the playing field.
[background music]
Yes, yes you won't regret this.
Now, let's skin this bitch alive.
[background noise]
And then comes the fire and it purifies.
What's up, Z?
Kola this necessary?
Man, had to tighten up security
given the current climate.
You understand.
[growling] [foot steps]
So this is what it is?
Yeah, every since you reapers
showed up, had to change the game up a bit.
Get me a couple of half dead
motherfuckers running around.
They must not have heard. There you go
spoiling the surprise. That's
all right. Y'all come on in.
Come on.
There's a new descendant.
Which means someone up there.
Must have wanted an upgrade.
[laughing] [growling]
[laughing] [growling]
Good, you're face.
Is fucking funny!
[background music]
All right. Kola, look,
just give me the eternity drug.
That we both know you have,
and y'all stop doing
all the demonic shit that
you had planned and we'll
get out your hair. Sound good?
Man why you come down
here starting all this trouble boy.
All right, I tried.
[background music]
[grunting] [fight-punches]
[background music]
Okay. Okay. The hell
with all this violence!
Look. Now how I know
that if I give you this,
you two Devil's scrotums
won't be back here?
These assholes on the ground, oh you fired!
So, next time, don't
think. It would be this easy.
Sorry, motherfuckers.
Kola, you're a street thug
living in your mom's
basement. You're not a killer.
Leave the mass murder to the professionals.
Oh, I got this. I'll see you
again as soon as they leave.
Y'all can go with them.
Okay, I'll see you again.
[squeaky door]
You know what, and as soon as they leave,
y'all can go, y'all can
go but no, know what.
Don't leave before they. Let
him get all the way down the hall
at least okay? Before
you - Hold on wait a minute,
Is that back door locked?
I just want them to be able
to get out of here. I
don't want no problems.
[crowd cheering]
[background noise]
Are you going to tell
me your not gonna come?
I heard that Henry
Hatcher, the top designer of all
of Europe is going to
be there, she is coming.
No, no, no.
The last time it was Carrie Yan
and the time before that it was Geo.
If I do come, I will be mm
coming on my own terms.
[crowd cheering]
Ladies. Baby, I got a present for you.
Baby. Did you hear me?
I said, I brought you a goddamn present.
Turn around and show me some respect.
Kiss my ass, Cage. It's fashion week.
I'm tired and I really don't
have time for this anymore.
You are only somebody because
I made you. You ungrateful bitch.
I'm going to need to ask you to leave.
Or what?
Baby, Come on. It's me. Listen,
just take this bump with me and
let's tighten up because I'm
going to introduce you to Zak Price
[metal clanking]
You know, Zak?
Baby. I know everybody.
My super star.
What is that?
Such a shame baby.
I guess fame is just too much to handle.
Even for supermodels, enjoy the ride, baby.
PCP, heroin, and rat poison
Is a hell of a trip.
[ringing] [heart beating fast]
[ringing] [heart beating fast]
I'm starting to wonder if you just abuse
your teleporting powers.
Why are we here? People
are starting to hunt and
kill descendants. There's
an angry mob outside.
And this is only the beginning.
Meet Lord Balian's daughter, Cassiopeia.
I wish we were meeting
on more pleasant times,
but the one you call Calypso
is out to destroy the world.
She must be the new descendant.
Death may have finally found a new reaper.
[paper rustling]
The high order has made it their mission
to change the fortune of men.
This text is from my world.
Dominion plans on destroying the Elysium.
If she makes it to the Elysium.
Only one of you may travel there.
Yes, that was all I could
find from my father's book.
I must go.
Only one?
I really must go now. I'm sorry,
I couldn't help you more.
Time is running out Zion,
something bigger is coming,
I can sense it.
Are you sure about this?
If anyone knows what to do, it'll be Ada.
The high order has helped
descendants transition
into their new lives for years.
I'll watch him.
I'll be right back.
[car door]
Shut up or I'll leave the radio off.
Make sure they get the message.
I can't say I'm surprised
that you called me.
I am shocked. However, that we haven't met.
Yes. I've been to a few of your meetings.
The high order is charged
with a greater calling
and it takes young minds such as yours
to keep challenging us to
think beyond these walls.
That's kind of why I'm here.
My friends and I want to help.
Lord Balian Linhart,
headed the first chapter
of the high order.
Descendants, were brought back
to this world and given powers.
Once the gates to the
other realms were opened
ghouls and demons overtook
mankind, as the dominant species.
The high order is the last
remaining stronghold for our souls.
The high-order sacrificed
the first descendant
in the heart of what's now known as Germany
during the solstice of the dark ages.
Mankind was plagued with
famine, corruption, and disease.
Leading the first cleansing of mankind,
Balian sought out and found
the source of God's wrath.
And he found it in the form of the unpure.
The first man to be reborn
was brought back to life
with a darkness in his soul.
Mindless and Abomination.
[background music]
[background music]
[car door]
[background music]
[door closes]
[background music]
[birds chirping]
Mindy, do you believe in destiny?
I'd like to think that I do.
That's good. With the gates closing,
it's more important than
ever that we stick together.
Help each other out as friends.
I'll let you in on a little
secret. Once the gates close,
I'll make sure there's
a place for you and I.
Now, what was it that
you wanted to tell me?
Hey, sorry to a... really think
we need to get that coffee.
Hey um, I'm so sorry but we have to go.
I'll keep you in mind as well.
Alex, what is going on?
-They're torturing descendants.
- Who?
- Freaking She-Devil.
- Ada?
Yes, saw it with my own two eyes.
Oh my God.
Then they weren't helping the descendants?
What do we do?
[background music]
[background music]
[door opening]
[background music]
So this is where you've been hiding.
You know why we're here?
The oversees are using you, Draven.
They can't get their
hands on that briefcase.
You know, they say that you are one
of the strongest descendants
they've ever raised.
Is that true?
Did they also tell you
that there were others
just as strong? Do you know how
many girls died because of them?
All because of Scarlett's
insatiable need to
create descendant capable
of becoming a reaper.
Every night, they force us to practice
trans morphing on each other.
Some of the girls went crazy after that.
And hung themselves,
they hung themselves from
the basement floor ceiling.
I would like to see
that. Where's the case?
If you read my file,
you'd know that I would never tell you.
Because there's nothing
you can do to harm me.
We'll see about that!
Grab her.
Bring her.
The incident.
Yes, they just came back to life.
Why are you here?
[background voice]
Why are you here, here?
[background voices] [typing]
The four. The four?
[background voices] [typing]
We have to burn everything.
It will happen. I mean.
How did you even know about this?
[background noise] [typing]
[background noise] [typing]
[crowd protest]
[foot steps]
The high order showed me a new path,
one that included, all mankind,
living together in harmony.
Emilia, high-order tortures
and kills descendants.
More fabrications, the wicked
will lie with several tongue.
Never one mouth.
[background music]
I mourned you. I gave up my
soul to find you. To save you.
[background music]
Your soul was never
yours to bargain, I'm afraid.
Come with me. Let me
show you the work I do here.
Let me take you to be
cleansed of your sins.
The world in the hands of those you serve
will only lead to destruction for us all.
I don't serve the
high-order. I serve my faith.
Some would say they're one in the same.
I'm sorry Zion.
Me too.
I hope you finally can find peace.
[foot steps]
When we stop Calypso, I will
come back for the high order.
And no one. Not even
you, will get in my way.
Then let this be the final moment
in which our love has granted us peace.
I fear next time we
won't have Mercy with us.
I will never know peace.
Just memories of our past.
[foot steps]
Failure was not an option.
She, she had help!
If I knew you made house calls.
I wouldn't have come all this way.
- You have something for me?
- Yes.
It was quite difficult to
obtain many of my men died.
Finally. I see all that
has been hidden from me.
Fate has granted you an
opportunity for redemption.
[ritual] Darlem No Shaall
High! Darlem No Shaall High!
[ritual] Darlem No Shaall
High! Darlem No Shaall High!
[ritual] Darlem No Shaall
High! Darlem No Shaall High!
I knew you'd come.
Haven't lived a life that I'm proud of.
Will you show mercy to the others?
[animals sound]
Lift all the darkness from
my soul that you require.
I shall not walk this Earth
as an inevitability any longer.
So what's that all that
I give is nothing but.
Ash in a field of broken dreams.
Do not remember me. I am but dust.
[foot steps]
No, I'm ready. Please take me.
Elysium is the only thing
that remains of your fall.
There's much to discuss.
You may prove useful yet.
Follow us and there
will be a place for you.
Among the Ancients.
Well, there's no problem if you
had a gun shoot him in the head.
[background music]
The population of descendants
- has increased by 2% over the last decade.
- A new
power enhancing drug called
eternity are making across the
world. [screams] People are
reportedly not dying anymore!
[explosion] They have no
memories of their past lives!
And since become a staple in
society where-[Foreign language]
[glass shatters]
[foreign language]
[explosions] [glass shatters]
- Rumors of the new afterlife were emerging...
- Local officials
in Japan have a body
count in the thousands.
[cross talks] Four main Reaper!
- Is a sign of retaliations
from the reaper.
Is resurrection real? The
seven claims they have...
[cross talks] New
Afterlife! [glass shatters]
Awaken from the dead with
special powers. All hope is lost!
[frightened] [crying]
[foreign language] [crying]
[crying] [background music]
[crying] [distinct chatters]
[background music]
[background music] [crying]
[background music]
[background music] [crying]
- Please I'm not ready.
- Hey.
[panting] [crying]
I'm not going to hurt you.
- I know what you are.
I don't want to die.
It's okay. It's okay.
Stay calm.
I could keep you safe. But
you have to come with me.
I have a daughter. I didn't
mean to hurt those people.
I know, I know. You have to come with me.
- Trust me.
- I-I'm sorry, I can't.
[train passing]
[running] [crying] [background music]
[running] [crying] [background
music] [bell chiming]
Ah! shit.
[background music] [bell chiming]
[background music]
You let her die. Dominion will
not be pleased with this Zion.
[train passing] [music]
[thunder] [music]
[background music]
[grunts] [door closes]
[background music]
[glass rattles]
[background music]
[background music]
[force field impact]
[background music]
[background music]
[background music]
[background music]
[gate open]
[background music]
[bird squawking]
[bird squawking]
[background music]
[background music]
[bird squawking]
[laugh] I can do it!
I, I can take you to the Elys... [ snap]
[bird squawking]
What are you doing?
[background music]
Grab the bag.
I said, what are you doing?
We could have kept him alive,
I am not trusting Scarlet
to keep up her end of the deal.
If she gets hold over the Elysium first,
what do you think will happen to our kind?
Think about it.
Why was he carrying eternity?
[heavy breath]
Descendants on eternity can
sometimes increase their powers.
Some lose their abilities all together.
So, they can die?
Grab the bag. And we'll
pay our little friend, a visit.
[background music]
Making a deal with the Dominion.
[tongue clicking]
Remember, I was the one who warned you
not to trust anyone from my world.
All of this,
all of this for someone that
you will never see again.
[background music]
Zion, we chose you because
of your potential, your power.
Don't forget that.
[background music]
Fine. If we must go.
We will do this our way.
[background music]
[background noise]
Rarely do people seek
me out willingly Zion.
Yeah, well most people believe in a good
boogey man story. Hey here's an idea.
You lied.
I never said that you
were the last descendant.
No, no but you did say there wouldn't be
be any other Reapers and
you know the difference.
Out of my hands. I'm actually
just as intrigued as you are.
I'm not all powerful.
I just see a desire.
I nudge it a little bit.
As long as you remember our arrangement.
The resurrection
of a deceased loved one.
It's quite a tall ask.
And I'm currently swamped in paperwork,
bureaucracy. You understand?
If you do not find her Dominion,
the next time you see me -
Watch your words, boy.
[growl] [rumbling]
This is not a bedtime story
And you have no power that I do not will.
I'll do what you asked, Dominion.
Of course you will.
When I have ancient power.
I'll resurrect your beloved.
[metal rattle]
[metal rattling]
[rain] [ominous sound]
[sword fight]
[background music]
[sword slicing] [grunt]
[sword fight] [background music]
[sword fight]
[swoosh] [grunt]
[rain] [background music]
[sword fight]
[sword fight] [grunt]
[swoosh] [sword fight]
[grunt] [sword slicing]
[grunt] [sword fight]
[sword fight]
[heavy breathing]
[sword fight]
[sword fight]
[sword fight] [background music]
[background music]
[rain] [foot steps]
Is it done?
No need, Nova.
I'll get it done myself.
[sword slicing]
[background music]
[background music]
Yup uh, Well on our side,
the uh, headquarters here.
And as you can see, there has been
a massive demonstration
hundreds of people outside
for testing at the announcements
that were made today. And with-
a break through in talks.
It's hard to see how this dispute
is going to end any time soon
I say we let him pick and
chose. And if you ask me,
the best thing that could have happened
is for the Reapers show up, and remind us
of just how evil we have become.
And with the gates closing.
Who told you, the Gates
of Heaven were closing?
They did. That's why they're here.
Well, I have to get
ready for my break now,
so if you need anything, you ask Cheryl.
[foot steps]
Patrick talking nonsense again.
It ain't Sunday and Patrick
ain't on his high horse
always going on and on and on.
Don't forget, I have the fifth off.
How can I forget you won't let me,
you won't stop talking about it.
[metals clanking]
It's called being happy.
You do remember what that's like don't you?
Red wine, a good book,
a couple of batteries is
all the happiness I need.
[background music]
[background music]
[background music]
[background music]
The effects vary. But
that's the purest there is.
[background music]
You here to kill me?
[heavy breathing]
[background music]
Where did you get this?
Kola, he has been
hiring Ghouls everywhere.
Especially since they've
been free to roam the streets.
If you haven't noticed? We got
Descendants suped up on eternity.
Offing people, even death himself.
What do you know about death?
I know that when you die,
you stay dead. I know that.
I know that wh - when people die,
they don't come back with
no goddamn superpowers. Like,
What can you do? You fly?
What do you know about death?
Only that he's trying
to take over the afterlife.
- The Elysium.
- Yeah, whatever that place is where
Souls get judged, either
remain or come back to
this damn place, there.
Death can't travel to the Elysium.
That's what he has us for.
And even there we're limited.
Have you heard from
the other three reapers?
- No.
- Exactly. Something is changing.
I even hear, there's a briefcase
that got to take a powerful
being like anywhere, you feeling me?
I thought that was just a myth.
The high order would have disavowed it.
Those religious bastards,
the one that created it,
and Zion, you in trouble.
Death gets to Elysium?
Why have the reapers?
The strongest of all
descendants doing his dirty work.
Stay out the alleyways, they aren't safe.
Ghouls are in a turf war.
But war times are good for business.
Your name comes up on the list,
I'll make sure you don't
return as a descendant.
Of that you have my word.
[Heavenly sound effect] [grunt]
[background music]
Make no mistake about
where your ire should lie.
We have suffered great loss,
but with it, great, hope.
Even now as the darkness
amongst us grows stronger,
we will not be deterred.
As many of, you know,
there's this void in our hearts
and until we take back control
and restore the order to the high power.
We shall not know rest. Until,
[background music]
That'll be all for today.
Peace be with you.
[foot steps]
The Hereafter is watching.
[foot steps]
[background music]
The people remain in
disarray. Now is the time to act.
This Realm may be in Peril. Yes.
But our time to act is not now.
We grow weary of waiting.
The high order is not
known for its patience.
If we are to keep our alliance fruitful,
I will need results.
Then you shall have them.
Find us the mind of a
pure blood and immortal.
And then we will chart
our way to the Elysium.
The doors of heaven will close.
And then you'll have what you want.
Scarlet, how will I find you?
[background music]
[train passing]
Hey, wait. I'm waiting for my fianc.
[background noise]
Why'd you have to go in this train?
[background noise]
[background noise]
[background noise]
[background music]
[background music]
Damn it, Valac.
Here goes what's gonna happen,
you're gonna go to the front of the train.
You're going to break the conductor's neck.
Your gonna kill 20,000 people today.
[background noise]
The good thing is,
you won't remember a thing.
[background noise]
[background noise]
[background noise]
[foot steps]
[foot steps]
[car police wailing]
[foot steps]
[background noise]
Where is the real drive?
[indistinct chatter]
What else did you find?
Sutan, I don't know where
it is. I gave you everything.
We should have let you rot with the others!
[heavy breathing]
Go to hell.
[background music]
That's enough!
[background music]
Hold on,
That's enough!
[background music]
Who is she?
It wasn't her...
You dare speak to me?!
After you brought a rat into my house!
Love has blinded you... You dishonor me...
[background music]
Take her.
[background music]
They say a man without a shadow.
A man without a shadow,
bares the worst sins of them all.
Sound like a bunch of rhetoric to me.
Sins a sin,
Nothing else below it.
I didn't expect to
see you in these parts.
I ain't got much to do these days.
What can I say? I'm getting bored.
But I hear about a descendant.
That's peaked my interest.
Devilish game your playing with her. Huh.
[foot steps]
Let's hope that she never finds out.
No longer a bell to toll,
but wither into a place and I shall appear.
I'll be in touch.
[foot steps]
[foot steps]
[paper flipping]
My brothers and sisters.
We are living in a time
corrupted by shadows.
Too many factions.
Too many paths that
appear brightly illuminated,
and yet lead into darkness.
Too much exchange between the worlds.
[indistinct chatter]
But today we are assembled here,
the brightest minds of our poque.
And I have no doubt that together
we can make the impossible possible.
We will accomplish our task.
[crowd cheering]
We will save mankind from chaos.
[crowd cheering]
Let us discuss the
strides of our grand plan.
Lord Baliant Linhart.
We found the brother of
the girl from the witch tower.
He could be part of our salvation.
His powers have not manifested yet
but we suspect it will happen soon.
He seemed weakened.
Sick. Like his mother then.
Like his mother. Ah. After
what happened to his brother,
I am not certain he will
help us of his own accord.
We need someone who knows him
who can lure him to us.
An outsider? We cannot risk that.
Our gates must remain closed.
Enough my friends!
Gravita could help us.
The chatelaine of the Goetzen castle.
Sources have brought to our attention
that she is an admirer of the High Order.
It's too dangerous!
We can't trust anyone.
[indistinct chatter]
We could make her an offer.
An offer? I am intrigued!
If she brings us Friedrich,
she could earn her place in our midst.
At least seemingly,
what she will perceive as
the truth lies in our hands.
What if it happens before we get to her?
I'm tired of your contradictions.
We don't have much time.
We have to act quickly.
Our order is no place for cowards!
You are either with us,
or against us.
[background music]
[background noise]
Your mother would
find all of the jelly beans
that you hid around the house.
And she convinced everyone
not to tell you that your imaginary friend,
didn't exist.
[background noise]
Yes Herbert was his name.
She never told me.
Always keeping secrets your mother.
What did she tell you?
I told you.
She never showed me what she was making.
Mind Reading Technology.
I mean who is to say
that it would even work?
Sounds like a movie or
something crazy like this.
[background noise]
For now, yes.
[background noise]
[background noise]
Sutan is in position.
Will he hurt her?
What happens to her
shouldn't be of your concern.
There will come a chance for you
to prove yourself to me!
Show me you are ready to
lead us into the next phase.
Yes, Nova.
[background noise]
[background music]
You knew that from the
moment you got involved
that things weren't gonna
end the way that you thought.
Look at you.
Getting so close yet
still not able to crack her.
[background music]
You let me worry about
that. I heard a rumor.
The overseers used to
kidnap and torture young girls.
Hope you find what
your looking for, Zion.
[background music]
These things have a way
of working themselves out.
[background music]
[background music]
Be seeing you around, Rush.
[punches] [grunt]
Thomas, I'm so disappointed. I
thought we had an understanding.
Soon everyone will know.
[foot steps]
Your kind, you think
because you can control minds
and make weapons from thin air
that you are some type of God.
You are an abomination. A mistake,
One, that we will soon correct.
[heavy breathing]
You know, what they
call you where I'm from?
Mylome, the high order.
Is nothing but uh but uh bunch of,
crazy, rich religious
people, too afraid to get their.
Pretty little hands dirty.
[background music]
I'll let you in on a little secret.
When I get to the Elysium,
I won't have to hunt you
rodents down one by one anymore.
You see Thomas when we get to the Elysium.
We will create a new world.
We will restore order.
What was it that you called me?
[bones breaking]
Find out who he was working with,
he wasn't acting alone.
[background music]
[background noise]
[bell ring]
[background noise]
[background noise]
[metal clanking]
[background noise]
Who are you? Have you been following me?
We need you to meet with your boyfriend.
I can't. Nova would never allow it.
I thought you said this one is smart?
Mercury is a hacker.
She can get us to the briefcase.
She knows what we are.
She knows what we are capable of.
[background noise]
There's a place.
Where we had our first kiss.
[background music]
[slow motion sound effect]
[gun shot]
[slow motion sound effect]
[background music]
[background music]
[gun shot]
[foot steps]
[background music]
[background music] [foot steps]
[background music]
[background noise]
Are you crazy? Why
are you still in Japan?
[background music]
[background music]
I remember the way you looked at me?
And you told me,
the sun rises in my eyes.
No one's ever looked
at me like that before.
You have to leave
before my uncle finds you.
[background music]
I need to know what Nova is planning.
No, Mercury.
I can't. Don't ask me about this.
- What were we coding for?
- That's it!
Now, I'm taking you with me
to explain to Nova. How you
were afraid of losing your mother?
You were not yourself.
If the world ends,
I'd rather be on this side with you.
[background music]
Scarlet believes that
if we were to catch one of the four,
we will be able to use
the mind remapping technology,
our company developed.
The way to map, the way to Elysium.
Jupiter, we cannot let the
overseers get to the Elysium.
It is out of my hand.
My uncle wanted us to
have a seat at the high order.
High order?
What are you talking about?
It's bigger than me, okay.
We're dealing with the things
that beyond for both of us.
Ghouls, demons, reapers.
So, we fight.
We cant let Nova help
start the end of the world.
The reaper showing up
should be all the evidence
you need to understand.
Mankind eras has already ended.
Has already ended.
[background music]
Then love is our only weapon.
[background music]
There is a briefcase in America.
The Prototype capable of
carrying the Geo-centric elements,
we developed.
Once you take this,
know that we will never
see each other again.
[background noise]
Good luck, Mercury.
[background music]
[background music]
[background music]
In this world or the next.
[background music]
[gavel tapping]
[background noise]
I wonder how they clean up all the blood.
Mindy, you said you saw her?
Calypso super famous singer
20 million followers, that Calypso?
Yeah, she just looked at me.
Calypso is back from the
dead and she shot up your bar?
No, she didn't.
- Didn't what?
- Shoot up the bar.
It was like she was laughing,
watching as they all died.
This, this is exactly
what I was telling you.
Wait, what?
This is our chance to catch one
to finally bring them to justice.
Think about it. If Calypso
is back from the dead
and killing for fun. How long do you think
before the descendants
start rolling into nurseries
and groceries stores
like taking souls, and...
Oh I wonder where the
bread is, Honey. Dead.
I now pronounce, you husband and wife,
you may kiss the bride. Dead.
Mindy, please.
This is our chance.
Alex, she didn't kill
me. I could have died.
this is why we have to act.
Flip the playing field.
[background music]
Yes, yes you won't regret this.
Now, let's skin this bitch alive.
[background noise]
And then comes the fire and it purifies.
What's up, Z?
Kola this necessary?
Man, had to tighten up security
given the current climate.
You understand.
[growling] [foot steps]
So this is what it is?
Yeah, every since you reapers
showed up, had to change the game up a bit.
Get me a couple of half dead
motherfuckers running around.
They must not have heard. There you go
spoiling the surprise. That's
all right. Y'all come on in.
Come on.
There's a new descendant.
Which means someone up there.
Must have wanted an upgrade.
[laughing] [growling]
[laughing] [growling]
Good, you're face.
Is fucking funny!
[background music]
All right. Kola, look,
just give me the eternity drug.
That we both know you have,
and y'all stop doing
all the demonic shit that
you had planned and we'll
get out your hair. Sound good?
Man why you come down
here starting all this trouble boy.
All right, I tried.
[background music]
[grunting] [fight-punches]
[background music]
Okay. Okay. The hell
with all this violence!
Look. Now how I know
that if I give you this,
you two Devil's scrotums
won't be back here?
These assholes on the ground, oh you fired!
So, next time, don't
think. It would be this easy.
Sorry, motherfuckers.
Kola, you're a street thug
living in your mom's
basement. You're not a killer.
Leave the mass murder to the professionals.
Oh, I got this. I'll see you
again as soon as they leave.
Y'all can go with them.
Okay, I'll see you again.
[squeaky door]
You know what, and as soon as they leave,
y'all can go, y'all can
go but no, know what.
Don't leave before they. Let
him get all the way down the hall
at least okay? Before
you - Hold on wait a minute,
Is that back door locked?
I just want them to be able
to get out of here. I
don't want no problems.
[crowd cheering]
[background noise]
Are you going to tell
me your not gonna come?
I heard that Henry
Hatcher, the top designer of all
of Europe is going to
be there, she is coming.
No, no, no.
The last time it was Carrie Yan
and the time before that it was Geo.
If I do come, I will be mm
coming on my own terms.
[crowd cheering]
Ladies. Baby, I got a present for you.
Baby. Did you hear me?
I said, I brought you a goddamn present.
Turn around and show me some respect.
Kiss my ass, Cage. It's fashion week.
I'm tired and I really don't
have time for this anymore.
You are only somebody because
I made you. You ungrateful bitch.
I'm going to need to ask you to leave.
Or what?
Baby, Come on. It's me. Listen,
just take this bump with me and
let's tighten up because I'm
going to introduce you to Zak Price
[metal clanking]
You know, Zak?
Baby. I know everybody.
My super star.
What is that?
Such a shame baby.
I guess fame is just too much to handle.
Even for supermodels, enjoy the ride, baby.
PCP, heroin, and rat poison
Is a hell of a trip.
[ringing] [heart beating fast]
[ringing] [heart beating fast]
I'm starting to wonder if you just abuse
your teleporting powers.
Why are we here? People
are starting to hunt and
kill descendants. There's
an angry mob outside.
And this is only the beginning.
Meet Lord Balian's daughter, Cassiopeia.
I wish we were meeting
on more pleasant times,
but the one you call Calypso
is out to destroy the world.
She must be the new descendant.
Death may have finally found a new reaper.
[paper rustling]
The high order has made it their mission
to change the fortune of men.
This text is from my world.
Dominion plans on destroying the Elysium.
If she makes it to the Elysium.
Only one of you may travel there.
Yes, that was all I could
find from my father's book.
I must go.
Only one?
I really must go now. I'm sorry,
I couldn't help you more.
Time is running out Zion,
something bigger is coming,
I can sense it.
Are you sure about this?
If anyone knows what to do, it'll be Ada.
The high order has helped
descendants transition
into their new lives for years.
I'll watch him.
I'll be right back.
[car door]
Shut up or I'll leave the radio off.
Make sure they get the message.
I can't say I'm surprised
that you called me.
I am shocked. However, that we haven't met.
Yes. I've been to a few of your meetings.
The high order is charged
with a greater calling
and it takes young minds such as yours
to keep challenging us to
think beyond these walls.
That's kind of why I'm here.
My friends and I want to help.
Lord Balian Linhart,
headed the first chapter
of the high order.
Descendants, were brought back
to this world and given powers.
Once the gates to the
other realms were opened
ghouls and demons overtook
mankind, as the dominant species.
The high order is the last
remaining stronghold for our souls.
The high-order sacrificed
the first descendant
in the heart of what's now known as Germany
during the solstice of the dark ages.
Mankind was plagued with
famine, corruption, and disease.
Leading the first cleansing of mankind,
Balian sought out and found
the source of God's wrath.
And he found it in the form of the unpure.
The first man to be reborn
was brought back to life
with a darkness in his soul.
Mindless and Abomination.
[background music]
[background music]
[car door]
[background music]
[door closes]
[background music]
[birds chirping]
Mindy, do you believe in destiny?
I'd like to think that I do.
That's good. With the gates closing,
it's more important than
ever that we stick together.
Help each other out as friends.
I'll let you in on a little
secret. Once the gates close,
I'll make sure there's
a place for you and I.
Now, what was it that
you wanted to tell me?
Hey, sorry to a... really think
we need to get that coffee.
Hey um, I'm so sorry but we have to go.
I'll keep you in mind as well.
Alex, what is going on?
-They're torturing descendants.
- Who?
- Freaking She-Devil.
- Ada?
Yes, saw it with my own two eyes.
Oh my God.
Then they weren't helping the descendants?
What do we do?
[background music]
[background music]
[door opening]
[background music]
So this is where you've been hiding.
You know why we're here?
The oversees are using you, Draven.
They can't get their
hands on that briefcase.
You know, they say that you are one
of the strongest descendants
they've ever raised.
Is that true?
Did they also tell you
that there were others
just as strong? Do you know how
many girls died because of them?
All because of Scarlett's
insatiable need to
create descendant capable
of becoming a reaper.
Every night, they force us to practice
trans morphing on each other.
Some of the girls went crazy after that.
And hung themselves,
they hung themselves from
the basement floor ceiling.
I would like to see
that. Where's the case?
If you read my file,
you'd know that I would never tell you.
Because there's nothing
you can do to harm me.
We'll see about that!
Grab her.
Bring her.
The incident.
Yes, they just came back to life.
Why are you here?
[background voice]
Why are you here, here?
[background voices] [typing]
The four. The four?
[background voices] [typing]
We have to burn everything.
It will happen. I mean.
How did you even know about this?
[background noise] [typing]
[background noise] [typing]
[crowd protest]
[foot steps]
The high order showed me a new path,
one that included, all mankind,
living together in harmony.
Emilia, high-order tortures
and kills descendants.
More fabrications, the wicked
will lie with several tongue.
Never one mouth.
[background music]
I mourned you. I gave up my
soul to find you. To save you.
[background music]
Your soul was never
yours to bargain, I'm afraid.
Come with me. Let me
show you the work I do here.
Let me take you to be
cleansed of your sins.
The world in the hands of those you serve
will only lead to destruction for us all.
I don't serve the
high-order. I serve my faith.
Some would say they're one in the same.
I'm sorry Zion.
Me too.
I hope you finally can find peace.
[foot steps]
When we stop Calypso, I will
come back for the high order.
And no one. Not even
you, will get in my way.
Then let this be the final moment
in which our love has granted us peace.
I fear next time we
won't have Mercy with us.
I will never know peace.
Just memories of our past.
[foot steps]
Failure was not an option.
She, she had help!
If I knew you made house calls.
I wouldn't have come all this way.
- You have something for me?
- Yes.
It was quite difficult to
obtain many of my men died.
Finally. I see all that
has been hidden from me.
Fate has granted you an
opportunity for redemption.
[ritual] Darlem No Shaall
High! Darlem No Shaall High!
[ritual] Darlem No Shaall
High! Darlem No Shaall High!
[ritual] Darlem No Shaall
High! Darlem No Shaall High!
I knew you'd come.
Haven't lived a life that I'm proud of.
Will you show mercy to the others?
[animals sound]
Lift all the darkness from
my soul that you require.
I shall not walk this Earth
as an inevitability any longer.
So what's that all that
I give is nothing but.
Ash in a field of broken dreams.
Do not remember me. I am but dust.
[foot steps]
No, I'm ready. Please take me.
Elysium is the only thing
that remains of your fall.
There's much to discuss.
You may prove useful yet.
Follow us and there
will be a place for you.
Among the Ancients.
Well, there's no problem if you
had a gun shoot him in the head.