Red Rocket (2021) Movie Script

Hey, hey
Bye, bye, bye
Bye, bye
Oh, oh
I'm doing this tonight
You're probably
Gonna start a fight
I know this can't be right
Hey, baby, come on
I loved you endlessly
And you weren't there for me
So now it's time to leave
And make it alone
I know
That I can't take no more
It ain't no lie
I wanna see you
Out that door
Baby, bye, bye, bye
I don't want to be a fool
For you
Just another player
In your game for two
You may hate me
But it ain't no lie
Baby, bye, bye, bye
I don't really want
To make it tough
I just wanna tell you
That I had enough
It might sound crazy
But it ain't no lie
Baby, bye, bye
Hey, Lexi.
It's me, Mikey.
No, no, no, no. Don't hang up.
Don't hang up.
I got a big fucking
surprise for you.
- WOMAN: Who is it?
- I was cleaning...
Hey! Surprise!
Hey. Hey, Lil.
Oh, my shit.
(CHUCKLES) Nice to see
you, too, uh...
How you been?
How you been?
- It's me, Mikey. Remember me?
- I know.
I know.
What are you doing here for?
Well, I just
came to see Lexi,
and, well, I came
to see you of course.
Both of you guys.
But is Lexi here right now?
LIL: Lexi!
- Thank you.
- LEXI: What?
LIL: You won't believe
who's here.
Oh, my gosh.
Oh, my shit.
Oh, my God, what the...
What are you doing here?
Aw! It's good
to see you, too.
Why are you here?
Fuck. Oh, God damn it.
Where do I begin. Uh, look...
No, you're not coming
in this house.
- All beat up.
- That's right.
- What... What the fuck?
- All right...
All right, well,
I'll tell you what's...
why are you here?
- LIL: Yeah.
- MIKEY: Uh, well...
LIL: Why are you here?
Mom, Mom,
can you give me a minute?
Lil, I just wanted
to come in,
and hang
for a couple of days.
No, you're not
coming in here.
LIL: You're not coming
in my house.
Mom, can you
just go inside and...
- The fuck, Mikey?
- I... I know.
I know.
This is unexpected.
Oh, nothing with you
is unexpected.
You still got that sass!
Look, I don't know
what you want,
but I can't help you.
So it doesn't matter how
or why you're here.
Go away.
- MIKEY: Hey, Lil.
- LEXI: Ma!
- God damn it.
- Look, I don't want
to be here, all right?
This is embarrassing.
LEXI: Well, I don't
want you here either.
You think I want to
show up like this?
I got my ass fuckin' kicked.
I just need a place to crash.
- Why can't you be cool?
- What does it look like?
- A hotel?
- Really? It's like that?
Can you get off
the property, please?
What, why... What are you
fucking going do? Really?
Well, you...
Oh, you want me to call the cops?
- I'll call the cops.
- Don't. Don't fucking...
- No, I'm calling the cops.
- Fuck!
- Nine, eight...
- God...
LEXI: Seven... Faster!
I'm technically
off the property,
so you can't
call the cops,
because I'm on public land
respecting your boundaries!
- Can you keep it down?
- Can you come over here
so I don't have to project my
voice, please?
Oh, fuck!
Seriously, I just need a place
to crash for a couple of days.
- What's the big deal?
- Mikey, go fuck yourself.
Oh, you don't even know
what I've been through.
- Oh, right.
- Look at my fucking face!
I just was
on a bus for two days.
I had to walk here
from the bus station...
Why don't you stay
with your mama!
My mom's in a nursing home
in Le Marque.
A care home.
I can't sleep there.
what do you want?
- My God, I just...
- What do you want?
I just fucking told you.
I just need to crash
for a couple days.
What, you want money,
right? Here.
- I don't want fucking money.
- I got 22 fucking dollars.
Here, come get it.
I can't come on your property.
- Come get your money.
- You should've called!
If I would've called,
you would've said "no."
I'm still saying "no,"
so you fucked yourself
by coming.
Oh, please, come on.
You know me.
Damn straight, I do.
You know me
and you know
I wouldn't be
literally begging
if I had
somewhere to go.
And if you don't
let me in,
I'm going to sleep in
Tarpey fucking Park tonight,
is that what you want?
You said
you were never going
to step a foot
in Texas again.
And then the world fucked
me, what can I say.
- Peek-a-boo!
- Ma!
See, your mom's saying,
"Let him in.
"Let him in
and take a shower."
And the dog's like,
"Oh, he's a good man,
I can tell by his nice energy."
Please let me take
a fucking shower.
MIKEY: The shit got
out of fucking control.
If I didn't see it
with my own eyes,
I wouldn't believe it.
The place turned
into a fucking trap house
right under my nose.
Fucking Speigler sends me
some scraggly bitch from Ohio
that he promised
would be chill.
Her first night in the
house, she gets in a fight,
knocks this
fucking bitch out.
Crack. Right in front of me.
I was like, "Holy shit!"
So, anyway, she bounced.
Now, I got to fill the room
so I don't lose the month
and her friend comes
and stays there
and gets high
the whole fucking time.
Why didn't you just
kick the bitch out?
Well, I had seven hoes
and they're letting MS-13
deal drugs the whole time.
Lil, MS13 is a gang you
don't want to fuck with.
You're good? You're good?
Okay. You need any coffee?
All right. Sorry.
So, anyway.
Long story short.
I ended up hiding out in my room,
because these dudes were
straight fucking killers
and I didn't wanna
fucking get killed
so I played video games
the whole time.
Remember the house
in Chatsworth?
- LEXI: Mm-hmm.
- Well, this place was, like,
maybe five times bigger.
Beautiful house.
I had a two-year lease
with an option to buy it at
the end of the lease, right?
Well... (CHUCKLES) As usual,
shit got fucking crazy.
I snapped, I got up in
one of those cholos' faces
because I'm not
a little bitch.
I came this fucking close
to getting shot.
This fucking close.
So then I had to crash
with Kennedy.
You remember Kennedy?
Do you remember Kennedy?
Anyway, I had to crash
at Kennedy's
for, like, three weeks
until he kicked my ass out
'cause someone left
his back door open
and his cute little cat
got out and got killed.
And it wasn't me,
it was some dumb cunt that
he fucked the night before.
I'm sorry,
I don't mean to swear.
But I don't do that,
everyone blames me, like,
"Oh, Mikey's the bad guy."
It's, like, whatever,
it's bullshit.
So, anyway,
I had to crash at his place.
He kicks me out,
for, like, three nights,
I slept on the fucking street,
I slept in a alleyway.
I used my shoes
as a goddamn pillow.
It's fucking bullshit,
my neck was so sore,
I got beat up,
that's how all this happened.
Two homeless fuckers
beat the shit out of me.
They took everything except
my phone and my wallet.
And the only reason
they didn't get that
is the cop showed up
and arrested my ass!
Why'd you get arrested?
I have a feelin' there's a
whole lot more to this story.
I'm sure there is.
MIKEY: It doesn't even matter.
Look, guys.
This could be fun,
this could be cool.
I got a plan.
While I was on the bus,
I thought about this,
I gave it some serious thought.
Lil, you know I'm not a
freeloader, right?
- While I'm here...
- How long?
MIKEY: "How long" what?
How long do you plan
on staying?
Well, I mean, that's up to
you, and Lexi of course,
but look, I saw some
hiring signs on the way in.
I'll go downtown tomorrow,
and I'll get a job
that pays cash.
I'll teach fucking karate
if I have to.
- I just got my green belt.
I'll make cash and I'll
help out around here.
You need a man
around the house. Okay?
I already see
shit's falling apart,
I can help out
with all that shit, right?
I want at least $200 a week.
Thank you, Lil,
you're not going to regret this.
Seriously, thank you so much
for trusting me... I'll...
LEXI: Let's give it a couple
of days and see how it goes.
Yeah, whatever
you're comfortable with.
I don't want
to make you uncomfortable,
I'm here to help.
And look, before long,
it'll be
like we're still married.
We are still married.
Oh, my God,
the backyard's a mess.
See, you need a guy around...
Dude, there's a dragonfly.
WOMAN: (OVER TV) ...find
out, when she called you...
Now, you traveled?
- WOMAN 2: Yeah.
- WOMAN 1: How many days later?
- WOMAN 1: Okay.
WOMAN 2: This was
about three days.
WOMAN 1: So,
she called you and said
they were
in a high speed chase...
WOMAN 2: She said
I was in a high speed chase,
- with Dante...
- Mornin'.
- Mornin'.
- She was chasing him.
He was in the car,
she pulled up,
- somebody told her...
- I love this show.
I watch it everyday,
so get used to it.
- And from what I was told,
they were doing like 80.
Down a main street.
She's trying to catch him,
and he hit a pole.
A fence pole.
WOMAN 1: What do
you say happened?
MAN 1: I was coming back
from the airport,
driving her off as she stated.
And when I was
at the stop sign,
- I had the right of way to...
- (GRUNTS) Excuse me.
They ran the stop sign
and t-boned the car almost.
WOMAN 1: Was this your baby
mother in the other car?
- MAN 1: No.
- WOMAN 1: When she calls you
and she tells you,
'cause I believe
that conversation happened,
- do you call him?
- WOMAN 2: Yes.
- WOMAN 1: And what does he say?
- WOMAN 2: He like, "Man...
"You know that crazy broad.
It's not my fault.
"She crazy... I was tryna..."
He was in fear for his
safety is what he told me.
WOMAN 1: Is that
what you said?
- MAN 1: No.
- WOMAN 1: I don't believe you.
Sir, you have a $500
for emotional distress.
I cannot wait to hear this.
Hey, Lil,
I'm going to borrow
some of your ground beef,
Hey, Lexi?
- LEXI: Yeah?
- Hey.
Uh, I'm not looking
too presentable,
so I'm going to let this
thing go down
before I go
on these interviews.
So, few more days, okay?
All right?
- LEXI: Sure.
- Thank you.
It was, before she started
- getting into my business.
- WOMAN 1: Really?
So, that's what your
counter claim is about?
She has caused
you emotional distress.
- MAN 1: Mm-hmm.
- WOMAN 1: Not baby mom...
Put some clothes on
for Christ's sake.
- MAN 1: All of them do.
- WOMAN 1: Okay.
MAN 1: They all run together.
WOMAN 1: Your counterclaim
is dismissed, sir.
Judgment in this case
is for the plaintiff $2902.
Not even one men's shirt?
LEXI: Beggars can't be
choosers, Mikey.
Your last job listed
is over 17 years ago.
That's quite a gap
in employment.
MIKEY: Well, you know,
I've worked almost everyday
for the last 17 years.
It's just I've been
- What line of work?
- Oh, mostly entertainment.
I've been living
in Los Angeles,
that's why I have the 323
area code right there,
in case you were wondering.
But, yeah.
Film, television,
music, entrepreneurship.
Okay, so why are you
interested in working here?
- Well, I'm living here now.
- Okay.
We were estranged for a
while, I'll be honest.
But, you know,
we're both from here.
And, you know, now that
we're back living here,
we decided
to make a run of it.
Well, we do require
some experience
or some previous training
in the service industry.
- MIKEY: Mm.
- And at least one reference.
Uh, yeah.
That's going to be tricky.
MIKEY: But I did work for
CiCi's Pizza from '99 and 2000.
I think that branch
that I worked for closed.
I put it on there.
But, yeah, you could contact
corporate if you like.
Look, if you were
incarcerated, that's okay.
I just need something
- from your parole officer.
All right, look,
I'm going to be straight
with you, all right?
All right. Tell me.
I need that.
Okay. All right, look,
I'll just be honest with you, man.
You don't recognize me,
do you?
I'm an adult film actor.
Excuse me?
A porn star.
I'm a porn star.
I know, I've been working
in the adult entertainment
since 2001 and, you know,
even though...
Did you say porn?
Hey, you know,
it was fun, I think.
- I'm sure it was. (LAUGHS)
- Yeah, all the ladies...
Why don't you
just google me?
Look up "Mikey Saber."
- Mikey...
- Saber.
S-A-B-E-R XXX. Go ahead.
Search it.
This is unbelievable.
MIKEY: Yeah,
that's what they say.
just pull down... Yep.
That's me right there,
younger me, but...
- Oh, that certainly is you.
- Mm. Yeah.
2,000 movies, six awards,
13 nominations
and Hall of Fame, did that.
I want to, you know,
start fresh,
and really start
a new chapter, a new life
with you,
and your company, ma'am.
I'd really
like to help you,
but, um, my management,
they would not permit this.
I'm sorry,
but you're just simply
overqualified for this job.
I'm just not sure
our customers
would be comfortable
with you waiting on them.
They may have seen
one of your movies.
Later on,
when you get home,
google "Mikey Saber XXX"
and you'll see
what I'm talking about.
- It's some good shit.
- MAN: Okay.
- Yeah, yeah I'll do that.
- Thanks, man.
- Thanks, man. Take care now.
- Okay.
MIKEY: Stripes, Food King,
Dollar General.
I even went
to fucking Luby's...
Nobody's hiring.
At least get your
assistance check.
MIKEY: Well, I may be able
to get you pay stubs
from Brazzers
or New Sensations,
but I had a falling out with
one of the guys over there.
It's a long story.
WOMAN: Okay,
but you need to be
a Texas resident
to get benefits.
Oh, no,
I'm residing here.
I moved back in
with my wife last week.
WOMAN: In order
to be a resident,
you need to reside here
for at least 180 days.
So, why don't you
come back
when you can provide me
with a Texas State ID,
and a copy of your
marriage license, okay?
Yes, ma'am.
I'm a little confused,
is your last name
Davies or Saber?
During the Bill Kay Ford
auto show sale-a-thon,
get 0% APR
for 60 to 72 months,
plus auto show bonus cash...
Morning, Lil.
LIL: Mornin.'
This has been a test
of the emergency
warning system.
It's me, Mikey,
from high school.
Mikey? Oh. (CHUCKLES)
Mikey. Okay. Okay.
Is your mom here?
Yeah, she's here.
Can I please speak
with her really quick?
- Yeah, she's out in the back.
- Okay.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Out back.
- That way?
- Yeah, out back.
- Okay.
Thanks, big dog.
He retarded.
Don't worry about it,
you know the boy is slow.
That's why his head is so big.
Don't talk about the boy.
I don't need him.
I'm just tellin' you
to calm down,
I'm gonna check his ass.
MIKEY: Pardon me,
Hey, it's me, Mikey.
Remember me?
It's okay,
it's been forever.
Lil's son in law. Mikey.
MIKEY: Yeah, it's good
to see you, ma'am.
What the hell are you
doing around here?
Yeah, I'm back in town.
It's so good to see you
again, ma'am, you look great.
- Hey, I'm Mikey.
- My daughter, June.
Oh, shit, June.
I haven't seen you since...
Last time I saw you,
you were up to my knee.
You've grown up.
Big girl now.
So, why you back,
Mr. Hollywood?
MIKEY: Oh, uh...
Well, me and the ol' lady
trying to give it another go.
Oh, really?
So you're telling me Lil
is letting you stay there?
Well, yeah, yeah.
I mean, you know, I'm helping out,
and chipping in
around the house.
Which is why I'm here.
So, I was wondering
if maybe I could move
some bud for you?
Like I did back in the day.
Speaking of
back in the day,
you sound brand new.
Oh, the accent?
Yeah, I had to lose it
for the biz, ma'am.
But y'all know I'm still
a Texas boy at heart.
You helpin' Lil with the rent?
MIKEY: Of course!
But, uh...
I'm kinda cash poor
at the moment,
do you think you could
put me on Front Street?
Let's start
with an ounce.
MIKEY: Yeah, that'd be great.
- Thank you.
- WOMAN: Hey, June. Hey, Le.
LEONDRIA: Hey darlin'.
How are you?
- I'm good, how are you?
- LEONDRIA: Good, good, good.
- WOMAN: Good, good, good.
- LEONDRIA: Everything is fine.
WOMAN: You're looking good.
I know. You're looking good.
You ladies have a nice day.
LEONDRIA: You, too, Mikey.
All right, girl...
Anyways, girl, so...
Yeah, so, I kinda changed the...
- I like the color.
- Girl, thank you.
- Yeah, what color is that?
I bet you
any goddamn money,
his ass gonna
smoke that shit himself.
Well, I'm glad I gave
him some Reggie Bush.
That's what
I'm talking about.
You're smart, baby girl.
- A pipe.
- Okay.
- And those baggies.
- Yeah.
And let me get
Dutch Masters.
Wait, no, no.
Yeah, those.
- Those papers right there.
- Oh, this one?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Oh, okay.
I'm a patriotic boy.
...but to do that,
we must break free
from the petty politics
of the past.
America is a nation
of believers, dreamers
and strivers
that is being led
by a group of censors,
critics and cynics.
LEONDRIA: You weren't
I don't bullshit.
Just please don't give me
that snicklefritz shit again,
or I won't get repeaters.
It's not snicklefritz shit, son.
Much better.
Hey, Leo.
- Hey, June. How's it going?
- Hey, darlin'.
- How are you?
- Good.
Okay, okay, okay, okay.
- Yes.
Got 'em.
Hello, ma'am.
Hey, how you doin' today, honey?
Doin' good. You got
men's clothes, my size?
I got
a few over here
- hangin' up.
- Oh.
I like this.
You think this is
a good color on me?
WOMAN: Oh, absolutely.
Let me get that.
You have a fitting room?
Or do I just have to risk it?
Yeah I think this shirt will
look real nice on you, hon.
If I buy all those clothes,
throw this in for a dollar.
- All right. Deal.
- Okay?
- MAN: Sold.
- MIKEY: Sold.
Lil, as a token
of my appreciation,
step up from
your restaurant ashtray,
- and okay...
This doesn't change anything,
but I do like it.
Damn, dope ride.
Uh, yeah, man.
Can I help you?
I'm next door.
I'm living next door.
Oh, yeah?
Wait a second.
Shit, you're Mikey!
MAN: Yeah, man, it's...
It's me, man.
It's me, Lonnie!
Do I know you?
Well, I mean, kinda.
I mean, I live here,
obviously. (CHUCKLES)
And, uh...
No, Lexi, man.
Lexi used to babysit me
all the time.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, my parents came home
one night,
y'all were humpin'
in their bedroom.
You jumped
out the window naked!
They called the cops
on you and everything.
Yep, yep, now I remember.
Oh, shit, your mother
hates me. (LAUGHS)
Uh, well, I mean,
she hated you, man.
Uh, yeah, she died.
Oh. Damn,
sorry to hear that.
No, I mean, it's good, man.
I mean,
it happened over a year ago.
Bladder cancer.
- Shit's a motherfucker.
- Ah, shit.
That sucks.
Hey, we should hang out
Take a spin in this bad boy.
Uh, yeah, man.
What are you even
doing back here?
Oh, it's a long story,
but do you think you could
take me downtown tomorrow?
We could catch up.
Yeah, dude. I would love to.
I got nothin' else to do.
Hell, yeah.
Thanks, bro. Uh...
Hey, let's just get you
some shoes on this bitch.
You're good to go.
- Yeah, man. I can't wait.
- All right.
And welcome back, dude!
Fuckin' Mikey, man. Shit.
Fuckin' Mikey.
MIKEY: Oh, you got to be
fucking kidding me.
Hey, great life choice,
guys, seriously.
(SOFTLY) So stupid.
- Her doctor cut
her pain meds in half,
you fucking asshole.
Yeah, right.
this is a pimp mobile
if I ever rode in one, Lonnie.
LONNIE: Man, I'm not gonna
lie to you, Mikey,
I never thought I'd see you
back in Texas City, brother.
MIKEY: Yeah, me neither.
LONNIE: God, I remember
when y'all left, man.
You all were like celebrities,
you know?
Fuckin' two porn stars,
the couple. Oh!
MIKEY: Yeah? That's cool.
Oh, dude, they used to
show Lexi's fuckin' videos
at every one
of the high school parties.
And I got to brag, man,
she was my neighbor.
And babysitter.
(LAUGHS) Yeah, man.
And babysitter, man.
MICKEY: Look, man,
I've got 800,
almost 900 subscribers
on my Pornhub channel.
And I got
one of the highest ratings.
That's not just male talent,
that's overall.
I've got
an 81% positive click rate.
I was at this coffee shop in the
Valley, and these people were like,
"Oh, shit,
that's Mikey Saber."
Right here, bro.
Go right, right, right.
Yeah, bro,
they recognized me.
They're like, "Oh,
that's Mikey Saber.
They took a picture of me,
tagged me on Instagram.
And next thing you know,
I had 100 new followers.
- LONNIE: 100 followers?
- Yep.
LONNIE: I don't even have
MIKEY: Well,
if you stick with me,
I'll get
your followers up, baby.
- Jenna Haze, man...
- (LOUDLY) Huh?
- Jenna Haze, man...
Oh, yeah, Jenna.
Yeah, I did at least
three scenes with her, man.
She's a nasty bitch,
let me tell you.
Make it rain on that ass
if you want to see
that cash, right here.
Oh, yeah, if you'd like to see
what's in between,
come on and throw some
more green right here.
All night long.
(LOUDLY) She ran my bill
up to $1500 bucks.
It's like,
who you callin' in Prague, bitch?
Fuck, if I know!
(CHUCKLES) Shit, yeah.
But she's a beautiful girl, man!
- I can't hear you.
- (LOUDLY) I said,
"Yeah, but she's
a beautiful girl, man."
Oh, yeah, she's fuckin'
bangin', bro! She's bangin'.
Oh, God,
speaking of bangin'.
I need a minute. (GRUNTS)
DJ: Throw that green
right there for Diamond, guys.
If you love pussy, well, hey,
don't be shy to get topside,
right here, right now.
Tell your girls there's
more where that came from.
...who you trust
to defend our freedom,
and to stay faithful
to the Constitution.
- Hey.
Whatcha doing?
- I'm watching TV.
- Oh.
No way.
What are you watching?
None of your business.
- I love that show.
- Oh, my God.
Hey, you, uh...
You wanna hang out
and stuff?
Do I want to hang out
and stuff?
Do you want to hook up?
Do I want to hook up?
Do... Do you want to fuck?
Are you serious
right now, Mikey?
Yeah, I'm serious,
keep it down, your mom...
- Come on.
- Okay, hurry.
...and no scratches. Look!
Burnt cheese...
Can I get a drag?
- Can I get...
- Yeah.
- Your body looks good.
- You been working out?
- What?
- So...
We're done here.
What do you mean?
What? I can't sleep here?
- Really?
- Go back to the sofa.
- Come on now.
Jesus. Oh, my God.
That was fun.
Sophie, I fucked your mom
last night.
Oh, my God,
can you keep it down?
- Oh, stop.
- LEXI: Shut your...
You love it.
Don't think this is going
to become a regular thing.
Think you can
cut the lawn today?
MIKEY: That's right, I'm
back, I'm back in town,
you've seen me before.
Don't act
like you ain't seen me,
she recognized me.
ERNESTO: You know, uh,
in high school,
I beat this guy's ass
- like 25 years ago.
- WOMAN: No way.
We had a misunderstanding
on the basketball court
over a basketball game.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you!
- MAN: And to many more!
Mom, we just want to say
happy birthday.
And we hope you have many more.
Thank you, honey!
- MAN: Yeah.
- This one.
I guess you can set it down,
thank you all for comin' out!
- Zena. Zena Valentine.
- Yeah.
Zena. Melissa. Yeah.
Yeah, man, you were
in a bunch of her scenes.
Uh, she was in a bunch
of my scenes, technically.
But yeah,
that was my girl after Lexi.
Bitch goes and marries
some rich software dork
she met in Vegas.
I think they have a kid,
they live in Salt Lake
or something.
Boring fucking life.
- LONNIE: Wow, man...
- Yeah.
Who do you think
discovered her?
I got her signed
to Renegade,
I taught her the pole.
I dealt with her crazy
drugged-out ass
for a year, man.
As soon as the bitch's head
gets big, they betray you.
That's what happened
with Lexi, you know?
- Really? Lexi?
- Yep.
Jules Jordan bought her out
from under me for 10 grand
the first chance he got,
that fucker.
Wait, he bought her?
Yeah, he paid her
10 grand to betray me,
but the joke's
on Jules, though.
She went from doing roxies
to smokin' tar
the minute I wasn't there
to straighten her ass out.
We were together
for five years.
Five fuckin' years.
She won two AVNs
under my watch.
She leaves me,
bitch gets shot out in nine months,
couldn't book shit.
And then she goes,
and moves in with mommy
exactly one year after
she left me high and dry.
- Shit.
- Yeah, shit is right.
Hey, is Whispers
in Galveston still open?
You're not leaving that
dirty glass in the sink.
- No, sir.
- Okay.
Clean it up.
That's right,
we all do our share.
Mm-hmm. Okay.
Wait. Where do you think
you're going?
What about the others?
- Those are yours, too.
- Lil, look. All right.
The last three houses
I lived in had dishwashers,
I'm not doing the dishes.
- I don't do that shit, right?
- You do not live here.
This is my kitchen.
If you can't follow
the rules...
- Out! Out! Out!
- Why are you talking to me
- like a little kid.
- Hey, Lexi!
Don't you disrespect
your mother-in-law!
Your mom's starting shit
with me.
Can you please inform her
I'm not a dick?
Why would I lie
to my mother?
Oh, you, too, huh?
You're just gonna turn on me like
that, after...
I've been mowing
the fucking lawn.
- Oh, my God.
- What?
You've been
mowing the lawn.
What? Yeah, I've been
mowing the lawn.
- Jesus Christ, Mikey.
- LIL: You've been leaving
dirty dishes in the sink.
You haven't given me
a dime.
I know, but I'm going
to pay you guys,
but look,
I've been walkin' the dog.
- I'm providing protection.
- She's an outside dog!
She doesn't need walkin',
I'm providing security.
I've been helpin' out.
We don't need security.
Do we need a security guard, Mom?
- Oh, come on.
- I didn't know that we hired
a security guard.
Yeah, you...
You're safe now because I'm here.
LIL: You're always
on my couch.
You've been drinking
all my Ensures.
MICKEY: Listen, I'm trying
to get a job.
You've been here
for three weeks now!
I've been looking
for a job the whole time.
- I want you out of here now.
- Wait a minute, wait a minute.
Wait, wait.
Listen, listen.
I know I said I'd help out
with the rent.
- LEXI: You did. You did.
- No, wait a minute.
Let me finish.
I know I said
I'd help out with the rent.
- Yeah.
- So...
I'm not gonna
help out with the rent.
Well, get
the fuck out, then!
I'm gonna pay
the whole goddamn thing!
- Now you're talkin'.
- Uh-huh.
August is on Mikey,
Yeah! Look
how your eyes light up
like a little
Christmas tree.
The whole month.
The whole month.
- MIKEY: Yes, the whole month.
- Okay.
So let's go get some
fuckin' donuts, on me,
'cause I take care of shit
around here.
And whatever fuckin' donuts
you want, let's go.
I just wanted to get you
guys taken care of, okay?
- LEXI: Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- LIL: My favorite place.
MIKEY: I know, Lil.
You love this place.
LIL: Yes.
MIKEY: I might have one bite.
I don't know, I'll see.
LEXI: You think it's too late
for me to get coffee?
MIKEY: You can get coffee
whenever you want.
I just don't think
it's gonna be
the best coffee
in the world, but...
Here, look. I even got
the door. I got the door.
- I got the door.
- LEXI: Thank you.
- Here we are.
- LEXI: Mom, come on.
- WOMAN: Good evenin'.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Whatever these ladies want.
- WOMAN: Okay.
- I want donut holes,
and jelly filled donut,
and a cappuccino.
There you go,
make it a large.
- Give her an extra-large cup.
- For here or to go?
- What do you want, for here?
- Yeah.
- Do you want it here?
- What do you think?
We're just gonna go,
we're gonna eat it
just on the road?
Give her the largest
cappuccino that you got,
- and whatever drink she wants.
- I'll have a small coffee.
Give her a large. Get a...
Now's the time. Get a large.
Yeah, I'll get
a large coffee, and...
- And...
- With lots of cream.
- Sure.
- And a little bit of sugar.
What other donuts
do you want?
- Um, I wanna have...
- She wants a pink.
I want a pink...
Yeah, pink sparkle, please.
MIKEY: Give her the pink sparkles.
Whatever she wants.
LEXI: And then I can get...
Ooh, can I get a chocolate, too?
Can I get a chocolate?
- Thank you.
- Whatever they want. Okay?
LIL: Donut holes, please.
MIKEY: Yeah,
get the donut holes.
Yeah, this is the day
to get everything you want.
LIL: This is the day
that the Lord hath made.
- Mr. Moneybags here.
- Thank you.
- (CHUCKLES) Okay.
- LIL: All right.
MIKEY: Look at that, huh?
We got the holes, you're good.
Is that enough
for you guys?
You should get it while
we're here 'cause this is it.
All right. There you go.
- Is that one yours?
- Is that the cappuccino?
Okay, that's the cappuccino.
This one's...
That's the biggest one
they got.
I don't know what more you want me to do.
All right.
LEXI: Thank you.
Thank you so much.
You guys go ahead
and sit down.
I'll grab this.
How much is that?
- WOMAN: $6:32.
- (SOFTLY) $6:32. All right.
- LIL: Mm-hmm.
- LEXI: Mm.
Can I get some napkins,
- Thank you, yeah.
- All righty.
- And here's your change.
Thank you, kindly.
LIL: Mm. I'm going
to save the pink sprinkle,
this one, for last.
This one, I don't know
what to do with.
I don't know what to do
with that one.
I don't know what to do
with that, Ma. Look.
- All right, I'll have one.
- Don't you feel like it? Okay.
- Just tear me half.
- Eat the part that doesn't
- have the sprinkle on it.
- I don't want the colored one,
just give me half of
one of the donut balls.
- Half of a donut ball?
- Why do they call it a hole?
I don't understand why
it's a hole if it's the...
The hole is in the middle.
That's where
it came out of.
Right. Okay,
that makes sense.
LEXI: This one doesn't have
enough sprinkles on it.
- See that?
What do you guys, uh...
Can you guys wrap this up?
We got to get out of here.
- LIL: Okay.
- Excuse me...
What... No, Mom.
I am eating.
I am going to savor every
goddamn sparkle on this donut.
- MIKEY: Keep it down.
- LEXI: What? She don't care.
MIKEY: I know but it's rude,
we just came in...
I don't know
why he's walkin' so fast.
- Just hurry up.
- Must be a fire somewhere.
LIL: I'm full!
Come on,
we're full of donuts.
- Okay, come on.
- LIL: I gotta pee.
Stop act...
You get so dramatic.
- I'm not acting.
What, are you training
for a marathon?
Lil, will you tell
your daughter to...
LEXI: Is this the Olympics?
- Jesus fucking Christ!
- LIL: Are we going to a fire?
Fire? What do you mean?
We're going home.
- LIL: I'm full!
- I can't run
- in these shoes, Mikey.
- All right.
LIL: I don't wanna
throw up my cookies!
Oh, shit, I forgot...
I forgot cigarettes.
LEXI: Oh, I got a pack.
And I forgot rollin' papers.
I'll be right back.
- LEXI: All right.
- Yep.
LIL: All right.
LEXI: Psst!
- Hi.
- WOMAN: May I help you?
Hi. Yeah. Uh, the ginger
that works here,
she works Tuesdays, no?
- Ginger?
- Uh, red-haired girl.
- Raylee.
- Raylee, yeah.
I called her ginger,
but Raylee. Yeah, Raylee.
- Are you friend of hers?
- Very good friends with her,
I just wanted
to come say "hi."
I always get Tuesdays and
Wednesdays mixed up. So...
Yeah, she doesn't
work Tuesdays.
Right, okay. Yeah,
I'll just give her a call
or a text or whatever.
But... But she does
work Wednesdays, right?
- Yeah, she works Wednesdays.
- Okay. Okay. Thought so, yeah.
- You want a donut?
- Uh, how much?
Top of the morning
to ya.
Good morning, sir.
What can I grab you?
Uh, it's Mikey, not sir.
I'm not that old.
All right,
pleased to meet you, Mikey.
- What's your name?
- Uh, Raylee.
that's a beautiful name.
- What do you recommend?
- Depends on what you like.
- Um, custard one is good.
- Mm.
- Jelly is sweet.
- Hmm.
- Glazed is a favorite.
- Ooh, is that your favorite?
- Mm-hmm.
- Oh, I might...
I might have
to try that one.
Uh, what did the donuts do
on their first date?
I beg your pardon?
What did the donuts do
on their first date?
(CHUCKLES) I don't know.
They glazed
- into each other's eyes.
- That's so stupid.
But I can't believe I haven't
heard that one before.
Well, I wrote it,
you couldn't have heard it.
- I kinda write donut jokes
on the side.
It's one of my many talents.
- Okay.
- Yeah. But I'm thinkin',
I don't know,
maybe I'll just go with the chocolate,
and gotta get
some milk with...
Oh, you guys go ahead,
I'm gonna need a minute.
- Thank you, buddy.
- Hey. What can I grab ya?
I would like
a large coffee, please.
- Mm-hmm.
- Uh, one hazel cream,
- and two chocolate donuts.
- Okay.
Help yourself
to the cream.
And what can I get
for you, sir?
I'll get a coffee black,
and a filled donut,
and that'll be it for me.
Sweet. Can they share
the same bag?
- Yes, that's fine.
- All right.
Good to conserve.
All righty,
and your coffee
- is coming right up, sir.
- RAYLEE: Good morning.
- MAN: What's the damage?
- Uh... $6.32.
- Here you go.
- Out of ten.
Hey, Ms. Phan, can I get
some help out here?
Thank you.
- Oh, there's your tip.
- Thank you.
Next customer, please.
Hey, when do things
slow down around here?
- Uh, excuse me?
- What time does it wind down?
Uh, we are slammed
until, like, 2:00-ish.
I'll see you at 2:00.
- PHAN: Next customer, please.
- Okay. (CHUCKLES)
I'm sorry about that.
Uh, what would you like?
I'm back,
just like I promised.
I'm a man of my word,
so, in the future,
you can always rely on me.
Mm. Back to tell
more donut jokes?
No, that was actually
the only donut joke I had,
and it took me a very
long time to write that one.
It's all I got.
Why, do you have any?
Actually, I do. (CHUCKLES)
Um, what do you call
a Jamaican donut?
Hmm, I like where this is going.
Give me a minute.
Uh, Jamaican donut, huh?
I'm stumped.
Cinnamaan. (LAUGHS)
- I got to go.
No, no, seriously,
that was really...
That hurt my feelings,
that was terrible.
- That's okay, I forgive you.
- So Raylee, I'm thinking...
- Call me Strawberry.
- Call you what?
- Strawberry.
- Strawberry?
- Mm-hmm.
- Everybody calls me that.
- You're kidding.
Okay. How old are you?
- Who's asking?
- Me.
- Why?
- Come on.
- I'm old enough.
- For what?
Oh, God. I'll be 18
in three weeks, okay?
(SIGHS) I knew it,
you're too old for me.
Anyway, Strawberry.
I can't believe that's
your name (CHUCKLES)
I don't know
what donut to get.
I need your help.
I really like the look
of those donut holes.
And those, you know...
Do you frost, do you do the
sprinkles, do you do those?
How... Who makes them?
I do the sprinkles,
and I fill the cream.
- You fill the cream.
- Yeah.
I just want the ones
that you make.
- Okay. (CHUCKLES)
- I want the ones
- that you cream-filled.
Does that sound...
Oh, I don't want to get you in trouble.
I'm thinking
maybe a chocolate round,
or maybe I'll get
a strawberry-filled.
- No pun intended.
- (GIGGLES) Oh, God.
think she likes me very much.
(WHISPERING) I don't think
she likes anyone very much.
she's a mean boss.
Anyway, okay.
So, yes, I've decided.
Chocolate round.
Okay, but you want
chocolate sprinkles?
Chocolate cake?
Chocolate Bavarian cream?
There's all those
different chocolates?
- (GIGGLING) Mm-hmm.
- Oh, no.
Now I got to stay here
for a few more hours
and decide.
- Son of a bitch.
Are you trying
to keep me here?
I'll sit in the corner
and contemplate this for
a while until you get off.
What time do you get off?
MIKEY: Oh, feels
so fucking good!
- Oh, shit! Fuck, yeah, babe!
- Yeah, you like that shit?
- Oh, yeah.
You like that big dick
inside of you,
- you fucking little slut.
- God, I love this big dick.
- Not bad, huh?
- No, not bad at all.
And I didn't even have to take
one of my magic pills. Hmm.
Uh, I didn't know
you were usin' 'em.
- MIKEY: Well, yeah.
- Oh.
You remember how hard it is
to keep wood on set all day.
Yeah. (SIGHS)
Remember when Kristina Rose
almost broke it off?
(CHUCKLING) I do. I do.
I'm surprised
it even works at all.
- Oh, it sure works.
Oh, yeah. (CHUCKLES)
Love the exterior
decorating, sir.
It's looking spiffy.
All right, Dad,
we'll be back around 5:00.
MIKEY: You think
he remembers me?
ever since my mom died,
all he cares about is keeping
this place immaculate.
MIKEY: Matter of fact,
I've been screwed out
of Male Performer of the year
literally five times.
But you know what?
I don't say shit,
it's all good.
I'm a team player.
Almost every single girl
I did a scene with
started fucking me
off-camera, right?
But the agents hate that shit.
But what do they expect?
You know?
It's like, girl comes by
my model house,
they see my Hall of Fame
trophy on the mantelpiece.
They're like, "Oh, my God.
He's famous for fucking."
you used to have your own model house?
I had three
model houses, bro.
And the last one...
Ooh, that was a savage-ass house.
Till I started letting agents
book bottom bitches in there.
Bottom bitches?
Yeah, bottom bitches
are technically
the best of the hookers,
but they're
still the hookers,
and that's what
they started sending me,
was the fucking hookers.
And that's when
everything went to shit.
'Cause see, once a porn chick
gets a hooker mentality,
they become
a fucking nightmare.
A real pain in my ass.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
Dude, I forgot how hot
Gulf Coast bitches are.
I saw this girl over by the
donut shop at the refinery.
She works there,
smokin' hot.
drop dead gorgeous.
And get this,
17 years old.
Legal as an eagle.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
Hey, man, see that strip
of land over there?
Them's the Texas
Killing Fields, brother.
- Strawberry?
- Yeah?
- You blaze, right?
- Why, are you a cop?
- Let's go smoke one.
- Hmm.
Hey, Ms. Phan.
Can I take my ten?
what do you do in LA?
- MIKEY: I'm in entertainment.
- STRAWBERRY: I knew it.
You have that Hollywood vibe.
- MIKEY: Yeah, you think?
- Yeah.
what do you do in entertainment?
MIKEY: Manager
slash agent.
Like, for actors?
MIKEY: Yeah.
That weed is good, right?
If you
or your friends want any,
I can get a whole bunch more,
no problem.
You live in Hollywood,
managing actors,
but you're in Texas City,
riding a bike,
sellin' weed, and hittin'
on high schoolers?
Well, my Camaro is in LA.
You know, I wasn't going
to drive all the way to Texas,
it's like
a three-day drive.
All right, look,
I'm here taking care
of my mom.
All right?
She's not doing too well.
STRAWBERRY: I'm sorry.
MICKEY: It's all right.
But you're a good son
- for being there for your mom.
- I am.
STRAWBERRY: By the way,
who smokes joints anymore?
That's so old man-y.
That was fun, we should
do that again sometime.
Yeah, I'll smoke
your weed anytime.
Hey, by the way,
you can move all your shit
on the hardhats
from the refinery.
I see them
at the end of their shift,
and they want
to kill themselves.
See you later, alligator.
In a while, crocodile.
Did the dress designer
cause a prom queen
to be late for the ball?
WOMAN 1: I went there,
all he had
was the cut-out fabric
and the applique sewn on.
That's all he had...
- (GROANS) Oh! Oh, shit!
- Oh, my gosh.
MIKEY: I'm sorry!
Sorry, Lil. Aw, man!
I thought you found
my couch comfy.
Oh, I do, I just...
I sleep au naturel.
- Cut the shit.
- My bad.
LIL: Mikey.
All seriousness.
I appreciate you
taking care of the bills.
That way it keeps Lexi from
being on the Craigslist.
Do you understand
what I'm saying?
Yeah, I understand...
So, I need to know,
are you in or out?
If you're in,
I welcome you here.
All right, okay, great.
'Cause if you're out,
don't let the door hit you
in the ass.
No, no. I'm in. I'm in.
- Okay, fine.
- I'm paying the fucking rent,
- I pay for groceries...
- This is about my baby.
I don't want her
getting hurt anymore.
I don't want her
doin' clients anymore.
It's too dangerous.
I never know
when she's coming home.
So, it's up to you.
I'm in.
Okay? I'm in.
- Okay. Good, good. Good.
- I'm here, all right?
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Anything else?
Am I good to go?
Yes. As long as I don't see
your junk anymore.
- Deal.
Your mom's still a trip.
I know.
- In a good way.
- (CHUCKLES) Yeah.
She's a piece of work.
That smoke stack,
second one from the left,
is that new?
Has that
always been there?
No, that's always
been there.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Don't remember.
And Ma calls that one
ol' smokey.
It's my ex's truck.
He was supposed to pick
it up two years ago.
Still hasn't.
Just needs new wheels.
Well, I know
you guys get tested,
which is why I got this,
synthetic piss.
I'll throw it in free
with an ounce,
other than that,
10 bucks a pop.
But, yeah, I got you
if you guys ever need it.
You know, I don't want you
guys getting fired and shit.
Don't drink it.
- (CHUCKLES) I mean...
Unless you're into that kind of
shit, right? (LAUGHS)
Good night, Ms. Phan!
- Good night.
- Good night.
See you later, alligator.
Do you want a ride home?
- No, I'm good.
- Throw it in the back.
Uh, well...
- Yeah?
- Yeah. Throw it in the back.
- Which way?
- MIKEY: Uh, go left here. Go left.
We're getting close.
I really appreciate you
driving me home.
It's a nice area, huh?
Yeah, it's fancy.
I just wanted
to buy my mom
something nice
to retire in, you know?
That's real sweet of you.
All right.
Yeah, it's right up here.
Hey, we're getting... Yep.
Right up there. There it is.
Maybe we'll...
Can you turn it down?
'Cause we don't...
I don't want to wake up my mom.
Yeah. Whoa,
this is fancy.
Yeah, it's nice.
I'd invite you in,
but like I said,
you know,
my mom's feelin' sick
and she don't take
too kindly to strangers.
She's just not all there,
up there right now.
No. Yeah.
Probably not
a good idea, anyway.
So thanks for the ride.
I work on Wednesday.
Oh, well,
I'll see you Wednesday.
- Okay.
- Okay.
MIKEY: Look, I'm just glad
weed is still illegal
in Texas.
You guys have no idea
how hard it is
to move flower
in Cali right now.
I mean, yeah, you know,
selling it to the bitches
at my model house,
but besides that,
felons and illegals.
Hey, don't mess
with big oil.
TCPD kittens next
to those Valero guys.
That goes without saying,
but you know,
keeping it on the DL
has been the secret to my
success all these years.
How do you think
I stayed out of prison?
How do you think
I never got shot?
where's the hot sauce?
Where the hell
it always been.
No hot sauce, Mom.
I don't see it.
LEONDRIA: Did you look
in your bedroom?
You were
eatin' pizza there...
- Oh, my God, Mom.
- ...the other night.
I don't... I can't...
Where's the hot sauce?
Why would he take it
into his room?
LEONDRIA: You're laughin',
but you were eatin' pizza there.
Mom, I've checked everywhere
in the kitchen!
Where's the hot sauce?
Hey, man.
What are you lookin' at?
This ain't got nothin' to do
- with you.
- Fine.
The world would
collapse without me.
Did you check
under your bed?
Hey, yo. So, I heard
you do porn or something.
Five AVNs.
What? That's an STD?
(CHUCKLING) No, no, no.
It's the, uh...
It's the Adult Film Awards,
it's like the Academy Awards
for what I do.
- Okay, man. That's what's up.
- Yep.
Best Oral
three years in a row.
- Best oral?
- Yep!
Just one question.
Ain't that
about getting head?
Well, I mean...
Yeah, something like that.
So, then what they got
to do with you?
It's not like you're the one
doing any work or anything.
I'm not doing the work?
let me tell you somethin'.
Hey, man,
don't call me sister.
Oh, my bad.
June, right, it's June?
All right, June, look,
if I won three years in a row,
with three different girls,
the chances of it being
the girl is pretty limited.
Think about it.
No, seriously, look.
I'm the one guiding
the girl in the scene.
I'm face-fucking her.
Pardon my language.
So the female really has
nothing to do with it.
You know, I'm the one
that's holding her head
for like 15 or 20 minutes
while I'm force-fucking her,
so how is that about her,
- I got it, man.
- No, seriously.
Look, it's about
the shit I say,
the way I hold her face
towards the camera
while she spits,
and drools all over herself,
and I pinch her nose
and make her gag.
- It's all technique.
- I said I got it.
- Thank you.
- MAN: Thank you.
Thanks, D.
Man, this place
is off the chain.
Thank you so much
for hooking this up.
My pleasure.
So tell me more about LA.
Maybe you should find out
for yourself.
You think
I have the money to go?
You got a truck,
you can go anytime you want.
That's my mama's truck.
She just let's me use it
'cause she works from home.
Well, when I left Texas City,
I didn't have a dime.
I just said to myself,
"Mikey, one day,
you're gonna own this town."
And I just went for it,
you know?
What is he doing
behind the counter?
He's going to help me
with my SAT prep.
No free donuts.
Thank you.
So you were saying something
about just going for it.
Are you trying
to get fired?
I'm trying to get hired.
Are you going to help me
score high on my SATs?
You get 600 points
just for signing your name,
you know?
- (CHUCKLES) Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
Hiya! What can I
get for ya today?
Hi, sweetie.
Can I get, uh, two...
Two chocolate covered
donuts and a medium coffee?
All right.
Good afternoon, sir.
You're crazy,
you know that?
You could have just
waited until now, you know?
Where's the fun in that?
Come here.
Yo, Lonnie!
Wait up!
What's up, man?
What up, big dog,
where you going?
Man, some errands.
I got to go to the mall,
- stuff like that.
- Mm.
Cool. Cool.
I'm rolling with you.
Uh, just warning you, man,
I'm gonna be gone all day.
Just, uh...
So if you don't want to go,
- I mean...
- Whatever.
I just got to get the fuck out
of here. Let's go.
She's smokin' hot.
She made the first move.
She's got no dad.
And here's the kicker,
she lets me sell weed
- to the hardhats at her work.
I mean, does it get
any better than this?
I didn't know you served.
Uh... Oh, yeah.
Yeah, I did, man.
Thank you
for your service.
Yeah, man, no, uh...
No problem.
Man, this place ain't changed
much in 15 years, Lonnie.
Yeah, I know,
for real, man.
Hey, um...
I think I'm going to be
hanging out over here
- for a while, okay?
- Okay.
Yeah, I'll meet you back here in
30, all right?
- Thirty minutes?
- Yeah, thirty.
All right, sounds good.
- Oh, shit!
Oh, come on...
MAN: So what's
this one, then?
Uh, that's the one I got
when I was in Afghanistan.
And, uh, that's for
my three tours in Iraq.
(SCOFFING) Bullshit.
You're not even wearing
the proper
infantry uniform.
Well, yeah,
of course I am.
MAN: What's
the Army Uniform Regulation?
- The code.
Uh, to do my best,
to do my duty
and to serve my country.
MAN: You sure
it's not AR670-1?
LONNIE: Uh, well,
as you guys know,
there's a lot of different
codes in the military.
(LOUDLY) Stolen valor
right here, folks.
This man is not a veteran.
He's a fake and a fraud.
LONNIE: Give me those back,
those are mine.
- MAN 2: Take your jacket off.
- LONNIE: This is bullshit,
what do I have to do to
convince y'all this is from...
MAN 2: Take it off or I'm
gonna fucking kick your ass.
Hey, man.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.
Wait, what?
Really? I would think
someone in your position
would know what that means.
Oh, shit. Yeah, man,
I kinda had, like,
a little bathroom mishap
in there.
Oh, man,
little bathroom mishap.
Oh, you sure you didn't
get pushed in the fountain?
You fucking saw that, man?
Dude, I saw the whole
fucking thing, bro!
You think I'm stupid?
I can't be associated
with that shit, bro!
That's fucked up,
that you would let me be a part
of your fucking
bullshit scheme, dude!
I'm fuckin' pissed!
Dude, what if someone recognized me?
People know who the fuck I am, dawg.
That's wack.
You need help, bro.
It's fucking scandalous, dude.
I'm sorry, man.
Shit, my bad.
I'll see all my friends
In Hallelujah Square
What a wonderful time
We'll all have up there
We'll sing and praise Jesus
What a glory to share
And you'll not see a cripple
In Hallelujah Square
And we'll all live forever
In Hallelujah Square
- Wow.
- Yes!
That dope sure makes
you guys religious, huh.
(NASALLY) Just a friend.
MIKEY: Seems like
a very friendly friend.
Yeah. It's whatever.
So I blew him
at junior prom.
At junior prom?
No, not at, after.
You know what I mean.
I blew him at junior prom
and ever since then,
he's been clingy as fuck.
Is he stalking you?
No. No, we hang and shit.
- You fuckin' him?
- When I feel like it.
It's not
like a real thing.
This guy
thinks you're dating.
- No...
- Raylee,
- I need you inside!
- Okay!
PHAN: And I told you
not to smoke in front.
So you gonna
keep fucking him?
That depends.
- Does he know that?
- Mm-mm! (GIGGLES)
All right,
what's this guy's name?
Nash? (SCOFFS)
All right, look.
I think it's time
Nash got it
that you guys
aren't dating. Come on.
STRAWBERRY: Wait, what?
- God, this is crazy.
This is crazy,
this is insane.
I can't believe
we're doing this right now.
Like... (CHUCKLES)
Like, maybe it's not
such a good idea, you know.
It'll be quick and easy,
he'll get the message.
But no fightin', okay?
I just wanna
talk to him.
- You promise?
- Mm-hmm.
This is crazy.
- Now what?
- Is this the house?
- Yeah.
- MIKEY: Mm.
- Oh, my God! (CHUCKLES)
Wow, that's his mom?
Hello, ma'am,
would you be so kind
as to send
Nash out, please?
- MRS. PARKER: Raylee?
- Hi, Mrs. Parker.
Nice necklace.
Fucking dork.
What is this?
What's going on?
Hey, buddy, I hate to be
the bearer of bad news,
you ain't with Strawberry,
you never were,
she's with me now.
- You understand?
- Raylee, what is this?
I've been trying
to tell you, Nash.
All right, look, bro,
so you're not going to call her,
you're not going
to text her
and you're not going to go
by the Donut Hole anymore,
you understand me?
Raylee, come on,
I need to talk to you.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, bro.
Hold on. Hold on.
Whoa, hey,
no fightin', okay?
You stay
in the car, babe.
All right, come here.
Google me, take out
your phone right now
and google Mikey Saber.
Do it, you got your phone on you?
What the fuck
are you talking about?
- STRAWBERRY: No fightin'!
- Babe, it's okay.
20.1 million views
on Pornhub, bro.
I'm not fuckin'
with you.
in a different league now,
do you understand me?
You can't compete
with someone
that fucked 1,300 bitches,
do you get
what I'm saying?
let's not cause a scene!
NASH: What are you doing?
Who is this?
- Come on.
- I'm with him now.
Yeah, you heard it from her
mouth, she's with me.
Are you serious?
- Come on.
- I'm sorry, dude.
- It was fun, though.
- It wasn't fun.
Oh, my God!
I'll see you tomorrow.
Yeah, you will.
Life's sweet, Sophie.
Life is sweet.
X equals negative-b
plus or minus the square root
of b-squared minus 4ac,
all over 2a.
MIKEY: Whoa.
That's geometry?
It's all right, relax.
No, that's Nash.
- That's Nash?
- Mm-hmm.
I think it's time I had a
man-to-man with this kid.
No fightin'.
You know what,
I'm tired of your fucking shit, bro.
I'm not afraid to fight
you, I don't give a fuck.
- Oh, what,
this is your mommy
and daddy,
you brought them
to the dance?
You can't handle your shit by
yourself, huh, tough guy?
Sir, your son is fucking
with my girlfriend.
It ain't cool...
- NASH: You motherfucker!
What the fuck!
What the fuck, Nash,
what the fuck!
I'm not with you
Fuck you,
you cheated on me!
No, I didn't, we were never together!
No! No!
You come to my home,
threaten my son, motherfucker!
It took three of you to fuck me
up, you're a pussy!
What are you talking about,
what do you mean you're
not with him anymore?
start, I fuckin' said
I never wanted
to be with you.
It was like
a casual fucking thing!
Fuck that shit,
you wanted me.
You're a little slut.
You're a fucking slut!
Hey, don't call my mama
that, what the fuck?
MRS. PARKER: You ain't
got nothin' to say?
You come near
my house again,
you'll be leaving
in a body bag, bitch!
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
He should
go to the hospital.
Yeah, maybe you should
go to the hospital?
No. It's not that bad,
and plus I don't have
health insurance, anyway,
but thank you,
Ms. Phan.
- Okay, now stop movin'.
- All right.
There's no fighting
in my parking lot.
He flat-out
sucker-punched me.
I would have 100%
out-cardio'd that guy.
Sorry for swearing.
Oh, shit, be careful,
- that's where he kicked me.
- I'm gonna come.
MIKEY: That's right where
he kicked me.
That fuckin'
little bitch. Oh.
Oh, shit.
Ah, am I bleeding out of my head?
We're both going to be
hurtin' tomorrow.
Why is that?
Let's just say
you're blessed.
- Uh-uh.
Yeah, I can't believe I'm
attracted to a ginger.
You're not allowed
to use the G word.
You have a type?
What's your type?
Let's just say
- I like men, not boys.
- Mm.
Oh. Um...
I'm sorry, I think
I have the wrong house.
Yeah, 'cause
I saw you parked
in front of my house
last night, too.
No, it's... It's a simple mistake.
I'm new in town.
If I see you around
here again...
No, no, no. It's okay.
It's okay.
if shit was different,
I could take over
the industry with her.
- Think so?
- Yeah.
Within six months,
I could see her nabbing Best Newcomer.
One year and she would
sweep the AVNs.
Tori Black...
You know who Tori Black is?
Yeah, man, of course,
I know who Tori Black is.
All right. Well, uh,
she won Performer of the Year
two years, back to back, right?
I think that Strawberry's
got the potential.
I'm not exaggerating,
- I really believe this.
- Okay.
I think... I think she could
win three years in a row.
With my guidance,
of course.
Doesn't matter, I'm stuck
in this shithole anyway.
Yeah, man, it's gonna be
kind of awkward anyway,
she's gonna have to bang
all those other fucking guys
on the scene.
(LAUGHS) I don't give a fuck.
I'll be fucking
other bitches, bro.
Come on.
I think it's hot, I don't care.
Okay, man.
I mean, seriously,
it's part of the game.
- That was nice.
- Mm-hmm.
You want to explain
those bruises?
I fell off my bike.
Must've been
a hard fall.
MIKEY: Mm-hmm.
This is eight,
I need ten.
I'm moving a lot of
weight for you guys, huh?
I like those gold teeth.
I got one dia...
I got one diamond,
I had my dentist in Cali
put it in. So...
Yo, get your ass
out of here, man.
All right, say hi
to your mom for me.
These refinery boys
are the best.
They buy way more weed
than these skaters and
dancers I got to deal with.
- Dancers?
- Yeah, from the titty bar.
Oh, strippers.
They prefer the term
"dancers," young lady.
- Show some respect.
- Okay.
Topless dancers.
Oh, bottomless, too.
They got it all.
- Really?
- Yeah, what, you never been?
Well, why would I have been?
Plus, I'm not even
old enough to get in.
That's fine.
You want to go?
Strip club virgin!
- Hello.
- MIKEY: Hello.
- How old is she?
- STRAWBERRY: Eighteen.
MIKEY: Eighteen.
Twenty bucks.
You're hotter than
all these girls combined.
If you worked here,
they'd be out of a job.
You want to
give her a tip?
Come on, let's go.
Let's give it to 'em.
It's fun. Come on.
MIKEY: Right here.
Right here.
- MIKEY: Yeah, pull in there.
I just gotta
get some milk.
All right, well...
- Good night.
- Oh, I can...
I can wait and drive
you all the way home.
Oh, no, it's okay.
I like to ride my bike
at night.
But, technically,
that was our first date.
So you just brought me
to a strip joint
for our first date.
Real classy.
Ooh, snap.
Mm. Well, I guess
we got to do it again.
You want to go to the
pier Friday night?
Beats liver and onions
at Luby's.
- I love Luby's.
So, friends,
it is with humility,
and boundless confidence
in America's promise...
...that I accept
your nomination
for President
of the United States!
- WOMAN: All right,
Rich Snarkey
is with us in Washington.
Rich, what are these
new emails revealing?
- Yeah?
Mm. Yeah?
Daddy want to play?
(GROANS) I don't know
if I'm feeling it.
Oh, I can feel it. Mm.
- Nice and fast.
I just don't think
it's happening today.
Come on.
you want to get in me?
(MOANS) Don't you want to get
in this tight little pussy.
I don't feel it, I'm sorry.
I'm just not feeling it.
Jesus Christ.
Okay, okay.
- What?
- It's fine.
I didn't want to, anyway.
Lonnie! Lon...
Don't be tied up
all day.
Hey, Lonniekins.
- Hey, Lexi, what's up?
- Oh, not much.
- What are you doin'?
- Oh, you know,
fartin' around
with the old man.
- Oh, yeah.
- Same shit, different day.
Oh, I know, I know.
What are you doin'?
I'm just, you know,
gettin' some air.
Some sunshine.
So you and Mikey
been hangin' out, huh?
Yeah. It's been fun
having him in town.
- Oh, really?
- Yeah.
Is he giving you money for all
those rides you're giving him?
Mm, no.
I mean, I don't
mind, we're buds.
I know y'all don't have a set
of wheels right now, so...
No, we don't,
not right now.
Yeah, you been working out?
- Oh. You look good.
- Thanks.
You sure you haven't
been working out?
I'm positive.
Can't call you "scrawny
Lonnie" no more,
can I? (LAUGHS)
You keep Mikey out of trouble
now, you hear?
I'll try.
Okay, I know you will.
Good seeing you.
Good seeing you.
Take care.
There's a lot of rides,
we could do
the roller-coaster.
STRAWBERRY: Am I tall enough?
I think it's, like,
48 inches or whatever.
I'll give you 48
inches or whatever.
I'm sorry.
That was too easy.
But I got you. It's like,
if you're scared,
just grab onto me, you know.
I'll hold your hand.
- So, after this,
are you gonna fuck me
under the boardwalk?
You're such a little
exhibitionist, you know that?
Look who's talking.
Wait, what do you mean?
You know what I mean.
Mr. Saber.
Oh, my God!
The second I broke up
with Nash,
my Facebook blew up
with everyone
and their fucking grandma
sending me links
to your videos.
And you're cool
with it?
Would I be here
if I gave a shit?
I actually think
it's kinda dope.
I think it's cool
you just said,
"Fuck it, I'm gonna get paid
"for doing
the thing I love most."
And as long as you're
not hurtin' anybody,
you do you, man.
But if you give me something,
I swear to fuckin' God...
Us porn folk
are the most tested people
on the whole planet.
I mean, think about it,
we got to get tested to
work, you know?
Maybe I gave you somethin'?
Oh, don't even kid!
I posted a nude online once.
I can never tell if you're
joking or if you're serious.
My friends and I
were messing around
on that subreddit,
Gone Wild.
We were just trying to see how
much attention we could get.
We weren't even naked,
we had,
like, our stuffed animals
like that, you know?
But this old guy
in Ohio
propositioned us
to sell a nude pic.
And I did,
and he Venmo'd me 60 bucks.
- Sixty bucks?
- Mm-hmm.
You're a bad, bad girl.
But 60 bucks ain't shit.
You should get
at least double that.
So were you planning
on ever telling me?
It's not something you drop
on a civilian.
A civilian?
Is that what I am?
But you don't have to be.
For reals?
I'm gonna be straight with you.
I've been in the business
almost 20 years,
and nobody,
nobody comes close to you.
Straight up, you could be a huge
star, I'm just saying.
- You're funny. (LAUGHS)
- Mm-hmm.
I'm already about to have
a very awkward senior year.
I'm not about to have a very
awkward rest of my life.
LEXI: ...but the second time
I fell out of the tree,
I fell straight down on the
ground and broke my arm,
so I had a leg broken
and an arm broken.
And then Mom had to wheel me
around in the shoppin' cart
for, like, a month...
LIL: And you loved that.
LEXI: It was so embarrassing.
- Aw.
- MIKEY: Hey!
- Hey, Mikey.
- MIKEY: Hmm.
How you doing?
I'm good.
What you doin' here?
Just catchin' up
- with Lil and Lexi.
- MIKEY: Mm-hmm.
Catching up
on some old stuff.
- Mm-hmm.
- Shootin' the breeze.
- Sounds like it.
You should let me know
next time,
I'll make some steaks.
Hang out with you guys.
- LEONDRIA: Sounds great.
- Yeah.
- LEONDRIA: Sounds like a plan.
- Mm-hmm.
I'mma get up outta here.
- It's getting late.
- LEXI: Oh, no. Already?
LEONDRIA: But your
hospitality was good,
- the conversation was boss.
- LEXI: Aw.
- Okay, girls...
- So good to see you.
So good to see you again, Lele.
- You, too, my baby.
- Please come back.
- I will. I will.
- Don't be a stranger.
You take care of yourself,
baby girl.
- You, too.
- All right?
Be safe out there.
Mikey, I'm sure
I'll see you soon.
Yeah, you will.
- LEXI: Thanks, Lele.
- LEONDRIA: Good night.
- LEXI: Good night.
- LIL: God bless you.
- MIKEY: Did it come through?
Yeah. Bullshit.
You see her?
She's fuckin' smokin', right?
You're not gonna
believe this, dude.
- Her name is Strawberry.
- MAN: What?
Fucking Strawberry.
You can't make
this shit up, man.
- Strawberry?
- Yeah. No, I...
Has there even been
a Strawberry before?
(GRUNTS) She's my way back
in, man, I'm tellin' you.
This is like a Jenna Jameson,
Sasha Grey-level find here.
Aw, fuck, I'm blessed,
I'm so fucking blessed.
See, this is my talent,
I could be a badass scout.
I got my finger on the pulse
of the next generation, baby.
LONNIE: How do you know she's
gonna be down for this, man?
Oh, she's down,
trust me, she's down.
Plus, she sucks on my fingers
while I'm fucking her, bro.
Oh, yeah? That's cool.
Yeah, it's cool.
You know what that means?
She likes fingers?
(LAUGHS) You're so cute.
Means she likes
having a dick in her mouth
while getting fucked.
It's a telltale sign, bro.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
Any time a girl puts something
in her mouth while fucking,
either they're familiar
with that scenario
or they're intrigued
by that scenario.
Think about it, man,
it's just logic.
I never thought
about it that way.
Yeah, man,
no, that's what Lexi did.
You know,
when we first started dating,
Lexi would suck on my fingers
while I was fucking her.
That's what schooled me
to the knowledge
that she'd slept with
more than one dude
at a time before.
So when I proposed
a threesome, she was in.
She didn't fight it,
she fucking loved it.
- Huh.
- Yeah.
Well, what do you think
Lexi is gonna think
about all of this, though?
Dude, Lexi is the bane
of my fucking existence, man.
Everything that has gone wrong
in my life the last 15 years
pretty much
stems back to her.
I've forgiven her
over and over again.
I've overlooked so much shit
in the name of forgiveness,
but it doesn't matter,
she always fucks me...
Hey, how you doin', sir?
Go look up the Lexi Lane,
Ashley Blue gangbang.
At the end,
I'm fucking Ashley,
so I wasn't paying attention.
Lexi starts badmouthing me
to the male talent on camera.
Saying that I'm limp dick
and shit,
and that's
a total fucking lie.
Of course
I can get it up, right?
I didn't know this until
the fucking DVD came out.
I wanted to knock
that bitch out.
Anyway, don't say shit.
That stays between us.
- I got you, brother.
- You got the next set.
- Appreciate you.
- Thank you.
So... I joined
your Pornhub page.
You watching my scenes?
Checked out a few.
I watched the one
you won Best Oral for.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Not that it's not hot watchin'
you, but, like...
So the girl,
plus all the guys she's blowin'...
Hello, Mr. Mikey.
Hey, Ms. Phan.
Uh, I swept outside and
watered the plants for you.
So the girl, plus all the guys
she's blowin', win the award?
But we all share it,
the award.
Okay. But, like,
she's on her knees
blowing a line of guys,
it's like her scene.
Why are you winning
an award for it?
Okay, well,
that's up for discussion.
Anyway, you shouldn't
be watching that stuff.
You know,
just pretend it doesn't exist.
Don't watch that stuff,
it's not good.
I'm sorry.
- Did I hurt your feelings?
- No. It's okay.
Sorry, I should have asked
if it was okay
if I watched.
- MIKEY: Hmm.
MIKEY: Well,
if you do want to watch one,
check out The Fast and
the Furious parody I did.
- STRAWBERRY: Are you serious?
- MIKEY: Hell yeah.
Fast and the Fury-ass.
- Yeah.
- STRAWBERRY: I love it.
MIKEY: Clever, right?
I play Brian O'Conner,
that's Paul Walker's character.
Man, my acting was next level.
I mean, my scenes were miles
above the other scenes.
To this day, people
will tweet me and be like,
"Oh, you were
the perfect O'Conner."
I was actually even
nominated for that role.
Best Supporting Actor
in a Parody.
But I didn't win.
It was the big snub of the night.
There was boos and everything.
It was crazy.
And then Paul Walker goes
and gets himself killed,
which is such a bummer
because then I'm fucked
out of the sequels.
- That sucks.
- Yeah.
You want to come over
this weekend?
Come over?
What, to your place?
Yeah. We can spend
Saturday night there.
Uh... Nah, nah,
I'm not into
the whole
meet-the-parents thing.
You think I'd introduce you
to my mom?
Are you fucking kidding me?
No. God, no! No.
She'll be out of town.
She got a new boyfriend,
and they're going to Houston
to fuck themselves silly.
So, we got the place
to our own,
to fuck ourselves
even sillier.
- Mikey?
- Yeah?
You haven't even asked
about Eric once.
You got my Facebook
message when it happened.
We chatted.
My heart goes out to you.
It was a terrible thing.
Any word on you getting
custody or whatever?
Well, I was thinking...
I have a meetin'
with CPS next week.
And I was thinking
you could come with me
and we could tell
the case worker...
Her name is Mary-Anne,
she's real nice and she's
trying to help me out.
And we can tell her about how
things are going well here
and, you know...
Like you and me,
and all...
'Cause, I mean,
if things are going well
with you and me and all,
and I can get
a clean test...
And that's gonna happen?
No wonder they took him,
you're right back to where you
were in '08 all over again.
Where's his dad
in all this shit anyway?
Why doesn't he step
the fuck up? Seriously.
Or better yet,
why doesn't Leondria go with you,
being that she's so concerned
with our fucking business.
You know what,
fuck this place.
I'm going to go watch TV
with your mom.
Don't judge, okay?
MIKEY: Why would I do that?
You're talking to a boy
who grew up in Texas City,
so I'm not going
to judge anything.
- This is it?
MIKEY: Oh. Uh, I take it back,
this place is a shithole.
Can you take me
home, please?
All right, ta-da.
- Wow. Luxurious.
- Yeah.
Can't smoke in here,
by the way,
- my mom's trying to quit.
- That's okay.
- Is this you?
- Yeah.
That's the first selfie
I ever took.
- Mm.
- Vintage.
- You want a Coke?
- Yes.
And that's your mom?
Yep. And that's my
grandma, and that's me.
And that's me.
And that's me.
What's back here?
- Ah, that's my mom's room.
- Oh.
I am right here.
Wow. Wow.
It's supposed to make you
happy or something.
So, tell your mom
I'm moving in.
You feel the sunshine?
MIKEY: By the way,
what sign are you?
MIKEY: Uh... I mean,
I don't even believe in astrology,
but I'm just asking.
A bad sign.
I don't believe
in that shit, either.
MIKEY: Yeah.
You know, before this
place was about black gold,
it was about black ivory.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
I don't understand.
- Slave trade, silly.
- Oh.
Slaves were sold here.
Some, like, famous
French pirate ran the show.
A French pirate?
I bet he had really good style.
- I bet he dressed good.
When I was little,
my mama would take me out here
and we'd go hunting
for pirate booty.
- Ooh.
- I love pirate booty.
- Tell me more.
- I'm coming to get ya.
- MIKEY: Fuck!
This is prime Texas beef
right here.
This might be the one thing
this place has above LA.
- Besides you, of course.
You're like an
extraterrestrial around here.
When I look at you,
I don't think Gulf Coast,
you know...
Well, besides the sexy drawl.
You jerk.
It's not that bad.
- It's pretty bad.
Stop makin' fun of me.
I'm not.
I had one, but I lost it,
after living in LA for a
while, you lose it.
I remember being at work
when I first got there,
these guys made fun of me
'cause I was like,
"Hi, I'm Mikey."
And they all said,
"You sound like a dumb hick."
So, yeah, just lost it.
another year or so
and I'm out of here.
- Why wait?
- I told you. Moolah.
I didn't have any money
when I left.
I have no friends.
No connections.
I'll be your friend.
I'll be your connection.
Don't fuck with me.
I'm not.
- STRAWBERRY: This is nice.
- Mm-hmm.
Hold up. (GRUNTS)
I got an idea.
what are you doing?
Let's shoot a scene, for us.
Just for us.
All right, but if we do that,
we're using my phone.
Why, you don't trust me?
Well, you could lose
your phone, motherfucker.
You could lose your phone,
- Well, then it would be on me.
- Mm, true dat.
- Look at that, look at that.
You see that, you see
how good you look?
You film here, take it.
Take it.
- MIKEY: Mm-hmm.
- MIKEY: Yeah.
- That's so hot.
- I know.
You're telling me.
Look at that,
look at that,
you know how to play to
the camera and everything.
You see how you make sure
your face is always seen
and you're aware
of the camera?
That's skill right there.
That's crazy.
If this doesn't show you
that you can be a star,
I don't know what will.
- You really think so?
- I know so.
I'm not into that
swinger stuff though.
- Swinger stuff?
- Yeah.
I like fucking you,
and I don't want to fuck
anybody else.
And I don't want to think
about you fucking other girls.
It'll be just us.
It's called
"couple scenes."
It'll be exclusive,
just me and you.
Getting paid to do
what we just did.
Shit, you would
have made $2,000
- for that video right there.
- Mm.
- How many times did you come?
- Three times.
You would have been paid two
grand to come three times.
I'm not
that good at math,
but that's
a really good deal.
I have to
sleep on it,
but it's not like I don't
already have the porn star name.
- Right?
You play?
No, I eat off of it.
- You're such a smart-ass.
- (CHUCKLES) Yeah.
Yeah, since I was six.
You going
to play me something?
- Gonna make me? (CHUCKLES)
- Mm-hmm. Hmm.
I'm doing this tonight
You're probably
Gonna start a fight
I know this can't be right
Hey, baby, come on
I loved you endlessly
When you weren't
There for me
So now it's time to leave
And make it alone
And I know
That I can't take no more
It ain't no lie
I wanna see you
Out that door
Baby, bye, bye, bye
Don't really want
To make it tough
I just want to tell you
That I've had enough
It might sound crazy
But it ain't no lie
Baby, bye, bye...
I don't know
The ending yet...
- Bye
LEXI: So...
Where were you?
I texted you.
I was gone for the weekend.
I know.
- That's not my question.
Where were you?
You serious right now?
I'm fuckin' serious.
I was in this
cute little town
called none of your
fuckin' business Texas.
How about
that's where I was.
- Oh, were ya?
- Yeah.
That sounds like
a lot of fun.
I hope you had
a good fuckin' time!
What the fuck was that, huh?
Huh? Huh?
Get your fuckin' hands
off me!
Hey, Lil,
come get your daughter!
- Huh?
- Mikey, go fuck yourself!
Okay. Look!
Look! Look! Look!
I was makin' us
money, okay?
I had to go down to Corpus
Christi to pick up some shit.
- For us!
- Oh, I don't believe you!
- You don't believe me?
- I don't fuckin' believe you!
You don't believe me?
- MIKEY: Huh?
Four weeks ago,
I had zip, huh.
Now I got 3K!
Look at it!
Give me a fucking break!
When was the last time
you had money like that
under your
fucking roof, huh?
Now, if you want me to keep
paying for rent and food,
shut the fuck up!
And I'm not cleaning
that shit up, either!
She's in, man.
She's fuckin' in!
- LONNIE: Yeah? She's in?
- Yeah.
I'm still ironing out
the details, but guaranteed,
I'll have her shooting scenes
by September, baby!
That's pretty impressive
though, man.
Three weeks, you convinced
a girl to do porn?
Like, what the fuck. (LAUGHS)
I couldn't convince
my first girlfriend
to give me a blowjob
for three fucking years.
- Hey, man,
what can I say, baby,
I'm good at what I do. Ha-ha!
So that means
you're going to be leaving?
Yeah, I'm leaving.
Well, when are you leaving?
I need enough to float us
until she starts shootin'.
I'm thinkin' I could have that
by the end of August, easy.
Dude, it's going to suck
for you to go.
I know, man,
it's going to suck
not hanging with you,
anymore, Lonnie.
You're my guy!
But, dude,
I'm on top of my game
right now,
on, like, every single
possible level.
Physical stamina,
my mind is sharp.
Now that I'm making money,
I'm taking 5-HTP
for serotonin in my brain.
(PUFFS) Dude,
with my skill and ability
and my eidetic memory shit,
there's no denying
what I could do.
The universe
is on my side, bro.
Saber Entertainment's
first signed contract girl.
Huh? You like that?
I do, yeah.
Just Strawberry.
No need for anything fancy,
all the biggest celebrities
have one name.
Cher. Prince. Madonna.
Ooh, I'm getting a LLC
for Saber Entertainment.
- Yeah?
- I had a DBA for Mikey Saber,
but, uh, I didn't pay my annual
fees, so it expired,
and I had a falling out
with my old business partner.
But I do have
Mike Saber trademarked.
- That's cool.
- Yeah.
Oh, it's going to be a big
announcement at AdultCon, bro.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, dude.
You know what,
this small-town life,
it just ain't for me, man.
No offense. But, like,
I'm a big-city guy, you know.
Dude, if you want, I can
hook you up with Leondria
so you can have
my clientele.
- Hell yeah!
- Yeah.
I just don't want you
selling fuckin' flags
for the rest of your life,
you know what I mean?
Oh, here's the exit
right here, bro!
- Fuck! Shit! What the fuck!
Dude, we're fucked,
dude, we're fucked!
I fuckin' know, man.
MIKEY: We're fucked!
We're fucked!
Oh, my God, Lonnie,
why'd you fuckin' pull off
like that, man?
LONNIE: I didn't do
anything, man,
I just fuckin'
took the turn
like you fuckin'
asked me to, man!
MIKEY: Stop the car, man.
Stop the fucking car.
- Stop the fucking car! Stop!
Where you going?
(QUIETLY) Crap! Fuck!
- Listen. Listen!
Asshole, look at me.
I was never with you.
You don't know me.
I don't know you.
This never happened.
Are you listening to me?
What are we going to do?
"We"? You did this,
not me!
Look at me, you don't know me.
Say it. Say it.
You don't know me, say it.
I don't know you, man.
MIKEY: Fuck!
Jesus Christ!
What the fuck, Mikey!
- LEXI: Mikey?
- Yeah, no, I'm fine.
- LEXI: You okay?
Yeah, I'm okay,
You scared
the shit out of me.
I know.
I just don't feel good.
- Are you sure you're okay?
- Yup, thank you.
According to authorities,
the 22-car pileup
was caused
by a reckless driver
that fled the scene.
LIL: I hope they find
who's responsible for this.
Better not be
a drunk driver.
Oh, they will find them.
They'll do some kind of CS stuff.
Can you guys keep it down?
I can't hear.
- Oh, man.
- Geez, I'm sorry,
Mikey gives a shit
about something...
Shut up.
I can't hear the announcer.
LEXI: I can't hear anything
'cause you're talking!
Seriously, that's tragic shit,
you guys are joking around.
Jesus Christ.
- NEWSCASTER: Witnesses say...
...that the reckless driver
crossed from the far left lane
in front of a semitruck,
causing the truck
to jackknife,
resulting in
a chain-reaction crash
that came out of nowhere.
Hey. How you doing?
Yeah. Everything's good.
Uh... Yeah, we were
just watching the news.
Shit's crazy, right?
(SNIFFLES) I know.
Um, look,
some business stuff came up,
so I'm not sure
I can make it tonight.
No, no, it's all good,
just some business stuff
I got to take care of.
Okay. Okay, bye.
LEXI: Mikey! Mikey!
Oh, my God,
there's fuckin' cops
outside of fuckin' Lonnie's!
Something's goin' down!
- What?
- LIL: Come quick,
there's cops next door,
oh, my gosh!
The sheriff's here, too!
LEXI: Holy shit.
LIL: Those sarge
are gorgeous.
LEXI: This is fuckin' crazy.
LEXI: Oh, my God, Ma,
the news. Fucking news is...
- I'm gonna go check it out.
- Wait...
LEXI: Come on.
Mom, come on.
Thank you, Nathan.
Texas city resident,
Lonnifer Hill,
is in custody
at the Galveston County Jail.
He is scheduled to make
his court appearance
this afternoon...
- Morning.
- LEXI: Morning.
According to his attorney,
a bond is not being
considered at this time.
Thank you, Lily.
Of the 14 individuals
taken to hospitals,
eight are still being treated.
There will be
a lot of investigation
into every action
that led to this.
MIKEY: I'm gonna
get some milk.
One of the State
- Okay.
- ...of this area,
Blake Farenthold,
has told News 12...
Hey, watch your bike
there, man.
WOMAN: (ON TV) I mean,
the cars just kept coming and coming.
REPORTER: De Leo made it
out, untouched, but shaken.
NEWSCASTER: That had to be
so scary for those drivers.
Channel 5 spoke to the
neighbor of the individual
allegedly responsible
for the incident last night.
It's shocking! I mean,
I've known him forever.
SHOP OWNER: They got him, man.
Son of a bitch!
- He's the sweetest guy...
- $3.
...always shy, but nice.
Great, great neighbor.
Hey. They've been playing
my interview all morning.
I should have put on
some makeup.
Looked like shit.
Mr. Hill has
no prior convictions,
however, this isn't
his first run-in
with the Galveston County
District Attorney's Office.
In 2014, Mr. Hill
had "stolen valor" charges
filed against him which
were subsequently dropped.
That's all for now.
Oh, Lonnie's fucked.
NEWSCASTER: State Highway 146
in Texas City remains closed
while cleanup crews
continue to remove
wreckage from
the southbound lanes.
Mikey, I'm fixin'
to make supper,
what would you like?
Shit on a shingle
or chicken fried steak?
I ain't hungry, Lil.
Suit yourself.
No, I, uh, miss you, too.
I'm just tied up at work with
a client for a little bit,
but, yeah, I should
be able to meet up soon.
- WOMAN: Three, two, one.
- Uh-huh.
- Okay.
- WOMAN: This is the residence
of Lonnie Hill,
the driver responsible
for the chain-reaction crash
that took place
on Highway 146,
- on Tuesday.
- MIKEY: No, everything's fine.
Okay. Uh, babe, I gotta go.
Let me hit you right back.
We have not received
any comments from his family
at this time.
Okay, let's do it again.
- LEXI: Yo!
Lonnie's lawyer's talking!
My client, Lonnifer Hill,
will remain in custody
for the time being,
but he is cooperating fully
with the Galveston County
Police Department.
My client has prepared
a statement
that I would like to read.
"My error of judgement
"has led to
irreversible ramifications,
"and I am deeply sorry to
those I've affected and hurt.
"I panicked
"and wrongfully left
a crash site.
"I take full responsibility
for my actions
"and will accept
the consequences.
"Thank you."
REPORTER: Three individuals
who sustained
serious bodily injury
remain under close observation
at John Sealy Hospital.
Back to you in the studio.
- Sweet little Lonniekins.
What did you do?
NEWSCASTER: ...has the
latest on the race for 2016.
hours, a new poll
showing Hillary Clinton with
a solid lead in the race
for the White House,
Donald Trump declares this.
- TRUMP: I'm afraid
the election is gonna be rigged.
I have to be honest.
Thank you! Fuck!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Okay. Okay.
Okay. Okay.
Thank you.
Thank you. Thank...
All right.
our lives are about to...
Hello, stranger.
Oh. Sorry, guys.
Sorry, Ms. Phan.
Strawberry, I need to talk
to you outside now. Come.
Look. I've been doing
some real soul-searching.
That pileup that happened
the other day,
that shit affected me.
Life could change on a dime.
You could have been
- in one of those cars.
I could have been
in one of those cars.
Life would be so
different right now.
Look, I was gonna wait
a few weeks to ask you,
but I'm not wasting
- any more time.
- Are you proposing to me?
- What?
Are you proposing to me?
No! Here.
Look, we gotta
get out of here.
That shit that happened on
146, that was a sign.
To do what makes
you happy today.
Because there might
not be a tomorrow.
Look, I want you
to celebrate
your 18th birthday
in LA with me.
I want you to follow your
destiny, and I wanna be
right there next to you
to help you follow it.
So what do you say?
Let's start
a new life together
and get the fuck outta this
dead-end shit-hole town, okay?
Do you mean, like, now?
Well, we'll leave tomorrow
and we'll be in LA
by Monday, babe.
Oh, my God! Mikey!
- I think I'm dreaming!
- Me, too!
Ms. Phan,
I have to quit.
I love you guys,
but I'm going to LA with Mikey.
Thank you for all the free
donuts, Ms. Phan.
MIKEY: So we're gonna
leave at 10:00 a.m., okay?
I'm gonna get a car,
I'm gonna pick you up...
- You got a car?
- Oh, I mean get a taxi.
I'm gonna have
a taxi pick us up
and take us
to the station,
and we're taking a bus
to Hollywood, baby.
- Okay.
- So just be packed
and ready to go at 10:00,
but just bring one bag,
'cause when we get to LA,
we're going to buy
all new shit.
- Mikey?
- Yeah?
You make me so happy.
- Hey.
- Hey.
LEXI: Mm-hmm.
- Is Lil here? She's...
- She's sleeping.
It's been
a crazy month, huh?
(CHUCKLES) Sure has.
Poor Lonnie.
- Oh, God, so sad.
- So fucked up.
- I hope he's all right.
- Yeah, me, too.
Yeah, it's just
been so wild,
we've been fighting
and all that stuff.
I'm not...
I'm not really in the mood.
I'm not really in the mood
to mess around.
- Yeah.
- Just saying.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Just been fighting a lot,
been a lot of drama
lately. And, uh...
We don't want to fight,
you know what I mean.
I know you don't want that.
I don't want that.
Look, I'm...
I'm just gonna tell ya,
I'm going back to
California in the morning.
- I mean... (CLEARS THROAT)
- You're going back
- to California.
- Yeah.
I got some work,
so that's good.
You know, this has not
been going good with us.
It's so much drama,
throwing coffee pots.
We don't need that,
you know. And...
But this has been fun.
You know, we had some good times.
I know...
Just feels like, uh...
Just feels like it's time to
go, you know?
I'm sure Lil's ready for me to go.
I... (SIGHS)
I don't want
to fight with you,
you know what I mean,
but we had good times,
as always.
And thank you
for the hospitality.
It's been great.
You know, I wanted to
tell you and Lil together,
but I guess I could just
tell her in the morning,
before I go.
Or if I...
I don't see her,
I can...
I'll call her or something,
and thank her. But...
So I'm gonna go to bed.
Okay? We're good?
You understand.
MAN: Aw, look at
this cutie pie.
WOMAN 1: Aw.
WOMAN 2: Hey, yo, B,
hit the light.
MAN 2: Wakey-wakey,
eggs and bakey!
- Yo!
- Ahh! Ah, what the fuck!
Oh, look out, it's me!
Look at this scared
motherfucker, man.
- June?
It's me, homeboy.
- What the fuck?
- LEXI: That's right.
What are you doing here?
JUNE: Money. Weed.
Get your shit
and get the fuck out!
June, what the fuck,
I'm good with your mama.
What are you talking about?
I'm not giving you shit.
You good with my mama?
Yeah, nah. See...
LEXI: This is your eviction
notice, Mikey.
I don't think
you got the message.
No, wait, what the fuck
are you talking about?
- I'm good with your mama...
- ERNESTO: She sent us here.
MIKEY: Give me my phone,
I'm calling Leondria.
That shit's not an option.
Where the hell
the money at?
MIKEY: No, fuck you,
I'm not giving you shit!
- JUNE: Fuck me?
- I'm not telling you
- where my fucking money is.
- JUNE: Fuck me?
- LEXI: It's under the mattress!
- JUNE: Yo, go ahead.
MIKEY: What the hell
are you doing?
- Damn!
- What the fuck!
- What are you doing, man?
- ERNESTO: What the fuck, man!
Motherfucker's naked!
The money's
under the mattress!
Shut the fuck up!
What are you doing? No!
On the other side,
it's under the mattress.
JUNE: Go and get that, B.
This motherfucker
is layin' on the bed.
(SINGSONG) Get that money!
Get that money!
MIKEY: What are you doing?
LEXI: I'm sorry, Mikey.
- Don't! Stop! Stop!
That's my money!
Hey, that's my fuckin' money!
What are you doing?
Look, I was gonna
leave tomorrow,
give me that shit back.
Come on, June. Be cool.
- I want you out tonight.
- Oh, fuck you, Lil!
I don't give
a fuck about you!
- LEXI: Yeah fuck you!
- I don't give a fuck
about nothin' that
they got goin' on over here.
I'm here
for a motherfuckin' job.
- Give me that shit back!
- Get your ass back!
- What are you doing?
- Thank you so much.
ERNESTO: Get dressed, man!
I see, you bitches played me.
Look at all this money...
Oh, this is fuckin' great!
This is just great!
- Fuck you!
- So much fuckin' money!
I can't believe she called me
over here for this shit, man!
Fuck you,
I paid for August rent!
Give me some of that back!
Now give me my mom weed,
I'm not telling you
where the weed's at!
JUNE: I'mma fuck you up!
MIKEY: You got my money,
you're not getting my weed!
It's right over there
You fuckin' bitch!
- LEXI: Ernesto, you get...
- God...
- LEXI: Oh, it's so hot
in here. Ma, are you hot?
Oh, Ma, it's so hot.
I'll fucking lunge kick
you and your mom!
LEXI: Oh, will you?
You got a green belt?
You gonna do
some of those moves?
- Fuck you, bitch!
- Shut the fuck up!
- MIKEY: Relax, Ernesto!
- LIL: Get him out, guys.
JUNE: Now get your shit
and get out.
LEXI: That's right.
It's time to go.
JUNE: And don't even
think about stepping foot
in Texas City again.
You got me?
Ain't no lie, baby,
bye, bye, bye.
Can I put my clothes on,
can you just
give me some privacy
so I can put
my clothes on, please?
You got 30 motherfuckin'
seconds, homeboy.
Thirty seconds
'cause you wasting my time.
LEXI: That's less
than a minute, Mikey.
MIKEY: Yeah,
I'll give you less than a minute.
LEXI: Less than
a motherfuckin' minute.
MIKEY: I'll give you
less than a fuckin' minute.
LEXI: Thirty seconds
starts now.
- You hear me? 30 seconds.
- MIKEY: Yup.
MIKEY: Thank you. All right,
let me get changed. Jesus.
LIL: Look at
all this money.
Hurry the the fuck up,
you nasty bitch.
- One, two...
...three, four, five, six,
seven, eight,
nine... Thirty!
Oh, man.
Mama's gonna kill me.
Just hit me with the truth
Now, girl
You're more than welcome to
So give me One good
reason, baby Come on
I live for you and me
And now I really
Come to see
That life would be Much
better Once you're gone
I know that I can't
Take no more
It ain't no lie
I wanna see you
Out that door
Baby, bye, bye, bye
- Shit. Open up!
- Whoa!
- Shit.
- Oh!
- Okay, sorry.
Oh, fuck this!
What are you doing?
- We gotta talk.
- Where's June?
- What do you mean? You sent...
- Wait! I don't...
- Listen. Go in the back.
Okay. Can...
Can I have a towel?
Hell no!
Go that way.
Fuck this.
Cover that shit up, boy.
Okay, look, yeah,
you want me to admit it,
I was selling
to the hardhats.
I know you told me not to,
but they're good customers.
They're good guys.
I... I...
You got their money.
Yeah. Out back.
You're persona non grata.
You know what that means,
Mr. Hollywood?
Yes. Yes, I know what that means.
But why?
I'm looking out for Lil.
And that's all
you need to know.
Goddamn sabotage.
- Okay.
- Whatever.
Oh, great,
the goonette squad.
Look at them go.
All right, Ma, man,
this nigga jumped out the window.
Is Lil and Lexi okay?
They're fine.
Hey, man,
shut the fuck up.
Look, that house is crazy.
Everybody over there
screamin' and cryin',
this motherfucker with
his junk swingin' everywhere.
This lazy bastard
not doin' shit.
- Besides sittin' on your ass.
- Shit, I do a lot.
I showed up, man,
I'm the fuckin' muscle.
And your lazy ass,
all you did
was get the money.
And then
you were just watchin'.
Nobody told me
I was going to be draggin'
a freakin' butt-naked dude
out the bed.
JUNE: Man, you ain't
even do shit, anyways.
I don't need you coming
on no runs with me.
You ain't nothin' but
deadweight, motherfucker.
Okay. That's cool.
It's all good.
Mom, you gonna
let her talk to me like that?
JUNE: Hell yeah,
I'mma talk to you like that.
- Listen...
- She can't save you.
- LEONDRIA: Time-out.
- ERNESTO: Okay.
- Lazy motherfucker.
- Time the fuck out.
Yeah, you guys
are on time-out.
- ERNESTO: Shut up.
- Shut up, bro. Zip it.
This incident
ruined my night.
One of my buddies
had a party at Oceans,
I could have been there.
But I gotta come
and deal with this bullshit!
JUNE: You see?
Constant complaining.
You were there
to protect your sister.
He not coming
with me no more.
ERNESTO: A'ight, well,
I'm done with this shit.
JUNE: You should've
stayed your ass at home.
LEONDRIA: You know what?
We havin' a family meeting
after this.
- Family meeting?
- LEONDRIA: Point-blank.
- You serious?
- LEONDRIA: We need a meeting.
- You can take that information
- and do what you want with it.
LEONDRIA: You ain't going
to that fucked-up club.
You ain't goin' nowhere.
Homeboy, you gon' sit right
here and roll with us.
We need a meeting.
Now back to you.
Yeah, yeah,
back to the sabotage.
Whatever you wanna call it.
It's over with.
That was between me and Lexi.
Seriously, what the fuck.
At the end of the day,
it's about you getting up
out of Texas.
It's time for you
to bounce.
Yeah, I'm fixin' to,
but I was gonna leave
in the morning,
I need money
to do that.
Well, maybe you could go sell
one of your fuck trophies.
watch your mouth in front of Mom.
What's wrong with you?
Did you give him his 200?
I was, but then his punk-ass
jumped out the window.
Two hundred, that's it?
That's enough
to get you a bus ticket
far beyond the state line.
After everything
I did for you.
Two hundred. Wow.
Be gone by midday.
- LIL: Thank your mom for me.
- I sure will.
Maybe you oughta come
by our house sometime.
Yeah, that would be nice.
Yeah, you and Lex,
y'all come on over,
we can, you know, barbeque,
- drink some beer.
- Oh, that would be great.
MIKEY: You know,
I should be taking
the backpack
that you gave me,
but, no, I'll take...
I'll use this.
You want me
to walk down the street
with a garbage bag? Fine.
LEXI: Yeah, you should.
- Fuckin' bullshit.
- LEXI: Like a hobo.
Threw my clothes in there
all fucked up,
I'm gonna fold my clothes
so when I leave,
they're not wrinkled.
Me and him got in a fight
about 25 years ago.
LIL: Really?
I whupped his ass
in high school.
- I'm sure he deserved it.
- Yeah. (LAUGHS)
MIKEY: I'm gonna take my time.
- LEXI: Let's see how you fold.
- Yeah, watch.
- Oh, look at that fold...
- LEXI: Oh, my God.
Oh, you should work
at the Gap.
Man, y'all get tired
of this shit, man?
- MIKEY: No, I love it.
- Y'all get tired of this shit?
Lil, you're
a good woman, Lil.
- Thank you.
- You really are.
Good seeing you again.
Fuckin' dumb bitch.
All this...
- Man, hurry the fuck up!
- June, relax! What the fuck!
LEXI: That's right, hurry up.
Thank you, June!
- All right! Jesus.
- Get your shit, come on.
There's been
a lot of drama here.
Oh, no, no, no,
you're not taking big stripes!
- Your big stripes...
- No, no!
I have the 64-ounce one!
And I took favorite shirt,
fuck you.
LEXI: ...for you, in here,
Mikey, get the fuck...
- Come on!
- Go sit down!
I'm taking my toothbrush!
LEXI: Don't pretend
you brush your teeth.
- Shut up! Relax, June, damn.
- LEXI: Oh, my God.
All right, I'm going.
Uh, Lil, seriously,
thank you so much for letting me stay,
I had an amazing time,
and you and your daughter
are dumb bitches.
- LIL: Don't say that.
- LEXI: Piece of shit.
LIL: That is not right.
- LEXI: Get the fuck out!
- I gotta get water
before I leave
'cause I'm gonna be thirsty!
You gotta go, man.
I bought this.
I bought this ashtray!
MIKEY: No, I said when I
got, I can take it back.
- ERNESTO: Hey, let's go.
- LEXI: You did not!
- There's no take-backs!
- MIKEY: Fine. Fine.
Get outta here, man.
I should have beat your ass
in high school.
Too bad it was the
other way around, huh?
- Yeah.
- You want to go another round?
Nah. You know what?
I got one last thing
to say to all you guys.
- Man, shut your bitch-ass up.
- Shut up!
- BOTH: Shut the fuck up.
- JUNE: Leave.
Not another word out
of your mouth!
Now get the fuck out,
you suitcase pimp.
What'd you say?
You heard me.
Suitcase pimp.
Say that shit again.
Homeless suitcase pimp.
ERNESTO: Just go ahead
and leave, dude.
What the...
- LIL: He's outta here, babe.
- LEXI: He's outta here.
- LIL: No more.
Ah, that was
nothin' but trouble.