Reflections (2008) Movie Script

So you really think that
the world will be a safer place
without me, Tom?
Well, I know the families of the twelve
girls you raped and murdered would think so.
I'm thankful to you,
for coming all this way.
Well, you know you and
I we've come full circle, Dimtri.
From your first killing
until I caught you.
You know? A reporter
came this morning,
asked if I feel,
if I could have been rehabilitated
after all these years...
I said yes.
But, you know what?
You let me out that door,
and I will find
the prettiest girl I see,
or maybe just the first girl I see,
and I will rape her,
and I will kill her.
After all the time
I spent wasting away in here,
I will enjoy even more.
You should
have given that to the reporter.
This is for you.
If you ever write a book,
you can write about me.
You don't need me
to make you famous.
There's a pack of reporters out
there waiting for your execution.
You're right.
Perhaps we're all
a little fascinated by killing.
Will you stay and watch?
Goodbye, Dimtri.
Tom. Daniel.
Are you planning
on staying in Minsk much longer?
Not if i can help it.
I need you to come in on a serial.
The one they call Pygmalion.
He's killed three in Spain,
now we think he's in Southern France.
Where do I start?
Cannes. Look, we are gonna
e- mail you the dossier, OK?
And we've got you
on the 1:30 flight direct to Nice.
who heads up our Spanish Division.
- See you at our Barcelona Office.
- I'll be there.
- Victim is Nadine Villon?
- Worked at a nearby pharmacy.
Young, brunette.
Went missing seven days ago.
The body?
From a cursory examination it seems
consistent with previous victims.
Severe lacerations on her torso
and no external signs of rape.
- Sorry, who are you?
- Ok, no problem.
This is Agent Brindle from Europol.
The house was
to be completed in a few days.
- The owners were set to move in.
- Some house warming.
- I'll need the autopsy. Protocols.
- OK. You'll have them.
Let's see.
Excuse me.
He moved her from
here to over there. Why?
The struggle.
There's no struggle.
All the blood is contained here.
No on the floor or the carpet.
He killed her here,
left her over there.
No. She wasn't just moved.
She was placed.
We need to get this whole side
of the glass dusted for prints.
Paz, this is Brindle,
Crime Unit. This is...
Your new best friend.
- What did you get of the window.
Can a girl get
a little foreplay first?
You were right about the hair.
Well, not sure
if it's a hair or an eyelash
but he definitely
leaned against the window.
There were partial prints from which
we built a composite that led us to.
A match?
A long and fruitless search against
Europol's DNA database, no match.
We then cross-referenced the print
with homeland security and nothing.
Then we run it through the Military.
They collect DNA of every
enlisted soldier and that gave us...
- A match.
- A match.
A corporal.
Marco Soler,
24 years old, brown eyes,
dark brown hair.
Would you like a cup of coffee?
Maybe some water? Something?
You the waiter?
- How about a brunette?
I'd like to know why I'm here.
Do you like to play dress up?
Put women on display?
Is that what you like to do?
- Why am I here?
- What are you doing here?
You're the sole suspect
on a serial murder case.
- That's what you're doing here.
- What?
We've got your DNA
linked to four murders.
You're full of shit!
- Don't play games with me!
You don't know nothing.
You don't know shit.
You can say it right now.
And it'll all be over.
Fuck you.
Fuck you. Fuck you.
We know. We know exactly
what's going on with you.
We know your game.
We know how you do it.
Let me refresh your memory.
March ninth, Soledad Ramos.
May thirteen, Antonia Garcia.
Wait... wait... Wait.
I don't believe this.
July third, Nadine Villon!
- July 3rd?
Did I kill anybody else?
We've got you.
We've got your DNA.
Fuck you.
Your DNA is all over the place.
Your DNA on four separate murders.
You've got the wrong man.
I've never seen
these girls in my life.
I've never even been
to any of those fucking places!
- I'm in the fucking Army.
- Don't play games with me!
I can go nowhere
without my superiors knowing.
Tom, I gotta talk to you right away.
- Can I go, detective?
- No, you can't.
You might want to hear this.
Soler's kept very busy here.
He's a mechanic.
Now I've gone over
the time tables for the murders
- you've supplied us with and...
Yeah! Yeah!
- It just doesn't add up.
- Why?
The last murder occurred in Cannes
approximately Thursday night?
- Right.
- Thursday afternoon,
Soler was involved in an altercation
with a superior officer.
He was sitting
in a holding cell all weekend.
- All weekend?
- Lock and key, sir.
Give me the incidental report.
What the fuck?
Could they've got the timing wrong?
On the killing.
Now we narrowed it down.
You know, we talked
to those people that saw her last.
The murder overlaps his lockup.
The alibi.
Is there any doubt about it?
It's just that the kid
doesn't fit the profile.
He's too young
and too hot-headed, he'd...
Look, Tom. Do we need the profile?
We've got DNA.
Look guys.
I'm gonna square with you.
The Judiciary,
they wanna charge him, now.
And personally, Tom,
I won't cut loose our suspect
'cause it doesn't feel right to you.
I'm not asking you to cut him loose,
just don't let them
charge him yet. That's all.
What do you need
to sort out these discrepancies?
- Time.
- We can't hold him more than 48 hours.
I know the law.
48 hours.
OK. You got it. 48 hours
before I give his name to the media.
I don't get it. You confront a kid
that age with what he's done,
they give you something,
a chink in the armor.
- What happened?
- I pushed his buttons.
Tried to intimidate him.
Everything I could.
Usually, they get defensive.
Or quiet.
Their mind starts racing but
he exploded like a powder keg.
Who gets angry like that?
- Someone innocent?
- Right.
- Maybe someone planted the evidence.
- What? Partial prints, a hair?
A lot of trouble to lead us to
a suspect with an airtight alibi.
Or is it airtight?
I mean none of it makes sense.
Maybe it can make sense. Maybe.
Yeah? Explain.
And you can stay my new best friend.
Marco was born
in a fertility clinic. Take a look.
I compared the samples
you sent with my own files.
You have the right man
but you also have the wrong man.
- I don't catch your meaning.
- A clinic is not a hospital.
We are not just
delivering babies here.
We happen to create pregnancies...
And how does this relate
to my suspect?
He's one of the pregnancies
we helped bring about.
- So you have identified him?
- We have identified them.
Your lab sent me these samples
from the suspect in your case.
And this is a match
with our file on Birth Client CM884.
Okay, CM...
Caucasian male, number 884.
File date 10/12/83.
Currently this man
is 24 years of age.
Marco Soler. I follow.
Looks like this is your man.
Except Marco Soler
wasn't born from his natural mother.
He was an embryo
from our donor pool.
That led me to this discovery.
Birth Client CM167,
file date 8/22/1973.
A second perfect match.
You're telling me our guy's a twin?
- Correct.
An identical monozygotic twin.
At one point these two
shared the same embryo.
But they're born
more than ten years apart.
Let me explain how things
were done here back then.
Starts with the normal procedure.
We extract the client's egg,
fertilize it.
Early in the embryo's growth stage
we simply cut it in half
creating identical
monozygotic or 'twin' embryos.
One embryo
is then implanted in the mother.
The second is frozen
at minus 180 degrees Celsius
so it can be used
in case the first embryo fails.
That way clients get two chances
from the one egg extraction.
Cost reduction is substantial.
Unused embryos were released
and, with consent,
placed into our donor pool.
So you see it's very possible.
Twins, ten years apart.
One carried to term
by the host mother,
the other, from the donor pool,
carried to term by a different woman.
I need everything on this birth
client, CM-167 and his mother.
Mr. Brindle specific information
about our clients is confidential.
I don't think you understand
the importance of all this.
But it's a matter
of our client's rights.
Your clients rights?
I'm a little more interested
in the victim's rights.
Let me show you my file
on your 'birth client'.
- Hey.
- Good to see you again.
Your Pizza. Large Cheese.
- OK. Thank you. Here.
- No. Keep it.
- Thank you, see you.
- Hey.
- Hi.
I probably should've called...
No. No, it's...
- It's lovely to see you.
You too.
- And who's this?
- This is Henry.
Thought I'd bring
an office warming present
that might live longer than flowers.
Never was good with flowers.
Or goodbyes for that matter.
Makes two of us.
Not there.
It's a Beta fighting fish.
If it sees it's own reflection,
it'll go crazy trying to attack it.
- So where's this Marco now?
- He's still locked up.
I'm gonna arrange to get him released
once I clear with the agency.
Of what?
I think he could be useful to us,
to the investigation.
Don't know.
I wanted to.
See what you think.
Twin behavior
isn't my speciality, but...
I can tell you twins
who grow up together
they tend to individualize more,
they try to be their own person.
By contrast
twins who are raised apart
they often exhibit
startling behavioral similarities.
Favorite foods, hobbies,
even strange,
coincidental things, I don't know.
Like driving
the same make of car or...
marrying people with
the same names...
- So mostly superficial similarities?
- Not always.
But I've never heard of a case
like this... different ages.
So you're gonna build a profile
of the killer from this younger twin?
How accurate would it be?
If you knew their family histories,
it could be very accurate
but it's never been done.
Will you help me?
See Marco a couple times a week?
I don't know, Tom.
People here complain about homework,
not homicides and...
All those nightmares
I used to listen to.
They crept into my sleep too.
You don't have to be directly
involved with the investigation.
But Marco is. And I need
to know that he can handle it.
What's his situation like?
Well his adoptive parents
were killed when
he was twelve. Train crash.
He went into the Army
a couple of years ago.
He's had his problems:
issues with authority.
Assault, anger...
- Like his brother?
You tell me.
You okay?
It's surreal, you know?
I was in the Army, easy life.
And suddenly you come
and tell me I'm some killer.
And now you're telling me
I was created in a lab
and I have a twin
ten years older than me?
Who likes to play
dress up with dead girls...
Am I supposed to be OK?
Please, sit down.
Marco, please.
All we want to do is run some tests.
Create a psychological profile...
You want me
to be some sort of lab rat?
Of sorts.
Agency would like you
to see Elena twice a week.
You mean therapy? Therapy with her?
It's not as formal as that, Marco.
Just a way of making sure you're
comfortable with your involvement.
No. You mean to make
sure you're comfortable.
You know, Marco.
I've talked to your superiors.
And they have
told me they would
give you a leave
of absence from the army.
As long as you were helping us
we'd give you a corporate apartment
right here in Barcelona.
And if it happens that you
help us find this killer,
we can look
into a possible honorable discharge.
You can get me out of the Army?
I sensed that's
something you'd like.
You want a lift?
I live in San Jose.
Sure you don't mind?
- It's on the way.
- OK.
- How are you?
- Fine.
- Habit.
Character and
personality assessment.
What the fuck is this?
You experience emotions intensely?
You see beauty in things
where others might not?
... details and the identity of
the former suspect's release
are being protected.
Authorities did tell us however,
that he is fully cooperating
and may have special knowledge
which could prove helpful
in catching Pygmalion.
Coming up we'll have the latest
sports news with Chris Rutthefort...
But now we go over to Gloria Sanchez
with the latest weather details.
Good afternoon.
A high pressure system
has moved into the area...
- How are you doing there, Marco?
- I filled these out.
Just leave it on the desk. It's fine.
That's our evidence board.
It helps to have everything
all laid out. All in one place.
You see all together.
If you look at it long enough
you start to think about
some other
things in different ways.
- This is our case?
Yes, that's the case.
Four killings
with striking similarities.
All the victims
have severe patterned scarring
on the torso.
Victims have similar red dresses.
He kills them, cleans them,
dresses them and then moves them.
Then, he places them
so they can be observed
from outside a window.
The blood spots and
splattered evidence indicates
the action of his blade.
He's right handed just like you.
Don't they fight back?
No, I don't think they fight back.
I don't think they have a chance
because he drugs them.
An intravenous injection
in the carotid artery.
A very fast combination
of a coagulant and a sedative.
The sedative puts them
in a comatose state,
the coagulant, thickens the blood,
so they bleed slowly.
We haven't identified
the sedative yet.
- Got a minute?
- Sure, what?
Good news, bad news.
We tracked down the mother.
It's all right. I mean...
If you don't tell him now,
I'll tell him later. Marco.
Well, I just got
the records from downtown.
It's about your biological mother,
Isabel Luna.
You sure?
- I didn't know her.
She died in 1984. Cancer.
She was forty-one.
We have her last address there.
Sorry kid.
Well, I don't know if that's
the good news or the bad news.
What else you got?
I checked Child Services
for a Roberto Luna. Nothing.
Well, we need to...
maybe get her old address.
Find the landlord. Try to track
that down. Get a medical record.
- That sort of thing.
You got it.
Come on. Let's get you started.
All right. Right this way.
Here we are.
This is Bonilla.
Marco, Bonilla is gonna be
sticking you with needles all day.
Call me Paz.
Now, to build our profile
all we need to do
is use all your physical
and personal data.
Paz here analyzes blood, DNA, urine
to help us identify any propensity
for disease, genetic anomalies...
If you're likely to have diabetes,
a stigmatism, allergies,
we can track the killer
through any prescriptions
or medical procedures
he may have had.
Then I'll compile all your raw data
to generate aged mug shots.
Yeah. Big brother gets bigger.
Marco, why don't you head over
to the scan machine there
and look straight ahead?
- Tom, is all that necessary?
- Don't worry.
It's gonna be fine. Just relax.
- Don't worry, this won't hurt a bit.
- There. Just relax.
Tom, could you please close the door
and turn off the lights for me?
Just relax.
Look straight ahead, please.
Just try to stay still.
- Why is he so anxious?
- I don't know.
He's been that
way since we met him.
Excuse me.
I'm looking for the Gaspar building.
- Psych?
- I'm going right by there...
- Thanks.
That way?
- So. You a grad student?
Yeah, well no...
I was in the Army.
Now I'm looking for something new.
- Oh yeah?
It's a great place to study.
I'm doing a year abroad
here from the US.
Are you thinking about
coming here too?
Yeah. You know?
To be honest,
I'm thinking about it
a little more every step we take.
No. It's been a while
since I've had options.
All this is beautiful and you know...
What do you study?
Educational psych, crisis counseling,
you know... that sort of thing.
one day I'll work with kids.
- Kids? They are great.
Well, this is it.
You know where you're going?
Yeah. I'll find it.
- I guess I better go.
- What's your name?
- Kate.
- Kate?
- Kate. Marco.
- Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
Do you want to see a movie tonight?
No. I'm working.
- Where?
- Kitty's pub.
- Maybe I'll come by. OK?
- OK.
Hey! Hi, Marco. Please, come in.
You can sit anywhere you like.
Everything okay?
I don't know how to start?
You know what?
Let's go
somewhere else for today.
We can grab some coffee
down the hall and talk?
You know I've done this before.
You mean therapy?
Yeah. Therapy.
A lot of people get worried
for you when your parents die.
People need
to feel useful, I guess.
Let me level with
you about something,
maybe you can
be straight with me.
I'm here because you're
a potential liability to Europol.
When they have their man in custody,
you're free to go.
This case will end,
but you have to continue on.
I've worked on homicide cases.
You're going to do and see
things here you won't easily forget.
And I want you to feel
free to talk to me.
To let me in.
Do you think you can do that?
otherwise we're just
having coffee. That's it.
Yeah, I can do that.
Let you in.
Okay, good.
That way I can feel useful.
Yes. Don't worry.
OK. Wait a second.
- Hey.
- Hey. Please come in.
Yeah. Listen.
We have lunch tomorrow?
OK I call you and tell you.
Yes. Have some wine.
No, not with you...
OK. I'll call you.
Yes. Kisses.
I love you, Bye.
Your mother?
You're good.
So, let me guess.
You told her
I was coming over and...
And... Let's say
there's some mixed feelings
though she did say hello.
That's nice. That's a start.
To new beginnings.
Have a seat, please.
How did the meet go with Marco?
Good but...
He's holding on to a lot.
And I'm just not sure
he wants me pulling it out of him.
But that's what you do, people
come to you with their secrets and...
But he didn't come to me,
we came to him.
That's true.
How's he doing with you?
The psychological tests gives us
a geographical profile of the killer.
He's good with his hands,
a mechanic, so...
We're looking at the places
where the killer struck
and compiling
lists of possible garages
that maybe his brother worked at
and it's a long shot but...
- But it's all you've got?
Yeah. It's all I got.
- So it is quite a place.
You live alone.
Don't play the detective, please.
So, Elena,
why did you leave Europol.
What would I have stayed for?
For me. I just needed some time.
Why didn't you ask for it?
I understood what
you were going through.
Yeah? What?
From a clinical point of view or?
No. From a human standpoint.
Don't do that. If you're going
to push me away again, then...
I didn't mean like that. I'm sorry.
OK? I'm sorry.
- That's not what I mean.
- Ok.
It's just what
was going on then and I...
You lost a wife.
I know it can't compare but...
I did lose someone too.
I hope not forever.
- Don't be silly!
- A glass of champagne?
The honeymoon's
not over 'til sunrise.
This stinks.
Oh, yeah. What is that?
It must be the rats again.
I was looking for you.
Really? Seems that you're looking
for something else as well.
They haven't seen anything
like this in over a decade.
People are scared.
I was hoping that perhaps
we can put a mock-up of the killer
on the evening news tonight.
Show we are narrowing in?
Is that what we are doing?
Narrowing in?
Whatever. It just helps
to take the pressure of it.
It puts the public at ease.
Is that him?
Sure. It's him.
Or try that one?
Maybe glasses,
maybe 300 pounds
overweight from some tyroid defect.
You want to sell the public
some illusion, just say so.
But until
we have corroborating witnesses
and a profile that is legitimate,
it's all smoke and mirrors,
it's not gonna make sense.
What is
this profile of Marco telling us?
To be cautious.
I don't want Roberto knowing that
we are getting close.
He'll change his patterns.
He already has, Tom,
he's killing in shorter cycles.
He's gonna make a mistake.
They all do.
I know they always do.
We haven't got time
to wait for that mistake.
You know the way the public reacts...
Number five. Castelldefels.
Early morning, about 4 a.m.
Couple arrived from Greece.
Discovered a body in the house.
Don't use any of those.
Come in.
- Did you tell Marco to come here?
- No.
I'd say she's
been dead for four days,
Marco, outside!
You have the same DNA as the killer.
What are you doing?
You could contaminate the scene.
Impersonating an officer?
So. I guess it all started here?
The owners were away on honeymoon,
he had a three week window.
- How long she's been dead?
- Four days.
- What?
- Four days, I heard it.
All right. Fine. Four days.
So he revisits
Nadine Villon on the third in Cannes.
Within few days he abducts another.
We need to find out
who knew they were leaving.
They were on their honeymoon.
Everyone knew!
Look, he bleeds her for
a few days up here
and after he's done amusing himself,
he brings her downstairs, right?
Why not leave her here?
Because he likes
to put them on display. All right?
Most serial killers they either
hide them or they bury them.
He's different.
- Maybe he thinks he's an artist.
- No. It's just...
it's something else.
He's got some kind of emotional
connection with the killing itself
or some kind of association
with his past.
He's trying to recreate
something here.
- I think he's resentful.
- Explain that.
He's sticking it
in the face of the rich.
That's how he got his name.
How was she murdered?
You okay? Come on. Let's go.
- What was he doing there?
- I didn't know it.
- The pursuit was bad luck.
- He could have been killed.
The kid handles himself well.
He's got a real feel for this work.
Let's call human resources,
and start the paperwork.
Apparently, we don't have enough
people if the killer's still free.
People don't just vanish.
We're missing something,
something obvious.
There's something that
we haven't figured out. It's just...
Long time since
I had to worry about you.
You wanted to bring Elena
into this case, fine.
You pulled some strings
so Marco is involved, I say okay.
But you're pushing it. Girl number
five is lying in the morgue.
Reassure me, Tom.
The kid's fine. Really.
I'm fine.
So you feel a connection
to this man, your brother?
I don't know what to feel.
I mean wonder sometimes
what kind of life he had.
Because if we'd grown up together
things would be different, for sure.
What compelled you to go
to the crime scene?
I just wanted to see... to know why.
To know something.
All the people speak about him and...
I don't know.
They say this guy is sick.
You know what makes
him want to do that to women?
Somebody knows?
A killer's desire
for possession and control
manifest obsessively
in violent behaviour.
With most of them
it starts out early in childhood.
Yeah. I know.
I was speaking with Tom,
and he called it
the rethoric of excuse. But come on.
Lot of people
got a fucked up childhood.
I think that's not an excuse.
Tom believes, as well as I do,
that killers are created, not born.
What do you think?
I can't speak
for the killers of the world.
- But you've been violent before.
- OK.
My file says I have a lack of
impulse control, that what you mean?
- Do you?
- I think I'm in control.
Yeah, but to a degree
you can relate to your brother.
His propensity for violence.
No. It's not the same.
All I did was strike a superior.
That's all.
- A woman.
- A woman?
From day one she'd been ridin' me.
Criticizing my skills,
exercises, everything.
One day, all I saw was white.
Something took over
in me and I let it.
I let it. Just like this.
Goes in the file.
Aggressive guy. No impulse control.
You want to know
why the does what he does.
Does it give you answers
to your own aggressive behaviour?
Victim is Alejandra Sol, age 23.
She's from Alicante.
Her roommate says she doesn't know
anyone in Castelldefels.
He takes her from Alicante
to Castelldefels.
He risks quite a bit of exposure
moving her that distance.
I mean the guy is all over the map.
Our geographical profile
on him is practically useless.
These are girls that have gone
missing in the last few weeks
and fit the profile of victims.
I think we should release the photo
likenesses we made from Marco.
The runner
in Castelldefels was our guy.
He obviously saw Marco.
Maybe we can turn
the invisible man visible again.
That's a good idea, yeah.
Release to law enforcement,
no media, no public, obviously.
How about the mother?
The Landlady's going to meet you
in the morning at the apartment.
- Right.
- Paz.
Do you know anything
more about the sedative.
Still drawing blanks.
Here's Isabel Luna's medical file.
Are you kidding me?
She lost her lung to cancer.
What do I have to do to get
a beer in this place?
You can show up for one.
What happened to your eye?
Oh no, that's nothing.
Take this. I'll be right back.
You may not remember
but there was a woman
who lived here
in the early-eighties. Apartment 3E.
- Named Isabel Luna?
Yes, of course.
Saddest creature
that happened into this building.
- Moved in when she'd lost her job.
- What'd she do?
Worked with horses,
bred them I think...
no, a groomer, in Tossa de Mar.
Can you imagine going
from Tossa de Mar to this hole?
You knew about her cancer?
All over. Spread to her brain.
She lasted less than a year.
- And her little boy.
- Roberto?
Brave little soul, he was
the only one to take care of her.
Shopped, did laundry,
got her drugs for the pain.
Did you ever help them financially?
Once or twice I may have given
them something but...
- I think it was some other family...
- Wait. Sorry.
Was there someone who visited?
We aren't aware of other family.
I never saw any visitors.
It's mostly gutted apartments now,
we are tearing it down in two months.
- We can go up if you like.
Yes, if you don't mind.
She died February 1984, right?
One of the coldest on record.
That's how come
we didn't know she was gone.
- What do you mean?
You don't know?
People complained of hearing
Roberto crying on and off for days.
When we opened the door,
there she was,
laid out on the bed.
The cold had stifled the smell.
What do you mean laid out?
She was "laid out"?
It was the red dress he put her in.
I guess he wanted her to look nice.
Red dress.
Yes, he was lying next to her.
Excuse me.
Look for every
horse breeder in operation
in the late seventies and eighties.
Look for any classified ads
on jobs for horse care and grooming.
Competition horses,
you know things like that.
Oh my God, he was her whole world.
And she was his.
Child services has no record of him?
We're still checking.
He might have run away
when the body was taken.
But he was ten years old,
someone must've taken care of him.
Marco's life has a similar tragedy.
Marco has a great deal of...
interest in his brother like,
I don't know,
he was this horrifying
reflection of his own life.
It could follow that Marco's brother
would also be curious about him,
if he knew.
If he knew...
That's interesting. If he knew.
Could be useful, Marco.
We could use
him to draw Roberto out.
Discuss it with Marco first...
If that's what you decide.
- This is a dangerous game.
- So, Marco, you come here a lot?
- No, not exactly.
- Hey you!
- Hey.
I wondered if you'll come back.
I was trying to build mystery.
- Well you did. And who's that?
- He's just my boss.
- Tom, Kate.
- Hi.
Sorry, we're slammed.
What can I get you, guys?
- Do you want a beer?
- Sure.
- OK, a couple beers.
- OK.
Thanks, babe.
- I know why you wanted to meet here.
Listen, Tom, about yesterday
I know I wasn't supposed
to show up like that.
Don't worry.
So it won't affect our arrangement?
No, No. I spoke to your superiors
and your discharge should be OK.
You know you should
consider getting into police work
- when all this is said and done.
You think?
- Sure.
- OK. Make me an offer. Yeah...
No, you know, Tom,
I got some plans of my own.
Maybe apply to university.
Make a better life for myself than...
- than in the army.
- A student.
Yeah. Why not?
I was thinking about it and...
I can be like Kate.
Walk her to her classes.
Carry her books
and all of these things.
Elena thinks that Roberto
may try to contact you.
Even try to harm you.
- Harm me?
He kills like most serials,
out of need and habit.
And he takes pleasure in hunting
and killing his victims.
And the only thing that takes
him out of that behavioral pattern
is if he feels that his existence
is being threatened.
If he knew who I'm
and I'm working with you?
Exactly. He may look
at that as an act of betrayal.
And that might
help us to catch him.
Okay, the ad reads: Horse Groomer,
part-time, Tossa de Mar.
Competition experience a must.
Call for interview...
Well, this paper is
the August 22nd edition, 1983.
Isabel Luna's lease
in Valencia is dated a week before
these people placed
the ad for a groomer.
This has to be the job she lost.
- Get me a name.
- Right.
Years ago you
had a woman named Isabel Luna
working for you as a groomer?
Yes, she trained
my horse for competitions.
Young Ms.
Luna. Was quite the beauty.
- Such a tragedy, that illness.
- Is that why you let her go?
Was it affecting her ability to work?
No, she never let on.
My wife, you know,
was not a terribly happy woman.
- She fired Isabel.
- Were you two?
No. No.
I'll admit, I was tempted,
but there was nothing between us.
It was only after Isabel had left
I learned of her condition.
She had a son.
A young. Roberto was his name.
- Do you remember him?
Yes, nice boy.
Do you know what happened
to him after she passed away?
No. As I said,
I only found out after.
You don't have a picture
of them, do you?
- Good night
- I thought I was alone.
Good night, Santi.
Forgot something?
Another late night? Playing God
must be a taxing trade, right?
Yeah. Hello.
Yeah. Wait. What time is it?
Yeah. Ok. I can come in.
One hour? OK.
Sorry sweetie. I woke you up.
- Don't go...
- I have to. I have to work.
But I'll be right back
in a couple hours, OK?
I'll just conserve my energy
for when you get back.
OK. I like that. Get back to sleep.
The fire destroyed
most of the freezers and banks.
They put it out before
the maternity wing burned.
There was also a message.
Marco, we're gonna have
to get you a security detail.
Freedom. Freedom.
Maybe he means the unborn?
They don't have to enter into
this shit world... they're free.
What are the sounds you hear now?
What are you trying to block out?
Don't do that.
- Marco, I'm just trying to help you.
- Come on. Come on.
You're all trying to decide
if I'm going to be like him.
I have his DNA,
his habits, his likes.
Why not his anger, his obsessions?
- It's not like that.
- Isn't it?!
Isn't it?
If I wasn't like him,
what the fuck am i doing here?!
Don't you see
how different you are, Marco?
Come on.
Marco, there are things
outside of genetics
that shape a person's character.
Things were different for me,
but not necessarily better.
And you know that.
So you want to say it's fate?
It's all genetic so you have
the excuse to be violent?
Your DNA is the same, yes,
but there
is what's called gene expression.
What genes?
What do my genes 'indicate'?
It doesn't matter,
Marco, it's a choice.
And you have to make it.
Sorry, sorry.
- Sorry.
- OK.
- I'm tired.
- It's OK.
- Brindle.
- Hey, it's me.
How is it going with Marco.
That's exactly why I was calling.
I'm worried about him.
I really think this
case is starting to get to him.
- Isn't that the idea?
- Marco is a person with many issues
and I really think you should
consider what this is doing to him.
- I'm just not sure he can handle it.
- Listen, listen, Elena.
I know this is difficult staff,
but really, don't worry about Marco,
I got him under control.
- He's gonna be fine.
- I don't know.
Could we maybe
meet tonight and talk about it?
- I'll make dinner...
- Dinner? Tonight?
That's gonna be a little difficult.
I think I'm gonna be here pretty
much most of the night.
About Marco, I'll go over there
and see if he's all right.
- Thank you.
- We can do dinner tomorrow night.
- OK. If you can fit me in.
- I'll bring the wine.
- All right.
- Don't worry. OK?
Everything is gonna be all right.
What the fuck are you doing?
Are you gonna sleep with me?
Please. Please.
I just came by to see
how you're doing.
I'm fine, OK. Don't worry.
Not sure
if i like the bodyguard, OK?
I feel like I can't even fuck
without everybody knowing about it.
Don't worry.
It's a necessary precaution.
It's temporary.
Just to make sure you're safe.
I'll tell you what. I'll have
the bodyguard stay in the hall,
so that you can have your privacy.
By the way, I've been meaning
to give this to you.
I'm not sure if you want it but...
Nonetheless, here it is.
She's pretty.
- She worked with horses?
Must have been nice.
That's him? Pygmalion?
Marco, I think the message
he left at the fertility clinic...
I think it was intended for you.
I think that he was trying
to let you know that he has it.
to indulge his desires, to kill...
You sure?
He wants me to be like him?
You're not like him.
You ever wonder
if you deserve to be happy?
and you wonder if you're
capable of making others happy?
Like Elena.
No. Elena was...
She was one among the people
at Europol who
tended to the flock, as it were.
My wife and I were apart,
most of the time
and I pretty much left the marriage
about a year before I even met Elena.
But you know... That's all
rationalization for the affair.
Kind of pathetic.
What happened?
Well you know... About year into it,
I tried to
find the right time, the right way
to tell my wife.
Did you?
I didn't have to, as it turns out.
I remember just a perfect night.
We went for this great evening walk,
we went out we got some groceries,
made this amazing dinner together.
She laughed
at something stupid I said...
just a great day and a great night.
And I kissed her good night...
next morning, she was gone.
She had a brain aneurism.
She never woke up.
- I'm sorry.
- But the hardest part
I had to accept about myself
was that at the funeral,
with all this people
hugging me, crying...
As bad as it was.
I couldn't help but feel
this deep seated sense of relief.
'Cause i had been denying
for so long who I was.
And her death set you free.
You're wonderful.
It's OK.
I need you
to rerun our sedative
the pharmacological databases.
You'd just be spinning your wheels...
Check veterinarian medicine.
You're looking for a horse sedative
possibly used for grooming
maybe surgery.
- I'm on it.
- Right.
OK. Here we go.
It's an Alpha-2
Agonist called Clonodine IV.
And he's got to be using large
doses since it's meant for a horse.
Drugs affect the brain,
body mass doesn't factor.
And we've got approximately
five times the brain mass so...
Five times the dosage.
That will help us
track down
the purchases, anyway.
Start within
the geographical profile.
We're looking
for large shipments.
- We're closing in, Tom.
Yeah. I hope so.
Why don't you go
and get some sleep for once?
We'll keep working.
You're right. I'm actually
having dinner with Elena tonight.
I said get some sleep,
not get someone to sleep with.
All right.
You two think you're funny?
Honestly, Tom. I didn't even know
I just found out myself.
- If we get something we'll call you.
No. No!
No! No!
No! Come on.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
That's all? Great.
I've taken a photo.
- How are you holding up?
Are you sure?
Well it's the same M.O.
Large laceration from
her abdomen to her breasts.
Puncture wound on her neck,
same pattern.
Found blood in the shower
and splattered stains
where she was most likely murdered.
They are now doing
a sweep for prints and...
I did this to her.
- I'm sorry?
- I did this to her.
She wasn't doing
this kind of work any more
and I convinced
her to come onto the case and...
- I did this...
You can't blame yourself.
He did this to get to me.
He's a predator. He's a killer.
She's innocent. I just...
I'm responsible
for getting her killed.
Take it.
Take it.
Tom, that was Paz.
She run initial R and the name
Luna in any orders for Clonodine 4
those names in the last two years,
nothing popped up until
she run Martin's holding company.
A Large quantity of that
sedative was bought a year ago
and sent to a P.O. box.
Under what name?
Roberto Rosa.
That Martin lied to us.
I want him in cuffs
by the time I get there.
All right.
- Where's Roberto?
- I don't know.
You knew all along.
You helped him.
You have to understand.
He was like a son to me, an orphan.
- I did what I could...
You did?
Like teaching about
horse sedatives to drug women?
I didn't know what
the shipments were being used for.
You knew we were looking
for him and you didn't say anything.
You lied to us! Where is he?!
He comes and goes.
I haven't seen him in months.
Comes and goes?
Comes and goes, where?!
Where does he live?
Where does he go?
He was so young
when his mother died.
What was I suppose to do?
I felt responsible.
You're responsible for
the death of seven women.
Dead because of you.
You're just as guilty as him.
You're an accomplice.
Unless you start talking
I'm gonna make sure
you're put in a hole
for the rest of your fucking life.
He lives in Ibiza.
- I can give you an address.
- Good.
Let's go.
We got a body here!
7, 8, 2, 2, 2.
7, 8, 2, 2, 2.
7, 8, 2, 2, 2.
corporate apartment address?
Seventy-eight? Floor?
The apartment number? Two?
7, 8, 2, 2, 2.
Get somebody there now.
Where are you going? Bro?
We finally meet.
What do you?
Tom, he's gone.
We found the security guard
covered in blood in the stairwell.
He is ICU now so he can't talk.
No signs of Marco, no forced
entry into his apartment.
Tom. Tom.
- Tom?
Yeah. I'm here.
Did you Id the girl
from the apartment?
Her name is Ana Llorca,
worked for a local pizza place.
Apparently made
a few deliveries to his address.
We also found a jeep registered
under the name Roberto Rosa.
We are trying to locate it now.
We're not sure if he keeps it
on the island or the mainland
to get from one
crime scene to the next.
It's a lot of ground to cover
but we'll fucking find him, Tom.
- No, you won't.
- What? Are you alright?
He's not using a car.
- He's using a boat.
- What?
Castelldefels. Cannes, Tossa De Mar,
Alicante, lbiza...
- He's using boats.
- Jesus!
That's how he's able to move around
so easily from place to place.
Listen we go with
our original premise
that he's a mechanic,
only he's not a mechanic on cars,
he's a mechanic on boats.
We should check out the houses
where he put the victim's bodies
and see if those people
who own the houses also own boats.
Where they get them serviced
and if there is
some connection there.
This guy knows something,
he knows when they are on vacation,
or honeymoon, or something...
OK, got it.
- Make you feel eighteen again.
- Yeah.
I'm told the best day in a boat
owner's life is the day he buys one.
And the day he sells it.
Question is, which day is it for you?
You know I sold him his first boat?
And Roberto got a job here.
Yeah. He's been working
for me for four years.
Is Roberto here today?
He's in a job in Nice.
I don't think he'll be back today.
You sure?
Let's talk.
Of course I understand.
I know you're right. Okay?
Yeah, yeah.
I'm sorry about that.
I'll get someone out there first
thing in the morning, OK? Sorry.
- He never showed.
- What boat is he using?
We'll track him using GPS.
Keep some of your guys
in here just in case.
Notify everybody that's in the water,
port authorities should be on alert.
Get me an helicopter here.
Get a position on it?
Mom, look who's here,
mom, look who's here.
It's mom.
Our mother.
She was week.
Maybe it wasn't her fault, ok?
But that's what she was.
She didn't care how,
she just wanted a child.
Here we are,
because of one woman's whim.
What do you want with me?
I just wanted
to talk to you, Marco.
To see you with my own eyes,
to see my brother before
your people hunt me down.
They're not my people.
They arrested me.
They forced me into this. I...
I know.
- Why do you do it?
- It gives me pleasure.
Marco, you are never more
alive than when you take a life.
She taught me my first
lesson about that. It's delicate.
It's beauty... It's... It's...
I think you know that, right?
You've known since
they first told you about me.
Maybe even before that.
We're cut from the same stone.
They call you sick,
they call you deranged...
It's not sick.
Take it easy, please.
It's not sick,
it's not unnatural... it simply is.
Don't tell me you
don't know how good it would feel?
When you take
that girl in your arms,
all her weakness,
her frail mind, her fucking whim...
and you devour it.
They can try
to purify our genes in the womb,
but they can't clean
the world we're born into.
Come on. Hurry up.
It's OK, bro.
Guys, slow, let go first.
I had no choice.
Take over.
Dear Marco Soler;
In answer to your
application of registration
in the University of Barcelona,
I'm pleased to advise you at
this moment we're going over it
and we hope we'll be able
to give you a response soon.
Are you there?
Why don't you
answer your phone?
I've been trying to reach
you for hours. You all right?
Somebody else here?
Listen, I just came by
to give you this letter.
You're taking
the college thing seriously.
What's this?
It's not mine.
- What?
- The blood. It's not mine.
Who's in the shower, Marco?
That was my new life.
Regular girlfriend.
Regular job.
Working with you guys.
I thought about it.
I really did but...
there was something inside of me
that still wanted to destroy it all.
And it wasn't just the killing.
You are a good student, Marco.
Cleaning her.
Where were
you going to put the body?
I got tired Tom.
You can't know what
it's like to feel these things.
I brought you into this.
When you kill,
it's... Time stops.
You don't get it.
It's in me, Tom.
It's inside of me
and it will never go away.
And you know what?
It's not my first time.
I was waiting for you, Tom.
I sat in Elena's office answering
question after question.
She was gonna help me, wasn't she?
- She's dead.
- Shut up, Marco.
You want to know a secret?
I think right until the last minute
she thought you were gonna come,
- burst into the door and rescue her.
- Shut up!
She should have known
you weren't the most reliable lover.
Shut the fuck up.
I'm gonna speak now, OK?
I couldn't get the perfect dress.
The sedative was a problem.
When the autopsy comes back...
Enough, Marco.
Part of me wanted
to take it back but part of me...
It's power...
It's freedom.
It's power to take. Pleasure.
It's pleasure to take
that vulnerability,
that trust.
Is that what you saw in Elena?
No. That's what I found in you.
That's what I found in you.
OK, Tom.
It's better if it's you.
Put the gun down, Marco.
I like the silence.
Just put the gun down.
She told me I had to chose.
And I choose this.