Revelations (2025) Movie Script
The Lord's great grace has taught me
The Lord has bestowed on us his grace
When I feel the Lord's miraculous love
The Lord's boundless grace
When I follow the Lord
He answers my prayers
When I follow the Lord
He gives me peace
When I follow the Lord
He answers my prayers
When I follow the Lord
He gives me peace
Hello, sir. You're here.
Let's go and grab a bite to eat.
That man followed you?
Hey, don't look.
You're popular, A-yeong.
Did that old man follow you?
Got a death wish?
It's gotten a lot better.
- I see.
- Yes.
Sorry, one moment.
Is this your first time here?
Hello, I'm Sung Min-chan,
the pastor in charge here.
Oh, I was just passing by
and saw this church, so...
I see.
Would you like a cup of coffee?
No, I...
I have business to attend to.
Please stay for some coffee.
- I swear, he followed me.
- It's just your imagination.
- Sorry.
- Sorry about that.
Are you all right?
Are you sick? Should I call an ambulance?
No, I'm fine.
Let's go.
Take care.
- I'll see you at the next service.
- Yeah.
The large should fit you well.
I know you joined us on a whim today,
but I hope to see you again.
Do you live in the area?
Yes, I do.
Then do come by again.
It'd be nice to see you regularly.
Do you go to church?
I used to, when I was a kid.
I see.
It's not unusual to attend church
regularly as a child
and become less involved as you get older.
There are those phases.
You see,
in that process,
you receive revelations and come to accept
God's calling for your life.
I just realized I never asked your name.
May I have your name?
My name is Kwon Yang-rae.
Mr. Kwon Yang-rae.
What is that?
Well, this is...
This is our new member registration form.
You know,
we never needed this back in the day,
but everything's digitized now.
So, these things do come in handy
from time to time.
We're a new church, so...
Gosh, this is embarrassing.
Like I said, I just dropped in
because I was passing by.
But this isn't a complicated form.
I mean...
It's simple.
We just need your name and number.
It's nothing.
Oh, right. Hold on.
A photo would be very helpful as well.
I'll delete this as soon as I print it.
See? I deleted it.
Oh, no.
I have to make an urgent call.
I'll be right back.
This is just a simple form,
so please fill it out.
I'll be right back.
Hello, sir.
Hello. So?
Your hunch was right.
I think your wife's been seeing
her personal trainer for quite a while.
They meet up about three times a week.
I'll send you some photos now.
Check them out.
You're working too hard.
Not at all.
I can't thank you enough for your help.
So? Should I gather additional evidence?
By "additional evidence,"
what exactly do you mean...
They meet often, so the next time
I see them go into a motel,
I can take pictures and videos of them
making out and having sex
and also look for
condoms or tissues with semen.
Of course, if they don't use condoms,
my boys can find and collect traces
of semen on your wife's body,
so don't you worry.
So, should I gather more evidence or not?
Hello? Sir?
Oh, you're leaving already?
Well, I have some business to attend to.
I've filled out the form.
My shoes...
Don't fold down the back of your shoes.
You'll ruin them.
Here, put them on.
Church is...
a place for sinners.
God loves us all.
That man...
Did he register?
Well, kind of.
Honey, you should get going.
- Yeah. Get ready and meet me outside.
- All right.
Hi, Dad.
No, I'll join you.
All right. I'll be home soon.
You can just drop me off
at the subway station.
What's this school reunion for?
It's a college reunion.
I told you, didn't I?
I might be home a little late.
Can you pick up Yeon-u?
My gosh.
They're here building on a Sunday?
Well, actually,
I hope they work hard and finish soon
so we can get new church members.
What's that?
Hold on. Pull over.
I guess they're building
a new church here.
Hold on. What?
Pastor Jung's listed!
Oh, my gosh.
Maybe he's going to ask you
to come and lead this church.
He brought you here
and told you to grow that tiny church.
This was his plan.
You picked up everyone
attending morning prayer for four years.
It's finally paying off, you know?
You should pay him a visit today
and gauge his reaction.
I'm home.
I guess you didn't have to work today.
It's not raining now.
They sent us home early
before the rain starts.
The assistant manager will wrap things up.
Come on. Let's eat.
What's all this? You cooked up a banquet.
Tomorrow's your first day on the new team.
You should have some meat.
It's no big deal.
Is the construction almost done?
The scaffolding's coming down in two days.
Then, it's almost done.
Anyway, you were on a good team,
and there are easier paths to promotion.
Did you have to volunteer
to join the Violent Crimes Unit?
Well, it's nice.
It's closer to home.
My commute was stressful.
That bastard, Kwon Yang-rae,
has been released. He lives nearby.
You knew, didn't you?
This is good. Did you buy the marinade?
Stop trying to change the subject.
You're not surveilling him, are you?
Let it go. Okay?
Put it behind you and live your life.
I'm curious to see how the building looks.
Show me once the scaffolding comes down.
You know you're all I have now.
If something bad happens to you too...
You do the dishes.
Come in.
Hey, Pastor Sung.
Oh, no. Do you have a cold?
Have a seat.
You always work so hard.
You need to look after yourself.
I'm fine. It will go away soon.
Anyway, you've been working
very hard yourself.
How's the church doing?
Oh, it's nothing really.
Oh, I managed to register a new member
before coming here.
Don't get obsessed
with finding new members.
Just remember
that you're God's messenger
spreading his word on barren land.
Just remember that and keep going.
I will.
Oh, right. Was it "Heavensfolk Church"?
Yes, I guess you saw it.
Well, my wife was more surprised
than I was.
You could've given me a heads-up.
Sorry. I've been all over the place.
Who's the right person for that church?
Right person?
Well, for the church you just mentioned.
Heavensfolk Church.
You've been in that area for a long time,
so I figured I should ask you.
Who would be the right person
as the pastor in charge?
Oh, as the pastor in charge...
Is there anyone who comes to mind?
I'm not sure, but...
I'll think about it.
All right.
Let's put our thinking caps on.
God will show us
who the right person is for the job.
Hurry! I told you to bring your umbrella.
Go inside first. Go on in. Quick.
Oh, Min-chan.
Hey, Hwan-su.
Just a minute.
It's been so long. What brings you here?
Oh, I came to see Pastor Jung.
I'm leaving now.
I see. You came to see my father.
Hey, you probably know
that he's building a new church
in your neighborhood.
Oh, yes. I heard.
The church elders keep saying I should
lead that church. I'm in a pickle.
I see.
Your father told me he was looking
for the right person to lead the church.
He asked for my opinion.
He asked you for your opinion?
What was he thinking, asking you about it?
What's wrong with him?
He's making things awkward.
Of course, you're the right person.
You've been spreading His word there
for years.
And let's be honest, what do I even know?
I am definitely underqualified.
I should go talk to my father.
No, don't.
It's not like it's our call.
God will show us the right person.
- We should just...
- Pastor, we'll be going then.
Wait up.
Anyway, I have to go.
I'll call you. We'll talk again.
- Keep up the good work.
- All right, bye.
Sorry. Let's go.
Dear Heavenly Father, please watch over me
so my pure faith in you,
my Lord, who carries all my burdens,
is no longer shaken
by worldly temptations.
But, Lord,
if my leading the new church
does not go against your will,
I'd like to take on this new challenge,
dare I confess.
Please show me your will...
Where are you?
Are you with Yeon-u now?
Yeon-u? What are you talking about?
I asked you to pick up Yeon-u
because of my college reunion.
Right. There was
something I had to do, so...
What did you have to do?
The service ended hours ago!
Then what do we do? What should we do?
What's wrong? What did the daycare say?
They said some man came and took Yeon-u.
I assumed it was you.
What do we do?
Yeon-u's been kidnapped!
What should we do?
Honey, go to the daycare
and ask them what he looked like.
If something happens to Yeon-u,
it's all on you.
Do you hear me?
Hey, Yeon-ju.
Are you still not talking to Dad?
You should call him.
Okay, I will.
Hey, what's wrong?
Are you feeling sick?
I just woke up.
You just woke up?
Do you know what time it is?
You said you'd cut your commute
so you could study more.
Are you studying hard?
I'll call you back later.
All right.
Call me if you need me for anything.
Yeon-hui, do you remember?
The day I moved into my place.
We had a housewarming party
and took this picture together.
It's a great picture of you.
But you know what?
I regret getting my own place.
Do you know what I kept thinking
when he was holding me captive?
"Someone will come and rescue me."
"My sister will get suspicious
because she's smart and goes
to the National Police University."
the person walking through the door...
was always him.
Why did you do that?
Why didn't you come to my rescue?
In ten meters,
you will arrive at your destination.
Hello, what's your emergency?
Yes, hello. I'm...
My kid has gone missing.
Your own child has gone missing?
Kwon... Kwon Yang-rae...
You know,
the rapist who lives in the area.
That rapist... I mean,
I'm in front of his house now.
- But I'm...
- Please calm down and explain.
I think he's planning
to dispose of something.
He has a shovel...
Sir, did you witness a crime?
No. Like I said, my kid has gone missing,
but right now...
When was your child last seen?
Kwon Yang-rae,
the rapist who lives in the area.
Look him up and you'll see!
Sir, have you reported your child missing?
Please send some officers
to Kwon's home now.
I'm now... Hello?
Pastor, is that you?
I believe you've been following me.
What's going on?
If you don't have anything to say,
I'll just head home.
What are you doing?
I found Yeon-u.
You know Yeon-u's friend No-el, right?
No-el invited Yeon-u over,
so No-el's dad picked them up.
He told the teacher, but the message
was lost during the shift handover.
Anyway, No-el's parents
should've called us to let us know.
If I'd told you, you would've told me
not to play with No-el.
I told you to keep your hands up.
Stop your crying!
Where are you?
Inspector Lee Yeon-hui?
Hello, ma'am.
I'm So Eun-gyu, Assistant Inspector
for Violent Crimes Unit 4.
- Oh, hello.
- The captain is asking for you.
There's a new case,
and everyone is in the briefing room.
Let's go.
It's not a simple missing person case.
Oh, there they are.
Before we start the briefing,
meet Inspector Lee Yeon-hui,
a new member of Violent Crimes Unit 4.
Say hello.
We landed a big case last night,
so it's a bit hectic.
Okay, listen first.
At 10:30 p.m. last night,
Sung Min-chan,
the head of Mission Nation Church,
called the police.
He said Kwon Yang-rae,
a two-time convicted sex offender,
who wears an ankle monitor and
lives nearby, might be up to something.
Kwon cut off his ankle monitor
and has disappeared.
And a middle school girl
has been reported missing.
Name, Shin A-yeong.
She also attends
the Mission Nation Church.
After the service,
she and her friends went to karaoke,
but she never returned home.
Unit 1, start interviewing
Shin A-yeong's friends.
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
Unit 4, you guys interview the man
who made the report last night.
Get moving.
We are now blocking off
8-gil, Myeonghwa-ro.
The CSI unit will be here in five minutes.
- You're here.
- Yes, hi.
- Oh, man.
- I think Kwon did live here.
But I don't know how, given the condition.
What? There's no power?
No. The electricity has been cut off.
Hey, try moving all the furniture
out of the room.
Yes, sir. Hey, give me a hand.
This bastard is a real sicko.
Yes, hello.
Are you Mr. Sung Min-chan?
Yes. How may I help you?
We're police officers.
We're here because you called us
to report Kwon Yang-rae last night.
You said it looked like
he was going to get rid of a dead body.
Oh, right.
The thing is, Kwon Yang-rae
came to my church yesterday.
I noticed he had
an electronic ankle monitor.
It surprised me.
Then I got a call
saying my kid had gone missing.
For a moment, I suspected Kwon Yang-rae,
so I went to his house.
Then what?
Well, I saw him holding a shovel.
I assumed he was about to get rid
of a body, so I called the police.
Then what about your child?
Oh, we...
We were mistaken. Well...
We found out later
that he was at a friend's house.
I see.
A middle school girl named Shin A-yeong
has gone missing.
Wait, the A-yeong who attends this church?
What? What happened to A-yeong...
May I look around this room?
Yes, sure.
How long was Kwon here?
I asked him to fill out
our new member registration form,
then he left
when I stepped out to take a call.
Pastor, what did you do
after you reported it?
I went home.
Mind you, we have no evidence of him
doing anything to her yet.
We're investigating it now.
Please give us a call
if you remember anything else.
Will do.
There's a big problem.
I guess you already heard...
about Hwan-su.
I taught him to always do what is right.
What was he thinking,
dating a church member?
He hasn't even been married that long.
you know how soft Hwan-su is.
He's too soft for his own good.
That's why he let her seduce him.
Anyway, I told him to end things with her
as soon as possible.
I said he should go back to his wife
and repent, but that girl...
The girl he's been seeing
posted details of their relationship
on the church's website.
Look at what she wrote.
I'm telling you.
She approached him on purpose!
My goodness...
As for Hwan-su...
I'm going to send him abroad
for a few years to do missionary work.
So he can get away from all this.
This is crazy.
How could he be blinded by lust
when his duty is to serve God?
I always told him to live his life for God
and nothing else.
maybe it was
all part of God's plan.
Don't you smell something sweet?
About Heavensfolk Church,
the church I'm building now...
I'm hoping you can lead the church
as the pastor in charge.
I suppose that is God's will.
And we must follow His will.
Lead Heavensfolk Church
and do your best to grow it.
I will follow.
I will follow...
God's will.
Kwon's probation officer said
he showed no indications at all.
And he worked hard
at the demolition company.
Right, and he hasn't missed
a single session with me.
His condition had improved significantly.
Do you know when he drew this?
Our forensic team's working on it now,
but it looked like it was drawn recently.
He showed no indications
but committed another crime?
He must be Kwon's psychiatrist.
Mental illness can be caused
by many things,
including genetic factors.
It's hard to narrow it down
to one specific cause,
but being abused by his stepfather
as a kid must've played a key role.
How was he abused?
He was beaten,
ended up with a dent in his skull,
and his hand was dunked
into boiling water.
He was also waterboarded,
lying face up on the bathroom floor.
And he was sexually abused as well.
Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,
Mr. Kwon still has
over a hundred scars on his body
from the abuse he suffered for ten years.
After experiencing something like this,
is it possible to develop
into a well-adjusted adult?
Not everyone with such experiences
develops criminal tendencies.
However, I think
many things would've been different
had he been treated in time.
Mr. Kwon was abused for ten years.
It was when he was sent
to juvenile hall for assault at age 16
that he could finally escape his stepdad.
As a young boy, he was...
Wait, what are you doing?
Why try to create an excuse
for someone like him?
- Did you smirk at me?
- Please remove her.
- Did you just smirk?
- Remove her!
- Let go!
- Come with us.
- Yeon-hui.
- That bastard is the devil!
- He's the devil!
- Come on.
- Whose side are you on?
- Please calm down.
Let go of me! I said let go!
Let go!
Dr. Lee Nak-seong.
It's been a while.
Lee Yeon-hui,
from the Violent Crimes Unit.
Wait, have we met before?
You must remember
Kwon Yang-rae's case from five years ago.
Lee Yeon-ju, who was abused
while being held against her will
but managed to escape and call the police.
I'm her sister.
I've always wanted
to ask you this question.
Why did you do that back then?
Why did you create a reason
for Kwon to get away with it?
You see, back then...
I testified as an expert witness.
You know I'm a psychiatrist, right?
I study and treat mental illnesses.
You treat them?
And after all those years of treatment,
why is Shin A-yeong missing?
It's all your fault.
Because you created an excuse
for that devil.
That's why this happened again,
after just a few years.
He's not the devil.
Kwon is just a human being, a broken one.
If you want to save Shin A-yeong,
you need to learn more about Kwon.
As the victim's family,
I understand why you feel that way.
I get it, but as a detective...
I should get going.
His story went viral after the trial!
Everyone talked
as though he deserved pity.
As if he had no choice...
...but to turn out like that.
Shortly after that,
my sister, Yeon-ju,
took her own life.
She survived horrible torture and escaped.
But you...
You killed her.
Pastor. Pastor Sung, right?
- How may I help you?
- I'm A-yeong's mother.
Oh! Yes.
What brings you here?
A-yeong... Why is my daughter...
My gosh, ma'am.
Let's go inside and talk. Come with me.
Why my daughter...
Ma'am. We will find A-yeong for sure.
Yes, we have to.
But, Pastor...
Just hypothetically...
What if something has already happened
to A-yeong?
What are you saying?
Don't think like that.
I know, but if...
What if...
If I suddenly get a call from the police
and hear that something happened
and that I have to confirm it's her...
You must stay strong, ma'am.
A-yeong is alive.
Right? She must be. Right, Pastor Sung?
- Right?
- Yes. Of course she is.
Let's pray together.
Our living God, the Lord our shepherd.
You guide and protect us
every step of the way,
so you must know where A-yeong is
and what kind of situation she's in now.
Even if your little lamb, A-yeong,
is in a dark place now,
we believe that she is alive
and that you are with her.
Lord, please remember
this difficult moment.
We earnestly seek the Lord's help.
This is from a camera near Kwon's home
a day before his disappearance.
He deliberately damaged four cameras
near his home over the weekend.
It seems that he came up
with a thorough plan a few days prior.
Well, what was the control center doing
while he broke four security cameras?
They thought the lightning
and heavy rain broke them.
Any home security cameras
or dashcams in the vicinity?
We checked but couldn't secure a visual
because of the rain.
This is nuts.
Oh, okay. Got it.
- Captain, they found Kwon's car.
- Where?
Near Foxhill Pass on Cheonil Mountain.
- Hey, get moving. Go!
- Yes, sir.
I can just take the bus, you know.
No way. Of course I'll take you home.
You must stay strong, okay?
Ma'am, how about
we all pray together tonight?
Everyone who loves A-yeong
will come together and pray for her.
- Then I'm sure...
- Hello?
What about A-yeong?
No, I'll come now too.
No. I said, I'll come now too!
Send me the address.
What was that about?
They found that bastard's car.
What do I do?
What do I do?
Where is it?
Starting the search in Zone A-3.
- Forensics is on it.
- We haven't found anything.
Copy that.
Something will come up.
Find anything you can.
Yes, sir.
Please send an additional unit
to Zone A-4.
Are all officers and detectives present?
That bastard... I wonder why he came here.
Where did he go after abandoning his car?
Do you think A-yeong escaped
on their way here?
Oh, my. What is this?
Find anything yet?
Search over there too!
- Found anything?
- Not yet!
I know. I'm her dad. Let me in.
Please, why are you being like this?
Please stop!
Please let me in, just for a moment.
- Honey!
- You can't go in!
- Move!
- You can't...
Where is A-yeong?
They're still searching.
Let's go that way.
- A-yeong!
- You can't go in.
We are A-yeong's parents!
You need to tell us what's going on!
What's going on?
- A-yeong!
- They're Shin A-yeong's parents.
- We'll look for her. Please!
- A-yeong! A-yeong!
Guys, it's okay.
Hello, you must be A-yeong's parents.
Have you found my daughter yet?
No, not yet.
We haven't found any clues yet.
But you found his car.
Right, we did,
but we are still investigating.
And no body either?
"Body"? Do you mean...
Is my daughter...
Does it mean A-yeong is... A-yeong!
- Honey!
- Ma'am!
- Medics!
- Here, over here!
Honey, are you okay? Stay with me.
Man, what are we going to do?
He broke all the cameras,
so we can't find any leads.
Hey, was there no dashcam in his car?
No, no dashcam.
- So, we've found no evidence?
- No.
It rained a lot yesterday,
so I'd be surprised if we found anything.
Seems like the universe
is helping that bastard.
What's gotten into you?
You never liked volunteering
at the care home
because of the pastors' wives
and their politics.
Aren't you holding a prayer service
for A-yeong?
You should get ready.
Don't you have anything to tell me?
Don't you have anything to confess?
Confess? About what?
It's all my fault.
I caused all of this.
I've repented for everything.
It's your turn now.
Got anything to tell me?
What are you saying?
Damn it!
Listen carefully.
That new church they are building.
Pastor Jung asked me
to be the pastor in charge.
Actually, I looked into it.
Everyone else knows
Hwan-su is getting that church.
Did you say
Jung Guk-hwan was your spiritual father?
- You're so ridiculously gullible...
- Hey.
Watch what you say.
He's sending Hwan-su abroad
to do missionary work.
You know why?
He had an affair.
He committed adultery.
Hey, I'm sorry.
But you see, this is God's revelation.
If we want to receive this revelation,
we must become pure before God,
completely free from guilt.
Got anything to confess?
I have to go.
God knows everything.
There's nothing He doesn't know.
I committed adultery.
Almighty God.
I committed adultery.
Say it louder
so your confession can reach God.
Almighty God, I committed adultery.
- Amen!
- Amen.
- Amen! Almighty God.
- Amen, amen...
This lost sheep repents
of her sin and begs.
Please hear our earnest repentance
for our sins.
Almighty God...
Sir, it's completely stuck.
Hello, do you need a hand?
No, it's okay.
The tow truck's about to get here, thanks.
- All right, then.
- Be careful. The road is narrow.
- My gosh.
- Ma'am.
- Hello.
- You're early.
Goodness, Pastor Sung.
What brings you here?
Did you just come to drop her off?
You two are still so in love.
It's all thanks to their faith.
You're filled with God's grace.
I should've arrived earlier
and prepared everything.
The caterer will take care of everything.
We'll just watch them cook
and talk about
how there's so much evil in the world.
- My Lord...
- What's taking them so long?
What is it? Is something the matter?
No. How come the ambulance isn't here yet?
Oh, we saw an ambulance on our way here.
It looked like there'd been an accident.
Oh, no.
What's wrong? Is someone hurt?
Well, a man showed up earlier,
covered in dirt and blood.
He crawled here and passed out.
I think he's badly hurt.
He needs to be taken
to a main hospital now.
Something must've happened to him.
I think he crawled here
from that mountain.
My goodness. That sounds serious.
Where is this man now?
We moved him to the ward upstairs
so he could lie down.
But if the ambulance isn't coming...
Pastor Sung asked if they needed help,
and they said a tow truck was coming.
That's a relief.
Oh, ladies. Don't you need to oversee them
set up the cafeteria?
Yes, let's do that. We should get changed.
- And take some pictures too.
- Yes.
You should go inside. I'll get going.
Why? You should stay and eat with us.
I'm holding a prayer service this evening,
so I should get ready.
All right, then.
Then I'll take you to the room
next to the cafeteria. Come with me.
- Go on in.
- All right.
A pastor...
A pastor tried to...
A pastor tried to kill me...
This isn't my will.
It's all God's will.
You took so long!
- Where's the patient?
- Upstairs.
Quickly. This way.
So, it was this man?
Yes, that's him.
We had no idea he was a criminal.
We even gave him first aid.
That must be why he fled.
- Can we see the ward where he was?
- Sure.
It's this way.
Can we check the footage
from that camera up there?
Oh, that camera is very old.
It doesn't actually work.
Could we get in trouble for that?
We're struggling
to keep this place running.
We don't really know
the laws related to that.
He was here.
He took him.
Someone took him?
God took him.
Sir, did you just say "amen"?
You hated the church.
What a surprise.
Well, I must believe in God
to meet an angel!
He's had dementia for over 20 years.
Yes, that's right. We believe you, sir.
How many ways in and out are there?
Is there a back door?
One over here and an exit by the kitchen.
I see.
Before You, our hearts...
Who are they?
Oh, they're pastors' wives who come here
to volunteer on a regular basis.
Could we get a list of their churches?
Yes, of course.
Giver of immortal gladness
Fill us with the light of day
You must be surprised to see me.
You managed to survive, but I showed up.
Why are you doing this to me?
Good question.
I'm really curious too.
Why does the Lord
keep leading me back to you?
I hadn't been
to that care home for a while.
When I woke up this morning,
I suddenly wanted to go there.
Why today of all days?
The day of Pentecost.
The anointing of the Holy Spirit!
God sent me the Holy Spirit
and led me there.
Holy Spirit?
You're just trying to hide the fact
that you tried to kill me.
Hold on.
It's all clear to me now.
Now I know why God keeps leading me
to a man who is Satan's spawn.
He wants to see
how faithfully I can follow his orders.
I mean, this place too.
A new golf course was announced,
so they rushed to build this hotel.
But the developer went bankrupt.
It's been abandoned for over three years.
Who knew this creepy derelict building
would be so useful to us?
God prepared this for us.
It's God's providence!
Isn't it truly marvelous?
You... You're a total lunatic.
Are you going to kill me?
I don't know.
God will give me another revelation.
We are God's servants who obey His orders.
If you kill me,
you'll never find that girl.
The one I kidnapped...
The girl who goes to your church.
She's alive.
Where is A-yeong?
Call the police,
and I'll confess everything.
Where is A-yeong?
If you kill me now,
you're also killing her.
Tell me where she is!
Call the police.
What's wrong? Are you scared?
Glory to Jesus, who died on the cross
For our sins
The cross he carried
I will carry it now
His cross...
Where is A-yeong? Tell me!
Just call the police, you satanic bastard.
Do we have their dashcam footage?
Yes, everyone parked here
has given us their consent.
Go through the footage
as soon as you get to the office.
Lee Yeon-hui.
- You should call it a day, Inspector Lee.
- Pardon?
We can't throw you a welcome party,
but we can at least make sure
you don't work late on day one.
There are only a few files anyway.
Go home and rest up.
Get going.
How long has it been
since she was last seen?
It's been 24 hours, sir.
The chances of her still being alive
are dropping dramatically.
Giver of immortal gladness
Fill us with the light of day
God took him.
And no body either?
Pastor. A-yeong is okay, right?
She'll be fine, won't she?
Thank you, Pastor.
Let's go upstairs.
Today, we will read...
Deuteronomy 24:7
"If someone is caught kidnapping
a fellow Israelite
and treating or selling them as a slave,
the kidnapper must...
"You must purge the evil from among you."
- Amen.
- Amen.
Let us pray.
Dear Heavenly Father.
Everyone who loves your little lamb,
Shin A-yeong, is here now.
We know A-yeong is in heaven
watching over us.
And A-yeong's mother is
utterly devastated.
Please allow her to feel
the sense of peace A-yeong is feeling now.
We know that you never ignore
our sincere prayers and cries for help.
You never let evildoers go unpunished
and always purge all evil from this land.
God, we remember your wrath,
your fairness, and your righteousness!
You love the righteous,
but you hate sinners and detest sin!
You rained fire and sulfur
on Sodom and Gomorrah as punishment!
Now, with your right hand
majestic in power,
judge all that is evil
with your consuming fire!
Annihilate the sinner!
May your will be done!
We will shout "Lord" three times
and pray together.
- Lord!
- Lord!
- Lord!
- Lord!
- Lord!
- Lord!
- Lord, your eternal grace...
- Please, Lord!
Just kill him.
Now's your chance, Yeon-hui.
Kill him.
This is the moment
you've been waiting for.
Do it now.
Don't you feel bad for me?
I thought you wanted to avenge me!
Hurry up and do it. Now!
That bastard is the devil.
If you don't kill him now,
he'll go on to hurt more people.
Kill him now!
If you kill me, that girl will die too.
Hurry up and call the police.
She's still alive.
He's lying!
he's the devil.
Don't side with the devil.
Kwon Yang-rae, I'm a police officer.
Where is Shin A-yeong?
Take me to a hospital first.
Just hurry up
and tell me where A-yeong is.
I know you'll kill me after I tell you.
No, I won't. I won't kill you, so...
Just tell me where A-yeong is!
You insane bitch.
You expect me to believe you
when you're glaring at me like that?
There are so many lunatics
in this neighborhood. Do you know that?
Tell me, you scumbag.
Where is A-yeong?!
Tell me right now!
Pastor! What are you doing?
You think everything's a coincidence?
There are no coincidences.
He led us here.
Snap out of it.
Untie me, now!
You see, God's will isn't something
we mere humans can understand.
I had a bit of a dilemma earlier.
"What am I going to do with the body
once I kill that evil bastard?"
"Should I just burn it?"
"Or should I chop it into pieces
and dump it somewhere?"
But God sent you to me, Detective.
A-yeong! Do you know where A-yeong is?
A-yeong is dead.
She's lying somewhere dead.
So let's forget about A-yeong now.
It's time to follow God's will
and punish this bastard
for what he did to A-yeong.
Pastor, please turn yourself in.
It's not too late.
He shot and killed you
while grappling with you,
and he fell to his death.
Snap out of it, please.
If you kill him, we'll never find A-yeong!
Didn't you hear me? I told you she's dead.
That devil killed her.
That's right. It's you.
You're Yeon-ju's sister, aren't you?
I wondered why you were following me
and giving me that stare.
But let's be honest.
Did I kill her?
- What?
- Did I?
She jumped to her death on her own.
- Am I wrong?
- What did you say?
If everyone killed themselves
over a few days of suffering,
I would've died 10,000 times by now.
Do you know that? Fuck!
Every night, that one-eyed monster came,
tied me up, and hit me...
Shut up, devil!
Don't you dare flick your forked tongue.
Stop! We have to find A-yeong.
I told you she's dead. She is dead!
Otherwise, I would've never received
the revelation to kill him!
God is perfect! He never makes mistakes!
Please do something
about that crazy pastor.
Don't you want to save A-yeong?
Shut up, you bastard.
- You're lying to get out of here alive.
- He says she isn't dead.
I won't fall for your lies!
He says A-yeong is alive.
He says A-yeong is alive,
that she isn't dead!
Why would you let the devil deceive you?
Can't you tell that he's lying?
If we don't kill him now,
there will be more victims like A-yeong.
Glory to Jesus
Who died on the cross for our sins
The cross he carried...
Look at that.
He's clearly insane.
He's a child of Satan.
He is the devil.
Because of people like you
who side with the likes of him,
the world is becoming more evil.
All I take my pride in
Is His cross...
The girl...
The one-eyed monster ate her.
The one-eyed monster.
- Inspector Lee!
- Medics!
Hey, you two!
Tell me!
You can die after you tell me!
His heart isn't beating.
We'll transport him now.
Hey, I told you to go inside and check!
He says he received God's revelation
to kill Kwon Yang-rae.
I don't think he has any idea
where Shin A-yeong might be.
Damn it, that crazy bastard.
Sir, I think his car
was found near Foxhill Pass
because he was headed to
Redevelopment Zone Four in Myeongbuk-dong.
Kwon had been working there
for three months and knew the area well.
I bet he took her there
if he needed a place to confine her.
How much time do you need
to comb through that area?
I'd say at least three days.
Three days? Then it'll be day five.
The chances of her being alive
after five days may be low.
The Lord's great grace has taught me
I feel the Lord's boundless grace
The Lord's boundless grace
When I follow the Lord
He gives me...
What are you waiting for? Get moving.
- Yes, sir!
- Yes, sir!
Inspector Lee, don't worry.
Just go home and get some sleep.
I'll call you if we find her.
Mr. Kwon.
Hey, Mr. Kwon! Hey!
We have to demolish everything here
by the end of the day, okay?
- Okay, got it.
- All right.
Oh, come in.
I was surprised to get your call.
So, about that pastor,
I reviewed everything you sent.
I think it's a classic case of apophenia.
It refers to the tendency
to perceive meaningful rules,
patterns, or connections
between unrelated things.
What you're seeing now
is called pareidolia.
They're natural phenomena, but some people
believe they see specific images.
Those people attach profound meaning
to everything that happens by chance.
Dr. Lee.
I'm here
because I want to know
what kind of person Kwon Yang-rae is.
Horrible, isn't it?
He was abused almost every single day.
Every time it happened, his mother
sang hymns outside his room and prayed.
He talked about a one-eyed monster
before he died.
What do you think
this one-eyed monster could mean?
It may symbolize his stepfather
who abused him,
or Kwon himself.
Do you see the people in its mouth?
I'm not sure if it means
he's in the monster's head,
or he became the monster himself
and swallowed the victims.
It's all speculation.
It's like a puzzle,
but one thing's for sure.
That monster is deeply connected
to his traumatic memories from childhood.
Do you see things?
My sister...
I see her sometimes.
And what happens when you see her?
What does she say?
She says she waited for me to rescue her.
But the one coming through the door
was always him.
You know it's not your sister.
That's not Ms. Lee Yeon-ju.
It's just an illusion
created by your guilt.
I know.
I know it's all an illusion.
But I just can't shake it off.
Even now, as we speak,
A-yeong must be waiting to be rescued.
She must be waiting to see someone
walk through the door and save her.
But again, there's nothing I can do.
What if we fail to find A-yeong?
If something bad already happened to her...
it's all on me.
It's all my fault.
This is all my fault!
All right.
You think it's all your fault.
Kwon blamed his crimes on the monster,
while Sung says it was God's revelation.
And you think it's all your fault.
It may all sound different,
but it's actually not.
You're all fixated on one thing
and think it caused the situation.
You see, most tragedies in life
are caused by a combination
of circumstances we can't control.
Things like the devil and monsters
are created by humans
to justify themselves.
Then what should I do now
to find A-yeong?
Let's just focus on the things
that we can actually see.
Kwon was getting better,
so what triggered him?
We must find out
what awakened his monster.
I'm sure there's something we missed.
Sir, the dean would like to meet with you.
You can go through the documents.
To your right! A little bit more!
I would've died 10,000 times by now.
Do you know that? Fuck!
When I was young,
every night, that one-eyed monster came,
tied me up and hit me...
Hi, Dad.
What's going on?
You're not responding to my texts
and didn't come home last night.
I know. I've been busy.
There's a new case.
Anyway, what's up?
Didn't you see the picture I sent?
The scaffolding came down.
You wanted to see it.
Oh, right.
Hold on.
Well, the exterior is done, but we'll need
another month to complete the interior.
There are lots of big remodeling jobs
in this area.
They want to completely fix up old houses.
- Wait, Dad. But...
- My goodness.
This one was stressful because the client
wanted to accentuate the one-eyed thing.
That's right.
See the round window right under the roof?
It's called an oculus.
Some also call it a one-eyed window.
Gosh. Back in the day,
they built many houses like that.
But you rarely see them these days.
Are you listening?
What is wrong with this phone?
Pretty, right? Come here, Yeon-hui.
Let's take a selfie together.
One, two, three.
Kwon was getting better,
so what triggered him?
We must find out
what awakened his monster.
Kwon Yang-rae's trigger.
Yes, Inspector Lee.
- I sent you a photo. Did you see it?
- A photo?
The "one-eyed monster" Kwon talked about
was a house with a circular window.
Check the street view
of Redevelopment Zone Four
and find a house with a window like that.
- That's where A-yeong is.
- Okay, got it.
Find a building with a circular window
like this in Zone Four. ASAP.
- Got it.
- Hey, share the photo quickly.
This is it.
Who the hell are you?
Wait, hang on.
Hang in there.
I kept telling myself
that someone would
walk through that door and rescue me.
It's all right.
You're safe. You're okay now.
You're okay now...
Mr. Sung Min-chan.
We found A-yeong.
You found her body?
She's alive.
She's being treated in the hospital now.
She's still traumatized by what happened,
but her doctor says
that she's recovering quickly.
That's impossible.
I swear, I was told she died.
Who said that?
Pardon me?
Who told you that she died?
Subtitle translation by: Liya Choi
The Lord's great grace has taught me
The Lord has bestowed on us his grace
When I feel the Lord's miraculous love
The Lord's boundless grace
When I follow the Lord
He answers my prayers
When I follow the Lord
He gives me peace
When I follow the Lord
He answers my prayers
When I follow the Lord
He gives me peace
Hello, sir. You're here.
Let's go and grab a bite to eat.
That man followed you?
Hey, don't look.
You're popular, A-yeong.
Did that old man follow you?
Got a death wish?
It's gotten a lot better.
- I see.
- Yes.
Sorry, one moment.
Is this your first time here?
Hello, I'm Sung Min-chan,
the pastor in charge here.
Oh, I was just passing by
and saw this church, so...
I see.
Would you like a cup of coffee?
No, I...
I have business to attend to.
Please stay for some coffee.
- I swear, he followed me.
- It's just your imagination.
- Sorry.
- Sorry about that.
Are you all right?
Are you sick? Should I call an ambulance?
No, I'm fine.
Let's go.
Take care.
- I'll see you at the next service.
- Yeah.
The large should fit you well.
I know you joined us on a whim today,
but I hope to see you again.
Do you live in the area?
Yes, I do.
Then do come by again.
It'd be nice to see you regularly.
Do you go to church?
I used to, when I was a kid.
I see.
It's not unusual to attend church
regularly as a child
and become less involved as you get older.
There are those phases.
You see,
in that process,
you receive revelations and come to accept
God's calling for your life.
I just realized I never asked your name.
May I have your name?
My name is Kwon Yang-rae.
Mr. Kwon Yang-rae.
What is that?
Well, this is...
This is our new member registration form.
You know,
we never needed this back in the day,
but everything's digitized now.
So, these things do come in handy
from time to time.
We're a new church, so...
Gosh, this is embarrassing.
Like I said, I just dropped in
because I was passing by.
But this isn't a complicated form.
I mean...
It's simple.
We just need your name and number.
It's nothing.
Oh, right. Hold on.
A photo would be very helpful as well.
I'll delete this as soon as I print it.
See? I deleted it.
Oh, no.
I have to make an urgent call.
I'll be right back.
This is just a simple form,
so please fill it out.
I'll be right back.
Hello, sir.
Hello. So?
Your hunch was right.
I think your wife's been seeing
her personal trainer for quite a while.
They meet up about three times a week.
I'll send you some photos now.
Check them out.
You're working too hard.
Not at all.
I can't thank you enough for your help.
So? Should I gather additional evidence?
By "additional evidence,"
what exactly do you mean...
They meet often, so the next time
I see them go into a motel,
I can take pictures and videos of them
making out and having sex
and also look for
condoms or tissues with semen.
Of course, if they don't use condoms,
my boys can find and collect traces
of semen on your wife's body,
so don't you worry.
So, should I gather more evidence or not?
Hello? Sir?
Oh, you're leaving already?
Well, I have some business to attend to.
I've filled out the form.
My shoes...
Don't fold down the back of your shoes.
You'll ruin them.
Here, put them on.
Church is...
a place for sinners.
God loves us all.
That man...
Did he register?
Well, kind of.
Honey, you should get going.
- Yeah. Get ready and meet me outside.
- All right.
Hi, Dad.
No, I'll join you.
All right. I'll be home soon.
You can just drop me off
at the subway station.
What's this school reunion for?
It's a college reunion.
I told you, didn't I?
I might be home a little late.
Can you pick up Yeon-u?
My gosh.
They're here building on a Sunday?
Well, actually,
I hope they work hard and finish soon
so we can get new church members.
What's that?
Hold on. Pull over.
I guess they're building
a new church here.
Hold on. What?
Pastor Jung's listed!
Oh, my gosh.
Maybe he's going to ask you
to come and lead this church.
He brought you here
and told you to grow that tiny church.
This was his plan.
You picked up everyone
attending morning prayer for four years.
It's finally paying off, you know?
You should pay him a visit today
and gauge his reaction.
I'm home.
I guess you didn't have to work today.
It's not raining now.
They sent us home early
before the rain starts.
The assistant manager will wrap things up.
Come on. Let's eat.
What's all this? You cooked up a banquet.
Tomorrow's your first day on the new team.
You should have some meat.
It's no big deal.
Is the construction almost done?
The scaffolding's coming down in two days.
Then, it's almost done.
Anyway, you were on a good team,
and there are easier paths to promotion.
Did you have to volunteer
to join the Violent Crimes Unit?
Well, it's nice.
It's closer to home.
My commute was stressful.
That bastard, Kwon Yang-rae,
has been released. He lives nearby.
You knew, didn't you?
This is good. Did you buy the marinade?
Stop trying to change the subject.
You're not surveilling him, are you?
Let it go. Okay?
Put it behind you and live your life.
I'm curious to see how the building looks.
Show me once the scaffolding comes down.
You know you're all I have now.
If something bad happens to you too...
You do the dishes.
Come in.
Hey, Pastor Sung.
Oh, no. Do you have a cold?
Have a seat.
You always work so hard.
You need to look after yourself.
I'm fine. It will go away soon.
Anyway, you've been working
very hard yourself.
How's the church doing?
Oh, it's nothing really.
Oh, I managed to register a new member
before coming here.
Don't get obsessed
with finding new members.
Just remember
that you're God's messenger
spreading his word on barren land.
Just remember that and keep going.
I will.
Oh, right. Was it "Heavensfolk Church"?
Yes, I guess you saw it.
Well, my wife was more surprised
than I was.
You could've given me a heads-up.
Sorry. I've been all over the place.
Who's the right person for that church?
Right person?
Well, for the church you just mentioned.
Heavensfolk Church.
You've been in that area for a long time,
so I figured I should ask you.
Who would be the right person
as the pastor in charge?
Oh, as the pastor in charge...
Is there anyone who comes to mind?
I'm not sure, but...
I'll think about it.
All right.
Let's put our thinking caps on.
God will show us
who the right person is for the job.
Hurry! I told you to bring your umbrella.
Go inside first. Go on in. Quick.
Oh, Min-chan.
Hey, Hwan-su.
Just a minute.
It's been so long. What brings you here?
Oh, I came to see Pastor Jung.
I'm leaving now.
I see. You came to see my father.
Hey, you probably know
that he's building a new church
in your neighborhood.
Oh, yes. I heard.
The church elders keep saying I should
lead that church. I'm in a pickle.
I see.
Your father told me he was looking
for the right person to lead the church.
He asked for my opinion.
He asked you for your opinion?
What was he thinking, asking you about it?
What's wrong with him?
He's making things awkward.
Of course, you're the right person.
You've been spreading His word there
for years.
And let's be honest, what do I even know?
I am definitely underqualified.
I should go talk to my father.
No, don't.
It's not like it's our call.
God will show us the right person.
- We should just...
- Pastor, we'll be going then.
Wait up.
Anyway, I have to go.
I'll call you. We'll talk again.
- Keep up the good work.
- All right, bye.
Sorry. Let's go.
Dear Heavenly Father, please watch over me
so my pure faith in you,
my Lord, who carries all my burdens,
is no longer shaken
by worldly temptations.
But, Lord,
if my leading the new church
does not go against your will,
I'd like to take on this new challenge,
dare I confess.
Please show me your will...
Where are you?
Are you with Yeon-u now?
Yeon-u? What are you talking about?
I asked you to pick up Yeon-u
because of my college reunion.
Right. There was
something I had to do, so...
What did you have to do?
The service ended hours ago!
Then what do we do? What should we do?
What's wrong? What did the daycare say?
They said some man came and took Yeon-u.
I assumed it was you.
What do we do?
Yeon-u's been kidnapped!
What should we do?
Honey, go to the daycare
and ask them what he looked like.
If something happens to Yeon-u,
it's all on you.
Do you hear me?
Hey, Yeon-ju.
Are you still not talking to Dad?
You should call him.
Okay, I will.
Hey, what's wrong?
Are you feeling sick?
I just woke up.
You just woke up?
Do you know what time it is?
You said you'd cut your commute
so you could study more.
Are you studying hard?
I'll call you back later.
All right.
Call me if you need me for anything.
Yeon-hui, do you remember?
The day I moved into my place.
We had a housewarming party
and took this picture together.
It's a great picture of you.
But you know what?
I regret getting my own place.
Do you know what I kept thinking
when he was holding me captive?
"Someone will come and rescue me."
"My sister will get suspicious
because she's smart and goes
to the National Police University."
the person walking through the door...
was always him.
Why did you do that?
Why didn't you come to my rescue?
In ten meters,
you will arrive at your destination.
Hello, what's your emergency?
Yes, hello. I'm...
My kid has gone missing.
Your own child has gone missing?
Kwon... Kwon Yang-rae...
You know,
the rapist who lives in the area.
That rapist... I mean,
I'm in front of his house now.
- But I'm...
- Please calm down and explain.
I think he's planning
to dispose of something.
He has a shovel...
Sir, did you witness a crime?
No. Like I said, my kid has gone missing,
but right now...
When was your child last seen?
Kwon Yang-rae,
the rapist who lives in the area.
Look him up and you'll see!
Sir, have you reported your child missing?
Please send some officers
to Kwon's home now.
I'm now... Hello?
Pastor, is that you?
I believe you've been following me.
What's going on?
If you don't have anything to say,
I'll just head home.
What are you doing?
I found Yeon-u.
You know Yeon-u's friend No-el, right?
No-el invited Yeon-u over,
so No-el's dad picked them up.
He told the teacher, but the message
was lost during the shift handover.
Anyway, No-el's parents
should've called us to let us know.
If I'd told you, you would've told me
not to play with No-el.
I told you to keep your hands up.
Stop your crying!
Where are you?
Inspector Lee Yeon-hui?
Hello, ma'am.
I'm So Eun-gyu, Assistant Inspector
for Violent Crimes Unit 4.
- Oh, hello.
- The captain is asking for you.
There's a new case,
and everyone is in the briefing room.
Let's go.
It's not a simple missing person case.
Oh, there they are.
Before we start the briefing,
meet Inspector Lee Yeon-hui,
a new member of Violent Crimes Unit 4.
Say hello.
We landed a big case last night,
so it's a bit hectic.
Okay, listen first.
At 10:30 p.m. last night,
Sung Min-chan,
the head of Mission Nation Church,
called the police.
He said Kwon Yang-rae,
a two-time convicted sex offender,
who wears an ankle monitor and
lives nearby, might be up to something.
Kwon cut off his ankle monitor
and has disappeared.
And a middle school girl
has been reported missing.
Name, Shin A-yeong.
She also attends
the Mission Nation Church.
After the service,
she and her friends went to karaoke,
but she never returned home.
Unit 1, start interviewing
Shin A-yeong's friends.
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
Unit 4, you guys interview the man
who made the report last night.
Get moving.
We are now blocking off
8-gil, Myeonghwa-ro.
The CSI unit will be here in five minutes.
- You're here.
- Yes, hi.
- Oh, man.
- I think Kwon did live here.
But I don't know how, given the condition.
What? There's no power?
No. The electricity has been cut off.
Hey, try moving all the furniture
out of the room.
Yes, sir. Hey, give me a hand.
This bastard is a real sicko.
Yes, hello.
Are you Mr. Sung Min-chan?
Yes. How may I help you?
We're police officers.
We're here because you called us
to report Kwon Yang-rae last night.
You said it looked like
he was going to get rid of a dead body.
Oh, right.
The thing is, Kwon Yang-rae
came to my church yesterday.
I noticed he had
an electronic ankle monitor.
It surprised me.
Then I got a call
saying my kid had gone missing.
For a moment, I suspected Kwon Yang-rae,
so I went to his house.
Then what?
Well, I saw him holding a shovel.
I assumed he was about to get rid
of a body, so I called the police.
Then what about your child?
Oh, we...
We were mistaken. Well...
We found out later
that he was at a friend's house.
I see.
A middle school girl named Shin A-yeong
has gone missing.
Wait, the A-yeong who attends this church?
What? What happened to A-yeong...
May I look around this room?
Yes, sure.
How long was Kwon here?
I asked him to fill out
our new member registration form,
then he left
when I stepped out to take a call.
Pastor, what did you do
after you reported it?
I went home.
Mind you, we have no evidence of him
doing anything to her yet.
We're investigating it now.
Please give us a call
if you remember anything else.
Will do.
There's a big problem.
I guess you already heard...
about Hwan-su.
I taught him to always do what is right.
What was he thinking,
dating a church member?
He hasn't even been married that long.
you know how soft Hwan-su is.
He's too soft for his own good.
That's why he let her seduce him.
Anyway, I told him to end things with her
as soon as possible.
I said he should go back to his wife
and repent, but that girl...
The girl he's been seeing
posted details of their relationship
on the church's website.
Look at what she wrote.
I'm telling you.
She approached him on purpose!
My goodness...
As for Hwan-su...
I'm going to send him abroad
for a few years to do missionary work.
So he can get away from all this.
This is crazy.
How could he be blinded by lust
when his duty is to serve God?
I always told him to live his life for God
and nothing else.
maybe it was
all part of God's plan.
Don't you smell something sweet?
About Heavensfolk Church,
the church I'm building now...
I'm hoping you can lead the church
as the pastor in charge.
I suppose that is God's will.
And we must follow His will.
Lead Heavensfolk Church
and do your best to grow it.
I will follow.
I will follow...
God's will.
Kwon's probation officer said
he showed no indications at all.
And he worked hard
at the demolition company.
Right, and he hasn't missed
a single session with me.
His condition had improved significantly.
Do you know when he drew this?
Our forensic team's working on it now,
but it looked like it was drawn recently.
He showed no indications
but committed another crime?
He must be Kwon's psychiatrist.
Mental illness can be caused
by many things,
including genetic factors.
It's hard to narrow it down
to one specific cause,
but being abused by his stepfather
as a kid must've played a key role.
How was he abused?
He was beaten,
ended up with a dent in his skull,
and his hand was dunked
into boiling water.
He was also waterboarded,
lying face up on the bathroom floor.
And he was sexually abused as well.
Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,
Mr. Kwon still has
over a hundred scars on his body
from the abuse he suffered for ten years.
After experiencing something like this,
is it possible to develop
into a well-adjusted adult?
Not everyone with such experiences
develops criminal tendencies.
However, I think
many things would've been different
had he been treated in time.
Mr. Kwon was abused for ten years.
It was when he was sent
to juvenile hall for assault at age 16
that he could finally escape his stepdad.
As a young boy, he was...
Wait, what are you doing?
Why try to create an excuse
for someone like him?
- Did you smirk at me?
- Please remove her.
- Did you just smirk?
- Remove her!
- Let go!
- Come with us.
- Yeon-hui.
- That bastard is the devil!
- He's the devil!
- Come on.
- Whose side are you on?
- Please calm down.
Let go of me! I said let go!
Let go!
Dr. Lee Nak-seong.
It's been a while.
Lee Yeon-hui,
from the Violent Crimes Unit.
Wait, have we met before?
You must remember
Kwon Yang-rae's case from five years ago.
Lee Yeon-ju, who was abused
while being held against her will
but managed to escape and call the police.
I'm her sister.
I've always wanted
to ask you this question.
Why did you do that back then?
Why did you create a reason
for Kwon to get away with it?
You see, back then...
I testified as an expert witness.
You know I'm a psychiatrist, right?
I study and treat mental illnesses.
You treat them?
And after all those years of treatment,
why is Shin A-yeong missing?
It's all your fault.
Because you created an excuse
for that devil.
That's why this happened again,
after just a few years.
He's not the devil.
Kwon is just a human being, a broken one.
If you want to save Shin A-yeong,
you need to learn more about Kwon.
As the victim's family,
I understand why you feel that way.
I get it, but as a detective...
I should get going.
His story went viral after the trial!
Everyone talked
as though he deserved pity.
As if he had no choice...
...but to turn out like that.
Shortly after that,
my sister, Yeon-ju,
took her own life.
She survived horrible torture and escaped.
But you...
You killed her.
Pastor. Pastor Sung, right?
- How may I help you?
- I'm A-yeong's mother.
Oh! Yes.
What brings you here?
A-yeong... Why is my daughter...
My gosh, ma'am.
Let's go inside and talk. Come with me.
Why my daughter...
Ma'am. We will find A-yeong for sure.
Yes, we have to.
But, Pastor...
Just hypothetically...
What if something has already happened
to A-yeong?
What are you saying?
Don't think like that.
I know, but if...
What if...
If I suddenly get a call from the police
and hear that something happened
and that I have to confirm it's her...
You must stay strong, ma'am.
A-yeong is alive.
Right? She must be. Right, Pastor Sung?
- Right?
- Yes. Of course she is.
Let's pray together.
Our living God, the Lord our shepherd.
You guide and protect us
every step of the way,
so you must know where A-yeong is
and what kind of situation she's in now.
Even if your little lamb, A-yeong,
is in a dark place now,
we believe that she is alive
and that you are with her.
Lord, please remember
this difficult moment.
We earnestly seek the Lord's help.
This is from a camera near Kwon's home
a day before his disappearance.
He deliberately damaged four cameras
near his home over the weekend.
It seems that he came up
with a thorough plan a few days prior.
Well, what was the control center doing
while he broke four security cameras?
They thought the lightning
and heavy rain broke them.
Any home security cameras
or dashcams in the vicinity?
We checked but couldn't secure a visual
because of the rain.
This is nuts.
Oh, okay. Got it.
- Captain, they found Kwon's car.
- Where?
Near Foxhill Pass on Cheonil Mountain.
- Hey, get moving. Go!
- Yes, sir.
I can just take the bus, you know.
No way. Of course I'll take you home.
You must stay strong, okay?
Ma'am, how about
we all pray together tonight?
Everyone who loves A-yeong
will come together and pray for her.
- Then I'm sure...
- Hello?
What about A-yeong?
No, I'll come now too.
No. I said, I'll come now too!
Send me the address.
What was that about?
They found that bastard's car.
What do I do?
What do I do?
Where is it?
Starting the search in Zone A-3.
- Forensics is on it.
- We haven't found anything.
Copy that.
Something will come up.
Find anything you can.
Yes, sir.
Please send an additional unit
to Zone A-4.
Are all officers and detectives present?
That bastard... I wonder why he came here.
Where did he go after abandoning his car?
Do you think A-yeong escaped
on their way here?
Oh, my. What is this?
Find anything yet?
Search over there too!
- Found anything?
- Not yet!
I know. I'm her dad. Let me in.
Please, why are you being like this?
Please stop!
Please let me in, just for a moment.
- Honey!
- You can't go in!
- Move!
- You can't...
Where is A-yeong?
They're still searching.
Let's go that way.
- A-yeong!
- You can't go in.
We are A-yeong's parents!
You need to tell us what's going on!
What's going on?
- A-yeong!
- They're Shin A-yeong's parents.
- We'll look for her. Please!
- A-yeong! A-yeong!
Guys, it's okay.
Hello, you must be A-yeong's parents.
Have you found my daughter yet?
No, not yet.
We haven't found any clues yet.
But you found his car.
Right, we did,
but we are still investigating.
And no body either?
"Body"? Do you mean...
Is my daughter...
Does it mean A-yeong is... A-yeong!
- Honey!
- Ma'am!
- Medics!
- Here, over here!
Honey, are you okay? Stay with me.
Man, what are we going to do?
He broke all the cameras,
so we can't find any leads.
Hey, was there no dashcam in his car?
No, no dashcam.
- So, we've found no evidence?
- No.
It rained a lot yesterday,
so I'd be surprised if we found anything.
Seems like the universe
is helping that bastard.
What's gotten into you?
You never liked volunteering
at the care home
because of the pastors' wives
and their politics.
Aren't you holding a prayer service
for A-yeong?
You should get ready.
Don't you have anything to tell me?
Don't you have anything to confess?
Confess? About what?
It's all my fault.
I caused all of this.
I've repented for everything.
It's your turn now.
Got anything to tell me?
What are you saying?
Damn it!
Listen carefully.
That new church they are building.
Pastor Jung asked me
to be the pastor in charge.
Actually, I looked into it.
Everyone else knows
Hwan-su is getting that church.
Did you say
Jung Guk-hwan was your spiritual father?
- You're so ridiculously gullible...
- Hey.
Watch what you say.
He's sending Hwan-su abroad
to do missionary work.
You know why?
He had an affair.
He committed adultery.
Hey, I'm sorry.
But you see, this is God's revelation.
If we want to receive this revelation,
we must become pure before God,
completely free from guilt.
Got anything to confess?
I have to go.
God knows everything.
There's nothing He doesn't know.
I committed adultery.
Almighty God.
I committed adultery.
Say it louder
so your confession can reach God.
Almighty God, I committed adultery.
- Amen!
- Amen.
- Amen! Almighty God.
- Amen, amen...
This lost sheep repents
of her sin and begs.
Please hear our earnest repentance
for our sins.
Almighty God...
Sir, it's completely stuck.
Hello, do you need a hand?
No, it's okay.
The tow truck's about to get here, thanks.
- All right, then.
- Be careful. The road is narrow.
- My gosh.
- Ma'am.
- Hello.
- You're early.
Goodness, Pastor Sung.
What brings you here?
Did you just come to drop her off?
You two are still so in love.
It's all thanks to their faith.
You're filled with God's grace.
I should've arrived earlier
and prepared everything.
The caterer will take care of everything.
We'll just watch them cook
and talk about
how there's so much evil in the world.
- My Lord...
- What's taking them so long?
What is it? Is something the matter?
No. How come the ambulance isn't here yet?
Oh, we saw an ambulance on our way here.
It looked like there'd been an accident.
Oh, no.
What's wrong? Is someone hurt?
Well, a man showed up earlier,
covered in dirt and blood.
He crawled here and passed out.
I think he's badly hurt.
He needs to be taken
to a main hospital now.
Something must've happened to him.
I think he crawled here
from that mountain.
My goodness. That sounds serious.
Where is this man now?
We moved him to the ward upstairs
so he could lie down.
But if the ambulance isn't coming...
Pastor Sung asked if they needed help,
and they said a tow truck was coming.
That's a relief.
Oh, ladies. Don't you need to oversee them
set up the cafeteria?
Yes, let's do that. We should get changed.
- And take some pictures too.
- Yes.
You should go inside. I'll get going.
Why? You should stay and eat with us.
I'm holding a prayer service this evening,
so I should get ready.
All right, then.
Then I'll take you to the room
next to the cafeteria. Come with me.
- Go on in.
- All right.
A pastor...
A pastor tried to...
A pastor tried to kill me...
This isn't my will.
It's all God's will.
You took so long!
- Where's the patient?
- Upstairs.
Quickly. This way.
So, it was this man?
Yes, that's him.
We had no idea he was a criminal.
We even gave him first aid.
That must be why he fled.
- Can we see the ward where he was?
- Sure.
It's this way.
Can we check the footage
from that camera up there?
Oh, that camera is very old.
It doesn't actually work.
Could we get in trouble for that?
We're struggling
to keep this place running.
We don't really know
the laws related to that.
He was here.
He took him.
Someone took him?
God took him.
Sir, did you just say "amen"?
You hated the church.
What a surprise.
Well, I must believe in God
to meet an angel!
He's had dementia for over 20 years.
Yes, that's right. We believe you, sir.
How many ways in and out are there?
Is there a back door?
One over here and an exit by the kitchen.
I see.
Before You, our hearts...
Who are they?
Oh, they're pastors' wives who come here
to volunteer on a regular basis.
Could we get a list of their churches?
Yes, of course.
Giver of immortal gladness
Fill us with the light of day
You must be surprised to see me.
You managed to survive, but I showed up.
Why are you doing this to me?
Good question.
I'm really curious too.
Why does the Lord
keep leading me back to you?
I hadn't been
to that care home for a while.
When I woke up this morning,
I suddenly wanted to go there.
Why today of all days?
The day of Pentecost.
The anointing of the Holy Spirit!
God sent me the Holy Spirit
and led me there.
Holy Spirit?
You're just trying to hide the fact
that you tried to kill me.
Hold on.
It's all clear to me now.
Now I know why God keeps leading me
to a man who is Satan's spawn.
He wants to see
how faithfully I can follow his orders.
I mean, this place too.
A new golf course was announced,
so they rushed to build this hotel.
But the developer went bankrupt.
It's been abandoned for over three years.
Who knew this creepy derelict building
would be so useful to us?
God prepared this for us.
It's God's providence!
Isn't it truly marvelous?
You... You're a total lunatic.
Are you going to kill me?
I don't know.
God will give me another revelation.
We are God's servants who obey His orders.
If you kill me,
you'll never find that girl.
The one I kidnapped...
The girl who goes to your church.
She's alive.
Where is A-yeong?
Call the police,
and I'll confess everything.
Where is A-yeong?
If you kill me now,
you're also killing her.
Tell me where she is!
Call the police.
What's wrong? Are you scared?
Glory to Jesus, who died on the cross
For our sins
The cross he carried
I will carry it now
His cross...
Where is A-yeong? Tell me!
Just call the police, you satanic bastard.
Do we have their dashcam footage?
Yes, everyone parked here
has given us their consent.
Go through the footage
as soon as you get to the office.
Lee Yeon-hui.
- You should call it a day, Inspector Lee.
- Pardon?
We can't throw you a welcome party,
but we can at least make sure
you don't work late on day one.
There are only a few files anyway.
Go home and rest up.
Get going.
How long has it been
since she was last seen?
It's been 24 hours, sir.
The chances of her still being alive
are dropping dramatically.
Giver of immortal gladness
Fill us with the light of day
God took him.
And no body either?
Pastor. A-yeong is okay, right?
She'll be fine, won't she?
Thank you, Pastor.
Let's go upstairs.
Today, we will read...
Deuteronomy 24:7
"If someone is caught kidnapping
a fellow Israelite
and treating or selling them as a slave,
the kidnapper must...
"You must purge the evil from among you."
- Amen.
- Amen.
Let us pray.
Dear Heavenly Father.
Everyone who loves your little lamb,
Shin A-yeong, is here now.
We know A-yeong is in heaven
watching over us.
And A-yeong's mother is
utterly devastated.
Please allow her to feel
the sense of peace A-yeong is feeling now.
We know that you never ignore
our sincere prayers and cries for help.
You never let evildoers go unpunished
and always purge all evil from this land.
God, we remember your wrath,
your fairness, and your righteousness!
You love the righteous,
but you hate sinners and detest sin!
You rained fire and sulfur
on Sodom and Gomorrah as punishment!
Now, with your right hand
majestic in power,
judge all that is evil
with your consuming fire!
Annihilate the sinner!
May your will be done!
We will shout "Lord" three times
and pray together.
- Lord!
- Lord!
- Lord!
- Lord!
- Lord!
- Lord!
- Lord, your eternal grace...
- Please, Lord!
Just kill him.
Now's your chance, Yeon-hui.
Kill him.
This is the moment
you've been waiting for.
Do it now.
Don't you feel bad for me?
I thought you wanted to avenge me!
Hurry up and do it. Now!
That bastard is the devil.
If you don't kill him now,
he'll go on to hurt more people.
Kill him now!
If you kill me, that girl will die too.
Hurry up and call the police.
She's still alive.
He's lying!
he's the devil.
Don't side with the devil.
Kwon Yang-rae, I'm a police officer.
Where is Shin A-yeong?
Take me to a hospital first.
Just hurry up
and tell me where A-yeong is.
I know you'll kill me after I tell you.
No, I won't. I won't kill you, so...
Just tell me where A-yeong is!
You insane bitch.
You expect me to believe you
when you're glaring at me like that?
There are so many lunatics
in this neighborhood. Do you know that?
Tell me, you scumbag.
Where is A-yeong?!
Tell me right now!
Pastor! What are you doing?
You think everything's a coincidence?
There are no coincidences.
He led us here.
Snap out of it.
Untie me, now!
You see, God's will isn't something
we mere humans can understand.
I had a bit of a dilemma earlier.
"What am I going to do with the body
once I kill that evil bastard?"
"Should I just burn it?"
"Or should I chop it into pieces
and dump it somewhere?"
But God sent you to me, Detective.
A-yeong! Do you know where A-yeong is?
A-yeong is dead.
She's lying somewhere dead.
So let's forget about A-yeong now.
It's time to follow God's will
and punish this bastard
for what he did to A-yeong.
Pastor, please turn yourself in.
It's not too late.
He shot and killed you
while grappling with you,
and he fell to his death.
Snap out of it, please.
If you kill him, we'll never find A-yeong!
Didn't you hear me? I told you she's dead.
That devil killed her.
That's right. It's you.
You're Yeon-ju's sister, aren't you?
I wondered why you were following me
and giving me that stare.
But let's be honest.
Did I kill her?
- What?
- Did I?
She jumped to her death on her own.
- Am I wrong?
- What did you say?
If everyone killed themselves
over a few days of suffering,
I would've died 10,000 times by now.
Do you know that? Fuck!
Every night, that one-eyed monster came,
tied me up, and hit me...
Shut up, devil!
Don't you dare flick your forked tongue.
Stop! We have to find A-yeong.
I told you she's dead. She is dead!
Otherwise, I would've never received
the revelation to kill him!
God is perfect! He never makes mistakes!
Please do something
about that crazy pastor.
Don't you want to save A-yeong?
Shut up, you bastard.
- You're lying to get out of here alive.
- He says she isn't dead.
I won't fall for your lies!
He says A-yeong is alive.
He says A-yeong is alive,
that she isn't dead!
Why would you let the devil deceive you?
Can't you tell that he's lying?
If we don't kill him now,
there will be more victims like A-yeong.
Glory to Jesus
Who died on the cross for our sins
The cross he carried...
Look at that.
He's clearly insane.
He's a child of Satan.
He is the devil.
Because of people like you
who side with the likes of him,
the world is becoming more evil.
All I take my pride in
Is His cross...
The girl...
The one-eyed monster ate her.
The one-eyed monster.
- Inspector Lee!
- Medics!
Hey, you two!
Tell me!
You can die after you tell me!
His heart isn't beating.
We'll transport him now.
Hey, I told you to go inside and check!
He says he received God's revelation
to kill Kwon Yang-rae.
I don't think he has any idea
where Shin A-yeong might be.
Damn it, that crazy bastard.
Sir, I think his car
was found near Foxhill Pass
because he was headed to
Redevelopment Zone Four in Myeongbuk-dong.
Kwon had been working there
for three months and knew the area well.
I bet he took her there
if he needed a place to confine her.
How much time do you need
to comb through that area?
I'd say at least three days.
Three days? Then it'll be day five.
The chances of her being alive
after five days may be low.
The Lord's great grace has taught me
I feel the Lord's boundless grace
The Lord's boundless grace
When I follow the Lord
He gives me...
What are you waiting for? Get moving.
- Yes, sir!
- Yes, sir!
Inspector Lee, don't worry.
Just go home and get some sleep.
I'll call you if we find her.
Mr. Kwon.
Hey, Mr. Kwon! Hey!
We have to demolish everything here
by the end of the day, okay?
- Okay, got it.
- All right.
Oh, come in.
I was surprised to get your call.
So, about that pastor,
I reviewed everything you sent.
I think it's a classic case of apophenia.
It refers to the tendency
to perceive meaningful rules,
patterns, or connections
between unrelated things.
What you're seeing now
is called pareidolia.
They're natural phenomena, but some people
believe they see specific images.
Those people attach profound meaning
to everything that happens by chance.
Dr. Lee.
I'm here
because I want to know
what kind of person Kwon Yang-rae is.
Horrible, isn't it?
He was abused almost every single day.
Every time it happened, his mother
sang hymns outside his room and prayed.
He talked about a one-eyed monster
before he died.
What do you think
this one-eyed monster could mean?
It may symbolize his stepfather
who abused him,
or Kwon himself.
Do you see the people in its mouth?
I'm not sure if it means
he's in the monster's head,
or he became the monster himself
and swallowed the victims.
It's all speculation.
It's like a puzzle,
but one thing's for sure.
That monster is deeply connected
to his traumatic memories from childhood.
Do you see things?
My sister...
I see her sometimes.
And what happens when you see her?
What does she say?
She says she waited for me to rescue her.
But the one coming through the door
was always him.
You know it's not your sister.
That's not Ms. Lee Yeon-ju.
It's just an illusion
created by your guilt.
I know.
I know it's all an illusion.
But I just can't shake it off.
Even now, as we speak,
A-yeong must be waiting to be rescued.
She must be waiting to see someone
walk through the door and save her.
But again, there's nothing I can do.
What if we fail to find A-yeong?
If something bad already happened to her...
it's all on me.
It's all my fault.
This is all my fault!
All right.
You think it's all your fault.
Kwon blamed his crimes on the monster,
while Sung says it was God's revelation.
And you think it's all your fault.
It may all sound different,
but it's actually not.
You're all fixated on one thing
and think it caused the situation.
You see, most tragedies in life
are caused by a combination
of circumstances we can't control.
Things like the devil and monsters
are created by humans
to justify themselves.
Then what should I do now
to find A-yeong?
Let's just focus on the things
that we can actually see.
Kwon was getting better,
so what triggered him?
We must find out
what awakened his monster.
I'm sure there's something we missed.
Sir, the dean would like to meet with you.
You can go through the documents.
To your right! A little bit more!
I would've died 10,000 times by now.
Do you know that? Fuck!
When I was young,
every night, that one-eyed monster came,
tied me up and hit me...
Hi, Dad.
What's going on?
You're not responding to my texts
and didn't come home last night.
I know. I've been busy.
There's a new case.
Anyway, what's up?
Didn't you see the picture I sent?
The scaffolding came down.
You wanted to see it.
Oh, right.
Hold on.
Well, the exterior is done, but we'll need
another month to complete the interior.
There are lots of big remodeling jobs
in this area.
They want to completely fix up old houses.
- Wait, Dad. But...
- My goodness.
This one was stressful because the client
wanted to accentuate the one-eyed thing.
That's right.
See the round window right under the roof?
It's called an oculus.
Some also call it a one-eyed window.
Gosh. Back in the day,
they built many houses like that.
But you rarely see them these days.
Are you listening?
What is wrong with this phone?
Pretty, right? Come here, Yeon-hui.
Let's take a selfie together.
One, two, three.
Kwon was getting better,
so what triggered him?
We must find out
what awakened his monster.
Kwon Yang-rae's trigger.
Yes, Inspector Lee.
- I sent you a photo. Did you see it?
- A photo?
The "one-eyed monster" Kwon talked about
was a house with a circular window.
Check the street view
of Redevelopment Zone Four
and find a house with a window like that.
- That's where A-yeong is.
- Okay, got it.
Find a building with a circular window
like this in Zone Four. ASAP.
- Got it.
- Hey, share the photo quickly.
This is it.
Who the hell are you?
Wait, hang on.
Hang in there.
I kept telling myself
that someone would
walk through that door and rescue me.
It's all right.
You're safe. You're okay now.
You're okay now...
Mr. Sung Min-chan.
We found A-yeong.
You found her body?
She's alive.
She's being treated in the hospital now.
She's still traumatized by what happened,
but her doctor says
that she's recovering quickly.
That's impossible.
I swear, I was told she died.
Who said that?
Pardon me?
Who told you that she died?
Subtitle translation by: Liya Choi