Romance on the Ranch (2024) Movie Script

Hi, can we get some
pictures over there?
You are so brave.
So brave to be here.
Thank you.
Oh, you know, she's
the sister of the bride
and used to date the groom.
I don't know how you do it.
I would feel so awkward.
Nice to see you, too.
Where do I see the picture?
Oh, the picture's
gonna be a surprise
for Mike and Emily.
But where is it?
On the film inside the camera.
The image is captured
onto a roll of,
it's like a magic box that
holds the image you took,
and when the box is all full,
the bride and groom
will get to see
all the lovely photos you took,
capturing a special
moment in time.
I skinned my knee.
My sister's a nurse.
She can help you.
It stings.
Oh no, what happened?
I tripped and skinned my knee.
Well luckily, I always
carry Band-aids in my bag
for emergencies just like this.
I feel so embarrassed.
I don't want to ruin
Emily's special night.
No, you wouldn't do that.
I wouldn't worry.
You're the best flower
girl I've ever seen.
All better?
Thank you, Sara.
May I have your attention please
as I raise a brief toast
to my lovely sister
and her new husband.
They say you don't marry the
person you can live with,
you marry the person
you can't live without.
That sums up Emily
and Mike perfectly.
One of my happiest memories
is of my father
taking Emily and me
hiking somewhere in
the mountains out west
when we were little.
Dad would always give us advice,
and one I fondly remember,
which I'm sure he
would've told you tonight,
is that happy marriages begin
when we marry the one we love,
and blossom when we
love the one we marry.
Mom and Dad exemplified
this perfectly,
and I'm sure they're
looking down on you
from heaven with the
happiest of smiles.
To the happy couple.
To the happy couple.
I don't remember
those hiking trips.
You were just little.
But I still have the photo
of the three of us together.
Where did we go?
Wish I knew.
Somewhere out west.
Is that why you always
talked about going west?
Ever since I can remember,
Sara has wanted to go,
but she never will.
Yes I will.
Sooner than you think.
Maybe I'll sell my place,
buy a camper, and go.
I'll believe it when I see it.
Okay, I believe you now.
When were you planning
on telling me?
I go on my honeymoon
to come back
and find out you're all
packed and ready to go.
I said I was gonna do it.
I didn't think you were serious.
Is this because of Mike and me?
Maybe a little.
You know how hard it was when
Mike broke up with me for you.
But I came to terms with it,
and I'm happy for you both.
And totally over Mike.
Still though, people
keep talking about it.
They treat me as if I'm
the sister that lost.
Sara, I don't know what to say.
On your wedding day when I
was looking through the lens
and I saw you, not
posing for a photo,
but in a candid moment,
you looked so happy.
Really happy.
And I wanna feel that, too.
I know I can't find
that if I stay here.
And you really think
you're gonna find something
better out west?
That's what I want.
It's exciting.
It's gonna be different, but.
What are you gonna do for work?
I have a job lined up
at a hospital in Nevada.
Things haven't been all
that bad here, have they?
Well, I have so
many good memories.
But, look at me here.
This is what I wanna feel again.
To be at home and happy
in a way I haven't been
for a while now.
Mom always said to
shoot for the stars.
That's what I'm doing.
Things won't be the
same without you here.
I'm gonna miss you, too.
All set.
I'll be there ready
to go on the 15th.
Looking forward to it.
I can't wait to meet everyone.
See you then.
You want some nuggets, boy?
You want some?
All this fresh air and freedom
can really wear a girl out.
Come on, Takoda.
Time to go to bed.
We got a full day of
adventures tomorrow.
Come on, boy.
Could you use a hand?
- No, I'm- - Here.
Well, yes.
There you go.
Thank you.
Of course.
Well, hello there, boy.
This is Takoda.
Well, hello Takoda.
I'm Frank.
Are you new in town?
Oh, just passing through.
There you are, Frank.
I'm just getting some fresh air
and making some new friends.
Oh, hi.
What is it, boy?
Well, we better get going,
but good to meet you both.
Nice to meet you.
Nice meeting you and Takoda.
Come on, boy.
Talk to you in a minute.
This type of behavior
is unacceptable
and will not be tolerated.
I'll make sure she knows it.
Unfortunately, this
is not the first time
we've had a problem.
Something has to change.
I understand.
This will be her last warning.
I'll talk to her and make sure
this doesn't happen again.
Let's go, girly.
Bye, Sam.
Put your seatbelt on.
Are you mad?
I'm not mad.
You wanna tell me what happened?
That boy, Maverick,
he called me a name,
and I punched him in the nose.
Is your hand okay?
It hurts a little.
But I did just
what you told me to
when someone calls me a name.
I clarified what he said,
and I asked if he
really meant it.
And then I punched him for it.
What'd he call you?
He said I was purty.
Do you know what that means?
It means pretty, or beautiful.
He was complimenting
you, sweetie,
not insulting you.
Well now I feel downright awful.
Now I know never
to call you purty.
That was a good
stop, wasn't it, boy?
Only a few states away.
Maybe we slow down a little.
This is not what I meant
when I said slow down.
Oh, yes.
Hi, can you hear me?
Hello, yeah.
I'm here.
Um, my truck broke down,
and I-I need some help.
Help is on the way.
You should stop.
Make sure everything's okay.
Doesn't look like
anyone's there.
Just in case.
Need some help?
I think we've got it covered.
Thanks, though.
Hi, boy.
Aren't you handsome?
This is Takoda.
I'm Sara.
I'm Sam.
This is my dad, Aidan.
You sure you're all right?
It's a ways to town.
Uh, help's already on the way.
We can't just
leave her out here.
She said help's on the way.
What's the right thing to do?
I thought you said
you were leaving.
Just doesn't feel right
leaving you out here alone.
I appreciate the concern,
but I think I'm okay.
It's no trouble.
Like my daughter
said, I'm Aidan.
Nice to meet you.
You're not from
around here, are you?
From Chicago.
My dad could take a look.
Be my guest.
Come here, boy!
High five.
So what happened?
It's been running fine for
the past thousand miles,
and then out of the
blue it just stopped.
What kinda noise was she making?
Rattling, or clicking, or
more of a whining sound?
Um, a whining.
I'd say you either
have a bad water pump
or your drive belt is loose.
I'm leaning towards
water pump, though.
You think that you can
diagnose what's wrong
with my truck by the
noise it's making?
I can't say that's
what it is for sure,
but there's a good chance.
He knows his stuff.
You Sara?
You found me.
Ed McAvoy, at your service.
Aidan, Sam.
Good to see you.
Do you know what's wrong?
Well ma'am, it looks like
your water pump is shot.
It's a good thing you
stopped when you did.
Normally this would
be a quick fix,
but I just sold the
last one I had in stock.
How long we talking?
About a week, most likely.
Well I don't know if
I can wait that long.
Getting the water pump
is half the battle.
Digging deep into the
engine to install it
and putting everything
back together again,
that's what you may
call the tedious part.
But I'll get it done
as fast as possible.
Well, should I just
follow you back into town?
You can ride with me as I
tow your truck into Harmony.
Then I'll come back
tomorrow for the camper.
I have an idea.
Mr. Mackavoy, what if you
take her truck to Harmony,
and we can use my dad's
truck and tow her camper
to the ranch?
We can do it, right Dad?
Uh yeah, sure.
The ranch?
It's about 15 minutes from here,
30 minutes from Harmony.
You'll love it.
We even have hookups
for your camper.
There's an older couple.
They help out around
the ranch and stay there
in their trailer, so we can
park you right next to them.
Probably a good idea.
That'd be great.
Um, let me just grab a
few things from my truck.
I really appreciate this.
Oh, it's no trouble.
Would you say Sara's purty?
I-I, um.
Is that so?
The way your cheeks are
blushing tells me you do.
Do you mind if we pull
over for a minute?
Uh, sure.
Are those wild horses?
They are.
Not many places
left to find them.
Mostly in our state
and a few surrounding.
That was amazing.
So, a photographer, huh?
Oh, it's just a hobby.
I develop my own film, too.
It's a lot easier
than you may think.
But thank you for stopping.
That was beautiful.
Can I see the photos
when they're ready?
Of course.
So, uh, Sara, you said
you're from Chicago?
Born and raised.
And where you headed?
Uh, Nevada.
Got a new job at
a hospital there.
Start pretty soon.
Oh, well don't worry.
Ed'll get your truck
working in no time.
Ever been to the Rocky
Mountains before?
I was around here years
and years ago with my dad.
I actually have a photo.
That's me right there.
It's a pretty picture,
isn't it, Dad?
Yeah, sure is.
I wish I knew where this was.
But trying to find
this exact spot
would be like looking for
a needle in a haystack.
I wish I could take
pictures like that.
Let's get you set up.
So how long have you lived here?
As long as I can remember.
Any brothers or sisters?
No, just me and my dad.
My mom's been gone a long time.
I'm so sorry to hear that.
My mom passed away a
few years ago, too.
Oh, my mom didn't die.
Uh, sorry, Samantha.
Call me Sam.
Should be good to go.
I appreciate this.
What can I pay to cover my stay?
Oh, you don't have
to worry about that.
Just get yourself settled.
We're gonna head
up to the house.
Dinner should be
ready in an hour or so
if you'd like to join.
Well, okay.
That'd be great.
Thank you.
It was nice to meet you!
I'll see you at supper!
This isn't too bad, is it, boy?
Beautiful evening, Henry.
Fresh air, exercise.
Really keeps the blood flowing.
Slow down, Charlotte.
It's hard keeping up when
you're walking so fast.
It looks like we
have a new neighbor.
And who is this?
Oh, he's such a sweetie.
What's his name?
That's Takoda.
This is my husband, Henry Kranz.
I'm Charlotte.
This is our place.
Hi, I'm Sara.
Are you joining us for supper?
I, do you think it would
be an inconvenience?
I don't want to
be a third wheel.
Oh, you'd actually be
more like a fourth wheel.
A cowboy needs to
eat twice as much
to keep my energy up.
Come on, let's wash up,
and we will come back and
get you in a few minutes.
Okay, thank you.
Dad, we're home.
In the kitchen!
Take your bag upstairs.
Homework first, then
chores, then you can play.
Yes, Dad.
I just moved a camper
into one of the hookups.
Owner broke down
up on the highway.
That's fine.
How long will he be staying?
Oh, not he.
Her name is Sara, and just
until her truck is fixed.
She's traveling alone?
She has a dog.
Hi, Grandpa!
Oh, how's my little angel?
And I invited Sara to dinner.
You already told
Grandpa about Sara?
You'll really like her.
She's so nice,
and really pretty.
Don't you think, Dad?
You seen Porter?
Not since breakfast.
He didn't finish the hay
and his truck is gone.
Well, I'm sure he'll
have a good excuse.
He always does.
You wash your hands?
Where exactly are you?
I'll send you a pin.
I'm coming to get you.
I'm okay.
I'll hop on a plane
and be there tomorrow.
Emily, really.
I'm good.
Are you sure?
I just wanted to let
you know where I was.
The truck'll be ready
in about a week,
and I'll be back on the road.
Call me everyday.
Oh, I better go.
Call tomorrow.
So, how long have you
been on the ranch?
Coming up on 30 years.
Wow, that's amazing.
How long have you
two been together?
35 years.
Don't cheat us out
of a few years.
We are coming up on
our 37th anniversary.
That's right.
Isn't that what I said?
Evening, Charlotte, Henry.
Oh good, you made it.
Here we go.
Come on in.
Dad, this is Sara.
Sara, my father Walter Anderson.
Nice to meet you,
Mr. Anderson.
Oh, save the formalities.
You can call me Walter.
Dad, you cooking
dinner or wearing it?
You make yourself at home.
I got a few more things
to do in the kitchen,
so if you'll excuse me.
Looks like Walter's
on the grill tonight.
Sara, you have
your choice of meat
cooked one of two ways.
Two ways?
Perfectly well done,
or burnt to a crisp.
Hi, Sara.
Hi, Sam.
I have something for you.
For me?
So you can take
your own pictures.
Thank you!
Well, let's pray,
if it's all right
with our guest, Sara.
Of course.
Lord, we praise you for the
nourishment you provide.
We thank you for
our guest, Sara.
And we pray that
you will energize us
so that we will be able to
accomplish the work before us.
Where are the potatoes?
Did anybody see where
the potatoes went?
What class was this in?
I'm sorry, we're-we're
being rude.
We're excluding you
from the conversation.
I'm just enjoying the company.
Aidan tells me you're
a photographer.
Oh, not professionally
or anything.
It's just been a passion of mine
since I could hold a camera.
And Grandpa, look.
Now I can do it, too.
Well I bet you have a good eye.
Though what do you do for work?
I'm a nurse.
Worked in the ER at Chicago
Memorial for several years.
Do you really think
that Ed can get
my truck fixed in time?
Yeah, Ed's a man of his word.
Do you have somewhere to be?
Uh, yeah.
Nevada by the 15th.
I have a new nursing
job at a hospital there.
Oh, you have family in Nevada?
Uh, no.
Just starting over.
New city, new job.
I wonder if I
should find a place
to store my trailer
and take a flight.
You know, just in case.
Oh, no.
If Ed says he'll get it
done, he'll get it done.
How can I ever repay you
for all your kindness
and hospitality?
You don't have to do anything.
We're just happy
to have you here.
Well can I at least
help with the dishes,
or cleaning up?
That's Sam's job.
You won't mind if I help, right?
Not at all.
Now put your left
behind your back,
one foot up, and one eye closed.
It's no wonder you
still aren't done.
Mm, there might be a
little bit more play
than actual washing of dishes.
We're just having fun.
Better start getting
ready for bed, Sam.
You have school in the morning.
Okay, Daddy.
Thank you for the camera.
I'm really glad you're here.
Goodnight, Sara.
Brush your teeth.
I'll be up in a few minutes.
Not where you expected
to be this evening?
No, this was not
on the itinerary.
So why Nevada?
If you don't mind me asking.
I've always wanted
to go out west.
Maybe it's 'cause I have
such good memories out here
from when I was a kid.
That photo with your dad?
It was so perfect.
Maybe it's 'cause everything
was simpler back then.
Life here on the ranch
is pretty simple.
You'll have to try some
things while you're here.
It'll help pass the
time, and you might find
some interesting things to
photograph while you explore.
That'd be great.
Maybe I could show
you around tomorrow.
I have some things
to do in the morning,
but I could stop by
when I'm all done.
That'd be nice.
Thank you.
My pleasure.
I should've done
this a long time ago.
Eating crispy marshmallows
in front of a raging inferno?
It's just been so long
since I've had the chance
to see the stars like this.
They don't have
stars in Chicago?
Maybe I've just
never taken the time
to notice them like I am now.
Henry and I have always
enjoyed this place.
It's peaceful.
You get used to the hay
fever and hard work.
And does everyone that
work here on the ranch
live here, too?
No, just the Andersons and us.
They do have a bunkhouse
for the cowhands,
but they're all seasonal.
And you guys have lived
here for 30 years?
We had a place quite a bit away,
but the commute
was getting harder,
so Walter bought us this.
We've been here ever since.
They've always treated
us like family.
They seem like real good people.
They are.
And Aidan, he's generous, kind,
quite the catch,
don't you think?
I'm just teasing you, dear.
You've gotta be kidding me.
What are you doing out here?
Who's looking for you?
Is that your mama?
Oh, there you are.
This who you belong to?
She looks like an angel to me.
Takoda, come here, boy.
What are you doing
out here all alone?
Um, my camper's parked over
by Charlotte and Henry.
Something like that.
What are you doing out here?
Oh, I live here.
Oh, well.
Thank you for finding my dog.
Anytime, Miss.
Well, we better get going.
You sure you're not an angel?
What time did you get in?
It was a little late.
You didn't finish the hay.
Or cut the wood.
Well, I appreciate you
cutting the wood for me.
I'll get to the hay later.
You're lucky it didn't rain.
Could've ruined half the haul.
Well it didn't rain, did it?
You know, one of these days,
you won't be able
to rely on luck.
You'll have to face the
consequences of your actions.
Or inaction.
Yeah, I'm sure you'll be
first in line to watch.
Okay, what's got you
grinning from ear to ear?
I might have met a girl.
You meet girls all the time.
Oh, not like this one.
She's different.
I can't stop thinking about her.
You meet her last night?
Oh yeah.
It was powerful.
Well good luck with this one.
You know I won't need it.
Hey, just finish the hay
and come help us on the fence.
So let me get this straight.
You were stranded in
the middle of nowhere,
and a tall, handsome,
single stranger
came to your rescue?
I did not use all
those adjectives.
Plus he had his
daughter with him.
I read between the lines.
And why didn't you give me all
this information last night?
So what's his name?
But it doesn't matter.
I-I'm not staying
here long anyways.
He was just being nice.
But he's handsome.
Gotta go.
So I'm right, aren't I?
Bye, Em.
Good morning.
Can I help you?
You look even more
beautiful in the daylight.
Downright pretty as a peach.
Do I know you?
We met last night.
That was you in the dark.
Yes, ma'am.
Sorry to bother
you this morning,
I just, uh, wanted to make
sure you're all settled in,
see if you need anything.
Did Aidan send you?
No, ma'am.
My brother's finishing
cutting some wood,
and then he's gonna
work on the fence.
Oh, you're brothers.
Yes, ma'am.
Well, Porter.
The first thing you can do
is stop calling me ma'am.
My name's Sara.
Can I get you anything?
Uh, I think I'm all good.
Thank you, though.
Well, all right.
You just let me know.
Do you know how I can
get a ride into Harmony?
What's in Harmony you can't
find here on the ranch?
An assistive living center.
I thought I would help pass time
by volunteering there.
Well, I don't know that
anyone's going to town today,
but there's plenty to do here.
That's what Aidan said.
Trail riding, fishing.
Oh, it's been so long
since I've been on a horse.
There you go.
We could saddle up
in about an hour.
Just meet me at the
stable by the house.
Well, okay.
Shouldn't you be in school?
Bus isn't here yet.
Where you headed?
Taking the new girl for a ride.
You met Sara?
Sure have.
I think my dad likes her.
He just won't admit it.
And I saw him looking at
her when she wasn't looking.
That's the bus.
Gotta run.
See you, runt.
Later, big feet!
Hi, Sara.
Good morning.
Enjoy your ride!
Good morning, Aidan.
Yes, it is.
I'm looking forward
to seeing the ranch.
I'm looking forward
to showing you.
Horses are all set.
You ready to go?
You two are going right now?
Are you not coming?
Ah, looks like Aidan's
got a fence to finish.
It'll just be the two of us.
We should get going before
the sun gets too high.
I got the perfect
place to show you.
We could go later when
everyone can come.
Horses are all ready.
Weather's perfect.
Well just try not to over do it
or you'll pay for it tomorrow.
Ah, she'll be fine.
I'll see you later?
You good?
All right.
Let's go.
Must not have been that long.
So Aidan's older, then?
Yeah, five years.
He doesn't say much, does he?
Nah, he's never been
real gifted with words.
That's not what I meant.
More like he thinks
before he speaks.
Wants to make what
he says count.
Yeah, something like that.
Any other siblings?
Nope, just us.
And you both work on the ranch?
What about you?
What brings you here?
Just looking for
something different.
You certainly found that.
You know, River Ranch
spans over 1000 acres.
Wow, that's a lot.
Yeah, it's a good size.
It's bigger than
most in the area,
but far from the largest.
This is a good place
to take a break.
Walk around, stretch our legs.
See anything worth
snapping a photo of?
You haven't taken any.
I'm just waiting
to see what I want
to remember from
this experience.
That's it.
Eat up.
Oh, not too much.
Don't want you bigger.
You made it.
How was it?
It was beautiful.
Let's get you down.
Can I hand you this?
Thank you.
- Oh.
You all right?
Yeah, I'm good.
You were out for a long time.
There was a lot to see.
Day's half gone and
you still haven't
finished up with the hay.
I got plenty of time.
Plus there's all of today's
work on top of that.
I'll get to it.
As you can see, Aidan
loves playing the part
of the big brother.
Treating me like
I'm a little kid.
Take the horses in and
get them wiped down.
Can I give you a
lift to your camper?
Just wipe down the horses.
Sir, yes sir.
Thank you for the ride.
Here you go.
Oh, easy.
I'm good.
I'm good.
Ooh, I think.
You gonna be all right?
This is fine.
Sorry I wasn't able to show
you around myself today.
It's okay.
Porter and I had a lot of fun.
Just make sure you take
it easy, all right?
I plan on it.
All right then.
Either get moving, Henry,
or we're gonna miss
out on the bacon
while it's still hot.
I'm telling you,
that bed hates me.
I'm not sure which part
of my body hurts worse.
Well, it's not the bed.
Ooh, ow!
I'm gonna go check
on our neighbor.
Good idea.
Is everything okay, honey?
Yeah, just give me a second.
I'm moving a bit-
What did you do yesterday?
And ride.
I'm hurting in places I
didn't even know existed.
It's called your pride.
Aidan warned me I would
be feeling it worse today.
You spent the day with Aidan?
Oh, it was Porter, actually.
He showed me around the ranch.
Think I got some
pretty good shots.
Of Porter or the ranch?
Breakfast awaits.
You coming?
I don't think so.
I'm gonna need a little
more recovery time.
All right.
Well, you rest your legs,
and Henry and I will
bring you back a plate.
Oh no, you don't have to.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, that'd be great.
Don't worry, I'm
watching what I eat.
Every bite as it
approaches my mouth.
You two look about as happy
as a pair of dead
pigs in the sunshine.
Do you even know
what that means?
Of course I do.
When a pig's dead body
lies out in the sun,
its lips begin to curl
back from its teeth
making it look like a grin,
so basically someone
who's smiling
when in reality things
aren't going so hot.
Is that true?
I'm afraid so.
Now what's up with you two?
Everything's good.
We're good.
Is that right?
Porter took our guest on
a ride all day yesterday
and and shirked his work again.
I got the hay done.
Day late.
Well someone had to step up
and be hospitable to our guest.
Besides, I rather
enjoyed her company.
She's different.
Wait, are-are you
telling me the girl
who you met the other night,
the one who you can't
stop thinking about
and you had some powerful
connection to, is Sara?
What's it to you?
Is Sara coming for breakfast?
I'm afraid not, sweetie.
She wasn't feeling so great,
so we told her we'd bring
her back something to eat.
Aidan, why don't
you fix up a plate
and take it to her?
Yes, sir.
I can get it.
Sounds like you've got a
lot of work to catch up on.
Ran into Charlotte and
Henry at breakfast.
They thought you
might be hungry.
You're a life saver.
I was just about to make
another cup of coffee.
Do you want any?
That sounds great.
You were right.
Do you want any help?
Oh, I got it.
Pot's just inside on the stove.
Just so you know, Porter
taking you on such a long ride
was not my idea.
It was nice.
He may have overestimated
my ability to ride,
but it was still worth it.
You took some good
pictures of him.
Oh sorry, I saw
your photos inside.
Oh, thanks.
Oh, speaking of photos,
this fell out of
your bag yesterday.
Oh my goodness, thank you.
It's my only copy.
No problem.
You know, everyone always
seems so busy around here.
What can I do to help?
Oh, you don't have to do-
Well, I want to.
Well, there's always something
that needs to be done.
- Hi.
- Howdy.
Can I tell you something?
I'm sorry for punching you.
That's all right.
No, it wasn't.
I didn't know what purty meant,
and I thought you were
calling me a meant.
I'd never call you a name.
Never ever.
So you forgive me?
Of course I do.
I was wondering if I
could ask you something.
What are you up to?
Aidan asked me to
help water the horses.
What's he putting
you to work for?
You wanna do something fun?
This isn't fun?
No, it's not.
Time to learn some
real cowboy skills.
I can show you.
After I finish
watering the horses.
All right.
I'll set it up.
Left hand holds the coil.
Hold this one tight
so you don't lose it,
but these ones just sit
like on a coat hanger
so they can fly
when you throw it.
This one, you get
a big old loop.
Hold onto it right about there.
Just above your head,
swing it around.
And when you wanna throw it,
just throw it hard
like you mean it.
Just like that.
Swing it around like that.
Just aim straight and shoot
for the back of the cow.
Just throw it like
you're gonna hit the cow.
- Okay.
- Okay?
- Yeah.
- All right.
Let's see.
Like this?
Just like that.
So close!
How's she doing?
Hit that cow!
- Okay!
- Yeah!
Oh, ooh!
- Aw!
- Almost.
- That was close.
- Yeah.
You got this, Sara!
Come on!
You got this!
Come on, one more time!
All right, just throw it like
you wanna smack that cow.
- Okay!
Third time's a charm!
This is it, this is it.
You got it.
- Whoo!
- Oh!
Good job, girly!
You got it!
That was fun, wasn't it, boy?
You've only been here a few days
and you already
have two suitors.
Far from it.
Oh, to be young and naive.
You know, having two
handsome men to choose from
is a good problem to have.
Stop teasing.
Both were just being nice.
You think so?
Even though you
have two suitors,
you only have one heart.
Good afternoon.
It's getting there.
I finished watering the horses.
We appreciate it.
I'm, uh, going to
town for supplies.
Do you wanna check
on your truck?
That'd be great.
I'm sorry about
roping with Porter.
There is nothing
to be sorry about.
Well, you just didn't
look too pleased
that we were playing around.
I mean, I know there's
work to get done.
That's just Porter being Porter.
You're a guest, and you
should spend your time
however you please.
I'm glad you had fun.
Lovin' you like I got
everything to lose
Oh yeah
Hey, Ed.
Well hello, ma'am.
Hi, Ed.
How's the repair going?
The part's arriving early.
Should only be a few more days
before I'm finished up.
Oh, that's great news.
Think you can handle ranch life
for a few more days?
I quite enjoy it, actually.
Oh, really?
You mind if I stop across
the street for a minute?
No, no at all.
I was gonna see if they
could use a volunteer.
Yeah, I-I do it all
the time back home.
Oh, really?
Doing what kind of stuff?
Anything the residents want.
Games, art classes, playing
musical instruments.
Sometimes you just
listen to their stories.
I would think as a nurse
you wouldn't have a lot
of spare time, right?
It's hard work being in the ER,
and you don't really form
a personal connection
with your patients.
You just patch them up,
send them on their way.
So I would go and volunteer
at care facilities,
and form that
personal connection.
You miss it?
I do.
I was gonna see if I can
volunteer for a little bit,
but I can find a ride
back to the ranch.
Or I could volunteer with you.
That's if it's all
right with you.
I would love that.
I'm gonna fold.
I am still in.
Me too.
Sally, what about you?
Maybe I should fold.
Oh no, no, no.
Not with a hand like that.
Well, how much should I bet?
All of it.
All of it?
Well, Sara, what's it gonna be?
I fold.
I'm out.
You won.
Okay Sally, what did you have?
Oh, you don't have to show her.
Don't worry.
I'll share.
We're gonna need some milk.
Aidan, she had nothing.
I see why you enjoy that.
It's just what I needed.
So your job in Nevada,
is that in the ER?
That's the plan.
Why not work in a care facility?
I mean, you seem to
get so much out of it.
Plus, didn't you say you
wanted to start over?
Well, I guess I just
went with the ER
because that's what I knew,
and I wanted to make sure
I had a job before I moved.
That doesn't really sound
like starting over, does it?
I think it took a lot of courage
to do what you did.
Leaving your home
and your family
is not an easy step.
I mean, look at me.
I never left this place.
Well, that's different.
I mean, your whole
family works together.
You seem to really
love each other.
Yeah, for the most part.
What about you?
Your family?
It's just my sister and me,
and she got married a
couple of weeks ago, so,
new chapters in
life for both of us.
So what makes you think
Nevada's the answer?
Gotta start somewhere.
I think I'd be scared
if I were in your shoes.
Starting over alone.
Even though I have
Sam, but still.
I hope you find people
you care about there,
and who take care of you, too.
Thank you.
Now I'm worried.
Oh, I'm sorry.
That wasn't my intention.
No, it's okay.
I just, I want you to be happy
wherever you end up.
What kind is this one?
Which of these plants
are bad for the animals?
Cockleburs, Jimsonweed,
pigweed, Johnson grass.
I'll just pull what you pull.
I have a problem.
A really big problem.
What is it?
A boy asked me to dance with
him at the fall festival.
Why is that a problem?
I don't know how to dance.
Well, slow dance.
And the festival's
in a few days.
Well, I could teach you.
This is one of
Grandpa's favorites.
Okay, so you're comfortable
with country dancing
and line dancing, but
not slow dancing, right?
First things first, how
to hold one another.
You'll see a lot
of kids your age
just throwing their arms
around each other, but not you.
Maverick is gonna extend
his hand like this,
and if he doesn't,
you'll show him how.
Then you'll take his hand,
but not clasp the fingers,
because that'll make
it hard to spin.
His hand will go
on your upper arm
because you're in
elementary school,
and your arm will go
up on his shoulder
just like that.
Now what?
Now we start nice and
easy, rock side to side.
Just take it nice and slow.
It's tricky 'cause
you're taller.
You're doing great.
I've never done this before.
Are you sure?
You're a natural.
And I see us
walking hand in hand
Hi, Daddy.
You should dance with her now.
Wait, I'm not ready.
How about you two show me?
You're close to the same size.
Come on, show me.
Yeah, sure.
Now you rock side
to side, right?
That's how you can start it,
but then you can
also do the box step.
What's that?
You step in unison.
Step, side, together.
Some people like to count it.
One, two, three.
One, two, three.
That looks easy enough.
Oh, then you can add a
spin in for some flair.
I think I'll just
stick to the steps.
Thank you for showing her.
I thought I heard some
of my favorite music.
May I have this dance?
Of course.
Up for one more?
When you're looking at
me like I'm already gone
How strange it is to have
a woman in the house again.
It's nice, isn't it?
Two lovers who forgot
how it's supposed to feel
Tell me baby where
did we go wrong
One foot in, one
foot out the door
Miles were tangled
up on the floor
If this is it, tell
me how it's gonna be
Tell me you don't want
Sure has been nice
having you around.
I can't thank you enough.
Your family's been so
welcoming and kind.
I feel at home here.
That one, he's always
been a thinker.
I've noticed.
He's, uh, puts everything
he has into Sam.
Aidan was very young
when she was born,
and, uh, married straight
out of high school.
He was dedicated, still
is, to Sam and to the work.
It's nice seeing
him light up again,
take a breather
whenever you're around.
I-I really enjoy his company.
Well, you're welcome to
stay as long as you need,
even after your truck's fixed.
Thank you, Walter.
Why aren't you in bed?
Do you like Sara?
There's no dodging my question.
There's no dodging mine.
Do you love her?
Love is not a word you
can just throw around.
Love is more complicated.
Love takes time.
Did you love Mom?
I still love your mother.
Even though she left?
You don't just
stop loving someone
for the choices they make.
Besides, your mom brought
you into this world.
I will always love her for that.
I like how happy you are
when you're around Sara.
So do I.
I guess that means
I do like her.
Me too.
But her truck is gonna
be fixed in a few days,
and she'll have to move on.
Don't let her go.
That's not up to me, sweetie.
Your father said I
might find you here.
This barn is different
than the other one.
Yeah, this is what you might
call our retirement barn.
These horses have
been part of the ranch
most of their lives.
They don't get ridden?
Some of them are used
to teach kids to ride,
but old age and ailments keep
them from working too hard.
There's so many of them.
These are no longer with us.
Is that you?
He was my first horse.
This is a special place for you.
I come here from time to time.
Helps keep me centered.
You know how your photo with
your father makes you feel?
This place does the same for me.
For my mom, it was
always our rooftop deck
where her and my
dad would stargaze.
Astronomy buff?
Obsession, really.
She'd say that she felt
closest to the things
that mattered most when
she was beneath the stars.
I wanna talk to you about Sara.
What about her?
She's really special.
Don't I know that?
And you need to respect her.
I do.
I'm serious about her.
Since when have you been
serious about anything?
All this is is a
competition with you.
You know that I like her,
and you want her
just because of that.
Well it's nice you finally admit
you got feelings for her.
Look, I don't want
her being hurt by you.
You afraid of a
little competition?
There is no competition.
I'm not competing.
You wanna see Sara.
I wanna see Sara.
What do you say we
make it interesting?
I'll race you for her.
I'm not racing you.
Winner gets Sara
to himself all day.
Loser does the other one's work.
What do you say?
You got yourself a race.
To the tree at the
end of the field.
Works for me.
You ready?
Ya, ya!
- Let's go!
- Ha!
Come one!
- Ha!
- Ha!
- Come on!
- Go!
- Ya!
- Ya!
Here we go!
Ya, come on!
Ya, ya!
Ha, ha!
Come on, come on!
No, no, no, no!
I had you!
I had you!
You never win!
Good boy.
Best out of three.
Let's do best out of three.
Deal's a deal.
You win this time, but
I'm not giving up on Sara.
Good afternoon.
How would you feel about
an evening under the stars?
I'm intrigued.
Grab some warm clothes
and your camera gear.
Do I get to know
where we're going?
It's a surprise.
Let me know if you wanna
stop and take any pictures.
Will do.
Make sure you're saving film
for where we're going, though.
So what do you think?
It's beautiful.
Wait a minute.
It-it can't be.
It really is.
How did you find this?
I thought it looked familiar.
Thank you.
Will you be in it with me?
Yeah, sure.
I'm never 100% sure
about the timer,
but we'll know when it clicks.
Thank you.
I've gotten some really
great shots today.
Are you cold?
Everything's perfect.
Have you ever made
a wish on a star?
What for?
I thought if you told
anyone what you wished for,
it doesn't come true.
That's birthday wishes.
Well, yeah, I've wished
for Samantha to be happy,
I've wished for my
father to stay healthy.
And what about
wishes for yourself?
Yeah, I've made
some of those, too.
And have they come true?
I should take you back
before it gets too late.
Thank you for bringing me here.
Hey, I haven't heard
from you in a while.
Sorry, I've been a little
caught up in things here.
Oh really?
Like what?
Like taking photos.
Show me some.
Is that Aidan?
No wonder you stuck around.
Show me some more.
Who is that?
Uh, Porter.
It's Aidan's brother.
You're stuck on the ranch
with the both of them?
That's a good thing, right?
You'd think so.
What did you get yourself into?
Do you like both brothers?
No way.
Well, Porter's fun and wild,
attractive, and he knows it.
But Aidan, Aidan's
so down to earth,
and I feel relaxed
when I'm with him,
like there's some kind
of connection between us.
But I did something
that I shouldn't have.
I kissed Aidan.
Well, he kissed me.
That's a good thing, right?
Fine, complicated.
But now that my
truck's almost fixed,
I need to decide what to do.
You can stay for as
long as you want.
I can't do that.
I mean, why even stick around
when I'm gonna have
to leave eventually?
Sara, I would hate for you to do
something you might regret.
I mean you leaving
something good behind.
But it's not my life
I'm worried about here,
I-I don't want to
over-complicate theirs.
We have about picked them clean.
That tree has some.
Good morning.
Um, thank you for last night.
I never thought I
would actually find
the spot from my photo.
You're welcome.
I hope it helped you find
some of what you
were looking for.
It did.
Hey, we working today?
Lots to do, right?
Okay, let's see.
You got it!
Do you see that diagonal?
Great job.
Lovin' you like
I got everything
Yeah, just go with the grain.
This is my favorite chapter.
The guests love having you here,
and so does the staff.
The feeling's mutual.
Well, with your
nursing background,
we'd love to have you
more than just volunteer.
If you're in the area for
longer, just let us know.
I will.
They're wearing off all those-
Rough day of it?
Some of us more than others.
I think he's a bit
frustrated with that horse.
No, I'm not frustrated
with the horse.
I'm frustrated with whoever
named the horse Buttercup.
You know, there's a horse
in there named Warrior.
Now that's a horse that
matches my personality.
If you were meant
to ride a horse
that matched your personality,
you should be riding Lumpy.
Here, let me put him away.
Now, about that long face.
What's wrong, young lady?
I-I wanted to feel
happy and at home
for a while now.
And I do.
I'm volunteering at
the care facility,
and helping out
around the ranch,
and hanging out with
Sam, and Porter.
And Aidan?
And Aidan.
Everyone here feels like family.
But I have to go.
Is that your head talking
or your heart?
Little bit of both.
May I join you?
Of course.
Do you know what's
special about the stars
on a clear night?
Besides the way it lights
up your pretty face.
It's that they are constant,
yet every time I look
up, I see something new.
You like surprises then?
Only when I know about
them ahead of time.
You know something that
might surprise you about me,
is before this week,
I don't know that I've
ever been in love.
I mean, I fall in love
with women all the time,
but I mean the kind that
really knocks you over,
the kind you feel so deeply,
nothing else matters.
You ever felt that way before?
I think so.
I don't want you to go.
I don't want to either, but.
I've been a little forward.
I just didn't want you
doubting the way I feel.
Oh, that's...
You don't feel the same?
At least not for me.
It's getting late.
I should-
You left the gate
open last night.
Any of the horses get out?
No, 'cause I closed it
before it was too late.
None of the horses got out.
So what's the big deal?
I'm just saying, you have
got to be more responsible.
Those horses could've
gotten out, or worse.
It's like you're
always waiting for me
to clean up after you.
We can't all be
perfect like you.
I don't get the work done
when you want it done,
but I get it done.
After I remind you
again and again.
Again and again and again.
When you gonna leave me alone?
Porter, I am so tired
of waiting on you.
Grow up.
Yeah, maybe I'd grow up if
you'd get out of the way.
You wanna do this right now?
Yeah, let's do it right now.
Hello, this is Sara.
Oh, hi Ed.
There you two are.
I'm teaching Sara how to fish.
I can see that.
I'm using your pole.
Sorry, I should've asked.
It's all right.
Just put it back
where you found it.
Everything good
between you and Porter?
I guess so.
Anything I can do to help?
Are you coming to
the festival, Sara?
Uh, when is it?
Tomorrow night at the city park.
I wish I could, but Ed called
saying my truck will
be ready by tomorrow,
so gotta make up for lost time
and get back on the road.
What's wrong?
The usual.
So this isn't about Sara?
Okay, yeah.
I fail to see the humor here.
While you two are
squabbling over Sara,
she's gonna leave us all unless
you do something about it.
What can I do?
When you were in second grade,
your teacher called
and said she was
gonna put you in the
lower level reading group
because, in her words,
she didn't think
you were advanced enough.
You're bringing up my
childhood shortcomings?
Instead of giving up,
you went out and read
every book that you could just
to prove that teacher wrong.
So you're saying
that I can fix this?
I can just ask her to stay?
Letting fate play out its hand
isn't something we
Andersons do, Aidan.
Never has been.
Carve my own path, huh?
That's the beauty of God's plan.
You get to make the choices.
You need to tell
her how you feel.
How you really feel.
I suspect that God knows
that having Sara stay here
is what's best for all of us.
You look so beautiful.
Thank you.
Just be careful not
to move too much,
and it should hold
to the festival.
Do you have to go?
I do.
I knew this day would come.
I was just hoping it wouldn't.
Do you, uh, know
where your father is?
I just wanted to say
goodbye before I left.
You should see how beautiful
your daughter looks.
Thanks for helping
her get ready.
I'm happy to.
Uh, I wanted to tell
you why I left Chicago,
why I really left.
I-I was running away.
Last month, my-my sister
married my ex-boyfriend.
We'd been dating
for, like, a year,
and I thought we were in love.
I thought he was gonna marry me,
but he told me he was
in love with my sister.
That must've been
really hard to hear.
It was.
It took me a while
to forgive them.
But then I-I left because
I saw that they were happy,
and I wasn't.
I know that sounds selfish, but,
I need to find a way
to be happy, too.
And-and have you?
With what happened
between my sister and me,
it drove a wedge between us,
and I don't want to be
the same for your family.
Porter and I had our
issues before you arrived.
But I've only made them worse.
I think it's best that I go.
If that's what
you think is best.
Ed brought it by.
Keys and receipt
are under the visor.
So you're really
doing this, huh?
I am.
Wish you'd stay.
We're gonna miss you.
I'm gonna miss you guys, too.
I'm gonna miss having you as
a camp neighbor, neighbor.
What is it, boy?
Henry, what's wrong?
I'm fine, I'm good.
Henry, what happened?
It's my arm.
Can you rotate it?
I think it might be broken.
It's embarrassing.
I was kicked by a horse.
That Buttercup.
Don't strain it.
Keep it still and don't move it.
I haven't been kicked by a horse
in the 30 years
that I've been here.
Charlotte, do you have any ice?
In the RV.
Okay, we're gonna find something
to immobilize your arm.
Can you go and run and
grab one of the Andersons?
I don't, I don't want to
bother them with this.
I'll never hear the end of it.
We need to get you
to the hospital.
I haven't driven in years.
Henry always drives.
Come on, I can drive us.
Yes, that-that'll work.
You go grab the ice,
and we'll head out.
That Butch?
Butch is a darker brown.
That's Sundance.
Guess I should tell
the horses apart, huh?
Eh, probably a good idea.
There's a lot of things I
don't know that I should.
Kinda like with Sara.
I don't know a thing about her.
I know she's fun and
she's pretty, but
you see her
differently than I do.
You see her for
who she really is.
And I know she
doesn't feel for me
what she feels for you.
What are you getting at?
What I'm trying to say, brother,
is I'm not gonna
get in your way.
Well, it's too late.
She's leaving.
She's leaving?
Doesn't mean she's left yet.
It'll just be a few minutes,
then you guys can
go back and see him.
Thank you, doctor.
You bet.
He's in very capable hands.
He is such a stubborn man.
Even after the horse kicked him,
he finished shoeing that horse
with a broken arm.
He's very determined.
There's no quit in him.
That's why I love him.
I wish Sara could've come.
I know.
Me too.
Call her.
I tried.
But unfortunately she
needs to be somewhere else.
Henry okay?
Walter sent me as soon
as he got your message.
Just don't let him
know that I told you.
He's embarrassed enough already.
My lips are sealed.
I thought you left.
I'm gonna go check on Henry.
I am leaving.
I just-
Aidan's a good man, Sara.
I know.
He might be rough
around the edges,
but I think you two'd
make a good pair.
Plus I don't think Sam's
ready to let Takoda go.
Porter, I can't stay.
I don't think you should go.
I think you found
someone who surprised you
just like those
stars you talk about.
I have.
There's your answer.
Well, whatever you decide to do,
I count myself lucky
you came into our lives.
You okay?
May I have this dance?
You may.
She came.
I thought you left.
I did.
But I had to come back.
Dance with me?
There's something
I need to tell you.
You go first.
I don't want you to go.
That's what I was gonna say.
I'm not leaving.
What about your job?
I already called the hospital,
and they were okay with it.
It's a relief, because
I'm not ready to go.
I mean, if that's
all right with you.
Do you remember those wishes?
I wished for someone like you.
Don't get any ideas.
Yes, ma'am.