Romantiche (2023) Movie Script

[rhythmic music]
[Eugenia] They are special people who deal with Vision Art.
And I was telling you that I did these workshops,
which gave me the awareness that there was something wrong with me.
There was something that wasn't working, that was in conflict with the situations.
And thanks to Chantal, who I was telling you about, that you don't know,
She's this really interesting girl that you'll definitely hear about.
[Eugenia] Do you remember when BIaBIaCar was in fashion?
I loved it.
I always traveled with that.
Even the day I moved to Rome.
It was April 24, 2016.
Ten hours in the car with a mysterious stranger, from the 80s!
Too many tens!
Anyway, I'll give myself three years in Rome, and if I don't become a screenwriter,
I can put it in writing right here on your window I can write it.
I don't do it because otherwise you'll look at me badly!
It's just that I've always felt different compared to the Palermo context.
As if I were the wrong fruit from the garden, I don't know how to say it.
The fig tree grown on the persimmon.
That kind of disconnect, just not...
I understood you.
11 I understood you.
I hear people. Or no?
I feel like we are really connecting.
You're a quiet, sulky, all-in guy.
I'm like that too, you know?
If it had been up to me, I would have remained silent the whole trip, from Palermo to here.
For how I am inside, true.
Do you know what we do now?
We are silent.
Let's listen to the silence, which in my opinion communicates more.
Let's listen to each other.
- If nobody speaks, what do we listen to? - Stop! We're in Rome!
I'm just saying.
We are in Rome!
Damn, we're in Rome!
Sai Eugenia,
In my opinion, it's wrong to give yourself a time limit on things.
There are no poor quality products like in food.
Why three years?
In fact, six have passed.
I'll explain to you.
In these six years, I have delivered my script 0Ii0 on Apple,
I really gave it to everyone.
[Eugenia] I went to university, I gave it to the professors at Dams.
- Professor Volpe? - Yes.
- Eugenia Pratic, writing course... - I'm in a bit of a hurry.
[Eugenia] To actors and actresses for whom I did photo books.
- I would like you to read it. - Thanks.
[Eugenia] I also gave a copy to the mime and mask course.
I take this opportunity to give you my script.
[Eugenia] The professor was really an idiot!
Really, seven euros and fifty cents for a plastic-bound copy, wasted.
But you never know!
Introvert, extrovert!
[Eugenia] Even to Sandro Veronesi', the writer, twice winner of the Strega prize,
when I was babysitting her little son.
Zeno! Do you understand what I mean?
[Eugenia] If you want, we can talk about it, we can open a discussion.
Truly an overrated film!
The poor thing doesn't understand that they're checking him.
- Seriously? - What does it have to do with anything! It's actually current!
With these they really control us.
Are they checking us? Are they checking you, Modesta Occhipinti?
What the hell are you talking about?
- But why is your name Modesta? - Of course not!
Gentlemen who control us, I have something to tell you.
Today, Modesta Occhipinti, bought three courgettes,
and he eats two of them!
- Excuse me, really, is your name Modesta? - Ho, it's not Modesta, it's Moma!
Ho, it's Modesta!
- Can you show me your ID? - You're a pain in the ass!
[confused jokes]
[Eugenia] They were my family.
Moma, an aspiring theatre actress,
who had the dream of joining Emma Dante's company,
and then Lia, a very pop singer, but also...
With the skate to enter Amici.
Why do men believe that the longer they last during sex, the better they are?
But who the hell told him?
They are absolutely convinced!
After a while I say: "You have to send me home, darling, I don't know what else to invent".
Because how much is enough for you? An hour?
An hour Lia? What are you doing for an hour?
[Eugenia in an apathetic voice] "Again, again. Yes, I like it.
Go, stallion, very good, you are number one."
Five seconds have passed, I'm already fed up!
Then they are fixated on positions!
And they turn you around and around, they turn you over, one leg here and the other in Poggibonsi.
- But then you don't even get one right! - Impossible!
In fact, in the end, I get pissed off, I get on top of him, and he enjoys it!
But you're right! You've earned it that you know your body!
- Indeed! - Then these positions are ridiculous.
If I see you in these positions like this...
You look like an idiot, the fainting position!
The Sun Salutation Position!
He's marinating!
Moma, if I see you like this, I'll come and tell you: "Don't tell me you're enjoying it!".
Ok! Men are zero, women? Have you ever slept with a woman?
- Not yet. - [Moma] I do.
- Really? - [Moma nods]
And how is it?
Iel sa. |
Yes, you know.
- She knows why... - Rightly so.
[Eugenia] She took double so the mistress makes us pay...
- [indistinct voices] - No, here it is!
[all] Ole!
Okay, thanks!
Alright, good evening everyone!
I am number two.
- Okay. - And today I feel depressed.
I wanted to tell you that these ten years, with Eugenia, have been truly beautiful.
But today, October 26,
the time has come to leave this world.
All right.
Before I go though, I'll just tell you one quick thing,
the secret to success is...
[all] Is it?
- Oh, no! - The secret to success?
It doesn't matter darling, because I'm here now!
Go! Ungrateful!
- Vincenzo comes every year. - But...
'Listen to the gift. It's normal, it's your thing.
Anyway, then,
this three will bring me luck,
because if it's true that after 30 you become your ascendant,
I'm leaving Scorpio and starting tomorrow I'm Taurus!
Jokes aside, these twenty years have been great,
in this evil and magical Rome, which nevertheless adopted me...
Great speech, well done! Fantastic!
Let's do this traditionally Italian thing.
[Mom] Water!
[indistinct voices]
- [Eugenia] So. - [Lia] So!
[all] One, two, three!
I can't believe you finally came Claudia!
Yes of course I came! Sorry.
- Eugenia! Look who's there? - At candle time?
I can't believe it! I'm speechless.
Hello! Sorry, we just barged into your house.
But you have to break into the houses. Then it's always open for you.
[Levante] Thank you.
- Nice to meet you, Eugenia! - Hello, nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you. - Roberto, my tour manager.
Nice to meet you, welcome.
- And Achilles, my sound engineer. - Hi.
- Eugenia. - Congratulations!
Thank you.
[Eugenia] Statistics say
that the body understands sexual understanding with a person in the first five seconds.
Another statistic says, instead,
that men who focus only on the soft spherical surfaces of the body,
They are mainly aquarium.
- What's your star sign? - Guess what?
- You're an Aquarius. - How do you know?
You only focus on the boobs!
[groans and labored breathing]
You don't remember anything about that evening.
You were completely drunk,
you were practically stunned!
Sorry, Levante, that is Claudia...
can I talk to you for a moment?
Sure, just tell me.
Alone though, if possible.
- Okay, fine. - Thanks.
I arrive.
I would like to be a singer.
I mean, I want to be a singer.
I want...
I also write my own songs, I write the lyrics,
Eugenia only writes the titles for me, but I do everything else!
I can't go back to La Spelta! I just can't go back to La Spelta.
I don't have a plan B!
I have to do this in life, because I was born to do this.
And everyone tells me, "You have to chase your dream!
Go to Rome, you can do it! You're 20 years old!".
I don't even see my dream anymore, I don't even know what it looks like anymore!
It's all dark! That's it! It's dark!
No! Honey, not in the dark! Not in the dark, calm down. Don't worry.
Do you know what I've learned all these years?
That there aren't many untapped talents around.
And if you're strong, you somehow get out.
How are you?
- Strong. - You are strong.
But are you "a piece of me", or a piece of shit?
La cantone, the nice play on words.
[Eugenia hums]
Now come here!
- [Roberto] She was so stoned... - Drunk!
Sorry! We're just taking the jackets and the bag.
Thank you.
They didn't recognize us.
Best wishes again!
To me yes, but not to you!
- Achilles I'll call you tomorrow! Bye! - They recognized you too.
- [Achilles] Ouch! - Forgive me.
What a Madonna you are!
[Lia] # And it doesn't seem true to me #
# I just had to stick my finger into the fridge #
# To carry a dream to the sky #
# I really believed it #
# And now look at me I'm taking flight and... #
[Moma] Oh!
What's new?
- Yes. - Fica, what's her name?
Eugenia suggested a title to me, but I don't know if it's good.
"Open celery."
- Celery? - Celery.
I like it.
"Black mustache, a strange adventure,
Oblong, bony, lanky.
The eyes are close together and the lips are not very fleshy, thin as blades,
and webbed feet.
Wings behind the back,
and once he had flown higher than the swallow,
and had launched his first call of love.
[Eugenia makes a seagull sound]
And so, going around the cloud, he discovered that it was his father."
And this is the intimate moment...
Listen, Eugenia, I'm going.
Do you want two nuts?
No, but what nuts.
I'm telling you, you're a little wobbly,
in my opinion, you don't come home like this.
If you want to take advantage of sleeping here,
- without any kind of... - Thanks, but I can't sleep outside.
I'm not really the pushy type, I'm not the girly type, really.
But really, I'm saying this for you.
Take advantage of it, because I have a heart to send you out on the street like this.
No, Eugenia.
Otherwise, who's going to change the microphones in Levante!
Eugenia, I'm married.
I can't sleep outside.
- So, if you're married... - [mumbles]
No, it's just that, rightly, one doesn't ask oneself these things,
you don't say them, so that's fine.
I'm not married, anyway.
- I'm sorry. - No! I'm calm.
Really! Indeed, if you like reading Ofo on mefa.
- Maybe something soundy, something... - Okay, thanks.
- Bye bye.
Did you say something?
Get this straight into your head.
There is no such thing as apprenticeship in this profession!
[Eugenia] Then, finally, 400 euros well spent.
June 2020, the seminar of my myth, Susanna Celano.
The only female screenwriter who charged as much as a man.
It's always hard to start!
How do you exclude millions of words and choose one.
What will be the right word.
Where will it come from, where are we going to fish it out?
[mobile notifications]
Chi du-du-du?
- Here it is! I'm so sorry. - [laughs nervously]
Silenced, I beg your pardon.
Remind me of your name.
Always, Eugenia Pratic.
Eugenia Practiced!
Good! You've given us a head start on our day.
- Ah! - [laughs nervously]
That's better! There are worse days.
MGIO male.
So, our story begins like this, with a message.
[to mobile notifications]
Can you also read it to us?
But if you want me to read it, I can...
- If it's not psychodrama... - Absolutely. In fact, it's right.
I understand the dynamics.
It happened to me, it's right that I read the message.
Damn! These ringtones!
Okay, then I'll read it.
- It's a bit... - [laughs nervously]
The message goes like this.
"Sleeping next to you scared me"
And then there are two emoticons, the ones with the ambiguous tongue,
- that you don't understand anything, hateful. - [laughter]
Guys, we don't care if the message is true or false,
as long as it's credible.
And she was brave to read it,
or make it up.
Anyway: "Sleeping hugging you scared me",
that's not a bad start!
0 as final.
Do you have something you want me to read?
Absolutely yes, 0Ii0 on Apple.
Eugenia Practiced.
Eugenia Practiced.
[Eugenia] Since I delivered Olio su Mela to Celano,
three months had passed.
I couldn't stomach this thing.
If you didn't like it, you have to tell me to my face.
No problem.
[indistinct voices]
[Susanna] We will convince you!
Susanna? I can't believe it.
Do you see it?
Good morning.
Writing seminar at Pigneto, Eugenia Pratic.
- Oil on Apple.
Oil on Apple'. Of course, good morning.
- So? - Eugenia Pratic.
Here it is.
Then I read it,
only that I left to finish my novel in Zanzibar,
and it slipped my mind.
Of course not.
Let's do it this way.
To make up for it, I'll reread it, and on Sunday you'll come to my house for dinner.
- It seems fantastic to me, perfect. - Perfect.
Great idea, thanks. See you on Sunday then.
- Goodbye. - See you Sunday.
Sunday's address?
- Piana Vittorio, 39. - Piana Vittorio, 39.
Very simple. Perfect. See you on Sunday then!
I'm going on an appointment for a moment.
- Miss? But where are you going? - No, I'm nowhere.
[confused chatter]
- I brought it! - He takes credit for other people's wine.
[Susanna] The last bottle you brought was a year ago.
- [Achille] But that's not true! - Mrs. Susana, there's a guest.
Sorry for the delay, I understood 9:00pm.
- Don't worry, as if... - But there's a curfew, darling!
It's true, these THINGS...
Let's speed up the procedures.
She is Eugenia Pratic, a beautiful mind from Palermo.
[woman] Hello!
[Susanna] And they are,
Filippo Orobello, the only producer in Milan who supports Roma.
It's true, my passion!
[Susanna] She is Erica, a friend who writes poems,
you have to buy his book, otherwise you will never set foot here again.
I already bought it.
But come on in, okay?
No, I was...
Here is Achille, Levante's sound engineer, a nice asshole.
He is only married when he has to sleep with girls.
- True! - [Susanna] True or not?
- Are you married today? - [woman] No.
[Susanna] Here's Giorgio, the architect.
[under his breath] Piece of shit, moron, dickface.
Useless thing, asshole.
You moron, you piece of shit.
You and I need to talk.
- Ready! - Come on!
[Susanna] Come!
And this...
It's my studio.
It's truly fabulous.
I can imagine the ideas that come here.
But according to you...
it's better to have the courage to throw yourself down,
or to tell things as they are?
It's an interesting question, double meaning too...
For example...
have you ever committed suicide?
I did not understand?
Suicide, do you know?
Um, I have to say I miss this, as a life experience.
I understand what you mean.
Certainly, during the period of youth protests I had...
Come with me! Take this, come.
Trust me.
Now listen to me carefully.
On my three, throw the grapefruit.
Maybe someone will pass by, I don't want that maybe...
Stay calm, who cares if someone passes by.
Trust me.
Are you ready?
- Do I need to display something? - I have!
You just have to think about making the flight that the grapefruit makes.
One two three.
Jump in!
[grapefruit crashing to the ground]
- I understand... - What?
What did you want to tell me?
That suicide is a vanity, and therefore...
That's why you immediately came to kill yourself.
It's true! Indeed, a little vain.
- Anyway, Susanna, I really... - What does it say here?
"Destroying manual", feel the apostrophe.
- A nice play on words. - So you're destructive!
Sometimes, unfortunately, I'm a little destructive, yes.
And you have protruding ears.
- Yes! Actually, it's the lobes that are... - This one too?
- The lobes. - Both.
- Soft. - Asymmetric.
[Susanna] They're beautiful.
A kiss, a peck and a peck.
Excuse me.
Sorry no, it's just that I'm not...
- I'm everything but I'm not... - You don't like me?
- No! It's just that I'm not... - What are you not?
"OH I0 S0.
So let's do it like this,
now I'm giving you a real, deep, passionate kiss.
And then you tell me what you are, okay?
- No, sorry! I don't feel like it. - Ok.
Sorry, I don't feel like it.
- Ok. - I don't understand.
Ok, you don't feel like it.
No, really Susanna, it's just...
let's say that not...
I didn't have at all...
You are a sensitive person, Eugenia.
You have a female sensitivity,
I know it's powerful, I know it's modern.
But it's incredible how you failed to convey
a bit of this sensitivity in your script.
I read your 0Ii0 on Apple,
they should give me another David di Donatello,
just for the time I spent on this bullshit.
I'm sorry Pratic,
you are living a life that is not yours.
You are a good person...
but you're not an artist.
But where did I go wrong, in your opinion?
It's amazing!
In these six years,
not even a sign, one, I'm not saying much!
As if the world...
had continued to tour, but only for others.
Moma got married, she lives in Parma, we video call every now and then.
Amici won.
- The little one? - Yes, the little one.
Amici won. She came first!
You know badly Eugenia,
that this is a really beautiful story?
It doesn't seem to me that he did anything wrong, on the contrary!
It seems to me that he had a very intense life!
And he only told me the beginning. And so young!
Don't be scared!
Now he only has to live six more years.
Then six more, six more, six more,
then six more, six more, six more...
All right, all right!
You're right, Dr. Panini, I'm living these multiples of six years!
Because mine is a beautiful story, only now we do it my way!
Because I'm fed up!
People where you feel strong and tell you things to your face,
good, you're bad, you're cool!
Who asked you, Susanna Celano?
11 I asked if you liked 0Ii0 on Apple, not if I could be an artist!
Don't like 0Ii0 on Apple? Great, let's give it to the cat!
And I'll write another one though!
I'm here for another six years and I'm writing another script, which you like!
Do you want to know what the title is?
The indiscreet charm of this squashed suicidal grapefruit of this strain.
Do you like it like this?
I'm not going back to Palermo, I won't give you this satisfaction.
I'm not giving up!
"OH mollo!
You will never see failure in my eyes!
And anyway, the title of the song that Lia sang at Amici
with which she came first and won, I wrote it, Eugenia Pratic!
It's called "Open Celery", and it was written by me! Me!
And I wrote it here in Pigneto!
Because this is my neighborhood, and I want to stay here forever.
I want to stay in Pigneto, all my life!
Actually, do you know what I tell you?
I take out my computer, and I write another script.
Because I'm that kind of girl, with the computer at the bar,
the drawer full of dreams, and I write a new script!
Whatever you like, one for all!
- It's closed, where are you going? - No, I'm nowhere. Sorry.
Oh, look, it's reopening!
Why are they all reopening here! They're always reopening!
And you find me here!
To Pigneto!
Because mine is a beautiful story!
Mine is a beautiful story!
Do you understand what I mean?
[indistinct voices]
[Raisins] Which then I don't like to define relationships between people,
in the end we share experiences, beauty, things, so what does it matter, right?
His name is Sanis Jachin Bomlap Del Pioppo,
he's like less Greek, then he lives in London, but also like in Mumbai,
and the mother is French, the father is Umbrian,
but the grandmother is from Zakynthos.
It does this whistling thing with the blades of grass and it's flat earth.
He always told me this thing about the earth being flat,
and I felt a kind of falling in love,
oh my god, and so...
And that scared you?
No, no fear,
because falling in love, for me, has always been quite familiar.
Familiar in what sense?
That of the five men I've had, four are cousins.
And the fifth one we are checking, it could be part of the Sardinian strain.
So they're all his relatives?
No, cousins.
[Raisins] Have you been to India?
- [Sans] No! - It's not true.
No, never! But I read the book.
I read a book, or rather I bought it, but I didn't read it.
How come?
- It was very big. - [Uvetta laughs]
You can put it as an Indian table centerpiece.
But you know that at Giglio every evening, you know the ants where the lighthouse is...
Yes, ants.
At sunset the tuna feast takes place.
You think that thousands of sardines come to the surface,
and reflect the sunset light.
And the tuna see them, and they eat them all!
- Mangianza, it's crazy! - yes.
Did you know that the pheasant is part of the same family as gallinaceous birds?
In fact, it's like a chicken, but a beautiful one.
- A beautiful hen. - Yes.
Hemingway, he was obsessed with pheasants, he wanted to hunt only pheasants,
because he said they were much more beautiful and colorful than peacocks,
and then the male pheasant is polygamous.
Come on! Alone, Hemingway!
[Raisin laughs]
- Anacleto, good morning! - Good morning.
- Good morning guys! - [Sanis] Two of your focaccias!
- The ones with oregano! - With oregano, yes.
Have you seen the video with the highest wave in the world?
- No. - Have you never seen it?
[Raisins] Wow!
A huge mass of water!
A wave.
We, in front of nature, are nothing!
[together] Thank you.
- How much do we owe you? - Give me five euros.
You have something, that I don't...
I didn't bring my purse.
Anacleto we don't have any cash, but my aunt will come by to settle the bill.
Aunt is coming, okay.
Thank you Anacleto, good morning!
Super him!
[Sanis] Good!
I think the hilltop villages at dawn are, like, out of this world, right?
It's all perfect.
Wait a minute.
What is it?
But weren't there any bikes there?
Weren't they there?
- No, okay! - No, okay, they were stolen from us!
I can't believe it, they stole our bikes!
- Absurd! What? - We really are two idiots!
- They were great! - Very fast, really great!
- No, okay. - Congratulations!
What now?
And, so, another relative?
Yes, he's a cousin too.
I wonder how it is possible that she doesn't know her relatives?
No, it's just that I always find out afterwards, it's not my fault.
One starts talking about this and that, one talks about places,
of grandparents, and that's when it turns out that we are cousins.
I don't know, maybe there's something familiar about them that attracts me.
Maybe, he could try to change his tune.
I am almost never in Rome, only passing through.
I change cities a lot, I travel a lot, I travel a lot.
It's just that they travel a lot too.
But who are they?
The cousins.
[knocking at the door]
[Gamin] Miss Raisin.
Miss Raisin.
Miss Raisin.
It's 3:00 PM.
- Miss Raisins. - [Gamin knocks]
Miss Raisin!
It's 3:00 PM.
Aunt, how are you?
[Raisin Child] My name is Giacinto, and I will never step on another ant again.
What are you doing this summer?
I avoid the sea.
I'm going to the mountains, it rained beautifully,
we're going to have some mushroom picking this year.
- Chanterelles! - Chanterelles.
And you?
I don't know yet,
But Tati says: "Let's form a group and go on a tour of the volcanoes."
But why don't you take a scuba diving course?
Yes! Also, that's cool.
It's cool sub.
[celebratory horn honking]
- [Raisins] Guys! - [Ranieri] Don't tell me, are you hungry?
- [Ranieri] Are you hungry or not? - I'm super hungry, aren't you?
Here, the best pizza ever!
[Raisins] yes?
[inaudible dialogue]
[Tatiana] Think about it, from something as light as a breath,
something as strong as glass is born.
You basically drink a glass with one breath. Crazy!
- Have you been to Murano to Aunt Caterina? - Yes!
[Raisins] I have always loved doing things with my hands,
like Chinese shadows,
applaud, the blowjobs,
because I always found beautiful things.
They looked like, like, used soap, but they were actually cuttlefish bones in the sand.
Your name is Giacinto, and all those like you.
- Auntie, I wanted to ask you something... - [auntie] Shh!
Ok, sorry.
Super careful.
The oven, the one in the center of the little square, is it grandma's, right?
Yes, the whole building belongs to grandma.
- Ok, who... - [shot]
- Wow. - [laughs nervously]
I thought it would be super nice to have an experience there, like...
- As a baker? - Yes, some experience.
I realized that in the end,
It has always been my greatest passion since I was little.
- So... - What?
Bread, rolling pin, yeast, braids, bruschetta, these things.
- Then I think... - [I shoot]
Super cool.
- I'll talk to grandma. - Ok.
But don't we collect the dead pheasants?
- Maybe we'll take them... - Shh!
Low pheasant?
No, hare.
Tall hare.
Got it!
I adore!
[Raisins] Thanks Rocco! Fantastic!
I have, zero sleep, I hate sleeping.
At that time?
Super hunt today?
Big hunt! Intense!
How beautiful you are!
Come on!
Listen, so in Peru?
When are you going at the end?
I think tomorrow.
Good, that's fine, you're doing well. I've never been to Peru.
- You're kidding. - I have.
Lima, Machu-Pichu, a must!
It's embarrassing, in fact, I should organize a weekend in Peru.
- Forgiven. - Okay.
And how long are you in Peru?
I'm following this business of a friend of mine from London,
a very particular conceptual artist who does crazy stuff with bark.
- Design, lamps, pillows, socks. - Cool.
Then the bark is a material that does not pollute,
so it's also a green business.
- Exactly. - Interesting!
And when you're there, when do you come back?
We are halfway to the Dubai Expo with my uncle,
and then from there London, Martina, who is crazy!
And finally, finally, Patmos, Greece, relax!
I think, if you like, you could come over there to us.
Yes, that's fine! Patmos, that's fine.
And when are you going to Patmos?
We could do it directly in London, at Martina's!
Ok, when in London?
More or less the period?
Because the last time I'll be in Italy will be around Duccio's 30th birthday.
- Duccio and Martina were together... - In Italy, where? More or less.
- Duccio and Martina were together. - Just to regulate myself.
- What if I told you Bolgheri? - See you in Bolgheri?
When are you going?
Pantelleria, okay, yes.
- When, a date. - There's something exotic...
Tell me a period, because otherwise I don't know what to do.
- From Pantelleria... - Just one date.
- Sahara. - Sahara.
- With the Bedouins, the stars... - But then, a latitude?
- There is a night there... - A coordinate?
- Alllgentario, too many summers. - We don't tell each other.
We're not telling each other, this is crazy.
- [Ranieri] When? - When are we seeing each other?
[Raisin] Okay, let's not tell each other.
Argentario, Pantelleria.
Shall we meet in Capalbio?
We'll never see each other!
[Raisins] Sex has been happening for millions of years,
so it's a very ancient tradition.
We young people must carry on the traditions,
otherwise this country will go to pieces.
So, do you consider sex a tradition?
And the pleasure?
Nice to meet you, I'm happy.
But, in my opinion, pleasure is a bit overrated.
I mean, ok fmmybut in the end easy, let's not exaggerate. In the end what do you do?
I mean, we're not cows, are we?
Did you know that you have beautiful wrists?
They are super thin like your grandmother's.
The dead one.
Yes, she has super thin wrists.
Me too.
In fact, my bracelets always fall off.
[they laugh]
[low voice] Beautiful.
[Mina's "Se telefonondo" plays]
[Raisin] Sorry, was the music cool?
The party was awesome, the organization was amazing.
But they kept putting out the same revivals.
What a drag.
- They didn't have DJ Piti. - [Raisin] Yes, he's very good, that's true.
Piti turns the holidays around for you.
Piti is really good.
I have to go. Excuse me, I'm running away!
What are you up to?
- I work, at the bakery. - [Tatiana] Come on!
[Ranieri] Come on, are you working?
- I think this thing is really cool. - Me too!
- Yes. - Yes, in fact I'm super excited.
So you're not from Clemi?
No, I can't.
Let me know if you change your mind, we're there!
I'll let you know, then!
- Hi guys! E2505. - [Ranieri] Hi!
[Ranieri] Come on, that time when...
[Raisin] So, the person who works there is called Mario Toni,
he is the manager of the place, but the oven is my grandmother's,
I mean the walls are my grandmother's.
He goes there every day, in fact every day, to work.
Hats off, because he wakes up at dawn, since the ovens work at night.
He's terrible, he's super strict.
I will never forget that he always told me,
"Dammit, you raisins!"
I adore him, I love him super much, I'm sure he loves me too.
We, the grumpy ones, are a bit hard at first,
but, in reality, we understood each other immediately.
[in Roman dialect] Come here and I'll explain it to you.
Here are the three lockers.
One is me, two is Kamal, three is you.
Three, do you understand? You are three, make no mistake.
Ok, I get it.
Turn everything on and get help carrying the sacks of flour up.
The sack of flour is heavy for her.
Guys, don't have mercy on me! Really.
I adore.
But who sent us this?
I adore.
[Mario] Check carefully. Come on!
Take it with your left hand underneath.
[Raisin laughs]
Spin! Move more!
Now get up!
Miss Raisin! Miss?
Miss Raisin! Miss?
Hello! I am 2404.
There are 2404 of them!
Um, am I three?
- Twenty-four zero four? - Yes.
- Go! - Thanks!
Who are you?
Miss Raisin, miss?
[Kamal speaks in Arabic]
No okay, but is it Arabic?
- How come you speak Arabic? - Because I'm from Morocco.
Super interesting!
Well, everyone says Marrakech, but like Rabat is ten times better, right?
[Kamal speaks in Arabic]
It's crazy, mandatory, weekend in Rabat.
It's sensational, it's a must.
[Kamal for Arabic]
Excuse me,
excuse me,
I really wanted to tell you that it's people like you,
the artisans, those who make this country great.
Because you carry on traditions, like bread.
I think they should make a documentary about you, literally.
Raisins, what the fuck are you talking about?
You're terrible Mario. You're right, we're slacking off here!
I'll be right back to work.
This experience in the oven was very important for me,
because I understood many things about myself.
That happiness lies in small, primordial, tactile things.
And, I felt super better.
In fact I recommended it to all my friends,
Go to work, because its crazy and youll feel super better.
And they were absolutely, I'm not exaggerating,
the five best days of my life.
[Mario] I'm leaving, turn everything off! The ovens especially.
- [Kamal] Okay. - Bye, boss!
[Mario] Yes, hello, boss, they even make fun of you.
[Raisins] Sorry.
[Raisin stammers]
[Raisin] At one point he comes closer, and gives me a kiss.
So completely [in English] out of the blue.
Yes, unbelievable! We kissed for 35 minutes.
But then he did something even more incredible,
from incredible it became wow.
[inaudible dialogue]
This is the one thing I never stopped doing
since I was little.
They're a bit useless,
but in my opinion they are beautiful.
[Kamal speaks in Arabic]
Do you know how I realized I was pregnant?
Why, my wrists swelled up,
and the bracelets no longer slip.
But she doesn't know whose child this is, right?
Can't figure out which of the two could be the father?
Maybe counting the days, like...
Okay, then I'm going.
- Thank you Dr. Panini. - You didn't even have coffee!
Well, good luck, Raisins.
In fact, good luck to both of you.
Thank you very much. Goodbye Dr. Panini.
Until we meet again.
If it's a boy I'll call him Giacinto.
If it's a girl, wow,
[Michela in Roman dialect] My mother always tells me to go,
that shortly before the wedding, you would get riots.
The inner turmoil, the troubles of the heart. Which would then be the doubts.
They hadn't come to me.
At most I was a little more nervous and made more cakes, that's for sure.
But I did it for Ivano, because it was going well with Ivano!
He is rare! He is both tender and protective.
I really liked this!
Beautiful, this one stays tighter on you.
- Baked pasta? - No, I'm confused.
[in Roman dialect] I want to toast this wonderful couple!
And to my son, who gives me great satisfaction, with the Arma!
And she, with these eyes!
This girl with these eyes I dare say...
- Dad! - Eh.
A toast to the future princess Trezza in Tozzi!
She exaggerated. What a princess!
A Vanessa!
- Michela, mom! - Huh?
- Mario, don't worry. - Her name is Michela!
Her name is Michela, she's been there for eight years!
- Take the wine away from her. - Not the wine!
Two things you can choose, friends and girlfriends, family happens to you.
- My grandmother had it happen to me. - But me too, though!
Michela, tell him he made it up for the proposal.
Didn't you tell him? Didn't he tell you?
Yes, he made something up, it all seemed like a set-up.
Apart from the fact that I understood, there was something strange that day,
because he was all sweaty and he never sweats,
not even when he goes to judo.
We were at the restaurant, everything was beautiful, refined,
they bring us risotto with mushrooms,
and he says to me: "Give it a stir so that the cream blends better".
I stir the rice, when you stare you are not normal.
But what?
[verse of amazement]
Oh my goodness! Are you crazy?
If I ate it, I would break a tooth.
And there was this.
- Beautiful. - [grandmother in Roman dialect] Grandmother's love!
[silent lines]
Let me see.
It's beautiful! This little fan is beautiful.
- [Grandma] It's like your wife's. - Yes, it's refined.
Well done Vanessa!
Yes, her name is Michela!
Michela! That's it!
- [grandmother] Vanessa, Michela. - He does it on purpose!
Enough, I told you! She's always Michela.
[Panini] Michela, I'm not sure it's courage.
I know that the fundamental thing is the union between two people, regardless.
One of the truest things about this subject,
Pope Francis said it.
"Nothing makes a man happier than a heart that resembles him."
A beautiful phrase, a great truth.
Also because in the end, "Birds of prey flock together."
More or less.
Even though there is a friend of mine, a little modern,
who always tells me that cohabitation is the same as marriage.
Yes, cohabitation and marriage can be the same thing.
So get married, right?
That's a party, a celebration, he says!
Also because in marriage, there is also cohabitation,
but in cohabitation, there is also marriage.
No, that's not the case at all.
[Michela] Before deciding to come to you, doctor,
I consulted with Father Patrik.
Because sometimes I feel uncomfortable telling her my private things.
Because she is an unknown person, a psychotherapist, but unknown.
He's a doctor. If you have a problem, go to the doctor!
Of course! If someone has a problem, of a work-related nature, that's one thing.
But when I start talking about private things,
then there, I would feel better if I talked to her about it in the confessional.
Michela, but it's something else.
They come to me to tell their sins to receive absolution.
You go to therapy to solve problems that have nothing to do with God.
- Of course! - Two different planets.
Like American football and Rugby. There is always the oval ball,
but in one sport he goes forward, in the other backward.
He is a very modern priest, youthful, but I trust him.
Not at all, absolutely not!
- [man in Roman dialect] Michela Trezza! - Who is it?
I can't believe it! Fausto, weren't you in Ireland?
- When did you get back? - Yesterday, Friday, there was mass for Carmen.
I know, Friday, a beautiful mass for the beautiful Carmen.
- The shop? - The shop, good!
It is a positive, prosperous period, foreign brands have confirmed our presence,
I'm happy.
Look, I have to be honest, I followed you.
I saw you coming out of the store, I need a hand.
About what?
Two hundred euros.
Excuse me?
I need two hundred euros.
[Michela mumbles]
If it's not a problem!
No, I'll give them to you. Do you need two hundred euros?
If you can, yes.
But is everything okay?
- Yes! - Maybe you're in a mess, a trouble.
Don't think about drugs.
No, what do I think? You're welcome!
- What the hell! - We know each other.
I know your mother too. Of course, you need 200 euros.
- It's a need. - Yes, it's a need.
It's a need that came suddenly, a sudden need for 200 euros.
I thought, maybe he'll go out with the proceeds, you can't ask just anyone for 200 euros.
You thought about a liquidity issue, of course.
- Sure. - I understand, at the store.
But then, do you think? I've known you since you were this tall.
- You didn't have boobs yet! - I didn't have...
They've grown!
You left after puberty!
- Then they came to me. - [Fausto laughs]
- Here, 200 euros. - Thanks, Michela.
- Nice! - Will we see each other again?
Oh well, that's all, Fausto.
- Word. - Yes, word.
- Have you seen that motorbike, Michela? - Indeed, it's really beautiful!
Really sorted out!
Hello, Fausto!
- [Fausto] Shall we do it tomorrow, then? - [boy] There's the math test.
[Michela] Why am I not reacting, doctor?
I react, but only inside.
An internal, intestinal reaction.
Like that evening with childhood friend Erika Magnini,
She too had left Guidonia at 18 because she wanted to become a poet.
Then she married a man from Canterbury who left her at the altar.
In Guidonia it was said that she was also pregnant.
"Lights and shadows."
[Michela] She had the K removed.
- What did she have taken away? - K.
"Like a second body, intolerable."
- [audience applause] - Thank you.
Then delicate.
Now I would like to indulge in a luxury, if you'll allow me.
I would like a very dear friend of mine to read the next poem,
with whom I attended elementary and middle school in Guidonia,
before life divided us.
Gentlemen, a piece of my heart, Michela Trezza.
- Did he say my name? - Come on, Mimma! It's your turn!
- It seems like a nightmare to me! - [Erica] Michela come join me.
- Are you crazy? - Please, Michela, come to me.
- No, I... - Only you can read this poem.
Did you hear? Come on, Mimma.
- I really don't... - Come on!
- What do I do, I don't know what to say. - Good job, Mimma!
Oh well!
You're crazy! I'm ashamed.
Good evening.
What do I do? Do I go up?
Good evening, excuse me. I'm embarrassed.
- Don't worry, come on. - It's okay.
Good evening!
Good evening!
[microphone whistle]
- Look, I did something wrong. - [Erica] Go ahead.
[Michela] Poetry.
"Of pinches and boredom."
As particular as the title is, a beautiful title.
I'm doing the reading.
"Come, look and don't touch.
Your mother's big shoes, the snack, the useless lipstick."
I think this is me.
We are the ones who always went to my mother's closet!
[they laugh]
"Here is our infamy."
But beautiful, a beautiful infamy.
"In the streets of a country that doesn't exist.
It's all there, but it's no use.
Give me your hand, let me cross.
But no one passes by, there's no rush hour, there's no traffic."
Now it's changed a bit, there are roundabouts, there's a lot of coming and going.
"There is no life, there is only you my friend,
that when I go away, you will die of pinches and boredom."
Here is the title.
"In the dirt swamp of your childish and unresolved soul.
In the garbage of this country."
You were good.
Erica Magnini!
We are happy in Guidonia.
We get married, we will have children,
and don't worry, I'm not leaving her on the altar.
And you?
Don't tell me you were having fun.
If you had a laugh, it's thanks to Michela.
The poetry of the one who falls while balancing, two balls!
You didn't understand yourself either!
They, these, all rarefied.
The dog's hair, the hand, take your hand away.
Jackie Chan, what is your head telling you?
Michela, let's go!
[whispering] Hello.
Sorry! With permission.
We go back to our garbage.
Good evening, sorry. It's not personal, when he gets angry...
I saw you sleeping.
[priest] Our Carmen, for sure, will be watching us from heaven.
And he will be deeply happy to feel all your affection.
Because it's not true that when you die, you stop loving,
indeed, absence makes our heart even bigger.
We all knew the intensity of Carmen's voice.
Especially when he came here on the occasion of the Novena,
and sang his ballad, "Evening Pear."
You will surely remember it.
[the priest humming] # Pear, sincere Comet of the evening, you are #
Here, let's remember it like this,
that intelligent look that made her so special.
Mass is over, go in peace.
[faithful] Let us give thanks to God.
A beautiful mass.
I'll meet you outside, I'll go and talk for a moment.
- [Michela] Hi, Mom. - [Mom] Hi.
- Are you in there? - [Fausto] Eh, mh!
What are you doing there, are you crazy?
Father Patrick is the worst, he even started singing!
Usually it's more balanced, now it's in a modern period, its own thing.
11 I feel a little shaken!
- [Patrick] Michela! - Father!
- 11 are you confessing alone? - No! I was talking about things...
Come on, let's confess!
No need, really! He'll have a lot to do, no need.
- Michela, at your disposal. - I have, really.
Do you know what the truth is? I have few sins these days.
Few or many, we are here, let us confess.
No really, they are also small, really small white sins.
- Who says so Michela? - I say so!
The best thing, in my opinion,
is to let time pass, thus accumulation of sins,
and we make a nice confession, as it should be.
[man] Father! The President of the Montello Association has arrived.
I have to go. Please, Wednesday at 3:00 PM.
- Sure. - Tell your partner.
- I'll tell him! - Hi, Michela.
Hello. Goodbye, Father.
Oh mama'.!
[Fausto] I was joking.
I wanted to understand if anyone in Guidonia still loved me.
[Michela] What are you doing?
I swing.
Are you a little sad?
If you keep it all inside, at a certain point you'll explode.
I want to make a bang so everyone can hear it!
All of Guidonia feels it, at most!
No, you now,
you have to dig inside yourself...
And find the water!
I'm a diviner, me!
I'm so sorry, Fausto.
[cell phone rings]
Excuse me a moment.
[cell phone rings]
But why not?
But excuse me, can't you have it moved?
If I asked him, maybe.
- [Fausto whistles] - No, I'm not going alone.
Try to insist!
Okay. So, see you tomorrow?
[Michela] Okay, bye love.
Do you know what someone thinks when they look at you?
What do you think?
That you are beautiful.
But if someone looks at you, they think you're stupid!
[Fausto's animalistic verses]
Here you are.
[Fausto's animalistic verses]
Are you coming with me to the hand cemetery?
- [Fausto's animalistic verses] - [Michela] An idiot!
[Panini] Perhaps in the end, the present prevails over everything.
It leaps over the past and future with extreme ease.
A desire, a momentary wish.
She doesn't have to worry about why she got on that motorbike,
he must think about how much he wanted to do it.
How much did he want to do that?
[fausto] # October 1st And a fanciful day #
3? Is the air mild 3?
# Someone is going extreme! #
# The leaves are falling #
# We laugh out loud #
# Not for leaves But maybe also for those #
This, Father Patrick was supposed to sing!
Not "Evening Pear", this is your corner!
They didn't understand you, Carmen.
"October 1st, it's a fanciful day.
The air is mild, someone is being whimsical.
The leaves are falling,
we laugh out loud, not because of the leaves,
but maybe, even for those."
This is so beautiful, there's even a rhyme.
Do you know who brought you here?
Michelina, Michela Trezza.
- You remember the one with the knock-knees. - Oh well.
You remember it, yes?
Michela said she has to tell you something important.
- No, please Fausto. - Yes, he said it.
- I don't know how to do these things. - Do it for me, for her.
- If you want, give it three taps. - Come on!
Hi Carmen, good evening. Sorry to bother you.
I wanted to tell you something.
Fausto forgot to tell you that in addition to the X-shaped legs and the whitish skin,
I have shovel feet and I bite my nails.
If one could save time,
saving it during people's lifetime,
I would take three minutes now,
three minutes of Carmen's life, and I would relive it here.
It just takes a magic formula.
You're a fairy, aren't you?
Tell me a magic formula, any one.
I don't know, like: "Bidibi bodibi bu?".
Let's try.
Bidibi bodibi this is!
Come out for three minutes, you!
No, something more important is needed, the shaman is needed!
"October 1st is a fanciful day.
The air is mild, someone is being whimsical.
The leaves are falling, we are laughing out loud.
Not for the leaves but maybe for those too."
[Fausto with a broken voice] Shaman.
[Fausto cries]
I can't accept losing people.
I can't accept it.
That's why I brought you here, I can't lose another one.
There's something that doesn't add up, Michelina.
Why do people put them underground if they are supposed to go to heaven?
But above all...
why don't you marry me?
"October 1st, it's a fanciful day."
Doctor, can I ask you a question?
But what is the difference between coming to her and confessing to Father Patrick?
I am not able to absolve anyone.
I don't treat sins, but rather I treat the mind of the sinner.
And then, confession is free.
You, doctor, are really very modern.
I think I'm really classic!
I committed the betrayal.
It's a shame!
It's a real capital sin!
Actually, it's not a capital sin.
: '57:;
What are the vices?
Anger, envy, pride.
I envy, a little.
pride, let's say that in the footwear field,
I feel like I'm the most competent. That's true, I'm a bit arrogant.
Greed and gluttony.
Oh, God, not stingy!
I'm thrifty, I don't like wastefulness.
I'm careful about my throat.
What is sloth?
It's similar to laziness.
Let's say we have family acedia.
And then there was lust, Michela.
Is cheating lust?
Why do you, Fausto, consider this a betrayal?
Why not her?
Because if she, who is a psychotherapist, does not consider it a betrayal,
I would agree.
Because the heart that resembles me is not Fausto.
[Patrick] Michela, do you want to welcome Ivano as your husband,
promising to be faithful to him always, in joy and in sorrow,
in health and in sickness,
and to love and honor him all the days of your life?
Yes, I want it.
Yes, I want it.
But what is Vanessa telling him?
Nothing, she's not there! That's Michela!
Declare it.
Yes, I want it.
- Repeat it. - Ivano, please.
Sorry father, I don't hear these things every day!
Reiterate it.
Yes, I want it.
Confirm it.
Of course I want it!
Your recipes...
[boy] asshole, what the fuck are you doing!
[indistinct voices]
[sounds of fighting]
[in Roman dialect] The son is a pheasant, not a nutritionist.
- I remember yes! - Come on!
Darling, hold it for me, I have to go.
- Honey, I can't wait to leave. - Yes.
- [Ludovica] Where are you going? - To Montalcino.
We're going to take a sommelier course, this morning he surprised me.
- Give me a kiss. - Come on, I have to go!
- You guys are so cute! - He's the best.
- He's really special. - You can really see it.
No, but give him another smile! It's not clear that you liked it!
In what sense?
Love, if you give him this beautiful smile like this,
do you know where it's taking you next?
From kebab shop to the max.
Be smart and intelligent, these are precautions.
- I'm happy. - [Ludovica] Precautions?
The precautions, girls! I've told you a hundred times, but you don't understand.
- There are two thousand rules, two thousand things! - I understand.
[Ludovica] Repeat it.
You, first, order. Menu in hand.
He says: "What do you say love, shall we have sea bass in salt between us?"
No, you don't tell him: "It's the same for me, what you want." Because it's not the same.
You know what you want, you want raw? Ask for raw!
- I'll ask for raw fish. - Otherwise you look like a limp!
It's a shame, you understand?
I last heard from you, when you were sending him a voice message,
and you said, "Honey, I'm at home all day, come over whenever you want."
Are you out of your mind? No!
You have to look busy, even if you have nothing to do.
You tell him something like: "I have an appointment at Via Crescenzio at 4:00 pm".
- Ok? - [friend] Yes.
He doesn't even know what you have to do, a little mystery doesn't hurt!
It takes you there, you get off, go around the building and go back home.
- [Ta1ia] Got it? - That's right!
But you leave him that little bit of mystery that never hurts.
Three I
they have to fuck, always.
I understand but it's hard work.
I like it even when I don't like it, you know what I mean. Ok?
Then there's one, which isn't bad.
If his father is bald, it's a given that he's afraid of going bald.
So you, every now and then, teasing him but in a nice and intelligent way,
you tell him: "Honey, your hair is getting thinner, Stempione,
you're too cute, I love you, even if you go bald, I'll look at myself in it."
So he laughs at the moment, but then he dreams about it at night.
- Sure. - Of course!
- Does it work for acne too? - Sure, you have to lower his security.
You raise yours by losing weight and lower his with your brain, though.
- There's not even Borducci anymore! - Let's find another one.
[police sirens]
[in Roman dialect] What are you doing? Come here, don't run away! What are you doing?
The documents, come on!
However, they have far fewer worries than we do.
[in Roman dialect] Damn the poor thing!
Now let's go to the bathroom, all together.
[Anna's "Bando" plays]
[Ta1ia's voice from cell phone] 77 I love you, I love you.
I said I love you.
You are very important to me.
11 I love, I said I love you!
It seems to me that Ta1ia has improved a lot.
These sentences seem authentic,
they are sweeter, softer.
Not aggressive at all.
You see, certain problems, certain blocks,
they often come from the past.
Why don't you tell me a little about your family.
I wouldn't want you to tell me a personal story,
she then embroidered the trauma on it, as you psychologists do.
Maybe now I'll tell her that I'm afraid of swimming in the deep ocean,
less at the seaside, because I'm afraid of the blue.
There is nothing else, I am not afraid of abandonment, of emptiness, no!
I'm afraid that while I'm bathing, a shark will come and bite me, period.
This is to tell you that I have no traumas, no strange things, no conspiracy theories.
My parents are separated, but separated is fine!
I don't have any uncles who put their hands on my thigh at Christmas, otherwise I would beat them up.
If I kiss a friend of mine, I don't want to get engaged to her.
To tell you the truth, no strange objects, Iatex, particular things, that's it.
I am banal, I am normal. This, to tell her not to go off track.
She's doing it all by herself.
Ta1ia, I never thought she had a trauma.
But maybe that's exactly his problem,
that she always tends to anticipate other people's thoughts.
[DJ] Good evening Jackie 0'! Hands up!
[disco music]
Livia, who are those?
- [Livia] Do you know them? - [Ta1ia] No!
[DJ] The ball is not a circle, but a sphere!
Hello! Sorry, this is our table.
I did not understand?
It's our table! Private, private! Got it?
Yes, Francesco invited us. She is Silvia and I am Rula, nice to meet you.
Since we're already a bit cramped this evening,
If we invite other people to the table, then we won't enjoy the evening.
- I'll talk to Francesco. Thanks! - Look, you're welcome.
Hello, good evening.
Are we crazy?
[Tazia] What the fuck was his name? Rolla, Rolla, what is it?
[DJ] And now friends of Jackie 0', just for you a big surprise!
To the mythical Rula!
- [in Roman dialect] Tell me what's wrong? - Nothing!
Don't say anything, you have a face, since we left the place.
- That's my face! - That's not your face!
I know there's something, tell me!
- Nothing! - Don't say anything, please!
- Then stop! - Here less on the road?
- Yes, here! - Okay, I'll stop.
- [Ta1ia] Do you want me to explain it to you! - [Riky] Yes, I want you to explain it to me.
[Ricky] This whole scene!
- [Michela] The scene... - Where are you going?
I'll explain to you, what's the problem?
It's a very simple thing, quite calm.
Basically, that...
are you stupid?
Do you see someone getting out of the car and you don't get out?
- I'm coming down! - You're coming down, aren't you?
- I'm getting off! - This is stupid.
- He's an idiot. - Let's make one less scene at the bridge.
- [Ta1ia] So... - [Riky in a low voice] Oh, God!
It's a little equation, easy.
There is a time limit in looking at things.
- Are you following me? - Yes.
So, if you look at an ass for five, ten seconds, what's the problem?
No one, absolutely! A nice ass, you rightly look at it, it's beautiful!
Beautiful things are looked at, I look at it too.
I looked at it too, beautiful ass, good job on her!
- I hear you have problems. - Okay.
Ok? 20 seconds? I'm hesitating, but I'll wait for you.
I'm there, still next to you, still on your side.
Thirty seconds we have a problem.
That's the time limit beyond which the ass transforms.
But don't worry, it's not possible! At most I look at the ass,
I joke with Dodo and the others, but I don't do anything!
Of course! I take it for granted that you don't do anything!
Then I don't care what you do, who cares about you!
You can do whatever you want, you're free darling!
Do we have to stay here all night talking about bullshit?
It's not bullshit, because it makes me feel bad.
All right.
Then, you can look at the asses.
You have to look at them, they are made to be looked at.
All these asses, when you look at them, they are beautiful, pulpy.
They are amazing, check them out! You have to check them out!
It's just that you can't wish them.
Because it's different there, there's a time gap,
that little transition of time between looking and wanting,
which really interests me, and that's where the difference lies.
Because I lose out there too.
While you stand there wanting ass, I stand there like a zucchini.
Sorry, but it's absurd that you want to block my wishes!
It doesn't exist, my love!
At that point you are the one who has crossed the line!
Let's hear it. What limit?
- At this point, do you know what we do? - But what are you doing?
- Now let's do something nice. - What are you doing?
- No! Take this. - You're not well!
Take this hand.
Now give it to me here, nice and strong!
11 outbursts, you're breaking my head because I looked at an ass.
- Riccardo! Don't act cool with me! - I'm not acting cool.
Give it to me hard, I'm telling you!
Look, I'm doing it!
I deserved it, so hit me!
- You're provoking me, I tell you! - Yes, do it!
Ho! Oh no! Ho!
Are you an idiot? I said hit me, not throw it in the Tiber.
Dad! But you're not well!
That's the new Callaway mana, I paid 600 euros for it!
You threw 600 euros into the Tiber! I can't believe it!
Nanny, no! No, leave me alone. Nanny, fuck you! Nanny, damn you.
- Yes, damn it. - Yes, damn it.
Less for the mice. What a waste!
Mom, did you go to grandma's this morning?
No, I haven't been there.
I'll come to that later.
I understand, but there are priorities, which are not the glutes.
Look, I live my life, and you live yours.
- Okay? Relax! - I'm counting.
- One, two... - Mom! Count inside.
Internalize it.
[cyclist in Roman dialect] Get up!
I've been looking for you here in the woods for two hours.
- We're at Villa Borghese. - But it's big! Did you read the message?
I'm training with mom. What happened?
It's serious.
It's serious.
Who told you this bullshit?
Everyone saw it in the house of an escort.
It couldn't be clearer!
I can't believe it, I swear.
So, you assert,
that Dodo went with an Escort.
- Dodo, your boyfriend. - Dodo went with an Escort.
- That's right. - The ones you pay for.
[Livia cries]
But what did I do wrong? Why?
Can I honestly say what I think?
- Say it. - Honestly?
With the Escort there are no cuckolds.
- Yeah, okay! - There's no cheating with the Escorts.
Men go with escorts, because they are stupid, just to go there.
Because they go together in a group, they feel like jockeys.
My grandfather, my great-grandfather, my uncle used to go there, it's an ancient tradition.
Whores have existed forever, people have always gone there.
Do you want to throw out a three and a half year relationship?
- Ho. - Because of a Russian girl?
I give up I don't know what to do.
- What should I tell him? - You don't have to tell him anything.
You don't have to do anything, the only thing,
you, for your birthday, have Dodo take you to Paris,
and you show him what you can do, you really cut him to pieces.
Because Livia, if she wants, can be an escort and a puppy,
but the Escort doesn't know how to make the puppy.
- Can't you do it? - No, love!
- Are you sure? - Yes.
[Livia crying] Thank you.
[plays "From Dawn to Dusk" by Levante]
What's up?
What are you doing? Are you sleeping?
What's up?
I love you.
This is very important to me, you understand?
I love you too.
Dream of me.
You have to dream of me!
- Good morning! - Good morning.
- I was looking for Ta1ia. - And upstairs.
[Ta1ia] Do you want me to talk to him? I have no problem, but the important thing is...
[in a low voice] Are you coming after?
Exactly. You take care of it, okay!
11 I'll call you later, bye.
11 I have to show you something important.
- Let me see. - Not here, in your office.
Don't put me through to calls.
What's up?
Well? What is it?
Dodo and Riky going down the stairs?
These are the stairs of an Escort's house!
[verse of amazement]
- And who told you? - The one who sent me the video.
And how does she know that there is an Escort there!
This beautician, Cinzia hands and feet. She lives there! Will she know?
And why doesn't Cinzia, hands and feet, mind a load of her own business?
You know we're friends, come on!
Holy cow! But that's not fair though!
- They're not horns... - I know they're not horns!
I told you that I don't cheat on escorts!
I'm not stupid! They pay them, it's different!
But if you'll allow me, it pisses me off!
Then you are obsessed with this thing about sincerity,
with friendship, you have to be direct, tell the truth! You don't have to tell me!
You can tell me but confused.
Let me interpret the facts!
Thank you so much! Just shut up, okay?
If they're not horns, they're not horns!
Livia! Come on!
- Thank you! - Hello, you're welcome.
Jackie 0', Rolla.
Rula! Who are you?
No, okay!
Talia De 1beris.
Look, I have an appointment now.
Yes, you have an appointment with me. Let me in or I'll make a mess!
[Panini] The most interesting thing about this story,
It's not cheating, that happens often.
I believe, rather, that it is the reason
so she went to this Escort Rula's house.
What drove you?
Honestly, I wanted to hit her.
I thought, "I'll put this one down!"
Who are you?
I'm the girlfriend of someone you fucked.
Isn't his name Gianni?
No, his name is not Gianni.
His name is Riccardo, Riky.
And we've been engaged for three years.
We're going to live together in a month,
yesterday we chose the colors of the kitchen.
And the curtains, that shit!
He told me that he had recently broken up after a long time.
Why do you have scruples if they're engaged?
But I charge assholes 100 euros more.
[Panini] Perhaps, there is a Ta1ia aspect, which we have not yet considered.
The fact of being there,
where her boyfriend had sex with this girl,
did it excite her?
Come on, come here, sit down if you want.
No, sit down!
I want to leave as soon as possible, because this place disgusts me.
I just want to know three things.
I want to know, how long did it last,
if you kissed, and what you did.
He's only been here once.
He said his name is Gianni,
who is a golf instructor, who is good.
Lots of tournaments, and...
sexually, it didn't seem like much to me.
I had to work hard.
But why does someone come to you?
What is he missing?
But you know, they come here to have fun.
Yes, but I'm funny too.
What do you do to him?
I know you feel humiliated.
I understand how you feel.
Anyway, I choose all the customers myself, all nice, honest boys.
Then even some gray hair, like Richard Gere, George Clooney.
And then my sister made it thanks to me too.
My sister is Lia, the one who won Amici.
- Are you kidding? - Yes, her!
The blonde with the bob who won now?
- And your son-Ma?
- She's my sister! - But I adore her, she's great!
- The one from "Open Sedano"? - Yes, I swear!
Wait a minute.
Could it be that I saw her enter the gate before?
- Was it her? It was Lia, in fact! - Could be!
She was leaving and you were arriving, so yeah!
This is a serious thing.
I used to pay her rent in Pigneto,
then now Amici has won so, let's hope for the best.
Riky's money basically ended up at Amici, just think!
Excuse me.
' - No, but what about? - This one came out, sorry, take it.
The slut's hour is over.
It was a pleasure, bye.
She has a nice ass.
Damn him!
[Panini] Have you never felt an urge towards Rula?
Ok, we're here. We've found the solution.
So, my boyfriend cheated on me because I like women.
- Ok. - [wake up]
- You can continue if you want. - No, absolutely not.
Of course, it's over. Really, no problem.
Thank you very much, Dr. Panini. Goodbye.
Ta1ia, wait!
[door closing]
[Tazia] Gianni?
Honey! Who is Gianni?
- What are you doing, Latvian? - Latvian about what?
Golf! Aren't you a golf instructor? Don't you have the best swing in Rome?
- Dad, what are you saying? Are you okay? - I'm fine!
I've done a lot of touring and have a lot of things to do.
I stopped by to visit a friend of mine, her name is Rula, I don't know if you know her.
11 says anything?
- Dad, I screwed up. - I don't care.
The fact that you went with this,
by the way, an embarrassing performance, she told me, he is already forgiven.
I swear, I don't care!
You gave him four hundred euros.
You could buy a new drive with it.
You paid 100 euros less than the boyfriend rate.
But you don't know that, rightly so!
You told her you were single and a golf instructor.
- Daddy, please. - Shut up!
But why did you make up this bullshit?
Did you want to remain anonymous?
Do you think she goes around saying, "I've been with this guy, that guy?"
How the fuck do you think? She's a whore, not a journalist!
Think about it, you even did a good deed with these 400 euros.
You were lucky, a work of art!
You contributed to the rent of your sister, in Pigneto,
who sings like a charm and won Amici.
And the mother's care. What do you care about? Huh?
Her name isn't Rula, her name is Roberta.
You went there, with that other genius of a friend of yours.
You've made the figs, the peacocks.
And instead you're just a pheasant.
And pheasant only goes well with courgette.
I may have a lot of faults, dear Gianni, golf instructor,
but I'IOI'I SOIO a zucchini.
Daddy, please.
Don't post Instagram stories that you're sad, because I'll block you!
So, I was convinced that gym, waxing, diet,
I did all these things for him.
And instead, I realized that I do them for me.
Hi handsome!
[rhythmic music]
[instructor] Who are we getting fit for?
[students] For us!
Who are we sweating for?
[students] For us!
Who do we do squats for?
[students] For us!
- [instructor] Who are we sweating for? - [students] For you!
[plays "Leggera" by Levante]