Sakebi (2006) Movie Script

That earthquake was pretty bad.
I'm heading out.
I'll come back.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Hey, over here.
What's all this muck?
Must've liquefied in this morning's quake.
Either a thief or a rapist
No, no evidence of that.
Brought it from elsewhere to dispose of it?
I wonder...
Found any footprints or Tire tracks yet?
No, not yet.
If it was dumped before it liquefied...
All that evidence is gone.
That's unfortunate.
Is this salt?
It's salt.
Are all the puddles around here
filled with saltwater?
Yes, they were in such a rush
to build apartments,
they just finished the landfill.
I see.
What is it?
Water from the corpse's mouth.
What a way to go.
Yoshioka, we're heading back.
Got the coroner's report...
Drowned to death,
and in saltwater.
I see.
Of all places.
What is this?
Hey, Harue, it's me.
I have a really stupid question...
You know my black coat?
You know, I bought it at
City Mart last year?
Do you know what happened
to the middle button?
No, it's missing,
it's gone.
Who's there?
Who's there!
I know you're there!
Who are you? Get out here!
Got a bag for personal effects?
Yes, there should be one around here
Send it over to the lab
What is it?
I found it at the scene yesterday
I stuffed it in my pocket,
forgot to send it to the lab.
This button's from a trench coat.
I have one just like it,
I bought it at City Mart.
I'm not interested in your opinion.
Just get it to the lab.
This is...
a blown-up photo of F18's fingernail.
F for female...
And the recent female corpse
is our 18th ...
unidentified body this year.
And we detected fingerprints
that don't belong to F18's corpse.
Meaning, the suspect's?
That I don't know, but the prints...
probably got there after the corpse's
estimated time of death.
We're ready.
Can I start matching the prints?
I've got a match.
I'll display it.
It's this person.
What is this?
This system registers
officers on our force, too?
Yes, just in case.
Did you touch the body
without gloves again?
Oh, I understand.
Thanks for the effort.
Not at all.
Who the hell... are you?
I'm seeing things.
look, there's another empty lot over there.
What was there before?
Um, what was it?
An apartment building?
No, I can't remember.
All this construction and destruction...
A few more earthquakes
like the other day...
and this whole area will just
slide back into the sea.
It's possible...
But maybe that's what people really want.
Back when I took the ferry from
Kawasaki to Ariake station...
The ferry? Oh, 15 years ago...
I remember seeing a pier...
from the ferry deck every morning.
I have no idea where that would be now.
Of course not, that was 15 years ago
They just kept enlarging the landfill...
and we all used to think
they were building...
some futuristic city.
You're right...
But their plans failed.
A big disappointment...
Just like the future.
Are you nervous?
What about?
I may not be abIe to visit for a while
Maybe a week or two...
All right.
I'll call when I can make it again.
See you.
Dr. Sakuma, we're about ready
for the operation.
Okay, I'll be right there.
Doctor, the anesthetics
you ordered are here.
I'll take them.
Be careful, an overdose will...
temporarily paralyze your patient.
Dr. Sakuma, you have a visitor.
Ask them to wait.
I think it's your son.
It's not like you to show up at work.
What is it?
It's just...
I've got my hands full now.
Wait in the cafeteria.
Can you get me any used syringes?
A senior student said,
if you're a doctor, it'd be easy.
What for?
I don't know...
How many do you need?
Well, like a hundred.
What are you talking about?
You'll just...
throw the syringes out anyway.
Handing out used syringes
is against the law.
The thing is, I owe this senior guy money.
I can't
Fine, forget it.
How much do you owe him?
That much?
Do something.
Give me a little time.
I want them now.
I'll go home and discuss it
with your mother.
Will discussing it make it happen?
Then forget it.
What are you doing?
Shit, that hurts!
Asshole! What the...
Hey... what are you doing?
Hey, help... What are you...
Let go!
Tell Miyaji at Ariake station,
''Same M.O. as F18...''
''Probability of a serial killer very high.''
Yes, sir
Same suspect?
- Yeah.
- Serial killer?
But what if there's a leak
and his M.O. is...
getting passed around the Internet?
We've identified the corpse.
Sakuma Yusuke, age 17...
Ajunior at Meiwa High
His father's a doctor.
How'd you identify him?
His student ID was in his jacket.
Now that's sloppy.
Completely different
from the previous suspect.
Have the victim's family come in
right away.
I want to confirm...
But the mother's delirious.
The father... a doctor, right?
Yes, but he hasn't shown up for work today.
The hospital's trying to contact him, too.
Hey, Sakurai...
The material witness is
Sakuma Shoichi, age 48.
He's a surgeon at Eto Hospital.
Be prepared to put out an A.P.B.
for him as a serial killer.
Serial killer, huh?
What is it!?
You're hung up about something
Just spit it out!
Oh, Mr. Yoshioka...
About F18...
Did you identify the body?
No, but both wrists show signs
of having been bound.
I see.
We found traces of yellow paint particles.
I see.
In other words,
the victim may have been bound...
with a cord or something painted yellow.
What's a yellow-painted cord?
I don't know. The lab's investigating.
Any ideas?
Stay back!
Don't come any closer I'll jump!
You're Sakuma Shoichi...
Stay back!
What are you after?
Why did you steal my things?
How did you doctor my fingerprints?
Don't bullshit me!
Because of you, I'm in one hell of a spot.
Who made you do it?
Or are you doing it just for kicks?
Which is it!
Why target me?
Why me?
If you hate cops,
there are lots more important guys...
you can take it out on!
Go after them!
We've detained the material witness
Sakuma Shoichi, yes.
The suspect offered some resistance
during his arrest,
and he has some superficial wounds
but nothing serious.
Yes, thanks for everything.
Hey, you were way out of line.
What if you'd broken bones?
But you are amazing,
tracking down a suspect on pure instinct.
Miyaji, I'll interrogate Sakuma alone.
Got that?
Nobody else talks to him
Mr. Sakuma,
you murdered your son, Yusuke.
Is this correct?
What was your motive?
My motive...
In a word,
he was completely out of control.
I see.
Yusuke was...
a good boy through junior high...
But soon after he started high school,
he suddenly went out of control
I don't know why
I think I must have failed as a parent.
Even so, that's no reason to kill him.
It was the only way I could think of...
to wipe everything out.
What do you mean, ''wipe everything out?''
I wanted to wipe out the burden
of responsibility to my son.
But that's impossible.
Yes, which is why
I shouId have died with him.
But unfortunately, you couldn't...
Which is why the law will
have to judge you...
for the murder of your son.
It must pain your heart.
If you had died,
you wouldn't feel that pain.
It's a good thing you're still alive.
But Mr. Sakuma, why did you...
use that method?
The way you killed your son.
What about it?
Dragging him all the way to a landfill,
filling him with saltwater.
Why what?
Answer me.
You used this method before.
You murdered a woman before.
You filled her with saltwater, too
One was your son. The other a stranger,
a woman, but the same M.O.
Isn't that strange?
Who is that?
The person in the corner over there.
Mr. Sakuma,
I'm asking you about the woman
you killed first.
Oh, Yusuke.
Please excuse me.
Forgive me, Yusuke!
Forgive me, Yusuke! Stay back!
Cut the crap!
Don't, stay back. Stay back!
You think this little act will
clear you of serial murder?
Don't move! Stay back!
Sakurai, the photo...
The picture of F18! Get it now!
All right, Mr. Sakuma, all right.
OK, take a good look at this picture.
Hey, look at it!
Who's this?
The woman you killed, you remember her?
Who is she?
That's what I'm asking you.
I don't know.
Of course you do.
Mr. Yoshioka, you can't stop it
Who are you?
Who are you! Stay back!
Don't move, don't, don't...
Officer, officer, officer, help me!
Help me, officer!
Order a psychiatric evaluation.
Long day...
I submitted the form for Sakuma's
psych evaluation.
So about this thing you brought in...
I got it back from the lab.
They say it's electrical wiring
from old public housing.
There's only a handful of
buildings in the area...
that still use this type of wiring.
Your place is one of them, right?
Yeah, so what?
So just don't send this to the lab...
It'll only complicate things for you.
Am I a suspect?
I don't think so...
Just come out and say it, you suspect me...
Since my fingerprints match
Of course I don't...
If I was the perpetrator,
why would I deliberately hand
this evidence to the lab?
I know that.
Nobody suspects you.
Calm down.
Calm down?
What are you saying?
What the hell did I do?
I'm just doing my job, like always.
You're the one acting strange!
You're right...
I'm sorry.
I just wanted to avoid complicating things.
Listen, Yoshioka...
Why don't you try getting some counseling?
We're all getting it.
We're under a lot of stress...
I went the other day
He just listens to your complaints.
You'll feel better.
I don't need it!
Who are you!
It's me...
I don't know you...
- It's me.
- I don't know you.
Why didn't you...
stay with me?
You and I...
were fated to meet again.
That's what I believed.
I don't know you!
I really don't!
I'm so happy...
to see you again.
On the job, do certain things bother you?
Do you find yourself feeling depressed?
Anything like that?
Problems with your superiors,
the pressure of your job?
No problems.
Physical shape?
Probably average.
And your personal life?
Still single?
Not on my mind.
Are you proud of your job?
As a guardian of the law...
I feel that responsibility.
Nothing out of the ordinary...
You're just a little stressed.
Take care.
Thank you very much.
He's on a sedative.
He had a panic attack
during our session earlier.
What's wrong with him?
He's a young traffic cop.
He's been tormented nightly by a ghost.
A ghost...
That's what he said.
He handled a terrible accident
and ever since, the victim...
keeps appearing in his dreams.
The ghost opens his mouth...
as though to speak, but has no voice.
Is that how ghosts are?
I wonder.
I think the voice in his dreams
is the voice of truth.
The voice of truth?
In his heart, he doubts...
if he handled the accident...
properly or not.
Those doubts take the form of
the victim's voice,
accusing him of having done the wrong thing
I see.
He'll have to get used to it.
To the ghost?
No, no, to the voice of truth.
Establishing evidence of crimes,
leaving the rest to the law.
That's the truth you live by.
That's the only truth, right?
Can that voice of truth...
ever confuse its target with someone else?
In other words,
can the ghost choose the wrong person?
The truth is never wrong.
It goes without saying.
I understand.
Excuse me.
Sorry, did you wait?
Work's piled up.
A cup of tea somewhere?
I'm fine here.
I don't have much time.
What did you want to discuss?
Listen, Harue...
Let's go somewhere, the two of us.
Somewhere far away...
Just you and me.
Or is that...
asking for too much, after all this time?
Do you want to get out of Tokyo?
Sort of...
It's so sudden.
You're right.
A trip?
How about a trip?
A trip, huh?
Listen, Noboru...
take time off and take a trip alone.
For a week or two.
Somewhere far away.
Maybe abroad.
I'll wait for you here.
And when you're back,
you can tell me stories...
about your trip.
You're the cop on that
murder from the other day.
This area's the pits.
Stuck between building up and tearing down.
I'm on the other side,
so I see things clearly
Care for a ride, someday?
You see all kinds of bad things
nobody wants to remember.
I will always...
stay by your side.
And ever.
Listen to me!
I don't know who you are.
I'm a total stranger.
Look at my face.
What did I ever do to you?
You killed me...
I did not.
Drowned me in saltwater...
I did not!
Stop that!
It was a long darkness...
I was stuck there forever...
and lonely for so long.
Then all of my senses...
and memories...
and all my emotions disappeared,
one after the other,
leaving behind only despair.
I don't understand...
What do you want!
What did I do?
A long time ago...
No, just recently...
What did I do?
What difference does it make?
That has nothing to do with us, now.
Isn't that right?
The past is all an illusion
It only confuses us.
Send this.
Sir, this arrived.
Right, thanks.
Miss Yabe, a moment?
I'm leaving my wife I've made up my mind.
Oh, I see.
As long as I pay her off,
she won't complain.
I've finally raised the money.
I made you wait a long time,
but now it'll all work out.
Can I see you tonight?
I have to work a little late.
I'll wait here until you're done.
Excuse me
Don't, not while I'm working.
I've found an apartment...
We'll move in next month.
It's got white tiles and
your favorite flooring.
Let's go buy furniture on our next day off.
Also, I'd like three children...
Girls or boys... it's up to you.
You don't need to think,
just relax and follow me.
The victim is Onoda Seiji, age 37.
President, Onoda Exports
The crime took place about 8PM last night.
The M.O. resembles the last one.
That's right, with saltwater.
Yeah, inform headquarters.
Hey, did you reach Yoshioka?
No, his cell phone's still off.
What the hell is he up to?
The Bayside ferry route from 15 years ago?
I think it was in this general area...
Somewhere on this route,
there used to be a black
apartment building.
I'm not sure this will tell us...
Maybe we need an older map.
Yes, you're right.
Is that map from before World War II?
What's this building on the shoreline?
This was a sanitarium.
A mental hospital.
They shut it down right after the war.
But the inmates didn't want to leave,
so they just stayed on.
I just remembered a strange rumor...
In that sanitarium,
any inmate who disobeyed the rules
got corporal punishment.
Yes, they filled a basin with saltwater,
and pushed inmates into it
until they suffocated.
What is that supposed to mean?
I don't know, it's a rumor.
What are you doing here?
The Bayside Ferry?
What about it?
Following a hunch.
Why don't you answer your phone?
where were you last night?
There's another victim, same M.O.
Where were you at 8PM, last night?
I was wandering around...
Can you prove it?
Now I'm a suspect?
Suit yourself...
Hey, wait!
Oh, Mr. Yoshioka...
I didn't know you were here.
What, Sakurai?
Yes, I have two things to report...
First, we have what may be
an eyewitness account.
of last night's murderer.
Go on!
Around 8PM last night,
a local housewife saw someone.
running out of Onoda Exports.
The suspect was a female,
Onoda Exports' accountant,
positively identified as Yabe Miyuki.
Hey, what do you think?
Maybe she's the perp
The other report?
Yes, we've identified F18.
Finally, this morning,
a missing person's report
was filed at Hachioji Station.
They matched it with F18's
photo and her parents confirmed it.
Shibata Reiko, age 28.
Never heard of her.
Yoshioka, I'm sorry...
It was just for a moment,
but I doubted you back there.
It's just second nature forgive me.
We hadn't heard from Reiko
in over 3 months,
so I had a bad feeling.
Did your daughter often
visit the shoreline?
I wonder...
We wouldn't know...
She was a free-spirited girl
With no real job,
she only worked part-time
and lived a carefree life.
Sometimes, she'd leave home
for weeks at a time,
saying she was on a trip
or staying with friends.
But we're the ones who raised her that way.
We always told her to be independent,
to live as she wanted to.
Of course there's no point
in regretting that now.
Oh, please excuse me.
Who is it?
A senior classmate from
when she was in high school.
I'm sorry...
Um, actually,
years ago, he and Reiko went
as far as getting engaged.
But ultimately,
Reiko backed out of the engagement.
he still used to see Reiko
from time to time
and sometimes he comes around
begging for money.
I can't turn him down...
I know it's pathetic.
Please excuse me.
They're the police, here about Reiko.
Excuse me...
Mrs. Shibata,
what's his name?
Ichikawa. Ichikawa Shinya.
Miyaji, call for backup!
You're Ichikawa Shinya,
You're coming to the station
as a material witness,
in the murder of Shibata Reiko.
Ichikawa just confessed,
And strands of hair,
believed to be Shibata Reiko's
were found in his truck.
With the DNA report, they'll prosecute.
They'll find him guilty.
One more thing...
There was a button missing from
a trench coat in Ichikawa's place,
That button you found before,
it matches the coat.
Turns out it was a City Mart coat
after all.
Also, they found this
in the back of his truck.
Don't even have to wait for the DNA.
What more do you want?
Ichikawa, the man who killed you,
is locked up.
Your ashes...
are with your parents.
Isn't that enough?
You have no reason to stay here anymore.
If you've got a grudge,
go take it out on Ichikawa!
What more do you want me to do?
Don't tell me,
you're not Shibata Reiko?
You're not...
You're not!
You're not Shibata Reiko!
the hell are you?
A long time ago...
You found me...
And I found you.
And yet,
everyone abandoned me.
You're that woman?
You saw it, you knew it.
did you want me to do?
There were things you could have done.
Do you know what happened to me after that?
I stayed there for years and years,
waiting and waiting,
forgotten by everyone...
Then I died
Just as you said, we've learned
that both Sakuma and Ichikawa,
used to ride that Bayside Ferry.
We're also checking on
Yabe Miyuki, currently on the run.
What's this about?
I wonder...
You've had another hunch, right?
What is it? Tell me,
Detective Know-it-all
I don't have a single clue.
I don't either.
Listen, Harue...
I don't know what's going on,
but let's get out of here.
Yes, a trip.
No, I won't come back.
Who cares about work?
Yeah, far away.
Maybe even abroad.
Harue, please...
Don't ask me any questions
Who are you?
You're Yabe Miyuki.
I need to ask you...
Did you also see the woman in red?
I saw her, too.
What did you do after you saw her?
She was in the mirror...
And then?
When I noticed her,
it was like she noticed me, too.
And then what happened?
Her emotions poured into me...
''Nobody notices me''
''The world's forgotten about me''
''The people closest to me
don't see me at all''
Onoda was like that.
All of his future plans were...
just for himself. I didn't exist for him.
I wanted to wipe everything out...
That's why I killed him.
Go! Hurry!
It's not clear to me,
what the woman in your dreams represents.
No doubt,
it's somehow related
to your memory from 15 years ago.
She said,
''Everyone abandoned me''
What about that?
Maybe it's gone beyond certain limits.
Let's say,
there are other people
who've dreamed about her,
and if there's more and more
people who've seen her...
No, impossible.
What am I saying?
We're all finished.
You don't have to come back.
You figure out the rest.
Thank you for everything.
Harue, I'm sorry.
Please go.
I'll follow you very soon,
as soon as I tie things up.
I go alone?
I swear I'll find you.
Can I board?
Sure, where to?
There it is.
It's been standing there forever.
Can you dock the boat over there?
Sure, I can.
Finally, you came.
I forgive you, only you.
Did I do this?
That doesn't matter anymore.
I remember now.
Six months ago,
That's enough.
What can you do?
Don't you hate me?
Why not?
What's the point in hating?
You've got your future to consider.
Just forget...
about me.
Hate me...
Just like that woman does
Please hate me.
Too bad you had to find out Everything.
It was meant to be.
I can no longer
pretend not to see
what's right in front of me.
I abandoned my past.
That's a grave responsibility.
Don't do that.
You forgive me, too?
Only me?
Well, then...
I'm going
Wait for me, Harue!
I do need you
Let's start over.
Forget everything about the past.
From now on,
we'll only think about the future.
That's what you want, too, right?
We've managed this long
to forget the past. It's not hard to do.
Let me share my life with you,
all over again.
Where are you?
Let me...
Harue, let me...
I died...
so everyone else should die, too.
I died...
so everyone else should die, too.
I died...
so everyone else should die, too
I died...