Salaam Venky (2022) Movie Script

Be careful.
Don't worry Sujata,
he's going to be alright.
Dr. Shekhar is on his way.
He left in the middle of dinner...
You know Venky.
Always in a hurry.
Is it painful?
Men don't feel pain, ma'am.
Thanks, huh.
You just ruined another date of mine.
Or... I saved a girl from spending
her life being bored by you.
Excuse me...
I'm a very well-respected doctor.
I've a good reputation
in the medical world.
Not that anyone would believe...
Looking at me.
It's barely been two
weeks at home...
and now he's back.
Don't worry.
Like Venky would say...
Now I am here!
-Continue the antibiotics.
And send his ABG reports...
My husband?
Why do you want to
meet with my husband?
In cases like these...
It's important to have both parents.
It's easier to explain
medical reports to both parents.
He doesn't have the time.
Why don't both
of you come tomorrow?
I'm sure he has some
questions of his own.
He has only one question.
All day, every day.
Why can't your son stand on his own?
Or walk? Why is he not normal?
The reason for this is DMD.
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
It's a degenerative disease.
Degenerative meaning a condition where
your muscles slowly
get weaker over time.
We have a protein called
'Dystrophin' in our bodies.
That makes our muscles strong.
DMD is a genetic abnormality.
A condition where this
protein is not produced.
Because of which,
the cells of the muscles stop growing.
And the muscles slowly
begin to degenerate.
The legs are affected first.
And then, gradually,
the rest of the body is affected.
As the child grows older
Walking, running, standing,
Anything that requires muscles
becomes an impossible task.
And then one day...
the entire body shuts down.
Genetic disorders
like this have no cure.
In cases like this...
The possibility that the child
survives beyond the age of 16/17yrs is
extremely unlikely, Mrs. Prasad.
What have you come here?
Leave now.
21 years Sujata...
You've been asking
me to leave for 21 years.
Have I ?
Do you have no self-respect?
How many times will
you leave empty handed...
I've a right on him,
And I don't know...
why you refuse to accept this.
You have no right on him.
You never did and never will.
Why won't you understand...
I'm only trying to help...
I want you to leave.
He's, my son! Only mine!
Collapsed consolidation and
raised dome of the diaphragm on the left
Traces of Pneumonia.
It's a good thing you came
I've been asking...
to the doctors, the nurses.
What medicines do I need to buy.
Have the X ray results come...
But no one's answering.
Mrs. Sujata.
I'm moving Venky to
the larger room upstairs.
He'll be more comfortable up there.
And after that...
You can go home if you'd like.
How long have you known me, Shekhar?
I am not going anywhere
leaving my son.
And as I've been
telling you for years...
I'm going to tell you again today.
Your son is brave.
He can withstand a lot of pain.
But I'm not brave like him.
I can't wait around while he suffers.
You won't have to, for much longer.
I don't understand why they don't make
me, fill all the forms at one time.
I've to check the files every time.
I'm going to complain
to Doctor Murthy.
Where were you?
You make it sound like
I eloped with someone.
Just wait a little longer...
It's only a matter of a few days.
Then you can elope.
What will people
think if they hear you?
The boy doesn't even know how
to talk respectfully to his mother.
I'm going to get the sympathy vote.
People will blame you.
They'll say, 'What kind of mother
forgets to teach her son manners?'
Your chessboard, your diary...
Your pillow, I'll carry everything.
If you want something else,
let me know.
Nandini and Sharada
will reach anytime.
You know what I want.
This way. A little closer.
Unlock it.
This way, slightly.
-A little to this side.
-Yes. Okay.
The book you were reading...
Will bring it...
Let me know if you
want a different one.
So you plan on keeping me here?
One week.
Two, at the most.
I feel claustrophobic here, Mom.
Venky... I was thinking
you like spending time with us.
If you stay here, my Chess
training will also be done.
What was it?
Sicilian Defense or
Indian Defense?
I still don't know all of it.
Clara Aunty. You've got to
learn all the defense moves quickly.
After all, we never know.
What if tomorrow never comes.
Yes I'm very aware
I'm not Shah Rukh Khan.
But I say such a hit film dialogue,
and you don't react.
Do some better acting guys.
Not facing up to it
won't change what's true.
Everyone knows my
count down has begun.
Will you deny me my last wish?
That's the only goal left of my life.
And you're MY goal.
Ever since you've come into my life...
I've done everything within my power
to make sure you live a long life.
And now you ask me--
You're my mother!
Can't you do this one thing for me!
I can't do it BECAUSE I'm your mother.
I used to think my mother
was unlike any other.
No. Your mother is
like every other mother.
Then you can't be MY mother, go!
Venky's room is always on this floor.
Ah okay.
Just a sec.
What is the doctor saying?
What happened?
-What happened?
-Sit here, I'll be back in 2 minutes.
I'm just going to check.
-Excuse me.
-Yes, ma'am.
Which is Venkatesh
Krishnan's room? It's that one.
My hand's right there.
There's a seat here. Sit.
Is everything okay?
Everything's fine.
Then why so many machines?
You know Dr. Shekhar
He's just showing off.
I seemed to have challenged
his profession.
That's why all this...
You're lying, Venky.
I'm sorry, Nandu.
don't think I'll be
able to keep my promise.
What promise?
Of coming to the Ashram.
And that we'll see
the sunset together.
Because now...
I will never...
be able to climb up the lighthouse.
Shall we?
Yes, let's.
That's it.
That's all I can do.
You go on up.
The Sun
The water, the boats, the birds.
you only describe all that to me.
What's the point of
me going up without you?
I've only managed to
get this far in so many days.
I cannot go beyond this.
Okay, fine,
if not this birthday,
then maybe the next one.
Of course, I promise.
Do you swear upon the ocean?
If you don't keep my promise,
a sea monster will
come and kidnap you.
Oh Nandu, Guruji says,
"The monsters are never
in the mountains and the seas,
They're within us."
Alright, Guruji's disciple.
Nandu. Guruji is calling us. Let's go
Do you remember this notebook?
A list of our small wishes.
The minute you leave the hospital,
We'll start completing
our bucket list.
you'll have to do this
bucket list on your own.
I can't do it.
I have always...
I have always given him...
Everything he's asked for.
But I cannot give him this.
Organ donation isn't one of
his wishes or demands, sister.
It's his hope.
It's not his hope,
it's his stubborness.
He's stubborn.
He's like you.
Mom. The kid that every doctor
said would only live upto 14 or 15,
is still alive at the age of 24.
Aren't you the one... Who taught
him how to be headstrong and fight.
I taught him to
fight so he would live,
not to die.
And this... his--
Request for Euthanasia.
I can't do it.
Not just me,
No mother in the world can.
I won't do it.
Good morning!
Ah Nandini!
Good morning, Dr. Shekhar, how're you?
I'm good, so good to see you.
I hope Venky didn't say
too many harsh things about me.
No. Not too much.
Even if he did,
I would never believe him.
Don't you worry, at all.
If only...
All of my patients were like you.
I feel sorry for you.
Alright then, now you do your work,
I'll talk to you later.
Turn around.
There's no need to be this dramatic.
You know that she loves you.
I know...
I know, but one should
keep confirming.
So tell me.
Did you ever tell her how you feel?
Just how much you love her...
I'm leaving behind too
many broken hearts already,
didn't want to add
one more to the list.
There's something wrong.
I could only hear,
"Nandini, Nandini."
Shardu? ?
How is he now, Doctor?
The pain has subsided.
Thanks to the painkillers.
Don't worry.
We're monitoring him round the clock.
You need to rest buddy.
I'll see you in the evening.
Where have you been?!
And why are you ignoring me?
it's that tube... Just pull
it out and I'll... cool right?
No, it's not cool Venky.
What's wrong with you?
Now, what's wrong with you?
Why are you insisting
on organ donation?
Even you feel I am
being stubborn or what?
Whatever it is...
It's stupid.
Do you even know
what you're asking for?
This thing that I'm asking for,
I've thought it through.
Yes, with your interests in mind.
What about the rest of us?
Have you thought about Mom?
I've been nothing but
a burden to Mom all my life,
maybe with this she
can actually be proud of me.
You silly boy.
You're her medal.
An Olympic Medal.
All of us are proud of you.
But, I wish you'd stop talking about
tubes and pulling the plug, Venky.
It's not funny.
Who said I'm being funny.
I'm absolutely serious.
Come on, Sharada.
Let's go home and come back.
Nurse Clara will be here.
Let her know if you need something.
I'm saying this loud and clear...
I've already told you what I want.
Venky, I can't believe you...
It is what it is.
I'm ready for my chess class.
-You can convince Mom.
-I will do no such thing.
Alright, let's do this.
I had an old chessboard lying around,
so I brought it.
So let's start with
the Indian defense.
I'm so sorry for being late.
Please sit.
How is Venkatesh doing?
He has very little time left.
He won't stop talking
about Organ Donation.
Can we truly not do anything?
The rules are very clear, Sujata.
Only those patients
who are brain dead,
the ones whose recovery
is medically impossible,
we can only harvest their organs.
But, with Venkatesh.
It will be a cardiac arrest
or respiratory... failure, that...
I know.
As long as Venkatesh
has a beating heart,
we cannot do anything, Sujata.
Do you know this, Sharda?
used to look at his whole world,
through this window.
The sun, the birds,
the changing weather
and the moon at night.
And when he came to the Ashram,
he would tell tales of
all of it to the children.
For five whole years, he only
saw the world through this window.
Venky's WWW.
What is WWW?
World Wide Window.
If only, I was with all of you there.
Yes Dad?
I'm going to go pick up Guruji.
-Yeah, go.
What did Mrs. Bhavani say?
Did he eat?
Why don't you ask him yourself?
Because I don't have
the answers to his questions.
Maybe he wishes for a mother
who understands him better than I do.
Mom, he knows.
He knows fully well that
there's no one else like you.
Then why won't he
understand this one thing?!
How can I give him something
I have no control over?
Because he thinks
you can do just ANYTHING.
He's wrong.
Just like the rest of you.
Mom, Guruji's here.
Is he being stubborn again?
We're all waiting at the same station.
Some trains arrive early.
Some people get to wait.
But all of us have to go.
But. My train is on time.
And I'm going to
reach well before you.
What's the first thing you're
going to do when you reach?
will put my
feet on the ground.
I will carry my own body.
Without a wheelchair.
Without any help
I will walk.
I will run.
Really fast.
Really, really fast.
Like the wind.
Guruji, if I fall...
I will get right
back up and run again.
If I hurt myself,
I will get up and run again.
Guruji, I'm going to run so much.
Like the wind.
Really fast.
Is this possible, Guruji?
Will I be able to run?
You can do whatever you want.
want to donate my organs.
As I leave,
I want to be useful to someone.
Is there any other reason?
After I'm gone...
My heart will continue to beat...
Someone else will
breathe my breaths...
A part of me be around...Guruji.
So you want to live
on after you die...
What for?
For Sujata's sake
In that case,
your sacrifice is worthless.
Because your heartbeat,
your breath,
your touch,
every pain you felt,
Your mother has experienced
for 24 long years
I thought,
I had learned everything there
was to be learned from you Guruji.
The learning never stops.
Not for the student,
or for the teacher.
You're my mother!Can't you do this one t
Because I am your mother,I cannot do it.
Then you cannot be my mother.
Mrs Sujata, 50 percent discount
from a me, your almost brother!
No, there's no need for it.
What are you saying?
Venky is family, after all.
Please don't worry about a thing.
The God almighty will
take care of everything.
Just you wait.
Hang on,
Not talking to you,
feels like dying Mom.
I'm sorry Mom.
Shhh, shh...
I'm sorry.
Ten seconds, Clara sister...
Don't overthink it.
You mean checkmate.?
Don't you think you're learning
so fast Clara sister.
What to do?
My coach teaches in full speed.
What's going on here?
Who won, who lost?
Please don't ask.
The student has
bettered the master now.
Which means the master
has done his job.
How's our champ?
First class.
As always.
-Vitals are all stable.
There's no need to change anything.
We'll continue on this course and
don't turn off the oxygen supply.
What do I need this for?
My oxygen supply is right here...
Be that as it may...
We should also do our jobs, sir.
Here Doctor.
These are the latest reports.
You can give that to me.
Mom, give that to me!
I'll put it away.
Ah, Mr. Mohan!
How're you?
If Venky's good, we're all good.
Shall we go?
It's almost time for the bus.
We better get going. Hm?
Take care of yourself and
take care of your mom too.
What Mohan Uncle,
Who comes to visit just for one day?
You know
that the Ashram
doesn't function without me.
Or, that you cease to function
away from the Ashram?
I just came down to see you.
And now I feel good.
So does she.
Alright, let's go!
Sujata, we're leaving.
Please take care of yourselves.
-Shall we?
Bye Mohan Uncle.
By Nandini.
When I'm gone...
The both of you are
going to have so much time.
You're both going to be bored.
Stop with the nonsense.
Shardu, Shardu!
Take Mom on a trip to
a beautiful hill station.
She's never seen an actual mountain.
Only the rising peaks of my pain.
Oh stop it!
You're always just looking
to say something stupid.
That's enough from you.
If you say anything more
to irritate mom, I swear Venky,
I'll not spare you.
Not much time left.
After that, I won't say much.
I won't be stubborn.
I thought,
if the Organ Donation
worked out,
I would have left a part
of myself behind for Mom.
But now that you're here,
I'm not worried about Mom at all.
Now, I have nothing else to wish for.
I've put in a request
to transfer to the branch here.
Selvi Madam thinks I'll get it.
I'll get 3 months'
salary paid in advance.
I mean, yeah,
I'll have to work night and day,
but the facilities are top notch.
What'd you say?
What's the matter?
No, I can't quite explain it.
I don't know why but I feel anxious.
Why are you feeling anxious?
Venky's fast asleep peacefully.
Why is he sleeping?
What do you mean why?
It's scary.
I get anxious when
he sleeps peacefully.
Sometimes in the middle of the night,
I wake him up.
Just to make sure he's...
Has there ever been such a mother?
Who wants to wake up her child?
If only, on that night,
you'd have woken me up too.
Call Dr. Imtiaz.
Nurse! Doctor!
What's happened?
Doctor. The oxygen
levels have dropped.
Sugar level is down, doctor.
Bring me the NIV support.
0.6 mg, doctor.
Venkatesh, open your eyes.
Mom, say something...
Mom, he'll listen to you.
Doctor, shall we start the NIV?
Venky, please open your eyes.
NIV mask.
please open your eyes.
Mom, try saying something.
He'll listen to you.
Say something.
You've done your part
and now you think you can leave?
But you're wrong.
There's work to be done.
Do you remember your dream?
The one about being
useful to someone else?
Organ Donation?
I'll help you.
Just listen to me!
I'll make sure it happens.
I will do everything in
my ability to make it happen.
Just come back, Venkatesh.
Just come back to me this once.
Just this one time, Venkatesh.
One time.
Doctor, oxygen level
is coming back to normal.
And BP?
Dr. Imtiaz-
The saturation is normal.
He's absolutely fine.
I gave him what he asked for.
So he gave me what I asked.
Every breath my son breathes now,
will be at his own will.
And they shall stop
only at his own will.
Does it hurt?
You can't sleep?
Do you remember when we were kids and
I couldn't sleep,
you would sing me a lullaby.
Like Mom.
You remember that?
I dreamed a dream.
That you said yes.
It wasn't a dream.
How'd you agree so easily?
You know that favorite movie of yours?
I was reminded of
a line from that movie.
" Life must be large, not long...
I'm going to make your life large.
I promise.
Do you know,
Nandu says,
if you don't keep a promise
a monster will come to get you.
Let him...
Very next day he will
drop me right back with you.
I'm giving the hospital...
For my son...
A written application for euthanasia.
Euthanasia is a crime.
Whatever the circumstances.
Please explain this to Venkatesh.
Please don't encourage
him to break the law.
By donating his organs,
my son hopes to
save the lives of others.
In my view,
this isn't wrong, or a crime.
Personally, I respect your opinion.
But this hospital doesn't run on
hopeful thoughts.
It runs by medical laws.
What if I were to shut
his oxygen supply?
Then you, your family,
Venkatesh's entire medical team,
Shekhar, myself, all of us,
will become criminals
in the eyes of the law.
For us it'll be what it'll be,
but they will shut down this hospital.
This hospital
is our home, Kaushik sir.
I won't let any harm come to it.
I won't break a single law.
But I will try to change it.
This is now a fight between
me and the law.
You don't have to worry.
Aren't you going to blame me today?
Venkatesh says,
When we accept our destiny,
then we stop blaming others.
And Venkatesh's fate was predestined.
I was the one who'd
looked the other way.
Not at all...
You were fighting
with whatever you
could lay your hands on.
I'm done fighting.
Hmm, you've even
officially surrendered.
Now it's my turn to take care of him.
Will you be able to?
A lot better than you.
Because where I'm taking him,
there'll be no doctors,
hospitals or sicknesses,
he can do what he wishes to.
Will he be able to run?
To his heart's content.
With absolute freedom.
Will it hurt,
when you take him away?
I am not a monster.
I am just a guide.
Death is the end of
his sufferings, Sujata.
Will he get scared?
When it's his time to go,
I'll hold his hands and take him.
who were you talking to?
Just to an old friend.
Look this is very important.
What if he refuses
to take up the case?
Then I'll use my
friendship as leverage.
Thank you, Shekhar.
You've done so much for us.
Wait till he says yes,
you can thank me after.
I did what I could do.
Only you can tell me, Mr. Parvez.
Can we win this case?
Here's the thing, Mrs. Sujata. I usually
charge a fee to bypass the truth.
But I don't want to lie to you.
Winning it will be one thing,
the chances of getting
a hearing itself is bleak
But, why?
Don't special cases take priority?
Yes, of course.
I will file a Writ Petition,
under the Special Cases Clause.
So the case is taken
under Urgent Circulation
And then the court
will appoint a committee
to access your
son's medical condition.
But... this is to
our credit is it not?
All these are
delaying tactics, Ma'am.
By the time the committee gets
on the right track, the train will...
Just think about it Parvez.
Thanks to Venkatesh,
we'll be able to save so many lives.
We just don't have time.
Whatever can be done,
needs to happen now.
I understand, Shekhar.
That's why I'm not being polite,
I'm being honest.
This is a very difficult task.
Then you might as
well tell me honestly,
will you take up this case or not?
The case was mine right out the
door, thanks to Shekhar.
He saved my mother's life.
And now for Venkatesh's mother,
I will try as hard as I can, to win.
I'll file the Writ
Petition right away.
Thank you.
"Devi took the poison
to take her own life"...
"This is what they
call a Mother's love."
"Impressed by this,
the lord granted her a wish."
A lawyer and a doctor
walk into a bar...
Ha Ha Ha.
And they live happily ever after.
I like him already.
-Hi, Sir.
So Mr. Venkatesh Krishnan,
your petition has been filed.
And as expected,
the state has ordered
for a review committee to be formed.
Now the review committee
will study the medical records,
make a report,
then discuss the report.
And we don't have that much time.
Correct answer.
This means, we'll have
to give it a little push.
I think I have an idea.
'A lovable son on his deathbed,
and his brave mother desperate
to fulfill her son's last wish,
and media, obsessed with
emotional family drama.'
I think we'll be able to
make some heads turn with this.
It looks like you've had
this planned?
Hmm yes, I am short on time...
What's with this man...
What is it?
How many times do I have to tell you I'm
not a lifeboat for you sinking cases?
Who said anything about sinking?
This is a story of hope.
A story
that will make both you
and your editor wake right up!
I don't need your wake-up call.
Go sell your stories elsewhere.
It's quite a blazing hot story.
If you've called to give me a weather
report, then you should hang up.
I don't have the time. Bye.
Just listen to this once.
A brave mother...
and her dying young son.
And, what?
Sujata Krishnan.
A mother trying to desperately
save her son's life on one hand,
and on the other
a brave woman challenging the system,
who is fighting for
her son's right to die.
Sounds like a screenplay, doesn't it?
Movies get their stories from
the fabric of life, Ms. Sanjana.
But movies have to wrap up decades
worth of drama in 2 and a half hours.
And Venkatesh does not
have much time.
Very little.
But this movie isn't over yet.
So, is Mrs. Sujata petitioning
to change the law in this country?
You're absolutely right, Ms. Sanjana.
The right to die,
otherwise known as Euthanasia,
is illegal in this country.
But... If you really pause to think...
Venkatesh isn't
fighting so he can die,
he's fighting so that he
can save the lives of others.
And Mrs. Sujata isn't trying to
change the law. Only your perspective.
Thank you so much Mr. Parvez.
While on the one hand,
there are thousands hanging
in balance between life and death,
waiting desperately for
Organ Donations in this country,
Where as on the other hand,
Sujata Krishnan and her son
are preparing to donate his organs.
But... In the middle of all of this,
like a mighty wall,
sits the law of this country.
What will be the result
of the medical review committee?
Your team is exactly like you.
Alright, I'm leaving.
Where are you going?
To office!
If they let me go
because I'm late today,
just include me in
your team of fighters.
You're already the founding
member of this team.
That is true.
Bye Mom.
It's alright, it's alright,
it's alright. Just breathe.
My son's heart is functioning
at about 10 percent...
If he gets this transplant,
he'll be able to live a long life.
There should be more sons
like Venkatesh, in this world.
That's my only prayer to the lord.
My son has been on
dialysis for 3 years.
I've already given him one of mine.
For parents to see
their child in pain...
Mrs. Sujata is very generous.
Sujata and Venkatesh
are raising awareness
of the nation towards organ donation.
Also, they've started this
very important conversation
on the right to die for
patients who are terminally ill.
You could say this
is history in the making.
Announce an opinion poll.
And a ticker with primetime news.
'Does Venkatesh have the
right to fulfil his dying wish?'
Sir, should we activate the IT cells?
There's no need.
As he was talking,
he breathing was shallow.
From now on,
his speech will deteriorate.
Does that mean
he won't be able to talk at all?
What now?
Mom. Roti.
Did you get what the weather's like?
Look at this.
Rain... will be...
scarce this year.
for two hours...
water supply will be cut.
As if...
Mom, I swear.
I'm learning this as I watch.
This means... low.
This means... high.
Look over here.
I'm trying to show you something.
In trying to learn sign language,
I won't get my work done.
Slowly as my hands,
ears and speech stop working,
don't you come to me then... crying.
Oh being smart?
Let the class begin, Master.
That's good.
It's simple, Mom.
This is A...
Should we speak in sign language?
You know what?
I knew it.
I was sure that these poll results
would come out in favor for us.
Public sentiment is set.
And Venkatesh is already a star.
All we have to do is
present him in public.
And imagine, his mother by his side.
What a powerful statement
it'll make, Parvez!
I'm so excited!
You know what.
For the first time
I'm glad we're friends.
I'm so excited to meet--
Is that him?
Can we come in?
Yes yes.
Venky. Sanjana.
Sanjana, this is Venky's mother.
Mrs. Sujata.
This is Sanjana.
How're you?
I'm okay.
He's asking what happened
to the court order.
Was the committee formed?
They're still playing hide and seek.
But they can't hide
from Sanjana's cameras?
This evening,
there's a panel discussion on TV.
Now the Law Ministry Officials
will have to answer on air.
Right, partner?
If you keep looking at me like this...
What are you saying, Venky...
What did he say?
No... nothing.
If. You. Keep.
At me like this.
You'll fall in love with me.
No, it's okay.
See, we understand the
situation very well, madam.
But we have sworn to
obey our country's law.
We can't sanction mercy
killing against it.
That's impossible.
In special cases such as this,
an exception can be made.
And Venkatesh's condition is
one of the rarest
diseases in the world.
Mr. Bharadwaj, just a second.
Ma'am, just a moment.
Mr. Parvez,
why is the law ministry sitting idle?
Because they know
we have very little time.
Just a second.
Mr. Parvez Alam, are you trying to say
that the law ministry is
delaying the order on purpose?
By the time you give your response,
it's possible Venkatesh
won't be with us anymore.
And then you'll say
it was fate, destiny,
an act of god,
you'll send your prayers,
and the case will be closed.
And the ministry will
no longer have a problem.
Mr. Bharadwaj, Mr Venkatesh's lawyer,
in full view of the public,
has accused you of obstruction
of judicial process.
What will be your response?
I don't have an answer.
I don't need to.
Because this is not a court of law.
And he's not a judge.
Whatever I wish to say to the public,
I can say it directly.
Is that all?
Then here's the public's answer.
80 percent have voted
in favor of Venkatesh Krishnan.
What is your response,now Mr. Bharadwaj?
It's amazing what journalists can do
when they're on the right side.
Alright, will see you tomorrow.
Bye Clara sister!
Why wasn't this Writ
Petition taken more seriously?
We just thought that--
You didn't think it through it seems.
Which is why you don't
have much to say.
Sir, we can make this a moral issue.
This is not a moral issue,
Mr. Bharadwaj.
It's a legal matter.
Just make sure you
respond to the court order.
I'll have them form a committee.
Which judge is presiding
over this case?
Justice Bhatnagar.
Justice Bhatnagar? Good.
Here's a letter from the Ministry.
A medical review committee is formed.
I'll just come.
'Now that's what I'm...
talking about.'
Clara sister!
You're learning so quick!
Did you hear that, Venky?
Your movie seems to have
opened to a bumper weekend.
I can check this off
your bucket list now.
And what wish was that?
He wanted to be a hero...
And now he is.
Uh... I'm Venkatesh's...
Son, I-
Lets step out.
Please step outside.
Let's go.
Why have you come here?
What kind of a question is that.
Dad. It's a simple question.
What are you doing here?
To meet my son.
Your son?
Now, after all these years,
you suddenly remember you have a son?
Shardu, what are you say--
Dad, you don't have a son
or a daughter.
Dad, I'm talking to you.
I admit I've made some mistakes.
But now?!
To refuse your son
medical treatment,
throwing your wife out of the house,
and lying to your own daughter.
It's a crime, not a mistake dad.
I didn't throw anyone out.
She left on her own.
What was she supposed to do,
let Venkatesh die there?
Shardu, this isn't
something you can understand.
I just want to meet my son.
Did you suddenly grow a conscience?
Or are you here to take
credit on TV for being his father?
Dad. I'm not going
to let you meet him.
Here's a hot cup
of tea for a hot mind.
Mr. Karunesh Prasad.
Our father, but only in name.
Because he has no feelings
Or the compassion of a father.
Please don't waste your time
and my money.
He needs physiotherapy.
The doctor has said--
Stop this nonsense now.
The doctors also said
that there's no cure.
He is going to die.
You just let Venkatesh's
life take its course.
He's a dead investment.
Dead investment.
He called him a dead investment.
I will never forget the
look on my mother's face.
I knew it.
I knew on that day,
that everything had changed.
Where is Mom?
She left you,
to go take care of
her favorite Venkatesh.
I spent 10 years hating mom and Venky.
I kept thinking she
left me for my brother.
But the truth was entirely different.
Which my grandfather
told me much later.
I've never told you
the truth until today.
Because I believed
it was better this way.
But this weighs too heavy on my heart.
I won't ever be able to rest easy.
These are divorce papers.
Sign them.
I'm giving you power
of attorney for Venkatesh.
But you must forget Sharada.
From today, you only have one son.
And I have only one daughter.
The one who betrayed me
wasn't my mother who left.
It was my father
who had raised me alone.
The love I felt for
my father for 10 years,
the hatred I felt for
my mother for 10 years,
switched in that one moment.
And I felt a new fear.
The ones I cast aside,
will they ever accept me?
I am of sound mind
And this is my last wish
That I sign
With all of you
As witness.
You managed to get
a report in just one day?
What were you thinking?
That you'd dictate,
they'd stamp 'Permission Granted'
and give it back to you?
Come on, Parvez.
You know this.
The content of the first page is
written in complicated legal
language in the next 78 pages.
Request denied.
Thank you very much.
How can you be this nave?
Time and time again you
take on impossible cases,
and give hope to those clients.
I feel bad for that boy.
Please don't sympathise
just meet Venkatesh once.
And it'll all make sense.
Tracheostomy. It's a simple procedure.
A tube in his throat?
It might be too much for him to bear.
If we don't intubate him,
he won't be able to breathe.
Is there no other way?
Yes, Parvez.
Right now?
Alright, I'll be there.
Nurse, please get the
OT ready at the earliest.
I'll just be back.
It's okay.
But I thought the
committee was on our side.
Everyone's a friend
behind closed doors.
Stop being cynical, Parvez.
It takes a little time to
adjust to new ideas and change,
especially in this country.
Take contraceptive pills, for example.
Up until a few years ago, it was
not available in our country, right?
Now the government promotes it.
What about that? Hm?
She's right Parvez.
Euthanasia is a new concept.
We'll have to educate people
That we're not talking
about taking a life,
we're talking about
dignity in death
of those who have no hope to be saved.
So what if the report's
not in our favor?
Sensitizing the court to
our perspective is our job.
That's right.
And during this time,
it is my job to keep Venky alive.
Even though I'm fighting
for his right to die.
Gotta go guys.
Does it need to be said.
I love you too.
It's a very big day in
history for the Indian Judiciary.
The court will hear a case
about a brave young man,
who is fighting for Euthanasia,
his right to die.
And standing next to him is
his pillar of strength, his mother.
Will this court grant Venkatesh
permission to donate his organs
in order to save
the lives of 5 people?
I know.
is a hard pill to swallow.
But please believe
that this decision was
so much harder on Venkatesh
and for the woman who gave birth
to him, his mother, Sujata Krishnan.
For the past 20 years,
Sujata has done
everything within her power
to keep her son alive and well.
I don't mean to embarrass her
by listing her sacrifices publicly.
But I will say this much.
The reason she is supporting her
son's wish for euthanesia,
is only because
she knows in her heart
that there is absolutely
no hope to save him.
Venkatesh's death is a certainty.
However, she also knows
that his death can breathe
new life into the lives of others.
And that is the only
objective of this appeal.
Mrs. Kumar, the argument please.
I agree with Mr. Parvez Alam.
I also believe that Venkatesh
has spent his entire life
in pain and suffering.
And that his mother Sujata
has stayed by his side
as they've faced these
immense difficulties.
But is the result of a difficult life,
a voluntary death?
This practically amounts
to murder, my lord.
And by entertaining Mrs.
Sujata's request,
this court is setting
a very harmful precedent,
because it'll open the floodgates
to other such requests.
Mrs Kumar.
You don't have to worry
about the character of this court.
I would ask you to focus
on the legalities of this case.
Very well, my lord.
It is entirely possible that Mrs.
Sujata would have
struck deals with other patients
in exchange for organ donation.
Venkatesh's mercy killing could
very well be a ruse to make money.
What kind of nonsense is this?
Do lawyers just say the
first thing that occurs to them?
My son's death could
be a ruse to make money?!
By selling his organs?
How could you say this?
Sujata Krishnan, please sit down.
You will be given a chance to testify.
To think that you would stoop this low
just to win a case,
aren't you ashamed of yourself?
I'm warning you.
You will be removed from this court
or the hearing will
be deferred indefinitely,
you decide.
Mom, think about Venky.
I'm sorry, my lord.
With all due respect my lord,
I haven't accused Sujata Krishnan.
And for the record,
I do believe that she is working,
for what she thinks is
in the best interest of her son.
I've only suggested
a mere possibility.
Organ trafficking has made way for
a huge Mafia in our country.
Should mercy killings become legal,
under the premise of
ending pain and saving lives,
countless greedy family
members and corrupt doctors
might use this as
an excuse to kill people.
Each an every law can be manipulated,
which is why it has
certain safeguards in place.
And above that, is the law.
Advocate Kumar keeps suggesting
these concocted possibilities,
turning away from the
main objective of this case.
He has a point.
Then I'd like to call upon a witness
who understands the main
objective of this case well.
Dr. Shekhar Tripathi.
Dr. Shekhar, you've been treating
Venkatesh for the last few years,
8 years. 4 months and 22 days.
And during this time,
Venkatesh was brought to the
hospital in critical condition, yes?
I'm sure you know the number.
13 times.
And he's survived all the times.
Since we are still talking
about him, yes.
Then, isn't it possible
he might survive this time?
Like the previous 12 times?
Sadly, no.
DMD is a degenerative disease.
Venkatesh's condition
is worsening by the minute.
And as we speak, all his vitals
are shutting down at a rapid speed.
I understand.
Can you then tell us when
Venkatesh will die?
You know, what date, time...
Answer the question, Dr. Shekhar.
No, sir.
No doctor can ever tell
you a specific time or date.
Because a doctor is not a god.
I am sure the good doctor is right,
when he says the end
is near for Venkatesh.
Should even a single day
be permitted to be taken away
before his natural death,
then that is
equal to murder, my lord.
Well, that's definitely
one perspective.
Here's a different one.
We doctors,
don't just deal with life.
We also deal with death.
And as such if it is our
job to save a patient's life,
it is also our job to offer them some
semblance of peace in their last moments
Venkatesh is not going to live.
It is impossible to know
how long he'll be with us.
As I said, his vitals
are failing rapidly.
He can't even breathe on his own now.
He has a trach tube sticking
out of his throat for god's sake.
What about his right
to die in dignity and peace?
A tube from his throat,
sounds very painful and traumatic,
I'm really sorry about that.
However, apart from
physical trauma, in recent years,
Venkatesh is also struggling
with emotional trauma, financial
and family trouble.
Venkatesh's father Mr.--
My lord, I would like
to ask for a recess.
Dr. Shekhar,
in your medical opinion,
Don't you think a 24yr
old asking for euthenesia
is mentally or clinically depressed?
My son is not depressed.
Mrs. Sujata, please.
You can remove me from
this court if you wish.
But I will not sit here
and listen to lies about my son.
The court will break
for a short recess.
Nanda, Parvez.
My chambers, now.
Please don't worry,
it'll be fine.
do you really believe
Venkatesh is mentally disturbed?
I don't know, sir.
But it is absolutely
essential to find out.
I had fully expected delaying tactics
from the politicians,
I didn't expect them from you,
Ms. Nanda.
You have lived up to
my expectation exactly.
That you will get swept up in emotions
and lose all sense of objectivity.
I mean, if I wanted to go on
or if I wanted to play dirty,
I would've gone on
about the absent father,
I would've gone on
about the divorce, right?
Can we have this
conversation cordially?
Sir, I know the boy
is running out of time but,
don't you think we should
be absolutely sure about Venkatesh's
physical and mental condition?
Isn't it our duty to do so?
I will say this again
what I said on the first day.
You have not met Venkatesh,
which is why you keep saying this.
Nothing will be gained from
either her or myself meeting him.
The Public Prosecutor has
raised a question in court.
So, we need proof.
Can you figure out something?
Alright, Sir.
48 hours.
In 48 hours, we will prove
who Venkatesh really is.
If Venkatesh was here, he would say
'today, you must be as happy.'
Why would I be happy?
Because I'm losing,
and you're winning.
That is why you're here, right?
I'm only here to support you.
If you really wanted to support me,
then you wouldn't let
him suffer like this.
I'm not God, Sujata.
I'm just a reflection
of your heart.
Whatever last image you choose,
of your son
Tearful, afraid, smiling
I'll only show you that.
So, whether it is sadness or joy,
I will have to choose?
But, why?!
Of all the people in the world,
why my son?
Because he's unlike anyone else.
That's it.
We have only 48 hours
to show the world what Venky is
His psychological profile,
we already have at the hospital.
That won't be enough, Shekhar.
We will have to show a
picture of Venky's whole life.
Parvez, what if we
put together a video?
Shall we start at the Ashram?
That's where Venky
lived a complete life.
Isn't that right, Mom?
Let's go.
Parvez, we can leave right away,
without wasting any time.
I'll get the cameramen ready.
My lord.
As promised,
within 48 hours,
we have shown the whole world
a complete picture of
Venkatesh's mind and spirit.
And now if concerns of Venkatesh's
mental health has been addressed,
as per the request of our respectable
Madam Public Prosecutor,
then can I present my point of view.
Parvez, will you please wrap up your
closing argument
without any more drama?
Yes, my lord.
With your permission,
I now present Venkatesh Krishnan.
When I was younger,
like every other kid,
I had
many dreams.
One where I would
take a trip with my mother
to an ice capped mountain,
where we would chill together.
One where, on Shardu's wedding day,
I dance the Bhangda.
One where, with Nandu,
I would climb the lighthouse.
One where Vishwanathan Anand
and I would play chess together.
As I grew older,
the list
of my dreams
got shorter.
Today, as all of you
decide on my appeal to die...
The truth is
I don't want to die.
I want to stay alive.
Amongst all those people,
who will get a
new life because of my organs,
As they get to live out their dreams,
my dreams will come true.
In movies, I've seen
the most dangerous
getting their last wish fulfilled.
Then, don't
I get the right to
make my last wish fulfilled?
That's all, my lord.
Your closing argument,
Madam Public Prosecutor.
I rest my case my lord.
The verdict of the case of
Mrs. Sujata Krishnan vs the State
will be announced at
11 am tomorrow morning.
Until then, the court is adjourned.
You've taught me how to live a life.
How to fall, how to get back up,
how to grow, how to fight,
You taught me how to challenge life,
like Superman.
Ah sorry.
like Arnold.
I don't know.
Nobody knows
what happens after we die.
But I can promise you
after this...
All your pain,
all your fear,
will go away forever.
I love you, too.
Just earlier this year in Jan,
Mr. and Mrs Raghuram lost their
20 year old son in a road accident.
After having him declared brain dead,
they donated his organs
and saved the lives of 4 people.
If you think about it,
their memories of their son are
now linked to life, not death.
And this spread awareness about
brain deaths and organ donations.
It's because of brave people like
Mr. and Mrs Raghuram
and Mr Venkatesh Krishnan,
that this life saving
conversation is being kept alive.
In my 21-years of judgeship,
I've never been so confused about
any case, as I am about this case.
What's there to be confused about?
Like always,
do what you think is right.
And that's the problem, Radha.
What I think is right
might not align with
what the law thinks is right.
Hey Arjun.
The one who knows the difference
between right and wrong,
righteousness will be on their side.
Medical committees, doctors and
mental health professionals have
submitted Venkatesh Krishnan's
reports to the High Court.
And now the decision
of life and death,
lies in the hands of a veteran judge
whose tough reputation precedes him,
with Anupam Bhatnagar.
Pan the camera,
pan the camera.
I want to meet Venkatesh.
Of course, Sir.
Right this way
You cannot come to Court.
So I came to see you instead.
Because I wanted to give my verdict
not hiding behind the law,
but looking into your eyes.
The court owes you that much.
Throughout the course of my career,
I've seen thousands of cases.
And I have always chosen
one of two things.
I have either punished
those who break the law...
Or protected persons
who abided the law.
But... you.
You have shown me a third way.
A way to change the
law for the better.
But unfortunately,
the law of the land
cannot be changed in a few days.
So, I'm sorry to say this Venkatesh.
The court refuses
to your appeal for Euthanasia,
I have no other choice
but to conduct this case
in the favour of the state.
I could not help you to fulfill
your last wish.
But I promise you this.
I promise to try to change the law.
A person who has the
right to live with dignity,
should also be given the
absolute right to die with dignity.
He would like to say something to you.
He's saying, 'Thank you.'
If he had the time,
he would've
played a game of chess with you.
When he found out that you're
the one presiding over this case,
he researched about you.
It was an indeed an honor meeting you,
He's smiling too.
Only, you can't see it because
the muscles on his
face don't work anymore.
Parvez, what now?
We lost.
Organ Donation is a subject
people know very little about.
But you should ask the patients
who wait for those organs desperately.
Euthanasia is a rather
complicated issue.
Does a person facing certain death have
the right to die with dignity and peace?
Who is to decide what
the rarest of the rare case is?
Is it not our responsibility
to fight till our last breath in the
hope to save another's life?
Should Euthanasia or mercy killing be
legalized to aid in organ donations?
This is an extremely difficult
and complicated question.
The answer to which perhaps a court,
a judge and a Venky cannot provide.
Mom... I won't...
Mom... Mom... I won't sing.
He can see me, Sujata.
He's ready to go with me.
Let him go.