Salaire de la peur, Le (The Wages of Fear) (1953) Movie Script
Alms, sir.
Whiten yourself a bit, the
sun hit you pretty hard.
I'm going to whiten your
tongue with my soap.
Come on, Perla, show me
your thanks.
You are asking too much,
OK, forget it.
What a disgrace!
I hate mutts!
Anybody asking you?
Listen, doc, no one asked
your opinion.
Some guys have all
the luck.
I wouldn't mind a job
like that.
It's for voters only.
Got your card?
Never thought I'd beg
for a job.
For tramps there's never
any work.
Well, what'll you have?
Make up your mind.
A lemonade.
Only one for the lot?
Get it and shut up!
You're always so nice
and polite.
Rose, a lemonade for
the doctor.
Looking for trouble?
Not much distraction here.
If only it wasn't so hot!
What are we hanging
around here for?
Coming tonight?
Maybe... You got them?
In the flour bag.
Kiss me.
Watch out for my suit!
Linda, come here!
At the flour again, eh?
Don't I feed you?
I didn't eat your flour.
Caught in the act.
I'll show you.
Forget it.
Mind your business!
He's itching for trouble.
Who's asking you?
You're just a pack
of tramps.
Only fit for loafing...
and scaring away all
the customers.
Scram or I'll call
the cops.
They may be interested
in your papers.
Oh, a squealer?
I'm a citizen, not a
lousy foreigner.
What a credit to the
white race!
What do you want?
Did you hear me?
Beat it!
If I ever hear...
that you touched a hair
on her head...
Me? I wouldn't hurt her!
On the contrary.
I only want to help her.
Don't I baby?
Go to my room.
I'll be right up.
Yes, sir.
Leave that.
You want trouble.
Clear out of here,
you lousy tramp.
You cheap tramp!
Take it easy!
The street's free!
Then have the cops
check on you.
Dirty rat! Louse!
Your insults get in
through my ear...
Going up or not?
Where is that lazy tramp?
The mail...didn't you hear
the plane?
Get to the airport!
The money I've lost on
account of you!
What's up?
Can I go with you?
If I ever meet
the right pilot.
He'll let me ride
with the baggage.
I'll show him
my U.S. visa.
Did I ever show you
my visa?
Everyone's seen it.
Keep it in your pocket
and don't flash it.
The plane of the
international Airline...
is landing in
airstrip number 1.
Please, may all the
passengers go...
through the custom house.
Hi, Pepito,
what's new?
Listen, boss, I got
my passport.
Come here.
Any baggage?
Got a passport?
Yes, a passport.
What brings you here?
I don't know yet.
We'll put down "tourist".
What's up?
A traffic jam.
Tito! Come on, now.
The lady and the child.
That's right.
Smile. Don't move,
That'll be a dollar.
Wait, maybe I'm not
getting off yet.
Why don't you take a picture?
You French?
Pleased to meet you, kid.
Where from?
Paris, Rue des Pyrenees.
I'm from Propriane.
Ah, a Corsican!
But I used to work
in Paris.
Swell! It won't be as bad
as I thought.
From Tegucigalpa?
Could be.
Give me the low-down.
I'm absolutely dead broke.
Anything doing here?
Let's try the saloon.
Hernandez isn't a bad guy.
Is it far?
Let's take the taxi.
itll look better.
The Corsair.
Hello, boss. I've brought
a pal along.
I've got my hands full
A sight for sore eyes!
Pay for the taxi.
Who is this guy?
I thought he was your pal!
Know him?
By reputation.
Come along, kid.
Set one up for
my pal too!
Sit down.
Much obliged.
Come off it!
We're pals.
You can call me Jo,
but to the others,
I'm Mr. Jo!
Here's to you, Jo.
itll all work out.
Don't worry!
Not a bad joint.
You get tired of it.
How'd you ever pick
this town?
You can't always choose.
I had to beat it fast.
I headed for the airport...
and bought a $50 ticket.
That's how I'm here.
This is Linda. A sweet kid.
So I see.
Say something.
Be polite.
She's half savage.
It's lost a button.
Beat it!
Get what I mean?
They drop from the trees.
Have you eaten?
On the plane.
The meal was included.
I'm going for a bite.
How about here?
I've got a room in town.
I like my independence.
I understand.
I won't be long.
You see?
He hangs on to me.
Were you mixing cement?
I finished the framework.
We got a new mixer.
We may get a vibrator.
Say, did you strike gold
or something?
It's a present!
Noodles again?
Stop bellyaching. I'll
make you a swell sauce.
We don't have time.
I met...
A woman?
It happens to be a man.
A real one.
-Thank you very much.
You're welcome.
I'm thirsty.
Got any money?
My back wages?
We'll see.
Poor guy!
Two beers outside.
You sure eat fast!
When I feel good.
Thanks, kid.
How about a shot
of brandy?
Some service.
I just helped myself.
Allow me, my lord.
-Stop the music.
Shut it off.
-You won't see us anymore.
-Out! Out!
We won't come back.
We'll go to some place
Go get some fresh air.
A bunch of bellyachers!
Not one of us here
has any work.
Just occasional odd jobs.
Just enough to eat
and buy a drink.
Why don't you clear out?
I would if I could.
The trouble is...
takes too much effort.
Any trains?
None at all.
No highway?
It ends at the oil wells.
The fare's too high.
Caracas is too close.
Besides, it's too hot.
After that, it costs
around $300.
Got that much?
Neither have I.
You need a visa.
It can be arranged.
A real one?
A real one, too.
It takes dough for that.
And there are no jobs here.
They began that building
two years ago.
But they gave up.
Too much sun.
It's like prison here.
Easy to get in...
But no exit.
If you stay, you croak.
That's not my line.
Not anyone else's. But...
they do!
Here's proof.
He couldn't stand up.
Because of the fever.
Not only mosquitoes...
But spiders too. And
bugs that eat your liver.
And leprosy too.
You get spots on your
But all that's nothing.
There's only one
chronic sickness,
That's what kills
most of us.
That's for Americans.
Americans here?
Wherever there's oil,
there's Americans.
SOC is their company.
They've got a camp.
They're organised.
Houses, a canteen,
a cemetery.
All prefabricated!
O'Brien checks up
once a week.
O'Brien? Bill O'Brien?
A big guy?
Know him?
And how! We operated
together in 1932.
That changes everything!
When I need dough,
I get mean.
You've got 900 miles
of pipeline.
A little dynamite...
makes a lot of noise.
If the cops pin it
on me...
No go, eh?
For the time being?
Must be dough around
When the oil stops,
everything stops!
Look at that guy.
They fired him.
Look at him now!
Who's he?
That's my pal Luigi.
A good guy.
Haven't seen much of you
If you only knew...
how busy we are!
Let's swap jobs!
We work...
with our brains.
How's the job?
So-so. The pay's no good.
He's a real miser.
Always saving.
I'm saving to go home.
That guy doesn't seem
to like conversation!
See what I mean?
A real plugger.
We share a room. He does
all the ironing & cooking.
A terrific guy!
A real dope!
Why's he sore at me?
It's only natural.
I used to see a lot
of him.
He's mad now because
I'm with you.
What a jerk.
What's happening
to you?
Don't be afraid.
Ugly customers.
Let's go get a haircut.
I just had one.
Keep me company.
It's Linda's
day off. I...
That changes things.
Sure, sure!
Are you sure?
You're not that
Wait for me, Jo!
Where are you?
I'm going with Jo.
Look what a pretty
dress I made.
It's this one.
Exactly the same,
isn't it?
If you wear it,
you'll spoil it.
I don't care.
Yes or no?
Lend him to me,
Mr. Jo. Please!
Just one day a month.
He's old enough
to decide for himself.
I'm coming.
It's too late now.
You can beat me.
I feel like doing it.
If we must go out,
then let's get going.
Stop making faces!
What'll I do? My visa
expires in a month.
I don't have the fare.
$100 would save my life.
Please help me out!
I'll pay you back.
My family is honest.
You're a decent
man too.
Beat it, you're a pest.
Thank you very much, sir.
That'll teach you!
Have fun?
Boy, what a wet blanket!
Women are a waste of time.
Have to send it
to the cleaners.
What'll I wear?
I can't go around
like this!
Don't worry.
You'll wear a pair
of Luigi's.
Luigi's old man.
Not bad, eh?
Do you see my museum?
Those are my pin-ups.
Gives you something
to think about.
That's the treasure!
The crown jewels!
Get a load of it.
I haven't seen
one in years.
My last ticket.
It took me to the train.
And here I am!
That was some ride!
It used to cost a franc.
But it costs $1000
to get back!
Hides have
sure gone up.
Make yourself
right at home!
My pants! I had
to work to buy them.
What's up?
Stop beefing!
You'll get them back.
I'll disinfect them.
You can keep them!
Give them to
anyone you like!
Cut it out!
We're not married!
I'm fed up!
I'm clearing out!
What's up?
Let's go before
I get sore.
That's it, get out!
I won't miss you.
That was telling him!
I went for this.
Here comes Luigi.
I'll go tell
the others.
-This is going to be a mess.
-I see.
-Good evening, Pepito.
-Good evening.
Getting married?
I'm treating the gang.
Drinks are on me, boys.
Two whiskies!
Coming, Mr. Jo!
I ordered first.
Lemonade for five?
We're not broke!
Champagne, sparkling.
-Real champagne, Luigi?
-Of course.
You're rich!
Can I have a taste?
Let's have some
music with it.
He's starting
to annoy me.
-Would you give me the honour?
-With pleasure.
Two for supper!
Two for supper!
Waiter! We're
very hungry!
So, what?
The gentleman is served.
What are you waiting for?
I'm warning you!
I don't brawl like
a stevedore.
I'll shoot.
Easy to strut
with that!
Well, shoot!
I can't that way.
How about this way?
You look pale.
A gun's not enough!
You need guts!
I'm not a murderer!
Now for our whiskey!
I was scared!
That was nothing!
Why'd you have to
give him the gun?
That was just to
add a little spice.
They arrived first. They
said to make us rich.
No! To make us
To send our boys
to death.
And yesterday, a
catastrophe happened.
It's not fair. It's
always us who suffer.
It's always us who die.
The foreigners
never die!
They kill your father
and your brother.
And they give
you money!
-They killed my brother!
-And my husband.
Francisco lost a leg!
They paid you.
Practically nothing!
Is it a revolution?
Accident at an oil well.
Been burning all night.
all from here.
The mountain's on fire!
You can see the flames!
-Who's dead?
-No news.
We've a right to know.
There they are!
Drivers wanted.
Good pay.
Apply at the
SOC office.
That's the break
I've been waiting for!
Experienced drivers for
dangerous work are required.
You hear that?
$2,000 a piece.
In a week...
we'll be rich!
We'll remember what a
swell guy Hernandez was.
Cement in your lungs.
There are some
pretty bad spots.
Better quit or you
won't last long.
How long?
A year, six months,
maybe longer.
Maybe less?
What'll I do?
Clear out
How can I?
That's the question.
Experienced drivers.
Dangerous work.
Very good wages.
How much do you pay?
You mustnt go!
You'll get killed!
Don't go with him!
You'll all get killed!
If any one
fools around...
I'll grab the first guy I see...
and smash his mug
on a roll bar!
And they're made
of iron!
That makes one.
You drove like a charm.
You were way better!
I told you!
What about me?
Come on.
No, you go on ahead.
Don't worry.
You and I'll manage.
The show's over
now. Come off it!
There's just the two of us.
I want to have it out.
Cut it out! I know you
from way back.
You know I can drive!
You're too old, Jo.
And so am I.
We're played out.
I don't feel old.
One of those guys'll
back out.
We'll see.
You want to bet?
If anyone backs out,
the job's yours.
Okay. It's a deal.
"Dear Mama,
I've found a job.
"If I don't write
for a while...
"don't worry.
Love, Bernardo."
One, two, three, four,
five, six... for the house!
Mud in your eye!
For the millionaires!
-Linda, please.
-Not now.
Let him talk.
It's very important.
Please mail this
in the morning.
Stop crying!
You'll go next time.
Buck up!
You're a man!
You fellows are,
but not me.
Where's Jo?
He's up in his room.
He did his dirty work
and now he's hiding.
You leave and
he stays behind.
One more hour.
Go bawl outside!
An hour can be
a long time.
"Hail Mary, Full of grace...
"The Lord is with you.
Blessed art thou among women.
"Blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
"Mother of God,
pray for us sinners."
Quick, everybody, come! Run!
What's eating you?
He hanged himself!
Who? Jo?
No, the kid, the
Italian, Bernardo.
Mr. O'Brien's first victim.
We sure look classy!
Can't kick off
without a uniform.
Even when they
guillotine you...
they dress you up first.
It's not like him
to be late.
No, not him.
I'll call the hotel.
Here he comes.
Hello, boys!
I came to see my pal off.
What's the matter?
Looks like a funeral.
Did you happen
to see Smerloff?
Why hasn't he shown up?
Well, well.
Who saw him last?
He had a drink with us,
and then he left with Jo.
We had things
to talk about.
You think it'll be okay?
What's wrong?
I'm scared.
I'm scared I won't
be good enough.
Don't worry, kid,
I'm with you.
Where's the stuff?
Off to dinner!
Easy! It's bad
for the reflexes.
Heads or tails?
What's the difference!
Aw, there's no reason.
Let's toss.
I always lose.
What a break!
Let's go!
Wait a minute!
I said wait.
What's the pressure?
If anything goes wrong,
I'm the one who'll get it.
So excuse me!
Climb in, kid.
Every minute
costs dough.
Light up.
The lamps.
The headlights.
The projectors.
If you want
to drive, go ahead!
If not, shut up!
I brought you
something, Jo.
It's for you.
You're crazy!
You won't miss it?
It's no good
any more.
Good luck!
Say, didn't you
fill the tank?
The contact.
It's okay now.
That's right! Good luck!
Coca Cola! Some deal!
He knows his stuff!
Mario darling, why
did you do it?
I begged you not to. Id
have done anything for you
I'd have robbed...
killed for you.
You don't care
if I'm unhappy.
I hate you.
I despise you.
Watch the bumps!
Have pity, darling.
That's enough!
Now beat it!
Goodbye, darling.
Promise to be careful.
Promise you'll
come back!
Made it this time.
Stop worrying.
Is it hot or cold?
Rather hot. Why?
I'm freezing.
Want your sweater?
Not now.
Thanks, kid.
Wipe my forehead.
Something wrong?
I think I'm sick.
Got fever?
I'm shivering.
A touch of malaria.
Good beginning.
Where are we?
Only 300 miles to go!
Say, do you smell oil?
The motor's hot.
Shift to first.
Let's cool it.
-The truck is hot.
-We have to be careful.
It will be okay.
Let's eat something.
Already? We've driven only a
few kilometres.
It's getting late.
-They're expecting us.
-I don't give a damn.
At the end of the year
they won't pay us dividends.
-Jo, hurry up!
-Are you nuts?
Rest later.
Let's move!
It must be nice
to have money.
Yesterday we were
like other people...
just like everyone else.
We had fun, we
slept, we ate.
We knew men, women...
and now...
there's nobody.
Just us two.
Two's enough!
Enough to drive
a truck, but...
I like to be
with people...
to sit at the door,
drink wine, talk.
About what?
Whatever comes
into my head.
It's nice to get
a girl into a corner.
You like women?
You've had too
easy a life.
You think so?
You were daddy's little boy.
I'm an orphan.
How old are you?
You're kidding.
You can get to be
If you're in the right
place at the right time.
Not even time
for coffee.
Feeling sick again?
I don't like
to be rushed.
How can I?
With your hands.
What if we got a flat?
With new tires?
Stop kidding.
It happened.
Want me to throw it out?
Hold it up for me.
Here. Drink it
down, pop.
What's the matter now?
The wheel.
I told you not to eat!
Did you have
a breakdown?
He's sick.
Sick? Him?
He's drunk or scared.
Say it to his face!
We're talking
to you, big shot!
Shut up!
Leave him alone!
Keep him!
I don't want him.
Only wake up
and get going.
We'll take our time.
We're not taking
orders from you!
Then keep driving!
Let them go ahead if
they want to.
You're supposed to
be a 1/2 hour ahead.
Look at how they drive.
If we follow, we'll
creep like snails.
Some drivers!
A couple of lugs!
When something happens to
them, they'll be satisfied.
Why? Is it bad further?
It's okay until the Little Coral.
But after that, the road
gets worse.
Do you know
what cement is?
That's what we use
for houses.
Yes, but here it makes for
bad road.
The wind does that.
Like an old pump.
So much that it
destroys the chassis.
-The nitro can blow up.
-Not if you go fast.
At 40 miles per hour you fly
over the bumps.
But you must keep
the speed.
Under 30 you get
vibrations. Finished.
For how long? -About 20
miles after Little Coral.
This is the Coral.
Here is pump six.
The Americans have
put in concrete.
Even there, you can't
slow down.
You will not have time
to accelerate. Got it?
You must keep maximum
speed all the time.
We can do it slowly.
You'll vibrate, man.
To be safe we shouldn't
go over...I don't know...
-6 miles, then.
-Let's go slowly.
-Are you nuts?
at least 4 hours.
After the bridge,
accelerate up to 40 miles.
Here's the Coral.
That's it. Let's hear
the music.
Don't move from it.
Did you hear?
Are you sure?
It may be water
in the gas tank.
-Don't call misfortune.
-We're on the bad road.
If it's the engine,
we're fucked.
-Come on, time to go.
Let me finish
my cigarette.
-Finish it on the way.
-I can't drive and smoke.
I can't taste it.
-Are you okay?
-Yes, fine.
-Get ready to go down.
-Shift to second.
Get a good start.
-Can you see clear?
Start to slow down.
It won't be easy.
We won't make it,
I'm telling you.
The sign over there.
We're getting close.
Start accelerating, Jo.
It's time.
-Maybe we should...
-No, I told you.
-it must not blow up.
-Knock on wood.
My hands are full
of it.
Move it.
Fourth gear!
Floor it.
Speed up!
Push it, man! Push it!
Only 100 meters left.
Do it, man!
Do it!
Step on the gas,
for God's sake!
Are you dumb?
Now it's fucked.
Why didn't you go?
What happened?
It's not my fault.
It's the truck.
-This truck is lousy.
-No, it's not normal.
A brand new truck
should go fast.
The speed might be
limited in this truck.
The Americans did it
to save their merchandise.
If it's true they're
gonna hear from me.
It certainly is the
reason. No doubt.
We'll try again.
-Nothing in the engine?
Back up so
I can see.
Move it!
Come here.
Have a look.
If we manoeuvre we'll
erase the tracks.
-We'll do it on the tracks.
Are you nuts?
It's risky.
If you fall back in,
it's too dangerous.
No danger.
Now help me.
If I had the bastard
who filled up the car!
I bet he started
to put in gas oil...
and when he found out
he didn't say a word.
Don't move.
I'll find the guy.
Don't bitch. This time
you'll get clean gas.
I'm thinking. We don't
have room to speed up.
Too bad, we'll finish
What about the others?
If they move too fast...
they won't be able to
stop. They'll smash us.
Believe me, they are
driving slowly.
Otherwise they would
already be here.
Anyway, I want to give them
a signal.
Go ahead while
I finish here.
Do you have an
Too bad. It's
brand new.
At least I used it once.
-Make up your mind!
-You're leaving the tracks.
Okay. It's enough.
Come in.
-Maybe a 100 meters more...
-Let's go.
-A few more kilometres and it
will be okay. -It's okay.
You brought it.
Are you nuts?
What happened?
Did you see them
over there?
-Them. The Dutch.
I can't see. It's
too far away for me.
-You're right. It's them.
They're getting close.
Speed up!
How far away are they?
-100 meters.
-100 meters? We are moving fast.
It's over.
No, it's not over.
The silver point
is the end of the road.
-1... 2...
-Shut up!
Leave it!
Look, idiot!
They're speeding up.
That's it, Jo.
We won.
They're widening
the road.
You won't get by.
Got to manoeuvre.
We'll have to go this
way as far as possible...
and then back up here...
then shoot ahead.
Back up, back up!
There's room...
The wood's rotten.
Will it hold?
Go ahead!
Thanks, Luigi.
But you need
a good eye and...
My boy, we sure
can say...
It's a real rat-trap!
Have to warn the others.
They're stuck.
They'll manage! They
should've stayed ahead.
Hear that?
It's them!
How'd those guys
get here!
They used to cart
three-ton iron hunks.
On these roads,
it was suicide.
And this is better?
It's easier.
What does that mean?
Who cares!
Here's where
the ride ends.
How do you expect
to manoeuvre here?
You can't fly over it!
Let's go back,
and right now.
Looks better here.
We'll have to go out
to the edge.
The wood's
completely rotten!
It's like sponge.
Are you loony?
The others made it!
Our truck's
twice as heavy.
You're drunk on nitro!
Look at it. It's slippery
as a skating rink.
You'll skid!
There's $2000 waiting.
I'd rather stay alive.
Too late to back out.
When I was scared,
you said...
"Don't worry, kid,
I'm with you."
We're going through.
It's crazy!
It was crazy
ever to accept.
You got me into this.
Get back
and guide me.
Poor sap!
You'll get a medal...
Take it easy!
Okay, hold it.
Hold it.
I said to the edge!
How much have I got?
Jo, answer!
Don't kid around!
What a spot!
You louse!
Don't try to hide.
I saw you.
I saw you.
Come on back!
Wait for me, Mario!
Shut up!
Are you coming in
or not?
You low-down rat!
I know, I know,
you got the jitters.
Big shot's got
the shakes!
The holy terror!
An Al Capone
with cold feet!
You and your malaria!
You're scared stiff!
You're a woman!
If you knew
what I've been through.
Don't hand me that!
Maybe you were a man,
in grandma's time!
All you can do now is
shoot from behind!
You don't like risks.
I know what
they mean.
You just plunge
in recklessly.
You lack imagination.
I see every
pebble and hole.
I've died 50 times
since last night.
I see the explosion. I
see myself blown to bits.
I've got brains
in my head.
If only you
had guts too.
Yours'll be hanging
from a tree.
Like dead leaves!
Want to take a drag?
I'll buy you one
day after tomorrow.
We'll each have one.
Bimba, why are
you so sad?
No more mixing cement.
We'll be rich...
if we're not dead.
If we are,
it'll be over.
But if we're not, it'll
be nice to get away.
Where to?
To change mosquitoes?
There are enough here.
Those back home
are better!
I'm going back to
Calabra with the dough.
I'll buy a house.
And I'll marry
a pretty girl.
If you're scared,
you can get out.
This truck's
not a rest-home.
I'm staying.
I need the dough.
But I do the work.
I'm not Santa Claus.
I do the work
and you collect.
$2000 and then
you beat it!
It's no go! You've
got to work for it!
No work, no pay!
You know why
you're getting paid?
You're getting paid
to be scared!
It's division of labour.
You drive and I worry!
You're better off!
That's all we needed.
That's the limit!
We're being jinxed!
You lousy stone! How'd
you ever get here?
It came from up there.
It's rotten stone.
What a break.
That finishes us!
We'll lift it
with a crowbar!
It weighs at least
We'll blow it up.
With what?
With what we've
got there!
A whole jerry can?
A jerry can?
Why not a ton?
A litre will be enough.
But how'll you
get it out?
I'll siphon it.
Meanwhile drill
me a hole.
Right in the stone.
About 30 inches deep.
That enough?
Okay. Now get me the
jack and the hammer.
What's going on?
You can see.
He's blowing it up.
You're nuts!
Got to clear the road!
What do you say?
We want everyone's
opinion, even yours.
Who cares!
Don't you think
it's risky?
It may all go up!
We'll back up the truck.
Yours first...
Then ours.
You hear?
Hey, big shot,
you hear?
Okay. Let's back up.
What's going on
with him?
Got the jitters.
If you want him, I'll
give him to you as a gift.
Just look at him.
Get going, you!
Can't you see he's
just a walking corpse?
And aren't we?
Mario, carry the stuff
as far as you can.
Luigi, give me
the thermos.
Is there enough in it?
Maybe even too much.
Pretty slick!
It's easy,
I light the cord...
and when it
reaches here...
the hammer falls
and bingo!
Go get me a branch.
Okay. Now clear out.
Anything else?
First back up the truck.
We mustn't take
any unnecessary risks.
So long.
Your cigar.
It's good here.
Sure, it's all good
Come on.
How's it down there?
It's taking awhile
Take cover!
The trucks! What if
rocks fall on them!
Let's back up!
Too late!
I'll put it out!
Come with us!
It's safer!
Get down, idiot!
Is he dead?
He's breathing!
I can smell your feet!
That's a good one!
Are you hurt?
We thought you were dead.
So did I!
He was only knocked
down by the blast.
So was the rock. Look!
Not a bad job at all.
It's all gone.
Did you see that?
It sure is twisted.
You're twisted!
It worked!
So shut up!
Let's celebrate!
So I'm not invited.
Then I'll celebrate alone!
Careful! Don't shake!
You sure are something!
Mario's got guts.
So have I.
Jo has none at all.
But you take the cake.
Ever worked
in a salt mine?
The Nazis gave me
I was half dead
when I got out.
Compared to that,
this is a joke.
Of course.
But still...
Why shave?
Before being hanged...
my father asked
to take a shower.
It runs in the family.
I like to be clean. If
I've got to be a corpse...
I want to be...
You should eat!
I don't have
much appetite!
But I'd like
a cold drink...
in a Paris bistro!
Want a smoke?
Roll me one!
Good old French shag.
Did you ever roll it?
No. But you're off key.
My conscience is clear!
No more Luigi!
When you ask for
trouble, it always comes!
It might have been us.
Poor guy.
Forget it. They took
a chance and lost.
That's all you can say?
No use talking.
I'll smack you!
Don't. Are you crazy?
Shut the door!
I'm fed up!
Drop that!
Drop your stone!
You first!
It might not be right.
But I'm the strongest...
so it gives me time.
Get up!
Why are you
so lousy to me?
You don't see why?
Because I need
your help.
You'll stick with me...
to the very end.
Get to the truck.
You're lucky
I'm old.
I'm washed up,
a coward.
What an explosion.
Take a look at that!
It's as if they
fell in.
The tracks go right
to the edge.
It's odd.
Like tracks of a plane
that took off.
That's what happened.
They took off.
I wonder
what happened.
How would I know?
We'll never know.
Even they didn't know.
Not even deep!
But it'll rise.
Even the pipe's broken.
It's going to be
a real tank.
We get every possible
lousy break!
Bimba's cigarette-holder.
That's all that's left.
Let's go. Otherwise
we'll need a boat.
Go see what it's like
at the bottom.
I'll be with you
in two minutes.
Who cares if it's two
minutes or a year?
It's slick.
I said it's slick.
If you stop, you'll never
get started again.
We've got to do it.
Don't stop!
It's deep!
Hurry up!
Wait... wait.
Get out of the way!
I can't! I'm stuck!
Get away!
My leg!
Why didn't you get out
of the way?
You knew you were
running over me.
But you went
right ahead.
I'm sorry but
I had to do it.
You hurt me!
I told you to get away!
If I hadn't hesitated...
You did?
Sure! If not,
I'd have made it.
On account of you
we're stuck.
We're out of the running!
Not even blown up!
Stuck in the mud!
A pair of heroes!
Do something.
You can't imagine.
I don't have time.
I'm in agony!
Here's your chance
to take it easy.
It's just what
you wanted.
Hurry up!
It's awful.
Getting the shakes?
I'm not nitroglycerine.
I'm not dangerous...
not any more.
Do you smell it?
It's my leg!
It's only the oil.
It's me. I smell
like a corpse.
Stop raving!
I can feel myself rotting.
If you worry
you're licked.
Look at my nails.
They're purple.
That's the end.
You're not going to let
yourself die, are you?
It can't be helped!
Talk to me, Jo!
Say something!
I feel like sleeping.
No, keep on fighting!
I'm tired.
You've got
to force yourself.
What do you want me
to talk about?
Anything you like.
Where did you live?
On the Rue Galande.
No kidding!
I know that street.
It was long ago.
You remember the tobacco
shop at the corner?
It's still there?
Sure is!
Next to the hardware store.
In my time there was
a fence there.
You're right.
First there's a fence.
I never knew what
was behind it.
Nothing. Just
an empty lot.
Feeling worse?
I'm okay.
What a long street it is.
I'm all out of breath.
Come on, Jo.
Hold on.
We're almost there.
You're sleeping?
I'm trying to remember.
The fence...
What there was
behind the fence.
There was nothing.
There's nothing!
Look, we're there.
Old pal...
That's right!
Take a little nap.
Not like that.
You scare me.
Bad news. Luigi and Bimba
were blown up. Jo's dead.
What about Mario?
He'll be here in 2 hours.
You mean it?
He's on his way back!
Alms, sir.
Whiten yourself a bit, the
sun hit you pretty hard.
I'm going to whiten your
tongue with my soap.
Come on, Perla, show me
your thanks.
You are asking too much,
OK, forget it.
What a disgrace!
I hate mutts!
Anybody asking you?
Listen, doc, no one asked
your opinion.
Some guys have all
the luck.
I wouldn't mind a job
like that.
It's for voters only.
Got your card?
Never thought I'd beg
for a job.
For tramps there's never
any work.
Well, what'll you have?
Make up your mind.
A lemonade.
Only one for the lot?
Get it and shut up!
You're always so nice
and polite.
Rose, a lemonade for
the doctor.
Looking for trouble?
Not much distraction here.
If only it wasn't so hot!
What are we hanging
around here for?
Coming tonight?
Maybe... You got them?
In the flour bag.
Kiss me.
Watch out for my suit!
Linda, come here!
At the flour again, eh?
Don't I feed you?
I didn't eat your flour.
Caught in the act.
I'll show you.
Forget it.
Mind your business!
He's itching for trouble.
Who's asking you?
You're just a pack
of tramps.
Only fit for loafing...
and scaring away all
the customers.
Scram or I'll call
the cops.
They may be interested
in your papers.
Oh, a squealer?
I'm a citizen, not a
lousy foreigner.
What a credit to the
white race!
What do you want?
Did you hear me?
Beat it!
If I ever hear...
that you touched a hair
on her head...
Me? I wouldn't hurt her!
On the contrary.
I only want to help her.
Don't I baby?
Go to my room.
I'll be right up.
Yes, sir.
Leave that.
You want trouble.
Clear out of here,
you lousy tramp.
You cheap tramp!
Take it easy!
The street's free!
Then have the cops
check on you.
Dirty rat! Louse!
Your insults get in
through my ear...
Going up or not?
Where is that lazy tramp?
The mail...didn't you hear
the plane?
Get to the airport!
The money I've lost on
account of you!
What's up?
Can I go with you?
If I ever meet
the right pilot.
He'll let me ride
with the baggage.
I'll show him
my U.S. visa.
Did I ever show you
my visa?
Everyone's seen it.
Keep it in your pocket
and don't flash it.
The plane of the
international Airline...
is landing in
airstrip number 1.
Please, may all the
passengers go...
through the custom house.
Hi, Pepito,
what's new?
Listen, boss, I got
my passport.
Come here.
Any baggage?
Got a passport?
Yes, a passport.
What brings you here?
I don't know yet.
We'll put down "tourist".
What's up?
A traffic jam.
Tito! Come on, now.
The lady and the child.
That's right.
Smile. Don't move,
That'll be a dollar.
Wait, maybe I'm not
getting off yet.
Why don't you take a picture?
You French?
Pleased to meet you, kid.
Where from?
Paris, Rue des Pyrenees.
I'm from Propriane.
Ah, a Corsican!
But I used to work
in Paris.
Swell! It won't be as bad
as I thought.
From Tegucigalpa?
Could be.
Give me the low-down.
I'm absolutely dead broke.
Anything doing here?
Let's try the saloon.
Hernandez isn't a bad guy.
Is it far?
Let's take the taxi.
itll look better.
The Corsair.
Hello, boss. I've brought
a pal along.
I've got my hands full
A sight for sore eyes!
Pay for the taxi.
Who is this guy?
I thought he was your pal!
Know him?
By reputation.
Come along, kid.
Set one up for
my pal too!
Sit down.
Much obliged.
Come off it!
We're pals.
You can call me Jo,
but to the others,
I'm Mr. Jo!
Here's to you, Jo.
itll all work out.
Don't worry!
Not a bad joint.
You get tired of it.
How'd you ever pick
this town?
You can't always choose.
I had to beat it fast.
I headed for the airport...
and bought a $50 ticket.
That's how I'm here.
This is Linda. A sweet kid.
So I see.
Say something.
Be polite.
She's half savage.
It's lost a button.
Beat it!
Get what I mean?
They drop from the trees.
Have you eaten?
On the plane.
The meal was included.
I'm going for a bite.
How about here?
I've got a room in town.
I like my independence.
I understand.
I won't be long.
You see?
He hangs on to me.
Were you mixing cement?
I finished the framework.
We got a new mixer.
We may get a vibrator.
Say, did you strike gold
or something?
It's a present!
Noodles again?
Stop bellyaching. I'll
make you a swell sauce.
We don't have time.
I met...
A woman?
It happens to be a man.
A real one.
-Thank you very much.
You're welcome.
I'm thirsty.
Got any money?
My back wages?
We'll see.
Poor guy!
Two beers outside.
You sure eat fast!
When I feel good.
Thanks, kid.
How about a shot
of brandy?
Some service.
I just helped myself.
Allow me, my lord.
-Stop the music.
Shut it off.
-You won't see us anymore.
-Out! Out!
We won't come back.
We'll go to some place
Go get some fresh air.
A bunch of bellyachers!
Not one of us here
has any work.
Just occasional odd jobs.
Just enough to eat
and buy a drink.
Why don't you clear out?
I would if I could.
The trouble is...
takes too much effort.
Any trains?
None at all.
No highway?
It ends at the oil wells.
The fare's too high.
Caracas is too close.
Besides, it's too hot.
After that, it costs
around $300.
Got that much?
Neither have I.
You need a visa.
It can be arranged.
A real one?
A real one, too.
It takes dough for that.
And there are no jobs here.
They began that building
two years ago.
But they gave up.
Too much sun.
It's like prison here.
Easy to get in...
But no exit.
If you stay, you croak.
That's not my line.
Not anyone else's. But...
they do!
Here's proof.
He couldn't stand up.
Because of the fever.
Not only mosquitoes...
But spiders too. And
bugs that eat your liver.
And leprosy too.
You get spots on your
But all that's nothing.
There's only one
chronic sickness,
That's what kills
most of us.
That's for Americans.
Americans here?
Wherever there's oil,
there's Americans.
SOC is their company.
They've got a camp.
They're organised.
Houses, a canteen,
a cemetery.
All prefabricated!
O'Brien checks up
once a week.
O'Brien? Bill O'Brien?
A big guy?
Know him?
And how! We operated
together in 1932.
That changes everything!
When I need dough,
I get mean.
You've got 900 miles
of pipeline.
A little dynamite...
makes a lot of noise.
If the cops pin it
on me...
No go, eh?
For the time being?
Must be dough around
When the oil stops,
everything stops!
Look at that guy.
They fired him.
Look at him now!
Who's he?
That's my pal Luigi.
A good guy.
Haven't seen much of you
If you only knew...
how busy we are!
Let's swap jobs!
We work...
with our brains.
How's the job?
So-so. The pay's no good.
He's a real miser.
Always saving.
I'm saving to go home.
That guy doesn't seem
to like conversation!
See what I mean?
A real plugger.
We share a room. He does
all the ironing & cooking.
A terrific guy!
A real dope!
Why's he sore at me?
It's only natural.
I used to see a lot
of him.
He's mad now because
I'm with you.
What a jerk.
What's happening
to you?
Don't be afraid.
Ugly customers.
Let's go get a haircut.
I just had one.
Keep me company.
It's Linda's
day off. I...
That changes things.
Sure, sure!
Are you sure?
You're not that
Wait for me, Jo!
Where are you?
I'm going with Jo.
Look what a pretty
dress I made.
It's this one.
Exactly the same,
isn't it?
If you wear it,
you'll spoil it.
I don't care.
Yes or no?
Lend him to me,
Mr. Jo. Please!
Just one day a month.
He's old enough
to decide for himself.
I'm coming.
It's too late now.
You can beat me.
I feel like doing it.
If we must go out,
then let's get going.
Stop making faces!
What'll I do? My visa
expires in a month.
I don't have the fare.
$100 would save my life.
Please help me out!
I'll pay you back.
My family is honest.
You're a decent
man too.
Beat it, you're a pest.
Thank you very much, sir.
That'll teach you!
Have fun?
Boy, what a wet blanket!
Women are a waste of time.
Have to send it
to the cleaners.
What'll I wear?
I can't go around
like this!
Don't worry.
You'll wear a pair
of Luigi's.
Luigi's old man.
Not bad, eh?
Do you see my museum?
Those are my pin-ups.
Gives you something
to think about.
That's the treasure!
The crown jewels!
Get a load of it.
I haven't seen
one in years.
My last ticket.
It took me to the train.
And here I am!
That was some ride!
It used to cost a franc.
But it costs $1000
to get back!
Hides have
sure gone up.
Make yourself
right at home!
My pants! I had
to work to buy them.
What's up?
Stop beefing!
You'll get them back.
I'll disinfect them.
You can keep them!
Give them to
anyone you like!
Cut it out!
We're not married!
I'm fed up!
I'm clearing out!
What's up?
Let's go before
I get sore.
That's it, get out!
I won't miss you.
That was telling him!
I went for this.
Here comes Luigi.
I'll go tell
the others.
-This is going to be a mess.
-I see.
-Good evening, Pepito.
-Good evening.
Getting married?
I'm treating the gang.
Drinks are on me, boys.
Two whiskies!
Coming, Mr. Jo!
I ordered first.
Lemonade for five?
We're not broke!
Champagne, sparkling.
-Real champagne, Luigi?
-Of course.
You're rich!
Can I have a taste?
Let's have some
music with it.
He's starting
to annoy me.
-Would you give me the honour?
-With pleasure.
Two for supper!
Two for supper!
Waiter! We're
very hungry!
So, what?
The gentleman is served.
What are you waiting for?
I'm warning you!
I don't brawl like
a stevedore.
I'll shoot.
Easy to strut
with that!
Well, shoot!
I can't that way.
How about this way?
You look pale.
A gun's not enough!
You need guts!
I'm not a murderer!
Now for our whiskey!
I was scared!
That was nothing!
Why'd you have to
give him the gun?
That was just to
add a little spice.
They arrived first. They
said to make us rich.
No! To make us
To send our boys
to death.
And yesterday, a
catastrophe happened.
It's not fair. It's
always us who suffer.
It's always us who die.
The foreigners
never die!
They kill your father
and your brother.
And they give
you money!
-They killed my brother!
-And my husband.
Francisco lost a leg!
They paid you.
Practically nothing!
Is it a revolution?
Accident at an oil well.
Been burning all night.
all from here.
The mountain's on fire!
You can see the flames!
-Who's dead?
-No news.
We've a right to know.
There they are!
Drivers wanted.
Good pay.
Apply at the
SOC office.
That's the break
I've been waiting for!
Experienced drivers for
dangerous work are required.
You hear that?
$2,000 a piece.
In a week...
we'll be rich!
We'll remember what a
swell guy Hernandez was.
Cement in your lungs.
There are some
pretty bad spots.
Better quit or you
won't last long.
How long?
A year, six months,
maybe longer.
Maybe less?
What'll I do?
Clear out
How can I?
That's the question.
Experienced drivers.
Dangerous work.
Very good wages.
How much do you pay?
You mustnt go!
You'll get killed!
Don't go with him!
You'll all get killed!
If any one
fools around...
I'll grab the first guy I see...
and smash his mug
on a roll bar!
And they're made
of iron!
That makes one.
You drove like a charm.
You were way better!
I told you!
What about me?
Come on.
No, you go on ahead.
Don't worry.
You and I'll manage.
The show's over
now. Come off it!
There's just the two of us.
I want to have it out.
Cut it out! I know you
from way back.
You know I can drive!
You're too old, Jo.
And so am I.
We're played out.
I don't feel old.
One of those guys'll
back out.
We'll see.
You want to bet?
If anyone backs out,
the job's yours.
Okay. It's a deal.
"Dear Mama,
I've found a job.
"If I don't write
for a while...
"don't worry.
Love, Bernardo."
One, two, three, four,
five, six... for the house!
Mud in your eye!
For the millionaires!
-Linda, please.
-Not now.
Let him talk.
It's very important.
Please mail this
in the morning.
Stop crying!
You'll go next time.
Buck up!
You're a man!
You fellows are,
but not me.
Where's Jo?
He's up in his room.
He did his dirty work
and now he's hiding.
You leave and
he stays behind.
One more hour.
Go bawl outside!
An hour can be
a long time.
"Hail Mary, Full of grace...
"The Lord is with you.
Blessed art thou among women.
"Blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
"Mother of God,
pray for us sinners."
Quick, everybody, come! Run!
What's eating you?
He hanged himself!
Who? Jo?
No, the kid, the
Italian, Bernardo.
Mr. O'Brien's first victim.
We sure look classy!
Can't kick off
without a uniform.
Even when they
guillotine you...
they dress you up first.
It's not like him
to be late.
No, not him.
I'll call the hotel.
Here he comes.
Hello, boys!
I came to see my pal off.
What's the matter?
Looks like a funeral.
Did you happen
to see Smerloff?
Why hasn't he shown up?
Well, well.
Who saw him last?
He had a drink with us,
and then he left with Jo.
We had things
to talk about.
You think it'll be okay?
What's wrong?
I'm scared.
I'm scared I won't
be good enough.
Don't worry, kid,
I'm with you.
Where's the stuff?
Off to dinner!
Easy! It's bad
for the reflexes.
Heads or tails?
What's the difference!
Aw, there's no reason.
Let's toss.
I always lose.
What a break!
Let's go!
Wait a minute!
I said wait.
What's the pressure?
If anything goes wrong,
I'm the one who'll get it.
So excuse me!
Climb in, kid.
Every minute
costs dough.
Light up.
The lamps.
The headlights.
The projectors.
If you want
to drive, go ahead!
If not, shut up!
I brought you
something, Jo.
It's for you.
You're crazy!
You won't miss it?
It's no good
any more.
Good luck!
Say, didn't you
fill the tank?
The contact.
It's okay now.
That's right! Good luck!
Coca Cola! Some deal!
He knows his stuff!
Mario darling, why
did you do it?
I begged you not to. Id
have done anything for you
I'd have robbed...
killed for you.
You don't care
if I'm unhappy.
I hate you.
I despise you.
Watch the bumps!
Have pity, darling.
That's enough!
Now beat it!
Goodbye, darling.
Promise to be careful.
Promise you'll
come back!
Made it this time.
Stop worrying.
Is it hot or cold?
Rather hot. Why?
I'm freezing.
Want your sweater?
Not now.
Thanks, kid.
Wipe my forehead.
Something wrong?
I think I'm sick.
Got fever?
I'm shivering.
A touch of malaria.
Good beginning.
Where are we?
Only 300 miles to go!
Say, do you smell oil?
The motor's hot.
Shift to first.
Let's cool it.
-The truck is hot.
-We have to be careful.
It will be okay.
Let's eat something.
Already? We've driven only a
few kilometres.
It's getting late.
-They're expecting us.
-I don't give a damn.
At the end of the year
they won't pay us dividends.
-Jo, hurry up!
-Are you nuts?
Rest later.
Let's move!
It must be nice
to have money.
Yesterday we were
like other people...
just like everyone else.
We had fun, we
slept, we ate.
We knew men, women...
and now...
there's nobody.
Just us two.
Two's enough!
Enough to drive
a truck, but...
I like to be
with people...
to sit at the door,
drink wine, talk.
About what?
Whatever comes
into my head.
It's nice to get
a girl into a corner.
You like women?
You've had too
easy a life.
You think so?
You were daddy's little boy.
I'm an orphan.
How old are you?
You're kidding.
You can get to be
If you're in the right
place at the right time.
Not even time
for coffee.
Feeling sick again?
I don't like
to be rushed.
How can I?
With your hands.
What if we got a flat?
With new tires?
Stop kidding.
It happened.
Want me to throw it out?
Hold it up for me.
Here. Drink it
down, pop.
What's the matter now?
The wheel.
I told you not to eat!
Did you have
a breakdown?
He's sick.
Sick? Him?
He's drunk or scared.
Say it to his face!
We're talking
to you, big shot!
Shut up!
Leave him alone!
Keep him!
I don't want him.
Only wake up
and get going.
We'll take our time.
We're not taking
orders from you!
Then keep driving!
Let them go ahead if
they want to.
You're supposed to
be a 1/2 hour ahead.
Look at how they drive.
If we follow, we'll
creep like snails.
Some drivers!
A couple of lugs!
When something happens to
them, they'll be satisfied.
Why? Is it bad further?
It's okay until the Little Coral.
But after that, the road
gets worse.
Do you know
what cement is?
That's what we use
for houses.
Yes, but here it makes for
bad road.
The wind does that.
Like an old pump.
So much that it
destroys the chassis.
-The nitro can blow up.
-Not if you go fast.
At 40 miles per hour you fly
over the bumps.
But you must keep
the speed.
Under 30 you get
vibrations. Finished.
For how long? -About 20
miles after Little Coral.
This is the Coral.
Here is pump six.
The Americans have
put in concrete.
Even there, you can't
slow down.
You will not have time
to accelerate. Got it?
You must keep maximum
speed all the time.
We can do it slowly.
You'll vibrate, man.
To be safe we shouldn't
go over...I don't know...
-6 miles, then.
-Let's go slowly.
-Are you nuts?
at least 4 hours.
After the bridge,
accelerate up to 40 miles.
Here's the Coral.
That's it. Let's hear
the music.
Don't move from it.
Did you hear?
Are you sure?
It may be water
in the gas tank.
-Don't call misfortune.
-We're on the bad road.
If it's the engine,
we're fucked.
-Come on, time to go.
Let me finish
my cigarette.
-Finish it on the way.
-I can't drive and smoke.
I can't taste it.
-Are you okay?
-Yes, fine.
-Get ready to go down.
-Shift to second.
Get a good start.
-Can you see clear?
Start to slow down.
It won't be easy.
We won't make it,
I'm telling you.
The sign over there.
We're getting close.
Start accelerating, Jo.
It's time.
-Maybe we should...
-No, I told you.
-it must not blow up.
-Knock on wood.
My hands are full
of it.
Move it.
Fourth gear!
Floor it.
Speed up!
Push it, man! Push it!
Only 100 meters left.
Do it, man!
Do it!
Step on the gas,
for God's sake!
Are you dumb?
Now it's fucked.
Why didn't you go?
What happened?
It's not my fault.
It's the truck.
-This truck is lousy.
-No, it's not normal.
A brand new truck
should go fast.
The speed might be
limited in this truck.
The Americans did it
to save their merchandise.
If it's true they're
gonna hear from me.
It certainly is the
reason. No doubt.
We'll try again.
-Nothing in the engine?
Back up so
I can see.
Move it!
Come here.
Have a look.
If we manoeuvre we'll
erase the tracks.
-We'll do it on the tracks.
Are you nuts?
It's risky.
If you fall back in,
it's too dangerous.
No danger.
Now help me.
If I had the bastard
who filled up the car!
I bet he started
to put in gas oil...
and when he found out
he didn't say a word.
Don't move.
I'll find the guy.
Don't bitch. This time
you'll get clean gas.
I'm thinking. We don't
have room to speed up.
Too bad, we'll finish
What about the others?
If they move too fast...
they won't be able to
stop. They'll smash us.
Believe me, they are
driving slowly.
Otherwise they would
already be here.
Anyway, I want to give them
a signal.
Go ahead while
I finish here.
Do you have an
Too bad. It's
brand new.
At least I used it once.
-Make up your mind!
-You're leaving the tracks.
Okay. It's enough.
Come in.
-Maybe a 100 meters more...
-Let's go.
-A few more kilometres and it
will be okay. -It's okay.
You brought it.
Are you nuts?
What happened?
Did you see them
over there?
-Them. The Dutch.
I can't see. It's
too far away for me.
-You're right. It's them.
They're getting close.
Speed up!
How far away are they?
-100 meters.
-100 meters? We are moving fast.
It's over.
No, it's not over.
The silver point
is the end of the road.
-1... 2...
-Shut up!
Leave it!
Look, idiot!
They're speeding up.
That's it, Jo.
We won.
They're widening
the road.
You won't get by.
Got to manoeuvre.
We'll have to go this
way as far as possible...
and then back up here...
then shoot ahead.
Back up, back up!
There's room...
The wood's rotten.
Will it hold?
Go ahead!
Thanks, Luigi.
But you need
a good eye and...
My boy, we sure
can say...
It's a real rat-trap!
Have to warn the others.
They're stuck.
They'll manage! They
should've stayed ahead.
Hear that?
It's them!
How'd those guys
get here!
They used to cart
three-ton iron hunks.
On these roads,
it was suicide.
And this is better?
It's easier.
What does that mean?
Who cares!
Here's where
the ride ends.
How do you expect
to manoeuvre here?
You can't fly over it!
Let's go back,
and right now.
Looks better here.
We'll have to go out
to the edge.
The wood's
completely rotten!
It's like sponge.
Are you loony?
The others made it!
Our truck's
twice as heavy.
You're drunk on nitro!
Look at it. It's slippery
as a skating rink.
You'll skid!
There's $2000 waiting.
I'd rather stay alive.
Too late to back out.
When I was scared,
you said...
"Don't worry, kid,
I'm with you."
We're going through.
It's crazy!
It was crazy
ever to accept.
You got me into this.
Get back
and guide me.
Poor sap!
You'll get a medal...
Take it easy!
Okay, hold it.
Hold it.
I said to the edge!
How much have I got?
Jo, answer!
Don't kid around!
What a spot!
You louse!
Don't try to hide.
I saw you.
I saw you.
Come on back!
Wait for me, Mario!
Shut up!
Are you coming in
or not?
You low-down rat!
I know, I know,
you got the jitters.
Big shot's got
the shakes!
The holy terror!
An Al Capone
with cold feet!
You and your malaria!
You're scared stiff!
You're a woman!
If you knew
what I've been through.
Don't hand me that!
Maybe you were a man,
in grandma's time!
All you can do now is
shoot from behind!
You don't like risks.
I know what
they mean.
You just plunge
in recklessly.
You lack imagination.
I see every
pebble and hole.
I've died 50 times
since last night.
I see the explosion. I
see myself blown to bits.
I've got brains
in my head.
If only you
had guts too.
Yours'll be hanging
from a tree.
Like dead leaves!
Want to take a drag?
I'll buy you one
day after tomorrow.
We'll each have one.
Bimba, why are
you so sad?
No more mixing cement.
We'll be rich...
if we're not dead.
If we are,
it'll be over.
But if we're not, it'll
be nice to get away.
Where to?
To change mosquitoes?
There are enough here.
Those back home
are better!
I'm going back to
Calabra with the dough.
I'll buy a house.
And I'll marry
a pretty girl.
If you're scared,
you can get out.
This truck's
not a rest-home.
I'm staying.
I need the dough.
But I do the work.
I'm not Santa Claus.
I do the work
and you collect.
$2000 and then
you beat it!
It's no go! You've
got to work for it!
No work, no pay!
You know why
you're getting paid?
You're getting paid
to be scared!
It's division of labour.
You drive and I worry!
You're better off!
That's all we needed.
That's the limit!
We're being jinxed!
You lousy stone! How'd
you ever get here?
It came from up there.
It's rotten stone.
What a break.
That finishes us!
We'll lift it
with a crowbar!
It weighs at least
We'll blow it up.
With what?
With what we've
got there!
A whole jerry can?
A jerry can?
Why not a ton?
A litre will be enough.
But how'll you
get it out?
I'll siphon it.
Meanwhile drill
me a hole.
Right in the stone.
About 30 inches deep.
That enough?
Okay. Now get me the
jack and the hammer.
What's going on?
You can see.
He's blowing it up.
You're nuts!
Got to clear the road!
What do you say?
We want everyone's
opinion, even yours.
Who cares!
Don't you think
it's risky?
It may all go up!
We'll back up the truck.
Yours first...
Then ours.
You hear?
Hey, big shot,
you hear?
Okay. Let's back up.
What's going on
with him?
Got the jitters.
If you want him, I'll
give him to you as a gift.
Just look at him.
Get going, you!
Can't you see he's
just a walking corpse?
And aren't we?
Mario, carry the stuff
as far as you can.
Luigi, give me
the thermos.
Is there enough in it?
Maybe even too much.
Pretty slick!
It's easy,
I light the cord...
and when it
reaches here...
the hammer falls
and bingo!
Go get me a branch.
Okay. Now clear out.
Anything else?
First back up the truck.
We mustn't take
any unnecessary risks.
So long.
Your cigar.
It's good here.
Sure, it's all good
Come on.
How's it down there?
It's taking awhile
Take cover!
The trucks! What if
rocks fall on them!
Let's back up!
Too late!
I'll put it out!
Come with us!
It's safer!
Get down, idiot!
Is he dead?
He's breathing!
I can smell your feet!
That's a good one!
Are you hurt?
We thought you were dead.
So did I!
He was only knocked
down by the blast.
So was the rock. Look!
Not a bad job at all.
It's all gone.
Did you see that?
It sure is twisted.
You're twisted!
It worked!
So shut up!
Let's celebrate!
So I'm not invited.
Then I'll celebrate alone!
Careful! Don't shake!
You sure are something!
Mario's got guts.
So have I.
Jo has none at all.
But you take the cake.
Ever worked
in a salt mine?
The Nazis gave me
I was half dead
when I got out.
Compared to that,
this is a joke.
Of course.
But still...
Why shave?
Before being hanged...
my father asked
to take a shower.
It runs in the family.
I like to be clean. If
I've got to be a corpse...
I want to be...
You should eat!
I don't have
much appetite!
But I'd like
a cold drink...
in a Paris bistro!
Want a smoke?
Roll me one!
Good old French shag.
Did you ever roll it?
No. But you're off key.
My conscience is clear!
No more Luigi!
When you ask for
trouble, it always comes!
It might have been us.
Poor guy.
Forget it. They took
a chance and lost.
That's all you can say?
No use talking.
I'll smack you!
Don't. Are you crazy?
Shut the door!
I'm fed up!
Drop that!
Drop your stone!
You first!
It might not be right.
But I'm the strongest...
so it gives me time.
Get up!
Why are you
so lousy to me?
You don't see why?
Because I need
your help.
You'll stick with me...
to the very end.
Get to the truck.
You're lucky
I'm old.
I'm washed up,
a coward.
What an explosion.
Take a look at that!
It's as if they
fell in.
The tracks go right
to the edge.
It's odd.
Like tracks of a plane
that took off.
That's what happened.
They took off.
I wonder
what happened.
How would I know?
We'll never know.
Even they didn't know.
Not even deep!
But it'll rise.
Even the pipe's broken.
It's going to be
a real tank.
We get every possible
lousy break!
Bimba's cigarette-holder.
That's all that's left.
Let's go. Otherwise
we'll need a boat.
Go see what it's like
at the bottom.
I'll be with you
in two minutes.
Who cares if it's two
minutes or a year?
It's slick.
I said it's slick.
If you stop, you'll never
get started again.
We've got to do it.
Don't stop!
It's deep!
Hurry up!
Wait... wait.
Get out of the way!
I can't! I'm stuck!
Get away!
My leg!
Why didn't you get out
of the way?
You knew you were
running over me.
But you went
right ahead.
I'm sorry but
I had to do it.
You hurt me!
I told you to get away!
If I hadn't hesitated...
You did?
Sure! If not,
I'd have made it.
On account of you
we're stuck.
We're out of the running!
Not even blown up!
Stuck in the mud!
A pair of heroes!
Do something.
You can't imagine.
I don't have time.
I'm in agony!
Here's your chance
to take it easy.
It's just what
you wanted.
Hurry up!
It's awful.
Getting the shakes?
I'm not nitroglycerine.
I'm not dangerous...
not any more.
Do you smell it?
It's my leg!
It's only the oil.
It's me. I smell
like a corpse.
Stop raving!
I can feel myself rotting.
If you worry
you're licked.
Look at my nails.
They're purple.
That's the end.
You're not going to let
yourself die, are you?
It can't be helped!
Talk to me, Jo!
Say something!
I feel like sleeping.
No, keep on fighting!
I'm tired.
You've got
to force yourself.
What do you want me
to talk about?
Anything you like.
Where did you live?
On the Rue Galande.
No kidding!
I know that street.
It was long ago.
You remember the tobacco
shop at the corner?
It's still there?
Sure is!
Next to the hardware store.
In my time there was
a fence there.
You're right.
First there's a fence.
I never knew what
was behind it.
Nothing. Just
an empty lot.
Feeling worse?
I'm okay.
What a long street it is.
I'm all out of breath.
Come on, Jo.
Hold on.
We're almost there.
You're sleeping?
I'm trying to remember.
The fence...
What there was
behind the fence.
There was nothing.
There's nothing!
Look, we're there.
Old pal...
That's right!
Take a little nap.
Not like that.
You scare me.
Bad news. Luigi and Bimba
were blown up. Jo's dead.
What about Mario?
He'll be here in 2 hours.
You mean it?
He's on his way back!