Samaritan (2022) Movie Script

[dramatic music playing]
[Sam] Many years ago,
a battle of good versus evil
was waged between Samaritan
and Nemesis.
Twin brothers who became
sworn enemies.
But let me start at the
They were freakishly strong.
They unintentionally
hurt people.
The residents of the town
grew to fear the brothers.
They waited
until the family slept,
boarded up their home,
and set it on fire.
The parents were burned alive,
but the twins were unscathed.
Samaritan grew to fight for justice,
to be a protector.
[sirens wailing]
Nemesis, consumed by revenge,
wanted the world to suffer
as his parents had.
Samaritan tried to contain
his brother's fury,
so Nemesis forged
a powerful weapon.
A hammer that he poured
all his hate and rage into.
It was the only thing
that could destroy Samaritan.
Nemesis lured him to the
power plant,
where he would defeat his brother
once and for all.
[man] Joey!
What happened?
Run, man! He's...
[man 1] It's Nemesis!
[man 2] Get the hell back!
[Sam] Nemesis knew his brother would come
to save the innocent.
[men exclaim]
[dramatic music playing]
[Sam] The brothers
were equally matched.
With the hammer,
Nemesis had the upper hand.
But not for long.
Samaritan and Nemesis
died in the blast.
This is the story
we've all been told.
But I believe
Samaritan is still alive.
[sirens wailing]
[reporter] In fairness
to our caller,
if Samaritan was in fact...
- a type of guardian...
- [man on video] Which he is.
...why fake his death?
Samaritan abandoned us.
- [reporter] Yes, but why?
- That's bullcrap.
That answer is in my book,
Samaritan Lives.
Sam, you got any cash on you?
Ma, come on.
What happened to the five bucks
I lent you last week?
I need it for the bus.
Please, I'm gonna be late.
I need it.
And, you know, after taxes,
it takes me about an hour
of bedpan cleaning just to earn that five.
Ma, just take it.
Thank you. I love you.
- I love you.
- Oh. And don't forget,
take out the trash.
It's raining.
It's smelling.
Lock this door.
- Be good.
- [door closes]
- [rain pattering]
- [siren wailing]
[door opening]
- [thunder rumbling]
- [door creaking]
[door closing]
[man] Morning, Joe.
Wait up, wait up.
Anything good?
Get a puzzle.
[baby crying]
Come on!
This again. [sighs]
Damn it.
[vehicle honking]
[sirens approaching]
[vehicle honking]
[indistinct chatter]
What is that thing?
- Radio.
- That's cool.
Does it work?
Dead as a doornail.
Why do you have a broken radio?
Why're you wearing
a broken watch?
[Jace] Shorty!
Hey, yo, Sam!
Come on, squirt.
Heard your door got taped up.
Think you might
wanna help me, now?
Why would I wanna help you out?
You always call me squirt.
What you want?
An apology?
You wanna make
some money or not, little man?
What'd I just say?
- Shut up, Jace.
- You got it, squirt.
Where you going?
Come on, stop being lame.
You need the money, don't you?
All right, then, come on.
- [grunts]
- [Jace] Whoa, man!
Stop crying
and get up there, man.
Ain't nobody watching.
[Jace] Let's see, let's see.
It's time to handle business.
- I want you to start right there.
- What?
You heard what I said?
Come on, man.
- Come on. Start over there.
- Okay.
Right at the bottom.
That match
your height. [laughs]
Bro, don't look at me like that, bro.
Come on.
Come on. Put your back
into it or something.
Come on. Pull it up,
pull it up, pull it up.
Loving it, loving it.
- Yeah.
- [panting]
That's a lot of money
right there.
Come on, little man.
You can go faster than that.
Come on, man.
I feel like a birdie.
- I'm flying like an eagle.
- [chuckles]
Hey, man, you might want to downplay
this type of thing where we're going.
[Sam] What do you mean?
Man, Cyrus loves Nemesis.
Wanna be just like him.
We're going to Cyrus' place?
You didn't tell me
we were going to Cyrus' place.
That guy is out of his mind.
[machinery whirring]
[train horn blaring in distance]
[Pete] All right.
How much you want for it?
[Jace] $400. Divide that by 10.
40, 40.
[Jace] Nah, man, put a one
in front of that 40.
- Are you high?
- [Jace] Man.
Throw it on the scale.
The scale never lies.
- 40.
- Man, that don't even say 40.
[man] You tripping, bro.
[ominous music playing]
[men shouting indistinctly]
[man] Hey, boss.
[Jace chuckles]
[man] Yo!
What's up, shithead?
What you doing? Selling candy
for your basketball team? What's up?
Nah, man, I'm selling wire.
Ah. You coming up.
How much they drag in, Pete?
- Uh, $40.
- $40!
Y'all wanna make
some real bread?
There's a package store
on Castle Road.
I need someone to make
a fool of themselves, cause a distraction.
Hey, look, man,
I ain't doing nothing for you.
Punk bitch.
- My boy Jace big, but he a pussy.
- I'll do it.
- [man 1] Nah, come on, man.
- [man 2] This lil' kid here.
What? I can do this.
- Nah, man, you tripping, bro.
- [man 1] Yo, this kid is crazy, man.
I just distract the guy?
That's it. That's all
you gotta do.
Yeah, I'm in.
Come on.
[man] You got a problem?
[woman] No, there's no...
What you looking at, old lady?
[man 2] You got a problem
with my friend over there?
[man 1] Yeah, you got a problem?
Come on, come on.
All right.
- You see him? Old guy?
- [Sam] Yeah.
Stop looking. Stop looking.
We're just taking
the lotto tickets, right?
All right.
He's not gonna shoot you
over that, probably.
What do you mean, shoot?
You know what to do.
- Wait. No.
- [Reza] Come on.
[man1] Pow.
[coughing] Help!
Help, please!
Help! A car...
I don't need this shit.
[panting, grunting]
- [Sam] A car ran the light.
- [shopkeeper] What?
[Sam] Help! Please!
[Sam] Get the hell out of here.
This is none of my business.
[Sam] I need your help.
I can't get up.
Come here.
What the hell is that?
[sniffs] Hot sauce!
- [Reza] Run, run!
- Goddamn thieves!
- [man 2] Let's go.
- [Sam] Go, go, go!
Goddamn sons of bitches.
[all laughing, cheering]
- [man] Okay!
- [Sam] Let's go!
[all laughing]
- [man 1] Open the box, open the box.
- [man 2] Yeah. Yes.
[Reza] There's some
serious value in there, cuz.
- And we can do that shit anytime.
- Anytime, huh?
What the hell's wrong with you?
[Reza] I told them to check
inside the boxes, cuz, I...
- You didn't look inside the boxes?
- Hey, chips is good though.
It was him.
Cuz, it was him, man.
- He took the wrong boxes.
- That didn't happen.
I did exactly what you said.
Are you calling me
a liar, bitch?
- [Sam grunts]
- [all exclaiming]
[Reza] Yeah, boy.
[all laughing]
[Cyrus] Are you a liar, Reza?
[laughter dies]
Nah, Cyrus.
How old are you, pal?
Youngest and the smallest, huh?
Used to happen to me too.
That gets old.
Shit rolls downhill.
That's what's happening here?
Should be grateful.
The little man knows
when to keep his mouth shut.
Cyrus, that's bullshit.
He likes you.
He likes people that got bite.
I was scared as shit.
But you didn't rat.
That means something.
Yo! Come on.
[Cyrus] Big fan, huh?
Let me guess.
You like him
'cause he was the good guy.
I got a different perspective.
Nemesis hurt people.
But it's not always if you hurt,
but who you hurt.
Nemesis always punched up.
I was about your age
when he died.
He was my hero.
Nemesis humbled the proud,
gave people a beating
who needed a beating.
To people around here,
Nemesis was a god.
just another cop
to protect the rich
while the rest of us
went hungry.
For what you did today.
For what you'll do
for me in the future.
[bell tolling]
You do this every month.
And every month, I tell you
I get my check on the 5th.
Like, why do you do this?
Why do you
embarrass me like this?
- Mom...
- We got rules.
- Has my check not been there before?
- Mom.
- [man] Not on the first.
- Mom!
- Mom.
- No.
- Mom.
- No.
You enjoy doing this.
I'm not running a shelter here.
Take the damn money.
Open the goddamn door!
It's not personal.
Same shit every, every time.
Can't open it fast enough, huh?
Come on.
The nerve of this guy
locking me and my son out.
As soon as I get enough money,
I'm gonna quit this job,
we're gonna get on a bus,
and we're just gonna leave this city.
You will never have to deal
with that creep's face again.
- [water running]
- And go where?
I haven't figured that out yet.
What's that all over your face?
I went to the store,
and I slipped,
and I broke a shelf,
and I got sauce all over me and in my eye.
And the guy at the counter
gave me some money
so I wouldn't tell anybody
about it, okay?
What have I always told you?
Sam? What have I
always told you?
The decisions you make add up.
Where did you
get that money from?
Why didn't you ask me that
before you took it?
[sighs] Even if I'm not very good
at the job, I'm still your mother.
[Cyrus] Good.
They're here.
The guy who led us to 'em said
they pack one hell of a punch.
Where'd you get 'em?
You know that army base
they're closing down outside of town?
We planted one of our guys
to the burial ordnance.
The things you bury
tend to haunt you.
Like a ghost.
- Oh!
- Boom!
[man] When are we gonna do this?
[Cyrus] Tomorrow.
[reporter on TV]
Tensions in the city continue to rise
as the civil servants union
enters its second month
of strikes due to drastic
budget cuts.
Unemployment is on the rise
and homelessness is at an all-time high
after an unprecedented spike
in evictions and foreclosures citywide.
Many attribute
our current fiscal crisis...
- [indistinct chatter]
- [sirens wailing]
[Reza] Hey. Yo.
Hey! You thought
I was kidding?
I want the money you cost me.
[man] Get him!
[woman] Hey!
[man yelling]
Get back here!
[Sam pants, exclaims]
[tires screech]
[horns honking]
[Reza] Go! Come on!
Come on!
[Reza] Get him!
Come on! Get him!
[Reza] Chris, grab him!
[both grunting]
- [Sam groans]
- [Chris chuckles]
Your mama's gonna
hear you scream.
My mom's at work.
Oh, yeah? Well, she's gonna find you dead.
- [blows landing]
- [Sam grunting]
- [Reza groans]
- [chuckles]
Oh, my God!
[Reza grunts, groans]
Oh, my God.
What's your problem, man?
Come on.
[Omar grunts]
Oh, my...
Go on. Beat it.
You need to make
some new friends, okay?
Let's get out of here.
[Reza grunts]
[both straining]
- [panting]
- [knife clatters]
- [Omar] Come on, bro!
- [Reza] Hey!
- [Omar] Let's go!
- We know where you live, old man.
[door closes]
Oh, my God.
[reporter] Nearly 17%
of the workforce
has become un or under employed.
With the rise of autonomous manufacturing,
that number is set to explode.
Now the machines are taking jobs...
[continues indistinctly]
[sighs] Okay.
"Smith, Joe."
[reporter] And it's not
a matter of if, but when.
And there needs to be a
safety net...
Joe Smith
is Samaritan.
[siren whooping]
Am I always
gonna have to look out for you?
[mimicking] "Am I always gonna
have to look out for you?"
[Tuna chuckles]
[Cyrus] Officer.
Evidence room's closed.
Come back some other time.
Ever seen one of these before?
- [chuckles]
- Blackout bomb. Plays hell on electronics.
[bomb beeping]
[both laughing]
What's that?
It's here.
I feel its power.
With this, I can finish
what Nemesis started.
[Cyrus grunts]
- [yells]
- [clangs]
[Tuna] Yo!
Wait, that thing is for real?
[Farshad] Of course, it's real.
You think he's messing around?
[laughs] Let's go!
Oh, God.
- I gotta talk to you.
- No, you don't.
- I found him.
- No, you didn't.
- Hi, kitty.
- [purring]
I found him.
Yeah, you told me months ago.
The custodian
at your school, right?
No, not him.
Turns out, he was just
really strong for a janitor.
Or the mailman
who outran the bulldog, right?
A breed known for quickness.
That dog was so fast,
you gotta see him run.
Look, kid, I am
a serious journalist.
An intellectual.
I know. I respect
your work.
Did you even buy my book?
Of course, I bought your book.
I watch you online.
- Yeah.
- No, but...
I love your videos.
I watch them all the time.
Come on.
Look, kid, you can't just come in here
and harass me,
and scare away all my customers
every time you see an old man
make a sudden movement.
Get out.
But this time is different,
I'm telling you.
Look. I got ten bucks.
I'll buy one of your books,
if you just hear me out.
This is sweet.
Twenty years of blood, sweat,
and tears on these walls.
[pet food clatters]
[Sam] Whoa.
Hey, I actually...
I have something I wanna show you.
Now, you can't touch this.
Do not touch.
Just look.
Ten years ago, I had a friend who was
a custodian at the police impound.
He took this photo.
That is a special
hand-forged hammer.
It's a beauty.
Do you know where it was found?
They found it at the death site.
Oh, wow.
Bet that hammer was forged from the hatred
that Nemesis had for his brother.
And that that hammer
is the only thing
that could leave a scar
on either twin.
Now my theory is that Nemesis
started the fire
in that power station
because he wanted to throw
the whole city into anarchy and chaos.
And, of course, he wanted to
lure his brother into a trap.
But that plan went haywire.
Ultimately, it was his own hatred
that destroyed him.
Okay, let's get
to the main event.
Who is your Samaritan this time?
He's a garbage man.
He lives in the apartment
building across from me.
[Casler] That's convenient.
[Sam] Look, this time
is really different.
He beat up these kids
that always bully me.
He beats up children?
No, no. Like, older kids.
Like, gang kids.
He has this big,
nasty scar on his back.
Exactly like he was in a fire.
And how did you see this scar?
I can see him in his window.
Okay, I don't know
what's more concerning here,
that you think Samaritan
lives across from you,
or that you're peeking
in the windows of old men.
No, no, no.
It's not like that at all.
Look, kid, you've said your piece,
that's ten dollars' worth.
Okay, just wait
one second, okay?
Let me grab something.
Let's go, grab your stuff.
He did this.
Just by grabbing it.
With his bare hands?
How cool is that?
How do you know
the knife wasn't like this
before the garbage man
grabbed it?
I saw him do it.
Oh, kid.
You're gonna need more than
a horrifically scarred old man,
and a bent knife, Tim.
Close enough.
Grab your stuff.
I see you up there, a-hole.
[Sam grunting]
[people arguing indistinctly]
[grunting, panting]
[people arguing indistinctly]
saves the day."
[Farshad] You understand what it makes me
look like, when my cousin lies to Cyrus?
It looks bad.
I vouched for you.
- Farshad, what do you want me to say?
- Nothing.
Just stop talking.
That's him.
That's that old man.
[Tuna chuckling]
That's the old man that beat you up?
[Reza] Tuna, you go try him.
He'll beat your dumb ass, too.
That's him.
[indistinct conversation]
[Sam panting]
Sam. Come here.
[thunder rumbles]
What, Ma?
What are you doing?
[Tiffany] What do you mean,
I thought we could have dinner.
- What happened there?
- That?
I ran into a locker.
A locker? Does that locker
have a name?
What? [chuckles] No.
Just a locker.
[banging on door]
Your kid took
something valuable of mine.
Who are you?
Joe Smith.
I live over there.
What did he take?
My scrapbook.
Sam. Get over here.
You have something
that belongs to this man?
Let's have it.
I'm sorry.
Is that all you have to say?
I don't know.
I'm a fan?
What is wrong with you?
What is that even
supposed to mean?
Could I ask you for a favor?
He's a good kid.
He really is.
So please,
don't call the police.
He won't do this again,
I promise.
[sighs] And this is not
an excuse.
His father...
Look, he's changed.
And you can blame me.
It's just...
He's good.
He's just a little
No harm done.
You have a good mother.
Very lucky.
- [sizzling]
- [alarm beeping]
Oh, shit.
[tsks, groans]
[Sam grunts, groans]
I've already checked out
that dumpster.
Not much in it.
You know, I wasn't gonna
keep the album.
I just thought you were him.
That's all right. You know,
I used to steal some stuff, too.
But who did you think I was?
Samaritan's dead.
That's what they say.
Yeah. I just pick up garbage
for a living. That's what I do.
Don't punch me in my face
if I don't agree with you.
I would never
punch you. What?
Why do you have that scrapbook?
Because I'm a fan. Like you.
That's it.
So, why don't you go play
football or whatever you do,
because all this questioning is
just starting to get on my nerves now.
Calling me this person
and calling me that.
You mind your business, I'll
mind mine.
You're a liar!
I don't believe you!
Listen, kid...
Oh, we got him.
Oh, he's out. He's out.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
[Sam panting]
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Come on.
[Joe gasps]
[Joe groans]
Oh, my God.
Oh, my...
Are you okay?
[bones cracking]
Fuck no.
- [Joe groans]
- [bones cracking]
Holy shit!
- [grunts]
- [gasps]
- [grunts]
- [bones crack]
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God!
I knew you were him!
I knew it!
I knew it!
- Come on.
- [Joe grunts]
I knew it was you this whole
I need water.
I knew it, everybody!
- Hold it down.
- Okay.
- Water.
- Okay. All right.
Okay, go.
Get lost. You're bad luck.
No way. This is the best day
For you!
- [tap creaks open]
- [water running]
[Joe groans in relief]
I can't believe I found
You're just a dude
who gets hit by a car,
gets his bones broken,
and eats mad ice cream.
I eat this stuff
to cool my body down.
Why don't you just drink some
ice water?
I don't like the taste.
-Can I have some? No. undefined
Sorry. I need it for
Why were you steaming?
You know anything about binary fission,
cellular thermodynamics?
What? I'm 13 years old.
You know what happens during a
heat stroke?
When I get hurt, my body
and if I don't cool it down,
my heart explodes.
That is not human.
Wait. Is this how it was for
You guys were brothers, right?
Enough with the Nemesis stuff.
Why don't you go have some ice
You saved my dad once.
Where do you come up with this
Have you ever looked up
the word "delusional,"
because that's what you are.
You're delusional.
I'm not delusional.
I'm serious.
You saved my dad.
He used to boost cars.
You caught him one night.
And instead of busting him,
you talked to him.
What'd he do,
write fairytales for a living?
No, he died.
Let's see if we can wake these
people up.
[Tuna chuckles]
[Tuna whistles]
[bomb beeping]
My bad.
- [explosion]
- [all exclaim]
[people clamoring]
[all laughing]
There they go.
We can do better than that.
[man 1] I swear, I'm gonna
beat the crap out of you.
- [man 2] Oh, yeah?
- [man 3] Yeah! Bring it!
[people clamoring]
[man 4] Hey!
[hammer pounding]
[Cyrus echoing]
Granite City...
Who comes to help the helpless?
Who is our hero?
Is that Nemesis?
I am back to start a revolution
for all the people this city
left behind.
Our movement
will put the power back in
the hands of the people.
It's time to take back what
is yours!
[all cheering]
[Cyrus yells]
[Tuna] Put this on.
Here you go, my man.
The revolution starts now!
[all cheering]
Nemesis! Nemesis! Nemesis!
[crowd chanting]
Nemesis! Nemesis! Nemesis!
[both grunting]
[grunts, pants]
[reporter] City officials
are in shock
from last night's events.
A mysterious blackout
and gang of men in Nemesis masks
triggered a long night
of looting last night.
Several people were injured.
With the town on edge already
with high unemployment
and poverty on the rise,
some say it's only a matter of time
before the city implodes.
[Joe] Hey.
[Sam gasps]
What do I have to do?
Throw you under a bus
to make you stop following me?
Samaritan wouldn't do that.
What if he was having a bad day?
Come on.
So, what's in the bag?
Hey, hey. It's a camera. Don't
- Where you taking it to?
- To a pawn shop.
Sounds horrible.
What do you even do all day?
Fix things and get depressed?
I'm a troglodyte.
- Do you know what that is?
- No clue.
It's Greek for a man who dwells
in a cave. See, I'm a caveman.
I live in a tiny apartment, and
it's fine.
I'm good with it. I like being
You know what bothers me?
What really depresses me?
Being around other people.
Follow me?
-Sure, you do.No. undefined
That doesn't make any sense.
You save people. That's not a
Smells like bullshit to me.
You got big balls.
I'll give you that.
[Sam] So, how much do you think
you're gonna get off the camera?
I don't know.
10 bucks, 20 bucks?
God, what are you,
an accountant or something?
Do me a favor,
stay here while I go in there.
Still want me to come in?
No, yeah. That's why I said,
"Wait here."
What are you looking at?
[Joe growls]
What? You just let that happen?
Should've thrown him
over a tree or something.
I'm disappointed.
[Joe] Stay out.
What the hell did you do?
Just snapped off. It's falling
apart, like both of us.
Yeah, well, speak for yourself.
This is solid brass.
I know. But even brass gets
[Arthur] I'm taking this
out of your account.
[Joe] That's fair enough.
[Arthur] Another Sunday,
another piece of junk.
- Give you $25.
- Whoa. Really?
Here we go again.
It's not a Canon.
How about $50
and I take your picture with it?
- [Arthur laughs]
- Okay.
[alarm ringing]
[burglars laughing]
- [car honking]
- Hey, come on! What are you doing?
- Stop! Thief!
- [Joe] Look at this. See?
This is what happens when you
a couple of genetic freaks
try to fix your city.
People gotta
get rid of their own problems,
or their problems
gonna get rid of them, right?
How many bad guys did you fight
at once?
How strong are you?
I'm still pretty strong.
You saw that.
But not like I once was.
Things start to fall apart when
you stop caring, and I stopped caring
a long time ago.
[Sam] How far can you jump?
Then, maybe over 10 cars.
Now, nine.
No way. Let's see you do it.
No, forget it. I'm not gonna
wreck my knees entertaining you.
Have you ever had to jump off a
No, but I've thrown
a lot of people off 'em.
I'm just kidding.
Man, I've told you too much.
You can trust me.
You should know that.
You ever get scared?
Why? Are you scared of
- Just...
- Sure, I get scared.
Come on. Everybody does.
Fear, that's natural.
But you'd still fight.
Yeah, when necessary.
But I don't want to. I don't
like it.
When I get scared, the first
thing I think about is running.
And I always freeze up.
Hey. Come here.
That's the smart thing to do.
Street fighting is for fools.
Why would you wanna get into a
fight with some stranger
who has nothing to do with your
who could take your life?
What you're doing is right,
You better get going
before your mother calls the cops.
All right. Good night, Joe.
Let me see your watch.
I'll try.
But no promises.
Thanks, Joe.
You're welcome.
[reporter on TV] For the second
consecutive week,
rioters filled
the streets of Granite City.
Another spontaneous blackout
which some attribute to a man
claiming to be
the presumed dead villain, Nemesis.
Under the cover of darkness,
organized looters
vandalized financial institutions
wearing Nemesis masks.
Is Nemesis back?
That is what the city
is asking this morning.
What's so good about it?
What's the matter? You sleep
I got a migraine.
You'll get 'em when you get
older. They're a nightmare.
Well, funny you say that.
I always have nightmares about
you getting hit by that car.
- And since I saved you and all...
- Yeah, thank God for that.
...I was wondering,
if you could teach me how to
-No.Please. undefined
-Forget it. Come on. undefined
I wanna learn.
I wanna be like you.
- Please?
- [Joe groans]
Be like me.
All right.
Meet me on the roof after work,
Okay. Thanks.
What a bad idea.
[Sam] Hey. Sorry I'm late.
[Joe] That's all right.
-Come on. All right. undefined
Let's see you move around
little bit. See what you got.
-All right. Come on. undefined
I don't have a lot of patience.
Chill out, old man.
- Oh-ho.
- Okay. All right.
[exhales, grunting]
Look at speedy boy.
Where'd you learn to rip like
My father taught me when I was
I quit when he died.
- That's impressive.
- Thanks.
Hit my hand.
No, no. Hit my hand.
It's kind of hard to miss.
- Why do I do that?
- What?
- Back up?
- Yeah. Like a coward.
- Why?
- 'Cause you're lucky.
I don't fight back. How am I
You're lucky
because you were raised right.
What if you don't got a choice?
Like, let's say if someone
messes with your mom.
Well, then you sucker punch the
fool and run like hell.
Is that fair, though?
Hey, if life was fair,
everyone would get along.
But guess what? They don't.
-What? You. undefined
[grunts, groans]
That's what you get
for sucker punching me.
Come on. We'll get some ice.
- Oh, my God!
- What were you thinking?
I don't know.
You know I'm built like a tank.
[Sam] I think it's broken.
Nah, it's not broken.
Just bruised.
This will fix it up.
Here you go.
Put your paw in here.
Why you like working
on all this old junk so much?
It's therapeutic.
You see this old toaster?
See? Breaking things
comes easy.
Now, fixing them,
that helps me relax and focus,
and I figure, some of these old
things deserve a second chance.
Like you?
Nah, I'm just kidding.
Whatever happened between you
and Nemesis?
You just don't quit, do you?
[metal crunches]
Good thing Nemesis is gone.
[Joe] Maybe, but none of you know
what really happened.
All I know is that
Nemesis died that night.
Do it.
[Sam] Albert Casler says that Nemesis
had a plan to blow up the power station.
And throw the city
into anarchy and chaos.
He doesn't know what the hell
he's talking about.
Go home.
Go on!
[door opens, closes]
Little man.
What's going on, kid?
Nothing much.
Come to earn that $100?
Yeah. Decided I wanna punch up.
Get in.
[grunts] Let's go.
[Sil] Hey, kid.
So, you got a family?
Just my mom.
It's more than I had.
I never had shit.
Not till Cyrus found me.
Sleeping in a car out back when
I was, like, eight years old.
He woke me up. So, I bit him.
You been with him ever since?
He's my family.
Same for all them.
Cyrus gave us this.
So, don't disappoint my family,
I'll take everything from you.
[Cyrus] Ready?
This is gonna be complicated,
so pay attention.
If a cop comes, you whistle.
That's it?
Let me hear.
[whistles unsuccessfully]
No. [whistles]
- [whistles]
- [tries whistling]
[police radio static]
[dispatcher on radio] Vicinity of
34th and 3rd, all units in the area.
Do it like that, kid.
[Cyrus] Hello, Officer.
Here you go.
You gotta learn how to whistle.
[ominous music playing]
[man grunting, groaning]
Notice how a cop
don't look like much
without a badge and a gun.
Why are you screwing with me?
I paid you to look the other
That power station,
it controls the grid to this
part of the country.
Yeah. So what?
You almost blew the whole plan.
I wasn't gonna sit by and watch
you assholes plant bombs.
[Cyrus] Okay, Super Cop.
- [flamethrower hisses]
- [gasps]
Okay, okay! I'll leave!
I'll leave, please! Stop it!
[Cyrus] I can't hear you.
It's very loud.
[cop] I'll get out.
You'll never hear from me again, I swear.
I won't tell a soul.
[Cyrus] What?
I'll leave! Just turn it off,
Thank you.
Leave and never come back.
You'll never hear from me again.
I promise.
Thank you. Thank you.
- [gasps]
- [Sil chuckles]
Always give people hope.
[Sam breathing heavily]
[Jace] Help!
Yo, stop!
Come here, fat boy.
I'll smack you.
This turd owe me money.
You gotta choose,
either him or it's us.
You either with us
or you ain't. Come on.
[Jace] Sam! Help!
Get a good grip.
Hold him up.
- [blows landing]
- [Jace grunting]
[Sam] Jace! Get the hell
out of here!
Go! Go!
- [Reza] Hold him up!
- [Chris] Come here.
[Reza] Hold him up.
Hold his arm out!
[screams] Let me go!
Hey! Hey!
Cry for me.
Do it.
- [metal clangs]
- [screams]
[train horn blares]
[helicopter blades whirring]
[people clamoring]
[man] Burn it up! Yeah!
[Joe sighs]
Would you look at this shit?
Come on, come on, come on.
[woman on PA] Doctor Davis,
telephone, please.
Doctor Davis, telephone, please.
[Doctor] Hey, Sam.
How you doing, buddy?
What the hell happened
with my son?
Some kids beat him up.
And you couldn't stop them?
Some hero you are.
[woman on PA]
Doctor Blair. Doctor Blair.
[Farshad] When the bombs go off
that we planted
at the power station,
the central grid goes, okay?
That means
- all of the power that comes in and out...
- Hey! Hey!
He's alive.
- Who?
- The old guy!
Not a chance. Do you see
that damn car?
Cuz, I'm telling you, I saw the guy
walking around like nothing hit him.
- Man, we hit him solid.
- Who?
Some old man that was messing with Reza.
And you popped him?
Hundred percent.
Think I'd like
to meet this old man.
[Tuna] Sweet. Thanks.
My boss wants
to meet you, old man.
You're coming with us.
Well, my advice is
you should think long and hard
before you make
a big, big mistake,
Well, why don't you
just show me?
No problem.
[bottle shatters]
[Farshad] Get him. Get him!
[Joe grunts]
Oh, shit!
[man yells]
[man grunts]
[car alarm blaring]
[car horns honking]
Hey! Hey!
Did you just do that?
You threw that bad man
through the wall.
How'd you do that?
Well, little girl,
you didn't see anything.
See, that hole was already there.
That's an optical illusion.
- No, what I saw was you threw that man...
- No, no.
- You actually didn't see...
- Hey, old man.
Try this.
[bomb beeping]
[man] Mayday!
[all screaming]
Come on!
Sorry, kid. You all right?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
All right. I gotta go, kid.
Nice meeting you.
[reporter on TV]
Is there hope on the horizon?
As Granite City grapples with
continued violence and mob uprisings
caused by the return of Nemesis,
could this remarkable
footage, just in,
mean that Samaritan
is back, too?
[man on TV]
[people screaming]
[explosion on tv]
Now, this young girl saw
Tell me, do you think
it was Samaritan?
[girl on TV] My grandma
told me a story
about how Samaritan
saved her from a speeding bus.
That man saved my life.
And all he was missing
was a mask.
- [knock on door]
- [reporter] Just incredible.
How did that make you feel?
- Hey.
- Hey.
I think you were on the news.
Yeah, I saw that.
You should see the other guy.
- What's with the bag?
- It's nothing.
So what happened
to the other guy?
Sucker punched him.
But then, I forgot to run.
Hey, I never wanted you
to get hurt.
Well, I did.
And now my mom won't believe a word I say.
She won't listen to me when I tell her
something bad is going to happen.
What's gonna happen?
Cyrus, the guy
from the junkyard.
He's planning something
with the power stations.
Call the cops
because I want no part of it.
But you're the only one
that can help.
- [grunts in frustration]
- [wall cracks]
You help people.
I can't help anyone, Sam.
So you run away?
You're just as bad
as everybody else.
[Farshad] He's here!
He's here!
He's here!
What are you talking about?
- You didn't watch the news yet?
- No.
[reporter on TV] ...remarkable
footage, just in...
mean that Samaritan
is back, too?
Just incredible. Tell me,
how did that make you feel?
[girl] Gosh. I guess,
I'm just happy that someone's looking out.
Someone is, indeed, looking out.
And the question is catching on
in Granite City.
Samaritan lives?
[Sil] What if it is him?
If he's Samaritan?
C, it's him.
It's Samaritan.
What happens if he comes
looking for Nemesis?
What happens
if he tries to stop us?
[Cyrus] I'm not gonna let him.
I'm gonna show him
who the real hero is.
After 25 years, he comes back.
[Cyrus yells]
Where's the damn watch?
Where is it?
Oh, shit.
[breathing heavily]
No. No.
Ma. Ma!
[Reza] On the second floor.
On the end.
[door opens]
Hey. It's this floor.
[exhales sharply]
[screaming] Ma! Ma!
- [Tiffany] I'm in here!
- [panting] Ma.
- What?
- We gotta go.
- We gotta go right now, Ma.
- What? Go where?
Just listen to me, okay?
- [woman screaming]
- [gunfire]
[man shouts indistinctly]
[mimics gunshot]
Mom, Mom, come on.
Get the kid!
[Tiffany] Come on.
Come on.
We gotta go!
Miss White, it's Tiffany Cleary
from downstairs.
- Please open the door.
- No, no. You can't come in.
- Ma! Ma!
- Go away!
Come on.
- [Farshad] Hey! You're dead!
- [screams]
They're going up!
- [Sam] Shit!
- Aw.
What a nice family.
Get away from my son.
- [Sam] Mom.
- [Tiffany] Come here.
- No, no.
- [Sam] No.
Sam, just stay close to me.
What do you want from my son?
Stay away from my kid.
Or you're gonna see a side of me
you don't wanna see.
What do you want?
- I just wanna talk to my pal.
- No.
You're not talking to him. You
don't talk to him without me.
- No. No! No.
- Mom. No.
No. No.
Don't touch her!
- Hey.
- No!
- Come on. Let's go.
- Mom!
- No, no, Sam!
- [Sam] I promise, everything will be fine.
- No!
- [Sil grunts]
- No!
- Really, Sil?
She's alive, ain't she?
You bitch!
- Who's the bitch?
- You!
Don't touch me!
- Hey.
- Get your hands off of me.
[Cyrus growls, pants]
I knew I liked you.
He's coming for you.
He's gonna come for me!
Yeah. That's why
I gotta take you.
So Nemesis can finally
kill Samaritan.
[reporter on TV] Granite City
is on edge
and gearing up for
another night of violence.
Officials are frantically
searching for any information
related to the return of
They fear his reign of terror
has only just begun.
[man over PA] This is the final call
for all passengers...
-...travelling to Albuquerque
-A widespread power outage
- on Windsor Bus 43.
- Has prevented first responders
from accessing parts of the city
while alarming gangs
of Nemesis followers...
- [watch beeping]
- Final call, Windsor 43.
...have sparked a wave of destruction
that shows no sign of stopping.
Now, more than ever,
Granite City needs a hero.
Sam, I fixed your watch.
[Tiffany groans]
- You okay?
- [weakly] No. Sam.
What happened?
They took him.
Sam. Sam.
Who took him?
Cyrus. Cyrus.
[ominous music playing]
[Farshad] Our foot soldiers
are fanned out across the city.
Once those lights go out...
-'s ready to blow.
- Good.
- That's down the block.
- Shut up.
What happened
to punching up, huh?
You gotta burn before you build.
Well, you're gonna fail.
Just like Nemesis.
[electricity fluctuating]
[men talking indistinctly]
[Sam grunts]
[man] Come on, move it!
[men clamoring]
Oh, shit!
[shouts] Kid!
[Sam grunting]
[Sam] Let go!
I came for the kid.
He's fine.
Are you all right?
Yeah. Yeah.
Welcome, good guy.
You came.
You really came.
I never saw Samaritan care so much
about anyone in my part of town before.
Let him go.
And we'll do this, you and me.
[scoffs, grunts]
I want him
to watch his hero fall.
To see what everyone
should know,
that you're a fake.
No one can help you
but yourself, good guy.
- [men cheering]
- [Sam grunts]
[shouts] Joe!
Come on!
Stay back!
Come on, good guy.
- [grunts]
- [men cheering]
- Go! Go!
- Joe! Fight back!
[Sam] Joe!
Do something!
[Cyrus] Watch your hero
fall, Sam.
- See me finish what Nemesis started.
- Bring it!
Come on, Joe!
Fight back, please!
[Cyrus yells]
[Samaritan grunts]
[Joe grunts]
[Cyrus] Now you know
how Nemesis felt!
How we all felt!
No one comes
to save you, good guy.
You keep calling me
the "good guy."
I'm not the good guy.
[Samaritan screams]
I'm the bad guy!
[alarm ringing]
[Joe grunts]
Shoot! Shoot!
Come here!
Let go!
Let go of me!
Did you know who he was?
[grunts, coughs]
- Did you know?
- No!
[men screaming]
Let me go!
Tie him up!
Let me go!
Let me go!
Come on!
[men clamoring]
Going my way?
[men screaming, grunting]
You're nothing like him!
[Cyrus] We'll see.
Wipe the city dark.
[device beeps]
[people clamoring]
[alarm blaring]
[panting heavily]
Oh, man.
Did you bring another toy?
Is that what you did?
[Farshad grunts, coughs]
[bomb beeping]
- Have a blast.
- [Farshad screams]
[people screaming, clamoring]
Anybody, help!
[panting, breathing heavily]
[Sam] I'm over here!
Come on!
We gotta get outta here.
Joe, behind you!
[both grunting]
[Cyrus] Give up, old man.
[grunts, winces in pain]
[heartbeat thumping rapidly]
You should've
stayed buried, old man.
Look at you.
You're weak. You're pathetic!
I'm doing what
you never could, your plan.
The power station, the grid,
I'm gonna tear it all down.
There never was a plan!
- It was a trap!
- Liar!
Look at him, Sam.
Look at your hero.
He betrayed you, Sam.
He betrayed everyone.
But no one betrays me!
Come on!
[Sam grunting]
No one's gonna save you now.
No, please!
Please! Please!
No! No! No!
[Joe grunts]
- What?
- Water!
Joe, come on.
Fight, Joe!
Don't give up, Joe, come on!
Come on, fight, Joe.
[gasps, grunts]
[Joe] Thanks, kid.
some sucker punch.
Come on, Joe, let's get up.
I got you.
Come on.
All right.
Don't be afraid.
We got this.
Wait, what?
Oh, my...
[Sam grunts, coughs]
[Joe] That hurt.
Holy shit.
Come on, dude.
Man, we gotta get outta here.
Come on.
You got it. Let's go.
Is it true?
- There's people coming, let's go...
- Is it true?
What, that I'm him?
Yeah, it's true.
You can fix that.
I've seen you fix things before.
You can change.
Kid, let me tell you something.
If there was only bad people
doing bad things,
it'd be easy to get rid of 'em.
But the real truth is,
good and bad live in
everybody's heart.
And it's gonna be up to you
to make the right choice.
And I know you will.
[fireman] Up here.
Fourth floor.
All right, let's go.
[sirens wailing in distance]
[reporter] Protestors here
this building behind me
going up in flames.
A figure, who some think
may have been Samaritan,
carried a young boy to safety.
We're hearing some cheers right now.
It's the boy. Let's go.
Shut up! Nemesis!
Hey, kid.
What's your name?
It's Sam.
His name is Sam.
You were right, Sam.
Well, Sam, can you answer the question
that everyone has been asking?
Yes, Samaritan lives.
You're certain
that it's really him?
Man, it was hot in there.
Fire all around.
Samaritan came right through
the flames and helped me.
That was Samaritan!
He saved my life.
[people cheering]
[crowd chanting]
Samaritan! Samaritan! Samaritan!