Sarogeto (2021) Movie Script
[projector whirring]
[waves crashing]
Father, are you here with me?
[gentle music]
[wind whooshing]
[Grace speaking Japanese]
[seabirds squawking]
[thunder rumbling]
[elegant instrumental playing]
[overlapping chatter]
[music fades]
[rain pattering]
[somber music]
[animal screeching]
[speaking Japanese]
-[ceramic shattering]
[speaking Japanese]
[music turns tense]
[music stops]
[speaking Japanese]
[tender music]
["Slip Away"
by UNSECRET playing]
Heart lyin' in my hands
This tear will never mend
How did it come to this?
Please don't slip away
'Cause my heart
can't take it
Don't let this be the end,
don't let this be the end
Please don't slip away
'Cause I'll just
keep breaking
Don't let this be the end,
don't let this be the end
Don't let this be the end
Don't let this be the end
[nurse] You can change in
the room to your right, Grace.
[overlapping chatter]
[machine whirring]
[heartbeat thumping]
[machine whirring, thudding]
[steady beeping]
[hospital din]
[doctor] I'll do surgery
in the morning.
-Have her call me, okay?
-[knocking at door]
And how are we, Grace?
[Grace] Hanging in there.
I'm hanging in there myself.
Let's have a listen, shall we?
Okay, breathe in for me, dear.
Deeper. [inhales] Big breath.
[Grace inhales]
-Big exhale. [exhales]
-[Grace exhales]
Okay, Grace,
let me show you something.
There on the x-ray.
See that right there?
[Grace] Mm-hmm.
That is a mass.
It's a tumor, Grace.
The immediate problem is it's
it's very close to your aorta,
and if I try to remove it...
If I try to remove it,
it could kill you, Grace.
[solemn music]
[inhaler hisses]
[Grace breathing]
[Grace breathing]
[music fades]
[phone ringing]
What is this for?
[gentle piano music]
[line ringing]
-[woman] They're ready for you.
-Yeah, give me one second.
[phone buzzing]
[line ringing]
[phone buzzing]
[Grace on recording]
Hi, this is Grace Stanton.
[overlapping chatter]
[seabirds squawking]
[line ringing]
[phone buzzing]
[line ringing]
[phone buzzing]
[Grace] You sound stressed,
I sound stressed?
I'm not stressed.
You never call me Grace.
You know me too well.
Honey, the World Com deal
is about to close.
Augie and I are gonna
make dinner tonight, okay?
[woman speaking Japanese]
[Michael] Listen, baby,
I gotta jump, okay?
But I'll see you at home,
all right?
I love you.
It's looking good.
It's getting nice.
And it's supposed to be thick,
-Uh-huh. Yeah.
-[Michael] I think so.
Put it all in the middle.
[laughs] Go ahead.
Oh, yeah, that's looking nice,
little man.
[both] Surprise!
Meatloaf and lasagna, Mom.
It smells delicious
in here, guys.
-[Michael] Careful, it's hot.
-[Grace] Wow, okay.
It's-- it's very good.
We used the entire bottle
for the most taste.
I'm very impressed
with your skills
in the kitchen, young man.
[whispering] I don't think
Dad knows how to cook.
I know.
Is it time to wash up,
my little soldier?
Aye, aye, sir.
Well, cover me, soldier.
Dad, we can make it!
We can make it, Dad!
[somber music]
[Michael] We're talking, what,
two years of negotiations?
You know, Steve said
we finally hit the big time.
I'm thinking a new house.
A new house?
We've lived here
for ten years, Michael,
and we built
this house together.
What about a new dune buggy,
man, like the one
-we rented out in Vegas?
-Could we, Dad? Could we?
-Slow down, everybody. Okay?
-[Michael] Hey.
You know none of this
could've been possible
without you, right?
How was your day today?
-[Grace] Today?
Went well.
-I ran into Cindy and--
-[Michael] No, honey,
I meant with
your doctor's appointment.
Well, you'd think they'd have
a cure for asthma by now.
So, it wasn't
bronchitis or pneumonia.
Dr. Langley wants me
to avoid stress,
and might take me
off the inhaler, and...
Off the inhaler? Really?
Well, honey, that's a step
in the right direction.
He's optimistic.
How was your school, baby?
It's all right. Ricky Hansen
says he hates school because
all the teachers are really
just overpaid babysitters.
[Michael chuckling]
So, did your babysitter
give you homework tonight?
I have to make
a working volcano on my iPad.
Okay, so you have to
show me what you have so far.
This calls for a celebration.
[snapping rhythmically]
["Yet" by Keaton Simons playing]
Oh, boy.
Please stay,
where you goin'?
I haven't started yet
You haven't stopped me yet
And you know
that's all right with me
Follow your beautiful stare
Cinder blocks in
cold hotels
Where feeling hearts
meet empty stairwells
And out the fire escape
[Augie] Dad, what are you doing?
[Michael chuckles]
I don't give a damn
if it's weak or strong
I know I want you
[music fades]
[wind whistling]
[gentle chiming]
[unsettling music]
[hawk screeching]
[alarm blaring]
There has to be a mistake.
-[car door slams]
-[Michael] Yeah.
Later, skater.
It's my new one, Mom.
[Grace] It's a good one,
[Michael] Yes, exactly,
and then they'll understand
that we are their only option.
[line ringing]
[speaking Japanese]
[Tano on recording]
Hello, this is Yuki Tano.
I'm no longer
practicing medicine.
If you need
your medical records,
please call
Providence Hospital directly.
Friends and family,
you know where to find me.
Have a great, blessed day.
[line beeping]
[seabirds squawking]
[Grace panting]
[ragged breathing]
-[Tano] Mimi!
What a pleasant surprise,
my dear Mimi.
No one has called me that
in years.
Your father would be
very proud of you
to know what you've made
in this country.
To have a boy,
like the son he always wanted.
are you still harboring that?
Some things never change,
Oh, why don't we sit down there?
It's so beautiful, and watch
the beach and the ambiance,
and we can have
a nice chat, okay?
-[Grace] Sure.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
-[both laughing]
[speaking Japanese]
Well, my dear Mimi.
What can I do for you?
I want you to take
a look at this.
Maybe my past lives are
catching up with me.
Dr. Langley is
one of the most respected
physicians in his field.
And if I believed
everything I saw here.
[Grace] Yes?
You wouldn't be seated
in front of me now.
What do you suggest?
We cannot control
our past lives.
Whether it's in
this life or our next,
inner peace must be sought.
A soul's journey
is not always about
the soul itself,
but rather, it's about
the souls that surround it.
I want to give.
To my husband and son.
I know that much.
Please, Mimi,
Make sure that the journey
begins from your heart.
I thank you, Dr. Tano,
from the bottom of mine.
You've always inspired me.
I hope...
this is not goodbye.
[Dr. Tano speaking indistinctly]
[Dr. Tano] Mimi.
How are you?
your father has been under
a lot of pressure and pain
since your mother passed away.
So, try to remember
this moment so you can be free.
And always remember your mama.
Come on.
Come on.
[singing upbeat melody]
Give me-- Give me a big hug.
Give me a big hug.
[Augie] Are we doing
The Giving Tree tonight, Mom?
No, we're doing a new
book tonight, sweetie.
What's this one called?
It's called
The Kitten and the Dragon.
I read it to you once as a baby.
-Oh. Okay, Mom.
"Once upon a time,
there was a kitten named Kai.
And one day...
And one day Kai awoke."
[clears throat]
"And one day Kai awoke
and realized
his mother was
nowhere to be found."
[Augie] What a beautiful kitten.
[Grace] Yes,
Kai is very beautiful.
"So Kai went searching for
his mother deep into the forest.
And doing
what fearless kittens do.
Kai came upon a fire
breathing dragon named Ren."
[Augie] Are fire breathing
dragons real, Mom?
[Grace] Yes.
"And Ren was the most ferocious,
fire breathing dragon
in all of Japan."
[mysterious music]
[Michael] Psst!
Is [indistinct] asleep?
Shh, Michael!
-[Michael] Enjoying the book?
-[water dripping]
-[birds chirping]
[nearby chatter in Japanese]
[line ringing]
I received her email.
-[automated voice] We're sorry.
You have reached a number
that has been disconnected
-or is no longer--
-[phone buzzing]
[phone vibrating]
Hi, sugar plum.
Michael, focus.
We're getting an assistant.
We need one.
Remind me why we need
an assistant, honey.
We should be spending
more time together as a family.
And we talked before
about making our lives easier.
Yes, honey, I know
that we have spoken about that,
-but I didn't think--
-[Grace] Michael,
Michael, what do we have
guest quarters for?
It's perfectly set up
to house a nanny
or housekeeper or assistant.
A nanny for Augie?
You know I wouldn't hire someone
unless they could hold up--
-Yeah, what's up?
-[woman] We're waiting for you.
Honey. I gotta jump.
you know I trust you, okay?
And I love you.
-I'll see you at home.
[kettle whistling]
[doorbell ringing]
[knocking at door]
[Grace] Yes?
I'm here for the job interview.
[Grace] The position
has been filled. I'm so sorry.
-Wait, I think--
Tell me about your experience.
I've been
a nanny for five years,
but it's not something
that I do professionally.
-I just help family and friends.
Thank you for coming today.
You're welcome.
Um, I'm hoping to find someone
that is kind yet disciplined.
Someone that I can trust
and someone
that my family can trust.
[speaking Japanese]
Mom, look.
Mom, look.
[Grace] Okay.
Nataya, do you have
a boyfriend at the moment?
Um, no, I'm more of a cat lady.
I love cats, too.
[quirky music]
Do you plan on having kids
of your own someday, Charlene?
Um, yeah, I'm thinking about it,
but I'm not sure
whether or not we want--
Why not?
[speaking Japanese]
So, you have
a boyfriend now?
Actually, I have a girlfriend.
Oh. Girlfriend?
I'm sorry.
I'm just curious
why you're asking
so many personal questions.
I just thought that this was
an interview, so I--
[Grace] No, no, no, no.
I just--
I think I should go.
I'm sorry.
-[Grace] No. Oh, no.
-[Charlene] I'm really sorry.
-I should go.
-No, please.
[singer vocalizing mysteriously]
I really think that you'll
find someone great.
Is this a good time,
Ms. Stanton?
I'm sorry.
Please, come in.
-You must be...
Miki Endo.
[door locking]
You have a beautiful home.
[Grace clearing throat]
-Mom, look.
Okay, Augie.
Go find your daddy.
So, you've been
a nanny for quite some time.
Yes, I was a nanny
back in Japan,
so I think I'm pretty
qualified for the position.
I'm a really fast typer,
and I'm really good
at Word, Excel, PowerPoint.
What is your emotional
intelligence like?
-Um, emotional intelligence?
-[Grace] Mm-hmm.
Um, like, am I a good person?
Like reading
people's emotions, Miki.
And catering to them
while remaining
disciplined and focused,
whether at home
or in the office
or in the--
in the-- in the kitchen.
Oh. [giggles]
Food is a form of love,
and my husband and son,
Augie, enjoy being loved
through food.
My grandmother was an amazing
cook back in Japan,
so I learned a lot from her.
[speaking Japanese]
-That's very good.
You seem like
a very nice person, Miki...
-Oh, Miki Endo.
It pays $4,000 a month.
And you would live in the guest
quarters for free.
Wow. That's really generous,
Ms. Stanton.
Would you be able to come
Monday morning at 7:00 AM?
I'd be honored for
the opportunity, Ms. Stanton.
Oh, gosh.
Hey, honey.
I want to talk to you
about something real quick.
What is all this talk about
an assistant or nanny lately?
Oh, she starts Monday.
On Monday?
Well, Grace, Augie
and I haven't even met her yet.
I mean, does our opinion
even matter?
We'll see how it goes.
She moves into the guest
quarters on Monday.
Wait, wait, wait.
She's moving in?
What is going on?
You've been
a little off lately, honey.
Okay, listen.
We're going to have
a better life, Michael.
And we're going to have
more time together.
And it helps Augie transition.
Transition to what?
We'll be much happier.
Just me and you.
All right.
I trust you.
You know that.
And, of course, I love you.
[birds singing]
Oh, hey, did you tell mom that?
Not yet, Dad.
Don't blow it.
[Michael] I didn't say anything.
I want to know
the big news, son.
[Michael] Honey, you okay?
Wrong pipe, little man.
All right, Mom.
I'll tell you.
Go ahead, champ.
I was the hero
of our last kid pitch game.
Yeah. Augie drove
in the winning run.
You got a hit?
That's amazing, sweetie.
Well, let's say he got hit,
which drove the run in.
Well, that works. No?
[door squeaking]
Took a lot of courage
just standing there, big man.
Very proud of you.
I knew it was gonna hit me,
so I just stood there.
[doorbell ringing]
-Who's here, Mom?
-Our new employee.
She's going to be living
in the guest quarters
as she helps us out.
-What do you think?
-[Augie] Cool.
I'll be very accommodating,
of course.
That's the way to be, man.
Come on, now.
Let's get you ready for school.
-Hi, Miki.
-[Miki] Hi.
-I hope I'm not late.
-Not at all.
Kisses, boys.
This is Miki as you all know,
our new assistant and nanny.
Hi. Michael Stanton.
It's a pleasure
to meet you, Miki.
And I'm Augie Stanton,
baseball star.
Mr. Stanton. Mr. Augie.
The pleasure's all mine.
No, the pleasure's ours as well.
-[car horn honks]
-Okay, let's go, champ. Honey.
-Okay. Mwah.
-Love you.
Me, too. Bye.
Come on in.
How are you?
Let me show you your new home.
What do you think?
-This is so cute.
Come this way.
This is Augie's bedroom.
-He loves stories.
-I love a great story, also.
Oh, so we can read
together tonight.
[Miki] Sounds good.
And then this is
the home office.
I spend a lot of time in here.
-Well, it's beautiful.
-Thank you.
I wanted you to have this.
Move your hair.
Wow. It's so beautiful.
Because you're part
of our family now.
So I wanted to have it. Okay?
Thank you, miss Stanton.
-Get comfortable. Okay?
-Thank you, miss Stanton.
Shouldn't I get to work?
Don't worry about it.
Take it easy for now,
[suspicious music]
[music stops]
[Grace] Sweetie.
What are you doing?
Fold and stack the underwear
like this
in the top drawer.
And the second drawer
is for shirts.
[Grace] We need
to calm him down.
[Miki] Augie.
Superman underwear, fly away!
Augie, Mom said!
[Grace] He has to listen to you.
Augie, put down your underwear.
Time for bed.
Mom said it's time for bed.
I'm coming. I'm coming, Miki.
Sweetie, Miki is going
to read for you tonight.
[Augie] You're not
reading it to me, Mom?
Is it in Japanese?
Yes, it's Japanese.
What's it called?
It's called
The Kitten and the Dragon.
Starts page nine.
[mysterious music]
"So Kai and Ren continued
on their journey.
And then the rains came.
And all the rivers
rose to the rooftop.
And Kitten Kai
had no more energy to swim.
The mighty Ren swooped
down upon the river
and grabbed Kitten Kai.
They then continued on
into the face of a raging storm.
There's another
darker side of me
-I'm not dressed here.
-Oh, Michael.
Don't worry about it.
Just getting
some cleaning supplies.
trying to be seen
-Hi, Miki.
Um, so, how's everything?
Settling in?
-[Michael] Hey, you're bleeding!
[Miki] Oh, my gosh, Grace,
you need to sit down.
Put her head back.
No, just sit down.
Miki. I got it.
You have to put the pressure
here, though,
-so then you can stop the--
-Miki, please. I got it.
Okay. Thank you.
Just retire for the night.
-No, just--
-Just a little.
[Michael] No, it's-- it's okay.
Thank you.
Let me just put
a little pressure.
-[Grace] I'm fine.
-Bear with me.
When you're afraid
When you're afraid
Don't let your heart betray
[hospital din]
Melanoma is a nasty disease.
Sometimes the pace can be--
[Grace] I've gotten
a second opinion.
So I heard.
And the result?
[Grace] He was
rather optimistic.
That's Dr. Tano.
Are you in any pain?
[Grace] Not really.
Headache here and there, maybe.
Your chest doesn't hurt?
Your throat?
Your stomach? None of that?
No. Why?
I am recommending
a more aggressive strategy.
I want you
to start chemotherapy.
[somber music]
How are Augie
and Michael taking this?
They don't know yet.
When did you plan
on telling them, Grace?
I don't.
It is my duty as your family--
I have a duty also.
To my family.
You have taken away
my ability to be your doctor.
I want to talk to Michael.
Can I?
For what?
Michael will know about this
when the time is right.
And then so will Augie.
And so will my family.
And then--
I'm sorry.
[Dr. Langley] Grace.
I'm writing some prescriptions.
Fentanyl and some
other medications.
What am I going
to do with those?
There's no time.
You be strong.
I will be your doctor.
We'll get through this.
I promise.
["Feelin' Love"
by Paula Cole]
Love, oh
You make me feel like
a sticky pistil
Leaning into her stamen
You make me feel like
Mr. Sunshine
You make me feel like
splendor in the grass
While we're rolling
Damn skippy baby
You make me feel like
the Amazon's running
Between my thighs
I tried to call you, but--
No, it's okay.
I know we weren't doing--
-You weren't.
-Just cleaning it.
Yeah, yeah, we weren't
doing anything wrong.
I mean--
I mean, I'll just--
I'll let you get back.
-[Miki] Gotta get back.
-Get back to work.
You make me feel love, love,
love, love, love
[solemn music]
[indistinct chatter
in the distance]
[Daniel] Mrs. Stanton?
Can we see you?
All right.
You're gonna come out.
[gasp] Wow.
[sales person]
You look beautiful.
Fabulous. Oh, my gosh.
-Thank you, Daniel.
-This is amazing.
[sales person]
That gown fits you like a glove.
You are going to be a breath of
fresh air at
the [indistinct] Gala.
This is just
absolutely timeless.
That's why I'm going to take it.
I love it.
Oh, my gosh.
I'm so excited. Oh.
Grace! I thought I saw your
car parked out front.
Let me guess.
Shopping for your gala dress?
Is Daniel here?
Isn't he such a doll?
[bird chirps]
[solemn music continues]
-[Miki] Hey.
You wanna walk
and give me a hand?
Yeah, sure.
Is this the Porsche Speedsters?
-You know about cars?
-Yeah, I used to help my dad
a lot in the garage, so.
This has always been on
top of my list to get. [laughs]
[Michael] Well, you never know.
You drive a stick?
-[Miki] No, unfortunately.
-[Michael] No?
I'll have to teach you sometime.
[airplane passing]
[woman speaking Japanese]
[woman speaking Japanese]
[woman speaking Japanese]
[woman speaking Japanese]
[rain pattering]
[thunder rumbling]
[cellphone buzzing]
[indistinct chatter
in the distance]
[door slams]
[line ringing]
[cellphone buzzing]
[Miki panting]
[cellphone buzzing]
[electronic voice]
Hi, this is Grace Stanton.
-[knocks on door]
What's going on?
Are you okay?
[Miki crying]
I can't do it.
No, no, you would do
the same thing.
No, no, I wouldn't do it. No.
You don't know me.
You don't know my life.
You don't know
what I went through.
Why are you putting me
in this situation?
[Grace] Because I need you.
I need you.
I can't do it.
-[Grace] You promised me.
-I can't do it.
[Grace] Wait.
[door slams]
[cellphone buzzing]
[elevator bell dings]
[emotional music]
[bird chirps]
[car crash]
Who's-- Who is there?
[thunder rumbling]
[crickets chirping]
[knocks on door]
[tense music]
Miki, what's happened?
[thunder rumbling]
I never got to say goodbye.
I was supposed to be with them.
-What were you supposed to be?
-In the car. With them.
They were supposed
to surprise me at work.
He was six years old.
You were married with a child?
I didn't want to live.
I lost all faith in God.
I know you understand.
That's why I will help you.
That's why you [indistinct].
-Can we go outside?
-We can do that
if you wanna go
shoot some [indistinct].
Yeah. All right.
Sounds good to me.
[Grace] Can you grab the bagels,
-[Miki] Coming right up.
-[Grace] Thank you.
Well done, ladies.
All right, buddy, dig in.
I got a big day.
Thank you, Miki.
-The best mom.
-And the best wife, too.
Miki's gonna go to the gala,
Oh, the gala is tonight.
And you know what?
I almost for--
Miki? She's coming with us.
I didn't tell you because...
I just got the orders
from Dr. Langley.
-What orders?
-He just wants me
-to take it easy.
-For asthma?
He thinks that I should
be resting.
Okay, well,
then we're not going.
No, Michael, you have to go.
You should.
It's a good cause.
I insist. Okay?
You sure about this?
All right, well,
I tell you what.
You and I next weekend, Spago.
You hear me?
-All right.
["Yet" by Keaton Simons]
Please stay
Where ya goin'
I haven't started yet
You haven't stopped me yet
And you know
that's all right me
[line ringing]
[cellphone buzzing]
Follow your
beautiful stare
Cinder blocks
in cold hotels
[line ringing]
-Dr. Tano?
[Tano] Speaking.
Who is this?
[Langley] Ross Langley.
How you been, doctor?
Great. Thank you, Doctor.
To what do I owe
the pleasure of your call?
You gave a second opinion
to a patient of mine,
Grace Stanton.
She missed an appointment
this morning,
and I haven't been able
to reach her all day.
[indistinct] Doctor,
I do understand your concern.
She did come to see me
several weeks ago at my home.
I grew up with her father,
and I've known her
her entire life.
my second opinion was merely
spiritual advice,
and I never really examined her.
I may be seeing them
at the gala tonight.
-Will you be attending?
-I wasn't planning on it.
Would you like me
to speak to them?
Well, I think it's important
that somebody speak
to Michael as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, he and I do not
get along very well anymore.
Okay, Doctor, let me reach out
to you tomorrow,
and let's hope we can find
a solution.
[Langley] All right.
Let's try to get
together soon under
better circumstances, okay?
I would like that very much.
Bless you, Dr. Langley.
I don't give a damn
if it's weak or strong
I know I want you
I know you want me too
I'll take all I can get
How do you feel in it, Miki?
It feels magical.
It's-- It's perfect.
-Yes, dear?
Can you come in here, please?
Does she look beautiful?
The dress yes. Yes.
Honey, are you sure you can't
come with us tonight?
My chest is feeling
a little heavy.
And also,
having an attack at the gala
will be highly embarrassing.
-Yeah, of course.
I want you and Augie,
and Miki,
have a wonderful time.
And represent
our family properly, okay?
Of course.
I'll heal up and we all do
something together soon, okay?
-Okay, babe. Okay.
-I'll go and get--
Come here.
It's-- just beautiful.
Just beautiful.
I'm so happy to have
you in our lives, Miki.
[pensive music]
[knocks on door]
[Daniel] Mrs. Stanton?
[instrumental music]
[shutter clicks]
Hey, Grace, you look stunning.
Oh, Grace. Grace, darling,
the dress looks amazing.
Isn't that Grace?
Waiting for you?
Great turnout, huh, tonight?
-Cindy, this is Miki Endo.
She is our nanny.
And Grace never mentioned
that you guys had a nanny.
Yes, well,
it happened really quickly.
Okay, come on.
You guys can just sit down.
-[cellphone ringing]
-Yes, I'm sorry.
Could you repeat that, please?
I can't--
-[fireworks crackling]
-[crowd cheering]
Hey, honey, it's me again. Um...
Trying to reach you.
[Michael] And I'm gonna see
how you're feeling.
I miss you.
Love you. All right, babe.
Michael Stanton.
Dr. Langley.
I'm gonna be honest you tonight,
-right here, right now.
-Please do.
As a doctor,
I took a medical oath
to be available and approachable
for all my patients.
As a husband, you took a vow.
In sickness and in health.
I live up to mine.
You should start
living up to yours.
[water running]
[Yano] Good evening,
Mr. Michael Stanton.
I'm sorry. Do I know you?
[Yano] I'm a lifelong friend
of your wife, Grace.
I was there when she was born.
I've known her since
she was a little child.
That's right. Grace has
mentioned you several times.
Nice to meet you, sir.
The lady that you were with
looks exactly like Grace.
Yes, that is our nanny.
Is Grace all right?
Yes, Grace is fine.
Michael, um...
Sometimes it's--
it's not the length
of our lives that matter...
but the depth of our lives
is the most important.
Michael, I'm sorry.
Grace is terminally ill.
Terminally ill?
Yes. Yes, sir.
Michael, she loves you!
Michael, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Grace.
-[waves crashing]
-[wind whistling]
[tense music]
[Michael panting]
[Augie] Dad?
Grace? Grace!
Grace! Grace, Grace! No! No!
[somber music]
[Michael sobbing]
What'd you do?
You could've [indistinct].
[Michael sobbing]
[reflective orchestral
[phone vibrating]
Don't move.
Mickey. Where are you?
You must be Augie.
Your mother told me
a lot about you.
I was there the day
your mother Grace was born.
She became a woman
that you should be
very proud of.
Do not be sad.
Loved ones we lose
often appear in other forms.
Goodbyes are only
those who love
with their eyes.
But those who love with
their heart and their soul,
there's no such
a thing as goodbye.
[water trickling]
[somber orchestral music]
[water gurgling]
Because you're part
of our family now.
That's why you came here to me.
[Miki] And the mighty Ren
worked very hard
to get the kitten, Kai,
out of the storm,
fending off lightning strikes
and violent winds.
And Ren and Kai finally
found happier skies
and soon noticed the cloud
animals dancing across the sky.
One, in particular,
A beautifully
flowing cat-shaped cloud...
-[cat meowing]
-...separated from the group
and approached them.
Is that Kai's mother?
I don't know, Augie.
Let's read on.
And Ren was able
to speak the language
of all the flying things.
So, he asked the cat-shaped
cloud about Kai's mother.
"Ren is now your mother
for I must travel on."
[wind chimes clinking]
[angelic choir music]
[speaking Japanese]
[speaking Japanese]
[speaking Japanese]
[speaking Japanese]
[speaking Japanese]
[speaking Japanese]
[wind chimes clinking]
[speaking Japanese]
[animal vocalizing]
[ominous music]
[speaking Japanese]
[angelic choir music]
-[wind chimes clinking]
-[birds chirping]
[speaking Japanese]
[ominous music]
[speaking Japanese]
[speaking Japanese]
-[eagle cawing]
-[speaking Japanese]
[speaking Japanese]
[speaking Japanese]
[speaking Japanese]
[speaking Japanese]
[wind chimes clinking]
[woman humming]
[speaking Japanese]
[somber orchestral music]
[projector whirring]
[waves crashing]
Father, are you here with me?
[gentle music]
[wind whooshing]
[Grace speaking Japanese]
[seabirds squawking]
[thunder rumbling]
[elegant instrumental playing]
[overlapping chatter]
[music fades]
[rain pattering]
[somber music]
[animal screeching]
[speaking Japanese]
-[ceramic shattering]
[speaking Japanese]
[music turns tense]
[music stops]
[speaking Japanese]
[tender music]
["Slip Away"
by UNSECRET playing]
Heart lyin' in my hands
This tear will never mend
How did it come to this?
Please don't slip away
'Cause my heart
can't take it
Don't let this be the end,
don't let this be the end
Please don't slip away
'Cause I'll just
keep breaking
Don't let this be the end,
don't let this be the end
Don't let this be the end
Don't let this be the end
[nurse] You can change in
the room to your right, Grace.
[overlapping chatter]
[machine whirring]
[heartbeat thumping]
[machine whirring, thudding]
[steady beeping]
[hospital din]
[doctor] I'll do surgery
in the morning.
-Have her call me, okay?
-[knocking at door]
And how are we, Grace?
[Grace] Hanging in there.
I'm hanging in there myself.
Let's have a listen, shall we?
Okay, breathe in for me, dear.
Deeper. [inhales] Big breath.
[Grace inhales]
-Big exhale. [exhales]
-[Grace exhales]
Okay, Grace,
let me show you something.
There on the x-ray.
See that right there?
[Grace] Mm-hmm.
That is a mass.
It's a tumor, Grace.
The immediate problem is it's
it's very close to your aorta,
and if I try to remove it...
If I try to remove it,
it could kill you, Grace.
[solemn music]
[inhaler hisses]
[Grace breathing]
[Grace breathing]
[music fades]
[phone ringing]
What is this for?
[gentle piano music]
[line ringing]
-[woman] They're ready for you.
-Yeah, give me one second.
[phone buzzing]
[line ringing]
[phone buzzing]
[Grace on recording]
Hi, this is Grace Stanton.
[overlapping chatter]
[seabirds squawking]
[line ringing]
[phone buzzing]
[line ringing]
[phone buzzing]
[Grace] You sound stressed,
I sound stressed?
I'm not stressed.
You never call me Grace.
You know me too well.
Honey, the World Com deal
is about to close.
Augie and I are gonna
make dinner tonight, okay?
[woman speaking Japanese]
[Michael] Listen, baby,
I gotta jump, okay?
But I'll see you at home,
all right?
I love you.
It's looking good.
It's getting nice.
And it's supposed to be thick,
-Uh-huh. Yeah.
-[Michael] I think so.
Put it all in the middle.
[laughs] Go ahead.
Oh, yeah, that's looking nice,
little man.
[both] Surprise!
Meatloaf and lasagna, Mom.
It smells delicious
in here, guys.
-[Michael] Careful, it's hot.
-[Grace] Wow, okay.
It's-- it's very good.
We used the entire bottle
for the most taste.
I'm very impressed
with your skills
in the kitchen, young man.
[whispering] I don't think
Dad knows how to cook.
I know.
Is it time to wash up,
my little soldier?
Aye, aye, sir.
Well, cover me, soldier.
Dad, we can make it!
We can make it, Dad!
[somber music]
[Michael] We're talking, what,
two years of negotiations?
You know, Steve said
we finally hit the big time.
I'm thinking a new house.
A new house?
We've lived here
for ten years, Michael,
and we built
this house together.
What about a new dune buggy,
man, like the one
-we rented out in Vegas?
-Could we, Dad? Could we?
-Slow down, everybody. Okay?
-[Michael] Hey.
You know none of this
could've been possible
without you, right?
How was your day today?
-[Grace] Today?
Went well.
-I ran into Cindy and--
-[Michael] No, honey,
I meant with
your doctor's appointment.
Well, you'd think they'd have
a cure for asthma by now.
So, it wasn't
bronchitis or pneumonia.
Dr. Langley wants me
to avoid stress,
and might take me
off the inhaler, and...
Off the inhaler? Really?
Well, honey, that's a step
in the right direction.
He's optimistic.
How was your school, baby?
It's all right. Ricky Hansen
says he hates school because
all the teachers are really
just overpaid babysitters.
[Michael chuckling]
So, did your babysitter
give you homework tonight?
I have to make
a working volcano on my iPad.
Okay, so you have to
show me what you have so far.
This calls for a celebration.
[snapping rhythmically]
["Yet" by Keaton Simons playing]
Oh, boy.
Please stay,
where you goin'?
I haven't started yet
You haven't stopped me yet
And you know
that's all right with me
Follow your beautiful stare
Cinder blocks in
cold hotels
Where feeling hearts
meet empty stairwells
And out the fire escape
[Augie] Dad, what are you doing?
[Michael chuckles]
I don't give a damn
if it's weak or strong
I know I want you
[music fades]
[wind whistling]
[gentle chiming]
[unsettling music]
[hawk screeching]
[alarm blaring]
There has to be a mistake.
-[car door slams]
-[Michael] Yeah.
Later, skater.
It's my new one, Mom.
[Grace] It's a good one,
[Michael] Yes, exactly,
and then they'll understand
that we are their only option.
[line ringing]
[speaking Japanese]
[Tano on recording]
Hello, this is Yuki Tano.
I'm no longer
practicing medicine.
If you need
your medical records,
please call
Providence Hospital directly.
Friends and family,
you know where to find me.
Have a great, blessed day.
[line beeping]
[seabirds squawking]
[Grace panting]
[ragged breathing]
-[Tano] Mimi!
What a pleasant surprise,
my dear Mimi.
No one has called me that
in years.
Your father would be
very proud of you
to know what you've made
in this country.
To have a boy,
like the son he always wanted.
are you still harboring that?
Some things never change,
Oh, why don't we sit down there?
It's so beautiful, and watch
the beach and the ambiance,
and we can have
a nice chat, okay?
-[Grace] Sure.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
-[both laughing]
[speaking Japanese]
Well, my dear Mimi.
What can I do for you?
I want you to take
a look at this.
Maybe my past lives are
catching up with me.
Dr. Langley is
one of the most respected
physicians in his field.
And if I believed
everything I saw here.
[Grace] Yes?
You wouldn't be seated
in front of me now.
What do you suggest?
We cannot control
our past lives.
Whether it's in
this life or our next,
inner peace must be sought.
A soul's journey
is not always about
the soul itself,
but rather, it's about
the souls that surround it.
I want to give.
To my husband and son.
I know that much.
Please, Mimi,
Make sure that the journey
begins from your heart.
I thank you, Dr. Tano,
from the bottom of mine.
You've always inspired me.
I hope...
this is not goodbye.
[Dr. Tano speaking indistinctly]
[Dr. Tano] Mimi.
How are you?
your father has been under
a lot of pressure and pain
since your mother passed away.
So, try to remember
this moment so you can be free.
And always remember your mama.
Come on.
Come on.
[singing upbeat melody]
Give me-- Give me a big hug.
Give me a big hug.
[Augie] Are we doing
The Giving Tree tonight, Mom?
No, we're doing a new
book tonight, sweetie.
What's this one called?
It's called
The Kitten and the Dragon.
I read it to you once as a baby.
-Oh. Okay, Mom.
"Once upon a time,
there was a kitten named Kai.
And one day...
And one day Kai awoke."
[clears throat]
"And one day Kai awoke
and realized
his mother was
nowhere to be found."
[Augie] What a beautiful kitten.
[Grace] Yes,
Kai is very beautiful.
"So Kai went searching for
his mother deep into the forest.
And doing
what fearless kittens do.
Kai came upon a fire
breathing dragon named Ren."
[Augie] Are fire breathing
dragons real, Mom?
[Grace] Yes.
"And Ren was the most ferocious,
fire breathing dragon
in all of Japan."
[mysterious music]
[Michael] Psst!
Is [indistinct] asleep?
Shh, Michael!
-[Michael] Enjoying the book?
-[water dripping]
-[birds chirping]
[nearby chatter in Japanese]
[line ringing]
I received her email.
-[automated voice] We're sorry.
You have reached a number
that has been disconnected
-or is no longer--
-[phone buzzing]
[phone vibrating]
Hi, sugar plum.
Michael, focus.
We're getting an assistant.
We need one.
Remind me why we need
an assistant, honey.
We should be spending
more time together as a family.
And we talked before
about making our lives easier.
Yes, honey, I know
that we have spoken about that,
-but I didn't think--
-[Grace] Michael,
Michael, what do we have
guest quarters for?
It's perfectly set up
to house a nanny
or housekeeper or assistant.
A nanny for Augie?
You know I wouldn't hire someone
unless they could hold up--
-Yeah, what's up?
-[woman] We're waiting for you.
Honey. I gotta jump.
you know I trust you, okay?
And I love you.
-I'll see you at home.
[kettle whistling]
[doorbell ringing]
[knocking at door]
[Grace] Yes?
I'm here for the job interview.
[Grace] The position
has been filled. I'm so sorry.
-Wait, I think--
Tell me about your experience.
I've been
a nanny for five years,
but it's not something
that I do professionally.
-I just help family and friends.
Thank you for coming today.
You're welcome.
Um, I'm hoping to find someone
that is kind yet disciplined.
Someone that I can trust
and someone
that my family can trust.
[speaking Japanese]
Mom, look.
Mom, look.
[Grace] Okay.
Nataya, do you have
a boyfriend at the moment?
Um, no, I'm more of a cat lady.
I love cats, too.
[quirky music]
Do you plan on having kids
of your own someday, Charlene?
Um, yeah, I'm thinking about it,
but I'm not sure
whether or not we want--
Why not?
[speaking Japanese]
So, you have
a boyfriend now?
Actually, I have a girlfriend.
Oh. Girlfriend?
I'm sorry.
I'm just curious
why you're asking
so many personal questions.
I just thought that this was
an interview, so I--
[Grace] No, no, no, no.
I just--
I think I should go.
I'm sorry.
-[Grace] No. Oh, no.
-[Charlene] I'm really sorry.
-I should go.
-No, please.
[singer vocalizing mysteriously]
I really think that you'll
find someone great.
Is this a good time,
Ms. Stanton?
I'm sorry.
Please, come in.
-You must be...
Miki Endo.
[door locking]
You have a beautiful home.
[Grace clearing throat]
-Mom, look.
Okay, Augie.
Go find your daddy.
So, you've been
a nanny for quite some time.
Yes, I was a nanny
back in Japan,
so I think I'm pretty
qualified for the position.
I'm a really fast typer,
and I'm really good
at Word, Excel, PowerPoint.
What is your emotional
intelligence like?
-Um, emotional intelligence?
-[Grace] Mm-hmm.
Um, like, am I a good person?
Like reading
people's emotions, Miki.
And catering to them
while remaining
disciplined and focused,
whether at home
or in the office
or in the--
in the-- in the kitchen.
Oh. [giggles]
Food is a form of love,
and my husband and son,
Augie, enjoy being loved
through food.
My grandmother was an amazing
cook back in Japan,
so I learned a lot from her.
[speaking Japanese]
-That's very good.
You seem like
a very nice person, Miki...
-Oh, Miki Endo.
It pays $4,000 a month.
And you would live in the guest
quarters for free.
Wow. That's really generous,
Ms. Stanton.
Would you be able to come
Monday morning at 7:00 AM?
I'd be honored for
the opportunity, Ms. Stanton.
Oh, gosh.
Hey, honey.
I want to talk to you
about something real quick.
What is all this talk about
an assistant or nanny lately?
Oh, she starts Monday.
On Monday?
Well, Grace, Augie
and I haven't even met her yet.
I mean, does our opinion
even matter?
We'll see how it goes.
She moves into the guest
quarters on Monday.
Wait, wait, wait.
She's moving in?
What is going on?
You've been
a little off lately, honey.
Okay, listen.
We're going to have
a better life, Michael.
And we're going to have
more time together.
And it helps Augie transition.
Transition to what?
We'll be much happier.
Just me and you.
All right.
I trust you.
You know that.
And, of course, I love you.
[birds singing]
Oh, hey, did you tell mom that?
Not yet, Dad.
Don't blow it.
[Michael] I didn't say anything.
I want to know
the big news, son.
[Michael] Honey, you okay?
Wrong pipe, little man.
All right, Mom.
I'll tell you.
Go ahead, champ.
I was the hero
of our last kid pitch game.
Yeah. Augie drove
in the winning run.
You got a hit?
That's amazing, sweetie.
Well, let's say he got hit,
which drove the run in.
Well, that works. No?
[door squeaking]
Took a lot of courage
just standing there, big man.
Very proud of you.
I knew it was gonna hit me,
so I just stood there.
[doorbell ringing]
-Who's here, Mom?
-Our new employee.
She's going to be living
in the guest quarters
as she helps us out.
-What do you think?
-[Augie] Cool.
I'll be very accommodating,
of course.
That's the way to be, man.
Come on, now.
Let's get you ready for school.
-Hi, Miki.
-[Miki] Hi.
-I hope I'm not late.
-Not at all.
Kisses, boys.
This is Miki as you all know,
our new assistant and nanny.
Hi. Michael Stanton.
It's a pleasure
to meet you, Miki.
And I'm Augie Stanton,
baseball star.
Mr. Stanton. Mr. Augie.
The pleasure's all mine.
No, the pleasure's ours as well.
-[car horn honks]
-Okay, let's go, champ. Honey.
-Okay. Mwah.
-Love you.
Me, too. Bye.
Come on in.
How are you?
Let me show you your new home.
What do you think?
-This is so cute.
Come this way.
This is Augie's bedroom.
-He loves stories.
-I love a great story, also.
Oh, so we can read
together tonight.
[Miki] Sounds good.
And then this is
the home office.
I spend a lot of time in here.
-Well, it's beautiful.
-Thank you.
I wanted you to have this.
Move your hair.
Wow. It's so beautiful.
Because you're part
of our family now.
So I wanted to have it. Okay?
Thank you, miss Stanton.
-Get comfortable. Okay?
-Thank you, miss Stanton.
Shouldn't I get to work?
Don't worry about it.
Take it easy for now,
[suspicious music]
[music stops]
[Grace] Sweetie.
What are you doing?
Fold and stack the underwear
like this
in the top drawer.
And the second drawer
is for shirts.
[Grace] We need
to calm him down.
[Miki] Augie.
Superman underwear, fly away!
Augie, Mom said!
[Grace] He has to listen to you.
Augie, put down your underwear.
Time for bed.
Mom said it's time for bed.
I'm coming. I'm coming, Miki.
Sweetie, Miki is going
to read for you tonight.
[Augie] You're not
reading it to me, Mom?
Is it in Japanese?
Yes, it's Japanese.
What's it called?
It's called
The Kitten and the Dragon.
Starts page nine.
[mysterious music]
"So Kai and Ren continued
on their journey.
And then the rains came.
And all the rivers
rose to the rooftop.
And Kitten Kai
had no more energy to swim.
The mighty Ren swooped
down upon the river
and grabbed Kitten Kai.
They then continued on
into the face of a raging storm.
There's another
darker side of me
-I'm not dressed here.
-Oh, Michael.
Don't worry about it.
Just getting
some cleaning supplies.
trying to be seen
-Hi, Miki.
Um, so, how's everything?
Settling in?
-[Michael] Hey, you're bleeding!
[Miki] Oh, my gosh, Grace,
you need to sit down.
Put her head back.
No, just sit down.
Miki. I got it.
You have to put the pressure
here, though,
-so then you can stop the--
-Miki, please. I got it.
Okay. Thank you.
Just retire for the night.
-No, just--
-Just a little.
[Michael] No, it's-- it's okay.
Thank you.
Let me just put
a little pressure.
-[Grace] I'm fine.
-Bear with me.
When you're afraid
When you're afraid
Don't let your heart betray
[hospital din]
Melanoma is a nasty disease.
Sometimes the pace can be--
[Grace] I've gotten
a second opinion.
So I heard.
And the result?
[Grace] He was
rather optimistic.
That's Dr. Tano.
Are you in any pain?
[Grace] Not really.
Headache here and there, maybe.
Your chest doesn't hurt?
Your throat?
Your stomach? None of that?
No. Why?
I am recommending
a more aggressive strategy.
I want you
to start chemotherapy.
[somber music]
How are Augie
and Michael taking this?
They don't know yet.
When did you plan
on telling them, Grace?
I don't.
It is my duty as your family--
I have a duty also.
To my family.
You have taken away
my ability to be your doctor.
I want to talk to Michael.
Can I?
For what?
Michael will know about this
when the time is right.
And then so will Augie.
And so will my family.
And then--
I'm sorry.
[Dr. Langley] Grace.
I'm writing some prescriptions.
Fentanyl and some
other medications.
What am I going
to do with those?
There's no time.
You be strong.
I will be your doctor.
We'll get through this.
I promise.
["Feelin' Love"
by Paula Cole]
Love, oh
You make me feel like
a sticky pistil
Leaning into her stamen
You make me feel like
Mr. Sunshine
You make me feel like
splendor in the grass
While we're rolling
Damn skippy baby
You make me feel like
the Amazon's running
Between my thighs
I tried to call you, but--
No, it's okay.
I know we weren't doing--
-You weren't.
-Just cleaning it.
Yeah, yeah, we weren't
doing anything wrong.
I mean--
I mean, I'll just--
I'll let you get back.
-[Miki] Gotta get back.
-Get back to work.
You make me feel love, love,
love, love, love
[solemn music]
[indistinct chatter
in the distance]
[Daniel] Mrs. Stanton?
Can we see you?
All right.
You're gonna come out.
[gasp] Wow.
[sales person]
You look beautiful.
Fabulous. Oh, my gosh.
-Thank you, Daniel.
-This is amazing.
[sales person]
That gown fits you like a glove.
You are going to be a breath of
fresh air at
the [indistinct] Gala.
This is just
absolutely timeless.
That's why I'm going to take it.
I love it.
Oh, my gosh.
I'm so excited. Oh.
Grace! I thought I saw your
car parked out front.
Let me guess.
Shopping for your gala dress?
Is Daniel here?
Isn't he such a doll?
[bird chirps]
[solemn music continues]
-[Miki] Hey.
You wanna walk
and give me a hand?
Yeah, sure.
Is this the Porsche Speedsters?
-You know about cars?
-Yeah, I used to help my dad
a lot in the garage, so.
This has always been on
top of my list to get. [laughs]
[Michael] Well, you never know.
You drive a stick?
-[Miki] No, unfortunately.
-[Michael] No?
I'll have to teach you sometime.
[airplane passing]
[woman speaking Japanese]
[woman speaking Japanese]
[woman speaking Japanese]
[woman speaking Japanese]
[rain pattering]
[thunder rumbling]
[cellphone buzzing]
[indistinct chatter
in the distance]
[door slams]
[line ringing]
[cellphone buzzing]
[Miki panting]
[cellphone buzzing]
[electronic voice]
Hi, this is Grace Stanton.
-[knocks on door]
What's going on?
Are you okay?
[Miki crying]
I can't do it.
No, no, you would do
the same thing.
No, no, I wouldn't do it. No.
You don't know me.
You don't know my life.
You don't know
what I went through.
Why are you putting me
in this situation?
[Grace] Because I need you.
I need you.
I can't do it.
-[Grace] You promised me.
-I can't do it.
[Grace] Wait.
[door slams]
[cellphone buzzing]
[elevator bell dings]
[emotional music]
[bird chirps]
[car crash]
Who's-- Who is there?
[thunder rumbling]
[crickets chirping]
[knocks on door]
[tense music]
Miki, what's happened?
[thunder rumbling]
I never got to say goodbye.
I was supposed to be with them.
-What were you supposed to be?
-In the car. With them.
They were supposed
to surprise me at work.
He was six years old.
You were married with a child?
I didn't want to live.
I lost all faith in God.
I know you understand.
That's why I will help you.
That's why you [indistinct].
-Can we go outside?
-We can do that
if you wanna go
shoot some [indistinct].
Yeah. All right.
Sounds good to me.
[Grace] Can you grab the bagels,
-[Miki] Coming right up.
-[Grace] Thank you.
Well done, ladies.
All right, buddy, dig in.
I got a big day.
Thank you, Miki.
-The best mom.
-And the best wife, too.
Miki's gonna go to the gala,
Oh, the gala is tonight.
And you know what?
I almost for--
Miki? She's coming with us.
I didn't tell you because...
I just got the orders
from Dr. Langley.
-What orders?
-He just wants me
-to take it easy.
-For asthma?
He thinks that I should
be resting.
Okay, well,
then we're not going.
No, Michael, you have to go.
You should.
It's a good cause.
I insist. Okay?
You sure about this?
All right, well,
I tell you what.
You and I next weekend, Spago.
You hear me?
-All right.
["Yet" by Keaton Simons]
Please stay
Where ya goin'
I haven't started yet
You haven't stopped me yet
And you know
that's all right me
[line ringing]
[cellphone buzzing]
Follow your
beautiful stare
Cinder blocks
in cold hotels
[line ringing]
-Dr. Tano?
[Tano] Speaking.
Who is this?
[Langley] Ross Langley.
How you been, doctor?
Great. Thank you, Doctor.
To what do I owe
the pleasure of your call?
You gave a second opinion
to a patient of mine,
Grace Stanton.
She missed an appointment
this morning,
and I haven't been able
to reach her all day.
[indistinct] Doctor,
I do understand your concern.
She did come to see me
several weeks ago at my home.
I grew up with her father,
and I've known her
her entire life.
my second opinion was merely
spiritual advice,
and I never really examined her.
I may be seeing them
at the gala tonight.
-Will you be attending?
-I wasn't planning on it.
Would you like me
to speak to them?
Well, I think it's important
that somebody speak
to Michael as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, he and I do not
get along very well anymore.
Okay, Doctor, let me reach out
to you tomorrow,
and let's hope we can find
a solution.
[Langley] All right.
Let's try to get
together soon under
better circumstances, okay?
I would like that very much.
Bless you, Dr. Langley.
I don't give a damn
if it's weak or strong
I know I want you
I know you want me too
I'll take all I can get
How do you feel in it, Miki?
It feels magical.
It's-- It's perfect.
-Yes, dear?
Can you come in here, please?
Does she look beautiful?
The dress yes. Yes.
Honey, are you sure you can't
come with us tonight?
My chest is feeling
a little heavy.
And also,
having an attack at the gala
will be highly embarrassing.
-Yeah, of course.
I want you and Augie,
and Miki,
have a wonderful time.
And represent
our family properly, okay?
Of course.
I'll heal up and we all do
something together soon, okay?
-Okay, babe. Okay.
-I'll go and get--
Come here.
It's-- just beautiful.
Just beautiful.
I'm so happy to have
you in our lives, Miki.
[pensive music]
[knocks on door]
[Daniel] Mrs. Stanton?
[instrumental music]
[shutter clicks]
Hey, Grace, you look stunning.
Oh, Grace. Grace, darling,
the dress looks amazing.
Isn't that Grace?
Waiting for you?
Great turnout, huh, tonight?
-Cindy, this is Miki Endo.
She is our nanny.
And Grace never mentioned
that you guys had a nanny.
Yes, well,
it happened really quickly.
Okay, come on.
You guys can just sit down.
-[cellphone ringing]
-Yes, I'm sorry.
Could you repeat that, please?
I can't--
-[fireworks crackling]
-[crowd cheering]
Hey, honey, it's me again. Um...
Trying to reach you.
[Michael] And I'm gonna see
how you're feeling.
I miss you.
Love you. All right, babe.
Michael Stanton.
Dr. Langley.
I'm gonna be honest you tonight,
-right here, right now.
-Please do.
As a doctor,
I took a medical oath
to be available and approachable
for all my patients.
As a husband, you took a vow.
In sickness and in health.
I live up to mine.
You should start
living up to yours.
[water running]
[Yano] Good evening,
Mr. Michael Stanton.
I'm sorry. Do I know you?
[Yano] I'm a lifelong friend
of your wife, Grace.
I was there when she was born.
I've known her since
she was a little child.
That's right. Grace has
mentioned you several times.
Nice to meet you, sir.
The lady that you were with
looks exactly like Grace.
Yes, that is our nanny.
Is Grace all right?
Yes, Grace is fine.
Michael, um...
Sometimes it's--
it's not the length
of our lives that matter...
but the depth of our lives
is the most important.
Michael, I'm sorry.
Grace is terminally ill.
Terminally ill?
Yes. Yes, sir.
Michael, she loves you!
Michael, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Grace.
-[waves crashing]
-[wind whistling]
[tense music]
[Michael panting]
[Augie] Dad?
Grace? Grace!
Grace! Grace, Grace! No! No!
[somber music]
[Michael sobbing]
What'd you do?
You could've [indistinct].
[Michael sobbing]
[reflective orchestral
[phone vibrating]
Don't move.
Mickey. Where are you?
You must be Augie.
Your mother told me
a lot about you.
I was there the day
your mother Grace was born.
She became a woman
that you should be
very proud of.
Do not be sad.
Loved ones we lose
often appear in other forms.
Goodbyes are only
those who love
with their eyes.
But those who love with
their heart and their soul,
there's no such
a thing as goodbye.
[water trickling]
[somber orchestral music]
[water gurgling]
Because you're part
of our family now.
That's why you came here to me.
[Miki] And the mighty Ren
worked very hard
to get the kitten, Kai,
out of the storm,
fending off lightning strikes
and violent winds.
And Ren and Kai finally
found happier skies
and soon noticed the cloud
animals dancing across the sky.
One, in particular,
A beautifully
flowing cat-shaped cloud...
-[cat meowing]
-...separated from the group
and approached them.
Is that Kai's mother?
I don't know, Augie.
Let's read on.
And Ren was able
to speak the language
of all the flying things.
So, he asked the cat-shaped
cloud about Kai's mother.
"Ren is now your mother
for I must travel on."
[wind chimes clinking]
[angelic choir music]
[speaking Japanese]
[speaking Japanese]
[speaking Japanese]
[speaking Japanese]
[speaking Japanese]
[speaking Japanese]
[wind chimes clinking]
[speaking Japanese]
[animal vocalizing]
[ominous music]
[speaking Japanese]
[angelic choir music]
-[wind chimes clinking]
-[birds chirping]
[speaking Japanese]
[ominous music]
[speaking Japanese]
[speaking Japanese]
-[eagle cawing]
-[speaking Japanese]
[speaking Japanese]
[speaking Japanese]
[speaking Japanese]
[speaking Japanese]
[wind chimes clinking]
[woman humming]
[speaking Japanese]
[somber orchestral music]