Scouting for Christmas (2024) Movie Script

Snowflakes fallin
But its warm inside
Santas comin
Hes about to hit the sky
Candles glowin
-Till its soft and bright
-[school bell rings]
Love overflowin
What a wonderful night
Wish it could always be
Yeah, yeah
The only thing
on my wish list
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Is to feel it forever...
Its going really smoothly.
Yes! Yeah.
I got the home inspection
paperwork this morning.
No issues,
except the water pressure
is a little low.
Yeah. It came in around--
[words catch]
Oh, sh...oot!
No, no, no, no, no!
Everythings fine. Yes.
Im-Im just running late...
to pick up my daughter.
[balloons squeaking]
Yeah-- emailing the inspection
in... five minutes, okay?
Yes. Thank you!
Perfect! Happy Holidays.
Thank you so much
for using Angela Bates Realty.
-Thank you!
...Cause theres
nothin better
Oh, I wish, I wish, I wish
Wish it could always be
Yeah, yeah
The only thing
on my wish list
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Is to feel it forever
Cause theres
nothin better
Oh, I wish, I wish, I wish
Wish it could always be...
-[brakes screeching]
-I would argue
that exposed bathroom pipes
arent technically a bad thing.
I mean, theyre super practical
for hanging plants...
...and theyre trendy...
[text alert chimes]
Sorry, Stacey.
I gotta call you back.
Oh, I wish, I wish, I wish
Wish it could always be
Yeah, yeah
The only thing
on my wish list
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Is to feel it forever
Cause theres
nothin better
Oh, I wish, I wish, I wish
Wish it could always be
[Netta] There you go.
Thank you.
Those gourmet cupcakes
are selling fast.
You know,
it wouldnt take much
to start shipping them
Yeah, like
it wouldnt take much
for me to clone myself.
No, that would take
a lot of work.
Maybe we can bring in
your cousin Natalie?
She just got a business degree.
[groans] Mom. Before I become
the Cupcake King of mail order,
maybe we should just focus
on the business expansion.
-Here, I got that.
But mark my words, one day,
our triple-chocolate cake
will be known far and wide.
Hi, Mr. Glass.
Hey... Brooklyn!
Hows my best customer?
Cookie sample?
Freshly baked.
I was waiting for my mom
to pick me up,
and then
she got "sidetracked".
Ah. Well,
shes a very busy lady.
-So what can I get for you?
Can I get a bear claw?
Hey! There you are.
Mom, you made it!
I wasnt sure you got my text.
[Angela] Oh, Im so sorry.
I got caught up
showing a house.
Well, youre just in time.
She actually just arrived.
I was hoping to get
my loyalty card stamped.
Im one away from getting
my free bear claw.
Ah, well, unfortunately,
I just ran out.
Can you give it
a stamp for trying?
Come on, Brooklyn.
We have to go.
You can get it
after school tomorrow, okay?
Look, Ill tell you what.
is a coupon
for one free gingerbread man.
So youve got that...
and your punch card.
Thats two free goodies--
one for
my number-one customer,
and one for...
my number-one customers mom.
Brooklyn, what do you say?
Thank you.
Youre very welcome.
Okay. We gotta go!
[tires squealing]
All right!
[doors thudding]
Go, go, go, go, go!
Wait, wait!
[Brooklyn] Were so late!
I know! Im so sorry.
All right.
Im the only Scout
whos ever late,
and Den Mother Elizabeth said
a huge announcement today.
Youre not always late!
Finding a parking spot on time
doesnt count.
Okay, fine, youre always late,
but Im trying!
I promise
to be a good citizen,
to make the world
a better place
through love
and respect.
Above all else,
I promise to honor truth.
This is my Sunny pledge.
[Sunny Scouts]
This is my Sunny pledge!
[Angela giggles]
Now that the tardy
have joined the party,
we can move on
to new business.
It is time
to start planning
our Community Holiday Ball,
which will take place
on Saturday, December 23rd.
[Scouts applauding]
[sighs happily]
It is our most
glamorous Sunny Scout event--
a rite of passage,
where we combine
community service and fun--
...and we come together
in an elegant
Yuletide celebration.
Each of you will work very hard
to plan and decorate the event
whilst learning
ballroom dance,
and etiquette,
and we will be collecting toys
at the door
for our sister program--
the Family Holiday Network.
Yes, Brooklyn?
Can people bring dates
to the ball?
[chuckles] Well,
did you have a young man
in mind, Brooklyn?
Not for me, for my mom.
Oh. Well...
one only need purchase a ticket
to attend the Ball,
so if your mother would like
to bring a friend,
there are no rules against it.
Thank you,
Den Mother Elizabeth.
Now, girls, please--
join me at the crafts tables
to start designing
our Holiday Ball flyer.
We only have three weeks
until the big event,
so chop-chop!
Well, that is a winner
if I ever saw one.
[Sunny Scout] Thanks, Mom.
So, what do you want
for Christmas?
I was hoping my dad could
find a way to come see me.
Hes an archeologist,
so hes always off
on some global adventure
I was hoping that my mom could
find the time to be fun again.
Shes always working.
Thats deep.
Im hoping
for an electric scooter.
[indistinct exchanges]
Hey, Ill meet you
by the car.
Excuse me. Elizabeth?
Hi, Angela.
I noticed you were handing out
mom projects for the Ball.
What can I do to help?
I cannot imagine
how overwhelming
it must be for you,
as a single, working mom.
I would never want
to overload your plate.
Well, I appreciate the thought,
I am a Sunny Scout mom, too,
and I dont take it lightly.
Okay, well,
I do need someone to purchase
500 plastic forks,
knives, and spoons.
What if I just get sporks
and save the troop some money?
Sunny Scouts dont serve
their guests with sporks.
Absolutely not.
That would not be elegant,
and what is a Sunny Scout
if not an elegant young lady?
Yes! I am so glad
you understand.
Be sure to let me know
if theres anything I can do.
And you let me know
if you ever need help
with Brooklyn--
like giving her
a ride to meetings.
There is no need
for you to rush
and still not make it on time
when I have three rows of seats
in my SUV.
Ill keep that in mind.
What would we do without
our mom tribe, right?
What, indeed.
Hey, Mom...
check it out!
Should I even ask?
Im practicing
for the Holiday Ball.
Den Mother Elizabeth said
proper posture
is key
to being a graceful dancer.
Since were on the subject
of the Ball--
What was that whole thing
about me bringing a date?
Dont you want one?
I honestly havent
thought about it
until now,
but the truth is,
I dont think so.
But wouldnt it be fun
if we both had pretty dresses
and got to go
to the ball?
I dont need a date
to do that!
It would be romantic.
What do you know
about romance?
Mom, duh!
Everybody knows about romance.
Well, what do you know
about me and romance?
I know you and dad
got a divorce two years ago,
and that you are still
very good friends
and that we will
always be a family.
-Thats right.
you havent gone out on a date
even one time.
Oh, so youre keeping
track now?
Dont you ever want
to fall in love again?
[sighs] Brooklyn.
I have...
a very full life.
I have...
my work,
my friends,
and I have you.
But its Christmastime, Mama.
Then its all the fuller!
I have to get a tree,
mail the Christmas cards,
and do my holiday shopping.
But none of
those things are for you.
I have
everything I need
right in front of me...
I promise.
You might want to squeeze in
some homework before dinner.
[groaning] Ugh!
[jaunty knocking
at the door]
Come in, Sarah!
Do you need
your guest key back?
You mean the key to spontaneous
sister-friend visits?
Oh, you can keep that.
Oh. Great. Ill keep that.
And you...
keep this.
[Sarah cackles smugly]
-[Angela gasping]
-My Christmas sweet potato pie.
Oh... it looks yummy!
Ah! Ive been bakin up a storm
all afternoon,
and I figured you
and your little Christmas elf
would appreciate it.
Appreciate it, Sarah.
Youre a saint.
Want a cup of tea?
-Read my mind.
And a piece of that pie?
After dinner.
you want to hear what
Miss Brooklyn pulled today?
Oh, I dont care what she did.
Auntie Sarah knows that baby
is a misunderstood genius.
your "misunderstood genius"
got up in front of
all those gossipy moms
at the Sunny Scout meeting
and told them
I needed a date.
You do need a date.
A little romance
can be a good thing.
No! No, no.
I do not need that.
I am a busy working mom,
and you throw romance at me,
my juggling act goes splat--
balls just going everywhere--
and I will fall
flat on my behind.
Okay, lets unpack this.
First, youre a great juggler.
Second, youre also
an amazing catch,
so youre gonna have to deal
with the fact
that a few members
of your fan club
will occasionally
want to play matchmaker.
You know, if I get a boyfriend,
youd have to cook
for the three of us.
Okay, maybe
you dont need a date.
[rapping on door]
You should be in bed.
I was going to,
but then Dad called.
[Angela] Hey! Hows Peru?
Ah, frustrating.
I was explaining to Brooklyn
our dig got rained out.
Were behind
a couple of weeks.
So no Christmas visit.
[Angela sighs]
Thats a shame.
Yeah, I really tried, sweetie.
Im so sorry.
-I miss you, Dad.
-I miss you, too.
But, yeah,
you should be in bed.
Thank you for noticing.
Have a good night,
and Ill call you
Christmas Eve, okay?
Love you.
[blows kisses]
Mwah, mwah!
[call ends]
[lip claps shut]
Hi, Mr. Glass.
Oh! Hey, Brooklyn!
You want your usual?
Yes, please,
but my mom said
I have to get the regular
instead of chocolate milk today.
Well, you could just dip
your bear claw in the milk.
That would sweeten it up.
Good idea!
Can I use this, too?
All on the same day?
Its not for me.
Its for Mom.
She always forgets
to eat lunch at work, so,
I know shell be starving
by the time she gets here.
Anything for
our number-one customer.
How is your mom?
She says a lot of people
like to buy houses right now,
since they want to be
all moved in before Christmas.
Well, your moms
a pretty neat lady.
Yup. You should tell her.
[chuckling] Should I?
She loves compliments.
She doesnt get enough of them,
if you ask me.
Huh. Oh, right.
Hi, baby!
Can we get it to go?
Ive got a showing
in 15 minutes.
Oh, Ill grab another box.
For my bear claw.
I got you one.
Youre using
your free-cookie coupon for me?
Arent I nice?
More likely, youre hoping
to help me eat it.
"A Sunny Scout
is always helpful."
Oh, I just remembered.
Our Scout leader is wanting us
to ask local businesses
to set up our flyers for
the Sunny Scout Holiday Ball.
Can I put one up here?
Its gonna be a cool dance.
You should come,
but you have to wear a tuxedo.
We actually
have to hurry, sweetie.
Well, believe it or not,
I actually have a tuxedo.
It was for a wedding that
got canceled a few years ago.
[Brooklyn] I cant find it.
Tell you what--
why dont we come back again
after school tomorrow,
and you can give the flyer
to William?
How much do we owe you?
Oh, coupon
and a stamp card, remember?
[laughs] Oh, thanks.
Anything for
our number-one customer
and our number-one customers
Thats a-a really nice coat,
by the way.
Thank you.
Thrift find.
On this silent night
Hope and joy embrace
Hang your stockings up
on the fireplace
Under mistletoe
Kiss me sweet and slow...
-Im gonna hang up the star.
Looks all done to me.
There we go!
-Oh, yay!
Wow. Were like...
tree-decorating professionals!
Totally agree.
It is like the perfect
centerpiece for the holiday.
Its sorta perfect.
Of course it is!
It looks a bit crooked...
and wonky on one side.
-No, it isnt!
Yeah, it is.
Thats why the guy at the store
called it
a "Charlie Brown tree".
It was a panic purchase.
Hey! A Charlie Brown tree
can still be a beacon
of Yuletide splendor.
Agreed. Its not about
the perfection of the tree,
but the love
and the memories
we create around it.
-Yeah, I agree with that.
Thats why
I love Christmas so much.
Now you need to get to bed.
Goodnight, Auntie Sarah.
Oh, good night, sweetheart.
This is from Dakotas visit
a few Christmases ago.
It actually was
a pretty nice time.
Do you still miss him?
I miss some things.
His passion.
His confidence.
His stubbornness?
Not so much.
I feel this nagging guilt
that I cant provide Brooklyn
a more traditional family.
Okay, lets talk family.
You married a widower
with a two-year-old child,
whom you adopted--
so she could have
the family she deserves.
You did that for her,
and how did Brooklyn turn out?
Shes a kind,
well-adjusted little girl.
I love her so much, Sarah.
I see all the tough things
shes had to go through
already in her life,
and its my job
to make sure shes okay.
What if I fail her?
What are you
talking about, Ange?
Through all these transitions,
youve been there,
each and every one,
right by her side.
And you know how crazy Dakota is
about that little girl.
Do you think he wouldve ever
agreed to leave her with you
after the divorce,
if he didnt know
who you are?
You have nothing
to feel guilty about, got it?
Got it.
Thank you.
Youre welcome.
[both chuckling]
Excuse me, maam?
Do you have
any goodnight kisses?
Mom, Im 10.
Theyre the best kisses
in town!
Right here.
Were you working
on your Christmas list?
Can I see it?
Its not ready yet.
What bedtime story
should we read?
Could we do the thing
where I ask you questions?
What do you want to know?
Did you like your gingerbread
from Sir Bakes-A-Bunch today?
I didnt like it,
I loved it!
Dont you think Mr. Glass
was nice for giving us
that free cookie coupon
for the gingerbread?
It was nice...
but it was also good business.
You know how we give out
all those calendars
and the little notepads
that say
"Angela Bates Realty"
on them?
Dont you think its cool
that Mr. Glass
is really good at business,
just like you?
I guess so, but...
why are you asking me
all this stuff about Mr. Glass?
Its for a project.
For school?
Like a paper or something?
Not exactly.
Mom, can I ask you
just one more question?
[sighs] Is it about Mr. Glass?
No, this ones for you.
[laughing] Okay!
Do you think
youll ever want to get
married again someday?
Why would you think of that?
Just wondering.
Is this because your dad cant
make it in time for Christmas?
You know,
its hard for him
to get out of
all those archeological digs.
No, thats not why.
I know my dad loves me.
I never doubted that...
and Im proud of him.
You should be.
I am, too...
even though he drives me nuts!
[both chuckling]
Besides, you know what?
I think
the two of us
make a great family, too,
when hes away.
I hope you feel that way, too.
Youre the best mom ever.
Thank you, honey.
I dont want
you worrying about me.
Your job...
is to be cute
and wonderful,
just as you are.
Okay, but...
would you get married?
Maybe someday,
if I found the right guy.
But hed have
to like you just as much,
or more
than he likes me...
or hed get the boot!
Now go to sleep.
I love you.
Love you, too.
William, how long have
we been in business together?
Ah, about four years.
And since I first invested,
look at
what youve accomplished!
No, its been wonderful,
but you also got your money back
in record time.
Thats why my partners want in.
Your baked goods
are a goldmine.
You know my concerns.
I do,
and I get it.
No, I got it.
But if we sign this deal,
we can open two more locations,
and Sir Bakes-A-Bunch
will be in every grocery store
in the tri-state area.
Thats my boy!
Hold on a second, Mom!
Look, you have the expansion
starting in January.
Thats way too fast.
When we opened this place,
it was fast.
We threw caution to the wind,
and we signed that lease.
Listen to your mother, William!
Business is like baking--
if you keep something
in the oven for too long,
itll get tough
and nobody will want it anymore.
I just wanna be able
to guarantee
my level of quality.
Youll be
overseeing everything.
I just dont like it.
But you arent saying no!
Ill leave the contract here
for you to go over.
-Netta, you work on him.
-You know I will.
See? Delicious!
Hey... [sighs]
Hey, Brooklyn.
Let me guess-- bear claw?
Im gonna wait for my mom.
She really liked
your gingerbread man yesterday,
and I think
she wants another one.
-She did?
She said she loved it.
-Hi, sweetie.
Did you give your flyer
to Mr. Glass?
Not yet, but we have time,
because I was hoping
you would join me
for a spot of tea
and some gingerbread.
Arent we posh?
Im practicing to get
my "manners" badge
for Sunny Scouts.
Oh? Okay.
[British accent]
One gingerbread man
and a spot of tea.
You know, Im really thirsty--
a spot and a half.
[thick Geordie accent]
Coming right up,
Lady Angela
and Princess Brooklyn.
Ooh! "Princess Brooklyn".
That makes me the Queen.
Your tea, me ladies.
[Angela, normal voice]
Thank you.
Mr. Glass, can you sit with us
for a few moments?
I wanted to ask you
about something.
She has a project for school.
Um, actually, Mom,
this is for Sunny Scouts,
and for you,
and for Mr. Glass.
Sunny Scouts help--
and this will help everyone.
What are you talking about?
Im a little confused as well.
Well, last night,
I was thinking.
Were gonna need
all sorts of goodies
for the Holiday Ball.
And, Mr. Glass,
you make the best treats.
You should do it!
[laughs] Well,
I appreciate that, Brooklyn,
but have you talked
to your troop leader?
I think you and Mom should
talk to her-- together.
What do I have to do with it?
Well, Den Mother Elizabeth
doesnt think my mom
is exactly
"Sunny Scout mother" material.
Shes not wrong.
if mom brought
in the most perfect baker
for the Holiday Ball,
shed be super-impressed.
Well, I guess I could give you
a catering menu,
and of course,
Id offer you a discount.
No, you have to do it together,
and you should
plan it out first.
Den Mother Elizabeth
likes things to be just right.
[chuckles softly]
You know how busy I am
right now.
Mom, please.
I swear I wont say anything
about being late
to the meetings ever again.
Why is this
so important to you?
I just really like
Sir Bakes-A-Bunch...
a lot!
[sighs] Well, okay.
I guess it would be nice
if Elizabeth stopped
tilting her head sympathetically
every time
she looks at me.
Okay, sounds like a plan.
Im in.
"Lets bake" on three?
One, two, three...
[trio] Lets bake!
[knock at door]
Come in!
-[door opening]
Private William
reporting for duty.
Brooklyn does kind of
feel like a drill sergeant
when shes determined
to get her way.
[laughs] Yeah.
-Come on in!
-Thank you.
-This is nice.
Thank you.
I wasnt exactly sure
what we needed...
-...So, I got supplies.
Great. And I brought fuel.
You got any of
those gingerbread men in there?
You bet.
I havent stopped thinking
of that one Brooklyn
brought home the other day.
Oh, theyre so cute!
[chuckling] Yeah.
So, apparently,
Elizabeth is into mood boards.
So I guess we can cut out
some pictures from these.
Sounds good.
Hang on.
I was trying to fix this
when you got here.
This darn star is crooked.
Can I...
can I give you a hand?
No, I got it.
Here we go.
[laughs] Are you sure?
I really dont mind.
I am perfectly capable
of doing this on my own.
-Oh. Oh!
-Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Here, let me.
Ive got markers
and glitter.
Its gonna look like
Christmas exploded!
Gathering around in family
Around the Christmas tree
and sugar cookies
These memories are sweet...
Right here.
...I cant wait to celebrate
this Christmas...
All right,
are you ready for this?
Theres more.
Oh, my gosh!
Pretty good, huh?
Come on!
Here you go...
my signature
peppermint mocha.
Thats good.
Thats really good.
You have an amazing kid,
by the way.
Thanks for letting me
spend the day with you two.
Thanks for staying.
And-and I-I really
appreciate all this.
I mean, it wouldve been great
if you even mentioned
my name for the gig,
but this is next level, so...
Today was fun.
Im, uh... usually caught up
in work and everything,
so it was fun
to just do something goofy.
And Christmassy.
Oh, it was
definitely Christmassy.
[laughing] Yeah.
Is this Elizabeth person
really as intense
as Brooklyn says she is?
Elizabeth is the kind
that gets married
right out of college.
She lives
in a white-picket-fence house
with her 2.5 children.
Shes a stay-at-home mom that
makes everything from scratch.
I got it.
And thats great--
for her.
She cant see how
theres other ways
of doing things,
and doing them well,
so she feels sorry for me--
a poor little worn-out
divorced working mom.
and I get the sense
that youre not someone
who wants sympathy from--
Well, Im a little bit stubborn
where thats concerned,
but its easier
to just rely on yourself,
then you dont get surprised
or disappointed.
You sound like my mom.
She raised me
as a single mother as well,
and-and shes always
just laser-focused
on-on whatever shes doing.
Its like shes always
fighting to do the most
and be the best.
I dont see
anything wrong with that.
No, its not a problem,
but I think a lot of it
just stems from her insecurity
of being a single mother
for so long, and...
I wouldnt call it
an insecurity.
Being a single mom
is legit pressure.
No, no,
I-I completely understand that.
-I mean--
-And that pressure
can be seriously stressful,
like category-five stress--
sleepless nights,
chocolate cravings, hair frizz.
Hair frizz. But--
Chin breakouts...
...constant guilt.
"Am I doing the right thing?"
Yeah, its a big list.
Yeah... sorry.
I was just making a point.
No, and I-I completely
The-The stress
of being a single mom
is not an insecurity.
Its late, um...
and Brooklyns
got school tomorrow.
We should probably
call it a night.
Yeah. Thank you
for the coffee...
and, uh...
Ill see myself out.
[door opens and shuts]
[jaunty knocking at the door]
Come in!
[door opens]
I picked up
that new gourmet coffee
we wanted to try.
Thanks, but Ive already eaten.
Its Brooklyns favorite--
chocolate chip.
Wow, that was record timing.
Well, my rubber arm
gets very twistable
the closer we get
to Christmas.
I can relate.
Are you sure
this is a good time?
Just the usual morning rush.
Didnt you have that baker guy
over here last night?
Hey, are you still
coming with us
to the...
Christmas Village Fair?
Why are you changing
the subject?
It should be really fun.
Mm, you scared him off,
didnt you?
Not on purpose, anyway.
Well, you wouldnt
be so flustered about it
if you didnt like him.
His name is William.
-I do like him,
but not like that.
I am doing this for Brooklyn
and so those Sunny Scout moms
can stop treating me
like Im hopeless!
[Sarah chuckles]
I see it now.
Hes cute! Mm!
Hi, Auntie Sarah.
Well, good morning, sweetheart!
What you talkin about?
Well, your mom was just
showing me the menu
for Sir Bakes-A-Bunch,
and saying
how she cant wait to try
these chocolate-peppermint
is her favorite.
Well, you should take her
there soon,
so she can get some,
and then she can say "hi"
to your friend the baker.
Sounds like a great idea.
Give me some.
Im gonna get ready
for work,
and you two
can plot and scheme without me.
Im watching you!
[Angela] See?
We arent late.
For a Sunny Scout,
early is on time,
and on time is late.
What a clever little saying.
Its right here
in the handbook.
[Brooklyn clears her throat
are you getting a cold?
Mom, ask her.
Ask me what?
Well, I know well need
refreshments for the Ball.
And Brooklyn and I happen
to know a very talented baker.
Uh, you know, we have
a very rigorous
interview process
for our vendors, so...
Oh, yes, Im sure,
so were preparing
a presentation.
With visual aids.
I see.
We would like to schedule
a meeting with you.
[exhales wearily]
Oh, well, I just--
I dont even have a moment
December 20th at 3:45,
but that is cutting it
awfully close
in terms of making
the final decision on a caterer.
But Mr. Glass
is really, really good.
then we can pre-book
a meeting for next years Ball.
I think you should give us
and Mr. Glass
the meeting, Elizabeth.
Dont Sunny Scouts
always try to ensure
theyre doing
their very best?
-Well, yes, but--
-Mr. Glass is the best,
so well see you
on December 20th.
Im just gonna
clean this up right here.
But I also didnt raise you
just to wallow in mediocrity.
[scoffs] Is that what
you think of this place?
We know its a wonderful start,
but its really beginning
to be obvious
that youre not willing
to think bigger.
Can we talk about this later?
Oh-- hi.
[chuckling awkwardly] Hi!
Sorry, I didnt see you come in.
No worries.
Have you met my mom, Netta?
Not formally,
but Ive seen you here a lot.
Well, I help out
where I can.
Yes. Yes.
Actually, uh, Mom,
could you move
that batch of snickerdoodles
onto the cooling trays, please?
Oh, sure.
Um, its nice
to meet you, Angela.
[Angela] You too.
[hushed] Is everything okay?
Yes. Um...
Just some, uh, growing pains.
Im in negotiation
for some business expansion.
Oh! Thats exciting.
Would you be
opening another shop?
Yeah, that would be part of it.
I can help you
look at some properties.
I dont handle
a lot of commercial rentals,
but I can check
whats available.
You would have time for that?
Well, I...
I am actually here
because Brooklyn
wanted me to ask you
if you wanted to go
to the Christmas Village Fair
with us tomorrow.
She thinks
that we might see something
that could inspire us
for our presentation
to Elizabeth
at 3:45 p.m.
on December 20th.
Oh, so,
scary "Den Mother Elizabeth"
is giving us a chance.
Begrudgingly, yeah.
So, um... you better
bring your sparkle.
"Bring... sparkle."
Okay, I got it.
So if-if you want to go
to the fair,
we could leave
a little earlier,
and, you know, hit a couple
of places along the way,
but, I mean,
if its too much for you,
its okay--
I know youre busy, too.
No, no, that would be great.
And then-then afterwards,
I could take you out to dinner.
Yeah. You mean, like, a...
As-- not a-- just as, um, um...
like a, um,
a-a token of my appreciation,
a-- a thank-you.
Because Brooklyn
would be with us.
Of course,
which would be wonderful.
I wouldnt have it
any other way.
[clears throat awkwardly]
Well, while Im here,
I-I might as well
try one of your famous
chocolate-peppermint cupcakes.
Oh! Yes. Good choice.
[Netta chuckles sheepishly]
Im sorry.
I-I dont mean to interrupt.
William, Jessicas on the phone.
Oh, can you take a message?
She really needs
to talk to you.
The investors had
a question about, uh,
subbing out
some of the ingredients
for a few of your recipes.
Uh, something about
"cost-benefit ratios".
I dont know.
Okay, Im sorry.
I got to deal with this.
Its okay. Its okay.
Ill just--
-Ill just take it to go.
-Mom, can you?
Its okay.
Ill pack it up for you.
This is great. Thanks.
Thanks for pulling me
out of the bakery.
I never get a chance to visit,
even though
its right next door.
Happy to do it.
[gasps] Ooh, look, look, look!
Thats a nice one.
Why do
all these snowmen look like
theyre doing
the hokey-pokey?
Because thats
what its all about.
[all laughing]
But I suppose
it does look a little bit
like a winter-dance thing.
Wouldnt it be cooler
if they were doing
something more exciting--
like having a snowball fight
or going snowboarding?
Action-packed snow globes?
Were both entrepreneurs.
We have time
to make that happen.
[together] Or not!
Hey, theres some friends
from school over there.
-Mind if I say hi?
-Go for it.
Hi! Nice hat.
Thanks again for inviting me.
I just wish Id known
it was so chilly,
I wouldve worn my gloves.
Oh. Whoa!
Those are cold.
Do you have some at the bakery?
I dont. Um...
Ah, I have an idea.
Follow me.
[Angela] Okay.
Oh, hot chocolate tastes
so much better at Christmastime.
Mm. Mm!
A hot-chocolate cupcake!
Feeling inspired?
Maybe could be a nice
Christmas addition to our menu.
Oh, ho, ho!
-[laughs] Oh, my god.
-Look who it is!
I know her.
I have some of those
all over town.
Its goofy,
but its just one
of those things
you kind of have to do,
if youre a realtor.
Well, I think you look great,
and Im glad bakers
dont have that rule.
What, you dont think
your face could sell bear claws?
Mm, havent
really thought about it.
-Oh, okay. Hang on. Hang on.
[groans] Oh, no.
Let me see your best smile.
-Oh, perfect.
Yes. Oh--
buses, billboards, benches,
is going up everywhere.
-Let me--
[laughs] I dont know if
thats gonna be bench-worthy.
So how did you
get into baking, anyway?
Um, well, my mom--
I love her, but...
she cant cook to save her life,
so when I was around 10,
Id finally had enough.
I checked a cookbook out
from the library,
and then I started
cooking dinner
pretty much every night,
and then that led to cookies
and cakes and pastries,
culinary school,
and thats how I became
"Sir Bakes-A-Bunch".
So what about you?
Did you always want to have
your face on benches?
Ha, ha.
I got into real estate
kind of as a fluke.
When Brooklyns father
and I split up,
I needed to find something
that paid the bills,
but gave me flexibility
to be there for her.
It started out
as a necessity,
but I found out
Im really good at it.
And now I love it.
Yeah, I can tell.
Plus, its really important
for me
to be a good role model
to Brooklyn.
I want her to see
that women can be independent
and successful...
and I dont want her
to be afraid of anything.
Well, I think
youre doing a great job of it.
Mom! Mr. Glass!
You have to come see
these Christmas donuts.
It could be more inspiration
for our menu.
I guess wed better go look.
I mean, come on,
its Christmas donuts.
"Christmas donuts."
Wait, wait, wait,
but before we do,
just stay right... there.
Let me
get a picture
of you...
with you.
-Youre weird.
-I know.
I know,
but its part of my charm.
-All right?
Say... "Real estate".
-[coyly] Real estate!
-Very nice.
[exhales contentedly]
Shall we?
[trio] Deck the halls
with boughs of holly
Fa, la, la, la, la
la, la, la, la
Tis the season
to be jolly
Fa, la, la, la, la
Let me get her to bed.
-All right.
[continuing softly]
Don we now our gay apparel
Fa, la, la, la, la, la
la, la, la
Sleep tight!
[humming "Deck the Halls"
to himself]
I didnt even bother
putting on her PJs.
She was completely worn out.
It was probably our singing.
I had a really nice time today.
Me too.
I cant.
Im just not ready.
Its complicated.
Is it about... your ex?
Do you still
have feelings for him?
Oh... Lord, no.
Absolutely not.
Well, then what is it?
Brooklyn and I have
a beautiful thing going...
and I cant afford
to mess it up,
being impulsive.
Okay, but you know
I would never do anything
to hurt you
or Brooklyn, right?
Not on purpose.
a lot.
Lets say
we started something.
And it didnt work out
for a million reasons.
Its weird being
around each other,
and at first I try,
but then its just too hard,
and then I have to ask Brooklyn
to stop going to the bakery.
Shes sad,
and then Im sad
because shes sad,
and its all a mess,
all because something
sounded like a good idea,
standing here
by Christmas tree lights.
And out there,
in the real world, its...
its not that simple.
O-Okay, that is--
...thats a very big story,
but none of that
has actually happened,
and it doesnt
have to be that way.
Im sorry.
Okay. Im sorry, too.
[sighs heavily]
[door creaks open]
[door shuts]
[stomping in frustration]
[grunts irately]
[exhales deeply]
[knock at the door]
Hi there, Angel.
[stammering in shock]
Youre supposed
to be stuck in Peru!
Yeah, its a Christmas miracle.
We finished the dig
a week early,
so I chartered a boat
down the Amazon
and then somehow managed
to catch a flight
on an old cargo plane.
Shh! Shes asleep!
And you cant just show up
unannounced like this.
Youre right.
I shouldve called.
Well, I guess
I have to wait until morning
to surprise the little nugget.
What are you doing?
Well, I figure
I can bunk here until tomorrow.
Dakota, I dont have
the spare bedroom anymore.
Its been converted
into my office.
Ill sleep on the couch.
Yeah, you wont even know
that Im here.
You mind if I grab a drink?
Im parched.
[aghast] What?
Tomorrow, Ill find a hotel
where Brooklyn and I
can spend a few days,
have a Daddy-daughter getaway.
She has school.
Shes not out
on Christmas break yet?
Ah, she can skip a few days.
Okay, okay,
we need to slow down.
Im waking up early,
and so are you.
You are not lounging around.
You will not
be enjoying
the amenities here.
After you surprise Brooklyn,
check out is 9:00 a.m.--
You get that little line
on your forehead
when youre mad.
[testily] Im not mad.
Im just not great
with late-night surprises.
There are pillows and blankets
in the linen closet.
Help yourself.
Sure youre not mad?
Goodnight, Dakota.
-[machine clicks on]
-[espresso machine groans]
Mornin, Angel.
Please dont call me "Angel."
Why? Thats your name--
meaning, "from the gods".
an angel from the gods.
[inhales deeply, grunts]
Oh, Im not big
on those machines.
Theres something magical
about a good old cup
of drip coffee.
Great. But--
Well, then maybe you should go
and find a place
that has some.
[jaunty knocking at the door]
Thats Sarah.
-[door opens]
[Sarah giggles to herself]
Now that you have a tree,
I figured
you might need some presents.
Sarah, you spoil us, seriously.
[laughs, then stops]
[forced laugh]
[hushed] Uh, please tell me
your ex-husband
isnt standing in your kitchen,
drinking outta your favorite
Christmas coffee mug?
A merry Christmas to you,
too, Sarah.
Are we mad about this?
Hes here to see Brooklyn,
and hes--
[normal voice] find a hotel.
Mm-hmm. Okay.
look at you.
Oh, my God!
Youve sprouted
like a palm tree.
You were
one of my Christmas wishes.
You were one of mine, too.
Okay, this is gonna be
a good old Christmas, huh?
-[knock at the door]
-[Angela] Yup.
Suddenly, its Grand Central
Station in here.
Oh... hi!
-Whew, its cold.
-Oh, no.
Uh-- Uh, William--
I just wanted to come over
and apologize for last night.
-Theres no need, really.
-And I-I was
that maybe we should, uh,
run over the presentation
a couple more times,
cause its tomorrow, so--
So many things
are happening all at once.
And-and I did a test run
of the hot-chocolate cupcakes
for our menu,
and I was hoping that you could
be the first one to test them.
I really would love
to try these, but, um,
I just brushed my teeth.
Is Brooklyn awake?
Just barely.
Okay, great!
Cause Id love
my number-one customer
to test them, too.
Sure, why not?
This is all gonna come
to a head at one point.
Might as well get it over with
before breakfast.
Um, William...
meet Dakota,
Brooklyns dad,
and Dakota,
this is William--
Brooklyns favorite baker.
Were doing
a project together.
Uh, Im gonna go
sit on the couch
while you all
get to know one another,
and eat these cupcakes.
Theyre hot chocolate.
Good to meet you.
You, too.
-Im Sarah.
[Dakota] Perfect timing.
I was just telling Brooklyn
about my deep-desert adventures.
Come on.
[Netta] Look, I know
its a lot to take in.
Oh, I just--
I got a lot going on today,
and Angelas supposed
to show up any minute
so we can go over
the presentation for tomorrow,
and I cant even
think about that right now.
Her ex just arrived
in town to spend Christmas
with Brooklyn.
I can tell
you really like Angela.
Im just not sure she feels
the same way about me.
Did she tell you that?
Not in so many words.
Okay, now I am pushing you.
Dont you dare
back away from something
because youre afraid
of rejection again.
Jennifer was a long time ago.
I know,
but I also know
how hurt you were
when she canceled the wedding.
Yeah, I thought
she was gonna be the one.
Jennifer wasnt...
but maybe Angela is.
If you think
theres something there,
and you know what it means
to love a family
and not just a woman,
then tell her how you feel.
Yeah, but...
if theres any chance
that Angela and her ex
can rekindle,
then I cant get
in the way of that,
because thats whats
best for Brooklyn.
[knocking at the door]
There she is.
Okay, Ill sneak out the back
and give you two some space,
but promise me
you wont make any final
decisions about anything, okay?
Okay. Okay.
Im sorry
Im a little bit late.
No, no, no, no, no, Im sorry.
I should--
I shouldve texted you.
I got caught up in a meeting,
and Im still going through
all this paperwork
for the business expansion
Oh! You want to put off
our practice session?
Um, yeah. Okay, yeah.
Yeah, I guess.
Yeah, that would be a good idea.
But Im-Im totally ready
for the presentation,
and Ill bake all the goodies
tomorrow morning,
so theyre fresh.
Okay. No biggie.
Sorry you had to come out
all this way--
Oh, its fine.
I understand.
It was a lovely walk.
[stammering awkwardly]
Are you, um...
Are you good with contracts?
Well, as a real-estate agent,
I know a thing or two
about legalese.
Would you mind
taking a look at something?
Yeah, if it helps,
uh, Id be happy to be
another set of eyes,
but itll cost you.
Itll-- okay.
Ive got your payment...
Christmas cookies
and a decaf cappuccino.
For the record,
I also take wine and chocolate.
[chuckling] Oh, okay.
Ill keep that in mind.
this is interesting.
Section nine,
paragraph "B"--
this gives the distributor
the rights
to change the font,
and product names
on any packaging.
Well, thats a lot to give up.
[turns page]
Although, you still get
to oversee the expansion.
Um, you mentioned
this was all
through an old partner?
Uh, yeah, yeah, Jessica.
I mean, shes great.
She provided half the financing
when I opened this place,
and my mom and I
provided the other half.
This is a great deal, so...
if you dont want to do it,
...say no.
Well-- [sighs] complicated.
I mean, I obviously
have a loyalty to Jessica,
but this is-- thats definitely
not what I agreed to.
I mean, when I started
Sir Bakes-A-Bunch,
it was in my kitchen,
and I built it up to this
because I was
just following my passion.
I was never meant
to be a manager
to a board of directors.
Hey, thats why
we both work for ourselves.
Maybe theres a way
to balance it out.
And feed my soul.
I hope this helps.
Oh, yeah. It does. It does.
And Im-Im sorry we didnt get
to practice the presentation.
Its all good.
You have a lot on your plate.
[both chuckling]
I gotta say,
youre an awesome
sounding board.
Youre pretty awesome yourself.
And, um, honestly,
this is all very inspiring.
Its a big choice,
but you have
wonderful opportunities.
Lots of choices.
Anyway, its late.
I gotta pick up Brooklyn.
Shes with her dad.
Hes staying
at a hotel tonight.
Yeah, uh, good idea,
and we should be, uh, tiptop
for tomorrows presentation.
Well said.
...whatever happens,
Im just glad
we teamed up on this.
Its nice to have a partner
in something again.
Yeah, for me, too.
[door opens]
Listen, Angel--
For the millionth time,
please dont call me "Angel".
Should I call you
my chuchuzinho?
What does that even mean?
Its a Brazilian
term of endearment.
It means "little squash".
Never mind.
Call me "Angel".
Well, Angel,
Ive had a lot of time to think
on this last dig.
My days are filled with my work,
but my nights are hot
and long in the desert.
"Hot in the desert..."
You dont say.
Yeah, well, theres nothing
to do but sleep.
Those long, lonely nights,
I kept dreaming of one thing--
Hello, Angela.
How are you today?
Fine. And how are you?
Cant complain!
Just busy as a beaver,
getting ready
for the Holiday Ball.
[chuckles politely]
And this is?
This is Brooklyns father.
Oh! The one whos always
so far away
because of work?
And you must be
the Sunny Scout Den Mother
Brooklyns told me
so much about.
Oh, guilty as charged.
You know, we do
the best that we can
to help little Brooklyn along.
I mean, Angela cant
be two parents at once--
bless her heart.
I guess,
if it werent for you,
"little Brooklyn" would be
out on the streets,
having knife fights
with the Jets and the Sharks.
[chuckles awkwardly]
[Angela forces a chuckle]
So, you are an archeologist?
That is
a very interesting profession.
Bringing history to life,
one artifact at a time.
I see!
How long are you in town,
Not long.
Actually, my departure date
is undetermined.
Oh, well, then I hope
you will join us for
the Sunny Scout Holiday Ball.
You know, Angela hasnt
purchased her ticket yet,
but Im sure
thats just an oversight.
[Dakota] Oh, well,
that sounds like a fun way
to celebrate Christmas.
When is it?
Oh, its coming up quick.
This Saturday night!
[school bell rings]
[chatter, indistinct]
Tabitha, sweetheart,
whats wrong?
I got an A-minus again.
I thought my diorama of
Santas workshop was perfect!
It was perfect, because
we worked on it together.
Dont worry, sweetheart.
Mommys gonna fix this.
I think that
another strongly worded email
is in store for Mr. Deakins.
Well, it was lovely meeting you.
And Merry Christmas, Dakota.
Merry Christmas to you, too.
And I will see you
at the rec center, Angela.
Not if I see you first. Ha!
[Angela keeps laughing]
[Brooklyn] Daddy!
Can we go
to the Christmas Fair?
The Sunny Scouts
are handing out invitations
for the Holiday Ball.
I dont have your uniform.
Its okay. I have my hat.
Whatever our girl wants.
Mom, you should come, too.
I only have a little time
before the presentation.
Oh, come on.
We can drop you off
right at the door--
youll still make it in time.
Whatever our girl wants.
[Dakota] Yeah, come on.
So, Angel...
I was telling you
about my nights in the desert.
Oh, yeah.
Hot and sweaty
with mosquitoes.
And the one thing
I kept dreaming of--
Okay, Ill bite.
What is it?
It was you.
I want you back.
You what?
I missed you so much,
and being with you and Brooklyn
makes me remember
how much I love being a family.
No. No, you always
feel this way
when you first come back
from a dig,
and then your itch
for adventure starts,
and then, off you go!
Itll be different this time.
No. It wont.
Then you could both
come live with me.
So we can live in motels
and see you on the weekends?
This is why we agreed
that Brooklyn stayed with me,
so that she can have
a stable life
while youre off working.
Yes, I know that,
and I know I havent
figured everything out yet,
but Angela,
my angel...
...tell me youre not feeling
what Im feeling.
Youre just caught up
in the moment.
we will always be friends,
and we never stop being a family
because of Brooklyn,
but you and me as a thing--
its over,
and deep down,
you know that thats true.
Oh, well.
Cant blame a guy
for trying, right?
Oh, good, youre here.
I need to leave
for the presentation soon,
so maybe you can take over--
I have tried to be patient
and let you wade
through all this silliness
on your own,
but I think youve got
too much flour in your eyes
to see whats right
in front of your face.
W-What did I do?
I know you want
to be with Angela,
but youre going to wait around
and let that ex-husband of hers
just dig his way
back into her life.
I told you, Angela is not--
No, you didnt
tell me anything--
except youre just giving up.
If you want to be with Angela,
then you need to go to her
and tell her how you feel.
what if she chooses him instead?
Then at least youll know
you did everything you could.
[light chuckling]
Okay, give me one of those.
Did you know
that gingerbread houses
originated in Germany?
Yeah, they became popular
in the 1800s,
around the time the fairy tale
Hansel and Gretel was published.
-But that was a witch house.
So why dont we make these
for Halloween
instead of Christmas?
We dont have
a definitive answer to that,
but I think its because
Santa likes gingerbread houses.
I like it, too.
Theyre delicious.
Hey, youre messing
with our design!
[both laughing]
Yeah, sweetheart?
Do you like William?
He seems nice enough.
Makes a mean
hot-chocolate cupcake.
I like William a lot--
not as-much-as-you "a lot,"
I really like him.
And you know Mom--
well, shes a really smart lady.
Mm! Smartest lady I know,
besides you.
But shes not really smart
about love stuff.
Oh... [chuckles]
[deep breath]
I think I know
where this is going.
You do?
when it comes to love,
your dad definitely
knows a thing or two.
I already talked to her.
You did?
Yeah, today,
when we were at the fair.
You were handing out invites.
Well, what did she say?
She said its not gonna happen,
sweetie... matter how much
you might want it to.
How did you know
I wanted it to happen?
its perfectly natural
for a little girl
to want her mother
to have love...
but its a no-go
for your mother, sweetie.
And if Im being honest, uh...
for me, too.
Why is it a no-go for you?
Well, theres things
about grown-ups
that are hard to understand,
but all you need to know
is that Im always
going to be looking out
for whats best for you.
lets, uh, finish up
this gingerbread house,
and then Im gonna teach you
about how
the Council of Tours
the first Christmastide
in the year 567.
I need to put away
my school stuff.
Okay, honey.
Im the one whos supposed
to be late all the time!
I know, Im sorry.
I was ready to go,
but then my mom showed up,
and she started
-talking to me about--
-Is it about the expansion?
Is everything okay?
Yes. I mean, yeah, I-I hope so.
I-I think so.
Are we ready?
Ye-Yeah! Yes, ready!
So, as you can see,
Sir Bakes-A-Bunch
offers a variety of treats
and an unparalleled level
of quality.
Yes, but will it be...
-[Christmas jingle plays]
is one of our favorite words,
so one of our ideas
is a cupcake table
inspired by holiday beverages.
Isnt that clever?
-We have
hot chocolate, eggnog,
spiced apple cider,
and peppermint mocha,
inspired by Angela.
I dont know
which one to try first.
Mm. Hmm.
Its very rich.
I dont think I could have
much more than this,
but then again, Ive never
had much of a sweet tooth.
All in all, its...
its good.
Okay, and I also have
cookies to sample,
and, of course, I take requests.
I think I have seen
everything I need, mm-hmm.
Thank you both so much
for your time,
and I will have an answer
for you by tomorrow.
W-wait. Th-Thats it?
We have a slide presentation.
I can email it to you.
No need.
Got to get back home to the fam.
We are packing
Christmas-blessing bags
for the homeless. Hmm!
O-Okay. Uh, thank you.
Turn the lights off
on your way out!
I cant read her.
Was that friendly?
She took one bite
of one cupcake!
[Angela sighs]
I hope she doesnt say no
just because I suggested you.
Why would anyone
say no to you?
I should get going.
Actually-- [stammers]
...can I talk to you
for a second?
Dakota and Brooklyn are doing
something crafty at my place.
You gotta go see Dakota.
I need to...
monitor the damage.
Glitter, glue...
You were wonderful.
Y-you-- You were wonderf...
Thank you so much.
Ill let you know
when I hear back
-from Elizabeth.
[footsteps receding]
[sighing heavily]
[keys clicking]
Oh, dear.
[phone rings]
-[Sarah] Hey.
Oh. Its just you, Sarah.
No, no, no!
I-I didnt mean it like that.
Im just waiting
to hear if Elizabeth
picked William
for the Holiday Ball.
Oh, my god.
No signs yet?
Why are you calling me?
Where are you?
The suspense was killing me,
but I didnt want to bug you.
So, no updates?
-[Sarah fumes]
Whats taking them so long?
I dont know
and its driving me crazy!
This is dumb.
Hang up!
So, what are
you gonna do if she says no?
I dont want
to tell William that,
or Brooklyn.
Shed be really upset.
Okay, then,
were gonna manifest success.
Elizabeth will pick
Sir Bakes-A-Bunch.
Maybe it might be better
if she didnt.
Okay, now youre gon
have to make up your mind.
Im just very confused.
If William is at that ball,
I think
I might be more confuser.
Thats not a word.
I know!
Thats how confused I am.
Tell William
that you want something more
than a friendship.
Im scared, too.
There literally could not
be a nicer guy on the planet,
and he and Brooklyn
get along amazingly.
I just dont want
to mess everything up.
Why cant things
just stay the same
and everyone be happy?
Because you wouldnt be happy,
not if you went
the rest of your life
wondering "what if?"
"Safe" and "happy"
are not the same thing.
Its adjacent.
[sighing deeply]
I dont want
to start needing somebody.
Needing someone
is not a weakness
if its a real partner--
someone who inspires you,
someone who pushes you.
[chuckles] You know?
Someone who teaches you
how to bake?
[both chuckling]
[phone rings]
-Its Elizabeth!
-Get it! Oh!
Hello, Elizabeth?
Good morning to you, too.
Whats wrong?
You talked to Elizabeth.
[sucks air deeply]
Bad news?
She said she picked a baker
who was throwing in
a full animatronic
Christmas display.
Oh... I guess its okay.
Im just worried
that Brooklynll be upset now.
Oh, she will be.
Well, what--
what do we do?
Should I-- Should I make
more bear claws?
No, I-Ill tell her.
You dont
have to worry about it.
Well, I dont want
to put that all on you.
Im fine. Really?
Its probably best
that we dont confuse her
anymore anyways.
What do you mean?
Why would she be confused?
I found this.
I think this is supposed to be
you and I at the Holiday Ball.
Shes pretty clever, that kid,
isnt she?
Too clever.
So what do we do?
Well, like I said,
I dont think
should do anything.
Im gonna sit her down
and explain that I love her
and Im glad
she wants me happy,
but she doesnt
get to make decisions
about who
I fall in love with.
Yeah, of course.
Only you can do that.
And Ive got to deal
with Dakota, too.
Of course.
-It is gonna be a fun night.
Yeah, and now
that hes back in town,
you have a-a chance
to be a family.
I told you, I didnt--
Dont worry, Angela.
Im not gonna stand
in the way of
you or Brooklyns happiness.
-I didnt--
-Youve built this life,
and even if it doesnt work out
between you and Dakota
in the end,
and m-maybe you dont have room
for anybody in your life
right now,
and theres
nothing wrong with that.
I mean, that--
that makes sense,
cause Brooklyn
should be your focus.
Im trying
to make this easier for you.
Okay, truly...
no hard feelings.
And Brooklyn will always be
my number-one customer,
and you can have
as many free gingerbread men
as you want,
whenever you want em.
Im glad
were on the same page.
Same page.
Well, I should go.
I have a house to show.
Okay, and Ill--
Ill see you around.
Bye, Netta.
Did you two talk it out?
Something like that.
Merry Christmas.
Well, I hope
I see you before then.
[door creaks]
Oh, sorry.
Um, here you go.
Thatll be 10.98.
[school bell rings]
-Hi, Mom.
-Hi, sweetie.
What did
Den Mother Elizabeth say?
No, thats not fair.
She met with a lot of bakers.
She had to choose the one
she thought was best.
Mr. Glass is the best.
You know that.
I do think
he is a really good baker, but--
But were you nice to her?
Yes, I was nice to her.
Were you late? You know
she hates it when youre late.
[hurt] Brooklyn!
Wheres Dad?
I told him Id pick you up
so I could tell you
about everything.
Can you take me to him?
Of course I will.
Right now?
[Angela sighs]
[doors thud]
I know
that youre upset with me,
and you need to tell me why.
you never want any help,
but you always tell me
to ask for help when I need it,
because you said
thats the brave way
-to deal with things.
-I know.
Then why do you want
to be alone,
like, forever or something?
Thats not brave.
Brooklyn, we need to talk
about the drawing you made.
Is that supposed to be
Mr. Glass and I?
Mom, how did you find that?
I didnt see it on purpose,
but we need to talk about it.
No, we dont,
because you dont
like Mr. Glass,
and you said
its a no-go...
and I was only trying
to help you feel better,
but just like always,
you never want any help.
So can I go see Dad?
Okay, baby.
Lets go.
[phone ringing]
[Elizabeth, perkily]
Sunny Scout Community
Holiday Ball Central!
How can I help you?
Oh, Lawrence!
Great! When can we expect you?
Ive got the goody table
all ready for y--
I dont care if you had
your appendix taken out,
you should have called me!
Well, it is not my fault
you were under anesthesia!
Okay, listen! I dont have time
to talk to you about this!
[cries out] Why is everyone
so bad at everything?
[tech] Lighting check!
Elizabeth, you seem upset.
Well, of course, Im upset.
Our caterer just canceled,
and the Ball is in six hours.
Theres always store-bought.
[Elizabeth] What?
Are you out of your mind?
Maybe all of us moms can
make something and bring it.
Like those tubes
of cookie dough!
Theyre so easy.
Okay, this is a Ball.
This is not a picnic.
This is not a birthday party!
I have an idea.
Oh, Brooklyn, dear...
you are so sweet,
but I think this problem
is just a little beyond you.
Den Mother Elizabeth,
you taught me that
a Sunny Scout never gives up,
and she learns
to be resourceful,
even in a pinch.
I did teach you that.
Its right in the handbook.
I think
we should ask Mr. Glass.
Oh, Brooklyn, no.
Its way too late for that.
I think he can do it.
We just have to ask
for his help.
I dont think
he wants to see me.
[Sarah] You wont know...
unless you go.
Oh, thats a good rhyme!
-Can you both be quiet?
I would be
forever grateful
if you could just go
and speak to Sir Bakes-A-Bunch.
for eternity.
Its brave to ask for help.
[deep breath]
"Its brave to ask for help."
[deep breath] Ill do it!
[groans in relief]
[Angela] Im going
to Sir Bakes-A-Bunch!
And Im coming with you.
Okay, keep me posted!
And Godspeed!
[Sarah chuckles]
This is awesome.
Okay, back to work, please.
Thank you.
Youll just need to sign
on page eight,
page 15, page 16,
and page 24,
and initial in
all the places I highlighted.
All right,
lets get this done.
I assure you--
everything is in order,
just as we discussed.
Lets do this.
Are you certain
this is what you want?
I feel like
we pushed you into it.
No, Mom, Im not doing this
for you or for Jessica.
Im doing this for me.
We can open a store
in Hallsville,
and I can manage from there.
That way,
I can spend more time there,
less time here,
and theres less chance
that Ill run into them.
Oh... William.
its okay.
-[door opens]
-[Angela] Hey!
It looks like
Im interrupting something.
-I am so sorry.
-Thats okay.
Is that the--
I was just about to sign it.
Oh! Then this might be
pretty bad timing.
Why is it bad timing?
We have a problem,
and I need someone
to solve it right away,
and the person
I want to help me solve it
-is you--
-Good job, Mom!
[William] Yeah, of course.
Whatever you need.
-Oh, good God.
-What is it now?
-Shh! Shh!
I... we--
The person
who was supposed to do
the goody table at the ball
cause his stupendous burst.
...His appendix burst,
and we need you
to do it instead.
Its gonna be better anyways,
but its in...
Its in six hours!
Its okay. Ill do it.
Um... and, uh,
would you want to go...
to the Ball with me?
Would you
do me the honor
being my date
for the Sunny Scout
Community Holiday Ball?
Yes, yes.
[Netta] Yes! Thank you!
I thought
theyd never figure it out!
Are you gonna
sign the contract?
I dont think I will.
Im a baker.
Im not a manager, Jessica.
I need to follow my heart
on this one.
Deals off!
[Jessica] Netta!
-Merry Christmas, Jessica.
Weve got
some baking to do!
Lets go!
Do ya, do ya
Do you hear the song?
Jingle, jingle
Bells are ringing now
Right now
This is the greatest gift...
Angela, you and Mr. Glass
really came through.
I feel like
I owe you an apology.
[exhaling deeply]
For underestimating me?
You could say that.
Apology accepted,
and Im glad I could help...
but I didnt do it for you.
No! Of course not.
You did it
for the Sunny Scouts.
I did it for
that beautiful young lady
dancing right over there.
Here you go.
Merry Christmas.
Ill have one of those
hot-chocolate cupcakes, please.
[clears throat]
Of course.
Shes an incredible woman.
Yeah, she really is.
And an incredible mom.
So you two are, uh...
I-I think, uh...
maybe we are.
I just want you to know--
what makes Angela happy
and Brooklyn happy
makes me happy.
So even though
this isnt exactly
the perfect arrangement--
...To new friends.
To new friends.
Oh, that was fun, huh?
Hey, why dont I take over
for a few minutes?
Really? That...
Thank you.
Excuse me, miss.
May I cut in?
May I have this dance?
Now, I know
you are perfectly capable
of dancing on your own...
Its more fun dancing together.
Tomorrows Christmas Eve.
It is, isnt it?
I was thinking...
I know all of us together
may not make
a traditional family...
Make it snappy.
Someone needs
to get the cupcakes.
[Angela] But...
...We make a great one.
What are you saying?
Would you like to spend
this Christmas with us?
Just this Christmas?
Its a good start.
...Cause youre
the perfect gift to me
All I want for Christmas
Just say that youll be mine
The glow
in the falling snow
Just say that youll be mine
The glow
in the falling snow
Just say that youll be mine