Shadow of Fire (2023) Movie Script

Kaijyu Theater Presents
A Shinya Tsukamoto film
Oga Tsukao
Hiroki Kono
Mirai Moriyama
You little wretch!
Where are you?
Thanks as always.
Even this stuff is hard to get.
Are any of them weird?
I only approach the ones who
look harmless but who knows?
Come in when you finish your drink.
You have to pay upfront.
How much is the drink?
No extra.
OK then.
Can I have another drink?
I... I'm sorry.
Don't worry, you paid
for the night.
I see.
Bye, then.
I have food.
Want some... breakfast?
I have no money left...
That stray dog... I
have to hide everything.
Can I come back later?
You're broke.
I'll earn some money.
Go ahead.
Go ahead.
Thank you.
It's worth more than money.
Take it so I can be
your customer.
This isn't a place for you.
Take this and go.
She told me that I could
stay the night.
I couldn't earn any money.
Tomorrow I'll earn enough
for 2 nights.
Let me stay here too.
Can I borrow this?
Let me use the kitchen.
You can eat it.
Go ahead, yours is ready.
Where did you steal that thing?
"Second grade algebra"
What grade are you in?
Can you solve this?
I was a teacher before I was drafted.
I took the book with me so I
could teach someday.
It's for luck.
In these blanks
you write 9 and 0.
See these four numbers?
There are numbers on two rows.
You add the numbers
on both rows and
you get the answer for the blanks.
For this one, you put 1 here
and you put 7 here.
For example... Let's
say we have an apple.
You put it with another apple,
that's 2 apples.
How dirty can you be?
OK, turn around. Come on.
You're not done yet! Here.
What a dirty face. Look up!
How can you be so
dirty... It won't come off.
You can go now.
Not there!
I'll make money today for sure.
Enough for last night too.
Let me come back.
You want to ask her too?
"Second grade algebra"
- More!
- There's none.
Can you finish it
so I can tidy up?
Sorry, kid, thank you.
Go ahead.
Tomorrow... Tomorrow for sure.
What's in your bag?
What's wrong?
You OK?
Don't worry, it's not scary.
It's OK.
You don't have to be afraid.
It'll be OK.
You're going to be OK.
The firebombs...
How did he survive that...?
While I was overseas
my house burned down.
Dad... and Mom...
Everyone was gone.
I hope they fled...
I walked through the ruins...
Then a friendly man told
me I'd find a kind person here.
I wasn't sure what he meant by that.
Well, I guessed what he meant...
I slept like I hadn't in a while.
So deeply.
It was the best sleep.
It's been so long...
I slept so well...
Your place didn't burn down.
Is your family...?
Off I go to look for work.
Let's go!
I guess I should work again.
I can't live off the boy...
I'm home!
- Hi.
- Let's eat these!
That man... Yes?
He's not looking for work.
I saw him earlier and
on my way back.
He hadn't moved from
the same spot.
OK, how about we go
on an excursion?
Where to?
Where's a good place?
We'll fill the canteen with tea
and prepare lunch and
go somewhere nice.
- Like where?
- Let's see.
- The zoo.
- Good idea.
Let's go to the zoo then.
Be seated.
The train's leaving!
Off we go!
That's dangerous.
And we're here.
I'll lead you
so it won't be dangerous.
It's a dead end.
Let's turn around.
Put the sheet down
so we won't get dirty.
The 3 of us can sit on it.
Let's make rice balls.
- Now?
- We forgot them!
We're all making them?
All 3 of us!
Rice balls!
Let's make them.
Press the rice like
this... We made them!
I forgot what I put in it.
Let's all eat.
Yes, let's eat!
It's delicious.
Very good.
Are you eating?
- It's night so let's make a fire.
- Good!
A bonfire!
Here we are.
It's a nice fire.
- It's warm.
- So warm...
That startled me...
I don't like big noises...
It's from the black market.
I hear noises from there.
Tell me... Who was that man
who told me to come here?
Were you a whore
at some other place?
Or have you only done it here?
Did he talk you into it?
Do you do it with him?
Tomorrow... In the morning.
Leave as soon as you're up.
Bring me the money you owe me.
And never come back.
Let me do it now.
Hey, don't...!
The kid's here...
How did you get here?
Why are you here?
Don't look at me like that.
What's that look?
Where is he?
He's sitting over there.
He's not moving.
How did you get hold of this?
No wonder you clung onto it.
I'll put it aside.
It'll be OK.
It'll be OK. It's going to be fine.
Sorry! I was just too
busy to find patrons...
You OK...?
Can I
have a break for a while?
I brought this...
I'll come again.
Kid... Would you like
to stay here for a while?
Can you be my bodyguard?
All you have to do is be with me.
We'll both make money.
But stealing is not allowed, OK?
Help out at the stalls.
They need a hand.
And you shouldn't touch this.
From today, I'll work
in the daytime.
So at night we can
be together, kid.
Why are you back?
I thought you found work.
The boy told me
you serve delicious meals.
Just a minute.
The boy told me
you serve delicious meals.
Thank you. But this isn't what
I had in mind.
We're strangers during the day
and family at night.
OK? Do you understand?
Are you helping at the market?
Good. Stick to it.
It's late. Are you OK?
Are you really working?
Is it because you stole
that they won't give you work?
This... Did you earn it?
You didn't steal it?
You did well.
So you got a proper job then?
Can I be your bride, kid?
This is 9 plus 8.
So we have 9 of something.
We add 8 to that
and it adds up to 17.
Tell me why.
OK... We add 5 and 8...
The answer is thirteen.
Can you be with me forever?
A button's loose.
Come over here.
Take it off.
I'll sew it on.
Off I go.
See you later.
You're late! I was so worried!
What happened to you?
Are you still stealing?
Answer me. Are you?
You are!
No one would do this
unless you were stealing...
Who did you steal from?
We'll go and apologize.
Which stall was it?
I was working.
People bring back vegetables on
the train.
The area is patrolled
so we wait by the tracks and
they throw vegetables out the windows.
We pick them up for
the stall vendors.
But some scary older boys took
my vegetables.
They hit me.
That's so dangerous...
People think you stole so they
won't give you work...
I don't steal.
But what are you going to do?
Maybe you can shine shoes
in another town.
A man spoke to me.
He offered me work.
What work?
Who is he?
I don't know but I can trust him.
How do you know that?
Do you know him?
We just met.
He scared the older boys away.
And... What kind of work is it?
I told him about the gun.
He told me to bring it.
No! Of course this isn't
proper work!
What would he want with a gun?
He might take it from you
and shoot you
and that'd be the end of you!
No. He isn't that kind of man.
How do you know?
How can you be sure about that?
I have a bad feeling about this.
You shouldn't do it.
I don't want you to do
dangerous things.
You said you'd be with me forever.
It'll just be a week.
I'll come back.
A week... So many days...
I don't want you to go away
for so long.
Don't go! It's stupid!
It's stupid, stupid!
I promised him.
He's expecting me.
Turn him down.
Go and tell him right now,
for my sake!
Not so many men are interested
in coming here during the day.
I brought the usual.
I'll put it here.
You OK?
No...! But you are...
Did you tell him?
You turned him down?
OK... I'm glad you did.
Stay away!
Listen. I'm through
with you, kid.
Listen. You have to leave
right now.
I put your things together.
Leave now.
I don't like you!
Kid... We're done.
My real child was good.
His father was fighting overseas
and didn't return.
They were incredibly kind.
So clever and calm...
Not like you!
You never stop... How can
a boy hold so much pee?
You brought it?
Never mind.
Keep it hidden.
Finish up.
It's nice out here!
The air's different.
Don't let it go!
One more!
- Mister!
- What?
What's the gun for?
Don't be stupid.
Will you rob someone
and sell the things in Tokyo?
We'll talk business later.
Stop nibbling the bones.
Let's go.
Where are we going?
What is it?
I won't eat you.
No! That hurts!
It hurts!
Don't! It hurts!
What's going on?
The boy was probably
kidnapped and sold.
Poor kid will be put to work.
Too bad.
Have you checked the roof, Mother?
There are children. Many children.
They're running around.
The roof... will cave in.
Who are you?
Hey, you!
Do you know him?
That guy who was locked up...
I spent time with others like him.
I told him what I'm going
to do later.
They were fun to be around.
This is stupid.
Show me the gun.
So how did you get a hold of this?
I found it.
In the street?
In the hand of a man
who was lying down.
In a puddle.
Have you used it?
It would really hurt
if you were shot by one of these.
When you die, is there nothing?
Could be, I'm not sure.
What's the gun for?
How far will we go?
We're almost there.
You might think we walked far
but we just walked in circles.
You see... I couldn't
make up my mind.
We'll do it today.
When night falls.
Don't worry.
Whichever way we fall,
there's no future!
I was going to do this by myself
but when you told me you had a
gun, I changed my mind.
How many rounds are left?
Give me it.
Come on.
It's God's plan.
OK, it's time to work.
You saw the old man at the house?
Ask him to follow you.
It won't work if I go.
So can you go and ask him?
He won't be suspicious of you.
Tell him my name.
It's Shuji Akimoto.
Don't tell anyone else.
Only tell the man we saw.
Shuji Akimoto.
Akimoto. It's been a long time.
Yes, sir. How have you been?
What brought you here tonight?
I was in the area.
Sorry to bother you so late.
I'm sorry about your arm.
Well... I get by.
I came to show my gratitude and
apologize for causing trouble.
What exactly do you mean?
We helped each other out.
Look, there are many
stars out tonight.
I haven't looked up at the sky
since I returned.
There are so many!
It's like how it was back there.
Did you look when you were there?
There's something I did that
I can't forgive myself for.
I came to redeem myself.
We were fighting in a war.
Don't blame yourself.
No, sir. It's about
what I did before your eyes.
I want to redeem myself
and I want you to see me do it.
Give me it.
That's for Hideo Tanaka.
You ordered him to stab
prisoners to death.
Then he turned into a monster
and went on a killing rampage...
That's for Tadanobu Niijima.
You also made him kill prisoners.
He was cruel to the enemy,
women and children.
Wait, Akimoto! That was war!
You're right.
Maybe that makes you a victim too.
That's for Shigeki Nakata.
He couldn't kill a prisoner
so you ordered me to shoot him.
He was my best friend.
And this...
is for me.
You gave me the power
to kill dozens of people.
Even now, every night...
I have horrible nightmares
that torment me.
But here I am, still alive.
Thank you, sir.
This is for me and all the
prisoners who were killed by bayonet.
That's enough for him.
When I see you in hell,
I'll kill you with no remorse.
Live in pain until then.
This is your payment.
You can get a train home with this.
This is it.
Thank you, kid.
Lastly... tell his family.
Tell them where to
find him and disappear.
Just say that a stranger sent you.
It's ended.
The war...
has ended.
Keep away.
Keep away from me.
I've got a sickness.
You could catch it.
Keep away.
I don't want you to see my face.
Sorry about the other day.
I told you that I didn't
like you...
I didn't mean it.
Of course it's not true.
That soldier was scary but
it felt as if God had given back
my husband and son to me.
It was such a short time
but it was worth a lifetime.
Thank you.
Thank you.
The soldiers who didn't
make it back...
They didn't become scary.
You're right.
You're right!
You're right...
You'd better go now.
Don't worry about me.
I get help from someone.
Do you have that dangerous thing?
Leave it with me.
Don't carry it around.
You will go on
without that thing.
Live your best life...
Don't do anything dangerous.
Work and earn money for food.
Promise me!
Give me a bowl.
- It's 10 yen.
- What?
You can't afford it? Go away!
It's 10 yen!
Give me another.
Just a minute!
Don't spill it!
Come and eat!
It's 10 yen!
I finally found you, punk!
Go away!
You fool!
Did I ask for your help?
That's enough!
Enough already!
"Second grade algebra"
Will this help sick people?
So they get well?
What have you got?
That's not enough money.
What can I get you?
Is this a good dress?
How about this one?
Oga Tsukao
Hiroki Kono
Tatsushi Omori
Go Riju
Mirai Moriyama
Assistant Director: Satoshi Hayashi
Production Designer: Yoshiaki Nakajima
Costume Designer: Sho Sasaki
Hair & Makeup: Mafuyu Ohashi
Music: Chu Ishikawa
Sound Design: Masaya Kitada
International Sales
Presented by Kaijyu Theater
Written, Produced & Directed by
Shinya Tsukamoto