Sleep No More (2022) Movie Script

(ominous tones)
(gentle orchestral music)
(warm acoustic music)
- [Warren] "Tomorrow,
and tomorrow,
and tomorrow,
creeps in this petty pace
from day to day,
to the last syllable
of recorded time.
And all our yesterdays have
lighted fools
the way to dusty death.
(brooding music)
Out, brief candle.
Life's but a walking shadow.
A poor player that struts and
frets his hour upon the stage,
and then is heard no more.
It is a tale told by an idiot,
full of sound and fury,
signifying nothing."
Do it again!
(hand slaps)
(Samuel pants)
(gentle orchestral music)
(flashlight clicks)
(ominous music swells)
(footsteps approach)
- Put this where it
can't be found.
Well, that'll be nowhere, then.
- [Beckett] Quickly!
- Neighbors are cooking
bacon again.
- [Warren] Beckett! Samuel!
(door creaks)
It's daddy!
(Warren sighs)
Good morning, boys.
(Warren breathes deeply)
You smell that?
Nothing like the smell
of bacon in the morning.
(Warren chuckles)
What is for breakfast?
- Donut holes.
- Where's the money?
- What money?
- [Warren] Oh,
don't bullshit me, Beckett.
- I gave you everything I had.
- Oh, then we're fucked.
- (scoffs) No,
you mean you're fucked.
- I'm fucked, you're
fucked. We're all fucked.
It's not about the pronoun,
- Where were you last
night, Dad? You promised.
- God, I...
I was doing the best I can
to support you two boys.
That's where I was last night.
All right?
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What's this, huh?
What's this?
- No, wait, that's mine.
You can't have that.
- No, nothing's yours. Nothing.
You got that?
Do you think reading
this shite is any good
for you and your brother, huh?
Do you?
Now, get dressed.
You're gonna be late.
- "I know you all,
and will awhile uphold
the unyoked honor of your
Yet herein will I
imitate the sun
who doth permit base
contagious clouds
to smother up his beauty
from the world."
(door opens)
(Warran sighs)
- All right.
Go on.
- "That when he please to
be himself,
by breaking through
the foul and"-
- "Being wanted, he may
be more wondered at."
- You think those idiots are
gonna notice?
- "That when he please
again to be himself,
being wanted,
he may be more wondered at,
by breaking through the
foul and ugly mists"-
- They're not gonna tell if I
miss a beat.
(hand slaps)
- But you will know.
And then you'll lose
focus and you'll trip up!
Do it again!
- "Being wanted, he may
be more wondered at,
by breaking through the foul
and ugly mists of vapors
that did seem to strangle him!"
- You're good.
(Warren chuckles)
But at your age, I was better.
(gentle acoustic music)
(door slams)
Take your man and go
Back to old high road
Don't you dare be begging me
- Did you see that punk giving
you the stink eye on the bus?
- No?
- Could've taken him.
- Oh, yeah?
Where had you have taken him?
And the eyes you make,
your hymn I ain't ever seen
- All right.
Should do it.
- "The world is grown so bad,
that wrens make prey where
eagles dare not perch.
And since every Jack has
been made a gentleman,
there's many a gentle person
made a Jack.
I do the wrong,
and first begin to brawl.
Thy secret mischiefs,
I set abroach,
I lay unto the grievous
charge of others.
And now, they believe it!
(brooding string music)
And thus I clothe my
naked villainy
with old odd ends, stole
forth out of holy writ.
And seem a saint,
when most I play the devil.
(audience applauds)
Thank you.
- Excuse me.
Excuse me.
- Thank you.
- Just keep kicking him
in the nuts.
Drag your keys across his face,
and just keep kicking him
in the nuts.
All right, you got this.
You can do this.
- Beckett! Miranda!
Are you ready?
All right.
It's late at night, okay?
You're walking down
a deserted street.
Let's start walking.
(Miranda screams)
- Hey! You all would not here
to save her.
Look at me.
Let's do it again. Okay?
Let's do it again. Okay?
- Okay.
- Remember the nuts.
- Okay.
(Miranda whimpers)
(Miranda screams)
- Yes!
- Nice.
- [Miranda] Said no!
I said no!
- Yes!
- [Miranda] No! No!
- That's what I'm talking about.
(students cheer)
(bell rings)
(upbeat music)
- You dropped this in there.
- [Samuel] Oh, thanks, man.
Yeah, championship fever
with the flows I kick
- I wish I had a bunch of women
trying to beat the crap
outta me.
- You saw that, Little
Larry? Pretty cool, huh?
- Yeah, well,
I was watching the class.
I saw you take off that Darth
Vader costume, I thought,
"Holy shit,
that's Beckett Emerson."
- Did you now?
- Those chicks are
pretty hot, huh?
- Actually, a lot of 'em
have been through a lot, man.
- Yeah!
So, you could take advantage
of their, uh, vulnerability.
Know what I mean?
- Vulnerability isn't hot.
Hot is hot.
- You wanna hang out?
- You know, I'd love to, but
uh, I'm really busy, man.
- Oh, yeah.
I gotta be somewhere, too.
My next bus leaves in five
minutes, so... (clears throat)
- You're still taking the bus?
You were the superboy geek.
Thought you'd have a cush job
doing computer science
or something by now.
- Yeah, well...
Yeah, I do have the perfect job.
- Holy shit!
- What do you do?
- I'll have to tell you
another time.
- [Beckett] All right,
come on. Come on, man.
Look, listen. Come on,
get back here.
I wanna know what you do.
- You were in a hurry.
I'm going for all of it
Win, lose or draw
I'm going for it all
I said I lace up my sneakers
Guide my team like Morpheus
No white towels in my
corner, I don't need 'em
Animals running loose,
I don't feed 'em
- Not bad. 500 bucks
and a snake skin wallet.
You know the rules. No wallets.
- It's snake skin.
- Come on, Beck.
- (chuckles) All right,
I'll burn it with the rest.
- How much are we gonna
give to him?
- A hundred, maybe two?
- We gotta pay the rent.
- [Beckett] Yeah, Rizo can wait.
- Well, you wanna move
house again?
You know he's just gonna
blow it all at the races
or on his drink, whichever
he gets to first.
- Hey, he wins sometimes,
you know.
- Come on now.
- Anyways, I figured out
how to buy the house.
So, we make money outta money.
All right?
First thing to do is
invest in real estate.
The house is worth 220K.
10% down is 22K.
With a loan at 4.5
interest rate,
we'd be paying less in
rent than we are now.
Dad would be set.
- You're completely delusional.
We don't have shit to invest.
- We just haven't tried
to save enough yet.
- No matter where you put
it, he's gonna find it.
- You're just pissed off 'cause
he took your fricking comic.
- You know, to outrun
time, that would be it.
Racing along,
like the Phantom Halo.
Then we could just
disappear to another place.
- There is no other place.
- The Phantom Halo used
his radioactive powers
to break himself free from
the mud that had trapped him
for millions of years
- We're not in the mud.
- We're up to our necks in it!
You know, we could harness
it, like the Halo did.
- You know, it's official.
That comic book is co-opting
your brain.
What the...
(door clangs)
(chain rattles)
- How's my favorite
little rats doing today?
- Rizo. What up, man?
You locked us out?
- Zip it.
Word is on the street,
your dad's in pretty deep.
- How much you need?
- All of it.
The rent's late.
- How about 350?
- How about I have my boy
Ronnie pay you a visit,
and before you can count to 10,
he'll have all your shit,
sitting out on the sidewalk?
The hood could take their
piece, and you'll wind up empty.
Yeah. Move all that this way.
No, no, no. All of it.
(chain rattles)
My shoes sure could use a shine.
- Fuck you.
(Rizo chuckles)
(Rizo chuckles)
Do not polish his shoes.
- I only did that once.
- I'll kill him.
(crickets chirp)
(suspenseful music)
- Hey, hey, hey!
What the hell is this, huh? Huh?
I know what you're up to you.
You don't try getting big
on me, huh?
Eat it!
Eat it!
(Larry moans)
(fist thuds)
(Larry pants)
You do what you're told.
Now, swallow it!
(Larry coughs)
Swallow it. (chuckles)
That's a good boy.
(hand slaps)
Now, you get some sleep and
be a good boy.
(Larry pants)
(somber acoustic guitar music)
(door closes)
(Larry pants)
- [Larry] Fuck.
(somber music continues)
- "I know you all,
and will awhile uphold
the unyoked honor of your
And like bright metal on
a sullen ground,
my reformation,
glittering over my faults,
shall be seen to be more goodly,
and attract more eyes than
that which hath no foil
to set it off.
I shall so offend, to
make offense a skill.
Redeeming time when men
think least I will."
Thank you.
(audience applauds)
(coins clink)
Thank you.
- Where'd you learn to do
that, kid?
- Hard to say, really.
- What's your name?
- Samuel.
- Samuel?
You know you remind me
of a once dear friend?
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Did he perform around here?
- No, no, no.
West End of London.
Those were his playgrounds.
You know, let me do my bit.
Good luck, huh?
You look like you need it.
- Damn it!
We need the ingredients.
Butter, flour, eggs.
- So go buy it, then.
- He found the new hiding place.
- The son of a bitch.
(Beckett sighs)
- Look, I'll figure this out.
All right?
(horn honks)
(muffled chatter)
(Lee snores)
You didn't have what I needed.
- So sorry.
- Say hello to Grace for me,
by the way.
(door opens)
- [Warren] What day is it?
- November 20th, Dad.
- [Warren] Oh, Christ Almighty.
(Warren sighs)
- Look, Dad.
You got all this stuff.
You even left the butter
out and everything.
- Yeah, you don't need
to tell me what I did.
I did it, so I guess I know.
- What the hell happened
to your foot?
- I cut myself shaving.
What do you think?
(Warren sighs)
All right, out. Get out,
so I can do my work.
- All right.
(moody acoustic guitar music)
- Nice.
The bells are ringing
Over the city
And here the clouds sit
- Cut the cake.
- She might still come.
In the sky
And the cars,
they echo, echo
Slow of this...
- [Warren] Cut the cake.
- Can we just wait another
five minutes, please?
And the wind, it whispers
(Warren sobs)
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Mom
- Wendy.
Happy birthday to you
- You both lied to me.
- Come on,
you were just a young boy
who needed to believe that...
Oh, come on, don't tell me
you didn't know what
was going on.
- [Samuel] I didn't know!
- Well, then I should've
told you the truth!
(table bangs)
- I will find her!
- Oh, you will go places
in the world, my boy.
Yeah, but I doubt a bus pass
will get you to that
woman's abode.
Wherever the hell she is.
- Dad.
(knocks on door)
- Who's there?
- [Lee] Mr. Lee!
- Mr. Lee?
You boys haven't been stupid,
have you?
(door opens)
Mr. Lee.
How the hell have you been?
Oh, would you like a beer?
- Makes my face turn red!
- Oh, well, some whisky, then?
- Milk.
Three eggs.
(door opens)
- I did it.
- You know the rules.
We don't steal from this
(picture frame clatters)
(electronic dance music)
Baby, what if I can read
your mind
Would you run and hide
- [Warren] Whisky, please.
- Warren.
- [Warren] Hello, darling.
I've been thinking about
loving you
So tell me what you like,
promise I'll get it right
You really set me off
when you touch me there
Excite me with your
thoughts, I want you bad
It's obvious enough
- The rest?
(money folds)
- Buy a thirsty man a drink?
- You're short.
- I had a bad night.
- It's just begun.
- "What we have, we...
What we have, we...
What we have,
we prize not to the worth
and whiles we enjoy it,
but until lacked and lost."
- Speak plain English.
You know it only costs four
cents to make a $100 bill?
- Oh, yeah?
Did you know the that
bills were made exclusively
by crane paper,
chock full of wood pulp,
cotton, silk and linen?
- You have to tell the
whole world what you know.
And yet,
you can't even pay your debts.
- I've made good in the
past, every single time.
- Yeah, but you were playing
in puddles.
Now, you're in the deep end.
And it turns out you can't swim.
- I can swim.
- You look like a drowning
man to me.
(electronic dance music
- [Warren] I can swim.
(upbeat reggae music)
Gloom is going around
Spread like wildfire
- You and Donny been
getting along?
He seems disgruntled.
- Sorry. What'd you say?
- Larry, when I say something
and you don't listen,
it makes me feel...
I don't know. Invisible.
- No, you're the opposite
of an invisible.
- What're you doing here?
- [Beckett] Oh, I didn't
have your cell phone number.
- Oh, this is-
- Beckett.
- This is Miss Rose.
- I should cover up.
Seems like most people in this
world welcome company, but...
Well, we aren't most people.
- Who the hell is this?
- I'm here to clean the pool.
(Donny chuckles)
He's just an old friend, Donny.
We were alter boys together.
- He should go back to being
an alter boy,
'cause he did a shitty job
with the pool.
Why don't you boys, uh,
go polish your chalice
or something?
So I can focus on my Rosie here.
Yeah. Dirty.
Dirty little pool.
- Donny.
(Donny chuckles)
- We were just having a
conversation with my ma, Donny.
- And now you're not. So, scoot.
- All right, Ma.
We're gonna head out.
- It's nice to meet you,
Miss Rose.
Maybe we can take this up
another time.
- I don't see that happening,
as I rarely think of the past.
(Donny chuckles)
- Okay.
Hey, what happened to
your eye, man?
- Nothing. So, what's up?
- It's another time.
- What?
- Where'd you get the cash, man?
- That was Monopoly money.
I was just showing off.
- It was real. Come on.
- (chuckles) Stand in line.
- There is no line, brother.
- And you think I got
something for you?
- I think you got a shiner,
and you ain't telling me shit.
I also think you need someone.
Someone that's got your back.
- I got enough trouble.
- Come on, man.
We all got trouble.
(Larry sighs)
Hey, how come you didn't
tell me your mom
looks like a movie star?
- 'Cause she's my mom.
Well, she's always
looked like a movie star.
Hey, you wanna get us
some girls?
- [Beckett] Why don't
you get your own girls?
- 'Cause they won't be as
good as the ones you get us?
You scammer.
(Beckett chuckles)
- It's a two-way street.
- All right.
If she's really, really
pretty, I'll think about it.
- Okay.
(warm acoustic guitar music)
Yeah. First we're gonna
get you some new clothes though.
- My favorite shirt.
Where can I go
To get away from you
It's like every move I
make or breath I take
There you are, oh,
There you are
- Where's Dad?
- I don't know.
- You should get some sleep.
- Oh, I need some parts.
- Don't look at me. I'm
not stealing any parts.
- Come on. Just a carburetor.
- Out of my realm of expertise.
- You're no help.
- Get some sleep.
Doesn't matter where I go
I can't run away from you
- Look, I don't know
what we're doing here,
but thank you for
including me, by the way.
- Yeah. Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Wanna see a magic trick?
- Why not?
- All right, take this
100 and buy a pack of gum,
bring me back the change.
And don't buy that fruity
shit. I hate fruity gum.
(cash register beeping)
- [Beckett] How you doing?
- That's 1.75.
That's the smallest you got?
- Yeah.
(gentle acoustic guitar music)
- 60.
- Pleasure doing business
with you.
Got your old man gum.
- [Larry] All right!
- "Think and Grow Rich".
You've got to have one
before you get the other?
- This guy thinks so.
- But what do you think?
It's more complicated than that.
- You know, I've seen your
brother doing Shakespeare.
Even given him a few dollars.
- I don't have a brother
down here.
- Beckett.
- How do you know my name?
- My name is Roman.
An old friend of your father's.
(suspenseful music)
He ever mentioned my name?
- My father's dead.
- No, he's not.
He's just a lousy father,
but he's not dead.
Now, are we gonna
speak like men?
- I know exactly who you are.
- I like your father.
I like him very much.
But he owes me a lot of money.
So, I thought, "Beckett,
he'll know what to do.
He runs the whole household!"
I need it back.
Two weeks.
- How much?
- 38,000.
- No.
- Yeah.
He came to me with 25.
Had been on a good run.
I matched his 25.
- Where the fuck did he
get $25,000?
- Now, that's a question
for him, isn't it?
If you can't get me my money,
I'm gonna have to have
a different conversation
with Samuel.
- Beckett! Samuel!
Where are you? (indistinct)
Oh, fuck.
- [Beckett] Please, Dad.
You gotta stop.
(Warren chuckles)
- I haven't even started.
- Jesus Christ.
Waking up every morning
with a beer,
and moving on to the whiskey,
spending every last penny.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Watch it, son.
Remember your place.
- "Son"?
I'm the one keeping us afloat.
- This is my house!
My chair!
My table!
My books!
(book clatters)
(Warren groans)
- When was the last time
Sammy's went to school?
Do you even remember?
- What the bloody hell
does he need
a public school education
for, huh?
I'm teaching him!
- Yeah, to wear a tights
and be a circus act.
But he can't multiply,
subtract, add.
- Since when do you care
about addition?
You, you pikey jock.
- Well, if you can't take
care of him,
I will.
- Oh. (chuckles)
You think you're so strong, huh?
So grown up.
But you're just a petty thief,
slipping his hand into
the pocket of the world.
- That's what you taught me.
Son of a bitch.
- What?
- Nothing, man. It's my dad.
He's in a bad way.
- [Larry] Come on.
(keypad bleeps)
- Oh, I knew that geek
inside of you
was up to something, man.
(switch clicks)
(door closes)
(Larry clears his throat)
(Larry sighs)
- I made them.
All of 'em.
- And you're living
like you're hungry, man?
(Larry sighs)
Wait, so that a $100 bill?
- Yeah, that was a test run.
- Oh, my...
This is epic.
Where are the rest of the 100's?
- Those are the last two,
and Donny only lets me
print 5's and 20's.
That asshole that showed up
at your house?
Well, who the fuck is he,
- My mom's ex cousin-in-law.
- And?
- And I've been helping
Donny since I was a kid.
A few years ago,
he had me take over
and he comes in every two weeks.
I give him what I make
in exchange for cash.
- Okay, what's the cut?
- 25 / 75.
- 25?
Wait, wait, wait. So,
let me get this straight.
You've been working for him
for years.
You're still taking the bus,
you're swimming in dough here,
and you ain't got shit to
show for it!
- The Feds have assholes just
looking for people like us.
Donny survived 'cause he
doesn't spend.
- What is the point
of having money,
if you're not gonna spend it?
- He has a guy that
comes in every two weeks
that brings a set amount
of paper and ink.
I have to count for every
little thing that I use.
If I mess up a sheet,
I have to save it,
so Donny can rest easy
I'm not stealing from him.
- Did Donny give you that, too?
Is that a part of the deal?
- The rules are in place
so we don't get caught.
- Bullshit!
- They are.
The cashier at Maceo's Mart
used that pen on that $100 bill
and it passed with
flying colors.
- Of course!
It's the perfect note.
- We gotta beat this
asshole at his own game.
Where is he now?
- He'll be back in two
weeks. He lives outta town.
We can move loads in that time.
- I do have a guy who can
get us our own paper and ink.
- Then let's call him.
- Okay.
Yeah, yeah.
To do this right, though,
we need the Heidelberg.
- Okay. Okay,
what is a Heidelberg?
- It's the final piece.
- Then let's get the final
piece! Come on!
(upbeat rock music)
(truck door slams)
Shake your money maker
Shake your money maker
Shake your money maker
Shake your money maker
Shake your money maker
I got a girl,
she lives up on the hill
I got a girl,
she lives up on the hill
Says she'll be mine,
don't believe she will
Shake your money maker
- This is it. This is it.
- Dude this looks like it
belongs on a ship.
- (chuckles) Oh I'm gonna make
flawless 100s with this baby.
Get the lift. Go.
- 42,500, right? That's my cut?
- Yes! Get the lift!
(kissing sounds)
(upbeat rock music continues)
(truck doors slam)
- Let's bounce.
(tires screech)
What's with a duct tape?
You're gonna get an infection.
- You're an infection.
You know, I've been sat here,
waiting for you for hours!
And look, I made, what?
Six bucks.
And two of those are mine
to begin with.
- It's fine. I got cash.
- What?
I thought we were a team?
- Listen, Sammy. I'm really
sorry I wasn't there last night.
- Where'd you get that money?
- I got you...
(pills rattle)
Some antibiotics, some tape.
We don't need you losing
any more limbs.
And look.
Ha-ha. No laces to tie.
- Where'd you get that
money, Beck?
- Well, let's get you home.
You don't look so good.
- No, I got it.
(acoustic blues music)
- Miss Rose.
(Rose gasps)
- Oh, Beckett. You scared me.
Larry's not here.
- What're you doing, Miss Rose?
- Cutting watermelon, Beckett?
- I love watermelon.
(Rose chuckles)
You shouldn't show up uninvited.
- Do you even know what to do
if a man comes at you
with a knife?
- If you're gonna attack
me, just get it over with.
- Attack you?
Rose, I teach this stuff.
(Rose sighs)
- I love this shirt. Please
don't get blood on it.
Okay, so now what would you do?
- Well, if I had a gun,
I'd shoot you.
- But you don't.
So, what would you do?
- Call 911?
- No. Grab my hand here.
Here. Twist under.
(Rose gasps)
(knife clatters)
There you go.
Knee me in the nuts.
(Beckett groans)
(Miss Rose catches breath)
- What would you do now?
(knife clatters)
(Miss Rose gasps)
- That was pathetic, Miss Rose.
Like flipping a pancake.
(Rose grunts)
(groans) Okay.
Oh, my God.
(Beckett groans)
- Watermelon?
So, what about your family?
You don't have to answer that.
- Well, it's just me, my
little brother and my dad.
My mom took off.
- How long ago was that?
- Six years.
- Beckett,
do you have a girlfriend?
(Beckett chuckles)
You ever been in love?
- Have you?
I don't see a man here now.
I'll tell Larry you stopped by.
- Hey.
Can I come visit you again?
(gentle piano music)
- Oh, Beckett.
I don't think that's
a good idea.
- Wow.
You feel that heat?
- I don't feel much these days.
(footsteps recede)
- "If we shadows have offended,
think but this,
and all is mended."
(Samuel speaks Pig Latin)
(suspenseful music)
(Samuel speaks Pig Latin)
(Samuel speaks Pig Latin)
I come from dirt.
And it is dirt which defines us.
Dirt from which all things grow.
Even one as mighty as
the Phantom Halo
has the mark of dirt
upon his skin.
But no one truly ever
escapes their home.
And when the phantom
unveiled his mighty wings...
(dramatic music)
The very winds changed
And the downtrodden cried
out to see such beauty.
And so I ask you.
And you.
And you, and, and you.
And you, and, and you,
and all of you.
How much more will you
have to bear,
before you say, "I am done!"
(dramatic music continues)
(coins clatter)
(audience applauds)
"The time is mine!"
(audience cheers and applauds)
(Samuel chuckles)
- Dad would kill you.
- But look at all this money.
- Puck to Pig Latin?
You're breaking the rules.
- Well, you're one to talk.
This money will never be enough.
The Phantom Halo was here today,
and the winds themselves
will shift direction.
Jesus. And now a weather report.
- You never listen, do you?
You know, you're just like Dad.
- You're just like Dad.
A lost dreamer.
- Well, I don't need you
here anymore.
- "My conscience hath a
thousand several tongues.
(gentle acoustic guitar music)
And every tongue brings in
a several tale,
and every tale condemns me
for a villain.
Perjury, in the highest degree.
Murder, in the direst degree.
Throng to the bar, crying all,
- Oh, so he does remember
Shakespeare, then.
- "Two stars keep not their
motion in one universe."
- "In one sphere."
- We're done here.
(gentle music continues)
- [Larry] Dude. This guy Donny
used to work for Smashmouth.
We can run the 100s through him.
- This better work.
- Fire it up!
- Okay, whoo, I'm nervous.
- [Beckett] Here we go.
- Oh!
(Little Larry chuckles)
(both grunt rhythmically)
- Mm, yeah.
Beckett and Larry
We're the best friends
like Tom and Jerry
We're making money that's
phony with my best homie
Gonna buy a nice car,
be movie stars
Gonna be rich,
we're gonna be so rich.
We're gonna be rich,
stacks, stacks
(hip hop beat continues)
No papi,
but you can call me daddy
Riding that four train, all
I envisioned were Caddies
Did even better,
AMG 550 sliding out
And got my guys with me
Yeah, it's a door and I love it.
New Diddy, motion
picture, get your popcorn
All American black tale,
pap's gone
And y'all know just
what mom's on
Book full of notes,
found my song, I love it
Diaries turned to 16s
I'm just righting my life
with everything in between
How I did it with no
papi, no, no, no papi
Chip on my shoulder like
the world's gonna attack me
Alone in my thoughts,
stuck in family court
And the system's so lost,
I came out as a boss
(woman moans and pants)
(Larry groans)
- Oh, I love the smell
of a new car!
(woman moans)
- Don't stop.
Don't stop.
(Larry grunts)
(scissors snip)
- What're you doing?
(Rose chuckles)
- Uh...
I was looking out the window,
noticed the grass was uneven.
Thought I'd come out here
and fix it.
(Beckett chuckles)
(scissors snip)
I'm giving myself blisters.
- Why don't you go inside
and relax?
- "The weight that we carry,
the mud is truly the weight
of our unfolded wings.
And is our, our right, our,
our journey,
to become more like
the Phantom Halo,
marked by mud,
but not trapped by it.
(car door creaks)
(car buzzes)
(engine revs)
(car buzzes)
(engine struggles and splutters)
(mellow blues music)
It's a beautiful world
Everybody's losing
their mind
What a beautiful word
Everybody's losing
their mind
Sometimes I get so worried
Think I'm losing mine
Man's got everything.
(bra clips snap)
Beautiful world
Everybody's losing
their mind
(glass clinks)
- So, did Donny buy you
this place?
- What do you know about Donny?
- Nothing, I just...
(Rose sighs)
- Big Larry's idea of fun
was to whack me in the face.
So, I ran away when
Little Larry was a baby.
And Donny, Big Larry's cousin,
took pity on us and gave
us this place to live.
- Does he touch you?
- No.
End of story, Beckett.
Go on. Get outta here.
- Do you like me?
- Yes, I do.
(water splashes)
(gentle piano music)
(Beckett sniffs deeply)
(jewelry clinks)
(Beckett sighs)
(jewelry clinks)
- [Warren] Samuel!
- Yeah?
- [Warren] Come inside!
It's getting late.
- All right!
- [Warren] Now!
- Okay.
(Warren sighs)
- Oh, why do you even bother?
I won that piece of junk in
a poker game.
It gave out on me years ago.
- The car needs oil, Dad.
- Well, I put oil in that car.
- Where?
- In, in the oil hole.
(Samuel chuckles)
- Why aren't you working, Dad?
- Oh, I did.
Oh, you should've seen
my "Hamlet".
My boy, my darling boy.
Come on, come sit.
- No, I'm too big.
- Oh, come on!
Please. Please, sit.
Come sit, please. Please.
Come on.
Ah, yeah. (chuckles)
Oh, you know...
I don't understand why you
brought home so little.
You know,
I'm (chuckles) starting to think
that you're stealing from me.
- No, Dad, I'm not. I'm not.
The crowd wasn't carrying
nothing today.
- Anything!
Listen to you. Your dumb
brother's rubbing off on you.
- You can ask Beckett.
He'll say the same thing.
- Where is Beckett?
(crickets chirp)
(fist thuds)
(Beckett screams)
She's gorgeous. Simply gorgeous.
But a bit too old for you.
- She's just a friend.
(thugs chuckle)
- You've got sex written
all over your face.
(Beckett groans)
(knife flicks)
(Beckett pants)
(suspenseful music)
It really is amazing how
much you learn about anatomy
in my line of work.
(knife plunges)
(Beckett screams)
(Beckett groans)
(door opens)
- Samuel
brought home
$40 today.
- $40? That's impossible.
- Are you stealing from me,
- Are you serious?
Where's my Tony Hawk
skateboard, hm?
Or my "Star Wars" collection?
My gold cross and chain?
- Oh, what happened to you?
- Oh, this?
This is what your friend does.
- What?
How much money do you owe Roman?
- Did, did Roman do that?
- No, no! No, no!
You're gonna get us all killed.
- No, no, I'm gonna save
your life, son. I promise.
No one will ever touch
you like that again, ever.
(suspenseful music continues)
- You're delusional.
And if you don't stop drinking,
you're gonna die alone.
(Warren grunts)
(Beckett tuts)
Why don't you make that last?
I gotta go lay down.
- Hey. Hey, Beckett.
Wait, wait.
Do you want some water?
Do you...
I love you.
(distant dog barks)
and tomorrow,
and tomorrow,
creeps in this petty pace
from day to day,
to the last syllable
of recorded time.
And all our yesterdays have
lighted fools
the way to dusty death.
brief candle.
Life's but a walking shadow.
A poor player that struts and
frets his hour upon the stage,
and is heard no more.
It is a tale,
told by an
full of sound and fury,
signifying nothing."
(car starts)
(knocks on door)
Who's there?
- [Larry] It's Little Larry!
Remember me?
- No.
- Beckett's friend?
- What's with the bag?
- Oh, uh, Beckett and I are
starting a new workout regime,
- Beckett!
- I'm out here.
- About to take your dad
to the gym instead of you.
- Not, not today.
- [Beckett] Oh, yeah? I'll run
circles around your fat ass.
- I wouldn't be too sure
about that.
Sir, do you mind if I use the
restroom before we head out?
- [Warren] No, no, no. Go on.
Go to the end of the hall,
to the left.
- Great.
- Mm.
(door closes)
Where do you know him from?
- Miller's Boy Home.
- Oh, that criminal camp?
I don't want him here.
He's probably stealing soap
as we speak.
- We don't have any soap, Dad.
- Well, then get, get some!
(cheerful chime music)
You remember when Mom used
to freak out
and scramble for quarters
when that thing came round?
(Warren chuckles)
- Don't go reminiscing
about the past.
It wasn't any better then.
- Yes, it was.
- No, it wasn't.
(suspenseful music)
(door creaks)
(Larry sighs)
(door closes)
- Sorry about the soap.
You didn't wash your
filthy hands, did you?
- Oh, I just took a piss.
- [Warren] But you had
your hands on your pecker.
- I don't touch it.
Oh, that's a trick I don't know.
- [Larry] Should we?
- [Beckett] Yeah, let's go.
- Lovely home, honestly.
Okay. (clears throat)
- What's with the bag?
- Gym clothes, man. I was
serious about working out.
Helps with the chicks.
- [Samuel] Little Larry?
- [Larry] Hey.
- Damn.
Is this yours?
Where'd you get this?
- We bought it.
It's pretty sweet, right?
- "We"?
With what?
Have you two lost your heads?
This is what you've been up to?
We don't even have groceries,
and you bought a fucking
- I'm handling it.
- I'm hungry, Beck.
(cash rustles)
- Get yourself some food.
- Don't treat me like a kid.
- Stop acting like a kid.
- Good to see ya, Samuel.
(clears throat)
(upbeat hip-hop music)
Welcome to the wonderful
world of entertainment
We about to turn your on,
the numero uno's in town
- 10,000, oh.
- Give me another!
We got lots!
Oh! Thank you for the present.
Let me do the talking,
all right?
- [Beckett] Just as long
as I get my 42 grand.
- [Larry] Oh we'll come back
with a lot more than that, man.
Got the kids goin'
trippin' at the disco
Got the kids goin'
trippin' at the disco
My city, are you with me
Jump around the floor
and get busy
Got the kids goin'
trippin' at the disco
Got the kids goin'
trippin' at the disco
Right now on the mic tonight
Young handsome brother
on the disco hype
Got the butterfly collar
and the skins to match
Ten crates in the booth,
gotta break the cash
Skills needed to apply,
the chic can't be denied
Pay the cover and fly,
everybody's gettin' high
Please don't ask why,
see the ladies get tipped
While the team'll get lit,
yo, here's another hit
- [Smashmouth] I'll raise
you (mumbles).
I call.
(Larry clears his throat)
- Smashmouth.
- [player] Whatchu got?
- Smashmouth. Smash-
- What you got is nothing.
- Smashmouth.
(Smashmouth laughs)
Full house, baby.
(clears throat) Check it out.
(suspenseful music)
- Hey, let go of me!
Let go of me, man!
Get off me.
God damn it.
(suspenseful music continues)
- I have new pajamas made
every month.
- Don't they, uh,
sell 'em at the store?
- These are Italian silk.
- You know,
I had a silk shirt once.
I felt really good on my
skin. Smooth.
Silky, if you will.
(Beckett groans)
(fists thud)
- Is that retard Donny
still teaching you
everything that you know?
Jesus Christ,
you haven't done or said
one intelligent thing yet today.
(fists thud)
(both groan)
(Beckett groans)
- No, look.
I'm done with Donny, okay?
I did this.
From my lab, and it is flawless.
Take a gander.
- Donny know you're here?
- No, of course not.
- Good.
Best that way.
- [Larry] Yeah.
- I wouldn't want him
to get his panties wet.
He's a jealous man.
(Larry chuckles)
- That he is.
- Now, I understand you
arrived in a Bentley.
- Yeah. Continental SuperSport.
- You pay cash for that?
- (chuckles) Yeah. I mean,
what else?
- You're not only being
taught by a retard,
you are a retard.
And if you ever come
around here,
waving cash like
a lunatic again,
I'm gonna rip your face off.
You got that?
I'll see if this passes
and then we'll be in touch.
- Uh, I thought we were
gonna do the exchange.
- Well, you thought wrong.
- I, I can see it. You,
you don't...
- They took the briefcase
out of the trunk.
- There's nothing left. We
need to get out of here, now!
Let's go.
- For your trouble.
(Larry exhales)
- Do you think this is
gonna cover it?
I did all of this because I
assumed a payday was in order.
My pops always told me
never to assume anything,
and now I'm just an ass,
with a fat lip,
who's three steps closer
to his fucking grave!
- We just need to wait
for Smashmouth.
- Smashmouth is a psychopath!
We ain't getting our money back!
Open your fucking eyes, man!
- Holy shit.
High school girls, man.
Oh, my God. Yeah, bend over.
- Are you serious?
Your dick is blinding you, man.
- [Larry] (chuckles) It's
just having a little fun.
- This isn't fun.
(ominous music)
- Hey.
How old are you?
- 18.
- Give me the fucking money!
(cash flips)
You're acting like a juvenile!
- Jesus!
- You know, Samuel was right.
We're stuck in the mud.
I'm better than this shit.
- No, you're not.
We are who we are, Beckett.
- Yeah, well, I'm outta here.
- You can't anywhere dude.
I have the car.
(car door slams)
Get outta here. Get outta here.
Get outta here!
Get the fuck outta here!
(ominous music continues)
(warm acoustic guitar music)
- Beckett?
It's so late.
- I don't even know what
I'm doing here.
- What happened to your face?
(Beckett sighs)
- Don't worry.
Little Larry's fine.
- I wasn't asking about
Little Larry.
- I gotta get outta here, Rose.
My whole family, we gotta go.
- What do you mean?
(Beckett gasps)
- When I was a kid, (sniffles)
my mom used to take off her
wedding rings to do the dishes.
She had this weird idea that
the dish soap
would wear away the gold.
(Beckett sighs)
She loved those rings.
Said they were the prettiest
things she'd ever owned.
When I was 13,
my dad lost his paychecks
at the track.
He knew she'd kill him.
So, he told me to steal
those rings.
(Beckett sighs)
Sell 'em.
But instead,
I went to my friend's house.
I took their TV and all
their jewelry.
(Beckett chuckles)
But I was untrained.
I got caught.
- And that was the bad stuff?
- I did what I was told
and I took the rings.
The day before I got
outta juvie,
my mom found 'em in my room.
And when she asked me why
I took 'em,
all I could think about
was protecting my father.
So, I looked her in the eye.
And I said,
"Because it was an easy take."
Nothing was ever the same
between us and then she left.
- And you think she left
because of you?
- Wouldn't you?
- You can think what you want,
but she left two young boys
with a drunk.
- I have something for you.
(Beckett sighs)
- You took that?
- You...
You make me want to be honest.
(warm acoustic guitar music)
(door closes)
- Not necessary.
We are even.
- I'm coming back tonight
to get you.
- I won't be here.
(Beckett chuckles)
- I'm not gonna say
goodbye to you.
My baby don't play
with Barbie
- Carlene, Carlene.
I need the money now.
You said under no circumstances
to give you that money
before closing.
- I'll give you $1,000,
if you give it to me now.
- No. I'll see you at closing.
- No, no. Things have changed.
Now means now.
So, you'll give me $1,000
and promise you won't
get me fired?
- 1,000 times yes.
This is the employees' bathroom.
- Come out, come out!
We're good.
- You're naughty.
- [Warren] Oh, I am.
(both chuckle)
- Where'd you get all this
money anyway?
- Oh, I am a part-time stripper.
Ooh! (chuckles)
- You're funny.
- Oh, still sealed.
Good girl.
(package opens)
(Warren mumbles)
(lively rock music)
Quit putting your words
in my mouth
Dirty work's been done
Yes, I speak the language
But I've just bit off
my tongue
Lost in translation
Well, they grab you by
the throat
Demanding nothing else than
What you know you know
(phone rings)
And I say Santiago
- Roman.
It's Pablo.
(Roman speaks foreign language)
(Pablo speaks foreign language)
(rock music continues)
- [Warren] Yeah.
(knocks on window)
- Samuel, Samuel.
- What?
- Let me in. I left
something in your closet.
- What're you doing in my room?
- Beckett told me I could
hide something in your closet.
- No, you're lying.
Beckett knows there's
nothing safe in this house.
Jesus. Come on in!
(Larry grunts)
(closet door opens) Whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa. What're you doing?
- No, no!
Come on!
No! Fuck!
- What the hell are you doing?
- Where is it, little shit?
- What?
Get off me!
- Come here!
(fist thuds)
(Samuel groans)
Where's my money?
- What're you doing?
- Where's my fucking money, huh?
- You left money in this house?
- Donny.
- You know I hate coming
here. Right, Rosie?
I gave that boy everything.
- And he appreciates it.
We appreciate it.
- Do you know I waited two
hours today?
And now I got this bag
of lunch here
for you to give to Little Larry.
But I'm guessing he's not here.
- No, he's not.
(Donny chuckles)
- Rumor has it, he's
been driving a Bentley.
Bentley? As in like Rolls Royce?
- Yeah.
- (sighs) Jesus, Donny.
- Hey.
He's been seen.
(ominous music)
- [Rose] Let me get you a drink.
- Shit!
He's out spending counterfeit
money all over town right now.
We are so screwed!
- Counterfeit?
- What were you thinking
about putting
the money in this house?
- He couldn't possibly
have spent all the money.
- How much?
- 150K.
- What?
- He's in the gutter right
now, throwing all of that up.
- Are you guys messing with me?
- My dad?
He's probably having the
time of his life right now.
- You're a fucking idiot.
- You know, I never understood
what Beckett ever liked
about you.
- We're brothers.
- You're not...
Beckett and I are brothers.
And you're just some asshole
from the past that thinks it's
a good idea to hide money
in the house of a thief!
You and Beckett are the thieves!
- What the hell does
that make you?
- I'm an entrepreneur!
(Samuel laughs)
(Samuel laughs)
- [Samuel] Oh, my God.
- You smell like her.
- Okay, chill out. Chill out.
- You son of a bitch.
You are never gonna see
her again.
(Beckett groans)
- Back off!
(foot thuds)
(dramatic music)
(wall crumbles)
- Damn!
Where'd you learn to do that?
- Phantom Halo did it once to
the Stinger.
I've always wanted to
try it out.
- He changed the key code
on the door at work, Rose.
- I've never been there.
How the hell am I supposed
to know what he's up to?
- I need some distraction.
See, I'm an angry man, Rosie.
And I'm trying not to
hurt anybody.
- Get out!
- You need to take care
of the hand
that fuckin' feeds you first.
(hand slaps)
(Donny laughs)
Play nice.
You make me so horny.
Fine. Fuckin' play dirty, then.
Might be more fuckin'
fun that way.
(Rose pants)
(Donny chuckles)
(dark music)
(Donny breathes heavily)
Fuckin' fight it.
- [Rose] You've got the knife.
- [Donny] You know it's
over for him.
It's over for your boy.
(Donny chuckles)
(fist thuds)
(Donny groans)
(knife stabs)
(Pablo speaks foreign language)
(Pablo speaks foreign language)
(Roman speaks foreign language)
- Follows him!
Prepare his bed!
- Where's the money, Dad?
- Boys...
I had quite a night tonight.
- $150,000?
- I had quite a night!
Quite a night!
- Where's the money?
- It's gone.
It's gone!
- Of course it is.
- I'm gonna have to kill Roman.
- No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
We are not murderers in
this house.
This is what separates us
from the beasts.
- You don't understand.
Little Larry trusted me.
We had a plan!
- Trust?
Who would trust us? A plan?
I mean, look at us.
We're pathetic!
And you, you are weak
and you hurt everyone.
- What?
No, no, no. Wait, wait,
wait, wait.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
I saved a bit for Roman.
Look, look.
Look. Huh?
- This isn't enough.
- Wait, wait, wait.
One more.
Huh? I have another one,
- Wait, wait, wait.
What the hell is that?
- It's Samuel's.
- How many times did I tell you
not to bring this shit in
this house?
Give me that!
- Whoa, whoa, Beck, just...
No, no. Just calm down, Beck.
- He can have whatever he wants.
Sammy, go get your things.
We're leaving.
No, Beck. Just put the gun down.
You see what you do?
(gun cocks)
- You've let me down,
every single fucking time.
- I was king last night.
(gun clicks)
(Warren and Beckett scream)
- Go get your things!
We're leaving now!
- You're not going anywhere!
(keypad bleeps)
(door hums)
(door closes)
(Larry groans)
- What the hell?
(suspenseful music)
What the fuck?
Just, just get away from this!
This is mine! You stole it!
(door slams)
(suspenseful music continues)
- You got somethin' you
wanna show me?
- It was perfect! Wasn't it?
(gun thuds)
- Who the hell is this?
Are you okay, Beckett?
- Fuck off!
- So, I'm here.
What do you got?
- Me and Beckett here
will take you to the lab.
I'm not going anywhere with you.
I'm not gonna go by my...
(gun thuds)
(Larry groans)
- What made you think you
could get away
with betraying Donny?
- I made the perfect note.
- Where's the lab?
The lab!
- Even if I took you there,
you could never do what I do.
It takes years,
you ignorant fuck!
- [Roman] Good morning, Vietnam!
- Who's this idiot?
- Oh, fuck.
- I'm the only one who's
gonna be killing around here.
- Oh, yeah?
(Smashmouth chuckles)
- Bang?
Bang? Who the fuck is this?
- This piece of shit
stole my money.
- That's a lie! That's
my money, all of it.
- Well, this piece
of shit is mine.
- No, Roman, look, look.
I have your money, right here.
- That's counterfeit money!
- What's that?
- Yeah! I made it.
Is that what this is all about?
- You need to turn around
and exit, right now.
- I can make you money, Roman.
- You can't make shit!
- Shut up, you little pussy.
- Put the gun down.
- You telling me what to do?
- Boys, boys, boys, boys,
boys. Come on, come on.
Let's put the guns down and
work this out.
Clearly there's plenty
of money to go around.
- Big man. Big fucking man.
You think you've got it all
figured out.
Get your kids to parrot
cash for you?
- He's just a drunk. He
doesn't know what he's doing.
- And what is it you think
you're doing?
- This comic book, all right?
It's his first appearance from
the Silver Age in the 1960s.
- "Phantom Halo"?
The hell is this?
It's being auctioned
online for like $100,000.
You don't know who the Halo is?
That's like not knowing who
Spider-Man is. (chuckles)
Probably 'cause he's a
lousy jigaboo. (chuckles)
(Roman chuckles)
(gun fires)
(Larry gasps)
- It's not cool to be a racist.
Your Shakespearean slave.
Where is he?
- I don't know, I don't know.
He left.
He was pissed 'cause I...
I don't take any of his
- Have you got my money?
- He doesn't have it.
Now, leave him alone!
(gun fires)
Can you pay your father's debts?
- You just did!
- Samuel?
(gun fires)
(Beckett grunts)
(switch clicks)
(suspenseful music)
(objects clatter)
(objects clatter)
(door slams)
(lighter flicks)
(lighter clinks)
(dark music)
(gun fires)
(Beckett groans)
- You okay?
Come on, are you okay? You okay?
Come on.
- Where's Roman?
- I just shot him in the head.
I shot him.
All right, we've gotta go.
Let's go.
- You fixed it?
- Yeah.
(car engine turns off)
- What did you do with this car?
Wait. So is this why money's
gone missing?
- We're disappearing.
To another place.
(car starts)
(engine revs)
(dark music continues)
- [Warren] "Full fathom
five thy father lies.
Of his bones are coral made.
Those are pearls that
were his eyes.
Nothing of him that doth fade
but doth suffer a sea-change
into something rich and strange.
Sea-nymphs hourly ring
his knell.
Ding-dong. Hark.
Now, I hear them.
(moody rock music)
I just don't feel it
I just don't feel it
Everywhere I go, I disappear
Apparition in the chandelier
I just don't feel it
In my heart
I just don't feel it
Everybody wants something
I don't believe in
I've been there and
I've seen it all before
I wanna know is there
something more
I just don't feel it
In my heart
Look around, what do you see
Land of the lost and land
of the free
Do you connect or do
you disagree
I love my people but
I just don't feel you
I just don't feel it
I just don't feel, feel,
feel, feel it
I just don't feel it
I just don't feel, feel,
feel, feel it
In my heart
In my heart
In my heart