Soldiers Of Fortune (2012) Movie Script

Okay, Miss Mike, you're in.
Watch your ass.
Definitely Taliban presence here.
Not a lot, but they're here. Over.
If you see Bin Laden, You can
give him a big New York kiss.
Then chop his nuts off. He
can wear them as earrings.
Roger that.
Some old guy is making eyes at me.
God damn!
I can't see anything out of this.
You should bring that
outfit back to the States,
you can wear it again for Halloween.
Next time, you're wearing the dress.
Craig, I've got a
problem with the old guy.
Take it easy.
He's not taking his eyes
off me, This guy knows.
I think he knows.
- Hang in there, Mike.
Control, we have an unexpected
visitor. Request positive I.D. Over.
Visitor is a friendly VIP.
Repeat, visitor is a CIA contractor.
Abort mission. Over.
This is not good. Craig, do you read?
I'm in deep shit, man.
The old man's ratting me out.
Did you get that?
Captain McKenzie, do you understand me?
You are to abort this mission.
If you're in trouble and
you can't speak, just cough.
What the hell are you
doing here, soldier?
Where's the rest of your unit?
Listen, these ragheads would
love to slit your throat.
Now, I need to know how
many of you there are
and what you're doing here, so
I can try to save your necks.
You just don't get it, do you?
Let me spell it out to you.
I work for CIA.
I cannot allow one lost soldier
to compromise my entire operation.
Okay, your choice.
You know what I think, soldier?
I think you are dressed like a woman,
because secretly you
don't want to be a man.
Captain McKenzie, your orders are
to stand down. You are not to...
Now, when I'm done cutting you,
these boys will finish
making a woman of you.
Boy, am I glad to see you.
You all right?
Oh, man!
My wife is gonna be relieved.
But control is gonna
cut your balls off, man.
That guy was CIA.
It seems to me, you party with the
devil, God ain't ever gonna help you.
Come on, let's go.
I'm all in.
Come on, let's see what you've got.
How about you give me a loan
and hold on to my bike as collateral?
When are you going to learn, soldier?
You're out of luck, not cash.
I've never seen anyone
unluckier than you.
So, how did you get out
of the army alive, anyway?
You know what they say, "Lucky in war,
unlucky in life."
So how about the loan?
There you go, soldier. A
nation's grateful thanks.
Until the end of the month.
All right, hands on
the table. Nobody move!
Cool it, kid. What's the problem?
The problem?
Two aces of spades?
- It's just a silly mistake.
You stacked the deck, Tony?
I let you win every once in a while.
Didn't you hear what my friend said?
Put your hands on the table.
Trust me, this is not the
way you want to resolve this.
Shut up, all right? You think you can
cheat us like your loser buddy over here?
We're taking the money.
Look, kid, just take the money
and get the hell out of here.
Lucida, give them your purse.
All right, put the money in the bag.
All right, you're next, cowboy.
Your turn. Put the money in the bag.
Put the money in the bag!
All of it.
All of it.
You can put the gun down now.
It's only loaded with blanks.
Really? Let's check!
You really want me to pull this trigger?
Let her go, McKenzie.
Hey! What the hell is going on?
What the hell is going on?
They hired stunt guys.
They want to do business with you.
Just wanted to see if you
still had it in you, soldier.
Captain McKenzie, we
need a man like you.
Well, I don't need you
All I want is my loan.
Thanks for the show.
We ' Il do it your way, Sister.
Trust me, little brother.
So, what do you think they wanted?
There's only one thing I'm good at.
You know, Craig. I'm so broke, man.
I'm willing to do whatever
it takes to make some money.
Anything. Anything.
The banks, fucking banks, they
already took everything, you know?
There's no work here, man.
There's nothing for a man
the dishonor of the
Army has been released.
We both fought for our country,
Mike, we got nothing for it.
Well, maybe now we need to
start fighting for some money.
Some of the guys from the old
unit are pulling in loads of cash
as mercs in Mexico.
And then...
Hey, baby. What are you doing up?
It's not me who can't sleep, Daddy.
It's Winston.
Come on, darling. Let's
get Winston back to bed.
Look at that, look at
what your nuts made.
I saved those nuts.
- Good night, Daddy. Good night, Craig.
Good night, guys.
- Good night.
You love Joanna and Elize?
Of course.
Then forget about fighting.
We'll find some other
way to make some money.
I've got about two more weeks before
the banks change the locks on my doors.
Soldiers of Fortune.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
If you've received this link,
then your net worth pre-qualifies you
for the Soldiers of
Fortune Adventure Program,
the ultimate in extreme vacationing.
On your adventure mission you'll
experience the adrenalin rush of combat
in an actual war zone,
but without the risk
of losing your life.
After all, you've worked
too hard for your millions
not to enjoy them until a ripe old age.
Whether you're sniping
enemy mercenaries,
clandestinely delivering
a cache of weapons,
or blowing up a compound,
you'll be protected
every step of the way
by our qualified action teams.
Every member on our staff
is a highly decorated
special operations veteran.
You prove your manhood,
they ensure your complete safety.
All the proceeds support the freedom
fighters of a small island nation.
And, unlike other charities,
you'll be able to personally oversee
how your contribution is delivered.
While your peers boast about
that luxury cruise in the Caymans,
you fought for liberty
and freedom in a war zone.
We offer the ultimate
in bragging rights.
And the best part is,
it's all tax deductable.
Would you knock it off?
I'm trying to sleep.
Good morning.
Have you had breakfast yet?
You know, I'm warning you,
you're wasting your time.
Sit down, Craig.
How's business. Slow?
Whoa! Nice!
So how's your brother's beak?
Who told you Ernesto is my brother?
Thank you.
How did you find me, the Yellow Pages?
I know almost everything about you.
Captain Craig James McKenzie.
Twenty-three special ops and not
one soldier dead under your command.
You were a legend.
And then you were court-martialed
for insubordination
and unbecoming conduct.
- That's old news.
And dishonorably discharged.
- No, no, no.
There's nothing dishonorable about
saving your best friend's testicles.
Your unit was disbanded in disgrace.
I can just imagine how many
people told you thanks for that.
Just one guy, and his
wife. That's plenty for me.
Look, thank you for the breakfast, but,
I got some things I gotta do.
You lost everything because of this man.
Carter Mason.
All right, look, no more games.
Who the hell do you work for?
We're not playing
games. We need your help.
And you need the money. Your
friend, Captain Reed, needs it.
I am through with fighting.
That's good. Because we don't
need you to kill anybody.
We need you to make
sure nobody gets killed.
You want me to protect him?
No, we need you to protect
some people from him.
And this man is Colonel Lupo.
Nice casting.
In Eastern Europe, by the
northern seaboard of the Black Sea,
is Ostriv Zmiinyi, also
known as Snake Island.
Its mountains are rich in
minerals and rare Earth metals.
During the Cold War, there was
an Allied military base there.
Now nobody knows who owns
it, Romania or Ukraine.
So it's no man's land.
Colonel Lupo seized power there four
years ago with a mercenary force.
His head of security is Mason.
Colonel Lupo's regime
is brutal and oppressive.
They kill anyone who dares
to speak up against Lupo.
There is a resistance,
but we don't have the weapons to fight.
Our freedom fighters have been unable
to resist Colonel Lupo's mercenaries.
All, criminals on the
run. The scum of the Earth.
They make life a living hell
for the people of Ostriv Zmiinyi.
So, who's the girl?
That's Magda,
she's Colonel Lupo's daughter,
and the only person he cares for.
She's pure evil.
As long as Lupo finds buyers
for the island's metals
he can finance his mercenaries
and brutalize the people.
All right, so those are the bad guys.
Who are the good guys? You?
I was born on the island.
I want to set it free.
The resistance is dying,
but now there is hope.
Ernesto and I
have found five very rich
men who are willing to help.
You know something, lady?
I've never met a rich guy
who's willing to give
away something for nothing.
What do your backers
want for their money?
Kicks and thrills.
With our Soldiers of
Fortune Adventure Program,
we've set up a basic training
camp for our clients in Romania.
With their charitable contributions,
we've purchased the firepower
to finally resist Colonel Lupo.
Ernesto leased a ship
to transport the weapons.
We know that Lupo's mercenaries
do not patrol the uninhabited
east side of the island.
Our financiers'
adventure mission will be
to escort the weapons to shore
and get them to the resistance base camp
protected by bodyguards at all times.
Wait a second, let me get this straight.
You and Ernesto are
pimping out your revolution
as some kind of tourist attraction
for a bunch of millionaires,
and you expect me to be your guide?
Yes. We need your credentials
to assure our clients of their safety.
One last op, Craig.
You're lucky in war,
you said so yourself.
With you, everybody comes home.
Our clients will never be
near actual combat, Craig.
And you can save your friend's home.
And everybody will be happy.
Our wealthy warriors have arrived.
Tell me what we're dealing with.
The first of our soldiers of fortune
is Charles Herbert Vanderbeer.
Vanderbeer is a genuine
American aristocrat.
One of his ancestors bought
Manhattan from a drunk Indian
for twenty-four silver dollars
and a bottle of moonshine.
Vanderbeer runs a
Wall Street hedge fund.
He made a fortune from sub prime loans,
and then another from the bank bailout.
It's a shame a lot of ordinary
folks lost their homes,
but that's Wall Street for you.
The rich get richer and
the poor can go to hell.
I'm gonna enjoy watching him under fire.
Our second millionaire is Roman
St. John. A metals magnate.
St. John traded vodka and
bluejeans on the black market
before the Berlin Wall fell.
And then, in the anarchy
that followed somehow
all his business rivals got
murdered but he survived.
Now he owns a huge
mining and smelting empire
and lives the life of
an international playboy.
He was last sighted off the
coast of Somalia, fishing.
St. John does have
practical weapons exposure,
but he claims, without any
verifiable military record
that he has experience leading
troops in naval warfare.
He demanded an entourage
of five. He settled for one.
Our next client is Sam Haussmann.
I've heard of this guy.
- Who hasn't?
A cell phone pioneer and a
permanent resident on Forbes List.
Haussmann's lived enough
for three ordinary men.
He's been married five
times, he has eight kids.
He's made two huge
fortunes and lost one.
He's climbed Everest and fought bulls
and hunted every kind of big game.
Even three species that are now extinct.
And he's beaten two major
heart attacks, as well.
And now for the bad. Our fourth client.
The Grim Reaper.
Grimaud Tourneur. Born in French Africa.
Very little is known about this
international man of mystery,
before becoming the world's
most notorious arms dealer.
Our angel of death sold weapons to
both sides in the civil war in Sudan.
Then he started a revolution in Congo
just to peddle more guns.
Grimaud makes even mercenaries
seem like Sisters of Mercy.
He's a profiteer of war,
but he's never participated in one.
He's selling our new friends
their weapons, as well.
And finally, at the bottom of
the barrel, we have Tommy Sin.
Sin is the creator of Death Porn,
the mega-violent fantasy video game.
Five teenagers decapitated their parents
after playing his smash hit game.
But each time Sin is accused
of incitement to murder
he's acquitted.
Sin probably thinks
war is just a game, too.
Apart from his addiction to video games,
this lunatic just broke his leg.
Welcome to our training camp, gentlemen.
I'm Captain McKenzie,
this is Captain Reed.
These five men are going
to be your bodyguards.
You will obey their every command.
Whose buck is this?
How about they obey our orders?
If any of them is going
to be my bodyguard,
it is they who need
the training, not me.
Yes, sir, Captain, sir.
Three bags full, sir.
The barracks over there are
going to be your accommodations.
Uh, excuse me.
Uh, I trust we all have
our own rooms. I mean...
Over the next few
days you're gonna learn
how to survive in a hot zone.
Just remember,
the only thing worse in action
than a coward is a hero. You got it?
Now, go stow your bags. Dismissed.
Oh, hey, uh, General? Uh, Colonel?
Can, uh, can someone carry my
bag for me, 'cause my leg's done.
I can't I can't carry it.
Got a bum leg!
Jesus Christ. No, I told you
about the fucking pharmacy.
Oh, it's like that, huh?
Helen and I will take the dining room.
What you playing there, son?
- Baby Killer. On the top level.
I'm in the maternity ward.
Hey, Grimaud, can you feel it?
Feel what?
The thrill of being a kid again.
Playing war games with
pop guns in your backyard.
This isn't a kids' game.
We're playing with real weapons now.
The Grim Reaper.
Hmm, big gun.
It's small.
Son, you know
it's not the size of
your gun that matters,
it's where you stick it.
Let me show you a real hunter's weapon.
Now this, here, is Irene.
Irene's a bitch.
She would have sniped that Grim
Reaper of yours at a thousand yards
before you even knew she was there.
Oh, that's nice. May I?
- Yeah, sure.
Oh, thanks!
What're you doing?
You know,
I lost twenty-million dollars
when Lehman Brothers
collapsed on Wall Street.
Ch, yeah?
Screw you, too, banker.
Screw you, too, game boy.
Hey, hey, hey, hey! Simmer
down! Simmer down now, boys.
Take it easy, big fella.
How about we have a party
to celebrate you two
losing your cherries.
I agree.
Don't mind if I do. Thank you.
- Here's mud in your eye.
Was she that pretty, Sam?
Yeah, well, whatever she was,
she's probably a grandmother by now.
Here's to good living!
And a quick death.
- Cheers, Sam.
Champagne, sir?
Thank you.
I bet you I kill more
bad guys than you do.
Make it a hundred grand and you're on.
A hundred thousand? Deal.
I bet a million bucks
you both get blue balls.
Neither of you are man
enough to kill a man for real.
It's a draw.
I hate a party when I'm not invited.
Let 'em have their fun.
We're getting paid, aren't we?
You know, those bastards are right.
Their bodyguards do need to train.
You look like an angel. An
angel when you're dancing, angel.
How is your hedge fund?
Why do you ask?
L just heard some rumors, that's all.
You know, how when the tide
goes out, the wrecks get exposed?
- Videoboy!
Damn. We're being attacked!
Let's make a run for it.
Gentlemen! Your throats
have all been cut.
Sorry to interrupt your party,
but, after all, you did say that
your bodyguards do need to train.
Thank you, bodyguards.
Now at least we know who
the most vulnerable are.
Vanderbeer and Sin will be
killed on our first contact.
Grim doesn't stand much of a chance.
And, uh, Haussmann and St. John,
I don't see them lasting very long.
Thank you, gentlemen.
If anybody is interested,
training begins
at oh-six-hundred.
That's, like, six in
the morning, isn't it?
Do you think your adrenalin
junkies will show up?
If they don't, let's just go home.
I got a bad feeling
about this op, anyway.
Oh, shit.
What happened to your lady?
I, uh, I sent her away.
It's time for business.
What about you? Huh? What
did you do with your valet?
I, uh, gave him a vacation.
He's been asking for, uh, well, years.
All right, let's get started.
Drop and give me fifty.
There you go, boys. Kiss that anthill.
Come on, Grim! Come
on, Grim! Let's move it.
Come on, kick ass! Let's go, Vanderbeer.
Now, Haussmann, get your ass
over that wall. Let's go! Come on!
Move it! Let's go! Let's go! Come on!
Move your ass! Move your ass!
Come on, Haussmann, move your
ass! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!
What's that noise?
What are you doing?
What the hell is that?
Is that a phone?
Hey, Alma. What did you do now?
Hang up that phone! Hang up that phone!
Uh, I'll call you back.
You do that again, I'll kill
you myself. Come on! Move it!
You're moving like a senior citizen.
Come on, Vanderbeer. Your
valet's not here to do it for you.
Work with your bodyguards.
Protect the money!
- Another cell phone addict?
You're all dead! Dead! Dead! Dead!
Pathetic! Pathetic!
Now, gentlemen, the rules are simple.
Protect your ag at all costs,
and capture theirs.
And try to work together as a team.
Shoot at anyone with a green armband.
Vanderbeer, you stay in the
bunker and protect the ag.
St. John, Sin, you ank left.
Me and Haussmann will ank right.
All, right.
Let's see what you wealthy
warriors are made of.
What is wrong with you?
You must obey my orders.
Since when is this your command?
- Since now.
I am the one with the most
military experience here.
just because you peddle a lot of
guns to a bunch of tin-pot dictators,
that don't make you our leader.
- Don't call me "son," old man.
You're not my father.
- How do you know?
I should be in charge!
My last game, War Whore,
sold fifty-million units.
That's five-zero.
- So what?
My great great uncle was a
general in two World Wars.
I should be in command.
- Oh, wow, your uncle was in a war.
That must mean you're
an incredible warrior.
Look, that makes no sense.
Why don't we take off these helmets
and I'll punch you in the throat?
I'm not obeying a virgin.
- Who are you calling a virgin?
You've never killed a man, have you?
That's what men are made
for. Fighting, not fucking.
Maybe I'll shoot you
just to pop my cherry.
You just try it. And I'll
cut your bourgeois throat.
Come on, try it.
Excuse me, ladies.
Hey, where are you going?
I've got nothing to
prove to you pussies.
I signed up for a fight.
Ah! Not my face!
Now, that's what I
call a hostile takeover.
You know the only rule in
life? You've got to win.
We won!
We're dead, but we won!
Come on, come on! Through the tires
Come on! Come on! Move it!
All right.
Come on! Come on! Come
on! Come on! Keep moving!
No, no. Right in there.
I know you've got a
bum leg. I don't care!
I don't care. You signed
up for this, didn't you?
Get through there. Hop over it.
There you go.
All right. Good.
Come on, Grim! Come
on, Grim! Let's move it!
Let's see why they call
you the killer. Let's go!
Cover the money!
Good. Good.
Game over.
tomorrow we leave for Snake
Island. For your own safety,
all of your personal possessions
are now going to be collected.
Place them in this bag.
Anything you can think of
hat can be used to
positively identify you.
Cell phones, documents, wallets.
You're not taking anything with you.
Until our mission is complete
you will have no names.
Come on, move it, Vanderbeer.
Put your cell phone in there.
Now get some shut eye. We
leave at oh-five-hundred.
How long until we take off, Captain?
As soon as we're done
loading the weapons.
All right, guys, let's
keep loading up boxes.
Hurry up! Move it! Move it!
Aw! Come on, kid.
Five minutes to landing.
- Roger that.
We've got a problem, buddy.
I hear you. Where's it coming from?
Okay, take her out. Fire!
Craig, it's getting hot!
What the hell is going on, Captain?
She said this shoreline
was safe. Lying bitch!
Give them a scare. Fire!
Look who we have here.
Spin the wheel!
I know how we can beat the system.
What are you talking about?
The shells take five seconds to arrive.
The fire-control computer projects
target movement five seconds ahead.
If you zigzag fast enough
you can beat the computer.
All right, Mike. Zigzag.
Zigzag. Head for the coast.
Head for the coast!
Port-side boat. Fire!
Get down. Get down!
Okay, grab whatever gear you can
and take cover in those rocks.
Come on! Come on!
Welcome to Snake Island, gentlemen.
You may never leave.
Come on, come on! Move
it! Move it! Move it!
God damn!
That'll pucker your rear end.
Any injuries?
- No.
This is Tommy Sin.
Didn't I say no cell phones?
And you, how much are you getting?
What are they paying
you? My friends are dead!
Grimaud Tourneur does
not sell people out.
Well, then how did you
know about that cannon?
I sold it to Colonel
Lupo. He didn't pay me.
That's why I'm on this trip.
To kill him or get paid.
The Grim Reaper always gets paid.
Come on. Come on! Move it! Move it!
Cover! Cover!
You! You said the sea
route would be safe.
Because of you, my men are dead.
I knew you were bad news.
Before I met you, I never
lost a man under my command.
What am I supposed to do
with your precious sponsors?
Fulfill your contract.
Lead them to safety.
These men need your skills now, Craig.
Their survival is in your hands.
Once we get to the resistance base camp,
Ernesto can arrange
for their evacuation.
Come on.
Let's get the fuck off this island.
Grimaud, give me your cell phone.
But you wanted to kill man-prey.
You haven't completed your mission.
Yeah, that's very clever.
Give me your cell phone.
I don't have one.
Hey, Sam. Do you have a cell phone?
Now, son, I know things
aren't going according to plan,
but Sam Haussmann didn't come all
this way just to turn tail and run.
And I'm not sure using a cell phone
is such a swift idea, either.
This isn't what we paid for!
How you holding up, Sam?
Getting old, Captain. Slowing down.
Enjoy it while you can, Captain.
You're a long time gone.
I'm hungry. What have we got to eat?
We eat at the camp.
Just remember, I'm on
a low-carb diet, okay?
It's over.
Without those weapons, we
can't resist any longer.
Tomorrow, you'll evacuate our sponsors.
I'll find us a boat. You'll be
paid in full for your services.
Definitely not low-carb.
I should have brought my chef.
Charlie, why the hell did you
pay to come on this mission?
Just so's you could
whine about everything?
Bragging rights.
Such is life on the street. Wall Street.
He who dares, wins.
We already know why Grimaud's here.
He's being shot at
with his own merchandise
and he hasn't been paid for it.
Why are you here, Tommy?
Doctor's orders.
My psychiatrist said that I am
addicted to shooter video games.
She suggested a dose of healthy reality.
So you're here to feel the real?
All right, that takes
care of the logistics.
But I'm not leaving this island
until we figure out one thing.
Why my men were killed.
Somebody talked.
If I were you, I would
move this base right now.
How about you, Sam?
Well, Sam just wants to hang a
human head in his trophy cabinet.
I don't plan on going home.
My present wife, I just
call her "number five,"
she's suing me for divorce.
And according to that prenuptial bullshit
I was an fool in love enough to sign,
if we split, she gets
half of everything I own.
Whereas, if I get killed, my
kids inherit the whole she-bang.
Hell, I've already
survived two heart attacks.
I've done pretty much everything
there is to do on this old planet.
And I've enjoyed the
hell out of it, too.
No, this here is all there is.
I say we stay here for the
night, break camp in the morning.
Okay, fine, that's your choice.
But I'm taking my men out of here.
At least what's left of them.
Die in battle...
That's a hell of a way
to screw a gold-digger.
And what are your reasons?
Get your things, we're
getting the hell out of here.
Oh, we got 'em, we got 'em.
Here, take a look.
- Cecilia, save yourself!
Okay, left ank, move in. Wipe 'em out.
What's up, Captain?
You wanted to see what war
looks like? Take a look.
All right, wait here. Don't
give way your position.
Hey, where you going?
Get the bitch!
Jesus, they're getting
torn to shreds down there.
So this is what our money bought us?
To play war safely, from a distance?
So, we're going to just hide?
Are you saying what
I think you're saying?
Let's go kill some bad guys.
We start firing, they'll
spot our position.
Shoot, you can't bake a cake
without breaking some eggs.
There's a sniper! There! There!
The enemy sniper, you see him?
The Grim Reaper is next.
Come on. Come on.
What the fuck happened?
Which one of you is responsible
for giving away our position?
Seemed to me our friends
down there needed some help.
Where's Vanderbeer?
Last time I saw him he was in the...
Looks like I won that bet.
It's a bet, you'll never call in.
Shit! Come on, come on!
Move it! Move it! Follow me.
Everybody behind the tree. Take cover!
Can they see us?
- Sin, stay down!
Where is that chopper coming from?
I said, where is that
chopper coming from?
Cecilia, you've got to snap out of it!
That helicopter's coming from
a helipad that serves the mines.
It's about three kilometers from here.
How do you know about this base?
I used to play in these
woods when I was a boy.
My father served here
during the Cold War.
And what do they mine here? Gold?
It's a rare Earth metal.
And you trade metals, don't you?
- Yes.
You want to tell us
now why you are here?
Business with Colonel Lupo.
I need that metal.
- Business?
You bastard.
People died because of your business.
We all believed you wanted
to help free this island.
Maybe it's you. You who
betrayed us for fucking money.
Your greed has left you
with blood on your hands.
Wait here until I get back.
It's too exposed up here.
We've got to get back to the group.
Look, I'm sorry about your brother.
And I'm sorry about your friends.
But there is nothing I
can do to bring them back.
Just like there's nothing
I can do to bring back mine.
Boys, this is our chance.
Sam, do you think you
can pilot that thing?
Piece of cake.
Let's wait for Craig.
It's a trap. I can smell it.
We capture it. We wait for them there.
You really want to die on this island?
Any moment now, that
chopper could take off again.
What do you say, gentlemen?
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
I'm in.
Let's do it.
- Come on.
Let's go.
See how easy it is to
trap fools like you?
All you need is the right bait.
Take them away!
Those stupid bags of money.
Oh, Jesus Christ
What is this place?
It was a NATO base during the Cold War.
The whole mountain is
tunneled out from the inside.
Nice tomb.
Think we'll ever get out of here alive?
Hello again!
Your accommodation awaits.
Nice here, huh?
Private pool.
Room service.
Touch me again and I'll kill you.
Thank God, you're here!
Hey, Tommy-
I don't believe it.
Hey, Sam. Hey, buddy.
Well, we thought you were dead.
Me? Dead?
Of course not.
So what happened to you?
Well, I don't know about you guys,
but I have never been so
scared in my whole life.
I go outside to take a piss
and then all the shells started dropping
and the sound and the noise and the smoke.
I got completely disoriented.
I did not know where the fuck I was.
So I eventually found my way back and
the tent was destroyed you guys had gone,
and soldiers came and...
Now here I am.
Does anyone have a cell phone?
- No.
Just hoping.
Hey, Charlie. Have you got any of
those fancy cigars of yours left?
Sure, Sam.
Hey, Tommy, what happened
to our Captain and that girl?
Oh, he is...
- They are dead.
Yeah. Dead.
Do you mind if I have one of those?
Of course not.
- Thanks.
Only fifty bucks a smoke.
So, uh, how did they get killed?
Tank shell.
Kapow! Boom! Awful.
I think I've still got some of
the Captain in my hair, Charlie.
Well, some trip this
turned out to be, huh?
What are you looking at?
Open Up!
Open Up!
You fucking piece of piss.
You sold us out!
Yeah, well. Big deal.
Get over it.
I'm going to kick your ass.
Eat shit and die, old man.
Fucking hell. Okay.
You can inform Colonel Lupe
that Captain McKenzie
and the girl are dead.
Ooh, the wild bunch.
So, you see, gentlemen,
we do know who you really are.
Mr. Sin.
I always wanted to be a nemesis
character in one of your video games.
Why would anyone want to play
a tin-pot criminal like you
in one of my video games?
Because he can get to do shit like this.
That's why!
He shot me in the leg!
We can stay dry under here.
Think there are any snakes in here?
No. Just me.
I'm sorry for this
challenging assignment.
I'm all in.
Now we get to save the others.
- What do you mean?
Well, what did you think I was
gonna do, leave them all here to die?
Come on, Sam!
- Yeah.
Breathe hard, Sam.
Breathe hard. That's it.
Well, you wanted to
feel the real game, boy.
Now you know.
It hurts.
How does it look? Am I going to die?
- What?
Someday. But not from
this little scratch.
Yeah, I'm okay. I'm all right.
- Hold him down.
I'm okay. I'm okay, I'm all right.
I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay.
It's a goddamn shame
to waste good cognac on a esh wound.
Here you go, son.
Have a little hair of the goat.
Is it finished?
- Yes, yes.
Is it over?
- Yeah.
You should put that around your neck.
Good morning, gentlemen.
We're looking well this morning.
Come on, come on, line 'em
up. We've got business.
Good morning, gentlemen.
I trust you've got no illusions
as to why you're still alive.
Half of your net worth.
That's my price for
letting each of you go.
Once we agree,
my new financial consultant
will work out the details.
And if we don't agree?
Then where you are going,
you don't get to take anything with you.
The Grim Reaper always
gets paid. You owe me.
And what about you, old man?
Old enough to know
bullshit when I step in it.
Would you rather lose
your lives than your money?
Are you rich bastards
really that tight-fisted?
That's your choice.
Kill this liar first.
And what about me?
I might want to buy an extra life.
We're not in a fucking video
game. This man will kill us.
Mr. Vanderbeer, how much do
you calculate Mr. Sin is worth?
My daughter.
Next time, I'll kill you.
Hey, Lupo!
Hold your fire!
If you want your daughter
back, you'll let these men go.
Release the prisoners!
Don't shoot!
Secure the base!
I want those bastards killed!
Come on!
Come here, my darling.
- You heard him. Go!
Cecilia! You go!
We'll find another way.
Get the hell out of here!
That bitch tried to kill me!
- Magda, stop!
Don't worry. She'll be fine.
- After her!
Follow me!
All right, come on. We are
going this way. Go! Go!
Hey! Where did they
go? Where did they go?
On the right, guys!
On the right! Come on!
Take this boat back to Colonel Lupo.
There is no one here. Raise the boom!
You lose.
Hey, Captain.
This is my merchandise.
Help yourselves.
Shit! We've got to get
the hell out of here!
If a bullet hits one of those
barrels, we're all dead.
Give me a push.
What are you gonna do?
No worries, I'm only
going along for the ride.
Push, god damn it!
Push! Come on!
Stay down! Stay down!
You find those guys or I
get the fuck off this island.
There they are!
Cover me!
Take him out with grenades. Okay?
- No!
What do you mean, "no"?
- There are barrels of explosives.
If they ignite, this
whole place will blow up.
Okay, look. You take care of that old
man. I'll see you're well paid for it.
I'll be back.
Where is everyone going?
Shoot him!
Remember me?
I told you I'd kill you.
Hey, Tommy-
Looking for somebody?
Before you kill me, Charlie,
just answer me one thing.
- Yeah.
Why did you do it?
Nothing personal, Tommy.
I had no choice.
You see, I knew my hedge
fund was going to crash.
I didn't want to spend the
rest of my life in jail,
so I transferred the
rest of my funds here.
I thought this would make
quite a nice a retirement home.
My mistake.
My fucking leg!
Stop messing around, you little junkie.
Charlie! Don't do it.
Video boy! Do it!
Fucking banker!
I hope you guys are long gone.
Bye, bye, number five.
Nice! Nice work, frog's legs.
The Grim Reaper always gets paid.
Breathe! Come on.
Nice work.
A toast. To Sam Haussmann!