Split Screen (2023) Movie Script

My name is Daniel Sanchez.
And this broadcast is
being recorded in order
to shed light on a
recent discovery of media
that came into my possession.
To put my thoughts simply,
I've been a firm believer
that people like you, me,
and everyone out there
deserves to know the truth.
And the disclosure that's
currently being put out there by
the governmental sectors
is none other than falsified,
dishonest, and completely deceptive.
And I happen to know
that because earlier today,
a friend and colleague of
mine by the name of Dylan Brown
reached out and confided
in my help regarding
his numerous attempts
at posting video footage
from his latest documentary,
and having that footage
be immediately seized by
governmental resources.
Yet, despite this censorship,
I happen to possess a particular skill-set
and knowledge in both computing
and programming that can
work around these obstacles.
Yet, perhaps that's why he
entrusted me with this footage.
So allow me to pull up the letter
that he wrote stating,
"Dear Daniel, I'm writing"
to inform you about our
upcoming documentary release
on an unexplained aerial phenomena
and extraterrestrial beings,
in which I personally
believe have possession
and video graphic proof of.
Upon the film's intended
initial release flags have been
raised across all of my
streamer distributor outlets,
as well as the subsequent blockage
and seizure from every major platform.
Due to this rising in ongoing tension,
I compiled and collectivized
my story via video log entries
that are embedded in this document
to provide context towards the
witness testimonial coverage.
I think it is critical to
state that I've begun to fear
for the safety of myself and
those involved with this film.
Please see to it that it
gets out in its entirety
via whichever pathways you see fit.
I can only trust you now
and my source that initially connected us.
Thus, until further notice,
I think it is best if I
relinquish any involvement
in digital communications
and signal solely via satellite radio.
Bear in mind, I'm risking
my life in getting this
information out to you, so
please do not disregard it
or configure it as any sort
of conspiracy theory or hoax
for my involvement already could result
in my possible imminent
capture, imprisonment,
abduction, and or execution,
which in theory can
provide some sort of proof,
evidence, and or authenticity
towards my obtained documents,
or at the very least, provide motive
towards my suspected whereabouts.
I am certain
that there are other
accounts out there like this,
and it is of grave importance
that we share this out
to the necessary outlets,
and to the public before it's too late.
"Sincerely, Dylan Brown."
So, just to be clear, what
you're about to see is sensitive,
and I ask that you
retain that all for what it is,
because after personally
seeing what was on these tapes,
I have no doubt that
I'm doing the right thing
by sharing this.
So I just hope that you'll share it too.
I had a piece of legislation, very simple.
It just said that when a
commercial airline pilot
reports a siding or something unusual,
an anomaly in the air,
that when he reports that to
FAA, they reported to Congress.
And I was told by
leadership that it was blocked
by the intelligence community,
not the intelligence committee,
but the intelligence community.
And that is a very chilling effect.
If you reach someone
can reach through the veil
of government and pierce it to the point
of we do not have access to something.
You gotta start asking yourself,
who the hell's in control?
If you believe we have crashed craft
stated earlier,
do we have the bodies of the
pilots who piloted this craft?
As I've stated publicly already
in my News Nation interview biologics came
with some of these recoveries, yeah.
Were they, I guess,
human or non-human biologics?
And that was the assessment of people
with direct knowledge
on the program I talked to
that are currently still on the program.
There's like a eight foot person beside us
and another one's inside.
And it has big eyes and it's looking at us.
Hey, this might sound like
a really dumb question,
but did you guys see
anything fall out of the sky?
My name is Dylan Brown.
I'm a filmmaker in Reno, Nevada.
On the night of July 25th,
I experienced something unbelievable.
I experienced sheer terror
for the first time in my life.
There are only a few people
who know what happened.
And I think I am finally
ready to release this footage,
knowing full well what it might do.
But thankfully, I've got
enough people on my side
to hopefully keep me protected.
I have to tell this story.
I think they think they're being sneaky,
but there's no way
is just leaving unattended
vehicles for days on end.
Somebody's, somebody is
definitely watching this place.
I don't think there's anything.
I can honestly say that
would even come close to
describing the footage that
I'm gonna share with you.
It's been a struggle,
I guess, to sit on this
for as long as I have.
I've wanted to release it,
but after what happened,
I just thought I'm probably
in imminent danger.
My family is probably in danger,
but I also feel like too much
goes on unchecked in this country.
I feel like there are too
many unexplained occurrences
and people have experiences
that they wanna share,
but they're being scared by somebody,
whether it's the government
or some other underground agency.
I really don't know.
Somebody is, is making
sure people do not talk.
It's been about three weeks
since, since all this happened,
and I, I haven't been to work.
I've basically just been calling in sick.
Thankfully, I have a job that allows me to,
to do that, right?
To keep collecting a paycheck.
So I'm, I'm saying this to
you, to anybody watching this,
if for some reason I go dark,
if for some reason I go silent,
if for some reason it seems like, you know,
nobody's heard from me,
this is why I'm releasing this footage
to protect all of you,
because I don't want what
happened to me to happen to you
because they are here, they're watching,
and this is all very, very real.
So I've been watched multiple times.
I started documenting it.
Every couple days I was checking.
Trucks parked out front,
parked across the street.
Somebody's been watching
because I think they know
that I'm gonna release this footage.
Did you notice the, the vans are back?
Yeah, it's weird.
Those trucks are still there.
I know they're watching me.
They've been watching my house for weeks.
It's like every time I go
outside, they'll be there.
I haven't seen any people in the vehicles,
but I guarantee that
they're looming, you know?
I think they're inside the backs.
It's like every time we
put the footage out there,
within a couple minutes, it'd be taken down
or you go to access it and it would say,
"Sorry, you know, video not found."
So I upload it again, and then
the same thing would happen.
I even tried disguising it
by kind of packaging
some other footage around it
and then dropping the footage
in between two completely unrelated clips,
hoping that maybe whoever
was scouring this stuff
wouldn't find it, but they found that too.
So I'm just continuing
to push it out there.
We're gonna see what happens.
I'm about ready to come
by my house right now.
We're gonna see if those,
if those vehicles are still sitting there,
because I'm pretty sure,
I'm pretty sure that they've
been watching the house
pretty much every day.
We have got to tell the
world that they are real.
Hey, it's Dustin Tamplin.
Today's July 27th.
It's 6:04 PM just outside of
North Las Vegas, Nevada.
I want my location and the time documented
because when they find out,
I want everyone to
know exactly where I was.
So, okay, my family and I come down here
for our vacation this
year to visit Priscilla's aunt
because she lives in the area.
We haven't been down
here in a while to see her.
A couple days after we got here,
the, the sightings and things happened.
All the weird events taking place, right?
So Dylan Brown hits me
up and asked me, he says,
"Hey, man, anything weird going on over
by where you guys are at?
Anything out of the ordinary."
At the time, I said, "No,
nothing weird here, man.
Nothing outta the ordinary.
We're just having a family vacation,
just visiting, you know, nothing exciting."
All right, I had to get outta
the house for a little bit.
Priscilla and I were fighting
about some dumb shit
and I needed a breather.
This whole vacation is a bit much.
Anyway, I drove down here to this open.
It's gonna be new houses.
It's just a bunch of open lots.
There's nothing here but dirt.
There's no lights or anything.
But I keep seeing these flashes
and I don't know where
the hell they're coming from.
It's kind of creeping me out a little bit.
I, I really wanna get outta here,
but I also wanted to get the old camera out
and see if I can capture any of it
'cause it's super weird,
it's just so random.
There's no, there's no
rhyme or reason to it.
So I'm just gonna sit here and wait,
and see if I can catch it again
'cause it's, it's trippy.
God damn, where the is that coming from?
I, I don't understand
where it's coming from.
There's, there's gotta be
somebody out here around.
What the?
So just for reference,
just a, just a subdivision expansion here.
They're getting ready to
pop in new houses, right?
Just like any other
subdivision, no big deal.
I'm staying away from this.
I'm not getting too close.
But right there on the side of the hill
where the color changes,
it gets a little darker.
That's where they marked
it, or it's burned or something.
I don't know. But that's,
that's exactly what that is,
so they can come back so they know,
know where to find this area.
I don't know what for, but
there's nothing out here.
You can see there's nothing
out here. And look at this.
They're watching, they're
following me right now.
Tell me, that's a construction vehicle.
Bullshit, that's a construction vehicle.
They haven't been doing
construction out here in weeks.
But that's not the weird part.
This hill, that vehicle,
that's not the weird part.
Look at this.
I'm sitting in the truck blowing off steam
and these lights, right?
Just start flashing all over the place.
And these loud noises,
this huge thunder is boom.
Blows a hole in the ground
right here by the truck.
I was parked right
there just like I am now.
Blows this giant hole in the ground.
Rock rocks and are just pelting the truck.
It's probably full of dents
and scratches, I don't know.
I haven't looked.
I don't give a
because I'm getting outta here immediately.
Lemme lock this shit, okay?
So, Dylan, I know you're,
you want this to compile all
your footage and everything.
And I, I really hope it helps you, brother,
because I'm not sending you any more.
We are getting the outta here.
One of the strangest videos
that we got was actually
from a famous influencer,
kind of a local celebrity.
He's done a lot of videos,
public appearances.
He got pretty famous on social media.
Put out this very bizarre video, right?
Talking about conspiracies
and all these things.
The problem was, it was really hard
to tell if he was being serious
or if this was just another
kind of ploy for likes, right?
Now, the guy had kind of
a problem with addiction,
and so a lot of people were speculating
that maybe he had fallen off the wagon.
And that's why this video was so bizarre.
The, the video itself
is, is weird, it's goofy.
Personally, I, I think it
was probably something
that they were doing
to generate some likes,
or he maybe did fall off the wagon.
It, it's such a strange
video that it's hard to,
it's hard for me to buy
that he actually believed this stuff.
But the strangest part about it is
after the video was out for a while,
and a lot of people had seen it,
it suddenly was mysteriously pulled,
and he was pronounced
dead in a car accident.
Nobody saw the body.
Famous influencer dies
in a drunk driving accident.
Nobody, no funeral, no
memorial service. Gone.
Dude. Nick.
Nick, what are you doing?
Dude, what's going on?
What's with your hair, dude?
What's up, man? Who are you?
- Nomar?
- Yeah,
you asked me to come over.
- When?
- Since when do you
have a bunker.
What is this thing?
I've been building it, man.
I told you, man.
Is that thing recording?
- Yeah.
- Are they listening?
You asked me to come
in with a camera, like,
what is going on?
If you can hear me, they're out there.
Who's out there?
- Them.
- Them what?
The police, like, what's going on?
Should I be concerned?
Should I leave your house?
Or, or what? What?
They're coming, man.
I saw them. There's the lights.
Can you speak English? Who the is them?
Have you seen my dog?
Your dog. Luca?
Where's Luca?
Where'd they go? Where these come from?
What happened?
I, I, I didn't see her,
- but should I get you?
- I was right all along.
Should I get you to the hosp?
I knew it! I knew it, man.
They're out there, man.
I saw them. They're,
they're with the men in black.
The men in black. The, the.
The Illuminati, man!
They were in it all
along. They knew about it.
The, the Illuminati.
All the, all the elite
man, they're in on it.
The Bilderberg group.
They knew the whole time
they're keeping a secret.
Thomas Edison.
That's what happened to Nikola Tesla, man.
They took him away, man.
- They're gonna do that to us.
- Okay. All right, all right.
I'm gonna stop you there.
Let's go to a hospital.
Those don't look good.
There you go, man. It's perfect.
It's gonna fit perfectly.
Oh, okay. Now what?
Dude, do you feel better now?
I can hear my thoughts. So, aliens, right?
- Aliens.
- Are they like the ones
in the movies where they
like shape shift and all that?
Are you one of them?
- Are you one of them?
- No.
Are you one of them?
What the?
And then, I received
the footage from the rave.
Hey, guys, it's Alex,
welcome back to my channel.
I am here with my two best
friends in the entire world,
Sydney and Georgie.
And we are about to be at the funnest party
for the entire year.
- Yes.
- How excited are you guys?
- So excited.
- I just wanna get trashed.
- Oh, my gosh.
- Yeah.
What if like, Damon's gonna to be here?
Oh, I hope he brought Zach.
He better.
I mean, it's only been a
week since we've been
trying to convince them.
- I know.
- I mean, if they're not here,
I feel like it wouldn't be much of a party,
but they'll probably be here.
It's gonna be a blast.
I hope they brought lots of beer.
Oh, my gosh. Yeah.
Probably gonna be drinks galore.
Oh, my God, I hope so.
After you, my lady.
There's a lot of cars here.
Who is here?
Do you guys even know like,
who all is gonna be here tonight?
Get in here.
It's a video losers.
- Oh, my God.
- Oh, God.
Okay, let's just go inside already.
I am so excited.
Creepy door. Creepy door.
I got the question here. Well.
- It's so dark in there.
- I thought I brought one.
You guys look so cute.
- Oh, thank you.
- Thank you. You,
This place might be haunted.
- I hope so.
- You hope so.
Look, everybody's here.
- Hey!
- Party's here.
What's up, guy?
- I'll take some.
- All right.
What you doing?
Listen, you're the queen.
I'm sorry, you're the queen.
You're so better at it than me.
Oh, hi.
Wait, did you hear that?
Did you guys hear that?
Is it coming from?
Is it coming from over here?
Did you guys hear that? No.
Maybe it came from outside. Do you wanna?
I'm scared. Honestly,
you should go out there.
What was that?
- Oh, God, what is that?
- Is that the cracker
we kicked out of here.
What is that thing?
- What is that?
- Let's, let's go back inside.
Come on.
Oh, my God, that was so creepy.
What was that?
I don't know. That was really weird.
It was like a outside.
- I swear.
- It would be out here
- during the night.
- Wait,
did you guys hear that?
I feel like it was coming from upstairs.
Zach, can you come with me?
- Why?
- Come on Zach, please.
Get up there, Zach.
This really creepy in here.
What is this?
I feel like I heard it
coming from like over here.
We gotta go, we gotta go.
Get out of here.
We gotta go, guys. Come on!
Oh, my God. Let's get out here.
I don't even know what that thing was.
Get some car.
Do you think that was like a hobo?
- What was that?
- I have no idea.
Where is the car?
- Oh.
- Wait, there's more of them.
Oh, no, there's one. There's one outside.
- Oh, God.
- Oh, okay.
We're coming back around, guys.
We gotta go back in.
There's four of them.
- What did you see?
- Oh, my God.
I don't even know.
I don't even know.
Alex, what do you mean you don't know.
Guys, we gotta get out of here.
I don't even know where to go.
Where are we gonna go?
The best way is throughout that window.
I don't know!
I saw them out there that way.
So I've been laying low, got a decent
kind of hideaway here that
my buddies let me set up in.
And I'm gonna show you now
what happened to me
on the night of July 25th.
There's really no way to preface this.
I think it's easiest if I just,
I, I, I guess, I should just show you guys.
All right, so, I'm documenting this
because I've got meth heads or hobos
or somebody keeps getting into my backyard.
The cops will do nothing.
And I guess, maybe, I
have to resort to filming them
to finally get some help around here.
So I'm pretty sure they're
digging through my garbage,
probably looking for cans.
I'm tired of this shit, honestly.
Just as I suspected.
This pisses me off.
Wow, stupid thing.
You guys better get
the hell off my property.
Look, I'm calling the cops.
I'm calling the freaking cops.
I gotta stop watching my own movies.
If I find any of you bums
out here, I'm gonna shoot you.
I swear to God.
Do you have kids?
What the fuck? What the fuck?
God dammit.
Come on.
Come on. You're, you're
gonna get out of this.
You're gonna get through this.
You're gonna get through this.
I gotta get out of here.
Where are you going?
So I'm sure you can see
why I didn't want to turn
that over to the authorities.
And I'm sure you can see
why it would be really hard
to explain to the cops about what happened.
So it's pretty clear
that whoever's after me
does not want the footage out there, right?
And I'm going to put the footage out there.
The problem is,
it's a little easier to take
those kind of chances
when your buddy, who's a
former Green Beret is here,
and can probably help out
in case something goes down.
Mike has actually been called
away on a special assignment
somewhere in the Smoky Mountains.
I don't exactly know what's going on,
but he's been gone for a little while,
and I don't know when he'll be back.
It's not like I'm not
used to this kind of shit.
Clearly, we've already
had our run-ins with things
that seemingly feel unbelievable,
especially with the whole
Bigfoot thing up in Lake Tahoe.
I just, I just wish he was here
because it'd be a little easier for me
to kind of handle what went down, right?
So what I'm doing, I left the house.
I'm actually in a hideout,
staying at a buddy's garage,
just kind of hanging out here,
laying low for the time being.
The problem is, I think that,
you know, at some point,
at some point I'm gonna go home.
I am not going to let them
keep me and my family out.
My family's gone.
They are in an undisclosed
location with my parents,
which is great.
It allows me to sort of
operate, get this out there,
knowing that I'm the only one
in danger at this point, right?
I know that they're very worried about me.
But I mean, I showed
my wife that video footage,
and it was a pretty quick
decision for her to say,
"I'm out. I'm taking the kids and I'm out."
They wanted me to come with them,
but I told them, you know,
just like with, with Tahoe Joe,
I have to get,
I have to get this video
footage out to somebody.
Somebody has to see this.
I know there are other people
who are having the exact same thing
because they're sending me their footage.
I don't know what's
happened to any of them,
but it's best if I just lay low.
I'm documenting all of this
'cause at some point,
this is going to come out.
And I just really hope, Mike,
I really hope Mike gets home soon,
because I'm, I'm gonna
need his help on this one.
So we,
looking back through the footage,
I mean, a bunch of the security footage
we've got has shown
various things right now.
When you look at the footage,
I, I initially thought there
were multiple grays, right?
It seemed like they
were all over the place.
Upstairs in the house and
then, you know, right outside,
one minute in the backyard,
one minute out front.
Then we found this photo.
This was from a security cam
that I've got inside the garage.
The main reason it was in
there was we've got a baby
likes to go out in the
garage and play with things.
Started setting up a cam out there
just so we could make
sure he wasn't hanging out
behind the cars or whatever
when we go to leave
the security cam footage from the garage
captured this image of myself in the van
when I retreated in there,
once the, whatever it was,
came through the doggy door.
And then it lunged at the van,
and we caught this image of it.
As you can see, there's transparency here.
It's like, it's kind of
here and kind of not,
it almost looks like a ghost, right?
This has me thinking
that maybe there weren't
multiple organisms, multiple
creatures beings, whatever,
that it was the same one
potentially projecting itself all over.
So almost like a
hologram to look like more,
maybe some kind of a defense mechanism.
Maybe that's how they
disorient or confuse their prey
or their, their quarry,
their enemies, whatever,
by projecting itself all over the place.
Because it, it, it, it looks hollow here.
It doesn't look like it's actually
organically there with me.
The other thing I was considering is
if these are inter-dimensional
beings, was it?
Was it trying to manifest
itself from its world to our world
and it was losing its connection
or control at this point?
I don't know. I don't know.
Maybe they don't travel here from ships.
Maybe they come through portals.
You would think something that
has to come here from a ship
would be an excellent engineer
to be able to travel that far.
And, and for this thing to just show up
with really no form of suit
and just, just kind of
all of a sudden be there.
It makes me think that maybe they,
they're using worm holes
or something instead,
and they can teleport or, I don't know.
I'm, I'm sounding
absolutely insane right now,
but all I know is what I
experienced was extremely real.
I am scared.
I am scared.
I'm scared of who wants this footage
and what they're gonna
do to me if I release it.
I tried reaching out to Mike,
sort of let him know what's been going on.
They must be completely off the grid
with whatever they're doing,
because it goes straight to voicemail.
And that's not him.
I mean, if I call Mike's on it,
especially after the Tahoe thing, right?
He's been, he's been on it immediately.
So I can't get a hold of him.
I'm just gonna keep pushing
on with this on my own.
I did have a buddy of
mine do a deep dive for me.
Josh Brucker, one of the Horror Dadz.
He, he got into kind of the back catalog
of his alien stuff.
He's a big time alien guy.
And he dug up a video for
me from a pretty respected,
I think astrophysicist,
the guy is brilliant,
but again, nobody's heard
from him in a long time.
Hi, I'm Dr. Phineas Strothmont,
a professor of metaphysics
for over 30 years.
If you look for me on the
internet, you won't find a thing.
That's because I've been
part of a secret research team.
I risk my job and my very
life sharing what I'm about to.
If enough people are
aware of the threat, maybe,
just, maybe something can
be done to save humankind.
It might be too late.
Upon embarking on a career path
involving the research of covert science,
which would be considered
science fiction to most,
I also began a lifelong side study
of the alien UFO phenomena.
It is with this pursuit of the unknown,
combined with my advanced
studies of metaphysics
that I bring to you the following
educated hypothesis and warning.
What we're dealing with here
is hard to even contemplate.
The idea that these are spaceships
is the machinations of a simple mind.
No offense.
By that logic, if something
isn't traveling here in ships,
I believe that these beings
have mastered a way
to instantaneously get
here inter-dimensionally.
If so, this could be the threat.
These inter-dimensional
beings are likely not here
for nefarious purposes, right?
Why would they travel so far to be violent
and risk stranding themselves?
So I am packing up my stuff.
I'm tired of this. I'm gonna go back home.
It's time to stop sort of living in fear.
Haven't seen any of the
mysterious vans for a long time.
So I'm gonna go home.
I'm, I'm ready to move on with my life.
And, and, and I'm gonna
tell this story no matter what.
- Yeah.
- Hi there. My name is Lauren.
We're with the Rodriguez Gutter Company.
- Okay?
- We've had some
severe storms recently,
and we've been around the neighborhood
and we've noticed that your
gutters are pretty clogged.
I honestly, I wouldn't even know.
I've been gone for a couple weeks.
I haven't even had a chance to check.
You know, it's interesting,
you said you've been gone a couple weeks,
so have your neighbors.
We checked theirs and we quoted them.
We'd love to give you a good quote
and clean 'em out for you.
I, I'm interested, but
honestly, I'm so tired.
Can you guys, next week?
Would that work? Could you come back?
You got a card?
I have a card. Next
week's pretty long though.
Yeah, I know.
It's just, it's really,
it's not a good time for me, honestly.
We know the footage you have,
you might wanna keep that off the internet.
Oh, shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit.
Oh, shit.
Freeze. Drop the gun.
Are you okay?
I'm good. Just graze me.
I'll leave you for a little while.
You get involved with aliens
and people trying to kill you.
What the hell, man?
Dude, it's about time you showed up.
I've been trying to get a
hold of you for weeks now.
I know, I know. I've been busy.
I've, I've been watching
you the whole time though.
You've been watching me the whole time
and you just showed up now.
Yeah, man, all this stuff
that's been going on,
I've been keeping my eyes on you,
so I had to make sure these are bad guys.
Well, I can pretty much
vouch that they're bad guys.
All right, tell you what,
I'm gonna make a call real quick.
Oh, God.
Hey, 18 Charlie 1.
Got two couches that
need to go to this landfill.
All right, I'll send my location now. Out.
All right, we need to disappear
for about an hour or so.
While we're doing that, you're
gonna take all this footage.
We need to get that out
there. You need to upload it.
- All right?
- Yeah, done.
- Come on.
- It's going.
What the hell's the landfill?
Yo, Mike, we gotta talk about your past.
I believe in essence,
that they could move into
an area quickly to hunt,
then disappear fast,
leaving minimal witnesses.
This is occurring. Let
this be your warning.
Be safe, everybody.
Okay, so this next video
I've chosen release publicly
caught both my attention
and my concern for a number of reasons,
primarily due to the fact
of its disturbing nature.
Initially, this documentation was acquired
from a private source via the dark web.
This, and sadly, many others like it,
are advertised and sold for personal gains,
and most often times
exclusive to the highest bidder.
And in hopes to put a
stop to websites like this,
we need to spread awareness
about darknet marketplaces.
And that is why I'm publicly releasing this
to the surface web.
I'm choosing a high
profile case out of Illinois,
and I'm hoping that this will get
seen by the right people.
But if you are choosing to
move forward in watching this,
I have to disclaim
that these are real atrocities
being made onto real people,
real victims.
So please only proceed if
you can emotionally handle
the unfortunate nature of these outcomes.
The lake's up there
and a little bit further.
I believe it's the full circle one, but.
We have a little spot like this in spring.
Spot, like this in.
Would've loved to ignore him but.
Hold on, I'm swapping out the lines.
Okay, can you hear me?
All good.
Okay, great.
Sorry, I don't know what that was. Ready?
All right, guys.
Thank you for joining
us for another episode
of "Small Town Sleuths."
Over the next few episodes,
we'll be covering
something a little more fringe.
For over 10 years, over 10
disappearances have occurred
in the small rural area of Illinois.
No leads, no clues,
nothing to tell Law enforcement officials
which directions to go in.
Many have speculated what is responsible
for these disappearances,
aliens, a government
coverup, an ancient curse.
I believe this area is home
to an act of serial killer.
And Noah and I intend
on uncovering the truth,
Bring this person or persons to light.
Okay, is that good?
- That was awesome.
- Perfect.
I probably can move more stuff up.
You wanna just move around back maybe?
Yeah, probably.
My name's Todd Larson.
Megan Larson is my
sister, my little sister.
And I've been staying with
her for a couple of months.
Got some, some marital problems going on,
and she took me in.
So I've been staying downstairs.
So, I sleep downstairs
and Megan sleeps upstairs.
The, the night or early morning that
whenever all this happened,
I, I, I didn't hear anything.
Nothing woke me up there.
Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.
I got a little alarmed when
I was getting ready for work
and Megan still wasn't up.
She's usually always up making coffee.
So the fact that she wasn't up
and hadn't notified me that
she wasn't going into work
that day was, was alarming.
So I went upstairs to check on her
and after a couple of attempts,
she never did answer the,
the door, her bedroom door.
So I, I forced my way into the
room and Megan wasn't there.
And I started to get concerned
because her cell phone,
her purse, and her car were all still here.
So I immediately notified
the police and they came out,
they said they didn't find
anything suspicious outside.
There were no tracks
or anything leading up to windows,
either coming to the house
or leaving from the house.
There was no signs of forced entry.
They really found nothing.
And so I've, I've done a
little of my own searching,
talking to people, and nobody
seems to know anything.
We just, we just want answers.
All we want are answers.
We just want Megan to come home,
whether, whether she's with us or,
or the worst has happened,
we just wanna know.
Hey, Nancy.
- Hey, are you the?
- Oh, you're those people?
- Yes.
- Coming.
Okay, can you have a seat for me?
Can you have a seat for me, please?
So I was just gonna walk
out here and show you where,
where she used to like
to be here, my Colleen.
- Okay.
- And ever since
she's been gone, I just,
and her daddy, he took
off, couldn't deal with it.
And so I took on.
- I asked your dad.
- I took on this little one
to kind of fill the void that I felt.
And haven't had much
help around here on the lawn.
- The lawn, grass is scary.
- We're very busy with her,
- so.
- Can you tell us
a little about Coleen?
The long grass is gonna be.
So Colleen, she was,
she was a brilliant, bright child.
She, I think she had a
great future ahead of her.
She was so smart, and
kind, and beautiful, and funny,
and really always knew
that she would go places.
She would get out of this small town
and be somebody as
long as she applied herself.
And we're gonna go to heaven.
That's right, that's right.
Can you tell us a little about
the night she went missing?
Well, it was so long ago.
I was working and she called me.
We got into a fight
because she needed a ride right then
from her job to get home.
And I couldn't leave my job to
go get her and take her home.
So last thing she said to me was,
"Well, I'll just get my
own ride and it's late."
And she just hung up on me.
Just no I love you, no goodbyes.
I don't think about it all the time about
what I could have done different.
And if I would've just given her a ride,
what would've happened?
Obviously, law
enforcement was brought in.
Can you give us countdown
as far as that went?
Yeah, well, it was a long overrun deal,
but basically it boiled down to nothing.
They were useless.
I mean, as soon as the
search began, it was done.
There was no clues, no witnesses.
Nobody knew anything
about who'd given her a ride
or who she left with, where she went.
She just was gone.
How much interest is in the case today?
Really only me.
You're the first person
that's talked to me about her
and, well, since she's been
missing last four years or so.
- I'm sorry, Nancy.
- Let's keep walking.
Hopefully if I can
- close this in.
- Let's keep walking.
That's all I've ever wanted. Just.
Let's keep walking.
Okay, we'll walk in a minute, all right?
That's why I took this one on.
She's, she needs me and I need her.
- And I go to Tredestin.
- That's right, you do.
This wraps this week's
episode of "Small Town's Sleuths."
Please like and subscribe
for future episodes
as we dig deeper to the
Olmay Valley disappearances.
And as always, stay safe out there.
Episode one in the bag.
Yes, sir. Hope you like it.
Rachel, what? What?
You're not gonna fucking believe this.
You think they're real?
I do.
How do they even know to email us?
I don't know. I got off work, came home,
checked my email, and it was just there.
What? What do you wanna do?
I think we should put it on the channel.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
- Why not?
- Rachel it's obvious.
What's obvious?
If those are real and I'm unconvinced,
but if they are, that could
get our channel canceled.
We've been on a decline though, Noah.
Yeah, but we worked
hard for that shit, Rachel.
This could drive the
traffic the channel needs.
But I, I still think.
We're, we're doing
it. No, we're doing it.
Okay. I'm behind you.
I don't agree, but we're in it.
So be my guest.
- Thank you.
- Yeah, I'll,
I'll get 'em transferred
over to a, a, a different file,
and I'll, I'll let you
know when I'm finished.
Okay, sounds good.
Okay, so things have gotten interesting.
I was personally emailed
a few videos not long ago.
After Noah and I had a
conversation we mutually agreed
to release the footage of
these videos on our channel.
We aren't even sure if they're real yet,
but if they are,
we have no clue where
this road will take us.
I think whoever emailed these videos
wanted me to release them.
Maybe because I was gonna pull the plug.
Maybe to fuck with us
some more. I don't know.
But these videos, they're graphic,
so watch out your own risk.
I decided to call them the
"Illinois Murder Valley Tapes."
I just said that wrong, didn't I?
The "Illinois Valley Murder
Tapes," and you'll see why.
Now, help me.
Hey, hey. Who the fuck are you?
Okay, do you wanna do
a quick intro real quick?
Yeah, yeah, we should.
So we're at the mystery address
that our mystery contact gave us
to do a look around and meet up,
and hopefully get some answers.
I like it.
So did they?
Did they say what we're
looking for out here or?
They didn't say anything.
Oh, that's, that's nice.
And that's not a creepy sign at all.
Yeah, I don't, I don't like it.
Not getting,
Yeah. Good, good grouping, right?
It's, it's really nice to be
told to just come out here
by some random stranger and find that.
There's a lot of hiding spots out here.
I don't know how I feel about this Noah.
Oh, came back.
I'm definitely getting
creepy vibes out here.
- How far?
- Did they say
what we're looking for out here?
The green...
Oh, sorry, there. Okay.
I was trying to act like
we were talking about
the person who emailed us.
There's too much that can go wrong.
I can agree.
You're, you're the one who said we,
we're gonna do this, so.
We're gonna get justice. I, I know it.
Are you sure they said meet out here?
I am pretty sure. Now,
I guess. I don't know.
This just seems like a setup.
Could've sworn I saw these leaves moving.
What's that?
The hell.
Should we go around it?
I mean, I'm not trying to get aid up.
I kinda am.
We still haven't seen anybody. I, I.
I don't know.
- What? What?
- What the fuck was that?
I think we need to leave, Noah.
Yeah, let's, let's get outta here.
I don't like that.
Could be anywhere.
Wait, wait a second.
Did you hear something?
Should we? You said
we needed answers, right?
And I just, I feel like.
Who the fuck is that?
What's happening? Did you see him?
What do we do? Is it him?
Did he reach his arm?
What do you think is gonna happen?
I'm scared, Noah.
I don't think I hear him anymore.
Okay, go.
What? What? What? Oh, fuck.
It's really you.
I, I, I brought her here for you.
She's, she's, she's yours.
- What the fuck, Noah?
- You, you really?
She's yours, man. She's,
I, I brought her here for you.
I, I love your work. I, I've been obsessed.
You really, you really fell for this?
I can't believe you.
Please, Noah.
Who do you think?
Who do you think sent you the videos?
Who do you think?
Who do you think some stranger
just gave you the info to this place?
- Why?
- I have the opportunity now.
I hope he loves this as much as I will.
Please, please.
I have to be as good as his art.
Noah, don't. Don't, no!
I did this for you. I love your artwork.
It's so.
Why? I did this for you.
We can work together.
Do three quick inhales to the nose, like,
- to get that last.
- Okay.
Thank you for joining
us for another episode
of "Small Town Sleuths."
Please like, and subscribe
for future episodes.
What are we doing, Noah?
What are we gonna tell them?
We're gonna tell them what?
That we've together for six months now?
They might actually really like it.
I, I don't think that we need,
I don't think we need to
take away from this though.
I mean, we've been, we've
been working really hard.
We've been working really hard. I just.
Do you really think they
need snow right now though?
It's been long enough.
They should know we're together.
I just, we'll let 'em know,
but we just, we got, I, I
feel like we should wait.
You know, I just don't, don't worry.
We, we'll tell them, okay?
Just it'll be a little cherry on top
whenever we're finished with this.
We're still recording.
Noah here.
Just wanna,
just wanna get some things
off my chest, you know?
In case things don't quite go as planned.
As you know, Rachel and
I are investigating some
disappearances, you could say.
I just, I happen to know they're not
to at least witness art of that magnitude.
I intend to
play with Rachel
as a beloved murderer
seems to almost play with
his artwork, with his muses.
Gonna lure him, our artist,
and Rachel to the same spot.
And give her to him.
I intend to work with him to dig deeper.
Not for a story, not
for Small Town Sleuths.
It's Rachel, but
for fun.
I've been contemplating
for the last hour now
whether or not I should
even make another video.
But in the time, it must have taken me
to upload both of these other videos.
A mysterious icon pops up on my screen,
obviously wanting me to click it,
which I can only assume is another video.
And then, I guess,
part of me is also saying
that I don't know if I can
stomach another video like this.
Maybe this was a bad idea.