Stalked by My Doctor: Patient's Revenge (2018) Movie Script

It's okay.
It's okay.Mom.
It's okay, honey.
I got you.
It's your third
nightmare this week.
But who's counting?
Good morning, ladies.
I'm sorry, Dad.
It's okay, pumpkin.
Sleep's overrated.
I think we need
to go see somebody.
A psychiatrist?
A counselor.
Somebody to help you get over it.
Dad. Mom. No.
It's been two years.
I'm not going to a psychiatrist.
Well, we have to do something.
Yeah, we do need
to do something.
We need to put that man in jail.
Sophie. How many times
have we talked about this?
You gotta let it go.
Let it go.
How can I let it go
after what he did to me?
There is nothing we can do.
I know it's not right,
but sometimes bad people,
they just... they get away with it.
I really want this to work.
I do too.
I know we haven't talked
about everything yet.
What do you mean?
There are some things in my past
that you don't know about,
and I'm sure there are things
about you that I don't know about.
Right? Right.
it's been
three months now, and...
If we're gonna have a life together,
we shouldn't have any secrets.
No matter what you tell me,
I'm not gonna stop loving you.
Okay. I'll go first.
When I was in college,
I was... in love with a woman.
It was just a phase
I was going through, and...
Well, I was thinking
that maybe you and I might...
share a woman for a night.
If that's okay.
If that's what you want.
I would do it for you.
Okay, that's my terrible past.
Your turn.
About a year ago,
I was involved in a court case.
You could say that.
They accused me of terrible things.
They were trying to send
me to jail for a long time,
but I managed to persuade one
of the jurors to see it my way,
and she convinced everybody else
on the jury that I was innocent.
The court finds
Dr. Albert Beck not guilty.
Everything's okay now though.
It's all in the past.
What did... What did
they accuse you of?
It's... It's not important, baby.
Hey, come on.
No secrets, remember?
Kidnapping and attempted murder.
That... doesn't sound
like malpractice.
Well, it was complicated.
Car accident.
This woman comes in the ER.
We operate on her heart
for, like, eight hours.
She had a real dicey recovery,
and she needed a doctor
to look after her 24/7.
And the only place I could really
look after her was at my house.
Well, the police took her side
in the matter. It was so silly.
Like I said, it was all
just a big misunderstanding.
Look what time it is.
I'm gonna be late
for that meeting.
Baby, I don't make mistakes
like that anymore.
I'm not even practicing
medicine anymore.
I'm gonna be
a college professor.
I know.
I will call you.
You, said you'd love me
no matter what I told you.
You lied to me.
You know what I'm gonna do?
I'm gonna make it so you
can't tell any more lies.
I'm gonna cut your tongue out.
Who are you kidding?
No, you won't.
She deserves it. No, she doesn't.
You heard what she said.
She said she'd love me unconditionally.
- Who are you talking to?
- She said the past didn't matter,
that we had a future together.
Dude, you need
to take your pill.
I loved her!
you ready to hit the road?
Yeah, Dad. Give me five.
All right.
A little something
in case you need it.
Come on, honey.
Take it.
Sometimes the food they
serve at the dorm is awful.
You said so yourself.
That way if you're hungry,
you can walk down to the village
and get some dinner, right?
Okay. I'm not gonna use it.
Here's your clothes,
fresh from the laundry.
Thanks, Mom.
And speaking of money,
are you sure we're all paid
up for tuition this semester?
Yeah, we are.'Cause I don't remember
getting a bill from Whittendale.
Honey, did you? No.
No, no. I thought
you took care of it. Mom, Dad, relax.
They wouldn't enroll me in
classes if we weren't paid up.
We're fine.
All right.
Okay, I wanna get going
so I won't hit traffic.
I got it.Dad.
I'm a big girl.
I can carry my own suitcase.
Yes, ma'am.
Call us when you get
to Whittendale. I will.
Drive safe.
I always do.
Love you, honey. Be careful.
You're looking at a doctor who
cares deeply for his fellow man,
and I'm excited to have him
join us here on campus.
When he was chairman of the president's
task force on heart disease,
he single-handedly
the way the world approaches
cardiovascular surgery.
And now, as dean
of the medical department,
it is my sincere pleasure
to introduce to you
your new instructor
for this semester,
Dr. Albert Beck.
You're too generous.
So, um...
Welcome to,
Cardiological Systems 101-B.
Strange name for a class.
Excuse me.
It seems to fit
the... the material
that we'll be discussing
this semester.
I read about you
on the Internet.
Did you kidnap that girl?
What's your name?
Victoria, if what you read
on the Internet were true,
do you think this great
university would have hired me?
Probably not. Of course not.
A lot of doctors are wrongfully
accused in this country.
Malpractice is very common.
It's also something that all of you may have
to deal with once you start practicing.
Am I right? Absolutely.
And on that note,
the first thing I'd like to teach you guys
is that I'll run this class the
same way I run an operating room.
It doesn't matter
if you're a nurse
or an anesthesiologist
or the chief surgeon.
You will arrive on time.
What's your name?
Melissa... Melissa Peterson.
It is such an honor
to meet you, Dr. Beck.
I am so sorry I'm late.
I ran all the way from the...
Easy. Easy.
Baby. Ooh.
Whoa. Easy.
What's happening?
Okay, don't worry.
She just fainted.
Has this ever happened
to you before?
Like when you stand up too
fast, or you're grossed out?
It sounds like she
has vasovagal syncope.
When the vagus nerve
is overstimulated,
your blood vessels dilate
and your heart slows down.
It happens to a lot of people.
You'll be fine.
Thank you. Okay.
I'm so embarrassed.
Don't be.
You shouldn't be doing this.
This doesn't concern you.Man.
You really think you can be normal,
don't ya? Teaching job. Mansion.
Sports car. Hot chick
to round out the package.
- Shut up and leave me alone.
- I'm not gonna leave you alone.
'Cause you got a big-ass problem
and you don't see it.
All right, Mr. Smart Guy,
what's my problem? Younger women.
They're poison to you.
Well, then how come they're so
much nicer to me than older women?
Because you're so old,
the younger women think you're harmless.
They don't know you're just
really a dirty old man.
That's not true, man.
When I fall in love with a girl,
it's for real. It is honest.
Honest. Yeah, right. Is that why
you're out in the middle of the night
following Melissa around
with a camera?
'Cause you're so honest?
I'm not having
this conversation.
- Delete the photos.
- No!
And stay away from her, man.
Stay away from all women.
It's the only way you're
gonna keep out of trouble, pal.
So what am I supposed to do, live the rest
of my life alone, with no one to love?
That's the deal.
Well, the deal stinks. Sure does.
But it beats
the hell out of prison.
You know,
what happened to that guy?
You took care of it, right?
I mean...
We broke up a couple months ago.
Okay. That's all
the time we've got.
Hand in the quiz.
We'll pick this up next week.
Hey, Dr. Beck. Um...
I'm still, um, a little confused
over the whole blood platelets thing.
I was hoping maybe you had some
time to answer a few questions.
Sure. Have a seat.
Could you just... I don't know...
Maybe explain it all again?
Sure. the number-one
thing platelets do
is they help stop bleeding at the
sight of interrupt endothelium.
And when the platelets
change shape
and turn on the receptors,
we call that what?
Activation. Good girl.
And when they connect... Here's
the big one... to each other,
we call that...
See, it's not so hard.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Is that you with the president?
That was a long time ago.
I'm really hungry.
Wanna get something to eat?
I can't.
I, um, have this huge
application I have to fill out
for this financial scholarship,
and it's due tomorrow.
And I really do have to go.
Okay, these handbooks are gonna
prove to be really helpful
over the next
couple of assignments.
If you don't have one,
take one, pass them around.
I know it's a bit old school,
but when you take notes this way,
the information has a way of sticking to the
brain cells, which is the whole point, right?
Dr. Pervert.
Is this some kind of sick joke?
Excuse me?
This is so bad.
Which one of you did this?
Who put those magazines
in my handbooks?
I'm paying $45,000 a year
in tuition for this?
Sophie Green.
Hey, Sophie.
This yours?
Stay away from me.
Thought you were
going to Whittendale.
Transferred. When?
When I heard you were
gonna be teaching here.
So that's why you put
those magazines in my classroom?
Trying to get me fired? Don't know
what you're talking about.
Security cameras videotaped you
breaking into the room, Sophie.
Yeah? Well, you deserve it.
What do you want from me?
I want you in jail.
This man kidnapped me.
He tried to kill me.
That's not true.
Trying to interest more people
in your fake lawsuit?
My God. You're bipolar.
- You are delusional.
- I'mdelusional?
We had experts in that
courtroom that proved it.
And in case you forgot,
they found me not guilty.
That jury was rigged.
That trial was a joke.
Whose life are you
gonna try to ruin next time?
One of your teachers?
Your dentist?
Gonna make up stories about him
so you can sue and make a fortune?
You're good.
The only reason you didn't
get rich trying to ruin me
is because
I fought her in court.
Stay away from him, girls.
This man is a pervert.
I saved your life,
and this is how you thank me.
All I've got left
is this teaching job,
and now you wanna take that too.
You bet. I started a
petition to get you fired,
and I won't stop until you're
locked in a hole for good.
Hey. Why don't you leave him alone, okay?
He doesn't deserve this.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
What do you know, bitch?
What did you call me?
Whoa, whoa, whoa. No, no.
We're not doing this.
Stay the hell away from me!
It was that girl who put
the magazines in your class?
I'm sorry you have
to go through this.
So I just wanna make sure
I understand this.
You want me and my crew to do a little
attitude adjustment on some guy you know?
Yeah. Just rough him up
a little bit.
You know, send him a message.
Who's the guy?
Does it matter?
Yeah, it matters.
Is he a cop? No.
All right.
So, what did
this doctor do to you?
It's a long story,
and you don't need to know.
Can you do it or not?
Look, you want me
to do something for you,
then, you gotta do
a little something for me.
Hey, Dr. Kidnapper!
No, no, no!
Okay, wait.
Come on.
Let's go.
Somebody help me.Dr. Beck?
Dr. Beck. My God.
My God. Are you okay?
What happened?
I need... I need... I need
to get to my classroom.
No. You need to go
to the emergency room.No. No.
To my classroom.Okay.
Well, let me help you.
Okay. Here we are.
I hurt all over my arm.
My arm.
I don't know what's wrong.
Take this.Okay.
Man, man.
Tell me what you need.
Boy. My God.
We're gonna need
to sew up my arm.
Okay. Um...
You're gonna do it.
It's simple.
I'll show you.
Are you crazy?
I can't sew up your arm.
You wanna learn something
in medical school, or what?
All right. Okay.
Just tell me what to do.
First start with this.
You know, you did
an excellent job.
You think so? I do.
I think you're
a natural at this.
Well, I guess it's because
I have a good teacher
who literally bleeds
for his students.
You're probably the last person
on campus who feels that way.
Over half my students dropped out of my
class today and signed that petition.
Yeah. I heard.
How about you?
Are you gonna drop
out of my class?
You wanna know the truth?
I thought about it.
But, um...
I'm gonna stay.
I like your class.
And who cares what Sophie Green and
her friends have to say about you?
I came here to learn
how to be a doctor,
so that's what I'm gonna do.
Are you, sure
you're okay to drive?
I'll be fine.
Well, um, do you have anyone
at home to take care of you?
Your wife or...
your girlfriend?
Just me.
Well, here, give me your phone.
This is my number,
and you can call me
anytime tonight
if you... you need anything.
Don't even think about it.
It... It doesn't even
matter what time it is.
Just call me. Okay?
Start the car, dude.
We got places to go,
things to do.
In a minute.
Come here.
The way the moonlight
Dances down your long hair
That sparkle in your eyes
Just makes me stop and stare
But I have to apologize
I don't pay attention
To that stuff
'Cause I'm not
The kind of guy
Who falls in love
The kindness in your smile
Could make me
Give you a chance
And your handsome
Movie-star style
Could make me believe
In romance
But I have to apologize
I don't fall for that stuff
'Cause I'm not
The kind of girl
Who falls in love
Just like the stars and sky
You and I
Fit together
Like a hand in glove
It's too bad for me
Too bad for you
We're not the kind of people
Who fall in love
Thank you, Melissa.
I'll see you in class.
Sophie Green!
It was you, wasn't it?
What are you talking about?
You hired those guys to beat up Dr. Beck,
didn't you?
I don't need
to listen to this. Hey, I'm talking to you.
Get your hands off of me!
Admit it!
I know it was you!
You tried to kill him,
didn't you?
You tried to kill him!
I know it was you! Hey, hey.
You're not gonna get away with this!
You hear me?
You're not gonna
get away with this!
Watch me.
Fourteen of your students
came to the office yesterday.
They wanna transfer
to a different class.
Well, you can thank
Sophie Green for that.
So now you're telling me she had
some of her friends beat you up?
Probably, yeah.
You've gotta get that girl
out of this school, pal.
Not that easy.
There's no proof she was involved.
Come on. She's the one who started
the petition to get me fired.
I can't kick
a student out of school
for protesting
against a teacher, Albert.
You know that.
On the other hand,
I just spent the last six months
begging the board of
directors to hire you.
So I'm not gonna
let you go either.
So what are you gonna do?
Tomorrow, 1:00,
you, me, Sophie,
the board of directors,
we're gonna meet
in the conference room
and come up with an arrangement
so the two of you
can coexist on campus.
I don't think
that's a good idea. It's not.
It's a terrible idea.
But that's what the board wants to
do, so we're gonna do it.
Welcome to academia.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Sophie, may I speak
to you a minute?
Save it for the meeting
Please, honey, will you just
have a look at this?
I had a lawyer draw it up.
It's an agreement between you and me.
It protects the both of us.
It says we have to stay a hundred
yards away from each other.
And if I'm in breach,
you can sue me
for everything I'm worth.
What if I'm in breach?
Well, you just pay
a fine. Fifty bucks.
Read it.
Show it to your parents.
I don't need to.
You got a pen? Sure.
Here you go.
Shove it up your nose.
I'm not signing anything.
Now, get away from me
before I call security.
What happened?
I don't know.
She just doubled over.
Are you taking
any medication? Get away from me.
Okay, call 911.
Are you taking
any drugs or alcohol? No. I'm clean.
I need something to keep her warm.
We have to keep her warm.
Yes. I have a young lady, 20s.
She's on the ground.
She's shaking.
I think she's going into shock.
We're at the lunch pavilion at,
Southeastern Arizona University.
Yes, I'll keep the line open.
Okay, all right.
My God.
She's taking fentanyl.
I can't breathe.Dinoxyline.
We need dinoxyline.
We used to have some at the nurse's office.
I have some, I think.
My God. I do.
Here we go.
This is dinoxyline.
I'm gonna squirt this up your nose.
It's gonna counteract the drugs that are
in your system. Ready? Snort this. Sniff.
Good girl.
Good girl.
Okay, now, breathe deep.
Breathe deep.
Good girl.
So, what do you think?
She's addicted?
Well, it looks that way.
Yeah, everybody's
getting hooked on painkillers.
I mean, we have a whole country
with an opioid addiction right now.
Well, we got a drug-free
policy on campus.
I'm gonna have to tell the
board of directors about this.
What a shame.
Looks like we can cancel
that meeting tomorrow.Yeah.
Thanks. You're welcome.
The board of directors and I gave
this a great deal of thought.
Personally, I think
you're a bright young woman
with a wonderful future
ahead of you.
But, Sophie, after reviewing
this case for the last week,
we've come to the conclusion that we
need to terminate your enrollment.
You think I'm
a drug addict, don't you?
I didn't say that.
Beck put those drugs
in my backpack.
You don't care.
You knew he was a pervert,
but you gave him the job anyway.
That man is
a con artist and a fraud.
Do you even have any idea how
many students signed my petition?
Your petition is irrelevant.
And counting.
Dr. Beck?
I got
the scholarship. That's great!
Dean Sanchez told me that you
had something to do with it,
so thank you.
And I heard
about how Sophie overdosed
at the lunch tables the other
day and that you saved her life.
Well, yeah, basically.
That is so generous of you.
I mean, she ruins your career,
and... and yet you
still helped her out.
You're gonna be
a doctor someday.
You would've done
the same thing.
You referring
to somebody like that?
I'm not so sure.
You son of a bitch!
They kicked me out of school
because of you!
You set me up!
You poisoned me!
Get off of him!
- Don't touch me, you bitch!
- Somebody call security!
Get off of me!
Hey, let her go!
Your little bitch, Beck!
You let her fight
your battles for you?
I'm talking to you!
You are done, Beck!
I'm gonna nail you for what you did!
That's it, Sophie. We're getting
a restraining order against you.
You think you can just kick me
out of school and shut me up?
You think I'm going away?
Get her out of here.
I'm gonna let
the whole world know
you hired a sex predator
to teach here.
You're out of a job,
you corporate pimp.
You're done!
You're done!
All right, show's over.
Back to class.
Come on. Back to class.
Can I speak with you privately?
Hey, Mom.
I just got off the phone with the
registrar's office at Whittendale.
You remember Whittendale,
the school that you're
apparently not enrolled in.
They said that you transferred to
Southeastern Arizona University.
Yeah, well, I don't go to Southeastern
Arizona University anymore.
They just kicked me out.
Wait. Hold on. What?
Forget it.
It doesn't even matter.
Sophie, that is
where Dr. Beck teaches.
Yeah, kind of.
Look, whatever you're doing,
you need to just stop it.
Mom, just listen to me,
all right? It's working.
What's working?
I think I just got him fired.
Congratulations. And you're gonna
get yourself killed in the process.
You need to leave that place,
and you need to come home now.
Mom, that's not
gonna happen, all right?
I've got a plan that's gonna get rid of
him for good, and I'm following through.
Ever since you were tiny,
you have always been brave,
and you always do the right
thing, and I love that about you.
But this guy has
made you suffer enough,
and you don't have to do this.
I know what you're going through.
No. No, you do not.
You don't know what I'm going
through because he didn't kidnap you.
He didn't try to kill you.
I can't sleep at night.
You know when you wake up and for a split
second you don't know where you're at?
Well, every single morning when I
open my eyes, it's just a flash,
but I swear to you
I'm back in that house.
I'm in his bed and tied up,
and he has his hands on me,
and I cannot shake it.
And if I don't do
something about it,
I'm gonna need meds for the rest of
my life, because I'm gonna go nuts.
Why the hell do you
have to be so stubborn?
Got it from you.
Mom, I need your help.
And just you.
You cannot tell Dad.
Help with what?
Look, I'll explain that
to you later, but just...
please say yes.
No. Please.
I'm gonna do this
no matter what you say.
Are you with me or not?
What do you need me to do?
I have done nothing wrong
since I got here.
That woman's a liar.
And a drug addict.
Have you seen how many students
signed the petition?
No.Over a thousand.
- Man.
- I don't need this kind of publicity, Al.
If our donors find out about this,
they're gonna pull my budget.
Look, when I heard
about your trial...
I really wanted to help you get
your life back together again.
I really did.
This is just too much.
I'm sorry.
Dr. Beck.
Hey, Dr. Beck.
They, rescheduled
my class with you
for a different day
and a different teacher.
What happened?
They... They let me go.
It's because of that disgusting
piece of crap Sophie Green, isn't it?
Hey, it doesn't do
any good to blame her.
It just didn't work out,
that's all.
Well, um,
can I ask you something?
You can just be honest.
Um, is there any truth
in what she's saying about you?
None at all.
She made up this elaborate
fantasy just so she could sue me.
It happens to a lot of doctors.
Kind of feel
like I let you down.
You actually did
the total opposite.
You taught me so much.
I'm really gonna miss you.
Hey, would you
like to get a coffee
or a doughnut
or... something?
Yeah, I'd love that.
More wine?
So, um, how come
you're not married?
I was married once.
For a little while.
But in all honesty,
and I hate to admit it,
I wasn't really
in love with her.
You married somebody,
but you didn't love her?
I felt sorry for her.
And she was raising
a daughter on her own
and she needed financial help.
And at the time...
I thought it was
the right thing to do.
Well, why did you break up?
She fell...
in love with somebody else.
That's awful.
So what about you?
Are you seeing anybody?
No. I...
I haven't been
on a date in a while.
I guess you can say
that I am allergic to guys.
It sounds serious.
Is it contagious?
Not all guys.
Just... Just guys my own age.
And what's wrong
with guys your own age?
They just wanna party.
And they all have
something to prove.
"Hey, baby, wanna get drunk
and hook up?" Like...
I don't know.
I'm just sick of it.
I just want an intelligent guy
to have a conversation with.
You know? And no drama. There's always
so much drama dating people your own age.
Ha. Tell me about it.
It's weird. I...
All my friends have always been
a couple of years older than me.
Maybe it's because I was
the youngest of four kids.
And everybody
always says that I...
That I have a father complex.
Why do they say that?
Well, um,
my last boyfriend, he was...
Well, he was 51.
I guess I have a thing
for older men.
Is that weird?
No, I really don't...
Don't have an opinion.
Can I make a confession?
When I heard that you were
gonna be a teacher at my school,
I was really excited because of your
reputation as a cardiologist and all,
I don't know. When I...
When I met you
that first day, I kind of,
well, developed
a... a crush on you.
You're playing with fire,
my friend.
You're about to make
a great, big mistake.
Now, call her a taxi
and send her home, pal.
So, how do you like Phoenix?
Have you found
a nice place to live?
I did.
I did.
But it's too big for one person.
How big?
My God.
I know, right?
Wanna take a tour?
Yeah. Why not?
the living room.-
Kitchen. Out back
is the swimming pool.
Miniature golf course.
Are you trying to impress me?
Is it working?
Wanna see my screening room?
And this is the master bedroom.
Through that window
I have the most wonderful view.
You forgot about that photo,
didn't you?
You blew it, man.
You were this close, man, to getting that
wonderful girl to fall in love with you,
but no, you had to be a moron,
and put your sickness
in a picture frame
on your bedside table.
She's gonna turn around and walk
out of here like they all do. Watch.
Now, this is impressive.
- Is it?
- Yes.
Shows how much
you care about me.
Does it?
How much you love me.
My goodness.
Is this for real?
Definitely yes.
What are you doing in my house?
- Call the police.
- No.
Please. Don't.
I was wrong...
about everything.
I can see now how happy you
can make a woman, and I...
could've had that,
but I just pushed you away.
Join us.
I borrowed your toothbrush.
Hope you don't mind.
No problem.
All right.
I have got to get to class.
But last night was incredible.
You okay?
I just had a dream
that Sophie was here.
With us.
Yeah, well,
that will never happen.
Because if she comes anywhere near
you, she'll have to deal with me.
And I'll kick her ass
all the way to New Mexico.
What do you got
going on this afternoon?
Well, now that I'm
unemployed, not much.
Well, my last class is at 2:00. So,
do you want to go for a hike or something?
Sounds great.
All right.
Then I'll see you later.
She loves me.
She loves you.
Damn right, she does.
Forgot the olive oil.
What's going on?
How you feeling
this morning, Albert?
What's that?
- You need to help me!
- You got a little pain?
Please don't hurt me.
Please don't hurt me.
Maybe a little
physical therapy might help.
Aw. It's kind of tender?
Better take a look.
See where the problem is.
Don't hurt me.
My God.
My God!
It's so big!
I'm gonna need a whole team
of nurses just to lift it up.
That's what guys
like to hear, right? No.
Lab results are in.
According to women
all over the world,
you and your little friend have
been causing all sorts of problems.
So, you know what
I think I'm gonna do?
We're gonna remove it.
What's that?
No. No, no.
No, no, no, no, no.
We don't have any anesthetic.
I'm gonna go nice and slow
so you feel everything.
No! No!
- One.
- No.
I just forgot my homework.
Are you okay?
What the hell?
- Who did this to you?
- Help me.
You're a fool to be with him.
I'll be the judge of that.
He's gonna kill you,
just like he tried to kill me.
- Hey.
- God!
- Are you okay?
- I'm okay.
Untie me.
My God.
- Hey, Mom. I'm on the way home.
- Good. Finally.
I did what we talked about, all right?
If the cops call the house,
you know what to say?
You've been here
the entire time with me.
Yeah. Thanks, Mom.
Drive safe, but get back soon. I love you.
Okay, I love you too.
Her name is Sophie Green.
She's a former patient of mine.
The same Sophie Green who accused you
of kidnapping and attempted murder.
I see you did your homework
on me, didn't you?
Sure did.
Sophie refuses to accept
the jury's decision.
She's crazy.
Yeah, well, if I were her,
I'd be a little crazy too.
Yeah, what's that supposed
to mean, Officer?
A lot of people in law
enforcement were surprised
when we heard
you got off so easy.
You mean you were surprised
when the jury
found me not guilty?
Sure. I'll say it
however you like.
Yeah, well, maybe you shouldn't be
working on this case if you feel that way.
Miss Peterson,
you're one of his students?
I was.
Until the university fired him
because of all the lies
Sophie told about him.
And the two of you are now,
what, sleeping together?
That's none of your business.
Come on. What are you doing at your
teacher's house at 7:00 in the morning?
Is that your makeup bag
in the upstairs bathroom?
Yes. Okay?
We're sleeping together.
And I'm in love with him,
all right?
So what? That doesn't change the fact
that Sophie Green just tried to kill us.
No, they're talking to us
like we're the criminals.
Are you gonna
arrest Sophie Green, or what?
Don't worry.
We'll deal with Miss Green.
We have several witnesses, Dr. Beck,
who can corroborate her alibi.
You're kidding me!
And you believed 'em?
I don't care what they say.
That woman was in this house.
- And she tried... -Right now,
it's your word against theirs.
Thanks a lot, Detective.
You guys are the best.
What's going on?
According to Sophie's roommates, she went home
to California right after she was expelled.
What? Yeah.
And Sophie's parents,
who are in LA,
are saying she was with them
this morning.
I mean, of course Sophie's
parents are gonna lie for her.
It gets worse.
Police found a credit card
purchase and security video
that proves Sophie was at a coffee
shop near her house in Los Angeles
at exactly the same time we said she
was at this house trying to kill me.
Okay, so her mom
dressed up like her,
used her credit card
and bought a coffee.
Are these cops completely
clueless, or what?
she put together an alibi.
She thought of everything.
So, do these cops just think
we made this up?
I don't know. Maybe.
It's probably them again.
This is Dr. Beck.
Hi, Dr. Beck. It's me.
I just called because I
wanted you to hear something.
That's a Remington 870
pump shotgun.
I sleep with it underneath
my bed every single night.
And believe me,
I know how to use it.
Okay, hold on a second.
What is it you really want?
- Because if it's money...
- I don't want your money.
What I want is to shove this
thing underneath your chin
and pull the trigger.
Is your little girlfriend there?
Yeah, I'm here.
Listen, sister.
I don't wanna hurt you.
But if you try and stop me
like you did this morning,
I'm gonna have to kill you too.
You can't get away with this.
The cops know
what you're trying to do.
The cops? Really?
I gave the cops and the lawyers
a mountain of evidence
to put your
little boyfriend in jail
for the rest of his sick life.
For some unexplained reason, the blind
lady of justice just let him walk.
You'll forgive me if I've lost
faith in the legal system.
If I die trying to kill him,
well, at least I leave this
planet doing what I know is right.
Dr. Albert Beck
is a monster.
His victims are women.
If you had half a brain
in your head,
you would run away from him
as fast as you could.
Yeah, well,
that's not gonna happen.
Okay? You wanna hurt Albert?
You're gonna have
to go through me.
If you stand by that creep,
then you're gonna die right along with him.
Good night, you two.
Sleep well.
Albert, what are we gonna do?
I'll tell you what we're not gonna do.
We're not gonna panic.
You heard her.
She's insane.
I mean, she's gonna...
She's saying that she's gonna...
Shh. It's okay. Calm down.
It's okay, babe. No, it's not okay.
I'm in love with you, and I wanna
spend the rest of my life with you.
But how can I do that
if there's this crazy woman
that says she's gonna come back
here and she's gonna kill us?
Okay, look.
We'll contact the local police.
And if they won't help us,
we'll contact
the state police or the FBI.
My God, you're joking, right?
You're joking.
No, I'm deadly serious.
Did you hear how the cops were talking
to you this morning? They're on her side.
They're claiming that she wasn't even here
this morning when I was here as a witness.
Look, don't you get it?
The cops hate you.
They think that you tried
to kidnap her and kill her.
And just like Sophie,
they can't accept
what the court has
already proven to be true.
You're innocent.
Albert, listen to me.
The cops are hoping that she kills you.
They're gonna let her do it,
and they're not gonna stop her.
Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?
I don't know.
What are you thinking?
We have to kill her.
Don't talk like that.
I don't wanna talk like that,
but you know as well as I do
that the cops are not
gonna protect us from her.
I'm a doctor.
I'm not gonna kill somebody.
I took an oath to heal,
not to harm.
If we don't do something,
sooner of later, she's gonna come
up here and shotgun the both of us.
How would we do it?
Maybe we'll buy a gun.
We could get it
off the black market.
Something that, can't be traced.
And you know, if we pack enough
food, water, and gas,
we could drive to California
and back without stopping.
And there'll be no record
of us even leaving Arizona.
Then we go to her house.
We wait outside.
And then, when the time is right...
we can shoot her.
And when it's all over,
you can be my alibi, and I'll be yours.
Then we can tell the cops that
we never even left Arizona.
Tell me we're gonna do this.
No, no, no.
We are gonna do this.
You be careful.Yeah.
I love you.
I love you too.
You know what to tell Dad?
- I'll see you soon.
- No.
Baby, no, you won't.
Why is she stopping?
She's probably here
to buy her shotgun shells.
I guess she wasn't kidding.
We can't do this.
This is insane.
No... I don't know
what I was thinking.
Hell, you're the one who talked me into
this. Now, don't tell me you can't.
I know. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Albert.
I thought I could do this.
I just... I can't do this.
It's gonna be okay. It's okay.
You stay here.
Close your eyes.
And when you hear the gunshot...
you start the car, all right?
All right?
You're gonna do this?
Wait. Let's just...
Let's just think about this.
I love you.
I love you so much.
What the hell?
what are you doing? Forgive me.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
I guess I shot the gas tank.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
Go! Go! Go! Let's go!
Let's go! Go! Go! Go!
Go! Go! Go!
What the hell
is the matter with you?
I'm sorry. I'm panicked.
One minute,
you're telling me can't do it.
Next minute, you're
blowing her frickin'...
I don't know what got into me, okay?
I freaked!
- Yeah, you freaked, all right! - I'm sorry.
I was just trying to save your life.
Los Angeles County coroner's
office has just identified the body
of a woman found shot to death inside
a burning vehicle late last Tuesday.
According to police,
20-year-old Sophie Green
was sitting in her car
parked in a Van Nuys alley
when an unidentified
shooter approached her
and opened fire.
Once LA County firefighters
arrived on scene,
they discovered Miss Green's car
completely engulfed in flames.
It was only once that
blaze was extinguished
that firefighters discovered
there was a body inside the car.
According to a pathology report,
coroners had to use dental records
to identify Miss Green's body
because it was so badly burned.
Police have yet to determine
the cause for the blaze.
However, investigators tell us...
Okay, okay.
It's over. Okay?
It's over.Yeah.
This is Dr. Beck.
Dr. Beck. Detective Young
with Phoenix Metro.
How are you today?
I'm fine, Detective.
What can I do for you?
Well, I'm sure
you heard the news.
Sophie Green was found
murdered Tuesday night in LA.
No, I hadn't heard.
We'd like to ask you a few
questions, if that's all right.
What do you say we drop by
in, what, an hour?
Sure, come on by.
I'll be here.
Dr. Beck!
Detectives Young and Sandler.
Hey, they're here.
Albert, the cops
are at the front door.
All right.
I'll be out in a minute.
Are you ready?
No, I'm scared. They didn't
ask to talk to me, did they?
No. But I really
want you there.
Yeah, but that doesn't look good
for you if I'm always with you.
Okay, look, I'm gonna
stay up here and listen.
If you need anything,
just call me,
and I'll come down, okay?
Dr. Beck, are you home?
Please, my love.
I'm not ready to talk to them.
Please. Please.Okay.
How was she killed exactly?
She was shot several times
and her car was set on fire.
My God. That's horrible.
If I remember correctly,
at your trial,
didn't Sophie Green say that you tried to
fake her death by setting her car on fire?
You know, she said a lot of things that...
just weren't true.
Yes, but what a coincidence.
I mean, first you're accused of faking
her death by lighting her car on fire.
And then, just last Tuesday
night, Sophie is murdered.
For real this time.
And her car goes up in flames.
What are the odds?
Who knows?
Geez, maybe one in a billion.
Where were you last Tuesday?
- Here. At home.
- Can anybody verify that?
She was with me.
Who's Melissa again?
Right. She's the...
Twenty-year-old college student
he's now sleeping with.
You do have a thing for the young
ones, don't you, Doc?
Help! Help me! I'm upstairs!
Help me! I'm upstairs!
Help! Get me out!
Holy crap.
Please help me.
- My God.
- He's insane!
- He tried to kill me.
- Melissa, why did you do this?
Wait. Did I do this?
Dr. Albert Beck,
you're under arrest.
- You okay?
- I don't know.
Go after him.
I'll call for backup.
This is Detective Young.
Why did she do that to me?
Why? Why? Why?
Told you so.
I started asking him if any
of the allegations were true.
Like if he actually
did kidnap Sophie.
And... I don't know... he completely
changed and became a different person.
And started screaming at me
and yelling at me...
It's okay.
Take your time.
And then he...
He tied me up and he...
He raped me, practically.
I mean, I know we were
in a relationship,
and I said I loved him,
but when I told him I didn't wanna
have sex, he just... he wouldn't listen.
No means no.Exactly.
And then he just kept rambling on and
on about how he was gonna kill Sophie.
And if I didn't obey him, he was
gonna cut my boobs off or something.
We found these under the bed.
Do they look familiar?
Yeah, I think he was tinkering with
that for a science project or something.
I don't know.
He didn't tell me what it was though.
What is it? C-4.
Construction dynamite
with a remote detonator.
Everything you need
to make a bomb.
That explains Sophie's car
going up in flames.
Did he say where he might go
after he killed Sophie?
For instance,
to Mexico again or...
No. No.
Nothing like that.
When you think
you know somebody...
When you think
you know what love is...
God, I'm such an idiot.
Don't worry.
We'll find the bastard.
A prominent figure in the
world of cardiothoracic surgery
is the target of a statewide manhunt.
Dr. Albert Beck is wanted for the murder
of a 20-year-old female medical student
whose body was found in her burning
car last week in Los Angeles.
Dr. Beck was last seen
at his mansion in Phoenix
where local police discovered
he had been holding another female
medical student hostage for several weeks.
He is considered armed and dangerous.
This is the second time
Dr. Beck has been accused of
attempting to kill Miss Green.
What if somebody came
in the house and tied her up...
when I went downstairs?
You don't really believe that,
do you, man?
I mean, they say love
makes you stupid,
but in your case, it's terminal.
She loved me, man.
I know she did.
Even you said she did.
She had me fooled too, pal.
I wanna call her.
I wanna see her again.
No! You wanna stay
away from her
and get out of this country
as fast as you can...
That's really easy for you to
say, but you don't realize, man.
Nobody... Nobody has ever
loved me the way she did.
Well, that's because
she was pretending.
She framed you, pal.
You say she's
not like all the rest.
You're right.
She's worse.
But I was...
I was so happy with her.
- What really happened between you guys?
- I don't know.
It's kind of a long story.
But I'm gonna go run some errands, okay?
I'll tell you
- I'll call you later.
- It was good seeing you.
It's me. How'd it go?
Good, I think.
I got everything that we need.
And you are gonna look awesome.
Thank you
for letting me stay here.
Yeah, of course. Anytime.
It's my aunt and uncle's place.
And they're always on the road,
so it's not a big deal at all.
Be right back.Yeah.
I think we're good.
Let me see.
So? It's good.
Yeah. I feel like
I should have the...
You look like a teacher.
You know?
You look like a princess.Stop.
You kinda look like Elsa.
Ooh. I'll take that.
That should do it.
Sophie Green is dead.
She sure is.
I'm gonna miss you.
I'm gonna miss you too.
Don't you dare start crying 'cause
I'll have to redo your makeup, okay?
Are you hungry? Starving.
I'll go make us some lunch.
Melissa. I need your opinion.
I don't really
like this eye shadow.
You'll get used to it.
I am not gonna lie.
I am loving this...
Sophie? Are you all right?
You know, I understand
why Sophie hates me. I get it.
But all I ever
did to you was love you.
Just let her go. Why'd you do it?
Why'd you do it?
Answer me! Or she dies.
Sophie and I...
Sophie and I have been best friends
since we were six years old.
And even though my family left
LA when I started high school,
I've always
considered her my sister.
After she lost her court case against
you, she came to me,
asked for my help.
Of course I said yes.
We researched the Internet
and learned how to make a bomb.
It's actually too easy.
I got a cadaver from the anatomy
lab at the medical school.
And while I was begging
you not to kill her,
Sophie put her dead double
behind the wheel of her car.
And then she set the bomb to blow.
Melissa, what are
you doing here?
Forgive me.
Sophie pressed her car alarm,
and that was my cue to shoot the gas tank.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
I guess
I shot the gas tank. Let's go, let's go.
- Genius. -While you and I were
getting rid of the pistol,
Sophie borrowed one from your
playbook, Dr. Beck.
With the help of a family friend,
she snuck into the county coroner's office,
went to the computer,
and made sure the cadaver's
dental records matched hers.
Sophie told me how you
tied her up two years ago,
so I matched that exactly.
What's with the disguise?
Well, we can't exactly
frame you for murder
if your victim's
still alive, right?
So Sophie's gonna spend
the rest of her life in hiding
just so you can rot in jail.
And you did all this
because she is your best friend.
And there's one more reason.
I did this because
I'm gonna be a doctor,
and you're an embarrassment
to my profession.
You shouldn't have said that.
Welcome to Cardiological
Systems 101-B.
I am Dr. Albert Beck.
And today...
we will be performing a double
open-heart transplant.
Let's talk about why these girls
are undergoing surgery today.
Basically, both these women suffer from
what we call cardio "treacheritis."
Cardio meaning "heart,"
of course.
And "treacheritis" meaning,
In plain English...
these girls are born
with evil duplicitous hearts.
So today, I am going to saw
through their breastbones,
rip open their rib cages
and surgically remove
their beating hearts.
I will heal them.
Well, how do you heal
treacherous hearts, Dr. Beck?
By giving them
all the love I possibly can.
And once their hearts
are pure again,
I will transplant Melissa's
clean heart into Sophie's body.
Because nobody has ever
loved me like Melissa.
And then, I will transplant Sophie's
clean heart into Melissa's body.
Because deep down, I know Sophie's
grateful to me for saving her life.
Finally, once the new healthy hearts
have adapted to the new bodies,
both Sophie and Melissa
will love me unconditionally.
And the three of us
will live happily ever after
in my hacienda grande
in Cabo San Lucas.
All right. Now it's time to
inject the anesthetic into Melissa
so she sleeps during
the removal of her heart
from her chest cavity.
Wait. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, okay?
No, you're not sorry.
And you made that quite obvious.
Sophie forced me
to betray you, I swear.
No, she didn't.
No, I just... I wanna
make love to you again.
No man has ever loved me
like you love me.
So you'll untie me?
And take me to the bedroom
and love me like you used to?
- I will.
- Thank you.
After the surgery.
My God.
911. What's your emergency?
Help! Send the police!
He's trying to kill me!
I know where you are, Melissa.
You're very sick,
but you can be cured,
if you just let me operate.
So give me your hand...
and let's go to surgery.
I'm not sick.
You are.
It's Dr. Albert Beck.
He's in the back bedroom.
That way.
That way.
He got away? How could you
have let him get by you?
- Melissa, calm down. - We've got a road
block on every major highway in the state.
- Don't worry.
- We'll find him.
And we'll make sure he spends
the rest of his life in jail.
Yeah. Right.
That's what you said last time.
Last time around, Detective
Sandler and I weren't on the case.
- We are now. -I'm sorry, ma'am.
We didn't get your name.
I'm So...
Susan. Susan Brown.
- You look familiar.
- She sure does.
You're Sophie Green.
Aren't you supposed to be dead?
Well you see, um,
here's the thing.
I still think
it could've worked out.
Stop the car.
These girls are
totally wrong for you, man!
I don't think so. I think they're
just, you know, inexperienced.
You are impossible.
No, no, listen. Listen.
Look. Listen.
Once they allow themselves, you know, to get
to know me, they'll fall in love with me.
I know they will.
What the hell does it take, man?
How many times do you need
to go through this?
How many girls
need to try to kill you
before you realize
you need to stay away from them?
And I'm not just talking
young girls.
All women, you smug face.
Man, you're not equipped to be
in a relationship with a female.
So do yourself a favor.
In fact, do us all a favor.
Buy yourself a beach house
in Costa Rica
and live out the rest
of your days alone.
You feel me?
No chicks. No seoritas. Nada.
You got me?
I don't know...
I don't know if I can do that.
I know it's
a lousy retirement plan.
But you have to do it, buddy.
You have to.
No! No, no, no, no, no!
No, no, no!
No! No!
I'm leaving you here!
I'm done with you!
And if you think for one millisecond
I'm gonna give up on love,
you're wrong, my friend.
'Cause she's out there.
My baby's out there.
And I'm gonna find her.
Man, man, man.